Newspaper Page Text
lien* AJuu'rtittcmcnt®. STIFEL&COS ^FAIRs No. 1114 MAIN STREET. Unrivalled Display of Handsome -IN' WRAPS SEAL SKIN. PH SH, PERSIAN AND VELVET. PERSIAN ANI> ASTRAKHAN. EM HOSTED VELVET. AND \ KI LL LINE OF ! \DIE> MIssEs nut CHILDREN’S CLOTH WRAPS OF ALL KINDS. -INFANTS’ CLOAKS Tin Pr« ul«-T E\* r Shown. ROBES AND DRESS GOODS! Artistic effects in Robes and Com bination 1 >r« ss Coods. As there will be no duplicate - of the Robes, as they can not be reproduced this season, any lady desiring an exclusive style should come early and secure their choice of this collection. Stripes and l’laids to Velvelts and Silk- to match plain goods of every TRIMMINGS in Cut Steel. Vamlykc. Drop Jet, Galex.u. Cut Jet Bands. l’< N.m Passementrie, lira ids of all color'. GEO. E. STIFEL & CO. IU*y OJoo&*---§ tone $ (Thomae. MONEY TALKS! Prices That Can't be Duplicated. THIS WEEK O' Hundred Pit . , in mcLes widei Black Henrietta Cloths at x3o. a yard that M-ll everywhere* at Sl/J.v Compare what you save by buyiuir one of the.- FINEST ALL Wool, BLACK HENRIETTA CI.oTH PRESS PATTERN'S and Linings th;s week with regular price. 04 THIS WEEK. •> V rd' !!• i tt.i i th, -3 . Yard't atnliric, 5c .. .... , Yards S ' a. 1 ■ 1 Yard Ituokruni.. 1 IK)Z«‘I1 ItoUC*. 1 Vt Sh."ld'. 1 Uraid. 1 >[h. I Silk . 2 Spools Twist. 1 Spool Cotton . 1 Dozen Buttons. 13 17 5 4 4 $7 9' REGULAR PRICE. ■> Yard' Henrietta Cloth. 31.23 .?!•> oo 3 Yard-* Cambric, Cc. 30 2 Yard' Silicia. 15e. .. 3o 2 Yards Huekriuu. 13 l Dozen Bones. 10 l S«-t Shields. 25 1 Braid. 5 1 Spool Silk. 10 2 Spools Twist. 1 Spool Cotton. 3 r-4 Dozen Buttons. 37 311 72 A sivinif «f ' i.7a on * a* L iatt**rn. Pwillvviy tliv gr. au st vaiu»> ami -t «>|»|M>rtunity ••v**r ufft*r»*«l to buy a Fin«* 1 *r*—• at the fust of a v**ry inferior quality. Stone & Thomas Oyoot**. trery Day Through This Week -« E WILL OFFER Special Bargain^ Black and Colored Mohair*. K! -V »ud Colored ,\il wool Heurlettaa. B: i.-k *nd Colored silk Warp H«tri«itu K , an : t tgur« ■! Sat m*«. ’ u.;- r*»- 1 French l>r*-- Kol«ea. til o-k 1. to* !>-»p*-rv \-t< Hi-»,'k Ch .mills Vo. vrtpe.l and Figured HI u k and r«.loiwl Mlk* Fine French Challie. til new deaigna. Ileaultful Eugluh CWUlea, light anti dark Lap* Curtain* and P rtier**. Striped "in 1 Figured Outing Flannel*. Scotch Zephyr Ore.. longham*. Ul riaSi.g I'mhrvlla A full line of Coraei. (■ r Ladle* and Children lii nU R.»!t«rifga» shirt* and Drawer*. Udi' >' Ha * ;-io V«-t». ■aiidoxeu Kid oli>*- . at reduced uric**. Liberal purohaara have bought large uuantt 1 < of OO uiany g^^da—<k»n»c>iuently lave marked PRICES AWAY DOWN. PI . naglofn « p] rtnutty for cloa* buyer*. E_i. S. GOOD, OPENS THIS WEEK A Complete Line of Laleal Fall Styles in Hals! Our New Wide Band Hat, Ik. i4.-J!* the St. >-u ■**!•' >" ,be city Uwht WV hav aetrfal *$» < all th.- latei.l *«»!*< »■«* ,,t . of "iir • "ii IKHiK aliu'n I The Tyrol, . - Hi * 1.43. * I » l . .i slid ■ u... ai.J otwl “■ ''"II ... I. \\ i t. tv tilt-. 70, Kl.tW. *Mt» and «. Utr a-'iirtim-u! Af . at alt ; ... .f K> . aoJ Children h Hats \V. all reliable u 1- and -ar* }‘*U fri,,u w -nt» t.» #1 CUoh each Hat. M. J. McFADDEN. ONK I'BH'l HATTKK VN'l* Kl'RXISHER. IJ20 and 1322 Markat Straat 9ruti«t». DR. GEO. J. CADDLE, Surfeoix Dentist, No. raid MARKET STREET. Over Savings Bank. npheaJ Tlte Shooting Season Is just Iteglunliic- | t.ame is abunilant. and the finest gun ever tilTeml in th* soriel for th* money Is the new Ideal l.tleter llauiuierle,*. Call and rumiue it at I. «. DILlsON A CO.'S. 12*3 Market street. WAN AM AKER & BROWN'S ▼ » NEW FALL STOCK. tv.' »r<* ifettim; th.- trad-- • u tu.-nt of great , ,f .:iui[V r-- than all \Vhfrlimr combined. -• "d Ht-< anda»nvlui: i.f :« }«r cnt. to tli" consumer. which pax» ’letter than column of fal-e advertising. J. W. FERREL. Agent, in. n Hall Uuildmg, oor. Maiu and Twentieth SnMa K® THE PUBLIC WILL NOTH K THAT WE HAVE IN I BO or I ri> THE -ONLY NEW SHAPE thi* K >11. audour competitor* all are imitating it. IK.n l 1»- deceived. ft>r tie* correct i ll dif * n«*t represent shoddy imitation*. C. H. DINGER. ;ts Twelfth and !0.'»« Main Mreet. JUTjcelinij Ifcglsirc rhrrttiuiurtrr K«*ror(l. Mr V Sehnepf, the Opera House drug gist, made the following observatlous of the temperature yesterday: 7 a. m., 7*.’; 'J * IB., 71, IS m . 74; 3 p. at.. 7*»; 7 p m., 74. Weather, cloudy THE WKATHKK. p r Western IVuu-yH.itii*. fair stationary temperature, northeasterly « iud*. I r Ohio. l.<c»l *boa. r». stationary letup ra tline u. rifiea-terly wind* t-,.r West Vtrymia h***! ram-. t"« ier. north 1 uilra to New AdrtrtMntuU wreND rauk. 1! ■ It I land' r»ei t; Bum - ft imi in ii I - tt May * Administrator < Nott-'e 1 • O suuth W iiiteil Two Pant* Maker' i Twenty T- s.iVx m. Wanted—tilrl for Housework \\ anted—Huy to Le iru Barber Trad. Wanted Hoard tn Private Family W .IIIled -Kaker* Wanted- Koi to Learn linker* Trade \v ,1, . ,i I n.. I oil - Maker* 1 :s>i!e on*.