Newspaper Page Text
-|i WORTHY. • v v . ' *FF F. " . . A* IS > Rt ‘ ibrcu$l i 1 >i' ’Hat art ■ C*opt*lantl anti • .'I’r'ntoJ ,■ -•<■* Vo mat • ■v d Martin's im.idler at tin •,-n *« a tli tht OHS COPELAND & BELL ;i m M:-' < t. \ t Virginia, • Idku a ,L\r^SD. 1370. " >la ;k Gin Mil fHK H' JNEYS . • ,v i- " ‘ r rtt • ■>. t> mi ; !w« .r< cut . v :y *pf • h»r.'.t<r ;h> « *o -d» ' ufi!. M*. alth is Wealth! I a "ai a*Am i *' Vi* Ui- >| • f l»l«% ••usu; * w w • • r *,1 ua i ii -e S'X Boxes • «. %%• V%lfl McLAlN BROTHERS. \ \V V*. TC WEAK MENSSS ,#.1, 1 B '.lull- *nl. #tc. .. it. -i ci uuUultm r«\ Hi»:K "f chant* . r. jJ h> cvcrj AiMn->*» I'r- i 1. -v. 1 • •l .iiilu*, < Dim CURL ; ■! • u Huen as - I * tr* x-, after i • if UU’»t s . iii curium SICK Itv.tPll.LJ .t* curing . shite I • tit^'h, » k r -le the UjSfb. • • - th.w# laiiit:. .!■«•* ii> 'r wrhl • tr. tlw-tu will ! :wl I ■ , m ni.niiv » 4>-th*t I n,j to ilo without them I ACHE r kt ‘u r** U i • « .1 1'ilU cure U * % . • .r.* \ . rv snt:t’ i pill- •» ah i *Jkt Ol»t‘ vi »v wt'*^4 • t • >U Itit te*4» * *» S -I .SI *'«.tNN'ESSj k uoa Habit* •- • - next >s B>/7otti a/M£ > ; iSiOEX SPECIFIC t• i , . .trlidfHt'ffrod •? r rUu-t.i jf nwvasary ♦ • • \ n i*r:uu ' r 1 -• t at U Ul I* ft . * ITNKY ■ 'f ii!» :. rg«*-< no im*oo , * (*••• | »• t** r» * i utaliou !» ■ *« -r* ‘ !«• u- Lm*J of ♦ . >si drug co , IIKKI.’NS. W V.V. i PARKER’S ’MR BAUSAM I «• «. »JUU.UI Oo.vT. [ | U . ■ . •*<_ j ■—i .. l - -,'un .ui« »>.u 1 HUjcdmjj 4M'gij?irr S'ranrirr**' 0>«il»c. i RRIVAL AND DEPARTURE *'\ or TKA.NS— K>H-AJUTlo* or Ktrtfc i> * >; ,i1i< •!! »..> *.''una») notated . \,•»♦$•* u 'Suiiii v idttur^v > i;. t.sAturJ.. :... .$4tuiay uaiv—?5 . j... > V |{ isw. V>b«rl:*ff wii cb . ■ r • • iif - »r • ? ?b*» C -ntml time i a o R L Depart. Arrive. • r n Ctty A the • 4.6A am *11 4U p a, i Hi p ru • v >.’• i tu •A . ,.r. ■ u *Vv A the Ea»* ‘IVlUka m‘»!*45p lu r'.iti. V. ■■ :u • *u> i m t YOhp ui • 1 v ; -U *M us i ■ M n :.v Actora . ♦ s.U) i B tlitf p m M.,uuJ»v. VOW’tu ♦ 3 A) pm ♦ &.U6 pm Mo«od*vtllv AoeoB. .'. • ••. W*»T. . int j iu<i ChiCAS' • ? •*<» a niiM2.5ft a m If... i’iu at i'hira^u Ml Ud a m • CIOy m i .. i iivVl hH*»A . , fin. kt St Lt»ui» 10 y> UI • r» hi u lu f. jmtu* at Oku* »aaat» ... . t i>iuniltU!» Accutu H.Up. ■u 'll n »ui . . . .V ... AlVvIU . *11 Uf* a Hi MI'A) a IU \mi * 1 30 p iu ♦ A 10 p iu •A l‘ V K DIVISION p - . Italainc hi • S. IS a ill *11 <A! a Ui * ' * • •' I’.. ♦ I 40 II III »la AS pm , I- 'ii IStt.l-.VlSiiada) ulil) > . .'.JUain .., is Viv* ti; t b.30 p iu|t 7 :*) am ’• i SI' l. KI KaaT I- ttw ♦ '. »' a IU » 1' p IU |*'lt»! '.~>C and Sew V"fk * I lf> * u. IVfi.ulu I", ii. I. it.- mJ New York » » M i iu lllv'aiu j l,"ta jt( a .J ' .V 1 nrk Ki il HI p iu A-hi p u a a. i i pr- - 1' u au-l St. 1. i. I 7 31 » Hi i *i Hi'. Hi t - 111. u. i S’ ..1 - * W e.p UI * K'JUp IU - e A1 * > • I l.i . ! steltlwl., e A D-liul*. U A>- t 4.30 p tu 11.11) a I*' . A V K. II. i»l.jr; 1'lev d.VCLi' a^ t 5 40 a mil 9.IS p m I ,.t Li .-rp ■ 1 7 Up lu 513 13am I e.0 vlbeUVI.I. VflNUt ♦ # ttaiu t I 10 p lu : I'llt.l.uiv Ne.v Yvfk 'II 13 a ill 'll S»atu ! d»’V**i»uU i*Ual CLuvth^u •* f*itt»l.urp’ anil New S . rk K» t 3 41 p Ui t U!X p iu l L A SS K K t pf. •- I .ei.uJ, K A tt l-.'ISpiu li-twplu ■ . - . ' V p IU II III .'•■ lu -i 1 Imf.v . AiN"' lu “ l») a iu WSfiani ■> Cl ruvil AMun |u1 am I lOpui M '. Ae. >.u 334 pui t. tu St I'laifunlle Ui 6 31 p iu S.U3 p Ui l.-eai t r...-1.1 wu-l ACi*. lu |3Uuiu 13'bpui Ol.10 Rl V KK K K H»i.r .. r • '. 00 a iu 11 Ilf. 1. lu W r II to a U; 1 p iu • 4 TU p ill • v UU ,■ lu ki /. AC R !t lie IU I / .1.1 II. .< I* 7l**au. * 4 I'tplu R. . .aire auO Puiiittierfl'-lJ * . M p iu t|o so a iu \\rliKKLfN(i & Ef.M GROVE V V RAILROAD 4Ml au 1 after M■ lUiliay. 1. aife r l-t, Inu 'r...wit: ruu v. folioiaa 1 Iuw . ;Ui. Leave Grove. 8'#i a S OU « « ai ill t i S 00 r. a i u T:«B «:00 4 ol “ S.UO ” 8 01) *• 6:U0 “ i X* “ 8 0U *' V 'U •• 6:00 “ 10 00 *• 7:00 « 10 OOt •• 7:00 ** 11 • 8 X) ■* 11:00 “ 8:00 •' U i - a ■* -XI IS.-JO a. *.00 1 *• r. a 10.te “ 1 r a 10:(W “ 1 • s 00 •• ♦ [*, v .-x)ept SunJ.iv an .Jay x'r.ur»-!i Train* will leave Kim Grove *• * 13 a in. uiJ Wheehns at IS IT p. n.. r. i> gillelan. Gen. M ma^er. IN K.IULY SftilM.. ' i V .V ' lb 1**1'. H* • '!.»'•■* »p** with w* • it * 11»**i »• 1 attii Cl l* Kr>*w tstt*lkm. aUtl tin* bath « • «i i«.hi»< * \* t of winter's* *o:ith ! r tb» i. • • ui**r* br» » he* ! :it* * If *M IfiiVeft in cur path, O' ' .'t'dluDi* »i»lL• Uf»r» »f*e*l »M**rtD»tli. of tic rigi*- * h.kt hath U'Cli I' , it it» il» v pr* *• n** aught of grief K tlfi frol -tl J tlllc ere thi ll w a>t hero, \ »u Iv. tir*h g-»; • ' \ inir **hull l*e l*n* f. . u it, * r»-ei a hero w. r ami Vic! * ic w *w »r»l M cat the stubble *•*». ♦ Typewriter*’ i i«*». xf L<> 4(.* Jlrtff i tf. A tin -i every ty|.t writer sooner or la er has trouble with her eyes. The type vv ! ting liM' lllln' i- -upposevl to save the eV "S. toil tile etle. t - quite the COIltra rv. The eye-are all the time in mo tion while writing, and tin- rapid jerk ing of the eye from one point to aHother i: the little keyboard soon tire- the — :• - and make- the eye- and some ■ me tin* whole head ache. Then a great many girl- have the ■ ,i‘i,t it turning up tin* arnage .. w at has l,.>en written atnl leaning bark • ii.■ ba r while reading t. l'liis. too. ■r tb" re .- n that it require-a i ad .-luo-ut d the eye to the dif • *■ t•• ut 1 i-tan* ••- un i >o tires the whole The ••::'>■ way t<* save the eyes when -ii:g > typewriting machine is to ac ta- -nh fa.ulity that is not necessary • * ' . ■ k 11 the keyboard, and the eyes saved thi thousaml of little » •*■ :uol fro which do so much Hut for Wiiuutii. i‘ Tim?' Sf-ir i >. » won. .1. lint for VoU We •it now t>»* li\ ns in the ftanlen ».t ; i ■ aii-1 not . aril - whether ileeOlll'l1' ,in „ > or ulster ioreoats were the ! . .I treet t osli.uie; but for you the ••leek- .\..ul4 not ha** hung about the . i,> ,.t Tn*v fur ten year*: had it not ‘ • e.-n for you. f m< .unati would have . u wt, i. North llend now is; but for \ i» I n ight act now ii tlo- p. riloir edge of an aby-- *'f rev olulioh. If K•. • had attended to her .1 luitiV. household dutie ill'tead of Utempt i s tile maseulin* wotk of g.itio ring fruit, ii ileien had resisted the temptatior to go gadding oil to Troy with Paris, if tin* beautiful wife of the Ohio pioneer had remained at her I .one in North llend instead ul ileeing t a point opposite the mouth ol the 1.. ting: if tin- Kin pres- Prederiek liail remained in her home m Iterliu instead of going down to Paris, presumably to I <ce Worth tii*' map of the world might hav been very different in ten years hone*'. Ku«m Mru'i Wtiya -What'- the trouble Itelwoou you and your husband?" • -11<- makes no* i»*aloii> of i i i tain la dies. * • In w bat way • ||i- mentions lux iiiv mot lh« in wlii'ii I wasn't with litin I'.hiIiI they in' n it tin' on«- »«• afraid of." • \\ bn tillin ' I II,,-. »In,in In- doesn't mention. I u#.|iH'tiMt OlwUrlr. i A».v w fritnuM. ••|'iii j,r.• 11y good at tinkering with :iuaiii i '." softly ohinkled tin* bank rob ■ , r a- bo deposited In* booty In a baa and turned to go. hat ' to liindor m*' from going into polities? "Suite otbor follow mayhavoa biggor bar", rospoiid.d tbo watehing detoo [tivo. turning forward and submitting for bi> oloso iuspoi'tion tiio muzzle of a ‘4-i alibro gun. Tim* Hriii;* Chams*** Vtntry * Watty. M.-'-i-mror bov Whoro » tIi*■ tuan wlutt 'i iit mo out with thi' loro mi" Mr. Smith It »;i' 1 that M iit you. M.. N i W tho fi'il. r what .i*tii mo w.i' a i Uaii-'ltavoil IdoWo. an ynii'vi ;nt a Iona Ward. Mr. Smith- grow 'in«o you 'lartod. .%<!» Ire to Mother*. Mi:' WlNHUiw ' SnoTHlMU Svttir has use<! bv in.I oils of mothers lorebild is n Wethm»: tor over liftv veurs with per f. , t s'i-s ess. It IS lievt s tin* little sufferer .it umf, printuees uatural. 