Newspaper Page Text
Jflljcclmjj BoijistfC WEST VIRGINIA PRINTING CO., PrBLISHER* AND Puv»PRIITORS JAS. B. TANLY, General Manager. TERMS: !KR TEAR. BY RAIL. FeSTAOK CREPAID DAILY, m davs in the week. W t*> DAILY, three day* In the we. k.». 4 l*> DAILY, two days in the week. 3 lW DAILY, one day in the week.. I 5t> WEEKLY, oue year, in advance. . I* WEEKLY, six months.. 75 DELIVERED UY CARRIER. DAILY, per week, to be paid weekly. 15 DAILY and St'S DAY. pet week . 13 The DAILY will he delivered by carrier iu anv other city or town at .. . 15 Coplen ol DAILY or WEEKLY .. 5 rribute. of Respect and Obituary Notice - 51) e.nts per Inch. ItTV'>KKC*roNDSX< K CONTAINING mroKTAXT NEW* SOLICITED FROM K'ERT PART OF THE si R ROt'BUINU COUNTRT. . _ , Rejected communication* will not re- returned utile., accompanied bv All the lent po.taice. Stamp* of the denomination of two cents and STATE DEMOCRATIC TICKET. FOR Jl'DOE OF sl'PREKK lOf UT D B. Lt’CAS, of Jefferson County. OIHO( Ol'NTY DEMOC RATIC TICKET FOR STATE SENATE. Firtt Senatorial District, JOHN J. JACOB, of Ohio County. FOR ltOT-K op iKLECATK*. A. D GARDEN. ROBERT W HITE. JOHN CORCORAN, ROBERT SIMPSON pun rorNTT CLERK. GEORGE HOOK. F iR t'lRl t'IT CLERK. JOHN W. MITCHELL. FOR CONGRESS. FIRST msTKllW. JOHN O PENDLETON, of Ohio County. SECOND district. WILLIAM L. WILSON. Of Jefferson County. TlilKX) Dl'TItICT JOHN !>. ALDERSON, of Nicholas County. focrtu DtsrrutcT. JAMES CAPKHART. f M .stin County. State, Co»gr<*>wnal an l County election*. 7 tUiy. XoC'inb'T 4. __ ••There la not a wctlou or a line In the entire McKinley] bill! hat will open a uiar het for another bushel of wheat or an other barrel of park."-Fron Jain,* U. tU>uu*'t Letter to St wit or Frye. MIS AMHITION. ..| want to s<» «■> the next Congress of the | nlled s«:.te«. I “* «»* along*!.!* of „,r men that framed the McKinley hill and I want to vote for THOM AS H. KKKD a* the next speaker of the II»xo." I Loud ap plause.)- y> ’>„ Mr. U;'irC< Sp*< t adapting A- atrrpurttii by Hu Int<iu-J**crr. Ill 1511 A Kli's n.IXli AT THK KAKMKKS. When I s» talking about the tariif i« thl. wav my friends say : -• Don't you know xtr. Illaine said that the McKinley bill didn't open a market for a single bushel of wheat or n single barrel of pork V Now. my friend*, will you tell me how many bushel* of wheat are exported from Wheel ing. or how many barrels of pork?—Vr l/ibb-ird'n f(»'l ■» t'ijbtv •!til l Hr<Inn day turning, Ort. 1 Meiuoerat*. Take Notice. Prominent speakers will bo on hand In the different districts at the time and place, named below: M , |i«i>n. October 30 and 87, at Island l>«-m > or ilie flub K<“-iu. I i,,.ui Oel.ilx r 41. »t Iti.bop - Hall . I . nip. I e:..!« r H and 31. al Demucratio head ■m-irter.. Twenty tlr-t and Mam street*. Web.ter Oeteber 33 and •«». »t Democratic flub Kihiiii. Twenty-fourth »treet Uiti-hi- Oeb-lx-r 3b and Nuv.-mU-r 1, at Teu tonia llall VI \\ heeling. October Sltil. At We*t Liberty. OoUita-r«lh At Philipp'. Unfbour county. Frelay, October 3U Unv k. B‘.vn l.KNtu* trrwsTxrsw At \rn. tt.vil!. . M-ndav. O-'l -herV. At Momliy, Oeu>b«?f ‘S*. At Kariningtou. Tuesday. < h-tober 3S. \t tiraflen. Wednesday, October ». At We»t I nioii. Thursday. Ocb>'« r At llarri.ville. Friday. October 31. \t pens'- ■-- Friday, Oc'- l**—.11. yi i^.rk^rnbur-* Saturday. N^v^udwr 1 *•1 am a Democrat’'—IVtea It. HM No one will doubt it who hears him to-night. Tio event of tin- campaign In this city will he Uov. Hill's speech at the (■rand opera House to-night. Honlstv and Truth are smoking M \ mi w Sr v\i f\ <Ji v a out of his hole in Pennsylvania in great .hap*'. Tut St'Ktts Ziituwj -*f thi' city is three years old. The y.i tiniuj i. meet ing with the sueet-.s it dc.crve. among it. Herman patrons. iiov. David U. Him. of New York, to-night at the Hrand Opera House. A notable array of Democrats prominent in the State and nation will be there. Tub Democratic party has persistently opposed protecting the tin plate Industry of this country. MMii.f Si«••*. There i. no "tin plate industry of tin. country." and it " not likely there ever will Ih\ Tim: Stnliiulol l'ark« rsburg has celc t.raicd its first anniversary as a daily paper. It is now a vigorous journal, and the success it has achieved in so short a period is one indication of what enterprise can do. Till Republicans were the lirst to rush into the joiut-dehate-challeiiging business. How quickly they dropped that hot potato! \ou can t get one of them for love, or monev, or shame, to meet a Democrat on the .tump this year. Hi i-okk the war the I’nitcd States hail about TO per cent, of international trade which was carried in American shi|*s; now l... \ have (inly 14 I* I' cent BMW Sgttm. Kxaclly; and this decadence of our shipping happened under, and was wholly due to the Republican policy of high protection. *♦> Hi t the Republican party does not live in the i*ast. nor ujurn the past, nor does :t prosper u|»on the tleetiug prejudices and passions of lime, t.ihius Npv-ch. Oh. no! We never heard of the "bloody-shirt” a quarter of a century af. ter tin' war closed. And the Republi can party of this district arc not bow iryiug to resurrect the "ctzel-frnnd I ha I’evi‘1 etux is lining his beating of Hub bard on the stump and tn the Ukoi'Tek. He won't do any of it where it will count - at the polls.