Newspaper Page Text
, • • MRS. PICK SOW LITE WITH MR. 8T0D D1R, But There Was bo llopemant, Merely a Little Platonic Friendship—The Woman Deserts Her Bosoand for a Widower With Two Children. New Yokk, AuguatlS.—Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Peck, of Spring Valley, saved tnelr pennies and bought a side-bar top buggy last spring. About Juue 15 Mrs. Peck ordered the horse to be hitched to the new buggy. She drove towards the railroad station, presumably to meet her husband on his way from New York. The horse, a good roadster, pulled the new buggy be yond the station just as Mr. Peck step ped off the Incoming train. Mr. Peck waved his handkerchief, but his wife, the horse and the new buggy passed on. Surprised, but not angry, Mr. Peck began a dusty march towards his cot tage, a half mile distant. Ho had pro ceeded but a short way when, catching the sound of wheels, he turned and saw his wife driving rapidly by with two young girls. Then Mr. Peck did become angry. Trudging through the dust he at length reached home, whereupon he declared himself. “My dear,” said he “hereafter, when you wish to drive my trotter hitched to j the buggy, whieh our joint savings pur chased, you will do so in the morning. The evening air is bad for you, and be sides I desire to race a mile cr so with other horse owners up the road and do not care to have the horse tired by pull ing numberless children through sandy roads. See?” Then Airs. recK asserieu ner riguut. i The silly quarrel was never mended. Last January Mr. Peck, who is em ployed by the Wilmerding Company, at Broadway and White street, was taken very ill. From that date until the lat ter part of March he wasconfiued to his house in Spring Valley. At times his life was despaired of. But all through his illness he was nursed, not alone by i his wife, but by his kind friend Mr. S. H. Stodder. Mr. Stodder lived but a short distance from Mr. Peck, and his business was likewise in this city. He was engaged at electrotyping in the office of the New York Ledger. By the first of April Mr. Peck was able to be about again. Then the wife of his dearest friend ; took sick and died. Her illness was the result of an Injury sustained in a railroad accident about eight years ago, and for which she recovered damages from the Erie road. Mr. Peck’s bereaved friend Stodder then proposed that he and hts two little girls, aged fourteen and twelve years, should live with Mr. and Mrs. Peck until such time as school “let out” and he could make permanent arrangements for the care of his child ren. The proposition was accepted, and trouble begau to brew. The neighbors (gossips, according to Mr. Peck) said that the Peok house must be like a pig pen, because Mrs. Peck was always out driving with the Stodder man. Mr. Peck heard the rumor and tried to trace it to its source, but his efforts were un 9UOC««dful. _ ... Nevertheless the suspicions which this rumor caused regarding his wife’s too great intimacy with Stodder rankled In the breast of Peck. The buggy in cident, when he saw himself walking in the dust and the Stodder children ; riding in bis new buggj with hts wife, j brought forth the utterances of his j wrath. Peck was told that his wife was about to sue for divorce. This he denied. Th**a it was hinted to him that his wife was unfaithful. He took the hint as an insult. Tma.ntlmo cr'Kftnl fUlt.” and Stodder talked of moving. He did not, however, change his abode until July 23, nearly a month after his two children and the Pecks’ three children had begun their vacation. And then Mrs. Peck went with him, or rather with his daughters, and they all joined him at No. 501 Quincy street, Brooklyn. They have all lived there more or less happiiy since. Mr. Peck was seen at his home in Spring Valley yesterday. “This story,” said he, “is all gossip. My wife is with niy friend, Mr. Stodder. but she will re turn to me In a week's time. She went to settle his new homo in Brooklyn for him. He nursed me while I was ill and we owe him a debt of gratitude. My wife and