Newspaper Page Text
PREMATURE. T jj BALTIMORE AND 0^10 WILL NOT BCILD. ' jht Tar:? ArraccMMnts Now in Kec: Pre ' •» the Proposed Conteaplitioa-Henry W. Oliver liltes » Sai* m«nt. s trsiirBa, Jaaa»ry 16.-Mr. Henry w O '.ver, Proliant of the P.ttsbarg & Wf-’vrn Railway. was fouid to-day at his .1.,lance m Allegheny, where be has been oc aad tor the past ten days with the >». Oliver was shown an article pnb "i via January 11 relative to the pnr tbs Valley Rdlway by the Balti c;n.. Ohio, in which it was stated that JL* would be an amalgamation of the '3 y and :be Pittsborg, Cleveland ft and that in connection therewith the Baltimore <S: Oaiowonld Itl’lLD A KIW LIN’E ;,*«*. and asked in regard to its ef i - anibe Pittebnrg ft Western. ta there is no truth m the state aeBl that the B ft O. are to build a new 3e to Cleveland?” Tn-re is no more probability that they ni! l a new line into onr territory iMa there is that the P. ft W. will build as to the coal and coke region.” \VM! tu- P. ft W. be able to handle • ,e tra*: Ur the Biltimore AOhio?” • Yes nadoubtedly. We have hereto ore been cramped tor facilitke, bnt are bow completing < instruction ot several Biles of Sidiag and passage tracks; also ... new height lccomitives and l.oOO' ^ with wbicU improvements we .1 be able to TAKE ALL THE KREK.HT ° “Toagainst expect, then, the earniigs of the Pittsburgh ft Western to increase. *‘I predict that trorn nowon there wl. ks *n increase of the Pittsburg ft Western -Tstem o: at least percent 1 • \ ,a do n<»>. then, consider the pur chase ot the Valley by the B. ft O. a nen % t*‘all We were delighted with the par. knew all about the matter ,re ;; was cl.'-tfd, and welcomed it as <1V yiZ. belter connections and increa-ed business. I H\I> A i'OSKKRENVE with Vvi-Presideat King, o' the B. ft O., on hi- way to Cleveland last week to pnr tre ro : *ndia this room on his ntara on Saturday lash we perfected ar rangements for a close and lasting connec tion beiwtea the new purchase and onr respective properties.” ‘•Yon do not think there would bj any 0i. ect io the B ft O.’s bniidmg the pro posed lice?" I do not. They own ha’f ot the P , C T , which is leased to the P. ft W.. and they now o wn the Valley, which connects with the 1*.. C. ft T. ai Akron. This .eaves bnt o5 miles of the P. ft W. to be a-ed or a connection between the P., C. ft T and the Junction Railroad— aleo owned by the B. ft O This 5-‘> miles is nothing at a bridge for the B. ft 0. to pass its trarti ■ between its owu lines. Onr load is a direct line to Cleveland, with low grades, pv-icg through the most prolific freight prodnetng region in the l nited tstates, .,3d, as stated, the B. ft O own two-thirds ot it. Oa t e other hand, a new line via. the P., C. ft T. would be costly, as it would involve very bad grades acd the crossing of the Ohio liver. I; would pass THBOroH A TKKBITOEY unproductive in local freight, and by bniidug it the B. A O. would lose its pre eat connection with the Mahoning and Sneoatuo Valleys.” Mi. Oi.ver replied that there was not one word oi truth in the story. There are tight traffic agreements in ef fect rasnirg kr a term ol 40 years, which pa»; Je that all traffic to Cleveland and the lakes and the territory northwest of 1' '-burg passing over the Pittebnrg Pi v « on of the B. A O. shall go via the Pitts oorg and Western; and that a force is now at work construct ig vards at the junction ot the Valley and P. A W. to give facilities fot ban ling the increased business that will result trom the purchase of the Valley by the B. A O. "Then there is SO TRUTH IN THE EKPOK1 oi a break between the P. A W. and the B. ().?” “None whatever. Toe relations between the two roads were nevtr closer. Their relations are inter-dependent, their inter ests are identical and for a protitable busi ness they must rely npjo each other. Tae 1’. ,v W. contribute* a large traffic from its