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JUljcflmg, jHiatsirc WEST VIRGINIA PRINTING CO.. PrnLreaiaa nn Pnorsitrone JAS. B. TANEY, General Manager. TERMS: ~~ r*» raaa. ar mail. rosraaa r air* id. JAILT, .-:i Jay* ia the week.IS JO DAILY, three days ia the week.... .4 00 DAILY, two day* ia the week .. 3 00 DAILY, one day In th* week. . 1 SO W IvKKLY, one year, in advance .......... 100 W KKKLY, A.i months... .. gu DELIVERED BY CARRIER. DAILY, per week, to be paid weedy. IS DAILY and SUNDAY, per week . 18 , The DAILY will be delivered by carrier la any other city or town at. is Single Cople* of DAILY or WEEKLY .... s P^'lriSute* of Respect and Obituary Nohow* 30 cents per inch. EST't-oiuinaroxDiscB costaiiiso impost am «w* solicitid raoa evibt ran* or ni si'a am mdisu lurvrtr. Kf twvd communication* will not be returned | •au>-» accompanied by sufficient postage. Stamp* of the denomination of two rents and ! .e,» accepted f- r amounts lei* than one dollar. ! / fu NEWS TEN. rmtrad*<iitt teesraleji.'u>,u. is entered of Ms Pott<\flct in WAMlinf. Hf. Pa., ■it second datt matter. DEMOCRATIC TICKET. Stitunkig, 7'inn iri/ M, IHHI. r«>» «tjitc umtm. FRANK W STEW \RT. of Hmnck County. 1MIU KtMlIVTEK DlltlNU THE SKS 'I'lN. For on- dollar tb>- Dally HubUR «ill be sent I Many ddiv*» pontage prepaid during the com leg session of the Legislature. Cash to acooci yam the order. Order* uiay be »* nt at onea and the payer a ill be mailed non without additional ••harife. The muon will he a mo«t important «'ii', and th** Kioi'TKR. in accordance with its usual custom will hay- a compote dally tele araphie r-port._^_ Votf early for Stewart to-day. Tn k Lord tempers the wind to the shorn !juI>. i"it the Ohio Valley Just now isn't asking any *.ili favor. We can't have it too Cold on top of this ris ing river. “I<< mika.u k and whisky," says an exchange, speaking of the riots the other day at Hraddock, ••mukeadanger 0- i - combi nation.'' Not a whit more dangerous than intelligence and whisky. ! When whisky goes t0 work on human!- | ty it makes no uicnts! distinctions what- j ever. The Uepuhlicans and Prohibitionists have placed their city ticket' in the I lield. The Democrats will hold their suggestion meetings on Tuesday aud their primaries on the Saturday fol lowing. The party should turn out on Loth days in force and put good stroug men in the lield. That is the only way in which we can perpetuate honest gov- 1 eminent in Wheeling. D«>*’t neglect to vote at the special i Senatorial election to-dav. The killing of about thirty or forty j soldiers and about ISO Indians was a bad j closing of the old year and a worse opening of the new. And whose fault j 1- it hut the Government's? It has. through its rascally agents, systematic-1 ally robbed and starved its despised nsl-; skinned wards, till, ignorant as they are, they almost regard the white man ad their natural enemy. What a grand sight for the departed patron saints i of freedom and e«|iial rights to look down u|h>u—on** hundred and lifty * savages shot dowu by l nited 'states troops, most of the slaughter being ) after there was no need for it! Our brave troops made no distinction as to —"everything went,” and Indian women with babies In their arms were shot on sight as well as the men. It was a bitter-cold day when this “battle” occurred, and afterward many Indian i babies were found besides their dead mothers still alive, after 4' hours of ex posure u* the biting weather. Mr. President and Gentlemen of the Senate and House of Representatives, this should not be. bid U i*. This is a civ- j lii/ed country. Go E.viii v to the polls and vote for j M . Kkwk Stewart for State senator ; to-day. »«»TK rUR SENATOR. TO-U.tV. Tn<- special S-uatorial election to sup ply the vacancy in the representation df the First Senatorial district, caused by the death of Senator l». J. Suirii, occurs to-day. The Deaaocrats have nomiuated Mr. Frank Stewart, of New Unmberland, as their candidate, and it is an excellent nomination in every respect. Mr. >rt:w akt is a comparatively young man, and. while possessing the vigor of a young man, he carries an old head on his shoul er>—and an ableoue. The question to be decided at the polls iu the First Senatorial district to-day is not a partisan political one. for with the overwhelming majority the lvuio erats will have in the next Legislature til., vote of the Senator fr.-m thus dis trict cannot influence the decision of political questions one way or the other, and he will not, during his term, vote for United States Senator. The only political phase of the election Is con-j tained iu the fact that it will be a good thing for the First District to have a Democratic representative, who will be able iu ff«*t the **ar of the overwhelming j Democratic majority iu the interests of , the district. That U an additional reason why business men of all parties with an eve solely to the business interests of the district should vote for Mr. Frank SrRW vuT to-day. Mr. Stkwakt is decidedly the superior of his opponent in point of ability, and few men understand the uecd* of this section more thoroughly. A' no politi- ! eal question is to be settled, we can see ; noreason why Mr. Stkwakt should not