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Itnu Ai<tJcrtt«emcHte SIIFEL i CO. -Midsummer Sale-' -OK NOVELTIES -IN - SUMMER Dress Materials SPECIAL OFFERINGS OF Black Cireuariiues, Fish Nets, Black Lace Klounclmcs, White Laces, ami Triminiiii; Laces. -Embroideries t'louiirin^s Pirated ami Tucked lmliu Linen I'loimines Hemstitched Linens Ac., Ac. C. LSTIFEL <£ CO. in CD O CD —5 r G) * F—H J (/) S 0 N CD 3 ■ o u ■J UJ u. H m t/5 w H Cfl >* o fc 0 Pm of W H O Hi o 0 fc H H p O Dry 0>ooi»o---!jjtoiic 5* C’hoitm*. MATCHLESS BARGAINS! THIS MONTH. We offer our customers and the people ol Wheeling the most Remarkable Bargains ever offered. Large purchases for Fall have forced us to dispoose ol our stock immediately, as we must have room. People who want to save money will make $$ by attending this sale. One lot Mohair Brilliantine. worth 65c. reduced to 25c. One lot Mohair Brilliantine. worth 85c. reduced to 47c. One lot 4-4 Cashmeres, worth 25c. reduced to 12 1-2c. One lot Surah Silks, worth 60c. reduced to 25c. One lot Summer Silks, worth 75c. reduced to 35. One lot India Silks, worth SI.00. redueed to 39cc. One lot Fancy Weave "Black Goods, worth SL00. reduced to 50c. One lot Fancy weave Black Goods, worth 75c. reduced to 37 1-2c. One lot French Sateens, worth 35c. reduced to 15c. One lot American Sateens, worth 15c. reduced to 8 1-3c. One lot Seersuckers, worth 8c. reduced to 4 1-2c. One lot Merrimac Calico, worth 5c. reduced to 3 1-2c. One lot Cocheco Calico, worth 8c. reduced to 5c. One lot Table Linens, worth 25c, reduced to 17c. One lot Table Linens, worth 45c. reduced to 29c. One lot Lancaster Ginghams, worth 8c. reduned to 6 1-2c. One lot Indigo Blue Calico, worth 7c. reduced to 5 3-4c. One lot 4-4 Unbleached Muslin, worth 7c. reduced to 4 3-4c. One lot (Remnants! Barred Namsook. worth 12 1-2c. reduced to 6 1-4c. It will pay you to come miles to attend this Great Midsummer Sale. Come early lor choice, as some ol the above lots wiil be closed out soon. IJtrit 0>c»o&». •pcutieto. To the Trade. Wo would roopoctfully ask Merchants to please inspect our Immense stock and choico bgIoc tion of Dry Goods and notions, at the very lowest market prices. Jacobs & Isenberg. No. 1212 MAIN STREET, One Door North of Meisn. Qreer & l.alng. S.—Whole, a > exclu*nrelv. apde*d tieiy Oaf Through This Week _WE WILL OFFER Special Bargains -IS Slack and Col. rv<! M.-hairs. K ,,-k and Col.-red All »-«d Henrietta*. Blu. w and Colored Silk W»r|» Henrietta*. Hlack and Figured Satin-. ln.|«-rt-d Kr. nob lire-- Kobe*. Ulaok Lace l»ra|»-ry Sola. |tlack Chantilly Net*. striped and Figured. Black and Col»*S‘d Silk*. Ktne French Challii*. all new design*. Beautiful Eugli*h Challlies, light and dark Lace Curtains and I'.-rti.-re* Striped and Figured Outing Manuel*. Scotch Zephyr tir--* C.itighatu*. !v"f’ui*hn*o( Cornet, for L idle* and Children. Gent*' Balbriggan Shirt* and Hraw*r». Ladle* Kalhnggan \e*t*. Suidorcn Kid Gtov * at reduced trice*. Liberal purcha*. * have bought Urge «|UMrt'v tv* of good* too mauv coO»»HUeutly trked PRICES AWAY DOWN. .'hi* .* a glonona -1 ;.-r!nni.v for cl..»e bu»-r». r i. S. GOOD, 112;, Jk 11*27 Main Street. Latest Summer Styles. «£ S> f> r tl Vote worth STRAW HATS! Straw Hat- worth »• for «o Straw H.ti> worth TV. for 4V. m»« Hat* worth ♦!.*) f»r TV Woatlll have a f*w Black Straw- at «* and If vou want a hat don't ini" this - flannel Shirt-. Windsor Tt>- Kins *te-. timmet Underwear. Ac., at !>■» j .i M. J. McFADDEN. On.- rrtce Hatter and Furnisher. , l5 ,320 and 1322 Market Street. DH. GEO. J. CADDLE Surgeon Dentist, So. laiti MARKET STREET. 0TO\> r Hollar Sntiuif* Bun1!. ap.V*J "1 \ ” A N A M A K Eli A BROWN \V. : •rtlini; «»:•• 1>n merit of great variety - i uniplDi Mow than all Wheeling ■•■iiiilnied. (.jim-1 good tit. ami wiving «.f .« |H-r e.m. to tin- i-oniiunier. uliteh pat. belt i- than columns «.f false advertising. J. W. FERREL. Agent, Arion Hail Building. c«r. Main aud Twentieth THE NEW GRAZE — COME AND SEE THEM — II tlo- now ill Ihc Ka«t If ii*u il*»u l j ti. •>..« in I!..- I«m,1. >"U will ... H'- r DINGER'S, :;<» Ini lflh ,111,1 I 0.*»4 Vulli Mwl FOR SALE BY QRU66ISTS& DEALERS inijfi'Iinij jRctjister. riimiMUlu lir llfi ofil. Mr t* S»hm*wC il»<‘ Opem HouaP Jruff iu».U‘ the f,• ;. «;!>- observation* of tl.i••«•..{» ratuio v.-vniav 7 a m , m . ". i. n». "•. s i* «. v*; • !• m ■1,1 Wi-alt«*r, lair Til ►. WKITIIKK b r VmIm* p. in ■ N uri' «4 oMa nl*i I. >»«■«! t*\ inni; *• itber. ^inus, K,r W«: Virginia (■•!lo*>-d by clr»r «. .i(,. r .tan nury trmp»*r»lur»\ noutm-rly In,l> \ to Jiew A«lTrrtU*mcut». A*s*».nuriit Notice—ItonrJ of Equalization .. Mr*. Etta Grew and f mil; \\ anted—K*-> to K.-> U friiititii: rr K r s ile far!* r Suit Minorst Watvr>-R H Ll»t l ot RTH PA'.E. U.hhI T^aphn Kuu.ral N.-ti«->- EtWKlib LoUm*. M aiitod liri'uJ and x'ake Maker. I'" W t.- m It Mav f ... - \ T Robinson. Mi4>u!»tit**r Sale — to * E. stif. l A iv TuoM who have defective \i>ioti or trouble in iH-ttms: glasses to suit their i Vis. Will i ‘ I* I to l Oil Stilt l*mf. SIll'tT. the Oplicinn, at Lash's Jewelry Store, corner Main ane Klevonth streets, for a few days only. All kinds of defective vision of tin* old or young corrected. Eyes examined for i?las»es without charge. OUR WATER SUPPLY. THE SUBJECT DISCUSSED AT YESTERDAY'S SESSION Of the Citv Water Baa.