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3UTO*vti»*nicttta. RT7 jOVAT 1 XjlJLi 1U k » aJisf jin y 1*5 g\ 2*>: >< J 0 i vi< U kis ^ Sy 3 Our new rooms will be ready for occupancy about j July 15th, and our stock must be reduced before mov ing In view of this fact we have started a ° SPflfnAtiQl I AS Uhl'#f* I DDOCich vOuiiivf r On which arc bargains unsurpassed from every department. Everyone should avail themselves of this oppor tunity to get desirable and seasonable goods at GREAT REDUCTIONS. am W stiff i % cn ft— J? d kam 9 8 Si tab &*b t;#*. XJ 9 J No. 1114 Main Street. STONE & THOMAS WILL PLACE ON SALE ! AND OFFER . j *y mrZm~~S "TTTT* . \ J 5 J I |_J ■ a W jij±LjiX. 50 Pieces Cream. Light Blue, Navy, Brown and Tan Batiste Cloth at 51c., worth 121c. 30 Pieces 36-inch wide Pacific Lawns at 5ic., value 121c. 100 Pieces “Koechline’s” Finest French Sateens at 111c., reduced from 35e. 200 Pieces American Challies at 73c., worth 121c. 200 While Bed Spreads at 93c., worth §1.25. S.—Carpets at Greatly Bed need prices. M. .1- MpFAJDDBN. j r ' f TF vs* Nice Summer O 3 Shirts, made from Gulins Cloth, Black s iteen, Oxford Cloth and Striped Sateen at. 15, 35, 50 and 75 cents. 1 » Styles of Men's Nice Summer Outing Shirts made from Oxford Cloth, ■ Black Sateen, Madras Cloth, Outing Cloth, 111 ck Crepe Cloth, French Sateen, F; a- h F. : • l. s acr • and Casnmero at 25, 35, 50 and 75 cents, SI.00 and SI.50. IF C T. - v Su> O :tir <r Shirts for Lar:< Men, sizes 17% to 19%, at 50 and 75 cont>, SI.00, 'i.?5 and >1.50. 3 One-Price Hat and Shirt Store, 1330 & 1333 M ARK ’ST, Opposite Opera Homo. NO. 1216 MAltKKT STR*KT. Over V:; vr Sav.n** Ivink. h,-.v-.v i l or cur Tni' >tivk An.I from now on •wa Mill of- r the foUowiu.s.: CII ALLIES, LAW NS, MOIIAIU LUSTRE, DRESS GINGHAMS, EM 1:110IDEUIES, FLOUNCINGS, I, ACES, LACE CURTAINS, RED SETS, GLOVES AND SILK MITTS, lu fact every article a our four tJoors 1 ,vo t>--u marked down to prices that will make them i;o. ( ALL E ARLY TO SECURE A CHOICE. L. S. GOOD, 1125 and 1127 &»in St. XU r.i ^Swritsicnuni®. THIS ?! on A IP-iY IR H _ « ** q * f4 o g g g *0 S O PM ^ m 2 Si ^ m Cm & 51 j« 1 pci CC «* § w f-t I CG PRICE! ANAMAKER & BROWN’S 5£,0(10 Hew Samples of Spring Styles for Cents’ Saits. Come and examine them. J. W. KERRKL, Agent, * Ju38 Cor. Main and Twentieth btreett. Thermometer Record. Mr. C. Schnopf, the Opera House drui. g . made the following observations ti,. temperature yesterday: 7 a. ra., 77. a m., 7'-, 13 tn., SO; B p. a., S3; 7 p. m.. '-V eat her. changeable. TUB WGATUKB. ir AjniKaroi*. D. C., Juno 31.—For West \ • c’dia. Western Pennsylvania and Ohio, fair, cooler: westerly wind*. Index to New AdervtUements roriiTii pagb Warm Weather Good*—Geo. R. Tiyior I*IPTH FAUS Whl’e Mountain Fr‘“ /.* r*—Nesbitt A Bro Public *-. li- Of Valuable Sale ' f City Property Wanted—Girl at Hotel Windsor. For Sale—Young Horse. }• - Suit*—Itw. Jliug in Marin's Ferry. Wanted—Girl for Housework \Vai ■ Summer Bo ■ ■ r Keoi ii use n M irtin’s Ferry. To Let—Room* for Gentlemen For Sale—Upright Piano. EIGHTH PAGE. Must Hnve Room—L S ti"d A Co. A Bargain—House A Herrmann. Burg .in* in ilrv Goods -G^c M. Sr.c.ok A Co Bargains M’bU VVeuk-Stc a Thomas. SPRING AN.) SUMMER. All the latest styles, consisting of Knit h<g*, I’autaloonliigs and Overcoatings First-oln-* work and 1 if guaranteed. Shirt.*, lull line, in fires*. Silk and Flannels, it ui Hoao, the best33c Half Hose made. C. HESS & SONS. 133J and 1333 Market Street. ARM CUT OFF. A Serious Accident on tlio Motor Line, Last Evening. Last evening about twenty minutes of nine o'clock, while the incoming Elm Grove motor train was running along Sixteenth street, just at the intersection of Wood, Gustave Frcidhof, a glass presser, of Eighteenth street, rang the. bell to stop, but before the train came to a stop Mr. Frcidhof attempted to jump oil thi' ear, on the south side. lie struck on his feet all right, but lost his balance in some way and fell to the pavement, with his left arm across the rail. Hefore he could movo or regain his feet, the still moving car passed