be elected by au overwhelming ma jority. Vote for him to-dav. A NEW -BOOZE." The lovely McKinley bill is working wonders, not ouly in the raising of the prices of the necessaries of life, but also tn the lowering of the price of tangle foot and the creation of an entirely new brand. line of the latest McKinley blessings to come to light since the enactment of the new tariff bill is the cheap substi tute for whiskey which it provides. Mr. McKinley’s national platform called for free whiskey: but, at the last mo ment. when his bill was iu course of preparation he consented to "pander to the moral sentiment" by omitting that feature. He offered, however, a substitute for It, hidden away in one of the Interna! revenue sections. As every j one knows, the tax of ninety cents a gallon on whiskey and domestic brandy is what keeps the price of those drinks at ten cents a glass. Mr. McKinley has repealed the tax on domestic grape brandy in cases where about four parts j of domestic wines are mixed with it. The mixture will possess about the alco holic strength of whiskey and water.; though the new decoction will doubtless excel it in Intoxicating effects. It can be sold for rive vents a glass, the size of the ordinary Deer snug, the McKinley doctrine of cheapness evidently not ap plying to intoxicating drink*. The Harrison administration evident ly expect- that the boon it has given thecountry in thi- new intoxicant will be popular, for Secretary Wisdom sav iu his report: A further reduction in revenue' of $450, UuO may be expected under the operations of those provisions of the act of October 1, 1VM, which authorize the fortification of •vines with grape brandv. free of tax. It is estimated that about 2,500,1100 gallons of w:ne will be fortified, and that about one fifth of their bulk will be required in grape brandy - sav 500.000 gallons will be used in the process, tax on which is $450,000. The new intoxicant has not been named yet, but it is suggested that it be called “mckinley,” or “cheap aud nasty.” or any other name that will re mind us of the nation's benefactors uow in control of its affairs. KIRK INSl RAM'S PROFITS. Like Snakes in Ireland. There Are None Now. But They l»ed to Be Large. Hartford Pot'. We have it on the authority of a Hartford expert that there is to-day not a single tire insurance company iu the country earning .my money out of its biisiuc's. This i- rather an astonish ing assertion, but the assertion is made that it is based on facts. If it were not for the surplus, consisting of invested fundsvthere is not a company in Amer ica that could probably pay its stock holders a dollar to-day. Ten years ago it was considered per fectly legitimate to make a profit of from 2.7 to 30 per cent, on the whole business. To-day the most successful companies are doing business on 10 to 12 per cent., and taking luto account the contingencies none is making money. Since ls7s, ■*«»•. insurance couipauies have failed, gone out of business or re insured their risks iu other companies. This is au appalling record for only twelve years. To be sure, some of these were houorable retirements from a busi ness iu which they saw no money, and the several companies paid back hand somely: but inauy were bad failures. Nor were they potty corporations either. The fact of the matter is, the day for large profits iu the insurance business has gone by. Competition is so great that existing companies must content themselves with a very small margin of profit. The present state of affairs is that lae profits being made are not large enough, considering the contingencies of the business, to add to the surplus. Last year every company doiug business ou tbe 1'aeific Coast lost money through the five unprecedented conflagrations that occurred there. Hartford has a vital interest 'u the outlook. Manifestly these great losses cannot be prevented, and apparently theeontingeney can be met only by cut ting down expenses. It is a fact worth uoling that the difference in the ex pense account of some of our big Hart ford companies and certain of their New York rival' amounts to a very handsome sum yearly. Of course all this competition Inures to the pecuniary advantage, within cer tain limits, to thi‘ insured, giving him much more favorable terms than were conceded when insurance was young: : but, in tbe preseut article, the matter is i viewed from the standpoint of the in- | surance and not of the insured. W'hat iias been said of insurance is ' also true of nearly every other legiti- j mate undertaking. Old established mercantile houses that did a business of a year ten year? ago now find tin y have to do double that to make a like amount of money. The ?aiue is true of every kind of t*c- j cu pa lion outside the realm of specula tion. Four or 5 per cent, must satisfy i investors, who a decade ago thought nothing ?hort of 7 p*r cent, worth hav ing. Even Western farm mortgages, except in the far West, have felt this leveling influence, and the 10 per cent, loan? of yesterday are being rapidly re placed to-day by those of 0 per cent. Much as investors may regret it, rates in this country an* coining down to the English basis with its paltry 4 and :» per cent., and there seems to