- InMIigfnctr. A sufficiently complete confession that Mr. 1'k\i>u.ion has already beaten Mr. Ill Bis am* before the people, and that i lie sole reliauee »f the Republican can didate, who dare not discuss the issues with Mr. IYxm.kton. is in the votk ni yim. his managers and workers will d«t at tin* |h>I1s ••where it will count. Si> Cua 1 tin a \ MoKt .iT and Secretary Hkaoy have been doing a little ••detect ive” work in Wetzel county. At least, judging from the InUHioemrr* absurd artiele on the subject, these amateur politicians are trving to creat an Im pre "ion that some has been done. The I, ,.iry Wetzel couuty fraud lie is worse II, ,, the ‘-bloody shirt" as an Issue. The ; tl> •>/ igainst the ’‘bloody shirt Is 4 <!.r-i'.e lie , which renders it uufit i the Wetzel fraud lie ’'died - wo year* ago. The attempt ...... now to the Interest of ■ Ho-extremity to which man'* manager's are driven. • r .oiBin the work of Messrs. Hkxc, i',d Morr xr i* neatly shown up. IS THIS AMERICA? It would seem not from the tone of Republican speakers this year. It would *eem more Ilk** some European nation in feudal times, when the baron* were ; masters aud the people mere slaves. They actually assume that common peo ple have no rights in the country under the Constitution. Here we have Mr. William H. Huaknk, figuratively shaking his ti>t at the people, who “dare” to protest agaiust unjust taxation for the benefit of a f‘*w wealthy protected manufactur er*. and declaring from the Opera House ’ stage that the Democratic speaker* and j newspapers of Wheeling "vrouhln't hr. re [ (lured eight years ayv f« urye the things I they now talk nhatit." \ “They would not have dared to talk *o," declared Mr. ID \i:xk. indignantly, j Well, the American people are not al I together in serfdom to the favored classes yet. A few hundreds own prae ■ tieally ail the wealth of the country j now, but they have not yet acquired | mortgages on the people's souls. They i have uot yet passed laws to prevent i free speech and a free pr*-**, although i they are trying to pass, and will pass if they can; a law to nullify the people's will at the polls. A strange and remarkable, as well as a *iguificant *ight it is in free America— an advocate of the ititerest* of the fa vored classes, of which he is one, aris ing in public and telling the people they “would not have dareil" to protest against their burdens formerly. The people of America were not slaves eight years ago though Republican *peakers scent to think they were then in a state of complete subjeetiou and would not have dared to stand up for their rights. They understand their burdens and the Injustice of them fully now, and, *«> understanding, they do “duct” to rise and protest against them. There is a harsh lesson in store for these anointed few, these men who think they own the country, soul as well as body. And this lesson they will learn at the polls in November, and all their wealth and trickery aud corruption can not avoid it. COMMISSIONER MASON’* DEi'KNSE. In another column will t»e found a j lengthy communication from Couimis ! -inner of Internal Revenue John W. j M vsos, in reply to corrcs|»undcncepub lished in the Uelimku from Warden vllle, charging that Internal Revenue ' gaugers and storekeepers were lioing kept in Hon. \V. L. Wilson's district ostensibly watching liquor at S3 aday, who in reality were devoting themselves to partisan political work in behalf of the Republican party. Mr. M vson considers hisoflicial integ rity impugned by this correspondence and charge, and quotes the law at length to show his perfect right to keep these | officials there. Now, neither Coinmis !'inner M ason's official honor nor his lawful right to keep these gaugers at these jHists have been in any way what ever questioned by our correspondent. The fact was stated that these federal officials were stationed there watching a few gallon- of whisky at ?3 a day aud running around doing dirty |wlitlcal work in the lu te re-t of their party. Whether or not Mr. Mason was aware of the con duct his officials we have no means of knowing and have not stated. We have made no charges against him, nor ques tioned the technical right under the law of these officials to be there. W'e have -tat. d the facts of w hich Mr. M v-ox can easily Inform himself. It is a con dition of things that would not have been permitted under the former admin istration aud we trust now that this ad ministration's attention has been called to it a stop will be put to the pernicious partisan activity of these i ederal offi cials. Mr. Mason takes it upon himself to credit Mr. William L. Wilson with the authorship’or inspiration of our cor respondence (through an oversight marked "telegram") fmin Wardensvllle, and very ill-naturedly criticises that gentleman m luscommut: cation. Now, neither with the Wardensvllle corres pondence nor with any other cor respondence that has appeared in tlie-o columns on the subject has Mr. \\ ii.