4hiet sl.n-p bl ‘r.. . toe , i Irom pain, unit the little to : .it awake- as * bright as a button " It orv pleasant to taste, smithes the ehtUI, sot;. iheVuu; ill.ivs |min relieves wind, ., .lates the bowel'. aid .S the U-sv known I t.-i, • .tv hi .tiafltuea, whether dii'in-' | from uvth . e or -thi i > at.nes I'ws nt> d\e ! enis a hot lb*. Au l uklnil Hr mark. il: -H H.rifjf, ,j_,So \ u are jtoiii>r to marry Tout Chapman. Kditb'.’ K tith- Ye* What do you think of me for ' pnia man w ho is 4<i year* old? mini 1 think you are wry wise. When two people of nearly the saute age marry they art generally happy. An Attnctln PtH'KKT ALMAVAC ! >IK>lt»KAM»l >1 IMH)K >■ mttiw A S IKOA HIT1> Its . l omv. mwuauav at I'rucauU 6,-ui ul »lores. Apply ul «u«. Many lVr>«>n< »r t rot a it.iiu from own* ; ■ " r>tu\y it’s Iron lit*tors j, > im I a. 1> I. UOB Irti-'SOI- -oillie, I Mil l l liii - Ui.ilul i*1 till li* fc*l‘l.Utiic. Til K IIK.IR tilRLS. Serious Vtlutwkrs VIh>I*> Hi I’utlri mliiimtlu; Tlielr liilelli|;eiiee. r /. >citroodi» M irc/l Century. There are two kindred questions aboui which there has been and sti'l is muck controversy, and. I think, many serioiu mistake- inadi—hr-t in underestimating the intelligence of the girls, particular} in practical matters, in which it is apt to be far greater thun our own; and sec ondly. lu belittling our advantages in order to conciliate their prejudices. In many cases these prejudices do not exist. and even when they do the differ ence- in our position nnu education are -ure to come to the frontsooneror later, and by frankly recognizing them in the beginning a- an advantage we prevent their being regarded later on as a bar rier. The girls are sure to end by knowing that we keep servants, wear evening dresses, and go to the opera: and by plainly -peaking of these things wlun necessary it he necessity will be rare!, as comforts won for us by our husbands' or our fathers’ intelligence and labor, #r make the distinction in our ways of living more one of degree than one of kind. When oliee reeoglliziil the truth will make our relations with the girls of more value than when it existed on an ignorant or mistaken foundation. Tile very leisure and knowledge We are able to put at their disposal comes from tills difference of conditions, and it is -hirkmg oi:r responsibility a- women of a leisure class w hen we attempt to pretend that our conditions of life arc tiie same as tlielr-. The newspapers in t his euiiniry are successful in giving the working cla-'scs a false idea of the oc cupations ami pleasures of the "upper classes. " They represent them in all their most sensational and regrettabh moments, am! but little record is made of the ma jority u! well-to-do and educated people with whom plain living and high think iug has not come to be a dead letter. lu our uio.-t natural and laudable ef fort m.t to patronize the girls we are apt to forget that we ar>- ioregoing the natural advantages of our birthrights in attempting to appear to them as a.. women from nowhore, in stead of ladies whose life and education in perhaps wealthy homes has inspired us with the desire to share what we con sider our real advantages with our less fortunate sisters. IX THK TI XXKI.. Hun i smart Woman HalHeil a Cheeky Traveller. rhic<iHtr'ilU. tin a Colorado road, where tunnels an* quite numerous, a charming matron with her little daughter occupied a seat >:i tiie coach, and opposite her was a ■ >| nurse and the travelling bags. The mother's sparkling eyes, ex uberant health and vivacious -pir it.' attracted tlie attention of a hand - >me young man who occupied a seat -t ha k of the one she was in. By his attention to the child lie soon scraped up an acquaintance with the mother, and as itle day passed was essaying to make himself very agreeable to her. He was a presumptuous man. and rho . ght that had made an impression: UK ri ition manifested it. I lie lady, dreaming of no wrung, was apparently eased witli her casual acquaintance. By ami t v, as the train approached an iiin-iialiy long tunnel, the gay young man leaned over and whispered some thing in the lady's ear. For an instant tie w ,i- thunderstruck, and her eyes dashed with indignation. t moment more and a smile lighted up tier features. She made him some reply that seemed to please him very much. She chatted with the nurse about several matters, and presently the train reached the tunnel. In a few mo ment' the train came into daylight again, but the mother' and nurse had ••hanged >eat'. The mother looknj amu/ed, the colored nurse was very dis concerted, the young man looked dazed. “Jane,” said the mother, “what have you ••■enduing " “Nothing, respond ed the nurse. cs you have,” said the mother, in a tone that attracted the at f all in the ear. “See how your collar’s rumpled and your bonnet’ smashed.” The nurse hung her head for a mo ment. ami then, turning round to the nice young man, replied: “This man kissed no while the train was passing through the tunnel.” The young man or • upi*'d tlie smoker during the rest of his journey. Natural su|>iM»«tUi«»u. lto*tx>n iitul*. Hirolii. :i bright Haverhill tit. via* looking over some photograph.' with ilis auntie »f "lue of her frieuds. ami emu III- npoli one w lio-e eveililii' die'' ■ Itk11* deeolletv. he looked it It »*lo-el> toi a moment, ibenoh'erved as it it wire w Lolly Settled III his milid ••killin' to tale a barf! Mr.tuge Overnight. t'Ai. Jyn Tribune. '-lie inn tiie way to the theatre) John, please hold my baud kerchief a moment. He—Is this the only one you bought? Certainly. Why? , Aghast . tioing to hear Clara Morris with only one handkerchief? MARTIN’S KEItRi. Freddie Uavidson. a sou of Mr. Uavidson who resides near the l.atighiin mill, fell Monday, knocking his front teeth out and hurting himself quite severely. The Farmers' Alliance met at Steele’s school house last night to discuss the ques tion,‘‘Of What Ilenetit is u Farmers’In stitute to the Farmer'" Uev l.ovd is holding a protracted mcct ng at the t’oucord si’ll's 'I, hack of town, uid is iiovting with great success \V s Twissl has rcturnetl home to Sleu Ui, villo altera pleasant \isit here. ( imi;, Sedcvvick and Mi-.s Josephine t ochnui will tie married today at the holin' "f th»’ bride's parents Mi tleorge S|..-| .fraud M’ S Flo McCord will Is- the attendants so we are iutormed. Mr Foote, of llurnscy Oouuiy, is visit ing Ills daughter. Mrs. John Campbell. There will beau entertainment at the p,-i -'ivU'i’ian Chmvh next Friday evening for the benefit of the Ladies’ Missionary s* viety Ike ilriMti and family, who went to Kan sas about two years ago, have returned to this city, and will make this their future home. The Chautauqua Circle met at Ur. Wil liams' residence last evening. The Y. M C A lost jik) on their scries of lectures and concerts, and arc thinking a bo it giving another entertainment, and if thev do. everybody ought to turn out and help them make up this short age. .1 nines Jamison, Jr., will take several wa, onloads ot material to Nixon's ruit to day for the (lien ? liun Oil and Gas C out jiany. Mr John Nicely, Professor »i Peinnaii Miip 'll the high schools, has gorn* to his nomeat Portlaud. O, on aeeount of sick ... The Ma. inu rolior Singing Noc.ctv lias eoiitravted for a new drop eurtmn, l<; b' used a* tlieir hall on Hanover street 1 his will Ik*.when of thenuesteur lam- in Belmont county The Knights of Pythias njet at their hall in Commercial Block. !a*l eve nine. Max . has relumed from PitUbure. Pa. The Baltin.oreans who arc to Ik* at the op,,a llou-e this vie. k. will produce • Dan, u and Pythias" on Saturday even I >!*?