Newspaper Page Text
Ktyrdiny Jfoghlw.' WEST VIRGINIA PRINTING CO. PUBLISHERS and Proprietors. JAS. B. TASKY. General Manager JTKKMN. ~ f *R TEAS, BT WAIL, rONTASB PREPAID. DAILY, tlx days In the week... t» 00 • JAILY, three day* lu the week—.. « 00 >AXLY, two day* In the week_S 00 iAILY, one day lu the week.. 1 SO A'SKILLY’, one year In advance.. 1 S5 A SICKLY, six months...... 7b DKLIYKRKD BY CARR1KK. DAILY, per week to be paid wcek.y.—_ 13 'jAILY and SCNDAY per week. 18 The DAILY will be delivered by carrier In »uy other city or town at..... IS 8lNf*IJ5 UOPIKSOF DAILY OH WRKXLY S -s#-Tributes of Respect and Obituary Notices )c per inch. Af-UORRBlFONDXSCI CONTAINING IMPORTANT AW-t SOLICITED PROM EVERY FART OF THE SUB founding country. Neieeied communication* will not bo relumed t e*e accompanied by a riBulent pos-aro. Tiik weather made a great hind in tbe direction ot winter yteenlay, hut it d.du’l tool anybody. Thk averpge American newspaper jike Las retrograded to a mere play upon words. It is neither humorous nar bright. Ir would be a blessing if tbe Kasdan Nihilists would let the Czar alone fora htile while and direct ilieit Efforts towaid the isllaetzs. Why certainly the Charleston, 8. C., colored clergyman, who adviced his col ored brethren to emigrate, took his text from Exodus. Where else should he have taken it? Mk Warh McAlu>ter’s party got away with “94 quarts of cbamDagne. It is h'nted that alter this was accomplished the Four Hundred must have looked like E-ght Hncdred. Srusr No, Mr. C. C. Harrison, of l'oiladelphia, will not get the Hassiau mission because he is a relative of the President, for he is not, but be will get it because be is a millionaire. Here are Senator Gorman’s views upon the Australian ballot system, as quoted by a close friend of that gentle man. It must be admitted that there is r >»sul*rah]e point to them: • The Senator stands ou the broad principle that no democrat can advocate a measure that to any extent dtsfranchls.* any cgai voter be cause ofUUterancy any more Uiau because o* property :ualiBca'.ion. In the counties there are m-ny excellent citi/.-us who cannot read be cause of want of early opportunities they would not subject them-eiees to the humiliation of acknowledging the fact that they might deposit tbeir ballot. senator t.orcnan thtuksthe result of the elec tion in Baton clearly vha« fcom to to 15 tlUterant votes were practically disfran chised in every voting place in that city. He claims that the Australian system would practi i ally dbirauchise the Illiterates of both parties or ultimately put them within the absolute con trol oi the un crapulous men cf both parlies." It is the fashion cow, among a certain »’»-« of ed'tor**, to blackguard Calvin 8. Brice, who is a candidate for U nited States Senator in Ouio, and who is also a millionaire. It Mr. Brice is using his money to bnv votes, as is chaigd, he tJe i. -rves all that is said of him. If he is not a resident ct Ohio he certain ly ought not to be elected to the Uui ted States Senate from that State. Bat neither of these charges baa yet been proven. Mr. Brice being a man wbet-e character and intellect equal, if not ear less, the aversga of the laitsd States Senate, tbe following from the New York World, one of his bitterest opponents, is rather contradictory of that excellent j. mrnal’ri poeitioo: lyhn W. Book waiter, the Ohio millionaire with a taste for poll tier, has p.pushed a letter hi which he declare- that uo millionaire -mould be sent to th“ Culled States Senate. This is souie v hat radical. v rich men possessed of brat us and character one who >loe- uot use his wealth improperly should not be discriminated again-1. ^ _ JACKSON'S DAY. Yesterday was Jackson s day, the day *-T apart in the calendar ol Democracy for the rcnaideration of the principles whence the party has drawn continuous life and strength. According to coatom, the day was observed in many large cities through out the country by assemblages of Demo crats, whtcta were addressed by emiuent mm. It id