Newspaper Page Text
Wi BELIEVE IN IT. rs3l$i JUS SHOW THIOL FAITH BT TEEL WOBX1 ^ f T« Tbowui Mian BabteriM to th« ‘ oa Tan Sqxam of Oaa Stmt frsv S'»» to Cob* Pomag la. If any evidence was needed to attest creat Interest felt by the people of ^j.eeiitg in the new City Hospital, It abundantly furnished, yesterday. / When apprized of the financial neces . ?j of the institution by a committee • ;iro or three gentlemen, the business -?5on Main street, between Twelfth and Sixteenth, pnt their hands i ■t\j tfceir pockets to the tune of over tyf thousand dollars, and when the \nr subscriptions which are practlc k ”y in sign; are handed in, there is a .-V.ect that the institution will be put tx>r & safe financial basis. t me ago those in charge of the p :tal felt that it would be necessary r\‘.ad the real estate purchased, in that the necessary amoont of 1 -rv to make indispensable repairs .improvements might be fortbcom :.z. but when the matter was brought w‘xtn? attention of business men, they i: v>cce said they thought there would %»r necessity of going to that unde extreme, and a series of sub ;;:jds by committees was proposed, s::. after consideration, was endorsed. Yesterday a committee, composed of W. A. Wilson, M. Horkheimer Hon. N. B. Scott took charge of jjax street, from Twelfth street to the jtek, and last evening It was an ; — :ed that about five thousand do) bid been secured. Two or three - tinman gave five hundred dollars eu.r, others one hundred dollars each, w: ** the fifties and twenty-fives came with a rush. Ac.ther committee, consisting of yetsra. H. M. Russell, Howard Haziett m another gentleman whose name » ipes us at this moment, have been k ,;:ed Main street, from Twelfth n-eet -orth. and still another commit* has been assigned to Market street. Ttese committees will complete their w.rk, as far as possible, in a few days, n: then the grand total of the sub . ription will be made known. Xnis is a work which commends itself a U and there should be a hearty and :*ra. response in tiie future, as there vss yesterday. RAN SHORT Or CASH. Aa Elopement that IVa# Interrupted by Lack of 1'anda. They eloped. That is, Tillie Milligan %ii William Fair, of Pittsburg. Fair bad a good job in a Sooth Side - bouse in Pittsourg, and he began it tiink what a nice thing it would be to live * mate in whom he could confide. H? proposed to Tillie, who readily ac aud hastened to gaiD her fath r > consent. He forbade the girl to :ne house and refused to allow Fi.r on the premises. The young lov saw tne way the wind wa» Diowing, i-f knowing it meant no good for them ;i-y planned an elopement. Tne young lady was to board a train u Avalon, while Fair would take the •_t 'line train at Gienfield. Everything ^sad along without the slightest , : tch. They arrived in Bellaire, 0., | . ...t 10:30 p. m. on Tuesday night. It j >i> ;uen too late to secure the services j a minister, so the ceremony had to be j > -:poned until the following morning, i 7: -7 secured anpartments In the finest .ne’. Early the neit morning they - ; x tne parlor and were conducted to the parsonage os the First Baptist : a-rch, where they were joined to-j getber. Tra:n time had come, and tne gallant i j 4 r proceeded to the office to pay Lis He found that he was just 54 j short. The clerk was inexorable and tar-atened them with arrest. Mrs. Fair case to his rescue, and suggested that 'ley write to her papa and get the re red amount. The letter was writ ttt. aid papa received it. He forward -i $12.50 oy telegraph, and was stand n the station at Pittsburg Thurs- * -'ay r. ght waiting to welcome the newly j voided pair. Mr Milligan said his only • abjection to the marriage of his daugh ter wa* on account of her age, she being scarcely 15 years old. Fair is not 20. THOSE WHO GOT THERE Leport of the Committee to Examine and (>r»de SUnoteripU. Tie resuits of the written examina- ; t>oa» j! eighteen candidates from dif- j parts of the State for the “Pea- j -ady scholarships” have been obtained :7 tbe committee, Messrs O. S. Long atd 0. D. Cook, and are reported as fol *C»s: Adopting 10 as the standard tbe sev *rt a^d dates rate as is here shown: > • w j Hamilton. Sun Set. SS2 *’ Vavwe.. A»ai. St. George.S.IB * ’ P*un*b©ro . S.8 » •• V Royer, Hautingtoa..SSI *- ■ >, Ca ro . * * fc atr*.