lines, which have switches and sidings into □early every furnace and rolling mill in the Sntnango Valley, and also a heavy ore tonn»g» from Fairport for points on the B A O. system. The B. A O. exchanges therefor its immense coal and coke traffic for the M ihoning and Sbeoango Valley and the Northwest. Consequently the interchange is Mt’TrALLY ADVANTAGEOUS, and the systems are ol'solately necessary to one another.” Wouldn't You Like to K*»d 'Em} Pkiladalphia Record* It is reported that over 1,500 letters were mailed from Vasear College in one day recent’y. >loggsr Jackson >*y« He Will Have to. Christian at B'ori John L. Satlivan says be will retire rom the P. K. after his battle with Slog ger Jackson. Only Trying. Terre Haute ijejnetf. Wu-kar- Is Timmins writing poetry vet >.mounds (another poet)—No, not yet illvlcr to Kotheri. Mrs. ’•Tinxiiw’s Soothing Syrup for drea t.--thing, is the prescription ot . se or j* hex? female names and physician* ;a --e United Statue, and has been need r tarty years with never failing snccest ;>■ tnill:.-ns of mothers for their children. *-rtn« t'ir proc of teething its value is ’."ca'enable. It releavew the child from p ■ i, cures .• *er.t-.Ty and diarrhiea, griping c t e bow-l-i. and wind colic. By giving - > *1 to t. coiM *t rests its mother P- a :K>c a ~*“s Ttie tin*«t on K*rih. Phe Cincinnati, Hamilton and Dayton is the < nly line running Pnllraan’s d Safety Vestibnled Trains, with '-tivr, Parlor, Sl-eping am! Dining Car ■rr; e hetwren Ciccionati, Indianapolis 1 Chic ig >, and is the Only Line rnnning i«;h Kschtung Chair Cars between *-• iti, K-ekak and Springfield, III , 4-! ioMibiaatio" Chair and Sleeping Car C iic’nnati »a Peoria, II!., and the ■v i'trect Line between Cincinnati, D«y a. T ned Detroit, the Lake K - «s aad Canada. • - road i< ore ot *be oldest in the State " •< and the o.">ly lice tn’erirg Cmcm >*t«enty-five miiesof doable track, ’’1 ■ in its past record can more than as it-pa i u-epe*<1, comfort and safety. * <et» on <*le everywhere, and see that “v r-ad C , H. & D., either in or out of 1 c. mnati, Indianapolis, or Toledo. E O McCormick, aeral pjtesenger and Ticket Agent. dfilg $tatem*nt. _ ANNUAL STATEMENT -OF THE Receipts and Expenditures of the City of Wheeling, W, k, FOR THE YEAR ENDING DECEMBER 31,1889. EXPENDITURES 1889. BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKS. CONTINGENT Fl'SD. Advertising and Printing.. ... Aliev B Improvemeut......rzrw:"":.*“*. \i.ev 1‘ a*ew Sewer between Chap line ami Koii street..•;...•••••• Alley F. Sew Sewer, Seventeenth to Nineteenth streets. Alley b to Jacob .. Attorney Fee* .n-.. .. : Caldwell Run Renair-. Twenty-ninth street..~ , hapline Street Bridge over Caldwtll Run... i Clara. John H.. salary superintendent.. i Curbing Twenty seventh street.. curbing, new.—.-. Darrah. Thoa. M.. Clerk. Rod Street Bridge Repair*..., James G., limestone.—. JaeobVtreet Impro«, from forty tlfih 15 Forty-eighth street. Limeeto-ie.—. Lumber. .-.. . McSutthStrU*Iuirro'veieut from Twentyninth ’to Thirty-third street.. Sew Sewer. Forty third and Jacob streets. Peninsula Bridge Repairs...... Repairs ou etreet Roller ... Rent ft Lot to store Bowlders.-. Resetting Old Curb..-. Salaries "t Board.. ■•••••••. Seventh Street Improvement, Main to Marke....~~..-. Sewer Repair- ...... Sixteenth street Sewer.—. Street Cleaning..... Street Repair*.-. Temporary Bridge,’ Mainind Sixteenth streets. Twenty-first Sirett Sewer... Thirty-third Street Improvement... Veith, E L.. Clerk ... Warden. J. W , Superintendent... Wharf Repaiis.. 442 10 190 35 123 78 61 01 70 00 166 90 807 80 866 09 217 62 23 74 675 48 11 20 114 48 10 00 228 32 742 36 127 97 428 08 1,027 40 85 92 •267 09 50 00 100 00 9 60 424 44 979 48 3,273 90 357 21 7,157 35 6,971 17 379 00 380 42 101 16 737 59 133 33 133 88 12 1 0- *27,888 AFi aOPRIATiOS FCSD. a; tv B. Paving with Fire Brick from Fifth to Sixth streets.............. \ ev C Paving with Cob-de Snmes fr.’in Tenth street to Market Alley.. \ jy f! New sower twin Seventeenth to Nineteenth street. Alley F to west side’of Jaoo • street.. VUey Filling Cut and Laying ‘Suiter... VUey • Paving with Fire Brie* from ChapUue u Market. s’reel Bridge over Oa'dwells Run....