-d - CjusoiI »3 Be Asked U Order a Carefal Investigation of the Whole Matter. The City Water Board held a rather im portant meeting yesterday. The session was railed for the transaction of routine business, but while the members were together, the general subject of the water supply of the city came up. and was dis cussed for quite a while. As has been heretofore set forth in the Reoistek, the members of the Board, in common with other well-informed people, are convinced that with the completion of the new reservoir, the city will be con fronted with the necessity of purchasing and placing in i>ositioii new pumping machinery. This idea was the key note of yesterday's discussion in the Board, iind it was determined that the time had conic to look at the matter carefully and intelligently, and to this end a resolution was passed, for submission to Council at its next meeting, authorizing the Water Hoard and the Council Committee on Water Works to hold a joint session and take steps to have a careful inquiry set on foot, embracing in its details an examination of river water, tuken from various points, by competent chemical authority, and the preparation of an estimate, by some engineer of standing in his profession, as to the cost of the ; erection of the new pumping machinery deemed to be indispensable, at a point to lie hereafter decided upon. The prejia ration of such a re[><>rt is expected to consume a I considerable amount of time, but it is , hoped the data will be in the bands of the Board and Council early io» the coming autumn. After the adjournment of the Board a member of the body said to a Kki.istek reporter: •There is uo doubt but that new pump-i Ing machinery must be purchased before ' the new reservoir can be used, aud 1 can , prove the statement in a very short time, j The two old pumps can each put about 1.000. 000 gallons a day in the present reser voir. but are not equal to pumping 100 feet higher to the top or the hill. The two other pumps, one capable ol pumping 4,000,000 | gallons and the other 8,000,000 gallons to; the present reservoir, or a total of 7,000,000 gallons, cannot be expected at the outside, to do more thau two-thirds of that work when suited to pump to the hill top. Let us say they together will I pump 4,500,000 gallons per day. Now, | the 1‘onsumption of the city is 5,700,000 or j 0,000,000 gallons a day, leaving a deficiency i —which must grow with every year—to lie I supplied bv new machinery. The city ought to have two 10,000.000 pumps, or one 10.000. 000 and one 7,000.000. and now is the accepted time t<> get them. Council will , do well to order the enquiry we shall ask fiir, and give the jioople all the light possi- j ble on the subject." *T THE KESEKVOlil. Ip at the uew reservoir Superintendent Cummins has a foreo of men at work tak ing up the inlet pipe laid down last sum mer, and will drop it down to the bottom of the reservoir, thus saving a height of eleven feet in pumping the water —a very considerable saving. Contractor Chisholm is making good progress in the work of enlarging and rc eonstrueting the reservoir, and one can hardly recognize the brick lined excavation of last year. ANOTHER HOT DAY. The Mercury Once More Touches !*H De grees. Yesterday was another day well calcula ted to try the physical man. The mercury went to W5 degrees ut 11 a. m., and re mained above that tiguiv until nearly *'• p. ui., at 1:1:30 marking Its, the extreme limit of Sundav. During the afternoon the sky clouded up at times, preventing the niereu rv reaching the 1U0 degrees most every one looked for. and about «'• p m. there was a fair outlook for rain, but the storm clouds, after droppiug u slight shower up Indian Wheeling creek, back of Bridgeport, were carried off up the river by the south wind. About s o’clock there was a storm east of the eitv. the lightning in that quarter beiug frequent and vivid. Following is the record of the day, as ob served by Sehnepf: IS 111. ri ;» j>. in. ijp .. 7 p. in *p. w. i’p">.. Just at midnight last night a few drops of rain fell, but there were hut slight indi cations of even a moderate shower. During vesterdav afternoon Mr. K. II. ! List, the "druggist, put a thermometer, scaled to 13), out in the sun. The result j was the mercurv went to the extreme top : of the tube, anil dually broke the instru ment. The temperature in the sun must have been 1H0 degrees. Tin: confidence of the people who have tried Hood's Sarsaparilla, in tin's preparation. Is remarkable, Ii has cured many who have failed to derive ; any good whatever from orlier articles. For diseases caused by impure blood or low state of th<‘ system it is unsur passed. m*. WHAT IS IT ? \u>l W Imt I* the Wheeling Terminal Com pany «*ning to llo? The Wheeling Terminal Co. was incor porated yesterday bv Seeretary of State < Ihley. Its object is the building of a rail road'from a ixiint in Wheeling to the town of Fulton. Ohio. The capital stork Is one I million dollars * hailftnu h'nzfttr. An oflleial of the Wheeling Bridge and I Terminal Company was wrn last evening concerning the above item, and said be I know nothing of such a company at all; I that it had no connection with their eom i i«»nv. and. as far us tie was eoneenic<l, he eonidn't imagine what the statement meant It is more than likely that the Wheeling Terminal Coni|iany has some connection I with the purchase of lauds on the Island, about which so much conjecture has been ] made lately. A gentleman interested in the purchase of the laud spoken o( said | the other day that he could tell a good story about the matter, but he wouldn't. There ! is no ilnubt some big deal is on H (■ laaraad that agnats representing •sime railroad company have been doing Mime work In ascertaining what certain Market House Alley property owners would take for their property Anyway, the whole matter looks quite Ynndcrbilty. TIIK C tRI’EMERS MKKT Anil Vote to I lliht Out