Newspaper Page Text
|lnu Altuei-tiacmcuto. 100 PIECES SILK WARPHENRIETTA AT - -$1.00 Per Yard * iJ A VE purchased an entire lineol Fine Black Ilf E rlA S»lk Warp Henriettas from an Impor porter having an overstock, and in so doing we have secured a Henrietta that is sold everywhere at $1.50 per yard at a once that enables us to sell it at the extreme low price of ONE DOLLAR PER YARD. These are standard goods, full 40 inches wide, and are without doubt the best bargains in black goods ever offered in the city. You Cannot Afford to Let it Pass You! Geo. E. Stifel & Co., No. 1114 Main Street. Ovy <J5oo5*b unl« CrtryetB. Staged Thogias. DRESS GOODS BARGAINS! THIS WEEK Wl o: ’ 1: I \> ! ri lON \HLK BARUAINS IN Slack and Colored Henrietta Cloths anti Silks, sI. J.-, Ouitlit\ (Hi inch w idol All Wool llonriHta (‘loth at Mh*. 1.00 tjnalitv (»0 shades) All Wool Honrirtta ( loth at (iflr. .s;> Oualitv All Wool llturiHta ( loth at .Vt,-. ..’»0 Oualitv Blank and Colored I ii>Iihii‘IT'> at 3iU\ SILKS ! SILKS ! Fifty P ces 22 inch wide India Silks at 45c. a yard, worth $1.00. Fifty Pieces 18 inch wide Surah Silk at 36c. a yard, Worth 60c. Twenty-hve Pieces F ille Francaise Silk at 88c. a yard, worth SI.25. SPECIAL 100 P ec.'s36 inch wide All Wool Cloth at !9c., worth 37 l-2c. CARPETS ! CARPETS! >CK-|AL BAKU VIS' THi-'WKEK Fifty Pieces Stinson's Velvet Carpets at 85c., worth $1.25. STONE & THOMAS, To the Trade. Wo would respectfully ask Merchants to please inspect our immense stock and choice selec tion ot' Dry Goods and notions, at the very lowest market prices Jacobs <fc Isenberg. No. 121* MAIN STREET. One Door North Of IWe.i-*. Greer & Lalng. Far Desirable Goods - AT LOWEST PRICES, L. S.GOOP’S. ReadyfofSpringTrade. \ Of V» ''i>ri»ic lfr»v»fiuml*. New S|.rin- /i|>b)r «.i«ch3tn». >,» Hamliure KwbrnWrr). V » Turrhun l-»re». >e» shinies in II.NrielUs. V » Shinies ill IJilirC * iolh. >,.» shades in Ifrrss Silks. t ill shun til sei ure rholi-r |i»ttrr»s. I_,. S. GOOD, 1liii \ 11 - 7 Mu ill Street. VKW STYLES. LATEST DESIGNS. ne II - I s - "f I1 's l>>* *'! * Sl it NO n| : . \ s - • "••• «'• • • U i'in nn.ik.- V ttrvun >»ik II itt. I'lo iJi-'I'lit ' • fr..|:i Over S per noat. saved koine J. W. 1'ERREL, Aneut. ,yr* So. gtOI M unStn-t * STYLES. Sjjfl All Color*. For 2iK DINGER S. 38 Twelfth Street. NEW YORK Dental Office 1051 MAIN ST., TEETH ON EASY PAYMENTS. rrtr YoZ £xtra«tiug fall Estrartd littat hi if Etectrldtj. >e" All Work I’lrsl ( la«. IF SO CALL ON M. J. MoFABBEN I Mnl ». n tin lm-t Inn ••( Intn-t st> !•• lint- at r«-a .. ’.rt ■ vr -Innvil III tMii nini.'. \\i* n«w I in *t <‘k tin YOiiMAN SPHfNG STYLE At 31.90 ancl S2.40. THE SQUARE CROWN DERBY At 81.90 and S2.40. 1 m ep. ' ,.<it . -!.:f - in vitr II i* :ii rl it). si ... ?i: -. ?i ■.«• .nil ?.• rn. I- II;,. II. «* 15 aid VI cents. 1 •>. \,-iv l*»tt.-rn* N.■•ktic» T.-.-k*. Fi.ur ln* | ili.n.l* Ifc.w*, nt3M5nnd vi.-.-nt* [ |.ii mv |. * IS.uid shirt*. 13 t.> IT. nt 15 .••■lit* %*'. \. w I *.i 11 *-r it ~. strip.*. Cheek* .. n! Plan Is. 1>. 11.. I Cutup shirt*. 13 I. IP1,, at SOc-Tit*. Kr. i.di Kins-, sl.irt* Silk shirt*. sjJk Mrlp. - v • M. .1. Mi 1 A IHiI;N. iupJT. lavond 1.133 Market street. Clcttiists. DR. GEO. J. CADDLE, Sur?eoi\ Deafisf, No. 1310 M IKIvlT STIIEKT. gStT’Cver Dollar Saviu^s Hank. ap5e*J Jllljcflinij 3?o()btrr. Thermometer Keeortl. Mr. C Si hnepf, the Opera House drus' iris*, made the followinir observations of the terni*.future yestervlay: * a. nt.. *£*: i* a. rn., its; Id m.. fit; a p. m.. . 7 p. in., 53. Weather, ehaiupahle THK WKATIIKIC. K,-r \\ * .tern Prtin*' hrailia Haiti, partly oil ox .l. i-t.l. .1. x -• .' t. : uv*terly ttitld*. Sate* I r \\ -t Virginia ml Ohio I'lenrins leei.i. llx eol.1.- m rriiwexterly « lintx, sale.* on th. l-.k. * tndev to New AdvertUenirnta. «t i>m> r*i.« ll.njii..- l-ainp* Kwlui: Itro*. it|*-r» IP at*. Mattie V inker* \\ mt«*l Ciirl for llouwwork. f r K> nt st ilit.-. II me t.ixer l*iiI* R II l.i*t \ .11.., i, •, Hen' r v huitiixtntor. tMtj.'e K' i i .x.a! Itliix. Valiev Lite Company, l-n .,1. i r He Work —Itearil of tomuil* | *|. IIXT*. roi KTit niit. \ oar i Vpixortutiii x - Cieo. it. Saonk A Ct>. f : K« flire. 15 no Wanted t.irl for tlnuxewvrk For Kent Of*-. f -*i •. ! . f ,|. r M -I. in lit * lit*** i l: ir^ ini* *!• •;. A Thoinu*. «>TI I t I X ft*, are *ellinn #l.ot>*ilk W aip Henrietta* for * I .!K>» yard this vveek. The tin-heron and C*JU*HI»UU tielieva W atehe* are. without tlottld. tlu.