■ Kate fastletea w.ll be at the Opera House. .Monday, MafchUt^i \ littjeih Id of Mr Nate Va,! is very ill. o i» Prsiucis.of Columbus, is in the city ou business. Kminett MeDoivell will skate one mile against time this evening at the nuk and ihcetianipimi skater i t Pittsburg will try • „ heat it Mauag-r Cower gives to the iviniier. I.orivno, the eoutortiomst, will also be there and the hand has been en gagoo for the occasion. puvle Isaac Carpenter, of the Orchard, >* slowly recovering from a severe attack of sickness. \ll the persons ivho were injured in the gas explosion am rapidly recovering, and will U* able to bealnmt againin a tew,lav -. K. r Sale A six room IlSttWOU P I vi r.-et, near the Third ward school house*. I with a good stable, well and city water, i Inquire at P Heck's grocery, on Broad way. ,H (,*,.\r A farm Inquire of Jus A dial Nose but good farmers need a|» piy ..I FINANCE AM> TU.AII*. Moiirjr Ml I *itl IVi l>ot. UuTeumifiil# Hull himI Strati* Slock* Dull — Flour Ftriu ftutt I'litluiuKCtl- lVI.ent Dull. ' Nk*t Yoke, March d.—Money on call i easy, ranging from 2V4 to 4 per cent; last I loan ut 2VJ per cent.: closed offered at 2>£ ; jh.t cent. Prime mercantile paper, "a? per cent. Steriine exchange quiet hut I firm at ♦s5a4,»X I GoviKsatNTs—Dull and steady. i Fours Registered.. 120 Four- Coupons.121 Fours-and-a-half, Registered .101X Fours-and-a-half, Coupons- . ..101.X Pacific Sixes of '9a.110 States—Dull and steady. Railroads—Dull; sales, ???>'>.00o. The P<»t says: “There is a large short j interest outstanding iu Burlington. Rock Island and some iu I'nion Pacific, which is I getting uneasy and may be the means of ad vancing prices at any time. Kxehauge con tinues so firm, owing to the small supply of commercial bills and the lurge demand from importers for remittances, that it is uot improbable that more gold will be taken for export this week. The move ment of cotton from the interior and also exports are iarguly ahead of last, year at tuis time, but exports of other thiugs are small, and on the other baud the imports to be paid for are miusually heavy, and be sides (lerman v seems to want gold.” There was no disposition shown to-day to sell stocks which have been leaders in the late downward movement, hut rather an effort to recuperate. The general list dis pluyed the same lack of interest, and after a firm opening', with advances over last night's prices of 1 |«-r chut in Pacific Mail and in Northern Pacific preferred, there was a general decline in early dealings iu sympathy with a drop of 1'4 in Pacific Mail The natural strength of the market then became apparent and everything traded in moved upward, the advance raining force as time wore along culminat ing in the last hour of business. The mar ket finally closed dull hut firm, at the best prices of the day. Northern Pacific preferred is up Sugar l jg, Burlington and I’hica' oC.ts l .. Sales l.liTi.‘.i7‘i shures (Quotations rlnstil Uiu: Adana a xpres ■. 14ft; American (Express, 116; Canada Pacific, if. 4; Central Pacific, *Jti .; Chesapeake ami uuio, lx.dotirst prc ferred ,1- ; do second preferred, 81^£; Chl . .1 . ai d A • i !1 aj o,H irlingtonaud On in y. To . . Delaware und Hudson, I331; : Dcla.vare, Lackawanna and Weste rn, IX ; Denver uud Kin (! IT1.-; Krie, 19'., do preferrt d VJ; Kt. Wa\ nc, 150; Illinois Central. L »ke Shore, 110 -4; Michigan Central,‘.si . Minneapolis andSt. Louis, 4; do. preferred, 9l4: Missouri Pacific 07; N’i rtnern p... ifi< 'Jv ; ou preferred, • • ; Northwestern, 1U6L‘; do preferred, 138; New Vcri' Central, ll)r*l4 ; Oregon Transconti nental, ; Pacific Mail, l'.*U ; Peoria, De catur and Fvansville, ; Pittsburg. 149; Pullman Palace Car, 193; Reading. X1; Rock Island, f.T . ; St Louis and San Fran cisco, ; do. preferred, ; do. first pre fcrred,50;St. Paul.Vf-. do. preferred 1 li'4 ; St. l’aul, Minuea(>olis and Manitoba, 103; St Paul and Omaha, 34' 4 ; do preferred, X’; Texas Pacific, I4\ , Union Pacific, 45>4 ; United States Kx press. *: Western Ltiion. so-,. ntout CK. Wholesale Market Ouotatious. liegisteit Orru E, > Wheui.ix'o. Mareli 3, IS9I. i The market continues good. Apples arc are in goini tienutnd und supply light. Potatoes are scai-ee and in good de mand, quality medium, home-raised, |KH<r. Kgg> are weak and the supply of Cutter is failing off. Poultry is in strong demand and then' is a lighter supply. Prices arc as follows: We uuote the following prices: Mutter, country choice IsadOc; country good salUo; country fair 4a5c l .ggs, at 15 to I<V per dozen. Demand, strong and very scarce. New Means, for hand-picked navy the de mand is good but the supply is scarce: pro ««> ure f- '.'5 to y.‘ toper bushel. Ctu'esc, prinie mild Ohio factory loc; Nt w York lu'j’e; Liinberger lSaMc: Swcitzer Id'c: market nominal. de mand fair, supply heavy. Potatoes, $1 '.'0 per bushel: Baltimore sweet fd -toad 50; Jersey sweet id Vlad 75; demand good, supply fair. Poultrv, old. !ivcchickens, $t .'•but bti per dozen Chickens, hens per pound 10c; old cocks 5c: spring chickeus, per pound, su !V; per dozenrfl .Vlad00; ducks, young t- tti :toa nor do zen; scarce. laird. country prime in fair demand at 7av; very scarce. Onions, demand fair, supply good ntfodu to 5 50 per barrel; supply fair. Cabbage, new, *1 d5al .'V i>cr barrel; de mand light, supply heavy. Apples, yd 75u4 VI per barrel; supply scarce, demand good. ritt*l>urg I’rmlme Market. Prnsm u<;, March 3.—The continued cold weather tends to hold the oijy market in subjection and prevents a further do* 4-line, although the receipts were somewhat larger lo-dav. Hatter aud choose continue to meet with a stemlv demand at quota tiuiis. of live poultry more lib , imI, but prices are still iiiaintained. t)ranges and lemons are higher. Choice potatoes reported iu fair demaud. Hi i ikk- Cancy creamery, iGiiiHe; other I r.uui:, ’-'ia'- 'c. fancy country roll, iSlaiV; choice couuiry roll, I-.uIm- low grades aud , OaTi greasz Ia4c Hi v\~ Ncwr crop New 'i ork and Michi i' ’■» per bushel: hand pi ’ked medium. V !» a-‘ ” -per bu: Lima, 5 La*!* imported bcan-.t- ihi'.’ Id. I’m.i-i Ohio full cream, mud. tall make, lie; New 1 ork, llallLc. new \V. onsin Swiss, brick, 15e; W iscousiu Svveit/er. iu tubs, Uil.V-jc; l.iinberger, September make, lie; Ohio Swiss. l?al.V\ I as to quality HAITI t.s Cam , led fruit 4»'« noun aO per bbl choice • li.eli, fa 00a5 '>0 |»T bbl: Ittir, iHJaH .'ill per bbl , eouiiuou to fair, (d adu l i . jm-|- bbl. l>„TuoK> Sales Irish from store in a jabbing way at *1 lOal :o i>er bu; on track, j'l iHlal da, as to quality; Jersey sweets, jc; a-ni;! .‘id oer libl; small stock, $1 >->a200per bbl. ‘ s a- . Ski ds—Western recleaned medium do ,...- jobbing at |5 25; mammoth, |5 40; time* thy, rl -'•dal .V. for prime, and $1 'h lor choicest; blue grass, ft Niifl od; orchard grass, *1 IK); millet, 75c; German, We; Hungarian, Wc; line lawn, 2.V per pound Hominy SI 'si |M-r burrcl of 2W pounds. Mini. SvKi-r New crop, Wcu$l 35 |>cr gallon. , A ...—-Cabbusrc, Wa2 '-*> i>or barrel; German cabbage, lJal.'lc per head; bulk cabbage, ba.c per head; yellow l»aii ver onions, rl -Vial ■••> per bushel. onions, f»0da4 5U per barrel; celery, |m'- dozen; Spanish onions #1 4dal ad |K*r bushel crate; rutaba gas '.H'cii$l dd |HT bai l’l l; turnips, purple r..|._ |kt bushel ;.‘.a:idc; parsnips. f.' Wa'i '.’a per barrel. C.i.i.i Strictly fresh IViiiisylvuina and t kbit., iu cases, liaise. Hi i KWiik.kT Clan a adi’n'c. I>,,| , i ,n itrcssisl chickens, drawu.old Hal.'.c per pound; dressed duck, I4alac |M*r pound: dressed geese, *,.in- per pound; dr« s>ed turkeys. Malic jm-i- pound; live turkeys, l .’al-ic per pound; live chickens, old s;,a'.HK- m*r pair, as to size; live ducks, sda'.nk- per pair: gin's**, fl ddal la |x'i * Honey New crop white clover, lsaWc oi-r pound; buckwheat. Malic. lkiiFsiF.l* Him* Light,4-jU.V; heavy, 4a 4»Jo. (iicFt \Sii ff (1 reen onions, 2.