Newspaper Page Text
v - m A&t»erlt«cme*ti». FIFE ASSORTMENT LIMES’ aa<ifirsts* S!U CJB3EIUS HAND-PAiKTED SJTCHETS Flttsh, Leather and Oxidized Toilet, Traielino 4 Mao'cure Cases, LADIES’, GENTS’ —AND — CKILDRFX'S —'.skill fcKkffdiefc.—, ^BRlG-R-BRftG !• i SEALSKIN SACQCES. > SEAL SKIN CAPES \ i seal skin ucrrs 1 i MONKEY MIFFS. * WOOL BEAL CAKS < i VSTKACHAN DOLMANS , 4 FINE IMPORTED WRVP < 1 PUSH JACKETS. 1 FLUSH COAT8. 1 ) CHILDREN S COAT' i 1 FUR RUGS. | FINE ICRS. 1 1 t BOAS I . ■ : . ; WHITE BLANKETS i USEFUL PRESENTS -fOl Youi\? aivdOld STIFEL & CO. SWANS' DOWN’ COMFORTS. PE US! VS SHAWLS. LACE CERTAIN’S. SILK CERTAINS. PORTIERE CERTAINS TABLE LINENS. TABLE SETS. HANDKERCHIEFS. MEFFLI IRS andSCARFS. lvCe collars. COLLARETTES. STAMPED LINENS. CUSHION'. < IIIN V DRAPING >ILKS. Our bilk, Dress Goods and Fine Trimming Departments arc Stocked With the Newest Novelties. plack Silk Warp Henriettas. nr STORE Ol'EN EVENINGS, BEGINNING SA ITRUAV. I>E» ■ E ,yja8 Jlvy d»oob»—§tone S (Thoinn#. STONE & THOMAS. [ X. ]! HEADQUARTERS FOR Paris Robes, Silks, Cashmeres, I Ienrietta Cloths, Broad Cloths, Cloaks, I handkerchiefs, Mufflers. Silk Umbrellas, Fur Sets, Leather Bags, Silk Tidies, Toilet Cases, Kid Gloves, Blankets, Rugs, Lace Curtains, At Ptices That Can't lie Duplicate. Slone & Thoijias. rarop^n at Mi-lit af>r S)iturJ >Y. l>.T>»miwr 1 .itli. until I ItrMinas. * Jlrn (rttfoi*#. Grand Display HOLIDAY GIFTS! .1 .1- - ... . 'r ' ' t ..v olfe.Ua We Uv« ever ra.ui--. we nave a <• te line of Ladies’, Hisses’ a Children’s Wi^APS r. -rratlv fe»lu* •>! | rl' > ■ X-verhave n-iolTen ,1 iu'lt 3 - u.. e a, ■ I- in Vnibfaila*. Haudfcer chief', vi* MuMI-T' r-.ilet > •«'. Glove-.. L-tdl-* in I i hi Mr**!»*•* Fur>, Sbji'v|i, I*‘ .i ,.r a-l- Tow 1'. I,.t.:. ciothi. Law Curtai l'. |;,..| -ri'. ..nil .* u my other .... nuiii-MU' to memi •». 0 m ■ 'll ’.lel I- »' around, >"U in- weloon. L. S. GOOD. I 1„»:» ami 1 l it Maiu St. -- Qcuttete* DR. GEO. J CADDLE, Surgeon Deixtist, So. 1413 IUKUT ST It BBT. O**? ivliir <«»t‘i /• H .»• k MlirAd \ I VD.lM tintT-'l.' I- - - H It At till I m-l’f 31 a - lenth '. Ii-rw With u veil, haa KK MOVED to S I.Vi M.vL-1 'tr. et, '■-ivn-l t A > • n tl.e i> .'t. i n-nent 4U,I f.iti. A ' i Ice <>u all n-.i’-er. fell' veu .1, • , I.'ir-r\ -nr W. ll'in-lil hU'inee*. lo»e, 1 ,. 1,1. . . alii •' Can la-oon -...I fr -U v : in to It* l> rn. All iuteraie*. I . I I*’,.*%<** W .Ik Ul» I*. ^ ^ « > UI.H1 Eridai n *«. Dti- U». ooWwt rjijj £ i - RE \TES F DI&PLA ^ OS 1 EARTH" , .. , f I OfO.ehi.uooal Winter Sampler .ere t',,11 ,11 Ml, • Unit men-liaul' . ..-I.eui' ill • liver oat'VlJ utilfortil' JU'I imi iviI from W ananiakef tjrowu. I hili Mpua. mttythrwver^a^B^rau * i; ,H Cor. Twentieth »u.l M .-u street* UsefiJ l Christmas Presents! I|, 1‘rKvs Are Unuranteed It* >*t' th«' Lotus! in Wheel!*** Fieeet l*a9 Scarf,. the Lit.-1 »t>!f ID S«** Mutant Pattern*. f> r XV. UW lM-.fl** *f K»**r*** Hw ! i,!,J T"“ SlU and Pluah. m STf and MV. *•„« lr«— Wh. *• U»# «* "-'»‘hJ-r f“rSV t \VbP- shirt*. W> "I* i.I’ -O"1 ,*. k Satin *!«;.••. Plain and Pm»>f>*.d* r-U «• - •in*, O; b Pr- ut or It "fc. tfit ... ud . a Kid Ukrtca lined or ULliuin.. I’Nin or fur To--a* M.U>.«l.**»»dt:SI. »>t I- r-V Ulot. - at 3* ■ ** •** »*■ fine Cadi mere Muffl, r, at ». 3X- and Y*. iv,t Ail Silk Mu®- r'- «• :-v • ,, uv t! *,,lJ ^C^-timere W 'l and Camel’, Hair Sock*. Camel’* Hair I’adershirt* »ud l>ra**r» at !< \V idle *or*Gtvy Merino Shirt, and Uriavraal 3.V*. and XV. V-l Wool Slurt* a**» Ur*"'1* K L H,ovett °r N.Ural color,, at XV.. TV . <1 «. *..» and •! d> It,-. Linen Collars. Late. *t.|e,.tn totXxa. It. *i Linen Cuff-. Ute,l Style. ie. UM iiatidk»*r**i.*e*,. *tm s:>:-- -• :*v.. ■» Jacket,, ail **e». at tt «. »1 » an d »« Men's Best Jeise) Casts, All Sizes, M. J. McFADDEN, OSE PRICE hatter aNU fcisishb. ini] l ‘!22 Market St., ut**r 14th, j32t» »■« Wheeling. W V*. &a]7 iicu» ANuei ttormirnta. — " ' - _ - •*- StK ;, - > ~ ‘ ......... fe, ,_i ‘WU.T. KCTCRff ri&j\0 'A l —‘*77- / v?V A * A r>-* rtivtMJ Hp ■ -- ‘•A’: Tv* ci ‘v it 1-n‘t t-M.-n I t..I i it*1 p nt .■ a.ttt •> ii.. J.r. M It - | , - r i1;** tl»*'iiitt**-i t»f tin- iu»-nt tit'<* v. r> itiai it 1 ill* h «!«V" >r\ t.> .rt ill- poM. bul I ,.. fi.nnil ii .t th bargain.* in bBOBS «#» I. , . .. \i KX i.MH KA t O w. r -ton li-ropt-■ .i:.>: . I- r> »i«T I tik«- a wUr in -n Uk"> ; jv tat l - »n o|.|. >rtun l> «h«-ii l:» -■»•« it. 4utl iv!. a t- rv;ur..->. i»* will h-v*- tu .J- tin | iio^t prntfiaba' trill t*f hi* ltf«*. l . l t in -l' M A" * trip to 0'ir ttor-• i'irin't 'A* u-s' four.ft* »fni-q *ou>* j .1. c> frier* that no* trill ntnr h- obit tvttupu ALEXANDER & CO.. y ... S..I . r- n-W MMX -TKt’A'T iDljctlincj Sinister. Tlirnuauuitw Ki roril Mr C. Sehnepf. tbe Opera Houm ilrun , <isi. made the foltiiwin.T observation* of tic teniperat.irv yesivnluy: 7 a. in . J& : y i. in., W; l*i rn.. A*», X p. in ,~ p. ci-. :’-‘ vVuaiiber, anow. TIIK WKAIHtIK. U V HMIW. II C I.. - I' f • WmI .-rn IVunvvlv ml. aial W.