- Itueid iu the world. I L- OILI.ON X CO.. ■*ole Vjjelit*. J! Vtl v •• fur to- lit I.r Hospital. :ii Hur>fs. froi.i :t to 11* o'clock p. tn. to day. tlo'i’irvi t>etn-lit at l>nr*t'* this af J l< moon and cveiiintf. which shall mu:? fliB WASHINGTON' PRESBYTERY DISCUSSES THE QUESTION Of the Revision of the Confession cf Fs.tli—An Im portant Session—A Vote Will be Taken To-Day. The spring meeting of the Washing ton Presbytery begun it- actual labors yesterday morning at Claysville. and two interesting sessions were held. After the meeting was formally opened a roll of the Prgsbytery was made out and an order of business adopted, the' first being the hearing of sessional records and proofs of pastoral settlement. For ihi> the pastor’s own n port will not be received, but a certificate from the; church treasurer must he forthcoming. Statistical reports consumed the morn ing si ssion. Six voting men were also licensed to preach, but the most attractive and im IKirtaut feature was the discussion of the quest ion of the Revision of the Con ! fessiott of Faith. The chief objection made to any alteration in the Confession | by the anti-revisionists was that it a -light change is permitted now it will ionly be a short time till the doctrines of . the Church will be overthrown and its {distinctive features effaced. The dcar e<i speech on the subject vv.t- made by Dr. Moffatt. President of Washington i and Jefferson College, lie said: ’’’l he i true issue is a change of tin* man* ! nerof the matter set birth in the book. I not in the doctrine it>eli. According to : the doctrines of some, a preacher can go into the pulpit and preach that Cod | made man to damn them. That doc | trine is a damnable heresy, a false run | . eption of (loti’s character: yet it is a | tenet of our theology.’’ Hr. Drown, of Washington, aud Dr. t mike, ol Wheel ing. and Judge Cranmer, cf W heeling: Judge Me livable, of Washington: Judge MeCoiinell. of Wiiynesburg. and other promiueiii lay brethren, took part in the discussion, and the vote will be taken to-day. At the (if ucral Assembly of lssp over tures were received from fifteen l’res teries asking for some revision of the Confession of Faith, it being tie opinion «.f many ministers that some forms in the statements in the Confession of : i-'aitli are liable to misunderstanding and expose their system of doctrine to unmerited criticism. Ik fore any defi nite steps were taken it was decided to submit to the Presbyteries the quest ions. ••Do vou desire a revision of the Confes sion of Faith?" “If so. in what respect and to what extent?" At the fall meeting of the Presbytery of Washington Reverends W. 11. Cooke. W. F. Hamilton. W. II. Lester and J. 1). and Ruling Fillers t.. L. Cranmer, Joel True-dell and John Aiken, were appointed a committee to take tin- matter under consideration. Following is the report this committee made to the Presbytery yesterday: The committee has held two meetings, and us the result* of its dcliiierations, bogs leave to present to the Presbytery a ma jority and minority report. The majority of tlie committee, consist ing of Drs. Hamilton and Lester, and Kl ! decs Cranmer and Truesdell, recommend | that the first question: Do you desire a j revisiou of the Confession of Faith: lie answered in the negative. The minority of the committee, consist i ing of the Chairman. Win. H. Cooke, 1* IV. James 1». Moffat. DU. and Hlder John I Aiken. !>• g leave t.. submit to the Preshy - terv of Washington the following report: We are unable to join vvith the majority in recommending a negative reply to the i first question, because of our belie! that "some fonns of statements in our Confes sion of Faith are liable to misunderstand ing, and exjiose our system of doctrine to unmerited criticism:" and that it is a i pressing duty of our Church U) give such expression to our present In-liefs, that all ! who read our Confession may understand | it as vve hold it - so far as it may lie in our I power by verbal changes or improved phraseology to secure this object. This question of revision has been forced . upon our attention in the providence of Cud. and whilst vve might never ask revis ion for personal relief, we feel constrained 110 give it serious consideration, and U> answer the questions ol our A— 1 -euibly iu such a wav, as s.suns to us best I adapted to put the Conf< -sion of Faith in a true light tK-forc the Church, and the I world; and to allay the growing ami vv ide i spreading dissatisfaction with its foi*ms of ! expression. i At the same time, vve are opposed to the omission of jKirtial abandonment of any doctrine, constituting a part of what is -Iimn,only called tne Calvinistie system. For this reason vve do not favor the unis sionof all those sections which refer to the doctrine of Preterition ’or K- probation. N’or vve are willing that tin section which describes how infants dying in iu , fancy and other persons inca pable of being outwardly called, are re •nerated and saved. should either lie omit ted. or so m. ilitled that all reference to the ; salvation of infants shall la- removed: as it ,n the glory of our Confession that, alone among the great historic creeds of Chris tendom. it gives any place whatever to infant salvation. We only usk that it he so modified as to give expression to tin present belief of our Church on the subject. The other changes vve favor are- compar atively unimporlaut. but if tlie work of re-vision shall la- undertaken it is la-tter that these also be considered and our Con fession be freed from even verbal infelic ities We therefore recommend: | 1st. That the first question. “Do you de sire a revision of the Confession of 1- aitli : la- answered iu tin- affirmative: with the full understanding that in any revision to he submitted by the (ieneral