Newspaper Page Text
|lcn> Slfcuerttaenmtt*.__ REMOVAL I ABOUT JULY 15. Our new rooms will be ready for occupancy about July loth, and our stock must be reduced before mov ing. In view of this fact we have started a Special Removal Counter On which are bargains unsurpassed from every department. Everyone should avail themselves of this oppor tunity to get desirable and seasonable goods at GREAT REDUCTIONS. GEO. E. STIFEL&CQ., No. 1114 Main Street. I N REASONS WHY Hot Hard to Understand—The Greatest Selection—Ihs Lowest Prices, ATTRACTIVE PRICE LIST: 8c. Printed Serges. 3?4c. 15c. Printed Como Cloth. O.H'c. 12 34 c. American Satines. Oi’tC. 35c. French Satines. 1134c* 12>4c. Plain liatisto Cloth. 5$4e. 1234c. Figured liatiste Cloth. 734c. 1234c. Figured Lawns. 5%c. 8c. Challies. 5c. 1234c. Challies. 7>4c. 15c. Pineapple Tissue. l?34c. 15c. Printed Muslines. 1234c. Thousands of Pieces New Wash Dress Goods to Select From. Stone <k Tlioipas^ M .T Mfiff ADT)EN _'_ I These Fine White Shirt* are made to order from extra tine Muslin, with three-ply fln« linen bosom*, three ply neck band-, reinforced bod te«. double sewej scam*, patent faeltuts in back and sleeves, and are made to order either open back or opeu front, with your initial on tab, at the special low price of H.OD. We guarantee a Kit nr return th»» moliOV. COOL ! COMFORTABLE! coNVepiJIeMt ! Our One Ounce Hat! This hat is made of very fine stock, and is the lightest hat ever made, being lighter than the lightest straw hat, ami can, if necessary, be folded small enough to be carried in the vest pocket. It is the lightest, coolest and most comfort able hat you ever saw. For Sale Sale Only by lis. ' M. * J. MoFADDEN, ONE PRICE HAT AND SHIRT STORE. 1300 Ss 1322 MARKET STREET, Opposite Opera House. £Untt»i«. DR. GEO. J. CADDIE, SURGEON DENTIST, NO. 1X10 MARKET STREET, Over Dollar Saving* Bank. a;Ae*d We Must Have Room For our Fall stock. And from now on we will offer the following GOODS AT COSTLESS CUALLIES, LAWNS, MOHAIR LUSTRE, DRESS GINGHAMS, embroideries, FLOUNCINGS, LACES, LACE CURTAINS, BED SETS, GLOVES AND SILK MITTS. In fact every article on our four floors have 1'ceu marked down to prices that will make hem go. CALL EARLY TO SECURE ACI10ICE. L. S. GOOD, 1125 and 11S7 Maiu St. • THIS WEEK LADIES’ FlrtE SHOES! SI.90 A H w a • a V* 03 g 2 * I i fif § U 2 a z < <s a w ^ j § AT THIS PRICE! ANAMAKER & BROWN’S 2,000 Now Samples of Spriu* Styles for Gents’ Salts. Come and examine them. J. W. FERREL, Agent, ;e3(J Cor. Main and Twentieth Street** Thermometer Record. Mr. C. Schnepf, the Opera House drug gist, made the following observations of the temperature yesterday: 7 a. m., 64; 9 a. m , 77; 12 m..*S5; 3 p. m., 86; 7 p. m., 83. Weather, clear. THE WEATHER vTashihgtos. D. C., June 24 —For West Vir ginia, Western Pennsylvania and Ohio, fair; stationary temperature; southwesterly w;nu»: fair Friday. Index ta New Adervtlsements TirTH PAGB. Notic®—Mark Twain Club. Wanted—Upstairs Giri. Wanted—Young Man on Farm. Pine White China—Ewing Bros. Wanted—Girl for Housework. Gas Stoves—Nesbitt A Bro. Lost—Memorandum Book. Fouud—Bunch cf Keys. For Sale—Grocery and General Store. EiGUTU PAGE. Rusting Business—Stone A Thomas. THE GARRISON CASE. A Possibility that Judge Pauli Will He Asked to Hear Evidence. Counsel for the defense in the Garri son case have asked Judge Pauli wheth er or not it would be possible to have him hear the evidence in the motion for a new trial, delayed by the illness of Judge Campbell. It is the Impression here that even if Judge Campbell makes a reasonably prompt recovery it will be several months before he will be physic ally able to undergo the fatigues of a trial, and it was this feeling which, in large measure, prompted the enquiry by the defense. Judge Pauli said yesterday that he did not see how he could possibly en gage, in the matter before the expiration of a month. He has a good deal of Ohio county business on hand, havinca special term for early in July. The Marshall county Circuit Court is de manding attention, and ho has also a number of chancery cases awaiting him in