>addc per dozen: radishes. ;tda40c |*er dozen: new beets, i.'mfl 00 per dozen ; parsley, ldal.c per dozen; kale. *1 per barrel; spluaeh tl ->5al 50 |h'f barrel; asparagus, i.crfl 00 n, r bunch; tomatoes. peck boxes, #l‘-‘>a l Til); Hcnoudiiuniuiin, «V) per >>ar rel; Bermuda potatoes, f7u> per burrcl, head lettuce, Aias per sugar barrel. Cnii, March :t.— 11 wasadull day on tin- Board Neither bulls nor bears in 1 wheat were able to make a great deal of I headway. The latter were favored with most of‘the news; the former had a little the best of early fluctuations. The trail ! was deluged with bearish lK.iuts at the cutset Several emnhinations of scalpers I who s, Id wheat short at the outset bought ! x back tluriin: a bulirt* that followed. I be ! imount of business transacted for outside I account was lacking in interesting fca j turos and it closed steady at *.'7e for May. I’oru slmwctl more auima*i«»u, wilh 11111 change in prices. Oat. stronger. 1 rovi sum- dull' Flour Arm ami unchanged | Win at, ca-.h No spring D4 '.aUl'£e. No . ,,K . No •» id tie.;,«*.c; March ,, old ing it '.•!■. c May % ,ab. o, | oio'mgat We; July io.jawy dosing at ! <r‘ Corn, cash No M d'4c; March ,| iM:,. dosing at ’*4 *»' 1 Mav _■*••’** dosin' at ■•.,4c July, M^a-d-.c. I ' . Oats, «h No '• 4.**a i: ',c M a v I'll" closing at 4? 1 . .Illlie 47 .U47 ,1. closing at 4. sc; July 1 Kve-i No. - I Flaxseed, at »1 to 1 iaiolhy Vc.-ii at si ■<; I' rk cash t 47 alt 40, closing at o,,ui jiicss. cash fh.Vrtgi iW; May #1* Nsi IS rtl. dosing at I'.. s7 July «0S2j;a «» 4.* . i’ll sim; $1U ^ and March ?•’> ('7 :. May h• | closing at *•» w: July »0ab \£t. dosujg ■t ribs H W ]#• March #4 '«nii4 s>, closing at d Mav 't ao 00, closing d .• • -il , >7; closing at tN> JO. Bulk Meats, shoulders, #401); short dear #» 00a4 m. Whi»kv f1 1 i. Uniter tinner, extra ereatn ! erv liOa-'ilu; extra flints 'JUaiac; nrsts'-Ja , 'Jlc Fags. 17aI>c lieceipU -F lour, 11,000 barrels. wheat, :14,000 bushels; corn, 14H, iVd bushels; i>ats, 134,0C0 bushels. rye, MHO bushels; barley, 40.000 bushels. Shipments Flour. 7.000 barrels, wheat, rl 000 bushels; corn, U.V..0UU bushels, oats, 17s.Uk) bushels; rye, 4.«.« bushels; barley, , bushels. Nk.v» Yokk. March:l. Flour.reeeipts-.M, >«package . exports 4.iix> barrels; market I uurhanged; salt's l‘.i,0U0 bairels. Vthiat, WHY DO YOU COUGH ? Do you know that a little rough is a dangerous thiug ? Are you aware that it often fastens on the lungs and far too often runs into Consumption and ends in Death? People suffering from Asthma. Bronchitis, Pneumonia and Consumption will all tell you that "If STARTED WITH A COLD." Can you afford to neglect it ? Can you trifle1 with so serious a matter ? Are u aware that 1 DR. ACKER'S ENGLISH RENIEDY: 'for Coughs. Colds and Consumption is beyond or "lion th greatest ot all] ' Modem Remedies ? It will stop a Cough in one night. 1 will check a Cold in1 'a day. It will prevent Croup, relieve Asthma and care < onsumption if taken ' in time, “ You can't afford to lx' without it." A 25 cent I >tt!e may save you '$100 in Doctor's bills—may save your life ' A-k your drugg;-t for it, or write [to \V. II. Hooker & Co., bi West Broadway, New York, tor Ixxik. CST'ThU the onlv ratnedv thut wid rura Nadar*- I! .ntnai l’lnn | receipts 43,000 bushels; sales 1,4*0,000 I bushels futures, and *3,.‘>00 bushels spot ; market very dull and irregular; No. 3 red $105; ungraded red $1 UJal 00‘4 ; options very dull, closing down ’4c; No. ‘3 god March $1 OKV,'; May $1 OOal 00>4 ; June $1 (W»4'al 04 >*, closing at fl 03?.,'; July fl 00\; August Iff1**", September #7u87l-2'c, closing at ‘.'7lhc; December lW‘Hc. Rye, dull. Corn, receipts 57,000 bushels; ex |N>rts 41,000 bushels; sales 1,300,000 bushels futures, and ”i*,000 bushels spot; market higher; ungraded mixed O.V4uOie; March O.*!.,a0.Yl4c, dosing ut 0.-' ,c; April On 4c; M:iV f>'-M„c; June «l%c. Oats, receipts 114,000 bushels; sales‘345,000 bushels futures and 110, ooo bushels spot; March 54:‘4a55;*,o; Mav A'l^u-M 'Bc, closing at 5cc; spot No, ‘3 white 55a50t4c; mixed western 53c: white do 55c; No. ‘3 Chicago 5«o. Hay and Hops, quiet. Coffee, steady and 5al0 points up. Sugar, firm. Molasses, steady and quiet. Uice, steady. Petroleum, quiet; Cnited 7rt‘4c. Cottonseed oil, quiet. Tullmv, si rung. Rosin, quiet. Turpentine, quiet and lirm al-tla-iPj'c. Eggs, lirm and quiet; western lS*4c. Hides, dull. Wool, quiet; domestic I fleece 34a37c: pulled ‘30a33c; Texar I7a‘34c. i Pork, steady; old mess $'.i ‘3oal0 00; new mess $105oall‘35; c,tru mess fb 00d9 50 Cut Meats, steady. I.urd, firm; western steam fo 05; March *o 03; May *'-11; June $r. 3.1; July ft! 33; August $0 45 Butler, tinner; western dairy lOaJOo- do creamery ‘35a35c. Cheese, strong: Ohio HalssalO Hmi.AhKunu, Pa., March it.- Plour, weak. Wheat, quiet; No. i ml, March #1 05,al or»i<; April #1 W.^al 07; May vl (a. til 07. Corn, stroup; No. .i mhed iBe; NV '£ high mixed 04'4c; No. - mixeil March tBaW,1, April WfatH^o: May til • ..a 0*2e; J une 611 ,"a02c. Oats, firm ami hipher; No. < white .W^c; No - white March .Via 54‘,c; April. May and June 54'4u54 '-4c. Butter, stronp: Pennsylvania creamery ex tra :Uc; do print extra 3fie. Kpps. firm: Pennsylvaniafiirstsl*c. Receipts Klour, l.soo barrels; wheat, 5,000 bushels; corn. •29,000 bushels; oat-s. *25,000 bushels. Ship inents—Wheat, 1,5011 bushels; corn, 5,000 tiushels; outs. iojkHi bushels. B xi.timoui:, Mi>., March Wheat, western firm; No. 'J winter red spot anil March #1 01' 4; Vav #1 04al 04:„. Corn, western stronp and hipher: mixed spot and March 0:s'4attl^c: May 01 \a01 »<c. <)ats. firmer; western white 54a55e. Rye, lirtn at ssa'.Hh'. Hay. easier; prime to choice timothy #10 ooall on. Butter, active and hipher; creamery fancy :s5e; do. tair to choice ftiaXic. Kpps. steady at lTulilc. Coffee, quiet and firm at lo;4a‘20c. Re ceipts Flour, 7,000 barrels; wheut, 4,000 bushels: corn, 54,000bushels; bush els. Shipments Klour, 4.000 barrels: wheat. 750 bushels; eorn, Jfi.tltlO bushels. Cin« innati, On Maivh •{ Cotton, fan : mhhiliugs ‘.t'.jC. Flour, easy. Wheat, nominal; No. 2 red ON-; eeeipts. 2,500 husli els, shipments, 1,500 bushels. (tom. strung: No. 2 lnixep (tats, steady at 4s'.,e. jive, higher at '.Hie. Provisions, steady. Whisky tirm at $114. Butter, strong and higher; Ianey Klgin creamery :!5aMTe: Ohio and India!) 25a2''e; prime dairy l‘.u20e. Sugar, strong Kggs, strong at 14c strong., O.. March X— Wheat, easier: May $1 00:'j: July tKPi,e; August Ole. Corn, active; cash aTstati’^c. Oats, steady; No. i white ade. (Mover Seed, dull; cash and March $4 tiO; April $4 to. Receipts Flour, 440 barrels: wheat, 2,000 bushels; eorn. 33,000 bushels; oats. 500 bushels: clover seed. To bags. Shipments—Flour, l.OOObut irls; wheat. 4,000 bushels; corn, “,0CK* bushels; rye, (WO busheles; clover seed, • .ini bags. LIVE STOCK. Wheeling, March d. There is nothing of csjiecial iniportuucc to report concerning this market, it has been fairly active this week. Prices are a trifle changed and there is u fair demand. The supply of cattle has been fair the past week The prices as reported by Goodhue & Thomas arc as fol lows : Cattle—Extra, l.uou to 1,'Jno, fr.C.iU oo: good, '.«hi to I,nun. ft r.'i.i.'s.">: good, soo to duo, ft vtad Th; fair. Too to son. ft "‘.ad ho common, non to Too. finoad 3ft; hulls, f.’ooa •j V): cows, f: ooaa '• if Hogs C,ood demand : extra, ft shut oo. good ft T.‘.ad s',; coniinou, ft tihad ho. Sheep Active: extra, ft Via4 Th; good, ft Jha4 00; common, ft "had *'•: lambs, ff, ooah ho. Fresh Cows are lair at f' • uuu oO Calves at ft OOah V) Chicago, March 3. Cattle, receipt* 4,uuo bead: market lower and steady; stems, tru, |h 4o; others f. 4 hah Vi; cat,tiers' :1 I ha I Th other cows ffhadVi; stockers f ho a 3 VI. Hogs Receipt*, 20.000 head; shipments 14.000 head: market active and steady; com luon fd -triad h0, mixed ami jiuckei-.'ft hha d t.h; prime heavy anti butcher weights ? ’• Tu ad Th; light fthhadTO. Slieep Receipts, ‘.',000 head : shipments d,V») head: market slow und dull: Westerns f, lhah Th: nativess ft OOah .