Newspaper Page Text
AN ECZEMA 17 YEARS. Cures In Eight Wean*. Or.e ot the Qreeteet C- a* Ever Performed b*r the Cuticura Remedies. \t t>,u <,( three mouth* a fa»u i rthieh af • rd> proved to b- v' .'Iuj >r salt rheum' . it« appearance ».u mv face rhysioluii • r if*' v called ol Uiv! iJ.. ,'tiy y r i at all.but made me worse. The dis . v* 'Qttuui'd enabdiM: it spread tv* my arms ,.-i l ;<•**. till I was laid up entirety,and from continually siitm*; cn the . floor ou a" pillow, my limbs 1 contracted tha' I lost ii! | control of them, and «v u» 1 t-rlv helpless. My mother I would have to lift me out I und into bed. 1 could set around the house i>n tuy hands and feet, hut 1 could not iret*my clothes on at all. and had to wear a sort of dressing-uown. My hair had • all matted down or fallen off, j and my head, face and ear* [' were one scab. The disease * continued in this manner Cuticura Remedies HOW MY SIDE ACHES! \i')it!tg S» I. - iii'i ILick. Hip. Kiiin y. :■-d i \ •• rtn»* Puius, ami Rheumatism . r. 1m i. I Ka ob# niiout# Cat! |cur:i » I'UhIit. TL ’ r»t niitl «.nlv in*tntiUu«*i»U4 paiii kui.D^ pi ilHjcclina, Avcabti'r. >VEST VIRGINIA PRINTING CO., I*r»::-HEK* A*g PhOTHTO* JAS. TANEY, General Manager. TERMS: j-ER TEAR. ST SAIL, IUSTAO* rWStAID. daily, six d»y» in *ke Wrt'lc DAILY, three Jay* is the week. D \ ILY, two day* in the week. D \ILY. one Jay in ’-he week... WEEKLY, one year, iu advance WEEKLY, »t* month*. DELIVERED BY CARRIER. D MLY, per week, to be paid weekly. DAILY and SUNDAY, pef week .. ; tie DAILY will be delivered by carrier in auy » th**r city or town at. of DAILY or WEEKLY ** ou t OU 3 (JO t .10 BO rgnihwltl of Respect aud obituary Notice So cents per inch. j^rcoawr.rosDkN' i costaisiso niroirrAST v *■* solicited rmo* evsrv tabt or tut sea no’ sntsu covstdy. K.-' te<l communications will net be returueJ ,, aec’npnni**d by sufficient postal. Stamps of the denomination of two cents and ... • i. | f r . 'I'ut, New \ <>rk Tribune want* the force bill. Well, you eau have it. No body els** wants it. A UKA'oN.VHi.v sized war would bo cheaper to the country than the pres ent national administration. 11- mi InlclliQin>'CT will call around when we are less busy we will take pleasure in making it acquainted with tie- Water Boaru. « oi . Wu. K. C*u»v, more generally known as “Buffalo Bill.*' is getting a large free “ad" out of the Iudiart troubles in tue West. He vi: the words of the “matchless t.oiT tt- red at Philippi on the :$d, of November tvs,, and remember them. “In twoye»u» tin plate will be cheaper than ever before. They are building mills in West \ irginta to-day to make lt“—Jiwarfe »<«»*» Star. They are? Where? These words or the “matchless tios-K" were uttered be fore the election. They are to be taken in a Pickwickian sense1 now Tin-. New York Tribunt announces that it is “not prepared to go all the way with Mr. Oki-kw” in his recom mendations of unlimited reciprocity Wllh t'anada. Then- is nothing sur prising in this statement except the Implication that the Tril>uiu is willing t„ Ko guv part of the way in that direc tion. I hit it K “There can be no possible objection.” it says, “to a lim ited ami experimental application of the principle.” This may mean any thing or nothing; but the Tribune ex plains what it means by “limited and experimental” reciprocity by saying that “the free admission of eoal from and Into each country” is a project “worthy of serious consideration.” Is it. Indeed'.' This will make many of our Republican brethren in West Virginia heart-sick. Su.xni: Sm i still continues to fast industriously. At the outset there was - .me suspicion that all taight not be •■sijuare,” and he was accordingly put under rigorous watch, to which lie raised no objection whatever. It con sists of relays of medical students, who are in charge of physicians of recog nized standing. It is now nearly twenty days since he tasted food, nearly one half of the time prescribed. His prediction as to the decrease in the rate of lo-s of weight has been fulfilled, and his strength seems to hold ou« marvellously. What effects continued abstinence from food for the next twenty-live days will show it is impossi ble to foretell,but we should like to know what benefit humanity will derive if the experiment is successful. H. after the forty-tive days are up. Signor Sciet should keep on abstaining from food and demonstrate that eating is not neec'-ary to human existence, he would indeed be a benefactor to the human r.t- •. and hi> discovery would greatly decrease the cost of living. Ko< it would be i .where. iii some very line work up >» NVvv Hampshire. He has had valuable ex perience in the methodsof counting out . .oididates who are elected and grasp ing States t«>r the minority party. He j,a> issued a proclamation in his familiar style announcing his purposes in regard to New Hampshire. Mr. t ii is very bold a hen In has the machinery of the government on his side, and m this ease he frankly inti mate- that he intends to use it for all it i< worth tiovernor, council, clerk of the House, Legislature, courts, without waiting for the Democratic majority to come in with the new year. He thinks that he w ill be able to fix it so that there will be no Democratic majority. Mr. Ch vxni.nil's last exploit in this line, since th*' Florida steal, was as a member of the l nited States Senate when he a-si-ted in the capture of Montana; but New Hampshire is nearer civilization, and he may find this new task more dif ficult. That ho regards this enterprise a- a desperate one is indicated by the earnestness with