-on had the slightest hand in or knowledge of. With what lie may have said in in terviews in other papers the Kei.istkk has nothing to do. The lit:..1st i u has stated nothing bu facts, namely, that Internal Revenue gaugers are stationed in Mr. Wii.son - di-trict ostensibly watching one barrel or a few gallons of whisky at -3 a day and are spending their time in partisan political work. We tru-t Commissioner M vsox will stop work which is disgracing his ad ministration. JOHN I*. ALDERHON TO THE FARM ERS' alliance. Requested by the Farmers' Alliance of Nicholas county to make a statement of hi' position in regard to that organiza tion and the farmers iu general. Hon. John !>. Ai.ukk'on. in reply, makes the following simple, manly statement: Nt. not is C. H , W. V i , October «. !'*»■ .t ft. irumniN. £*/. f Its: in Sm You want to know my posi turn iti respect to the farmers and the f arui ers' Alliance. I will sa\ that every vote I have east in Congress lias been in the in terest of the farmers, ami l intend to con tinue to vote in their interests. N ou know rourself that I win born and raised upon a farm, own a farm aud am a farmer as well as an attorney at law. and it is but natural that 1 should be in sympathy with tbo till on of the soil, ami with all other lubotin*? people. I say further, that I believe the farmers of thlscountry and all workingmen will be derelict in their duty to themselves if thor do not oivnid*e to protect them selves aud tluir iuterests against encroach ments being made day by day by organueii monopoly upoa tne right* and interest* or the great mass*'* of the people. I do not write iu this spirit because I am a candi date but because I have always entertained those views and have always endorsed and adviK'ated them, aud will eoutinue to do »o. Yours truly, J. D. Au>ehson. Mr. Ai.i>kR'on indulges iu uo flights of rhetoric. He slmplJ ' 1 :un °,u' of you." That Is all. That is all that How is Your Biood ? ul to do me any g'*** Wii.i C. Beaty. YorkviHe. S C. 1 was troubled from childhood with im airirniMitii! ense of Tt*tu r, :iut! tun Ik.tiles of S. S. S. cured me penna uently. Wallace M vxn Matmviile. 1. T. Our rook on Bkxvl and Skin IKscascs ww» SfKCirtc Co., Atlanta, Ga. There must be some reason for it We never have compelled anyone to use Pearline. \\ e’d like to, but it isn t feas ible. Besides, it isn’t necessary. Millions use Pearline,and have tested and proved it. It’s too old to be unknown, if itwere a fraud, but where is the thing as popular and yet so young ? 1 f you know Pearline, ^ vou know the reason. I n all washing and cleaning, there’s nothing that saves as much labor and does as much work. It hurts nothing, saves wear on everything, costs no more than common soap and is more economical. Reasons enough for most women ; think, are they not good enough for you ? | Peddlers and : ome unscrupulous grocers will tell you, “ this I-C f'/Ci is as good as” or “ the same as l’earline."- lfSKAl.SK— I. I \ \ i l 1 rearline is never peddler!, and if your grocer sends you some •i„ i me. .!>. the hone;t tllini;—s<xJ it A.'.k. ':'J \MKS 1-VLK, Se-v k-rk. is needed. Mr. Aldkkson is a Demo crat, a man of the people, the farmers and the laborers of the land—every inch of him. This year it is, in brief, a fight between the people and a few wealthy and un-American nabobs, who owe their wealth to the Republican un-American and tin-Democratic policy of taxiug the many for the benefit of the favored few. In all his work and in all his votes In the Congress to which his people elected him and from which he will be arbitra rily thrown at the next session by a par tisan and tyrannical speaker, John D. Aldkkson lias stood on the people’s side—and. in his own simple language, ••will continue to do so.