*>0: lambs f.ooa 0 10; feil Texans fi hOah OO. East Libkhtt, Ha., Mardt 3.— Cuttle, receipts 340 bead; shipments 130 head; inarKet steadv at vesteruay”s prices. Hogs—Receipts’ 1VI heail; shipment*. ll,*00 head; market steady; mixed and Hhiludelphias ft shad l*h; best Yorkers f: TOad so: common to fair ft onad TO; pigs fd (Iliad 00. Sheep—Receipts, ‘J,NKI head; shipments, 1,41X1 head: market active at yesterday's prices: lambs dull at into ih cents off trom yesterday. Cincinnati, O., March d Hogs, in light supply and generally higher; common ami light, ft .'had VI; butchers’, f! Ohad '.i."> Re ccipts, l,V.»l head; shipments, IXSn head. wool.. Wiipkunu. Ti psoav. March:’*. The condition of I In' local luarkel is .lull. What little wool there was left in the country has b.*pn bought up the last few tlu.\s at old prices, ttud the Hastem market has improved somewhat, as wool has been changing hands.The ruling prices as rojHirted by Horkheimcr Bros, arc as follows: Fine fleece, washed. :to to33e; unwashed, one-third off; unmerchantable, one-fourth off; modium unwashed, dtic; medium tleeco, washed. 33c; tub washed, iia.’Hc. Pmi.ADEi.PHtA, Pa., Match 3 Wool prices tirm; Ohio, Pennsylvania and W<*st Virginia XX and above .tduikie; medium :t7a3bc. coarse3t*a37c; New York,Michigan, and ddaina and Western line or X or XX ‘.la.IP.c; tine washed delaine X and X.\ 34a3sc; medium washed, combing and de laine, 43a43c; Canada combing. 'Balibc; tub washed choice 37a40c; fair 3iia37c: coarse 33a3ftc; medium unwashed comb ing and delaine •-'buHPjc; coarse do j:,. •»si; Montana ‘dOitMo; Territorial liar.-.' Boston, March 3.—The demand for wool has continued steady aud prices are firm and practically unchanged. Foreign wools j lirm aud in good demand. K 1.01'It, CHAIN ANI> KKKII. Wheeling, Ti rso.w, March 8. The changes in the market of late have been letv anil far between. There has Ih‘< n a,i vaeiliution in the flour market for some time and wheat is practically nneliangi o Oats are firm ami hat Hiietiiates seine The prices for mill feed continue tlrni. The following quotations are wholosah retail prices being ab to • > cents bight i Floe it Choice family Hour in wood, fi 00; in paper l-l <• t*er barrel. (littis Wheal per bushel. No Kwh. corn per bushel ISc; oats, per bushel. 4 Vkek- Middlings per Urn fn Oo. man per Um ft> UU; bcltsl ha> per tot. J.o ooa py no; loose hay fl Ofta? si per ton. ►'I It MARKET, Wheeling, Tuesday, March The following are the quotations in th fur market, as reported by Horkbeimer ** Mink—No. 1. .'idaT.v: No. i*M<0e; No Muskrat— Fall, lOalac; \\ inter. 1- al c; Raccoon Large. No 1,tWasOc; small., o. i i. 50at!0e; No. 2, 40aT)0c; No.3, -Maybe: No. 4 Skunk—Black prime, #1 W; *‘“lf stripe, T5ea#l 00: narrow white stripe, ~u 150c; broad and white stripe, lOaSOc. Grey Fox No. 1. eased, aOa..>o; No I. open, SOaSOe. ,r Red Fox-No. 1,0 00al No -.' No. 8, ir»a35e. Otter No, 1. as to color, |8 ooa.. OO. Opossums- Large, eust'd prime, laaWc. large, open prime, lOul.V. Rear Bear, black, fioooalaoo hear, cubs and \ curlings, ft OOaS oo. Ginseng No. 1. dry, f3 oo l*er pound. t UltOt'EltlKM. Wiiep.uvu, Ti'cmut, Mart'll :t. There are but few changes in the general grocery market. Tea is uetivu ami the market presents a strong front. Rice Is t!rut uni] the article is moving off faster than usual. Refilled sugar has declined somewhat Canned goods selling freely at old <|notations. MoiasSBr. linn. Syrups ! steady. Svni'i’s Choice Sug't’.r Syrup :!*ic; Hon ey Drips :Hc; Sugar ularki'alc; i-'tc addi tional in half barrels). New Orleans Mo lasses Fancy.Vie: Choice 50c.: Prime 4sc; Fair 44c; Mixed goods. New Orleans IS la ■We; lluker's goods .!0c. Choice Kellued Sorghum d7c. Provisions Schenk's imsituin S. Cl. hums Id!* ; S. breakfast. bacon he; S. C. ! shoulders ij^’c; city sides 7 .e; bam bei f ] ll'.jc: ordinary beef lUc; la:nil_\ mess pork • >lb piece fid 'A'i; bean pork. I.iltl* Seln Ilk • pure kettle, Ices 7',c; i 50 tb cans i'.i : lard compound, tcesilc; i .lUlh cans 7' ,c: 2U11- cat •• s. . lolb cans s*4c; "ilb calc. .<■ t 'a.n'ni.ii CIihu-s dlh Standard tomatoes s.Vafl 75; ' tti fancy tomatoes u.'tiil IU: Spcidel • own <1 tki. Hartford Co. Standard corn hUah.V 2-lb Maine process -urn ?l uual us; 2-lb Maine j packed sweet corn s 1 2 >aI 20; ,'>i w Vork | Slate Fancy 2 Ib corn ft 4U. d Ib Acorn brand peacnes fd'jU; ■ ib standard table p-'Ui lies #2 s; ; lb si..inlaid |»i-• peaches j >1 75; I Ib l)is*p Se.i full standard cow I oysters j 1 12' , ; 1 - tb light weight, cove oysters 7Uc: 2-lb Acorn standard string beans 75c; Libby's2tb can ivrn beef f2 20; Libby's 1-lh can chipped beef fi 50; Libby's l-tb can lunch tongue f2 75 \V miiiKSiv.-UK No. 1 tubs £7 75; No. 2 fti 75; No. d ft! UU; 2 hoop pails {d 45; ii hoop f I 25; sup f I 25; single wash boards f I .'tit: double do. *2.50; one-a iuipdoithle do. $2 25; sinirieft: .s*. FitriTs New Turkish Prunes 7e; IJai sins, Valencia UK*; layer Ondaru Ul^e; London layer raisins aOad lid: loose uius eatels $\i :a*a*J tfii; faney California evajar rated peacln s AaaA'x ; cheat; California eva|K>iatcd pcaehes '.Me; luncy California evuj>o rated apricots '}Ia'id.■: elioiec Cali fornia evaporated aprieols dduAti■: fancy evaporated apples hoc; choice do !if'..al4e; fair do l-J' .e. On. -Lard, extra western strained 7;V; eurbou, 110, T'^e; carbon, lad. 7.\e; Lewis Miner's winter white oil 4.V; summer white IITadhe. Sl'dAlts - Cut loaf se. Cubes 7‘.jc: trail powdered 7',e; ordinary [xnvdeivd ie; (■ranulated Standard lie: Standard i on fexTioners' A it Standard C racers' A i; ,e; l’earl Whit- A a ,<•; White Kxtra C ,V; Ohio Valley New York C 4e; Fruit f.' c. Ifni: Fancy Pe'url 7'-: Choice I’earl ii',i<-; Choice Home-tic n ,i l’l iini' Homes i tie tie; Fair Domestic t'd^c: Fancy Head 7!.ic. Cm in: Crern Coffee Faney (tolden Itio 'L’y: Faney Creen 'L'^e; Pi .ilierrv 4c; Choice Creen tile: Prime Creen ‘JuLc: ltoast.ini.'I'ruih ltiaiV ,e; .lava Koasted, in paekie . (iliio V aliey Slaudurd Louse Knustisl d4o. yood. 4 n-V: iiK-di'im, 4;,iit a-; e.imiuon »Si*»4e; culls, '.!• ^ait'., e. I KTKol.htMl. On < iTr, I'.* . March - Petroleum opened at 77c; niftiest 77'4<" lowest 7t'».7»c; closed a; 77'.c. Sales, H.tHNi barrels; clear ances, li<mxi barrels: charters. 0,504 bar rels; shipments, first and second. t*t».or»*> barrels: runs, first and second, Sl,tl20 bar rels Bit MO'iita, March:;. Petroleum, opened at 7i'»\c; closed at 7.Y tc;highest *7 4c; low est 75 kc; clearances, l>n,000 barrels. Pm-in in., Maivh:i. Petroleum, opejied at 70',c: closed at 75- c; highest. 77c; lowest 7." ,c. Market quiet and dull. Murket. Nkw York, .March :: Pie iron quiet. Cop|MT, dull. Lead, steady. Tin, quiet: ' I : Bermuda Bottled, j “You must k<> i'i Iti-i-miula. ii i you «to mil I will mil i i' i*4*st»oilwi- i ill.- for flic eoii»c<|ii<-in-r*. “ Iful, 1 doctor, 1 ran aUnr.l iiriilu-r tin ) Hun- nor flu- mom*). ' •* Mill. II ) i Ii:.i I* Inip.issibli-. fry SCOTT’S OF PURE NORWEGIAN j COD LIVER OIL. j I Mimefinir. rail ii ll.-i-.iiu<lu Itot- 1 tlnl. anil many i*n«i-» <if CONSUMPTION, I liwiwhitis, Condi or So\rrr Cold : | I lisi-.c ri'ICKW nii’i anil the j | uilvautastP is t tut I tin- inosi s.-n>i* j five *t»iiiiiii-li -an ihh.- II. tnollM-r J : tliiiiK which ii is flu- ; Ntiiiiiils<ii:i* pr.ipcrfU* *il Hie IIy- j j poplin* fill lies which if rnnlain*. . 1 You will tiu.l it lor sal.- at yonr llriitctrist'- Inn s. ).ui «<-• the . ( \ orbriunl st'iiTrs im i.sitiy."1 j GRATEFUL—COMFORTING. “ j Epps’s Cocoa. BREAKFAST. •Hi a thorough k 11.