- Bratton. Parkersburg. u jT\yt Ha.., Kite tie C. H.5 91 r ’’ H. Cu.right. Buckbancoa. J* h M. Viiila, lirtdt^port..S.1 *’ " C. Milter, Barra'taviLe.. #*S * “ arr:? M. SheppaM. Bethany.9.S J* U»i M On-. \Veil«burg.... U •’r haw M Skinner, Waiton.9-9 *' I; K. Phillip*, ^billtp*.&T6 k* s G. Mmth. Bridgeport. Harriaon... 6 Si i" : Ha.;, Mo«ad*Til e.SJH *■*' ' G MrCabe. eenwood.6 9 ■ Marr R Mri’-iun Po:nt . i .e written answers exhibited vary degrees of deficiency in orthography ^ i ota position, but these elements ^ tot included In the rating shown theve. committee thinks Miss Edna M. » d*st*rviLg of honorable mention, ' t n '.nough she is the youngest of tbe L~p- titers and has not had the ad 0f drill *nd review afforded l7 ip- practice of teaching, she stands J tL'rd upon the list. The success - tompetitor has had twelve years ex P*r<*2ce as a teacher, and the second in •--k has also taught in the public *hoo;«. The Milwaukee Cafe. A? proprietar of the Milwaukee Cafe : 1 made preparations to servo regu- j ■v meals to the citizens of Wheeling j ^ vicinitg and my patrons genera‘ly. ^J'ters served in all styles as well as ^ the half shell. Having * nicely appointed dining l^e patronage of the ladies of heeling is respectfully solicited, -^freshments and cuisine of the very W. H. Reid, Milwaukee Cafe, 1145 and 1147 Market SL • : - £ Harvet have on exhibition j *6 George Darat's window a map of the J ^“^cveaoents that are going on at Ben- j - auction. Bay a lot this week, JCMi will double your money in a ^drw Cry hr PftcWi Coturis » SHILL TALL Mlaor Matters of Interact Briefly end Pithily Told. This is election day. Vote for “rati fication.” Thb work of rebuilding ths stairway in the Public Building it approaching completion. The contract for the new electric power house was signed by the Wheel ing Mining and Manufacturing Com pany, yesterday. Contractor Lemmons is engaged in paving the east side of North Huron street, from the new bridge sooth to ward Zane street. Officer Donxellt shot a fine draught horse belonging to Contractor. Carney, yesterday, which had been suf fering with lock-jaw. There will be a meeting of the gentle men of the Kindergarten Tenuis Club at the borne of Mr. Sam Harper, Mon day evening at 8.30 p. m. Gertrude, oldest daughter of L. Col mar, Jr., was surprised yesterday after noon by about twenty-five of her play mates. They had a good time. Citizens ought to turn out at the polls to-day, and vote to increase the interest on the bridge bonds, to the end that this great improvement may go on. Officer Cbuce arrested John Cooper, last evening, on the charge of applying indecent epithets to some women, on the South Side. Officer Donnelly ar rested Ed. N. Pendieton for drunken ness. Albert Belcher and Miss Jennie Wilson came down to this city yester day from Allegheny, to get married. Dr. Cunningham was secured, and the noptlal knot was tied at nine o’clock in Squire George Arkle’s ofifiee. A member of Council on the South Side yesterday received a regr’ation • green goods” circular, with a type written letter of advice and confidential form of telegram, to be used in case a visit to New York City was to be made, etc. Col. W. W. Arnett is in receipt of a telegram from Judge Campbell, In which the Judge states that he will be in Wheeling within two weeks and hold court. It is understood that the Gar rison case will be the first matter con sidered. The following arrests were made by the police last night: Ed. Pendleton, drunk, by Donnelly; Frank Lang and Frank Darby, fighting, by Wilkie; Henry Darby and Henry Wilson, fight ing, by Donnelly: John Cooper, disor derly, by Cruce. The Wheeling Natural Gas Company have notified their private consumers in Martin's Ferry that the contract for the supply of natural gas will expire on the 31st of October, and that the company will terminate all contracts and discon tinue the supply after that date. The tennis tournament at Martin's Ferry was continued Thursday after noon with the singles. George Bobert shaw beat T. \Y. Shreve 2 sets: 1st set, 6-3; 2nd, 6-2. Chas. Hoyle beat Thur man Selby 2 sets; 1st set, 6 4, Selby won; 2nd, 6-4, Hoy:e won; 3rd, G-4, Hoyle won. They expect to finish to-day. President Smith, of the American Flint Glass Workers’ Union, is still at Corning, trying to settle the strike at that place. It was reported yesterday that the firm was willing to pay union wages to bulb blowers, but he did not want to recognize the union. This President Smith would not agree u>.