be no help for it. The C'lou»ti>n Cam. Fuirmont hui*x. The case of the Stale against Ward Clouston in Wood county has ended very much as every one supposed who under stood the tremendous efforts that have been made to prevent au exposure of the facts connected with that matter. Judge Bore man has decided that the ludictmeuts against hint could not be tried for fariou- informalities and quashed them on Tuesday. No one will question Judge ltorvmau s integ rity in the matter, but it i> to be regretted that the law is inadequate to enable the State to put a man on trial for such offenses and at least bring out the facts connected therewith, espe cially so since it is understood that Clouston has been very independ ent about the matter, and in sinuated that if he were pun ished others equally guilty would not escape investigation. The people | of the whole State are Interested in a recital of douston’s misdeeds as the 1 State Treasury has had to pay dearly for his wrong doing. Clouston was deputy Circuit Clerk for O. M. Clem meiis. Clerk of :he Circuit Court of Wood county, and by means of fraudu lent certificates in criminal eases col-i lected from the State sums ranging in the aggregate from *?0,000 to *30,000. His peculations were *us[**cted by tin* auditor, as witnesses’ attendance bill' with enormous fees for mileage assigned ; to Clouston continued to come in regu- | lariy after each term of court from cer tain felony cases which the auditor sup pled must have long slnee been dis posed of. Acting upon hi- suspicions the auditor wrote the Prosecuting At torney of the county about the matter and received a reply from him that “it was all right." This quieted hi' sus picious for a time, but theTdll* came In again and again, and finally a compari son was made in the Auditor's office of the various assignments of the witnesses on the back of the fee bills, aud un doubted forgeries were detected. 1 bt Judge of the Court was then advised of the discovery, and through him it was ascertained that the cases had long been dismissed or otherwise disposed of, and the certificates were fraudulent through out. An investigation followed in tbn clerk's office and much rascality was discovered. A determined effort seemed to he made to hush the matter up. Clern mens, the Clerk, pos.-d as an inuo cent and much abused personage, ami was re-elected to the office with a cloud of gross rascality or shameful t of duty hanging over him. I he^lndlct There are many white soaps, each represented to be ••just as good as the Ivory. They are not. but like all counterieits, they lack the peculiar and remarkable qualities ot the genuine. Ask for Ivory Soap and insist upon having it. Tis sold everywhere. I t 1000 JfRC v.’ArtO Tj SBtw;s r. - ■■■■'•• >t pt.-Jt C*» A CSS 0lKK)t^ vtiu nct % pil ' ticja: u»r>* ' maiii nun.ijj£ i: U rJiM l%r9 i Mr * «•»/ It-* 4 Ml •—i •t4 iu* j« *1 ivrfuir // ya* iw9-Viw.t •• r < IWac *J Pm*. V/ P5 i ;«$-✓ ! CMVAi&M-J th«i W 90trae try th», eci! t** I m'.v that Ttoc-w: »_! M MMHHbK&iurair.: .\'_s. ^i Fti-E'ja, fi»4 VIUtTftHI ClO 4 N(« rUNNITflRC \flV'*l wiuItain Class m»Cnin*w»a: , * j WLk tTAiN TtNAfAPC Mir «IU ITMN VOW* CiO CACKCT9 w>u. Stain Sam vs Co*: « and merits have uuw been quashed and all parties will doubtless be satisfied. In the meantime, however, the State loses anywhere from $20,000 to $30,000. Much comment has been evoked by the case, and it will not lesscu public Interest to know that all the parties to the shame ful swindle belong to that highly moral portion of the Republican party, who havejjeen for years endeavoring to get hold of the State Government for the purpose of giving the people a reform administration. A PULPlfsHJSATIOX. K«v. A. C. White. Sou of Ur. C. C. White. Personates Amkski rv, M \ss., January 1.—Rev. A. C. White, the popular pastor of the I'nlversaiist church and son of l)r. C. C. White, of Columbus, O., has caused a profound sensation here by impersonat ing Miles Siandish in the comic opera lTlscilla, composed by Messrs. Henry I). Codidge and Thomas Turette. The opera was produced with a cast drawn from local talent. When it became known that Mr. White was to figure as the hero in the play, there was a little opposition on the part of the other ac tors, but it passed away after a few re hearsals. The preacher entered iuto the sport with as much get as any of the others, and they quickly ..iw that lie possessed amateur ability of rare quality. When the night for tin' performance came a well-filled house was present to welcome tiie minister Iwhind the footlights. The audience was divided as to condemna tion and admiration. The minister’s acting was looked upon as superb and his voice was captivating. He made a splendid Miles Siandish ami carried the house by storm by his meritorious work. 11- was ealied before the curtain and ap plauded to the echo. Since that night the gossips of all de nominations have pounced upon the parson’s escapade as proper prey and have talked about him with spiteful persistency. The I'niversalists stand by their pastor through thick and thiu. Mr. White preached his last sermon as pastor of the church Sunday. He in tend. spending the winter in Tampa. Fla., where he has an orange grove, and it is hinted that his next venture will be on the stage ratln r than in the pulpit. DIED. "LEWIS \V> .lu-.Juy, l*ec-inbcr 3l»t lsi». Tuo».» K . Mill ut Dr. D A Lewis, in llwlKli year • f Ui.