*t V,r ^t.tia. Jui inir Tlvur'ii ..' . u«.rtlnvW*flv vviuvls *lt|{ht]v , warmer. New .Advertisement*. second ran* To Junk lh‘tier* M R. WulH It. nt fw-> S' ■* II U" K.1*0 Cream— K II Li*t s * " »l Pr> paratloa lor II >!i lay Iran* wen. ■ X. r» v lor nu RTH CAUIC. I t iDii'it'o I t. lb!! ul A l**> Democratic Senatorial CuBvettlioo \Ve arc tolly prepared t'» meet .ill price* lo AVateXc*. Idamolids and Jewelry. wiinrt it anchkk. Jeweler*and Silversmith*. II. K MILI.MAN A *<». is the lowest priced house in the city for Silverware anil Flue Jewvlry. So is eleventh Street. L A l»IKs’ W ATCHKS. We arc havlujj a treat sale 1“ Ladies' Watches Vou can gel from us a good Solid Isold Case, with tlglu or Waltham stem Wiud Movement, fully warranted, for t»;0 M. W UK AT A It ASCII FI*. Jewelers and silversmith*. II. K HILLM AN A CO. have ju*l rewired ,ome choice pieces of Hue Silverware, which will lie sold at low figures. No. iS Eleventh street. trank's Auvtiou sale of lore dectoe • W atches continue* every « veiling f*t 7 o’clock this week At. II. FB AM* A CO | ill I vlarkct street. Just received fifty Bovs’ Hunting Case Siver stem Wind Watches. Nickel Move ment. Aiiicricun m ike. Former price • !*. reduced to Sit Ad. If. K HII.LM.AX A CO. 11. K Hii.i.'i vs .v Ct\ will make an other id per cent, reduction on silver plated ware. All now goods. ->K..a ciith t»t. _ Yot should sec the small soft of bo*** in tine cloth anti half calf bindings fron. two to six volumes to set. lhe hot . t Praam- in thomo.-t attrgeUAe form. Sfamvn aV kntom. 11. K. Hillman <fc Co.'s 14k Watch i' stamped 14k. Notice. Tho.'O intruding to have their > ho* Urvii's pictures taken at our studio w . tind it to their advantage to come in th< morning aud avoid the 1138 Main street. , ** _. . , ihnro ;<• t Dilference in the Price of Diamonds. lltce is a Difference in Diamonds! There .s a u.iierence m n There is a Difference in Dealers in Diamonds DIAMO. is !S® You Want the Finest Gem at the Very Lowest Price!'i"S ^“Y'iKk.^nij i»S.W; OWStf jkt ..■*...•••'. I. G. DILLON <fc CO., - -1223 Market St. THE SNOW STORM WdES SIRU K WHEELING TSSTERD1T NOT iQUAILED FOR YEARS. Bi^s AiaM Su'P’ndei, and Considerable Ua ud Mncb Uisc.mfort Rialto—Wires IV-Avn and Trails Delayed. A SN< >\Y storm, lh<> tike of which lias not been «• on in Wh' cling since the ni in o r a b 1 e blizzard of Feb ru iry. l'si, 'truck this city and sur rounding country about four o'clock yesterday morn ins. and raged without a mo meat'* interruption until lute lust nigut. Tie ■ ins* qiK nee.' w ro far-reaching and disastrous. l» i- iii'*'- w k at! but uspeuded, ve hicle traffic was hindr.J, the electric car lines wci • unable t» move a wheel, ra.iway trail.' were thrown many hours behind tim°, trid hundreds of telephone ami t k |nip twi es were br ■ • so, wdly crippling th*1 telephone system of the ity a'.d siirrou.cling towns, and effeo I Whi ■ r from < om* mm..ear.<*H v. ti. tV* outside w *rld until evening wln*n a e. .; ! of lines were rigged up to P'ttsburgb. The loss -1 do!! *rs and cents is diffi cult to estimate, even approximately, bui will rei*h a larg fit ir • ia the •g pregate. The C. D. .v iv tompany is out about >7.o1': ttn* \V. -t* rn t'nion will i srly as mod to get into siuji-ag.; lit ' ha-lust something through t! er ppl re of the !ir*— systeu.: tie r.« ro ids had many vexatious delays, b will a cost money, and i!.. mss of business to merchants, particularly to the r'tail trade, will cut a very pretty figure. Whether all this will be -upuiem. nted l.y additional loss by reason of an ambi tious river, remains to be seen, but -liotil! the i\istdig heavy snowlall, which mu-t be much larger in the mountains than !»<■:■** in the city, go otT with a r.i'n or a warm >j»• ■!i, there i.s pretty certain to be a very r-speelable stage of water. How mi: -i staru.i*. it began t>* snow early Tuesday . veuing. after a day an 1 evening of de i ided dampness, and by seven o'clock that night* the earth was dirty white with i e>cup isition of slow, water and >hish. Tim -now continued to fall in a moderate -ort of way until about three o'clock in the morning, much of it mclt i :g simti after it struck the earth, but enough r-matmtig > cover the ground ■i ps twi ... i es. As morning approached tin* snow storm in n ased :n severity, with a steadily fall ing barometer, and by eight "cluck per hap as mil' ll as • ight or ten inches iiad hi i n de;M-i . !. but being v-ry wet, half of ii bad mu I led while the rest was com pleted into a particularly wet ml n. i-. -1 is’,, which clang t-. everything w.tfi i>: tc •,!. iiy id brickyard mud 1 .I - ill h i-i - I'Vposed to tile storm u ■ whit*. :-i-t.- an 1 tr< < - were monu li e!:: s to the snow king, and telegraph and t- 1 -phone lies were long festcunsof snow, . lien us thick us a man’sarm. and putting a tremendous on the lines and posts. Ti e streets wit- n did g but beds of slush, by this time, through which pede..? rians wad' d with a despairing air. id the I irde * S .rt of wi.