Newspaper Page Text
P MfKti' Up jtef ft. NiM J7 WHEKI-INO. W. VA., TUESDAY MORNING, JULY 8, l«W. NO.362 COL BEN. WILSON i - :■ DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE WITH • A FINE RECORD. \Y • - Great French Sp- .at..'a I - ■ latsnstiflg: Details Rehtisg Haa&nc QaapliMt froa I A ’ raev General M.ller. * '■ 1> » .. July 7. COL < ii't '.-v rol his eon- i Department of JU'tioe, , . associates ou tIn*'** pleas . . uli'.-h the genial Colonel .. . well li"'v to maintain, lie \ • ■. ■: m * - y * t * • 11 * ■ f u 'l *er s a*l . a u of that department e«|iia! 'i **f his predecessor*, login '• opinion **f hi' mi ■ :•. lloi John M. Cotton. rg 1 v ils the defense of east's in y as one of the Itost worioT •i'**-:' rt> *«s gentlemen of It> * iilun ■'. Tl " ' 1'joints! * t*f res „;.|en.. wi show In ft 1 In « olonel i' turn appreciated by tin* **■ |iartment. i :.u. - French M.miiution* aim lieen ill h*s charge, and every it has ■ fought, aga -si the aims .*' a whole, against diver' chi"' > of lie ;u, . i agaiii't • h c aim tlni' far trietl in a w.*y that has made the j •aims h *1 n* n r U*en heard of. In ,, l the ahility and obstinatn y of the _.jh i,.is .... n referred m in Congress, i; ai|e US' of by tin* advocates of • inis as a arantecing that each tl..- laims have been tested i> I... .• g. ng * • Congress for udlcatiou > ...ri ■■('. in concluding its get rul opiniou, '.iys: “l he U trued assistant attorney for the I’ui .1 s. t ' ha- presented the defense a u a tl and force «*f argument which we do not tint! in the history of the long ili'CU" ns it has heretofore . vv.| 1 h ' CO!lll»UIU«*l!V ‘ • Hilly appreciated without remarking i hat the ( ..urt had referred to torsi th. t* * . Polk. »*t« r--. , Mas Wright anil I ten ton. as -..ntc of the im-u w ho had streii'i" v I the aim- 1 he < oitrt kn* w also of tl p >werful argu ment i John A. Div against ir validity. The Colonel staggered j tie- Court when he produced two con . ! - ■ SlI pre 111* * * [j over oked by ail tie -e great .... ii. ling that the relation- between I r Vm-iea it the tine- of the | ... ailed, constituted a | war. tin- very win «* It the validity of 1 . ... p. .-d i I5.i— v- Litigey, I: . el Talbot v. I.eatuan. 1: , 1 gh tie Court rallied t ougre-s has never ; d to p.l" the . la I ms. A - • v hurtful to the an.lib- dug Cue alleged liability I 0- j[uvcnuiu‘Bt. v. I from Vt an .when t had lain unkuown L for ninety year-, ol an official document IW (,y Flenrien. ..»e of the French negoti rowing ail • .. i-w light ..ii till settlement >» m t, t,!c two eountrie- and -bowing to t c el.i...ants. The claimants ie n represented loo ably and had too my millions of money involved to give tie1 light: hut any ordinary ea-e mu-t | ia\e suecuiuVU under this double Th- sc ca.-»‘s contribute oue »»f the i »-t important. celebrated and loag II •I -p. I k ill- peo[ • and the elid i : .t. y t. tie ,’h the i liinatit- and their t.. ruent,while by iner t-e in number*the -urn which each per-on vvottkl receive a- b > u growing from thousand- h• hi mired- ami from hundreds to ten- oi dollars. Meantime, the r> port-<>f the .rt ben.g merely advisory and non | udieial, the nucstion of governmental labiliy ha not bi sn d* ’■ rmiued. 1 Appended area letter, from Col. Wil li. .\11■ *i : • > tienvrat. and the l»i fun vit .i •■> Jt -ti. k, ■ W i iv. i. s. D. I' , June 1 -. I-no ’ tu. It"le.niMr. » If. II. Wild. Atturnru Snt Wle ivoii liononsl me, in Julvof a-: year, with an appointment as attorney .ii the m eter Fr> uch S\~>hatioit ease-, iieeaus. ef my .uppo-ed familiarly with the la theory ■( th ih ' iise for the government A in th. m 1 understood the appoint met.- to [..• .1 te : '. and now that the ttrst ri-cal'. ar <>f vour administration in this de{urtmeiit - drawing to a close. I respect In, ■. tender nsv resignation of that isisit fi take effixt at your pleasure. I have H as |>)-sihle. the results of mv examinations V ui these matters, also other important docu ment - bearing upon th« in which will be of material aiil to my successor. I must thank you for theeomplinieni Im plied by the appointment so conferred up iii me. also for the court, sy and niauifesta t mis of . ■ utidetn e reeeiv.xl from you. With great tv-.ird. Your obedient s« ivant. j 'Sig It. Wii.-on 1 >. r iKTV \ |> of Jl -TI. E. 1 W v-Hixi. toN, l> C . June IP. l-tsi. J- .. Yi r ver polite note of yester »y ti ng \ our resignation as Attorney j ai tlds Department iu charge of the French s:> elation on-.--, i- received. l’ea-i a. ■ > :4 my thank- for the court • .-arid .imlly terms in which this resig t. iv I All my information. . J from per-.mal observation and in:', ep. .-ts of others in the Department, • eff.s-t that your service has not ouly s. ruble to your-eif, but useful to the I ¥ sociatiou has certainly been a pleasant one Your resignation will !>• accepted to take •? ’ . . the tir-! day of August next. In : •• ni< an time, plea-c ac* opt my good v, -lie-for your conthiueil pros]x’rity. IfesiMX 1 fully yours. Sig W H H. M.i leu. Attorney < 5ei oru! inventive West Virginians. '(* fkt RtgUirr., • v D. C. July T. - Patent* • i the following West Vir 1 • :rv !<v Machine Co., of v uf H Uoyer. cooling and ik t; Caldwell. Wheeling. -p. ‘ Thurman Car Coupler *• V.i nssigneeof Wm l». Thur West Virginia IVg.mus /■ U-jram to 'it A'- nt!er. 'oTo\. 1> t . Julj 1 Pension .'ranted West \ irginians a- fol • 1 1'uvid \V. Harrison. Par Plum. Morgan to wu; Klisha Fairplai . Nicholas Miller, Wheel • *' ■ Ms mger, Charles ton. • Wm <;. Window. Peel Tree; '. Claiton Furnace; Wm. Wm. A Justice. Brad r . ,, Lewis Five Mile; Hettrv : Isaac Williams. New 1> Ju. Halls ' s w an - Beatvs • r am Pierce. Mount Hoge; •. Point. Ac. Mary Children, ' l"*e Brogan. Spring ■ Hniguii, Spring Hill; : I 'avid Miller, of Legg; . U Sharp. Woodxell. i safe Investment. ; ivtucu i- guaranteed to bring you ' tv results, or in case of failure a i purchase price. On this safe can buy front our advertised a bolt:., of 1 >r King's N>'\v Dis f..r Consumption. It is guaranteed g relief in every case, when used for ’■ vtioi: orrhrout.l.ungsur Chest, such 'umpiiun. Iutiamtuation of Lungs, ■ iiis, Asthma. Whooping Cough, >‘tc . ct.\ It is p!< osant ami agree ■ .-to. jicrfcctly -afo. and can always uiIihI upon. Trial bottle free at • 1 »rug Co "s 1 >rug -ton*. SILVER MEN WIN. 'lie Advantage* They tiaiii in the Silver j Agrf^uiriit. 'i-ciat J\it-n un*to tAe fyguitrr. W vsiiiMiTox, D. C., July 7.—The , t inn of the Republican Senators who ..Musi the Democrats to-day in refusing j u begin at once the consideration of j n, tariff question wa- indueed by sov-. ral considerations, one of them no t Mug a desire to dispose of the liver bill and the pending appropriation - before l ittering upon the discussion .f the tariff. So far as the silver bill is i.tie.Tiled the agreement to-day of the uiifi P uce Committee will bring the till up f..r action in both houses at mce. There is no doubt that the re .. ,rt of the Conference Committee will ... adopted, and that the President will j ipprovo the bill a> uioditied by the con r,T.