•« I.mIit.- of til* natural law" nim ru Hi* «|iHrati.iii» of diK"etloii and uutrili"ii, and by a *-,ir*ful i-. p |d oat o. n of Ilo ilo- ur-i»-rln-' ol >.-l.vt. I «:.■ mi, Mr Kj.j l,a- pro.ii|i-.l -nr breakfast labli-s with a delicate ly 1 w.-r. d b 11-r - which may save u> want tira. v doctor. In.!- I' Is by tin- 1iidii use t I <u.-li articles of diet liial a <*>>iiotitut»*.»i may I • gradually t-ui!t up until 'iron, eunuch lo t'Mit -v.-ry ti-udcury lodisua.-*- Huuur -l. "f rubl »• maladies nr- Coatin ' around us n-vly attack ■vto-r.-v. i there n a »- ‘k 1 - -1 u i. tv.- i-.ay *sca| many a fatal shaft by kin-niun ourselve. w- II fortified "vith pur* (do»d and a projoirlv uotr isbed frame " VMi Servici Qaatlft Ma b- i-impiy with iioilii •ut-r or milk. Sold oul V in half-poun ; tins, by f.r ■ •--r.', Isbell d thus: iiHES eppsuIh «*1 Id sT-i Thai-r ■ ALL KINDS OF FRinriRG Neatly ami Promptly F*ecuted —AT TBT— JEO fSTF.R OFFICE. ! iov licit!. • I'll IMM I' Valley, seven • uns. pantry. cellar, front 311.1 l.acK porches. Fruit anJ shade trees, uni ats] eu- huouire or T. P. UF.DIUO.N, Elm Grove Roller Mills. fe90e4dru FOH RENT' Fl»rht Rocmtd Brick No. 1I37CJ* j*i»u** *trc-t. StofH Room, No. 1012 Mirket •‘tr?eT. S;rr** Rovic, No l «f»*» Market >tr**»*t. Front Room, third floor. No 1.308 M »r*:et St. MmiPj to Loan in Sums of Two Hundred Hollars and Upwards. CEO. J MATH ISON, Real Estate »nd Insurance A»tent, Telephone 107. 1810 CLaplIce street fet for gjaU. PUBLIC SALE. Ou SATURDAY. FEBRUARY -JS. 1*1. will be offered at public sale (UHlee«» -oOUeT «1 i^ li Of at private sale> at The College Building on K* IT -tr»*t. tin* entire furnishing »»f Wheeling Fe mule College T«•» Sets I'urluf ChiiifL Uru Carpet in parlor and halls. Lace Curtain-. Lanil>re«|uius. Portiere,iVntre Table and Stand. Also, llatraek*. Ih d-tends Mattre-*f.«. Pillow-, Wardrolie.- Wa-fi Maudf, Howl*. Pitcher-. s;..j Jar-. \\ indow Shades. Carpet*. | Chair-, Plain Table- from three feet to fifteen ! feet in length. Extension Table# Refrigerator. ! Di-lie-. Six Stove.-. Kitchen Rau*e, excellent | Laundry Stove ami Roiler. Tubs. etc., etc. ok Salk-Sums under over %U), ..j.provd negotiable note al «l\tY days. The furniture cau be examined in the morn | illg before the -a!•*. Sale to tiegiu at 10 o’clock a III Mgs I! R BLAIS DELL | The above -ah* i* adjourned until WKDNKS | DAY MARCH lib. 1*1 at I0«»«;h"*k a m. iu»r3r poll SALK. ! 'I’lo vnluald*- truri ».f land iviulalim*** t**n ! 4 till tier**-. i*u.4t»-d i n lli** National pile** und idjoinlliy I'a «'• Math li. • *1 l'' L A I K |{ . II. P.*u*. twWli*hlp, |{**llllo||t count v. Ohio liv* ilill**> Jr. Ill tin ill*..- riV**r. alid Wit hill t»-u ; . r tilt** II lliiuut* fid** hv tail. With tw.-lv. pa* i • ny**r train daily On tin land af«* two dw**U my IihUm * and H *r** room. «tahh*. wayun hou-** ■ ml v*or!:room two yr~**n hou***'** a uuiiiL r of :t | • pi** and p**ar ti«***- ..ii**l*.urth aer** »**pafn ‘u> md mail \ iA**vard U w-ll r uit* d for igjrd»-h* ! my. alid Valuahl** f*«r liulldllic purpor***- \N ill *•11 uf a wlioh* or in tract*. U M. SUTTON. JnSStotnr?\V*S*t St. Chtir.*v tilts Ohio. 4>or OoIc ixni» 3or Went. FOR SALE. The tvv » *t«»ry Hriek Dwelling *»n northeast corner Twenty sixth iii«l !-• *fT street- Thi I- a -nod am! • uhstaiDinl h* <.-«• v\ 1111 .1 cood |trf'*k Stable .Hi n ar, and will Im - dd at ulmiit w hat lhe house alone \\ ■•u!«l co-i to build. Frame House r-utuiniiii: >ix p '»niv ' N• * ;"■»•» Market -tp et. Hrick llotiau containing -i\ room* at No. l I Si\te»*||t|| »tf**et. I Utiildmj Lot* at Pleasant Valley. National ! K'« ad. Choice location Above hi ten w iter. KiuMm.' Lot- on McCulloch street, three * 1 (Ip to **OI Splendid building sites Never b* thered by flood*. • Huildiu/ Lots on r.i-t end of l ouri* etith and FlIf•••*ittIt streets. UuilUiui? Lots on Twe|,t\ ninth street, east of MeCllIl m-I. tp et. ?V4U. Six Kooiii IfoUsi . *j»lv Jacob stp . t. » ixijrht Room Dwelling, with lar-e yard, in Martin*- Kerry. Very cheap v-veral Farms, ail si/.e* nud prices, and lor all paf'Mise-. _ TO LET. S! .re KeOlll l*t'n Market street l ive Room Unci . tlr-t class proper!), py N Unroll .-IP** t Above huh W'Jlter Kil'I.i Room H<a e »♦ Hjii V rtritiia -trcet.with all modern tuiprovetin lit*. Dairy I arm. w ilhiti otie mile of this city. G. O. SMITH. Real Estate Agent, marl * No. Market Street B.&B. CORRESPONDENCE INVITED Wi have .in Elaborate Mail Older Department, established for the con venience aud benefit of our out-of-town patrons who are too far away to trade at the counters in these stores. A trial order will demonstrate whether it is not both a convenience and a bcnelit to you. We best to announce an Ai>van< t: Sh.\s«*\ " S A l.l. ol New/ India Silks. •Jl itu’li India £>ilks, line. L'l ” " ** like. 11 a I Si ball cli.11 t loth, and t li l- ■ • a - mi' pi luting. JV lie h Indias at and £1.25, light and .lurk ground; -Mipeiior • loth and • \<|iii-ite tyb-s and printings. New FRENCH wool. UlALLIES at v, rent . fully Sun style- iii light and daik ground- also hlaek grounds with colored figures black with while, etc. a most comprehensive olfering of this ilesirahle fabric. New Spring Woolens! also now on sale in large and elegant | assortments. TWEEDS, EXCUSE SI ITiXCS. MONKEY It AIU SI ITINCS, RIP SUPER STRIPES, COTKLE WEAVES, Etc., are some of the novelties. Early Iniyers will appreciate these elegant new a-sorttiients. Samtdes free, and other information I cheerfully furnished, t 'orre^>ondcn< e I invited. 0oggs & puhl, !!£ IS Federal Street, ALLEGHENY, PA. HUMPHREYS’ VETERINARY SPECIflCS Ter Horse:, Cattle, Sheep, Legs, Hog:, AND POULTRY. 300 Page limit sn Treatment of Animals undt hurt Sent Free. crr.cs ( Fevers. Cun gent ions. I nil n mm si Ion A. A. • Spin it I Meningitis. Milk Fever. II. H.—si rains, l.umeness, |{bruiuutistii. 1 .1.— Hi.temper. Dim fanrgrs. I).II.— lints nr Drub., Worms. K.K.— Coughs. Ilenve., Pneumonia. F. I'.—t ulle or f tripes, Bellyache. t;.t;.~ Mi.eiirriiige, Hemorrhages. II.II.— I'rinnry anil Kidney Diseases. I. I ...Eruptive Disense., Mniige. J. K.—111.ease.of Digestion, Paralysis. Single Dottle lover SO doses), - - .tit Stable Case, w ith B|«-elfl<n. M mmll, V eterinary Cure Oil and Medlcatur, 87.01 Jnr Veterinary Cure Oil, - • 1.110 Sold by Druggists; or Sent Prepaid any wbert and in any quantity on Receipt of Price HUMPHREYS' MEDICINE CO., Corner William and John Sts., New Yorfc. HUMPHREYS’ HOMEOPATHIC fl ft SPECIFIC No.uO lu u« }<kt Tbtf <jpb ropcwbl nrucdyfor Nervous Debility, Vital Weakness, and I'r -4 ration. fr o/ »-v*r work or oth^r cau-*«»*. pi p*r wal, or l wala Hid laf*«> wal i***drr. lor fi. • . [i rooters. « r - -nt j. -if. .11 • n r*-* • ipt *.rt.rn»*. MUMF-HKt YS‘ M*Oit!IO CO, Cur Wtlljpa aud Johq Sta , N. V. J r+T ///irrrt* p *<£ SOLUBLE CHEAP. | J1 . . Id sink | | combined at a halt cent a cup and j:t far 1“ BEST A GOES FARTHEST." HO! . • \ 'oitre trlni, ultva>« •••«*•! * ') » “l J ! Hid 1- Ml:»•!»* lt» llwlliiud. Il »• ;.ai»lc*L{.'t| by t*.o uia*( riu*l» «• C *t‘• r J «l»rri il (n-alirtcni Vti II < 'n < ,1 - >i t»- uu-1 a ' '»* wh*! iHl% "C (hr li.-di-lni mii.e ciiiulltucnU l« lunrMti .1 lift * !»•*• * • ] „ * ' < l • ! 4*in Sale. I— I^OR SALE OR EXCHANGE— I About Eighteen Acres nf Hillside 1 ] in the Eighth ward. Good (or pasture andcon i tains material especially adapted for making brick. Apply to JAMES A. HENRY, No 1012 I Market street,;j0 J.JEAL ESTATE FOR SALE. 1 Lot on N. Huron street. .Tul'i) feet, with four j room frame house m the reur rent, for lit) per I month. A large tract of land just south of Marshall county line 1 Forty-eighth street). The entire square hounded by Main. Twenty j fourth and Twenty-fifth streets *nd Alley H ' 200x120 feet. No. 77 Main street five rooms, brick 11,600 , No. 17 N. IVnn srreet, J3 rooms, large yard No. lt'/ane street, fire rooms, tr.ime, fj.uuu No 133! street, six rooms, brick. 