Newspaper Page Text
JffliteUnij Eu'qisicr. WEST VIRGINIA PRINTING CO., Pr»U*H*R» ASP PlQHUttOM._ JAS. B. TANEY, General Manager. STATE DEMOCRATIC TICKET. ro« jv:h.e or srrRint covkt. P. B. LVCAS, of J-•-Terse n County. OHIOCOrSTY DEMOCRATIC TICKET row hoc»i or BiLMim A. D. GARDEN, ROBERT WHITE, JOHN CORCORAN, ROBERT SIMPSON, run corsrr clkrr. GEORUE HOOK ro» CHU'flT CLERK JOHN W. MITCHELL. FOR CONOR ESS. BMTRKT. WILLIAM L. WILSON. Of Jefferson I'oanty TNIRU DISTRICT JOHN l>. ALDKRSON. of Nicholas County. rot'RTH MfTUCt. JAMES CAPE HART. of Mason County. state, * angr,m tu>it aril County 7 < l'iy. yorrm/br 4 I “There la not a section or a Une In the entire McKinley bill that will open a mar ket for another bushel of wheat or an other barret of pork." From Janet O' j BUiuf* letter to Senator Frye. New York wouldn’t mind having all the world throw brick' at her just now. Wk have have not ye* observed that foul-mouthed Cannon has apologised ti the country. Mi:. Blaise discreetly compliments protection, but lie goes farther on the line of free trade than Mr. Ci.evki.anp or Mr. Mills did. 1U:ai> senator Henna's magnificent speech upon the tariff delivered in the Senate yesterday and given in this morning's Register verlmtuin. There are ouly two classes who ar> pleased with the McKinley bill—the tariff monopolists and suiugg >'rs. It would be nuts for the latter and make their business very profitable. The speech of Senator Faii.knei: hi the Senate on the taritl i- the longc-t and the ablest yet delivered in that body. It will be used as a campaign doeutnent by the Democrats in the com ing campaign. A mission vita in a Prussian town lias been sentenced to one week s Imprison ment because he baptised a gir: in ice cold water during a driving snow storm last winter, and the girl afterwards died. Probably he realizes now that re ligious zeal can be carried to exec--. Hi..vine docs not think protection is a gi»«l thing for the l uited States, but that it Iran. He now think- that “the l ulled State- lias reached a point where one of it- highest duties i- to enlarge the area of its foreign trade." Which can he done only by knocking the >!< Kini.kt notion of protection sky high, and let ting down the foreign trade barriers. That was a stalwart speech of Sena-, tor Kknna's, be for** the Senate yester day. and Which the Kei.i-ter presents to its readers in full this morning. If von have not time to read it to-day, put t aside to read at home. It i' plain, forcible and true: complete and unan swerable. Evidently Mr. Kknnv is still in the ring, and iu good enough health to do some rousing campaign work tlii- season. I'o.voKEssM v n S\i\ -t it - notions about the instincts of a man of honor appear to1 be exceedingly foggy. He accepted a. position as member of the Ratlin Investi gating committee w hile he, himself, wa- i a stockholder iu the Raum Refrigerator Company which the committee wa- to Investigate. Smysk.k a—uined an injur t d ton*- when the fact was disclosed and i his resignation demanded, declaring1 that he did not see anything wrong j about it. Congressional Republican ] notions of good ta-tc, decency and honor are peculiar. Wili. the members of the Wheeling School Board read with care the import ant practical truths told iu an interview this morning with Dr. S« iiaekfeu'.1 How long, gentlemen, will you wait be fore boarding the train of progress? If it once leaves vou behind it is very doubtful if you can ever catch up w ith it. The procession is moving on and on. and in more than one hundred other cities they will soon distance you in the race for position and success. Even the little eitv f Parkersburg with not the tithe of the manufacturing Wheeling lias, is already taking -tep- to establish a manual training school. Wake up. gentlemen: wake up. IviMKIMATKI.Y aft<T the C-U'CtlOD lu t'hattanooga. which for the l;r<t time in many years went Di-rnwratk. the cry was raised that the Australian ballot law had operated t*> disfranchise many negroes, and that to this fact, as well a to Intimidation, the victory wa- due. Itut it appears from tie Ot>*% rivr. a pa per owned and edited by colored men. that the new law required each voter to he registered, and to secure a eertiticate of registration, wliieh he must present when he votes: and it further appears on the same testimony, "that the ne groes sold their certiluates by whoie sale. The depraved raseals," continues the tAsrrrrr, "sold their right for a gla-s of beer, fifty cents or SI. "e saw a club of thirty colored men who. In a body, sold their votes for ’?1“>. Thi« was the experience in other places. Respectfully referred to the force bill support*^. Tuk stopp.iu** of the work on the Main street bridge was the theme of general conversation yesterday. Many citizens think it would be a waste of money to erect so expensive a bridge across the creek if the B. | O. railroad is to utilize Six- j teenth street for switching purposes. I Would this not be a good time for Coun cil to make an effort to get the B. A O. | tracks off of Sixteenth street altogether .’ What is the matter with the city gi'ing the B. A O. the privilege of running it' traeks along the south side of the creek bank east to Chapline. bridg ing the creek at that point and thence connecting with their yards at Koff street. Providing, of course, that; the present track on Sixteenth street be removed. Such a plan looks feasible. If it Is, its adoption would forever end th*> constantly recurring wrangle over the present trackage on oue of the main J thorough fates, which no doubt is a great nuisance to travel between the . two sections of the city. KA1.I.OT1M. BY KLKt'TBICITY. A Congressman from South Dakota whose fences are so irretrievably past mending that he may stay iu Washing ton and amuse himself iu any manner he see* fit—for he has been beaten for ronoiuination—has been studying de vices for voliug by electricity. The scheme though not original with this Congressman is new enough to be in teresting. American inventors have contrived i numerous arrangements u> a substitute for the tedious roil call, most of them resembling in their operation the | Kodak camera iu that their inventor say to the Congressman: “You pro— the button; we do the rest. A roll call | takes on an average half au hour, and there have been 360 this session; as it j costs $7,0«t0 to keep the House of Representatives going for a day, count ing the length of a day’s session at five hours, it I' soeu that the roll calls of the present session have iuvolved a waste of over $?50,000—to say nothing of the cost of the had laws in which these roll-call resulted. It is asserted that the adoption of oue of these systems of voting by electricity would result in the instant recording of the vote of every member present a- soon as the Speaker put the question. But if such a system is adopt«*d, so long .ts the present system is maintain ed iu tile House* of Representatives, the members may as well remain in their law offices and counting rooms at home with their voting machines within reach, -eudiug on their speeches to be printed in the CV(ijjrc?wi©H<iI Record ami touching a voting button as often as they get orders from the Speaker so to do. The Speaker not long since thank ed heaven that the House was not a de liberative body. Such speeches as he allows to be made are not listened to and ar<- intended chielly for tin* Record and home consumption. Those members alone whom lie choose to recognize are permitted to open their mouths, and they must speak only on those* subjects which he ha? agreed to pe rmit them to discuss. Their public duty is practi cally confined to voting, and **\t n In the «iisol»iir«‘* of tins they arc so hounded a ml bullyragged l»y the Speaker that doubtl.-*- many of tln-ru would enjoy tie-privilege of performing the task at the distant end of a telegraph wire. Since Speaker Ui:ki» ha* undertaken to perform most of the functions of one branch of Congress—to say nothing of the supervision which he kindly main tain''over the proceedings of the other —hi* associates in the House might as well come home, look after their folks, enjoy tin- cool breezes, and content thcmsehe' with signaling an occasional “aye” or “no,” whenever one is needed. Tin Republicans of the Second Dis trict, or. to speak more correctly, the Republican Federal office holders who forcibly misrepresented them in the convention which they controlled yes terday, nominated Mr. Ukokok Hak mo\ for Congress. Mr II \k\iun is the weakest candidate before the conven tion, and his selection, > specially tin* manner of it, w ill cause great Republi can strife in that district. II viimon will be Mr. Wilson’s meat. The Way He Worked II. .S'<UArilU JmiriAM. • I beg pardon tor intruding upon your time," said the polite, smiling man with the small valise in his hawk. “A i peddler is a nuisance; 1 know it a> well J as anybody. But there are various | kinds of peddlers, and all <>f u~ must . live. It isn’t our fault that we are | here. Those of us that earn our living | honestly have to share the odium that | belong' to the calling. I’m not com plaining of this. g> utletueu. It is a part j of the curse that came in the origiual l|t to Adam. If there is any oJ . you that has a s|mt of grease on coat, vest or pant—trousers," he added, open ing his valise and taking out a small » ake of soap and sponge," I 'hall be happy to remove it without charging a cent and without asking anybody to buy my soap. It's my way of advertis ing. My dear sir, allow me. There is a spot on your vest. He rubbed the spot with the piece of soap, deftly applied the sponge, made a few passes over the cloth with a piece of cotton sheeting, and said: “There,'ir, that spot is gone. A .u will never-eo it again. And probably you will never act* me cither. a» 1 never travel but oucc through a com munity. My g*hkI' will be found at the stores. I tak it for granted nobody wishes to buy a cake of my soap. 1 ; wish you a good morning, gentlemen.” After the polite, smiling man had gone away the gentleman whose gar ment hau been operated tipou had occa sion to consult Ills watch. It wasn’t there. It had disappeared with the spot. BRIDGEPORT. The Hood Teinplar lodges of the Third list riel of Ohio will hold their District odge sessions here Wednesday and 1 hurs »v September 10th and 11th. in tioeil cmplars’ Hall. A large unmber of dele tes arv expected and a royal good time ill ho had. The scssioua wilt vi.