Newspaper Page Text
p.s.-jiNDS KR"M rai oaio HILLS ‘ p*\ CeoslM’! * B»il—M: tu Nr'.t toCiBi* forth s»3 WiM Bos tWs D m for H,a. s,>vly realize the hless i.T■. he n»s i«sseti through Neither is the physi . .i.ite-l until he has res • ,i frtnji his almost hopeless 1 >,>•«! haul new lease of y, ■ ", ,-t is the >‘use of ime who is ,e vi'ms. for the benefit of the ; 1 *, ■ . to state i uMiel.v what feiTtnl to is Mr Krank voport, Ohio, Iluoccupa . ,i t- si it iii the Ktnu was (smi]M lleil to rrive it s ehii -ss Though a| f* latterly has been proved ; that ttU'kol his etuislitu . _i i, a aimer .1 tsmiph te i t Iti i i "Aio. t»'i, iv i- -itUy lam I u r> _“.r 1 t<> I* :ir llillltial with U|f ,, i. . troulil. a | . r -t :• -i rlv , 1 i • ,k« • ■tt-s.-ril.*' w« t> mlurv-l iliiriuv 'WwK'Uv fit I ^.i -nl .1 • utili .ill'. '!>•>•-» I • rt. It I > n J Hot la-:»r to V. • -»! ilol ton «« • Com - ». u J ilr.'tj | ' kf li CV •tUHtl} | - \| ■ r> >' Imw im** | r. . i. Mi.wlU" • u '«• ^IMxLhrr and -■ ii-*, I n*u.lllv ' . . Hot ■ »' M III! .I II l ht Jk.MVl- HillUK Illto f- Hjlll l loci ■i-r | tr. ici iii. but .I litiallt i-oa , | in - iri- oil-, to | . .aisalt-U l»r« . c wnif i-n •'.-i.- *r>-uuiout. uiinunl to i|.. . .a,- .ii in' 11 lion What with him him In short ,'mhI ..rv Inst u- ul I ul» , .to -v :^hin^ l'*' I Ml III! Ill a (air 'll,- rv-ult n mtut-ml the Ohio. »■ Mi*nt to m n li-rt uot- to l doctors COPELAND & BELL Mil Main Street, Wheeling, West Virginia, . .• , r w!■mrt - , f ,, !• "* j» in n» 1 7 »« i , \'l KKIi ill'! 'll lMv'lUHMI ut IU* II |;< i \ l .1,.) LI \l [*i:s » Ill'Ll. VNL)A KELL. v . Wli- lin* tt. Va. J.i»dA» . *'ST*BLISH6D, 1870. Black Gin TOR THE KIDNEYS !> i r** 1 ii*f *urt*our« forihi* • 1 irv u:_ .n». G*»v.*l Mi ' * i.fitiic Ca'Mfh uf th** Bln!* ! !"* >»!■• '•iiiuiM-h Hltlur* a «ur* ouff r -i !... r *B«1 «vrry »v** Wil l » lirrry futilr, lt.« mo't iMDUltr pf»'lr - - * o urfli". Cold*, Br<’ncliiti» t ■ i. '' - ' ■!» AM K. ZOKLLEK. Sol* Mfr., Pittuburic, I1*. Health is Wealth! £\ ' A > i « •* Nrkvr %st> Krai* Treat .1. rim, U 1 i« - hit- v«tv ••,' N‘*ur»lif • \ rv u> l‘r Htf'iti* n. t»y tt»** | «- • • f u.v . \\ , M* uUl 1 i> v .'t. mnj. ,f the |;r:t:a, iu | hr .*h r »y »n l * . “ 1 U*r HurvmirNS. L(»*»uf iV*w*T ,rv L- - **> ami S^rm» • r «*\* rti n of If.** (irtin: - ,uj •••ii'*** Kt»*h boi C<*» . *f« I t. f! HI :t u.\ or »ii I • %. • — ut by mm ou script i Guarantee Six Boxes n.'ivli »?th!6 »tll : r . wrtttrti <u »f kill**** t** rv- 1 *fi • tr»- do><> me i ! - %»ui i only through M.LAIN BROTHERS, \ji t**. XcUlb RU**k. cut : v. \Vlw*lti»jt. W. V*. TO WEAK MEN Suffering- rmm ; tJw> v T, . tJ» ol ! ___v llUirul I-IT"!' • Mi'nkuAi, 1“»* ii flu. "* .t ao >i. I i»l Ii I fill \r. iftiUiliilim | r Ii Mi,* 1 U Tl . fr'HICK *'( I'll AX ~l‘ , ,v rk -ii..uli] In' l»> **vt*ry ; I r,. .... mill t. I.llluit-.1 Aililn*. n»w O K, Kiii'itu»,( «uu. CARTER'S IYTLE SVER PiUS CURL V\ iU* tht*ir !i> *st SICK urvd IK 1.1 VCR Pll.fJC Ktfhtll. outing i>t*Uint. while I? I he bv Acblw HEAD ' . ■! t- a st ITkvlMa to tV-WO * •, i*..; .i.'irfsMiii; o nipiiuiit: 1 Ml • rr\ Ihcw W ill Awl I u io do with«»ul them u • i k hrad ACHE II . ItM-s lluil tu p- Iswl'fis* •• - >il Uw»t I uif 1‘ilU curt* it ! 11 > 1'u i < an- vt-rr <m*!l > I H:.- if two III.Ik II Si •trL'tly i.-ci-taliW un.l il •’lit In llwir m title •I’tio In I;;U jAf •.Vlit" • Mihrn*, 1**3* >CU*i '-z:::-3z:z r.;?. hUlo& Snail Ultyfcling 3&$isfjT. traveler*' <J5ui&c. i RRIVAL AND DEPARTURE IV oK TRaINS— Exi-lanation or Krr*a is.* Maks* ‘Dally tSuuday elo-pLed. {Mou ea. opted tibumlay eAoepted. |Saturday > , ,S'4 • * tarda. o*.v Sunday onlv—7a ->I.-r N v ;« IWU \\ breituu time, which . ue hour ear . tot than Central Tun*1. U. A it K R. Depart. Arrive W**h'tt»rU'iiCltyAih*E**t • 4.86am »u lopm t the Kb* 'UOpB.' Jtti* A Asblnet'-B City A the East •12.06» m *19 45 p uj IU ......!♦ 8.00 Bin t 5.061> in iraflou A.’.s lu Mound.vtlie Amum Mouud.Vlile AOOOtti . .. . MoulidsVille AOOOBI.-- . Viurnbu. stij Chicago Tulumbas. Ciu A Chiowgo ‘hleatfo Limited . ,V 1 u mbusACh io: ‘ if o Ei pres* 1 A Ciu A St. L*mi» 'oiumbus A Cincinnati Ex. ambus Aixs'ia a «i «iu . 6.06 p ■*« I 9.30 p IU *19 As I> m j r RoOani 419.45 pm 1 t S 3U p ui t 6 06 |>B • 7.50 »in *19 56 n in •11.06 »m • MOp m •10.46 p in • 5.50 alii Clairsvillt Aoooai. Clairsville A«c<m. A |* A K DIVISION ■t Pittsbur*. Pa . r Pitts burni P» r Pituburi<,Pa.,A the- Ka*l • 10.40 p Ui • 5.4 law 9.90 a m . • 4.90 p m *11.1.0 a m ,11.06 a in *11 10 a iu • 4 30 p it. 4 6.10 p ui > 545 am *11 00 am > 7 90 am • 556p UI 1 6 90 p Iu *10 911 p IU 1 40 p iu 419 45 p m : . 9.90 a UI j 4 5.30 p u \ 4 7.50 a m t 7 ■*) a iu 9 90 p m . I 1.55 pm 6.50 a Ui 4 4 90 pm 11.00 am 9 40pm 3.45 pm ..r Patshuor. •* f..iu IMt.brifiSu adayouly >»ehiu*tou .Pa.. AOOOBI. !• C. A ST L KY.—East ittshure . ittsburp aud New York... ittsburp and Sew York ittaburp and New York Kt ipres., 1 'in. and St. Louis 4 7 90am 4 6.50am > r. ...« n aud St. Lout. • 9 40 p m • 9.S) p iu \ | r. -». Steubenville A Co! ♦ 1 95 p m 4 S. 45 p l:i • il-euville A l). 11 u I sou Ae * 4 90 p m 11IW a ui C. A P. U K. t'.teburir.CI-vel dAChicap * 5.50 am * 9.15pm ail Liverpool . .. 9 7 19 p m $1.!- IK u • lie- U v 11,e Arc. [i .... • 9.43 am * l.lOpiu ituhurir. Sew York .. 411.19 bud *11.30 am v.-bitid aud t*bi •ak'1 - - 4 9.tU p In 4 9.U)atu itt.bur^ aud S- •» York Ki 4 344 p m ♦ 5.59pui i I. a W l: R rprvs*. Cleveland, K A W iassilloU ACOttlU . 1. ClalMVllle AecolB L Clairuville Aocoiu . t. Clair.viile Aoooia. t. Clair.ville Accent — .s-ai Freight aud Aocoiu OHIO RIVER R R. KP^'Qicpr. ...... ... K»»pii|{**r.. *’~H**l. A C\ R R ellmre aud /auesvllle. .. edaire aud Sumnierfleid 19.18 pm 9.49 pm 5 il9 pm 11.33 am S OU a m 9.35 a m 10.36 a mi 1.16pm 9.94 p m! 5.96 p m 6.91 p iu 8.08 p m 1.30 pm 1305 pm • 7 00am 11.06 am 11.40 am 335 pm • 4 30 p m • 8.U) p m !4 7.00am t 316pm 4 4 40 p m 410 ‘JO am Vr HEELING A ELM GROVE RA 1LROA D. Ou aud after Monday, iviul"'i I.t. 1*90. tram* will ruu a. follow.— Lt-ave W UeeLuir Leave Elm lirove. * '« • Daily except Suuday. Sunday Chueeh Train* will leave Eliu Grove t 9 43 a m. and VV heeling at 19 17 p. m. U. l». GILLKLA.N. (jen Manaper ••HAPPIEST ON A4.I. THIS K \KTII.'* Ol, Mothi r.. »i>ru aud weary, \\ ilheari's wlin'b ue\> r f. aae. With uev.*r time (or pl* a>ure. t\ itb da. s that hav no |*-ace. With little baud* to hinder Aud feeble step to uuard. \t itb ta>ka that lie unfinished. Deem uoi your lot ti»> hard. I know a house wliep-ehlldlsh thiuifs Are hidden out of siuht: Where never sound of little feet Is heard from nioru till uitihl. And she, the •ijs-visl mother. What would 'he kl'-" to-day To feel your mire* and burdens. To walk your weary way Ah. happiest ou all this earth Could she akuili but see The rooms all strewn with plaything And theehildren round her knee —ki/.ei /*•« U.r'rr /firp/r .. li I' ti ti f; li ll it a li HOY WANTKD. - " iur ol (lit: ,l|iplkul> Cot the PUft tool I w the Other* Cot - ! “ li liny iti art'si the door—W hat kinder 1 jb did you have last? Hi' neighbor—Messenger hoy. Boy nearest the door—How did you t >.*• it.' Leave or Ret discharged? Ilis neighbor The company wanted ie to slu>. loll the clothes got too m.i!: forme. (To porter.) Say. Irish, low do they treat the boys here? Do hey Ret promoted <|l|iek? Ilagan lie- porter)—Their hours is rotu tih in tin moruin' till three in the > (fthen boss ha> thim out to ** . : , I a d him at Del moony ru's wanet J i wake, 'ind» thiiu on a free thrip to J k’arrup ivvrv 'ummer. an' they do he • aken into partnership at the ind av the •' ,i. ond year. Av ye fink the phlace 'll u hute ye. I'll take yer car-r-rd in to the Third boy- If he don't show up soon •> in got*’ to Skip Tv- got to have a I ■iirarette pretty <|Uiek, or bust. J Fourth hoy, to his right hand neigh- J M.r What kind of questions do they t'k, generally? ‘ 1 ,fth bo> Oh. the questions don’t t imount to nothin’ It's ytr looks th**y * ndge by. What's the matter with tills levktie, hey ‘ Say. you won't have mi v huw to git the job. you're toolittle. see? i y ..11 oughter !»