the Strike to the A >per ial meeting of Carpenter’s ITiiou. No :i. was held last evening at Trades As sembly Hall, and there was a good at 1 tendance of members, as a very im|>ortant ■ matter was to bo decided whether the men would return to work or still hold out. 1 There was a geod deal of excitement among 1 the members, because it was a very de cisive point. But when the vote was taken it was decided to stand Arm and tight it j out. One of the carpenters said last even ing: -There aiv only a few among us who I want to give up. but I felt a little dubious \ last evening and was surprised to see how the men stood by their obligation. Only about rive or six voted to go to work with ; the non-union men. Wo would all bo will ing to return to work if tho non-union men ; now employed arc disposed of, but we will 1 never return as long as they are retained. We would bo foolish to return to work now when we could have gotten better i tortus six months ago.” Jr. O. It. A. M. Funeral Sutlfr. AU number?. of Wheeling Council, No. l. ar** hereby ordered to report at Council Chamber at half-past twelve o’clock sharp, for the purpose of attend ing the funeral of lire. John 11. Hunt, which will take place from residence on Island this afternoon at 3 o’clock. Members of sister Councils are cordially invited to attend, llv order Loris iii Councilor. F. li. Lisiiv. Recording See. Ci.osixo Ovt.—Our Ladies’ Fine ; KidS " - E ry •>air warranted as represented, or money refunded. Call and see them at II VsKXAt'KK’s SlJOK Ilol'SK. lot' Main Street. Ladies’ Oxford Ties 03c up. SMALL TALK. Minor Mill ten* of Interest Briefly and Pithily Told. Thuki: deed ol trust were left for record ;it Clerk Hook s office, yesterday. Gkoi nd will be broken for the Seven teenth street sewer this morning. Tins is the lust week of the summer va cation at the various glass factories. Twenty-inch pipe for the Twelfth street sewer is being distributed along the street from a barge at the wharf. The work of tearing out the Twelfth street front of the McLain block was commenced yesterday. OfficeuCakney arrested Frank Engle, yesterdav afternoon, at Twelfth and \Y a ter streets, for disorderly conduct. There were three cases in Police Court, yesterday morning. Robert Muldoongot fgu and costs. Ed. Goudy $1. and John Johson $1. Tilt: Brunswick fishing club got away last night for a three weeks camp down the river. A large crowd was at the wharf to see them oil. Lot is S< iii l l.E desires it stated that he was not arrested for abusing his wife, as stated in Sunday’s Kiahstek, but for dis orderly conduct. Cu t-. SrictrrutN wusquito badly burn ed about the face and neck at the Riverside steel works several days siuce by the ex plosion of a mould. Lena McDonai.i* was arraigned before Justice Arkle, last evening, on a peace bond, sworn out by Emma Piat, and was put under fat) bond. A i.akhe derrick was taken to the site of the new stone bridge, by Paige. Caret & Co., yesterday, and the firm will put a force of men to work to-day. All interested in the cause of “Gospel | Temperance” ure requested to attend the ■ meeting of the “Haven Mission," on Mar ket street, Uy night, at 7:110 o'clock. Bakne-vili.i: has at last decided to i»i|w her natural gas into town. The place hud two gushers on hands for a long time, but could not decide what to do with them. A iii.oody light took place at Bridgejiort early this morning, and one man hatless and coatless and covered with blood was seen to come across the Baek river dam. Cam fan y I>, Twelfth West Virginia Volunteers, will hold their annual reunion ut West Liberty on Tuesday, August ‘Jlith. A picnic dinner will be one of the features. Tin: Board of Equalizailon and Appeals held its preliminary session yesterday morning. The Board will meet again on the 11th. when the First ward will be taken up. Contkai tok Lemmon is unable to com mence paving on Market street, south of the creek bridge, because of the non arrival of new rails for the Street Railway Company. A moot in which were two young men and a women came near bciug crushed bv a train ou Sixteenth street, last evening, aud a great deal of excitement was occa sioned for a short tinn. Jniiv, ;i son of John M. Haseuauer, of j .Ktnaville. died yesterday at noon from typhoid fever. He was a penial young man eighteen years of ape, and his death is a shook to his many friends. A\s whooame in from out the B. & O. last night, on a late train, said there was a terrible storm out in the vicin ity of Manningtou. yesterday afternoon, a good deal of damage lieiug done. Tm: St. Alphousus Society pave a picnic at the Park yesterday, which was largely attended. The Society turned out in the morning headed by the Opera House baud. All who went out to the Park spent a pleasant day. Puor. I). M. P. IvaotiH has been elected by the Wheeling Turnvcrein as teacher of its Physical Training School. The school's vacation lias now begun, and will last until the first Monday in September. A good many improvements will be made during this vacation in the Gymnasium of that Tui'ltsKAY is Butchers' Day, and a big time is promised. There will be a parade in the morning and a picnic in the after noon and evening on the State Fair Grounds, where amusements of all kinds will be provided, including dancing. A fine time is prom lik'd. Tuk work of extending the Wheeling and Lake Erie Kuilroad from Portland to Martin's Ferry will be commenced in a | few days. The engineers are laying out the work. Track laying between Port land and Steubenville will begin this week. 1 —Slritln iirillf Uiitellc. Tiik funeral of the late Cupt W. J. Kobb took