Newspaper Page Text
MUNICIPAL REFORM AN INTERESTING SESSION OF IE* SPECIAL COMMITTEE. LAST NIGHT. A G«<ral xml Prolongtd D.sciasion of the Whole Subject of Changes in the City Government. A Decision in Favor of Electric Lights. Other Matters Deferred. The special committee appointed at the last session of Council to consider and report to Council what special leg islation is needed l>y the city of Wheel ing. at the hands of the Legislature about to meet, held its initial session at the City Hall, last night, and the result ing discussion was extremely interest ing. There were present, in addition to Messrs. Brandfass, lladlich, Farrell, and Robinson, of the committee, a num ber of members of Council and City officials, the latter being summoned in order that their suggestions might be listened to, and the meeting was per vaded by a degree of earnestness which showed that the gentlemen were convinced that the existing state of affairs demanded attention in several particulars, and in addition, indicated that there had al ready been a good deal of thought be stowed upon the subject of changes iu municipal systems and methods. To be 'tire, there was a great deal of random talk, indicating illy-digested ideas, but it was none the less earnest for that, and it is altogether probable that some good—possibly u great deal—will come out of th*‘ agitation of the question, if members of Council and of the commit tal- can be induced to reduce their pres ent somewhat scattered ideas into shape before the expiration of thu present terms of office or the commencement of the Legislative session. The committed was called to order last evening by Mr. lladlich, upon wlios. motion Mr. Brandfass was chosen chairman. Tim resolution adopted by Council, constituting the committee, was read, and'this done, the Chair ex plained that City Solicitor White was ill, and could not attend the session —a faet which was generally deplored. < 11 V TAX M.VTTF.i:s. Mr. Farrell opened the business of the session, by suggesting that City Collec tor Myles, who was present, be heard, and that gentleman said one thine which struck him as desirable was a change in regard to the ten per cent, interest charged on delayed taxes. 1 his addi tion to tax bills was originally designed as a penalty, and affected real estate only, but it was not popularly regarded in that way, and there was a good deal of complaint about it from people who thought the legal rate of -:\ per cent, was sufficient. Mr. Myles called attention to the fact that any action taken by the city would have to have the co-operation of the Hoard of Education, which body was equally interested. Mr. Myles said it had oc curred to him that a penalty or interest, at the rate of six per cent., covering both personalty and realty, would per haps be more satisfactory. The matter was a charter right, and ought to be maturely considered. Many heavy tax payers had no realty, and they held off the taxes on their personalty as long as they chose, and the Assessor was nearly powerle— to force a settlement. Last year the collectors had to go through the wards six times, and then notices had to be sent out through the mails. The committee thought the City So licitor ought to be* present before any definite recommendation was taken by the committee, and the matter, after some general discussion, was deferred. Mr. Myles then addressed the com mittee, to the effect that the entire bus iness committed to their charge was a most important matter and ought to be most carefully proceeded with. The gentletuau then withdrew. Chairman Braudfass then called on City Solicitor Thomas Tlion. r for any 'Uggc>tion lie might have, and Mr. Thoner said lie was in favor of a four vear term of office instead of two, and cited the fact that all the county offi cers were elected for four years, or longer, in support of bis idea. lie thought such an extension of the terms of office would inure to tie benefit of the city. This matter was then temporarily laid aside and Mr. Farrell brought up the matter of.i revaluation of real estate within the city, and the subject was discussed for a long time. There was a general interchange of ideas upon this point, and a eonsencus of the commit tee's ideas was that there ought to be such a revaluation within the next year, if possible. During the discussiou Mr. i le binson said: ‘•There is a good deal of the personal property which pays a higher ru’e of taxation than realty.” Mr. Farrell—And a good deal that pays no tax at all. Sir. Uobiuson—1 grant you that, but take a merchant's stock, honestly re turned. and he pays more than a given amount of real estate. Mr. Farrell—lie pays dollar for dol lar. Mr. Uobiuson—Yes, while the real estate pays but from forty to eighty per cent. Mr. Farrell—Then? ought to be some way to get that twenty to sixty per cent, not returned, on the tax list. Mr. Uobiuson—Yes; and another thing I would like to see. ami that is. get the tax rate lower. To increase the valua tion. at the present rate, would only be to pile up money lor someone lo blow In. The