-- rv HU'IIO -• ► ij ' Dru^'a I I'heuiieils- K II List Opera Hou«e Kajaiika K< t»thi hill Rolling l« Model A (_ menu r*u« ii|enm - i tiitnued w I.. lu'taliuent Com; any Sprat I - |*o u ir» V- -1 S kl Id -. M* - -III. ow .ll ad OH tow W an I'd Hiker* Take I lie Naphtha Vaeht Company Moat* (or tlie Fair tirouud* and Avoid the l»*'-ay l*y tlmtfr ruulM* -ATTt'riON. UN^tV CAltKTS." We are prepared to take measure* for l uiforiu*. guaranteeing *|iialliy. tit and prlee. or no sale. l>. til NULINti 1 CO.. .14 aud 3# Twelfth street. kok i au. am» winter. Now rrrrliril a complete and Artistic assort of Suitings. fantalnonlng* and O.crcoatiug*. which we warrant to make up iu First-Class style, and at reasonable price*. FU *uaraateed. AUo a full line of tient*‘ Furnishing t.ood*. c. IIKSS t SON’S. i;t*il and I lid Market Street. FlIVL SALK tit W ATCIIKS THIS WEEK. tciu£ by far lh. UrCe*« dealer* In • tclie* iu the state, are »•*» unaided to rr all grade* of W atche* at price, turn h ,er than ever sold for heretofore. Aacli >u* t'oustautia ,-elehrated Watches a daily. 1- UlLI ON * CO.. jo-|3 Market Street. I. u. PUIon * C«.*» •to**. 11,113 M“rk••, ..treet. •« hea<l«ju*rter« for everything Hue In i lie line of Watehe*. and Ml %vr Their »tock I* the most complete In tht* I p|M*r Ohio Bargain* In 14 K Ladle.-and tieut*- 0«ld WtlrMl at H. K. Hliman * Co -*. Money *a»ed by linttlng II K- Hllman X Cu.'t priori on 14 K Wiitchfi* Be >ure atnl seo the Noss Musical Comedy. Family iu THE RACES ON TBS FAIR GROUNDS, YESTERDAY AFTER NOON. AFFORD GOOD SPORT. A Iku.’.ed Account of the Cvabsts—A Glance at Some of the Departments—The B.g Programme for To-Day. Tin* State Fair was in tin** shape yes terday, and had the day been a brighter one, and the thermometer a little high er, there would have been very general satisfaction on the part of those In at tendance. As it was, the sky threatened rain all morning, and the air was dampand raw, making light overcoats and wraps very comfortable throughout the entire day. People contemplating visiting the grounds were deterred by the prospect that the day would end in a shower, but fortunately the threatened storm did not appear, and allowed the racing pro gramme to comeolT. while the inspection of exhibits in the several departments was uot seriously interfered with. The attendance was very good, con sidering all the drawbacks, and to-day, with the entire Fair in complete shape, and a great racing programme, with <1,100 iu premiums, there ought to be ten thousand admissions. Tin: rorLTKY suovv. PLYMOUTH IIU KS. A Uk«.istkk reporter made a tour of this department of tie- Fair y« >terday, and found it iu anexceedingly satisfac torv >tate. both as regards number and variety of fowls. Some of the exhibit* orshave some splendid specimens of all the best-known breeds, and among tin* live hundred or more chickens, ducks, turkeys, geese, etc., those taking an in terest in fowls are sure to find a number of tine birds. There are many fine spec imens of Asiatics, while the Plymouth Koeks, Ijeghorus. etc., are represented !by large and fine fowls. The entries of .ducks and geese are also well worth in spection. and in the same department area number of small animals of vari |ous sorts. The display iu this depart ment, as a whole, is among the largest . ver seen at a fair, exception being made of the big year, along about 1"7. when tlo re was something like fourteen I or fifteen hundred entries in the poul try department. The judges were busy among the fowls yesterday awarding premiums. IX UAfUIXKUY IIALL. This department, sacred to farm ma chinery. was one of the centres of at traction yesterday. although it was not the day upon which the largest attend ance of farmers wasexpected The entire space allotted by the Association to farm tua< blurry and impleuicmcnts was nut only occupied, but various machines drifttnl over along the outskirts of the Poultry Department, and up along the side of the Main building. REAPER AND MOWER 11 would be diftirult to imagim any >nrt of machinery or appliance. useful (to the husbandman, which is not on ex hibition or in operation in or about Machinery Hull. Reapers, mowers, binders. har\e>ters. nitting-boxcs. wind-mills, traction engines, churns, eie , u(‘i- all operated by machinery, while among them are all the various patterns of plows, rake.., forks, fertil izers, and everything so essential tu 'Uceessful and intelligent farmingopera tions. Every exhibit has from one to f . nr men in attendance, and literature 1 is furnished, questions answered, explanations and illustrations given, and all possible information supplied w illingly to all who route along. Two or three agricultural journals are rep resented on the grounds, and this por tion of the enclosure Is especially inter esting to farmers. Flint' AM* FAIt.M PI|o|*l « 1>. Intimately connected with the di play of farming machinery is the large <|UantUy of fruit ami general farm pro ducts. IN HOKTlCt/Ltl lUi. UMl Ono would not imagine. after looking through this department, that tin* pres ent summor lias boon chiefly distin guished for tho almost total failuro of tin- fruit .Top, and tlit* sorious falling off in a number oi othor loading farm staples. While the display is not auite u, larg ■ as upon somo previous years, thoro i» still an inlinlto variety of fruits, j embracing poaches, apples pears, quinces, eto., and with them are to bo 'con grapes, melons, plums, corn, pota toes In largo variety and excellent spec imens. tomatoes, beets, onions, and all tin long list of food protlucts of this class. There are two or three very flno display s of honey, both In the comb and strained, and taken altogether, this de partment is full of Interest. In the same building is to