■ home in yer crib! Sixth boy Ain’t dat feller up next to end made a mistake? Ninth hoy What's the matter with Sixth U.y You're in the wrong place, iat's all dev want an ollice boy here . I dime museum's down on de nex I block. ' Tenth boy (to ninth boy, sympathet- «■ i-aliyi After I've goi through with the * boss. I ll wait outside and help you lick i that feller. Kighth boy—This is thedaisiest l*ean- • 'hooter out It"' got a terrible lot "o ’ foree f. r the si/.e or it -if I get this job ( I’ll have that Irishman crazy with it — jii't watch me hit that mole ou his Seventh bov N'p«.mii' lie turns round an* catches yon at it before you can get it out of sight? Kighth boy—Hellin' it out of sight N my specialty -there ain't any man llvin i an catch me w ith a beanshooter in me hand just w atch thi'shoL Hag*" -Ouch! me ear' show mb phwii li w .in o yeez little dlvils ha> the beanshooter. an’ th II play a chime on him wld me broom that’ll— Proprietor (appearing suddenly from private ortic.-Michael, you may put that Ikiv with the beanshooter out on the sidewalk, and then I will to examine the applicants. •*>i*\er I.ook ut the Clwk.” t i****• It is the little thing' that give the hcst insight into a man s eharaeter things which he does iuvoltintarily.aud w hen he is off guard. Any man may learn much al>**ut himself by taking no* 10 <- how lie i> aeonstiimjtl to spend his im|*i minutes and Ills loose change. l ,ir tlo* same reason there is no iiltle shrewdness in a stying which is attri buted to KUisoii. Accordicg to tlo* story a g«*utleman introduced hi' sou to tin- famous electrician, ami in the course of tiie e nversation suggested that he should give the young fellow a motto for hi'business career, upon which he w as about entering. Kdison was silent for a moment, and then said. "Never look at the clock! * Probably the boy was more or less mystified by this laconic utterance, but he will not In- long in the company of , U-rks or day laborers without discover 11 * that those who take so little interest In their work as to be continually ask- j mg w bat time it is are not the ones w ho ; get on in the world. Success is not for the la/y or the in different. A' some one has said, " 1 he arpenter who slays fifteen minutes after hours to finish a lob I' working toward' a 'hop of his own." Virtue Kr coin pruned. .tones has lately put his son in hisgro eery shop. ‘•oh. sav. pa!" cried the young hope ful as h- came running up to him the other day, "a gentleman overpaid me twenty-live cents to-day and I don t know who he was. What shall 1 do’.’ "Keep it. my son: keep it a> a reward I for your honesty and frankness." KtulshiugOut the Proverb She .defending herself)—I told her. 1 monsieur, that she was the last person to 1 criticise me. You know what our Kn gli'h proverb say- about people who I live in glass houses? Monsieur le ltlanc—Ye-es; /at zev 1 should pull down tlo* blind, is it not, [ mademoiselle? UUl'OHUM. A Mill 1KKII.S A Ali<liil|cl*t Interviewer introduced With » shower of loiii Lcail. St. Louie Republic. “You know 1 Lave been in the newspaper business a lung time, and 1 was never known to shirk, not even during a riot or blizzard. Well, i rattic very near tossing up the pencil a few nights ago. It was very cold, and 1 had to call on Bishop-. in reference to some church matters. Taking a car down town I soon reached the street on which the bishop lived. It was Just strikiug the hour of twelve. But I had to see the bishop. Well, sir, i hunted forlhenum* tier in the dark for some time. Not finding it I waited to see if I could not meet some straggler who lived in the neighborhood. Pretty soon along came i nicely dressed young fellow in a rather mellow condition, I asked him if he lived in the neighborhood and he said yes. The truth is the young man was none other than the Bishop’s son. He iold me in a semi-artleulate way that he would go up to his father's room and -peak with him about the matter in luestion. “Beaching tin* outer door he un oeked it and asked me to walk in. I •tepped in; he opened the second door kini I went into the house. Both doors were now loeked. The gas had been aimed off. We bunted for a match in rain. Well, the young fellow left me In larkncss. uttering a drowsy promise to art urn soon. 1 beard him stagger up lie stairs all right.. He went baek sev ral paces until 1 could detect his foot teps uo more. IB* fulled to return. I idieve lie fell asleep and forgot all ibout me. I stood there about lifteen ainutes, not knowing w tat to do. “1 made a modest mdse. No result. A lore derided noise. The same result. I *■ gaii to walk about, purposely bump ig against the furniture. Then so me lting happened. I heard a hoarse voice bout. ‘Throw up your hands or you arc dead man!’ “I’p went my hands like a shot, fhiz! bang! bang!—three bulletts rat ed over my head. 1 thought my time “Do you know, it seems as if I lived iy whole life over in tin* few minutes I as standing there. When the gas was ghted the first person 1 saw was a Idg, tirly negro. • “The shots brought the Bishop in his own and his young son w ith him. Kx laiialions followed. The house had sen robbed a few nights before, and ie negro had been placed in the base* ient to watt'll. He fell asleep. My aiking about aroused him. lie came p stairs and seeing my shining bat, hicli I bad forgotten to take off, lie tngrd away at it. I secured the iuier i w’, bought a new bat the next day id vowed never to wait in a dark ball, o matter who owned the house. A|>|tluinliiig parson If ranch. .tote York Prctir. The iV«\N» is not an admirer of pugi sin in tin- abstract or in tin* prize ring, ut it hasn't a bit of fault to find with ie course of ltev. t. O. Branch, of the eeond Baptist church, of Portsmouth, bio. While the minister’s pretty fif ■i n-year-old daughter was alone in her ither’s house she was grossly insulted y a sneaking coyote of a book agent, horn sin- bad incautiously admitted, be promptly informed her father of ie fact, and when the stalwart clergy* an met the contemptible fellow on the ,reet be forthwith administered to him summary and scientific physical chas semeut that was a joy to behold. Hip [id thigh the good man smote the iu ilter, and not until the scamp begged irdon and promised repentauce in the iost abject terms did his chastiser ithhoid bis hand. It was a case in hich the practical working of miiscu ;r Christianity was admirably illus ■ated. If there were more such illus ■ations our wives and daughters would r securer from cowardly insult than icy are now. i I f t ti I I t I; ii t t d ( f; ( t i< i t t t h Wrst Virginia reunion*. aerial Ttl- 'jrum (u t/u Re ntier WasIiivotun. January -7.—Thu fol- j •wing West Virginia pensions have ) eon issued: ;| Original Invalid—Johuti. Tomlinson, l and Mill: lsoa< Wagner, Hebron: Sam- - •■I Thomas. Debby; John llershbarger, ^ Iilion: Daniel Christian, Ceutreville: irn. M. Sams. Parkersburg: J. H. lolyard, Martiues*; \\m. C. look, l’ark- ^ r-burg; Isaac Teets, Kingwood; An- , rew Pemberton, Huntington. * Additional—Samuel Thomas, Debby. l Increase—Thos. l>. llouaker, Poot- t liga: Wm. T. Haves, Raven Roek: ,ouis Diet/., Moundsvllle; Ellis Vore, i |i e Bill; Jonathan Aukron, Ripleys; i r\in Stewart. Wolf Run; Edson White- < air, Rodaiuer. Harmon WyekofT, 'lemington; John Doss, Gilkerson: hristopher Hays. Ripleys: Arthur r. | leNally, Wellsborough. , original Widows. Etc.—Margaret, . ridow of Anthony B. Shimp, Whe. l ig: Mary C., widow of Harrison ( ’hacker, C'entreville. I 1 A Rational Theory. Hutton (o»rier. Rabbit Hunting on Halil Knob. Geologist—Uow ill) you account, my ri. iul, for the barrenness of this eleva Ion? I- it not possible that in some ' oleanie |* rtod then- may have been a ‘ [eposit of scoria here that has permun utly destroyed all possibilities of vege- | atiou? , , . . i .lokollst—Not possible, my fnoml. 1 | houlJ attribute the condition to a vraugle in the family lepordne—in j ,11,01- words, the falling out of hares, i Keeping HI* Credit Hood. prtroit Frt* J'rt**. l.ittleshort —Let me have >10 this norning, will you. Wally? Wally (bands over an X)—Yes. but— UttU'sbort (hands it back)—There, bat pays up for the one 1 had last year. [ try and make it a point not Inlet these .hings run too long. Art and She* rock. Mrs. Kromo—I ordered some picture ’rames yesterday sent home. 1 liml jow that they are too large for the pie ures 1 have. Art Healer—I see. And now you want to look at some smaller frames? Mrs. Kromo—No; at some larger pic : u res. W lint Kind ol Light. WnMoutOu Pott. ‘•I understand.” 