I had a qnarrel, but that will amount to nothing. The Spring Valley people are all gossips anyway.” At No. 501 Quincy street the reporter met with an extraordinary reception. The door had hardly been opened when out of the darkness a man's voice shouted: “1 deny everything! There was no elopement.” “Then Mrs. Peck is not here?” In quired the reporter. “Yes, I am here,” quietly answered the woman, and the loosely clad form of a woman appeared from the dark re cesses of the hallway. “You see,” continued the man who declared himself to be Mr. Stodder, “Mrs. Peck did not leave home of her own accord, so there was no elopement. As to whether she was forced to go I leave yon to draw your conclusions. I will not say another word but deny everything said by Mr. Peck and the people in Spring Valley. Mrs. Peck and l are liviug here in a purely Plan tonic fashion. That’s all.” During the course of his remarks Mr. Stodder was frequently Interrupted by his Plautonie friend, who begged him not to say anything on the subject. Chinamen Sent Back. St. Louis, Mo., August 18.—Three more Chinamen were arrested at San Antonio yesterday and forwarded to San Francisco, whence they will be sent back to China. They were trying to make their way into the United States from Mexico. Those arrests bring the total up to fifteen during the past few months. No Place Like Home. Rerun, August IS.—Forty-six of the j recalcitrant Russians In the poor house here have declared that tney would i rather pay to return to Russia than ! work for the Germans. They produced j the necessary money. All the others, ' who refuse to work, will be sent to the j frontier. For Over Fifty Tears. An Old And W’bli^ Tried Reuedt.— Mrs. Winslow’s Soothing Syrup has been used for over fifty rears bv millions of mothers for their children while teething, with perfect success. It soothes the child, •ofteus the gums, allays all pain, cures wind colic, and is the best remedy for Diarrhoea. Is pleasant to the taste. Sold by Druggist* in every part of the world. Twenty-five cents a bottle. Its value is incalculable. Be sure and ask for Mrs. Winslow’s Soothing Syrup, and take no other kind. ' r- v . .. VC1- » .in. lb HAYES AT BABNR8YILLE. He Lauds Impartially Governor Campbell and McKinley. Pptcial Ttltgram to tK* Register Barxesville, August 18.—Ex-Presi dent Hayes did not arrive here last evening, as was expected. Quite & crowd went to tho B. & 0. depot for the 3:15 train, but were disappointed, the reception committee receiving a telegram that he would not be here until the midnight train. Quite a num ber of people remained for that train, and when he ar rived it is estimated that several hundred people were there to meet him. He was escorted to the Hotel Central by a Reception Committee appointed for | that purpose. As early as six o’clock this morning there were people in the hotel office waiting for the ex-President to come down. The City Band sere naded him about eight o’clock, and wheD he was introduced he made a short speech, in which he said that while he was out of Rplitics himself he felt sure that they were in good hands. He spoke very nicely of Gov. Campbell and Major McKinley, saying that they were on tho best of terms and that he had no doubt but that they were both first-class men aud well fitted for the position. He spoke to about 1,200 people. At about 9 o’clock this morning he was escorted to the Pennyroyal Reunion grounds, where he spoke to quite a large audience on tho subject of “Pennyroyal.” Owing to the cloudy weather to-day the crowd was not as large as it usually is, but it has cleared now and to-morrow prom ises to be a fine day. Governor Camp bell and Major McKinley will speak to morrow. JUMPED FKOja WINDOWS. A Fire Causes a Panic In a Big Store at Waco. Waco, Tkx., August 19.