inequalities and differences be tween the city and county tax bills, on tin- same piece of property, were also discussed, and after some further talk the matter of a new valuation was laid aside. The electric light question was then taken up, and it was found that every member of the committee was in favor of the city having the power to manu facture and sell electric lights. This was talked about for a time and the «ommittee decided to recommend t^ Coun il the revive) of s. it. No. 109, pending Is'fore the Legislature when It ad ioumed. r&KM> Ot OFF1CK Forn \KAlt*. The matter of increasing the terms of city officers from two to four years was then taken up again, and Mr. ilrandfuss spoke In favor of doing away w ith all elections by the people, save for Mayor and members of Council, and having Council elect the City Clerk. Wharf ! master and Chief of Police as it at pres ent elects the City Collector, Receiver and other officers. Mr. Farrell was violently opposed to robbing the people of “the dearest right | of an American citizen—the right to j vote.” Mr. lirandfass saw no force or merit in Mr. Farrell's objection. If it was worth anything, the people had a right to complain of the fact that they did not vote for a large majority of the city ■ officials, where a choice was made by Council. Mr. Farrell said there was cause of -oni plaint on that score. He was in favor of the citizens voting directly for all officials. “The people pay the bill, and they ought to choose their officers. Mr. Hrandfass said he thoroughly be lieved the change embraced *in.his idea would give the people a better city gov ernment, and went on to argue the mat ter. Mr. Cruse, who offered the resolution in Council under which the Committee wa- constituted, said he contemplated nothing of that sort when he penned the measure, and Mr. Robinson dropped the remark that he did not think any possi ble change would make matters any worse than they were. In the opinion of that gentleman, officers elected by Council were farther removed from outside influences than these elected by. the people, and had, therefore, a greater incentive to do their duty. Ilo said: -There can be no duubt but that the City Sergcaut, for instance, owe* a great deal to tin* people who ele» l him, especially during his first term. He ex pects to be re-elected, or at least desires a re-election, and to accomplish that, he conducts bis office si a> to make' a> fe*w | Continued on First Pmje. \ SMALL TALK. Minor Matter* of Interest Briefly and Pithily Told. Several vugs were run in by the police : last night. Driver Fred Theirs has resigned from the Atlantic engine company. One deed of trust were left for record at Clerk Hook’s office yesterday. Tnr W. C. T. U. will hold a meeting at the Y. M. C. A. building this afternoon at 3 o’clock. The second grand ball will be given by the Central Fishing Club to-night, at Turner Hall. Ttte will of William Hamm, deceased, was admitted to probate and ordered to be recorded, yesterday. Harry Garti.ey had a toe on his left foot badly mashed at the I.aBelle mill, Wednes day afternoon, caused by a nail keg falling on it. Ja<oii KiNPEi.iiERr.ER was yesterday appointed guardian of Mary Belle Prince, orphan nf Mary Prince. Bond, 1300; John G. Haberfleld, surety. A marriage license was granted yester day to Mack E. Duvall, a uativoofOliio county, aged 24. and Dora Talbert, a native of Brooke county, aged 1S Edwakd W. Schcfler has purchased from Isiah Warren and wife the property on the corner of alley 12, fronting 25 feet 5 inches on Main street, for fit,500. A coi sty constablo named McMasters, from up in Ohio, was at police headquar ters yesterday, looking for two stolen horses. Ho did not find them, and left for home. C. Ed SctiENEtti.EiN and G. Win. Schen erlein have formed a co-partnership in the tin and hardware business. The business on the Island has heretofore been conduct ed bv Ed. Schenerlein alone. Several hordes slipped and fell on Twenty-fourth street ' yesterday. The grade between Chapline and Market streets was very slippery and the young sters were using it for a sled track. Nearly half the vote on the woman ques tion in the Methodist Church in the Cuited States is uow in' The returns now are: For woman, IS,$37; against, 14,2S4. The Germans strongly opj>ose the proposi tion. Lavra Shell'* house of ill fame was nulled last night by Lieutenant Frohrae and Officers Buck and Carney, otf a war rant sworn out bv Mrs. Hermann. The | madaine, four girls and one man were caught. Tiieke will be a sale of forty choice building lots at McMechen, below Ben wood, at 1 o’clock to-morrow afternoon. Messrs. Parker and Prager, of this city, are the ageuts. The sale promises to be well attended. lv Police Court, yesterday morning, John Shetlin and John Suttou. for slugging George Burrows, got $3 and costs each. E. B. Khinehard. Geo. W. Marshall and Cyrus Ritenauer, for disorder, were each fined 43 and casts. The Council Committee on Kail roads is called to meet this afternoon at two o'clock, for the purpose of considering the