place yesterday morning at 10 o'clock from the residence of Mr. Charles M. Coen, South Penn street, Island. The Interment took place at Mi. Wood Ceme tery. Sheridan Post G.A. K. turned out in a body, and the services were very largely attended. A i.rTTKit was received here from Prof. E. D. Goldby, of Paterson. N. J., a com poser and teacher of the guitar, mandolin and banjo, stating that he would have his family here in the course of a few wjeks and that he would be ready for business by September 1st. Prof. < Joldby was formerly a member of the well-known music pub lishing firm of Goldby & Shepard, and is an artist in his line. He expects to make Wheeling his future home, and our citizens are to lie congratulated on having a gentle man of his abilities iu their midst. AISOt'T rKOI’I.K Pally Chronicle or the Movement* of lu dlviiluHh. Gen. McCook, U. S. A., is registered at the Hotel Windsor. Mr. and Mrs James Steadman left yes terday fur Rcnrock. O. Miss Kate Sweeny, of the South Side, is visiting relatives in Belpre, O. Mrs. S. W. Cook, of Steubenville, is visiting relatives on Fifteenth street. Mrs. W. C. Young retunied yesterday from a visit to relatives in Fairmont. Miss Kinina 13Ion, of llellaire, is visiting; Miss Maggie Bloome. of the South Side. : Misses Bird Wilson and Jennie Norton ! went up to Mt. Lake Park Monday even . Mr. Harry Hunter, of Pittsburg. is yisit I ing Mrs John Scarborough, of the South I Side. Mr and Mrs. Will Lewedag. ..f the I South Sale, are visiting friends in Cincin • l Mr Will Kntler arrived in the city last evenimr. and was shaking hands with old I friends. I Capt. and Mrs. John M. Sweeney will ! leave today for a pleasure trip to the l Thousand Islands. Claries W. I’atton has postponed his ! trip to the Hakes on aeeount of the death ; of John Hunt, of Wheeling Council No. 1. Jr. (> IT. A M Miss Jessie Leonard, of Parkersburg, Is visitiug Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Kichards. on : South Jacob stiss-t. 1 Miss Rose I tod my er and brother. Master Job-, of Grafton, art* visiting Mrs. .1, J. 1 Bra... f the South Side. ' Miss Lizzie Linebcrger, of the S >utli ; Side, who has beeu visiting friends in i Cameron, has returned home. Misses Mary and Lizzie Campbell, of i Wheeling, stopi»ed at Mt. Lake Hark on 1 their return from Atlantic City Mr. John It Dunlap, of New’York, form erly of this city. who has been «t Mt. Lake Hark some weeks, is greatly improved In | health. Chas. H. Hettieord and Frank G. Lenz, of the Allegheny Cyclers, Pittsburg, pass ed through the city yesterday, on their way to St. Louis. Fresident William Weihe. of the Amal gamated Association of Iron and Steel Workers, was in the city yesterday, and left last evening for Pittsburg. Miss Randolph, who lias been elerkimr for Justice Arkio for some time, was com (H-lUsi to leave yesterday for her home in Manchester. O . on account of illness. Misses Vietorino Bourn quo and Rachel Nelson, of Wellsburg, and Mrs. Rachel Smith and Mrs. Brown, of Pittsburg, are visiting Mrs. Ann Smith, of the South Side. Among those who s[>ent Sunday at Mt. Lake Hark were Messrs. Gibson Lamb. : IT. W. Brockuuier,Geo. W. Atkinson. I- C. Carr. E. W. S Moore, B. S. Good, H. S. White and W. J. White, j Rev. L. W. Barr, of the First church of Bcllairc, and Rev. J. C. Garvor. of the West Liberty Presbyterian church, took their departure yesterday for Chautauqua, N. Y . to spend their vacations. Mrs J B Mulford, children and sisier. of Philadelphia, are occupying ono of Maj. J. C. AUlerson's cottages at Mt. Lake Park. Mrs. Mulford is the widow of Rev. J. B. Mulford. some years ago pastor of the First Baptist Church of this city. Cholera Infantum. Mr. W. A. Walter, ivprominent meivhant ut VV'altersburc. Illinois, says that his baby boy was cured of cholera infautum bv Chamberlain's Colic. Cholera and Diar rhoea Remedy, after several other medi cines had failed, and wnen the child was so low that he seemed almost beyond the aid of human hands or reach of any medi | cine. He also says that it has proved equally effective in many other cases in that vicin ity. ‘J5 and 50 cent bottles for sale by C. K. Goetze, \V. \V. Irwin, C. Schnepf and i J ohn K iari. THE NEWS OF THE DAY. New* From the Itelmont Field. The Cassell Oil Company, operating on the Ohio side of the river, are arranging to drill a hole, ami will start in a few days. The company is endeavoring to get inu< the sand as early as possible, as one well has l>een located northeast of them, and two others south of them. The Cassell lease is 400 acres in extent, and great things are expected from it. A ISIg Rain Needed. Farmers coming into the city during the past few days agree in saying that crops are suffering greatly front want of rain, and that if the present weather continues another week the supply of garden truck will be cut off short, while the corn crop will be greatly damaged. The ground is drv and parched, and a drenching rain would be worth many thousands of dollars to this county aloue. Another Circus In Town. S. F. Given's Great European and Wild I West Shows arrived yesterday, and set up their tents at the west end of the susjien sioti bridge, on the Island. 