-k not only to keep their feet, but to draw af'.r them even the lightest vehicle. Ilo’.v rut: WIRI- WKNT DOWS. As early a-live or six o'clock in the tin.ruing telegraph and telephone wires began to bn ak uni r the accumulating weight of wet snow,especially upon th • a-ien-hin bridge, where the span is l.o • f, "t.and a- tie hours passed and the s iow i onutitl' d, the.-e breakag. s became in,.ri and more frc.fueut, aud straggling ends of wires to he seen all along the street-. Ab .'it half-past nine the liig tele phone and telegraph pole at the eoruer f M .rket and Twelfth streets went dow n with a crash, breaking olT about ten feet from the top. and cluttering up tic str> et in great shape. Robert 11 a/-1 lett. tie ■ It if f lineman of the Western l/nioti font pan v, had been working on this pole and several others jn the viein ,iy. with a force of men, and had just descended the pole at the corner and .•rossr.I ovi-r Market street when it fell with a gri at racket. '1 lie linemen went to work at once, un-ler the suporinteii denev of (ieiieral Manager C. R. Tracy. io get the wreck out of the way, hut in i few in" ut - another pole, just above tin- office, broke off in the -an,, w iy. and co upleted the disaster to the win as far as Market street was concerned. Tins falling pole- dragged down with them, not tody the hundred r n >rc « ires, and tie telephone cables carried upon them, but ai-o tore down mat v telephone w res running into business houses along the street, and the street was al tno-i :i.;»a—able f..r -evrai hours. ny of the wire- fell aero- the street railway wires, and there was a general fear of a disastrous accident from per sons coming in contact with "live" v\ir. -. pol’ being stationed in the vicinity of the wreck, together with a number of ’ ncmcn. t i warn all passers. IVde.-trians were kept from tiio we.-t -ide • f Market street. fora -<tuare south Twelfth. .- tout li as pos-ible, and those who pa-sed along the street any when' >\<r e i s c d the greatest ear> to tv I (step ping upon a wire, how ever l n n o eeut it uiUht look. With these pic ;■ a u t i o n s a n y t h i n c , like an ut ri cle n t w a $ h a p p i 1 y avert** *1. About kuif past two tlie force of linc u'u were able to cut ait the swav s wire-, ami the wrecks of poles, v. 'u their mass of elustt ring wires, were attached te wagousand hauled out of lb, -ir. i ts. The dangling wires were, coiled up and gotten ont of the wax. ai d bv evening the street was in fair sha[H>, red lanterns being hung out to warn p.-.--on* of the presence of wires. >,.on after the poles went down <>n Mirk* t -tr et, a big p de at the west . nd uf the suspension bridge, but a few f,., i away from th« island police patr»*l bos. broke off about tweuiy feet above th. ground. the cro-s arms w’th tbeir harden of wires fell on ‘mp o’ the police building. Wires had been breaking ail dur I ins the morning on the bridge, and he fall of this pole completed the wrec.v there, there not being a single wire re maining on the bridge towers out of seventv-iive, ni twelve o clock. 1‘• shut off telephone communication witn all points on the Ohio side of the river, as well as Hitting off telegraph commu nication with the west and to many up river points. , \Continual on hirst f j SMALL TALK. Minor Matter* of Interest Hrielly »n«t l-ltliilv Told i n.uRD ..F Eiucation this evening in . regular sesession. | Thkkc will t« n dance at Westwood 3 1 Hall tonight given by Gen. Hancock 1 ' Camp. lit \i.t r* art' notified bv Supt. WoM not to handle ati.' copper wire stolen trow the C. D. Jfc 1*. T’. Co. Ktv .1 M. ScitoTT will give a lecture at the First Baptist Church this evening. , which promises to bo very luteresting. Titi 1:1 was ouc case before Squire Davis vestordav. that of Minnie Thompson, for drunkenness. She was sent up for ten days. Jt 1,ut: P it li. l.a» ordered that Harry B. Seybold, and Edward Cloud, indicted tor. shooting with intent to kill, be brought oc-; I fore him at tive o’clock this evening. The lvenna Club meeting was postponed till this evening. All members vvill please attend, as final arrangements will !»• matte l for their ball Friday evening, Decern tier Ul. i Person * bolding tickets for the Madison District school entertainment, which was postponed from last evening on ac.-ount of inclement weather, can have the sanjo re deemed ou application to Prof Stevenson fni reception that was t - be gii ■ night at the Young Men's Christian Asso ciation. to Mr. A 11. Zimmerman, the State Soeretarv of the Association, hasbe-n post ponoil, ft*' word lifts boon itHV’wd *but ibt' Secretary cannot be here. There were only two eases in Police Court yesterday morning. Martin White, t at 1 ruesda iMarkei S .are saloon, was fined five dollars and costs. A vug was sent to the hill. Titrnr. will Is:- special services tfiis week in the Third Presbvterian Church. Kev .T L. Weaver, pastor of the Presbyterian Church at Bv.rgottstowu, will preach ou Thursday and Friday evenings, prepara t. ry to Communion or. next Sabbath. A ivb tear-old daughter of Pat Mor gan, the |>eddler, living in East Wheeling, met with a serious burning accident Tues day afternoon. She was too near the na tural-as tire, and her clothes caught tire, burning her very badly, and such that ii :s t ,t question whether she will live VrsTEHOAV afternoon Atari in n mu: was | arraigned before Suuiro Arklc, charged \<fith shooting at Buck Tyler I'uesduy 1 night at August Matthew*’ saloon. White | wus placed under $300 bond for his upimar ance this ufteruoou at - o'clock. Bail was furnished am! ho was released. To-nigiit is the opening of ihc Kinoes.