Assi nibly, ! the full integrity of the system of doctrine I u ntwined iu the Confession of Faith shall j be kept inviolate. I gud. la reference to the second question, which is. --If so. in what resjiects. and to what extent:" vve recommend. (1 > that sec tions S, -I and ! in Chapter III., relating to the F.lect and Non-elect, be rewritten, so that all suspicion of Supralapsarianism may Is- avoided, and that the doctrine of Preterition may is- so expressed as to teach that Preterition is the absence of Flection; , and to avoid such inferences, as that Cod withholds mercy from any who are willing to receive it. and takes any pleasure in the I death of the wicked. ?i That the word “elect" Ik- stricken i from section :t of Chapter X. iu the two - places where it occurs. The two parts of the section might also be rearranged so as 1 to read as follows j “Iufants. dying in infam-y. and all other jg-rsous. who are iueapable of being out wardly called by the ministry of the Word, are* regenerated and saved by Christ through the Spirit, who vvorketh whom and where, and how He pleaseth." Inasmuch as it is elsewhere in the Confes sion taught that none but the Fleet are saved, the omission of the term from this section can work no loss to any doctrine, but it will avoid the troublesome inference suggested by its presence .a That from section :t of Chapter XXIV. the word "other" he omitted, so a* to avoid the unnecessary infereinv that all infidels and papists are- idolater-.. . That from section 6 of Chapter XX \ ail after the first sentence bo omitted. The denial that the Pop- of Dome can in any M'nse Ik-the head ot the Church is clearly 1 iuvolved in the affirmation that ‘•There is | no other head of the Church but the Lord i Jesus Christ." and. in our judgment, the j errors in lUictriue aud practice of the Uo ! man Catholic Church are sufficiently con i d cm nod els. where- in the t mfessiun to jus | tifv our omission of di-eluruluins founded ' ou’doubtful exegesis of difficult iwssqge* of Scripture. ioi That the love of Cod manifested to the whole world in the Cospel of His Son, as taught in John J, lltli. and in Matth. loth. Ik- definitely expressed. and be given an appropriate place in the Confession. The account of the pre-ore-dings of the tieneral Assembly. and uf tin- Presbytery, written above, together with the majority ! aud minority reports of the Committee of Presbytery,'are hereby most respectfully subnutted to the Presbytery of Washing ton bv its committee. W'v H. C-kike. Chairman. Fins Hibson A- Dougln-riv's rye whis ki. ~ .ail at H. a rue's. No. 20 Sixteenth street. __ The hist shipment ot those silt Warp Henriettas arrlieil to-day. Won't fail tit seeurp a pattern at *1.00 |K-r yard, worth *1.-0. Ot'O. K. sflf KL A t'O. ♦ Ilia* k Gin (or female complaints. lilaek Dili for Bright’s disease of the kidneys. Black Hin for backache. SMALL TALL Minor Matters of Interest Briefly and Pithily Told. Tkekk was no Police Court, yesterday morning. It is said the Bellaire nail works will go ou next week. Wild ducks were seen in the river, ini front of the cit, vyesterday. Foi u deeds of trust was admitted to record by Clerk Hook, yesterday. The Widow Bedott was presented at the Opera House last evening. It will be seen agaiu tiiis evening. The "Friendly Eight" will give one of their enjoyable imps at (lennania Hall this evening. Mayer's orchestra will play. The sower at the intersection of South Front and Fink streets caved in yesterday morning, front ilm effts ts of the heavy rain. A m \m;not: license was yesterday issued to James A. Rankin, of Indiana county. Pa., aged 22. and Emuiu Baker, a native of Wheeling, aged 21. Anoi'T six o’clock last evening oue of the employes of the Belmont blast furnace was seriously burned on the back by hot cin ders falling on him. Tin; Board of Commissioners mill moot, this morning. :it ten o'eloek in executive session, for the purjwse of selecting u plan for the new jail building. Mr. Frank Snw\i requests the state ment that there is no truth in the rumor referred to yesterday about his taking | charge °f the Windsor Hotel. It is (leorge Seiliert instead of t'hurles 1 Seibert wlio lias taken tip his resideucoin Philadelphia. Mr. t’harles Seihcrt will continue in business in Wheeling. 1 r is likely the list of the grand jury, which is to meet Monday, will not he pub lished before the convening of Court, as a number of changes are to be made. Tim popular social organization, known as the "Alphas," will give their fifth select dance at Muenuerchor Hall this evening. ■ and Killmcyer will make the music.' Filings will soon lie here in bis tour around the "World in a Chariot of Song." This will he a notable event and i no one should fail to see and hear Mr. Philips. Tnt:iu; will be a meeting of the Alumni Association of Ritchie School on to-mor row evening preparatory to a public per formance and banquet to be held at the dose of term. (Sknerai. Wakner and others interested , in the Ohio Valley Railroad Company have i opened a permanent office at Bellaire. and bids have tieeu asked for the grading and i construction of the road as far as Pow 1 hatau. Mr. Ki:i:i«.n;. the efficient ox-Supcrin tcndcut of the Wheeling Park Association, fiu- lieen put in charge of the grounds at Mt. Bcllevicw by Mr. Anton Keymann. aud | has a force of men at work getting things in shajH* for spring. Tin; Kirkwood Athletic Association will ! give a ball to-night at their club rooms, which will dose the season, and a uumtier of Wheeling people expect to go over. The 0|iera House orchostra will s(>eil and a i supper will be served. Ln.n I'NiNo struck the M. E. church at East Liverpool and damaged ii to the ex tentof Tiic lightning also struck the Republican candidate for Mayor, and John W. Hull, the Democrat, was elected by'■.