Newspaper Page Text
GEO. E. STIFEL&CO. UNEQUALLED LINES OF FANCY DRESS FABRICS — AND — -PATTERN SUITS China Silks, the neater patterns and most stylish shades. NOBBIEST LINES OF LADIES’ MISSES’ and CHILDREN S JACKETS, REEFERS, BLAZERS AND COATS. Chenille and Madras Portiere Curtains -an t> -‘T'able and gtand Qouers 1HK MOST KI.KOA.NT LINKS OF COLORS AND PATTERNS. Geo. E. Stifel & Co., 1114 Main Street. To-Day and To-Morrow WE OFFER 50 Dozen Turkish Towels al 3c. Each. ,->o Dozen Barred Cra>h Towels at 3c. each. Dozen All Linen Napkins at .'>Oo., worth 7oc. Ion Pieces Cocheeo Dark Calico at 3«c. a yard. *J0U Smyrna Kugs at $1.1)11. LMH» Smyrna Mats at cents each. *<CARPETS>* la»west prices ol any competitor met. and five I,ei-cent handed hack to you. Vou cannot make money easier, if you need Carpets. Matting and Linoleum. STONE & THOMAS. 05s>ol»». One Wee) Mote! liming *ecurcd «H4»IHer Sample line «f si’ltINK J tt'KETS, KEEFERS and HI \ZKIts. nr will t'tinlinur «wr Spec ial Half-price Sale Tor another week, there are only 2«* garwcnt* in tbi* lot. No two alike. One Hner than the other, ami for tin Ink, lit and "«rk niaa>hip not hi hk -nperior can he found. tf you contemplate buying a Spring Garment call and examine before pnr ■ having elsewhere. Me aNo open Monday morning i-iO tjuiltn at Its cents, worth ll.W. l. sTcood. 1133 ttud 1127 Main St. *nr \NAMAKER A BROWN S 2,000 Now Sample* of Spriu* Style* for Oent*’ Suit*. fore* nud examine them J W KKRKEL. Agent. . V , n »q 1 Twen'. ••• Sto-»t« i,1ata anb THE— -NOBBIEST. Spring Hat youhin'S - IHNUKK'S, TWLLI (UJtFIIOH'S IN'S HALF-HOSE Manufacturers’ Wholesale Prices. If »~'l Halt He'O.mtll «»a h~ m,.V. u .ill - If! IK' .-o M. »' £«od Pl‘*u' r ',r'p,‘l V',-tt>n H»l.’ Ho« V. * P*,r r. -r* lnH''i H-af% i-Ct I v. I. .11 M-n - hi r* , , . ... h . . «*«»-«•*i *<»»»<*•-.••“‘y ,l .-rut* * i »lr, »'>rth I'** M-n * Imi-Tt-I s-|^r ►'*«- Wh"' ‘ |..»ir «o import. o»r *P-f»‘ «*"'» ,or lh"u,J,.. |.*ir> ror*c..nd •*«* wi»o< Mm - t.a S.-.mW- KmJ Klieic C 't'-.n Half H. - •pa.rwa f.uWd our .,.rrUl prior f-r th.* M U I* » l«1' W. h.vr ill *lt«. , ,,ww..Mr.r.M«r.K,^ »r.P*d *-»>"*** Until..*m »iyl* ' »»'! n.o-color- .»«• „Ur *»•. ho*.-- for «■*> >v * l’“‘r ik M-o » F».t HU. k Ll-l- K»ro:..l H.lf ' HZ, "hr -mo.* W-'!k h‘!' h'7 mud ».-ry pair »»rr*«ml • “« l-1,>r Thl, „ h.lf »•••*-. ..ur .prr.»l M. J. McFADDEN. Chr;ip »* SU»r* lu j U-0 itnd 132* Market St., near !4lk, j WMEELINO. VV VA. , .pH DR.GEO. J. CADDLE. SURGEON DENTIST, NO. I«lfi MARKKT STRRRT. Ov.r n»IUr Sat|gi> K.iti'*. tlrtv -A&uerttecmctit* \\'\STM» I.A IO 'TKNOi.KAI*HICE Sim. I » L«*« K !i**\ ***> \\ Vi JiplS*qtl«» . Th**r* wid *c*rc*djf nay necessity f* r >huwhi4 thl* l*dv • ;P cnrti. S« h*V* n«* tongue, i»ut nil *Iioon have n itOFV to teh whether »h**> ,»•*• • i*n^u«*j**!*■» «*r u- t. Thi* t*t**ry U of either I.. . - nd (< r*tl « rkMukij Our Shoes Tell But One Story. . ■ i _• I» ' ■ ' r in th»* po«9ribto rontin* r nninUcallyconutruct »*J to ple.tse th*» **>••* and flt the foot A dollarV north for a dollar li what w** sell. ALEXANDER <Se CO., Shoe Sellers. MW MAIN STKKKT. OIL CLOTH AXT> WALL l’APER IX ABUNDANCE, And at prior# hitherto unheard of Charle* Klein h ** alwavH l»rrn a leader in hi* li**. hut Oo\\ hi* assortment of Wall Paper and Oil Gl«»th i* far superior mud his priors low»*r than %•*. r Wall P»|»*r «*h**ap a«* Sc. and at nil pr . , ,stH \. that CM AS. KLKIN. Gnnvr, i - \ w ESI VI KLIM A SHORT HAS II and TYPEWRITING SCHOOL, Kt ; \ Hu. -It . «vr K -.!*»• » i»th an i Market SU. Instruction thorough and pract j. r»icular-* addr-". .1 KSxK Rlt HARDS, Manne r **f Ketmnicton Typewriter H**.id^uar t»*r*. rt* Market St , Whrrlioi: W. \ a. apUhTu.rh *aUiT __ ^ ’LOWERS! FLOWERS \artel k* ot constantly in »tock at the Fh-rai Par! f*-f LOUIS HANDEL, So. ««* Twelfth afreet. Kre*h rut bl>»>oln. ran hr had it snv time \|„ Potted | ;..w.-r» aud l\aUI*. K "*«. Violet'. .rnatton*. Lillea Hy* inth». rtr . of -very (incti Free delivery t.. au> |.»rt threat. S IMS _' Ther»n«*i»*rtrr Keeor,t. Mr C Schnepf, the Opera House dnic rist, made the followin* observations of he temperature yesterday: 7 L ui, tit; 12 m , st; 8 m . «; 7 p m . .h. leather. fair. THE WKATHKK. Washisutom. D C.. April K-For We.tern 'Dun Itiiii. and NVr>'. \ irjctiiiA. fair. n.»rtli ,»rrl> a iud« .tat.oliaM trtuprrallirr M.r Ohio. fa.r ii.irtiiftl: efu.l- warmer Iuilex lo Sew AchrrtlwaniiU. «*< >i*i> raws Bird Uirl for Hruwwork .. \..u— FV*» 'T* .ovtrnaii t hur h I Hand Enuli'h " »re 1 arm. Br. >. ls,ou. Srt.r. hour* ‘ Mm « M * * hrnvh. »trd—Farm Hand, i li', O’Uktl Syfui K II Li'i ■kh'ldrr» Mrr.inf—Wheeling Till* and I'limriaov l to \ our later* •«» xaneer h- mpir. .,i Letter' rni KTtt r*w« r,,l' Stee-'k-r.-.