• . ■ na; line street Pa\ing with Fire Brick from 1 weuty seventh 10 rmity-.nira street . . . Coal Street Improvement .-. Curbing oa Thirty third -tre.-t.. .... Eighth Street Sever .. Ki'ir Street Bridge Repairs.......... K >il Street Improvement from Forty fourth to Forty-eighth street. F.rst Street Improvement ... Fourth Street Curbing ...". Mar»e’lStreefIPavingDtwitT^Fire Brick from Cr.ek to i'emii io Maiu street. New Sewer, Alley G... North Main Street Paving...-.. I iving aud Grading Thirty-third street. Peninsula Bridve (new Boon.. Repairing Culvert fonatbau s Ravine .. n.-T.jiri ,» s deivalk aud Curb Jouathau s Ravine . -V. eat'jeuth Sin Bi Ig ■■ or Wheeling Creek on account ■ ... Seventh Street, Paving Cobble Stones from Main toMainet. South Front Street travel).••.... Tetuporarv Bri-i-t •. Main and sixteenth street. Twenty-ninth Street Macadamizing.-.. TEN CENT LEVY Pt'SD. Alley 0, Paving with Cobb e Stone< from Twenty second to Twenty-third St. \i!ev • New Sewer aud Paving ... ... ... _ ' . A ev IT. Paving with Cobble Stones fr un Ohapliue to cofl street. Brice. S. L , refund oa 1>>S Taxes overpaid... Eighth ..“."*. In liana Street Sewer. Interest on Outstanding order-.••.... jstreet Curbing from Twenty second street »o Alley IS.•••■• .laiob Street Paving with Fire Brick from Forty fifth to iorty-cightn street... 3U^FtwS^in7wVtbn»Bn”it fw'ra'iweuty-s xth to Taeuty seventh, aud Twenty seventh from Main toCnapline ... M r.-.-T street iirsde aud Gutter from Alley to Fourth street........■■■■■■. olloc Street. Paving with Cobble stones from Twenty-ninth to I hirty Sout.^ Hroadwav, Grading aud wrave'ing from Virginia to /.ane street. sn tiii Peuu Street. Grading and Graveling.... ..••••••• . ■a Paving with Fire Brick from Market to sixteenth s.reet . Twetitv firv stretd Paving with Fire Brick from Market to Mam street. Twenty-second Street Curbing front Jacob street to Alley K. Twenty-sixth Street Sewer. 637 JO 499 11 274 89 199 82 1,200 00 700 00 5,519 89 85 89 91 95 339 59 839 19 441 54 85 10 155 25 1,199 59 15,853 69 319 73 1,047 15 200 00 64 00 211 33 7,102 oo 694 91 150 00 5,056 00 too Oil - 513,496 10 611 67 319 12 311 73 45 42 :<u 6t> 2.164 6 2 173 07 237 60 4,OJ9 68 488 81 2.580 00 723 53 3,731 51 721 89 2,461 67 1,313 10 1,838 92 51 90 305 44- 822,417 12 CEMETERIES. Advertising and lTlntin; Coal. Hardware. Fainting.-. Plumbing.•• Repairs . Tan Bart.-. Too la. Burt, W B. sexton. Heiset, Charles .— CITY PRISON. Advertising .—. Biaeksmithiug... Bread...... Bedding ... I rugs.. Grocer es. .••.-. Hardware and Fowder.. Lumber.-.“.. Meat... Miscellaneous . Oil... .. Telephone....... Tinware. .——“. Arthur, John, watchman. Barues, H., cook.. Crawiord, S. guard.... Fitzpatrick, M.. guard ... Grogan, M . superintendent.-. Gundling, Feter, guard ....—• t.undling. Feter. superintendent. Mulkearn. M., guard.—•. Onm, A. guard.... CONTINGENT EXPENSES. \dvert! and Frinting.. Bone, A M . repairing pipes. Hr ice, 8. L., postage .. . Brice 8 U. refuud on 88 taxesoveroant.••• ••••., Br l iter Mr* damages on account of falling through a board wa.k. Bnrt w B . salary city Sexton. . . C I>. A P TelegrapD Comi>aiiy Telephone*. t'ullin. W. L.. directory (V.lwell G. B.. legal services... ort oran, John, attending special Electric Light Committee meeting. 1 .avi* Eli 11 . part (if the reward for the arrest and conviction of the murder ers of Police Officer Joseph Glenn..-. 1 Dunawav, E 8., repairs.... i Dunaway, E. W„ commissions on City property collections.— , Dunawav, E. W., affidavits.......-.. Dumas, John, vs City oi Wheeling, judgment.