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WEST VIRGINIA PRINTIN6 GO., Pr»t i»biR* *bt> Paoratircm*. _ JAS. 8. TANEY, General Manager. TERMS: rcw Tim *T BAIT.. n>l*TAB* r»«T4IP DAILY, »It d»y» in tie* w<>*k. If 00 DAILY, three day* i* the week. * * , DAILY, two day* in the week. S * j DAILY, one day in the week. I 30 WEEKLY, one year. In advance. . I 00 J WEEKLY. »ix month*. ** , DELIVERED BY CARRIER. DAILY, per week, to be paid weekly. t3 DAILY and SUNDAY, per week . 18 The DAILY will be delivered by oamer ta any other city or town at. 13 Single Coplea of DAILY or WEEKLY .... I pRTTrtbutes of Respect and Obituary Notice* JO cents per inch. fWxiuuwroximxcK coxTACnm mtobtaSt K(W* auUCtTSB no* IVVKT PUT or TM* sea •ocspisu col’jmiT. Rejected communications will not be returned unless accompanied by sufficient postage. Stamps of the denomination of twoeeuts and less accepted fur amounts less than oue dollar. the RKOISTKR, nni>r icing Us several edition*, i i entered at the Tostoflce in Wheeling, IV !’«., a* second clae* matter, Parnei.1. has engaged Ireland in suicidal strife. Faster Srcci ought to enjoy his Christmas dinner. Tiie McKinley bill puts increased taxes in I’ncle Sam’s stocking. Thorough representation is a desir abie thing, but a cumbersome Congress Is not. Feed the Indians with bread instead of lead. It's cheaper and more Chris tland ike. ho w.ii.i. he a little short on hlsChrist dinner this year—more shame to the government. Chief Gall is Bum.’'* suc cessor as head of the Sioux. \No trust for the sake of peace his name belles him. The Kirmess is a grand success. A-ide from the charitable object of the entertainment it is well worth the price of admission. Kt.M* threatens retaliatory measures the Senate if it defeat# the Force bill. Thank the Loki», Rkei* will shortly step out of the Speaker's hair. Itta.n .v C«>. refused to recount New York, aud passed the gerrymander hill on the basis of Poktek’s fraudulent cen sus. Ki i n X Co. are reckless aud des perate. Wav 1# all this fuss about Attorney tieneral Mii.EKH using an official envel ope for a private letter to save a two rent stamp'.* This is a two-cent admin istration. Tiikkk have been more evictions for non-payment of rent in New \ork and Brooklyn in ouo year than in Ireland for two years. A little borne rule would not be amiss in the metropolis. Tiik M. Kinley bill has increased the average rate of duty from 47 per cent., the old tariff, to iH> per cent., to protect American labor. Have wages increased In that proportions'* We have heard only of reduction, strikes, lockouts and business failures since the passage of the bill. Tin. chief Republican organ of the Northwest, the St. Paul Pioneer Press, says: •The M. Kinluy bill has cost us a major ity in Congress. The Lodge Elections bill, if its passage is insisted upon, is more than likely to cost us the Presidency." There’s something for your Christ mas stocking. Mr. H.vwuso.x. Du. Koch never claimed that de had discovered a cure for consumption. It has been demonstrated that his lymph applied in case# advanced beyond a cer tain stage Is dangerous and positively detrimental. In the hands of reckless, or inexperienced physicians, or those who do not thoroughly understand the use for which the new medicine is iu t. nded. it is a good thing for consump tives to steer clear of. XIIK INDItPKNDKNT V.ITEK. There is a disposition on the part of sumo of our Democratic contemporaries, who are highly elated over the recent magnificent Democratic majority, to favor a Democratic campaign in 1392 on a platform, to use a softened l’aruellism j • To sbeol with the Mugwumps.” This would be a sad 1 y mistaken and nn-Dcmocratic indlcy to pursue. "Mug wump” Is an uliav of the Indcpcudcut Voter, and it is he who d *sidos political questions. This is very clearly out lined bv Senator Caiu.isi.K in his article in tlie current number of the .Vorth Anuri' tin lierittr. which was recently synopsis!/ed iu thes' columns. There is no stauncher Democrat on the face of the earth than John l». Caklim-e, and lie says; “There is a great bodv of conservative voters in this country about equally divided between the two political parties, hut uot Iilind followers of either, and «t *« Meg «•*;> ulu.tllu A»M Ih. UU'tw< “I »-T«-r <l*i *■ •<* Ih. n.ntct. While neither party can afford to abandon its principles for the pur pose of securing this vote, yet ueither can .iffonl to drive it away by the advocacy of harsh and extreme measures.” Let the Democratic party pursue the Democratic policy of legislating iu the interest of the people, taking no ac count of anything else, and continued Democratic victory is assured, lho in dependent voter gave the Democrats their victory at the last election. r«l»K OLD HO A It. Intense eontewpUtlou of the Force bill seems to have driven Seuator Ho Alt, its wet-nurse, into a stale of im hot ilitjr lie desires to raui the measure through the Senate ri<« the Rt:Kl» method. Ho wants a gag-rule adopted and has suc ceeded in prevailing upon the Republi can caucus to recommend a set of rules that will shut off debate. To show what a deplorable effect the Force bill has had on the mind of the |>oor old Senator and how short his memory has grown, we quote a paragraph from an article entitled “The Senate.* which appeared in the Youth * Co*.#*<«*<■>» of November 13, from the pen of this same Senator Hoau: . .. • _ki„ is absolutely un course. RHODE ISLAND'S MYSTERY. Hie Strange Disappearance of Prof. Ban croft. of Brown University. Providexce, R. I., December 19.