'aid the private see -,-iary to a stockholder in the gas com ,any. ”11011 Sir Kdwin Arnold got a mi for hi' Light of Asia. ••You don’t tell me!” was the reply. •What was it -gas or electricity” Advice to Mothers. Mrs. W’issiow’s Sootiiiso Srtter has ,-n used bv millions of mothers for child n teething for over fifty years with per •t success. It relieves the Uttle sufferer once, produces natural, quiet sleep by .ving the child from pain, and the little erub awakes us “bright as a button. It very ploasaut U> taste, soothes the child, ftens the gums, allays pain, relieves wind, gulates the bowels, and is the host known medv for dlarrhu-a, whether arising ,m teething or other causes. I wenty -five nts a botMe. A* Nat oral a* Life. TUoerdle Ueraltl. ■•How many cards did you say?” said Postmaster Shattuck, as a gentleman asked him for some postal pasteboards, yesterday. "ilive me three,” said the inquirer,as he hastily looked at his hand. Another gentleman Just behind, who was waiting, here "chipped ill with the remark that he “would take live. The number was promptly shuffled off to him. Then as the gentlemen stood there looking at each other, a funny thought seemed to strike them simultaneously, and they smiled, bunched their hands, and quietly separated. LADIES Vending atonic, or children who want build ing up. should lake BROWN'S IKON HITTERS. It is pleasant to take, euro Malaria. Indl- i fviuea, liidoutuesa aud Liver Complaints. ForMalaria, LivsrTrou ble,or Indigestion,use BROWN'S IRON BITTERS .11 iHJE JACKSON S CHABGh Totiie I'uirei! *!*f 411** Ora mi .lory Ob*truc l« »ii4 In the l ittle i..nuiu h i. «Sp+cial Vorretpotubnc* of th* Rnjiettr,. I’aukkusbimw, January —The I nited States (fraud jury, consisting of the fol low I ug men, wu-- sworn in this morning: W. Vroonian, A. J. Ireland, R. H. Browse, Karnes Beckwith, Wilson Os born, S. V. Brown, R. R. Hall, S. J. Phillips. Moses Lang. <1. M. Baker, W. B. McCuIlom, Wm. Corbitt, J. F. Chen owith, F. 15. Burk, Philip Cunningham and A. 1!. Beckwith. Col. Vroonian is foreman, and a vig orous and intelligent one. The jury is composed of intelligent men. in empaneling the jury it was found that an unusually large number of the men drawn were postmasters or held some other oflice under the government. Of course all such had to stand aside. The jury having been sworn Judge Jackson proceeded to deliver his charge. The court room was crowded to its full capacity with interested listen er--. The charge was In the court’s usual vigorous, clear and forcible style. The matter of most interest to the hearers and the nubile, which was re ferred to by Judge Jackson, was the statute concerning the obstruction of navigation. Not that this is as import iul as some other matters, lint because die statute is a comparatively new one md has not yet been enforced, and. be •ause it may involve many or all of the nills ami lumbermen on tin- Little Kau twha River. Judge Jackson said that his statute is being violated every day n the year. The floating of logs -labs, etc., the obstruction of naviga iou by building booms, the dumping of awdust and debris into the river— hese and all similar things are con idered otTenses and are made punishable >y the statute. The Judge said he wanted the grand iiry to take time and investigate this natter thoroughly, lie said: “It may trike the Parkersburg Mill Company, r West’s Mill Company or any other ; dll or lumberman on the Little Ka- , awhn or on the Big Kanawha, but you an’t help that. The law must lie en- | ureed.” Another new and interesting statute a which he called their attention is tin- , nti-lottery law, which he heartily en orsed a- an excellent statute. The old, familiar offenses upon which | e dwelt with vigor were perjury, forg- , ry, counterfeiting, violation of tin* . ostal laws, the pension laws, the elec- | ion laws, and tin- internal revenue tws. Especially on the postal, pension and lection laws he spoke at length, show- 1 ig the magnitude of their importance i the Welfare of tile whole people. Iii discussing these things In- said lie lioke not to the grand jury alone but to £ ie people of West Virginia and the ' hob-country. Ilis appeal for a vigor US enforcement of these laws was do ^ uoiit and profoundly interesting. ttttLLAIKU. The meeting called for City Kail yestcr iiy afternoon for tlic puroose of explain* ij; to those likely to be interested in the Ojeets and prospects of the Pittsburg oal, Clay and Cement Company, was only lirly well attended. Messrs. Thomas arrett and Marion Huffman each made alternants of the objects of the company ad described the vast beds of good tire ay in juxtaposition to the proposed plant. . committee consisting of Samuel Sim 10ns, M. HutTman and Thomas Keyscr ■as appointed to solicit subscriptions to ie ucw company, and the meeting ad The projectors are receiving con deruble encouragement, we learn, and nr people are anxious to sec the company icceed. George Shall cross, a farmer, who lives car C'uincv, in some manner offended 'rank and Joseph Boston anil two other tiaps named Scott aud O’Grady, who bad een imbibing freely while going out on ie K. it O. accommodation Saturday veiling. As soon as Shalleross stepped off ie car at St. Clairsville he was attacked y the four meu and beaten up in a terrible ianner. ilis injuries are quite serious. One of the amateur burglars who have eeu annoying our citizens for a long time, ot overly reckless Saturday night aud fell ito the hands of Officer Strobel. At a late our Harry Shepherd was e.iught in the et of trying to force an entrance into lurry Kitchen's eigar stand. This Is the proud time the young man has been barged with burglary, and it will no oubt go rough with him. The revival at the Christian church will ontinueall this week, as the interest cou inues unabated, and accessions are made j the church at each service, llev. Pur lins will on Thursday evening deliver a H-ture, entitlod, “Woman, Pagan and Ihristian.’’ The Independent says: “There is said to e in readiness to put in another fonndry 1 this city if a few more people will double r treble that ilniouu!, aud thre is some talk f the amount being raised.” George E. Morgan is at tending a meeting f the e.ial operators at Columbus. George tobinson and Owen Meehan, representing lines on the B. ()., arc also in attend* The annual meeting of the stockholders f the llcllaire Nail Works Company will *• held next Saturday. It is rumored that he meeting will effect a nuinberof changes. The women on Kose Hill arc trying to iut to shame their brothers. Three of them nit on gum boots and solicited eontribu ions to build a cinder walk. Harry Sheppard, caught robbing Hurry CitcheiVs store. was recognized to ourt in the sum of fi'iO. His father fur lishod the bond. 'J'lio Buckeye Savings aud Loan Compa i v seems tii lie building up rupidlv, as dnety-ono new shares of stock \\ ero taken ast week. The boxing match arranged to come off n a Fifth ward club room, Sunday after cuni, was indefinitely |>ostponed for some ■eason. An old umbrella mender named Henry Smitli was sent to the county jail yesterday or stealing a pair of shoes from Keyser's .tort*. The indignation against the B .t O. for ibaudouing the accommodation trains con inties 1o be loud and vigorous. Warren Springer, a well known bottle dower, was buried yesterday, under the inspires of the glass workers. Porterfield's oyster depot was visited by burglars Sunday night and a lot of pro* visions carried off. Julia, a two-year-old daughter of Louis Etyel. died yesterday. Funeral to-morrow it Hi a. m. Deputv Sheriff Darby was shakinghunds with Ids'numerous friends in this city yes* Hull. A. T. MeKelvey passed through the city yesterday, on his way to Colum johnson 1,. Jones, a veteran Democrat of Billies Bottom, was in the city yesterday. John K.tdefer,of KodeferBros, glass lac lory, is in the West on a business trip. W. < •* Barnard has eontracteil for two toilers for his new llre-briek plant. The Turners will give a grand mxsque rude hall at their hall to-night. The Belmont Turnrerein will give a hall a their hall to-morrow night. Our paved stni'ts are in worsscondition with mud than ever beforo. Burglaries and chicken stealing are of nightly occurrence. City Solicitor Woodbridge is in Cleve land ou business. Albert Marshall is here from Findlay. MARTIN’S KEKKV. A very delightful time was spout by the ••(Jui Vive," In dancing, games, etc . at the residence of Mr. Anderson Ralston, on Fourth street. The brilliant affair was ifiveil in houorof Miss Jessie Swartz, of \ndersou. lnd , who leaves for her homo this morning. Those present were Misses KUith McKlui, KUa Cantpbe , Bertie Blackford. Alma Chessell, Sallie Miller, Jennie Dixon. Eva Xorthwood, Miss Ulake. Nellie Sedgwick. Jessie Sheets. Miss Williamson. Birdie Williams, Sarah Thomas. Mary Davidson, Sarah Gorman. Sadie Coyle. Jessie Swartz ami Miss Me EUlovvnei. of New MartiusviUs. 