which he represents the Democrats of New Hampshire as “threatening revolution.” Now. If “Hii.i.y” doesn’t know that he Is the only revolutionist in New Hampshire he should inform himself as to the mean ing of the word. M It. W ANA MAKER'S REPORT. The Postmaster Geueral’s report is ready if not quite completed, and the general nature of his recommendations is well known. During the past year the extension of postal facilities lias been very great: 10,5u*umo uiile> have been added to the service, according to the New Yoru ir«»rhf. In the establish* meut of new and in the expediting of ; old routes. According to the recent i census there is now a postmaster for every inhabitants—a ratio which shows how exceedingly easy it is even for inhabitants of remote parts of the country to communicate with their friends and to receive a daily newspai<er. The expenses of the post office for the past year were almost exactly >c.,<*h>,Ooo greater than the receipts: but this ex cess of expenditures does not exceed, ] relatively, the usual deficit. Doth ex- J penses and receipts increased during the year by about $5,000,000. As might be expected, a great part of Mr. \V \\am vkKit's report will he taken up by a discussion of his favorite pos tal telegraph scheme. In its present form, his project is not to create a sepa rate department, not even to use the postolfioes and postmasters for tele graphic service, but to employ them as agencies of private telegraphic corpo rations. It is proposed that the Post master-General, with the concurrence of the Secretary of the Treasury and the Attorney-General, shaii contract for a period uot exceeding ten years with one or wore telegraph companies for the transmission by telegraph of postal telegrams or for the furnishing of the lim-s. The function of the Postoffice Department in this matter would he to receive postal telegram*. furnished with the requisite amount of stamps, and hand them over to the telegraph com pany, and in like manner to deliver tele grams st-nt in the same way. The plan is to make ail free delivery jm-tal tele graph station', the I’osiir,aster-lieneral also having authority to designate smaller offices for this purpose, when ever, in his opinion, public convenience so requires. A |>ostal telegram would be delivered like an ordinary letter, un less it bore a special delivery stamp. It might be forwarded by mail from any postoffiee in the United States to any postal telegraph office, and thence trans mitted by telegraph, the proper postage being affixed. Of course there Is noth ing in this scheme to prohibit telegraph companies from performing a general service as they now do—the only change would be, practically, that telegrams negiit l>< sent by posting them, instead of handing them directly to the tele graph company, and that telegrams so seut would be delivered in the same manner. Mr. Wanamakki: also eou contemplates a postal tee-graph money order service, the details of which have not transpired. It is reported that he would limit the charges a- follows: “The charges in any one State not to exceed ten cents for messages of twenty words or less, counting address and sig nature, nor twenty-five cents for any distance under l.jiMi miles, nor fifty cents for any greater distance." It is p’ain that Mr. Waxamakku's scheme is a “feeler,” almost a timorous one. and this is its chief recommenda tion. The best that can be said for it is that it could not do much mischief if put in practice. But conservative people prote>t -and wisely -against the assump tion of new iunctious bv the national government. It is highly probable that a eheap service, such as he contemplates, would prove so Inferior to the service rendered directly by the telegraph com panies that it would he little availed of; in that case it would be a superfluity. Hut it is unite possible also that wheth er it failed or succeeded it might he made use of as an entering wedge to open the way for further paternal func tions on the part of the government. WOXIKN AM) TilK lilt Ill’ll. Our good Methodist brethren ar** not altogether chivalrous in their von s iu regard to allowing women to be elected us lay delegates to the lioucral Coufer eneo of the church—not only that, but they are not ju>t to the worth, intelli gence and moral superiority of the women of the church. The Methodist, a* well as every other church of to day and of past generations owes much to the self-sacrificing, earnest working women. The bishops and preachers are necessary for the govern ment of the church, but if it was not for the silent Influence of woman's character, for the lovely lives of tin* mothers, who rock the cradles of Christianity, the bishop and the preacher would be as occnpationless as Othello. In view of all woman has done in tin* light of all site has suffered, is she not entitled i> some small voice iu the church s highest councils, some recognition of her services? Are the men jealous? lk> they fear tin* sisters in debate? Some of tin* votes recorded an* serious reflec tions oil tbe Intelligence of the voters, so overwhelmingly are they against the voice of woman. Was sb*‘ not “last at the cross and first at the grave?" Is she not the same consoler now. as she the most sincere mourner then? - MARTIN'S FERRY. I The Hoard of Director* of the Martin's fcVrrv Driver*' Association mot last night. The meeting that was to take place on Thanksgiving evening was ptwtponed I until Mouday evening. All are rvuuested I to attend; important business. J. It M<»Nti;oMiRtr, 1’res. Ian is lioTtit UM i\n, See. ! Prosecuting Attorney Jesse Holliugv ! worth, John Pollock, Ks»i. and County : Commissioners Berry and Israel were here resterday in relation to the trouble between the Wheeling and Like hirie and the coun tv in getting the n^ht of wuy above town. Tai Chong has tiuug his sign to the four winds, and has announced that he is read, 1 here are many white soaps. each represented to be ••just as good as the Ivor) They are not, but like all counterfeits, they lack the peculiar and remarkable qualities of the genuine. Ask for Ivory Soap and insist upon having it. ’ !'is sold everywhere. Hew is Ycur Blood? 