*» majority. A Democratic Council man was also elected. Mi-- Anna II. Brow n. of Steubenville, who has Ihou lying seriously ill at the resi dence of her sister, Mrs. John Frew, for some weeks pas’, from the effects of a se ven.1 surgical operation undergone by her some time since, died lust evening. Funeral services will l*>‘ h.eld at the Frew residence this afternoon at .’I o'clock, and the remains will be taken to Steubenville on the -trio I train for interment. ; A i KRTirn a rr. of incorporation has been : issued by Secretary of Stale Walker to the Eureka Oil and (las Company. The com pauy is organized for the purpose oi bor-1 ing for oil aud gas. conducting a general : I business in those products and for eon-. strueting a pip" line from Newport, Ohio, across the Ohio River to Belmont, and ] thence to Eureka. The stockholders are. principally Parkersburg men. Tin manufacturers of lire day products of this region complain that the published reports that they had sold out body and | i breeches to a British syndicate, has done them a great deal of harm in the way of , lost customer ■. This report was telegraph led all over the country, and it can readily } i he seen that cutomers, who had become ■ jiersonal friends of the several concerns, will not follow the Impulse of friendship to continue business ivlatious. h'.imt Lirri'inml i'ri*ik. — - ♦ Till- is the best time of the whole \ear to purify your blood, heeattse now : : you are more snseeptible to henelit from ; medicine than at any other season. Hood’s Sarsaparilla is the best medicine to take, and it is the most eeniintnieal 100 I loses (l||e I hdltir. Oil The Mills well at Porter Falls, Tyler county, and which was bored some time ago. is all nailed up so that visitors cannot ascertain what is going on. It is said to be a good producing well. Middlcbourne and Tavlorstown parties will commence boring within a half mile of Middlclmurne. provided they can secure moiv leases in the neighborhood, or enough to justify tin1 probable risk of lioring. SaaiI‘i.i> of Dr. Milt s' Restorative Nerv ine at tho Logau Drug t’o.'s, R B Hurt's. and Bowie Bros.. Bridgeport.. (t. t'liros Headache. .Nervousness. Sleeplessness. ■ Neuralgia. Fits. cte. - Cut 1‘iTces. i This week we offer; Loii'dale Muslin at 7! e. worth loc. Ladies’I’hoiee Muslin at 7'..e. worth! I IOC. Four-quarter Fnbleaehed Muslin at t'4c, worth 7e. indigo Blue Calico at j|;C, worth 7c. Lancaster (iingliaiu at tiLr. worth sc. Merrimac Light Calico at l*ic, worth I j tie, Linen Crash at .V.c. worth 8e. Dress Binghams at worth He. to-1 Bleached Sheeting at 1 '.»«■. worth to-4 I'nbleaehed Sheeting at 17r. worth 2.’!e. Challh's at .*»e, worth 10c. Look at big ad for rut prices in 1 »r*— ' G.Is. Stom -v Thom vs. Hroii ,1. Why it: has removed Lis' furnishing goods store to No. 2127 Mar ket street, where he lias a very line stock of goods in Lis line. 1*1111 If Pull.Ilfs tiekets can be re served at House’s mush* store from to day. _ \-U Your trieml- About It. Your distressing cough cun tie cured. We ktiow it because Kemp’s Balsam with in the past few years has cured so many coughs and colds in this community. Its remarkable sab* lias boon won entirely by its genuine merit. Ask some friend who has used it what he thinks of Kemp s Balsam. There is no medicine so pure, none so effective. Large bottles !>0c ami *1 at all druggists’. Am: you aware that you can buy the finest ijuulityof fruits that overcame t<* ,tb<“ city at prices no higher than you have been paying heretofore for com mon grades’.* The place where yon can do this is at No. 1020 Main street, when Louis La-karis, the Fruit King, holds forth bis stock of Oranges, including the following celebrated brands: Wash ington Naval Seedless. Riverside, Blood. Oval. Messina. King and Florida. Also tine Pineapples. Bananas, etc. Order by telephone promptly attended to. Telephone No. i. L. S. (! non sells Drytiootls the cheapest, T.verw. the photographer, 1121 Main street, has made extensive improve ments at his gallery, and is now better prepared than ever for producing line work. Mr. Tappan Is making a spec ialty of |.ifc-si/.e Crayon Portraits, and at his gallery many lieautlful specimens are on exhibition, which arc attracting a great deal of attention. It will pay you to call and see tin m. Lawk-. if you want ease, style and service in your foot wear, call and see our glove-titting shoe before purchasing