-’ He is a Dem ocrat, ••IXSPECTOK OK COAL MIXES." A "Miuer" Takes Exceptions to Mr. Hub bard's Vote I'pnn That Hill and Accuses ttliu of Iteing t'ufriendly to Labor. WiiKKLLN'u, October 22, 1 sik*. To the Editor of the RtgUter. Sut: Mr. \V. 1*. Hubbard’s opposition to labor legislation did not end with his vote on the eight-hour law in 1882. Upon the very same day that the eight hour bill was killed the same gentleman, representing the coal minors of this county as well as the mine owners and iron mill corporations, gave other stabs to labor legislation. A great effort was being made by philanthropists and friends of labor to pa-* a measure to protect the coal miners, who spend so much of their time away from Hod’s sunshine, delving in the earth at a constant risk of death from noxious gases ami caving mines. On that day there came before the House of Delegates of West Virginia House bill No. 13", "A bill providing for an inspector of coal mines and regulating tlie same, and for the protection and safety of persons employed therein.” It was moved to amend the bill so that the Mine Inspector must be a compe tent civil and mining engineer. No matter how long the practical experi ence of a coal miner might be, and no matter how thoroughly competent for the place lie might be and how much hi- fellow laborers might desire his appointment, if he was not a civil and mining engineer (no laborer in this State is such) and this amendment was adopted, lie would be ineligible for ap pointment as inspector. Hut the friends of laltor were on the alert. Messrs. Kepner and Seabright were there and the amendment was defeated. The Hon. W. 1*. Hubbard was found voting for this amendment, which would have so greatly marred the beneficial effects of the bill. Mlneil WHAT THE PAPERS ARE SAYING. A Itig Campaign Kami. Aetc York World. A protective tarirr averaging oo per cent, ought to produce $100,000,000 for the Republican campaign fund in 1S'.»2, if those who will make enormous for tunes by it this year have some of the fat fried out of them. Can Heat Chicago's Record. Xtic York Telegram. Japan can beat Chicago’s record in the divorce business. A native of Iti/.eu has just been divorced from his thirty* tiftli wife, and at last accounts was about to marry his thirty-sixth. When Chicago hears of this then- will be some envy felt iii her legal circles. Where Stanley Will Find No Obstacles. PUttburg Ditiialch. Mr. Henry M. Stanley will begin his lecture tour in this country next month, Mr. Stanley will find no obstacles pre sented to his exploring the great Amer ican pocketbook: but his greatest trouble will be in the demands of the i reporters for *‘hongo” or tribute in the j liuo of interviews. Fp To Ills Tricks. IAVir York Sun. These rugs date back decades and I centuries—none of them are modern. Come and enjoy these tilings—nobody ask> \on to buy them, if you are critic, collector, connoisseur, you are very , welcome.—John ll'iintwuikcr. Thank you, John. Since you were detected in the act of selling a Japanese wooilen ligure of modern origin as an ancient Egyptian idol, critics, collec tors. and connoisseurs tight shy of your stock of alleged antiquities. 31u*t Hang Our lleaiU in Shams. Sta- York Ittrabl. If that Force bill becomes a law dur I in? the next seseion of Congress, as I Senator Edmunds prediets it will, every honorable citizen must needs hang bis head in shame. When the time comes I that the party In power interferes with state elections in order to give itself a j new lease of life, we shall enter upon the last chapter of our history. It is 'better that the Republican party should b<* defeated thu. that the Republic sbould be sacrificed to Its greed and avarice. .ttnka'i I.oftr Impout or. Ptfistiurg l>i*p<itch. A serious charge has been made against Mt. St. Elias, in Alaska. For some time ugly rumors have been current about the Alaskan mountain’s lofty claims, but now the official figures of | the Fnited States Geological Survey's explorers prove beyond doubt that in stead of being anywhere from lS.OOO feet to 10,500 feet high, and therefore tli.' Sis* mountain of the continent, >ts real height is no more than 13,503 feet. This is a great come down for a moun tain that ha* been lording it over all the peaks and pinnacles of North America. Then' arc now more than half atlozen ; [icaks in the Rocky Mountains proper that overtop St. Elias. It is a little 1 rough to rob Alaska of one of her lions ! —she has so few—but she will have to ■ fall back upon the cold comfort of her glaciers and midnight sun, her hideous Indian totems and her Jaw-breaking Russian names. For Mt. St. Kiias, in ! the revised version. Is not even the equal of effete and hackneyed Mont Wane; and the tall Andes of South America, w ith which the Alaskan Impostor once 'challenged comparison, are about two | mile* above it. In fact, the advisabil ity of changing the name to Mt. st. Eli lVrkins is suggested by the revela I tlon. Large*! Ligh! In the World. MhgUth Fsuallv we look to America for the biggest things on earth, but strange to say, although the Americans are tin* 1 tm**t extensive users of electricity, the most powerful artificial light in c\i*t «*m .