-. Election". (January aul June)... Ktiiughan:. Robert, assessor, extra work. i K ua'.ization and Appeals, Board of. .. Frew a. Berischv, repairing chairs......*.. Gennetta. Augeio. tine refunded.. 1 Graham. Wm., Jr.. posting notices.. lie- W H . crvtng old Court House.. • ..;•••. Haiid an W part of the reward for the arrest and conviction ol the mur dererii cf Police Officer Joseph Glenn .. Hervey Bros., drilling at old stone bridge. Hook, George. recording deed... ik >rge abstracts. . Hughe". D. V.. assessor, extra work. Interest on outstanding orders —. Jones, J. J commissions.... Kennedy. T. R.. engineering temporary Drilgeo i Mam street . ....... Lein us, George W , paving Market street from Eleveuth to Twelfdi street... Meredith. J. F., part of the reward for the arras, and convictieu of the mur derers of Police officer Joseph Glenn .. Mitchell. I \V., Clerk Circuit Court. Morris, Jacob, repairing ballot boxes.. Murphv 1 awreuce, t tie refunded....•••••••. MoFarlsnd. Geo. W. part or the reward for the arrest and conviction of the murderers of police Officer Joseph Glenn. .. I Wet* man. Charles, fin* refund*... Rader A. W., post'ng election notices. | Refunded taxes...... Rent of Property Cor. Sixteenth and Main. Richard* L J a Co , Atlas of the City...••••;.•••••• • Uickenbangh H J , part or the reward for the arrest and conviction of the murderers of Police Officer Joseph Glean. Ruffin* rGe"*, fine rein l»ted . 'i heilhase J hn E . affii-vits .—.- •• Sea■'right C. W . Mayor, exp.-use of entertaining visitors. a Co., thermometer....-v—• * i ti Porter, par: of the reward for the arrest a d conviction ot the murder er* of Police Officer Joseph Glenn. Special police..-. stamp John, fine refunded. stationery .—.—.-.— -surveying ..•—.“. Thom: - u C D.. transferring Municipal Court mpers.••• Trus ces st. Pail'.'* church Eighth ward, clock repairs. W c Tel Co., messages to Charleston . Wharf master. John Crockard. Wharf repairs.. White Robert, legal services .-. Witness 'ees ........... Woelu r F. \ Jr , i.immissuuisuu city property collections. Woe •: K. \ . !r. sffl la. it* .... Woodward Wm., finer fuuded..—.. lo 50 13 18 15 00 3 65 28 05 848 26 66 15 18 90 232 20 59 42-8 795 31 5 50 •23 6> 478 87 15 90 78 20 303 35 :* •; 8 92 ; ;o 61 24 90 9 30 5 35 3 75 4 55 409 ■ 3 424 '•< 121 00 7r, 25 107 60 64 50 636 00 124 <0 75 25—5 4 150 69 1,569 83 19 76 3" 00 6 lu 200 on •208 80 18" 00 1 50 lot) "0 55" 94 200 00 2 50 26 15 20 75 141 50 325 50 50 00 273 is) » 7 50 13 55 2 50 10 00 103 00 176 00 1 50 25 "0 50 00 1,410 61 63 30 1,591 00 300 03 65 3 00 4 10 20O "0 15 35 4 00 137 21 300 (>3 132 00 100 00 5 00 1 00 290 00 1 00 100 00 68 ftl 13 55 190 69 181 0J 30 00 50 t0 1 27 505 52 551 68 35 30 16 40 71 85 16 50 15 35-S 10,921 15 FIKE DEPARTMENT. Advertising a.d ; rioting. Battery /iacs.-. BeddtUg... Carpenter » >rk and lumber... Carpets ami furnishings. Drugs.-. Estate of a Bond .-. Extra pay Bridgeport tire...-. K.rm alarms an 2 imliiatcrs... timn caatr.-... Harness repairs.. Hardware aud tinware. ..—. Hay —.-. Horses purchased . lee.J... Miscellaneous.-. Painting and glaring. Plumbing... ReliT or injured firemen.. Repairs ’o apparatus. Repairs to build ugs.. Shoeing he-s>g. Soldering apistratus ...—... Standards..-.-. Telephone .. ..— Toll on wire bri lge. W. & B. B. Co... Vitriol....•—•••• Whitewash ng .. Salarv ol Cle k. W. H Fee.-.. Sa are of Chief J. A Duuniug. salary of Department... Salary of Board..-. Salary of Clerk of Board B. Shauley. 39 25 99 01 73 09 127 4S 369 89 96 61 41 05 45 00 1,013 36 655 0*5 SI 45 51 15 78 10 56S 2t 545 00 73 70 353 57 309 04 146 31 •300 00 447 25 289 90 7 55 41 36 30 00 145 00 78 41 20 t.0 41 25 53 70 1.019 47 15.304 90 13 16 >•0 98—323 516 02 <Htg £tatfm*nt. HEALTH DEPARTMENT. Advertising »n1 printing. . Crematory lepairs. Crematory shed.... ...— Carriage hire. Desk.-.—. Directory.