1 L ;ii ilijrti&rit broking cut oamj ■ ; HI • v.’.J : v. :!i u o awl a Luii I ottles of S S *• «< '.i r »ii. ■) :i*< iiaiti.- !ual tti? vJ »;.1 uuv good. Wi r. i' eat v, Yoiuviiic, S C ! v.ys trnbU.l front childhood with .a agerav: nd f :w of Teller, ind three t Liiit!. s of !\ 13 S\ rural tr:** pcnna i;. .. Wa LI.ACE >1 \ VS. Munuville, 1. T. <i.r. . a Eh..-•! aad Skin Pi-easea ui i! tree. . v. Ii , IJ. JI < Atlanta. Ga to ilo all the v.ashing of the town. This Is | our first Chinese laundry. Then- is <iuite a number of citizens at St.: Clairsville to-dav as witnesses in the trial! of tin' North wood Class Co. vs. Mrs. Dock Brindley. W. S. Campbell general agent of the Chicago and Alton Kailroad at Pittsburg,; Pa., was in the city yesterday on business, j Shot guns seem to be in demand at j present. No doubt but there will be (juite 1 a number of rabbits slaughtered to-mor To-day will bo observed in the public schools as a holiday, as it is the anniver sary of the birth of Wendell Phillips. The fare on the Climax will be 12 trips | for:«) cents, making it 21. cents each way.. the same rates as the Union bridge. The books of the Library Association i will be auctioned off to-day at one o'clock i in Commercial Hall. S. E. Tilton, of Nor wain, and C. E. | Poole, of Jackson. Mich., are registered at the Maywood. The Mi ses Paxton, of Smith field, O., ] are in the city, the guests of Mrs. Joseph ine Paxton. J. M. Lessick, attorney for the \V. A; L. E. Kailroad, was in the city yesterday on business. * *, They have taken the large wine casks out of the cellar of the building of the Ohio! Wine Co. Louis L. Sohecle will receive a large lot of jk)';.try for Thanksgiving. Send in your U rn Prince is in Pittsburg on business. He will return this morning. The Laughlin mill will be off the rest of the week after to day. Wiu. Paden has accepted a position on the ferry boat as pilot. Mrs. Ben Phillips was taken seriously siek Monday night. John Carson, of Broadway street, is not expected to live. John Kyne has been indisposed for the past week or so. “Casey's Troubles" will be at the Opera House to-night. BKLX.A1RIS. J. D. Stewart, editor of the Moundsville .'•hi, was in the city yesterday on business. Trade is a little slow all over town, but; better prospects are ahead. The medicine man who did not believe in newspaper advertising, after a little business with the Mayor, is of the opinion the newspapers are splendid things iu which to tell one's business. Kobert Brown, the barber, has returned j from a week's visit with Pittsburg friends. I Wm. McClain lias about a mile of now I roud done just west of town. There will be uo attraction at the theatre i this week. One was booked, but the man agement cancelled it. A uumber of glass factories over the country have introduced a fuel plant like the one iu use at Kodefer Bros’., this city John Zweig is moving his stock of goods into his uew store room on Belmont street. The ladies who are to give a Thanksgiv- j ing dinner in a vacant room on Belmont street are making preparations to feed sev eral hundred. The K. of P. will give a banquet for its members to-morrow evening. Kggs and bufter ate still high for some reason. Mrs. John Rodefer ami Mrs. Janies Fit t<>n, delegates to the nou-partisau W. C. T. U. Convention at Allegheny, Pa , returned home last night. Five or six more candidates will be put through the K. of P. next month. Jas. F. Anderson, who was in the wreck on the St. Clairsviile railroad, is able to be about, but is very sore about the shoulder. College students are coming home to eat William Bridenstein is out of the iee business and is trying his hand in oil, a slippery vocation. Henry Crimmel, manager of the Novelty Class Works, at Kostoria, was in the city yesterday purchasing tools, etc., from the Belmont Class Works. Several teamsters from here have gone to Portland to work ou the extension of the Wheeling ,t Lake Erie railroad. A small bla/.c on the roof of a Fourth ward residence called out the tire depart ment yesterday morning. The boys are quite active. Another bawdy house was raided by the Marshal Monday night. Two females and two males were arrested. They left money' for damages. One of the women was ar-1 rested a few days before in the same house.! 