matters referred to it at the last session of j Council, these including the Wheeling I Bridge aud Terminal Kailroad Company j extension. Yestkriuy morning about eleven o’clock, i while Hughey Harrison was driving a j wagon along’North Main street, a boy I astride a sled, came bolting down Eighth street and ran right under the horses. Hughey, who is a very careful driver, was able to jump his horse over the little fel low, and he escaped injury. John’ and James Sutton were arraigned before Justice Davis, yesterday afternoon, on a charge of attempting high way robbery on the person of Henry Bar rows, of Fatrview, Marion county, as nar rated in yesterday’s paper. The defend ants were*held to Court, and were commit ted in default of *300 bail, for the grand jury. ’Os the Kith of this month there will be a wedding at Madison, Nebraska, iu which the contracting parties will bo Mr. J. S. Kobinson, an old Wheeling boy, and Miss Kate Bohannon. Mr Kobinson formerly studied law here with Hon. John O. Pen dleton. and was for some time a prominent member of thcold Bryant Literary Society, of the First ward, llis many friends here send congratulations. The Victor Elevator und Mills Company has been incorporated for the purpose of buying, handling, storing and selling grain, Hour, feed, hops, hominy, meal and all other products that may be manufactured from grain of all kinds, manufacturing such products and doiug a general milling, manufacturing and merchandising busi ness. The office is to bo kept at Morgan town. Capital stock l-'toi). The Women’s Christian Tem|>erance Union conducted a very successful meeting at Evangelistic Hall last evening. Mrs. Jones, wife of the Presiding Elder of the M. E. Church, presided. A quartette of young ladies contributed to the entertain ment of those present. Mrs. Lynch gave a very delightful reading. Rev. Dr. D. A. Cunningham gave a practical address, which made a deep impression. Prop. Engle’* piano recital takes place this evening at Germania Hall, and a well selected programme of unusual interest will be rendered. Many difficult and pleasing numbers are to be executed, und all music loving people who attend have a treat in store. The recital is not given for the benelit of auy person, the object being to accumulate a fund for a perma nent musical organization iu this city. The bazaar and supper given by the ladies of tin M. E. Church, on the Isl land. last night, was a social and finan cial success, unite a handsome sum being | realiz<“d. An appetizing supper was served from five to eight, which was - well patronized. Several booths, tastily ! decorated, and laden with a supply of ! refreshments aud fancy articles, were in charge of tie- ladies, and the sales were brisk. The affair was a most enjoyable | one. l.OST BOV. When the boy was Iasi seen he was ! dressed iu a brown suit of clothes, knee j pants, fur cap and beaver overcoat, and when found was having his picture ta ken at Plutner’s, he having purchased a : contract ticket from one of our agents i who are now canvassing the city for our elegant Crayons and Photos. Secure your contract tickets front our agents if j you wish to take advantage of our spec- j ial offer. Remember these tickets are ; only being sold for a short time. Pi.omek, Photographhh. 113s Main street. Wiikat A Haxciiki: can give you a bettor assortment of Silverware and at lower prices than any one in the city. L. S. Goon sells Dry Goods the cheapest. Ilnrgainx In line Clocks at II. K. Hillman Jt Co.'s. PnoK. Cl'MXOCK is of commanding presence, his magnificent voice is under perfect control, his gesticulation is graceful and appropriate, and lie pos sesses wonderful power fn facial ex pression. l’rof. Cumnock will give se lect readings at the Y. M. C. A., Tues day evening. Seats can be reserved at n o’clock this morning. The Cloak House of W. Va. Our stock is still complete: do not de lay and purchase your wraps and dresses now. Emsiikimkk’s. The Illchest Authority. The people who are competent judges all agree w ith one voice that H. O. Hoff has the best line of Hoots and Shoes, Slippers and Rubbers, in the city, and at prices that will -nit every purchaser. Among some of the bargains is a men's Cork Sole Shoo, former price S.voo. now >3.30. Fancy Slippers from 73c to SI.30; Women’s Fine Shoes at ?2.25, worth S3.00. Call and see Mr. Hoff and be convinced that the styles he will show you. and the prices he can give you have never been approached by any other house in this city. Is anticipation of the holiday season, I have selected and have now in stock an elegant line of choica jewelry novel ties. Persons in search of presents are invited to eall and examine my stock. Ail goods sold at a close margin. A. F. Stapvkb. 