—; rhe disappearance of .1. Whiting Ban •rof. Professor of English Literature ia Brown University, is getting to bean in teresting mystery. A man known to almost every man. woman and child in the city of Provi lenee vanished as completely as though | the earth had opened and swallowed him up. and the most persistent search ind inquiry reveal no trace of him. There is not a highway or a byway. « railroad route or water route leading from the city, where diligent and per- j sistent inquiry has not been made; nor is there any egress from the town through which Mr. Bancroft could pass j without meeting some person whe know him. Outside of the number of people , who would recognize him instantly, the man's personality is so striking that he . would in nine cases out of ten attract j the attention of even a strunger. His . (lowing burnside whiskers, almost snowy white, his heavy mustache, just | a tritle darker, aud his keen grey eyes are his distinguishing facial character istics. Add to this a noble carriage, j head well thrown back, a stride rather than a walk, a figure nearly, six feet iu ! height, and it seems almost incredible , that he could have escaped the n >eof | everybody. Benjamin F. Child, the Chief of Police, has exhausted all the resources j of his department. Handbills contain- , ing an accurate likeness and full de-1 script ion of the uii-sing man have been sent all over the United States. The . telegraph has been employed whenever | and wherever there appeared the re-1 uiotest possibility of discovery, and ioo ; students of Brown I niversity hav* scoured Providence aud its outskirts so j thoroughly that scarcely a shred of h:s j clothing could have remaiued undiscov ered. Xo person who knows Professor , Bancroft believes he would remain away from his home voluntarily if his | uu-utal faculties were not impair ed beyond the point of recognizing ! localities. He was retiring almost to timidity, and in constant dread lest he ! should trespass on somebody s good ■ nature or wouud somebody s feeling-. ; His domestic relation- wen* perfectly , happy, and so far as Mrs. Bancroft or ‘ her daughter knew, there was nothing that could cloud his home life. There has been no hint as yet of mur- , der, for if murder had been committed the only possible object would be rob- j bery. and eveu the few disreputable characters in Providence knew that j Mr. Bancroft never carried anything on : his person of value to tempt them to commit a serious crime. It seems in credible that a man so often seen aud recognized should disappear so com pletely. KNOCKED Ol T AGAIN. Det-lalon iu South Dakota’* Original Pack age Ca«e. Pieuue, S. 1)., December 10.—In tin; j celebrated original package case of tbe | State or South Dakota versus lieorge I H. Chapman and Wm. Koller. on a writ : of error, the Supreme Court lias reu- j dered a decision agaiu-t the defendants. This was an action where the defen- | dants were* iuformed against in the Lincoln County Court for keeping a common nuisance by selling Intoxicat ing liquors as a beverage. The Court holds that in order for the defendants to receive immunity under the decision of the Supreme Court of the i'uited States in the case of Busy v*. llordiu. commonly known as the • Original Package Case." they must show In the tirst place, that they art foreign Importers, or agents of a foreign importer of beer or liquor-; second, j that as such agents they received an ; importation of beer or liquor from an- j other State or country; third, that they . are, as such Importers or agents selling j this, importing by the original unbroken j package lu which it was imported: fourth, that they arc not making their ! house of business a tippling couceru or rendezvous of persons, bringing it with- j iu the police power of the State to de- I dare a nuisance. The Court further holds that when , bottles of whisky or beer, each sealed j up lu a paper, were boxed, and these j packages marked with the address of | the agent, the wooden boxes, and uot | the bottles, constitute the original pack age within the meaning of the decision j of the Supreme Court. TWO STOKES CLOSED. A Seuswtioual failure Yesterday iu Wilken berre. Wu.kssbarkk, Pa.. December It*.— ( A sensational failure was made public . public here this morning. tie* heaviest , that has occurred in this place for many j years. The dry ifootls* store ;it»d the j store conducted in the .. of F. 1. Orr, of Brooklyn, X. Y., were made subjects of closure by the Sheriff on judgments in favor of Frederick t ielor ; a Ac hells, of Xew York. In the sum of SJ7.OO0. and the Sheriff wa- directed to make executions this morning. Newsof the pending failure leaked out in some way,and last night,at lieur 1 y mid night. lloyd. White A Co., of Philadel phia, secured a foreign attachment against the property, their writ being served at an early hour this morning, thus forestalling the execution In the hands of the Sheriff, lloyd. While A Co., have given a bond lu the sum ot j <U\noo and retain possession of the dis puted property. The stores have been popularly known ■ as -Orr's Fair" her® and in Brooklyn, j X. y . tad kaw ... the subject of much sensational litigation in the last few years. Though the business was in the name of Flora L. Drr. it was con- j ducted bv Joseph II. Orr. her husband. | '___ McCarthy’* 9p**eh at Kilkenny. Kilkenny. December 19.