elsewhere. H. 0. Hoff. 1143 Main Street. | Tut Bag Sale at Durst’s this after noon and evening willin’ very unhyuc ami entertaining, i ♦ tin t: u> a guess on tin- bean jar. H. 0. Hoff. 1143 Main Stru t. THE NEWS OF THE DAY. A. Egerter III. Mr. A. C. Egerter is lying dangerously ill at his residcni-e on Chaplfne street, amt last evening there was great anxiety as to his condition among his friends. Enquiry at the residence last evening elicited the information that there was no marked change in the patient's condition. A Pleasant Affair. The Bachelor Club gave one of its enjoy- , able hops at Franzheim's Hall, last even-. ing. for which Prof. Killmever furnished . the music. The affair was one of the most | enjoyable and successful in the history of the club, aud a number of visitors were present. Supi»er was sensed at Van Kni ivii's at II o'clock, after which dancing was resumed and continued until an early ; hour this morning. Men Who Arc Wanted. Chief of Police Delbruggc has received from Chief of Police .1. W. Sehiuidt, of Cleveland, a photograph and description cf B. K. Barrett, a piano dealer and forger, for whom -slui reward is offered. A photograph and description of Fred. Maher is nisi, sent by K. W. McCV.uigUey. SuiM-rintendcnt of the Pennsylvania indus trial School at Huntingdon, Vu. Fifty dollars reward is offered. ••The Had Hoy" To-night. Commencing to-night, ami continuing for the rest id' the week. Miss Kittie Khiudi- will present "Tom Sawyer" at the Grand 0|>cru House. Miss Rhoades' impersonation of the "Bad Boy" in this comedy is celebrated as being very clever. New songs ami dances are introduced dur ing the action of the play and good special ties put on Last night "dess, the Romp.'' was the hill. Seats are on sale at Weir's. Not Vet Decided. The Chesapeake and Ohio failed to as sume charge of the Kanawha and Ohio Railway as was expected, for the reason I that the sale of the K.(>. has not lieen I confirmed. It was expected that the sale would lie confirmed by the United States Court Saturday or Monday, but as far as can be learned the sale had not then liceu contirmed. so that it may be suvcral days 1 yet before the C. O. lakes charge. 1 u the meantime the K. \ t>. employes are hopeful that something may yet turn up by ! which they will retain their positions. Tin* Case of Edward Kunt/. 1 It was ascertained yesterday that Mr. Edward Kunt/., whoso arrest and arraign, incut lieforc Justice W. 11 Davis was rc ' ferred to in the Ui oisti it. was discharged at the costs of the • oinpl .iiiant. j Mr. Kunt/ called at this office yestcrJ.iv aud slated that lie was not near the build | ing occupied by Fluccus Bros., but the j cause of his arrest was a visit he paid to Mr. Caldwell's shop for the purpose of re moving his own tools, air. Caldwell charged h'm with when hit iMr. Kuutz) had not tns->i notified to keep off the premises. I nfuii!iil«‘<l K«*port.;. It is authoritatively stated that the cur rent reports about offers of large sums hav ing been made to the Broekunier Brothers, for their interests in the Two Brothers oil well, are not well founded. There had Iks-ii no offer of .-'.‘.*>,000 made before tin* well was brought it. uorof *100.000 or any other sum since that interesting event. These reports are the nut oral result of the excitement i prevailing over the news from the oil lields, ' and an* to he expected as the natural out growth of the prevailing and increasing iie ’ tercst. II Always lias lireil the Rule. To th* K'lUor of tht Siu: In reply to the writer of eomiuuni tioil signed X. in yesterday s Rkiii»tkh. would siiv that the conductors of the Wheclingaud Elm Grove Railway have positive Instructions to preserve order on all tin*trains, and if at any time they are net within ear shot of any improper tails or noise, it is only ... for passengers to notify the eonduetnr to have proper order enforced, and if the conductor does not do so the management would he thank ful to have him reported at the office of the company. It is not only the desire but to the interest of the company to make travel on the road pleasant uini enjoyable. E. J. Re Secretary. Resol nt ions of Respects. The following preamble and resolutions were adopted by Bricklayers' I niou. No. 1. of West Virginia. It. .v Nl I N of A. at a special meeting held April ft, Wiieiik v- the Supreme Architect of the universe in hisiutinite wisdom has seen fit to remove our from midst by death our highly esteemed and well beloved fellow crafts man. (1. W. Rumble, whose integrity and loyalty to our Institution has endeared him to all hearts, therefore bo it ItCMilenl. That by the death of Brother (I. W. Rumbleourorganizatioii has lost one edits oldest and most efficient members whose counsels will be sadly missed among us. and the community a respected ami highly esteemed <4tizcu and his bereaved family a fond father and a ItGoved hus band. And be it further /,*. -o/tvd, That we tender the family our heartfelt sympathies in this their hour of sad calamity, also aneugrossedeopy of these resolutions he given them, and also that these resolutions l>e spread on the proceed ings of this organization and that they lie given to the citv press for publication. ,1. G. Bum. W. A. J.