- :ic. Fun- ral Sunday. J muary Ith, a'. 2 p. iu. Set vie*, al Wesley M E. church. St HKK1HKU Thursday morning. January |»t I'SU ai 8 Is ,.vl,.yk. Mr». Sophia, wife >f the laic Th» dor* Sckoibrr, aged 85 VCars. Fuller i -cri ice- al her Isle residence, No. 173 North Front «ir«-*t. on Sunday afternoon at t«o clock. Friends of the family are invited to attend. lutermeut at Greenwood cemetery. HAVER—Thursday morning. January 1. tt®l, at 7 :ti o'clock, William (J Bat an. aged 85 year* and 3 months. Funeral services ut residence of his mother. So. 185 Sixteenth street, on Saturday afternoon at* o'clock Friends of the family are invited to attend. Interment at Peninsula cemetery. M\RT1S—At Booth»vll!e, \V. Va.,Thursday, January 1st. IWI. Waltsu L. Maktin. in the 8Tth year of liis age. WILLIAMS—On Thursday evening. January 1st. 180'clock ru . Mrs. ANK Wiluaus. iu the W.»t;. ear of In-rage. Fuueral from her late residence iu Benwood. Sunday afternoon at two o'clock. lotermeut at MeMechen cemetery. F'riends of the family respectfully invited to attend. .leuheville Herald please cop).) GARRITY—On Friday luornimr. January 3d. jso ,t a id o'clock u. in, John V , son of Tbow... and Mary Garrity. iu the SCth year of his age. Futtrril notice hereafter. llclinioiio lloticce. w-MRST PRESBYTERI \N CHl'RCH-Rev. D. J1 A i um.iugh mi. 1) IX, pastor, will preach at In .‘In a m.. and 7 3U p tic Aud also a prao t cal sermon .ach evening during this Week of Prayer._ st KUMt i . \1 SKt'o.M) PKESISYTERr.VN > Ohurel. by Dr.f ooke.morningand evening. Service* during the Week of Prayer, at 7:33 p. m. All are welcome. TAoFrtii RIIR METHODIST CHURCH F Rev t’harle- W rushing, pastor. Service* .1 10:30 a. iu. and 7'30 |i. U). Subject for even nig "Timely Suggestion- S -ats ire.-, llciu Abwcrttecmcnte. AMVMVWWVWWVWAWAMMj ! ! Better than T*» »nd Cof?*« >c the N«r.ts ] i ;! Van Houten’s Cocoa ! j The Original-Most Soluble.! • !' your Grocer f r it, take nootber. (63«| <\v\\vw%wn\v\w>vvwwv*\vvv pLYMOUTH ROCK Phosphatod Gelatine l r J»*Uie-. Cream-. Snow Puddio;:. Bluno y;in^r»4 Will tone up and invlgoraU* the ->* tern lud prevent dy.pcpsla. *£ 2317 Market, or cor. Jacob and 38th Sts. Twentv sl\ reoelpu In each package. de31 oc**b _LOC4L AGENT. j OOK TO YOUB INTERESTS. To"* Builders and Owners of Buildings. I now have on band the best selected stock of .,a:c Mautel* ever brought t - tbecity. I keep a go'd assortment of Gas Grates and 11 e Hearth* and all good* for making a nice tiro-place. Vail at tnv toace and vou can se* Just what you are to get iu 1 see the Mantel net up for inspection. H. r. ' ALUi* LLLi JeSSJa* 1507 Ma'n »tre*t Baking Powder absolutely pure. 1 kWlHHMif* THK XIKCSitvr l»» BIST BtDK._ | THE REGISTER’S { * Model Wall K Pocket Map j | OF WEST VIRGINIA. A # Unf>°u,,dv • -**c* 4 D bound, • »<*• A f -FOR SALE AT- § | Register Counting Room ^ ilctu Abucrtiermcnt*. WASTED TO BUY—FIVE TO TEN ACRES » » lot gardening purpose, close to city: with or without bouse. Call or address ROLF A HARVEY. 1U Market street. Ja3e*dh For sale or exchange-small stock of Drugs snd Patent Medicines. Good Real Estate Business for sale. Apply to W H. DAGG. No. I OS Market street. Ja?q IjlOR SALE-A SPLENDID NEWFOUND ' land Dog: four rears old: thorough watch Uog; very kind to children. Apply to No. IIP S. Front Street. JOHN GERHART. ji&qdq r OST—l*OCKETBOOK — bRIDAY AFTER -Li noon, between Dillon'- and Stantou A Dav enport's. black cover with sterling silver front contained Flu aud samples. The tinder will be liberally rewarded by leaving at this office. J»*l FOR SALE-SECOND-HAND SIDEBOARD, in good condition. Call at PJ3 Market St. 1*2*__ TXT ANTED—A GOOD SOLICITOR IMMEDt v v atelv. Good pay to the right party. Call at 3795 Chapline street. J»2» \\7ANTED—A YOCNG MAN WITH SOME v * general knowledge of office work, who 1 also a compete nt stenographer, telegraph and typewriter operator. Address ''MANUFAC TURER." this office, stating age. experience and salary expected. j*2r WANTED TO BUY—DRUG STORE iu some v» good West Virginia town. Address j "DRUGGIST," this office Jaleada TJIOR EXCHANGE—GOOD LEATHER TOP r Huggv. (light*, fi.r a light "Dayton" wagon or will -ell. Call between uow and January 9>1, on GUS. FRIES, 1U9T Main street. laleadh TXT A XT ED—SALESMEN iO SOLICIT M orders for reliable Nursery -took, Good P -iiions for pusher-. Write ELLW ANGER A HARRY. Ml. Hope Nurseries, Rochester. X. V. ‘Oth year.__ deSBeodz U~'r \NTED—CUTTERS AND TAILORS TO learn the Best System of Cutting Gen tlemen's Garments: best of instructions. Terms moderate uud guarantee no trying **n Call on J W.URLIXG, Twelfth and Market, at M. J. KrillesA Son's. jaleada I Speci al notice \11 member* of Garfield Local Assembly No. 1741. Cigarmakers, are hereby notified that th* re will be .. sp-s-inl meeting this Saturday evening at 7 o'clock, at our regular hall. By order of R. DOHLKR. M. W. 1*3*1 It” ANTED. CecDialois and Enamel Workeis, Apply BUCKEYE GLASS CO.. jaSeqdq MarUb'« Ferrv. Ohio. CT( )CKH< ILDEBS MEETING. HANK OF WHEELING. The annual meeting of the Stockholder' of this Bank for the election of Director' t-> serve for the ensuing year aud for the transaction of Muy other business that may he brought before it. will l>e held at the Banking Hou-e. No. 1889 Main 'treet, on Thursday, January la, IHSil' between the hour'of I and fi o'clock p. til. ]a3*K> G. I. A MB, Cashier. EWING BROS., J*3 IS15 Market St., opp. McLure House. | ^ FUNERAL NOTICE. ^ V Baltim >nc Loixir No. 6. K or IV kt ■ To the nieinoer. of Baltimore Lodge B ■ No. 8. K. of P.