-'r-r < aUTHIMI FBATI KE OF THE vrci k' W|Mil Them ! Sel.eTU. iu' t l.ui.MUMl l alMi . » auu tl ,ta. worth KIISF HKorHEHs. I | .11 Al am sirea l. >ri. i vt. attention - 'on to l lord I IS* Ei:s for funeral* and wealdinC>. dt •>•• vlftli street. Pl'LPIT POINTS. WHAT IS GOING OH IN MLfctOOS CIRCUS A8i)l'r TOWN. Some Topics to be Discuss'd To-mormw- loter Winaents sad Socials OntUsed ty Tarious CKnrcA»» - Ptnchhl MwNneats. The young people of North Street M. E. Church will short It organize an Fpworth Yesterday in the Catholic Church was sacred to St Kudolph, and to-day to the j Blessed Mary of the Redemption, i To-morrow evening Rev. D A Cunniug : ham. of the First Presbyterian Church, will take as bis subject “A Fishing Party.'' j To-morrow evening at the North Street J Methodist Church the pastor, Kev. Rihel daffer, will give a talk on Kpworth League work. The Knights of St. George will attend communion in a body, in full uniform, at early mass at the Cathedral to-morrow morning. The Knights of St George, of St. ; Alphonsus Church, will observe the | feast day of their patron saint, which oc curs on the ‘>rtth inst. | The lecture of Hon. G. \V. Atkinson at j *he Thompson M. K ChorcU, wbicn was to j have been ilellrced last evening, has been I deferred until next Fndav. 1 l>r. Ewing, who was to have preached at the Presbyterian Church at Bridgeport lo raorrow, is unable to bo thor and no serv ices will he held at tho church. A musical entertainment will soon be given at the Thomson M E. church The affair will be under the direction of Mr Albert K Summers, the director "f the Rev. C W. Cushing will preach a scries of sermons Sunday tttoraing and evening, taking for hi* subject, “What arc the Evi dences that the Gospel will Ultimately Tri umph!" To-raorrow evening Rev F. N Lynch, pastor of Chnpline Street M. B 1 will preach a sermon on ’‘The fecular Press and Its Relations to Moral* and Re Last Wednesday night the anutml con grivstlonul meeting was held at the Failed Presbyterian Church. The Treasurer made very satisfactory reports concerning the finances of the church. The Epworth League of the Wesley M. K Chapel will soon commence the publica tion of a monthly paper, to be known as the K'jiuorfh Hsm hi. The first Issue will ap pear durirg the first week in May The repairs to the Ben we'd M E. church, made necessary by the damage wrought by the recent flood, have been about finished, and services will be held there for the first time to-morrow. The Knights of St. Joseph, »f the Church of the Immaculate Con’ option, are arranging for a ►eouflt entertainment, which will by tfVoti in the near future. Some of t&e oest local talent will partici pate. lilt* uniiuui uicvumr '»» 1 " w'1"11* Horn*' anil Foreign Missionary Society of the Presbytery of West Virginia was helil iu the First Presbyterian church at Clarksburg. Thursday ami Friday of this J week , In his sermon to-morrow night Hov. C. ; M aifard, 0r the Third Presbyterian Church, will Illustrate the topic with three large oil painting* The subject of the ser j men i* “The Three Wise and Foolish Vir Rev. E. H. Dorublaser, of the English 1 Lutheran Church, is still contr. the ! house with la gripne and Will be unable to occupy hi* prv.pit to-morrow The Y. M ! c. A. Will probably conduct the morning Rev (• E. Clrose, ol Norristown, Tcnn . will begin a series of temperance meetings next Thursday, at Bridgeport, under the 'auspices of the flood Templar" at their 1 hall. Rev. Clrose was there some time ago and drew good audiences. To n#«r*r>w evening the Vuunr Men - j Club of the Thinl Presbyt-rian Ch'”vli ! will hold a meeting fhv the purpose of Ichoosing person* f* tafce charge of the i • «*»*, their monthly pafier. for the i month of August. Tue Executive Hoard of the Baptist (leu ! cal Association of West Virginia held a business meeting at Parkersburg last week. This Board has a large number of missionaries at work iu different parts ol the State and is constantlv increasing its On to-morrow week the Independent Order of Odd Fellows will celebrate the | sevent v-secoud anniversary of the institu : tiou of the first loilge. Rev. t>-1- Ash, of 11he Wesley M K. church, will preach an appropriate sermon, and most of the local lodges or the Odd Fellows will attend in a I body I Young men arc invited to attend young : men’s prayer meeting at 7 :.»• o’vjock to ' night, aud I lospel meeting at 4 o’clock to . morrow afternoon, nt the Young Men’s I Christian AsseciaP.on building. These meetings are inloresting and arc enjoyed cai-h week by many young men. The Central Prohibition Club held u [ nieetiug Tuesday evening utid discussed ! the matter of candidates for tho routing I national election. Some favored St John : for President, while Chairman Samuel i Pickle had many friends; several thought ' the candidate would be a new man. J. W J Rod lev was the favorite for Vice Presi dent. i At the recent election hold at the Third Presbyterian Church, the following officers wi rv chosen to carry on the Sabbath s hool work Superintendent, Isadore Fulton; Assistant Superintendent, t’has. Miner; Secretary and Treasurer. Win. Niebur, jr ; Librarian, Chas. Jones; Assistants. J H Romberg and Harictt Freeze; Or ganist Miss Lizzie Bickerton; Chorister. Mr Fife; President of business meeting, Al'en Steen; Secretary of tiieetlnc. Miss Koseu berg I A series of lectures will lie given at the i Moundsville M E Church under the aus i pices of the Epworth League. Rev. Crimes will begin the series next Thursday even l» His subject will be Napoleon's fam ous words before his Italian campaign. I -There shall be no Alps Prof. IV P Willey, of theSute I'niversity; Dr Nar i ross.'of Pittsburg; Rev. .las K. Crimes, of Saliuc. O ; Hon. G. W. Atkinson and Rev. Dr .Fullerton, of this civ. ai. ! Rov 1. I.. Stewart, of Parkersburg. will de liver lectures duriug the course. A series of revival meetings will begin at the Disciple Churcii to-morrow even ing. Service:; will be conducted by the pastor each evening until Friday the -ttU, when Prof. Dowling, of Bethnnv, will preach, continuing over the following Sun day Subject of to-morhow s sermorns will be Morning. “The Mission or the Church;’’ evening, ‘ Man's Need of a Saviour.” On Sunday, the ‘Jfith, Prof. Dowling will preach on “Prayer,” in the morning, and in the evening on The Swellings of the Jordan." Ki.kc.ani Flants and Cut Flowers at Handel's fa; Twelfth street. Finr Bread. Alt lovers of pood bread in Wheeling. Bellafre. Kenwood. Bridgeport and Martin's Ferry will be pleased to learn that every variety of the Wliaeline Bakery's elegant breads is for sale to day by their irrooer. Fleas** ask for It and insist on him keeping the special brands you prefer. A OKAVI* < OSCKKT to be given at me Opera House on the 14th day of May, lv*l. in aid of St. John's new Catholic church, of Kenwood. A choice solec lion of music will be rendered under the direction of the Sisters of St. Jo seph. Tickets for concert to be sold at T. A. Caulfield's music store, 103S Market street. WAS Ik you have tried all other opticians in the city and failed to set classes to suit your eyes, don't Rive up. Consult without charge. Frofessor Sheff. the Optician, corner Main and Eleventh streets. TU.Th.s.dag KtttL KSTATK MARKET. I)M,I of Transfer Left for Keeoril Yeater The following transfer of real estate were left for record at Clerk Hook’s office yesterday: I teed made April 13. lt*l»l. by Ander »,,n Smith and wife to * B* >i nor* 1,1, for the south purl "f to* No. * In /.me's addition. Consideration. m;oo. Chained lit the Koek. Prom* thru* w» chained to tic* tix*k wide Ulture- :n*wr.l hi- entrail- so are many .«i*'!e t*h.lined to the reek of pmudioe whil. ill manner of violent mediein* > mSiot injury „ the -I'nidtlve Hntmr of the Hom.ich nn.i Tl.ev »r. apparently immovable in _- ..■L.n.u t hut* >i«*iwt • hUlVa. Iliv» -ft ' . ... taliei that If •Vfern uee t- n.-fit I!.•v must ... . a.isuut with .Iraetie medieinett I u!—, . . , i- poa*rfnJ and< , ,r» not .t.itsn*ii rtf\ »■•>..•! 'll»tru t « • ni. o > ■ t yeulle act lot >et erfective It u. t h. -act uur&iin : . xtr.-in.-i- tte - a*i J.-WU. ** leased Ulerit* ot Hn-l tter. Until -r%. * Th.kt Ih Ulgll PHlfll ,* r ttf th* stFll.1 *b, tht tntl lit*- kid tpprab to the rati ’ ■;» '.* ■■ ,1 ,» irJ J a just lalaattor t ou-tipation. ■ !e .-. ^'hont iv-rr• ■•»*' kldnev trouCe- : ,.|J to It* action Sc sl*o do m*l»rt» .Du :eum»ti-m YOU WANT CHOICE Everything in the Nursery line, at less than one-half the cost of Agents: delivered FREE in the city, FRESH FROM THE NI RSERY. If you wish choice Shade Trees you can see them b. fore you buy by driving to our Nurseries. Illustrated Catalogue Free. Wo have NO AGENTS D, not wait for our Agents. W- sell direct. Our stock goes to every State in the Union, “ ~ ay it is THE BEST. E#*Do not delay to and our customer write us for Catalogue. This adv. may not appear agalni fruit trees SHADE TREES GRAPE VINES BOSES SMALL FRUITS j ARE THE BEST. r^COLERAIN GRAPE E. tV. REID, Bridgeport, Ohio. We are the introducers ..f this f.inou* Whits Crape. which mnlty of you ,a« .-xhited »t the &t«tc Fidr. market 3 IT 18 THE FINEST QRAPE ON THE MARKET. SMALL TALK. Minor Matters of Interest Briefly *nrt Pithily ToW. John PrifEit* was committed to jail yes terday »<> await a lunacy examination. Tut: street sweeper was at work on Mar ket street last night, for the first time this Pomtks, the Italian, who has boon insane th jail for some time, will be taken to \' os ton in a few days. Tiik (Quicksteps defeated Ihe 5 C. C. boys yesterday by a score of ' to t>. 