not everywhere that each meetings can bj held. In smaller places, especially through this State, the demands of labor upon the time of men are imperative, and both time and meaDs are wanting to pre pare the formal celebrations which are more readily arranged at larger centers of population. In another col a tun we from the Idlqwet1 Uudx-iw Ot AXPRKW J.k' Kdox a a address as v doable as the farewell of WASHINGTON—the words of the leader epon the nee and abuse of the power of tariff taxation by the federal governmeat. The evils therein pointed out exist to-day. The Democracy Las challenged them and will continue the battle until the wrongs lor*een by Jacison have been righted. I1KKS. S A CASK. Holy smoke! Have the HARRISON* ad uiioixtration and its organs, who<love the colored man so devotedly, and who llsre up at each a great rate whenever any Democrat in the Sooth is suspected of dis criminating against him, noticed what the white G. A. K. poets at New Orleans are doing'* Down there colored ex-Union soldiers, who lenght well and valiantly in the Union army daring the war, applied for admission to the white G. A. K. posts. Th*y were denied admission. Now they have sreured charters and are organix ng posts of their own. And, lo and behold, the white O. A. K. posts are asking that their chatters be revoked, and all colored men excluded from the order, simply be cause they are colored. Commenting on this the New York World makes the fol lowing pointed remarks: The attitude of these white men is preposter ouslv unj »t. Tha negro veterans hsveasgood a right lu the A. K. as they have. They fought as well and got as little for it The outer was instituted to cherish the momory of war com radeship and to cuiu vale a spirit of brotherhood among those' who fought under the time Hag. Why should the “man and brother'' who did his of the fighting be excluded from his share a of the honor and j jlllty of later com wdeship The white veteran* point to the fact that in Louisiana the uegro veterans outnumber them t,y a hundred to one as a reason tor their exclu sion from the orvfer. The negroes would con Irol the order, ’ they say. “and negro dotnina tlon would be intolerable. Would It* That is ov uk :y the pica on which Kn Kluxism defend cl itself and the G. A. R has always rejacted it. ronieoding that there should be no diserunina n on account of ra.-e, color or previous cou union of servitude " Is not goo*e sauce good enough for gander. ‘ There to neither justice nor reason ta the ex elusion of negroes who fought in the airny trom an organization whose sole reason for being is to make army service a boud of social union and i rot herb’Oil If a negro was good enough lor a soldier he l» goxl enough tor an ex soldier. It is remarkably strange that the ad • * ministration and its organs have not called attention to th:s latest and most digram case of discrimination against the colored man in the Sjoth. . _L JACKSON’S WORDS. DEMOCRATIC PRINCIPLES DRAWN FROM A FOUNTAIN-HEAD Tariff Taxation Must tie Reduced to tbe Was to of Economical Government—A Lesson for Democracy To-Day. Id his farewell ad Trees to tbe American people, March .5, 1H37, Andrew Jackson wrote: Tbeie is perhaps ro one of the powers conferred cj tbe Federal government so liable to ahu^e as tbe taxing power. Tbo most productive and convenient eourcts of revenue were necessarily given to if, that it might be able to perforin the important duties imposed up.m it; and tbe tuxes which it lays upoa csmtuerce beiog con cealed from tbe real payer in the pries of tbe article, they do not w readily attract tbe attention of tbe people as smaller sums d< maudt-d from them directly by the tax gatherer. But the tax imposed on goods enhances by so mnch tbe prior of tbe com modity to the consumer, and as many cf these duties are imposed on enicles of necessity which aredatly used by tbe great body cf tbe people, tbe money raised by these imposts is drawn from their pockets. Congress has no right tinder tbe constitn te n to tako money from tbe