*es, in pursuance of tiie policy an ...iii.,-ed at the beginning of the discus . .... ilia whatever legislation was igr.-ed upon should lie distinctly a K« iblican mea>ure. The Republican >>nfercc» of the two Houses lirst agreed .,.,u the report amt then submitted it ■ the Democratic conferees for tlicir spedion. The agreement I' substan tially what your correspondent pre d more than a month ago that ii » ild l>e. namely, the puehaseof 4..•••«>.-1 .. ..iiu.t' of silver a month instead • ... many dollars' worth, no matter how high the price of silver goes, the s reury of the Treasury fe bound to purchase tiie specified qiian u;v « cry mouth. The rejection of the bullion redemption clause and tiie legal tender quality of the notes issued for the purchase of silver bullion were conceded at tie- beginning of the conference and the uly points left for discussion were w Io-th«-r the purchase should be stated ,, ounces or dollar' worth, aud w hen tl.e law should take effect. These have , x'tiled by yielding the most im ortant jo. tits to the silver men, while ti . v com isle the minor point that the r.v dial take . IT • t thirty days after • a-«age instead of immediately. AliKECU ON MLVKIt. , l„. of a Compromise llctoedi Hie Houses. \\ \sihn..t<>x, July 7.—An agreement ilie silver question has practically ••u reached. It will provide for the I' li.t'. ,f t.ViO.oOO ounees of silver a ni,,nth. no bullion redemption, the eer tiiicates to he redeemable iu coin to be f,,': legal tender. A meeting of the full • -ufcreu, •• Committee lias uot yet bwu • 1 loit .is an agreement on this basis !,.i, been reassured by the Republican members, all that will remain to be done at the formal meeting will be to ratify • • agreement and order its rei>ort to Senate and Mouse. A nioetiug of ... ; ill Conference Committee has been til, i. Senator Sherman is now pre ;.iri11- a report to lie presented to tin - Hate, and it is possible that this will submitted late this afternoon, though it may go over till to-morrow. The last section of the bill provides .Vi-ring into the Treasury the fund f,,r the redemption of National Hank circulation. SKN f tNt'tU. M ir) laud's Defaulting Treasurer Does to Prison lor t'iw- Years. it»- : \ • July 7 — Ex State Treasurer \ . n ruing pleaded guilty to the .. :uf*i:c.,-*'»of the State’s - -. is. and was sentc-iux'd to live years in tt!, IVuitentiary. The sudden and unex i ending of this ccl> orated ease caused , derable commotion m court envies, r ... trial of the case was set for to-morrow. ." Mr Archer decided not to stand trial, but to plead guilty. Mr Archer's e • tuse; read a long state ■ ,-ut. which he brggixl the mercy of the i • trt. Ho offers no excuse or palliation Ins conduct, and rea izes the enormity h.scrime. No blame for any part of it, • suvs, attaches, to any one but himself. Mr. Archer, after the sentence, iminediate '• the. mrt room and wu> driven to the Penitentiary. ItOASTKP SUKKM VN. IMilo Kepiililieaii' Vdopt a Sarcastic KcsO" I lit ton. U ,i.i mi; s. a> . July ; The Republican' ,i' the Crawford county convention to-day ,— -. roast,sI Seti»t,.r John Sherman n a sarcastic resolution, making him the ... egate ,-t the county to the State t' i.veuti ni, inasmuch as he knew more i him any one man in the county, or all put • ether, regarding-ml needs Sherman recently secured the ap|ioinlmeut of a JKist mastcr at Bueyrus. other than the man recommended bv the entire county com mittee. N VTIONAI. KLINTS JIKKT. tin tirrat liU„ Workers* Coiikcutlou in tteltluure. B\i riu.iitr. July 7 -The National Union American Flint <Stoss Workers met to lav in convention in this city. This body -<1’,-sentsi i local unions scattered ail • .or the “nited States All the skilled laborers in the dint glass houses, including liters, grinders, uiolders and engravers, in-accd in tin1 organization. Win. .1 si . dli. oi Pittsburg, is President, and Wm. l> . • -ii. dso of Pittsburg, is Secretary. T‘ie convention will be in session from ten days to two weeks. The llil Market Weak. Pitrsi;ris<.. Pa.. July 7. There was . -lump in the oil market to-day As -•• n as tin- Exohang, opened a weak eg beam, manifest. It was not I. 'mmcred down, but declined with little work on the part of the brokers. No inn- was willing to step in and stop tied,-, ne. Tin* o|ieuing and highest was ;U,d Hie lowest and noon price1 Wallace Will Support the Tieket. ■ • J y 7 l.- w - M - ton. of Butler, an ardent Wallace sup ,!:- | i", I through Pittsburg Sat rday ii ght on li 1 - way from New York, " -re lie went after the Democratic! n','titbit: lb says ho rode with Wal-! from -s, ranton to N",-\\ York, lie -1.- positively that W;dlaee is not '■•Iking and will heartily sup|Mirt tin-' ticket. \ \\. \.». W ur'lercr Suicide*. 1 »t.t.K■ • Sims,.., VV V\., July 7.— j ■ s West, wini tied after shooting Wm. 1 ' in ,i ijuarrel at Goshen's grove on l ■ ■ i... v : the Fourth. was discovered to *•*' hiding i.i the wimhU near his home, j \\ '.on \\ st found his capture was certain if pi .iced the barrel ..f his Winchester rilie against h:s left temple and blew out his j wains | r.tapoe. whom he wounded, still j lives, but will probably die. tt t-ll K now ii Kuilrmtil Mali llcutl. July 7—Wni.| l.euthke, tor of the stoue niasous for the !'■ .V O east of the Ohio river, died at his this morning about 9 o'elo-k of. - phoid fever. The fuuerul will take >iaoe to-morrow at :t::ni p, in. under the uispa-es of No 31, j. O. O. F. The inter : • • t will be at Blue Mont. Rockefeller's .Munltlcence. t \r.\ ei. v\i>, July 7. Si«on after the or ... the Baptist Kdueational So-; • •!> John 1>. Koekefeller placed $100,000 '.s disposal to aid struggling academies aid colleges. Several appropriations have urn made from this fund with such bone icial results that Mr. Rockefeller now rives an additional $100,000. Merit Wins. We de- re to say to our citizens, that for ' . . ng Dr King's New I» .-every for Consumption, l>r. King's N<-.\ I. fe H-.Us. Bn.-klen* Arnica Salve, md Klectric Bitters, and have never han lled remedies that sell as well, or that have s , b universal satisfaction. We do ' n't hesitate to guarantee them every time. i ,1 we stand ready to return thx purchase ! wee. if satisfactory results do not follow j llieiruse. These remedies have won their .-real popularity purely on their merits. Lwgan Drug Co., Druggists. WAR WITH BRITAIN. WHAT THE BEHRING SEA COMPLICATIONS THREATEN. There Will be a Clash and Probable Bloodshed if British Sealers are Seized—The Fleet Has Orders to Protect Them. New Yoiik. July 7.