-se with public entertainment ou Thursday even - ig. when a tine programme will be given. Baud! admission fee trill is* chanted n ic last evening to assist in defraying tuc (penst's of the session. A rare treat is romis,sl. and all who possibly can shomd rail themaelvea of it. Two roung Bridgeport barbers went out the'fair at Chrivb'Ville. yesterday. u|to a number of our timid ra.vtdojtts, arniog of their absence, got a shave with it fear of being talked to death. Max tlaus. the well known tousorial art t was rewarded bv landing a large tish. * other day. weighing about ono pound. ;>1.1* many unsuccessful attempts at ihing during the jvist season. Comb* and McDonough, who were iap irevl in the South, were feturued to their d quarters in the St. Clairsville jail, ou lomiav evening . IVputv Sheriff Scott, o! St l liiirsvilli, as down yesterday. He :s looking up .he idcnce against Comb# and MelKmough. ie crooks. , Sam and Chari, v J unkins have to-day ,r New Yorkand other Baatmm cioesoa business and pleasure trip. Jake Meistcr Is homo from l olumbus on visit to his family here m:\VV ODD. Mr* \rihur ilarrit v entertained a num U r of her friends iu a very pleasant mam tuT last Monday evening. in honor of her visitor Miss Mott. oft ieveland 1)ubl*id^ occupied the tine and at midnight elegant refreshment* were served aud heartily ( dis.-uss.-d. Those preseut were Misses Kode. Auuie and Ttilio Hursv. Maggie. Marv and Sadie Allen. Link;'Hoffman. Vnue and Celia Longard. Ida Hickey, and Messrs Win Kelley. John Loft us. John Mel'abe, John I>ieU>ld. Patrick Pender o;ist. Patrick Ih-wl. S Long and others. PeaUstv's orohottra furnishedithemnsu. Mrs Joba Schaller aud Mrs Annie Shaub are visiuug Mrs.Isaac Mr ami Mrs- Chas. Neibcrga.. leaxe tc dav for Littleton to visit friends ' Sir John Healy, pf Columbus, is visiting relatives in town , . Miss Mollie Hickey Is visaing .riends tn Steubenville. . . Mrs Allic Chapman is iu LHtroit. The Pulpit and the Mage. Kcv. F. M Shrout. Pastor 1 nited Brethren Church, Blue Mound. Kan.. says •1 feel it my duty to toil what womti r. Dr King's New Discovery has done for me Mv lungs were badly diseased, and mv parishioners thought 1 could ,ive®“ •' a e v weeks. 1 took five bottles of Dr King s Now Discovery and am sound and well, gaining 'AJ lbs. in weight. Arthur Love, Manager Love s Funny Folks Combination. writes: After a thorough trial and convincing evidence, I 4r. confident Dr Kings New Discover} for Consumption' beats 'em wheu everything vise fa-.s The ervau t kindness 1 ean do tuy many thousand friends is to urge them to trv u ' l1 r-v trial • ties at Logan Drug tV’» Drug btoro. Keg ular sizes 50c. and #1U). <;k wsvillk demockatic cub. \ Livrljr Hunch uf John O. I’vmlleloii Mtn-Thfy Call a Spade a Spade. Torn* t'Ji'orof tkt RtvitUr. Slit-:Thin king you would like to know what the Democrats are doing In this ieek of woods. I take the liberty of isking for space in recognition of the •John O. Pendlaton Legion of Honor ?lub" Francis V. /oho fully appre :iatc> the honor of directing the rnove nents of this stalwart body of the people's defenders. There are Inscribed ijKin its roll the names of sixty-three American citizens who believe that the nan whose name they bear was fairly ■boson to represent them In Congress, iml they emphatically demand his re lonni.atiou and consequent re-election. They imperatively demand of the Democratic party of the First Congressional District the renomi itiiou of John O. Pendleton, in >rder that they may have anopportuni :yuf showiug their resentment for the unscrupulous manner in which they were robbed of their rights as free American citizens by Tyrant Reed A .'o. They would like Col. Johnson, for whom they have great respect, to show lie* same Democratic spirit and magnan :mlty that ex-Governor Wilson did in llie Third District, so that their sincere Jesire to vindicate themselves and tlieir party may not be thwarted. At their ast meeting they resolved that John O. Pendleton ougiit now to be occupying the seat iu Congress desecrated by a man who iu his midnight speech in Congress, complimented us as Ulbtt* !>y telling us that “Tariff was not a :ax.“ The members of the “John O. Pendleton Club” have been seeking af >r information in the “Grov« r Cleve and Tariff Reform lligli Sc hind" for [be last two years, and they know why they are compelled to insult their Crea tor. who liberally provided them with "tit, by paying a duty of fifty cents on ■very barrel they consume. They know why they cannot take a thousand bush ■1s of wheat to Paris and exchange it for what they consider necessary to their ■ornfort without paying a prohibitory iriff on it. They are not fools enough to -wallow or even nibble at a hook bailed with "duty on wheat.” They know that there is not a tin mine in the Fuitod States, and fully appreciate the transcendent generosity of the G. O. P. iu protecting the unscrupulous scoun IrcD who furnish them with galvanized iron tin cans with which to poisou them selves and children. Hvstlku. <« Marshall S> i>t. let. BKl.I.AIKK. The lair at St. Clairsville is now in pro gress. There will in- a band contest to-day. The management is ir luck this year, so far as weather is concerned. The ruin for sev eral years past eamo very near broakiug up the association. A couple of painters who were about to 'otne to blows near the postoftlce, suddenly •hanged their minds, shook hands aud left to take a drink. The pump on Thirty-seventh street is still broken and the citizens of that part of towu have to wals several squares for their water. Fleming's “Around the World," which appears hen1 next Tuesday evening, is .1 rawing bigerowds in Pittsburg this week. H. B. T.vler, brother of Ben. Tyler, of the Nail Works office, has secured a posi tion in the store of C. W. Dickens. A