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IDliri'iuu\ WEST VIRGINIA PRINTING CO l'F*u>*iiu amp r»nr*ilTO«l JAS. 8. TANEY. General Manager. TERMS: rAM TEAM. BT MAU.. roMTAMt rBMPAlB DAILY. All day* IB the week. • DO DAILY, three Java t* the week .* CD DAILY, two day* in the week . S lO DAILY. uBe day in the week. 1 *•) ! WEEKLY, one year, in aovaaee . • IDO RKK LY, All mouth*. .... <0 DELIVERED KY CARRIER . DAILY, per week, to he paid weekly ... IS DAILY *nd Sl’SDAY, per week . . I* The DAILY will be delivered by carrier in any other city or town At. IS Siavie Copie* ef DAILY or W KICK Ll ... S 0g“ rihute* of Reapect aad Obituary Notice* yu oeuu per laob pM~l'i»RMgeroSDBMC» COMTAlMlNe IMroBTAXT M1W* *OUCr»BD r«OM MVKRT r*BT OP TUI MB aol'MUINU COCMTMT 1 te KKtilSTKR tmbnuutg D« *»e*rai tUHiunt, tj fnttr,u at <A» PottoJLv in » teeiintf, W. Ik., a* wcmd diM matttr. • KKUISTKK AT THE CAPITAL. Thr DAILY KEDISTKR Is coastwutly on ml* at the KulTnrr Hotel News Stsml. L'hwrleeton, and Richardson Bros.. Capitol at met. _ _ Th» advertising manager of Rochest er's great kidney cure company has died of Bright's disease. Kate is some times very satirical. U»:v. Dr. Tai.maok, in his sermon at Brooklyn, yesterday, preaches on the ••Plague of Lies,'' and he handles a fruitful subject with his accustomed vigor Read his remarks in another column and protit. In another column will be found the full text of the mechanics' lien law passed at the late session of the Legis lature. It is a most important law, and should be carefully studied by work men. contractors, and people contem plating building. Tmk Cincinnati ('umintirlul Musette devotes three-quarters of a column of serious lines to prove that J. Wii.kk* Boom is really dead. At the same time it runs columns and columns of matter to keepalive the dead Issues of the late war. To a thoughtful citizen —oue who controls his own vote—this anomaly makes him "lh:nk a think, as Bill Nyk would say. In his recent address at Rochester, N. Y., Mr. Mi Kisi.kx -aid: "The for eigner contributes nothing to the prog ress or welfare of the Government." This is an unconscious acknowledgment that the foreigner docs not pay the duly on imported wares. And if the foreign er does not pay the duty, who does hut the American consumer? The tariff is a tax. Tin McKinley tariff has sum* very amusing features. The Canadian Tele phone Company, which is laying a enble tietween Sarnia and Port Huron, must pay duty upon -o much of the said cable as lies on the bed of the lletroit river, or on it- shores, upon the hither -ide of the national boundary line Steps have not yet been taken to t»x a tax upon the lues-ages cross!n t the line, but no doubt that will come iu due time. In the name of self-supporting American wo manhood. say* the Chicago Times, our telephone girls should be protected against the pauper "hellos" of Canuck damsel*. _ _ \ i Syracuse, N. N ., the other day, David H Bt auicLU President of the Holstein-Krle-len Cattle Vssociation of America, addressing the sixth annual meeting of that body, treated of the de pression iu agriculture, which he at tributed to the combination of manu facturers and capitalists against the farmers. He said that iu the la-t twen ty years farms had depreciated in value fully a third. He as-ailed the poln y of a high protective tariff. Reciprocity with Brazil, be said, would be of no benefit to the breeder* and farmer* of this country. The farmers of the coun try should enter a strong protest. When he bad tinished objections were raised to printing the address in the minutes, and it was called a “political essay. President Bi iUtELi. said in reply: "1 very carefully considered whether poli tics was involved. I am a Republican. 1 have never voted anything but the Republican ticket, but I am trying to get them to mend some of their ways. Then it was voted not to print the ad dress, and John B. Dctcmrk. a diroc O. I of the New York Central Railroad, was elected President In Mr. Bcbbit.i '* place. _ |PK»MiKIC.HS or BALLOT KKKOKW Up to the close Of l*W the Australian ballot or some modification *»f it had been adopted by Masaachusetts. ' ermout, Khtsie Isiand. Connecticut, New York. New Jersey. MarvUnd, Indiana. MUHOun. Tennessee * Michigan. Wiaconmn. Mmn«s sota. Washington and Montana Several States have adopted this system Wlthm the |>ast two months, and the Uflgialalurm of other Hint—* are diwusmag it, but.have not yet taken decisive action Knkanm Our contemporary nrfle t* make its record complete by noting the fact that IU the state* of Maine and N*-w llamp -hire the Democrat* bat* trtei to pa.