—A disas trous fire occurred in this city yester day. The flames started in the large dry goods establishment of Goldstein & Miguel, and spread rapidly. The store was filled with customers on its three floors, and they became panic stricken and rushed madly about. Several leaped from the windows and were seriously injured. They are Mrs. C. X. Alexan der, who sustained a compound fracture of her left leg; W. A. T. Smith, left hand and eyes severely injured; I. A. Goldstein, Harry Caldwell and Miss Georgie Best, who sustained severe burns. It is not yet known whether all who were in the building escaped with their lives. The store of Curtis & Rand, hard ware merchant*, also caught tiro and was badly wrecked. Several buildings ou the opposite side were badly dam aged. The total loss wiil sum up over 5300.000. The fire is supposee to have j been started by electric light wires. Young People’* Christian Union. Cleveland, O., August IS.—The second annual convention of the Y’oung People’s Christian Cnion, of the Universalist Church, is in session in this city. This morning Mrs. Mildred Rohm Smith, of Towan da, Pa., read a paper on “Ways of Pro moting the Growth of a Society,” and Marion Young, of Philadelphia, on “Denominational Reading.” The Ex ecutive Board recommended that the convention of 1*93 be held in Chicago. Farmer*’ Alliance Close Their Door*. Richmond, Va., August IS.—The fourth kiiitUAl mmmou of tLd I'inufiT. Alliance met here yesterday at noon, and was called to order by President Mann Page, after whieh the doors were closed. There were ninety odd dele gates present. President Page de livered his annual address, in which he appealed to his hearers to stand’shoul der to shoulder in sustaining the de mands-of the Ocala convention. Hour Nailers and Packers*** 8rike. Minneapolis, Minn., August 18.— Three hundred and fifty nailers and packers at the flour mills went out on a strike this forenoon and were out for two hours. They demanded twenty five cents per day more. It is the busi est time of the year and there was noth ing for the millers to do but submit. The men went back on a promise that the concession would be granted. The men in the Pillsbury A did not go out. When Baby was sick, we pare her Castoria. When she was a ChilJ, she cried for Castoria. When she became Miss, she clung to Castoria. When she bad Children, she gave them Castoria 3 Aroldl DlemUsed. Ottawa, Ont.. August 18.—It is re ported that Aroldt has been dismissed and John A. Willis appointed Chief Me chanical Engineer of the Public Works in this place. The Government is hold ing an investigation into the alleged stealing from the printing bureau of paper for civil service examinations. Shot Dead in the Street. New York, August 18.—At 3 o’clock this morning, during an altercation in front of 63 Mulberry street, Michael Delgatti, 1? years old, was shot by an unknown man. He died soon after his arrival at the Chambers Street Hospital. The police are looking for the mur derer. Result of a Quarrel. Louisville, Ky, August 18.—Near Owensboro, yesterday, M. B. Hazelwood shot and killed John Fitts. They had au old quarrel. Fitts went to Hazel wood’s yesterday morning, it is alleged, with the purpose of killing him, and Hazelwood shot him. Royal Guests. Paris, August IS.—King Alexander, of Servia and his father, Ex-King Mil an, are sruests of President Carnot at Fontalnbleau. BACMLLIJN BLOOD. Recent experiments as read before the 1 last Congress of Surgeons at Berlin, leave j no doubt that the true wav to CLEAR j THE SYSTEM OF MICROBI is through the pores of the skin. It has been found that a remedy which kills the Mi crobi will also destroy tbe life of the ! patient; but it has also been found that the i Microbi can be forced out through the skin, and it is in this way that C* C C relieves the system of poison. 2l2i2f HAVING SUFFERED much from Conta H gious Blood Poison, after using half a dozen bottles of {F3RSR9I vu restor ed TO PERFECT HEALTH, and all eruptive sores disappeared. You are at liberty to make any use of my statement that you wish.—J. Crosby Byrox, 208 Third Avenue, Pittsburg, Pa. Treatise oa Blood asd Skin diseases mailed bee. _ , SWIFT SPECIFIC CO~ j Drawer 3. Qt ENTOMOLOGIST FLETCHER’S TALK. •38,000,000 of Crop* Destroyed by the Ravage* of Insect*. Washington, August 18.