2147 Market street. Wheat a Hantiiku have the finest assortment of Watches and Jhamonds in the city, at lowest prices. II. E. Hi luiauS Co. Intve a large assort ment of tine Jewelry at low' figures. Prof. Ci mnock’s readings are amoug the best entertainments offered to thu public. Seats reserved at the Y. M. C. A. this morning for next Tuesday’s en tertainment. Honey *ave>t by buying jronr Silverware at U. E. HIl.LMAN * CO 'a. THE NEWS OF THE DAY. Arrested for Stealing* Officers Gaus and Herbert ast night arrested two men who gave their name.' as John Kelly and Thomas Murphy, for stealing a Prince Albert and an over coat from the B. & O. roundhouse, be longing to M. E. Newman. The over coat had been sold to Jacob Dungee, . colored man, for 81.50, but was after ward recovered. Federal Court. In the Federal Court nt Charleston Tuesday John Loftwitch was lined 8100 and costs and given 30 days on a plea of guilty to a charge of violating the In ternal Revenue laws. The rest of the day was occupied in the trial of the damage suit of Lonsia M. Craig, admin istratrix vs. tlie Mt. Carbon Company Limited, for killing her husband, who was run over by cars on the railroad. Two Accident*. Yesterday morning Win. Marooney. who is employed at Sweeney s foundry, had three fingers of his right hand bad ly mashed. He was lifting a heavy mass of iron, when it slipped and fell upon his hand. Dr. Brannon dressed his wounds. Wednesday morning at the same place, John Wass had his left arm and leg bad ly bruised by a piece of iron falling oil a truck and striking him. Ho will not be able to work for some time. Inspecting the Paviug. A committee of prominent citizens of Avondale, a residence suburb of Cincin nati, were in the city yesterday, examin ing the paved streets. They were shown around by Mayor Seabrigbt, and expressed themselves as much pleased with the paving. They departed for their homes nast night. The commit tee was composed of the following gen tlemen: Cl. HalertufT, <J. H. Mitchell, W. 1). Henderson. S. L. Dana. tV. II. Alout, Dr. J. M. Scudder, T. Flaherty.. A. OfTner, H. Allnott, J. F. Walton and M. 1). Booher. Attempt?'! Robbery. About ten o’clock last night a man, returning from Hridgoport, was at tacked by a negro at the last approach to the back river bridge. lie had SCO in his pocket, but his assailant did not secure it, as his cries brought persons living in tho vicinity to his assistance. The negro followed him from Itridge port and took advantage of the dark ness at the end of the bridge by cover ing the man with a revolver and de manding his money. There is no duo to the robber. There is no light at the east approach to tho bridge and it offers a good lieid for footpads. l’olicc Itusiiic** for December. Of the 98 arrests made by the police during November, 41 were for disorder ly conduct, 33 for drunkenness, 15 for vagrancy, 3 for violating rules of the I!. 1*. W„ 1 for carrying concealed weap ons, 1 for abusing an oflirer and 4 mis cellaneous. Of the total number 42 paid fines, 3-1 were committed, 12 dis missed and judgment was suspended in incases. The largest number of ar rests by one officer was by Herbert, 14. Of the prisoners, 82 were white males. 13 white females, 2 corlored males and I colored female. Of the prisoners go ing to the workhouse. 13 paid out and II were pardoned. One hundred and ten men were kept over night at the City Hall. The lines paid amounted to but $375. Twenty-four dogs were killed during the month. Music'll Relicursiil. There will be a grand rehearsal by tho Opera House orchestra at Arion Hal! next Sunday evening. The follow ing entertaining programme will be ren dered: "Ruiiian Triumph March from tin llxllft M.-s-alina" .C. A. Rnid.-i Ov«*rtur«—"Schauspicl".C Itach Waltz—“On the beautiful lllitm.-" Keh-r-llela l.ram! Selection from “I.a Traviata" ..Verb 1’i/zicato Polka—"Auf Jcr Haste!' II Wei-.. Flute Solo—“Ini Klietlorbusch" . ..W. Popp llutuorou< Potpourri—“Kin Jahriuarkct in Kraehwlnkel".— A. Scbreiuer (a> Ouiet Morning. (hi Arrivalof Visitors, (31 Parade oT the Rifle Company, id) Dime Mu seum. ie) Hear s Dance, to Carousal, (g) Little German Rand. (Ic In the Circus, (it Italian Organgrimler. (k) In the Tavern, ill Public Dance with Kizhi. “Sereimtn tedcska" for Violin and Stringed Instruments.Fiedler “Hussar's Ride"..Splndler Intellectual Entertainment. Alt evening of humorous and dramatic reading by Prof. It. L. Cumnock, will bt* the next attraction in tiie Young Men’s Christian Association course of lectures and entertainments. The Morn. IngVttll of Harrisburg, I’a., lias the fol lowing to say of his reading in that city: “The entertainment which Professor Cumnock, of the Northwestern Inivor sity, gave last evening in the Crat e Methodist Church, was a remarkable one iu everv rcsp**ct. No such elocu tionary and dramatic representations have ever been given in this city. No man lias ever read in our city who pos sesses such magnificent gifts—approach ing histrionic genius—as those which give Prof. Cumnock his well-deserved fame as the finest reader in the land." Seats can be reserved at the Y. M. C. A. buiiding at 9 o'clock this morning for tin- entertainment on next Tuesday uight. Denlul by the Firm. To the Editor of Iht Regitirr. Sin:—In your issue of yesterday morn- j ing I see that the organizer of the j Miners’ Union for this district stated i that there was a strike at the Klin ' Grove mines. 