1 nt base bill: season is now ou. Uoiiekt Simi-s..s save a deligiitful bovvL inn partv last evening at the! ark in honor of the Misses Kustis of St. Louis. Tiir Whee'tng fin'* filth Grove Kail road Company bits com pietist a neat job of pav i*V <*t their station on Sixteenth street. Tut: Kindergarten Tennis Club will meet this . veiling at T •«» o’clock, at the homeof of Miss .Jessie Caldwell, on North Ma.ti street i . Hhmi> s<t:» tUs yesterday appointed aa min'shwtof of the estate of Katharine Cer gef. deceased. Bend. t$d; Frank I' rederu k Tiik abutments for the Terminal Corn pan Vs bridge overCaldwell’s run arc about dnished and are splendid specimens of sub stantial masonry. \V. W. Aitxarrentertained a ejVlv of triends last evening at her home on Fifteenth street in honor or Mrs. Charles .1. Milton. " Dl'TKi* t Attoknki til ", c. Sri It«is, U. S Marshal ii S. White and Clerk .L V Moore, of the Fdeml Court, left for their homes last evening. Mr Martin Jo><> died at his home in Bridgeport vestetxlay morning, from par alysis. I H ath Was very sudden, deceased having been on the streets on Monday. ll mm Mt ms, of the Eighth ward, took his valuable coil to Cleveland a few days a*r\ *o exchange for a blooded stallion, which he will bring home with him to-da.». Jimes.L, the seventeen-year-old son of Mr. Jeremiah Myles, died of typhoid pnou* nonia yesterday afteruoou. The family iave the sympathy of a large circle of Tut: trial of .John Mooney, at Ashtabula. ) is set for the doth inst., and Chief Del ,,-ugge and OWcers Lukens and Carney mve boon summoned as witnesses from M iktin J'>'< i\ who died a* llWdgojtort •esterdnv, is lin bid Tailor bounty citizen. Phe remains will !*• taken to Grafton to lav for interment, which will take place tumtay afternoon. AitocT eighteen Arabs passed through Tec wood last night on their way JoColum »us, to Join Sells’ Bros circus. Fheir pe 'uliar dress attracted the attention of the ■roivd at tlie depot. Ji r. Davis committed Louis Botio to he Insane Asy'cie at Weston. He has icon !r Jail since March Utli, 1MH. The wipers wore made out last night, and will k' delivered to the Sheriff this morning. The funeral of Joseph Hanson will take iluce from his late residence, in Bridge vjri this afternoon. The interment wil. >o in wood Cemetery. Deceased was ibout i -' veurs old and hau a wide circle of ’Honds Exchange last night to alstussjhecon tractors' situation, and it was decided tiiut (mis on all work must b< made either upon tin- i irts separately or as a whole, and in uo other manner. I*..» ms of attorney from the Cousoli dated Recompense .v California Mining t 1 mi nan v, to S '». Smith, and from the National Provident Association to J. II Sommervillc, were left for record at Clerk Flonk's ofllee yesterday. SvMMV No HOLS the Well known bull tosser now employed at Dolan’s saloon, has been offered a good position with the BavCitv Base Hall Association in the Northwestern League, lie is undecided whether or not to accept. Ttti: Mark Twain Hod and Hun Club have leased the fair grounds for Decora tion Day for their annual picnic. Com ihave been appointed on horse and bicycle racing, and the event promises to be unusually interesting. Yoi so L'*t is, son d Louis Schuub, the pooulur manager of tlib Cchtral Llass Works, died it ltis home Thursday, in his iightceuth vear. His death was untimely, and the family have the sympathy of hosts of friends in their sad bereavement. Di-ihi< t Attoknev Sti hoi-' attended a meeting of the Board of Directors of tin Insum \svlum al Weston on Wednesday last. All the old officers were re elected with the exception of l»r. Hattie B Jones, who resigned and her place was tilled by the election of Dr. T <1 Kdmiston, of Wes ton. one of tiiebi'st physicians of that town. Dr Jones will inaugurate a specialty hos pital in this city. Amu i five o'clock vostordav evening in front Of B M Bdwimls ldacUsmith shop on C'hepline street, anelderly Herman iiud a team consisting of a horse and a very scrawny mule, which latter animat an eighteen year-old hoy persisted in teasing. The propriotorof the'team finally pot huffy and culred the boy when a tussle ensued resulting in the young man measuring his length on the pavement, when parties in terfered ami stopped the fracas. Bkw vim. ok Fuai iis. lie sure you get the genuine Dr. Thomas' Electric Oil. It cures Colds, Croup, Asthma, Deafness and Rheumatism. .V TEST HU K A I. A It'I. The Vurh.OH Vlaeblnes Make Hootl Tluie on (Ih* Mr. 1>. Roberts, of the Fire Commis sioners of McConnellsville. was In town yesterday as the gm-st of Cliief Healey, and as it 'O happeued that the latter de sired to test tin* workings of the depart ment. it also afforded an excellent op portunity to sli iw the same to his visit or. who was very much pleased with the result of the test. In order that the test might h<> satisfactory some central point was selected, and an alarm was run in from box No. at the intersection of Mar ket and Fourteenth streets at seven minutes past two o'clock. The bustle ami the stir of the department that followed so quickly became interesting and exciting. The chemical came tear ing down Market street and was the first to arrive on the scene, in just I minute and s seconds after the alarm was turned in. The hook and ladder came next, in 1 infante and 4<> seconds. The Atlantlcs came up smiling in 1 minute land 4.'