Newspaper Page Text
JOTjreling -Retpstfr. WEST VIRGINIA PRINTING CO.. PVBLKHCBa HB P«OMH*TUK» JAS. B. TANEY, General Manager. TEAMS: r» tul bt bail, rwTAai iiiiaib daily. *1% day* la IW- work * » DAILY, threw day* IB tlw eBook t * DAILY tv» day* la «h» vook S® DAILY, .ear elajr ta (hr work I SO M t Lhl.Y wm yomr. ta adraaco I * WEEKLY. ill BJaothx - A DELIVERED BY CARRIER DAILY. l»r eBook. tea hr paid *ookly IS DAILY a ad RTD.IY. p*r »t t» Th> DAILY atUbr AUaailY) nlf»t '* aay ulbrt cdty or 'o» a bl IS Slack Caado* of DAILY at W EEKLY » A^Trtbatoa ..f IUapc t aad Oh.’ aarj '^u«a 10 c*|U y*t I welt _____ ire •taaaaruBbBB. t cobtaibibm laruaraaT Aiwa auunTBD ran ataat rABT or I»I «■ antrOIM roLBTBt tUjrrod ruaiaiaalratloaa vtll aot h* wiararv aalaaa .oevaeaawd h> •aMrwat ^atac Malar* <4 taa draoaalaai » a a| Ivo eecaii ird to** aOAMrd lor aa*ut> too* lhaa uaae eh.-tar TU BEK 1ST KB. raalraiaae *• it roUrtd tt Ikt PottoJUt da S Uokot W. la. !• I ___ Wt bopr birtli Biiii' V* of I'uiKlI will have a full quorum iw-nnki. The , amount of important business awaiting | action Is unusual aixl causing much dis content. Thk ryclou. is still at work. h i lat est appearance wa» In IVnn*ylvanlu. Tbere will U* another cyclone, of a |s*lit cal nature, in the Keysioue Slat*- -hort ly which will circulate especially through Mr. Mtnns i^rav's mus tache. It is ■•ugg.' that ft ^ ice President Mokton would put up the price of ruui from 50 to 40 cents a *1 rink there would be more total abstainers in Washington. That might lx*, but we believe Shaker lit i i> would have no trouble in s**eing a majority in Congress who would down the proposition—aud the rum. Cot'KctL should not fail to pass the IM'uding night soil ordinance • without further delay. Itisa vast improvement over tho present slip-shod gb-as-you plcase, irresponsible an.l imperfect method. Its operation will cost less to the tax payer aud insure a far better sanitary condition to the city— two very important requisites. THE HON. UBORiiK VV. WRESTLES WITH THE TAHITI-. The Hon. (ikorok W. Atkinson has finally collared an opportunity to un bosom himself upon the tariff in the Ifccoivl. It was impossi ble for him to do it during a daylight session when all the members wen* present, so he accomplished the feat during a night session—an institution al lowing members who cannot otherwise deliver speeches t«« the House to inflict them on each other, or simply have them priuted in the Hti-ont. Mr. Atkinson, taking advantage of this, lias worked his 1**** campaign speech into an eulogy of the McKinley hill, and the faithful Intilli'irnnr repro duces it. After au introduction, the West Vir ginia statesman proclaims himself a •protectionist from principle.” and dives hcadloug Into the bill. He goes -mack against a snag in the first sen tence. If he had his way he “would restore the wool tariff of 1***V7." Here he runs foul of Mr. ISueink aud his own home organ which endorsed III..vine's policy of trade reciprocity or free trade with South and Central America, whence comes the bulk of our uu|>ortcd wool. Nothing daunted, how ever. the able statesman caroms off and butts Mr. McKinley hard in the region of his wind by declaring that he “would place a duty high enough on sugar to encourage the grow th of cam* and beets out of which to produce every pound of sugar that could be possibly consumed by the American people.” The Hon. Hkokue W. declares that the tariff isn’t a tax and valiantly defies any IVmocrat to dispute it. Mr. McKinley, in his report, declares that the tariff is a tax on every American who uses sugar, which should In* taken off and a direct bounty on home-made sugar of two cents a pound substituted, to lie paid to the sugar trust, and tin* American people allowed cheaper sugar. Wc leave the bold West Virginian and Mr. McKinley to fight it out on the question whether the tariff is a tax or not, and juiss on the next proposition of Mr. Atkinson. After ineorjairatlng three-quarters of a column—in the fit tellbl'-m'er's type—of his Ns speech, go ing hack to 17s*.i. to show that this coun try ha> always been prosperous under a high tariff, and poverty-stricken un der a low tariff, which lias been so often shown to In* not only false, but tin* very reverse of true, that the subject has grown to be a wearisome chestnut, the Hon. liEom.E W. makes this . rushing statement: I hold in mv hand a price list