13 30). No. 2 Virginia street, eight rooms, brick, fine locution No. 1107 MeCo loch street, seven rooms, frame. f3.(/00. No. 1191 Alley H.sii rooms, frame. Ii tjuj No IG-4 Fifteenth street, the room*, brick. t! 3». No. 1197 Alley If. B»e room', frame St iVai Lot Box 141 feet, west side N Front st. 11.730. Lot 41x19/ feet, on Fourteenth street, t9.300. No. SIS Huron street, seven rooms, frame, 19.300. No 93 S. Huron street, three rooms, frame, Northwest corner N Front and Kentucky Street- si\ rooms, I'bfas/ No. 9S17 Eolf street, seven rooms aud store room, f4.Uk! No. 9117 aud 3IW Mam street, brick lot 44\f.xi feet. ru.UXJ Lots on Seutb Huron street. 4i«lUi ti, t, f«i1 Lot.* on South I’eiitt street, 4)110U feet. hk«* Lot* on South Kim street, A/xlU) feet fliii Lot* on North Wabash -treet.93\ 1 III feet. f|m No i9H)ltyrou street, six rooms, brick, •»,(**> RINEHART & TATUM, fe!7 _ No, 1,11-1 Market street FIFTY YEAR Sii Per Cent Cold Bonds fci Bale, \ LIMITED N'. MliEH Oh WHEELING l J\ Hridy* HI..I T<*riuiun! Itailwnv iu| i*uy «u yn*r erut rifmt MufikRk** Kitty L ar imJ Huuil? nr** b**r**by *.lt*r*«l !*>r Snl* Tl.*»** b*,uJ» nr* »<*cur* *l l»• i* *l**t**l ut trual on 'In* ltriJye> Tun n**ls utui Truck* nnJ *.iti**r nr* |.**rn ut tti*- < '**in pnu \. amt nr** h*'ll**vrU t*i b* n (footl, uni*' nn*l |.**riunu* nt illv**rtlu**ut ln'.**r* t unynbl** bnlf ** nrly Aw*l.' tu l. h.< * lOKHVkT. Jr. Ctthlilrr t-**ut*l**'» Hank, Or, Thor. O'Hhicn, oc£Jli K**ai K**int** Htul Stock Hruk**r. For Sale. BONDS AND STOCKS. lOSll.ire. I'eahodv Ill.un.llCe <'m|U|):iU>. la SI,.ire- Kiver.iJ,- Iron Work. 9 Wheeling Steel Work* l- • ml -. II.OlM i ch eleven year* In run. 10Share. .Kina Iron and St. el i'..ui|, in 10 Share. Itenu.m.,1 Nail ('<>ui| ny. IV Muir a Ice and Storage Stock. W IIKKI.INU I A T. in. Il> THUS. O BRIEN. Real 11.tale and Stock Broker, Otllce, R.aim No. 1. Reilly Build ng, Market Street. ..e ady IT’OPL SALE. s .VII II.-P. of latnl in Kauawha couutv. V\ *-st Yln'inia. twelve miles from Charleston, con taiuilIK valuulile Illlile-r. nnmelv Itak. Wild flurry. Walnut, Poplar nod Hickory. Several veins of Coal and Iron Ore. The ah >ve land Is In bled III Do- oil hell, tielweeu Hid Saudi Creek and Klk Idler Alistraet ol title mil Is luriilsloal to parto * desiriud to purehase I'riee. fin |>eracre l< r i short mue . uly SeIeli roomed Iniuse in spleudiii condition, .V 1.11 Koir -irset. M.IUU Douhle hriek house oti .lucoli mol Nineleenlh streets. 'IX .. Ill each part, tl.tksi four roomed lion.. It. Ini.oil and >!•■< ..I loch street', hifili ward, tl 'f'sj fan give iui lliedlale po--."l, n Three roomed house, first ward, i round fan Irin feet. fMJU Seven-rooineii house. !*M .s' York street. ri.Mjo Six roomed house, 90S N. Y’-rk street, fgUOU Douhle frame house, n;*) and ;i74| K> rT street, H.*X). four-roomed house livtxveen Twenty third and Twenty feu rill street'. 11,11*1 Six-roomed house, east end < ' Twenty third 1 street, ftati Ten r< omed house 7 l-d Main slrei I *"■ lUtl 1 I. Nno* roonieil house.'dftal Market street ♦.*! sxi Three ri "Hied house on Wood Street, helWoelt Txventv fourth mid Twenli tlfth sir. , iH.hii Twelve lots, flixlisi .Vet. in filan, Whyti and liallairle r ' Addllioii Hum *Ml each Twenty four lots m Mary linn, opposite Do m .- ret ' the H l O. I pant i i r liemvood IiiiicDoii. on lie new turnpike alld '■.unity road, on easy terms. Mauufaelurind *ii' ne it i lei. land and Pills hurt: railroad depot. Martin's ferrx. ur->uud IItlx I lo feel One lot on Moystoti str.. i n-. r ea«l end of I'm ii' i >.ieuth street 11,100 Ouc-lulf Ini on Mexston str' "'. f'Si Two "lo half lots oil Molf street. Sixth ward, eaell tl nit Kluhty-six acres two milt - east "f Die city, ; HO.WIU. ' Slxty-tlv acres in Marshall county in irlsl'-ii Easton, HutUO will exchange for city property Eighty acres In Mar-hall . "UUtx. tl s«i Tw-eui i live acres four tulles eu -1 ol city. '-"ii , taming -aail'loiie ■( i.-. r r i. g.1 >|ualnv "fee iiieiit stone, mid coal with hank opened lor use, f.l,Y*l lift acres io at Sherrard at f,‘> |»-r acre. NKSItll r A UK VINK, fellleh Il'tW Market Street Attention Capital. GREAT BARGAINS. Hwclliiii' Houses at I’ulilie Sale riAHK KOl.I.oW IN(. UKMRAlll.F DWIII.I. I IM. IIOL'SKS will lx "■ •• j • late At I!••• fx • 1.• door of tin O irt Hi * • of Ohio countv on Saturday, February til*t, 1*^1 at 10o'clock a. io.. vu: First—One double frame two story tin roof! dwelling homie, containing four room* each. | situated at No* Maud M Twenty siith street. Kents for fuuieach per month. Second - One three rootijed frame cottage, tin 1 r«K)f. situated at N< 'Jfillfl Alley I- Kents for j fy til per month. Third One double brick, tin r*»of. two story i and attic, dwelling house, situated it No* , mid 'Jtfufi Wood street, arranged f«»r four tenants. t , month in all All of the above de*eril»ed property i- *itu ated at the corner of Twenty sixth and Wiw.d streets. Oil lots No*. | ulld g. t'aldw«li' addl lion. Fourth Lota N ■ • I • md n on caat #UI Main aired wl I red rows of brick dwelling houses. No* g.sii logMU roiitaiuitig *ix dwellings to each row. irruiig- I for sixteen tenant' iu all. now reining f**r f I dill per year Thi- proj#efty is Wry ubstan tiailv built, with e%tr t heavv stun#- found itioii* and brick division w.ili- Will I*. •fjcf.d in glv and a- a Whole III tite highest bidder The l*ro|M*rtv will pay tr un Vi t«» l.r» |w*r r» nt a> in invest me lit. I Iflli That large two story and basement brick, tin roofed, boardin'/ house nnd store room situated m N-* .'CfT Main *tr**et, tletter known a* the Kcklmrt property. n* w owned by the standard building \.*.*oeiatiou, and must be sold to close it* a ITa r* TERMS Half cast,, balance in one mid two years, with itit* rept note* secured by dead of trust on the property N*>w DloftM CXftIBiD, :.11 of th*‘ illOT, *.,1*1 104 I out for tiarsrftln*. K**r furtli**r inf**rui:itu>u *u*l t**rm» .pi/Iy t iaMKS a HtiSRY. aif**nt r f*p..» Ir» J. C. IIKKVKY. Aucttoowr. anV above .»i** l* i- »»»•• ii »*lj"urn» l until SAITRDAY. MARCH IH*I. »* lu O'clock a in . at fr*.,it <!• m,r **f f'"urt H**u«* f* ' TRUSTEE'S SALE —OK VALUABLE— Pottery Ms in Wfieelinj, W. Va. § »V VlRTl’I. OK A IM'K!) OK TRI s I VI V lO trufHi***** il*«* *1 »v • r January, ,\ I) i»v>v »u»J J iu U»»* •1**rk * • lU**** "t tli** <'<.uhty r«iurt «*f Ohto W***t »ir /it,m iu «*f Tr«i»t B«*»k N" ‘S* •* 1 * i i f». .hiJ l I will |.r«4v*-<i » '**11 i w*i. »»» tl»** fr«»ut 1 -M,r •>( «!i**t‘*'urt **f „*i.j r«.uuty, iu tin- otty «*r V' li****l»u/. W**»t v *r »MUla, on Sutui(U), the 14th l>i»y of Mor.h, A. D. INV1, begiuuiuc at 10 oVI.Jok a lu th" following d* ..•riled property that i« to -av. a certain pier. „r parcel of laud in the K ir.l wai J of the at v "I Wheeling M Va., lying and being immediately Illirttl of the pr.ife-rt) of the ...tale ol David <Jaf : - a I reel Kourtli r tfeet, i loiuierly called Bank lire. * Ul i -I ! the Oho. river I •• ■ iiijf a P irt - tine property conveyed to Walter K Br-.ik* tru-tee, hy John J done,, trustee, hy deed dateJ the'Ath day of Augut A. D 1*77 and to » f record in the Clerk'■ ofttce of the County Court of Ohio Couuly Weal Virginia. in deej tiook y A4 on page* I'M and I’fi ml ■- the •ame pnee of property that wa< conveyed i.y Wlliiaru L Hearn and Thoma. O'Brien '-ru. tee., to .aid Weat Virginia China Company i.y .1.. hearing date tic With day of September V D. l'*C. and of record in the -aid Clerk * oilic. of .aid i Hilly Court of Oho. county in In-- ! Ip. ,k No. HO, on pa.o I'Jd 1 mil at the »»IU time ind place .ell aH the nr.chiner*. flituf* - and eaoato. of the laid W e.t \ tr.’ii U * bina Company nl the work, of .aid Company, altn ated upon the above described property . Tile parcel of land de.crile*d above contain* about two acre, and one half of land and ha* iip>ii it a large and complete pottery work, which i» practically new. having been in opera 11-1B le.