—The Asso ciation of Economic Entomologists held its first meeting yesterday and was ad dressed by the President, James Flet cher, Entomologist and Botanist to the Dominion of Canada. In referring to the great loss to crops occasioned by ravages of insects, he said that the value of agricultural products of this country is estimated at about §380^ 000,000, and of this an average of about ten per cent. i3 lost; In short $38,000,000 is given up almost without a struggle by the people of the United States. Not the Robber of Frazer. Memphis, Tenn., August 18.—Col. Dudley Frazer, who was chloroformed and robbed at the Oayso Hotel In this city last Thursday, returned from Mon tesano, Ala., this morning, for the ex press purpose of identifying, if possi ble, the prisoner held by the Memphis police as a “suspect.” Col. Frazer, after looking at the man, stated posi tively that he was not the person who perpetrated the outrage, and the prison er, who is Dr. J. E. Clemens, a reputable young physician of this city, was re leased. __ Belgian Economist Dead. Lojoion, August 18.—The death is announced of Jean Joseph Thonisen, the Belgian economist, aged 74. “The Senator*.” Waihington Star. They are pretty when they practice, And their exhibition curves Are so clever that the fact is They are trying to the nerves In a tussle they show muscle, They are manly, strong and tall, Hut thev cannot, On, thev cannot pfay base ball. We will never tire of gazing At their loose and graceful clothes, Nor grow weary in our praising Of their neatly fitting hose. Such fine faces on the bases It’s a pleasure to recall. But they cannot, Oh, they cannot— Plav base ball. Didn’t Dare. C. B. in Judgr. “Come, buy that bouquet you are smelling of And sene it aw»v to the woman you love.” “Well, really. I hardly think that I can: Perhaps you don't know I’m a married man.” LAUGHLIN’S WORM SYRUP A PERFECT VERMIFUGE* Vegetable in its Composition ; pleasant tc the taste, and effectual in its purpose. 25 Gents. Every Bottle Warranted. Sold by most Dealers. Manufactured only by JNO. G. McLAIN & SON, WHEELING. W, VA. .A-TTEnSTlJ THJii Great Wes! Virginia Exposition and State Fair —AT THE— CITY OF WHEELING, V/. VA. SEPTEMBER 7, 8, 9, 10 and 11,1891. FOllRTEES great races! A magnificent display of Horses, Cattle, Sheep, Swine, Poultry, and pro ducts of the Farm and Fireside. Grand Balloon Ascension and Parachute Jump, Tuesday, September 8th, by the Famous Jewell Bros. Speed Entries close August 31st, at II p. m. Entries in all other Depart ments close September 3d. This will be Wheeling’s most fashionable event of the season. EXCURSION RATES ON ALL RAILWAYS. Address Secretary for premium list or information. A. REYMAXN, President. GEO. S. OTTE, Secretary. (JEO. HOOK, Treasnrer. auledAtri _ ----- WEST ♦ VIRGINIA ♦ PRINTING ♦ C0I0PANY —PUBLISHERS OP THE DAILY. SUNDAY. WEEKLY. The Register Acknowledged Leading Paper OF WEST ‘V'llRGKIIS'I.A IN its Local News, State News, General News, and in every department, it is ahead of all others. Its Market Reports are the fullest and the best. Its corps of correspondence is large, and composed of men of character and standing in their respective com munities. The Register is printed every day in the year and weekly. The price of the Daily Keaistcr, for three months, • - $2.00 Suntay Kegister, per year, - 2.00 , IDeefcly Keaister, per year, • 1*00 j Address, WEST VIRGINIA PRINTING CO., #r • " j Wheeling, W. Va. Hood’s Sarsaparilla Mandrake. Dandelion, and other valuable vegetable remedies, every strictly rare, and the best of Us kind It is It^s prepared by*thoroughly competent pfear * mJcists, in the most careful manner, by a peculiar Combination, Proportion and Process, giving to It curative power Peculiar To Itself It will cure, when in the power of medicine, Scrofula, Salt Rheum, Blood Poisoning, Cancerous and all other Humors, Malaria, Dyspepsia, Biliousness, Sick Headache, Catarrh, Rheumatism, and all difficulties with the Liver and Kidneys. It overcomes That Tired