people unless it be required to execute some one of tbe specific powers intrusted to the govern ment; ami if they raise more than in nec essary for each purpose it is an abuse cf the power of taxation and mjnst and oppressive. It may, indeed, happen that the revenues will sometimes txaeed the annual anticipated when the taxes were laid. When, however, this is ascertained it is easy to reduce them; and in sneb a ca<e it is unijaestiinably tbe duty of the government to reduce them, for no circum stances can jastify it in assuming a power cot given to it by thn constitution nor in taking away the money of the people when it is not seeded for tbe legitimate wants of tbe govern ment. Plain as these principle appear to be, yon will find tD«t there is constant ef fort to induce the government to go beyond the limits of its taxing power, and to impose unnecessary hardens upon the people. Many powerful interests are continually at work to procure heavy du ties on commerce, and to swell tbe revenue beyond the real necessities of tbe public service; and tbe country has already felt tbe injurious effects of their combined in tloence. They succeeded in obtaining a tariff of duties bearing most oppressively an the agricultural and laboring closets of society, and producing a revenue that could not be usefully employed within tbe range of tbe powers conferred upon Cin gress; and in order to f-istea upon tha peo ple this unjust and nutqnal system of tax ation extravagant ccherne* of internal im prevalent were yet op, id Tiriooi ijoar ters, to surrender tbe money and to pur chase support. Tons one nisconsiiiutinnal measure wai intended to be upheld by another, and the abase of the power cf taxation was to ba ma uta’telby u lurping the power cf ex pending tbe money in internal improve ments. Bat rely upon it, tee ae*:gn n coneci extiavsgaot revenue and to burden you with taxes beyond the iconomic-il wsute i f government is not vet abandoned, l'he various interests which have combined to gether to impose a heuvy tariff and to produce an oveiff iwiag treasury are too strong and have too much at stake to >nrrender tbs contest. Tbs corporations and wealthy individaals who are engaged in large manufacturing establishments desire a tigb tariff to increase their gains. Designing politicians will support it to conciliate the'r fivor and to obtain tbs means of profane expenditure for the pur pose of purchasing iulneace in o her quarters; and since the people have decided that the federal government cannot be per mitted to employ its income in internal improvements, efforts will be made to se duce and mislead the citizens of the sev eral Slates by bolding ont to them the de ceit Ini prospect ot bentfi's to hedetived from a surplus revenue collected by the general government and divided acnnally among the States. And if t won raged by these fallacioos hopes tho Stales should dir regard the principles ot economy which ought to characterize every republican government, and should indulge m lavish expenditures exetedirg their resource*, they will before long find themselves op pressed with debts which tbev are unable to pay, and the tempiiriou will become ir resistible to .-nuport a high tar IT in order to obtain a surplus distribution. Do not ailow yourselves, my ftll iw cit'z*rs, to be misled cn this subject. The F«d -ral government cannot collect a sur plns for such purposes withnnt violating the principles of the constitution r.ud as suming powers which have not b‘en granted. It in, morrover, a system of in justice, and if persisted in will inevitably lead to connption, and must ead in ruin. The surplus revenue will be drawn Item the pocke's cl the people—from the farmer, the mechanic and the laboring ciMses of society; but who will receive it when dis tributed among the Stales, wbere it is to be deposed of by leading politicians wbo have fiiendB to favor and political parti sans to gratify? It will certainly not be rtonrnsd *o those - ho paid it and who have iu"8t need of it ar.' are honestly en