1 he show will be here for three days only, and the man agement claims it is the largest and most complete show ever put out on a ten cent admission, carrying acrobats, trained am maN. a band of Sioux Indians, cow boys, a performing elephant, etc. Two perform-1 anecs will be given daily, afternoon and j evening, and there should lie a large attend ance at each performance. Go and see the show during its stay in . the citv. The Ohio Valley I.lfe Company. Coder date of July ‘Wth, the Ohio Valley Life Company is sending out propositions to policy holders, for the reception of mem bers of the Ohio Valley Life into the .Nias sachusetts Benefit Association. The Com I I tuny says: “The proceeds of the assess ment now levied will be needed to meet the j loss-claims outstanding against the Com-; puny, to which end alsuit will In- necessary to apply all the reserve fund. We have to ask you, as a special favor, that you will be particularly prompt in making this pay ment, to the end that it may reach this office by the noth of August. As you will tie protected in your insurance, every claimant for a loss must he protected, and your promptness in this regard will enable iis to meet these claimants promptly so that no uneasiness may arise in their minds.’’ DEMOCRATIC DELEGATES. Further Returns From Saturday'* Ma** Meeting** The action of the Democrats of Liberty District, in session Saturday evening at West Liberty, came to hand yesterday, as follows: I.lllEKTr. The Liberty District Democrats elected the following delegates to the Conventions. Saturday: State Convention J. M. Balston, Felix Muldoon, M L. Hartley, S. S. Jacob, (1. X. Shorts. Congressional Convention ii (1. Lu/.ear, Zack Cox, Fletcher Beck, J. M. Farris and W. H. Chambers. The following was adopted: HcMolmt, That the Democrats of Liberty District meet at West Liberty Saturday, August lii, for the purpose of organization, no iii.anii. Owing to errors in the list of delegates published from this district in the Si vim Hkoi'Tku, the names are repeated as fol lows : A. *1. Wilson presided at the meeting, ami A. D. Harden aeted as secretary. The following delegates were elected: Congressional Convention — Eugene Uidgclr, John B. Wilson, John C. Par shall, J. M. McCulloch and John Burke. State Convention John W. McCulloch, A. 1’. Garden, Wm. J Bruner, J. W. Xicholls and Wm. Connelley. The chairman was authorized to select representatives to the Parkersburg con vention of clubs, and the following were selected: John M. Nichols, J. L. Savvtcll, M. McCulloch, A. I). Garden and John B Wilson. These gentlemen arc empowered to organize as well as represent thedistrict at Parkersburg. d.AV lllSTltlCT, MAIt'lI Vl.l. < ol XTV. Pursuant to the t ali of the Chairman of the County Democratic Committoo. u re spectable number of Clay district Demo cratic voters met at Squire Jefferson's office, at v! o'clock, Saturday evening, for the purpose s ated iu said cull. Upon motion ofJ. N. Jefferson, Ksq , a member of the County Executive Committee for that district, Hon. Joseph W. Gallahcr was chosen Chairman. An organization was completed by the election of J. K. Hagan, Secretarv.'The Chairman explain o»l the object of tiie meeting as set forth in the call, rU: To select two delegates and two alternates to represent this district in the State Convention at. Grafton, on Wednesday, the 13th inst, and four dele gates and four alternates to the Congressional Convention; four dele gates and four alternates to the State Senatorial Convention and ten dele gates and a like number of alternates to the County Convention. The time and place for holding the three Inst named con ventions to lie hereafter fixed. Upon motion of Adolph Weidebuseh the Chairman appointed the following-named gentlemen a committee to select and report names of gentlemen to coniiioso the several delegations to be voted upon by the meet ing: A. Weidebuseh. A. J. Martin and C. J. Hood. After some time consumed in consulta tion the committee came in and submitted the following list of names: Delegates to State Convention—Messrs J. W Gallahcr and Adolph Weidebuseh Alternates Messrs. J. N. Jefferson and! il. >1. Cecil. Congressional Convention Messrs. .\a than Higgs, C. J. Hood. K. G. Dakcn and J. W. Gallahcr. Alternates—Messrs. J M Cecil, J. K. Hogan, J. C. Hendricks, John B. Martin. To Senatorial Convention Messrs. A. J Martin, J. W. Gallagher, J. C. Hendricks and A Weidebuseh. AIternatos— Messrs Samuel Fish, John Martin. Win. Welsh and K. G. Daken. i To County Convention Messrs. A. B Fish, Nathan Higgs, Jacob Stilwell. J W i lallaher, Jr.. Arthur Met lairy, Jacob Jef ferson, A J Martin, C. J Hood. William: Welch and 11 M Cecil. Alternates— Messrs J C Hendricks, J. N. Jefferson, j W. G,dlalior, John Martin. J M. Cecil, Samuel Fish. Clem Jefferson. Henry Foust, David Kemp and Krnest Nolle. Kueh delegation was voted uikhi sepei ately, resulting in the adoption of the re port of the committee as submitted. .1 W. Gallahcr offered the following motion, which was adopted: “That the delegates to the Congressional and Senatorial Conventions bo instructed to vote for the Honorable John O. Pendle ton and L. S. Newman respectively." Some litt'e objection to this motion was de veloped, but us the two propositions were voted upon jointly, it was not shown whether the objections we if to the in structions fur Mr. Pendleton or Mr. New man. or simply to instructing the delegates 1 to vote for any particular candidates. To Organize a U« mol Order Society. Bpwortli League, an organization i I connected with the Chapline streeti I church, desires all denominations of j Christians and citizens to meet them on Friday evening, August 8, for tlw pur pose of forming a Law and Order So ciety, the object being to enforce the Sunday law In regard to closing the sa loons on that day. All who have an in-. ! lerest in this movement are cordially i invited. Ki'woitrii Lkaoue. j tutIiak _ Tl»<* Inunranee Men Kirk. The insurance men arc beginning to make an effort to frown down the use of lire-proof >:ifes. and