—Mr. Jusiin McCarthy, leader of the opposition to Parnell, to-day made a speech in this dty in behalf of Sir John Pope Hen nessey. the aiitl-Parnelllte candidate for the House of Commons from North Kilkenny. In the course of his speech Mr. M ’Carthy earnestly deprecated such iUm i- that whi. li recently waited iu partially disabling Mr. Parnell. Mr. McCarthy warned hi- hearer* that the unfortunate assault had secured to its victim many votes which In* would oth erwise never have received. It would have, the speaker said, a most |«*rni ciou- effect in alienating the respect, and sympathy of the Irish race whether at home or abroad. It could uot be too severely condemned. Xt> LostM Will Kmu«., Minn.. December ID. _Kx-lusurauce Commissioner S. II. Andrew has been appointed receiver for the Minneapolis Mutual Fir*- Insurance Company, at the request of the com pany. Tht-eonjpauy was eorporated to compete with high rates of stock com panies. The latter hate siuco reduced tin lr rates xo that tin- business of the Mutual company became unprofitable, lienee it was determined to wind up the affairs of the company. No losses will result from the course taken. K»ll«-«1 to Se tie like Strike. Ht« Iwnm Mass., December l'.». The strike cf the Acushnet Mill spln uers is not vet settled, a committee haviug failed to reach an agreement with the officials. The strikers say they will stav out until their demands are granted Many of the weavers in the mill were obliged to .(uit work yes terday ou aeeouut of the fil.iug giving out _ Kell Slatjr Keel. Ntw York, December ID.—A scaffold ing upon which four m» were working, sixty feet from the ground, fell from the side of a house on Taylor street. New ark. yesterday. Philip B°th and U* nry llu.xler were fatally injured. The other men escaped with slight bruises. Holiday Excursluus. The Kanawha A Michigan Railway Co. again takes pleasure in announcing the low excursion rate of one aud a third . i v ) fares for the round trip between all points upou its Hue for the midwint er bolidav travel. Tickets will be sold Decemlier 24th, 23th and 31st, January l*t and will be limited for return up to aud including January 3th, lsDl. M*»ri.T«>N llot'K, l*. I . A. I I»AVIS, W. VA. Iiaproven-.ent* Going Ou at That Point— The Timber Industry. Spectet Correspondent* of the Register. Davis. W. Va., December IS.—Situ ated at the confluence of Beaver creek and Rlaekwater. in the Canaan valley, on the mountain top. 3,100 feet above the^sen level. i< the hustling town of Davis. It is ouly about five or six years since what is now the thriving town of Davis, with a imputation of souls, was a veritable wilderness of spruce pine and hemlock, so dense as to be almost im penetrable to man. There are already several substantial industries established here, sufficient to insure the permanency of the town. These industries are various in scope and several in number. One of Fayerwoather & Ladew’s tau ueries is here. The number of men employed by it varies with the season, from 230 to 500 or 000. More being en gaged in the bark peeling season than at any other time. So the importance of such an enterprise in a small towu is easily understood. There Is what seems to be an almost inexhaustible supply of hemlock bark in this section, to say nothing of the chestnut oak bark with in easy reach by rail. Nothing is al lowed to waste about the tannery, but what appears to lie worthless in one de partment is taken to another, put through some process or other and comes out in marketable shape. For instance the hair from the hides, the •‘fleshings,” etc., are all utilized in some way. • The Rlaekwater Room and Lumber Company’s plant here, consisting of a boom across the river, saw and planing mill, box factory, clapboard factory and a private standard guage railroad five miles long, reaching to a part of their timber, is one of the finest in the State. The sawmill cuts in eleven hours 50,000 to 60,000 feet of lumber. This Is per haps the greatest cut made by any siu gle circular saw in the State. Their box factory, saw and planing mills are all replete with modern appliances to facilitate u-ir business and its Import ance to the town can be estimated from the amount of‘ its pay rolls, which ag gregate from Ss.Ooo to S10,000 per month. This industry is one of tin* perma nent fixtures of the community. The company owns or controls about 25, 0u0 acres of timber land, literally cover ed with spruce and hemlock. Their timber resources are supposed to be of sufficient magnitude to keep their en tire plant actively engaged for at least fifteen years yet. i no ciap ooaru inuusiry uescrves especial mention, because it Is a new idea. This being the only place where they art- made. The boards are made from spruce and are used instead of patent siding or weather boarding. These meet with ready -ale in Boston, where the liner ones are shipped—the seconds being used nearer home. Throughout the different buildings occupied by this company tilings are so arranged as to be just as convenient as possible and every scrap Is utilized, either for fuel or something else. The sawdust ami shavings are burned. The '-.