titled to it. There in but cue safe rule, and that is to confine the genera' govern ment rigidly within the sphere of lie ap propriate duties. It bes no power to ra;-e a revenue or impose taxes except for the purpose enumerated in the constitution; and if its income is found to exceed these wants it Bhculd b9 forthwith reduced, and the burdens of the people so far lightened. >lr. Abbey Koubts Our Mary's Engage in rot. CMCC'IO Tribune. “I don’t believe there is a word of truth in it,” raid Mr. Abbey, speaking of the re ported engigement of Mary Aulereon to Antonio Navarro. ‘‘Such reports have ben circulated tint* and again. If Maty ' /' THE SHI I’KSZE STORY iscng, rly sought for, r nil with pleasure ordis appointment. 's then tossed aside anil forgot ten. Hut Indies who rend of Hr. Pierce's fa vorite ITcecripth a. r. nd It again, fi rthej aim eovn iii it sotii, tiling to prize -. monger ot j„y tothoin suffering from functional derange ments or from any of the painful disorders or weaknesses iHauitiur to their sex. i’eri aiintl pams. internal inflammation sm«l ulceration, [cue. rrhoti and kindred ailments readily yield to its wend, rful c urative and healing power*. U is the only >.e itleine for women, sold hj drnggi : . under a positive u.iurantee from the tiiamifurtuivrs, that ilv;u satw faetion in every eas<'. or n on, y will lv re funded. Tins guurautee has b,, n printed on the botih^wraw« rs. atid faithfully earned out for inaiiv y.t- -1.11' b; druggists, or six bottles lor JidW. Copyright. 1S>- by Wo«Ll>'S fits. Map. ASs'.N. „ , DOCTOR A^VCC S pjssce's \oasawt pellets -avka^wio ... ., ,. ... ewexs ;.•; I'mijufUcd a* a Liver 1*111. >o nll-st. rheiijiwi. easiest to tuk One Pellet a piw. ho., lit : ru" ■ Nick llea.U ..■lit, !! fit v fjoailarhe, Cuustipa , ion, tmli:. S'iilou. Attack*, and ail «!• r :v: i: . ‘s of tlie stomach and *. ».. f m up i ulus-; -. i. :. hermetically • Ain iy* fresh au-1 reliable. Gently laxative, or :in active cathartic. according lo Of dose. U> cents, ft) drugifisW. -- Anderson bad cry intention of ictiiii-g from the ytago I certainly should know enmethiue of it. She is under contract to me to plav nest season, and I know of nothing hot illness that ran prevent it The coatrsct *as lor this sea on. She was too ill to play and I tilled tbe dates I had muda far her with the Gaiety Company. Tue same contract is now iu force covering next season, and I certainly have every reason 10 believo that sho will keep her part of it. Sho iu now booked for the full season.” CAL. B KICK’S SC Alt F PIN. A Uaudivnie Little Koepaak* IVtilcb tho Kail reader Never Wore. Waitiinijtou l'n*t For quite a while Vanderbilt had a dtad straight monopoly ic his I.tke Shore rail* road, ^rd he wan gathering iu tbe shfkels nl an astennetiog rate. A few bright mm who ha<l a little nnney they wanted to r-peculate with, decided to parallel the New York millionaire's line* with the road af ter's ;vr^ known a* tbe Nickel Plate. These fir-eight* d individuals selec’ed Brics as the roan who wonld bo bts? able to make their scheme a soccers, and their cocti whs cot misplaced. He squeezed Vanderbilt until he bought the N.ckel Plato at a tremendous advance. Then the specalators were tickled, and they said amorg themselves: •“L t us give Brice a nice little present; something that will keep this thieg green ia his memory.” They did. A miuiainre cafe was con structed of gold. The door hinges were partially broken, and the doors, abont which w rs tbe name Vanderbilt, were wide op:n. The safe was empty. Along side the rifled repository was n complete sett iQ miniature, of safe burglar's tools, each piece tipped with a precious stone. And in front was a burglar’s dark lantern, with a beautiful ruby ret where the light would ba in a real lantern. Toe whole thing was a work of art, and was made op iuio a $500 scarf pin. It was given to Brice, but he nsver wore it. It was almost too personal. Lot l>*i»rivt<l of Wum»n. "Bab" in the Philadelphia Times. If there were no women men wonld have no