1 >r. A B. Marshall, of Hast Liverpool, is] holding service at night in the First Pres byterian church, this week. Bellaire Lodge No. ills, i. o. O. F., elect ed now officers last night. The outlook for turkeys is not very good. Council met last uigfit and talked con siderably about the new roads. Wm Bowser injured his foot and lost his, j pocket book containing at tbe arc Sat-: unlay evening. Insurance adjusters have been here in-; vestigating the extent of the Stamping works tire. The marriage of Uoorgc Jones to Miss Loreua Crow is announced for next week Coal boats with empty tows passed tip the river last evening. Alfred K. Steele, of Woodsfield. and Miss Adeline Wilkinson, of Bend Fork, were married yesterday afternoon by Bev. A. B. , Williams, at St. Nicholas Hotel. ' Leo Sonneborn, “der eluding drummer," i is in the city seeing old friends. The Fisk Jubilee Troupe, will appear in i the Christian Church December -M. Sehmulbaeh's Opera Hall has been tiice ; lv repainted inside. An infant child of Miller Abies, the C. & : P. engineer, died yesterday morning. The Mbrcautiic Club will dedicate ' Sehmulbaeh's new hall on December 10th with a private hop to celebrate the birth i day of the club. j The natural gas company gives out the information now that it has moro gas than it needs and is holding it back for cold A coal barge sunk near the Ohio Valley foundry was raised yesterday. David Appleg.irth and Miss Lillie Rufcr have been united iu marriage. Constable Richardson went down to Wcgec to capture two or three Italians whom he had been informed were selling whiskey without a license. The law break ers were given a tip and crossed the river. When the constable appeared they hail the \ laugh on him and they did laugh, too. Mr. Richardson says he’ll catch sonic of them before he quits. Throat DUcMCi«miiMBC«il with a Cough, Old. it Son Throat. "Itroun'it Hronchial Tro ' *‘' yiv** imuo io.te r»*lit*f. y.afy f/t . s. Price * cent* DIED. JOBJISOS—Snriu «mii& Sorabtr ft IV, .it ^ S» I'VliiOk, \Vll MAM JOIISSOX. aged Ih’ s - ■.•nth street, Wednesday luornlug at 8:30 q'elorli. Mas* at Cathedral at 9 o'clock. ■ KrienJs of family Invited to attend. Inter ment at Mt. Calvary cemetery. IXctti SUuicrtiocmcitta. N 7 OTIC E. . n k B uAll CtaW tna* Pre-ent wil. do well to send in their order without d. lav. for a Portrait either in Oil. l*a or Crayon, The FAMOCSPASTBI*aapad JOHN 11 - h\ LKS, n.sVadrh _ JTOCKHOLDERS- M EKTIXG. The annual meeting of the Stockholders ol the Wheeling V rk Ass. elation will be held at the o:Boe of the ltoart! >f Commissioners of Ohio County M mday, December I. l'SU. at 7:;W :■ n- for the election of a Hoard of Directors to serve for the ensuing year, and the trati'iie tton of -ueh other business as may be brought * . - - C »XKAi> Hia>. u. Secretary. uoliMBjASXadrl SECOND-HAND Bricks ami Boartls for Sale. fnqntre^at CRAXT ,|ol sK PROPERTY. QO|j ou Teuth Street. £Un? SVbwcftlocmento. UMNITU' v \0l NG M tN AS \JAITKR \\ in r.-uurait. Apply at BRUNSWICK HOTEL._auJ** W NTI'.D— LABORERS - WANTED TEN \\ i r flfte* u good laborers Applx toJ ILL'* BR< Contractors fur W heeling Brulc^ Lotn pany. 1IAI Water street. n____ nr»v |. ; HREE YOI SC MBS OF Good \> ' .'— c; • 1 pay and permanent po-'i ,..ii t-. right partW. RelTeti not ■ 5 i-ored. Cali <1 t”r*8a. ... W I! LANDERS. IW Main St. ITT vSTED I IRL FOR •' ! XER VL II". SB WORK. KOMaiustro t. no< r u r \ NT ED-I M MEDIATELY—FI V E GOOD >\ Stogie Roller:-. Steady work. Address C..). CORBIN. Fairmont. W. Va. uoSieudu Money to loan 4100 to*>,000 at six per . Cent. ROLF A HARVEY, 1311 .Market St. uu3adae h__ rSLASD REAL ESTATE—WE WILL 1 special bargains thi- week. You can make fO per cent in one tear bv buying now. Call .1, ROLF A HARVEY, 1311 .Market St . Room No. Telephone 5id. no;Ud*eh TETANTED APRIL Dr. 1891, TWO OR > > ■ r . Inns light manufacturing purposes, centrally l<> aale.l, ntoder>te r ut. for a term of years. Ad dress MANUFACTURER, care of Rkoistek ofllee. noSSs / 1ENERAL AGENTS SELLING THE RAT v * ent Adjustable Shoe making from jd.Cot u> (6,1001 ryear. t tuva*aew W to (7 per day. Exclusive territory given. Address with 2-rent stamp, ('on: "lidaled Adjustable Shoe Company, Salem, Mass. nol7*,w*pb JR. O. U. A M.. ATTENTION! Mi H ng Couuel v 1 yon are hereby notified to meet at Council Chamber to day at •-* o'clock sharp for the puaposc of hoist ing the star- and stripes over the Madison School House, Dlund. All member* of sister Council are r.-cuested to loin ii' on this oeea . s. R u tRFFXKL, R s. L. Rinnan. C. noSftj STOCKHOLDERS’ MEETINC. kU The anuu:.l meeting of the Stockholders of the \\"'t Virginia Exposition and State Fair Association "ill l>e held at the office of the Hoard of Commissioners cf Ohio county, Satur day. December 6th, lv.t. at o'clock p. in., tor the election of a Hoard of Directors to serve for the ensuing year tod the transaction of s»c|, other bnsine.-". which may he brought before the meeting. A. RE Y MANN, Pres't. Geo s t>tte. Secretary. noS7e*di pALACE COAL VASES, Parlor Fenders and Fix*e Sets. A full line or styles and prices at NESBITT & BRO.'S, coifiwas 1313 Market Street. Hotel Windsor RESTAURANT WILL HE OPENED TO PATRONS ON Thursday, 27th inst., THANKSGIVING DAY. The Hotel Windsor will be hereafter conduct ed on the American and European plans. JNO. II. 1IOHHS, Proprietor. GEO. S. ROSS, Manager. noSSh QRAND HALL. The North End Literary tlnd Athletic Associ ation will give their Anniiiil Thanksgiving Ere Hall, At Turner Hall. Wednesday, November 31th. Mu«ic hv Mover's full orchestra. Admission I cents. ' no35r EM ON HOT DROPS, Fim* Handkerchief Extracts, Toilet Soaps, Hai;, Tooth :iikI Nail Itrushcs, at LIST'S DKUG STOIU:. LOCAL AGKNT. GEO. M. When passing our store take a peep at the Jlaby Show! In South Window. Particulars can be ob tained within. GEO. M. Sijook&Co. Bsi' The Finest Stock of Cloaks and Dress Goods in the State. D. C. KURNER, Practical fainter, Grainer, Glazier, SIGH PAIHTER 4 PAPER HUGER, Dealer lu Taints, Oils, Varnishes,Window Glass Kru'he.;. 