-, and it is expected that the Opera House will be packed with people. About all the -eats for the opening performance have ! bem sold. The full dress rehearsal last evening was very satisfactory, and there is every prospect of a rare visual feast being presented to-night. Pkof Mri.Lt this (Thursday) evnenig for present and 1 &Wror$fe •*n,».ia^‘> Mm dancers will be present, and the occasion I promises to be one of the most enjoyable I of the series. The professor closed thescs ] sion with his juvenile class yesterday. lb is. W. li. (J ivniiT. of Philadelphia, de livered an interesting lcct ure at (irutid Army Hall last evening on the Principals. ! Objects and Aims of the .lunior Order of I’nited American Mechanics. The lecture was given under the auspices of Washing ton Council No and was replete with matter tint was instru live and entertain ing. WiiKv the lo<-„! military eomji my. com manded by Cap* tin B ivd. was ordered out for inspection, bv the Adjutant O- l.cral, some time ago, only about nineteen of tin members respond* d. The law provides a penalty of live dollars in tic sc eases, for noi.-attendance, and t'.tp' iii Bov-1 has plact d the m itter in the hands of Sheriff Stcenrod a -> to four cases. IIkv. H. M. Snorr will lecture at 1 !ir First Baptist Church this evening on “Parables of Photography.” Ticki t> I’.'i cents. Srxn.vv Scsiooi, Ti: vt 111:11s vni> sp fi.iHNTKNiuiN rs will find an unusual!) Inrc< and low-priced stock of Christians Cnnls iiinl liixiklcts, at Stanton & Uavkxpoui’s. Auk you using Taylor’s Best F.our? If not try it. 11. F.. At Co. can mv you money on Sterling Silver, T-i and Table Spoons. Cron .Is nn.l Crowds of people are flocking to our store to j get a pair of our own make Shoes for sj.on. These goods have been sold for years for and the people Jknow when they get a pair for S’.oo they are getting the greatest bargain ever of fered the shoe trade of this city. T util January 1st they all go for >-\oo a pair. J. 11. Lockk iC Co. Ask your grocer for Taylor’s Best Flour. Take no other. Tin: New Webster’s Iniernational Dictionary and Dictionary Stands at Stanton .C I)a\’oi:i’~. (»!Ci>t;oi: CitfMn.VCKKli, coal dealer, corner of Sixteenth and K »tT streets, is now receiving daily a full supply of Pittsburg end Home Coal, which In is prepared to deliver on short notice. Also a full supply of Ice on hand. T« ! ephone 004. Terms cash. Hi ^ your Ilk Watch at H. E. Hill man .v Co.’s. list Game Hoxes, Hone and Boxwood (’hess. Ivory Dominos, and ail the new Board H imes at Stanton .v D.WKNPOin’s. fr‘ret» for All. With every *1.00 worth of Sln>< - y>.. purchase at our store we will present you with a fine ltisqne Imported Jointed Doll. Call aud see them, at HAsEXACEU’s Shoe HofSK, Lowest Price Hoot amt Shoe House. --- | Tiie auction sale of lots in Farmers new addition to the thriving town of 1 Mingo June lion, o.. on the afternoon of Saturday, December 3'ilh, will tie a great opportunity for profitable invest ment, as they are within ten minutes walk of lots that are now selling read fly at from four to six hundred dollars, and these lots will likely go for one third that price. Orange*. I Just received, ‘.MO boxes cboic* | Florida Oranges, direct from the groves. ; For sale cheap. Geo. II. Giusox .v Bun. H. E. Hillman yc Co. have a tioer stock of W atches than any other house in the city. "S Eleventh street. The large remainder of Japanese and i other ware from last year will be closed 1 : out to quit this line. Some unique and ! beautiful goods at low prices, for your' i own use or for gifts. SrANTON .V nXVENTOIlT. Fink, assortment of Ladies* and Gent's Kings at lowest prices, at H. E. Hillman <& Co.’s. THE NEWS OF THE DAY. An Ugly Wound. Yesterday morning while L. llaunis, a buther for Sir. Xeibergall, of Kenwood, was endeavoring to kill a steer, the ani mal reared back ami struck Mr. Hannis in the face with one of its horns, tear ing Id- nose almost in two. Dr. Acker •n:< mi rendered the necessary surgical '.id. Fooled With Powder. Yesterday afternoon a five year old sou of Mrs. Kertha Menz, who lives ut tie* corm. of Forty-third and Wood streets, dropped a lighted match into .