object in life; their mustaches would cease to interest them; they wonldn’t care a Chinaman whether their collars were ironed well or not; I hey would have no body to none them when they had the toothache, or to keep them from believing they were going to die when an old-fash ioned stomach-ache bad its grip upon them. There would be nobo iy to make ice cream for, and no email edition of flesh and blood to hog. There wonld be nobody to tight against being kissed and then to encggle up to a crat-sleeva and take it ae naturally as next decs cream. Most important of all, there would be nobody to write against, to comrdain of and to love with nil your heart. Without women men would never g t to heuveu, and wlthont them they would never have a raste of tbe other place on earth. Sa. when the bells are ringing in 1890, if Tom has any sense whatever, he’ll pat his erm aroond the woman he is fondest of, and tbark the good God lor her, p.nd wonder, as she does, what ia the world h&’d do without her. Midden 'change* of weather causa Throat Diseases There la no more < ffectoa remedy f r Coughs, Colts, etc, than Brown's Bronchial Troches. Sobl only in boit*. Price23 els. DIED. BRASS—Tuesday, January Till, 1890, at s.05 o'clock j>. m , hi the residence of her son, No. 110 South Broad wav Sarah Ellen, wife ot Thomas E. Beaus, and daughter of the late A. \V.« iem ens. funeral services this (Thnsday) morning at 10 o’clock. Interment private, at Mt. Wood. Kindly omit llower*. THOMAR—On Wednesday morning, January S. ls'.O. al 3 O'clock, Olive Si. Thomas, wife of J. T. Thomas, aged 30 years. Funeral services at the PresbjUrisn chmch, MA'tin's Ferry, Ohio, Friday forenoon at 10 o’clock. Interment at Riverside cemetery. BARKLEY-At 10 45 ..'clock p. m., Tuesdav, January 7th, 1 90, Emma V., wife of Alonzo Barkley, aged 39 years. Funeral services at reddenee of her husband, No. 125 South Pena street, this (Tuursday) after noon at 2 » o'olock Friends of family Invited to attend. Interment at Peninsula cemetery. SMITH—Tues lav morning, Jauuarv 7th, 1S89 at 11 ."■) o'clock, Ul.l/A'ETH Caroline, eldest daughter of John aud CaroUne Smith, age J 22 yeats and 9 months. Funeral from the residence of her parents, wist end of Fink street, Thursday afternoon ut 2 o’c ock. Friends invited to attend. SUE NO DUST NO SMOKE I_ IT PASTE SAVES IN TIN B THE WORK J. L. PKKSl'OTT vk CO.,No. Berwick, Me HOUSEKEEPERS can prove by a single t' tdl tiiese Extracts are the cheapest; t' y arc true to the r name', full meuSurOi anJ Itig . y concentrated. THE EQUIPOISE -WAIST -FOR LADIES AND MISSES. -Constructed in Hygienic Principles -FOR SALK ONLY AT GEO. M.SNOOK&CO.'S 40 TO 50 PE8 CENT OFF CLOAKS, WINTER GOODS&REMNANTS. 1*7 'Mtz T OST-LAP ROBE THE KINDER WILL BE \ j rewarded by returning lo 1KW Market street jR'Jq W- ANTED—FURNISHED ROOM, BETWEEN Twellth and Sixteenth. Chapllne and Waterstreets Address "A. E." care RtGisTBe. _ja*l__ WANTED—TEN (URLS FOR GENERAL homework S2 0O to J2.50 per w eek. Call at once: lots of places on band you can have v rnr choice EMPLOYMENT BUREAU, No. 1^20 Market street. Telephone No StiO. ja7s 5 WISH t« employafew ladleson salary to take I charge of my business at their homes. Eight, very fascinating and heft.thful. Wages tin per week. Reference given. Hood cay fur part lime. Aderess with stamp, Mas. Marios Walker, Louisville, Ky._deliThad NOTICE To tbe Kvtail Grocery Trade. We ask t he indulgence of our Customers, if oil delivery by Tank Wagon Is uot made promptly as usual. Cur regular men will be ou in a day or two, we hot*. Ja9q CAMDEN CON'D OILCO. T^OR SALE. A very desirable Building Lot on South Penn street near Fink street, 37}^xl20. On the west side, dccide’y the better side of the street, and about the last lot to he had. U. 0. SMITH, jaSThaSat 1220 Main Street. jr^STOCKHOLDERS’ MEETING. W hkklino Iron and Nail Covpany. The annual meeting of the Stockholder* of the Wheeling Iron nud NhM Company, fir the elec tion of directors and other business, wi 1 be held at the otlicsof the Company cn Monday, Janu ary -i, 1S90, at 2 o'clock p m C. D. HI BBAKD, ja'.'