takcu from the ledger of'Hewitt, Kuffucr A Co., a mer cantile tinu in the llreat Kanawha Valley of my State, as far buck as l SC. a time when we were living under revenue tariff. Prices iu that old ledger were given upon forty - one different articles, which were needed then as now in every home. Then Mr. A. proceeds to quote the prices, which, of course, were far above those of to-day. We wouldn't accuse so nice a man a> Mr. Atkinson of know ingly and pro meditated I y acting the demagogue, so that we can only assume that he is ignorant of the world's com mercial evolution since is.'tT. Then our manufacturers had nothing like the facilities they have to day. * either for manufacturing or transjiorting their goods when manu factured. The tariff did not cause the astonishing improvements that have boon mad* in machinery since 1*37. Science and inventive genius did that. The tariff did not cause the old road wagon of 1*37 to be supplanted by the fast freight train of to-day. The inven tor of the locomotive did that. To charge the reduction in the price of I manufactures since 1*37 to the tariff is to say that our vastly Improved ma chinery. which enables one man with its aid. now to do what 100 men could not do tiftv years ago. and our equally vast-, lv improved, cheapened and increased transportation facilities all go for naught. Mr. Atkinson doesn't believe that. or. at least, he wouldn't if he would stop ami think for one brief moment. This is the chief argument of the blind worshippers at the high tariff shrine, and the average sehool-bov of ten year of age who looks into the matter cau see that it has not even the shadow of foun dation. To •‘how more fully and com pletely the falsity and absurdity of the thiug we Mini only point out the fact that our present system of tariff tax ation was not begun till 1*,;1 and then not for protection but to raise money to carry ou the war. The Hon. Mr. A. sticks to it. how over, that it is all owing W> the tariff ■ and after dilating upon that absurd notion he flies off at a tangent and cites an instance to show that the tariff is not a tax paid by the American consamer. He says: Onlv a week or so ago tw* schooners sailed into New York harbor They were loaded with fresh mackerel One of these U hlMawri was a Canadian veanel—the other an A men. an Bcfnte the Canadian isvuld unload hi« .VM barrels of mackerel be was re^uiml to pay a duty of fci on each barrel for the privileged competing withourown fl»h**nnen in the New York markets. The American. of course, was not required to pay anv duty Now. if the consumer pays the tariff duty the Canadian must receive for hi* mackerel *i more per barrel than the American Is this corrts-t or falsef The fact i*. the t received slo a barrel for his mackerel, which is precisely the amount the A men.-an ns-eired for his the prtie fixed by the American market N.*w. then, did the Canadian take away with him Its a barrel <*r h* a barrel. f«*r hi» product • Kverr man who has as much seusc as a peewee knows that he would take only m a hamd with him. be cause tw*. and not the consumer. had to par the tariff duty of K a barrel, t- r the privi lege of the American market. We confess to not being ou very iu I tun an- U-rtu- with tin* “pnwm*.” tmt if tIh- "peewee-* 1. a - ito more sense than n> !»• taken in by such an illustration, we ha\< no desire to form a closer in timacy with it for |»nr|»nsc> of intel lectual improvement. Will Mr. Atkinson pleas*- step upou the atand and again inform us how much the «'anadian*' barrel of maekeral costs before the custom* bou«e ofliccrs levy on it? Eight dollars. Verv good. How much docs it cost after passing the custom house? Ten dollars. Very good. If it were not for the duty it would cost but ss, would it not, Mr. Atkin son? Yes, but then, the American lislier erman couldn’t compete That’s all very well and possibly true, Mr. Atkinson, but we arc naw speaking of who pays the tariff tax, the Canadian fisherman or the American consumer, if it were not for the tax the American consumer could buy his mackeral for >■> barrel ! from the Canadian. With the tax lie must pay *10. So. Mr. Atkinson, does i not the American consumer pay that *? tax. and not tin* Canadian fishermen who simply adds it on to the price of ids barn-1 of mackeral? You bail better step down Mr. A„ , and consult your "peewee" again oil , this point. Tln-re i> a