Feeling, Creates an Appetite, and gives great mental, nerve, bodily, and digestive strength. Hood’s Sarsaparilla Is sold by all druggists, gl; six for $5. Prepared only by C. L Hood & Co., Apothecaries, Lowell, Mass. N. B. If you decide to take Hood's Sarsapfls * rilla do not bo Induced to buy any other. IOO Doses One Dollar OFFICE OF THE CLERK OF THE COUNTY Court of Ohiocounty, W. Va. In the matter of the probate of the will of Thomas P. Shallcross. deceased. This 21st day of July. I8M, John J. Jacob pre sented his petition asking for the probate or the will of Thomas P. Shallcross, deceased, and it appearing by said petition and an affidavit filed herein that Anna Shallcross. wife of Ee wood W. Shallcross. Thomas Pauli Shallcross, Dewees Shallcross. Harry Shallcross (son of il liam D.) and Harry A. Shallcro.s are non-resi dents of the State of West Virginia, it is there fore ordered that the aforesaid parties do ap pear within one month from the first publica tion hereof and do what is necessary to protect their interest in this matter. (Published the first time Ju!y 22J. 1W1. GEORGE HOOK. Clerk. John J. Jacob, Attorney. 1y22oawt SALE. BigBargains in Handkerchiefs —TOR THI— next ten days. 5c. Handkerchiefs marked 2 for 5c. 1 Oc. Handkerchiefs for • • 5c. 15c. Handkerchiefs marked 3 for 25c. 20c. Handkerchiefs for • • !0c. 25c. Handkerchiefs for - *15c. Come Early, for Such Good Values Don't Long go Begging. 1152 Main St. "^rtSype Porcelain Finish Photographs. The most beautiful production of the Photo* *rpersoBaTattention ^iren to a^^nin^d. n-artf No. 1906 Market street. gEDMAN & CO. Have removed their Machine and Blacksmith Shops to New Iron Building, No. 1714 and 1716 CHAPLINE ST. Ail work promptly attended to._ap21c_ Attention, Soldiers! JAMES«, limit, EXPERT II PEISIOI CLAIMS, TF YOU DESIRE TO APPLY FOR PENSION, X write rae your present age, date of your en listment, Company and Regiment, date of your discharge and plac* where discharged. Narae all injury or disease with which you now suffer, whether contracted in service or since your dis charge. Write vour name in full, with post office address, and I will prepare the necessary papers. Widows and Soldiers who desire their claims speedily and successfully prosecuted, should address JAMES A. HENRY. U. 8. Claim Attorney, Wheeling, W. Va. je26abead : - -11 II ATTENTION, BUYERS, jfi I Best place to buy your Carpets, at I j: Henry Jacobs’. * Best place to buy your Oil Cloth, : | at Henry Jacobs’. 8 Best place to buy your Rugs, at ' fl Henry Jacobs’. y Best place to buy your Feathers, at Henrv Jacobs’. Best ulace to buy your Pillows and >: Bolsters, at Henry Jacobs’. % Best place to buy your Lace Curtains, y at Henry Jacobs’. HENRY JACOBS’ B People's Bank Building, , cor. Main and Twelfth Sts., Wheeling. | ; ———'-■wewraTir—S BUILDING LOTS! At Elm Grove..V)x400, two minute*’ walk from B. A O. and Elm Grove depots. At Pleasant Valley, choice location. At Moundhvilie, right in centre of town; will double in va ue very shortly, 40x180.1320. On North Front street, on South Front street, either side North York, river lot; on South Penn, fine location, on cither side: on South Broad wav,old base ball park, good lot for fl.COO; on South’York. :!0xl80, ffiOU: on North Huron, old Fair Ground, choice lot facing Kentucky street, BOO; lot 14 in Gil'hrist's addition, f.'fcj.); South Huron street, 30x180, WuO. on McColloch street. Fifth ward, on Fourteenth and Fifteenth streets, any size vcu want; on Twen ty-fourth street, 30x180. t&M; on McColloch street, East Wheeling, !•*>». G. O. SMITH, aujflNo. 1888 Market Street. Fiaivos aivd Organs BY THE BEST MAKERS. Musical (Boxes, Music Albums, Great Novelty: Ladies’ Musical Work B xes, Drums and all kinds of String Instruments at THOS. A. CAULFIELD’S, au2 Music Store, 1088 Market Street Are Yon Going Fishing? If so, now is the time to buy you TACKLE We have everything you will need, in all grades* from the finest to the cheapest, and at bottom prices. 