1’uinters’ Supplies, Ac , 1727 Market Street TKLEPIIOXr. VJ3 WHEELING, \V. VA Jysw_ ■J^OOK TO YOUR INTERESTS To Builders and Owners o! Buildings. I now have on hauil the best selected stock cl S:Mautol* ever brought to the city. I keep a roo'1 assortment of Gas Grate* and Tile lkanhs and all goods for making a nice lire p;ace. Call at try place and vou can see just what you are tc Ret and *ee the Mantel set up for inspection. B. F. CALDWELL, JeSSlM 15(17 Main Street. Special Sale! IX ORDER TO MAKE ROOM FOR HOL IDAY GOODS. 1 WILL OFFER At Reduced Prices MY ENTIRE LINE OF I also carry a Full Line of ROOM MOCLDINGS. John Friedel, No. 1119 Multi Street. DC 12 |tfn> 3lb»rrti*emettt». Attention, Sportsmen! quail shooting season In West Virginia opens November and - ■ ure hftter prepared than 0V,‘^^{?,r?Nta . I ‘ till the wants of the hunter Otfr 01 IjS. inclu in,- the PARKER and LEFE\ ER HAMSIbK LESS, and aU desirable makes of double gum and single irons front ».00 upwards auk THK , F1VEST for the price it. the market ami our lit.- , of umuuitlou aud gun implements i» complete. I. G. DILLON &CO., 1223 Market Street._ pOH SALE. Paying Investments. Piece «f ground oa Soutli Penn street, con taining four lote, for f l.-KW. Double Brick House, not two years old, will bring |:ihJ per year, for t'.Tf.O. Manufacturing site corner Thirty sixth and McCollocll streets, 13UXISO. Building Lots corner of Thirty-fifth and Mar ket streets, f .r a few days only. <;. (». SMITH, ps.') Market street. no25*Mil 1 KEEN HOUSE FOR SALE. For thirtv days from this tin}1’ 1 " ill f,or sale our place and entire business at Moutids ville, w. Va. at much leM than It* actual value. The business is Flowers. Hants. Nur sery Stook. and a General Insura!. Ap-noy, sufficient for two men. Trade air -ady estab lished. A cbaujie ..f climate fi r my wife ren ders this a necessity. Mouudsville lias paved streets, electric lights, and real estate is ad vnucioK in price. Coin** and ****** Uf* or particulars if you mean business. 1 OSCAR WRIGHT. nolSeesra .Mouudsville. W. Vu. j* ^ 9 Of course you want one. A limited quantity still in a.1 EWINO BR0S., noSJ 1215 Market St., opp. McLure House. apanese Baskets! FIFTY YEAR Six Pet Cent. Gold Bonds For Sale. ( LIMITED NUMBER <»F WHEELING J\ itridp- and Terminal Railway Company six tier cent First Mortuap* Fifty Year Gold Bonds are hereby offered for sale. These bonds are secured bi a deed of trust on the Bridges, Tun nels and Track* and other property of the Com p:inv. find uf** believed to l><‘ ;i i^ooil. snf*- ®ntl permanent investment. Interest payable half yearly. Apply to GEO. W. ECKHART, Jr., Cashier People's Bunk, Or. Tuos O'Bhies. ocXtli Real Estate and Stock Broker. s 'WAN FOUNTAIN PENS. The most satisfactory Pocket Pen on the market. Every one guaranteed. A new lot just received from which to select. STANTON A DAVENPORT. Bookseller* and Stationers, . : No. 1801 Market Street SENSIBLE SAD IRONS. Tabic Cutlerv, Silver Plated Knives and Forks, Silver Plated Ten and Table Spoons, | Granite Iron Ware Clothes Wringer*. Ronie I Clothes Washers, and Copper Wash Uoiler*. GEO. W. JOHNSON'S SONS. aul8 Mo- 1810 Main Street. | Baking Powder K3S0LUTELY PURE. inmWUMGB ThC STUWtiKST »l> Id st UK ! IMPORTED CANARIES. German Hartz Mountain Male Canaries, FINE SINGERS. Just received Also a nice lot of Gold Fish. McLAIN BROTHERS, noil Cor. Market and Twelfth Streets. SPECIAL INDUCEMENTS TO BUYERS CHRISTMAS PRESENTS HENRY JACOBS' In White Ulankets. Red lllankets, and very handsome Hed Comforts. Pillows and Holster to suit everybody. The largest stock of Rugs from SOe. upwards, l.ace Curtains ill great variety. A nice assort ment of Red Spreads. The largest sioek of Car pets and Oil Cloth in the city. Tlo-re is no house in the eitv that will offer you lower prices and better goods in Holiday Go >ds. IRX) pair Nice Towels at a great bargain to close out. HENRY JACOBS, no28 People's H ank Building. TpOU THANKSGIVING DINNKIi IMjV M PUDDING, NEW NITS. OK A NO ES, ISA NAN AS. UR.APES. TI US, RAISINS mid CAPE UOl) CRANUERRIESal F. HANADER S, noSJ _1303 Market Street, M adam goff, seventh daughter of ii seventh son, lioru with a veil, has RE MOVED to No. 1905 Market street, second floor, win're she can be consulted on the past, present and future. Advice on all matters. Tells you what is best for your wellfare In business, love, domestic troubles or love alfuirs. Can lie con sulted from 0 a. iu. to 10 p. tn. All interviews confidential. Please walk up stairs. oc5d*eb J^OHTHERN POTATOES. Ripe, Large Dry Potatoes, AT U. F. BEHRENS’, No. am Market Street. Or. Cor. Jacob and Thirty-eighth street, in the South Side Hank ltuildin£. uolS NEW FRENCH NOVELTIES! rteW Plaids in Choice Styles. The New Fall Shades in Series and Cashmeres and Hen riettas. Special induce ments iu -BLACK GOODS Sow opened. The very .atest styles and a full line of Misses' anil Childrens' Cloaks. Map of West Virginia. -THE REGISTER’S Railroad, County and District Map of the State i* the Most Complete. SIZE 34x4-4 INCHES. i Unbound 25 rente; Iiouud. Pocket Edition 50 rents. Address, with amount enclosed, and Map Will be mailed, carefully wrapped, to anv address, WEST VIRGINIA PRINTING CO., f t:h Wheeling. W. V». pABSONS, Photographer, Atelier, .\o. 120o larket SU Personal attention given to all Sittings. Ar tistic Results Produced. _ mrlO <fieo. I?, ©uulov. 