great deal to Mr. Atkin son-' speech, which we have not space this morning to consider. H<- does up the tariff in all colors, from the brilliant and startling Vermillion to the sublimely sad and sombre drab, winding up with a quotation of standard poetry beginning: Sail ou. thou glorious ship of State; popularized by M< (Ji'kfy’s reader. Hut perhaps the most poo tic and soiil stirring portion is that which the Inhl l*lin<*i * telegraph editor sub-heads "A Picture of Wheeling’* Industries," which begins; Mr. Speaker, not long ago I stood upou the summit of Wheeling Hill. It was 10 o'clock at night. The s.t-ne before me was indescribably grand. To my right, across the maguificent Ohio, as she swept by in her ever-wandering way to the sea. Hashed the flames from factories and forges as they kissed the skies Down through the thriv ing citv of Wheeling the Nail City of the West I could hear tin- rattling roll of ma chinery, and could see the bright Humes belching from the tops of tali chimneys, which have given that citv a first rank among the manufacturing' cities of the con tinent. it might he pertinent to ask what on earth tie- honorable gentleman was do ing on the top of W heeling Hill at Hi o'clock at night, but we shall not in quin- into that; if any middle-aged gen tleman wants to risk catching his death of cold by roaming about the top of Wheeling Hill at l<» o’clock at night, j that is his business. The scene from there is certainly “indescribably grand,” especially tin- inde-, scribable part. which could better be described, perhaps, iu day light when it could be seen. We have j only one uitkiai to make upon Mr. Atkinson's (tooth-ally stirring descrip tion. That about the maguificent Ohio sweeping iu her ever-wandering course to the sea is all right, and so is that j about the Hashing flames from fac- , lories and forges kissing the skies; but what sort of ear-trumpet ; did this honorable night wan derer us.- to “hear the rattling roll of machinery” at 10 o'clock at night from the top of Wheeling hill? I rue. the crematory may have been iu opera tion at that time, but that is one of our noil-protected industries, and this Con gress would not be interested in the question whether its machinery rattled and rolled, or not. The next time Mr. Atkinson makes a night Journey to the top of Wheeling Hill he should take a dark-lantern and a policeman along and beware of watch dogs. A night-glass might bo servicea ble. too. Hut we would advise Mr. A. to make his next trip iu the day time. SCIEXCK OK HALL! CINATIONS. Almost every person has had some time during his career, to a greater or less extent, mental deviations, common ly known as hallucinations, lltesc in dividual manifestations are frequently recited with fervor by the favored ones, but like ordinary dreams, “lictitious and full of contradiction," seldom have much weight with Others not in sym pathy with the cause, unless there are certain coincident features or contem poraneous dates to substantiate the story. And it is a singular fact, that while the great body of scientists have for a long time contended that these phenomena were due to natural ami physical causes, or to the delusions of a G«< a y Bottie otV1 WOLFF’^ ACME DO AS I 010 BLACKING " And clean your Shoes WITH A SPONGE in place of a Brush. EVERY Housewifa EVERY Count rg Roonri EVERY Carr age Q.s^er EVERY Tty ‘tJ Mechanic EVERY Bcoj a to hold a brush SHOULD USB «iu Stain Oto a ncw fuNNiTv** Varnish «iu Stain <iu»i ano Cninawaac a( f/if stain Tinatank same •at Stain vow* Oi© Saaacta S*SW, w,lL Stain Sant a Coach ana WOLFF & RANDOLPH. PhUadelphls. Ar* m Pm»*i OA*i /\rx.,AiJ»v jbr«L di**<a*o<i brain in a physically wrecked j body, certain It i*. there have been ^ m»re than once, manifestation* under sued attending circumstance* a* to al- j nn>'t conclusively prove the fact of such existence. With a view to analyzing j this Interesting psychological problem, j the following letter from a well known educator, which ha* been sent over the world, will he read with interest by our reader*: To 'h* Editor of the fUguttr: l>r*n Sir:—May I ask for the publicity | '•t vour page* to aid me in procuring co oix-ration in a scientific investigation for which I am rotqxinsibie' I refer to the i , ■ HathK tnothau, which was begun v,-ur* ago by the “Society for Psy . •. cwl Ke*earoh," and of which the lnter nati,.nai Congress of Experimental