point to tin* fact | that it would be wise for any one hav ing a safe of that kind to have it insur ed. for it would surely he ruined for all practical purposes in case of a big lire. Hut they are being met with the fact that although the safe itself would be: considerably damaged, the contents would remain uninjured, and that It Is undoubtedly cheaper to pay insurance j on the safe than it is to pay insurance on its contents. The lint Smoke. The German Cigar, manufactured by Joseph Yahn. PO Eighteen street, Is now one of the best cigars on the market. The demand for this cigar is increasing every day, and retailers are sending in their orders faster than they can be filled. Ask for the German 5c. Cigar aifd g>*t the best smoke to be had. l'or sale everywhere. It. a- (>• to Chicago. August 3d. -till. 5th and Gth the It. A <). will sell excursion tickets from Wheeling to Chicago and return at very low rates, on account of tin* Triennial Meeting of the Patriarchs Militant, to be held August 3d to loth. For partic ulars call on It. a O. Agents. L. S. Good sells Dry Goods the cheapest COUNTY AFFAIRS. THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS. The County Bjard of Health About Knocked Ou by an Ordinance—Routine Business Transacted. The Board of County Commissioners met in regular session yesterday morning, all the members being present except Mr. Maxwell. The Committee on Court House and Jail submitted bills aggregating $51.13, which were ordered paid. The Committee rec ommended that in the specifications for the new jail, under the head of “cut stone,’’ after the wonts “Freeport, O.,’’ the words "or stone equally as good,’’ be inserted. The recommendation was approved. The Committee on Finance submitted bills aggregating *53*.HO, and they were ordered paid. The Committee ro|>orted it had exHtuintsl the Sheriff's delinquent dog tax list for and found it correct, and he was credited with the amount of #114. C'ountv orders were return**! by the Sher iff to the amount of #17,*57.US, and were found to bo correct. The Committee on Poor House and Farm reported bills aggregating #4-*l.uw payable out of the county poor fund, and #4US.5? payable out of the |K*>r house ami farm fund. Payment was ordered. The report of the Superintendent of the Infirmary, for the month of July, transmitted to the Committee, showed the following: White males, 37; white females, S3; colored females, S. Deaths. S. The Committee recommended that a brick addition of two rooms, 1*x3.1 feet, be made to the hospital, und that Architect K. H. Frunzheiin beem ploycd to meet with the Committee and get . up uphiii for the same, with estiinateof cost, j The purchase of 5,000 feet of oak liooring was recoin mended. All the recommenda tions of the Committee were confirmed by the Board. The Committee on Roads uml Bridges re ported bills aggregating #754.30, which were ordeml paid. The monthly report of the Clerk, of bal ances of road taxes, was approved as fol lows : I I H Ritchie . WU Richland IJWM Liberty ... t,TO#» Tritlt'lphia . '■!.'££} 35 The request of Justice W. II. Davis for two new dockets was granted. The following ordinance was read three times and passed: “Skc. 1. That the amount appropri ated and now standing to the credit of the County Board of Health, amounting to #300, lie returned to the treasury und cred ited to the contingent fund. “Sk* 3. The sum of #300 is hereby ap propriated to the second division of the river road and main stem of Short creek and Waddle and Brooke county road, to repair bridges damaged by the late ruins, and the same to be charged to the contin gent fund. “Sei . 3. The ordinance fixing the salary of the executive officer of the County Board of Health is hereby repealed.” The salary named in trie third section is #50. It is understood this action was taken because the State Board of Health has never confirmed the appointment of the County Board. A resolution, offered bv Mr. druse, was adopted, providing that the Com missioners from Washington, Trladelphia Liberty and Richland districts take such measures as may be necessary to secure the public health in that part of the county lying without the city limits. ' A resolution offered Mr. Maxwell, order ing the Committee on Roads and Bridges to locate the Long Run mad through the lands of John Rodgers, was adopted. A resolution, offered by Mr. druse, was adopted, ordering the County Engineer to locate and re[iort the dividing line bet ween Webster and Ritchie districts. of Dr. Miles’ Restorative Nerv ine at the Logan Drug Co.'s, if. B. Burt's, and Bowie Bros., Bridgeport, O. Cures Headache, Nervousness, Sleeplessness, Neuralgia, Fits, etc. HEAL KSTATK MARKET. Denlaor Transfer Left for Record Yenter d»r* The following transfers of real estate were left for record at Clerk Hook’s office, vesterdav: Deed made July 30, D'.ni. by William II. Curry and wife, to Lawrence G. Ilalloek, for thirty feet front on the east side of South Front street. Consideration, *1,600. Deed made August Duo. by the Nat ural Gas Company oT West Virginia to the Wheeling Bridge and Terminal Hallway Company, for part of fractional lot So. t>7, in Division F. of Joseph Caldwell’s addition. Consideration. *700. Deed made August 1, Dun. by Andrew Hahrook and wife, to Susanna A ngler, wife of John Vogler. for lot No. :t, in John Mr Lure's addition, on Main street. North Wheeling. Consideration. #1.100. Deed made August 4, D'an, by John C Caulev, to Michael Caulev, for lots Nos. 1'.