1 he fol lowing gents were present Stow art. Robert Blackford, Charlie Selbv. t runk /ink \ W. Kerr, Will Crowl trank Shuttleworth. Alex. Dixon. James Ralston, \lox McConehey. J W. Bonocker, Emer ge,, Campbell and George Ralston. Messrs Rankin .V Ramsey, of the Rush Run brick works, say that the defective brick on tvurth street were made of clay from Bellaire. and not their own pixsiuct. uul sent down here with their bnek to try them, and had they used their own brick tben' would have beeu no defective ones, and aNo state that they will substitute good brick for tlie bad ones that arc >n the pave ment This will certainly be a costly pave of experimenting. ns it looks as if the bad brii’k are numerous from one en*l of the pavement to the other. The Grocers' ProUs'tive Association in tends to have a grand blowout on the 4th of next month, at the Bayless House. W e are verv thankful to them for a very ur geut invitation to be there when the good thing'* are passed around, and would say that the need not give tbemtelres any uu easiuess about our being present, at we are generally ou bands in cases of that kind. The dividing of the First and Third wards into two each, making five wards in the city, giving us ten Counciltnen instead of six,’ is being agitated by our citizens. This is thought to (j:> a pood move, a great many claiming that it will be to the inter est of our city to have more Councilinen. The division line of the First ward could be the C. & 1*. track, and the Third ward could be divided by JefTcrson street. H R. Bean left for Ashland, Ky., yester day in the interest of the McKim nail ma chine. They have added a large force of Diacbanists at the McKim machine shops. It. A. Lindemuth, of the Orchard, was passing the cigars around last evening. It’s a boy and weighs eleven pounds, aid why shouldn't he smile. A great many of our young people will attend the Elite ball given by Emmett Mc Dowell, at Turner Hull, in Wheeling, to morrow evening. O. B. Ong, of Pleasant Valley, was in the city yesterday, on his way to the bed side of his sick brother, in Cleveland. The attachment suit of Hildebrand Bros andS. 1*. Harbourt against Eugene Burris was compromised yesterday. Mr. and Mrs. Amos Bettis, of Salem, O., who have been visiting relatives here, leave for home this morning. Louis Scheele has got the prize coon of tlie season. It weighed seventeen pounds before it was dressed. Ross Mitchell is still confined to his house, but was a little belter last evening. Mrs. Dean’s physician had no hopes of her living through the night last evening. Mrs. Crider, of Cincinnati, is lying very ill at the residence of Mr. James Oaither. Mrs. John Reed, of the First ward, left >n a visit to her parents in Alliance, O. The funeral of Mrs. John Noon was argely attended yesterday. George Alkborne is still sinking slow lud may go at any moment. Baseless Charges. tyrcial Telegram to the lieqister. Coi.cmiics, <)., January 27.—At the ueeting of the managers of the Ohio state prison to-day the charges of Tookodness recently made against the toard and its officials were denounced »y resolution as baseless ami frivolous. Must Have Experience. tpecial Telegram to the Register. Commiu’s, o., January 20.—Mr. Me dakin, of Butler, to-day Introduced in he House a bill providing that the Com nissioncr of Railroads in Ohio must be . railroad man of at least 20 years ex lerience. riNA.VCK AND TKADK. f f loncy at 2i»3 1-2 r«*r Ont.—Oof-eminent* Hull ami Steady—Stocks niglier—Floor Firm Wheat Lower. Nisw Yokk, January 27.—Money on call asy at a range of 2 to |ht cent.: last jau 2 per cent; closed offered at 2 (ht cut; prime mercantile paper at 7«u7.'* per cut. Sterling exchange active at 4s5a Governments—Dull ami steady. 'ours Registered. 120 'our*- Coupons.120 'ours-aml-a-half, Registered.103 'ours-and-a-half, Coupons.103 'acifio Sixes of *85..109 States—Dull and steady. Haii.uoaus—More active; sales, Jl.los, IKJ. Stocks—The stock market to day was jinewhat of a surprise to many people, oveloping a sudden strength and activity ntiroly unlooked for, and the movement of ie market to-day in connection with that f yesterday seetn* to indicate that it has otten out of the rut into which it had Alien, and promises to become broader and loro active. The one unsatisfactory tat u re of the day was the at .*inpt to bring forward again a ull card, the sugar receipts and jo new stock of the company. The latter as given a twist of over •'» per cent, and oth became active in the last hour. The Dalcrs, the grangers and many specialties ecatue prominent in the upward move icnt. St. I’aul led the advance in thofore oon and later Union Pacific came to the root, followed by Missouri Pacific and Northern Pacific. Jersey Central, how ver, outstripped ull the others, its advance eiug on the same gigantic scale as its iti* decline. Manhattan recovered almost 11 of its loss. The market fiunlly closed uiet hut strong, at the highest prices of he day. The list is almost invariably igher. Jersey Central is up :t‘4, St. Paul ml Union Pacific each IK, Missouri •ucittc ami Northern Pacific each 1 .orthwestern, Lacakawana and Northern ’aeilie preferred 11 Canada Southern ■4. Sales 211,100 shares, Quotations losed bid. Adams Kx press, 140; American Ex cess, 115; Canada Pacific, 731., Central >ueittc, 30; Chesapeake and Ohio, Is’s'; 0 first preferred, 40>£; do second prefer ed, HO Chicago ami Alton, 127; Chicago, lurlington ami Quincy, j, Delaware ml Hudson, IHH; Delaware, Lackawanna nd Western, 130 4; Denver and Rio Grande ;i; Erie, 19si; do preferred 40; Ft. Vuvne, 149; Illinois Central. 'J.'; Lake ihore, 107 Michigan Central, 91; Min eapolis and St. r.ouis, 5', ; do. preferred, 1 ’■ • Missouri PaciflctW;Northern Pacific s\; do. preferred, 71',; Northwestern, tX'L ; do preferred, 134*4 ; New YorkCen ral idol ; Ori'iron Transcontinental, 10'4; ’ac'ific Mail, 32 , ; Peoria, Decatur and Ivansvillc, 1U4 : Pittsburg, 150; Pullman •alacc Car, 1'7; Reading, :LM4; Rock stand, 0'.i'4 : St. Louis and San Francisco, • do. preferred. ; do. first preferred, 5; St. Paul, '>4',; do. preferred 110; It Paul, Minneapolis and Manitoba. 103; it. Paul and Omaha, 24: do preferred, so. \*xas Pacific, H7C: Union Pacific, 44 ',; Jolted States Express, 00; WesU*rn Jnion. ib. * li :: 1" S J, T fi It K P 3 P V Y h d d ti 1 g li PRODUCE. Wliolmle Market Onotation*. Hf.oistf.k Orm b, [ Wiibeuxo. January 27, 1391. I The market continues good. Croon stuff s now in in liberal quantities ami choice ,UK-k moves off without trouble. Apples ire in splendid demand. Potatoes are scarce, mmi demand, quality medium,home raised, ioor. F.ggsaro in pood demand and scarce md the supply of butter is irenerous. ‘oiiltry is in stronp demand. Prices are is follows: We quote the following prices: Butter, country choice l.'aide; country rood sulne; country fair 4o5e Kpps, at 27a-Sc per dozen. Demand, strong and very scarce. New Beans, for hand-picked navy ttie tie nund is good but the supply is scarce: arices are *2 27. to *2 40 per bushel. Cheese, i>rimo mild Ohio factory 10c; New York ld','c; I.imbcrper i:tal4c; sweitzer PJ^atltc; market nominal, de mand fair, supply heavy. Potatoes, fl 20 |>cr bushel; Baltimore nveet$2 40a2 .Mt; Jersey sweet 30a2 77>; lemand pood, supply fair. Poultry, old, live chickens, *»• Wat l.» per jozen. Chickens, hens i>or pound sake; old jocks 5c; sprint chickens, )>er pound, *a >c ; per dozen #1 nOalt 00; ducks, young f2 4ti tOJ nor dozen; scarce. Rant, country prime in fair demand at lose; very scarce. Onions, demand fair, supply good atf >-> to 7. .50 per barrel: supply fair. Cabbage, new. * I 50 per barrel; de mand light, supply heavy. Apples, *2 7.">a4 741 per barrel; supply .carce demand good. New Yoke, January 27.