* i* the property of the English gov ernment. and is til In* found III tile Isle of Wight, ’no* lamp referred to is that . .f the lighthouse of St. Catherine’s l'olnt, where there is also a powerful fog i horn. The plant has three engines of j 3*i horse power each. Two of these are used for working the dynamos and , the other for the fog horn. The cur ! rent is conducted by wire across the ! road direct from the dynamos to the ‘lamps, there being no accumulators. The light is obtained from the carbon lamp of spe ial pattern. The ordinary light is equal to three million candles, but a light of sj\.million-candle power can be and has been obtained. It is impossible for any one who has not seen It to imagine the wonderful brilliancy of the light, but some idea may be formed from the fact that it can be distinctly seen forty-five miles away, and that at the Needles, fourteen miles. It 1> quite easy to read very fine print by means of the reflection. On one side of the lamp room is a quan tity of very thick glass for repairing the windows broken not by storms so much as by wild ducks and sea-birds which are attracted by the light. A singular feature of the lighthouse tower is a plummet and a line hanging from the ceiling of the tower chamber, the plummet pointing to a spot on the floor. This is for the purpose of enabling the man in charge to tell when the tower is out of the perpendicular. The light house was built on an underclifT, formed by a gigantic landslide, which occurred in 1790, and some portions of this cliff are still slipping. ltueklen's Arnica Salve. The best salvo in the world for Cuts, Bruises. Sores, Ulcers. Salt Rheum, Fever, I Son's, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Corns and all the Skin Eruptions, and pos itively cures Files, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give satisfaction or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by Logan Drug Co. If he had lint belied his name Mr. Moody would not be the great evangel ist he is to-day .—Tiny Press. DIED. IIILL—Wednesday. October 82. 1880. »t 13:15 o'clock p. m., Gkobo'e Hill, aged it years. Fuueral private from his late residence. No. 05 Eleventh street. Friday afternoon at 3 o'clock. Friends are invited to services at !£ane street M. K. church. Interment at Peninsula cemetery. %lcw 2VJ»ucrtt00tncnt». FIFTY YEAR Six Pei Cent, Cold Bonds For Sale. \ LIMITED M M 1IER OK WHEELING J V Krtiiu in«J Terminal Railway Company >i\ percent First Mortgaip* Fifty Year Gold Bond ar© hereby offered for sale. These ln»ndft arc secured bv a deed of trust on the Bridges, Tun nels aud tracks and other property of the Com pany, and are believed to be a i!«»od. safe and permanent investment. Interest payable half yearly. Apply to CKO. W. ECKIIART, Jr., Cashier People's Bank, Or. Tuos O'Brien, oc23h Real Estate and Stock Broker. |>< H)K STORE FOR SALE. Tlir «• ll kuovvu liook and Stationary Stor.' of .1. U. Wilson i> offered for sale. The stock is clean and in excellent condition. Tlie locu tion the best in the city, with our established trade. For particulars call on or address .1 li. WILSON. oc30x,w,r*d 1308 Market street. J^OT] All memliers of liricklayers and Stonema sons' Unions, Nos. 1.3 and W. are requested to meet at McGinley's Hall, corner of Water and Twelfth street, Friday evening. October 84tti, at 7::*)o'clock sharp, business of importance to be transacted. F. A. FERGUSON, oc33r President. FOR SALE. 179 Lots i COMMENCING Tuesday, October 28,1890, WV will offer for -ale 179 Lois iu Highland City. anew tow n just laid out. situated on a llenuti ful IMatenu. overlooking the Ohio ltiver. Highland City lays about midway la-tween Tiltonvilh- and''Portland Station on the C. A P. Kailroad, and is about fifteen minutes' ride from Martin's Kerry. The Wheeling and Lake Erie Railroad runs through the town and will soon Im- iii operation. The right of way for tin- Wheeling and Bow •Tston Railroad has been purchased. The completion of the Union llridge mid Terminal system w ill bring this projwrty almost to our doors. The facilities for reaching this will lie such as to warrant our people in taking up their homes there. The greatest cham-c ever offered in Wheeling to make money by investing In lots at the first sale (whioh has never failed to make money for the purihaseri Is now offered. Kor further particulars callou or address (JEO. J. MATII ISON, Real K>taiv Agent, Wheeling, W. Va. JAMES II. UIESEY, Wheeling, W. Va. J. T. HANES, Martin's Ferry, Ohio. J. T. I10D0KNS, ocSN-ada Portland Station, Ohio. ('UMtCVrtl llottCCft. VOTICK TO CONTRACTORS. Sealed hid* w ill b-- received by the Clerk of the Hoard of Education until five o'clock p. in. on THURSDAY. NOVEMBER fltli. 