■ark is removed from the slabs and the remainder goes to the wood pulp mills. Odd strips are made into lath, and every available piece of wood converted into merchantable stuff. This company em ploys about 3o0 hands, all told. The Beaver Creek Lumber Company has its buildings under headway fora larg1 saw-mill of about the same ca pacity as the Blackwatcr Boom and Lumber Co.’s mill. The buildings will soon be completed, and the machinery will be placed at once. The lirm is building a standard guage railroad about eight miles in length to reach its timber fields. This road will extend to Stonoy and perhaps across the divide to Red Creek, the latter being the dividing Hue between Randolph and Tucker counties. This company owns about 10,000 acres of timber land, and is one of the im portant, permanent industries of I>;i\ is. Resides the factories already men tioned as indications of permanent pros perity, there are the immense coal and coke works. The coke is purer than that of Connellsvilie, but not quite so strong. it is now pretty well known that the road will won be extended su a? to roil nect the ore fields of Virginia with Pittsburg, and these coke works are on the line, it is proposed to use the coke in the manufacture of the cheap Vir ginia ore into iron anil steel, thus com peting with the Alabama mauufac re rs. This will necessarily revolutionize the iron and steel business of the whole country, because both can then be made cheaper than in Alabama and the otiier Southern States. There Is unquestionably a brilliant future for the country along the West Virginia Central railroad. TIIKIK OWN GRANDSON. CocfniUn i>f » School Teacher Thai lie Committed the Anna nil. Xi w< astui:. Ink., December IS.— Lincoln Uossett, a grandson of his vic tims. is in jail here for the burglary and assault upon the old couple, Asa \Y ar nock and wife, at llorney creek, last J Friday night. He had been working at El wood, when* he had become deeply involved, and, knowing that the old people had money, walked all the way to their house from El wood, a distance of forty miles, to get tho wealth, and all the way back after committing the rob bery. The old lady recognized him iu her room and told Ills father, who is a l Hi red Brethren minister, and the !att"rat once began to hunt the matter down, lie confronted the young man with the facts to-day. and he broke down and confessed all, stating that this was liis third attempt to rob the old people. The father brought him here this evening and turned him over to the au thorities. Y oung (Sosset has taught school in this county for several years, and has heretofore borne a good reputa tion. He will be sentenced to-morrow. West Virginia Pension*. Wamiinutox, December 11*.—Pensions have been granted to West Virginians a* follows: Original—Joseph II. Hart, Ceredo; David It. Mercer, Eveline; Jacob Metcham, Raleigh; Alonzo Levitt. Charleston: Janies A. Blackshere, Forks of Little Sandy: John Williamson, Ceredo. Increase Lewis X Halbiiter, Tun* net ton; John C. Young, Churchville; John Most. Palatine; George Metheney. Pleasant Hill; James Hammond. Wheel ing; Richard C. Burton, Limestone Hill. Reissue—David White, Bradshaw; E. W. Weekly, Middlebonrne. Went VirginU \V A>ltlN«iTON* December 19.—West Virginia postmasters have been appoint ed as follows. J. W. Waynor, Sr.. e A 1*. Williams, removed Critsville, Raleigh county: W. II. Justice, vice O. Roe, resigned, Left Hand, Roane county. There are many white soaps, each represented to be ••just as good as the Ivory.” They are not. but like all counterfeits, they lack the peculiar and remarkable qualities ot the genuine. Ask for Ivory Soap and insist upon having it. ’Tis sold everywhere. SEE MY SPONGE?, SHiNE \ your Shoes ' with WOLFF'S V i ACME \ SLACKING \ ONCE A WEEK! [DO AS I DID K Other days wasn them v clean with x SPONGE AND WATER 'ZSZ EVERY Housewife EVERY Counting Roorn EVERY Carriage Owger EVERY Thrifty Mechanic EVERY Body able to hold a brush ' SHOULD USB WILL STAIN OLD A Nl* fuAAITUBt Will Sr«i.i Ola«« ano Cminawarc Will Stain Tinwarc Will Stain tour Olo 8as*ct® Will Stain Sabtb Coach WOLFF & RANDOLPH. Philadelphia. COCKLOFT TO OALLSEY. The Tumble of a Drunken Man In An In dianapolis Theater. Indianapolis, December is.—Last night Michael Mullen, while intoxi cated, purchased a scat for the second gallery at English’s Theater, but he wandered Into the cockloft and seated himself on the railing, over which lie toppled, and fell twenty-five feet into the gallery below. The gallery was crowded at the time, but so eager were the people in watching the discomfiture of the villain in the play of “After Dark" that his fall was comparatively unnoticed, and he got up and staggered away, nor was the fact reported until to-day. Mullen was badly but not fatally injured. _ For Couch* anil Throut Disorders use ■Shown'* Broxiiiial Troche*.—“Hnve never changed my mind respecting them, except I think better of that which I began thinking well of."—/.V. Hairy W'unl Hitcher. Sold only in _ DIED. SCHWARZ—Thursday. December is. 1SW0. at 10o'clock I', m . Schwarz, in the48th year of hi- age. Funeral from his late residence. No. 8.’it’> Mar ket street, Sunday afternoon at 3 o'clock. In terment at Greenwood cemetery. A .-pedal ear will leave on the \V. A 11. G. U. R. at -lo'clock. WARNER Friday. D. •-•inbcr 111. IxJO. a! II o'clock a. in.. ilt.'Xtiv WaKXCi:. aged 31 years. 5 months and 17 day-. Funeral from residence of his father. Gregory Warier, No. 'JV'j Market street on Sunday after noon at one o’clock. Services at St. AIphonsu obureh at 1:30o'clock. Friends of the family are invited to attend, interment at Ml.Calvary cemetery llcliflUnto Itcticco. THIRST PRESBYTERIAN CIURCII-Pastor. I’ Rev. D. A. Cunningham, D D.: I0:3lla ia„ Communion service and ..ptiouof members; 7:30 p iu., Christmas Praise Service. CIO! in ll STREET METHODIST CHURCH F —Rev. Charles W. Cushing, pa-tor. Ser vices at 10:30 a. m. and 7 3ii p. m. Subject for evening' "In Darkest England, ami Darkest Wheeling." Seats free. $lm> Attyertiftcmcntfi. TTKXTIOX. SOCIETIES! The Odd Fellows' Hall Association oiler for r.