1150 Main and 1153 Market Sts, Opened To-dai) -IN — A3STD— JACKETS Ail sizes, and ijiantafaotUred of the best Seal Skins, piagoijals ai)d Plush. A Practical Cloak Maker in Cloak peparti)iei)t to ipake any alterations necessary W iTlt OtlT EXTfJA cMauge. Far Capes, Seal Muffs, Lynx Sets and Seal Gloves. Gentlemen’s Oath Robes. furniture ottb Car pete. • __ IJUUII STERLING. G. ED. MENDEL. MICH. KIRCIINER. G-. Mendel & Go. FURNITURE, CARPETS, UNDERTAKING. The Best oi everything for CHRISTMAS ! Right in the front of all competition we place our Elegant New Holiday Stock! Complete in Assortment! Splendid in Quality! Overflowing with generous bargains in Fancy Chairs, Ladies' Writing Desks. Rockers, Cabinets. Floor and Wall. Parlor Suits, Tables and Stands, Shaving Stands, Couches, And everything that will go to make a nice Piesent in the Furniture Line. Popular Selections, Plenty of Variety, Newest Attractions. A thoroughly first-class stock, combining Novelty, Quality and Elegance.; with Prices Strictly Fair. Everybody is Delighted with our Holiday Display. See it. G. Mendel & Go., 11Q4 MAIN STREET. "SAVE YOUR MONEY! -BY PURCHASING YOUR Parlor Suits, Bed Lounges, EASY CHAIRS. CHAMBER SETS. BED SPRINGS. CARPElS. WALL PAPER, AMI ALL OTHER JIOUSK FURNISHINGS OK i \\f nlairliLnl cor. Market A. Tweul)-second Streets, u « i'll* j telephoned. wheeling, w. va. Undertaking Artrrial Embalming attended to promptly. Prloe. Reasonable. noSM.W.F $25,000 Worth Furniture and Carpets at Cost. ARBENZ & CO. WILL RETIRE FROM BUSINESS C, No. 1115 MAIN STREET. 1063 MAIN STREET, Parlor Stilts, Chaip her Suits, And MISCELLANEOUS FURNITURE. MOQUETTE, VELVET, BODY BRUSSELS, TAPESTRY BRUSSELS, AND INGRAIN CARPETS. The Stock is Largest I The Styles are Newest! Th6 Prices are Lowest f Undertaking in all its Branches. Telephone Calls Answered the Store Day or Night. $ov “Pent F 'OR RENT. * The large brick residence cl southeast corner of Main and Twenty-fourth street*-, at present occupied by Mrs.Caroline Norton. Con tains about thirteen good sized rooms, good yard and outbuiUiiugs. Has nil the modern conveni ences and has just been newly painted and thoroughly repaired throughout. Possession given 1st of next April. For term . Ac., apply to M. KKILLY. 1311 Main Street. hoM.i Hor £»itle. F 'OR SALE. That desirable property. Nos. 1K1 and HB& Main street, Wheeling, suitable for dweillng*. stores and boarding house, or with slight alter ation, would make a good manufacturing site. Good.’dry cellar under both houses. Shipping - .... r-ii..4 Kor t.-rnis, etc., call on facilities'unexcelled. . or address J. J. FADER, Wheeling. ocKVadh DO YOU THINK OF BUYING A LOT For an Investment, To Build a House. If so, 1 have one that will suit you. Examine the following list of BARGAINS: Lot 60x130. Erie street, POO. Lot Mix 130. S. York street. POO. Lot 50x100, Wood street. **W. Lot 50x100 Wood Street. 11,300. Lot 50x130. S Huron street, $1,300. Lot 30x130, Virginia street, $5MJ. One acre Building Lot on National Read, near Wheeling Park, $1,000. GEO. J. MATHISON, 1210 Chapllne Street. j Telephone 107._____oc^_ : STOCKS, BONDS AND REAL ESTATE FOR SALE. | 3 llelmont Bond*. 24 Share. Riverside Stock. [ 20 Share* Citizens and Electric Ky. :t..ek. ! 13 Shares Ice and Storage Stock. REAL ESTATE. South Chapliuestreet Building Lot. The Leighton resident.. S. Chapliue street. Lots Nos. 1, 2 and 3, Gilchrist's addition. N. Front street. THOS. O’BRIEN,Secretary W. TAT. Co Real Estate and Stock Broker, Office. Room So. I, Reilly Building, Market Street. Telephone MB. ___no!3 BUILDING LOTS FOR SALE. 60x144 feet on North Front St, west side. 50x143 feet on North Front St., west side.. 30x190 feet on South York St., west side... 60x100 feet on South Elm St., west side.... 30x100 feet on South Elm St., west side. .. 30x100 feet on South Penn St., cast side . 85x112 feel on North Wabash St., east side 30x190 feet ou South Huron St, east side.. 48x60 fi'-t cor. Huron und New Jersey St-. 30x130 feet on Fourteenth St., north side.. 30x130 feet on Fourteenth St., north side.. 50x350 feel ou Caldwell’s Bun. 50x100 feet on Wilson St.. 6th Ward . 100x100 feet ou McColloch St.. 8th Ward 140x850 feet on National Road . 100x350 feet in Pleasant Valley. 10 Acres near Klin Grove. 15ji Acres 8 miles west of Bridgeport. O. 41 Acres near Lorain. O. . 65 Acres adjoining St. Clairsville, O. Lots and Improved property In Martin's RINEHART & TATUM, 81,850 [ 1.300 I 600 200 450 POO 375 350 600 2.400 8 500 un 1,200 1.6.10 LSI« .i,l»)0 5.500 1.300 7.500 Ferry, No. 1314 Market • oe34 ASSIGNEE’S SALE. By virtu*' of ji deed of assignment made l*v .fohn H. Diehl to in**. dated on the 11th day of October. ISO, anti recorded in the office of the Clerk of the Couuty Court of Ohio county. \\ V»„ in Deed of Trust Hook 31. in;'.' 317. I mil gel) at public auction at No. 115 Virginia street, in Wheeling, \V. Va., on Thursday, December 4th, 1090, Cotntnuncini! at 10 o’clock a. in., the following personal property: One sewing machine, four carpets, one sofa, three marble top tables, one book ruse, one sideboard, one wardrobe, three bedsteads, springs and mattresses, olio lounge, on*- mirror, one rocker, fourteen chair.