—You are hereby netifled B •9 to appear at Castle llall of said Lodge B B January 4 Sunday . at 18 o'clock M.. to E B attend the funeral of Brother Thos L. fe B Lewis. All-isler Lodges are fraternally B gj Invited l attend, \VM. BISHOP, t:. C. H , J. Li llAHEUr.ELD, K. of U. aud S. jj& BEAUTY AND UTILITY —IS— I ART POTTERY, DOULTON. ROYAL WORCESTER. FAIENCE, a Rt >u N DERBY, CUT GLASS. ROSE. HOWLS. WATER BOTTLES. VARE, FINE' HINA, DINNER SETS, TEA SETS, CHAMBER SETS. FANCY PIECES. Library Lamps from $185 np to $15. John Friedel, juA No. 111!» MAIN STREET. | DIAMONDS $4o,ooo Worth —OF— Fine Diamond? N *w in our hou*** to wlfct from. Jmt think of | it: More thuu ull other house# in the city com bined. We have flue good* and will seil them lower than the lowest. Come and see. I. G-. DILLON & CO., JEWELERS, pOGERS* SILVER PLATED 1 V WARE Knives, Forks null Spoons, Table Knives autl Carvers. A large line to - iect from. NESBITT & BRO., degVWAs 1118 Market Street. Vycneurtl lloticu*. DIVIDEND. Peabody Insurance Company, Fom* Per Cent., I*a\ able on ib'iuumt. J. F. PA I’LL, Se**ret»ry. Mutual Savings Bank, No. 1315 MARKET STREET. rpHE TRI SI KES OK Tills HANK. IN OR 1 tier t.. accommodate all cla-'t-aol deposit ors. have extended the yi ahthi-Day to include SATURDAY. JANUARY lorn, lf»l. All deposits made on or licforo that day will share in the July dividend a* if deposited be fore January 1st. ISBI. Since commencing bus iness the bunk has paid the dep .sitors at the rate t.f rot k t kNT per anuutu, each denosit hearing Interest from the first day of the quar ter next at er being made. This extension a' lows interest to begin January l«t on all money deposited on or before January lOtli. after which interest will begin on April 1st. ALEX. Ml IVHELL, jaicAili Treasurer. ^OTLCE OF Change of Management. On and ufter Jauuary 1st, 114)1, Mr. J. L. Hal* lard, fors.-v.-ral tears in the employ of our firm, w ill have the full management of our established business. Mr E. L. Rose devoting most of bis time to outside interests. We cordially thank the public for their very liberal patronage of the past, nud . hope tlie* change of management may result in not only holding all old. but add many new customers to our already large list. jaldiai KDW. L. ROa'i A CO. STOCKHOLDERS MEETING The annual meeting of the stockholders or the Wheeling and lielmout Bridge Company will l.e held at the utile.- of the Company on Mouday. the twelfth (I3tb> duy of January. !W1. 1 etweeii the hours of 3 and -i o'clock p m . for the election of Nine Managers to serve dur ing the ensuing year. „ _ JOS. LAWSON. Secretary. Whi vi ino, W. Ya . December**. l**il. d.-jei OTl 1CKHOLDERS’ MEETING. 'i he annual meeting of the Stockholders of the Natl, aal Bank of West Virginia, ai W heel ing. will hr held at the Banking Housf on Tues day. Jauuary l.x. IrfH. between the hour* of otic au’d three o’clock p. m . for the election of Do n ctor. and the transaction of any other busi ness that max come before them JOHN W.U.NER. Cashier. Wheeling, W. Ya., Jan. I, t8W. J“l 'V’OTICE In accordance with the provisions of the by law- the anuual meeting of the Stockholders ot the Wheeling Ti’le and Trust Company will be held at tl.e office of the Company. Room One. Reilly Building. Market street.on Monday, Jan uarx ID. 1*4*1. at '.‘o'clock p. m. jatti THOS O’BKIEN.Secretary. T^OTICE. I hereby warn the public not to trust mv son. Albert Crawford, on my account, as I will not be responsible for auy Mil* contracted by him. Jals JOHN CRAWFORD. 3Vbt»erti»emcnt0. NIGHT SCHOOL. An excellent opportunity for thtwe who can not attend the day resalons to acquire an educa tion. The wort Is so arranged that noone ever so deficient need feel any embarrassment. I.:.dies In attendance. Call or »«-nd for Catalogue. WHEELING BUSINESS COLLEGE. 1a9T.Th.Sat-t>___ __ BARGAINS FINE DRESS GOODS . ! /fnd .Remnants. J. S. RHODES & CO. Our entire stock of Combination Suits, Scotch Cheviots and Robe Pat terns marked down to about half price to close before stock taking. $15.00. $17.00 and $18.00 Suits— Choice, $10.00. All Wool Combination Suits from $3.25 to $6.00. Remnants! I Our Remnant Counter now ready. II you can use short ends we can save you money. I. S. lodes £ Co. l S : H E ■ IRCCIT COURT OP OHIO) ■ l ty. West Virginia. Neill A Ellfngham vs. Rogers Brother'.. Produce Company. Under an order made by the Court in the above entitled cause I will sell at public auc tion, at the store of Neill A Klliiigbam, corner of Main and Kourte- nth street, in tin -city of Wheeling, on Jam akv 14th. 1801, at 10 o'clock a. m , ore- lot id prunes, being about Ufa) sacks, containing about 55).l00 pounds. Term* of Sale—CASH. LEWIS KTEKNROD, jafetdi