be found tho department devoted to jellies, pre serves. pieties, and other evidences of tin 'kill and industry of the house wife, ami Immediatly adjoining Is a fine dis play of bread, cakes, etc. The ladies w, re in a flutter of cxeitemeut alnuit this class of exhibits yesterday, and the Banner la which some of the Judges dipped into tlte cakes showed that they had a keen appreciation for the good thing' of life, as well as wide experi ence in awarding Fair prizes to the most deserving. vv ox ritK oisot xt>s. To-day will be one of the "big days on the ground' lu addition to the rai l s. and miscellaneous displays, there will be a leading attraction, at one o'clock in the afternoou. in the shape of 4 balloon ascension and parachute Jump by Mme. Leroy, a femalearoenaut. who Las earned a wide reputation throughout the country for her daring feats before high heaven. The balloon, «: . will be inflated right opposite the centre of the tirand Stand, will ascend to the height of about two thousand feet, and while there sus pended. Mine. Leroy will jump from it. sustained by a parachute, and fall into the enclosure in the ceutre of the ring, or [Continued <>» First Po'jt-1 SMALL TALK. Minor Matter* of Interest Briefly aud Pithily ToM One i>eel>of Trust was a«fmitte.t to record bv Clerk Hook yesterday. TnE members of the Black Garter Fish ing club are enjoying themselves at Wil low Springs. Ex-MaXuer Bn kenbikgkr, of the Col umlius Base Ball Club, it is said, is playing with a small club iu the West. Tue Council Committee ou Police is called to meet this evening, to investigate the conduct of the department in regard to the Cora Hamlin case. Georce O. Smith yesterday qualified as administrator of the estate of Edward W. Chumock. deceased. Houd $1,000; Wm. H. Caldwell, surety. A utti.e bov named Speaker, residing at No. 15s Fourteenth street, fell down a flight of stairs at St. Alphonsusschool, yesterday afternoon fracturing one of his arms. The first engine and ear will pass over the new I'nion bridge between 10 a. m. and 1 1 p. m., to day. This event will doubtless ; draw quite a crowd to the vicinity of the | bridge. The police yesterday arrested a young fellow on suspicion of being one William Pierson, who escaped from the Reform School at Huntington, P., some time ago. He answers the description pretty closely. Farrei.i. has called a meeting [of the Committee ou Railroads for this | evening, to take action on the resolutions adopted concerning the B. A O. on Six teenth street, at last night's Couueii meet ing. M vusiiAi. White has now got the money i to pay oiT the Democratic Deputy Marshals who served two years ago. If the boys will step up uo doubt Mr. White will turn over the money due them so long ago. The deficiency hill has just been passed by Con gress. One of the prominent members of the Chamber of Commerce remarked the other evening that Wheeling was harder to get Into, or get out of. than any other city of its size iu the country. There is lots of room for improvement in the matter of communication with the other large busi ! ness centers. That tin il feeling is entirely over | come l>y Hood's Sarsaparilla, which creates an appetite, rouses the liver, cures headaciie, and gives renewed 'trength and vigor to the whole body. IEc sure to get Mood's Sarsaparilla, which is peculiar to itself. Sold by all druggists. ItKAL ESTATE MARKET. Deed* of Tranifer I .eft for lteeortl Yeiter The following transfers of real estate were left for record at Clerk Hook’s office, yesterday: Deed made September t*. 1S90, by Walter Kbbert, to J. J. F. Dick, for lot No. ."> in Walter Marshall's addition to the city, lying on the west side of Huron street, Island. Consideration. s;,uo. Deed made September S, lstm, by Walter M. Kbbert. to Jacob Dick, for lot No. Clin the same addition. Consid eration. S.100, The Great Metropolis. Concerning the "tlrcat Metropolis." to lie shown at the Opera House, on Friday and Saturday, the Philadelphia /.nlptr The "Croat Mctrojiolis” had its tirst productlou in this city, last night, at the Walnut Street Theatre, where it stirred the feeliugs of a crowded house and elic ited lots of uppluuse. It is In its stage realism that this melodrama lias its great est strength, though its representation em plovs many capable actors and actresses. The whole is so deftly arranged and inge niously fitted with stage mechanism that it is sure of popular success. Reserved seats will be put on sale at House's this morning. Knit I p on the Fume Aet. Saturday evening Clara Smith swore out ' a warrant for Sophia Capps anil a young man, charging them with fornication and adultery. They were arrested, and fur nished bond for'their appearance Monday. In the meantime the Capps woman swore out a warrant charging Smith and another yonng man with the same crime. The Smith girl hearing this, went to Bridge port, being led to believe she would get into trouble If she appeared against the Capps woman. As she has not yet come | over. Justice Arklc sent the Capps woman to jail for sixty days under the bad fame : act. Fits, spasms, St. Vitus dance, nervous j ness and hysteria are soon cured bv Dr. Miles’ Nervine, free samples at Logan DrugCo's.. K. B. Burt's, and Bowie Bros., Bridgeport, O. Fiitsr engine over new bridge to-day. Stop at ivliui-’s Ravine House. Economy i» Wealth. The (ilobe Contract Co., 33 Fourteenth street has the finest and most economic gas stove in the market. Now. that 1 natural ga- is "metered" it behooves us to use economy in consumption. The Chicago ti t' Stove uses los gas than ! any stove made. A large variety of : ranges and heaters. Call and see tnom. We will save von .'