* and pj, in square No. ’J7, In Buena Vista. Consideration, *500. Deed made August J. Duo, by the Koono my Building Association to M W. Terrill, for part of lot No. Ts, on the south side of Third street, running from Main to Coal streets. Consideration. Deed made July I V DUO, by Hannibal Forbes and wife, to Martha J. Genian, for j the north half of lot No. 14, in square No. 12, in J. and J. li. Baker’s addition. Con- | sidcratiou, 1100. Deed made August J, D'JU, by Jane A Filan aud wife aud others, to Mary K Hawlev, for the north half of lot No 10, in Filan, White and Gulluher’s addition Con | sideratioti, *'.*uo I.a<lip6 Wlio ^pw or ilo housework will find •‘Leaurelle Oil" a delightful article for softening the skin : and allaying nmghnoss When applied let it drv on Its us*1 does not Interfere with the handling of the tine t ribbons, silks or satins, tl at druggists or prepaid bv ex press. K S Wells, Jersey City, N J. i I ill j»ro% riiU'Ml n In M rr ft C'4r Sroirr. The mauagemenl of the street ( ar Company is certainly progressive enough. Heretofore tin )• gave one the “longest ride in the country for live cents,” but they now pro|«os« to furnish tin* patron* of the car* with reading matter well. In order that the few minutes of duo's Journey may !«• profit ably employed. This is one of the re sults of the operation* of the Globe Con tract Company. That company now In tends to put advertisements In tin1 ears, and thus endeavor to make one ever think of the danger from tire and burg lars. However, tlie signs will Ih- neat, and will probably not be objected to a miieh a« the double track on North Main street. Ktcundun to Atlantic City Via li. A O. August 14. Bound trip-do. good returning ten days, w ith afop over privilege at Wash ington City, returning. Through sleepers from Wheeling to Philadelphia on the ti:50 p. m. train via Pittsburg Pa. Secure sleeping car space at 15. A O. ! ticket office. 5,7,9,10,11,13. Ititsiiic *s Increasing Here. Efforts are now being made to l»rinir to Wheeling a great deal of tin- West Virginia business that lias heretofore gone to Pittsburgh and Cincinnati. In credible as it may seems, there has not up to this time been a stock of safes in the State of West Virginia, but the tilobe Contract Company of this city arc now carrying a duplicate of the largest line carried in Pittsburgh or Cincinnati, and are endeavoring to bring to Wheel ing all the business in this Hue which has heretofore gone to Pittsburgh and Cincinnati. Diunk Ohio Valley Coffee and you will ?row fat. It pays to tell tlie people what you have to sell them. Atlantic City Ficnrilon, via the B. it O., August 14th. Round trip $1<>. good ten days. Buy Ohio Valley Coffee and save the picture of the bridge. If you want a situation, reail tlie •Want" column of the KKOISTEIt. Ohio Valley Coffee costs no more than military coffee. If you want “Help." use the "Want ml unin of the RKCilSTEK. Usk Ohio Valley Coffee and ask your jrocer what to do with the wrapper. A BAD IXJl’RY A Tonat Mail Hut III* Spine Dislocated in a Mine. | Yesterday morning a young man named | JosephWat’son met with an accident in the j Riverside coal mines at the upper River-' side mill, which may result fatally. Young i Watson was u new man, and was employed as a driver. When the accident occurred he was making his fourth trip out of the [nines. He was sitting on a ear and was compelled to bend over very low at places I owing to the unevenness of the roof. One ' place especially he had been | warned against on account of a stone sticking out some distance, but he must have forgotten the warning, be , cause the stone caught him on the shoulder, ! and the mules continuing to pull the cars along, Watson was twisted around in a terrible manner before he was released. His cries brought workmen to his assist ance, and the unfortunate young man was taken to the residence of his sister. Mrs Davis, on Twentv-uinth street, with whom he lives Dr. Ford attended him and found the spine badly dislocated, so much so that complete paralysis of the lower part of the body and limbs resulted, and at last reports Watson was lying in that condi- i tion. He is nineteen years of age and un . married. KIYKK KIITI.K.S. Noli** of Interest About Steamboats uml Sli-nuiliout uii'ii. j The river was down to 19 inches, last evening, and still coming down. The Townsend ran aground below the creek bar, about 5 o’clock yesterday a fter | noon. ! The Ella Layman Towboat Company is holding thirty-five barges of coal at its landing here, the Winifredc foil Com pany is holding twenty at the Charleston wharf and twenty-four at Porter's Kerry, and the Ida Budu is holdingthirty-tivo just above the transfer, all ready to go out on the first rise. I’hnrletton Star. The subject of river improvement is com ing to the front more and more every year, and there is not much doubt but what a more liberal appropriation will be made by Congress in the future than in the j*ast. But for lack of funds the snagboat Wood ruff would huve been at work two months ago clearing the river of obstructions which are a source of much annoyance to navigation. TO I'H.M TAl Ol A. S|»e«*ial Kxcur»fou» During I lie Summer. The Pennsylvania Company and P.. C. & St. L. Rv. Company will sell s|u*clai excursion tickets to Lakewood, .latncs town or Chautauqua Assembly Ground from Bridgeport via Nbenango, at for round trip, and from Wheeling to Maysvllle via Pittsburg, at <.>>'< for round trip. Tickets will be sold <o, . Tuesdays. Fridays and Saturday- until October 1st, and will bo good returning I fifteen days from date of sale. •3.00, »i.lH). 93.00. Men's Genuine Calf, warrant' d haml sewed SI Shoes, reduced to S'.’