Sheriff of Ohio County. REAL ESTATE, STOCKS AND LOANS, GEORGE S. OTTE & CO.. Real Estate Bought. Sold and Loans Negotiated S|>ectul Attention Given to Collection of Rent*. We offer the following valuable property for sale: Three Building Lots. laOvlUO. corner Forty fourth and Jacob streets, will la- sold by half or full lots. Will be sold cheap. Two-story Frame House, mew), four rooms, lot 85x100. No. 3819 Wood street A bargain. Building Lot 50x10). corner Thirty-ninth and McColioeh street*. Cheap. No. 4J83 Jacob street. Lot 50x103 i alley corner), new house, three years old. ill excellent condi tion, contains six rooms, slso wash house in rear. Call earlv for a bargain. Addres., or rail on GEO. S. OTTE A CO., delJsat.Tu.Th-sb City Bulldlug. J 1ST OF LETTERS Remaining in the Postortice at Wheeling. Ohio county, W Va..Saturday. January 3,1801. To obtain auy of the follow ing, the applicant must ask for advertised letters, giving date: LA 111 KM. I llokletuatiu. Lizzie I * \lr«* S Mi-* Minnie F Mr*». rliirx .Johnson. Mrs. Elizabeth UKNUE1IKN. Anderftoc. Fred. AdamNvlioo i>. Itttu^bi'r, MhJ. K. Cook, Isaac M. Dow, J. < Ge»'iier. Jacob GillikTHii. M. T. HarrUoii. K. A Jeffrey*. R. O. S. Jou**'. A. J. M ulrnliv. \\ iilmin Re d. R R. Ha 111(i'lirue StaM«r. William Tay lor. W. I*. Voc»do. Mmli«'l<? Wliitf, Kdgar F. Whit.-, W.N. v> alker, A. Willies, \V\ F. W. y \V. COW DEN. P. M. gPECIAL FOR THE -HOLlpAYS No Agent* Employed. No Tickets Required. No Cheap Bromide Print* palmed off as Cravons that any "Spot Knocker’' can finish in five minutes. And don t require /mi to pay two price* lor Frames. 1 will from thl* date make my Best Satin Finish Cabinet Photos only $1.50 Per Dozen. Proof made and satisfaction guaranteed at - BROWN'S GALLERY delh 1222 Market Street._ FIFTY YEAR Six Per Cent. Gold Bonds For Sale. — A LIMITED NUMBER OK WHEELING a\ Hrnige and Terminal Railway Company six iiercent Klr<t Mortgage Fifty Year Gold Honds arc hereby offered for sale. These lain.]* arc secured b” a deed of trust on the Bridges. Tun nels and tracks and other properly of the Com pany, and are believed to be a good, safe and permanent investment. Interest payable half yearly. Apply to GEO. W. HCKHAKT. Jr., Cashier People’s Bank, Or. Tuos. O’BntitN. oc23h Rea. Estate and Stock Broker. HOTcVJlY LETTER FILE. Raven Time. Space. Money. Occu plo»!i inclut at end of dc«k. Hold. h'.uUu ltdtrt. an average of Wprrdat ft* one poic. fan ta- nferredfo wltli out leaving vourelialr.Sian-lal alien* lettering to order. Rend (or circular. Price (24 Compartment*) $22.00. J. W. BAILEY. 234 Clark-st.Chicago. deSDeb_ COMMERCIAL COLLEGE of KENTUCKY UNIVERSITY -LEXINGTON KY - I'i ,, ft /, .f /;,* ..'II •*» ITorf.f. HMIMT Awutpn « hrokfil"*. I*' iO Hu»lfir»#. l-i l-LL'Vra •■tUi'lOTlU. C<Hl«l ID ,udiu* Tui'l'in. Mill nrr» «u1 IRv<1 $!*.» KnnRT-«u*n l;r» writes. .t».i »«;«••**» n» *|fcUlt»e» So vnatloo. Efttei bov. (}'»iuatr« *oc «*tul. *1-cul dtp*rtn»*«»fr*c Udi«*. N>»rh l .kiutu ifQttiu *«1»-i*4b»c« tbrp*«t rear. For circular* a41r«*M WILBUR R. SMITH. Pro,:. LEXINGTON. KV. I D. O. KURNER, Practical Painter, Grainer, Glazier, SIGN PAINTER « PAPER HANGER, Dealer in Paints, Oils, Varnishes. Window Glass Brushes. Painters’ Supplies, Ac., 1727 Market Street ! TELEPHONE 3Z3. WHEELING, W. VA I ]y*-d _ _ , QHRISTMAS l’aiH'rs, Magazines, Hooks Toys, Ac. Periodicals by the year at publisher*' prices. Delivered anywh»re. Pittsburgh Dispatch, Daily 150.; SOc. including Sundays. C. H. QUIMBY. Book apd Newsdealer, I delO Mil Market Street. | ^OTICE. Those desiring to make a Handsome Christ mas Present will do well to send in their order without delay, for a Portrait either In Oil, Pas tel or Crayon. The FAMOUS PASTEL a speci ally. JOHN W. MYLES, noSeAdrb__Artist, The Randall, turner Pennsjl.ania tre. and Urteenth Street, WASHINGTON, 0. C. This Hotel is New. Elegantly Furnished and Beautifully Situated, commanding Views of the Treasury. White House aud Grounds, the Mall, Washington Monument, etc., and first class in all respect*. Tnr.XS—13.10 per day and upwards. JNO. T. TREGO, Proprietor, j de»Vsb Late of Berkeley Springs. | REMAINDERS OF Japanese Ware and Lacquer Boxes To be cleared off to discontinue this depart ment. A few drsirahle Manicure Sets iu Im ported Plush and Leather Boxes will also be offered at net cost to close. ue.1l) STANTON & DAVENPORT. PROXIES, LEASES AND ALL KINDS OF Blanks for sale at the IUhistuk Counttm I Bourn Announcement*. ANNOUNCEMENT. To the Democratic Voter* of the City of Mheetioff: I respectfully solicit your votes for Major at the Democratic primaries to be held on Satur day. the UKh day of January. 