Psy chology at Paris, last summer, assunnsl th<- future responsibility, naming a commit- | t,,. ,n . a, h oountrr to carry on the work. The object of the inquiry is twofold: first, to get a mass of facts about halluct- ; . .t.s which mav serve a* a basis for a ri. if these phenomena; and.! *,,.,t,d to ascertain approximately the j rt ion >■’ persons who have had such ex periences. Until the average frequency of j hallucinations in the community is known, it can never be decided whether the so- i called -veridical" hallucinations (visions or other “warnings" of the death, etc., of iRMple at a distance* which are so froqucxit ly reported. are accidental coincidences or j something more. . Some t\i*JO or more persons in England, I Prance and the United States have already returned answers to the question which | heads the jiension slieets, ami which runs j as follows: ••/birr you ever, when completely awake, hint .t rit id impression of beiny touched I'll a liriny loiny or inanimate object, or of heariny a voire: uliivlt impression, so jar as yon could discover, was not due to any external physical eaufit" The “Congress” hopes that at its next meeting, in England, in 1'irJ. as many as aO.OOU answers may have been collected. It is obvious that for the purely statistical in quiry, the answer “-Vo" is as important ns the answer 1 have bceu appointed to superintend the ceusus in America, and 1 most earnestly bespouk the co-operation of any among your readers who mav i>e actively interested in t he subject. It Is clear that very many vol unteer canvassers will be needed to secure success. Each census blank contains in structions to the collector and places for twenty-live names; ami special blanks for the "Yes" cases are furnished in addition. 1 shall lie most happy to supply these j blanks to any one who will bo good enough j to make application for them to Yours truly. iPuoKE'SOR) Wm. James, Harvard University, Cambridge, Mass. II.INHINO. Fi I 'HIM.. Ohio, May 1J. On Saturday evening the vicinity southeast of town was visited bv a cyclone. At the residence of Maria Walker trees were uprooted, and Albert Conrows fomvs were blown about. The first annual conimenooment of the High School will lie held Friday evening I of this week in the M. E. church. The] graduates are Flora \\ illiains, Bertha ; Sultzerand Maude Judkins. I The address to the class will bo delivered bv J. W. Hollingsworth. Esq. K. E. Denvers, of Belluire. special agent of the Pythian Beneficial Association, was in town Saturday, and wrote three policies for bis company. M 1>. Morris, the efficient teacher at No. 1. lias been employed by Moses Lewis »V Co., of Cleveland, to canvass for their pop ular subscription books the coining year. Mrs. James B. Henderson is visiting friends here preparatory to joining her hus band in their new Western home. Those who were working for the new pike from here to Morristown are still jubi lant, and say it will come, although the “boss'* is aguiust it. Work lias begun on the new hall. It will be a fine building. by 40 feet, with the latest improvements. ] Nature should bo assisted in the spring to throw oif the heaviness of the sluggish winter circulation of ihe U blood. Nothing Cs THE JoCS it so well, so j 0.0/5/A//' prompt or so safely 0/ /i7/Y (7. as Swift’s Specific. I lmve used S. S. S. for a number of veare, and consider it the b< >t tonic and blood remedy that I ever used. In fact | I would not attempt to enter upon a sprin'' or summer in this climate with out it. H. W. Coleman, Of Coleman, Ferguson & Co.. Dade City, Fla. Our book on Flood and Skin Diseases 1 mailed free. Swift Specific Co.. Atlanta, Oa DIED. HUMS it Irw in. l*ii.. on Sunday morning. M.u II. 1«M. Maiiy I. Mem BANT. Wife of J.i-. M. Ad.on-, formerly of YVlieeling. Interment at Irwin Tuesday nfterttoon. WELLS—Wednesday. Yl:t> 7th. HM. at f>:30 p. 111.. Kihiau YV. Y\ ELL', ill 111' mill year. Funeral from lii- late residence, No. -*t-’ Chapline street, at ‘J o'clock this (Tuesday) af ternoon. Friends of the family invited. Inter _ item 2U»i»crti»cmcnto. AYAPLE SYRUP. Last 'Inpmeut of Maple Syrup of the season, i in our and half-gallon lugs, very tine), just re- j H. F. BEHRENS'. 