. seconds, while the Atlantic hose j was only 1" seconds behind. The ! Niagara hose got there in 3 minutes and 10 seconds, while the Niagara engine I was Just ten seconds later. The Vlgi | lant hose was on deck iu 3 minutes and ! 40 seconds, while the Vigilant engine j was there in 4 minutes and 13 seconds. | Altogether it was a fairly good test. tin ro Alex. Hurst's for a drink of ice I cold Cream I’op. 1038 Main street. His ■ own make. Fine It read. ! All lovers of good bread in Wheeling, j Bel la ire. Ben wood, Bridgeport and Martin's ferry, will be pleased to learn ’hat every variety of the Wheeling ! Bakery's elegant breads is for sale to I day by their grocer. Please ask for It jand insist on him keeping the special brands you prefer. Tiik choicest Flowers ever brought to Wheeling at Lewis Handel's. •'«; Twelfth street. We Sell MenS genuine Kangaroo haud-sewed shoes, all styles and widths, for 54.On. I Same shoe machine-sewed for 5-4.on. You can bind these goods only at .1. H. Locke A Co.''. Fine Bread. All lovers of good bread in Wheeling. Bellaire, Ben wood. Bridgeport and Martin's Ferry, will be pleased to learn that every variety of the Wheeling Bakery's elegant breads i- for sale to day by their grocer. Please ask for it and insist on him keeping the special brairds you prefer. I hr Klnmt Line of Ladies’ IXmgola llaud-Turus ever -lio’vn in Wheeling foron sale to-day a: J. H Locke A Co.’s. THE NEWS OF TBE DAT. Sbrlouiily Injured. Samuel Davis, residing at ^o. **0. Jacob street. Ml do*n a flight of stairs Thursday night, seriously injuring ni> left shoulder. To Toe the Line ThW Vlbrulnfe Before .judge Campbell, lit the C r I cult Court, this morning, about two j dozen prisoners indicted by the a i grand Jury will be arraigned for pleas. Kltchle Aldntnl Meettbe*. the Alumni Association of K<u'hl® school met last evening in the office of the school, with a good attendance Arrangements were made for an enter tainment. for which an attractive pro gramme will be prepared. Tile annual banquet will take place in .June. Driving at the Fair Grounds. , The work of replacing the fences 1 about the State Fair grounds, and par i ticularly around the track, has been 1 about completed, and next week the track will he worked Into shape, ready for driving by the first of May. a he lack or good weather has necessarily delayed this work. Shetland About a doze longing to Mes«l and IV- Hark, all winter, Were ■ Kentucky, where ing the summer one was shipped, old, which was foundland dog Follies Shipped. n Shetland ponies* be s. Henry SchmhlbaPh, which have beeh hen hipped on Thursday to they Will remain dtir Vosturday the last with a eoit forty hours smaller than a !^ew A New Organization. Louis P. Salterliock, Henry Ben, Chas. Otto. Geo. Miller, Frederick i Krekll and George Wtnesheiroer yester day left for record at Clerk Hook’s office an aggrement to become an or ganization under the name of "Deutch cr Krieger Verelns," for benevolent purposes, the organization to hold real estate to the value of SIO.OOO, personal property to the Value of ■s.t.UUO. Coudeniuatlon Friit-eedlngii. The i onllemnatibn i-aSe of the Wheel ing Bridge Company v. the Wheeling and Belmont Bridge Company, In which the plaintiffs seek to secure a strip <>f ground twenty-five feet wide on the north -Ide of Ohio street, from South Front street to the river, was com menced at the Court House, yesterday, before Commissioners Devine, Higgins, Hare and Nesbitt. The Commissioners made an award of Sl.UOO. Public ttiiildtug Stutter*. The Committee on Court Ho Use and Jail, of the Hoard of Commissioners, met yesterday and divided the claims to have all sewer eoneetjons with the new Jail made at Once, so the ground may be tilled in around the foundation walls. The committee will meet next'Wednes day with the Council Committee on Beal Kstate to ask for bids for the proposed ! repairs to the Public Building. An Infant I'ucarthed. Last night about 0 o’clock a workman by tho name of Welshsus, engaged with others in cleui utr out a vatilt on Jforth Huron sireet. near Maryland, unearthed the body of an infant. It was a colored baht, and the remain? had evidently been there some eight or nine days. It is a two-tenement house oh the prem ise-. a white family of the name of Hell living in one half, and a colored family in the other. Squire Schultr will (to over on the Island this morning to in vestigate the case. Federal Cout-t In the l nited States District ( ourt yesterday, .ioseph Dorter, indicted for perjury In an election case, had his case continued until next term. In the Circuit Court, Joseph Morllll was lined $100 and costs for a violation of the Internal revenue laws, and Jo seph and Tony Morilli, Jointly, were sentenced to pay a line of >100 and costs for the same offence. Edward Francis, fora violation of the election laws, plead gilllty, and was lined st’ > and costs. The (Irand Jury will meet Monday morning at lOo’cloek. The Nat Unit Supply. Relating to the proposed shutting off of the