-, one cook stove, one kitchen table, one lot of dishes. . n* I* t of tinware, one waslitub, one * tailboard ole-horse wagon and lot of harness. .Ms,.. ,.iih Hold watch and chain, and all tin- book accounts due ti**' said John II. Diehl. Terms of Sal**—Cash. Special Commissioner's Sale VALUABLE OITY PROPERTY. August Rolf and others J vs. v In Chancery. Williolmine Rolf and others \ HY VIRTUE OK THE AUTHORITY VEST* • d in him by a decree of tbe Circuit Court of Ohio County, West Virginia. Iuade ami en tered ill til" above entitled cause on tile 3d day of November. A. I). l*yo, t*e uudersigtied Kia'vlnl Commissioner will s,*U at putillo mi*' lion, at the front dcor of the Court House, of | said Ohio county, on Saturday, tlio 111th Day of Decem ber, A. D. 1890, commencing at 10 o'clock n. in., tin1 f<>ll<>u ing described two parcels of ri*al estate, ttiat is t*■ Kir:-t The South one-third of Lot No. 45 in Chupline and Hoff's addition to iCity of : W, ill the County of Ohio, ami State of | West Virginia, fronting twenty-two (SSl feet on I Main street oud running back the antne width) to HU alb y. llelng the same property e uiveyed j to August Rolf in tiis lifetime by John Unshorn by deed dated the 0:h day of April. A. 1). IKaU. and reeorded In the oiliee’of the Clerk of the ! County Court of siiidOliiocouuty, in Deed liook j No. 41. pageftt. And Second. I.ot numbered IHteon iXo. ir.i in Square No. 16 as designated on the map of the null divisions of the Joseph Caldwell estate and . additions therefrom to the City of Wheeling, county of Ohio, and State of Wot Virginia. ! being the same property eonvcyed to August i It»lf in his lifetime l>v Christian Kleiner and i Wife by deed dated the' loth day of August, A \ 1). 1871, and re’orded in the office of the Clerk i of the County Court of said Ohio county, in j Deed Kook No. M, pages 888 and ifSy. Said last | mentioned parcel. Lot No. 15. will tie offered as a whole and in two parts. TKKMS OK SALE—One-third, or as much more as the purchaser may eh t to pay, cash on j day of sale, the balance, if any, in two equal i instalments, payable in nv and twelve moutbs respectively from the day of sale with Interest from that day, the purchaser to giv- his notes for the deferred payments, and the title to the property to tie retain* d until the notes ire paid in full. LOUS K. STIKEL, special Commissioner. Wn. IUllrr. Auctioneer. 1 hereby certify that tic said Special Commis sioner has given bond as required by law and the deer.ntered in the above entitled cause, i nolSi JOHN W. MITCHKLL, Clerk. 1 Sale of Elm Grove Coal Works, of Writ Virginia, county of Ohio. In the Circuit t’ourt of Ohio county. James V. Chambor-, trustee unj in bis own right, i vs. Anui-- .1, Waddle, executrix of W. II. Waddle I and in her own right and W. T. Chambers. IN i ItANCKItY. rnilK INDEKSIUNKD SPECIAL COM MIS X 'loner' hereby give notice that, by virtue of the authority vested in them by a decree in the above entitled suit, made on the 31st day of May. I KUO, they will sill, at public auction. • >n the" premises to be sold. In the town of Kira Urove. Ohio county. W. V».. on SATCU1I.VY, Till' Cth DAY oh DECEMBER. A. I>.. 1H90, commencing at 10 o'clock a. m„ all the visible property oinied by the Into llrm of W. T. Chamber.' A "Co., and e'peclally the fol lowing property In said county and State: All of the coal privileges under lots 1. 3. .3. I. 5. 13 and 16 a* designated upon the pint of th» Crug* r estate, now of record in the nflice of the t'lerk of the County Court of said eountv. in deed book No .V», on page yg3, al-o the Itoil* r. Ku gine. Hoisting Apparatus, Tipples. rumps, Tanks, foal Cars. Machinery. Tracks and A p plianceg of the mine owned by the said firm, ••nd ah' the following de--rihed land, situated at the mouthor opening of the said eo*l mlne.lie ginning at a point In the line, next the old mill race. of l"t f* of tie* plat of the Kydit S. Cruger estate or Elm (»r-v< ... a. subdivided and designated \ tD the"said plat which was recorded a- I afur,-aid. which jedul is where the east III,..' ,.f 1 ts 3» all I gH In the plat of W. T. and .1 V. Chambers' -ulsllvi-lon of pajt .-f said ’ loth iwhieb h.'t named plat Is recorded in Ur ; otliee ,.f II." Clerk of tie- County Court, of Ohio oounty aforesaid, in dead book No. 76, at page •g.’l . when projected will Intersect said line of [ lot next the old mill race; thence running in a 1 southeasterly direction with aid last tin Hied line on- hundred and twenty feet more or l--ss. t,. where the line of the fence on the east side ,.f the lot, on which the mouth of the coul shaft or | mine i» situated, intersects -ai l line of -aid lot I 5: thence running with the last mentioned fence in a northerly direction to the r-‘»r or north f.-uce of ';,id lot containing said shaft mouth; thence ruiiumg with said la't uanied fence to the uortheast corm-r of said l it N - kv and from thence running with tic ea*t line of said lots Nos. 38and 31} to the place of beginhing. containing M-IUQ of an ner.- more or h--». Pursuant to the said decree the said special commissioners have had a survey and plat m.vlebrW.C. smith. Es«|.. surveyor, - f '-ii-1 coal privilege, real estate and coal mine, and his report ami plat is now on file in suid Clerk's office for inspection of the public. According to said report the total number of acres in said coal privilege ,» I17.86 acres, ano there ha* been taken out 33 acre», leaving still of such coni privilege ki.Vfi acres. Terms of !Sal»—Oue-third of the purchase money, or as much more a< the purchaser may eleet to pay, cash In baud, and the residue in twoequal payments, payable respectively in one and two years Irotu the day of sale with inter est from" that date. the purchaser giving his promi'-ory note* with sufficient security for the deferred payments. The title will be reserved to scour- the pavim-nt of said notes. JOHN" J. JACOB. ALFRED CALDWELL, Special Commissioners. I hereby certify that the above named special commissioners have given bond and security as required by law and tbe said decree. JOHN W. MITCIIF.LL. Clerk of said Court. Wheeling, Nov. , i860. no51 ALL KINDS OF PRII\TIJ\G Neatly and Promptly Executed —AT THE— REGISTER OFFICE. 2Vmuecmcittv. GRAND OPERA HOUSE. c* OKKTher Wana*«r 3 SIGHTS AND TWO M\TI\| Coiamencln • * ' Thursday AWeruoon,'Xovemlii r Sawtelle Comedy Co, Theursday AfK-rnt. i. u„| j;; Steven*'Great Drnma. "I N , , , Friday Evening— SuturJuv Aflert v gre an.l AND NECK. A I'lr>t‘-CI«'< »\>ini i, • |> Scenic Effect*. HTPRICKS-Or.!,. Circle, 8f>c.; Gallon served sects on »;>!