\( (IBs. W. t-. II (Ml l.l< in ♦ Don't lA|M*rimt*nt \% it It tin* Throat ami Lillies, l m* only tit** old brand 1»a* kkr's l*ri:i: Col* Livi i: On. or l. vki:i:*~ Kmi i.siox. All druggists. A for everybody at the Benctit Bag Sale this afternoon. Allot t rKori.K. The Dail y Chronicle of I lie Mot rineiit* of I ii «I i \ iiluul*. Capt. KoUtI MeEldownev. of New Mar t.insville, was up yesterday. William Youngmun mid son David, are visiting friends at Short Creek. Miss Kate Welch, of Pittsburg, is visit iug her sister, Mrs. E E. Howlev on the South Side. Senator N. 11. Scott left for Chicago yes terday afternoon lie will go thence to New York and will he gone a week or ten days. Mr. and Mrs. Fred W. Seymour and daughter Sara, left yesterday for Newark. Ohio, where they will visit friends for a few days. Mr. Louis Hust'innn. of the 0[s-ra House baud, who has only been sick for a few days, was retorted so ill last night that his life is despaired of. A number of Miss Maggie Thomas' friends tendered her a surprise partv at her home on the Island, Tuesday evening. Dancing, euchre, vocal and instrumental music were the features of the evening. John l.Vuvorau, of Wheeling, member of the Executive Hoard of tip' A. F. (I. W F . and also a member of the West Virginia Legislature, was in Pittsburg yesterday. He says that the West Virginia Legisla tutv has passed several labor laws, among them one limiting the employment of child labor, lie is confident that the V heeling’ trades unions will win their strike. Tilt* hury Tini". Mr. M E. Tracy, theis.pularclerk of the Stort/. House, resigned his position last week, and will make his future home iu Wheeling. We are sorry to lose "Mike." as he was a model young man. and made a host of friends duriug his four years'stay in our town. He was a straight Democrat, and he was much talked of as a Democratic nominee for the House of Delegates this fall. We wish hint well in hi> new home, and much success in life Tniut n.o.unf ItroMrr. It is understood Mr. Tracy will connect himself with the New York Life Insurance office here, of which Dr. W. H. Curry is manager. Only ten piece- more of that *ilk Warp Henrietta at 91.00 per yard, worth 91.30. Don't mis* tlii- bargain. CKO. E. STIFKI. A t'O. File*! File*! File*! Dr. Williams' Indian Pile Ointment is the only sure cure for Blind, Bleeding or Itehing Pile* ever discovered, it never fails to cure old chronic eases of long standing. .Indue Coons, Mavsville. Ky.. says: "•Dr. William’s Indian Pile Ointment cured me after years of suffering." For sale at Logan A Co.'s. Look out* Hurlo-yc Extract, are t-n the siad And coming in by the car load. They're on every’tongue and in every hand. For they are fln'e-t in the ! md. Ask your grocer for them New popular sizes. (iolnr Fast and Easy. Our own make men’s ealf shoes at s-y.oo. former priee S'*.-ML J. II. Lot'KK A Co. Silk Warp Henrietta, worth 91..10 per yard for®1.00. Last lot arrived \e»tcr tlay. t-KO. E. STIFEI. A CO. CASE REVERSED. THE SUPREME COURT MAKES AN IMPORTANT DECREE In a Case Possessing a Good Deal of Interest—A Sketch of the Matter in Con troversy. Clerk Mitchell, of the Circuit Court, has received from Clerk (). S. Long, of the Su preme Court of Appeals, information that the ease of Uiehard S. Radeliff. plaintiff be low. v. Geo. W. Poundstone. el al.. defen dants below, with John W. Carrothers. ap pellaiit. had been referred back to the Ohio County Circuit Court for further pro ceedings. The case, which was tried be fore Judge Jacob, in Decemlier, I""", is quite an interesting one. involving some very itieequestions of law and fact. It canic up before the Supreme Court on ap peal obtained bv Marv A. Poundstone, and was divided April I"l. R S. KadelilT 1 elulmed in his bill tiled in saiil suit that he formed a partnership with Geo. W. Pound i stone, of Pennsvlvaniu. for the purpose of j buying and selling coal on the Mononguhela and Ohio rivers, equui amounts of money to be furnished. KadelilT was to manage the business. It was further claimed t hat at the time the partnership was formed Radeliff was indebted to (lco \V. Pound stone and wife in the sum of £t.-.’4n. evi > deueeil by a note. It was agreed that Kad j cliff should supply funds to Poundstone for the business and that one half such money should lx- charged against the note and credited on it. Plaintiff advanced (Hi.iym.ks, hut defendant declined to enter tin* one-half as a credit on the note, hut as signed the note to ilk- Discount and De l«isit Bank of Brownsville.aud was by it for warded to the National Bank of Fairmont for collect ion, and in l"77l, Juhu W. Carroth ers. surety on the note, paid the amount ami took it up. Plaintiff claimed that hav ing fully paid such note, he was entitled to it long before its payment by Carrothers, and t hat the proceeds of the note in posses sion of the Fairmont bank were subject to plaintiff's equity. In answering the bill, Mary A. Pouud stone denied al! the matcriul allegations. The case was referred to it coinmissiouer, to i settle the partnership accounts, and the Court decided that plaintiff was entitled to ivcover from Coo. \V. Poundstone>ct.7s7.1.