* Hal lot Reform law* and ha»a been beaten by an almost united Republican opp»»*i lion I Yd 1 tic* In those State* •» notorious ly corrupt, and the action of the Republi can majority indicate. tbe*r wish to have that «tat* of thlug* cootinue Of the Bfleen Stale, named a* having adopted Ballot Reform eleven are under Democratic control. The fact speak* volume*. ItPKMD IT rtIK IMHUi ttOAUn. The report thatflov. HlLL will recoui igci,,: . . • Iidlture of New Y r i» - -hare of the Direct Ta* windfall—two and a quarter million*—in constructing good wagon roads, is in all probability true. Itov. Hill ha* long shown an advanced spirit on thi* subjest- more so than the people of the Sute have re sponded to. The many miles of good, smooth, per manent macadam road, alike in spring, summer, fall and winter that soon would build would be an object lessou that would improve popular sentiment mightily. No farmer who had easily hauled three or four tows on such a road would ever after be willing to be stalled with a ton load. No man who had bowled along at eight or ten or even twelve miles an hour on .uch a road would ever after tie wilting to crawl along at two miles an hour through mud avle-deep. It is reasonable to say that such an outlay «'f the fund would Insure lasting road re form. And it is perfectly -af,‘ l“ *** the outlay would add many million. ~ probably ten times the amount of the outlay—to the value of the farmlands of New York Sute. \ll of this appiir* with equal force to West Virginia, a* the Rr.oi.tM; ha- »■ ready [minted out. It would not be po*.ible to lay our share of the fund out i„ »„y other wav that would giv- equal benefit to the State * farming popula tion. ! OHIO'S I'OI'I LATION Hjr lonutlr* Cwmpwnstlve RUlwnral ! With l iul Own. \Va*him»h*>, March The la>t census bulletin gives the following pop illation for Ohio by counties. as follows, ( as compared with the census of ISSO: I'M* l**) | Adam* . *.»*« | vll. n 40.641 31,314 Ashland 32.2S1 S5.«! Ashtabula 4J4B 17.138 A than. 15.0*4 9MU Vii-U i •• 3ft. Ml) 35.441 Helm.-lit W.4W 18.** Br-a ii . 84 -Ml 3S.9II Bolter I* -7 48.571* l\,rr*>ll »7 M* '*416 Champaign 26.W3I 27,N. : Clark «8.877 11.84* Cb-iu. «' !VW »ivt Clinton 81.3*1 34.77*1 Columbian.! ttft# cosM«i-n M.7U3 i«.ma c.ra«(i>rd ’•> ,(f7 *,=|M t'uvahog t St».«0 l,.«,W3 Dark*- 42*11 W.bai Dnflaam- 3k. M8 38.M7. Dataware 37 1*0 87 3b! r.iw 35.4*3 13,840 Kalrfleld . M *1 Kavetle 33 11)8 *1.364 K ranklii* . 1843*7 Kulcoit 34 ufl 81 Ud Gallia 27.UI5 *1184 Geauga 43.4*** 14.251 Green*- *.«*• 31.318 Gu.-rnsi-' 3H.61A 87.187 Hamilton *74 K3 «*.»» Hancock K ■*' 3*-7wj Hardin 8*3*8 37.033 llarrisou 80 *30 W-k 4M* H**nrv 35.i*«i JD.MV Highland »*•*► *.*11 Backing *»■** * i‘.» Holme- 81.138 41.77* Huron «l ■*«* 31 AO .laokaon 'b.tb 33 rtsrl JeklMi SMB «0|ft knul , 87.6431 87.131 L,k, IH.«t5 16 3* I.awren. e SkSW l.ora.5 «*«• 7T..M6 buck- 101.886 67 377 80.Uk* »U8» V'.dTv 48 871 Marion 84 787 UMt. Medina '41.74a 81.458 Met**. 41 al-1 14 335 Mem, r 47 *41 3I.HK Miami. 48754 Monroe ... ... 35.175 36.406 Montgomerv HSOW 7b7«o Morgan HU« *"*• Morrow lb. 181 18.1*72 Muskingum M 210 48.774 Noble 4)7*1 21.13b Ottawa 81.874 i».7«f I’auldmg 25,85*7 I3.td5 IVrrv. 31,151 8b,81b iqeknwnv 862*8 27.415 I'tke 17 4K4 1T.WT |.„rUg. 87.36b 27.500 Preble. . A «l 24.533 l*utn«ni ;4>.U*| 8V. 13 Ulchland .'**.072 .'M..W6 R.,.. *1.154 40.307 Sanduskv «6|T .12.057 sciot** J*.an 3&.511 S* n»s.*a k* ten* .14.84* Shell*' 81 ’.07 21 137 Stark *4.170 61.1141 Summit .. 51.1H) 43.7W rrumhull . {8JB3 *4.s*d> Tu-earawas 46.61S 61.18b I niou 82.WW 22.375 Van Wert (8 471 83.1** Vinton 16.047* 1* *413 Warfeu 85.81b Jb..M2 Washington 18.1*3* 4**44 Wavne 3MW5 40.076 William. 842347 ft*?! Vang II 4C 34.1378 W',.!.4 81 723 mm j filial- . ... 1.672 316 3.18b062 W Wnot XmWi *6*. A strong demand for ami large sale# of Australian wool have two the princi pal feature* of the wool markets during ! the week. Fine territories and Texas wools are the moat a* live uf domestic grades, other winds arc comparatively quiet, hut value* remain unchanged. Australian wools have taken the place I of Ohio \ and \\ flee, * - to some ex I u*nt, and the sale* which have been ! made of the latter are small and have 1 shown a gradual decrease for several weeks Quarter and three-eighths blood wool* are in strong request and very ! tiriu The supply is small, and the quantity which has changed hands dur ing the week has been large considering i the sue and quality <*f the stocks, i Fulled wool* are moving well and few choice lots can be found iu any of the leading markets. Carpet wools are in I f*ir demand. Quotations are drut and unchanged. The next London sales open April It is tin- opinion of some dealer* aud manufacturers that values will not be a* Ingh as at the last sales aud that price* here will be lower in I consequence. It is estimated that over 400,000 bale* will be ottered. I ndoubt edly a large supply will be taken for the American account, since all that wa* bought .It the last -ales has proved ' to l>e profitable property. WIimI SUIWU'. Hi Available stocks ol wheat in the I'nitcd States and Panada, ea't of the Ko. ky Mountain*, decreased * :o, HT bushei* last week, as compared with a decrease of '.*ov,s|* bushels in the pre ceding weak, jud of *03.4tH) bushels in the week ending March l.*», ls'.si. West of the Rocky Mountains there was an increase of l.Vi.Otio bushels. In the pre vious week the decrease amounted to *;*•».i::3 bushels, ami in the second week in March. 1"H), the falling away amounted to bushels. The in crease last week on the Pact be coast was in consequence oi temporarily rhbrlrri Hfortt ol wheal Na Francisco, receipts ai.out equaling other demandsou call board »U* ks, and heavy receipts at Seattle. Washington. The increases and decreases in available stocks of wheat la't week were widely scattered, few only being of large amount. Details as follows. Htuhih ai wu Atm M.l# :xi'M* is.'**' l».JOI IV HSW .11 l> sen 1 . .. fc.*» k Tor an. *.»' I>.< np-.r* SI J»r|.l OW* WtSgt « IWl I **• .^•-ker-- X ' €.*« l.r»»a tU|oa» Laa..