1391. GEO. E. BOYD. ANNOUNCEMENT. To the Rtf or of the Register. Picas** announce the undersigned as a can didate for the nomination of City Sergeant.;»ub }ect to the decision of the Democratic Prima ries to be held January 10th. 1S81. And obligeJOHN H- CLARK. $lenr 3U>»erttaemeni*. GIVEN AWAY The desire to augment our business during the dull months of January and February, has induced us to perfect arrangements with the publishers whereby we are enabled to present to each purchaser of $8.00 worth or i more, a complete set of Lithoed Water Color engravings, and a 50 page copy of "Sunshine for Little Children." ■REDUCED Prices on all Cloaks. Winter Goods and Remnants—many of them at half price. GEO. M. HHGUiHKhhHh £)R. S. R CALDWELL, DENTIST. Holds the exclusive right of Wheeling for Dr. Graham's New Method of Extracting Teeth Without Pain. 114H Market street. Wheel mg. W. Va. Reference t v Permi-ston—Rev. I). L. Ash, Weslej M. K. Church, W. Newt-.n Bo nar. Dept. Collector of U. S. Internal Revenue office. delleadab yENSIIJLE SAD IRONS. Table Cutlegv, Silver Plated Knives and Forks, Sliver Plated Tea and Table Spoons, Granite Iron Ware Clothes Wringers, Route Clothes Washers, and Copper Wash llotlers. GEO. W. JOHNSON’S SONS. aul8 No. 1210 Main Street. J FOR THE YOUNG! HOLIDAY GUTS FOR THE OLD! The class of articles that we have show that we know the people want goods of taste and merit, whether the article costs 2*0. or ISS. SILK UMBRELLAS! j A great stock and a great trade. Our variety is simply amazing. 10,000 Handkerchiefs Ladies’ Embroidered Silk and Linen. Linen Initial. Men's Fancy Bordered, and Silk Muff lers. L irgest variety ever shown. Illsek Silk and Black Henrietta for gifts. Best an l It.SOSilk Warp Henrietta. Best value ever offered. FI RS for Ladies and Children. Muffs and Boas at right prices. Liijei) Goods i Our stock of I.uicn Goods is larger than ever before. Something ehoice aud lieauliful for the Holidays. Plenty of other Holiday Novelties too numerous to mention. Egger, Warrick <& Co., 1132 MAIN STREFT pARSONS, Photographer, Atelier. No. lSUo JIarket Rt. Personal attention given to all Sittings. Ar j tistic Results Produced. mrlO | qTder ! CRAB AND COMMON. I am prepared to furnish Crab and foinmot Cider ot best quality in any quantity, at th« cheapest market rates. Alsobweitzcr nnd Lim burger Cheese at lowest price * CHARLES KLEIN*. deTdsb Cor. Eighth and Market Sts. GRATEFUL—COMFORTING. Epps’s Cocoas BREAKFAST. *'Bv a thorough knowledge of the natural laws which govern the oja-railon* of digestion and nutrition, and by a careful application ofthe fine properties of well-selected Cocoa, Mr. Epp* has provided our breakfast tables with a delicate Iv flavored beverage which may save us man heavy doctors* bills. It is by the judicious use o such articles of diet that a constitution may b gradually built up until strong enough to resis • very tendency to disease. Hundreds of subtl maladies are flouting arouud us ready to attaei wherever there i- a weak point. We may eaeapt many a fatal shaft hy keeping ourselves wel fortified with pure blood and a properly nour tsbei frame."—Curil txrrioe (kiuttt. Made simply with boiling water or milk, bold only in half-pound tins, by Grocers, labeled thus lAUCC CDDC 1 m Homeopathic Cnr.nisTa. JHWtO trrj k 1>U.| London. England. seljdaTu.Thagc £rpal iloticco. ■pJOTICE TO CREDITORS. To the creditors of Sophia Schwartzbach, de ceased. In pursuance of a decree of the Circuit Court of the County of Ohio, made in a c:iu-<- therein pending. to subject the real estate of the said Sophia Schwartzbach to the paymeut of her debts, you are required to pre-ent your claims against the estate of the -aid Sophia Schwartz back for adjudication to George E. Boyd, oom rnissioner. at Ms office in said county, on or be fore the Ifrth day of January. IffeAl. Witness, John W. Mitchell. Clerk of the said Court, this flth dav of December. 1800. JOllN W MITCHELL. Clerk. Caldwell A Caldwell, Attorneys for Complainant. deSoawv_ OFFICE OF THE CLERK OF the County Court of Ohio County, West Virginia. In ibe matter of the probate of the will of James Murphy, deceased. This LOth day of December, A. D. 18SW. John J. Kain illed bi’s petition a»kiug for the probate of the will of James Murphy, deceased, and it appearing by said petition and an affidavit filed herein that James Jordau. Jobn Jordan. Mary Jordan and Sarah Jordan are nou-resid.-uta of the State of We.-t Virginia, it is therefore or dered that the aforesaid parties do appear with in one mouti from the flr»t publicaiioh hereof and do what is necessary to protect their Intel 1' esl In this matter. (Published the first time Decembers?, ispn GEORGE HOOK Clerk. John A. Howard, Attorney. deSJnawt <5eo. it. (Baglor. mm iimiieiMiiT' il jggjl ALL CLOTH and PLUSH JACKETS and SACQUES I Markup poWn; Change in the prices taking effect this morning, DECEMBER 27. Misses’ Cloaks included! jllcni 3Vbi»ci*ttocmcnt9, HOLIDAY GOODS AT THE OLD RELIABLE STORE OK JOS. G-E^^l^VES’, isro. 2© twelfth; st. Ei.iuDiu-amortim-nt of Fine Leather i*r.d Pltndi Good-. Photograph Alhom-. Handkerchief ami Glove Ht-v G>-nt-' ui.d Ladle*' Traveling ('»«-*. Oxidized mid I’lu-h Manicure nud l oilel S* t*. Travs. Ae. Bronze and Florentine Statuary in .-real variety. Linen Toy liookx and Juve nile Book# for Boy- and Girl*. Gheape.l and a:reate,t variety in the city. POCKETBOOKS, PURSES, LADIES’ HAND, BELT AND ARM BADS, Family and Teacher*’ Bible*. Diiirle*, Hymnal.