8pllt Bamboo Rods from P2.76 up. * Steel Rods from PB.BOto 12.60. Sixty different etyles of Reel* from 20c to •10 each. CHAS. He BERRY, )e7e*de 183U WATER STREET. plumber*. WM. HARE & SON, PRACTICAL Plumbers, Gas & Steam Fitters, Ho. 33 Twelfth Street. All work dose promptly at reasonable prices. OOBERT W. KYLE, (Successor to Kyle A Ziegler), Practical Plumber, Gas aid Steam Fitter, 11U Market Street, Wheeling, W. Ta. Sanitary Plumbing a specialty. All work ia and out of the city promptly attended te and satisfaction guaranteed. Agent for the cele brated Bishop aud Babcock beer pump. mat JaxssC. Maxsbamr, Cxab. b. McKowx Joseph Lon. Xsnsbsrger, Lots & McKovn, PRACTICAL -Plumbers, Gas aid Steam Fitters Xo. «7 Twelfth Street, Wheeling, W. Ta. TRIMBLE & LUTZ! Coke Own and Engine Supplies Iron Pipe aad FlttUgg, Braaa Talres ud Peeks ui SjphMs, Stea* u4 Water fleepa, Plumbing, Qu and Steam Heating. lAie sad 1418 »-|-n . WHEBlSoTw/*ta. UPoil ygynr on* ff atnt®. 57a KURNER I —FBACTICAL— Painter, Grainer, Glaiier, Sign Paiater —Ain>— PAPER HANGER, Dealer m Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Wlado, Glass, Brushes, Painters’ Supplies, 4c, 1727 Market Street telephone as. wheeling, w. y* _ 0-0 TO KURNER & CO, FOB ALL QRACKS OF Wall Paper and Ceiling Decorations, ROOM MOULDING A PAINTERS- SUPPLlSs PAPER HANGING. SOLE AGENTS FOR PACRt'STA. HOUSE: SIGN PAINTING, Graining and Hard Wood Finishing All * Work Guaranteed and Done Promptly No. 39 TWELFTH ST. jefleAd $cgal Hotter®. J EGAL NOTICE. In the Cirouit Court of Ohio County. Virginia: * Mary Shull) vs. -InChaccerv n. M. Shull, | SUMMONS. The State of West Virginia to the Sheriff 0« Ohio County, Greeting: We command you tliat you summon H. M Shull, if he be found in your bailiwick, to sp, pear at the Clerk’s Office of Ohio Countv on f. first Monday of August, lt-Vt. to auswer \ btliu Chancerv for divorce, exhibited against him :» said Court by Mary Shull, aud leave then a< there this writ. Witness: John W. Mitchell. Clerk of our uU Court, at the Court House of said county on the 5tli day of July. Ittl JOHN W. MITCHELL, Clerk. ORDER Or PUBLICATION. The object of this suU is to obtain a dirorr* from bed and board with au order of perpetus. separation, and It appearing from an affidavit filed in this cause that the said H. M Shall, re spondent, is not a resident of the State of Weet Virginia, it w» ordered that the said li. M ShsJ do appear within one mouth from the pub.lo lion of this order, to answer sail bill, and to show cause why the several prayer* in said bid contained shall not be granted and so ordered and decreed by this Court. It is furtVr ordered that this order of publication be puk lished nnd posted according to law Enters at rules held for the Circuit Court of ohk Couuty on the first Monday of August, l^)i. JOHN W. MITCHELL. Clerk of the Circuit Court of Ohio County. Published the first time August 7th. 1861 J. W. MITCHELL. Clerk. NOTICE TO TAKE DEPOSITIONS. Mary Shull j Circuit Court of Ohio County, la Chancrj. To H. M. Sbuil: You will take notice that the deposition of Mary Shull. John Applegate. Maggie At»p,v gate and otaers, witnesses on part of th" plsiv | tiff, will be taken on Saturday, August .y t*;, 1 between tne hours of 8 a. m. and A p. in , at tb« I office of J. R. Braddock in the olty of We,is I burg, county of Brooke. State of West Vlrglmg j to be read in evidence on behalf of the plain | tiff at the hearing of the above entitled and if from any cause the taking ?t deposition be not commenced, or, being commenced, is not completed on that day, it will be contlonv) from day to day until ooinpleted. at whlea time and place you mnv attend aud crossei amine if you see proper. J. R. BRADDOCK. au'oawt Attorney for Mary Shall QOMMISIONER'S NOTICE. In ihe Circuit Court of Otto County, W»i I Virginia. In Chancery. Elizabeth Oldham. administratrix of tk I I estate of James H. Oljjham, deceased, Ccs- ■ LnUlawW.. -^__— George Miller, A. Wilton Kelly. Elisha Coni* ly, Gibson L. Cranmer, truestee. L D. Wllsov Mary E. Wilson, I. K Jonei. trustee, Emus Kurt and John Hurt, her husband, Anna Suth erland and Alonzo Sutherland, her huebssd, George P. Oldham, Laura Oldham and Eiiz* betb Oldham. Defendants. By virtue of an order entered In the above »a titled cause on the 8th day of July, 1861. It is r* ! ferred to the undersigned commissioner of »»iJ court to ascertain and report First. The value of the real and persons! es tate of James H. Oldham, deceased. Second. The liens and claims against aa.d estaU. Third. The value of the widow's dower!