** M« k *•» eftk V* ,iarH: t I'J' Li s--'." >* s* «wXw w v* !»• ;mno On-bel O Tot 1 ktf’ei • 1 Vl a*e . both onaala **.*»• _ icm i it*** 44 It • People a>k rue—is marriage a fall nre r Of course Yaint; s’posc I ! don’t know my bir — what am I here for?” If the women keep healthy they keep in good spirits ami cupid i- in demand. Let every enfeebled woman know this _there's a remedy that II cure her, the proofs positive. , Here's the proof—if it d<>e>» t do you ,r>»**d within reasonable time, report the fact to its makers and got your money hack without a word—but vou won't do it ! The remedy U !>• l’i«n-e> Favor ite Preseriptioo—and it has proved itself the right remedy Hi Wuriy every case of female weakness. It U not a miracle. It won't cure every thing—but it has done more to build up enfeebled and broken: down wo men than any othc*r medicine kno*a. STATE TOPICS, \fontlnuol from fourth ru*1 list of tbe subscribers to the1 Dreenbrier .White Sulphur Company in cludes ex-Uov. FiU Lee, Senator .iohn j S. Barbour, Hon. C. T. O’Ferral. Nor-! man Randolph of Richmond; Hon. Jno. J A. Buchanan. Hon. ,1. I). Alderson, of West Virginia: James Dooley, of Rich- j mood: H. W. Flournoy, Secretary of the Commonwealth; Col. \V. H. Palmer, of Richmond: A. P. Thom, of Norfolk; i Den. Jame- A. Walker, of Wytheville: | •I. Fleming Christian, of Roanoke; J. t J. (Hey, of Lynchburg. President of the I Lynchburg and Durham Railway: H. B. j Tompkins, of Atlanta. Da., Hon. A. M. Bowman, of Salem: R. W. Burke, of Staunton: Davis A. Kayser, of Staun ton, Major B. F. Kaker, of White Sul phur: Dr. F. W. Ring, of New York, I)r. David Webster, of New York, aud & long list of the former habitues of the White Sulphur. Over a third of the stock had been taken up to March 3d. The longest fox chase ou record, and one that terminated disastrously for Reynard, look place one dav last week in Monongalia county. Marshall Crow, with some friends, started to Miller's Rocks, two miles north of Morgantown. They had seven dogs, two of them be longing to Mat. Callahan. The fox was started immediately after the dogs were j turned loose, and with all In hot pur- i suit the fox started for Cheat iuoui -| ta:ns, a distance of five mile-. When j the dogs passed Reese Swindler’s, near ' the Cheat river, they were probably :ioo j vards behind the fox, aud Reese turned ] hi- dogs in the raep. The fox led the ; dogs 'way beyond Beaver Hole, on Cheat j river, and the next morning at S o'clock | the dogs overhauled poor Reynard and killed him. The chase started at !o’clock on Tuesday and lasted until s o’clock Wednesday morning. Work on the extension of the West Virginia Central, notwithstanding the | inclement weather, goes steadily on, and a large addition will be made to the I force already employed, in a short time. A number of masons, iu addition to i those who have been at work for some lime, caiue in a few days ago, aud the abutment- and piers for the big bridge ! will bo pushed to completion as rapidly as possible, as part of the material for the bridge proper is already on the ground, anil the balance will be brought | in when ueeded. When completed this j will be the second longest bridge on the line, the one across Black Fork, at Par sons. being the longest. As it is a little early for snake stories ■ we give the following on eatiug, which, | no doubt, is true; While here on his j last trip, Mr. A, T. * awthon informed us that ou the afternoon of the Kith inst., he -aw Bilas Me Dade, of Burning Springs, eat the following: Two pounds of raw bacon, two pound- of raw cab i bage, two large pickles, three sugar | -coops full of oyster crackers, one orange and during this time drank seven ! pints of water, and informed the by i slanders that in a few minutes he | would be ready fn. i;i- -upper. Mr. Cawthon referred us to Hunter Pell and other* of Bui nine Springs, as further proof of the above. Cnl/i»«rt Lt’hroww'fr It is stated on g'Hnl authority that ar rangements have bee*, completed be tween the Baltimore ,t Ohio and tiie West Virginia Central whereby the B. a will furni'h i he Grafton « Ol*M brier the necessary means to widen the gauge of this road to the standard gauge from Grafton to Itelington the coining summer, and the West Virginia Central will build that road to that point, mak ing the connection of the two roads. Traffic arrangements have been made between the roads whereby all the heavy traffic of the West Virginia Cen tral will come over this road to Grafton, thence over the B. a <)■ to its destina tion. The B. A. O. are widening the tunnel at Austen. For some time the western part of the roof, which is arched with brick, had becu giving away, and the whole >ide w.i' being pushed to the north by the weight of the hill behind it. it becoming necessary to widen the tunnel. tb<* south track was abandoned, and arrangements made to mu trains i through '»n the north tra-k. A tele graph office w.i> put up at the east end, and a signal ifeted at that end which automatically works a similar signal at the vv.