1 will say that there is no j truth is his statement and that this is not the first time that he lias misrepre-1 seated tho miners of Elm Grove. There I was not three miners discharged as he i stated. We discharged the bank boss ! for incompetency, and his son who was j traper for using bad language to miners and employes, and there was also one | miner discharged for drunnennnss and J for not tilling his coal according to in structions front tho bank boss. And we j would also say that when Mr. Moran , published that statement lie knew it j was false from beginning to end, instead i of thirty-three miners going out as lie stated, there was but fourteen, and Un balance are at work as usual. (Sighed. | W. T. CiiAMitKRs Co. A Pitvsit ai. Wre< K.—I hud an attack of Rheumatism in that tormented me be* vond description or express on. I endured it for months and months, and took inodl cine without receiving any betieiit. Loss of appetite soon broke my health down, and 1 was fast becoming a physical wreck. 1 then pave up all medicine and took a thorough course of Swift's Specific (S S S.), which entirely eradicated the disease I from my system. This was sevou yeats ago, anil I iiave not had any symptoms of u return of the disease. Cuakj.esJo.ves, London, Ohio. For Ladles in Mourning. We offer 50 four-fringed black cash-1 mere square and long shawls. , K.MSlt KIM Kit’s. II. K. Hillman * Co.'s prices cannot be beat on 14k Gold Watches. KKAI. ESTATE MARKET, lie. ds of Transfer Left for Record Tester The following transfer of real estate was left for record at Clerk Hook’s office yesterday: Deed made December 3, 1890, by Isaiah Warren and wife to Edward \\. : Schaefer, for part of lot No. 4. in square No. 7, on the east side of Main street. Consideration, Sh.-tOO. Special Apron Sale. Everyone of our aprons is made tucking, and all on a lock-stitch nia- j phipe, and aye nicely made. JSmsiieimf.k’s. All kinds of defective vision of the j old or young corrected. Eyes tested for 1 glasses without charge by Prof. Sheff, the scientific optician, corner Main and Eleventh streets. Closin’*; Oct—Our boys' solid leather working Shoes, at 37c., at Hasknai ku’s Sjiok Stork. 11. E. If illiuan A Co. will aell Diamond* at a very low figure for the neat 00 days. GotoH E. Hillman A Co. to bny your Watches. the new field FOR INDUSTRIAL ENTERPRISES IN EASTERN j WEST TIRGISU. What Mr. Clartncu Irwin Says of Charlestown and the Eastern Pan-Handle as a Coming Iron Manufacturing Centre. Messrs. Clarence Irwin and George Adams, two of the committee appointed by a meeting of business men, held some time since, to proceed to Charlestown, Jefferson county, and look into the prospects and plans of the Charlestown Improvement Company, recently organ ized at that place, arrived home at noon yesterday, after several days spent In investigating into the matters commit ted to their care. A Rkoiktkii reporter met Mr. Irwin soon after his return, and asked him his impressions of Charlestown in particular, and the east ern part of the State in general. In re ply the gentleman named said: “We have given the Improvement Company’s plans and resources a careful and close investigation, and I am thor oughly satisfied that they have a splen did thing. We will so report to our principals. They have iron oro of fine quality, in a practically inexhaustable ( amount, and fuel is as cheap or cheaper , than with us. I consider the neighbor- j hood a very advantageous one for the manufacture of iron, not only by reason of the natural advantages I have ennui- j crated, well for the dose com- , muuieation they will have with the! Eastern and Southern markets and their proximity to tide water. There can be no doubt of the superior advan tages of Charlestown and the eastern part of the State in general, and that whole region is now undergoing a development which in a few years will change the conditions at present existing over a wide extent of territory. The railroad development especially is al most beyond belief, and one must go over the ground to appreciate what is going on. Tiie West Virginia Central will accomplish wonders, and so will the road to be built and now building by Pittsburg capitalists. I feci warranted in saying that the completion of these roads, and others projected, reaching into the great coal lieldsof the southern portion of this State, will revolutionize, eventually, the Conncllsvi'.le coke busi ness, and very considerably disturb the conditions under which iron and steel is now made in tills part of the country. In my opinion, Charlestown presents a magnificent opening for the erec tion and successful operation of a Structural Iron Company, and the Ber lin Structural Iron Company, of Con necticut, is now examining into the matter. If they do not conclude to em brace the opening presented, 1 will en deavor to interest some of our people here in the matter. Iron can be made there from one dollar to five dollars per ton cheaper than here in Wheeling, and if steel is to lie used, the steel plants C-lotltiitfl—5. ©tmMinjj & 