—Flour, receipts IT 000 packages, exports tl.7aKt; market lirm and active; sales 27.400 barrels. Wheat, receipts lfi.OUO bushels; exports ; (KKl bushels; sales 1,52.»,HO0 bushels no upol;spot market unsettled; No. 1 northern fl 12‘j : options weak and V lower: No > red January fl »"■ .: February #1 Of.1, March #1 00'. : Mav fl 04*4al o... closing "lM?: June *1 0-2%: ^ ^'V/' closing at Its : August M5*£. _Kve, «|Uiet western 77aMV. Barley quiet . No.-Mil waukee MaS2c: ungraded western da.Kk. Corn receipts :W,000 bushels; exports 44, iio bushels; sales 'isO.iKKi bushels futures iiml bushels spot; spot market quiet: ungrr'od mixed<K»o; January jee; February 61',c; May 5!*e; July aB^c. Oats riveipts t'7.,000 bushels;.exports M, U HI bushels , sales 25,000 bushels and "Mi 000 bushels s|Wt; market dull and unchanged. Hay fairly act-ve. Coffee, steady and 7a20 points down; Januarj it; s7ial(i<.kV:c; February in uiain ok. . M ■!: !• K 't ■’ 1 ■ ® Ni 17i7dal5>Oe; June 15*>0c: July l>.-->a 15 45c: August 15.ldal.Y2dc; September 14 sV; December U 35e; spot Rio. firm at pic Sugar, firm; refined ouiet. Molasses, firm. It ice, active. Petroleum, im-gular: I'nited 7.V„e. Cottonseed Oil,quiet. Kosm quiet steady. Turpentine, steadier at mi e. Kggs. steady; western 2->‘<c. «t»oi. strong; domestic deece 32ad.; pulled 2>.a •Ck- Texas l>a2tc. Cut meats strong. I .urd, weak: western steam *i 00; J on uarv Si d5: February f*> 03; March S' « P,|. Mav S'. 32 Butter, quiet and weak; western dairy 12aJ0; do creamery l'a27c; Klgin ;t'c. flic’s.', strong and fairly ac tive: Ohio flats 7\. at* 4c. Chic too, January 27.—The market for wheat was crushed uuder an early ava lanche of bull offerings and a straggie to roach the price at which it had closed yes terday: missing that became weak er than ever, and May delivery was selling at >*4 '. c as the market c'osed. compared with U7 c yesterday. The chief cause was the decline of Kc. iu wheat at Liverpool. There was an advance to 97 Vo in the after noon. but it soon dropped to tti1,e, and finally broke to‘J7. 4e, and at the elo»e the final trading price was the lowest of the • dav, and I\c lower thin Monday Corn. ! weik and lower. Tne trade in oats was i light, ami ail on local account. Prov isious, 1 dull, lower. Wheat, cash No ■! spring '.•o‘4c; No. 3 spring, 86 aS8v't No. 2 red : 92« a93c; January 90*-4u91 4, closing at •.mi c. May 95y,u97\, closing at 95 .c July 90>'a92 Yc, dosing at 93c. Coni, cash No. ■! 49c; January 49a49 ,c, dosing at 49c; February 49t*a49; :c, dosing at 49‘4e; Muv 5P4a52'i'c, closing at 51 Re. Oats, cash No. 3, 4.1 yc; January 44c, May 4.. .a 46c, closing a' 45 .o; Juno 44>4a45o, clos ing at 44;v:. Rye, No. 2,71c. Flaxseed, No 1 ft 17. Timothy seed, at f 1 25. Mess Pork, cash, #9 50a9 62; February i'-< 55a 9 75, dosing at f9 50; Mrrch fo 70a9 9 90, closing at <9 50; May flOalO 37^, closing at flood’.,. Lard. • ash and February $5 6.» a.’, «7 March £> SO; May #0 05ati 07tf, dosing at «605. Bulk Meats, short ribs, cash ft .'slat Cm; February f4 67 d; March <4 >‘J1; May *5 10u5 15, dosing at |5 12’?. shoulders, cash ft 05a4 10; S. C. ft 75n 4 89. Whisky. f! 11 Butter, lower; extra creamery 25aSfic; extra firsts 22a24c: firsts 16a20c; extra dairy 23u24c; extra firsts Isa 30c. Eggs, 33a23c. R.-ecipts Flour,14,000 barrels; wheat, 6.1,000 bushels, corn, 179, ,(KXJ bushe!s; oats, 170.IKAI bushels; rye, ;,.i)00 bushels; barley, 75,000 bushels. Shipments Flour, 10,000 barrels; wheat, 42.000 bushels; corn, 144,twtO bushels; oats, 138.000 bushels; rye, 18,000 bushels; barley, 33.000 bushels. Toi.kdo, O., January 27.—Wheat, weak and lower; cash and January 90c; May 99S,e; July 91'4c; August 9#?4e. Com, dull; cash 51c; May .Vic. Oats, i|iiiet; cash 4<ic. Clover Seed, dull; cash ami Feb ruary $4 55; March >-t 60. Receipts— heat," 3,000 bushels; corn, 5,(XXI bushels; clover seed, 4400 bags. Shipments—Flour, 131 barrels; wheat, 6,0oo bushels; com, 1.000 bushels; oats, 4,000 bushels; rfc, 000 bushels; clover seed, ,V8) bags. Cincinnati, <)., January 27 -Cotton, steady. Flour, firm. Wheat, firm; No. 2 red 97c; receipts4,500 bushels; shipments 3.000 bushels. Corn, steady; No. 2 mixed Vic. Oats, steady at 48c. Rye, firm. No. 2, 76c. Provisions, easier. Whiskey, firm at fl 14. Butter, easier; Elgin creamery 2Na30c; Ohio and Indiana 20a25e; choice dairy 15at6c. Sugar, easier. Eggs, firm at 21c. Cheese, linn. 1,1 VK STOCK. Wheeling, January 27. There is nothing of especial hnportance to rejKirt concerning this market. Prices area trifle changed and there is u fair demand. The supply of cuttle has been limited the past week. The prices as reported by Coodhuc &. Thomas are us fol Cuttle—Extra, to 1,200, ft50u37V; good, IKK) to 1,000, fi 25a3 50; good, 800 to WO, |335a3 50; fair, 7<n* to 8410, S375a300; common, 600 to7iK), fj 50a2 75; bulls, f2 25a 2 VO; cows, fl 77>a2 65. Hogs—flood demand; extra, <3 75a3'.0; good ft 5i)a3 60; common, £ i 25a3 50. Sheep—Active;extra, fl 50a4 75; good, i M25u4 50; couiinoii, ft 25u3 85; lambs, (5 000550. I Fresh Cows are fair at f20 00a35 00. Culves at f 1 00u5 00. i East Lihkuty, Pa., January 27.—Cattle, receipts 483 bead; shipments :Wo head; market steady at yesterdays’s prices. Hogs Receipts 2,350 head: shipments 1,200 head: market steady; Philadelphias tit sVo3 90: fair to good Yorkers f3 65u:t so; , ight Yorkers ft 50u3 60; pigs f2 75a3 25. ; Sheep Receipts l,goo head; shipments ] too head: market slow and unchanged. | Ciiicaoo, January Cattle, receipts I ,o«N) head; shipments, tl,000 head: steers t i3 75a.'. 60; cows fl ooal! 25; stoi’kers fi 25a < Hogs - Receipts, 4s,000 bead; shipments, < ',000 head; market weak and lower; rough <■ iiid common ft 40a;t 45; good to choice 4 lackers ft 50n3 60: prime heavy weights i :t 65o3 70; light ft SOalJ 60. ' Sheep—Receipts, \ooo head; shipments, 1.000 head: market steady and shade lower; i latives fl 75a5 50; westerns f4 50a4 85; Pexans ft 60a4 60. Cincinnati, O., January 27.—Hogs, irm; common and tight, ft (Mali 65; pack- , ng and butchers’, ft 60u3 75. Receipts, 1,000 head; shipments, 1,510 head. wool. Wheelin''!- Tiksihy. January 27. The condition oi' the local market is j iomcwhat changed. What little wool there vas left in the country has been bought up he last few days at old prices, and the Eastern market has improved somewhat, is wool has been changinghands.The ruling irices as reported hy Horkheimer Bros, arc ls follows: Fine liecce, washed, HO to32c; < inwashed, one-third off; unmeivhautahlu, 1 »ne-fourth off; medium unwashed, 2Uc; j nediuiu fleece, washed. 33c; tub washed, I2a34c.>ri.I‘I1IA, P\ , January 27.—Wool i. improved demand and continues with : iriccsiirm. Ohio, Pennsylvania and West , Virginia XX and above 32a34c; X _ 'M : i32c; medium 37a38c; coarse :t5a!tn\c; New fork, Michigan, Indiana and Western lino I >r X and XX 'JsaJbo; medium SfiahSe; 1 •oarse 35u3fic; washed combing and de- ] aine fine washed X and XX 34u37c; me- i iium washed combing and delaine 40c; | joarse do 35a37c; Canada do. .'13a35c; tub i ,cashed choice :«>a40e; fair 85a37e; coarse I3a35c; unwashed combing and delaine me- 1 Hum unwashed common and delaine hsidle; Montana fine lsa22c; medium 20a ;:tc; choice20a22c; Territorial fine PalOc; •oarse do lfta22c. Boston", Mass., January 27.