-st end. When a white light [shows at the east end. a red light ; danger' i' shown at the other end. i Hecent advices from a reliable source are to the effect that owing to the large i purchases of real estate in Pocahontas County by Marshall A Mctlraw. by ! which the permanent success of a rail road i' a s'u red. the work on the \\ illlanis I river route has been abandoned and all contra- t> annulled. It i> now proposed | to bring the P. A W . V a. from Helvetia l via Mingo and Kdray .to Marllnlon. I thence it will probably follow the old 1 location to Huntcrville. and will connect with the C. \ O. at Covington. it is thought that the Havis road will go [down the Valley River headed forPitts | burg. The Martinsburg. Milling Manutac I luring and Improvements lompany, of Martinsburg, closed a contract with the Common Sen-e Kngme Company, of Spiingtield. <b. whereby tin' att*” i* to locate its plant on the grounds of the company. The works are among the I largest in the country and will employ •.-Ui 'killed mechanics. The main build ing will be .'HI, feet in length, with two wii-gs 1 Winn fret. The contract t».\es lh< payment to tb<- Engine Company at •>v."..eoo and the gift of tive a* res of land for a site. Mr Jacob Wmurmoyer. the yetrean | • si.i iY||<i» m ahepberd*town, and who I lia» be*-ii a member of Caledonia t.»slgo i for about twenly-aeven years, has re :. eived from the tfovereign Grand l^slge ja splendid badge, such *» that b*»dy i award* to tho»e who have been members tof the order for twenty-live years. The I is a massive gold medal, suspend* j i-d from the ty pical three links, and con ! ta n' a 'nilable insc ription engraved | upon the reverse side. It is the fourth one of the ktad awarded in We't Vir igii.ia. Mr. Wiuteriuoyer is naturally I very much gratified to possess such a {liatid^ouit* (jecoratlon. I The distance by the hue °J tne cne> apeafce and Ohio canal from the guard 'm k at Cumberland to tide-water at licorg *town is 1*4- 4 miles. The canal «u opened fur navigation over the whole route from tide-water to Cumber land Oetober 10. l».v>. The aggregate , ,»t of constructing the canal, as per I clerk's statement published In there* j port of 1951 made to stockholders, was ! ^it.071.176.21. This amount exceeded the estimates by SS.0St.8i6.89.andit* | does not include the millions speut tor j repairs, etc. By a recently enacted law nil owners. ;,g. tits, master's or clerks of vessels nav ;2.,tine the Little Kanawha and Us trib utaries are required to furnish a state ment of passengers, freight and tonnage r Thomas. IT. & Assist*** Engin eer at Louisa. Kv.. at the end of eaeh trip. 4 reporti-uvering the period from Ju|f |gW, to April i It®* uiUN a,»o he msde. 1 leginning with April 1 a re port of each trip will be forwarded U) B F. Thomas, at Louisa. Kv . Immedi ately after close of trip. tine day last week Willie, son of E. R. j Tavlor of Spencer, and bis twin brother. .,T -oiling Iog> in a clearing, and there 'w.v* ~u* particularly large log. which lay on a stump. *::'i 'hey were debating and planing how to get .t o* wl en Willie stepped upon the log when it 'rolled, and h- was thrown off. and , the log rolled o»er Uuu. breaking his leg. He w»* sixteen year*of *6c The H A O. Railroad Company have placed night signal* on their switch hails It is a lamp which is placed on j . top of ..he fan. •»* ***** ***** * I,',. Hgbt when the Switch is elosod. and a red light when It Is open. At such as N'ewburg this is a great relief. to the engineers of the fast trains, for ; heretofore at night they might run into, an open switch at any time. Perhaps few- of our people are aware, , .h,. fact that we have at the Capital 7 u this 5' a West Virginia wom *, who is rapully taking front rank among American pocu. The wile or i Delegate DamlrMgc I* a graceful and j gifted writer of prose and poetry, and j her verses especially have received the New York Life Insurance Co. 346 and 348 Broadway. New York. SUMMARY OF FORTY-SIXTH ANNUAL REPORT. JANUARY 1391 WILLIAM H. BEERS, - - President. 1IKNR\ TI CK Vter Pn-ldoo* -PiVXVnnRp'lfSn^TA'I^M'-r \RfH H WI'.I.CH. M Vlw Pr-*i l« lit. TlIhOOORB M It \ 1 • \ Ill NTINUTOS M. |i . Mt-diettl L»ir»->- or. REVENUE ACCOUNT. •»•»* •>(M» :i4 I'rcmi unis 4 949.SOU 7 4 K*“"■ u^o 158 100 08 Total Income . - DISBURSEMENT ACCOUNT. 4M Death I'Uiua Mini Eudowmeui* «'4*OI.'i71 34 Dividend*. Auuultle* and Purchased Insurance* _ n Total to Pollcy-hoTto; 813.276.544 02 New PoTTneTTCHed^^^^^^n. a 139.370.063 OO New Iusuruiu e Written CONDITION, JANUARY I, 1891. Asset. ..££647809 67 " . „ ^ . 96,*437.911 36 •Divisible Surplus, Company » New standard *.670.53!* 50 Tontine a 14.'898.4AO *6 <nri»ln» by State xtandar«l_14_i»er_eent ■ -—yyyyjjfo . U.%69.338.7*46 OO luturtuirr In Force PROGRESS IN 1890. amu»m Increase la lutereet. Kent*. Ac.. . 13* 44*4 36 Increase In Benellt* t«* Policy Holder* *,{'.643,888 *44 Increase In Premium* 3,'o04.*833 84 Increase In Total lucome 10,894,'499 01 Increase lu Asset* * 436.977 OO Increase in Insurance Written 7s’?36.756 OO Iaereaea In Insurance iu Force , «K\clu»tv of th- amount *p»-cift]1.v rtterved u conti ugeut liability to Toiitio** Dividend Fu d •Ovr and h!h v :i 4 p*-r cent. reserve on existing policies of that claxx. GROWTH OF THE COMPANY DURING THE PAST DECADE New "Mun.nce Aaaeta. Annual Inrtmie. I, , ind “ Jan. 1 lski I13S.WMM j Jan. 1. IHKI -♦ W-Mgfc®} 1 Muai'n* tW.MI.4fc; .Inn 1 ISNrt SS9.H74.SOI .Ian lim... 12S *>' si'lOO |„ pvi .Im.I.lKBI S«l.338.:'Jd I Jan. I. lt*l . 1I5.W7.K10 , 1S». A.1N .1«> ■ -.—:o:-— The puarat.. 1 P-r cent. Intern.