—. Drugs. Ga<....... Hauling.-. Inspector?. Lumber.. M.sceilaneous.. Removal of garbage............ . Removal of nuisances.. Stationery.. Telephone. . Garrison, Geo. I., Health .. Reed, R. J., Healh Officer ...... . Berg, Henry, Keeper of Crematory . Seiig, Ltulf. labor at Crematory. MARKETS. Advertising and printing .. Brick work . Brooms....... Carpenter work. Haidw&re.-. . Hose. Miscellaneous.......-. Painting... Plumb .. Rubbish removing to crematory. .. Tin work.... Whitewashing....?.. .-.-• Haller, W. H., Clerk Second ward market. Kenney, Patrick, (Berk Second ward market . McKeever, John, Clerk Centre market.. POLICE DEPARTMENT. Advertising and printing. Calling Council and Committees and Silling dogs, L. Delbrugge. Calling Couucil and Committee' and killing oogs,Porter Smith.. Feeoiug prlsoneis In jail, Vi liandiau . Feeding prisoners in jail, L. Steenrod.. Feeding prisoners in lockup......... Hats, etc.... Hauling prisoners to lockup. .. Miscellaneous. . Plumbing..... Postage and stationery.. Relief of injured deputies. Repsiisto office of Chief... Salarv of Board... Salary of Clerk B. Shanley. . Salary of Wm. Brand, Keeper of I/xtknp . ... Salary of F. Druschel , Keeper ot Lockup .— Salary of K M Roll*. Asdfctant Keeper of ; gckup. Salary of B. Meehan. Assistant Keeper oi Lockup. Salary of Porter Smith. Sergeant.. Salary of Louis Delbrugge, sergeant . Salaries of deputies.... 215 so 267 52 3*0 00 9 00 15 00 5 50 80 72 00 4 50 67*. 40 17 60 22 78 3,290 03 40 70 10 10 15 00 528 64 71 36 720 00 426 78 336 50 1 88 8 7> 7 10 4 54 88 03 07 87 50 00 29 66 169 50 10 35 65 00 s9 25 660 75 750 00 107 80 487 00 102 29 3 66 64 75 492 50 48 80 233 81 48 00 65 68 23 70 17 60 225 11 46 3) 3 75 100 00 130 00 76 63 541 73 Cl 30 425 30 125 00 1,375 00 l 6,799 21 i 2,432 15 8 22.600 11 real estate. Attending and repairing Capitol clock. Furniture repairs. Hardware.... Ice ... . . • . Paintin'-' and glazing. ... . ..... Plumbing. Printiug.. . Supplies, repairs, etc.—. . Howell, John Janitor. . Clancy. M«ry, assisting mi Janitor ... . L.onard, Ka’c, assisting the Janitor.-. 8AURIE3. Powers, F. W., City Cierk. . rtowcrs, W K. Assi taut city clerk.. Cald-ell, G. B , City Solicitor.. K Ellingham, Robt.. Assessor, First District . Elson. Jos. I>, Clerk of First Branch and Committee Clerk. Fee, \V. H , Assistant City Clerk a id Clerk of Police Court. Hughes, D. V. Assessor, Second District. . Hanke, Eugene. Clerk of First Branch and Committee C erk. Jeffers. (. \V , Judge of Municipal Court . feabrlglit, C. W , Judge of Police Court. Thoner, T. F., City Clerk.. Thompson. C. I>. Clerk of Municipal Cuurt. Witte, K te... city Solicitor. . Woebtr. F. A. Jr., City Receiver. . SJACKS AND WEIGHING. O'Brien. Frank, Weighmaster. Printing Scale Books. Repairs.-.—. Robins m, R. J.. Weighmaster.. TAXES, COLLECTION OF. Brice, 8.1., Commi si^ns. Wm. Miles. WATER WORKS. Extension of Street Mains. Repairs to street mains... Repairs aud supplies, pumping department. . Repairs to buildings... . Repair* to boilers and furnaces. Fire plugs.—•. Her vice*... oil. Tools..:... Refund on erroneous assess neuts. Old reservoir .._.-... New reservoir..•“ Wages at works. Office salaries. . Miscellaneous expenditures.................... . The Water Board has also paid the following amounts: On account of compromise loan ... On account of loan of 1885.. On account Of loan of .. LOANS. .? '.,300 00 , 0,750 00 . 3,330 00 Interest, exchange end expense.. GAS WORK*'. fheGas T°rusteesalso pan! on account of the loan of ls5: .*6,750 06 LIGHTS. Gas furnished Public Building. CmanlDgfUghting^wid^xi*ngoishing public lamps Erecting am repairing public lamps. Receipt1'In excels of expenditures, decrease of debt during year 18&.. 77 00 1 00 2 55 30 ’0 15 25 6 85 65 03 25 <0 M7 92 780 00 422 84 57 16-S 1 639 70 125 00 39 28 142 84 400 00 83 33 704 17 350 00 087 50 791 41 602 13 1,375 00 397 20 883 i'-| 7,610 52 250 00 75 00 75 ‘.