1V90. for the building of an addition to Union School House and for making alterations iu the old buildiug. as shown by plans and specifications now on fib-in this office. Bids w ill be received for the who'e or any part of said work; tin- Hoard re serving the privilege to reject any or all bid' Partv securing contract to enter iuto suitable bond for the faithful performance of the suid w--rk. Address all bids to R. K. HALL. M_Clerk of Board of Education. "VOUCH OF STOCKHOLDERS s' There will be a general meeting of lie-Stock holders of the Little Wheeling Oil Company at the office ,»t H. It Dovener, IMSChaplim- street, 1 u the iTty of Wheeling, Ohio county. State of West Virginia, on Friday. October Sist. at two o'clock p. in., to elect a Hoard of Directors, make By-Law* and transact any other business which may lawfully 1» done by"the said Stock holders iu general meeting. JOHN O. TOMLINSON, CHAS. A. REED. WM KOE1IN LINE. ELI N. OIL MORE. C. w. SEAHRH.lir. oc.TVll Incorporators. fctmu»cvtlecmcute. TTTANTED—GIRL AT "N' l'.",7,’V paid to right kind. Apply:*' lfW,Lh*P line street. __' 'J * TTtOK RENT—ONE LARGE fR'JNT ROOM. I furnished, suitable for lady andk* n • • without board. Call at 740 North Main striel. o-*24esdq___ TjlOR RENT—THE ROOM No. 1141 Main Sr. f known as th- Main street entrance to th. Hotel Windsor. Possession given Not* mmr '• Also tin'line storeroom IW adjoining the above. Possession given at o [Evening News copy). tK-l‘ -lrii 1 » t RTN KR WANTED—ACTIVE AND RE LI A able, with *100 to help extend a light manu facturing business, paying S00 I*;r cent pro« . without competition. Address I . O. v 1- *• | Wheeling. W? Va._QrtMeWjL. \\JANTED—TWO GIRLS AT ST. CHARLES HOTEL V- <H'-*m TTTANTED IN A W HOLES ' I > > House, a traveling salesman to cover the territory in West Virginia west of Grafton for lsyp Must be an experienced man with good reference, nolle other need apply. JOHN A. HORNER A CO., Baltimore. Md._oo20a_ TTTANTED t GOOD BA KER, AT 1 >S >> Steady work. Enquire at ReuirrKB office. ocHh__ OO:ler and engine for sale sow I) locate 1 at Lote-nst.-iiTs Taniierv.Sixlh ward. Applv lo RINEHART A TATt M. 311 Market Street. _ ’"'W1' . CJALESMAN AN ENERGETIC MAN WANT is ed to our manufactures on this ground. One of our agents earned to.'Nt) in 32. Address, P. O. Box 1371, New York. TTTANTED—FOB THE UNITED STATES t> \rmy. able-bodied unmarried men. tween the ages of 21 and 3ft years. Good pay. ration*, clothing »n«l medical uttmtlanr**. Aj» nlv at No. 1MV Murkt-t •treet, \S I ***lin^, W \ a. JylSFvb____ ADMINISTRATOR’S NOTICE. All persons having claims or bills against tiie ,..i ,tcof Nellie Martin are requested to present them to me for settlement. All creditors are re siiectfullv requested to meet me in the office of Squire Davis, at2 o'clock p. Ill, October 23, ISO. as | desire to make a statement lo them cou corning the estate. WILLIAM A. LOVE. Administrator. Oe IoIht 23d. 1HM. _w-lr Decorated Dinner Sets. \ 112 PIECES $H.90 l’ER SET | EWING BROS., ISIS Market St., opp. Me Lure House BUILDING LOTS FOR SALE. 00x144 feet on North Front St. west side. 11,850 50x14.'! feet on North Front St., west side.. l.'JO 30xlS0 feet on South York St., west side..'. «UJ (0x100 feet on South Elm St., west side.... WO 30x100 feet Oil South Elm St., west side .. :WxlU) feet on South Penn St., east side. 000 85x112 feet on North Wabash St., east side Ti"> 30x130 feet on South Huron St., east side.. 250 43x(10 fi et eor. Huron and New Jersey Sts. >Vi) 30x120 feet ou Fourteenth St., north side.. 2,400 30x120 feet on Fourteenth St., north side.. 2.5GU 50x350 feet oil Caldwell's Run . 'Six 100 feet ou Wilson St., 6th \\ ard . I-*1** 100x110 feet on Me*tollerU St.. 8lh Ward l.fsn 140x250 feet on National Road .. 9.U0 100x350 feet in Pleasant Valley. 10 Acres near Elm Grove. 3 uni 15 Acres 2 miles west of Bridgeport. O 5.5(0 41 Acres near Lorain. O. 1-900 «.'• Acres adjoining St. Clairsvllle, O . 7.7JU Lots und improved property in Martin's Kerry, RINEHART & TATUM, No 1814 Market Street Do not confuse The Mutual Life Insurance Company of New York, with any other Company of apparently similar name, but less magnitude. Bear in mind that there is no Life Insurance com pany called “ The New York Mutual Life ” and that there is no Life Insur ance Company chartered by the State of New York, authorized to use the word MUTUAL in its title except The Mutual Life Insurance Company of New York. Richard A. McCurdy, President. Robert A. Granxiss, Vice-President. SENSIBLE SAD IRONS, to Table Cutlery. Silver Plated Knives and Forks. Silxer Elated Tea and Table Spoons, (iranite Iron Ware Clothes Wringers, Honie Clothes Washers, and Copper Wash Boilers. GEO. W. JOHNSON S SONS. aulK No. 1210 Main Street. NEW FRENCH NOVELTIES! NeW Plaids in Choice Style*. The New Pall Shades in Serges and Cashmeres and Hen riettas. Special induce ments in -BLACK GOODS— Fall Jackets For Ladies Now opened. The verv latest styles and a full line of Misses' anil Childrens' Cloaks, IS. Rhodes & Co. se» — THE CHILD'S CURE WHEN TEETHINC.