-ome powder causing a Hash which burnt his face and hair. Dr. Ford, of Kenwood, was ealied .ml did what lie ieoiild to alleviate the Htib- fellow’s suf | ferings Cireuit Com I. fn Part Two of this Court, Judge i Pauli, yesterday, the jury in the ease of Hyatt's administration v. the liiel’., !C. A St. L. Railroad Company was un able to agree, and was discharged. In the case of John Lanahan v. Mrs. j James Emblem, there was a verdict tor ! the defense. The ease of II. II. Wood v. Lizzie, ; Powers, appeal, was put on trial to a I jury oi six. pan Ouc, Judge Paul), was not hi J session. A New Hook. A hand-book ol the Kuilders Ex change of this city is in press and will be issued to the public in a few days. The publication is designed for the use of the architect, owner, contractor and j builder, and contains various rules and regulations relative to building, tables : of measurement and many valuable! items to all interested in the building : industries. Mr. J. \\. Ritchie, a former resident of Wheeling, is the editor and publisher. The 1 irst District Senator. The Democratic Senatorial Coinmil ieu for thi- district met at tin; Hudson House, at Wcllsburg, yesterday, and or ganized by electing Cul J. A. Nutter, jf Ohio county, Chairman, and Frank ■Stewart, of Brooke, Secretary. After discu.-sing the matter before them, a resolution was adopted living Wednes day, December 21th as the day for the S ‘iiatorial Conferees to meet at the Court Hoti<c at New Cumberland to se lect a Democratic candidate to repre sent the district for tin* term made va cant by the death of the. late Senator Smith. Th?»ii|;lit lit* W«> Yesterday morning just before six o’clock a telephone message called two officers to the corner of Main and Twelfth streets. There they found a stranger, who subsequently gave the name of Peter PetTer, holding on to another stranger, and insisting that he had been robbed. Tin* couple were taken to the City Hall when an investi gation showed that !’• Her had come to the city Tuesday with SOS. He had in bis pockets, and a friend bad 820 rnoi; ;ii«*I nr* n.itcf*. 114*1 tin* puliw con* cltnb d. as 1’' ff, i was full, he had spent the difference. The I’r.fpfMCil Merlrlc I iulit J*l;&nt To flu Ed •tor i »f tK* ReqUl'r: Sit::- Io the estimates of cost of an electrical plant published in this (Wed nesday) morning’s paper, the cost of a house and boilers is put down at ahout '-.'ii.iioo. if the removal of th<* water works pumping house to some point above the eity limit- is earried out next summer, the present pumping station will be vacated. In It are lliree batteries of as good boilers as are to be found in the city, and the house would be admir ably suited for, an electrical station. The location of the house is such that In* objection to an electrical station as i*i its . ffoet on adjoining property would not apply to it. A foundation for the dynamos and machinery ou solid rock can also be had there. In ;:aotli**r part of your paper is a no tice of a plan to run elevators by elec tricity. If tins city erects a plant to light the city streets, why should rot tin* pinv r to run elevators by electricity be furnished by that plant? The citv now furnishes water t i run elevators at a price below what it costs to pump and distribute it. If the eity i ould ftu nish cioorioity as a mot.ivi . power .»r le-.s than the pre.-ent- price charged for water, both the consumer and the city would be the gainers. The city would save the present loss on fur nishing water and also make a profit on the electricity, and the consumer would be beuefitted by the difference in price *if ti*** tiie two motive powers charged by the city. Will Council consider those subjects when examining the lighting of her streets by electricity? If there is noth ing in them for the city, there will be no harm done in investigating the matter and deciding so. Nothing can be done this winter, at least by the present Council, and tin* water question will be before the next Council soon after its organization. Bull: subjects should be considered to gether as a largo expenditure of money is involved in them. X. *•" * IIkaoaciI!:, Neuralgia, Dizziness. Ner vousness, Spasms. Sleeplessness, cured by j Dr. Miles’ N< rvine. S mi pics frre ut The i Logan Drug Co.’s and 1{ B Burt’s, and at Bowie Bros.’s, Bridgeport, A Ki:t:sn supply of Drummond's ■ 'Tireatest. lliing in the World" and “l*ux Voblseiirn" just received at St.wtux a i).\ vi \i*ihit’s. M.ihr Scn-ltito I’rescnt*. Buy your husband, your brother, or j your sweetheart a pair of lino chenille embroidered slippers for 81.00, and be remembered for 3tl5 days to come. J. II. Lockk & Co. j l)i>tiuoti<U. Dlauioi’tl#, at lowest figures at II. E. Hillman A C vs Eleventh street. Great Xenrt for the Hoys. Edw. L. Hose A Co. will offer during the holiday season their $40 Hoy’s Safety Bicycle. ‘-Dandy,” for S27.50, and all their wheels at greatly reduced priees. .‘■1 Twelfth Street. I: your glasses do not suit, or you have trouble to tret glasses to suit your eyes, consult without charge l’rof. Sin if. the Opt. Ian. at Lash's Jewelry Store, corner Main and Eleventh streets. Co to 11. E. Uillma.; A Co. to buy yuur silverware. Ax unusually-large and well selected . stock of late works of travel, fiction, poetry, Ac., Ac., at Stamox a- Davem’okt's. Tay t,oi;!.~ B< st Flour is a high grade article. II. E. Hu.