Hancock. There is no definite decision in the matter, as yet, but it is likely nothing will be done for quite a while. WEBSTER ALUMNI. Third Anniversary Celebration, Tuesday Evening, at llie School. The Webster School Alumni Associ ation celebrated its third anniversary at the school building Tuesday evening. There was a good attendance of the members, and a very enjoyable time was had. The following programme was carried out: Welcome Address, lty the President, J. How ard Wells. Chorus By Misses McKinley, Evans, McNash, Scabright and Car pent* r. Recitation.The Golden Milestone Frank Klcvu. Chorus.By Several Members Recitation.Awfully Lovely Philosophy Miss Gail Ilollidav. Recitation.llow Girls Study Miss Annie Seabright. All present! wens then invited to the banquet roon, where an elegant spread was discussed. Supt. Anderson and Profs. Crago and Gwynn, delivered ad dresses, and the occasion was enlivened by music by Misses Lillie Thompson and llessie Evans. HEAL ESTATE MARKET. Deeds of Transfer Left, for Record Yester day. The following transfer of real estate were left for record at Clerk Hook’s office yesterday: Deed made Juno 13, 1891, by J. .T. Jacob and Alfred Caldwell, special com missioners, to W. II. Chambers, for the Chambers coal mine property, at Elm Grove; consideration, §8,250. -«*> Excursion mill Kon(|iiet. Tht Ritchie Alumni Association held a meeting at the s<-h«v)I house last night, and decided to give an excursion to Steubenville, for tin* members and in vited friends on Tuesday evening next, outlie steamer Liberty. Prof. Chas. Kiilrnoyer w^ll furnish the music. Re freshments will be served, and toast will be responded to, and a general good time will be had. Tiik new French bread at the Wheel ing Bakery is very elegant. Try it. To the I’nciltc Coast. Go to California via the through linos of the Burlington Route, front Chicago or St. Louis to Di over, and thence over the new broad gauge, through car line of the Denver and Rio Grand Railway, via Lead ville, Glen wood Springs and Salt. Lake—through interesting citie and unsurpassed scenery. Dining car service all the way. Low Rote* to Hagerstown via ». A t). R. K On account of meet of League <d American Wheelmen at Hagerstown. Md., July 2-4, the B. it O. R. R. Co. will -di excursion tickets to that point from aii stations on its lines cast of the Ohio river at the rate of one fare for the r >u;k! trip. Tickets will be sold from June 30th to July 3d, inclusive and will be valid for return passage until July 7th, Inclusive. Tiik daintiest little cake you ever saw is the Wheeling Bakery's Nickel Fruit Sold by all grocers. Sunday fcxenrsionH. Until October 25th the 0. R R R Company will sell Sunday excursion tickets at one fare for round trip to Moundsvlllo, Woodland, New Martins villo, Sistersville, Sal a uni, Williams town and Parkersburg. Reduced Rates for Fourth of July On July 3rd and 4th the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad Company will sell round trip Excursion tickets at all -tations on its line at greatly reduced rates as a concession to its patrons, who •nay desire to avail themselves of the holiday to travel for business or pleas ure. East of the Ohio river tickets will be honored for return passage until July 7th Inclusive, and west of the Ohio river until July tith inclusive. Apply io nearest B. & 0. uncut for rates. The Wheeling Bakery’s immense big loaves of corn meal bread are the great est health food in the world. Half Rates to the Northwest via It & (>. Railroad. On account of the convention of the Young People’s Society of Christian Endeavor at Minneapolis, Minn., July oh to 12th, the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad Company will sell round trip • tickets to that city from all stations on ■ its lines from July Oth to 8th inclusive, at the low rate of one fare for the rotir.d nip. These cheap rates arc not re stricted to delegates, but arc open to the general public. Tickets will be valid for return journey on trains leav ing Minneapolis July 12th to l">th in clusive. Those desiring to remain longer can do so by depositing