-t, and that the fund, attached in possession of i the Fairmont Bank was in equity subject to the payment thereof. From this decree. | Mary A. Poundstone obtained an appeal on Deccmlvr .*?, lsso, and on the ."ith of April the apiN-ul was decided, reversing the de j eree of the Circuit Court of Marion. This was entered in the Circuit Court of Marion on May lb. l"t. and on July s, issl. Mur.v A. Poundstone had the ease i redocketed. Numerous depositions were taken, and amougother things it was shown that-Skid of the money was paid the Fair mont Bank, on May'”. 1"7<>. to Janie- Mor row. Jr., and on September ff, H7il, >1!,r>U0 was paid to R. S. Radeliff. and the cause having Ixvn transferred to theOhio county ; court, a decree was entered holding that the Fairmout Bank was not liable to the demand of Mary A. Poundstone, or the others, the money having been paid over in ! good faith, and decreeing that the plaintiff R. S. Radeliff and the defendant, John \V. Carrothers. should pay said Mary A Poundstone s.'>.ss7 with interest." and that she recover from Radeliff. with interest, and dismissed the bill of ; Radeliff with costs. From this decree John \V. Carrothers ob taimsi an ap|H-al to the Supreme Court, i which reverses the deeive and remands the case to the Cireuit Court of Ohio county i for further proceeding. ! Firs, spasms. St. Vitus dance, nervous ness and hysteria are anon cured by Dr. Miles’ Nervine. Fm samples at Logan ' DrugCo’s.. R. II Burt's, and Bowie Bros.. 1 Bridgejiort. (». Don't fail to travel ••Around the World in a Chariot of .sonu" with Philip Phillips, at Zaue Street Chureli, April ! 11 to P.i. Ei.kcti:i< Limit will produce more bread than any Hour in the market. The Friendly Eight will give their tir-. , grand select halt at Hcrimniia Hall. Thursday evening, April 10. Music l»v Mayer's full orchestra. A good time is anticipated. Everybody invited. Wi: have the nobbiest line of Men's j Shoes in the city. Call and be con 1 vlneed. h. o. iioKK. 1 HI! Main Street. -o Ik voti want the best, always buy Elect!Ic Eight Flour. -a. Auction Mill'. There will he an auction sale of Road • 'arts. Plows, I ceil t ut tors. Pumps. Cut lery. Mechanics' Tool-. Fertilizers. Hen-' era I Hardware, etc., at lo5l Market -treet. Wheeling. W. Va.. eoiunieneing mi Saturday. April P.'. !*'.»<•. at lOo'eloek a. in. In the meantime, said goods will I.tiered for sale tit prices lower than ■ can be found elsewhere. .1. 15. SoMKItV II.I.! . Assll!nee. W. II. II vi.i.kis, Auctioneer. K\( I IC-ION To \V:i«!iingtnii. II. vl i I*. A O. Tbtirsilay. April 17th. the 15. ,V <>. ; will sell excursion lick. l< to Washing ton. I). ami Raltiniore ;it *ln for the round trip, good returning ten days from date <>f sale, with through sleep ing car from Wheeling on the ti:2<) p. in. ; train. For particulars enquire of 15. ,x O. ticket agents. Xotiiim. like Eleetrie Light Flour a to quality in this market. When* They An* To Locke's for a pair of their own * make men's calf at 'hoe- reduced i from *ai. si ll FI. & CO.'S silk Warp Henrietta at AI .OO per yurt I. hut iio «*«| mil in t lit* cily. DIED. ItKoVV X On Wislic -.lay eveiiing. Vpril nth. 0 s :ai n'eliN'k. Mi— Anna II. Ilmc.i \ in lilt- sMtll year Of lie.- age. Funeral -erviee- lit the resident.. John Frew Nil HI K'lorteenili street, t!■ i— afieriuHiii si :t oV|,M*k. Remain- will Is- taken o, Sieuls-ii-| \ ill** uti I 'J* ir.iin i I’lti'lmrg. Whi-elim: and Kentucky fur iii'-nicht Friend- "f i the family invited. LARGE NEW STOCK! OUR SPRING STOCK I-now in and we are displaying an im mense variety of NEW FABRICS for the coming season, including many rare and Beautiful Effects in the Latest Shades. Special attention i- directed to our magnificent assortment of Black and Colored Silks French Henriettas! French and Herman Novelties, and Plain Hre-s Hoods, -LINEN A111J WHITE GOODS Large and attractive line, and at very low prices, of Hosiery and Gloves. SPECIAL SALE. 1.000 40x20 All Linen Towels at... 12'jC 50 Pieces Beige Dress Goods at... 5c 25 Dozen Ladies* Ribbed Vests at..I0c We do not advertise goods at less than cost, nor limit you in quantity, hut sell with a small margin. Egger, Warrick & Co., 1132 MAIN STREET. ntrlfl ilm* AMici-lioemcnta. DIOR RENT THREE ROOMS IIOtSEtT.N a trally located. Inquire of \\. II IIAU.KIt. km* Market Street Ur INI BD -GIRL TO DOGEXF.R IL H i ’ work. Apply at 1UB Fourteenths!. aptis 1.1 ok IM S : \v oi l H i: st IT IDLE I OR r brokerage or light btisiue*i*. Address IISJ i Water street. aplbl | N SEASON. Persian Insect Powder. Pure, fresh hit. .lust th“ thing for use in hous. j i cleaning. Moth Marbles. Tariue Moth [lag- . Itolll > \.•client lireventhes. McLAIN BROTHERS. Iiruggi-!-. n|.!0 t • r. Twelfth un.l Mark* t Sts. YOUR We will offer for a short time only, all grades of IViost !