.lS 22Secretary. (ANDLES! / Now Stock just received. Can Sdlo Suadoa and (.'audio Slicks. All kinds. EWING BROS,. ja'J 1215 Market St., opp.. McLure Hooae. j^»NOTICE. I havo no connection with any other photo graph gallery other than my own at No. 1205 Market street; nor do I employ agents. J. A. H. PARSONS. QHEAP COUNTEK. Closiug out for the next fivo days a great va riety of goods regardless of cost, which must he sold to make room JOHN FRIEDEL, ja8_No. 1110 Main Street. JyAMl’S! Call and see the inert powerful and at the tame time softest light of any stand lamp, “ GLiADBTONE.'’ Elgfi'y tiroCandle Power and Perfectly Safe. GEO. W. JOHNSON’S MONN, ja» 1210 Main Street FOR SALE. A’TFN ROOMED BRICK HOCSK. No. *2 Thirteenth street, at a great r argaln. Building lots in all parts of the city at last year's prices. FOR rtEJJT. Store Room 1223 Main street. I0-Roome1 Dwelling, with all modern enliven tourer, at 8-I8 Main rtreet. 7-Roomed Dwelling, at 105 North Front, has all modern improvements. I Roomed House. 28 Indiaua street, possession giveu at once. •Roomed Brick House, «7 North Huron, loili ga-es and water. Other small Ponses from three to five rcoms in East Wheeling, Island and South Wheeling. G, O. SMITH, j<6 1220 Main Street. POCKET AND DESK DIARIES —FOR 1890— Fillers tor old covets in great variety. STANTON & DAVENPORT. ja3 No. 1301 Market SI red. $40,000.00. WE HAVE NOW IN STOCK OVER FORTY THOUSAND DOLLAR’S WORTH OK DIAMONDS And not a dollar's worth on commission. The roods are ours and we are bound to move them Call and see our stork, make a selection, and wc will make the price extremely low. I. G. DILLON & CO., JEWELERS. TE FIGARO ILLU8TRIE, London News and Graphic, Holly Leaves Christmas, Ac. 1-ondon Annuals, German and English Almanacs and Diaries for 1890. News paja-rs and Periodicals by the year atlputllsliem' prices. C. H. QUIMBY. dc-9 Nos. H14 and 1507 Market Street. If Hill 1 PLEASE TO TAKE NOTICE. i GREAT BARGAINS IN Christmas and New Year's Presents HENRY JACOBS’. Fine Ottomans and Hassocks at 50 and 75 cents. Fine Rugs at 50 and 75 coots Mce White Bod Spread' at 7 c. A SI 90. Talde and Floor Oilcloth at Ike. A 20c. Good Red and White Blankets very Cheap. Fine C. mforts at the rhc»i>est prices at ■ JACOBS’, People’ll Bank Building. 5 ItcNt Velvet, Brussels >in<l I'lonered Oairpem. The state of west Virginia, ohio County. In the Clerk'sofib-c of the Circuit Court or Ohio Couuty, West Virginia. January Rules, 1X90. John H. Ball ) vs. • In Chancery. Jane Ball. ) SUMMONS. The State of West Virginia: To the Sacrlffof Ohio County, Greeting: We command you that you summon .lane Ball if she be found in your bailiwick, to appear st the Clerk's nfliee of the Circuit C-oii't of Ohio county at Rules to be held for the said Conrt, on the first Monday In January, 1590 to answer a bill in Chancery exhibited against her In the said Court, by John H. Ball. And havo then there this writ Wnuexs, John W. Mi'chell. Clerk of our said Court, at the Court House of asid county, in the City Of Wheeling, the 4th day of January. 1890, ami In the 27th rear of the State of We-t Vir giuia. JOHN W. MITCHELL, Clerk. SHERIFF'S RETURN. Jane Ball is no Inhabitant of my billlwiek, nor found therein, this Gth day of January, 1S90 JOHN H WHYTE. D. S . forL. STKF.NROD, S. O. C. ORDER OF PUBLICATION. The object of this suit Is to obtain a ditorcc a rincii.'o miirimonii from said defendant. And if appearing from an affidavit filed In the cau-eat these Buies, that the defendant Jare Ball, Is not a resident of the Sla'c of Wert Virginia, and she not having been served with process In this suit, on mot on of the complainant, by his lolicltor, this order of publication is entered against her. and it is o-dtred that the laid defendant, Jane Ball is required toeppear within one month af ter the date of the firs', publication of tills order, and do what is necessary to protect her interests. It is further ordered that this order bo published and posted as required by law. Witness. John W. Mitchell, Clerk of said Court, at the Court House of said county, this sth day of January, 1590, to-wit: January Rulas, 1890. 