(.max a Co.'s prices are low on Ladles'and Gents' Gold Watches. 2s Eleventh street. There is no risk in trying Taylor's Best Flour. Every sael. is warranted, j Silver Cliatobtln Opeu-fiu-eU |jt<lles* YVutrlies lit 91*0. at H. t . II■ IIhimii X Co.’s. L. S. Goon sells Dry Goods the cheapest STATEMENTS OF FACT. Which Everybody Must Kmlnrie hh liclnc Absolutely Correct. To have been continuously in one bus iness for forty years, is a great record. To have labored Incessantly, intelli gently and conscientiously for four de cades, to bring to perfection any article of manufacture, is something of which •my manor association of men could , well be proud; while it goes without j saying that anything upon which all this wealth of labor, experience and in | telligent effort lias been lavished, must ! ;it least have a foremost place, among i articles of its class and kind. To have strived ceaselessly for almost halfaccn i turj in behalf of any device means th it i. lias been brought to a stage very near j | perfect ion. and this inevitable result has j followed the endeavors of those of I j which we write. ! Prior io 18.10 the gentlemen now coin-' i prising the firm of Kranich A Bach, pi- j | ano manufacturers, were engaged with ) the then celebrated tirm of Steinway *v j I Sons, where they mastered tin* art ot j 1 pianoforte making. Thun tlmy left the | i linn mentioned, and began to tnanufac-! ntre pianos for themselves, in :i <jni< t | i and modest sort of way, aiming to turn [ lout an instrument which should possess j fall the good qualities of any other on j ' tlie market, anil in addition such im-j I proveuicnts as were suggested hy an j ! already large experience, aud the result! of this endeavor, steadily adhered to j through a long series of years, has i been such that to-day they maim- i fai lure an instrument which is uni- j versally recognized to be fully up [to the standard, and satisfying! all the r*•lufretuents of the most exact ing musician. Experts in their profes sion, they are the acknowledged author-1 itieson every and any point connected j with the mechanism of the piano. The reputation of the house of Krauich & j Bach among piano makers and the trade is of the highest, and whenever dealers or rival uianiifactur* rs speak of j, them, it is always to this elfect: “Yes, | they build a good, honest piano." That; expression embodies the highest praise I given in any business. ami sufficiently j fixes the position of »lie firm in th-“ i piano manufacturing world. This piano was introduce! into ' Wheeling by l\ W. IJaunier & Co. about i: i ten years ago, and so phenomenal was . its success that it soon occupied a pu.-t ! tion never before obtained by any piano. The result is that to-day there are more , Kranieli ,C llaeh pianos in actual use ; in Wheeling than of any other make — : ;i thing that speaks for itself. lint ihe strongest recommendaiion for i this piano is afforded in the fact that I they are used, preferred ami recom jmended bv the principal teachers of music in our city. i Messrs. !•'. W. Ilatimer ,v tu. offer | these pianos at such prie< s and on such terms as to bring them within the reach I of every one who wants a good, honest ; piano, a< every on<‘ desiring an Instru ! ment does. • Call and iiear these superb instrii- 1 incuts, and secure one before the boli- i day season. i> 1.11 K is misery <o thousands of people who have the taint of scrofula in their blood. There is no other remedy equal |. I to Hood's Sarsaparilla for scrofula, salt : rheum and every form of blond disease, j It i< reasonably sure to benefit all wl-.o j try It. AMIISEHKXTS. Tin: «m.nF.i:r roui’Axv. |t It was only a fair-sized audience that, witnessed the production of Mikakn, tit 1 the Hrai,d Opera House last iiiglit. Iiy 1 the Hilbert opera Company. MissSil-l vc.ster as Vum-Vum. did remarkably well, and pleased her auditors immense ly. The P-st of the east gave evident satisfaction. To-idghi Chimes of Nor- I inaudy will be given. d' v > itt... s a I b grand bail at (iermania Hall Saturday e evening, December k’Oili. Music by 1 h Hilly Mayer's orchestra. Admission >' cents. i k’ Thirty tlnrc of those varylynn Lola I’or Sale op Christmas Day. commeiic- j at 9 ook m. Take thi B. <£ (1 <). K train, or ilie Electric Motor, ami go to l! diwood Junction. Buy your -elf a home or make an inv< stment whi'di | will double in value in one year. Th*x lot* are beautifully located on ' the SimpcrW M Moclu ii farm,, Kenwood and McMi t lo n, overlooking the Ohio River and ilm improvement* [ of the B. a <» Company, an I belli i < • the new turnpike and the comity road. ,1’lat can hi seen at oflice of S. Xc*hitt. Jr.. No. 1799 Market street, or at my , residence, on tin* premises. 1Ie\i;\ Spi vii. Buy your Hk Watch at li. E. Hill man & Co.’*. We are henduuarters for Oranges. Lemons. Nuts, Raisins and other Holi day goods, at wholesale only. Geo. II. Giuson a Bito. Wheat A Hanchki: can give you a better a*sortment of Silverware and at lower prices than any one in the city. II. E. II11.1, man A Co. are selling solid *ilver at old prices. 