over his arm, mangling the member in a shock manner, the bones protruding through the flesh, while the square box around the. end of the axle of the wheel which passed over his arm struck the unfortunate man in the forehead, making a bad flesh wound. The train was brought to a halt in a moment, and the passengers and train men picked up the wounded man and carried him to an adjoining house, while the patrol wagon was tele phoned for and messages sent for a physician. Loth were soon on tlio spot, and Fricdhof was taken to his home, where amputation of the arm was found to be necessary. What made the accident particularly sad was the fact that Mrs. Fricdhof had been confined yesterday, and her hus band had gone out to ono of the ceme teries on the seven o’clock motor for the purpose of obtaining some flowers for the sick mother. The conductor of the train which caused the accident said:— “Mr. Frcidhof was in the open car, and did not wait for the train to come to a stop, but jumped off right at Wood street. As his feet struck the pavement he sort of turned around backward, still holding to the car with one hand, and while in that position, I think the step of the moving car must have struck his knee and knocked his feet out from un der him. When ho fell, his left arm came almost immediately beneath the wheel, and the ear would not have had to move more than a foot or two to have roiled over the limb. In fact, his head as well as his arm was almost upon the rails, and the accident would have been worse had the box on the end of the axle not hit his head. The accident could not have been prevented after ho jumi ed, with the train still in motion.” Ladies’ White Mousquetairo Kids. Geo. U. Taylok. next Wednesday night June 24th, tho public schools will give a union entertainment at the Opera House which you cannot offer to miss. If you will glance over tho programme you will sco at once that it surpasses aii previous efforts, NOTES OF THE RIVER. News About the Bout* Boatmen on the Ohh Tho Keystone State passed up yester day for Pittsburg, with a good trip. The Batchelor swung off yesterday for Cincinnati and way points. Tho Telegraph of the White Collar Line, which has boon running in tho Pomeroy and Cincinnati trade,made her last trip the other day, with colors Hy ing, over the course which she has j traveled for years. She will betaken I to Marietta, where her machinery will ; he taken out, and she will bo dismant- i led and wrecked. The machinery will be used hi tho new Telegraph, which will be erected. Tho marks on tho landing at. midnight showed 13 feet of water in tlii channel and rising. Several tows of coal passed down yestorday afternoon and last night. PiTTsntTHO, Pa., June 21.—Pviver 9 feet C inches and stationary; cloudy. Do You Wuit it l’lano Cheap? If so, don’t d< iv but come and see us at once. We h n several nice Upright Pianos that h r been in use but a very ; little while, which wo are offering at great bargains. F. W. Baumer & Co., 1310 Market Street. Fou the parade and dedication of the now Masonic Temple at Barnesvillc, Ohio, Wednesday, June 24, the B. & O. Company will sell excursion tickets , from Wheeling and Bellaire at one fare for the round trip. Tickets good to re turn on the 25th. Sunday Excursions. Until October 25th the O. It. R. R. Company will sell Sunday excursion tickets at ono fare for round trip to M und^viile, Woodland, New Martins villo, Sistersvllle, Salama, Williams town and Parkersburg. — ■ .. ~>pe or sickness has left you w yes, or if your eyes tiro or ; • when reading cr sewing, o'jx,. nd have your eyes tested for .