photographer was arrested for calling i stranger pet names. The likeness taker j is a stranger aud a fresh one, too. Mrs. A. E. Armstrong, formerly propri ; stress of the Globe Hotel, has taken up her residence in the Fourth ward. The League of Union Veterans did not | >rgauUeon Monday night. The post will jtyanize on next Monday. Miss Taylor, formerly training teacher 1 m the public schools, has secured u posi- i tiou in Millersville, Pa. The strike of coal miners is over and the lingers are going to work wherever they -an secure positions. The Bellairo Window Glass Works has resumed in one furnaee. The other will dart up next week. A crowd of vouusr folks from this city will attend a swell ball at St. Clairsville, jn Thursday night. Wm. Porterfield now has full charge of the plumbing business recently controlled by Peter Nolan. An electric light was raised yesterday in front of Jam < Fitton's residence in the Fourtti ward. Mrs. Powell, of Tbinl wurd. will go to Washington. l>. C., to live with her daugh- j ter Mary. Several new residences will likely be 'reeled in the Cummins addition to the city this full. The Mayor collected about IliO from five it us f Sunday or Kalph Levi leaves in a few days for New Orleans, where he will lx- employed iu the future. The pubtie sehools resum -d yesterday ivith about the same attendance a< for-! ;nerly. Gamp meetlug at Bethel made a nice* . mind sum for the A. M. K. Church of this I •ity. The excursion to Niagara Falls to-day ,vtll draw a number of people from hen.'. The steel works is running regularly and i s making u big lot of steel each day. Several of the workmen employtsl in the lew fuel plant quit work yesterday. Bellaire people who have been in camp i’ Moundsvllle arc returning home. Mr. (Jostling, manager of the cement ivorks, is in Pittsburg on business. liepublicans will select delegates to the j bounty Convention, on Saturday. Kev. O'Mera will be home from his vaca tion trip the last of this week. The planing mill reports continued in--1 tivity iu building circles. Pel t v thieves robbed several cellars in the Fifth ward last week. The large Iron lentels fur Zwcig's build ing wer«' raised yesterday. School begins this year with members | in the graduating class. Christian Bippus left yesteadav on a Western business trip. The merry go-round picked up its traps ■ and went to Benwood. Isaac Blum leaves for the East today to , purchase gixxis. There are :«» pupils in attendance at the Catholic schools. j The stove foundry has employed several more moulders. Miss /.oda /.oeckler has returned from an Eastern trip. Over 1,sou children are utienJIng school at preseut. MARRIED. SALTkiitUl'H LKAF At tl.f r.->td.-iico of 11,, bride - parent*,u Mew lUitluitUe,B A n. >. 2d, K«' it S o'elook n W ■ *>V K* \. U .'wl.--. I.ol l< Sal TKHllii H. Jit . of Wht'Wllll.' to Alii ( Lkai*. or Sew Martins' ill*. AV. i/oi •ouuty, W. Va. _ DIED. Mil'Ll SKF.Y Monday. Septetulwr 1. at 12:41 .'dock p. ui . Mr. SlauoAurr MiVi.f'Ktv. iu tier Tlst tear. Funeral from rosideuco of her dauahtiT. Mrs. M iry Cameron. So. 1«22 \V>vd slreet. W.dncv lay morn In 2 at 'll) o'clock. Ko'iuieui man* at St J. o ph Cathedral at B o'clock Friends of faniliv invited to attend. Interment at Mt. Calvary cemetery. FISXERTY * mi Moadav. September t,18#k It 1 :»■ p. m . J|>U\ soil of Jobu and Mary Jane Fimierty. »2«-d I years Funeral from residence of Ins parents. 1064 Market street, thu Wednesday morninjf at ten a ol.ek Interment at Mt. Calvary oetuetery Fro nds of the family are invited to attend. Hit-re are many white soaps, each represented to be •* just as good as the ivory. They are not, but like all counterfeits, they lack the peculiar and remarkable qualities oi the genuine. Ask for Ivory Soap and insist upon having it. ’Tis sold everywhere. . How is Your Stood? I had a malignant breaking out on my j leg below i he knee, and was cured sound and well with two and a half bottles of S. S. 8. Other blood medicines lmd fail til to do me any good. Will C. Beaty, Yorkville, S C. 1 was troubled from ehildhoo<l with j an aggravated ease of Tetter, and three | bottles of S. S. S. cured me peruu | neutly. Wallace Manx, 3Iannvillc, 1. T. Our nook on Bloid and Skin Diseases mailed free. bWUT Specific Co., Atlanta, tin. (<5cttcvrti Jloticcs. 4 DM IN ISTR ATOM'S Sale of Household Hoods. On Wednesday 11a rnir.g. Septcmlier It, I860. ! :it 10 o'clock a. m„ nt the Auction Rooms of W. II. Ilallcr. on Market Square. I will M*ll till' : Ii• >t.t Goods of tin1 estate of S .rat* Harvey. lies.ed R. 11. GILLESPY, seg-r Ad mine-1 ril or. | A SSK.NEES NOTICE. .In no « Itiin' having lumlr a gent ml assign ment to li.for tin- iM-iii-tit of his creditor-, all per-on- indebted to teiMl will please make* prompt pay ms lit of such indebtedness to *•: and s 1 p-rson« having claims him " ill please pn-scnt the same to me. J. li SOM M HR VILLI’. Assignee "f .(ami's Riiie. s* pt'-m! rl't. is.o. si-1 nISSOLUTION NOTICE. XYIIEF.LIXQ PAPER HOUSE. Tin* co pirtsi'T'lilp heretofore existing be tween th" uml rsismsl. under the lirm name of James .lepsoti A Co., lias been this day «11 - - solved by mutual consent. James .lepsou re tiring. ’i'll" business will lie continued by Ge,.. V. Reillv A Co. 1 li Hiking our friends and the public for their liberal pa*rollllge 111 lie past. we solicit a e ... tbelr favors to ■ . .. .i \ m iis j i ps<is GEM V. REILLY. Wheeling. W. Va.. August :»). 