1 JOHN W. MITCHELL. Clerk. Pnb’ished the first time January 9th, lstw. Attest:— JOHN W. MITCHELL, Clerk. Jamis P. Rogkks, solicitor for Ccmplainaut. NOTICE TO TAKE DEPOSITIONS. In the Circuit Cour: of Ohio County, ss. John H. Ball ) . vs - In Chancery. Jane Ball. ) Take notice that the depositions of Elizabeth Foster Edward Ball. William I anchlin. Ed ward B Fail and others will be taken at the law otlice of J«me* P. Rogeis. No. 12U7 Chapline street, in the City of wheeling. Ohio county, in the State of Wts; Virginia, ou the day Of February. A. I>. 18H0, between the hoars off o'clock a. m. and 6 o’clock p. tn„ to be read in evidence in the above named cause on behalf of said complainant. And K from any fame, thd takm j of the said depositions shall not be com menced, or being commenced, shall not be com pleted on th t day. the taking of the stmewlll be addjourued from time to time until the same shall be completed. To Jane Bali. JOHN H. BALL, jafoawt by J. P. ROGERS, his Solicitor, Ti<?rr IHUHOM) TYPE WKITEK. . . -irebirth, Chang « able Type, a id Tiurabidty. Send f,r tampie of work LOUISE SCHRADER, Pub.ic Bull'lug, Wheeling, Vi. Va.___i"-!3 1852. 1889. BUNK ROOKS and STATIONERY I>ny Hooka, Ledger*. Cash Hooka, Invoice A Trial Itolnncc Hooka luka. Pen* A Fcnclla, l.cgal, Letter nntl Hlii C»|»». Letter Files. Bi'l Files. Document Flies, &,c. Wall Papef, Borders&CeilingDecorations Baby Carriage*. the large* Hick aud greatest variety. Sold retail at wholesale prices by JOSEPH GRAVES, No. 26 TtVKLFTH STREET. Telephone No. 210._deitS THE INDEMNITY BOND OF THE EQUITABLE LIFE ASSURANCE SOCIETY OF THE UNITED STATES. — Issued to run either 15 or 20 years. Payable at maturity in cash, or extended at interest. Paid for in instalments and therefore of special advantage to young men whose savings are small, and to men of wealth who have surplus in come to invest. A safe investment, com bined with the most liberal form of assurance extant. Other important benefits, explained elsewhere. Send for particulars. ASSETS, - - - - $105,000,000 LIABILITIES, - - - 82,500000 SURPLUS. - - - - $22^500,000 SWEENEY & EDWARDS, GENERAL AGENTS, No. 1308 Market Street, jaSeAda_ WHBKlim. W. VA ATutTracks 1 n- d Picks in sets, and cracks and Picks wpar tc A lsrgc as-oit incut at the Hardware a ad rfonse Furnishing store of NESBITT & BRO„ dc'jfi _1312 Market Street. BUY YOUR CLOAKS MFURS -OF J.S.RH0DES&C0. BIB) II PRICES! Lais' Newmarkets AT LESS THAN COST TO CI.08K. CHUB'S (MBIT CISC FURS AT COST. J. S. RHODES & CO. j*«_ $eo. ©aglor. __ -1890 GEO. R. TAYLOR. OPENED AND PLACED ON SALE THIS DAY Two Hundred Pieces Ot NEW DRESS GINGHAMS in Choice Spring styles and perfectly fast colors At 12 l-2c. —Opened and Placed on Sale This Day— Five Hundred Pieces Of NEW EMBROIDERIES in all widths, from half an inch to forty-five inches in width, in the newest and most choice designs. Prices surpris inly low. Ladies' Cambric Underwear! My contract for Ladies'Cambric Cnderwear for the Spring and Summer sales of I MO lias been executed to my entire satisfaction, enabling me to show the most choice line I ever placed on sale. A critical examination of both workmanship and materials is requested. -■SCOTCH CEYLON CLOTHS New and choice designs in Stripes and Plaids of this deservedly popular fabric, for Ladies’ and Children’s Dresses, opened and PLACED ON SALE THIS MORNING. i TWENTY PIECES ENGLISH SILK WARP HENRIETTA CLOTH, forty inches wide, in all the new and desirable colors at the above price. This is an extraordinary bargain. c^urritur? and (J’nrpels “WE ARE THE PEOPLE” YOU ARE LOOKING FOR ! We Are Offering Genuine Bargains in Chamber Suits, Reception Chairs, Corner Chairs, Divans, Standing Cabinets Hanging Cabinets, Mantel Mirrots, Pedestals, Chiffoniers, Dressing Tables, Shaving Stands, k. Axmmster, Wiltons, Body Brussels, Tapestry