■• -i ,r . WRONG tllc-- NF...K k~ y.Uuc& <mb Siquorc. RECEIVED! A LAKOK IWlMUTAVI , » Wines Direct From Eii^ CONSISTING it SHERRIES, MADERI4 pPBTc MALAGAS, MUSC4T£l S' Alto a line line of Klilii* P. WELTY & 00., frSfc-Ad WHOLESA yropottrtlG. )IK)I’< >SALS. State nr Wkut Om< K 'it ATThICM 1 (it NAHA C'UAIiLExTON, \V. Va Novemlier IV IV > Sealed «ill !• renivi >1 at tin nf the Attorn* y C«im-ral ■ f tin* Slat' "f M \'; r . . ■ . til (he thirtieth ilsy'itfti-r tli*- fourth |iuhlle. of thin adv*-rtt»elil' ut fur tin* vuSlii-.iUl.ti I West Virginia Report* f r the ter in * •> years and tun month* Irutn the *. eond \V• : day iii January. 1*01. Blank pru; i-al* and •.ample* ef f be linin' 'aill he furni-lied to air. . thi> offlee. ALFRED CALDU i I.L. Attorney tieui-ral and es-Otllci. I{. Supreme Court of A|»[>i,aUof tv. -i V:r i noiioawt_ SEALED PROPOSALS. Cl.EBI, - lien. 1 ' Wm Bl.ixii. H . Va.. N i SEALEDPR*i|*uvvl.» tt II.I. 111. IIKctflVKD ut this olli - ii.' - \ l illl.t Y. tin ... l»s li.r Novemlier. t«.« t .-k : in. f. r tin : following COAL. !•'. r fa r: he order* d 1 iy >n Ovr- -r > f v. ■ i* r 11.. t r i its Nort W For (urnisbiOK Hived and Nut 1 Im* ordered by uti Ov* r*. • ' t’. I' r ' r 1 tricU South of Whening Creek,tut Wheeling. For furni.siiiii. Mis. I in.l Nut« l». ordered by an Overseer of ti. I’• r' ri Island (Seventh ward i UNDERTAKING. ■ l-'or furnMiing Coflln« feonnin.h •' t> Il<’»r>' ». Iluck*. llii.L-it-. K lift, . . :.i Uurial «a* may r<l< r> l I y ii. • •* of the |*oor,or the Suix-riutciident ■ . Inf' Bidden must spec fj prie ■ > Rough botM (01 ue uudoi 1 MEDICINES. l-'nr furnlfIiIiii: Medicine* noon l*r« u I of County I’liyaician for the District* V r.U ' Wheeling Creek. including island and I uIt• i j also, for District* |)init South of \t (.•■•■111 , Creek. Druggist* malting hid- mu-t do busine.** m Till- District* for which they lad. All the above hide to lie for the term i f ole (I' year from date of contract. The right lieing reserved to reject an* r nil Indi.. Ity order of Hoard. I1KNHY II. ri.NIH.ETON, Clerk. 02£mciitic>mil. WHEELING CONSERVATORY OP MUSIC, No. 15 Fifti'i'iilli Sired. HEN BY J. Alt BENZ., to*. y VI.L THEM It ICG ISS MONDAY, 8EPTEMBUM 15. FACULTY: Oiwas, t.H. J. ARIIKSZ. Theory, \ VocalaDramatkart. i Modern LaXOI'AREs, | Mr» < AUF..\ AUBIINZ CLAHIoXXT, I . .K. SI’KII MISS ANNIE GANG IlhKM INN GltlMM .n i n s iioosi: Thornui:li.«y»t"tnallc in •truHion In nil I,r*n, of Mui.ii: Hit,I of tlii’diy. N,,rniHl iu> nt f. r tl„. tn,iuli,i: i.f Ti-aolu'i* F» c,-|>ti iiul mlvnniti/,, in MiMlern IjtiigimcA*ii. PRIVATE AND CLASS INSTRUCTION. 5V"' S» n*J for C Fi-r fur!* • r luf«*r raatiou i*i>|t)y nfi*r ? hrpl. *ki, lo IIKXIIY J. AIMtKNZ, IMnrfor. No IS Fifteenth str»M t, \V lit ‘I* 11 fi jt \\. \ .4. financial. B ANK OF THh OHIO VALLKY Stat* akt> Civt Oev'i.itobt. StoCEUOI.UKiOi Doubly L: ; * CAPITAL. * Government and Local Bondi liouabt and Draft* Dtued on any point in Eur i>e, a* «*•*! as wi tte principal ClU* « of the United Slat'-' A General Bankln* Ku»iue*« transacted. WM. A. ISKTT, Praaldent. WM. B. SIMPSON, VI«ePr*»ldeat. jail K. r JJ PSON ■ bier JgXCHANGE BANK CAPITAL.WKMJUO J. N. VANCE.Pni'JhI. L. S. DHLA PLAIN . \ IT ildeot tiiisimu: J V. VANCE, v\ • BLLINGH» v. JOHN M. IIKOWN, A W. KELLEY, L. S. DELAP LA IS, JOHN KHI.W, GllO. K. ST1KKL. Drafts Issued on Enirland, Ireland, Sc.'iaud and all points in Europe. my? JOHN J. JONES, Cashier. VTATIONAL BANK OF W. VA. ll AT WHEELING. CAPITAL...fcJW.W Southwest cor. Main act Twellih h’.s DOES A EN: RAL BANKING UOSINI I DinacTons: AUGUST ROLF. JOHN WAGNER. MICHAEL REILLY, W. R. IIA /.LETT. E. W. OGLE HAY, J. R M.< -ilRTNKY CHAS. W. HKOCKUNIER. EARL W. OGLEIIAY President. CHAS. W HROCKUNIKK, Vice Preildea JOH N V iNER, I l.A'A'liKN. i: i: MM;S.AiiU.'mMer Otcctmliont* QTEAMERS FOR CINCINNATI, lO LOl’ISVIM.K, MEMPHIS ST LOI I XIV Orli-iin.*-, and lut-Tiii-diut- point*, will l-*uv»* Wharf liout. f.. .1 of K1--venlti Strict, daily. Monday oxcopted, ■.* follow*: _» St- .mi- r"KK'i TONE STATE.' 1 i * uii, M . .i.t I ha*. \\ . ■*■oWtauwvo Kuoi.Cik: ••*•■. rj Tu--»day atSa.rn „-t Sti-nni- r \NI)!1S," i'. |{.Coo;< r, p » ■yU —N . r; \l I Sl .vn. Clerk; <-v ■M**1 V -In- iiiy at 8 a. in. n-Stisararr "Hl’DSON.” J. X F.ill P_»^i?rTiTiJ* - ' - M»*t«-r; Dan Laci-y, Clerk; ■ Mitliiafa every Thursday at 8 a. tu. * Stram*r“SCOTIA." Jno. M Phil r ■ ^Ibnai^ lip*. Ma»ti-t; Kobt. II K- rr,< 'i-rk , ,.ry .Saturday at 8 a. m. Steamer "BATCHELOR," <- o p »Al*( •—,N K. O'Ni iil, Muter; Irn B II ilk:ton, Clvrk. -very Friday «i * o'cl'-ck a. in. Steamer CONGO. Ed. F M 1 P_iwVU«^m^-1 y. Master: < 1,11 1 ’**■■ very Sunday at 8 a. in. Flrabclaat fare. Wheeling to Cincinnati. V <) Round trip, llO.Ui. M-ala and atat»--r<« in in cluJ-d. MT'Tleket* transferable ar.-l (rood until u- I ror Freight or I’a-sage apply on board or Tel ephone No. STi CROCK ARO t BOOTH. Agent* THE HOLLANDS ONE-PIECE FUEL GAS BURNER. Perfectcombustion. Will ln»t i lifetime si. I reduce your fu> Igas bill, lif m-- *-ured tl»r->u_• !• s reul«t’erinjr met. r) from 10 to 40 i • r 3t r itive >«u that mudi in«r* heat than '••i*-'*I■ ' *fI er«. For sale and attached by all flfst-cla*' plumbers. HOLLANDS MAXUFAITTKIND < 0. SLATES, SCHOOL BAGS. PENCILS, PENS, PAFEK. PADS •l<‘ for school use. Book*. IVrl.-.i.«•:•’• a1*1* * ' pa|**r». Daily Dltpatth. !'>' !" •" ' si' lOWadsb ERIE. PA. C. H. UUIMBY. 1114 Market Sir*-.*.'