—There is •onlinued go<id demand for wool. Terri ory line thuifor line medium aSatiOe: rex as, California and Oregon, steady and mchanged; Ohio linn; P 31a32c; XX and ihove :i3a34c; Michigan X 30c. Combing iml delaine firm. Pulled wools firm; choice mpers at 40a45c; fairto good supers3oal0c; •xtru 22a;the. Foreign wools firm (IROCKKIKS. Wheeling, Ti ksoay, January 27. There are but few changes in the general jrucory market. Tea is active and the f narket presents a strong front, Kicc is linn and the article is moving off faster ban usual, ltefincd sugar has dccilued iomcwhat. Canned goods’ selling freely it old quotations. Molasses firm. Syrups it cad v. Sviufs Choice Sugar Syrup Hon •y Drips 34c; Sugar (dark) 24c; (3c nddi Lional in half barrels). New Orleans Mo lasses— Fanrv .Vic; Choice 50c; Prime 4V; Fair 14c; Mixed goods, New Orleans :«ia y>c; Baker's goods 30c. Choice Uelined Sorghum 37c. Pimvisioxs- Schenk's medium S. C. hams 13'r: S. C. breakfast bacon be; S. C. shoulders 7^|C; city sides • •,»■; hain beef HV'e; onlinary beef Hie; family mess pork Ml. piece #13 25; bean |>ork. Lahd Schenk's pure kettle, toes 7J/c; SOIL cans 7',c; lard eoni|x>und. tccsttc; 5otb cans 7'.jc; 201b cans n-; lOtt* cans s>4c; Mb cans S'-.;c. Canned (loons 3-lb Standard tomatoes S5ca#l 75; 3-U« fancy tomatoes #1 n'.al 10; Spcidel’s Own #l' 00; Hartford Co. Standard corn ‘JOaOuo; 2-lh Maine process corn #1 OOal 0..; 2-lb Maine packed sweet corn ?1 25al 30; New York State Pancv 2-lt> corn #1 40; 3-11. Acorn brand peacues $3 20; 3-lb standard table peaches #2*5; 3-lb standard pic peaches #1 75; 1-lb Deep Sea full standard cove ovsters ?1 12'j; l-lb light weight cove ovsters 70c; 2 11. Acorn standanl string beans 75c: Libby's 3-11. can corn beef *2 20; Libby's l-1b can chipped beef *250; Libby's I-It. can lunch toi.guo #2 75 Wool.KNN akk—No. 1 tubs #7 75; No. 2 #0 75; No. 3 #0 00; 2 hoop pails #1 45; 3 hoop fI 25; sap$1 27>; single washboards#! "si; double do. #2 50; one crimp double do. #2 25; single #2 50. Fin n- -New T rkish PrunosTc; Rai sins, Valencia loc; layer Ondara ID,*'; London layer raisins ft 5oa2 fill; loose raus catels#2 :lou2 35; fancy California evapo rated |ieachcs 25a3fiv: choice California evaporated peaches 24c; fancy ( .iliforuia evaporated apricots 21a22c: choice Cali fornia evujK.rated apricots 22a3.'tc; fancy evaporated apples lac; choice do 13l-,al4o; fair do 12Lc. On.-Lard, extra western strained 75c; EMEDY | discovered for 'ecu/, Jn/luinza sage*. Jt cures medicine. I se [ wed, for it is a JrruffffMs.SOc Philadelpb5* l BILADELPBIA. April IB, ISO. Vmmu> Job* Stai'KBOcse A Co. I)- ar Sir* —I have been afflicted Catarrh f»r year*, and lmv been under the nare of Physicians, beside* usinir numerous remedies without benefit until 1 tried Ofw-i; »lnce usiug it I ran recommend it »< the best remedy known for Catarrh. ,. ,n ,rir\ in , testimony to anv one, if they »ill take the trouble to call upon in Rea pool hilly. HARRY II. GRAFF, :«£l Spring Garden St. SWI rs the most the cure of and all dig more cases 'this wonder sure and pos iATARRH | successful remedy ever Catarrh, < old in the 111 cases of the Masai this I than any other known ] ful remedy anil get j itive cure. Sold by all JOHN STACKHOUSE & CO.. Sold hy LOGAN UUCG CO Wholesale and Reiall DELICIOUS. STRENGTHENING TO THE NERVES. Tea and coffee cheer but do not nourish. Tnev even leave an injurious effect upon the nervous system. Indeed | there is no beverage like j “BEST & GOES FARTHEST." It .... and - i : is o >ne oth<r, leaves n • bud ; effects and is a flesh-former of the most appro cd type. j - *n HOI ! rv ■» < «« ' ■ TtartroMWj taka J . ... .*- fk . ...rliln. . IT. I I. ft tea I St with s.loa«ure utiS wfitU 'jrltb la;pa»Il» f._ < - .rr.*> -it* nlKlatrd i»i U* 111 Th ,Msrll5wi • fr:t ( .• ntl tlWdepsare re. { | carbon, 110, 7t^c; carbon, IV), 7^c; Lewis Miner’s winter white oil 4oc: summer v. lute ’ITa’-Me. ! Si OAi; —Cut loaf "c: Cubes TV*c; fruit | powdered 7c; ordinary powdered i>^e; Granulated Standard U%c; Staudard Con fectioners’ A Standard Grocers’ A Pearl White A 5$fo: White Extra C r»'4c; Ohio Vutley New York C .V4c; Fruit C -W. Kice—Fancy Pearl 7c: Choice Pearl t’i'4c; Choice Domestic G^c: 1‘rime Domes- I tic 6e; Fair Domestic Fancy Head 7>ic. Coffee—Green Coffee—Fancy Golden Rio 23>oc; Fancy Green dd‘4c; Puaberry 2d%c; Choice Green ’die: Prime Green •J0‘ac; Roasting (Trades U'aUi^e; JavadSc. Roasted, in packages—Ohio Valley 25c; Standard Loose Roasted d4c. good, 4yia!>c; medium, 4‘4u4^c; common HdJa4c; culls, d‘^u.l|4c. U K MARKET. Wheeling, Tuesday, January 27. The following are the quotations in th • fur market, as reported by llorkbcimer Mink -No. 1, .lUaTSc: No. 2, 25a40c; No. 3, loal.V. Muskrat—Fall, lOaluc; Winter, 1 liaise. Raccoon -Law, No 1. tHhisUe; small,No. 1, .r.l)aii<lo; No. 2, 40aY>e; No.8, 20a30c: No. 4, 10a30c. Skunk—Black prime, #1 JOa|l 40: hulf stripe, tjOainio; narrow white stripe, 2.W>0c; broad and white stripe, 10a20c. Grey Fox No. 1, cased, 50a75c; No. 1, 0|>eu, itOa.’kk-. lied Fox—No. I,fl OOal 25; No.3, 50a75e; No. 3, 25a.‘l5c. < )tter—No, 1, ds to color, f i 00a5 (X). Opossums Large, cased prime, 15a20c; large, open prime, loal.V. Bear—Bear, black, $10 00al5 00; tiear, cubs and yearlings, #4 (Was UO. Ginseng—No. 1. dry, $3 00 per pound. FLOUR, GRAIN AND FKKD. Wheeling, Tuesday, January 27. The quotations in this market are all un changed. The Hour market is dull and wheat is slow at quotations. Oats are Arm and hay is vacillating somewhat, while prices for mill feed continue firm. The following quotations are wholesale, retail prices being .70 to 75 cents higher: Flock—Choice family dour in wood, f5 00; in paper ft S5 per barrel. Grain Wheat per bushel, No. 1, 05c; jorn per bushel 75c; oats, per bushel, 15c. Feki> Middlings per ton $20 00; bran per ton $20 (JO; baled hay per ton 110 00a 12 00; loose hay $7 00 per ton. \ Lllile Supply of Grain. Chic ago, January 27.—The visible sup >ly of grain, as reported for the Hoard of rrade, is as follows: Wheat, 24,022 bushels; Ice reuse 770,000 bushels; corn, 2,04H,000 jusliels;decrease,05,000 bushels; oats, 1s7,oin) bushels: decrease, 00,000 bushels; •ye,417,000 bushels; decrease, bush- 1 •is: barley, 2,3*2,000 bushels; decrease, u 22,000 bushels. FBTKOLKUM. New York, Janunry 27. Petroleum j1 ipeoed weak and dclineu ;■,<• in early trail- ,, og, but reacted later ami closed sternly. „ h unsylvania oil, spot opened at 75c; , lighest 75 ‘ae; lowest 72:,„c; closed at 72 Cc. i ■'ebruary option, 0|>eniug and highest :l 5*4c; lowest 74'do; closed at 75'-,c. I.iina iil 10c. Sales 10,000 barrels. „ On. Citt. Pa., January 27.—Petroleum r pened ut 74 dc; highest74!.c; lowest 74 Vc; .• loscd at 717„c. Sues, 71,000barrels: clear- « uecs, 224,000 barrels; charters, 41,270 bar- o els; shipments, 12,711 barrels; runs, lo,21s barrels. Pittsburg, Pa., January 27.—Nothing loiug; 74' j'c bid. The Metal Market, New York, January 27.—Pig iron, quiet, topper, easier; lake f14 40. Tin, sternly: traits $20 10. gcivtl JJoticcft. ^COMMISSIONER'S NOTICE. R Georn<! E. Boyd, Complainant, j} Adam Ai*kt*rnmi»ii ao«l oth**r>, Dt‘f*H<lniit< Iii thf Circuit Court of Ohio coiiuly, Weil Virginia, lu Chancery. By virtue uf an orb*r «‘iitenad in the ahov** entitled raiiM* oil the 6 h day of January. IMB. it is referred t*» the uiideraiKiied Cointnis>uui* r of said Court In lake, slate and report »s ful First—Of what real estate the said Adam Ack«arnmiiii is sei/.«*d. Second—The value thereof, the liens thereon 1 aud their priorities. Third Atiy other niatt«rdeeiiied pertinent l»y J the Coiuiuissiomr, «>r required by any of the 1 Notice is hereby given that the undersigned has fixed upon Wednesday, the nth day of Feb ruary. 1MB, coiiiiuenciug at P o'clock m . as the tune, and hi> "file**, No. I KM Chnpline strert, in the city «»f Wheeling, Ohio county. West Virginia, as the place at which he will proceed to ascertain and reinirt the several matters in the said order «»f reference required. Given under my hand this lOtli day «*f Janu ary, 1MB. GKO KG K K. E. GILCHRIST. Commissioner. r< Gkoroe E. Boyd, Solicitor f«»r Complainant. JaPioawt • _ d V'OTICE TO LIEN HOLDERS. To all porvons holding li- n-», by judgment or otherwise, on the renl <^tutr, or any part there of. of Adam Ackormann: In pursuance of a decree of the f trcuit Court •>1 Oilij county, inadi' in a c:iu,e therein pend ing, to ttuhjee.i lb** r>-al eslnl,- of the said Adam Aek.