—Tin1 Horfd* Washington special in regard to the Behring Sea complication says: A our cor respondent is in a position to say posl tivolyand with full and accurate knowl edge of the facts, that the negotiations liax e reached a crisis lieliind wliich re mains the most serious complications to both nations. Without wishing to be guilty of sensationalism, or of falsely misconstruing official utterances, your correspondent is able to state that Sir Julian I’auucefote has officially null lied .Mr. Blaine that if a vessel Hying the British tlag is seized by revenue cutters in Belt ring Sea or its waters, the poxv erful British fleet now assembling at Victoria. B. l'.. will be under Immediate orders to recapture the seized vessels, and force will be employed if necessary, i'nless the revenue cutler making the seizure should strike her tlag to super ior force, blood must follow, and while this may not necessarily lead to a decla ration of xvar. a condition of tilings must follow which may well cause the grax-est anxiety in tin* minds of all Eng lish-speaking people. C.\l M I.KOTi: DK.MKS IT. An A-sociatcd Press reporter this . veniug called the attention of Sir Ju lian Paunccfote to reports. He said: •There is no doubt that our vessels in the Northern Pacific are there to pro i.-. t the British tlag and our seals, but 1 have not broken off negotiations, and there is no reason to expect a disturb ance of the friendly relations existing between the two governments." England's Fleet In the Sen. Oitavva. Ont., Suly 7.—Tin' flagship War '■•priti'. which is expected to arrive daily at Ks.[iii»ialt. B. C., and be ready for any eniergeney in Behring Sea, is a powerful first class armored cruiser of s.too tons, carrying ten guns and Rear Admiral Holman, C B. The Nyrnphe, Daphne and Espiegle, which accompany the llagship, are are all twin screw sloops of eight, ami ten guns re spectively. So this new fleet brings Hi guii> on tin' scene in addition to the Amphion ainl Champion already there. ANOTHER HOT WAVE. Weather Sharps at Chicago Say II Will lleat the First Oue. CmcAi.o, July 7.—According to the 1 predictions of the local Sigual Service i oflieials. and, in view of all the surround | ing conditions, t hicago and the North west are in for another spell of hot weather, which is likely to surpass the one of a few days ago. not only in extent, but in dueatiou and intensily. At various points west, yesterday, tin mercury reached loo. Valentine. Neb., shows the maximum, in? for two days. No prostrations by tne heat have been reported to the police so far to-day. •Continued warm weather throughout this region is predicted hy the Signal office for to-morrow. FKKItaiT HANDLERS STRIKE. Serious Complication* Tor the ltiiilroHilsut Cincinnati. CixtiNNAri, July 7.—Between loo and .">no freight handlers refused to go to work this morning. Early in the day tlieCiiieiiinat. Hamilton and Dayton railroad announced that it would receive no more freight until further notice. The Big Forr also handled no freight to-day. but expect to have men at work to.morrow. The t>. A M. and B. A ().. Southwestern. Cincinnati Southern. Louisville aid Nashville and Little Miami continued to handle their freight, though with considerable reduced forces. FOUCHT TO DEATH. Terrible Duel Helweeti Two Abandoned Knoxvu.i.k. Ti v\„ July 7.—Naunis Lih'inger and Stella Cole, two women of the town, foiiglit a duel this morning with knives over a man named Matt I Bradley, whom each claimed. Libsing | « r was carved to pieces, and instantly killed. The Cole woman was not seri ously hurt, .she is under arrest. A (treat Failure at M. Louis. Sr. Lot is. July 7.—Edmund T. Allen representing the Farmers’ Loan and Trust Company, to-day filed a bill in the Culled States Circuit Court, asking for a rei iver to take charge of the St. Louis tire and Steel Company. The | former company holds a mortgage of i '•'.‘.tioo.otto. Costly Fire at Evansville Ev AN'Vii.i.i:, Ixti., July 7.—The Armstrong furniture factory and Kahn, (ioodwin A Co.’s Evansville Stove Works, burned to-day. Loss #100,(kk): insurance 'l'.‘0,ooo. Several persons were prostrated by the heat and over work. smitten Death at Charleston. Special Telegram to the Ileguter. Charleston, W. Vv .July Mrs.Elir alieth S. Clarkson, widow of the late David Clarkson and (laughter of the late A. W. (juarrier. died very suddenly last night of heart disease. She was years of age and leaves ten children. They Evade the I-aw. Col.! miu s, July Columbus City Coun cil refuses to establish a labor employment agency ttie new Corcoran law because it would give two offices to Democrats, Labor Commissioner McBride having the appoint ing power. Another Ice Trust. Sr. Pin, July 7.—All the Twin City ice companies are rejiortod as joining a big ice trust. The companies in Minneapolis in terested in the deal are the C's.lar I.ake and the City Ice companies The St. 1 aui Ice Company, of St. Paul, is also m the combine. ELEVENTH HOI It NEWS. Philadelphia brewers will protest against the proposition in the McKinley lull to raise the duty on barley from 10 to -to cents a bushel. George W. Sileox, a Syracuse. New York man who married six heiresses and secured their money, has been arrested in Philadelphia. N. Okamato, a young Japanese student at Columbia College, has mysteriously disappeared. There was a deficit of *7,000,000 in the postal receipts last year. The Republicans of Wisconsin will hold their State Convention at Milwaukee on August ‘JO. John Wurster, of Philadelphia, was drowned at Atlantic City, N. J., yesterday while boating. The Bohemian Society of New \ ork held moctiugs and listened to orations vesterdav in memory of John Huss, their great countryman, who was burned at ttie stake 4T."> veal’s ago on account of his uttcr ances iu behalf of religious freedom At Tolson, New Mexico. Charles Ellis, a diunken cow boy shot ami killed n. **• Riley. He will be lynched. The puddlers and helpers iu the Sus quehanna mill, at Lancaster, Pa. have struck. Chimes, Cleo, Orinil, Longshot, Mc Murlv and Woodcraft won in the Chicago races yesterday. ■ ■ ' “f CHEAP SEAL SKINS. Two Grout Companies Will He In The Business. San Francisco. July 7.—The Chron icle states that the Alaska Commercial Co., which until recccntly had the ex clusive right to capture seals iu Ameri can waters of Behring Sea has now secured a contract with the. Russian government granting them the exclusive right to capture seals on the Siberian coast. The number of seals to be taken yearly is not known, but it is believed to he very large. The steamer Karluk, owned by the company, has recently sailed for Petroffsky to capture seals there. The competiou of the Alaskan Commercial Co. will be very severe for the North American Com mercial Co., which was recently award ed by tin; F. S. the sealing privilege iu Retiring Sea ami it Is believed the effect will be to greatly to reduce the price of sealskins. NICHOLS' PROTEST. Tlie Governor Vetoes the LouUiitmt Lot tery Kill. Raton Hoi ok, July 7.