1800. se|-s fov IdCItt. 1AOR UKa'T—Til AT LLEGANT STORE I1 r«H»m N* \13y w»-*t. **i«l* Main str*- t, l.»t• v occupied as theofllcu of th»* t\. L. A \V. It. It. Co. Terms rca> wr.hb* Y< ss»*s*.l«*n c 1 v«-n at once. Inquire of M. It KILLY. i:W Main >t. jel0e*dh pOR RENT. The Elegant Hotel at Well-ville. O . near iie|K»t. known a* the “IHIKBI N U»>1 VK. l ino bar. 17 Ih-*1 t«u»rih»T with tItwhole houM1 coinp;ct**h fiiriii^he i new and elegant. U*r»- chance for part} with a Miiui! capital. \ A. XKUUAUSEN, s l><»\ St« uln»nvill»‘. Q. £ov §alc. I.AOR s.u.i: six itooM iiMt si:. in good . repair. No W Sorili I- ;»nt str< l. Inquire at aliove number. sei-s pK)R SALE. Modern Eight-room.-d Dwelling on Four teenth stre.-t. a nrst-chi-s pr..j- rry. Also, a Modern S. \ en p no d Dwelling, with full lot. 1-1 feet front, at 131 South Pctlll street. Rulldiug Lots in all parts of th" c.ty from $330 up S' ■ i" \i r> ••! I., •otiotis. G. O. SMITH. au'.Vi-.vda 1381 Market street. I70R SALE. Hotel Uiilwis, Miuitiutfnoii, i>. \ a. PO'-i-sion "Ivii si\t' davs ff in Mil*1, **r on April 1-t. 1*>W1 This i> the garden spot nf the city. situated right on tin- belt ami in the cen ter of the great oil field „t West Virginia. Room for an oil well on hotel 1«*. Other oil lncnliotis to lease. Hotel over run with guests nil the time. Write to or call on F. l> ISASNETT.or.f. HI NT. . ji1 Mannings n, v.. \ a Stocks, Hon its iiinl Steal Estate For Sale STOCKS AND BONDS tr. Shares Riverside Iron Work*. bShar* - Wheeling I ••• and St*:.:gi Corapnny. ' le linoiit N: 11 iinpaliv l.iktiCity lt. nd t'.-lSSl-loa). an Shares l.a Itelle iron Company. REAL ESTATE-The south one-half of Lot N v>. on S S till 1 Bess I'hi Leighton residence on Chapline St. Lota Nos. t Sand 3 on N. f ront S» . Gilchrist's addition. Chapline St, Building !.• • House No. 319, S. Mam St. Two One-Acre Lots at Leather* wo I. (louse and I.ot-1333 Jacobs;. 'illtis. OBRIEN Secretary W. T A T. Co Real K.state and stock Broker, Oflice. Room N 1. Reilly Building, Market Street. Teh - hone wy. au33 SWA Will buy a Lot South Jae h street. Call at once. fro Will huy Ted on Wood street Xi is the time to Invest! ;-;t.’o W ill buy a I. t on Erie street. Tills is vour opportunity. FI.hup Will hay'an Eight r** meil Er. me House. Till* mar ire bargain. FOR RENT. All elegant slvreiomcd house within three minutes' walk of Fostofllce. All conveniences. MONEY IT) l.o VN. GEO. J. MATHiSON. 1310 Chapline Street. T h • e II:_nuifl REAL ESTATE FOR SALE. Wheeling Island. Three U > *ni Pram** House on S. Huron street, pantry ami cellar, lot 30\PJU i* * t. a bargain for ilgm No. HO Zane str*> 10 rooms, lot WcIS) feet, I fit fill Five I rame House northeast corner Mary- ; laioi and N. York sire.-t. No 137 S. Ilroadway. 7 room house. Six K inn Frame House >u N IT* lit -treet. N*>. 71 New Jersey St . it rooms. Frame House. Three Frame Houses, southwest corner Zane I and Broadway. No. 17 Man i ino si , 7 rooms, lot 60x130. Lots on South I’ nti street. Lots on South Elm street. Fine Lot oil N. Front * r et. MKIgl feet. 91,900. | Nt IS S Bro id way, It t 90s 190 feet. — ALSO — No.‘JS17 Eolf street, b rooms, stable in rear j N" 617 M tin stn t ' r L oi it it. M,.rmo. N**. I’.’lt) Byron street, liri -k. -i\ r* * tits. No. « Eh v< nth strei t. Brick sis r n ms No 8903 Chapline St . six rooms and store room. No 130Twelfth St.. 7 .. 60s 190f« t. N - 13! d I ; Silti ■ ■ h st . lot 30x190. RINEHART *v TATUM, Jyitth 1SH Market Street. JxlcMcrtl. HEALTH IS WEALTH. «4 TT f ^K^TRtATVFV; - t)r. K. C. West's Nerve axi> Brain Trea' *ent, 'i (wMBtM I specific for Hysteria, Dies bom, Convulsions, Kits, Nervous Neuraigi Headache, Nervous Prostration, caused by It id ho] « tobaeoo Wakefulness, Menti Depression. S- ftenlnu of Drain. resulting in it -.J.U1U and leading t» mist ry, decay aud d- atb Premature Old Ac*. Harren'n-". boss of Powe. in either sex. Involuntary Los., , and Sperma torrhr caused by over-exertion of the brain; S-'if Abuse . r t)vr-Iudulfenc<‘. Kuoh t x Con tain- month's treatment. ft l<i a hoi or six :■ x ■< for i5.uu, sent by mail prepaid >n recent Guarantee Six Boxes IV cure anv case. With each order received bv u» for s k boxes, accompanied by bs.tO, »>■ will srr. I the purchaser written guarantee to refund the money if the treatment does uot • lli '" o' re Guarantee* U.ucd only by MrLA IN UKOTHDKS. l>ru,r,-is--. sole aip-nts. McLain Block. • ncT Market and To rth streets. Wheelinc. W Va 3*rT BARKER’S '•t r’AIR BALSAM . _ ^ ■ t FaiIs to R stor* G rsy ‘JM** j l t> it* Youthful Co?or. I#%f V . u . s,.a 1 aV fwktrf:«. .HU ___ w •tleju 2U»ucvtlecmc»»to. 'ANTED—BUTCHER—AT CORNER 01 Fifteenth nud Jacob street -. ITTANTED—A SECOND HAND at DRIGCTS \» BAKERY, Belbire.O. Must be reliable in every respect. _~lt-v , ITTANTED—A SECOND HAND IN A BAK \\ KEY. Must be reliable. Apply to MRS. GREW K. 8158 Main street.__ TXTAN’l ED TWES I V FIVE LABORERS t u *Iij tr**ocln's a ml l**y pip*** Appl> " CLARK A O’NEAL.Twelfth street. **'»l l \T VN 1 ED 01 NG M ^ 'UOl T 18 \ am nl re v. h< h i» ha I »ptne e'pert ■nee In store work. Apply toM.J. Me l AlWJl.. . 390ami 1323 Market stn ■ t. .. . STEADY Apply at tV M Nils HITT'S, •iu ploy inent J.V.l Market street lITANTED A GOOD TINNER UTAN1 ED- ICO MEN TO WORK O X Tra ck - laving and balla.