<0 66 66— 408 5 0 2,363 98 1,000 00- 3,303 98 14,120 14 1,508 78 4,242 76 57128 1,508 96 891 77 039 50 406 46 372 20 63 60 591 91 14,777 49 5.987 99 2,799 »7 1 588 12- *50,130 93 20,060 On 03,060 76 3,700 01 7,372 92 2,514 78 1,510 13— 15,144 44 332,503 75 7,326 20 *339,829 95 Sales of Cemetery Lots, Burials, &c Rents from City Property. Fines and Fees Police Court. Bridgeport, Ohio. Fire. Horses, etc., Sold. REVENUE, 1889. CEMETERIES. CITY PROPER 1Y. FINE! AND FEES. EIRE DEPARTMENT. LICENSES. Auctioneers. Billiards. Bowling Alley. Broken... Coffee Houses, Ordinaries, etc. Hotels.. Insurance Tax Miscellaneous. Peddlers. l’owder. Shooting Gallery. Shows. Wheeled Carriages MARKETS. ('em re Market, Stall Rent and Wagon Tax...... Second Ward Market, Sta 1 rent aud Wagon rax . MISCELLANEOUS. Rent of Council Chamber Mijcellantouj. SCALES. First Ward, situated Fourth and Main street' . First Ward, situated Seventh and Market street Second Ward situated Tenth and Market streets.••• Third Ward, situated on McCoiloch street.. Third Ward, situate! at Central Glass Works Fourth Ward, situa'.ed on Seventeenth and McCollocii 'treeis Fourth Ward, situated on seventeenth and Eotl streets. Fifth Ward, situated at Crescent Coal Works. . Fifth Ward, situated at Centre Market.. Sixth Ward situated at LaB^le Iron Works . Seventh Ward, situated on Zane street....... Eighth Ward, situated on ('hapline and ihtrty-third streets Eighth Ward, situated on Wetzel and Thlity-tourth streets Eighth Ward, situated on lacob and Thirty-ninth streets. Eighth Ward, situated at Ka'ley & Brook s Coal Works. Kigh'h Ward, situated on forty eighth street^... Eighth Wan!, situated at Hobbs, Brockunier A ( j. TAXES (18S8), REAL AND PERSONAL. Brice, S. L , City Collector, (50 cent levy). Brice, 3. L., City Collector, (10 cent levy).. TAXES (18891, REAL AND PERSONAL. Mvles, Wm , CltvCollector, (50 cent levy). Mvles, Wm., City Collector, (10 cent levy). . TAXES (1888) RA1I.ROAD3. Duffy, P. F„ Auditor. Wharfage WHARVES. WATER WORK8. Rece'pts. sales of pipe, etc. Receipts from services . ...•••••«. . Interest on Deposit in Exchange Bank Miscellaneous..... . Cdlections nellmiuent Water Rents..... Collections Water Rents. Bil s of September 1*88 Collection* Water Kent*, feill# of March, Is* •*•••. Collections Water Kents. Bl Is of September, lsvj . Collections Water Kents, Bills of March, l*.". GAS WORKS. Kirnings. Total Receipts. *1,524 26 *7:13 53 (13,111 55 IIOO no 172 77- *272 77 50 00 250 isi in <« 762 70 30,705 91 110 00 715 88 119 50 282 00 *8 33 026 00 666 50— *40,436 82 *4,780 19 7,193 82-* 11,974 01 *12" oo 925 40—* 1,015 40 124 00 36 58 142 68 49 06 04 157 48 172 96 26 10 76 82 53 42 132 06 43 On 9 28 51 32 31 48 31 11 so 00- *1.224 59 *l9.8in io 3,423 48- *23,233 58 *71,713 65 13,925 70- *85,639 35 1,623 19 2,022 21 260 50 225 00 26 72 64 4 37 1,465 02 1,522 7' 3" 024 35 22,405 8> 8 66,152 11 90,536 *8 *339,829 95 DEBT SUMMARY JANUARY 1, 1389. DEBITS. City 10 30 Loan. Compromise Loin . . Loan of 1881... . Marietta and Cincinnati Bonds. . I.oan of 188 •. .• ■ Accrued Inteiest an1 Coupons OuteUndlng . City Orders Outstanding, issued prior to January i,v< ’ Orders Out8tanil>ng, issued since Jauuary. Iw City Orters tOc. Levy Fund....•••••••;••; UorkCZVZ. City Orders Outstanding, Contingent Fund. Board ic* , ,,u w orjtg City Orders Outstanding, Special Contingent fund, ut*M "ors* CREDITS. Commission^'s of 1C- Loan. Brady and Wilkinson. Tms ees Crompromise l.< • i uninisMoners of 1“! Loan... .. • 'ommi-sitiners of l'SsLoau.•••■ City 'las Trustees. City Water Board ;.... Recever, "0c. Levy Rond. Receiver. Contingent Fund, Board Public Worts... .. Receiver, General land.. ' Receiver, Appropriation Fund, Board Public «or»». 8 99,000 "" .. 73,000 00 .. 154,500 00 5,0'. o on .. 