< -us without charge by Prof. Shcff, theonly Optician in the city, located at Lash’s Jewelry Store, corner Main and Eleventh streots, w.w.f.d*g • A SENSATION. ’TIRRIKa OP o? STAID OLD POIN PL8ASANT. Two Females Behind the Bars—Another Arres' for Murder it Huntington—The Csuai List of Crimes and Casualties. Mrs. Parker, the Ft. Pleasant women who figured conspicuously a short time ago, in a row in which her husband. Viler, Parker, cut her so ser ously with a hatchet, has mine to light again in a more flag rant style. At the time of the rutting .ITair she lived in the Stortz property, •-•oPTier of Sixth and Main streets, l t. Peasant. At this rime it will be re n*’inhered, mor* ’ban a column »p* i i in the Pt » fr ■' ; lx* facile pen "• Chas. White, testifying to h< . uty and chastity. She has lately b - n living in Iilinipsieoe Xiirciasy Wallace, a woman of flag rant character, has been livng with her. Monday night Marshal Adkins found these two no women in company with ori« M. > 1 > I.?r, a cobbler, and one Daniel Webster Brown, a pension attorney, in the said pension attorney’s office. The entire party were arrested, the women lodged in jail over night, and all had a healing Tuesday morning before Mayor lip pett, who lined each of the men £."» and women S20 and cost. Mrs. Parser ,, released Wednesday, the other ,\ .ijiaii is stii 1 behind the trs. Mr. Parker is now in jai! I leasant iwaiting trial for at' uurder, and public sympathy is u more than ever directed toward him. The ninth annual State Convention of that great National organization, the Women’s Christian Temperance I nion, will meet in the First Baptist Church, at Charleston, on next Tuesday, June 23. The convention will be in session for throe days, and an interesting pro gramme has been arranged for the occa sion. There will be delegates front all over the State present. Many promi nent workers are expected, among which are Mrs. R. J. Trego, of Dela ware; Mrs. A. J. Wright, Mrs. A. Md rick, Mrs. It. L. Kendall, of Parkers burg; Mrs. Lourida liar and Mrs. M. C. Parsons, of Grafton; Mrs. Mary Cart wright, Mrs. Jennie P. Sisson, Mrs. Sarah Warren and Mrs. E. V. Ilicks, of' Wheeling, Mrs. Sallie Orr, of Roney’s Point; Mrs. Belle Douglass, Petroleum; Miss Nannie Hall, of St. Mary’s; Mrs. Belle Harrison, of Pomeroy; Mrs. En gle, of Ben wood; Mrs. Mary Gibson, of Valley Grove; Miss Grace llall,df Ritchie C. II.; Mrs. Ella Parsons, of Keyser; Mrs. Jennie Crow, of Littleton; Miss Jennie Pickens, of Peel Tree; Mrs. C. E. Jackson, of Moundsvlllo, and Dr. llattie Jones, of Weston. “It is learned from a trustworthy source that the O. Sr- B. S., and the east ern division of the N. N. & M. V. rail roads will soon pass into control of the C. & O. The former runs from Ash land to Richardson, a distance of fifty miles, and the latter is in operation from Huntington, W. Va., to Lexing ton, Ky., a distance of one hundred and fifty miles. The C. & O. now owns thirteen miles of the M. V. line, and the acquisition of the other one hun dred and twenty-seven miles would give it entrance into Louisville, which it has so long desired. This would be effected over the JCentuckyjCmtral tracks, over which the M. V. has an agreement ef fective for a number of years. The route will be via Lexington. Recently C. P. Huntington is willing to come down a little on the prices, and negotiations have been opened with prospect of suc res';; but the same obstacle is in the way of the absorption of the O. it B. S. The owners ask more than the road is worth, but they have also come down a iittle and the deal will no doubt bn closed.” President Ingalls iias exam Midi the property, stnu wane its eonui- : tion is not the best, he thinks it can be made a paying feeder for the 0. & O., as the region through which the O. & ]j. S. and N. N. & M. V. pass, abound in minerals, and are thi 'kly settled. The Lexington Press adds: “If this report be true, and the deal is consummated, Lexington will never see those car shops which have boon so long hoped for.” The snfo for the new Spencer bank has arrived. It took eight yoke of oxen to get it to the bank building. Considerable excitement prevails in the “Bend,” growing out of the fact that a number of Mormon preachers have been in that neighborhood for some time teaching the doctrine- of that sect. Some converts, w< under stand, have been made, and a few Sun days ago some parties were baptised Into that church.—Philippi Republican. John O. McDougal will have hun dreds of bushels of paint. Ho has about 'J00 trees, but will put out some more this fall.