-ut the Eiicauipmsnt Room iu it- building, corner Twelfth and Chupline streets. Societies meeting weekly or twice a mouth can Is* accom modated. Re-tout Improvements made to this room make it the most desirable place iu the city for society meeting-. Fuel, light, water, ice an 1 janitor's services furnished hi a low eo.-i. For term-, address or call uihiii WILLIAM KLL1NGIIAM. President. II. A. FTIIM AN, Treasurer, or doiTv A. II. FOKGEY, Sec.otary. LOCAL 40ENT. HOLIDAY GOODS WEDDING PRESENTS \\'c :ir*‘ now opening til.' finest line tve ever carried, consisting of TOILET SETS AND C4SES. SMOKING SETS. TRAVELING CASKS, M A NICC RE SETS A N D CASES. Lt X D ISOKti'S PER FI MERY, EDEMA, GOYA LILY. Ac., Ac,, in boxes, case* and bottles. IIKU NYIOI.KT SACHET POWDER, j PINAUD’S PERFUMERY, Boo. Ext, Uorglietto, Aux Yiolctt.-s De Purme. 1 Ac., Ac. McLain Rlock, cor. Market and 12th St*. utfcllVadsb _ ___ SENSIBLE SAD IRONS, to Table Cutlery. Silver plated Knives and Perks, Silver Plated Tea and Table Spoons, Granite Iron Ware Clothes Wring, rs. Ronie Clothes Washers, and Copper Wash Rollers. GEO. W. JOHNSON’S SONS, aul8 No. 1210 Main Street. TAR & E CALDWELL, DENTIST, Holds the exeluslve right of Wheeling for Dr. Graham'. New Method of Extracting Teeth Without Pain. 1143 Market Street, Wheel lug W. \'a. Reference bv Permission—Rev. D. L. Ash, We.lev M E. Ch'uroh. W. Newton Ho liar. Dept. Collector of I’ S. Interna) Revenue office. ‘ delleJkdsh J OOK TO YOUR INTERESTS To Builders and Owners of Buildings. I now have on hand the best (elected stock of Slate Maut.-ls ever brought to the city. 1 keep a good assortmeutof Gas Grates and ’l i'e llrarth. and all goods for makiug a nice fire-place. Call at my place and you can see Ju.t what you are to get and see the Mantel set up for inspection. P. K. CALDWELL. jeS3Ja-_tr.-rr M aln street. pARSONS, Photographer, Atelier, No. 1205 Narket St. Personal attention given to all Sittings. Ar tistic Results Produced. wirlO The Pittsburgh Mop-Wringer. STRONG! DtUABLE! EFFECTIVE I A aiilvaniied steel buck et nnil urlnyr combined. Kasily operated with the foot as showu lu cut. 1'iH or boiling water with soda or coneentra ted lye cau be used with out injury. As the hands do not come in contact with the water, chipped, scalded nnd sore hands are avoided. No special mop required Superior to wood buck et that is liable to fall to ... w ith expansion or contraction, or tobecotiw a.slorous from tie- dir* and JPtlltli wrung into Do I your cleaning in half the -'time. u> ai*rs nave u or nut get it for you. If not, Tr>'our thread mops. Superior to all others VlTTSHl RGIl MOP-tv HI NiElt CO . 3J8 and A6 \Vo*>d Street, Pittsburgh. Pa. FOR SALE BY B. K. CALDWELL. Vru,TI'*Sat rli Wheeling, W. Y'a. WIllahp’s Hotel, WASHINGTON, D. C. The most famous and well-known Hotel in the City. Sjveial rates by the month. The cuisine equaled !>v none. Homelike and con venient to all public buildings. Send two stamps for guide to— O G. STAPLES. ocSlTu.TUJs.ab Proprietor. flew Aimcrtiflemritt*. For rent-one or two unfurnished rooms; good location. Possession atone*,, or 1st of April. Enquire at this office. deMeqdq TWOR SALE-HOLIDAY F.XCURSTON TICK* J? . t«,C4ih to 1st. Mileage Hooks and other Railroad and Steamship TL'lic,««. »t laBion Kan road Office, 1900 Market St. JOHN BAILIE, , Agent. __‘’‘‘‘P'1 ; T7IOR SALE-HOUSE AND LOT WITH[Four 1 rooms and kitchen. Iouulrc ^ KORCr., SCIIWaNENBERGER, So. KB Eleventh Mr-et. j <lel7Htid(4______ | HVLL FOR RENT—ON THIRD FLOOR of No. HliU Main street,. UosseMlon given | January 1, 1881. Apply to RINEHART A.TA j I TL'M. 13lt Market street._ TTTANTED — LADY CANVASSERS -FOR YY Wheeling City and vicinity, also one for, ,-verv citv and county in Virginia, for a ready | . aelliog article, only used by ladies. Good corn l nussiou paid. Address R. HESSE, 101 Hot I Spricgtk-id street. Boston, Mass. O.Poodv T.TOR RENT-STORE ROOM No. 1238 Market I -tree*.; -IzeSxfo. Possession givenJanu 1 ary 1st . , „ . , .! FOR SALE-Lots in Behrens and Splede i and Chllchrist addition-, at the old prices until | January 1st, on easy terms. Callund see plats. i Island lots cheap. ROLF A HARNEY. Real ' Estate aud Money to le an, 1314 Market Street, j del’ll_____; j jMEXTRK MARKET NOTICE Market u ill tie held at Ho-Centre Market on WEDNESDAY', DECEMBER Slth, I8WI. be tween the hour* of three and eight o'clock p. in. j C. NV. KREITER. de-at&w Chair, Committee on Markets. T^OR SALE. Boot and Shoo Store. Having decided to permanently retire from hu-iness I otf-T for sale my Boot and Shoe Store, -limited at No.213# Main -tr.-et (Centre Wheel ing.. Will also lease the premises fora term of year-. Possession will be given from the 1st day of April. 1831. For further particulars ap ply to the undersigned lit the premise-. a.-aosat-h_F. HAXKE. VTOTICE. it Wednesday, December 34ih. will he Do nation Day at the West Virginia Home for Aged and kriendless Women, No. 37 Thirteenth street. Wheeling. A committee of managers will b- then- to receive gifts of clothing, food, groceries. Ac. Donation- in money can be sent to Mr .1. \. Bell. Treasurer, Logan Drug Com pany, Main St., and to Mr.-. D. A.Cunningham, President of Managers, ml Fourteenth Slr-et. d.-SOs__ COMMERCIAL COLLEGE of KENTUCKY UNIVERSITY -LEXiNGION ky •• <V ■< J II- ■ ... fWb*' '*• “ " . , IIk.ii.-i .lv». nl.<i:>.1#"'; 1,1 ini 1, r—' t» liu.iu-.