—Governor Nich ols to-day returned the Lottery bill with out his approval. He says the State of Louisiana is not a pauper and predicts that the lottery bribe will cause endless extrav agance, dissatisfaction and corruption. He also points out that the names of the six men who with Morris are to constitute the companv have not been given. At no time, he says.'would he dishonor the State and himself by signing such a bill. NATIONAL TEACHERS. Erstecn Thousand of Them Assemble Hi St. Paul. St. Put., Minn., July 7.—To-morrow afternoon the lirst of the sessions of tlie Educational Association proper will begin in St. Paul. Train load after train load of bright faced teachers having been pulling into the Union depot all day long. The most conservative estimates of the number of teachers to be in attendance is 12,000, though the number may reach Hi,000. PYTHIAN KNIGHTS. Thousands Flowing Into Milwaukee- Trouble in Securing Accommodations- Four Knights Killed. Mtr.w wkf.k, July 7.—The streets are alive with uniformed men. and every train serves to swell the sweltering mass. The weather is intensly hot. ami the Pythian Knights arrayed in somber black, and buckled up tight with ac coutrements, presented the very picture of discomfort. Mostly all divisions that came from short distances arrived on special trains and marched to the camp grounds. At depots the jam was so great as to blockade the streets. Itrigadicr-lieneral Hastings, of Michi gan, reported at 11 o’clock with S00 men. The delegation from the Wol verine State came over in three gaily decked steamers from Port Huron and other points. Only four regiments have reported from Chio. More are expect ed, however, and the delegation will probably number 100. Chancellor Ward telegraphed that he had sustained in juries in a railroad wreck, and would be unable to attend the encampment. Some trouble is expected to occur when the latter end of the coming crowd trails into town. Originally it was intended by the Citizens’ Commit tee to provide 3,000 tents for the visit ors. but the number was cut to 3.10. Adjutant (ioneral McKee says the ac commodations will lie inadequate, and lie is greatly puzzled where to place his men. Strong efforts will be put forth to get the next biennial encampment for Omaha, with Lincoln, Neb., also asking for it. Boston will inakca strong bid for tin- conclave on the strength of her t lose race for it against Milwaukee at the last meeting. General Carnahan, ill the Indiana brigade, will pull wires for Indianapolis, and the Hoosier city stands a lighting chance against all the rest. Following tin- unwritten law of tiie order, (ico. B. Shaw, of Fan Claire, Wis., the millionaire lumberman, will, without doubt, be made Supreme Chan cellor of the World. rVTIlI AN.S WKECKKl). One Killed anil Ten Injured In n Disaster nt Manteuo. K.VNK \KKK, I IAS, July 7.—The most serious wreck that the Illinois Central has experienced for several years oc curred at Manteno this morning at s o’clock. A special excursion train of fourteen cars carrying lion members "f the Knights of Pythiasaud ladies to the biennial Supreme Lodge, was derailed at the switch while entering the village at a speed of 33 miles all hour. When the train broke a chair ear occupied by the Fast St. Louis con tingent turned upon its side and the occupants, numbering were hurled with great violence against tin- side of the ear. The sudden stoppage of the train caused a Iona li-t of casualties. .1. 11. Crowder, of Waco. Texas, aged 30 was standing oil the platform of om of the ears and wa- killed. About ten others were wounded in this ear but none seriously. in tiif: coffin. Horrible Case <>f Clilltl Blrtli In Wies baden. Wikmiiokn. July 7.—The body of I.av iniu Merli, who was believed to>havedied in a hystertic tit. was placed in .» \ault Tliursdoy. On Saturday the body »a» found completely turned in the casket l i - the startling discovery was made thu tin si.ppos.-d dead woman had given birth to a child, which was of course, dead. KNIGHTS PKICISH. Four of Tliem Killed «»• * *,4‘ IHlnoU Special* Mn.w M KKK. July 7. —G cneral Carnahan, Commander Uniformed Ka.ik Knights or 1‘vthias, received a dispatch from Mon tano 111 . at noon to-day. announcing that four of the Knights ivoiv killed and six in jured in the wreck of the Illinms Central s|Hvial train containing the Sixth Kcgi ment of Illinois Knights. TIh* I'rogniiniuc To-Morrow* Mn.w v, ki:b, \V>< . July 7-TheSupreme Councilor the Knights of 1 vthias oftln j world will be formally opened to-morrow. At Hi o'clock to-morrow a public recent on will be given in the Exposition bunding , ■ind at 11 o’clock the great parade will tak. Si “down Grand avenue and Wisconsin . It reel to the lake front. It is expected that there will be 50.000 people in the city to-. morrow.___ Costly Tire at Findlay. Findlay. Ohio, July 7.—The machine works of Adams Bros. A Co. caught tire this morning in the pattern room cnUrolY , destroying that department. Loss f10,500. ; partially insured. Liberal Offer. Mat McCabe, of New Brunswick, 111 offers to pay live dollars to any person troubled with bloody flux. "ho wil! t^to Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diar . rho-a Kernedv according to directions and docs not get well in the shortest possible time. One half of a 25 cent bottle of this remedv cured him of bloody flux, after he had tried other medicines and the proscrip tions of physicians without.benefit, Mr. McCabe is"perfectly safe in making this offer, as more than a thousand bottles of this remedv are sold each day, and it has never beenknownto fail in any easeof colic, cholera morbus, dysentery, diarrhu-a or hloodv flux, when the plain printed diree tions" were followed. For sale by C? K. Goetxc, \V. \V. Irwin, C. Schnpef and John Klari. I i.ikk my wife to use Pozzoni s toiii plexion Power because it improves her looks and is as fragrant as violets. | PLACING THE BLAME. luquent Into the Dunbar Mine Ilorror. Dt’, July 7.