2*17 Market Street. Or. cor. Jacob and Thirty-eighth St. np33 Notice to Paving Contractors. Hills AND PLA*S WILL HE Itl'.CEfVF.I) fi r a mile, more or less, of lirick Street Pavement to he laid ill Cal lei I'burg. Estimate'to ..ive nttenlion must he in on or before Mu a IWli. Addr>-'s CHAIRMAN HOARD OF IT! I ST EES. my Uki _Catlett'burg. Ky. Notice to Bridge Contractors. HI|>S \ND PLANS WILL 11K 1JIVF.IVF.D f,.r tin* .-rvctimi <>f an Ir->n Hridjri-. with Stott.- Pi.-r-.. ovtT l atth-tls' Cr.-.-k. at ltr.-a*lwa> cr.-»iuR. I’atl.-ttaburit. F.stiiiiiit.'*, to r.-c-ivi- att.-ntion. mu>t In- in ou r l«-f»r>- M.-n ttftb Addiw.. t'll AI KM A N 1IO.YBU OF TRl'STKKS. J a,. m i r»iii-n>i>unt. Ky. IMPORTANT NOTICE! Call and hear OUR prices on DRESS GOODS AND DOMESTICS. We desire to particularly impress upon the public mind that our stock does NOT consist of ‘‘seconds,” ••jobs." and -off styles," (such goods as are so often palmed off as -great bargains"), but is made up entirely of -first-class, straight goods." and these we guarantee to sell at the lowest prices AT ALL TIMES. GEO. M. Soook&Co. Wcn> 3Lt»vcrti«cmcuto. UT ANTED-GIRL FOR GENERAL HOI SI J ' work Apply at No. SR Fifteenth Street my 13a___! UfANTF.D—A GOOD GIRL TO DO GIN ' era! housework Small family Reference I re<( u I red. Apply at »H Jacob St. "01*1 ; U~" 7\vr ED-GOOD BOV TO CARRY ROITE ' Must live in E»»t Wheeling. Apply at thl# .illlcsf thl» evening at <1 o'clock invltj^ | 117 AN TEL) \ l THE ELM GROA I M At Kiftv t'ntou Hi'O'r* no trouble andnlen tv of work. Goo«l miners wanted. 'V. T.CHAM RlRsACO _ tnyl.-tr UTaNTED—Goosi i out and l*nnt« Maker* at ' w i BROOK I KG'S K enchant Tailor. ClaysviUe, Washington Css.. Pa. C<tp*tant cm- ; ploy men! __ t c \i ED t ti: Hi ILDERS K FBW I > l work. Also, blacksmith* ami planiuK machip" hand* THE ENSIGN MAN! FAtTl RING | co.. Huntington. W. A'a. myllrii.Tli.sat-ra ix.iK RENT "IX TO EIGHT NICELY IT It f" nlshed room* with l»u»rd. for thia summer or I whole \ear. at reasonable price. PRANK WAL- | TIIERi Two Mile House. _ myllUipT 117ANTKD MOULDERS -A 1 SEW PHIL > \ adelpl.ia. O No strike: union shop: also, i worm- AhleuoditM) liilM»r«*rv C*M.\ KLANL) i II h WORKS CO., New Philadelphia. O. mvlOt-Ada ITT aXTED < »N i HUNDRED M S \\ R.a-k Hill Mine. PTusbing. Belmont Co. O. DMr»<*t i»rit*«'.s; semi-monthly : miner*: -U*n«iv work j»unmnte«*<l. KOCK HILL C°-\_LCO.. Ffushing. Ohio. a|s3Ue*.lru GENERAL AGENTS Tay lor Adjustable Shoe. Every lady is a t>os«i ble customer; permam t business: exclusive territory s"igne.|. Address jrith stamp. Con solidated Adjustable Shoe Co.. Salem. Mu*-. tnyOeodb_ PUKERAL NOTICE. The niemliers of Local Union No. 3. Brother hood of Carp»-nters and Joiners, are ret|uestcd to meet at their hall Tuesday, May 13th, at one o'clock p. m. sharp, to attend the fuuernl of E. W. Wells.__ ntyl3q OPECIAL NOTICE The members of the Builders' Excliauge of Wheeling will meet at their room at one o'clock this day to attend the funeral of their late mem ber, PL W. Wells. W. a. W ILSON, in\ |3*| President. Vf OTICE. Complaint- must In* matl«» in writing or in per miii to r<*et*iv«* nt tent ion. No attention "ill Im* paid to anonymous eonimuuications. GKO. 1. GARRISON, ntyl3mli __ Health Ofllcor. WHITE M< >1 NT AIN Ice Cream Freezers, with tin.Icbrateii tripb- tmitlon, will nmke more ami better cream than any other. Call ami see them or semi for catalogue to NESBITT & BRO., myl.lTuil-' 1313 Market street. mj 1". 1215 Market St.. W heeling, W. Va^_ LATE SYSTEM! i.-arn the Inti- system a- taught in Hollorairs (’oimncrcial School. Terms only #15. You b arn all the old sys tems as well.* tu> lSi'ide 1300 Market Street. IN DARKEST AFRICA And the truest. Rescue and Retreat of Emin. Governor of Equatorm. BY HENRY M. STANLEY. Complete in two volumes of over Mil pages aeli. with two Steel engravings, not less than Sixteen M ips, and uImiuI Oin Hundred and Fifty Full-page and other illustrations. 