-. I ; 1KJ-I I* -my lo.K l. I ..1 .•! I>1 lU’.iUT I MMiMm n4 IGri ■ •“' « 11 Tuiuwri.oaii.l Uik.uki.. .,i 1..-. \..>v-:.l“.o . ..fu!. !*!« 1-111 *-|,»rin . in f.w Is-lis*. vV;[_BUR R. SVITH, P'o. t. LEXINoiON. KY. Fine Office Rooms For Rent. rpHE IMPROVEMENTS OX THE "REILLY *■ Block,” corner M&rketand Fourteenth Sts., Ii.-ing now completed, I offer for rent a number of elegant Ollice Room, now open for iii-pt-c tiun of renters. Possession given at once. The spacious frout rooms. Nos. 1 and 8, ou second Hi or. at present occupied by the Chamber of Commerce and tin \V living Title and Trust Company, arc also for rent. Possession to these April 1st. Also line basement room under C. Schnepf’s diug store. Natural and city gas throughout Hie building, and tine Otis Pnsseu ger Elevator in operation. For further particu lars apply to M REILLY, dee.ulw Xo. 1311 Main Street. '' * j'7 w ■ W*' 'T'O J UN K DEALERS^ You are hereby notified not to buy or handle any copper wire, as the same has been stolen from tli.) C. 0. a P. T. Co., and will lie claimed by them. M. U. WOLFF, de!8 8 lerlntendei pOR RENT. An elegant. Large Store Room, first-class in every respect: situate . n east side of Markej street, between Eleventh and Twelfth streets. Possession given April 1-t. Two rooms and Ballou EolY street, north of Twelfth. Posses sion given at once. C. A. SCH AKFElt «V CO.. ,ie 17a Cor. Market and Fourteenth Sts. J^IDS FOR COAL. Kul> will 1m- received at the ofllce of the City Water li<>ard L>r Clean, Nut and Mixed Coal for the year 1W1, for the um* of the Water Work Kid- toclos** at noon «*n Wednesday, December a I i.f i. >••’•»» |»ut tM< from ViiXOu i»:iIlk'S re Icldi_CITY WATER BOARD. ROGERS’ Best Plated Knives, Forks and Spoons. Carving Knives and Forks in Set#. A large line to select from. NESBITT & BRO„ v..ts 131'.’ Market Street, QECOND-HAND Hricks untl Hoartls for Sale. Inquire at OLD GRANT HOUSE PROPERTY, J 1ST OP LETTERS Remaining in the Postofllce at Wheeling. Ohio county. W. Vn..Saturday. December SM, 1HWJ. To obtain any of the following, tic* ahpiicant mu*t ask for advertised letters, giving date: LADIES. Crawford. Mi*- Ivn McCord, Mr-. Luie K\le, Mrs. Emma Struhles. Mr* \nnie M. Kirk, Mr-. Maty A. 1$) Spencer, .Miss Lvd:i GENTLEMEN. Anilier*. William Ludv. George Allen, Hari-.m Miller. K. S. lie hr tun n, K. G. Nicholson. John II. Kates, George K. Newell, Curt. J. Klake. John Paw-nail. .John D. Gunn, Samuel KatlifTo, Cmphr^y Cask ill, John Spencer. Klijah Gibson. J. II. West. 1«. J. Ilusler, Dr. .1. I.. Whitford, J. C. Henry. C. J. foul ion. Frit/., Louis Paul. Dick W. J. W. COWDKX. P. M. Ni & Ellinpam, WHOLESALE GROCERS, AND DK A I. KltS IK English, Portland and Cumberland Cements, Lime, Plaster Paris, Miami Powder, FUSE. DYNAMITE. EXPLODERS, BLASTING CAPS, Ac., Ac. Contractors and Builders will save money by getting prices from us before purchasing, as we are THE ONLY HOUSE in the city that car ries a full line of the above goods. SKILL A KLL1MHIAM. defieadtojy I_ Christmas js Coming! ■_■ FOR THE YOUNG: HOLIDAY GIFTS FOR THE OLD! The class of articles that we have show that we know the people want goods of taste and merit, whether the article costs Sic. or K> SILK UMBRELLAS! I A great stock and a great trade. Our | variety is simply amazing. 10,000 Handkerchiefs Ladies' Embroidered Silk and Linen. Linen Initial. Men's Fancy Bordered,and Silk Muff ! h r- 1. irgest varietv ever shewn. Black Silk and Blank Henrietta for gifts. It.SRaut *1.SO Silk Warp Henrietta. Rest value ever offered FI RS f««r Ladies aud Children. Muffs and Boas at right prioes. Liner) Goods i Our stook of Llueu Good> i* lurj?**r than ever j before. ^oincthiD^ choice aud beautiful for the , Holiday*. IMcuty of other Holiday Novelties too numerous to mention. Egger, Warrick & Co., 1132 MAIN STREET. He,it 3U»uertf«eme«t*. FIFTY YEAR Si, Pei Cent, Gold Bonds Foi Gale, A A!£2J«2f5-S» ffi® |5r «nt lint Mortgage Fifty Year Gold Bonds ^nK^tto/nustonlhe^dges.Tun GTStf itfg permanent Investment ^J^IRYrt Jr^ tTarly. Apply to M.ECKHaRT, Jr.^ ,&?*"Real Estate and Stock Broker. DIAMON DS $4o,ooo Worth — OF — •Fine Diamond? Now in our house to select from. Just think of R? More than all other houses In the cl v com billed We hate line goods and will sell them lower than the lowest. Come and see. I. Gr. DILLON & CO., JEWELERS._ QHRISTMAS 1‘upers, Xagazines, Books, Toys, Ac. Periodicals by the year at publisher*; prices. Delivered anywhere. Pittsburgh Dispatch, Daily 15c.: 80M«Hudn»ggmla^ Hook and Newsdealer, __J414 Market Street HavilaDd’s China Choice Pieces, Just in time FOR THE HOLIDAYS. EWING BROS., dels 1815 Market St., opp. McLure Mouse. ^RECIAE FOR THE -HoUpAYS^ No Agents Employed. No Tickets Required. No Cheap Bromide Prints palmed off as Crayons that any "Spot Knocker" can llnish in live minute). And don't require you to pay two prices for Frames. I will from this date make ray Best Satin Finish Cabinet Photos only $1.50 Per Dozen. Proof made and FatU fact ion guaranteed at -BROWN’S GALLERY - delh 1222 Market Street. Some of The Articles of Surpassing Merit for Christmas Presents Offered by — Dress Goods and Cloaks! Arc meeting with a phenomenal sale; this is due, first, to the growing senti ment in favor of lTSEFL'L PRESENTS, and second, to the fact that our stocks nf these arc without a parallel. t-S^'AII of our Fine Press Hoods and Cloaks at cut prices to reduce stock. FUR MUFFS, Capes and Stoles received by nearly every express. Our Imitation Seal Skin Muffs