—Tlie Coroner’s in vestigation into the Hill Farm minedis-! aster began here this morning. There was a luge array of witnesses and a i searching investigation will bo institut ed. Besides the attorneys for the Dun bar Furnace Company and the families j of the dead miners, A. F. Dawns, Esq., j represented the Knights of Labor. Two | witnesses were examined this morning, j Patrick Biglow, one of the survivors, ] told the story of tie* explosion as it lias 1 been reported. Upon cross-examination lie stall'll that the nil'll were all using open lights. He had seen gas in the mine a year ago. The men In slope No. s used safety lamps, but miners went In there with open lumps also. Thos. ' Evans, the mine boss, said there had , never been any gas there to his knowl-1 edge. He hud been down In the mine until nearly 11 o’clock the morning of the accident. Made an examination live days previous and found a little black damp, lint no lire damp. On cross-ex- | animation lie acknowledged that Mine 1 Inspector Keigbley told him lie should | visit Hill Farm mine oftener. Mine boss Evans assistant Hugh Doran was examined. It was shown that Doran never had a certificate, either as a lire or mine boss, but had practical control of the mine. Both men acknow legrd that open lights were used in a portion of the mine that was con sidered safe; also that men went to the portion, or where the explosion occurred with those lamps. The inquest then adjourned until 10 o’clock to-morrow. The families of the miners are in a wretched condition. Some S'.’.oon have been distributed, but t his went a very short distance to supply thirty-one starving families. DEADLY BLACK DAMP Cows, Birds mid Dugs I’erisli Prom It ut Dunbar. Dt'MtAi:, Pa.. July 7.—The Hill Farm has been closed up as tightly as possi ble, yet a cow was killed by black damp this morning. It was feeding on the hill above the Mahoning mine. The damp is escaping, and birds, dogs and cows are all succumbing to its deadly iiillnenee. The stable boss at the Hill Farm mint* saw a swallow fall this morning. He picked it up, and after bathing it. it recovered. The escape of the damp is creating considerable talk. It proves one thing, and that is that the miners of the rescu ing party only left the Mahoning mine in time. Had they stayed longer the effects might have been fatal. The work of shutting up the mine was finished Saturday. Every known hole or opening has been filled up. In the manway of the ill-fated mine loads of cinder and clay were dumped into the mouth of tin* way until it was closed. It is hoped that another effort to get into the burning mine may be made within the next two weeks. M'CABTII Y-DI\ON. A Ureal Featherweight Battle to lie Fought Soon. New York. July 7.—Cal. McCarthy, the undefeated 114-pound pugilist, was one of the happiest young men in Jersey City yes terday when’he learned that the Pelican Club, of London, hud offered a purse of ?Ci,(X)0 for a tight between himself and Geo. Dixon. "W-M I tight him;" said McCarthy last | night. "You can bet a hundred to one that I will. I shall cable the Pelicans to-mor row and as soon as they send along the fiioo guaranteed tnc for expenses. My left hand, which 1 almost ruined when I fought Dixon in Boston, is com ing around all right again. I have always believed myself capable of whip ping Dixon and I will not make so many mistakes this time as 1 did before. From the time the match was made I thought Dixon would lick Wallace, ami 1 won about *400 on the fight. There is no doubt that George if a clever tighter, but he is inclin ed to use his elbows too much, and 1 won't have any of that sort of thing if we meet at the Pelican. 1 do wish, though." con tinued McCarthy, "that they rould have skin gloves over there.” McCarthy added that he would g" to England prepared to wager as a side bet with Tom O’Uourke, Dixon's backer. HOI SK OF LORDS A Decaying Legislative Body amt lls Probable Abolition. LoMnix, July 7. —Aii extraordinary spectacle is the House of Lords' atten tion to its own decay as a legislative body, fail'd Hibblesdale is the peer who dared to hold up the mirror to the representatives of title aristocracy, and it must have made some of the lords fuel uncomforaMe about the necks when their noble friend began his speech with an allusion to the guil lotim and its deadly work in the French Revolution. The burden of his address was tiiat the peers neglected their leg islative duties, and ho proposed, as a remedy, that only those who were regu lar in attendance should he allowed to , vote. He «|noted from Bagelmt's work on the English Constitution to the effect ; that "some day or other small attendances of tin* House of Lords | will destry the House of lairds. The subject was dropped after a brief discussion, but it lias served in calling public attention to tin* fact hardly thought of before, that the Lords thorn- | selves do not seem to put much of a j value on the great privileges which ; they hold by the claim of noble birth, j Out of a possible attendance of about ,i;,o. the average attendance is less than | pi. The indications, therefore, are that | whenever the people get ready to abol ish the House of Lords, that body will I he in condition for the funeral. rOl.ICK ON A ST It IKK. Kcinarkable Conflict In London—Nearly « Ittot. Lu.mnin, July 7.—The agitation among the police force' is increasing. Tiiis after noon the constables expelled an inspector! from the Bow street station for attempting to prevent an indignation meeting. After wards 4'J of the force were summarily | dismissed. In anticipation of a strike a riotous mob of roughs blocked up Bow street and vicinity this evening, preventing j the constables from reaching the station.' The crowd becoming turbulent, mounted officer-- endeavored to clear a jiassagc, and were received with hoots ami jieltcd with bags of flour, sticks, etc. A few persons were slightly injured. The majority of the , police returned to duty as usual. A Fong Drawn Out Sirik#*. Pittsbi ho. July 7.—The strike of the boiler makers in "this city promises to lx- a long one. The manufacturers decided to day to combat the demands of their men indefinitely, and the men say they will hold out until thev are granted the reduction in hours. The strike was inaugurated July 1st, and affects nearly 2,000 men. Sfiious Explosion of Fire Damp. Pittsbi k<». Pa., July 7.—By the explo sion of firedamp in the’Suckeryvillc mines, near Kankin Statiou, Pa., this morning, live miners were seriously, but not fatally injured. Their names were John Jones. William Spence. John Kelly, John Carter and Robert Craig. A Mother’s Fearful Crime. LiM V. o.. July 7.—Mrs. Siefried, of this place took a dose of rough on ruts to-day and forced some down the throats of her two children. All were made very ill, but will recover. _ A*k Your Friend* About It. Your distressing cough can be cured. We know it because Kemp’s Balsam with in the past few years has cured so many coughs and colds in this community. Its remarkable sale has been won entirely by its genuine merit. Ask some friend who has used it what he thinks of Kemps Balsam. There is no medicine so pure, none So effective. Large bottles JWc ami tl at all druggists*. SAT ON THE TARIFF.! 1HE SENATE REFUSES Tu TAKE UP THE' BILL Democrats With tbe Aid of Silver Republicans Score a Victory—Slim Chances for tbe Election Bill to Become a Law. SjHciat TtUgram to the fltguter. Wamiixutox, July 7.