—Pittsburg Dispatch. No one can have failed to notice the radiant beauty of the evening sky dur ing these nights of almost cloudless weather. Even those not given to star gazing have been attracted by the ud usual brightness of the moon, whose splendor has been enhanced by the close proximity of the largest of the planets, now shining as an evening star. The polls open at 7 o’clock this morn ing, and close at 6 this evening. Vote for 6 per cent, interest AMfsEMEjrrs. THE WHITE SLAVE. Of the White Slave which appear? at the Opera House next Tuesday an ex change says: It is one of the most interesting of this author’s many plays, and it has met with a great measure of success. It has many elements which commends it to popular favor. Its story is peculiarly exciting. and it is well and dramatically told. Its characters are types always worthy of study, its incidents arc many ac i varied and its situations strong and effective. * UNCLE ISAAC COMING. The play of “Uucle Isaac” is booked for the Opera House on October 1. The 5>t. Louis Globe-l'cvvjcnu says of this piece: Mr. Max Fehrmann, in his im personation of “Uncle Isaac,’ evinced a complete mastery of the Hebrew dia lect and character. He is a German himself and of Jewish extraction, and thus obtains a marked advantage 'iver his rival, M. B. Curtis. Tne secret of the success of Mr. Fehrmann’s acting is its freedom from exaggeration, and its resultant truth to nature. Half Bate* to Fireman's Tournament at Atlantic City vui B. * O. K B. For the firemen’s tournament at At lantic City, September 29th—October 2nd, inclusive, the B. «!fc O. K. R- will sell round trip tickets from all stations on its lines east of the Ohio river at rate of one fare for the round trip Tickets will be sold from September 25th to October 2nd, inclusive, and will be valid for return passage until October 6th inclusive. This low rate is not re stricted to firemen, but is open to the public, and presents the last opportunity of the season to enjoy a cheap trip to the seashore. The B. «fc O. K. R- pro vides fast limited express trains via Washington with Pullman service, and I offers the only double track route to the The tournament will consist of parades, torchlight processions and all ! kinds of firemen’s contests by repre sentatives of prominent companies of all the leading cities of the East, and will be one of the many attractions which Atlantic City affords at all seasons. For more detailed information as to rates, time of trains and Pullman accommodations, apply to nearest B. & O. ticket agent. You idd nothing to the debt of the city to-day, when you vote for ratifica tion. You merely vote to make a pre viously-autborlied issue of bonds “go.” Doo4 of Tnaafer Loft lor Raewd Tester Ooy. The following transfer of real estate was left for record at Clerk Hook's I office yesterday: Deed made September 24, 1S91, by j Charles Klein and wife to Henrietta Gerdau, for lot No. 3 In John McLore s addition. Ooosideratlon, 2300.j CkOdrsi Cry for Rtcber** CtitoHa PULPIT POINTS. ▼HAT 18 GOD? 8 OH II RIU8I0US CIRCUS ABOUT I0WI. Sum of the Trpia to bo Printed a the Mor row—OoiTontioM ud Moetnn to bo Held—Other Minor Iowa. The ladies of the McMechen M. E. Church will give a sapper and social on the evenings ol October 2 and 3. In the popular series of sermons which Dr. Swope has been delivering on Sun day evenings, his subject to-morrow will be “Husbands.” Miss Doyen, of Pennsylvania, will deliver a free lecture in the Disciples church neit Wednesday evening, on “Our Brother in Black.” Rev. F. W. Lynch, of the Chapline Street M. E. Church, spent a few days in the interior of the State last week. He is on a temperance lecture tcur. The Knights of St. Joseph, of the Church of Immaculate Conception, have started literary exercises at all of their meetings, which are very interesting. The ladies in charge of the various booths for the festival to be given by the Church of the Immaculate Concep tion, have all been appointed and are at work. At the M. E. church in Benwood the Rev. S. Eugle will conduct the ser vices. The evening service will be a sacrement, which will end the pastorate of Rev. Engle. Rev. Stephens aEd Mr. R. H. Clay land represented Bridgeport at the Presbytery at St. Clairsville, at Notting ham. The Presby tery will meet at Barnesville in the spring. At the Chapline Street M. E. Church to-morrow, the services will be conduct ed by the pastor, Rev. F. W. Lynch, in the morning, by Rev. Dr. B. W. Hutch- i ison, of the