* If. and 9) \ . ar Investment ®®»**®* *[ew RENTS 'and INSURANCE COMPANY have proved a most popular competitor of GRUlND KfcN IS anu MORTGAGES IT WILL PAY YOU TO INVESTIGATE THEM. _ . Do yon want low tortluuuM with mMlmum Mearity? The New York Life aNon-ror feltlue Free Tontine Policies are unexcelled in Llb-rnjitv I rotectn.n and Convertibility. DO NOT INSURE ELSEWHERE UNTIL YOt EX AMlNE THEM. TWELVE HUNDRED THOUSAND DOLLARS DEATH CLAIMS paid at Ualtimor AlO-ncy. without a single contested policy, the past nine years. J G PANGBORN, Gen. Agent, Firemen’s Building, Baltimore. S D HOWLAND, Special Agont, No. 8 South St., Bal imore. GEO. C. BOWERS, Special Agent, 1314 F St., Washington, D. C. J. £. JACOBS,General Manager, MIlVy'li»n**.ev'l'rji11in. W. Vlr- j g ulu anti Otalrlet of Columbia No. 8 Sooth Street. Baltimore, Md. CURRY & SIMPSON, GENERAL AGENTS FOR WEST VIRGINIA. 1207 MAIN ST., Wheeling. W. Virginia. GOOD SOLICITORS WANTED Liberal Contract* and pood Territory ■ ____— -——;— praise of such authors as \\ bittier ami Hoi roes.—< 'Htirlexton Gazette. Joseph Watusley is the oldest man in Randolph county. He is in liis !»7th year. The post peculiar part of this is that he is the father of three genera tions ail living in one family. It is thus: Counting Mr. Wamsiey the first, and his daughter, Mrs. Scyoert White, -eeond, and his daughter Mrs. David Pingley third, and her children fourth makes four generations, all living to gether. Harry Christian, colored accused of the tuurdef of W in. Crowe, and now confined in the Me Dowel eounty Jat I, has had the toes of one of his feet am putated, This was made necessary front his being froaen when be broke Jail some time since. The County Court of Webster county offers a reward of S3oo for the appre hension and conviction of the person, or persons, who set fire to the eourt house of that county In June, 1*$$. The question of license or no license is agitating the public at Berkeley Springs. The editor of the Sm s says lie got enough of local option in one year to last him a lifetime. Two sons of Oable Jarvis have 0o -n arrested in Calhoun countv on the charge of breaking open a burn and stealing twenty-five bushels of corn. John Williamson uud Ceorge Nash, of Jackson county, will put in '.’5 acres of watermelons the coming summer, and James F. Atnsdeu ti acres. The Tucker County Court i* talking of investing from <..«*nn to «s.<khi in a l>oor farm. The population of Rewtsburg, by a ■ ensus just completed, is 1.013. There are now twenty-seven people at the State reform school. -- l.ifut K. M t>. linrnn* fitttburg fHspulcA Lieutenant ft. M. U. Brown, of West Virginia, has been presented with a handsome gold-handled swonl by^ the Legislature of bis native State. This is the man who saved the l oiled States flagship Treuton at Samoa, during the disastrous »torm there a couple of years since. At the time the ship was drift ing helplessly on the reefs, without sail or rudder, when Lieutenant Itrown sud denly ordered all hands into the rig ging. and the effect being that of >ails. he was enabled to guide the vessel to a pla.f safety, thoreby dqi paly spring ii. but the r>" lift • op board- WtV nesses of the affair—there were many, it having taken place In full view of the *h„r,>— say it w as a most thrilling sight. At the time Brown had little hope of saving the vessscl, lint he determined to make a thorough effort and. if success ful, to go down with all colors flying, so. while the men in the rigging cheered each other and those that were left of the crew of the Vandalla, which lay nearby a total wrek. the (Jag-ship band was on the main deck calmly Playing ■■ rim Star Spangled Banner '' Qnecan imagine the effect of stjch an incident of those taking part amj the onlookers. When it w as found that Brown’s “trick” \ was a success and the vessel resting in comparative security, the people on -horc fairly hugged themselves with joy. Afterward Lieutenant Brown was made a llou of everywhere, and the I’nited States Navy Department official ly complimented him. But he is still a Lieutenant. t'aught a Tartar. The cars which run after midnight usually contain one or two who may at that unseemly hour enjoy the privilege of a smoke, i-ays “The Wanderer" In the Boston Time*. Recently such a car from the suburbs was boarded by a dapper little d„de \yi)o tyas smoking a cigarette i|e was dressed in inimacu late |ji>en. eyeu|qg dte$s, and oyereqat. and weighed prulahly from JR; to Rio pounds. His face was paje, and alto gether he looked as though a puff of wind would blow him away. At the next crossing a big, burly fel low, apparently a bosom friend of Bacchus, got on board. He eyed Mr Dude for a minute or two and dually blurted out: "Sav, sonny! (live us a cigarette?" The dude said not a word, put reached down in his coat pocket and drew forth the required article, which he handed to his unwelcome companion. The latter was evidently primed for a bit of fun, a row. or anything that came ijlone. ||e reached over and took the dude’s iiibtcd weed fyom the latter's mouth, lit his own. and, easting a look of scorn at his small victim, threw the borrowed tobacco stick away. Mr. Dude calmly lit another cigar rette without deigning to r**scut the In sult. The hurly one smoked in silence for two or three minutes, then threw the remnant of the cigarette away, saying “Say: {live u* a cigarette.'' "J gave you one, ’ replied ;he dude. ‘:tiive us a cigarettel V«t hear?'' roared the bully advancing threatening ly. Hut the little fellow didn’t fr,?ht*ri a little bit*. “lWn yer! Dive us « cigarette!" yelled the now infuriated bully clutch* iug at the coal collar of the dude and doubling his tl>t. dust then there was a «uJden move ment on the part of the little fellow. His small gloved hand shot out straight and caught hi* big friend between the eyes, and before the latter could recover j he gave It to him right and left until. as the car came to a stop, lie rolled off into the gutter. JJe got uj slowly and shuttled away without a word. The dude calmly lit another cigarette remarking. “These woughs are a dweadful bore’.''j Went Virginia Pension*. Uprrial TtUgram to thr. Rtyi*ttr. Wa&uixotox, D. C., March 21.