270,""0 0<>-86"l,50<» It 18,925 C" 1,870 59 2,727 98 2,223 7" 473 9t 2 75 #127,223 £6 720 f0 6,259 9S 4,90' 10 1,371 30 11,391 CO 14,609 10 5,MG 31 480 97 :.,C48 74 2 03 <Titg £tat*nun(. Bill* Receivable....... Net Debt January t, 1889.. Decrease of Debt During Year I8s9. Set Debt January 1,1890.. 4,*33 33-* 55,901 36 *571 3JO 60 7,326 20 *663,99110 DEBT SUMMARY JANUARY 1,1890. DEBITS. City 10 30 loan..... Compromise loan. Loan of 1881. Marietta and Cincinnati bonds.. Loan of 188$. City orders outstanding issued since January 1m, i»>6. City orders outstanding Issued prior to Jan. 1, lvjc. City orders outstanding, lCc levy fund.. City orders outstanding, contingent fund B. 1*. W. Accrued interest and coupons outstanding. 93,0.10 no 73,two is) 151,500 On 5,00o QO 270 eon 0J— 595,503 "0 1,825 2.1 1,370 59 3 172 26 •25} 10 14,385 00 CREDITS Ocmmif doners ol 1040 loan. Wilkinson and Mat bison, trustees compromise loau. Commissioners of 18sl loan. Commissioners of 1885 loan. City Gaa Trustees.... City Water Board... Receiver 10c levy fund. . Receiver contingent fund, B. P. w. Receiver genera! fund.. *•-,16.322 18 SI,' 20 O') 9 559 98 512 50 1,471 SO 16,972 98 17,250 28 1,526 66 l,it54 28 2,*59 79 52,227 78 Xet debt January 1, 1890.. 863,994 40 Respectfully submitted. THOMAS F. THONER. City Clerk. Jfarnitur*' gongf—gamm & Co. HIS Customs bjtlie Kalues HE X —WE NOT ONLY GIVE— DOLLAR FOR DOLLAR Fut sincere y make our customer’s money go as tar in satisfaction and gratification as our stock our experience anu our facilities well afford us opportunities to do. If this claim seems to be au exageera td one, we respectfully urjeauy one in uecl cf goods in our liue to inspect us thor oughly. FURNITURE DEALERS AND UNDERTAKERS, Telephone Calls Answered Day or Night. K)r>7 MAIN ST. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS. PRSCE 25 CENTS PER BOX. PrciiarodoiilvbyTlfOS.BEKCllAJt.St.lI(‘lens,Iiimoasliirc,Em;lan<l. It. F.'ALLEN & CO., Sole Agents FOR I \ITi:a> KT.ITES, 305 .V 307 CA.VAI. ST., .\EIV WORK, Who (if your druggist does not keep them) will mail Beecham’s Pills on receipt of price—but inquire first. (Please mention this paper.) (Hdurational MT. DE CHAHTAL, Near Wheeling, W. Va. .3iaTKB3 OP TEX VISITATION./ A cchooi of mors than national reputation, o' fur* exceptional advantage* for thorough educa tion of young ladies In all departments. Library of six thousand volumes. Flue phlloaonhl chemical and astronomical apparatus. Etuilcal Department specially noted. Corps of plsi.o teachers trained by a leading professor from Con servatoryof Stulgart. Vocal culturo accenting to the method of the old Italian masters, '-cita tion unsurpassed for beauty and health. Ten aciesof pleasure grounds. Board exoelien* In For catalogues, and -eferences to pattoug all the principal cUlw address aepl TB» nTRPtfntXFB JSanls. B ANK OF THE OH 10 VALLEY State and City Depository, Stockholders Doubty Liable. CAPITAL.8178,000. Government and Local Bonds bought ar.d sold Drafts issued on any point in Europe, as well as on the principal cities of the United States. A general banking business transacted. WM. A. IdETT, President, WM. B. SIMPSON, Vice-President, jail_ F. I*. JEPSON, Cashier._ JfJXCHANGE BANK. CAPITAL 8200,000 J. N. VANCE.President L S DELAPLAIX.Vice President Directors: J. N. VANCE, W. KLLINGHAM, JOHN M. BROWN. A. W KELLEY, L.S. DELAPLA1N, JOHN FREW Drafts issued on England, Ireland, Scotland and all points In Europe. my'J _JOHN J. JUNEd. Cashier. RATIONAL BANK OF W. VA. AT WHEELING. CAPITAL....8200.000. Southwest corner of Main and Twelfth Sts. DOES A GENERAL BANKING BU3INESS DIRECTORS: AUGUST ROLF, JOHN WAGNER. MICHAEL REILLY, W. R. IIAZLKTT, E. W. OGLEBAV, J K. McCOLRTNEA, ( HAS. W. BROCK UNI KR. EARL W. OGLEBAY. President. CHAS. W. BROCK UN IER, Vice President. JOHN WAGNER,Cashier. LAWRENCE E BANDS. Assistant Cashier. Some ? Chi Ideal Geo trine/ 3 Too Fast j become listless, fretful, without encr* . : gy, thin and weak. But you can for* : ' *..fy them and build them up, by the I •' use of | OF PURE COD LIVER OIL AND j HYPOPHOSPHITES Of Lime :«ml Soda. • I They will take it readily, for it is al* j ) most as palatable as milk. And it j ) should be remembered that As A nil • < ! VKNTIVK OR (TRV OF < 011.lls OU COLltS. ( j IK BDTH THE 0.3 AKD YOUNG, IT 13 > ’• UNEQUALLED. leoidiubttitiitinnMttffrrH. , •KNESS Or tv I " r ■ .1 by Atlailn»»lrrln* Hr. Urilncr tfolaeu Specific* !