9S Eleventh street. Wale hex. Till. Budollet Watch i* the fire st in j the world. There is nothing mad" for 9500 or Sl.OoO that can beat it. To be had only at Wheat A Hancih it’*. Jewellers and Silversmiths. Buy your Ilk Watch at If. E. lliil mati A Co.’s. Holiday Slipper*. Gi tnlemen’s Mahogany and Plush Slippers, chcRille embroidered. * 1 Red, Blue and Old Gold Plush f-1 p pers, solid colors, *1.00. 7.1 patterns in Men’s Black Velvet Che nille Embroidered Slippers for 77>e. Tin largest and best assorted line of Slip per* shown in the city. J. II. Locke & Co. INi; Taylor’s Host Flour. None bet ter. Fully warranted. Witr at A IIaxciiei: have the finest j assoi tment of Watches and Diamonds in ■ the city, at lowest prices. C.M.r. on II. K. Hillman A. <«>. tlii wcek. Pi t 'll. Leather and Olive Wood I’ho- 1 tograph Albums in new and regular shapes. Ask to see our 32 Silk Plush ; Album, worth *3.50. Staxtox A Davenport, i»<lip* the Whole Stale. West Peaixs, Kv., December IT.— Considerable excitement prevails at Summerville, a small village tear h* re. Some time ago a man living near the town 'hot and killed the marshal, who was trying to place him under arrest. The murderer e.-.-apod to his home, be hind which is a large cave, in which he is in. armed to the teeth, and boa«t* that there are not men enough in the State to capture him. lie lias a-mall terrier dog chained near the entrance to the cave, which gives the alarm when any one approaches, a large reward is offered for his rapture. • ! THE GOOD WORK ' o? developing wssr virgin:* going brave ly ON. C'l. Bsoj. Wiista Talks ALjut the W.-st Virginia aad Pittsburg Extension t> the Psra sylvaaia State Lias. Col. Itcnj. Wilson arrlv< d in the • • ity yesterday from Pittsburg. Th> Colonel is looking remarkably well, and is deeply interested in tin sueeoss of some of the railroad enterprises now being worked out in the interior of this State, realizing very fully, as every d! corning citizen does, that they m< .11 great things in the way of the future prosperity of West Virginia. To a re porter of the Rimsti 1: the Colonel said: “Senator Davis ami .Mr. Elkins are very seriously considering an extension of their West Virginia and Pittsburgh road, from Elkins to the Pennsylvania State line, and I have not the slightest doubt but that a very short time will see siii'li a line completed. Two routes are now under consideration. One is for the road to cross over from Elkins, through a low gap* across to the valley of Elk creek, and thence, byway of Clarksburg, along the west bank of West Fork to Fairmont, and on up through Marion and Monongalia to the Pennsj ivanla line. The other route. i from Elkins down the west side of the Valley river to Fairmont, and thence tin; same way as the tir<t. Of these two routes tin- West Fork river lino is perhaps the better, out both open upa large extent of Hue country, and would be very valua ble roads. The matter is receiving very earnest consideration, and one or the other of these lines will surely be built In t he not far distant fut ure.’’ “How about that part of the line from the Pennsylvania line on to Pittsburg?" “That Is a matter for the Pennsylva nia people to determine, who are very much interested In such a road." “Von are not in a position to say how soon the work of construction will be gin? ‘ “No, sir; I cannot do that, but I should say that it will not be long instil i decisive movement is mad'. The peo ple favor it, Messrs. Davis and Elkins believed it is a great thing, and the Pittsburg and Pennsylvania interests generally would welcome such a road." Col. Wilson is much interested in the railroad development In t he Immediate vicinity of Wheeling, and made many inquiries concerning the terminal sys tem, and kindred matters. Col. l.}iicli la Town. i Co!. \Y. A. Lynch, of Canton, Ohio, ! familiar to those who have followed the | fortuueo of the Wheeling bridge and ITeruiiual Railway Company, arrived in ' the city yesterday, and was greeted by • many old fri«*niJd at til** Mrl/IP* !f'»l|*i\ ! last evening. Do not fail to hear Hev. M. Sliott ; lecture this evening at. First baptist Church. Clirf'ttntn* HolUluy «•»* Hit* It. & O. December 21, S.*» and rtl and .lanuary I llie I!, a (». Co. will *<dl round trip j ticket ■.’bet ween all stations wet of the I Ohio river. Ineluding Ciiieago, Wheel ing and I’itisburg, also C'.lumbtis, Cin [citinaii, and St. Louis. Tickets g«.i d j returning until .lanuarv ‘ 1 ->'>I. Ii;.|x.2«,2l,g2.2-I,2.*>. II. Iv Him.max .v < o. have a fine as sortment of Ladle*' and CentC Rings. What to Itu.v for l liii.rma* Isa puzzling question to decide. If y> u buy a jmirof nice slippers, or a pair of elegant good wearing shoe.*, you have solved the question suli.*fatoi ily to yourself and pleased your friend. A gentleman’s velvet chenille embroidered slipper costs you *I.M. blue, red or old gold slippers >1.00. black velvet em broidered slipper*. 