-rmauu to tbr satisfaction of the Ileus thereon. Jon :tr-- hereby required to present all claims held by jou and • licit of j..u against the .aid Adam Aek.-rmatin. which are lien* on bln r.-al estate, or any part of ii. for adjndio.tion to niH, at my ofllri*, No. 1 MM Chaplin.- alreei. in the city of Wheeling, in Ohio county. \V. Va , on or tr.-ft.ri- tin- IHh t ay of February, |Mp|. j, Giv.-tt utt.h r my Itaitd this Kith day "f -lann rv, Pfltl. (iEOBCK R. K. GILCHRIST. faKoawt_ Commission.r. (| Humphreys’ Ian. HowitKKr.' .sna.-tru.-s or.-w-k-iitmcall.v and it Ion, ; used for many surceas.and for over cart-full} prepared pr.-serlutln y.-ant lu private practice with s thirty year*urou by the | thirty year, usisl by the |*-.iplo. Krery single Spe fitlc hi a special c „ | „ *un* for the dlM-tuie named. Thee S|kvIUc* cure without drugging, ptirg lugor reduelug tho system, and ure In faet and deed the aovc reign rrmedleuoflheW orld. usTormnaPALiKM. ctiiuts. i-hice*. I Fevern. fongeatlon. lutl.iiuniatlon . .'j -J Worm-.. W.-rni Kwer, Worm Colle •* Crying Voile,or! ee thing of Infanta rht ---- 4 Dial-then. of t'hlldren or Adulh* j Dynenlcry. Urlplug. Billon* folk « fnulerit Morhua, Vomiting.. 7 fougha. fold, llr tnehltht H Nt-urnlglii. Tootnaehe.Kaeeoebr H |'|Vatiai'hcL Slcklleadachts Vertigo 1,1 llv.pepsin. Bilious htomaeb U If) s|Frptaiii« . ... ■ I 1 Kuppri'med or KmIiiIuI Pcrloua HBltCKi loti Profuse Periods t Croup, t'ougb, lHfflcult Breathing ' It hen in, erysipelas, tnioli .i if Salt kht-uin, Erysipelas, tniotloua. 1.* Kbeumatlelulu*.... 1 «i fever ami Ague, thills, Mularla 17 Pile«, mind or Bleeding ... . . ... In i'ntnrrh. Influenia, Cold Inthe Head .. "20 Whooping Cough. Violent fought* . •XI General !»<• I.llll> .Physical Weakness . -27 Kidney iHaenae • •2H Nervous Debility . *■ ilu I rltinry Wetthneia. Wetting Ned. . Jj j llivi-nvt', of I lit- II enrt. Palpluitlon 1. HUMPHREYS’ MEDICINE CO.. Cor. William and John Streets, New York. SPECIFICS Sold by Druggists, or Kent tmstpald on receipt ,f price.' L>n Humi-ii ueys1 Mavi au IIM pag.w) iohly Uiuud In cloth and gold, mailed free. I prescribe and folly en dorse Klg (• *H (tie only specific for Uieccriatii cure of tlila dlM-uN**. U. U 1MJRAII AM.M. I).. AiiisU -rda.ti. N. Y. We Lev® wild Itig (• •*£• many years, and It !ia4 «;iven th« tiest of eatti* action. U R DYCIIKAOO.. Clil<-a(o, 111. ’■srkltl.fO. Hold by Urutg.sii. fifty year Si* Pei Cent, Gold Bonds For Sale. A LIMITED M’MHER OF WHEELING 1 *■ and Terminal Railway Company v.i P*r cent Virst Mortgage Fifty YearGoid Bond arr hereby ottered for sal.-. These bonds nr secured h- a deed of trust on the Bridge*. Tun nel* and Track* and other property of the Com pany, and are believed to be a good, safe and permanent investment. Interest payable hair yarly. Apply to GEO. W. ECKHART, Jr., Cashier People'* Bank, Or. Tho» O'Brie*, oc33h Heal Estate and Stock Broker. * or Sale , STOCKS. 30 Shares lieu wood Nail Stock. 13 Shares lee and Storage Stock. 15 Shares Belmont Nail Stock REAL ESTATE. House Nos. rut? and 1-jiiw Main street. S. uth Cti:i;-ltnr Street Building Lot. I.ou Nos. i, a \ud 3. Gilchrist addition. South rrunt street. S.*uth Half of Lot So. 53 North Main street. House No. 318 North Main street. THOS. O'UHIEN,Secretary W.T.AT.Co Real Estate and Si. cs Broker, Office, Room No. 1. Reilly Building Market Street. Telephone bftt, j.tij . Rolf & Harvey, REAL ESTATE AND LOANS. W* Buys Lot igiMlA) on South llurou street. All cash. ♦mu Buys Lot atelOO on McCulloch street. ♦7m Buys House of three rooms: lot 30x100. ou MoColhs'll Street. ♦1,001) Buys one acre fronting on National Mite and lane, opposite Wheeling Park. Only t few ilav* at this price. All cash A bargain, i 11.500 Buys Farm of twelve sen's, good five ootn house and barn, with fruit trees, at Ro ley's Point ♦ftUUcasli handles this, balance on lino. Only a few <la>» at this price. fc’,500 Buys Double Frame House, lot f»i\|i»i. ui Fortieth stre.'t, ♦ft.UlO But s Brick Hou-e of eleven rooms on h.lpli.tri-el near Eleventh: hot and Cold I valor bathroom, laith kinds of gases; posses i n>n at ... This is a bargain: look it up. Lots at MeMeeIn'll from rl'ifi upward. You , nil make uiouey by buying one at present | ROLF A HARVEY, Real Estate Agents, Telephone M8. I3H Market Street, j lg£ie*da PUBLIC SALE Wheeling Female College Property. Will l~- offer**] at Pulillc Sal- <>n lll’RSDA V, the I'.'tl. day ..f KKHRIAUY. INtl. t IDu-lock a. Ill . at tlie north .'root door id tin' 1 a .»i rt 11 oust* of Ohio county, the real estate of . •• Wheeling F** tof lot* umber£T»|, uto. l.m and *n l.< ir street, an.I *t■» number 2*7. art* and W < n I. -treet. uh a frout4ur. of uitout aio feet on Eoff tr«***t, | ml ut>out |:«i fe.-t on Jaeob street, with the i irjr« four story brick building erected thereon lid building wi* *|*eclally erected aud t> well ( lapted for tt .school ami bearding hull, Contain- j i about sixty room*, divided Into parlors, dlu* | n: room, Softool hail, recitation room. and i bout fort} lodging rooms, all well and cotnf< r \ ibly arranged. t Tutus or Salk One fourth in cash and as j mob more u> tin- purchaser may elect. and the •rualmb r in one. two and three y* .*r*. the pur 5 Dimer uMVinu notes for the deferred payment* I I til !ntere*t payable Semiannually, to lie so- I ired by deed of trust on the property, with a \ •asouahh- insurance against fir* Any addi- } onal i ii format ion may In* obtained of any of j ie undersigned coinnutie**. [ fHDf)buys lotfiU\l9)un Erie street. *700 buys lot rtoxlUton South York street. i *!.‘JU0hii)> lot NKIUO on Wood sir* * ! 11.40) buys a Thre* -Roomed llriok House ?I.mii buy» a Four Roomed Hrick and a Three* oomed Frame House. fl.ijUU buys a Five Rootm-d Frame Houm*, rge lot. fj .'su buys i Five Roomed Itrick IIoum*. j FOR RENT. Store lb*- in MM3 Market street. No. PJl>i Hid Uti Jacob *t., vvm r* * lil* each. , i MONEY TO LOAN. GKO. I MATH ISON. u K- il Klilillr A If* lit, T-I-Jilion- ur7. r.’iu Chaplin- street. L C. t». lll'BHAHO, v K C. HAKZKKK, ■i i: h n • h i s Jil? ^OU KENT. Possession at Once. So. n Ohio street. >n rooms, frame. No. ft North Broadway. fra.. ilv• r>»<»m» No. yi*)0 K*■ IT si . «ti r. room mid dwelling No. aaB Kolf street. Itri’-k. nis room* and hall. No 8117 Main -treet, storeroom. 8toreio:m N. W corner /.tin A N Broadway, storeroom Oil Twenty first -t., near Main st. Possession April 1st, No. 7 N. l’enu street. «l\ rooms, frame No. S. Huron street, -i\ Moms mol bath Dairy Karin. II aere*. mi filenn's Hun. No 1311 McCulloch st., fra.. storeroom and aeliintr: eorner Foiirteeiilh and McCollorh No. 71 New Jersey street, frame. MI rooms. No. MSOhio street, frame, -in rooms No. Wl Ohio sireei. tlir--. room-«• aid f. . r No. wl Ohio street, three rooms ilr-t floor No. '.'MU Main si., hriek. 18 r.~ ms. larire yard. No 8S0N Ei :T stnel. I rlclt, la'fte ) «rd No. loIV Koil street, frame, six rooms No. SltVI Main street, four rooms third floor No aitSl Main street, storeroom and dwelling No 11:. TTitrtv ilnrJ -ireei. hriek. Bve rootii Six room frame dwelling, I.eaiherwiHel, No 1311 Market street, line oflle- room. Stahl, ill rear ot IS Kllioeulh street FOR SALE. .. n Jaeoh street. !»■ just south of Marshall hi tie manufacturing • Korly-eighlli sir* unty line. ..... ... . I'he entire s.|uare Isiullded hV M.tlll Iwelllx irlh and Twenty-flflh *lreet. and Alley It lx l'JI feet. , . . .... S'o, 77 Main treet. live room*, hriek, »I. <W RINEHART & TATUM, , ,, Ho BN Market Street POH S-A-HjE. \ i i i. A nr rootned hou No kW Wood s' ur lots, with Bve roomed li uround frontin'.: Ui . on High i rsi> , ■ I lie i .r»i ■t in I ..tU' ieroomed houae.SSM Market street roomed liou»e. Sixteenth street , . . . roe roomed hou«e. '.'round H0\ 1*1 feet Irst w ard .. ■•li roomed house III N V ork "treet rmitti. d house, '.tr.' N Xork stn • t ree riMinied house. 81111 Hissl If". 1 II roomed house 718 Main sire. I urn-.I lion-.. KI fill ward ree houses in SiMli ward. rental Mil per annum ’welve lots in Kllall. Whyte mid I .lit 1-11 (ItA) to (III went)- live lots near Hr n wood • J|1, g|) e* \ t**rill%. luiiufuCturiiii: -it** 4 ‘I**v**!:»n«l in I » rg Kailroad de|«.t. Martin * Kerry II,.. lot on Movst.iu street sixth ward fl.KM half lot on Moyston street. WO i„.. half lot on Eon street, SUth ward, ft It B • *wnt\ five - four mil»* wi ••(••ity.roti nlnit -amlBtone uuarrv. ‘|U4li»> of ill wioiii. and •!