0'c>. WE WON’T Buy Shoddy Goods, therefore WE CAN’T Sell you Shoddy Goods. WE WON’T Try to foiee you to buy, therefore, WE CAN’T Offead you at any time. WE WON'T Charge you Exhorbitant Prices, therefore, WE CAN’T But give you value for value. Try to please you - - WE WILL. Try to lit you - - - WE MOST. Try to retain your patronage WE WILL Try to seen re the Best Clothes WE Ml ST, IN A WORD WE WON'T and WE CANT do anything you don’t want. WE WILL and WE MUST do everything you in reason ask. !tcu» iSlbucvtiacmcute, OUR STOCK IS NOW IN GOOD SHAPE | -FOR THE HOLIDAYS Everything new, no old stock. We are receiving daily choice pieces of Crown Derby, Doulton, Royal Worcester, &c., on: OV X IMPORTATION'. Diamonds, Watches, Jewelry, Clocks, Silverware and Novelties —AT LOWEST PRICES.— :3T.v'0]p Agents for STERLING SILVER INLAID SPOONS and FORKS. All l’rires the Lowest. Wheat& Haneher, .1 K\VF.I.F.RS AND SILVERSMITHS, No. 1231 MARKET STREET. ■Renter & fti’vrmaun. COULD READILY PERCEIVE THAT Holise & Hermann -IX)ES AND WILL SELL YOU More Goods For The Least Money THAN ANY OTHER HOUSE IN THE CITY. £2TRemember that we are “The House Furnishers,” fOH CASH OH OH EASY WEEKLY OH MONTHLY PAYMENTS. 1300 MAIN STREET. being erected at Basic City and else where, will be of convenient access. All the materials necessary are more con venient thnn either Pittsburgh or Wheeling, and the communication with the South and East is all that could be desired, both by land and water. Here in Wheeling endeavors have been making for years to get up a structural iron Cotnpany. but the conditions were not favorable. Now, there is an oppor tunity presented which cannot be ex celled anywhere, and it is but a ques tion of time when it will bo snapped up.” ... Mr. Irwin was quite enthusiastic about the general advantages of the eastern portion of the State, for iron manufacturing, and said the coming few years would see a groat industrial system inaugurated in that hitherto peaceful and quiet agricultural region. N Envoi's debility, poor memory, diffi dence, sexual weakness, pimples cured by Dr. Miles’ Nervine. Samples frte at The Logan Drug Co.’s and H. B. Burt s and at Bowie Bros.’ Bridgeport. The Cornet Wur. We are in the swim for a few days, u> reduce stock. We eiTer our Tampico, Ball’s, Duplex, and several Sl.oo cor sets, at 7.>c; Woman’s Health and 300 Bone 81.2.-* corsets at SI.00; Her Majes-( ty at $3.00, worth $’1.75. We recom mend to our trade Thompson’s glove (itting, the P. X. & <.’. B. We will re fuud the money to any purchaser of these brands, that Is not perfectly sat isfied with them. We also offer Ferris’ misses and children’s waists. Emsiikimku’s Eleventh Street. Tiie agents representing Plumer, the Photographer, surprise the public with his special offer. It is so very reas onable. Have you secured tickets? 1'bok. Ccmxim k is a man of the first j rank in his profession. The best thoughts of great orators anil writers, rendered even better than they them selves could render them, cannot fail to furnish a rare entertainment. Hear him at the Y. M C. A. next Tuesday. Seats reserved this morning. Greatest sale of American watches for the next «0 day* at H. K. Hillman * Co.’s, No. gS Eleventh street. Hand painted Handkerchief Holders, something entirely new, at Emsjieimkk’s. Itargalns In 14k Ladles' and Gents' Gold i Watches at II. K. HILLMAN A CO.'S, No. 28 Eleventh Street. . GRAND 0 c qenther, OPERA HOUSE, j Manager. —SPECIAL AXSOl'XCEMEXT— SATURDAY, DECEMBER 6th, i Afternoon and Evening. I Reproduction of the new Musical Comedy, A BOXING GLOVE! Ily the Original Company. DON'T FAIT TO SEE IT. PRICES-15. 2ft and .7) cents. Xu extra charge for reserved seats. On sale at Weir's llat store. deft $lcw 2lbvcrtt0*ment0. Atlantic Tea Co, TEA IMPORTERS AND COFFEE ROASTERS. \\V can and will save you money. It would be useless to make thin assertion if we did not buck it up with convincing proof. W’e want your trade. We will give you full value for your money. We show you in plain figures what our prices are. and we know full well that no other house in the State can self the same .jua'ity of good* at. OUR PRICES: Standard A Sugars, 1C!i lbs for.El 0) Standard Granulated Sugars, l.VJ &■' for .. I tW Sultanna Prunes, 124c, 2 lbs for. 25c New Knglish Currants,dl*c, 4 lbs for. S>e New Valencia Raisins, 10c. 2‘ . Ibs for. 25o New Layer Valencia Raisins. 124c. V for 2Sc New California Prunes, per B>. 15c New California Grapes, per B> . be Standard Tomatoes, 3 Tb cans, per can ... Pc Standard Sugar Corn, per can . 9c Baker’s Sugar Corn, per nan. 1:X‘ Standard California Peaches, heavy syrup, per can. 25c Standard California Apricots, heavy syrup, per can. 2Sc New California Bartlet Pears, heavy rup, (Korean. 25c New Peas, e>4e. ■! cans for. 25c New Beans, 6*4c, -I can* for. Sic Mustard Sardines, fr’.c, 3 cans for . Sc Oil Sardines. 