Brussels, Ingrains, Turkish Rugs, Angora Rugs, Sheepskin Rugs, Daghestan Rugs, Wilton Rugs, Smyrna Rugs, fic. DON’T FAID TO CADD AND SEE IJS. G. Mendel & Co. 1124 IVE^IINT STREET. trUnilortakinK and Arti*rial Embalming a Spocialty. J*1 |}eur $dcrriisfnunts. THE OLD RELIABLE FIRM -OF ARBENZ & CO. ARE OFFERING GREAT BARGAINS IN Furniture t Carpets, -AT THEIR OLD STAND No. 1115 MAIN STREET, - - WHEELING, W. VA. Stir Undertaking and Arterial Embalming Given Special At tention. i ^ 03NTE TRIAL WILL CONVINCE YOU THAT THE PLACE To BUY Furniture, Carpets, Bed Lounges k Parlor Suits THE CHEAPEST. IS AT J. W. BLATCHLEY’S, Corner Market and Twenty Second Streets. Undertaking and Arterial Embalming at Prices as Low as the Lowest. *S*CASH OR CREDIT*^# OPERA HOUgj FRIDAY AND SATURDAY,JANU^y\ . AKI> N1TCKU4I *»U|N, ' MK. K. (i. RTONK auDHiaco a of ■ppetnu'C.fof Ament*' " ir* MR. JOSKPg HAWORTH IN BTKKLK MACKM «4-Kreclug priit• a,. : -.-.I'- - ■ arMaUirv price a. J> a l Heats, 7'iC. Hale of seaU coinmo!.. » ;... irth, at C. A. HatiK-'a muait < OPERA H077SI ONE WEEK. I'ttuiuie-ncin.* Monday. Jan I t ^ Wednesday atd S.t'ur.ii Geo. A. Baker's COMIC OPfRA COIIM SO PEOPLE OUR OWN Ol-t'H I ook at the fol •, , Mina M iir|>hy, Mr Holll, tlliatiiililil, Mr \ Milan ft laa Sim r|i. Mr MuIkh, M l*» ,\r» oil. 'Ill REPER IOIRI MONDAY TUI WAY WEDNESDAY MATIN' * WMDNK3DA Y K\ i THURSDAY EVRRIS FRIDAY EVENING . T:„-H. SATURDAY MaTINKK ... t tom Saturday kvksisg. •e-Prieta, £> ■ an* I Saturday. Jail II, at t;. A. Hon- • • ; GRAND OP£if A HOU! O. C. (iKNTIJKR. L(M TaoXigkti, Only and SaturdayMat tug Friday t'eaing, Jauu»i» McCarthy &TMcC;tK i TRUE IRISH HEAR -T IIK — (ireatt rl of all Itiult iitc nr, v.iio ( i, . . wlr It* "rtginnl Now Yorafa-t. s, • • nrat,- s onory Met •,nn;. I, Properties. New Muaic. Sow Now l*Alt( t ' SOUg„ itl U ■* Language. A Genuine In Hag Pipe Flayer. Friers -Gallery dV. » t.-.ldreu 1 - 1 -Sc; Picket rat hair- 11 flR’iwnl 5tot« £r^a*STOOKHOLI>E!'V |.lj# The annual meeting of the M he Nttloual Bank of w.»i Virgin h ing, will he held the Hauling *i, day. January 14th, Ivu, L-taten I' • tie il) and three (l)o ei,m k pm. t, tlon of Director* and the transai other buttm m that nut' o una beam JOHN WAGSKK Wheeling, W Va I ,n nary ),!' IxHOLDEKS’ MI Tlie a tiual meeting ef the Htock i.. Whee ing an I Belmont Hr dge t ■ i.p held at the office of the <’omi any . , 13th day of Jatniary. I*'*0, l„ t» 2 and 4 o'c'oek p. m for i lie i Managers to serve during the tn JOa LAWtON - . Win ,11 g. W Va. In • i i. • Jr^STOCKHOLUKItt’ V, The annual meeting of the Theiiennan Uankol W'.. elini:, \l bald at 111 Banking liooaa, on i ary H',lh, I*'jO, at two id o'clock purcoae of electing Dlnctot* hii'ln,■«* a* may proper y tom, At tit1* meeting will 1,? otlerci extend the continuance of t„> period not exceeding ti'ty >, » By order of the Director, I- J. BA VIM ri DkCKMiixa l»lh. Dtoy. yfc^»8T<JCKH01<D»:K.s .V The annual mcellnz o' 0 Wheeling and Klin 1 lion of 1»1 color* to «trv« ' n11 1 for ilio traio-ai lion * that mar come la f«»-* *l the rompiny'a 1 ■Jlh, 1*90 at t o’chi * i i degxtaw*_ |^s>8T0UKH01.I)l ' The ann al meeting '■ the American . .. 1 Went Virginia, wll be 1 company, on Monday, la' tween ine boon oi two elect ion of liirecton and ' otbtr hnali.c.a that may fiKOR *K II K' Wheeling.W. Va., Jan. i. _; ^tra*bjais STEAM KK" For Cincinnati, Is> phis, St. Louis Now O; and Iotermcdia'' Will leave Wharf Bon Dally, Monday except' Meaner jJy Young. M» Clerk; ever) f Steamer "ASI1" Ma ter; Al. J • Werlnewliiy 7 iHU-tmer “ID 1 Sfaetcr; Dan 1 Thurxlay at T a. i » Ptcamer "SCO1 Klip*. Master I. “every Batunlaj >• ^ Ste-atm r "I ' SKA Ma-l<ly M “Clerk; every Fil>t rli*s« far.’. v> lie*. Roond trip, $10.00 M>n. eluded. mtr rirkoll tr»;!*-f-r Fo' Freight or I’a» phone So. 'l 10. FRANK B<1 ■ unis ___ guilders and TOOK TO YOUR I-N!R" To BaiUler-* ami I'wnept of I’ 1 no* hnv<- on .'.si ' Slate Mantel- ■ »•1 ' • food anjrtm n and ail good* for manng * 11,1 at my place and yon tet and tee tne Mantel' * ■ v. ‘ le-adR* __