—The following West Virginia pensions have been issued: Original Invalid—Jere miah Hay. Enoch Roberts, Jasper Pro vence, Win. J.-Clark, John A. Robinson, Cassius M. C. Morehouse, John Bum gardncr, Samuel K. Harris, Marion i Raverty, Jas. li. Pepper, Jackson l’eter : >on, John W. Osborn, Robert L. Van i way, Anthony Sherpnack, Thomas I Northern, Jas. il. Miller. ! Additional—John J. tiaines, John I Mealey, Beckwith A- McXemar, Xlm I'ough. Increase—Jas. Howard, Elijah Slang li ter. Original Widows, etc.—Ann, widow of I’eter Shaffer: Evelyn, widow of Israel B. Sutton. — iUn» :At»i>crtiai.*mcute. EWING BROS., mrSl 1315 Market St., opp. McLure House. ^l‘i:CIAL PRICE LIST For This Month. I yfi yarn- Good Carpet for t: fi»i. apl.i.did Carpel at .'k>c.'l.t». An Ektra Heavy Carpet at 33 cent*. A Good All WoolCarpct atfiOoent., Floor and Table Oil Cloths only tw iielif*. All w idth.* of FloorOll Cloth at lowest prices. A s’tMid pair of Lace Curtain* at 50 cents. A lnrk'e »*s .rtiu«n' of White, Spread* from lb neats upwards. * Feather.. Pillow* and Itolsler* Very cheap. Curtain Pole* and Fixtures at low prices. Great inducement* offered every customer, and it » ill be to jour interest to csll on HENRY JACOBS. People's Hank Buildini:. Comfort* and Blankets at cost to close. Ail color* of Carpet Chain always on hand, mart O. A.. KOUSSI oc35vb LOCAL AGENT. TEN DOLLAR plaqkets For Seven Dollars. Our Surplus Stock ot 11-4 Fine White California Blankets, with hand some iacquard Borders, marked down to Seven Dollars, regular Ten Dollar grade. It will pay you to buy them at this exceptional low even ii you don't use them until next winter. I.S I. . — THE CHILD'S CURE WHEN TEETHING.— Laugiilin’s Infant Cordial Softens tne Gums. Allays the Pain, Reduces Inflammation, Controls the Boneis, Curing Summer Complaint, Dysen tery. Diarrhoea. Flatulence. Wind Colic. Ac . Ac. Mother* will find it very * iluable. The :hi!d wrill be relie*ed gel trt. a gentle sleep, and wake up cheerful, happv. ar.d feeling * tuf rtaU-. \\ c guarantee each bottle, and will reiuou the price of cetr) b-fle : doiub Dbt. represent. _ PRICE 25 CENTS. JOHN G. McLAIN Sc SON. PROPRIETORS, 1205 MARKET STREET,-WHEELING.W.VA. ! 5tlrn> AOnertteirmeut*. lirANTED r.lffc. K«R (iKNKRAL Hou*e \\ . . . \ ; I • -r-., M it.-i n>r f-wr ANTED- DI8HW ASHER IND * BITE* y y »t ISffi* Market afreet. _mrs” •r-iitu RENT_s tl.OON AND KESTAVRANT Flf Joachim B. uVer. Mark-1 atreet. JOA CHIM BECTEB. __ ■CNUR REST—POl."R ROOMS TO FAMILY , I4 without children Enquire at TTFANTED ONE rHOCSAND ourchaaera 'f„r Memorandum Pad- at the RiuiaTia » A • rv cheap. margeoded TV ANTED-— P Alt riES DESUUNG PO MO' E \\ to i nitaB* our Urge wagon* «. O A TR ANSFER CO., Ninth an.l Market Mtjet.^ ■NTANTED— AN EXPEBIKJM ED TRAVEI W tiiB 'ah'«liiatv,r’ ,rll bat- h'Wd *'*larj to the rttshfmen. Ad^a. S. R HIR8CH. Cbarle. ton, W. V*. ___ 11TANTED IN A 'i; Nc* • stable Also. 11>r»*»‘ one-horse driver*. Address ••A," Reoistkk office. _[Dr_l_ DARTXEB WANTED—ACTIVE AND BE I liable, with *7U). to help extern! a Rood Pay business worths of investigation. Address. • RARE CHANCE." RuilsTEK office, mradi|e.j 1ITAMEI» - AN ACTIVE. RELIABLE MAN. ,alur\ *10 to *K0 monthly, with Increase, to represent In his own section a responsible N,*w York house. R**fert»uc«*j». MiMTACTt hlk Lock Box l.V*. New York. _°<:l3M:k,t DART NEK WANTED — WITH T*0 TO 1 three hundred dollurs to invest with ser vices. business to be located South Btu PROP ,T' No (ciipktitiox. Don't answer unless vou ui:as Bi-sittEss and onn >-;iyc oooi> en< ts. Addre.-s "MaNLKacTI RER. I tots TKH office. _ _ mr*3sl.ten (a^ALE OF Household and Kitchen Furniture, Ac., will take place at the late residence of Thomas Sweeney, No. 23 Virginia street, on the Mand. on Thursday, March 8fith, at 10 o'clock a. tn. G. L. CRANMER, Administrator of the estate of Thomas Swee ney, deceased, with the will annexed. Uir33» QARI’KT SWEEPERS. The Celebrated “Hrand llapids” Carpet Sweepefs. with all the latest improve ments. The best sweeper ever produced. NESBITT & BRO„ inf>3 1313 Market street. QARLE PROS. HAVE THEM ! A nice line of En»*ter Cards and Booklets nt Bottom prices. Also, a full line of Catholic Prayer Books! Just received at IdUM Market street. mrtMeadh FOR SALE THE THREE-STORY BRICK BUILDINGS Cor. Alley 9 and Market 8treet, Occupied by Chas. Prager, printer, and Frank's broker office. The same to be taken dow n and removed la-fore April isth. lHVl For further particular- inquire at CITY BA N K OF W111. hi. ISO until Thursday noon. ‘Ailh inst. The right to reject any or all bids is reserved. rarSjdqcij FOR SALE. | > IDS