natural gas supply to-morroW after <J:,10 a. ui., the West Virginia Com pany ha< deeided to attempt to keep a supply on all day. sutfieient for cooking purposes, if the consumers will lend their co-operation. The mains through out the city, ami out for a distance of eighteen miles, will be filled with gas under a pressure of 7» to 100pounds per square inch, and it is thought, if con sumers will turn olf all but strictly necessary tires and use gas in an eco nomical way, there will be enough in the pipes to last until the repairs are Motor* Slop Kooning Again. The electric motor service was Worse yesterday than usual, anti the number i.f disgusted and indignant people was larger in consequence. The motors run at au average of about one hour in four throughout the day until about seven o'clock last night, when an accident oc curred at the power house, and they stopped running altogether. The cylin der-head of the engine blew out, and doing considerable damage, and render ing a new engine an absolute necessity. The trouble lies in the present engine, which is incapable of doing the work j required. of Trarlirrn* AmocIhIIuii. The general meeting of teachers’ which regularly follows a vacation, was held yesterday afternoon at Clay school. The meeting was opened witli singing by the pupils of this school, who must be complimented on tho very creditable manner in which they sang. Prof. Crago then offered a prayer. Superin tendent Anderson Introduced Prof, j John M. Birch, of the Lindsley Insti tute, ox-superlutendent of our Public I schoole. Prof. Birch'? paper on ! “Japan." was highly entertaining. Many Interesting and very amusing things were told concerning that coun try and Its people. Prof. Jones was to have followed but considering that the teachers had had such au exceptionally tine paper from Prof. Birch, he post poned his remarks until another meet ing. The meeting was then adjourned Visitor* From West Virginia. The Columbus Diapntrh of tho loth inst. says: “A commit Us* appointed by the Legisla ture of West Virginia to take charge of the building and heating of the main por tion of the Insane Asylum now in course of erection at Spencer, W. Va., arrived in this citv yesterday, and visited the Insane Asylum, for the purpose of invest! gaing the’ heating and ventilating at that institu tion. Thecommittee consists of Dr. T. B Camden, of Parkersburg; Colonel William K I ively, of Weston, and Senator William Goodvar'd, of Spencer. They were shown about the institution, and expressed them selves a* much pleased with the arrange ments, and their reception by the officials here The institution al Spencer is the -ocond insane asylum in the State and is intended 'o accommodate about TOO pa tients. That portion of the building al ready completed is now being heated by the fan system, which it is feared is too expensive and may not be entirely satisfac tory in large buildings. The committee visited the Athens asylum before coming ' here and intend going out to the Ohio State University this afternoon. They will leave for Pittsburg this evening.” N'EiiVn - heiumtt, poor memory, Oifli deuce, sexual weakness, pimples, cured by IV Miles Ncnlne Samples (u* at The l.ogati Drug Go. s'and R R Burt'*, and at Bowie Bro.'s, Bridgeport. Flokal Designs ol all kind* at Lewi Handel’s, 66 Twelfth street. THE END REACHED. fCondnitedfrom First Pupc. | g.—])id you on several occasions— l!vcor six In all-attempt to have an in timaev with her'* A.—No. i}.—And didn't you, after she had re fused, tell the Hoard you could dispense with her'.’ A.—Xo. — [to yon know Miss Shane* A.— Vet*. tj.— Do you remember being in her room once? A.—1 might have been. g.—Did you make proposals to her? A.—No. g.—Do you know Rose Jacobs? A.— There was a girl there of that name. (] _she had an illegitimate child? A.—She had. The witness was then led over a series of questions regarding this girl, and also regarding several others, but specifically denied all charges. The summary above affords but the merest outline of the evidence adduced, and the statements and arguments of counsel. Dr. John R Pipes was then put on the stand, and made a very full expla nation of how he came to be at Kim drove, lie said on the day Wadesbecker was dead lie received a note from a friend In I'lttsblirg; that he was coming doWn. and to meet hint, lie went out on the four u nlock motor to Rim Grove, and there asc ertained the train was late and went over to the infirmary. The train Aas half or three-t(uartersof an hour late, ije came Into town that evening on the It. A <*. The train got in abotit seven o'clock. He never saw the body after he left the Infhmarv, and knew nothing of the stealing of it. Miss Douglass was then recalled, to testify regarding the credibility of lure man, and stated he had repeated'y so licited her to commit adultery, detail ing the incidents. Captain Dovcner protested vigorously against tin- admis sion of this