* gross. Fourth. Any other matter deemed pertinent by the commissioner, or required by any party interested. Notice is hereby given that the under»lgn*4 has fixed upon Monday the ‘J4th day of August, 1391, commencing at 9 o’clock a. m , a* the use, and his office. No. 1401 Chaplin** street, Wheel* ing. W. Va.. as the place at which he will pro ceed to ascertain and report the several m»tte:» i In the said order of reference required. Given under my hand this lOtn day of Jslj, 1891. GEORGE R. E. GILCHRIST. Botd A SomntnviLLB. Commissioner. Solicitors for Complainants. Jylloawt QRDER OF PUBLICATION. State of West Virginia, oounty of Ohio, li the Clrcu's Court of Ohio county. G. Morrison Coates, George M. Coates aa4 William M. Coates, partners doing business under the firm name and style o* Cost** Brothers, plaintiffs. Slyer B. Horkheiraer, THe«rtetta Horkbelni'r. his wife. Henry Baer, tru*tee, Diana Sinn, Bank of the Ohio Valley, Barbara Horkhelmer executrix of the last will and testament ol Simon Horkhetmer. deccAs-J, Bab* tta Horr heimer, Thaver Melrim trustee, Whe*»is| Bridge and Terminal Railway C’ornpaaT* George K. McMecben and William B *«• Mechea, partners doing business under t.. firm name and style of Geo. K. McMecben • Eon. , Iv Chsncert The object of the above entitled suit, B ■ pending in said Coart, is to subject to •*** der decree of said Court a part of lot !*o. 11. the city of Wheeling. West Virginia, on east side of Jacob street in the Forth wsn. bounded as follows: On the we*: by JV# street, on the south by Wheeling Creek. rB east by lot So. 18. and on the north by » IiB drawn from Jacob street to ssid M parallel to and south from Nineteenth *'• and at a distance of 180 feet therefrom, tho part of said lot conveyed to >1 \er B 1 • heimer by Simon Horkheimer snd **••• M ceptingso much thereof a* was convey said Company, for payment and satisfy*'! the lien of a judgment rendered by ^ ' in favor of the plaintiffs against said «*1 Horkheimer on the 1st day of October, ■ • l<2.71 with Interest thereon from October - 1880. until payment and costs now *B°° to 130 3). to have an account taken to law and a report mad* °* . name* of the holders of li«n* said realty, and the true *®,°“ < and priorities of such lleas,tobav* siecei tho rents of said property pending *“*• ' I appointed by the Court and an Injonctw restrain the payment of soch rent to ! sons except such receiver: to have saw* < ment satisfied out of the prooeei* of sucn •* and for general relief: and it an affidavit filed in this cause, *t that the defendants, Myer B. Horkb _ • Henrietta Horkheimer. Liana Sinn. **•* 'v Horkheimer, exeeutrix of the last wi.i and ament oX Simon Horkheimer. deceas'd ! Babetta Horkhalmer. are non-residents ° State of West Virginia, end they not tsvws been served with process in this motion of the plaintiffs, by their attorney • order of publication ts entered again** - * aad it is ordered that the said defendant*. . B. Horkheimer. Henrietta Horkheimer. L1 Sinn. Barbara Horkheimer. executrix will and testament of Simon Horkbeiner, . ceased, and Babetta Horkheimer, are \ to appear here within one mon’h a.ter inTf pub'ication of this order snd do what i»• nary to protect their interests: It ** ordered that this order he published ind V as required by law. Witness, John W. Vitehel. Clerk c I Court, at the Court House of »n.d cooaty. 5th day of August, 1*81 to wit: Au«*» ^ . ! 191. JOHW. W. MITCHELL Clerk (Published the first time Angus18. l»l Attest: J. W. MIWHItl^ Caldwell A Caldwell, Solicitors ^pUinaata^^ ALL KIND8 OF 1 PRIRTIRG |