-tiuk on tlie \t heeling .nJLak'c Erie Kail" i.v. between Portland Sta ton and Steubenville, Ohio. Apply 1,11li vork. »u87tl rXTANTED—GARDENERS AND FARMERS \\ to rent Hu, 'l land at lieinvood. Apply to SQUIRE RIDDLE l; nwoud. W. Va. aut p i viprn 1 Salesmen to sell our Choice [innlLD. Nursery Stock. .liter,! Ilr.-t class. Good salaries and expenses, r a liberal commission paid. No experience lecessary. Write for terms, clvinti ape, anil »e ure vour choice of Territory. G. L. KNIGHT A CO., ittSOb 100 Park Avenue, Ri eh« attr, 8. Y. pRADES ASSEMBLY. Special Meeting. Notie - is hereby piv.-n a special meeting’ ,f the Ohio Valle, Trades and l.ulmr Assembly Millie laid NEXT S'. N DA V. SHI* TEM HER 7. It U) o'clock a. in., for the purpose of lukiut! ac ton with rep:, rd I" the lockout of til Electric itr-• t t'.ir emplove.s. 11 M. I- ROIIM E. Jit.. President. T. V. Sai.i-i.ciiv. Secretary. se.Ti OST OK STOLEN. Uiack (’,.\v. left flank white und white star on j lor head, with chain around her neck. The tinder will l,e suitably rewarded by returning | IO IV DAUGHERTY. .sell j No. 4211 W-.-id Street. J^OTICE. BIDS WILL HE RECEIVED For ('«»iri|>lctiii{r CVlItir Kxoavalion on Tenth street, from Main street to Market | Square. JAMES L. HAWLEY, *e3 Xo. IMi Main Strei t. j T,t.mi.i: r \ ir - yy khn I tup st. dairsville. Ohio, or will exchange < for city property. nl«o a farm of 31 acres Will sell both of these fartll- II easy pa y llletl t S ; are well improved and contain plenty of fruit of all I kinds, and also a lovely home, three quarter' of an acret all kinds of fruit. Will sell rea- | otiable. Situated on the National road, eipbt I miles west of Wtr clinp. Address WM. A. Jit- I M ECU A N. St. I'lnif'viI).-. O. :,u2l WASatli i -<INE WHITE CHINA Pot D<r.iiinj. New roiOk EWING BROS., eg 1815 Market St., opp. MoLnre Hwiws QHEAP •Catsup Bottles Meyer 4 fladcliffe's Bottling House, No. G TWELFTH STREET. rvFFICE OF THE CLERK OF * ' tie- County i ourt of Ol,i-> county, W Vn In the matter of the probate of the will ol Andrew Hul-ted, deceased. On thefM day of September, A. 1>. IWO, Susan 1‘. i ir.-kadon. dohn If. I 'irsl.adon. Illi/a A. lb llli ui. .1 S. Hedilion. Andrew J. Ilal-teil, and lennie .1. H iMed, filed tloir j»**t jtion a •kin/ for he probate of the will of Andrew llalsled. de I •• cod; and it appearing by -aid petition and | til allidavit tiled herein that Warren t'. llalsted. Anna Morris and t'lisrl'-s Morris are tion-resi ients of tin1 State "f \\ est Vir/thia: it is there i,re ordered that the afore-lid persons do ap pear within one month from the first publiea .ion hereof and do w hat i- neee--:iry to proteel ! heir interest in this matter. ■•ublishcd the lir t time September 3d. IS.K). GHOUGH HOOK. Clerk. L. S. JoUIIAN. Attorney. se.'lcawt , j>ARSONS. PKcto^rapKer, All Her, So. 120r. Market St. IVrs. in.I attention iriven to all Sitting Ar Llstlc Rest I nirlQ Reduce Hour Natural Gas Gills ONE-HALF TO TWO-THIRDS Perfect combustion. noiseless. Maviinum •oiisuniplion 3a feet per hour. These results warranted, ami llres for sale by OTT BROS & CO., nuftw GKNKRAI. AG K NTS. tipution th»*y :ir»* invulii:? :»u.K) LAIN S WHEELIN'!; PILLS,] For tin- Mir*- i f D>-;••• r'1a, Sic'. I.i f Apj*'‘ti11-. irregularities Ilf tin- It wol- allil all Hi-. . a s of the Liver and Stomaeh. When pur i-h..itlil In careful In k'l't III'- Vl '.KTAItl k C A* tiiaktii I'll.1.1*. a> there art- several other Mc Lain's Pills in the umrki't. TIi*- genuine also lx-ar til'- signature "f Mi LAIN HUOYHKUS, Pharmac- iiti'i •. anlH Wheeling. \V. Va. Call of llie Congressional Committee, New Martinsville. W. Va.. Aug. 20, 1S90. i To tin- Members of tin- lleinorratlr Kverutive Cum nilltoe for tin- First Congressional llistrii I: You will please tak*- notice iliat a meeting of j tlir Committee will 1»‘ lirW at tin- City of j Wheeling on tin’ titli o’ SeptemlM-r, lS’A). at tin lloti-l Windsor, for th«* purjiose of designating! tin- tiim- an! place of holding our next Con-1 ari-ssional Convi-ntlon and for such oth- r busi-1 Uess as may In- deemed necessary. Meeting I will bo hold at tov-li o'clock p. m. JOHN C. McELDOWNKY, Chairman. | D. C. KURNER, Practical Painter, Grainer, Glazier, SIGN PAINTER & PAPER HANGER, [bailor in Paiuts, Oils. Vartiish-s,Window- Glass Brushes, Painters'Supplies, Ac., 1727 Market Street TELEPUOXE 221. WHEELING, W. VA. _ly»ed_ . __ | OOK TO YOUR INTERESTS To Builders and Owners ol Buildings. I n..w havo on hand the best *• leo.ted stock of • ate Mantels ever brought to the city. I keep a . i as'iiftment of (b. Grates and Tib- Hearths r.ud all goods for making a nice tire place. Cali .! my plane and you cau see Just w hat you arc tc g.-t auu s.mj the Mant* i ?i t up for inspection. K F. CALDWELL, Ji-UfUlAe 1SW Main Street. ■■■■■■■■■ MOB i s -. - • c*niitleJ. iVjioiiUcut wnJ"W‘ and parents n<»w w ho!*e ^'•ns clie.J ir<*m effect* of arm* **rvL o are nuiiivleU It ' u wi-u yuur claim *i>ocd JAMES TANNER, Ate Commissioner of l’o: -i f. V,uhinqlcn, D. C Indinestion—Sick Headache—Constipation. J IN USE SIXTY YEARS. If your druggist does not keep them, will send by mail on receipt of price, 25 CENTS A BOX, plain or sugar coated. Prepared only by INOi 6* McLAIh Sc SONj WHEELING) WiYA» ltca» AlMuvJhumcnt*. it YOUR EYES IF YOUR EYESIGHT IS FAIMSG CA1.L AT |. G. DILLON & CO.’S And have your eyes fitted with King’s Celebrated Combination Spectacles OR EYEGLASSES. They " ill preserve and improve the vision. I. Ct. DILLON & CO., 1223 Market Street._ III, suit and SHEET 1101 IRKS, I PERSONS DESIRING SI.ATE <>!