WILL 1IF. RECEIVED BY THE IN * * dersigoed until April 1st. 18M, for tie- ma terial in, and removing from the premises dur ing the month of April, leaving only bat- and Mastering for flliing. the Two Brisk House fronting ou Main street and immediately north of Market Alley or Alley Seven, and all the brick buildings west of and between tl ein t nd the s hutment of the bridge. W H h HLING BRI DG E CO M PA N Y, IVr J. E. Hi:tiHEJ. Secretary, rariSdsei lail Market St., Wheeling, W. Va. Wedding Gifts! Latest Novelties! We have just opened 1U0 uew pieces of STER LING SILVER, also a full new line of ROYAL WORCESTER. UOULTON and other FINE PORCELAIN in uew -hapes and decorations Ju-t the thing you want for wedding presents. I. G. DILLON & CO. fell 1223 Min-Let Street. New/ goo ps t Have received our New Goods for the Approaching Season —AND ARE NOW OPEN FOR INSPECTION. CORRECT STYLES. C.H.WHEELER& SON, Tailors, 1011 MAIN STREET. myMealb WALL PAPER i i It will pay you to call and see my line before buying elsewhere. John Friedel, No. 1119 Main Street. irtl TOASTER CHIPS. Red, Pnr|itc, Yellow ami Bine. Four Bright Color, tor he. A large nook ju*l receivtd and for sale whole sale and retail by _ Mi LAIN BROTHERS mrwd Druggists. pROPOSALS. Proposals will tie received for the erection and completion of n five story -tone, hriok and terra-cotta oftlc*- building ff-r tbe Pealeuly 1 ti surano- Company. frontiug 1U0 f*-el on ll.rke* street. Wheeling. \V. V® , „ . Hid* Will close al 8 o'clock p m. on the Atli April, 1HPI. The right is reserved by the Building Com mittee, through the Architect, to reject auy or all bid*. Drawing- ami -|e-ein.-»tioii- ran >>e se.-n at the office of F.DW v ItD B. KltANZHKjll. lu.irli; h . V. . . POORS PERIODICALS, Stationery, Blank Books and Notions. Newspaper* and Magas Lues at publisher rate*, delivered anywhere. A large lot of cheap bock*. The Pittsburg Dispatch, 15c per week: •Ak- including Suuday. CJ. H. QUIMBY. Te»7 1414 Market.Street. EASTER CARPS —ASt>— BOOKLETS Now ou exhibition and for sa’e at STANTON .v D.\VE>POK1 b. inrlS Booksellers. Geo, J. Mathison. REAL ESTATE — AND— Insurance Agent, 12lu CH4PMXE XT., Mtlf WHElfUNG W. VA GSro. 3tt. (Taylor. | GEO. R. TAYLOR, 1150 Main and 1153 Market, Invites attention to His New Stock of SPRING AND SUMMER GOODSS NOW OPEN FOR INSPECTION. Dress Goods Department ' Never afforded the same inducements in variety and excellence as at present. Markets of all countries represented in his collection. Muslin and Cambric Underwear! Special attention is called to this department, embracing all kinds of Garments and made of the best materials and in the best possi ble manner. XSPRING JACKETS* For Ladies. Misses and Children, in Latest Styles. LINEN GOODS. TABLE DAMASKS. CHENILLE GURTAINS. LACE CURTAINS. Especially attractive is stock Zephyr Ginghams. Madras Cloths. Tennis Suitings, Organdies, and all Wash Materials. MISCELLANEOUS. India Silks. Brocade Grenadines, Landsdowns, Camel's Hair Suit ings, Robes. Priestly's Henriettas, Evening Dress Goods. Laces, Embroideries, Trimming, Hosiery, Gloves. Boys' Shirt Waists, Ladies' Waists. Eider Down Flannels. Ladies' Silk Gowns. Ceylon Flannels! Large and attractive lines ol all the above goods. By daily arrivals our stock will be kept complete during the season. 1063 MAIN STREET, Parlor Suits,Chaipber Suits, And MISCELLANEOUS FURNITURE. ! MOOUETTE. VELVET. BODY BRUSSELS, TAPESTRY BRUSSELS v and ingrain carpets. Toe Sroci Is Largest I Tie Styles are Keiest! Tee Pncte are Loiest: cfc SON. Undertaking in ail it* Branches. Telephone Calls An*werec the Store Dav or Night. SAVE YOUR MONEY! _HY PURCHASING YOUR Parlor Saits, Bed Louises, EASY CHAIRS. CHAMBER SETS, BED SPRINGS. CARPETS. WALL PAPER, ASy ALL OTHER HOUSE FURNISHINGS OF J\Xl 13 I 7% l r U I a ■ I rvr' Market A Twe*tj •eeoud Street*, ■ W ■ J3 I d ICIl I y | TELEPHONE MS WHEELING, W. VA t.'Llrr.aklnf »□'! Aft, r ! aln. c ■ ; ’ ■ e v u : OSW! jf&ATARRH ffeEMEDY fs tee in os! gg ft succt'S'fulrernt dy eierU U discovered for the tore of ■ Catarrh.1 ol*l in the H COtl, In/lut fLM and all di» -9 <nij/ a of the .Sasal / Via ntyes. It carts more cases || Mthi’ii lttl y other known H lwii/ir(Hi. I sc this uomier^^Mful remedy ami yet ■ ■ well, for it is a sure and pos Hire cure. Sold by all Hruygicds.SOc JOHN STACKHOUSE & CO.. Philadelpb'-a PHILADFLPHIA, April 11. 1NB0 Meb*k«. Jobs Sta> khoi oe A (’» Oear Sir* —I Lav* 1k»« atllictrd with Catarrh for year*. *l>t l*v>' berii uiulrr tb« nrt uf Pliytleiuu, bwltpi u»»ug uuiu-p.u. remedir* without benefit until I tried Oewi: -Ine. u-ini: It I run ruc/naur-uJ il »•> lli« be.t remedy known for Catarrh. I I will t< r:f» my te»tliiio«iv to ant onr. (f Ihvy will l«*e t|,e trouble t.. call u)*>n ter K»»prctftlllv, MARRY H. GRAFF, Stti Sprint; Garden St. ^■ ■ . X i>i:u. I tt _m-tr>-; QSeueval tlotfcee. QT< icKH< FLDERS MEETING. O Wukeusu. W. V* . March II. I8B1. The annual meeting of the stock holder j. 0$ th-- Ritt-burir Wheeling and lj»i,tu;aj Rail road CompHti will he Iiel4 :,f !>.C p.llo'lpal oltlce Ilf llie eillMpuhv, .U .h.C.ll i.l W heeling. W V». u iTU RsiDA V. MARCH yrtth. IWI. :.l I "'clock p. in., for the purpose of holding au electlou for Director* to serve for the i n.nillg year. :«ud the transaction of »ueh other bu.ine*. a* may prop erty come Ie-fore the meeting S. H LIGGETT, Uirilei _A««i*tant Secretary. ^tcamboato. (STEAMERS FOR CINCINNATI, ; O LOUISVILLE. MEMPHIS, si LOUIS I New Orient. and intern.