* and Prayer Book*. Game*. Building Block*. | Desk*, and Secretaries for hojr. and irirl*. etc . ,, pBf.Vnvtbtne '«'U l>ure|ia-e will h- taken Car. .if and delivered at the proper lime. dell furniture out* tborprtc* HUGH STERLING. G. ED. MENDEL. MICH. KIRCHNER. G-. Mendel & Oo. FURNITURE, CARPETS, UNDERTAKING. The Best of everything for CHRISTMAS ! Right in the front of all competition we place our Elegant New Holiday Stock! Complete in Assortment! Splendid in Quality! Overflowing with generous bargains in Fancy Chairs, Ladies' Writing Desks, Rockers, Cabinets. Floor and Wail, Parlor Suits, Tables and Stands, Shaving Stands, Couches, And everything that will go to make a nice Present in the Furniture Line. Popular Selections, Plenty of Variety, Newest Attractions. A thoroughly first-class stock, combining Novelty. Quality and Elegance, with Prices Strictly Fair. Everybody is Delighted with our Holiday Display. See it. G. Meiydel & Go., iiq4 MAIN STREET. i*'Store will be open hereafter until 9 p. m. Friend <S& Son, 1063 MAIN STREET, Parlor Suits, Chamber Suits, And MISCELLANEOUS FURNITURE. MOQUETTE, VELVET, BODY BRUSSELS. TAPESTRY BRUSSELS AND INGRAIN CARPETS. The Stock is Largest! The Styles are hewest!_ The Prices are Lowest I d& SON. Undertaking in all its Branches. Telephone Calis Answered the Store Day o«- Night. OSWi JfcATARRH BUEMEDY Is the most mtLtHccessfulremedy ever M ra discovered for the cure of fa Catarrh, t'oblin the ilVQj&ccul. Jn/tunisa and all rfisE eases of the Aasat l*as *age». it cut is more crispaS athrnnuy other known « 21 medicine. I *e this wonder \LJgful remedy and yet 9 we t, jor it tsa sure and pus it ire cure. Hold by all m Jjrugytsts.5 JOHN STACKHOUSE & CO.. Philadelpt’* i HILAf>ELFBIA. April 16. lhSO. Memrs JOB* STACMOCrt A Co. D- :.r Sir. —I bare b^n iffllctz^w.tb CaUrrb fo^e.r. will verify my ftlmony^o .ny one. if they will <^R«he Uoubie ^, s Sold by LOGAN DRUG C<>., Wholeaale »ud He ml. n..*e»b Amusrmrutft. OPERA HOUSE, ONLY ONE NIGHT Wednesday, Jan. 7th. "THE BIG CITY SHOW CLEVELANDS CONSOLIDATED MINSTRELS? ALL THE GREAT STAR EMERSON. FAGAN. DOUGHERTY, SCHOOLCHAFT And the Marvelous CRAGGS. fWCrier.. ti(j). 7:, .u.< '.*> •••t. commence* MoiiJ.j-,. .1...- ... , Hou.ei, IJIUMC *'• re. POSITIVELY LAST WEEK. BERGMANN’S Great Art Exhibition NOW OPEN AT 55 Twelfth Street. I iGrand Opera llou*- Block The climax of all Automatic V . Wonderful Movement*. l.if* Ilk- R. ; ■ tiona. Abeolaleljr the Big beat p. ... j Human Ingenuity. A Masterpiece of Art, Science »nd Mochantesl Device*, e. ,■ . .. MU, the great German Inventor .. .' Btdeu. n lifettue of labor N ■ Prof.. Her.-. r * WON DERr ' I. A 1C EXPOSITION You cannot afford to mi-* th*-*e gr. .• tual marvel., the giant, of all autom*' tion*. j Open for a fen tints, 0 a. nt. to lit p. m, AdiuiBilon lo all. it. «*lu<J in it R» . s. for ONLYlO CTS GRAND Opera House. O.C. GENTHLR Manager. | THREE X Kiln s AS I MATIA comm. n. IN., Thursday Afternoon. January 1st. Tbv TmJmBKcI v.iunj In-!. tVu.. M. A. SCANLAN, And If.* fcic#ii#-ot C*otm.iiiy, u. O m cf All IrUb Drat,i4v KTEIL AGRAH, fc.—</rv. ’/a 1’liiir* .v C’.f> ®r '.i * 2V Children. s: **re*d *n i •» *: Weir *. 03uc>£>a. SPECIAL NOTICE. HENRY JACOHS *i-h.-. t trtitloU of t!.*> put»ll<* to the Store, People’* Bank Bilik v. 4note m f**w t». Btke it t< n eomiuir. GREAT BARGAINS \ IlMnkrta, IMkife) Bril Vprrlill, 1‘llluna, Bulklrra. Frilhm, I'lonrrol Curprla. ! > « ri l ir f. ill M •• *11 lift | Kru»r|« anl Wltrl Hriwlv Mffciurt »«•! **mjrn» %% hMe an.) lila.k ! ur Uhk* y t r) i I.\i»o lii^r HiTk'uiL- in ury u I Fluor aiivi Table oil doth at oU i'r I B.&B. See Samples OF THESE Special Black Goods Values before you buy a black dn ?». S.iiiij • cost you nothing, and will save you i lara. 40 inch (note the width) AH W Hlack Cashmeres, OOo.—regular v 75 cents. 42 Ill' ll All-Wool Hlai k Cl ■ 50c.—worth 75c. 4*5 Inch All-Wool Hlack S. t; very remarkable value. 50 Inch Hlack French Scrg 40 Inch Hlack Silk Wrap'.' at SI.iK), St. 10, Si.—the present i price on those qualities is el *: *1.75. respectively. Higher prices are talked off sides. We will be a little peculiar, I adhere to old prices. “H. «fc B." prices,—always lie- <w Iti these stores. Catalogue and Samples free. Superior mail order facliltle*. Try ua. Satisfaction guaranteed, aNo low : prices. J3oggs & puhl, 111: ',2, Federal Street, ALLEGHENY, PA. The Pittsburgh Mop-Wringer. KTitoM. t oi mm.) t umiTiui A jfftlvaijl/i <J buo ••t ami J K»»lly op**r»tr*l with tt f**it »* >h)»o 10 rut c'• *14 or U-iinu w»ter with **-ia or oomvBtri t*«l Jy»* ran lw wtt < ut injury. Aft tin* hoi «i«» not com* to moi ’ with tin* wut»*r. cbapp* *ra)o* *1 Kid >« r«- hto«* nr* tvoldrd N*»»j.*-«:»»1 m*>pr- , • ■ hup* rior to wo* i i' et that U h»h!r t*» ?» pitcc* wtllk ripon«lon f • *»ntrirttoii. > r * ••• * f • i »-!*»r« u*» fr*.m tl»* lirt f‘filth wruosr iut« r * linn?, ' U- uh r* Khf* it • r ■ t it f r \*-u 1' »* to ui f*-r it, Trv our ihr*'**! tno[»* ^u^ ri- r t<- h ■piTTSHt Will MOP AKIN .PR I " SOS (ID.I SOS Wood S«r~-t. Pltubuiw-* FOR SALE KV B F. f'ALDWIII H..IVI u,TIia''hI r1' A ILMitro anb $tquov«« RECEIVEDI A LAlUal tliroHTATIO* of Wines Direct From Europe, CONSISTING OF SHERRIES, MADERIA, PORTS, MALAGAS, MUSCATEL. AUo » So* .me of Rbme Wine* *u<l Ci*r* • P. WELTY &. CO., .,.■ ■ * • ; • ' __ WlLLARP’S HOTEL, WASHINGTON. D. C. The mo,t f»in.,u> »u.l *»-li kn I the City. Sp-finl r»b * by tb* j *ui»iu»* rMuaii* *i l;> no:.** • viii-nt to all public bulitling, Se-nJ two AtAinp* for irul-l* '|( 'ST U., |> ( OCflTU.TBAA.Ab