—Pcmusbnro Beacon. So they’re raistng paint out In Ititchie, are they. [Continue*! on Sixth Page. ] L. S. Hood sells dry goods cheapest. A creat ranee of uncom U LJ mon styles in Embroidered Flounc in gs and TV hi le Goods. Full Skill Hemstitched Swiss Embroideries from 39c. a yard up. New Summer Dress Ma terials arriving daily. Em. And you can make a good one with us if you want anything in FURNITURE, f.nppPK STjWPv Iflhi L" ®iw■*, uniK?c OcRRUINW nmot te iiaiSimHsah 1800 Main Street. Weekly or Monthly Payments. _ %Lcw 5»>uertiftfntcnt0. jpOR SALE-FURNITURE. l-'ivo rooms furnished complete. Owner wants to leave tho city. With or without lease of five roomed cottage ou the Island. Cheap rent. Above high water mark*. Call for particulars. ROLF A HARVEY, Jel3eadh‘ 13U Market Street. Are) TACKLE We have everything you will need, in all crudes' from the finest to the cheapest, and at bottom prices. Split Bamboo Hods from S2.7G up. Steel Rods from £0.60 to 12.60. Sixty different styles of Reels from 20c to £10 each. _____ CHAS. H. BERR1T, jeTeidc 1030 WATER STREET. ---— pROPOSALS FOR DIGGING TRENCHES AND LAY • ING SEWER PIPE. Sealed proposals will be received at the office of the Hoard of Public Works of tin* city of Wheeling until 12 o’clock noon, Satur lay, Jut.e 2d 1801, for digging trenches and laying sew r pip,* Specifications of tho different sewers to he laid <• I II lie seen at tho office of the Hoard of Public Works. The successful bidder shall he re. aired to give bond, with two securities, iu penal sum of ©.0(A), conditional for the ■ itbful i erfi nnanoe of tl Hoard reserves the right to reject any or all iiids. Proposals to be marked ••Proposals for Digging Trenches utid Laying Sewer Pipe.” Hv order of the Board of Public Works. jeKk’.tdi T. M. DARRAU, Clerk. The time for receiving bids for above is ex tended until MOM DAY. .Jl Nh ~2, 1891, ti 11 :ce o'clock r*. m. T. M. DAKRAH,Clerk. Je30t:*di __ JXJ2TE3 Ths Month of Roses! WE LL MAKE IT THE MONTH OK BARGAINS. WRAPS MJACKETS at your n\A price to close them, as we need the room ter fall wear. All sizes colors and styles. Prices sliced away down. All high c’a.-s nov* cities will be slaughtered. BLACK DRESS SILKS l Wc bought too manv and In order to move them faster, have reduced them 25 per cent. Now is your opportunity to buy one cheap. SILK UMBRELLAS. Our 2fl inch Gloria Silk Fine OxoHzed Han dles are the biggest bargain ever ollercJ. Wo still have a few left. God Wash Dress Goods! Onr line Is tin- Urgest ever shown in this city, and at prices within the reach of all. Those h ive cent Dress Ginghams are selling rapidly and will not last much longer. 1132 MAIN STREET. Bills for WATER RENTS for the sU months ending September CO'.h. 131 are nuw ready. If paid at ire ri of the City Water Beard on nr 'ey , June 30th, i831, a discount of fen p-«.* cent will be allowed, THE CITY WATER BOARD. juleod&d at No. 1413 Ch:u ' ■ • >*r> • \ Voh is a • projierty and wifi in- • j.t v<-ry cl ugu . Fine Building LoA. near Cept. McLure's Park on Si i .1 r: G. O. SKITH. Heal Estate ARent, ]el4 No 1889Market Strati;. TbSIGNKTys BALE or DRUG ST0B3. Edmund P. Becking having a^iRif >: a * l inesfl and stock iu tr idi* i »iie corn r of T • 'ft and Chaj lin< street* to I be und brut tit of creditors all I'-r-on, will t;j. i. tlmt l»r. Edmund Bucking will Couilt 1 : carry on the business u> my n^cnt. t nnts and st< ck la Ir&deare for *al it] sale until further notic**. „ inyi7'*dh JOHN O. PENDLET N JT OOh. w XUUtt To Builders and Gwnsra c! IMc"ngs. I now have on bani the l'v-'t1 i.*c > i < Slat- Mantels ever brought! - i:.ic iy. ■ iron 1 ftssortmentof Gas Grate* aui 'i “ “ Sad nil g* ods ' - ■ » at i .y place and you can *e> just "•'*>»• > u\ „?Sad >« .hi - lKi3dae_ Main strc t. “Pillsfeufy’s your barrel flour is branded W'f this: and you wUl bo sure yon have the BEST FLOUR MADE, Sold by all Grocers. \ nntPi r n * v EL/twiLy 2 &*«* ! OUR Parlor Fsr.'.'.ra Chamber Fora • Dining fiocm Fuiiiit^ Library Furnitu:?,, Dali Furniture, Kitchen Furniture, Of ill Oescrifl 5 —os— EASY PAYMENTS. _M| ,| iin in - at ‘5