their tickets for safe keeping with the. agent if tin* terminal railroad at Minneapolis intil they wish to begin their return journey such date not to be later than A ugust 2Gth, 18M. Cuas. O. Scull, Gen’l Pass. Agt. E. & O. R. R. ELECTRIC LIGHTS. THB YBRY MODERATE EXPIN8E OP THE SYS TEM IN CHICAGO, Where Street Lamps Cost But $34.20 Per Tear. Gas Costs Over $25 Per Lamp in Wheeling, and th* Bill thi3 Year Will Eo Over $20,000. The cost of lighting the streets and public buildings of the city of Wheel ing. with oii and gas, for the year end ing December 31, 1SS9, was 515,144.44 for the year ending December 31, 1890. the cost for the same sorvice was S!S, 039.6S, an increase of 82,895.24. If the same ratio of increase is maintained for the present year, the total cost of this department will be very close toS21.00(), and It must necessarily keep increasing from year to year. There are about, seven hundred oil and gas lamps in the city to-day, each erected at a cost of about twenty-five dollars, and their an nual maintenance, offsetting the gas burned in public buildings by the cost proportionately of the exten sion of the mains upon the lines of which these street lamps are located, was last year about 825.7? per lamp. The sort of service given is something the public is thoroughly familiar with. Xow, for a gross sum of about 811,000 or $12,000 the proposed four hundred light electric plant can he operated, or at from about S3o to 835 per lamp per year, a sum but five dol lars per lamp per year, or a little more, in excess of what is now paid for the worthless gas and oil lamps. These fig ures, as a matter of course, will not suit interested electrical companies with an itching for a fat long-term contract, but they tally remarkably well with the ex periences of some other cities, Chicago, for instance, where, last year, 1,002 arc lights wore operated at a cost of but $37,345, or 834.20 per lamp per year, as against 510 per lamp per year for gas. and the remarkably high figure of S103 per lamp per year for oil lamps, includ ing repairs, attention, etc. t’pon the general subject of street lighting in Chicago, the Econutni'it of that city says: “The cost of lighting the city for 1800 was 8082,351, with 30,418 street lamps, of which 20,236 were gas, costing for lighting and maintenance, 8500,525, or 819 per lamp per year; 1,010 oil lamps, costing for material and light ing, 8104,687, or 8103 per lamp; 8,080 gasoline lamps, costing for maintenance, §41,384, or 85 per lamp, and 1,092 elec tric lights, costing for maintenance, §17,315, or 834.20 per lamp.” As a result of this showing, it will he the policy of Chicago to Increase its electric lights and cut off its gas and oil lamps, just as fast as circumstances will permit, the city thus not only saving a large sum of money, but getting, of course, a greatly improved light. There is food for thought In this for the citizens of Wheeling, especially when they recall the offer of a company to light the city for the term of teu years, with a buy or renewal attach ment, at something like 872 per lamp per year. The difference between the >72 per lamp of this contract, and the >34.20 of the cost in Chicago, would re present something very handsome in the course of ten years. Tiik great success of Corn Meal Bread is simply surprising. The biggest loaf for 10c you ever saw. Sold by all gro cers and bought by everybody. Try a loaf or two and you will find it just what you have been looking for. WlIKKU.N'li Bakkry. L. S. floor) sells dry goods cheapest. i?. fcurv tiyent cut a* w k 5 o r' i D p*^ I a * MS *L - ■ ;-k- t —; f | 1 h-H wW w TAKE WARNING. Housekeepers should look to the quality of ' their Artificial Ice. On' Ice is manufactur'd i with the greatest of e,, expressly for family I use from Pure Art-sini W'll Water. di»ti led tind filtered. The following responsible ice 1 dealers are handling our ice exclusively in the city and suburbs: Koehnllne Itros , Ball Bros., George Roth A 1 Co.. N. Kuhn. Chares Taylor, A. Dim tniek. Honevateele .v Breidenstein, Boll.