— Laogin's Infant Cordial Softens the Gums. Allays the Pain, Reduces Inflammation, Controls the Bonels, Curing Summer Complaint Djsen tery. Diarrhoea. Flatulence. Wind Colic. &c . &c. Mothers will find it very valuable. The child will l»c relieved, get inu L J doing as we represent. _ | PRICE 25 CENTS. JOHN G. McLAIN & SON, PROPRIETORS, 1205 MARKET STREET, WHEELING, W.VA. JlCJU NIGHT SCHOOL. ever'";. dT-nS need feel any emb.rrassn.euL I,a.lie.* mi attendance. Call or send for Catalogue. WHEELING BUSINESS COLLEGE. ocIM.W.K 1)___ LECTURE -BY Rt.Rev.J.J.Kain, -AT THE Church or the Immaculate Conception, -ON SUNDAY EVENING. OCT. 26, 1890. SUBJECT: “GLIMPSES OF EGYPT.” Admission 50cents. Tickets for sale at Win. F. W*-lr’>. under MuLure llou>»*: L. A. HoeMu » store. Lautry lire-.' store, Thus. Killeen a 'tore, Mil at the Parsonage. ocglTu.TB.sAd TTfE ARE RECEIVING DAILY CHOICE PIECES IN -Solid Silver Fine Bronze anti Brass Goods, Aud the Newest and Late.'t Orrjanien^s ifj Potteries Which the French and English market* afford. I. G. DILLON & CO., 1223 Market Street. RARE BOOKS -AT THE Old City Book Store. RISK AND KALI. OK THL CONFEDERATE GOVERNMENT. By Jefferson Davis, lv.o volumes f..r fo (JO. Subscription price <10.00. Good, cIpuii copy. HISTORY OK THE UPPER OHIO VALLEY. Two volumes, *15. lirant & Fuller. Will sell for *10.0). TWENTY YEARS OF CONGRESS. Two vol umes, WOO. James G. Blaine. Subscription price *7.50. SURRYa’OF EAGLE’S NEST. John Esten Cooke. Subscription price*3.50, will sell for*3. SEXUAL SCIENCE. O. S. Fowler. Reduced from *3.75 to *:hlK>. DODDRIDGE'S NOTES ON SETTLEMENT OK VIRGINIA AND WESTERN PKNNSYL SYLVAN'IA. Out of print uml very scarce, clean copies, at *3.00. Many other bargains in old and new books, our Fall stock coming in dally. Any of above delivered free on receipt of price. STANTON & DAVENPORT, OCt_No. jam Market Street, PHOTO-MINIATURE! Hy an ingenious adaptation of Photography, portraits. Photograph*. Etch ings, Engravings, etc., can be tired directly upon gold, ill exact reproduction of originals, A Charming Keepsake and Heirloom. There Is no article tf personal property *u often chosen to einlaxly individual association ns the watch. Being always carried about the person, it is the most convenient and appropri ate thing upon which to place a likeness to which continual reference i* sought. Pictures can bo reproduced from any photo graph. The miniati ke is i-krjianknt. The miniature may also lx* applied to watch dials and articles of’lewelry when protected by a cover or a glass. laT’Eacii order is guaranteed by the cele brated WATCH CASK CO , of New York. WHEAT & HANCHER, JEWELERS AND SILVERSMITHS, oc3h • SOLE AGENTS Madam goff, seventh daughtebof ii s**v**iitli ?»nn. born with :a veil, hnn BK MOVED t«> No. 1515 M:irk» t str«***t, second floor, when* idit.* can b«* consulted on the past, present Mini future. Advice on all matters. Tells you wh«t is best for your wellfarc in business, love, domestic troubles or love affairs. Can 1m» con sulted from V a. m. to 10 p. in. All interviews con fid entlalyl Mease w alk u \» >ta irs. o<»/*U«‘h rP0 THE DEMOCRATIC CLUBS OF OHIO COUNTY! Tlx- Democratic Cluhs of Ohio comity ore re quested to turn out on Friday evening. Octotx-r Sllh. to escort Gov. David It. Hill from the hotel to the Grand Oi»-rx House. A. A. FRAN/HEIM, Chairman of t tliioCounty Democratic Executive Committee. H. F. BEHRENS, (irwor anti European Steanisliip Agent, Office, No. 3317 Market Street, Warehouse, No. 2219 Market Street. Itrancli Store, corner Jacob and Thirty-eighth street, in the South Side Rank Huildiug. jy23 Special Sale! IX ORDER TO MAKE ROOM FOR HOL IDAY GOODS, I WILL OFFER At Reduced Prices MY ENTIRE LINE OF Wall Paper and Borders I also carry a Fall Line of ROOM MOULDINGS. John Friedel, oi l2 Xo. 1110 Main Street, j JAXON SOAP. IF YOUR GROCER DOES NOT KEEP THIS BEST OF ALL SOAPS Ask him toget it for you. The IIEST5 CENT LAI Nlllti SOAP MADE. GEO.H.GIBSOMBRO. WHOLESALE AGENTS FOR West Virginia. Eastern Ohio, Western Pennsyl vania and Western Maryland. sel9h ^CHOOL BOOKS. SLATES, SCHOOL BAGS, PENCILS. PENS. PAPER. PADS. Ac., for school use. Hooks. Periodicals and News papers. flailij Jiin/taUfi, l.V,. per week. C. H. QUIMBY. se« 1414 Market Street. TgKASS FENDERS, Brass Fire Set*. Brass Ash Pan Fronts. A large lot of styles and sizes. NESBITT & BRO., ocSItuat 1319 Market street. JUST RECEIVED. RUSSIAN CAVJAS, 11 AM Ilf HG EELS. BLOATER PASTE and KRESII CREAMERY BETTER, T. HANAUER'S. - ■ ■■ TOOK TO YOUR INTERESTS To Builders and Owners of Buildings. 1 now have on hand the best selected stock of Slate Mantels ever brought to the city. I keep a j good assortment of Gas Grates and Tile Hearths ' and all goods for making a nice fire place. Cal! at my place and yon can see Just what you are tc get ana see the MantePset up f. ,r Inspection. U. K. CALDWELL, 1 Je23dAe 1507 Main Street. j 'J'HE STAR THAT LEADS THEM ALL 18 THE Saratoga Star Mineral Water. Pints, 15c.: Quart*. 