1‘aldislied li) (liarles Scribner's Suns, New York. HKNRN M STANLEY’, perhaps the foremost living American in pluck, endurance and achievement. HAS .li st' FINISHED "filing IN HARKKST AFRICA," the story of his la-t and greatest undertaking, the quest and ... of Emin. IT WILE REVEAL for tin- tir-t lime the full extent "f Mr. Stanley s recent di cnverics. No authentic information concerning till* ex|M‘ditioti has yet Inin puhlishcd. Iwyond the few letters and newspaper accounts which have appeared from time to time during the past three vears, and which contain little more than a sugges'ion of Till: DANGERS ENVOI YE i:tu:n .net i, ohm', ano i ill. IMI'ORI \ N T RESFLTs ACHIEVED IN DARKEST M RE i A will la* ptlhlisheil shortly hy Messrs. Chas. SiTilnier's Sons, w ho control all rights for tin* Euited Slates and the Dominion of Canada. Every volume issued for either country "ill hear I heir imprint on the title page. Mr. Stanley iseutitleil to the fruit' of his la bor.ami tin- tic American sense of justice will secure to him by purchasing "IN DARKEST AFRICA. hi~ own book and tin* only one in which he will have a personal Interest. Intclli gent and well meaning people will not buy the in .gits ••Stanley books." ulTcrcil under false and misleading ri’preseutalioiis, to no one "f " hicli has Stanley contrilmted a line T*Lex w ill WAIT FoR THE ONLY AITIIENTIC HOOK "tithe subject. WRITTEN HY STANLEY IIIMsELF • IN DARKEST AFRICA" will lie in two octavo Volumes, of over 5W) pages each, replete with maps, profusely illustrated with wood engrav ings from Mr. Stanley's own photographs and 13.75 PER VOLUME. In binding It "iil In- -ohi onlvhy subscription, through authorized agent*. | to whom exclusive territory will he assigned, and every precaution will la- used to protect them therein. Apply to J. M. CL0UST0N. WHEELING. AV.VA. Sole Agent for the State of West Virnitila. my 13s _I WEBSTER’S UNABRIDGED A so-called “Webster’s Unabridged Dictionary” is being oiiered io the public at a very low price. The body of the book, from A to Z, is a cheap reprint, page for page, of flic edition of 1347, which was in its day, a valuablo book, bnt in the pro gress of language for over FORTY YEARS, has been completely superseded. If is now reproduced, broken type, errors and all, by photo-litiiogranh process, is printed on cheap paper and fiimsily bound. A brief comparison, page by page, between the reprint and tho latest and enlarged edition, will show tho great superiority oi tho latter. These reprints are as out of date as a last year’s almanac. No hon orable dealer will allow the buyer of such to snpposo that ho n getting the Webster which to-day is accepted as tho Standard and THE BEST,—every copy of which bears onr imprint as given below. ter If persons who have been induced to purchase tho “ Ancient Edition” by any misrepresentations will advise us oi the facts, we will undertake to see that the seller is pnnished as ho deserves. G. iV C. MERRIA3I & CO. SPRINGFIELD, BLISS. VOTICE TO ICE CONSUMERS There hem" some complaint of flic objection- I able taste to.tile artificial ice. I am now pre- ] pared to furnish the trade with either lake or : artificial ice. For prices telephone or call on CHAS. SEIBERT. tiiy.b Soft Sixteenth Street. Q RYST-ALBA. A very pure »mU«* of Xapthftline. The only positive <l«*Mroy»T of The Moth and Moth AY or m. We have it in White Flakes, Sticks. Cakes and Balls. McLAIN BROTHERS, jipr«9 __Druggists. ( \NE GR< )SS LETTER FILING GASES, (C. B. S.< Best iu the market. Orders by mail or tele phone promptly filled. STANTON »v DAVENPORT. No. I3U1 Market street. SPECIAL BARGAINS in CARPETS —AT— HENRY JACOBS’, rtOTht'* BANK BriLDIXO. Special Bargain* in Floor ami Table Oil Cloth at HENRY JACOBS . People s Bank Building. Special Bargains in Window Blind'. I Curtains and Curtain Poles, at HENRY | JACOBS', People's Bank Building. Special Bargains in Feathers. Pillows J and Bolsters at HENRY JACOBS. Peo- i pie’s Bank Building. Great Bargain« in Rug'. Mats and Mat- 1 • ting at JACOBS’. People’s Bank Build ug. Extra 8-Plj Carpet at Jacobs’. Went &l*iierii®rmcnt*. COME QUICK! we WILL THIS HORSING OPEN ANOTHER I.OTof those Beaulitul Ait-Types wHid! WE WILL GIVE WITH EACH CAKE OF KOI"It NEW DESIGNS TO SELECT FROM. Do Not Miss This Opportunity. Logan Drug Co., iu\ 1.1 BRIDGE CORNER DRUGGISTS J-Javiland China 10 TO 25 PER CERT. REDUCTIOR. hi order to make room for large importation* of New Goods, w ill offer above reduction# for a | few days only, (‘all and see the bargains we i can offer you. I. G. DILLON & CO., in>r> Jewelers. rjpO MY FRIENDS AND THE 1 I'UULIC GENERALLY. I recently piirehaied the old stand of the late Loui.- Seidler. No. Market street, where I will Im* pleased to see all in\ old friends as well as all who iimv call. A choice lim* of Liquor-. \\ in**-. Ale. iteerand Cigar- always on hand. G. \N . GRl BB. m\ IScadq Late Bartender for J. Hohstetter. 