fully satisfy the popular demand for a nice article at a low price. Everyone of the r.00 handsome styles, ranging in price from $1.00 to $12.00, Is warranted fa>t black, with good wearing iiualitlcs. Handkerchiefs! Oceans of Handkerchiefs and Mufflers in Silk, Linen, etc.,—more than enough to supply the legions of buyers in this department. All prices from 2c. up. (^'Curtains, Draperies, Fine Drawn Work Towels, Throws and Splashers, Table Linens, etc., ole. ;% Pliish, Brass, Wood and Hand Panted Novelties. ’Sunshine for Little Children— a .">() page hook and three tine Lithoed Water Color Engravings, by America’s greatest artist, are offered by ns for r»Oe., an average price of 12 ‘jC. for each. HTPramute YOUR OWN interests by c illiug early in the day. 1110 MAIN ST. WYETH’S BROWN MIXTURE COUGH LOZENGES Used In public speakers and singer, for (lie re lief of lloarseni s and Clearing (lie Voice. For sale, wholesale and retail, by McLAIN BROTHERS, do5 Cor. Market and Twelfth Str-cts. I ONG'S U BREAKFAST FLOUR Isa (lour that is milled (not compounded > f„r use in making Hot Cakes. Muffins, or Waffles at a moment's notice. It is particularly and es pecially wholesome for children or per-on. with weak stomach*. For sale at II. F. BEHRENS'. de(0 !H17 Market, or cor. Jacob and 38th Sts. ^ OT1CE. Those derlrtng to make a Handsome Christ mas Present wilt do w-ll to send in th* ir order without delay, for a Portrait either in Oil, Pas tel or Crayou. The FAMOUS PASTEL a spec! ally. JOHN W. MYLES, n'uSe.drb ___Artist.^ eflTERPf?/^ Baking Powder ABSOLUTELY PURE. iruamma the (tmicekt n» heat hike. D. C. KU RIMER, Practical Painter, Grainer, Glazier SIGN PAINTER & PAPER HANGER, Dealer in Paints, Otis, Varnish*.,Window Glass Brushes, Painters' Supplies, Ac., 1727 Market Street TELEPHONE *31 WHEELING. W. VA Jy*»d Item HOLIDAY GOODS AT THE OLD RELIABLE STORE OF JOS. GRAVES’, NO. S© TWELFTH ST. ExquLite assortment of Fine Leather and Flush Goods. Photograph Albania, Handkerchief and Glove Boxes, Gents'and Ladle- Traveling Cases, Oxidized and Plush Manicure and t oilet Sets Trays Ac Bronze and Florentine Statuary in great variety. Linen Toy Books and Juv« iiile Book’s for Ho\ s and Girls. Cheapest and greatest variety in the rtly. POCKETBOOKS, PURSES, LADIES’ HAND, BELT AND ARM BA«S, Family and Teachers' Bibles. Diaries, Hymnals and Prayer Book*. Games, Building Blocks, ^^nS^nu^^^Ul^are of and delivered at the proper time. den _ Suggestions ii) XGIFT BOOKS* Our pm chases of books in all departments of literature were especially selected to meet the requirements of holiday book-buyers, and embrace the best standard and popular books. Many of the volumes are handsomely illus trated, and represent the work of the most talented artists. Every resource of the print ers’ and binders’ skill has been employed, and the combined results are exquisite. Books for the young were never so attrac tive nor so plentiful—many prominent authors contributing to this class of literature, with results that are unusually gratifying. The illustrations are, if possible, more attractive than ever, due almost, exclusively to the won derful developments in methods of reproduc tion. No library is complete without the standard reference books, touching every department ot literary research. They always form accepta ble gifts, and are here found in suitable styles of binding. STANTON'&DAVENPORT Proprietors of the Old City Book Store, 1301 Market Street. HOLIDAY PRESENTS When Choosing Presents, Look Over tho Fol lowing Lines Boforo Purchasing: ART POTTERY, VASES, CUT GLASS. RRIC-A-HUAC, DINNER SETS. ONYX STANDS, BRONZES. BRASS TABLES, SILVER-PLATED WARE, LAMPS. CARVING SETS, UMBRELLA STANDS, And a Complete Stock of China and Glassware of all kinds and every piece at the lowest price. JOHN FRIEDEL, 1119 Main St. <?5po. 3ti. flTuylor. 1150 Main, 1153 Market. —B—MBgMBWBMWBMt—SBBWBWMEBMWI HI WTI SPECIAL PREPARATION tlfl — PI II llilMIIII llll HI III1I1IMMII—mi In All the Different Departments. A Descriptive Advertisement Impossible! Hn^^naMCUBaaBB!asnaBBHaaHnHiBtam—mmm so* -*r.~ a Cordial Invitation to Call and See Our Display. Store Open Until 9:30 P. M. Until Christinas. GEO. B. TAYLOR. $25,000 Worth -OK Furniture and Carpets at Cost. ARBENZ <So CO. WILL RETIRE FROM BUSINESS. «» No. 1115 MAIN STREET. i&muocmettte. GRAND Opera House. O.c. gentheh One week and Uoial M.tili-. i • Monday, December |Y Tin *, GILBERT COMIC OPERA COMPMy. Positively and Indisputably t|„ . priced Opera Company on the r id In change of Open nightly Rxmsronu L M . Mikado, Pinafore. Fra Dinval Clonk*. Chimes of Norm:nd\ ijri’RIChS—Orchestra t l.a.r* Circle Kc.; Gallery, ttc . served seat* on sale at We,r' i?vy 03oo&8. CHRISTMAS •PRESENTS i'll cr ark I SKFCK Now J. S. RHODES & CO. Ladle*’ and Children's Fur* hi licir. able Styles. Ladies' Fur (up« * at Popular Prices. DRESS GOODS. Black ami Colored Henriei la>, +> All Wool, at SO cent*. Full ii*sortiiien( of finer grade*, Lv • value* in Black Henrietta* and Ser: • S5c„ 80,!., and *1.00. and upward*. Silk Warp Henrietta*. 