7.1 patterns, at 7.V. Ora pairof our *2. .Hi shoe- reduced to ■*2.00, ought to make adoir.thle present. .1. II. Locki. Co. Diamoxh* at the lowest, figure at II. K. Hillman .v Co.’s. Wnu i ix(., W \ v .. Dm iisix). Mi > ,/•*. (HI llmx. a I'n. Sii.s;—15y the n*. of your bis sell burner 1 was enabled to heat my office for t he month of November for just aOe. Tin* room is )Tx.f2, and the lire was in use from x a. in. to p. m \ every day exc- pt Sunday, and burned J all the coo! nights. My natural ga* bills for September and-October com bined were just Me. Yours, (J. O. Smith, broker and Real Hstute Agent, lgg'.t Marnet St.. Wheeling. W. Ya. boi'.VH volumes of SI. Xirlioliin. liar /h r'x Fume/ /Vop/c: tl'Lie Awake, Hah>i Uinil. Suiulmj, Nuixnii mul ChntUi'Im.r for this year at Stax fox & Davkm-ohTs. *> I.adio- *m»Im! Cold Muni ini; Cum* Am#*rl- , ratn Wntrlif*- ouljr flft, Al II I). Hillman, & CO ’4. | II Coming! i I I for the ow): Tb«du»d "i afth*!*** tti t \v»* bav ahow that we kn »'v tin* ij.l- want ».f Ia*U* m;«1 ?n»*rit, t%li«*tlj«»r lb«* .»;“ cmU'JTm'. orl»>. SILK UMBRELLAS! \ greate! -;k atid a sr-*al tnJe. Our variety h timpl) amazing. * 10,000 Handkerchiefs I. idii «' Kml.ri'i l-T silk and Mnen. Linen Initial. Men - Fancy liorderrd. and Silk Muff ler-;. I. .rg< >1 varietv ever ehown. RI*ck Silk ind lll.tck Henrietta tor gill-. Heat I’.OO, H.tT>'in t SI SO Silk Warp Henrietta. H «t vain*- • o-r offered. IL'RS for I.adles and ChlMrei Muff.- n.d Boa* at ri^lt pri ■. Linen Goods 1 Our flock of Un-a Go -i. i« i.irg -r than ever before. Something ebnif " and 1 ‘autiful for the Holiday*. Plantj r H . N . t too nuinrau- to m-ntion. 1132 MAIN STREET. |ten> Senatorial CoDvenfion, I rjxnE i»rMOcu me coni - m EiM District ar-* lor. by mi •» I ; lm‘<i «t tli* I'.i.iri H')U-» in X* v. Cum ;! • J W Va n. Wednesday, nr.< i:mi:ek siitii. 11 o'clock a. in., to nominate a camlM,' i-.r St rile Senate to dll the t.nexpln <! »*-rin of th* late Senator .1 U. Smith, at an i lection le held January SU. 1831. * I A. MIU.I'R, J.-H Chairman Executr, Commitn,-. Some of The Articles of Surpassing Merit for Christinas Presents Offered l»> Ceo. I Snook <£ Co. Dress goods and Sluts! Are me. tin:? with a phenomenal -ih" this is <|u<>, first, to the jfrowln;? -enti luent. in favor of I'SEl-TL I’KKsKXTsS. ami -it jiil, to tin fact t!i; t our siork* of these are without a parallel. i?.'*Al! of uni I in> Press t»oo'l - ai'd Cloak- at eut |*ri«-* • to reiluee stork. Capes and titoles received liy nearly every express. Our Imitation ^ ai Skin Muffs fully satisfy the popular demand for a nlee nrtiele at a low pri Everyone of lie-.VM h inds.»m styles, ranging in price from SI.00 to <»o. is warranted fast blaek, with goo 1 wearing qualities. Handkerchiefs i Oceans of llundkereliiefs-and Mullers in Silk, Linen, etc.,—mer* tinmen i ill to supply tiie legions of buyers in this department. All prices from I?/ C urtains, Draperies, Drawn tV«rk Towels, Throws a.m) Sphi In r'. Table Linens, cte., et<. liri Chi'll, lira", Wood 'in 1 Hand Canted Novelties. 83y‘Siins|ilnc for LitOe Children a 50 page liook and three line ! Mined Water Color Lngruvinirs, by America’' greatc't artist, are ollered by ii' for 50c., an average price of !- e. for each. ... KM It 0U\ interest- « by c illing early In the day. heo.lM^o., mo MAIN Sl\ •t.'litlw (i* iijie. HOLIDAY HATS NOW READY -AT— Singer’s. Its Twelfth ami 10.',J Main Street. I 1138 l« !!40 MARKET . I Wo ofli: SFU'X'7 Kli a.'-oim i t, troi.ii> \\ i;, ,i i f. Practical, u-a-fij] > monts, at rock b.c . , ■*!' sit. ■staxdj.m, H.Wt.iy,, c.i iir.vKx.v. ti.r/is1 parlor r.raisk :• - i-scuiroitn.s, sechkt.vuius. HOOKCASKS i.ibuaky rritNisti i Kenicmher «v.r • our price* 11 lo- . WIIFF.LiXC IN , • j ,;| LIBRARY. CARD, CENTRE, SIDE and ELDEST!: 1 OIL E.\ . WATEi; i i , STEF!. !'\<, , \y ETCHINo PASTELS Beautiful, presents f monthly p WHKL! ■ IN i i i .;ii BCFFETS, SIDEBOARD". CHIFFONIER" HALL RACKS WARDROBE.' CHA.MBI PARLOR " LIBRARY ." DIN1XO ROOM "I . FCKNITCRl. f u!!. , (' 'iic new, select y. • • we’ll deliver it ivt:< u iP i • WIIEEl.INO IN 11 I FATHER. SILK TAIM.’SVRt; SAT IN DAMASK. SILK ELI Nil, CRCSIIEDPL! DUO ’OI’EI.I IlKTiI.v l»>ll*lictl h:ir * v he nil : . i‘Tel i HAM Hi >• > FA": CHERRY EA iKI OAK EASELS, BIO ASSORT'M IN • ' 1 Call on u* • p vurr.iut i nr pric lee. ■jUiil tn tie ,• she., : ■ I |I iVHEL'LING INSTAiJI if CO !I3G to 114-0 iV.oxd So cot. ros. H» McArdlc, Managt OUR STOCK IS NOW IN GOODS: & I -FOR THE HOLIBAVS Everything new, no old Stock. W- -ire rcr i. in diily chr pier, j of Grown Derby, Boulton, floyai Worcester,& OL'It OV N I Mt’OKTATION Diamonds, Watches, Jewelry, Clocks, Silverware end N-j/ftti * —AT LOWEST TRICES. jySole A^. i.l' for STKRLIXC SIKVKR INI.A!!) -I' and FolIKS. All Trio •• tin- Frowst. Wheat & Handler, JEWELERS AND SILVERSMITHS, No. 1231 MARKET STREET. ifjonoc A Qcmmtmi. COULD READILY PERCEIVE TH/ HoUse & Hefmi' -DOES AND WILL SELL YOU More Goods For The Least Mok;> THAN ANY OTHER HOUSE IN THE CITY 13?” Remember that we are “The House Furnishers, (Oil CASH OH ON EASY WEEKLY OH MONTHLY PAYMENT; 1300 MAIN STREET.