3STO MOTH where Moth Ha Is, or Snow Flake Crystals are. NO DIRT OR CREASE in your Carpets if Eureka Carpet Soap is used. Sold only J>y R. H. LIST, my 18 1010 Main Street. A Good investment. \\rK ARK AUTHORIZED TO FORM A SVN \y of im proving the -old Grant llou.-e prn|H*rty*' at the eonter of Tenth and Main streets, b\ building an Opera llou.-e and “Hat.-" for dwelling pur* , or. -toreroom- and “flats:" or, w** will offer the pro|M*rty for -ale as it now stands. The fact ha- recently been demonstrated that we need a larger Opera House, Dwelling apart im* nt-are in demand and cun readily be rented. As f»»r storerooms, there i- not an idle or vacant storeroom between Tenth street and the creek. At ibis corner the street ear facilities are ex traordinary. and cannot Im* equalled at any other point in the city. An opportunity is now given who arc seeking a goon paying real estate investment. RINEHART A TATUM. Real Estate and Stocks tn\ IMacIi 1314 Market Street. nnHE PITTSBURG DISPATCH. Daily l!*\ per week. 20c. Including Sunday. do livr’cd anywhere. Hooks, Periodicals, Newspa pers aud Stationery. C. H. QUIMBY, f. 22 No. I tit Market Street. J 00K TO YOUR INTERESTS To Builders and Owners of Buildings. 1 now have on hand the best selected stock of Slate Mantels ever brought to the city. I keep a assortment oi tans urates anti lile Hearths and all goods for making a nice lire place. Call at my place and you can see just what you are to get aud see the Mantel set up for inspection. B. F. CALDWELL, je23d*e lf>U7 Main Street. MARSHALL & RIES AUE NOW l'lIEPAIlEI) TO 1)0 sl<;\ AM) ORNAMENTAL PAINTING, Graining, Staining and Marbling. No. 1323 . Market St. New Spring Goods WE HAVE JUST RECEIVED OUR SPRING and SUMMER GOODS, And they are now open for inspec tion at our Now Quarters, 1011 MAIN STREET. Call and see them. C. H. WHEELER & SON, Merchant Tail-rs, mrl3 _ 1011 MAIN STREET, j JPOR RENT. A Store Room With Dwelling Attached. Excellent location for a Dry Goods j Store. Rent reasonable. Inquire of JAMES A. HENRY, mrSdaeh 1612 Market Street. [ REASONABLE GOODS. The time is »t hand for Refrigerator*, Freez er-. Oil Stove?*. Ga-'diuc St«a» -. Window’ Screen arid Coolers. Remember we have all the above in stock and at price* below com pvt it ion. * GKO. W. JOHNSON S SONS, ap3t1210 Maiu Street, M. REILLY, -WHOLESALE Grocer, Pork Packer, AND iTKKIS OF TUB Celebrated “Strawberry” Hams. FLOlJR. CHRISTIAN BROS.' “CROWN" BRAND Minneapolis Patent. TAYLORS' PATENT and “BEST" Family. WILLIAMS' CHOICE OHIO FAMILY. And many other choice brands of Family floor j in .-tock aud continually receiving. Roasted Coffees. •Alaroma.** “Arbuckle*#,** - Lion." and tn> own roast of **01«* Woman, * “Howe Ib aU, ’ anc ! loom* roast. rtfSole Agent f. r the Celebrated DuPont I’owder Mills, a full supply of Rifle. Bias! • ing and Sporting Powder of every kind constant- ! jy n magazine. Orders so.lilted from dealers i only. Also Patent Hemp, Cotton, and Water Proof Safety Fuse. mv6 | attention : halt : -GO TO IT. O. HOFF’S For Ladie*' and Gent*’ Fine Shoe*. S,nv Good*. New Style*. No. 1U3 MAIN ST.. Wheeling. W. Va. adit! £trn» 2Lbucrti*cmrnt*. _— — 1S52. SPRING-. 1890. WALL PAPER, BORDERS, -AND - Ceiling Decorations jssstfSHst rssr. ■* wortli SO aud is- 10.UUU Bronze and Gilt Pal*'* ''r-* • "“IN1 w tf.UJU llronze and Gilt Paper, for Xr. »<>rth SO an • • Plain Felt*. Philadelphia Granite*. Fine Hand Made Paper*, and a »o . one-half the usual price*.. , nnu'VfVf] CARRIAGE COMPANY’S An «*ntlr** new !in»* of Baby ( arriRtfj'i, including? *1** rnita»tl State* for tho ruou**y. bold SLEEPING COACHES. These are the best Carriage* in the lulled state* tor u« ul wholesale prices. mrasds*^*^^^* *"2 NO. ea twelfth street. 05co. it. ffinjlor. LACE CURTAINS! Geo. R. Taylor. The unprecedented demand this Spring tor Lace Curtains necessitates the purchase of all ot tier large stock, which we open this morning. T ■ -0JicrAti>lS AT ALL PRICE FROM Seventy-five Cents a Pair -ON UP TO Seventy-five Dollars a Pair, Embracing Egyptian Brussels, Tamboura, Saxony j Brussels, Renaissance, Tamboura Muslin, Real Antique, Medecis, and St. Gall Brussels, together with a full line of Lace Bed Sets ot the same kinds. Con]mei]cen]Bnt^ Special provision of Choice Cream White Dress (roods, Suede Monsquetaires, Fans, Hose, etc, for graduates of the June commencements. When dress goods arc enquired for for these occa sions we will show and recommend Cream White India Silks, Mohairs, Nun’s Veiling*, Henriettas, India