. Beat anything ever offered in the city, tall and sec them, at II.W.S.U Kit's SlIOK STOIIK. Ouj«i Valley Coffee equals a Building Association in saving you money. riles! IMIest riles! Dr. Williams’ Indian Pile Ointment is the only sure cure for Blind, Bleeding or Itching Piles ever discovered. It never fails to cure old chrouic cases of long standing. Judge Coons, Maysville, Ky., says: “Dr. William's Indian Pile Ointment cured me after years of suffering.” For sale by Logan Drug Co. A Spring Mt'illclni'. The druggists eluim that people cull daily for the new cure tor consumpsnm and sick headache, discovered hv Dr. Silas Lane while iu the Kockv Mountains, it is said to be Oregon grape root (a great remedy iu the far West for those complaints) com bined with simple herbs, and is made for use bv pouring on boiling water to draw out the strength. It sells at SO cents a package, and is called Lane's Family Medicine. _ jtlriu 3Vbttcrtiocmc»it6. WT tNTEl) \ MRE VI) AND < IKI BAKES l \ street, I.-laud. aufth riv> u HON IT MA v CONI ESN i Im un 1 dendgned would I** pltuwl to correspond Willi tie* person wle*. through mini.ike. took lie* wr»ng pieei* of liund-liaggsge from lie* '**111 III :i ear.a«t bound train No. s, at It* non id. Thursditx evening. July at. \ T UoIIISsmN GOOD TEMPLARS. The member* of Riverside Lodge. Itn.luf |-*ri. are rtHjtiested to meet at their ball to-day 1 Tuesday 1 at I .'tip m . to attend tin* funeral of their deceased lirotlo-r. Johu Hoffman. New bars, W Ml Virginia LNCIRCLL0 IN STYLE. ll-irnr *en>l. me »u a»»..rtni. nt ilxv) fr. til HO. •tutr 111 I turn ltn<l ."Slelhiu/ t*» .lilt Mr Ih-ar fellow. Iii' lliijtht ti n. IkiinMB ttmt mii tliitii; Tr"in 11.0 . ‘ .leli/ht mi., anil %«*t her*' are a dur.-n *li(f. r»*rit .•ill*, alft all a* |.r*ttjf »• l*frtlir pan be. 11,. f. . nut an old «tyle Iii tin. lei. That h*iu»e n* ». r cirrlr. 'hack uunilcr. It I. h ir.i t*. it...h. i -li !•«• fr. iii a., many nice *ty |c». bwt I u Ii.v I fane * their Terra Cull a o\fur*l> the mint. an.I ju.t'think <*f their .ellin.' »n* h an • levant ‘h e- it Ft I'l No line rail make a ml* lake hv follow 111/ hi* example mi l going t*. ||..If. for ah4*. N". 1113 Maid -trcel. Wheel UK. VI \ . J>» Oouer & grrrmamt. Mr. M. 0. 8. Quito send* In hi* bill With a very fine point at the tip. The whetstone and oil can are ju*t what he need» Before he commente* hi* blood-thlrtty deed*. He make* no return* to the victim he bleed*. And never relaxes hi* grip. Thl* luxurlou* gentleman and our cu*tomer* resemble each other to. : both get the best of the bargain. We are prepared to make more tha return for all lnve*tment* made with u*. a* a glance at our_,ar** ®0, pet*, Stoves and the Price* and Term* at which they are offered win ARE THE PEOPLE. _ ___ HOUSE <fc HERRMANN. No. 1300 MAIN STREET. Baby Carriages and Refrigerators at One-Halt Slew a*t>crtUcmfuts Tke Wheelii^ INSTALMENT [{ list) to mu Mark-! , I Trade is holding out v< r | We re doing more hti<tii . , house* do when the viv -And we're doing t i. save patrons man. dollars iiur good* at prices thut n. ' sistibio-We n* ron>[» | Seasonable good* that ur> I be sold now-We will i, • j from one season to atmti., ! have them off our Hours if |,. i of for equal values will h* p • '-They'll go if customers genuine bargains -If i price Is an object to pun !>.. be very busy, for half th« will be the figures we opportunity of a lifetime \ ("I'd tc. miss it unless \. own interests-Wo wil: seasonable poods —Our be slaughtered in tbe sa Every department ia ln< exempt——Commencing t*> great reduction in prices w, rated and continued for two we , It will long la- remembered in n uity as the greatest and lurgvM sale ever held in the city— If your pick - If you would have t of our stock, be with us tomorr and early. WHEELING 1NSTALMI \ There 11 be lively times nor. every department—Thos. comfortable and durable U \ tresses that sell nv.ilarly at ** fared at only ?! to each 1. have them to til any boi an lint to sat? I ' ■ our reduction price f..r o\. p>ods an- always cheap- I you can't iluplicaleut our -They're (foods that ofTensI at our price o .1 >• know well the nature of They’re ifenuino ev< n 1 always five us an lner< . Because the c ds w ■ ble to every housekeeper ■ ! offer them at cannot I- 11 'dealer. Wo make redact. loess, that's all- We !»■ ,. o all the year round And .1* «• I all the year round W* want' in July as we were in June bo alway s busy. WHKKUNti INNTAl.Mi 'Tisn't often that ironds wni gold and silver ate offervst And it isn't every place t: good* to In* as represented U anU*e 1* worth anything !!• ladies All goods WO guarantee as representisl V. low misrepresentation to In ■ -We (five you for every .: our stores better value thm cure olsowbors* During 1 can double dollars hen '1 ?! 00 for fl.W- Vou 1 U)-Embrace the onp. .i t . never come uiruin-We wa .' who is not already a cusU come here during this sale .0 count with us-We want v .' see for yourself how we soli . show you how you can s.n, • Don't hesitate atiout money -You require very little r. get anything' you may want housefnrnishings—We'll • lowest |iossible prices and giv< WHEELING INSTALMENTS 1136 to 1140 Market St. Jon. H. McArdle, Manager Store closed at (’» p. hi., S .t cepted. FINAL ANNOUNCE'1 All Musi txo. Kooiii N<*rilnl. Must In* Hail. OUR - FILL - STUB NOW ARRIVING. Wash Goods Bargains In tht* U»*i»*mru«*ut \> u nil! flint Inn iif 11|«* !*••*! ;'ihn|«, I>r* " l«l Chsallh* »r»il I'r* af»*or<llIttf t** *t)le* AniTH-nii V |il rrntl Ihr.’iin* tt» **v» ry •I«,pirUu«« a Unit if to ttp»*tlU *ll l VV4t»l I" , your mon»->. t!«•*t> •'••m* «•»•! mv» Remnants of All Kirt AT A GREAT SACRIFICE ji •*! km i:iv ki> \ »i:\x imi •