5c.s cans for. 25c Canned Salmon, 124c, 2 cans for. Sic Three cent Bar Soap, 10 bars for. Sic Five-cent Bar S<iap, 7 bars for. 25c Clothes Pins, per dozen. Ic CLUB ORDERS. Our Club Order Department 1> growing in fn vor. Our liberal offer t» pay freight i>u all or ders amounting to tIO und upward. {Sugar ev cepted) ha* made lor us hundred* of customers within a radius ol -JUO miles. CHINA DEPARTMENT. I ii view of the increased demand for this class* of good* during the holiday*. We have added to our immense stock new lines, all the Latest Patterns and Decorations, and will sell at prices that will astonish the purchaser. Teu Sets. Adamantine, plain, .VI pieces_t 3 00 Tea Sets, Adamantine,decorated. 56pieces 4 .VI Tea Sets, Under Glaze, English decorated. fit pieces. .. 3 its Dinner Sets, Under Glaze, Knc|i*h deco rated. 114 pieces. W :t3 Dinner Sets, Adamantine, plain, 101 pieces 6 to Dinner Sets, Adamantine, tiue decorated, 101 pieces.. 9 fJ) Toilet Sets, Adamantine,plain, 10 pieces.. 3 85 Toilet Set*. Under Glaze, English decora ted, 10 pieces. 3 33 The above are only a few of our prices of foods that are well known. Our stock consists nf the 'lnest. ATLANTIC TEA CO., 1109,1111 and 2269 Market St., 19,21 and 23 Twenty-third St. WHEELING. W. VA. Ne Lead, Let Those Who Can Follow. TM1E GREATEST DISPLAY ON I EARTH! I’rce show of l.'JOO additional Winter Sample.* more than all Wheeling merchants <■ mhim d -for Gents’ Suits. Overcoats and uniform, just eccived from Waliainaker .V lirown. of Phils rlphia. Thirty-three i»-r saved and tit guaran eed. ' J. W. KEKREL. Agent, noil Cor. Twentieth and Mam Streets eiothtaft §»tlc. THOUSANDS -or AND -SUITS That Must be Sold During this Month! These goods are unequalled by anything shown in the city in variety, quality of material and excellence of make, and comprise all sizes. The prices put on them a re such that the entire stock will be closed by the first of the year, when the firm of M. Gutman & Co., will cease to exist. If you want the best goods to be had in Wheeling at less than manufac turers' cost. Call at the Corner of Main and Twelfth Sts. D. GUTMAN, SURVIVING PARTNER. MAL GDTMAN, EXECUTOH. yew 3Uwrvtfecmcntfi. The Wheeling INSTALMENT 1136 to 1140 MARKET STREET. The weather is at last household necessities . omm. . with an* at once ind-i. . whldi you have d< fern inp to the mildness of u„! ,‘v, now be bought—You .-an n, ■ r ' yourself the comfort-, t( . voutohave—Inj Iy necessary tha* with every pr U blast"-What isi:.„,(,,i '' are questions of • .7 7 Vis.t ot.r ■' its in any hi is* find here sils to,: tUtCOllr ' pnees if what await, vo, •'*“ jy the foui thing and everyti sionorpea . dispensables that u-nd t, ",'il ' ful, comfortable and , . , • . , in every department v\. drives this week in eve.. We'll quote pria ■ have and never will Ik* aga. mark you it is not uceessary t. nai pocketbook tilled to take advanta • Srives. Our credit system enab Liuy on easy payments at cash WHEELIN'!! INSTALMENT ( Wfl be* to ••uil your special attei our bedding department; in that mi i ■ haps, than any other every one is at interested--Wedisplay an unpnt.i. line of bedding <>f all descriptions forts, Blunkets. Bed Spreads, etc . , inute-An endless lincofthcs. goods at very unseasonable, <i, prices are shown-In this d. you're bound to “catch on" t. you require—Things "—Goods von imagine v..ii i„.v,.r... present themselri s to turn—We any pertinent the i on offerings in goods will e:;. ,ra p new, eeaeonenh j ties at unuuest.onab e pr . . \\\ u offer full eue < cotton, at only U - •White ootb ealieoes, pretty patterns, et.iy si . w f'l.lO-Same Comfort, jarg, r s i heavier-lined, f'd.OU, former price «. Large, full si/e Satine Comforts, price £1.00, will hi- sold during t h- u only -These goods an . by competent judgn* people vvlio.o oil what three dollar comforts -1. very cheap at their regular priee, >- « in fine Salines we’ll offer some U a s.t00, that regulai .. ell for $4 very tinest, largest si/eand heaviest I n Satine Comforts, lined with Min' cotton, will !"• marked to si II at$ These are goods you pay twentj t eent. more for in any dry goods h . . The goods we offer are the best ot tin kind—The prices we name the lowi t WHEELING INSTALMENT to In eonjunetion with eoniforts wi w offer in this department Blankets m sixes at lower figures than y i wit . have an opportunity to buy. PM Blan.o • in gray and blue colors, extra ->,n ,i weight, good, heavy, warm covering, \\ sell during this week at only £.* a pat Same blankets in 11-4, same color, • pair, reduced from £i. These prices It. good for this week only-10-4 pun- W< Blankets, in red only, at ft, worth f. Those goods aii" guarantee,! pure wool cannot be Is,ught at our figures elsewhere -11-4 pure Wool Blankets, in red white colors, $5.50 a pair, reduced from »• These goods ure warranted all wool, boll, warp and tilling-Blankets will lx- s.icri tieed her»- this week. The prices do not measure the qualities-Large si/.e Wh Bed Spreads will be sold at J175, fort price -tiood u utility Spreads, si/e, 00 cents, reduced from ill Ml , ae! Come here tins week, and come early il would have double value WHEELING 1NSTALMEMT CO. 1136 to 1140 Market Street. Jos.H. McArdle, Mauager. DR. GEO. J. CADDLE, Surgeon Deatisf, Mo. 1UIW M.iKKKT StKKKT. ()v.