- than two tear. TERMS OK SALE On- third-t the purcha.e luoue, ..r a. luu'h Wore a. the pureiiaaer may elect to nay. ca.h IU baud "U the day of *al«\ the u>- lu two i .ual iu»tHlnioUl*,payei.le in one and m the day of .ah- the deferred IO»t altBCU t • to h- .ecured to the .all* faction of U.e undef.igued tru.tee Ly giving a In n . u flu- property *"ld . duHh U. ClLBKKlbON. feli Trualee. iiiitlrorii'e. VfcALTIMOKK AM) OMO KAIL D. I'lnitii.r A A»r.n<iorT«iitt At Wk*i*;ng Faatern I time. Bcned-ie in ilrct J .bi. .tv l.t i-w, mat.' lL f. east. • For Baltimore, Fbll .j. • pti* *lj > .\ % _r» t. vf, 1 1V1 n lb l lj p III. daily ' Ccmriritbii Aoc.uiu.ii dattbti 9'UU b in except SolJ.iv Grafton Acoomm,4a non. dt. p m dally, »x cent Sundat. Mcundfvllia Accommodation, 8 Hi » a, m ct-pt Sunday, and SX) p m and *x apt Sunday. AKAITZ 1 Prom Now York, i’bllaoalptla and Baltimore, 8 is a m , i.nj lt:tip. ■. and 11:4 ComLcrland Aceommodattcn, 6 Jb p m . ex ecpt Sunday. Grafton Accommodation, 19:46 o m , dul y Moundaville Accommodation, P 46 a m and 19:46. p. m. daily and 6:06 dally, except Sunday TKANS-OHIO DIVISION. I For Chi-airo, 7S0 and II il> a m and in «r> pm. dally, daily, eic, pt Sunday Cluciunali Kxpreaa. 7:60 and II it. a. Hi. dally and I11.4O’.'. to. except Saturday, and ¥30 » id | Sunday only. Colunitu* Accommodation 4 Su p. m., »pvii Sunday. St. Clalr**lllo Aoci ii.modatlon, II l* a in and 4:3) p m.t except Sunday. A Hh! VC Cblcntrc Exprett, |¥ .i6 aud 6 Ml a ir. . and 8 10 p. m., dally, aud II iai a in., dm y. m r,.l t uu day. < ir.cibnatl Ciiihi u in a iu and fit iu . duly. Columbu* Accommodation, II dU a. m , dally, except Sunday. St. Clalrevifte Accommodation, II 01) a to and 8 10 p m. except Sunday. W. P. A B DIVISION. For Plttiburp. 6 4f> an i 7 ’3) a ui and 8 X) p m . dally, and I to p m., dally, eli’epl Sunday tt a.-lilupton Accommodation, b 3 p in , ci Cept Sunday, A HHIVB From Pituburir. II <n a i.. daily. Id 46 p m exceptSudiy.C:iiaud 10:30 p. m . ¥ 3la iu , Sunday only Waabinyton Accommodation 7 Ml a in < * except Sunday. I HA: t) St I 1,1. Gem ral Paaxeiiper a,rent. hadli. r. J. S LANII 3 i d. tr ( UNO RIVER RAILROAD. V / t’lSNUI Si • M> A III 1 1 II I foul** to M*rt*ti*. I'urkn f urr 1* tut I H 'jjttiJi D u. A f 1hl»J I'- r* u*« ull 1 un i tuinuuiti \|v to Ourl.t i i afi u • uuu StauiifoU \ * m.ti I.* uuv »• u ,i,u IL<ui.vill**. K> 1 111)** 1 »t*J* **fT**ittiVr .l.iiiiiftrv 11 IMUI. •Dully, tDully «**e**j*t Sun-1 \ j la lu . m |. a. U ln i'liug ill Mu H I Arm*— j in Marti-ttu « *t -> ii< : if. , I’arki-rstiun: H> in y t.s 7 f. |j in • PotBi Pli-»*aiit I 47 fi 'a Huntington :< i.'i 7 ts » in '• \-IiImiI t AI ;t (T PnruiuouMi t in II incinnati 7 ai p. in | ftiurl.-.l.-ii s AS » in i'll fun K.«rg- it :o V SI l.i \liiirl- ii . i liUUltVllli I Huvgiigt- cht i-ki-l llimugli i.i ilr.tiuatiuu . I I tu-k'-u. \V J. KOBINSON G* i -,f.. Patti i.^i-r A.-* i. 1 Park r-t uri- W Vs A.J HANDY. A-' laiit Gi-lit-ra Paatfugi-r Agi*ut. Park-r.-t urf. U \ ,. J.G TOM LIN SON. Patti- i.i>-r A^-nt, V\ l . Ibg. W. \ a. i < irnuL suMubu tiib i m From Bt i«l mo port Stntlou.» via t>,« Cli-Vv.ut. l »nd 1'itulnrv Cal road l-avo Hr.dv port for I'lltsban- (')..• auil (.'I'M••land I ... a in Pot I'ltt-I.ury I ly a In Pur I'liu-avo auJ CWi-,aud I io p in Kor 1‘ilirburw and Now Yuft, !f 44 p m KVr Slnnln-uolio. S 4.1 a in Traill- arriv. at III d.i-p. rl at * Ull a In lu V a Hi , U IU 4) IU. I '« 1 1. an.! MO) ji 1 Oa Saturday* only V r Ka«t l.iv ijot,' ft lt P id : tr. iu tait Livi-ri ot. II Ii • uJ ' I HUM \s II S KI.I Mi ST ■ I loS. Tfalo* via thi- I', fir,.- au-' Si Loom Kaliwav. I’an llandli K n.i, \\ , ilill. for Sti-ulwnvillf, I’ltl.Lurtf ,.nd i.ho K»,t # JJ a. in.. IK itt J in , ft il 1 in . aim <• 4U p m For Colun.hus. Cinc.n. nil, lL.liat.api ... and Si. Uiin J 51a id and P 40 p 1: p.( Coluiubu. and Oblmuro, Id ftri p in Tra r.vo ai W'liool iuif at 5 Vi a. ni 10 U) a in , M m . and p w V in. Trains ii-aVlep at 4 dl » it and arrivin* at 8:SU j* iu ruv »nl'd l.-lwian u boailuir an J I'itubur* A.i tram daily ior|Uiuiiilai ■ : 1 pHKSAl’KAKK A OHIO RAIL \J t\ ,\V co i’\ S t F. F. "V. (F»*t Klymjr V ronim > Whtlbu!'** ! «. .;.i *ii|t iMiiltijf C®r [ • iwitd N* t% \ crk. \\ 'liihfc't'.ii «i,<i t Vt'ilihul*1 M* • jM*r V\ a»liiii|fti’b *ati<J Louif*vlI!»* mill OM r*»n»t *11 •] Cincinnati :*?«• J ult 111 KlT«*«:t Jmm.-try I CfcSTIUt SmillMl Tim Writ Ilf C.lfl d F»»rjfi*. KabTLKN MaM'ikh Tiki. Kn»t < f lit ft u Furire. No. « No. 4. H uh KA*r».'t'M) I- K V .4 Old I’l V • atit*uI*- Ki|>r«i» l.vav- — Loumvllle. V IS | iu I 1 !>•-1 li II at I '5 Ml | III 7 .*> a III II utillnyli.u It 'Hi pm IX p U Arrlvt OPiaflrilou ' I.’ *u a hi A iN j it. It IUtoll * Vi • ill • *• p m K.ui'-V-rl- a if.’ a iu .a |u ,, ut \V hit.' Sulphur *1 I III ** I’l p lu I iiVIlll't> It No. 4. It U a U I’d j hi Clifton I ■ r I II I ..Ill I* At . Ill III I*, p ^ I Ulpll, V 17 a I.. I t< • Wuylluala.r.i .!■• dHpll. d I t a lu Hukld City * lOpin Id ol a in V lu a iu I 'harli.It.villi' < I -| II I'l a in i h a i. Y\ Halilllpt. il i lupin A !>• C- in A Ut a in Italtm. ir t ’ll ,, m 111 a n. I'hilad. Iphia A lh p lu In I, a iu N i a Y rV V dU p iu I X p Ui i.v>' Churloiovllli* II I ' a iu 4 Ham Arr C-rdoUiyill- I .* lu n< • II a lu I.V** HkI.iuiuj t 4i p iu it 40 a in Arr N*-u|» rl N- a* A 'll I in II III a in Hid I’ Colilli rt < '41 P in II 40 a m Norfi ik a Vi p iu IIP Ut noon Arr. I.I-IlUirtnn. Y'a Id Ah P 111 Lviii’hhury II X p in .. Dunvilli' 8 SO p in Gri-unalu-ro Id .V7 p iu }{|.» A and I, daily. K K. \ Limit-d run •• I lu'twi'1-n N'i * Vork and Cun'.mini »itl. Wat. Iiul*' Sli‘i'|a*r ln'lw.'1-ii YY aahlnyti li and Loun Villa Nn .1 j.'iiv. - YVu-hmyi n al II Id ; m and ar rlvai at Clmrkaton at II dl a ni PPuntmyt. u nl I’d VI p. 111. N, | l.-iiv. - YY iiiu’ti i "I 8 'ti a i I rtv»'> lit Cli:irli'»l"ii al I’d SUa in lluiitiuyt s al d .1i a in Ni . land'd hat.' I’uilinan si. |a-ri l-li-»* Cincinnati and YY a«hmiii"". Solid tram P.-ia. a Cincinnati aud Old I’ldnt dally ACt 'OM MODATON IK YIN'S HUNTINGTON DIVISION N IS. !***» ; i lift.'ll I'' r.'. dull) 4 11 I .n arr;y. Iluu'iny' n a Ml p pi N. 11 dally. I* u. ll.iulmy*'n A • a n nrriy.- Clifinu Kory. 4 n p iu N in I dully -v-lil Sunday . Day* Kail s. a* il *« •'a in . arriva llunimyti.n 10 iu a m V la .laity • y.-rl.l Sunday I ay- HnutlUifU.b d p lu ui riv- Plant S-yy-ll 7 lti p lu i IM INSATI DIVISION' V .7. lai.y -• I'upt Sunday, Ivan- \»lilaud .In !>' ■ A PS a lu airiy- Ci IIIII at I IV IN a in s. I” Pali. •■**•. I Sunday, l-ay.’ I ini-iniiutkup "■ «rri.. • ’ laud .luli.'tlnii 7 la i ni N" Id. Ju. ) *' ’r Sunday, l-ay- Mayivil" ’. tf> a in »rri*-* >« i-mnallK'Jdu HI No X. dully-y.-I'l Sunday. I«uvu Cincinnati S'JU p in. arrlva Mayivillu T 4f» p Ui H W KCI.1.KK 0-n'l Puat Ayt GEO. VV STEVENS. G-n'l Supt $Humbrr». \VrM. HARE & SON, TT PRACTICAL Plambers.Gas 4 Steam Fitters, No. 33 Twelfth Street. All wort dooe protut/tljr ino»tr«»* «»i >• prlc** ' Jams* (J HiiH.wn, H. MoKowm, Joau'B Wr*. Mansbarger, Loti 4 McKown, PRACTICAL Plombers, Gas fit Steam Fitters. *; Twelfth HI., Wh»#ll»», W. *«. ! iUiun.• fumulieJ. Ai w.,:h 4 u* rrUoWhMh pile**. 0O4«A4 trIMple a liJti. CokeOvea and Engine Supplies. Irou Pipe and Fitting*. Braun Valve* and Uock* Injeotom and Syphon*. Steam and Water Gauge* Plumbing. Gas and Steam Heating. hi«»dj mw „.)ja WHEELIN'.. 'V Va JJLiiure a»th £tquore. receivedi * LAlUil IMrohTATU)* or Wines Direct From Europe, 00N8UTINU OK SHERRIES, MADEHIA, ROH I 3. MALAGAS, MUSCATtL. A,„J . Bur IlD* of Rt.iu- W I1.M »»•! l !*»*M P. WELTY & CO., | WHOLESALE LiytORA