25c.; Bulk. 40c. n Gallon, at the Sole Agency, Mi LAIN BROTHERS. Druggists. oc4 McLain Block, cor. Market and 12tb Sis. Hem 3lbucvtfocmr«to. r DEMOCRATIC DAY! GoV. pAVlp P- WILL, OF1 NEW YORK, WILL ADDRESS THE PEOPLE OF WHEELING AT THE GRANDOPERA HOUSE, -OX Friday, October 24th, at 7:30 p. m. On Saturday, at 7 a. m., GOVERNOR HILL, accompa nied by SENATOR KENNA, Ex-SENATOR CAMDEN, GOV ERNOR FLEMING and other distinguished West Virginians will take special train, and will speak at Benwood Store 7 15 a. m., Moundsville 7.45 a. m., Cameron 8.40 a.m., Bell ton 9.10a.m„ Littleton 9.35 a. m., Burton 9.55 a. m., Man nington 10.25 a. m., Farmington 10.55 a. m., Fairmont 11.20 p.m., Grafton 12.20 p. in., Newburg 1.05 p. m., Rowlesburg l. 55 p. m., Terra Alta 2.30 p. m., Piedmont 3.40 p. m., Key ser 4.10 p. m., Cumberland 5.10 p. m., Martinsburg 8.00 p. m. , Harper’s Ferry 9.30 p. m. T. S. RILEY. Clniii'iiniii. WM. MADLDNO n r EIDXANN. J. HOWARD McCORTNEY. MADLUisra-, eidm:Aisrir <& M'CORtney keai£ ESTATE. Offle<.-: Xo. 430 Chamber of Commerce lluilding and Xo. «867 Hitleted Street. Chicago, r^rituv sell pay taxes and manage real estate on commission. Special attention given to property owned liy non-residents. C<>rre»|>»t>ilomc Snllelted._ <J5ct». fjl. QTaylot*. GEO. I TAYLOR, 1150 Main Street, -AND 1153 Market Sreet. Cloaks, Furs and. Dress Goods, Fancy Goods, Laces and Embroideries, Silks, Velvets and Camel’s Hair, Underwear, Hosiery, Gloves, &c. Stock new and complete in every department and cheap at present prices. ANTICIPATED THE ADVANCE. An accumulation of at least $75,000.00 worth of New Im ported Goods before the McKinley Bill took effect and no change in prices until we have to replenish it. CORDIAL INVITATION TO ALL. :. R. TAVLOR. furniture in*i» ©avpctft. We Keep the Ball Rolling! -AT G. Mendel & Co.’s, 1124 MAIN STREET, ■A.2STD SAVE YOUR MQ3STEY._ Friend «Sc Son, 1033 MAIN STREET, Parlor Suits,Chaijiber Suits, And MISCELLANEOUS FURNITURE. | MOQUETTE, VELVET, BODY BRUSSELS, TAPESTRY BRUSSELS. AND INGRAIN CARPETS. 1 The Stock Is Largest! The Styles are Newest! The Prices are Lowest! FRIEND cfe SON. Undertaking in all its Branches. Telephone Calls Answered the Store Day or Night. TCmnacmcuto. OPERA_HOUSE. THREE NIGHTS. Commencing Thursday, 0<ti,iMr > GRANQ MATlNEt 8ATUr?Df,y * Baldwin Cnmedy Co, On Tburiday niitlit will I,. ,, , Groat .Military tloinedy. the r;\ I doah" and "HoId by trio Enemy , , LYNWOOD, Cbaniro of l*l»y Xiirl.t y, Admliilon—Entire Hr-t floor. ). Circle and Gallery, aile: II . r oil tale at O. A. Home's OPERA HOUSE. Monday, October 27. ]S9q Mr. Roland Reed j IN J>. I). LLOYD'S I.CCIiNTRI' II tHe AS PLAYED IIW NIGHTS IN Nl w REED AS THE IlHiA.MISi! REEl) AS TIIE TltlMKIsT ! The Greatest Comedy Success in years. lutrodinrlnK * Gr«‘»t To| . |*:lr other New Musir . N Admission. 75 .ml . ); ioat*. f1.01*. Seatf on - ,|. If t. j *lc ftore. Sale to iv i u,,’nee n . , m,. . gyilr. OPERA HOUSE. Tuesday and Wednesday. Ocl. 288 ji AND WEDNESDAY MATIN I I The Best War Play Ever Wntte I INTRODUCING THE OUT COMEDIAN. ' TONY FARRELL IN HIS EASY AND N l’l I !: C REATION OK Jerry Donovan, the Corporal SUPPORTED IIV MISS JENNIE LELAND And a <'afcfully S«*V.*l.d t ■ • .1 ■ i’lny. Unequalled c'«>111 i*- Si'u . Story as Stronic andTIirilllt 1- -1 Interest ill If F*"Ev •1 Bflt P prim**. .VI ami 26 tp*. N«***itr.* ■ > i*»*pvihI m*»n. Sttlvof coniiii- 1 N‘ r Vitli, at r. .\. in -AT OUR STORE ON ACCOUNT OK THE TM’.U 1 HUT THEY ARE SURE TO AUVAN Tin* crugli In our Clonk Department everyday. Jackets still com It., m I (t'linir. A law Hue of Reefers and Blazers! JL’ST Ri:reiVKD. {^TTallc 1* flu-up. !»ut w»* i mi* ran pri**’* »r«* from 10 to 2f» |**r wut l«*u* r tlinn « Iioum^m that iwlvcrii'*** tlmtn *t Imlf j*ri»** \ vv<* uhk i» tin rx.Htuiimtioa. I.;tr_c- iim* «»f Just r»!Ceiv**il, ami niu«*ti l.» tt« r vulii«*» at MlCfiits •Itaii Egger, Warrick & Co., 1132 MAIN STREB I Damage By Flood. My ftton* l»«*iii|f fl«H»t|. *\ l.\ mu 1 ami u lurg** i|ui«ntit> «»f < tfp- " 1 11 ‘ 'laiiiaj:*<l, 1 will *»!T*t tl»**iu ..t '< Avnonir tii* tn will l»* f.»uml 3 ri**t*rs Flow* r ( arp**t. w rth '*■ 2 Pi* *•*•* Kair«*ur|«*t. worth »t 2 Pipe*-* H**mp rar|M*f, w..rf». ! « *' H Al**> cfv**ral Oil floth at «*m I* * Omit* «uirly to M*run* i h»r/ »• HENRY JACOBS. Peo|>|.*'s Hank ltiilldiliK, Main Mr' ■ Mil_ WHEELING OUR SPECIAL On Friday and Satur day of last week was a most pronounced suc ces. Duplicates of near ly all of the many ele gant styles sold on that occasion were pur chased and these will arrive in a tew days. Over 1,000 Wraps & Cloaks of all kinds ii stock to select from. ;5TNo advance on Cloaks, Dr Goods or any other kinds of Rood GEO. M Sjook&Co. D. C. KURNER, Practical Painter, toner, SIGH PAINTER & PAPER HANGER, , D*al.*r lu OiD, Brushes. P*lutiT»' Supplies, *e ■ 1727 Market Street TELEPHONE SB. WHEELING.' I JyJNsd