-r Dollar Savlny* Hank v .-*1 |tm> 3H»tirrti»cme«t». Feather Tri (pipings, Boas and Collarettes, BLACK AND WHITE. For Trimmed Wraps, ALL SIZES. ALL-WOOL WHITE AND DEO Ladies', Gents' and Children's Winter Underwear OF ALL r.RADES. -STIFEL & CO. THE BEST VALUES IN LADIES* PLUSH Sacques and Jackets IN THE CITY. FULL LINE OF SIZES AT REPlICEP PRICES. I>» must hate room for our LARG-E Holiday Stock, An»l (a nsequently Offer -SPECIAL DRIVES In every department to reduce the stocks. UTAvail yourself of this opportunity. stifel & Co., 1114 Main St. 5ry §tone Sr C~homcxd. 50 Pieces 46-inch wide, Black and Colors, All Wool Henrietta Cloth at 89c a yard, value $1.25. To Pieces Roxbury and Stinsen (best made) Tapestry Brussels, with Borders to match, at 75c a yard; price everywhere, 85c. Examine Our Stock ! Examine Our Prices ! IT WILL PAY YOU ! —-:o: ST0NE&THOMAS. jpry 03oc*l*«. Great Slaughter Sale -OK Holes’, Misses' & Children's Wraps Warm weather l-»»u»us to sacrifice t!i,-m rather than carry them over, nor ilti we want to wait until the season is far advanced. They must go now. lho terribly cut figures will remove them in a hurry. $7,000 Worth of Wraps marked away liow n. lieliiemher We will save you from -‘.",c. to lo,-. on every dollar yon in vest in a Wrap. Call Early lo Avoid the Kush. L. S. GOOD. 1 1*25 ami 11*27 Main St. t OUT IN FULL GLORY I Dinger’s HOLIDAY STYLES! HATS CAPS. :*»> Twelfth ami 1031 I»i« l'sefiJl Chrislmas Pfesents! M i Prices Are Muanuittttl to In* the l.owest in H heel in,'. flaiilMOmrt*. AtMwt ityh >u I|rs. Kleitant PaMsrrn*. for 3U 1,01 Pattern* of KourtnHaud and T«*-k Scarfs, iu Silk :>u.l Plush. at 3W. »»J tUv >ull White Lawn How*. three f,-r *»' Hast White Shirt*, rav own make, in Pleated. |. k Sntm Stripe. Plain and Embroidered K. * Open Front or tk.ek.i8t u’uarautesd,. at ilk" . ?6e a«*i II 80 Kid Glove.. Iln.,1 or unlined. Plain or tur Toe- atSOc.lftr H.CO. *1 SHand II S> llest Jersey Glove* at 1 Am, j«k- and Tie. tr.ii." Ca.'hiuere MntH- r* at SO . X<" aud S V. lie.t All Silk Muiller-. at *»- $1.U>. II *and ^ Cashmere Wool and Cara, 1'* Hair Socks. *»• Cain*!'* Hair Undershirt* and Drawer* at White or Grey Merino shirt- and Draw>-ra at AV and .We. „ , „ VII wool Shirta and Draw r*. Red. Urown or Natural color* at We.. TV.. H» »*« lie-i Linen Collar*. Latest St jW*. two for ,» He.l Linen Culls. Latest Sty le*. SV. Linen Handkerchief*. New Styl* *. ai Ide ‘“kuU Wool Jacket*, all *ue*. at II »**. •» » and «*.cw. Men's Best Jersey Coats, III Siies. M. J. McFADDEN. ONE PRICE UATTER AND FURNISHER, V»0 and 1SH Market SL, nt*ar 14th, u“1? _^^^^^^WhcsDajr^W^J^^ vDAM COKE. SEVENTH D Vl t.HTER OJ \cventh *on. born With a veil, has RE Ten to So iwft Market street. >ecoud floor. ' KUk be consulted on the paat. present *Vdvice on all matter* Tell* yon f" kT i for T^ur weIIfar** in bnainew, love, ratio ’‘rouble, or tove °^b ilciu Al»tu*vti»cmcnta /' KOTICE: , \n i ll. — i a — V £'V,V-fe5; V 'tS'SC* r*V HVn. °°* ct 1 ‘ v° ‘v'a l! Isii t oltra that the tp-nllem .n»l. > |>r»*M«h - uver th»* tlotliii*1!' \*t tin* in* **ti tli"* ’.••r** Unit it in ah-mluiflt ii'*<>*":»rv t.. a.. in. post, but h.* ftiuutl that the I'-imhii. ft '*H«»hN i'"» oir. r*.* 1 In* ALKXANUKKa t •• w* r.* •*.. tempt mi; u> be Like.. win* man In* tak** ativuut ._■■* «>f at* opi»*rtunit' wlu-n In* >e.*s U. ami nli.-n he return. In* will have matin the rno't |>r>HtaMn trip tit bin lift*. ImlmtmUt <ltt *ko t***tif <i trip to ««» tton Jurirtj Hit **♦ J 1 ,’oor tCuls. lie <tr» ojfi timj •ontr •toodt ,il /.i Hti M j/ r>» will »-• rr Ae ■ >bir to ("pit ALEXANDER «Jfc CO.. | SI.t~ .VUi r. MM* MAIN STKKkT. for sale druggists & Tii^ruioMtfter K«*cor*l. | Mr. C. Sohaepf. the Op w H vase virtu <ist. made the following observations o' the temperature yesterday 7 tk n.. -;(* ■' *. m . -*7; Vi tu , 3». Up tu . 33; 7 p. m., ifit. j Weather, fair THE WKATHKK. K».r Wwhf l*« nu»>Vl: jrltna »n«l Ohio, liitbt rain or ,*ur‘11-' rrl d.*>: .oulhorh »iuJ- auJ »MHuer. New Advfrtlwuwiili. rudnu rauk. i*. : • r ' S .N* » I " • ’n‘- l*: P **>*• \ - v Uraml Opera Hoi»*e Iri»H Luck. of Lot-* *t MeMechen Wanted—|l *rU i\*al St '* .VdmiuUtrator a Notice B S Ahtovm. \V \eth ■» Brown Mixture t - n4?» Lo/.eni!»* - McLain Rn* Sachet |Vw«lrr* K H Lot roCRTH PAUK. Tbo*i*a ad* Oven-oat* »nd M. i;ut Grtnd Opera Uous* .1 !>• VIII*. I* Bargeii.* in flotlilay !>• oundlini: A l (iliO. K Kl KNKK A CO., •uccewutra to Oeo. E. Earner A ltro. aud J. C. Orr. Vttent, dealer* In Wall Taper aud Interior Dacoratlou*. tilajiug »“■* Taint ,.r,- Material*. Tutu tins. Okllaf. s»*“ Tltlntlui; amt Marti Wood tiui-.Ui.iK Will rtaora January t»l. l*»l, from So. Eleventh etrect «« >'“• SM Twelfth •tree!, building now occupied by 11. Lin. gen. uirrrhAUt tailor. Telephone 611. t‘Wk »»**' O*5 TO KELT VOI K KELT W IBM ANU IUESEKVEYOLK HEALTH Wear our celebrated Merino. Camel'* Hair and Natural Wool Half Bote Eor warmth and durability, our Superior W.od Knit Jacket* cannot be beatou. C. HESS A SONS. Merchant Tailor* and tient*' Furtilaher*. I3 *t and 1313 Market street.