evidence, but it was allowed to goin, altera very lively argument dur ing which Mr. iiaward recalled his warn ing to the Captain the previous evening, and also said the matters had been brought to his attention long before*, but he had advised against an investiga tion, for the reason that the term of the defendant would soon be out.and it would save the reputation of tin* institution and tile county. lie also said what had been related constituted but a chapter in tin* scenes at the institution, and em braced facts whicli lie could prove by the most reputable people in Ohio county. Miss Douglass testified a* length, and concluded with the state ment sip* hud Informed the Commission ers of Foreman’s conduct, and had also told Dr. Cracraft. . At the conclusion of the testimony, Mr. Howard said lie was willing that Dr. Pipes should he discharged, but asked that Foreman lie held. The case was somewhat elaborately argued, and then the Justice honorable discharged Dr. Pipes and held Foreman to the grand jury in $.">00 bail. Sttrlnnay I'iano For Sale. Wo havo a lino Steiuway «fc Sons I’i ano, good as new. whioh ha* boon left with ns tti soli, Any one wanting a choice Instrument at a great llarffatn. will find ft to their Interest to vail at once to see about this. F. W. B.VtMKR A Co., I '10 Market Street. (io to Alex, ibirst's for a drink of ice cold Cream I’op. lots Main street. Mis own make. ABOUT FKOPLK. Dally Chronicle of the Movements of Ir dlrlduli. Wm. L, rteanie lias returned from an ex tended Eastern trip. Wilbur C. Brockuhier is ill at his room at the McLure Mouse. J. S. Miller, of Parkersburg, stopped at the Stamm yesterday. Mrs. J. W. Callahan, of the South Side, has an attack of the grip. Mrs. J. P. Rodgers, of the Island, is mn valescing after a brief illness. L. B. Taylor, of Parkersburg, was a Hotel Behle'r guest yesterday. T. W. Fleming, of Fairmont, was an ar rival u» the Mel.ure yesterday. Hon. Wm. Wootlyard, of Spencer, was a guest of the Windsor yesterday. I). A. Morscv. of Moundsvllle, was a Stamm House guest yesterday. J. S. Standiford, of New Martinsville, stopped at the Windsor yesterday. Miss Hamilton, of Washington, Pa., stopped at the Windsor yesterday. W. C. Warden, of Guyandotte, W. Va., registered at the Stamm yesterday. Prof. John Mullen was inthecity yester day shaking hands with friends. I). M. Carey, of Paige. Carey ,* Co., has left for his home in Cleveland, O. .loel Truschell, of West Alexander, was an arrival at the Stamm yesterday. O. S. Marshal, of New Cumberland, stopped at the Mcf.urc House yesterday. ! J. W. Bradshaw, of Valley Falls, W. f Va., was a guest of the Stamm yestor j day. ! State Senator \V (l Worley, of King' i wood, was a Mcf.urc House guest yestcr' I day. C. S. Knight, an electric light agent from Ft. Wayne, I ml , was registered at tlic Mc Lure yesterday. Miss Kupbia Hutchison, who haslieen ill of typhoid fever at her home near Leather wood, is improving. Prof. A. S. Bell, teacher of the Primary Department of the f.insly, isconiined to his room with the grip. ; Hon. H. K. Osborn aud K. H.OuHagher, j of Gladesville. IV. Va., were registered at [ the Behler yesterday. Mrs. K. M. Richards is convalescing after heiD$r confined for some time to ner home, on South Jacob street. A. P. Levi, of Cincinnati, returned to tl e city yesterday after a successful busin-*- s trip in the interest of Flaceus Bros. Jacob Koontz. the New Martinsville contractor, was in the city on business yes terday and registered at the Behler. Mr. C. F. Scott, of the Natural Gas Com pany of West Virginia, is out after a scr ious illness of two months' duratioh. Miss Flo Aiken has returned to her home in Toronto, O , after attending the funeral ; of her uncle, J. Hall, who died Tuesday. Ei-Scnator Seott has pone to Ohio to at tend the funeral of his aped mother, who ; died at her old home in Guernsey county. Georpe Heard, of Pittsburg. Secretary of the Natural Gas Co. of \V. Va., was a prominent arrival at the McLure tester Mr. J. J. Quigg made his appearance on the street yesterday for the first time, after a three weeks' confinement with the grip. Capt. W. W. Wickham, a popular Ohio Hirer railroad conductor, is still very ill with the prip, at his residence, S70S Chap line street. Mrs. Jas. Neff returned to her home in Washington, Pa., havinp spent the week very pleasantly at the horse of Mrs. Siphts, of North Main street. Al. Hohman, of North Market street, will graduate nett Tuesday at the Pblla delphia College of Pharmacy, after which lie will return to this city. Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Sargent., of Cleveland, accompanied by their daughter. Miss Edith, are guests of Mr. and Mrs. John H. Hobos, of Soth fcoft street. Mrs. Charles L. Martin, accompanied by | her son, will leave to-night for Zanesville | to visit her sister, ami will go from there to ; Kushville, Ind , to visit her parents. Miss Mandc Gans, of Louisville, Kv., who has been enjoying a pleasant visit with her cousin. Miss Mary Moffat, of South Chapline street, returned home yesterday. W H. Strickland, in advance of Lacy and Arthur's "Still Alarm" was in town yesterday. The company will aptieur at the Opera House next Friday and Satur day. Mr. and Mr- Louis Horkholmer are home from their extended wedduig trip, >tn«l will •■cslde for ttie present at tin- home of the bride's parents. Sir. and Mr- Victor Hoseoburg. A telegram received from Phillipsburg yesteiday afternoon stated that Mr- Dr. J. H. Pipes is recovering from her illness and will be out in a few days. Dr. Pipes left for Phillipsburg yesterday afternoon. Theodore Powell, of Fairmont; L. G. Price, of Mononpah; J. H Hnedeker, of Sistersville, ami J. B. Drake and It _ C. Coulter, of Mannlngton, were late West Virginia arrivals at the Behler last night. The Coming Shoe. Every lady knows that Cloth Tops will be the shoe for summer wear. We j have a XI* i osk, elegant style, plain and patent leather tipped, iruaranteed in ( very particular. And at the price, S‘j.0O; *ill be the most popular shoe shown to-day. ,1. II. Locke «V Co. L. S.Good sells Dry Goods the cheapest -- — Madam Lv lit K. the Fortune Teller, . is now located at the Hill House, ' liridgeport. lihio. Call and see her. ] For ladies only. Our SUtmlMnl Line. Men's Calf and IhiugolT Shoes, Con gress atid Lace, all the product of our j own factory, and the finest wearing goods made for ^'-.50. J. II. Locke Si Co. Aia.tiN tfK con Crust or k i’atkons! moke astoi mum; iiakuainmi ."too Hoys' Suits, age » to 13. hi *5 cent*, Worth iloulile the inoticv. Kl.l Mi BKOTHKK-S 11 to Mum street. DIED. MYI.KS—Friday. April ITtli ISPI. »• 3 o'clock ,i ,Me .1 . ..f Jeremiah aid Catherim »! \ |el. aged IT \ eat-. 8 inentli- aid 8 «1»> *. Funeral notice hereafter WHITE—Saturday. April 18th. 1*1*1. ' tJ „Vlo.-h a. in . <, s< t:. -.0 of ir.,nl> M m l Ail,i |> While, at the residence of III* parent-. N. SI r*ue «ir<‘et. |-laid. aged 14 months md S days. _ The importance ot k. epitlg tie1 Mood in a pure condition is universally known, and yet there are very lew people who have perfectly pure blond. The taint of scrofula, salt flietim, or other foul humor is hemlited and transmitted l.,r generations, causing untold suffering, ami we also accumulate poison and geftnsof di> from _ breathe, » M tho food we eat, of we drink, nothing cluslvely than tlie Your tlio water Tliero Is morn con proven positive >ower of Hood's Sarsaparilla over all diseases d the blood. This medicine, when fairly Tied, does expel every trace of scrofula or ;alt rheum, removes the taint which causes catarrh, neutralize* tlie acidity and cures rheumatism, drives out the germs of malaria, blood pol* sonitig, etc. It also vitalizes and en riches tho blood, thus overcoming that tired j feeling, and building up the whole system Thousands testify to the superiority ot Hood - Sarsaparilla as a blood purifier. loll Infor mation and statements of cures sent free. Hood’s Sarsaparilla .sold bv all druggists. 51: six for fA. Prepared only j |,y UI. HOOD A CO., Apothecaries. Lowell. Mass | 100 Doses One Dollar %lc\v Slbucrttormento PUSHING THE TRADE -IN OUR. The brightest, nattiest, fullest of style, finest in quality, best fitting SUITS for BIG and LITTLE BOYS, we ve always got them: the fact isn't new to you. What is new is that the SPRING SUITS for BOYS arc DOUBLE-BREAST ED and SINGLE. CASSIMERES. CHEVIOTS—everything worth having for a boy. And, since hardly any two boys who come into the store in an hour want the same kind, or size, or style, we have all kinds and sizes and all styles for the wants of Boys. In Plain and Fancy Cassimercs. Cheviots and Worsteds pa^^rpQ ,n mixed, striped, checked or plain patterns, at prices SUITS. which mean a savm9 ,rom S1.00 to S5.00. g JIORT In all new and natty styles l°r I*16 Children, in all the American and European Novelties, at S3.00. $4.00. SUITS. S5.00. $6.00. $7.00 and $8.00. The “Star” Clothing House, 34 and 36 Twelfth Street. $ou*e & $errunum, they fell asleep. "Well, I declare,” exclaimed l’apa Fairchild, a< be live minutes to two In the morning, "if they haven't i"*tl ! • asleep! Wake up. there; wake up, there! I must have tl ' - ■ r. n . I It just like all the II >u<e a Herriiianu sofas. 1 au ran t <!t t>,. i » • a tug to fall asleep: they're so comfortable." so l»o ALL THE HA HIES FALL AM.ELI' li) OUr J3aby Carriages. HOUSE & HERRMANN, 1300 laflTain g'lotltiim—Itl 05utimut X* t'o. Reti to announce to their many trion<l> that they are once more Ready for piisigess WITH THE HANDSOMEST STORE, LARGEST STOCK, BEST GOODS, LOWEST PRICES To be found in the city. Buy no Clothing of any kind until you have seen our stock. • RETAIL DEPARTMENT, Main and Twelfth Streets. jjunttturc anfc TRY A BOX — OF THE— ELEC r—for— CLEANING^ -CARPETS Q/~) Cents Per Box. FOR SALE ONLY BY G. Mei)de! & Co., No. 1124 MAIN STREET. STORE OPEN UNTIL 9 O'CL M