-iirt. Ohio: Peter Dolan, Benwood, W Va.; Hallani Ur's.. Wnshlng.’on. Pa.; Benj. Conkb*, Mouuds- ( v ille. W. Va Weare r.ot responsible for any complaints as i tl, qua lit i of ice bought from other dealers j !inin ib< si- above mentioned, VVIIEKMMi ICE AM) STUKAtiE CO. jegtk-Adra_| CO. A great range of uncom mon styles in Embroidered Flouncings and Mliite (roods. Full Skirt Ilemstitclied Swiss Embroideries from j :’,9c. a yard up. New Summer Dress Ma terials arriving daily. ' &CO. $ou9c Sc S?rrmai»n, And you can make a good one with us if you want anything in 1 * 1800 Main Street. Weekly or Monthly Payments._ Jmmmtr |tcoovi». Si£SpEHT5S GARJBEftl FOR THE SUMMER SEASON. A Beautiful Pleasure Resort, with All Conveni ences ami Aiu'j.H-nientfi, New Bowling A Beys and New Bulls Elegant lee Cream Parlor m front of residence, with private drive leading to it. Spoeivnft Trap Shooting Grounds. Pavi.ii n provided with an elegant Piano to no,eo uiaodute P.urous dcsiriug to give private hop,-. ItV.Y MANN’S AND SCI! Mt.’Llt ACH'S BF.F.R eoii.-tauiiv on tap, and ail kinds of Refresh ments nerved. Restaurant in <;■ unectioii. UHAS. SEI1IERT, Prop’r. jelfleAura rPHE WHITE SULPHUR SPRINGS GREENBRIER COUNTY, W. VA., situated high up in the Alleghanies,2,000 feet above tidewater, is now open for the season. This noted resort, made famous by three gener ations, is immediately on the line tf the great Chesapeake and Ohio railway, with its splendic vestlbuled and express trains both Last and West, and therefore readily accessible from al pur's of the country. The high standard of the cvUin* obtained un der the present management will be fully main tained and extended. Pamphlets, with full information, can be ob tained at all general ticket offices, or from B. F. EAKLE, 1e7d&eb Superintendent. : Opens fiir the Season June 14th, and Closes October 1st. This Park Is situated 1214 miles down the river in Belmont county, Ohio, and Is filled : with most any kind of amusements for ycuug and old. Refreshments of All Kinds Furnished »;t City Prices. The steamer ".lOLl.Y BROS." leaves the i wharf with the Magnificent Flouting Palace ‘•Belmont Park” in tow every day at w a. in. and i 4 p. in. The Great Easters ltalidii Band of Pittsburg, will be statloued at tins Park Hound trip tickets on the hr. it, trciu-Hiig ad- ) mission ;nt• ■ tPark and privilege- -1 dancing, $5 cents Early applicants secure choice of ! dates. Address Ll.»* ANNUL 1 Z. General Manager. jalOeadsb Moundsville, v\ Va. The finest resort in the Ohio Valley, unsur passed for health and pleasure, has Just opened [ its new and spacious Restaurant and is prepar ed to serve First-CInsa Meals on short n »ti-e. daily until 3 o’cloo’c p. in. The ! Cm,.*; lee Cream, fresh from the Park s own dairy. Tei: pin parties should engage the alleys ill advance by telephoning to 0j2 1. ji 2\ sT |yI _ RUPTURE o’JREO ? YES. NYE FINGER TRUSS. NYE TRUSS CO. MAKERS, Chicopee Falls, mass. Hundreds have been cured and Wiper cent of j those matured can be cured by 'v>Mr;n : the >TK I I NOKK IdJIISs, to l»e found a* Knolu 18, /.Inn’s Kloclc, corner of Main and Tenth streets. Conio ltatiou and examination fiike. r -IS— iVE'LL MAKE IT THE MONTH OF HAKGAINS. _ . the room for fall wear. All sizes colors and styles. V/SQLEfi SRFS5 GOODS. Prices sliced away down. All high cL" nov elties will lie slaughtered. BUCK DRESS SILKS! We bought too many and in order to Move them faster, have reduced them er nt. Now I» your opportunity to buy one eh-:»j» SILK UMBRELLAS. Our inch GlrrSa Silk Fine Ov-./ed Han dles are tlie biggest barguiu ever ill-red. V. > still have a few left. Our line is the largest ever shown in thL city, and at prices ivithin 'h P-icbof all. Those Five cent liress Ginirhams are ^..Jing rapidly and will not 1hnI. much longer. 1132 MAIN STREET. IF YOU WANT li<rht, sweet, white, wholesome ” BREAD, is the finest flour made. PILLSBURY’S BEST is made from the choicest select ed wheat, with the most ex pensive machinery, by the most perfect methods, in the largest flour mills in the world. Sold by all Grocers. I -ON -f— EASY WEEKLY —OR — OUR 1136 to 1140 Market St. JOS. H, McARDLE* Manager.