—The rejection of Morrill's motion in the Senate to-U..y was a painful surprise to the eastern Republicans. They did not believe the silver Republicans would vote against tlie motion. Senators Faulkner and i I’ugh were tlie only Democrats who voted for tlie motion. In conversation with tlie Rkc.istki: correspondent Sen ator Faulkner said he hated to differ with tlie bulk of his party, but lie was so thorougly convinced tliat wise policy counselled the taking up of tlie Tariff bill, lie could not do otherwise, lie said Senator Frye informed him that tlie ob ject was to take up tie- Tariff bill and then lay it aside informally to consider the Subsidy Dill and tlie River and Har bor bill. With tlie Tariff bill made tlie unfinished business it would require a | majority vote to replace it with tbe ' Election bill or any other measure, ami Senator Faulkner thought it good policy to bring up tlie tariff, and thus make it au obstacle in tin* way of tlie Election bill, as he does not beliea majority would vote to lay it aside. The motion to take up tile tariff Will be re newed just as soon as tlie confer ence report on silver shall have been adopted, and Senator Aldrich says it will carry. The tariff managers have offered, in ease their bill is taken up, to lay it aside Informally for the River and Harbor hill, and Unis gain some votes for tlie motion. The bosses who are managing tlie House shrewdly directed concessions oil silver just at this time in the hope of placating the silver men of the Senate and winning some of their votes for the Election hill. However Reed will not carry it. Some of the Republican Senators openly declare that they are in favor of dispos ing of tlie Silver, the Tariff and Appro priation Dills and of adjourning. Hoar lias given private notice that lie means to make a determined light for the Elec tion bill. .AIOKK ILL'S SETBACK. The Vote b.v Whleli the Senate Itcfiiscil to Take l |> the Tariff Bill. Wa-oiingtox, July".- Mr. Morrill moved that the Senate proceed to the considera tion of the tariff bill. He said that after the tariff bill was taken up it could be laid aside informally until the two shipping bills were disposed of. After debate Un vote was taken on Mr. Morrill's motion, and the result was. yeas 18, nays 21—no quorum votiug. Then there was a call of tho roll, to which -I'.* Senators responded. The vote was again taken and the Senate I refused to take up tho tariff bill yeas JO, nays 'J3, as follows: Yeas Aldrich, Allison, Davis. Dixou, Dolph. Edmunds, Furwell, Faulkner. Frye. Hale, Hawley, Hiscock. Manderson, Morrill, 1 Matt. Pugh, (Juay, Sawyer, Sher man, S took bridge—JO. Nays-Allen. Bate, Berry, Carlisle. Cock rell, Gibson, (lorman, Hampton, Harris, Jones of Arkansas, Mitchell, Pascoc, Payne, Plumb, Hansom, Heagan, Squire, Stewart, Teller, Turpie, Vest, Voorheos, Walthall—SI The consideration of the two Shipping bills was then resumed. M r. Heagan spoke against the bills and at the close of bis re marks the Election bill was received from the House and was ion motionof Mr. Frye) ordered to die on the table until the return to Washington of the chairman of the Com mittee on Privileges and Elections (Mr. Hoar). SECOND-CLASS ATT It ACTION. The Harrisons Fall to Draw at tape May. Cai-e Miv. .V J., July 7. The events and incidents of the last! three days have pretty thoroughly demonstrated that as a drawing attraction, pure and simple, Pres ident Harrison is a lamentable failure. To quote the terse phrase of a theatrical man ager summering here, “neither the Presi dent nor ‘Baby' McKee have drawn ex penses thus far. It is rather difficult to explain the causes of this apparent lack of interest in the I temporary head of the nation. It may be that the people hesitate to intrude upon the privacy of occupants of the Harrison cot tage, and it may lx- that the multitude are coarsely indifferent to the multifold charm : of both'the President and his illustrious, grandson. However, no matter what the ! causes are, the fact remains that Mr. liar risou’s coining has not as yet attracted one J extra guest to either of the three hotels j grouped on the Point, and the expected in flux of hungry-eved excursionists has not , been forthcoming.- _ West Virginians at Washington. Special Telegram fo the Il'f.Uter. Washington, D. C., July ".—Colonel j W. M. Clements, now a prominent citizen nf West Virginia, was here on business to dav. James (!. Downturn, of West Virginia, has resigned as a special examiner of the pension office. HA ULAN’S AVAIL Itcportcd that tlie Factions Have Burned the Court House. I.oiTsvn.i.K, Kv.f July ".—It is re ported oil good authority that the war ring factions at Harlan < ourt II.. Thursday night burned the Court House and all the records. No confirmation is possible to-night. I'owilrrly Drnoiinc’Cit SritAXTox, P.\„ July 7. Ata Knights of Labor mooting in Prlceburg yester day C. iu ral Master Workman I’ow derly. after describing tin- en slavcd condition of the Pennsyl vania miners, scathingly arraigned , the doings of tin' recent Harrisburg Convention. He blamed the people themselves for such nominations as that of lVlamater; their apathy alone mad* them possible. Washington New*. In the House, yesterday, Mr. Bland ex plained that the reason for his absence from the Conference on Silver on Satur dav was that in- had been notified by * 'hair man Congers that thcrc| would be no con ference. The House considered the Laudtlraut forfeiture hill yesterday, but did not uct on it. David Dudley Field Will Preside. Losihix. July 7.—David Dudley Field is to preside at tile I ' Peace Congress begin here on Monday, the IIth inst. <>n next Mondav Mr. Field, who has resisted the temptation for many years, is to lw ex altol bv presentation at the levee to be helu by the Prince of Wales at St. James I al iue Other Americans who will also be permitted to wear knickerbockers, bow be fore the royal gentleman and back out of his presence are F. F. C. Lawrence and John W. Mackav. To Paint Itoyal Portrait*. LONPOS. Julv 7.—The (Jueen has invit isl Herr Swoboda. the Austrian artist, and his sister, who is also an artist, to visit Windsor Castle for the purpose of painting IK.rtraits of the members of the Koval family. _ _ , The Emperor on a Tour. CtiRtsTi.vxia, July 7.—The Emperor of i LJermanv has started on a tour of the Nor wegian coast. King Oscar of Sweden and . N'orwav has ajqiointod His Majesty an hon jrarv admiral in the Norwegian navy. llurklen'* Arnica Salve. The best salve in the world for C uts, rtr-oscs Son s L*leers. Salt Kboum. t ever, . Sores Tetter. Cha|i|»sl Hands, Chilblains, Corns'and all the Skin Eruptions, and pos- ] tivelv cures Piles, or no pay required It ( s guaranteed to give saUsfaction or monej refunded. Pri.