♦ rm l-o riven in a r , ■ e or t<\i •r .tof lh** jx’rv n tuik.ttir it; Iff ah* 1-it*-!y t „ uxHi w illcfft* t a |xmu nt arxlij.4 (tlvnirt \J I At * :it is -A rr *1. ru?t*linker cr an alcoholI.* rhoUKintis of I»r:nUnr!shav** b**en mrul** tomiin? ! dhrthav.* f.k'*n Golden hpr*iftc la Ibrlr roff*** • * fnv w.:i IT NEVER F \H> vm oner Imjpnimatcd with tbe Bpreifle, it I utu r >o/»iflbiAiljr for the ikiuor habit to e* * ^ For ^.e by LOGAN A CO., Droggl^J^c book free. NPRECEDENTED ATTRACTION !TLI I HiLLiei f:SIII9ITE9. Louisiana Siato Lottery Company Incorporated by the Legislature, for Educa tional and char I table purposes, and Its franchise made a part of the present State Constitution, In ls'9, by an overwhelming popular vote. Its MAMMOTH DKAWINUN take nlarn NoBil-AnunKllr, (June aud He* I'siubsrj, anil lln URANO NISWI.K M M It till OKA WINGS thks placs in of the oilier ten uioulha of the fenr, and are all drawn in public, at the Academy of Mnalc, Bew Or* i 'sus, La. FAMED FOR TWENTY YEARS, For Integrity of its Drawings, and Prompt Payment of Prizes, AtlotUfn an follow*: “We do hereby certify that we supervise th*> arrangements for all Monthly and Semi-Aimn i Drawings of The Louisiana State Lottery Com pany, and in person manage and oontrol the Drawings themselves, and that the same *r con* ducted with honesty, fairno©* and Ln goc * toward all parties, and wo authorixe tN* » :n: pany to use thl* certificate, with fac «wsi *or Du. signatures attached, ln lualvor «'obi Dilmlonm We the undewlgned Bank*4nd Bankers w*. i or • ii (V ji^u in Tat I.oqIkana State Lot* which b£t beX,T?aTkv a. u u’ • « y§*ii i,y . Pres t ixiulfi.&iiii at. »** PIKRRK 1 Xi Krci-t Hlam Na, i'. . ha i ilWIN. Prt.’t N**w T BA. CAIll. K<>HX, Prt* '■ Pnlou KAUonal Bank. grand monthly drawing, At tfc( Aradmy °f *fW February U. 18*0. CAPITAL PPJ3B. JAOO.flO, 100,000 TlebeH »t Twecl Mrb. If ,il v*-» *10; 'l1"’ j>nttia &J; Tw«all«Ui» 1 urr or rmuKs. i BliIZi: OKI-.A),000 la.— •• * pp.zz OK 100,000 Is. 1 PRIAK OK 50,000 Is. 1 r’KIZK OK ^.flOO Is. A KRIZKS OK 10.00C are. 5 KRIZKB OK ‘>.000 are. 25 PRIZES OF 1.000 are. luc rnrAKSOK SOO are.~ 3t\ PRIZESOl ware. vjj PRIZESor .Tare. Ari’EoxiaATioa raisia. 100 PrU«* of 1530 are. IOC Prlxes of .>00 are.— IX Krlaea of J00 are.. TKBMINAL PhlZM. 900 PrU« of 8100 are.. 970 PrU'jk of 10o are... 7 D#Ui t .00,000 ll' 60,000 25.000 20.000 25,000 25.000 5c,000 09.000 , 100,000 150,009 30 >0 v. „>o 7J.M S,int Kriaofl amoun'.lE? ‘.o.41,03 i>oo Noti—Tickets diawln* Capital Prir.* are >t en-.ileu to terminal Krt»t< AGENTS WANTED. sr-Yot Clob kAtea, or aajr fsr ie«'.rtd, write letfbly to the oc ‘ ' itating yonr residence, with Eu-", • ■ s, 1 ,;rjnber. More rapid r< wKl b« use red by roar * Miring yoir foil »ddre». XMPORTAJNT. Address*. A. »Ar*-»*f’ S* » or£ei*ii*. » Or; It. A. DAUPHIN. „ !5y ordln»ry letter, ooLUln;;.* . .**•»* > der Issued tv all Exprew- ' cs, * u> • ‘ A.cb&u^e, Draft or Foatal *t non ilTurr ■•-Hi idtireu Hejlitast Letters !csle: 'g ; OKI. MANN “1* KEB EH HFK, T»| no ££Mnl % PrtaeeLo oi AB tArEED HT i >« riONAE :• « m ^ket=eref!)fneds.y^t }rit ^ .« tmio: who.-. chare ro. , . • o? a <irl the - isrhefctc-ouru.. therefore, K *v. or * enoaycoa- .cr.' r c*. f ^ ONE DUU.AU .s . P' EI) ,tlr ( ,h r . or jrm . ouo. a - • , „..rn»B;n tfrred L: »ny Drawing Any thin* .n <>•- ~ ilA f0- ;e«g thin a Dr!lv »* * • * — Sdrel:o-:-. $< 00'. 1 ' r $1 !0 The Vert MohICompar , CnOnnati, On,