«o tier cent, of your : gas bills. Mkipiiant—"What kind of soap, | madam;" Shrewd Woman—"(live me ' Jaxon, always.’* To the Trade. Wo beg leave to invite the attention I of merchants visiting this market to our ' extensive stock of Ladies' and Children's Heady-made Wraps, comprising all the novelties of the season. We have made ; this fall every effort to even excel our ; former large lines. Our second and third floor* of our two three-story buildings are filled with the choicest productions, and every garment Is warranted excel lently made by lock stitch machine, and for tit are unsurpassed. Our prices have always been as low as the lowest. We cordially extend an invitation to visit our establishment, as we believe we have the largest and finest line of wraps In this section. Respectfully, 11. Emsiikimkic, is and MO Eleventh Street. The most staple article sold is Jaxon Snap. EXPOSITION i:\CT ICSION-,. S|K*c*iul Low \ li* the IViidiij lvnni:i Line!* on September <• tIt and lltli. Excursion tickets to Pittsburg, good re turning two days from dateof sale and in cluding admission to the Exposition, "'ill be sold via the Pennsylvania Fines at special low rates cm September f>th and 11th. For particulars see hand bills. 2, •*.. S, 10. Attend the (iraml Concert and Ball at Teutonia Mail this cypning Mkkit wins. Sales of Ja\on Soap have trebled. Bkkouk yon return home call at any grocery store and purchase a supply of Stol/.enbach's Crackers and Cakes. They cost no more than an inferior ar ticle. _ “WoiiTii their weight in gold." What? Eveuyuopy patronizes the XossFam ily, because their performances are clean and full of wit and humor, and are the theme of praise everywhere. Seats now on sale. Tit a v k.i iNci men bank on the Xoss Family. Attend the (1 rand Concert and Ball at Teutonia Hall this evening. Stop at liuviue House on your way to the bridge to-day. it. £ o. Ylattnlngton A< riMiiiiMxl.ition. September 9th, loth. 11th and 12th the Mauniugton Accommodation will leave Wheeling at .1:30 p. in., stopping at all stations. At.t. i.r-t:.iss grot ers handle Stol/. enbach's Crackers and Cakes. Tin: Xu" Fyyiii y are the leading pi oneers of Musical Cornedv. and the only company traveling introducing a Quin tette pf Saxophones. lr is a conceded fact that all groicrs pride themselves in handling the best goods on the market—hence the large and increasing demand for Stolzen bach's Crackers anti Cakes. The Xo>' Family is coming! Sroi.zKNn.Yt it's Crackers and Cakes The Xoss Family introduce a great number of specialties in their comedy sketch, “A Quick Match." THE NEWS OF THE DAY. New Companies Chartered. The Brilliant Steel and Iron Company is a new corporation chartered by Secretary of State Ohley. Its office is to be kept at Wheeling. Capital stock $tii,000. I he E. L. Kose Oil and Gas Company, of \\ heel ing, has been incorporated with a capital of *2,500. Opera House To-Night. “Around the World in Eighty Days will be seen at the Opera House to-night. This will be one of the finest pieces seen on the boards this season, and all lovers of lino acting and fine sceneries should not fail to attend. Don't forget the great Ama zon march. Lmw »ml Ord«P CttiW* Decisions were given by Justice Arklc, yesterdav, in the cases brought by members of the Law and Order League. The case of Mrs. Meyers, who was charged with selling a nickle banana to a member, was dismissed. G. W. Connell, for taking pho tographs. was held in the sum of $100 for Court. Muniiiiigton OH Notes. At one of K. L. Rose & Co.’s wells oil was struck at 1,*19 foot. This well is lo cated f>00 feet from the Hurt well. The owners have secured from this well 1,(XX) barrels of oil in three and one-half days. Hurt Well No. 2 is flowing about the About forty-two wells are producing in the field now', and many new ones being sunk every day. Kilh'tl on the It. i O. John Kelly, aged about sixty years, who is suppostd to live at Cameron, got off a H. & O. tram at that place yesterday after noon about 4:SU o’clock, and while passing in front of another train was run down and cut in two. He was killed instantly. A sad feature of the affair is that Kelly was the father of Dominick Kelly, one of the young men injured in the B. <& O. wreck at Littleton Monday morning, and had gotten off the train to go see his wounded boy. Kelly was a man of family. Ilrrillliuit Spectacle Coming. Next Monday ami Tuesday will intro duced at the Opera House one of the finest spectacular pieces seen here for many a dav. "Kajanka" has not been overestima ted. It is without doubt the finest scenic success on the road. Appropriate songs are sung by a corps of pretty ballot girls all through the play, and a unique drill is given. The costumes are elegant. But the remarkable quick changes of scenery aro probably the most notable features of the play. Knocked oil'a l.riilge. The special excursion train on the Ohio) River road, coming to the city yesterday morning, struck a man named John liver, on the bridge over Iligg’s run, just below Franklin