<\vs'(VI cforatod Silk Warp llrnri etlav at the price of in ferior grades. Please bear in mind, there's a vast differ ence between the wear of Priesleys' Heriettas and that of any other make. uT; Examine our *|»eei;il Mark silk Warp Henrietta at Hi rent* a yurt!. GEO. M. Sijook&C®. STATE LINE To Glasgow, Belfast, Dublin and Liverpool. i FROM NEW YORK EVERY TIIFRsHAY’. I * .Mil |.;,.s ,g. STtli t.. : .•<•.irdiug to !• **alion ■ -f stateroom. E\eursion i*iy t<> ¥*.*). steemg. ! to and fr..m Eueoj** at l.ow* -1 Rato.*. AlSTIN IIAI.liU IN A ft).. UelleMl Agent.. .VI tir»adna>. Ne« Y • rk. | r \ St ’ll VFTER A ft), Fourteenth and Market Streets, .milN ll.UI.IE. Mcl.nre IF i—. ii.rtuTu.Th*Sntvb Wheeling W. Vn. iiAMUEL VV. BARKLEY, OK THg KANSAS CITV CASE CALL CLUH. iSSg. “ Havirr; used r.LO CS^SS OIL in my pre i dee this spring—cun say It is r.n excellent lini ment. I have never used one a* Ruud, and cheerfully rr. omraend it to Pall Players and Gymnasts, aad all others needinit a remedy uf this kind.'* S \V. BARKLEY, If Aee.’in-, llf. la., ifjr.h, Itey. to GERMAH-AMERICAH REMEDY CO. New York, U, S. A. — ■ Item ^bttrvtUrutmto, THE 1136 to 1140 Market St, You can’t do bettor than cm, , very early, Unlay—-That have an eye to ehcc|> g,**;._\ bargaini in Substantial, n i: fu rni tuiv — W li:it go. w|- U'. ff,. never had an cijual in price a;.,), this city-You cannot Sit interest Should you not must lie blind to practical o to \ Nil our Show rooms thi . and particularly 71 tunity we present our pair. t• a Seldom oivurrii;. one | 1‘iir.uot, ulTfid to overlook—— j ? si w\eiit \«> your own :nv:. >• hooves you to Come-Do 1 ■ - , I you read this, "I'll wait t.d j, I—Don’t {tostpoucComing- ]*, tioii is the thief of time ’l l. Conic the better—You’ll u-t:, ate this advice when you ivad f. • • our list of offerings for the w* • „ WIIKEUXC INSTALMENT ,, Say nothingi” • will place on sale Kift. 1 Plash Parlor Suit, in h rallies, with six phsvs in t .1 divan, or seven without, at on Eti du frt jtio VV ■ • ing knife of trade we\c twain- Combination Pi> -* i», „ ! worth and ■celling ut their value, should bring \ 1 ‘ morrow-These suits u •• j gems-Beautiful sj>e, .• !!i«dsterer’s art Suits th .1 1 not u nickel under .^’>0 in . : Suits that others ran*' 1 less-Ucmemlier, the . I f you want one, d. a • Nothing" ( ■ no a: i your select ion. WHEEI.IXC IX>TAI.\il.\ Prepare to !*• plca-cd t , Plush Parlor Suits ,| • > what will— Hair-Cloth 1* n eupy more Spaiv in 01 v than any other line of y' ( eaaiiv imagine from this v . • , s carry-You can Sec grinder assortment of t!.. displayed by any Coi.ihin> : v. 1 prices, too, that mv 1 ■> virtually irresistible \\. week twenty live <>■ Hair * ’loth Parlor Suit frames, with Seven pie, . • s:;o 00 a Suit le mem twenty-live of them, and .1 1 .<10.00 will not buy one n.. i . lor Suits such as we n . V Can’t Ik* Ixiught at any C...I, price-Come here.hov.i l, cash, we’ll Sell you one for - * here; our priee is the ts.u , . , —We liavt n’t any f un \ you will, for Cash or on 1 are the Same— s-’to.oo WIIEKMNC IXSAI.MI.M • We never do tilings h ,,i we say eonm licit* lmfon- u , . wo have good reasons foi vour interests at heart U • your wants and can supply tin dilion to our sale of Parlor S-.v our usual prices, we w ill , " sels Bugs worth <1.00 at on.. > — Brussels Mats that -• fiU cents, will sell here for t. at -id iVllts llpieei — -Kvervtl away down this vvis u —Con, - v. half their ivgulur price < , sold any way you wish, for eu.-h stui men I s ,\ small amount , enable you to hati* anything 1 The balance you can pay it, meats. WHEELING INSTALMENT t 1136 to 1140 gjrir Si. J oseph Mini ii^.i. OPEN AT M< ,i /'1IKSKY MK'OS. Practical Contractors and But!’ All lilllldin.' and •• rg ■liter »votk d i'i ■ *ln -Ut fir-l class m one - JAS II ' ,11 Arrlnicc- oid So;• riot ml, II!' ,. 1 lid f l.-lll'c N• f.' ;>'' 1353. SPRING. 1300. n 1 Ceiling Decorations s Siii l!r.nui Hi * ilk* f. .r . rlli Iim*»i M mu I.Un k - r «V •• M 1 I; • I.: 1 !•.... r* |..r I'-- Mrorlll 15 .n•! •.n- 7 IlMtl na.rtli ’Jti mil lirou/i aiiiI Cilt I1 ij»t« fur '£*• . «■ >rt*• .. ‘.iiui llr.i. i hi I (lilt l’:i|..r« f..r v. nli :<i a .1 . I’lain I' ll riil):ulel|iliia Ur.mli. v Kill.' Ilnti.l Ma i- r >)M r.. .ml . I' .r. M utmlialf tin- ii-iial An i ntiri' m« litm nf ll.iliy ('arrla^i'*, iiiWinlina tin-|M)U \IN<; I'AICI!I \' i: • ■ ■ SI.KKI'IM. OiAt'IMX Tli.up tli.' In «i i arria.i - in 11.. I i. it. I r" ri'tiiil at nlnik‘>a|i- . mUfklit NO S«3 TWELFTH STREET 34 Union Square, New York City, Aug. ^*1, 18' ? After a senes of tests at our F.lizabethportfactory, extendi', a heriod of several months, roe hare decided to use the WILLIMANTIC SIX-CORD SPOOR COTTON, lettering it to he the best thread r. :o in the market, ar t s recommend it to all agents, pure'a ■■ ar In «• of the Singer ! THE SINGER MANUFACTURING COq/PANj 1300 Main Street. Are Pioneers in the busi ness. We ran Furnish\"ii out and out. Kverythiiu*' necessary for llnu'el*rr|e ime ran he found in oiir Inunense Kstahlishnieiil. (■nods sold on easj Irrni' and at Low Price*. —WE— Sell Furniture, Carpets, Stoves, Ranges. Heaters, Gas and Oil Stoves, Baby Carriages, Refrigerators, Water-Coolers, Umbrellas, etc., etc. Remember, we do not expect yon to pay when you are sick or out of work. HOUSE AND