Cashmere, Wool dc Chines, Serges, Persian Lawns, Rhade Comtesse, and Failles. The young ladies are invited to call and see these goods be fore making a decision. GEO. R. TAYLOR furniture uttfr daryttg. A MAN WHO CAN'T HOLLER When he knows he lias a good thing, is cither deficient in wind or wisdom. -We Lift Up OUr Voice To announce tlint we expect every rann to do Ids duty by liiins<-lf and family, and Come and Inspect Our Stock OP Furniture, Carpets, Oil Cloths, LiijoleUips, Mattings, Rugs, Ac. If* a big tiling and a good thing and we want you to knon it. Take r.ur word just enough THERF S NO RISK ^ot, there'* positive loss in not doing so. That'* all for now G. MENDEL & CO., 3Vo. 1124 Main Street. furniture onb (Carpets. Friend «&> Son, 1083 MAIN STREET, Parlor Suits, Ghaipber Suits, And MISCELLANEOUS FURNITURE. MOQUETTE, VELVET, BODY BRUSSELS, TAPESTRY BRUSSELS, AND INGRAIN CARPETS. The Stock is Largest! The Styles are Newest! The Prices are Lowest I FRIEND «&. SON. Undertaking in all its Branches. Telephone Calls Answered at the Store Day or Night. Aumocmi'uto. OPERA HOUSE. tlHEELIMI'S IHAVIHI n(NI Positively Last Apptnrntte*- in tj( , . Friday and Saturday. May 16 and 17 AND SATURDAY MaTIM.i Sjieeinl Engagement Kttranrdinar Greatest Living Tragic Aetf... y, JANAUSCHEK, Who will iiupear in her marvel and impressive imprr- i m\ The romantic ihum >; . | m j MEG MERRILIES. SATURDAY MATINEE. Mother aijd Son I nif 1 SAl. I 1 raged;. Sa f M ac b e t h. M«»>t ably and admirably sunporn lartf*1. complete ami e\r«dleiit «■< : 111 every detail precisely a* pl:.\. thusiastir »iirc6'*!‘ ill New N**rk, P!ii I Chicago and Bouton._ PRICES: $1.00, 75 and 50 certs. Sab* of seats commence* \\Ydm*di v y • at C. A. House** music More GRAND OPERA HOUSE. ii r GESTHER U Two night*, beginning FRIDAY. Vt\ FRONT. “The Funniest of Them All." Only appearance in Win* m. THE SPARKS COMPANY, I nderthe Man.'igement nf till* l: HOYT'S Fatuous Jingle <W .loin . ami MumohI HUNCH OF KEYS: or. THE IIOIU. Everything new. The spccialUe. lei*. Till* sollg*. tlie datiee. Tic wlttielnms. Brighter and better ti PRICES—Gnllery, 2V : rlilldr.n l Circle, Orchestra Chair*, seats on sale at the McLurc llou-. II r nlshing Store. §tcitmbc»rtto. QTEAMERS FOR < FT LOUISVILLE, MEM PH I'. - I' New Orient!*, and int»Tiu« dial* leave \N barf Boat. foot .»f Kleveuth Monday excepted, as follow Steamer “KEVSTOM - T.C. Calhoun, .V .-ter i Knoi.Clk; every 'Iue».|.. Steamer "AN HIIS. I' Ii • Master; Al. J. Slaton. i . ery Wednesday at 7 a 1 Steamer ••lU'ltsoN I- | son. Master: Han I. i every Thursday nl 7 a n. Steamer "C. W Ii VTCII !; Gfortti 0'S< 1 Huntington, Clerk; ■ r Steamer-SCOTIA .'i V I* lip-. Muster; Kuht. II h • very Saturday at 7 a t steamer I.Ol Is V '-ill Ed. F. Muddy. Mast, r .1 . ;v ■ tuan.Clerk; every Sui . First-Hass f»r>*. Wln’<'litiir tu i HuuikI trip, IIO.U). MimU aid cludi'l. MT“l'ick.-t* tran»f« r i**!•• a«•! Fur Fn lght or l,a»»aK,‘ «pp!> ■ '• i-plione So. tH2. FRANK 1IOOTII. \ • \T OUR OWN IMPORTATION 100 DOZEN At 25c. Per Pair. WORTH 40c. GUARANTEED FAST BLACK. ■ ■ ... J. S. RHODES & CO. myO For the Latest Designs and Uties -IN Wall Paper! —GO to— JOHN FRIEDEL'S Where you will find the larg est assortment, at the Low est Prices in the city. It will pay you to examine my stock before buying el - - where. 1119 Main Street. mrlu pARSONS, Photographer, Atelier, 2Vo. 1*0$ larkrtM. Personal attention |tlv«*n to all S.'tmg tic Remit* Produced. mrl v^TAU itrii.Disc assam iati If you wild* t< buy a li* iii»- linprov* pr borrow «»r wave nion* y. wubwcrii** f. r-' above association Stock can be obtain application to any of the foll-iuini: II I* McGKKXiOK. CHARLES II ■ \V. II CALDWELL. .1 i. TOM I.IN ' .1 M. IIKLLKVILLE. i.Hour.I I.. CHARLES LUKENN. M. II "Dll ' E. SCIIOEN. I.KWIsSTM HENRY MORRIS, <• J.< ADDI.I W. M. MARSH Al.FItl I) I* AI in illi'U i' A. IIElI. JAXON SOAP! A CAR LOAD OK Till' • l I ■**- S,,.ip rewlT*r'l A. • ' lx- flli'-tl promptly. GEO. II GlKSoN v >:i npSI Role As'Mit* I’1" STATE LINE. GLASGOW, LONDONDERRY, BELFAST DUBLIN, LIVERPOOL & LONDON. FROM NEW TORK EVERY THl RSI *• Cakln Passage *35 to *50. to local stateroom. Escursion *65 to *93 Steer*?* to »ixt from Europe »t 1/ R* AUSTIN BALDWIN ft. CO.. General A ‘ ‘ 53 Broad*}'. C. A. SCHAFFER Fourteenth »nd V JOHN HAILIK. V nirlOTu.ThaSatvb wh PROXIES. LEASES AND A I-1 Ulank. for sale ttt the Rt£‘'*‘Tr' Room