-e i'. .vats per box. t or (ale by Logan Drug Co. | A WATERLOO DEFEAT. Wheeling lfnnilleit Very Kotighly l>y Mum Held. A&'will be seen bv the following telegram ! from Mansfield, Wheeling fared very bad ly yesterday at the hands of the ball tossers n that point. '‘/eriiil TeUyram to the /leyieter. Maxsfiemi, O., July 7.—'The game here k»-day resulted in a victory for the home i earn! Score, fifteen to two. Left field leorgc missed connections and failed tear- \ rive in time to take part in the game. Ap pended is the score: IK II •• A ■ WIIEILIXU. K. H <>. A. t ! it,-Mill'ii. 1 I l1 ii n ip Lytle, I uni o () j'drvilr. 3 3 o 3 l l Osh'ne.m pi u :i o I in. 3 3 3 (I ll Gh-lilvln.3 il l) 4 3 1 Hale, r .. I 3 l| 01 0 Ziegler.e..I 1 1 I I ll Mooney, 3. 1 13 1 I O Brien, t n I 13 3* Jllngiii'n.k I t> 3.3 Oi Myers. 3 . 1 3 3 4 4 i'itz»’ll», «• 3 1 U 3 U. Ziegler, r. 0 I 0 0 II H’nuruier.p 3 3 1 3 oj Fltzg’r'd.p 0 I ll 31 •• IvIusiiiuiiI 3 3 7| I 0 .trmit'ge, I ll till) ll ll Totals 1518;37ln 3| Totals _» 7 31 13 8 Muni, field.7 3 IOOD 5 0 »—15 Wheeling.0 0 U 3 0 0 0 0 0— 3 Earned runs, Mausfield 3, Wheeling J; home runs, Mooney: three-base hits, Mc Vey, Myers, G. Zoigler; two-base hits, Dale 2. Zeigler I; sacrifice hits. Wheeling 1: double plays. Glenalvin anil Armitage; stolen bases, Mansfield 5, Wheeling 1: bases on balls, Fournier 1, Fitzgerald it; struck out, Fournier ll, Fitzgerald I: hit by pitcher. Fournier*.!: passed bails, ’/.eigler 1; time, 1:50; umpire, Hill. Dayton Dcfeatetl 14ml IM«IihiiiU. Special TeUgratn to the Register. Dwrux, July 7. -The home dub disbands eil to-day, owing bi poor jiatronage. It likely Sandusky will HU the vacancy. The game resulted as follows: Daytun.0 1 0 0 I 0 1 U O— 3 Youngstown . 3 u 1 3 o I 13 •—II Hits, Dayton 7. Youngstown 14; earned runs, Dayton 1, Youngstown 8; errors. Dayton 4! Youngstown 3; two base hits, Payne; throe-base hits. Brewer; home runs, Stapelton; dauble plays, Ben-hold, Parker and Sherman; batteries, Stapleton and Williams, Payne and Cody; time of game, 1.45; umpire, Thomas. A Victory for Mi-K.-CKimrl. Special Teltqram to the ReaUter. Cvntiin', O., July 7. Today's game re sulted as follows: k. h. t. Canton . 3 « 7 McKees port s y 3 Batteries, Young ami Hurt; Jones and Cote. Springfield Itailly Worsted. Special TeUyram to the IU meter. Si*uini.hi;i.ii, O., July 7. -Today's game resulted as follows: it. II. K. Akron.lit 17 rt Springfield.k II 8 Batteries, Conner and Sweeney: Sehie bel and Mackey. Hum' Kail Note*. The Shamrocks challenge the Hesolutes for a game on the Tunnel Green next Sun day afternoon. The O.'s will eecept the challenge of the Successes for Sunday, on the Peninsula brickyard. The Keystone Juniors, formerly called the Lincoln School Club, would like to hear from any club in the city or abroad under id years of age. The Keystone Juniors defeated the White Caps by a score of to 0: was won by the decision of Umpire Bruddy. The Keystone Juniors defeated a picked nine on the Peninsula green by u score of II toll. The features of the game was Jackson’s catching, two home runs by Franklin, and Jmining's heavy drive. The White Lilies rkalleugo the Fulton Stars ftir a game of ballon their grounds, Sunday, July 13th. Pleaseanswer through this paper. The Silver Stars were awarded two gumes from the Silver Dollars by a score of 9 to 0 in favor of the Silver Stars by J. Long. Players' League. At Philadelphia Philadelphia Pitts burg 11; base bits, and 13: errors, ftaud4: pitchers, Sanders anil Morris; earned runs. 3 and 3; umpires, Knight and Jones. At New York—New York Is. Buffalo ti; Hits, 19 and !■; errors, 4 and 9; earned, II aml'J: pitchers, O'Day and Haddock: um pires, Gaffney and Sheridan. At Brooklyn Brooklyn *.*. Chicago 0; hits, hand fi; errors, Chicago 1: earned, Brooklyn 2; pitchers, Weyhlng and Bald win: umpites, Ferguson and Jlolbert. At Boston -Cleveland‘J, Boston ft;earn ed, 3 and 2: hits, l .’nnd 7; errors. 4 and s; pitchers, Bakcly and Daley; umpires. Mat thews and Leach. Vitimml Li>uj;uf>. At IMiilnlolpliia Philadelphia lt Ciwin* nati 3: base bits, a and T: errors, 3 and 3; pitchers. Gleason and Kliiues; earned runs, Cincinnati 1: umpire, Lynch. At New York- -New York 1, Chicago 4; base hits, 4 and 8; errors, 1 and 3; earned runs, Chicago ‘J: umpire. Powers; atten dance till; pitchers, Uusie and Hutchin son. At Brooklyn—Cleveland -J. Brooklyn 4: hits, i earli: errors. uud 1. Pitchers, Beatin a id Caruthers. Umpire. McDcr mot. At Boston—Boston Pittsburg 3; earn ed runs, 1 cacti; bits 11 and T; errors. 3 and ft. Pitchers, Clarkson and Hivker. Umpire. McQuaile. \i.K\AM>KK H It lot s. The Itnlgiirlau situation lleeoinlng More Alarming. Loxnos, July ; Tho Czar is represent ed, in a dispatch from St. Petersburg, as ; growing more and more furious over the open defiance of Russia by Prince Ferdi mind. and some action in the direction of Bulgaria is daily looked for. The scheme to displace Ferdinand for Prince Oscar, of Sweden, d.s-s not tint! favor in F.uropean courts, and especially 1 in the Austrian Umpire, where the execu tion of Paniua has lieon hailed with en thusiasm by the Hungarians, and where tlie government tlnds it difficult to resist tiie popular pressure for the recognition ' of Ferdinand. The situation ou the Pauubc is every day hecoftiing more congested. SOI RAN FAMINE. Terrible Suffering Aiuuug Ibe Restitute Mat Res. London. July 7. Advices have reached Cairo that the famine which has for some time past prevailed in the Soutlan is in creasing rapidly. Thousands of natives are without food of any kind, and the re iMtrtod number of deaths from starvation is appalling. With the reports of this dreadful state of affairs come horrible stories of cannibalism, which is also said to he on the increase. It was reported not long ago the dead were being eaten by the famished survivors, but the present ad vices represent matters as still worse. It is now assorted that large numbers of men, women, and children are deliberately put to death that they may serve as food for their frenziis! companions Relief has been -xtended to these unhappy people as far as possible, but not sufficiently to allay the terrible suffering in the interior settle ments which are beyond reach Kutdxn Crop l’ro»prft»(loo«l. St. I’etek'Bi no, July 7 The prospects for the harvest throughout the whole of Russia an- good. In the Baltic provinces the prospects arc exceptionally good. Amrriran Itilleinrii Win Trl/rs Berlin, July 7.