{ IIS I KOOFIS’G d-.n«- in He' most practicable and satisfactory manner should consult me before making theircontracts.. Everythin-* connected «Ith Routine, including vall.-vs and gutters, Htii«lied thoroughly and promptly. None hut llrst-das- workmen etu ploreu JVrs.iiis giving me their contracts can rely on the work helps done iu the most work manlike manner. CI,RIS IIEISLEIN. auSHeadb H ridge port. Ohio. Chance For Good Investment, rpWENTY I.OTS SEAR CENTER Oh’ THE X ci .. i, Tvventv-secon 1 and Twenty price ill*) to flUU each. Most of _ lity, I bird sir.-i.. .,-- - ,h,. above lots are MtxlUO fei-t. Two Lots with three roomevl house on same, .n KotT. abov Eleventh street, price il.iut. E’our-roomed House on Woods str«-*-t, Sixth ,vard, 11.000. , .... , , Three-roomed House, la good condition, lot tOxIflO, F'trst ward. |yU0. Nine-roomed House, iu splendid condition, »M Market street. JCI.fUO. Nev.-n-rooiued House, SOI North I-ront street. . , „ Six-roomed House,903 North Front street, [slaud.92.C00. ,, . Lot in Third ward. Raker s addition, WfiO. Lot on Mavstou. Sixth ward, it.U*). Half Lot on Floir street. Sixth ward. Twenty-live Acres four miles e:.~tuf the city. :hree houses with income of toll) per annum, land stone quarry, ceineiit stone, good quality ,( lime stone and coal, fTSOO. Ten Acre-with seven roomed house on same, ivo feet vein ot coal under live acres, one half pile east of Triadelphia. fl.TIW. Fifty two aeres, in splendid condition, nine miles "east of the city. tan Acres. three quarters of a mile from Sta r rard, two on-hards, a variety of fruit, good muse on same, a farm well equipped, price ST5 S. N£SBITT, Jr., aubli No. ITUS Market Street. Baking Powder ~-IS— ABSOLUTELY PURE. I ;li MW l email Till STIMUKXi (Ml MSI MlllK. GREAT BARGAINS KOU Tin: NEXT FEW DAYS IX j^inner gets. Fancy Goods IIIO MAIN ST., WHEELING. HANDSOME Ctaille Poitiers! -JUST OPKXKD IIY J. S. RHODES 4 CO. BEAUTIFUL CHENILLE CURTfilNS In the Very Newest I. fleets at $0.00 per pair. Finer grades $s.OO ami $10 per pair ami upwards. NEW FALL Now arriving. See our Speeial Leader t in Ail Wool Colored Henriettas, 40 inches wide, at 50 cents. From $1.25 to $6.00. NEW AND NOIIIIY HANDLES. 'IROQUET ! (’ROQUET ! Wry Cheap Lot, to Close Out. Hammocks, Base Balls, Bats, Masks, Gloves, l'„ot Balls, Sew-pnpers, Magazines. < Hooks. C. H. QUIMBY, mi:3 Ull Market Street. I SENSIBLE SAD IRONS. Table Cutlery. Sllv.-r Platt-J Knives and Fork-. Silver Plated Tea mill Table Spoon-. Granite Iron Ware doth.-s Wring. r«. Konb Clnthes Wash. r-, anil Copper Wash Hollers. GEO. W. JOHNSON S SONS. auis _ Xo. 1310 Main Street. | V )N T Y( )U NEED A GOOD ATLAS? We have n large one, with late maps, for fl.i'O. Mailed free ou receipt of pri--e. STANTON & DAVENPORT. aoSO Old City Uooketore. DON'T FAIL TO VISIT HENRY JACOBS, PEOPLE'S BANK ECTLDINO. YOC C.YX HCY A G.1 Pair C.rcv Blankets from 90c up. G -'d Pair White' Blankets from *t.CO up. i Good I’uir Bed Blankets from fcl.35 up. Good Comfort at .70. Good White Bed Spread at. .70. Good Dark lied Spread at... 70. , Good Carpet at 10c. per yard. Goo.j Flowered Carpet at -c. per vard. Good Brussels Carpet. Bugs and Mat tine at the lowest ligur.-s. Good Pillow-. Bolsters, Feathers, Tow. I- and Table Linen at the cb.ap.-t prices. The best i Mnysville and Quake r City Carpet Chain 1 alway > in stock. -TPIE BP.IDGF.POP.T, OHIO, Manufacturers and Dealers in the X E W M a X M EtT1A XICA L and ELECTRICAL WATCHMANS CLOCKS, Hotel Annunciators, Electric Supplies, Burglar Alarms, Call Bells. Batteries. &c. Repairing and construction of Electrical work in all its branches. Estim ites given on isolated Electric Light Plants and the construction of same. Fine model, pattern and experimental »'.rk a specialty. TELEPHONE CALI. 938. aulfeadb H. F. BEHRENS, Grocer null European Steamship Agent, Office. Xo. 8317 Market Street, Warehouse. Xo. 2219 Market Street. Branch Store, corner .larob and Thirty-eighth street, In the South Side Bank Building. j>33 On*o. It. eruulor. ^ 1KlL ANi) R. TAYLOR,., Main St. and 1153 Market St. Begs to announce the arrival of his New Stock of Fall and Winter Dress Goods, and invites an inspection of the same. -THIS WEEK Prominent Features in Dress Goods Department. English Check Suitings, West of Wales Plaids, Herringbone Cheviots, Plain and Fancy combined in Bison and Camel’s Hair Effects. -PLAIN SUITINGS All Wool Sprees, iipu colors, from.. $ 50 to $1 40 All Wool Henrietta, new colors, from.. 00 to 1 00 Silk Warp Henrietta, black, from. 1 00 to 2 50 All Wool Whip Cords, colors . 1 00 Velvets and Dress Trimmings to Match our Goods. GEO. R. TAYLOR ^‘“Improvements completed and store now occupied from Main to Market street. GEO. R. TAYLOR. G-i^ElA.T h\ the City of Wheeling, W. Vs., September 8th, 9th, 10th, 11th and 12th. j) Grand Balloon IsnensM Parachute Jump WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 10th, at I P. M. MAGNIFICENT ARRAY OP LIVE STOCK, PRODUCTS «t tie PARK. WORKSHOP, 4c. l4 Great TrottiiJUs Pacing Running Races ! This will be Wheeling’s Most Fashionable event of the season. ^•“Excursion Rates on all Railroads. Speed entries close September 1st. Entries for all Live Stock close September 4th. Address Secretary for Pre mium List and information. A. REY MANN, President. GEO. S. OTTE, Secretary. GEO. HOOK, Treasurer ■ . | furniture nui> (Cavyeto. . N.. 0. ED. MENDEL. BCHNEB G. MENpEL & CO. A Difference of Opinion however slight, roav end In bandage*. sticking plaster, and glings. We are glad to -ay that there ran l.r NO DIFFERENCE OK OPINION as to the merit* of our good*', they ar- beyond dispute the best In the market. THK GREAT DIFFERENCE between u- and other Arm. lies inthe one ....... I ........ 