station. Byer is deaf and did not hear the train until it was too late to get off the bridge, although be was approaching the train. When be saw his danger he at tempted to hang over the side of the bridge and was knocked off and fell into the creek, a distance of ubout twenty feet. He would have drowned but for the assistance of the train people. When pulled out a bad gash was found on his left temple, two ribs were broken and he was probably hurt in ternally. Byer is sixty-five years old, but the probabilities are that he will recover. I Police Court. The cases of Ettie Ditty, charged with | keeping a house of ill-fame, and three girls ' and four men found in the house, wereeon tinued at the request of Mrs. Ditty's attor ney, Col. W. W. Arnett, until Wednesday morning, as the defendants will fight the cases. William. John and George Hlatt ner, for disorderly conduct on Sunday, were fined flu and costs each, the lines be ing raised to fSU and costs afterwards so they could appeal the cases. The five arrests made by order of the Street Railway Com pany were dismissed. Superintendent Lof tus "not desiring to prosecute the prisoners, and failing to appear against them. Chas. Bolden and Tishie Lindsay, both colored, for raising a disturbance in the Second ward, the former was lined #5 and costs and the woman was dismissed. ••Din’’ Rabbctt, for raising a disturbance in a sa loon. was lined f-i and costs, and $5 and costs for abusing the lock-up keeper. | Tbc case against Joseph Webb was dis missed. Barney Bradv for failing to leave town as promised to do was sent to the hill for ninty days. The Circuit Court. In Part Two of the Circuit Court, Judge Pauli, yesterday, the case of the State vs. Frederick Fleck and George Webb, on an indictment for obtaining money under false pretenses, by buncoing a man named Lewis Finch, from Kansas, out of fa.">, the 12 th day of August, by giving him a valueless note as security for a loan of the above amount, was put on trial. The prisoners, by their attorney, S. O. Boyce, usaed leave to withdraw their former plea of not guilty and enter a demurrer to the indictment. Argument was heard, am) the Court over ruled the demurrer. They then pleaded not guilty, and tho ease was put on trial before a jury composed of George Bowman. John (’. Beck, Thomas F. Owens, J. F. Horner, Patrick Weir, Charles F. Zimmer, Charles Beuter, C. F. Stein, Edward Darby. Thomas Kelly and Alex. MeCon ahay* The jury, after an apparently hard scrab ble, arrived at no decision and adjourned for supper. At 7:30 they again went into session, uud at 9 o'clock appeared in the Court room with the statement that they could not agree. Judge Pauli seni them back again and at 10 o'clock the jury re api>eared and announced a verdict of guil ty in the case of Fleck and not guilty in Webb's rase. It tyas the latter's ease which caused the hang. After their ver dict the jury was formally dismissed. In Part One, Judge Campbell, the case of Johu Napier A Co., of Pittsburg, vs. John Dumas, was called and the defendant fail ing to appear the Court entered a Judgment for ffhUi. .9, the amount demanded by the plaintiff, against him, with interest from data. ROUGH ON DIRT SOAP takes the cake. -o To the Visiting Public. Visitors to the State Fair should call in at 3:i Fourteenth street, and examine the line assortment of Safes carried by the Globe Contract Co. During the Fair we will quote specially low prices on the finest line of Safes and Vaults ever seen in this section. Attknd the Grand Concert and Ball at Teutonia Hall this evening. 1‘iiOK. John _\|t i.i.i s, our accomplish ed dancing teacher, has returned from New York, where lie has been attend ing the annual practice meeting of the American Society of Professors of Dancing. He has six new round dances, adopted l.y the Society. They are the L'Clair. Fascination, Gaiety. Oxford Minuet. Mettlesome and Minnehaha. Xkw bridge will be tested to-day. Stop at Ravine House for refreshments. Yi>rn lunch at the “fair” Is incom plete without Stol/.enbachV Crackers and Cakes. The Press says that the Xoss Famii.x have become fatuous throughout the country as they do just what they ad vertise. t ial men say tl;at tl;e No—• Faxiu.x give one of the cleanest and ltest musical performances of any com pany traveling. Xoss Pamu.v, 111 V take*. JitoUenhach’s Crackers and UCK's the number of liars contained in the Big Cake of .laxon, and get two boxes of soap free. Tin: finest and most delicious lunch on the grounds will be Stolzenbach's Apricot Tarts. Pineapple Wafers. Sulla cia Fruits and Orange Biscuits. InM'T on having Stolzenbach's Crack ers and Cakes. Don't fail to see the Xoss Family in j “A ijuick Match.” It is one of the brightest and most sparkling musical comedies. It isimmcusely funny. It i positively original, and is novel in con Evkuyiiohv ask for Stolzenbach's Crackers and Cakes, and take no other. Tin: Xoss Famii.y at Urand Opera House three nights and at matinee com mencing Thursday, Sept. lllh. Ci.osino Ott.