-In the riff-- contests jere yesterday prizes were won by Messrs. Cimmerman and Klein, of New ^ ork. and tlr Jacobi, of San Francisco. Wait oil One Another. XtOnuko ('Uv I*/n*. | It is related of a l-year old gir! of lo ■al fame, that she was ..ntlv heard , oinmanding her little cousin to do an , •rrend for her. > ■■Kitsey." saitl she, ”go up *tair* and | md get mv doll * dress. •Whv. Caroline " said her mother. t •you shouldn't talk to Kitsey that /ay " The little faec grew long with eriousnese and the big blue eyes open <j even wider than ever. f -t • Why. mamma. I 'stonisbed at you ^ Jidn't Jesus have his disciples wash t •ich otbre's feet to teach them to wait r „ one another? Kitsey. you go right p p -tairs and get my doll’s dress. jh STORM FURY LOOSE. TERRIBLE CYCLONE PLOWS THROUGH FARGO. NORTH DAKOTA. Bosuifcis Houses Unroofed sad Dwellings Crusted. Seven Young Laves Go Out in the Storm. Many People Seriously Hart. A Train Wrecked. Sr. I*Art., Minn., July 7.—A Walip ten, S. 1 >.. correspondent of tli. /*io»u< Pms telegraphs that paper as follows: A straight wind from the northwest struck Fargo at 2:30 a. m. Great dam age was done to the city, whole block were unroofed, Yerxs* Wigwam. McGill A Co.'s warehouse, the Opera liou-e. the Republican office, Keeny block, Kv changc Hold. Continental block, the Manitoba freight house were unroofed, and the Milwaukee depot blown down Small houses were raised and a lot of plate glass on Front street and Broadway was broken. The residence of the lateCupt. McCarthy, corner of Fifth and State was struck by tin- -torm and demolished. Seven children were it* slautly killed and Mrs. McCarthy is not expected to live. Two unknown tramps, stopping in a box car were killed. No. 1 passenger train on the Northern Pacific going west, had Just pulled out of the yards and had stopped at the Milwaukee crossing. The train was made up of three baggage coaches and sleepers, a party of Chh ago and North western ollieials in a private car and superintendent McCabe's car. All of the coaches and the tender were blown from the track, but no live- were lost tiik iNtcnth rvs-k\» \\i» riiviv MKN, so far as learned, arc : George M. Man ning, l’ost Falls, Idaho, knee hurt and shaken up; J. F. Hound tree, of Filigree, X. I>.. badly bruised and leg hurt: Mi McCabe, Chicago, ankle bruised: ('. H. Helm, of Kllcnsburg, Washington, knee hurt and bruised: Victor Montgomery. Chicago, -calp wound; Mr-. Nord-tci, Seattle, badly cut In -everal place-: John Hichie. baggage master, eul in tie head: Albert 1.. express mess, nger. bruised; Mrs. H. C. Maun, of Milwau kee, arm bruised and shoulder sprained: Addison A ugure, Washington, fare cut: •'. A. Marr, St. Imtils, temple braised; Mrs. C. H. Griffith, of Miles City. Mont., badly bruised: Hen Sport man, porter, -pine injured and head se riously hurt: Col. Thompson and wife, slightly Injured. A number of other wen* slightly injured. Vfl ot S I of the Fargo disaster says the M Carlhv children took refuge In a coal bin and were crushed to death. Their mother was seriously hurt. The loss i« !* STOKM UKNKIt \l . Reportsof Disaster From .Mali) I'oiut- in Dakota Sr. I*.\l l., July 7. The/Vino;•/’<(»» lias llie following additional news from the storm district: From the surrounding country within a radius of thirty miles reports of damage to growing crops in. Farm houses, barns and out buildings in ull directions an1 reported let clod to the ground, and trees ulong the river bank for miles in both directions from this city are broken off entire Cassoltnn reports’ bridges in ull directions waslusl out or blown away Mapleton—Nearly every building in town bears marks of the storm. No one seriously, but a number badly hurt. Durbin Heavy bail storm, accompanied by wind, and great damage was done to crops of ull kinds. Wheatland Numerous buildings were blown down, and the damage to crop b> bail was considerable. I I Kl l hit ItKI'IIItTS. \ ,ign«- Itiunor- of the I'crrible Disaster. St. I’.tt i . July 7. A report i- ■ m rent here that the town o’f Fargo. N D.. was completely -wept away In a > velum this morning, and that Moorhead, which lies cast of Fargo, was also slightlv dam aged, of course, If the rc|iort Is true, there must have heen great lo«s of life at Fargo, and all liidleatioii'eoiilirm tie repoafe A railroad man who arriveil from that vicinity this morning -ay a terrific wind storm prevailed there thi' morning, and that several train wore blown from the tracks. All wires to Fargo are down and tin* Western Union officials rc|>ori that almut two miles of telegraph wires near Fargo ami west of Fargo, they say worm ■ i n dltion exist, and that miles of win - and poles are down The Western Union office in this • Ity has been unable to get Fargo or Moor head across the Kill river from then Their wires are down for some distum >• in all directions from Fargo and noth ing definite call be learned from them at present- It is probable that a 'pc* nil train will -tart soon for the »eem- of lie disaster hilt it coup! not reach there be fore midnight at ..arlicst. Tim con dition of the wires would also delay tie speedy receipt of definite new-. neral Passenger Agent > Fee. of the Northern Pacific R. R. has tin Ing telegram from Jamestown. N D About 2 a nt a snv< ro storm sir n - 1 Dakota division. Numcr on** wa« blown from the track at l argo shops Hoot blown off d. pot at Mapleton. "i.e of tin- elevators at Dalrymplc moved off t foundation. Klcxevator at Kdinund son struck by lightning and burie d. I irs blown out on main track ol I: M ville oil F. A. .V w. Ilraneli. } I’opulftlloil. Minm *r«n is July; Kanroi th. ■ tyseat of Cass eount.v, N l»-and In s ..n tin- |{>t| river of the n«>rUi. .Hr*** tl> *•!• ,H,site Moorhead. Minn. " has •* ‘ tion of h.iiio j»*oplc “'.d *» “ substantially built rtourisiiintr ' it-v --— ——— TIm* solicit In( bmtli Srrfrt*" * Mo mt''' IP,V. especial!'» 'brink from any up proael. to rldi. nl. on tl.e par. -f il.. :r , |di r. Only yesterd ■ ' able philosopher confessed to m< that his disapproval of a certain P-rson ..f note arose fro... nothin* more - no . than an unlucky question P “> » ' In I.U boyhood hyth.Icbrity Jlsenssin* The man. meaning t" • pleasantly Jocose. In «»••* '*t“ Others had ashed the l».) what h. thought of matter, ami thing, •ral The lining repartee I- m.l appal ,llt at on... to a mat.iP mind, am Lbe p.s.r victim had remained ■ onf.i—l »n.l silent, recalling hi* painful P*-^ lion ever aft> rwar.l at sight of hi- ■ in.'nior—uutill displeasure. thriving up ,n itself, grew into res. ntm. nt. We may be so unfortunate as to • •ounter antlphaihetic , r, at,'r'll ‘V m-mou* of our Hvs but surely tl * anil KS*ir,,lTh.,,-'aiU «•■*<«">« ;,^srr-s is for our shortcomings with a -haft ,f ..Ireasth.'rKx-tof ages did poor -lu ice Shallow. We. through him may ivt. ,-ternal inglorious while In r. ad ,U history In all nations • Eat Slow i .i«in vour mouth afterwards with SO and vourt.s-th will he in o n H they 13 iot food t-th to rnas.i.wm roperly. Chew fine, eat ‘low, and < i/.O DON'T