- Hate point., will leave Wharf Heat, foot of Eleventh street, dally. Monday excepted, a* follows; • Jnle* Wehrman Clerk, SS •••MUSA. very Sunday at 8 a m. , L_ Steam- r 'SCOTIA.' Jno. M. Phil lip*. M ter Roht H. K- rr,Clerk ***“• tvcry Tue*dar at 8 a in. __ Sra, ir. r"ANDES." kl h Oopp; r. r . ’1 $V .fi’. Ci*»k •* . ..... "iiCDSOK ”J. Y. Eio - j ..... v L»u Lacey, Clerk we/nAntrs ■ rfriy TUuNday at 8 a. m. Steani’-r 'HATCH FLoR. 0*0 fh a.^jy ■ | i V ■iaiit ■ ;ivrk. every Friday at 8 ’ click a. m. St*atner "Kv v _Tv*» E STATE. T. c i_.a-.irt ‘Ma*ter. Chaa W 1 Knot Clerk; vvery Saturday at 8 o'clock a. in. Pir«i cias* far* t > Cincinnati ►!10 lb uni trip. 110 30. Pea.* and ttato-SgOS la eluded. |3Sf“Ticket* trartferr.hl.- aad good until u«*d F >r Fte,.’ht at t*. *tge ap; iy on board or T« 1 -phone Mo. Stk CROCK »VI> A MtutTH Agent* T 00K TO YOUR INTERESTS. To Builders and Owners ol Buildings 1 now have on hand the best (elected stock of Slate Mantel* ever bn ugbtto ibeolty 1 keep * good assortment of Gw* Grates and Ti'e Hearths and ail good* for making a nice 3c place Call ( at my place and you can see )axt what you are to get and see the Mantel set up for Inspection U. V CALDWELL. jcSSdae_ Main neaet \ RT-TYFE Porcelain Finish Photographs. The most beantlful production of the Photo graphic Art. rer*onal attention given t »U * J. A. H. RABSONS. I mafU So. I5X* Mai**'- street. gotel*. TKe Raadall, lateer rvsti,liula At*, and Fifteenth stmt, WASHINGTON. D. C. ThU Motel U New. Elegantly Furnished aud Beautifully Situated, commanding Vtfwa of the Treasury, White House and UKundv the Mall. Washington IfuUlttU* hI. elm, and tlm Clast iu all retpecu Trutta- h 30 |>r day and upwards. JNO. T. TKKGO. Proprietor W WIllahp’s Hotel, WASHINGTON. D. C. { The most famous and well known Hotel id , the City. Special rate* by the m< nth Tf.e cuisine e.jua.ed by Bone. II .Belike and cot venient to all public building , Send two stamps for to— O 0. STAPLES I otfiTv.TSMAb Proprietor 1 ^-—-—-— GOLD 1G23AL, PASI3, 1373. W. Baker & Co/s ^Breakfast Cocoa from whioh tli® eirt-*e i f oil hue been removed, ia Absolutely Pure and It is Soluble. No Chemicals are used in its preparation. It has more than three times the strength of Cocoa mixed with Starch, Arrowroot or Sugar, and is therefore far mor economical, cos(<>. **ss than one cent a pip. It is delicious, nourishing, strengthening, easily wcn:»r»:i*, und admirably adapted for invalids as weii *s for persons in health. Sold by Grocers everywhere. W. BAKER & CO., Dorctesttf, Miss. &mu«i’mrut«. OPERA HOUSE. A BIG DRAMATIC'FK8TIY u Monday and Tuesday. March 23 & 24. bronsox Howard s A Great Comedy Drama. -NEW YORK’S GREATEST SUCCESS ••BETTER THAN THE HENRIK. Y. Herald. A Story of Love and War' h. and Wonderful Scenery ’ AC Ca*t of Player. Pretented In the tame m.oii - teen for over 300 NIGHTS IN NEW YORK CITY IT WILL ALWAYS STAND LEADING AMERICAN Pl.t per prices Re..r\"i f, .Ion,'Sand V) cent, s.t- t HuMt'f mutic .tore, -«i« t. ■ March MOth Uinlt |>aper unN Vaini*. Special Notice. THOSE DK.MR. V, I Wall Paper and C MOULDING. &c . Should call early and and we will rewrve . Wall Pay»r and Ptii’ and He.t Slock In it- »i GEO. E. kurnar & co.. Palaur. *■. 1 I.. *.• Sure*..' r. •■ i - • , Telephone<14 N k I. mrlcdfc D. C. KURNER Practical Painter, Crairr Gaz , SIGH PAIITER 4 PAPER HAIt.y, Df»i»r Id PdioU, OiU. V»:l •' n \v . Hru>b*>. i’»iot«r» * 1727 Market Stree TELEPHONE M WHEELING vt . ' vif * 5JLI 1|oli'nnli- Oh-out ■■ M. REILLY, -WHOl.mLK Grocer, Pork Picker, as*} 'THEM or THE CelfbrAted “Stnivvfyrry” ^ f&l i) l\4& •HEST ;■!$ t:HwST,A^ >\ S&V 'i"U 0^% FLOli^B CHRISTIAN BROS.' “CROWS o M II. IKH I’atelll TA V LOBS' PATKNT bp.I "HI WILLIAMS'CHOICR OHIO «• A And many other ntoio* Trail - u Block and continually r-r-iv.i Roasted Coi jc* *.t “Alkromt '* ••ArTj.'k'e • I.. ■jwn ruiBBl of "Old Wi n i-.n "II r- II,*. at loo*** ro«Bt. l«r' Aif-i-t f r .• * OlrbriBt rti i.ol'oi.i PoB'd«r Mill*, l f in* Ud Sporttef ly u n-nzB/.n**. Order. A.; Cr only a;bo I’Btcct Hemp, I>‘*vc», aid vs r Pr 'cf safety Olr, U'imo uii> {iquprft. RECEIVEDI b lab»i larcnraTi n or Wines Direct From Europe, CONSISTING OP SHERRIES. MADEttlA, POKIS, MALAGAS, ‘AUSCA'i EL Al*o * #n« . n« of llam* Wian* a'. P. WELTY & CO, '.Meal VHQLESALK . , l Ittonda I J^ANK OF THE OHIO VA V Stbt» BkT> Crrr Dtroarroat Sn/ iH LUK. Docnuf .:»r.u CAPITAL Gorrrnment and Local nr r.dt t Draft* tuned ■ o any point .1 K. aa on tha principal citl't < f t*» I A Oiiirtl husking Bu*.»'.»1 W M A ISKTT. Pfe. WM B SIMPSON V nil F. P. J EPSON, (a-i • EXCHANGE HANK CAPITAL.. U‘ •« J. N. VANCE. . P- • L. S. IIlLa PLAIN WkV*.6« . J. N. VANCE. >. r JOHNS! BROW X L 8. DILAPI^IN Jill '■ Ki. CKO. V. SI! Draft* lB.a'd on Eu; at. and n'.'< point* lu r..i r>, u»4 John j : OiPifiL 1 Soutliwi-ti cor K».n »bi I DOB* A GKJVKAL x.AM V. itimt rTi>K" At'OUST KOI. U J" is MH.'HAKL Kt LL> K W iHjU.HvV, I. OH AS. 'N I’K'X ► EARL W *Ht|.l K Vi CH as W Bum Kt'V 1 1 JOHN WagNKKv •• LAWRENCE A' SAN I* * • I Dueller-.: '•.fl _nosphatBdGeia®l tu it Hi H. F. BEHRENS'. an: M.rkft ,«i TbJrt) • lurlS THE REGISTER'S Model Hall jd Poe^!^: OF WEST VIRGINIA Inbouud, • • * - Bound. —ron SAL* AX— Register Counting h «om i I > ■ L .'cr Hh-mts. K-oB|