<»*» with bank <»l**t*' i FOR RENT. xl lag her ■ One of the l»'*t store rooms on t'haplme -ire. t. , iiih ward. I'ossessiou April I. S. NESBITT. Jr. IT.IU Market Street. jaSIh financial. Stat* AKD CTTT DxroerronT ST0CE8<>I.I)*R* DoCM-T I.TABI * ..a™** Goeernroent »n d Local B-nd. l-oa«ht and »‘>l <*• Draft* t»*ued on any point In Europe, at »«l • on the principal citie* of the United SUtet. A General Baukinir Bu»ine»* tranaacted. WM A. ISETT, Preaident. WM B SIMPSON, Vice Preaident. ull r l* JKPSON ' MklH Draft* l»«ued on England, Ireland, SaollaaU EXCHANGE BANK !A PITA I*.. . N VANCE. S. UELAPUAIN . Preaident. . Vioe-Pre* dent. \TATIONAL BANK Ur w. va, IX at wheeling CAP SotuiwMt oor. M»ln »n>[ -cik KSS does a general hanking hi sines. DIKXtT»<lt*» AUGUST ROLF JOH* MICHAEL REILLY. « R HA/LETT. E Vi. OGLK8AY, J R “ i-‘jL Kr>1* CHAS. »• HRot KI NIER p i pi w (iGl.KHA Y, |*r« CHAS W lili-H KI NICK, Vio* l*r«»UI«B JOHN WAGNER. Ck»E»»-f. LAWKEN'l E E. SANGS Am 11 ALL KINDS OF PRITlTinG Neatly and Promptly Eaecuttd —At TUI— REGISTER OFFICE, i Uut!ruui>«. I>ALTIMORE AND OHIO RAiL ROAD DSPAKTCKC A AP.MIVai.Cr Train* At Wheeling F.a.teru tllUC. Schedule ID effect January lot, iwi. MAIN LINE EAST For Baltimore, Philadel phia and New York, li US, 4:66 am, 9:30 p m dally. Cumberland Accommo dation, 8 'JO a. a., daily eirrpt Sunday. Grafton Aocomrooda tioB, 2:90 p. to. dally, eg cept Sunday. Mound, rule Accommodation, it uo a m.. ej c^pt Sunday, and 2:30 p. m. and <-tc«pt Sunday. From New York. Philadelphia and Baltimore, to a m and 12 46 p m. and II 4u p. m.. dally. LuiuiM*rlaod Aoci>ltiiuodftllon, 6 Ub l>. tu ri* C*ylSunday Grafton Accommodation. 12:46 n m„ daily Mound.ville Aoeommodatl m, S 46 a m , and P- daily, nnd 5:US dally, **iorpiSuLd*y. TRANS-OllIO division. Kor Chicago, 7:M and II.06 a. m and » ,s p. m. dally, dally, eieept Sunday Cincinnati Eipre.i 7 0 and 11 06 a m daily and until., m. eieept Saturday, und 3:90a in’ Sunday only. Aocommodatlon, 4 30 p. n, St. cfairivliU Accommodation, II u( . in aid C30p m., except Sunday. Chicago Kipre.., |2 66 and & 8) a. m .and* It) J^w.. dally, and 11:00 a. in. da: v. n-., t :,ut d OinwnaaU Ktprata. 6 40 a. m. aad #:lo p. ir.. Columbu. Accommodation. II uo a m dally neept Sunday. St. CUlrtvifie Aocommodat.un, 11:00*. tu and 0 10 p. id. except Sunday W„ p. \ B. DIVISION. For PUUburg. b.45 and 7 a. ro . and f JO p. B1--and 1 10 p. tu , daily, noept Sunday " aaniuirton Accommodation, h W i» n. « i o**pt Sunday. Prom PitUburg, 11:00 a. in dally, 12 4I> p m ciccpt Sunday, * f>6 and 10.30 p m , dally and 9:90 a. m., Sunday only. W aelnngtcn Accommodation, 7:60 a in Jail* ciccpt Sunday. . CHAS O WTLL, General Pai-»eu.:er Ai.eui, Baltimore j. s. lank. \\ - Ohio river railroad. TIMK TABI.K TAKING KKKKtT .1 t\ CARY 11 * h. 1N8I l*n» »•-» tram* will rati u follow*—Central Tim*. All train* dally ric. yt tliu»* marked ttiu* t. which do u. t run >,n Sun ioCTH BOOSD. Ni .• S b N H K< I W l.t-f lln**. H> liWuCu ... MounJifllle . St'w Martlnivllle. vVilliau»u wn_ I’arkaraliur*.. tafeniwood. Ilaaon City. *iilnl I’lraiADt.... ... tall I poll*. . luntintrWn. 'harle*U n, via KAO (i in am a in .1 Si Hr n « (JO 3 4S III NS e lb « Ub II IS 8 37 P 0. , t 10 I'i IN 7 t# 7 nr. ,J a s; 8. IN 111 4N Mb| 7 I f *u. 7 37 8 \1 7 41. 10 10 .| 4.0b II M) b Ah ^1 IN b i:.| ’l,arIe*ton. ?la C. An. 3 77 « N7 I 7 I . 8 l*i ! a. in 17 !*> I 17 8 Ub I 4b 8 80 II uo Month V 7 No 4 N< * V lharltibm, ala C A O iuntingtoB _ luiiimatoo. allipoiii. suit l’i.a.aul ... laaon City. :avon»w»od. *rk*r»burg. I'llllamatown .. <■» Martinsville. I an In I lie . I'beeltnir. 17:bu 1:30 t b ni it «>> «;bf. II 40 I Ji ll O' 7 it 7 80 7 :IS 10 la ll.Tb p m 11 4b 17 hf> 8 SI * V ll:Ub 11 it *17 . 1 If 7 4.N 3 » b Jl t •* e if. : b IS 6 Si 8 Ul 8 00 a » 8 73 8 SI 10 Ub Through ticket* and tm/tfiitfe clocked t> ,i For rate* and other lufnrtn.Uon, addre*. f. J. ROBINSON. G P A , Parker,!,ur* J. HANDY, A u i“ Parkeraburc. .G. TOMLINSON, Pa* Aiful, Wheeling, \V V From Bridgeport Station. Trams vIt the Cleveland »n 1 l*IIUt ury IUu >ad l**nv«* fur I'ltOi-uri, Cbk^o nd Cleveland 4 n. in Hof l*t(i»l»u. 10 14 a* 1* • r CbldtfO Mi l C’ .v libit, I 00 t M or IMtuhurjr and New York, % 44 i in Koi i«ul»*uville, H U a n». Train* nrrtv** i%t llri«l*re|M>rt at H in a m . |i» *i . m . 14:10 t» m . 4 Wi- if. . an*! H.lfip tn Ou Sal urJ:i\-only r r K**t LiV«r|t., flu ra.; from Kail Liven not. II 14 j. m. K KO M WHKKLING STATION. Tramm via tin* l'ilUl>urg, Cincinnati it. J Si. inula Kailway. I’an Handle leave M I... iIT. for SU'wIm IiVtlle, l*ltt»hur»T Itt•! ll.»* hu»l 40 a. tn , 14 ;tf> j tn., 3 JO |i in aud * <0 i in or Columbus. Cincinnati, Indian*}* ii* m4 M ,«>ul*. ft 40 a. in and M til i in# Kor Oluiuhus ud Chicago, 14 *’4S j* m Train* arrive at Wh» nr at f» AO v m 10 tit a m . 7 4f> i> m , and * ho in. Trains leaving at fl Ji a rn and arriving i M *J) |» in run ■••lid hetwewa \\ h****liag and itUburg. Ao Uiill daily HOtpt huudav "IIJESAIMCAKK Si OHIO KAIL- • (Ku-t Flying Virginian ) Vestll ule Limit* I *• »id. with Dining far t*e imb Nam I r* WuliiB|loi lid Ouflliibll estibula Sleeuer In*(w««i WaaklttgUMl a*d oui>vi 11** Mtol oi l Point and Ciuciunati itched l»* in Kffect J tnuary I, lewi Ckntrai. Ntakovmo Tim W'»t «>f Cllfu»t» Kantriix Stanoahh Time llennsylvania Linesli o:\tkh, vriSiMUU Til!:. U WAY COMPANY F\ F. V. Kill <>( Clifton No. 4. W»»t. KAftTBOUVft). K K V A Old l’» Witibul'1 K»pr*»* l/oulrvill'. CiudDbiti lluiiliiiL'tuu i i. irlftitoa \\ iiii-- Sulphur t ll f'llflou turn'' Ntaiint.>n \v:»v Jf. Itam.-City i harlntuvlll.' u ^•biuirtou llaltiin.m I'll I Ih l> 1 I'll N',» Y>.rk a.. rlmrli'tt'tlll' rr (...rduni*ill> v«* Kn.lituond . rr. N• « |«>rt N*'u iii.i i' r. rr I.miii*•••!■. V l.y U'-Murn (. rwu» t V> p m IS VI a III n v> « tn !. V) a in 11 tl I IU|>iu W ST a III S li.piu Ml <>t a in S ir>|.m in 55 a id T |ii| hi S IU 1 m .... S !SI P IU It If. p 11. . V 'Jll $. Ill I.. II 15 a III ...... II 15 u.k.u I SI | iu •inf..rt <t ii p iu , is at. p in II 51 p M i' v 1 ? S5 a in S U p in u In p III It! 15 p IU IU «7 a IU I W 1 M 4 U a lu II til Ii. is ib u.« i. y . Sail.I I. dally. K K V I.mill- I run i .l J IM..-II V a Y>>tk and I .fi.’UHiali alii. VI ilc Slenpvr lu>'h. *'ii and Loot* II.-. Nil .1 V.iv. ■ WaablluMuli al II IU p lit >ud ir v*» at Cbarlraton .'ll .'I » b HoUuirt y. | |. iiTr- VY;i«lilll/'..n at “ •< a in ai.d »r i,., at i l.nrl' *u.n at IS fu a tu . Iluutiapi.-n y.« lands l.ava I’ullinan S..-np»r* l.»l»««■* ini'll:fiat i and W a-1 mirlMi. S-.lld traiu Ut«« n luritifiati and *llJ I'ulnt dally. A (S O M MO 0 A TO N T BAIN'S. 111‘NTIMiToN' DIVISION N" IS l.-a*. lilt,,II K, dally 1 Via in arr »> llunt.nirt, u 'lip ill. N‘ 14, dallv, l.-aw Ituiillairtnn * ■' tu . arm.- t ltftou K'l.rir*' t *• p *'■ ' H*. ally I'nvpt Randay. I. av.' Kant S »•!! i arnvr lluiitnuit. n I'l'lia ni N‘ 1* daily '.(i.t Min,lay, li-a».' Iluull0f(t.>0 S Hip ill ar n.. K ,.t s» w. II 7 'ft |, n. Cist INN \TI IIIVISION N IT I . * >1 |.i Sunday. I. av. A'tiland Jnl.f*ln.n A H.a n, . ,ri\. Cini'llina'I 1.’ I * a ill N la dui. ,a|.-* it imday, l^at*-t.'inrlntiatl S HI p in . »rriv. A • t> ,nd Juh'-tnii, 7 is p ir. N IW. dally 'p uudav. I*‘a»n May till*' 5 15a in arm. i ,a iunati U tl a m N SI), dally ►»>•< ;,t Nua.ia* aT.('in inn ,tl 5 U) p. iu. arrl». Maya»ill« || W KI'LLEB.Omi I Pa« Ayl GKO W STEVBNS. Cuii’l Supl lUumbrr* WM. HARE A SON, practical Plumbers. Gas S Steam Fitters, Mo. 33 Twolfth 81root. All*ork door i»foniHiy»»nio«ir»»»oo*l .» prw* J1|U 0. C»A» H Jixira U/T* Mansbarger, Loti A McKown, PKACTICA L Plumbers, Uas A Steam Fitters. JJ T«»irUi SC, Wk**ilo«. w. »•. «*!•! ■ . rora iN A »,,r* • «• ' TRlMpLE A LlJTX. CokeOvei and Engine Supplies. Ir0n P”;Sv“vT»d Cook. [njoctore and Syphonn. Btoam and Water Gauges Plumbing. Gas and Steam Heating. inti md HI- M»rk«-t WHKKLIXO. » VA lAKOXirs. L RASAS A Ml ALL KI»US Of l Uiablit fo» *»J» o* IS* RlMl’TiO CmU.CH