1;.... t . . .1 . . i ....... i. i . . ,.v. VoVL’ rvuntst f.l. S We the lH-st in the market. TICK GREAT UIKKKRKNCK. la tween u« and other nrr.. lies n word "nuality." We jo not harp on the word “cheap,” although NONE l NUEK.M.LL I s. »»e lay e«:a rial stre»-. howe y, r. on the excellence of our go.>ds, knowing that nothink' build* up loi« iness like the gelling of FIRST-CLASS GOODS. We sell them; always sell tie in and don t sell anything else G. MENDEL & CO., 1124 IMuft-IlSr STREET, -DEALERS IN Carpets, Furniture, Oil Cloths, Linoleums, &c. {^UNDERTAKING A SPECIALTY. Jyl* vyHITE MOUNTAIN Ice Cream Freezer, TUST RECEIVED. With triple motion, makes better cream in > time than any other, (.'all and examine them. NESBITT & BRO , 1312 Market Street. NEW HOLLAND HERRING. SALT SAUDELLS. NEW MACKEREL, SALMON, ‘deans for' KERRIS HAM and ItONELESS BACON. F. HANAUER. o. No 1304 Market Street. oudt .Amusements, OPERA HOUSE Special Attraction FRIDAY SIGHT, SI PTI Mr THE GREAT MIl.ITtltY DRAMA From the Star Theatre, V Grand Op« ra |; I ho Thrillim: r-\. .l\ 111. Libby Prison. Tho Tunnellii.i:. The Notofiou.- Hat II The Kaenpe. A Fair Rebel.('•inr.-Jt-n' ! A Fair Rebel. |*r A Fair Rebel. I. . || . A Fair Rebel The Greet. -t Friday Night. Sept, .ju tysal.- . f aeata • III 111 tellllaT 3d. at C. A II. II-.'- II. I|. IS alld &0 cent*. No extra ehar. • GRAND OPERA HOUsr O. C. GKNTHKR. .. I.. *" tine Week. Comm. Monday Evening, September !.• The Great Irieh Mum.- . , MIKE MI’IXrCTLTY All I'llfter .Mi.i. - McNulty aud MrGinty' Replete with F>rjt ol... s Seat- on -ale at Mel.i.r FurnDlilncSiore. ITii.i- I. I)re»s I’lreie. B.V; Galhrj (’Bbucuticmal. liHlWk 't"!ia ; V •p-t> '< > Hr ,.k. II . Jy3lrb The Physical Training Seta' WHEELING TURNVi \1TTI.L Ol’EN MONDAA. T » l.v coiiMiltitii: tie- Iii-iru. • K’rocli. at Turn.-r Hall. ■ v.*r I and o'clock. WHEELING IIS* Itoariliiii: ami Ihij School fn i Ladies ami Children. fTUIOROl Gil < <*: BSE Ol 1 in KnirILti, Matlieln itir» t-rn Lin^uac-s. Mu-1*5, 1 >r:»«iit_ P cutlon, anil t’alistlienlc.. .ni\ r lift* and training. session Ib-jiii- Motel i\. s 1SW) Aililr.-i.ii, .MISS I‘AURa\ nir.'i AcIrli No. |ui l » WHEELING Business College Faculty for th«» Fusiiim; Vi-ai .1 M FRASHER l*rln«*l|»n 1 Instructor in »'■ rr> I’ruin»n-lii|>. W. L. SHINN Instructor in lj. i'k K. - | i I ilet, tin-11,.— Aritbmi tic, < and IVnnianxhip. G. \V. Kit A M Kit Instructor in Traill In T. M. CARVIN', 1,1. I; Superintendent hi Pino.- ,-r. MISS JENNIE S. (' tr Instructor In Miort llan.I .1 i.|» u T. M. GAR\ IN II I: Lecturer out numci I’ROK. EDM till* st ill u i,i i: Instructor in (j.-rmaii ; rr"s..||,I f, r t i! WHEELING CONSERVATORY Of Ml No. I.» Fifteenth Miti l. HENRY .1 VUHKNZ KALI, TERM ISKGIN MONDAY, KKI’TK.MDKK U FACULTY: TuKoitr. I \ o' Al .l lllUMATI. till. .Mounts I.AS.,1 A,.I II .1 Mi;- t.'.VRI. L'l.AUIoNET, I II A IIP Miss INMI IIUttlANN .11 l.ll s ||. I" Pborouithaijratemallc in*traction In . of Unslo and ol llioir s..r.,,.. ment fi.r tin- ir ..nliii: l.f 'I. .••!.• r ■'••pti. n il a.It hi i . . in Modern PRIVATE AND CLASS INSTRI'i -s f«>r < *:if :.|r*u»u* i ruHiioii a|»|d) :ift«r \\ • In.*- . IIKMIY .1. \ICIti >/. No. •(> I- ifti-i'iith Street. Rat. ■ MiHli-rati' PARENTS AND GUAnbtim Dfslrin^ iiiforiiiJtii»*n :»•» t. t!»• 1m »c«|uir«* u thornuirh kimwl# djr«* «.f » brain’ll* *'In the* tlvn«* and |‘X|H*DM'i htiouki ft.r tilef <’:»! i making arrim^^mviii.* • 1 -!*• r••, WIIFFI.INU MSINFSS (Ol I H I. nu’fJ'V'.S.iUSun-li 1Mami 131 \\ Kmnklin S' II EDGEWORTH BOARDING AND DAI for Youiik" . Hill r. ■ i ti-iulM-r |H. 07U1 >. ar Mu- II r : Principal. The Hannah More Academy for (lirl Western Marti ' • 1 noted for In altlifulh" tlioroii'.’li instruction It. \li A M M It . K' lslt-r.i t n. V aufiW*Salli St. George shall FOR BOYS AND;YOUNC t/i '< ST. Cii.OIMii.'S M (II IMI.IIVHa I*' Kni.’li.Ii. • !—i ll -iii'l • • m Mir|.i". .l lr: uIvbiiI h' - V’.i’ ••■iHi/i.rl, M i-r.ii. >r." aul.'IVWjal-li l’f"l ■> ' KIM.Al: I" CCHOOL F< *R RJRLS MISS WILSON, No. «:i South Front Street. I*l«o Stu-IW ••‘■11 ' 1 ' TKMHI.H"'li. ■ ' ,.•'•• ’ . It. r. r ’■ JuJil; J ' ■' ■ * 11 , \\ m. II i ■ • MI Sll, IHCA» !N«. \M> \’WlU Till: MlSsl-> IwHiURII*' Will open a Studio Tw.-lfili and M rk : • l>. r l«. I*.*i Til* ' «nl TueNtlit) - aii'l I ri*i i‘ Clll.M-* W .11 I*' ill.' I ‘I ’ 15 Ohio .lr<-* i. M*»ii-li»y v’I' suao.-JT --3.I0 Bethel Classical and Hilitr • 1 |*r<*|):ir*- f r Ho ini i’.iini A'Mr- mi Ha elllT I*. <*.. \ ‘ M OUNT DE CHAN • A I Near Wheei i’ " •' (SISTKKs Ol T liK \ I'" A «.'!i x>j of ni thmi i ,I7>T' i-iei-pilon i! ii Ivmi' ration of joumt l i'!:' • m brury of -it tin »I.|>||il'31. <'t|i■ II.JI'II1 :il.*I A ' ' Mu-ii'al !>• : mini'; ' piano !'»•»<• inT- lr..:in' I ' from CoBMTvatory of M i'. according i" tin' in’ ll' d ‘ ti'r*. Location uii-uri of pi ticullh. Ten excellent. For Cai.iluru***. and r all til** principal eltn-.. » ’ M’pl I hi: IHKf: Notice to Invest':, THE WHEELING Title and Trasi (i. Etnin* loan* anti jrufcfn&t'* * of same at maturity. IHOS. O’BRU '■ S iiiA No. 1331 >! ‘r’ tox 18, LKASliS AN.' Blank* for anln »t the Rtoi-tr J