—Our Ladies' Fine French Kid $4.oo Shoes at *-.50. Every pair warranted as represented, or money refunded. Call and see them at Haskxavek's Shoe House, UHS Main Street. Take one of the Naptha Yacht Co.’s boats for the Fair Grounds from the foot of Twelfth street. Three minutes' walk from boat landing to Grounds. NO MONKEYING. THE CITY COUNCIL DISPOSES OF ITS BUSINESS IN A HURRY. An Ordinance Rechanging the Boundaries of the Various Wards Presented—Other Im portant City Matters. City Council met In regular session last evening and disposed of a great deal of business. Both branches had quorums at a reasonably early hour, and the business was pushed through with a re freshing despatch. President (irttso was in ids seat In | the Second Branch and Mayor Sea bright presided in the First. I he most important matter perhaps i that came up before the Second ! Branch was the introduction of “An ordinance to revive and reordain an ordinance entitled ‘An ordinance lu relation to the division of the city of Wheeling into wards, and the number and apportionment of the members of the Council of the said city,’ passed No vember 28th, 1882; and to repeal an or dinance entitled ‘An ordinance in rela tion to the division of the city of W heel ing into wards, and the number and the apportionment of the members of the Council of tlu* said city, passed Novem ber 28, 1882." This was it. conformity with a resolu tion adopted by Council some time since instructing City Solicitor White to draft such an ordinance. The ordinance changes the boundaries of the various wards back to exactly what they were before the last Republican Council made its famous gerrymander, cutting the wards up into what they thought was suitable shape for their own purposes. The new ordinance gives the same number of Coun cilmen in each ward that the ordi nance then in existence gave. The or dinance was read'for the first time and Craig objecting, it went over under the rules. Tho following communication iroru Health Ofliccr Garrison, was read: To the Honorable Mayor ami Council of the Citll of Wheeling: Gknti.kmen: It again becomes my duty to report to your honorable body that the Garbage contractor continues to violate] the conditions of his contract with the city. < From the information which I have, I do not believe that there is a single clause of said contract which he has not violated, j At a meeting of the Committee of Health held on the 29th of August, a resolution was adopted requiring ‘the Health Officer to keep within the limits of the appropriation.’ As the amount of two hundred dollars, the sum appropriated for inspecting, and serv ing notices for tho abatement of nuisances, had already been expended, ull such work is necessarily slop|ied. There remains a great deal of such work to be done, besides the work of cleaning up for next summer should be commenced now. Nothing can be done in this direction until such time as your honorable body shall make au appro priation for the purpose, or direct your Health Officer to continue the work. There was a good deal of discussion over the communication, and it was finally decided to refer the part re lating to the appropriation to the Finance Committee, and by resolution the Health Officer was instructed to prosecute tint contractor for any failure to conform with the terms of his con tract. Hr. Garrison, at request of the body, made a statement in which he saiti he would have at least 100 complaints against the contractor in Police Court. During his remarks he <aid that several times he ltud lodged complaints against the contractor, and the Mayor had dismissed them, when it was proven that the contract had been violated. An ordinance granting the flrtn of John G. Hoffman /i Sons and the River side Iron Company right to construct and maintain a switch on Water street and across Twenty-fourth street to reach their several establishments, which was passed by the Fir-t Branch, was read and concurred in. Clerk Thouer's report of the expen ditures of money up to September s, 181*0, showed the following balances: Hoard Public Work, 10 cent levy, >12. 90S.OG; Hoard Public Works, contingent fund, $8,220.03; Hoard of Public Works, I appropriation, $29,059.58: Fire Depart- j ment, $3,327.17; Health Department, >a, 137.0ti; Markets, '7.117.73. Police, >'9,7.72.18; City Prison, $1.95.'..79: ; Scales and Weighing, >179.11; Heal Estate, $402.1<>; Cemeteries. >510.79: Sal aries, $2 OsX 44; Contingent Expenses,] $1,002.97: Coiuprc.mise Loan, $2,247.01: Loan of 1$8|. $7,002.50; City Water ; Board, $1,773.47; City Gas Works, $38, 749.03; Collection of Taxes, '3,500.00; total, S137,990.02. Amount paid August 2, 1*90, 50-cent levy. $$7,099.9$: 10-cent levy, $10,575.15. A resolution was offered by Mr. Itrand fass instructing the Hoard of Puhli. ] Works to take the necessary legal step to prevent the 11. a o. Hail road Com pany from building a pier in the middle of the creek west of Main street, pro-j tided the city has rights to legally pre- j vent the obstruction. Ue‘erred to tho j Committee on Kailroads. Mr. lladlich offered a resolution in- ; structing the Committee on llailroads to confer with the officials of the IS. & O. ■ road to ascertain if an arrangement can-! not be made whereby they will take their traoks off Sixteenth street and pass through the city by some other route. Adopted. The Committee on Streets. Alleys and Grades recommended that the Hoard of Public Works be instructed to at once ' commence the construction of an ls-Jnch crock sewer in Forty-second street. 