4»» luelie. Will Finer grade* at Cl 2T», *1 37 It 5J and In Endless Variety of SHE i Eittt HANDKERCHIEFS. Ladle** and Gent - ; li Gent*' Japane.e II ,i ; . stitched and Initial :Ladle*' Kinbroj.h I ll • . ■ to m oo. Special Bargains in Lace Curtains. A choice a»*ortment just opened w • make i ■ ■ • | 12.50 j»cr pair l,‘urtain*. PORTIERE A CHEMLLE ITItTAINy A Beautiful Chenille t’i.rtiiiii ■ r> • Al«> all the finer grad, Marseille* guilt* from I.' m r M m Eiderdown Comfort* and I’ll! Silk I'mbrella*. with StC di llai II to IIUlM'-ach. I. S. lodes l Co. deia SPECIAL NOTICE. IIKNRY JACOBS »Uh< * t< teutloll of the public to t, gain* lloW to lie oblMIUetl tit lit* I'oplo r Store, IVople'> Hank lluiMin? It » quote a few to make it worth who* y-ur coin iu?. <• KK \T MARfiAlSS IN I Illnnkil*, Comfort*, lied Spread', Pillow*. Holster*, Feather*. Flowered Carpel*. I Vrri l»«*xJ I All H«m»I I ar|»rl. < In a|* KrNkfH ami \ rlitt llruM U, Monurt ami Mm) rim. \> hilt* ami Ilia*\ I ur ' Ituir* Yrri lam. Al-o Big Bargain* in Dry (»«•• <J* Floor and Table Oil Cloth at Old Prices fov Jjmlc. Trustee's Sale. HV VIRTU: OF A DKKDOF TKI >1 K\M by William F Kbbert t »*.* • * lea ring date «»u fie* Vtli day «• f N '• I. and ree irded III tlie office of Me* ' r*' "l County (‘..urt of Ohio count v. U t \ ir. nna. tn Deed of Trust II.H.k No. grt. I *1 I will I»t• ceed to m 11 at public auction. *!»•• n *rtb tror dce.rof tie* Court Ibmse fui - id ..••uM> in tin* city*of W heeling, on SATURDAY. Dl.U.Mill'll 9K beginning at 10 o'clock u. tu . the following • scribed real e-tate, situated in Richland triot. in said county and state. «*r ••tin. thereof a* may n* cessary to pay the d* bts cur* d by *aid deed of trust, inc.luditig ini* r. and tlie evjH*nof sab* with trustee c.•n»n. Mom*, the nr-1 |de.. lid real estate I • it Im>Utitled as follow.-: Kegiunillg at :i i.* Long Kuo. a corner to land formerly own. *1 land south VI degrees east fttf I ft |*ole* t*» a -t . tu Christy’s Hue; the nee with his line s- uth M degrees West VI I71UU |»o|e-to a-take < ■ land formerly ow ned by Klijati P»*gu-. Met with a line of sad last fin Hied land north An b*. west 48 V-ft poles ton stone in Long Run tl.ei, up the run north 40 degree** • -1 v>» T j thence north 4ft di gr**es east VI pd* tl.e ginning, containing eleven acres and thiri. three pol***, limr*' or Jess, tie* muj Is-ulldari* are U*ikved to embrace tie* ll* \t pi**'*- <-f bifid herein described, but wht-tber -*• • rubra • •I *-r Hot. there will lie sidd ns afi.r** aid I pi. of land iii said district bounded a- follow- li* cm uiug ut a stone, corm r to land- former* i •*wn*,*l by Dr. II. \V. ciiapline ,nd \V*l-<n and <•* nellf, thence ||i»rth V8 degrees • .t»t 7 r**d- w • 1 tie- line bet w»**• u said U ils**n aid « oiiiieUv ’ -take iu the road. lb«*ll**i* -outti W d«*gre« - v\» * 8 4 K) pole* to II sycamore; Me lice **uth 17 green West rods by II ls*",ll **t? the b «n-. 'take III the line between S lid \\ 11 • I Cbaplllo-. thejiee with -aid 11 It * < * gaming, containing on** acr** m*»re < also another piece of land ill said di-tn taming five acres more or I*--.-, and • •* same laud conveyed |>y Williuiu I* II »|s***ial oommksiioner. to Jeremiah l*e\ deed dated August V3d, 187ft, ulid in . »rd iii the office of the clerk "f tie Court of said county, in Deed Bo k w »H. t , which last in**utiou«*d deed r**p here made for n in op- coinidete de-erl| the last mentioned piece of land, with Iniildiiigt on the land hereby advert i-ed fold and all the privilege* and appurtenaii* thereunto belonging. Tie- -ai«l I »ml c tie * • heretofore conveyed by Alfred c »ldw* 11. tru-t* • . to John Dieringer mid Peter lM*-rmg*r b\ de* «1 iated th** Vih day Of April. A l> l*<7. and n* . ,{ record In said ofll*-e m 18 • d IbH.k TV at png* TKRMS OF SALK One-third. *>r a* much more ns th«* purchaser may * bct. cash in hand >li the day of sale, and the balance In two eijua installments, payable respectively in >i\ aid twelve months from the day of sale, with inter »*l. the purchaser t*> give his not**- f«*r the d* fern-d installment*. with security -atisf.sct* . to the undersigned trustee. JAMES C. IIKRVKY. noVloaw _Triat*_e_ steamboats. QTEAMERS FOR CINCINNATI, O LOUISVILLE. MEMPHIS. ST LOUD New Orient!*, mid Intermediate point., » leave Wharf float, foot of Eh . .. inily Monday excepted, a. follow*: „—. Steamer "K KYSTONE STATE, “ r AJjn. T. C. Calhoun, Mauler; Cha*. U Kuux.Clk; at 8a in Steamer "ANDES," K. li Okjja*r, r k Mailer; Al. J. Slaven, Clerk; ev ery Wednenday at H a. in. ■_» Steamer "HUDSON," J K Kill r .oil, Mn-ter Dan Lacey, Clerk; every Thursday al 8 a. m. , 8leaincr**SUOTIA," Joo. M Phi M iTer; Koht II. Kerr.CIer. ,y Saturday alHa. in. -_Steamer "BATCHELOR. C-ftr^R.ewA II- O’Neal. Mae ter. Il i I! |ujti.n, i'lerk, every 1 rid ■ o'clock a. tn. „ Steam -r "CONGO," Ed I- ’ r M n.t* r; .1 ul*-- vVehrman 1 •■^^•tv ry Suuday at 8 a. III. Kixat-«la*» far*. Wle-oiinir toCIncinnat. ► Round trip, tlU.lAI. M -al* and »tate I eluded. MTTick et* Iran-feral.le and (food un‘ Por Freight or Pa.-ay apply on I* »r J ' I epbone No. 842 CROCK A RD V BOOTH Aifeiit. 3JUinco anl* Jtquors. RECEIVED! A LAROX IXPORTATIOX or Wines Direct From Europe, CONSISTING OP SHERRIES, MADERIA, POHIS, MALAGAS, MUSCATEL. Alio a fine line of Rhine Wine* and Cl»r • P. WELTY & CO., WHOLESALE LW'^ J^OTICE OF " SPECIAL ELECTION. Whereat, a writ of election I* in ni> ’ requiring me to give none*- of a s|ieeisl to be held ou the 3-1 dav of January. !*■ the purpose of electing a State Senator l vacancy occasioned by the death Of H"D i Smith, cue of the Seuators elected for tic t ^equatorial District, compos' d of the C"’ lirooke, llaccock and Ohio, this is to gl tiee that a special election f r the puf: choosing a Senator for tbo First Sena’ r. , trict of U’est Virginia for the unctptr' will be held at the several voting pi" et in county ou the day aforesaid, at which ' thesis win be oi.n^^;^ delfietg Sheriff of Ohio C« ni