1 from Jacob to the river, at a eost not Mr. Arkle said that the Hoard had failed to construct a sewer in that sec- ; tion that would relieve the trouble, and which had been ordered by Council. President tiriuc said that the Hoard of Public Works were creatures of Coun cil. and could be made to carry out tho orders of that body. Mr. O'Kane was led to believe the Hoard ought to be in vestigated, and offered the following : Ilcxolccd, That a committee of five be appointed, three from the Second Branch and two from the First Branch of Council to investigate why the Hoard of Public Works have not complied with the orders in regard to the appropria tion ordinance This was adopted, and President Gruse appointed Messrs. O’Kane, Arkle and Kenney from the Second Hranch, and Mayor Seabright named MessrsJ Emsheimcr and Farisas members of the committee from the First Branch. The resolution which caused the appoint ment of tiiis com in it pc was then withj dmvn. The people owning property in Ben rens and Speidel’s addition asked that grades be established on street* and alleys in that vicinity, and that water , and ga- mains be laid. Referred to the Board of Public Works. A number of other unimportant requests were also referred to the Board. Henry Cresse asked remuneration for a horse which lie claimed had fell over crematory hill, owing to -care and suf focation from smoke make by city water works employes, and killed. Keferredto tlie Committee on Claims. The people in alley t, tilth ward, asked fur water, saying that some do do not get a bucket full of water in twenty-four hours. Reform! to the Committee on Water Works, with in structions to give the people water. The congregation of tiie English Lutheran Church complained that the noise made by the 11. »fc (). trains on Six- ! tcouth street interfered with divine worship on Sundays, and they asked re lief from the nuisance. The matter was referred to the Committee on Rail roads. On motion Mr. Walfcrd was placed on all committees uf which his predeces sor. Mr. liavissun wa- a member. Assistant Engineer White was al lowed to take the floor and stated that by putting a permanent sewer down from the corner of Sixteenth and Main streets to the creek at least S>00 or would he saved the city, and he stated it would be necessary to make an appropriation for the same inside of two or three days. The matter was referred to the Fi nance Committee, and that committee will doubtless be called for to-night, and a special meeting may follow ibc latter part of the week. The Committee on Fire Department] r<*port<‘(l hills amounting to S44T.41. and the Committee on city Prison bills ag gregating ?108.82, which were ordered paid. John A. JUtz was granted a license to keep a saloon in the stand formerly oc cupied by Daniel Arndt, in the North End. The pay roll of the Hoard of Public Works amounting to S2,497.98, was or dered paid. The Committee on Health reported bills amounting to S153.0.7, which were ordered paid; the report also recom mended that the sewer on Eighteenth street, from a point on said street oppo site the upper part of MeKown's prop erty to KofT street and down EofT a suf I fleient distance, so that the people liv i ing along said streets can drain into It, | and that they clean out or flush the old 1 sewer and stop it up. The Committee I also reported adversely to the petition of lloge Jk Co. for permission to erect a j store room for animal fertilizer, ihe I report was adopted entire. I An ordinance changing the grade of Twenty-eighth street from Jacob to i Wood street was adopted. In the First Branch the business sent in by the second Branch was concurred in. Both branches adjourned at 10:30. Puok. Siini K. the optician and spccial i ist of the refraction of the eyes, is now at Lash's jewelry store, corner Main ■ and Eleventh streets, and will remain ! until Saturday evening. Those having defective vision or trouble getting glasses to suit will do well to consult him. All kinds of defective vision of the old or youg corrected. Eyes tested for glasses without charge. Ravink House. 7.‘> Main street. Best iew of the bridge. Yor can save 33 per cent, and have 2,ooo samples to s *!cct a Suit. Overcoat or Uniform from and tit guaranteed at J. W. Ferrel’s, agent for Wanamak>r & Tin-: Nnss Family' farcical comedy, A Quick Match." suits everybody, j Has plot enough t<* make it interesting; comedy enough to make it very funny; j sentiment and music enough to make it an evening long to be remembered. At,i. arc invited to guess the number of Bars contained in the Big Cake of |.I axon Soap to be exhibited by (!oo. II. Gibson <& Bro. on the Fair (irounds. Tnr. Big 2,000 lb. cake of Jaxon Soap is expected in for the Fair to-day. Don't forget—while you are at Un fair—to go to the Itagg Bros.’ Shoe Co. (long Market street) for your Shoes. Ask for Stolzonbneh's Crackers and Cakes. The best. Ai.i. lovers of the beautiful should call at Kirk's Art Store, loo.*) Main street, and see the Grandest Kxhildtion of Pictures ever brought to the city. Ik your grocer says lie does not handle Stol/.eiibach'sCrackers and Cakes, goto the next one. L. S. Good sells Dry Goods the cheapest Tiik Xoss Famii.y i- the only family in existence playing Musical Comedy. “Worn it their weight in gold.” What? Tor the accommodation of parties having exhibits at tlie Pair, the Naptha Yaclit Company will run a boat all night on Tues day. Wednesday, Thursday and Friday The Naptha Yacht Company will run our laiuiiclic* between the foot ofTwelftli street and Fink street during the Fair, one bout leaving earh side of the river every minute, enabling persons to reaeli the Fair Grounds in live minutes from Twelfth If. E. lllllman & Co. are starting another Wateh Club. llcu» Abucrtiecmcuta. -Tin: OPENING or IN COLORS AMI HLACKS. New Silks and Velvets IN ALL SHADES. New liroadeloths an I Habit Cloths m all shades ami mixtures. X. a ,lwk of HIaiik. tr Flnunels and Yarns received. Largest assortment ever shown. V.V have Throe Special Numbers in -Black Silk Warp Henriettas At SI.OO. 81.25 and $1.50 that arc decidedly better value* than was ever before offered. Please ask for these number*. We keep Priestley’s and Other makes. TEN DAYS’ SALE. To wind up all Sprint: and Sututm r floods in all our varied stock we propose to make prices an object, as it is our Jadic) to make each sea son take its own losses. fay We are headquarter* for CHOICE, LIVE GEKSK FEATHERS. Egger, Warrick & Co, 1132 MAIN STREET. N ivond.r the y••uth A ml the Malden fair. Admire l1.*' -.hoi** Tin')' so gracefully wear. Ki«rtlu'j w purchased at'lIOKK S SIIOK St re, and i:i milter of Hi. style and economy defy competition anywhere. It i» a ur*-at feat to fit the feet. We can fit vour feet as well as niur purse. HOFF’S No. 1143 Main Street, Hull WHEELING, W. VA. FOR RHEUMATISM NEURALGIAS (IKIiMAN CATDOI.IC CONGKKsS. Excursions to Pittsburg via the Pennsyl- j vania Uncs, gcptambcr *0 and 31 For annual meeting of German Cath olic Congress at Pittsburg, September 2ist to 23d, excursion tickets, good re turning until September 25tb inclusive, will be sold via the Pennsylvania Lines on September 20th and 21st at one fare for round trip. l3' ***• Attend the Grand Concert and l!all at Teutonia Hall this evening. Attend the Grand Concert and Hall at Teutonia Hall this evening. J. G. Kune's Ravine House, Best view of the new bridge. Jlcttj 3^i>ucx*tioc»ucnte STOCKHOLDERS’ MEET I NO. Owl'k Hoad Oil Company. A meeting of the stockholders of the Owl's Ib-ad Oil Company. for organization and elec tion of directors, will be held at So. Ill'll Main street. \\ lieelimr. " Va., Thursday. September S>. Isyo. at 1 o'clock p. in. J .1 BRADSHAW, A SHIT1I. W . I SKA Milt. I. K SMITH. -eio JOHN GOODWIN Incorporators. Spratt's Poultry Mea Spratt’s Prairie Meat Trissel, Spratt's Bone Meal, Spratt's Chicken Medicine. Spratt's Dog Cakes, Spratt's Dog Medicine, JUST RECEIVED AND KOK SALK BY McLAIN BROTHERS, DRUGGISTS, McLain's Block, cor, Market ant Twelfth Streets. A full line ,,f the above • 11 exhibition at nu exhibit in Exposition Building, Hast Knd. MCLAIN'S GOOD INTENT LINIMENT, Distilled Extract of " itch lla/.el. good for man and ls-ast. pa BL"" ■—3 era ca U X ui f sO Q T ►> O W o CQ u GO Cloaks and Dress Goods Departments more complete than ever. Visi tors to the Fair should not fail to see these before buy ing! GEO. M. Sijook&Co. Vetu ^.bocvtiocm cuts. \\rANTED 1IAKI i: t » hand. 11 iii i r* • V . / , Atlantic lea Tea Importers and Coffee Roaiter Our great reduction Dinner Sets and Toil. • s. • Lamps. Vases. ltis«ju«* I-'iiri.r. gun by us early la~t inontli a gigantic success and 1,;, stampede among buyer-. | we are receiving by ma.l . Ing us to continue this those at a distance, who int* the city during Fair wi tunitv to purchase. Thi- «• the next twenty days. 1>. a i. tember 5th. And in add it line of Adamantine v.i- l. fine line of Porcelain sets . f t latest shapes and decorat fail to visit our stores dur sale, even if you don’t want; Come! We take pleasur goods and proving our a satisfactfou that we r.;u goods cheaper than any • t|, this State. Tea Sets, Adamantine, pi.,/ , Tea Sets, Adamantine, dee. .r • Tea Set*, Adamantine, flir l Tea Set*, Adamantine, •• \;r.. • Dinner Set*, Adnmantiio Dinner Sets, Adanuutlue Dinner Sets, Adamantine t 101 piece*. Dinner Sets, Ailamantiue. . - • rail'd. 101 pieces - Toilet Sets. Adamantine. | Toilet Set*. Adamantine, plait, t , Toilet Sets, Adamantine .!■ Toilet Sets, Adamantine ti: , r Toilet Set«, Adamantine ev ted, IS pieces.. Toilet Sets, Adamantine, »rr. 10 piece*.. Toilet Set.. Adamantine, i-runilv i 10 pii*Ces Pure Spices. It's :i well known fact that to procure pure ground spic, - I not Laving the facilities to gi >■•11 tliv adulterati-d niivlui. by the unscrupulous spice grind our own spiee> and . them all fresh and strictly | i Spare will permit u> to n • a few of our prices. Don't fail to Inspect our *t. this sale. Compare our prh • - ers. We do not fear the r» - ATLANTIC TEA CO., 1109, till and 2269 Market St., 19,21 and 23 Twenty tbW st. WHEELING, W V\ We Lead, Let Those Who Can Fo!. i llm» SVMtcrtieiTuciiio. OUR (>EISlllSl( j To give those who have been unable to attend our Opening Monday night an opportunity to see the decorations, WE WILL CONTINUE OUR OPENING SOUVENIRS WILL BE DISTRIBUTED! EVerijoije WelcoipeJ THE WHEELING INSTALMENT CD., 1136 to 1140 MARKET ST. JOS. H. MoARDLE. SflO goiter & Ocrrwmmi, ~ ^ '— Or-rjv10,0 > ^ • If you don't get up," tlio Indy .aid, * “I'll pull tin* clothes right off tli- t- J • Ob, li t me *I- p wan tlie r- ply "1 can't get up although I try. This mattr*-.-* i-. in you perceive. T«m) great a luxury to leave.'" He did leave the bed and went to And bought an outfit of his own on the In stalment Plan, and was ever afterward* happy.