Buchanon Seminary. An excellent series of six first-class concerts and six lectures has been ar- j ranged by the Y. M. C. A. for this sea son. Tne first lecture will be delivered j October $th, by Dr. A. A. Wiilits. At the Zane Street M. E. Church to- | morrow the evening discourse will be devoted to a review of the year’s work. The Sunday school services will end the j pastorate of Rev. Moore at this church j this year. President W. B. Hutchinson, of the Conference Seminary at BackhaDnon, will preach to-morrow morning at the Thomson M. E. Church. The pastor. Dr. Fullerton, will occupy the pulpit in j the evening. Mr. C. W. Sawyer will do tbe talking Saturday eight at tbe Evangelistic Ei- i chance, on Market street, and Mr. Harry KasJey, the expert cornetist. and Mrs. Gertrude McClelland will have charge of tbe music. The Woman’s Home and Foreign missionary Society of the Pittsburg : Synod of the English Lutheran church j will hold its twelfth annual convention at the English Lutheran church from ! neit Wednesday evening to Friday, Oc- ] tober 2. The Y. M. C. A. takes pleasure in announcing the fact that Rev. Dr. Cooke will conduct the Sunday School Teachers' meeting this fall and winter. Tne meeting wiil be resumed for the season Saturday, October 3d, at five o'clock. ! The ladies of St. John’s Church, in Benwood. will give a fair and festival ( some time in December, the proceeds of which will be applied toward paying j for the n*>w church edifice. Rev. Father McMenamin will next week appoint the j ladies for tbe several booths. To-morrow will be rallying day In the Sunday School connected with the Dis ciple’s church. Special exercises ap propriate to the event will be held In the Church commencing at 10 a. m. The : offering to-morrow will go toward bay ing new books for the library. The mission of tbe Jesuit Fathers to be held at Sl Joseph’s Cathedral will 1 j open to-morrow. There will probably be sermons both in the morning and evening. The mission will last about j two weeks, aDd elaborate preparations have been made for the exercises. At the Wesley M. E. church, the | pastor. Rev. D. L. Ash. assisted by presiding Elder Jones, will conduct tbe regular services t-o-morrow morning, and the last quarterly conference of j the year in the evening. Rev. Ash will deliver his farewell sermon on that day. He has had charge of this church for five years. St. Luke’s Chapter, of this city, holds a weekly Bible class with good attend ance. The members of tbe Chapter are working in the Sunday School. Through the efforts of one of them, eight scholars have recently been brought to baptism. During the tem porary absence of the rector services are conducted by the Brotherhood men. The West Virginia Methodist Confer- 1 ence will meet next Wednesday at the Fourth Street Methodist Church. It is expected that a large number of minis ters from all over the State will be pre sent. some 200 being reckoned upon. The regular appointments of ministers will be made. The conference sermon will be preached by Rev. W. King. Rev. Hentboroe, of Bridgeport has returned from conference meeting at • Akron, O. He has been reappointed j for one year, and his congregation are much gratified ever it. Rev. Swaney, of Flashing, hss been appointed ; to succeed Rev. Lace, on tbe V\est End M. E. Church, and Rev Lane has re tired from the pulpit. He wiil live at i MU L nion. At 4 o’clock to-morrow afternoon W. | H Pbeler. General Si'cretary of the Steubenville Y. M. C. A., will conduct the men's meeting. On Sunday, Octo ber 4, the meetiDg will be addressed by Wm. Blaikie. Esq., of New York City. Mr Blaikie is author of “How to Get Strong and How to Stay So.”* the most popular book on atbeletics ever written. At the Fourth Street M. E- church to-morrow, services will be held of an interesting nature. In the morning j will be the last quarterly meeting of the conference year, followed by lore feast , at 9:30. Then the baptism and recep- j tion of new members, which will be fo!- i lowed by the sacrament. Presiding El der Jones will conduct the ceremonies. The Woman’s Home Missionary So ciety of the Presbytery of Washington will meet in the First Presbyterian Church of this city neit Tuesday, at 10 a. m., and continue in session nntil Wednesday nooo. Ladies will be pres ent from the various churches. A popular meeting will be held in the evening and an address will be given. Oa Tuesday an illustrated lecture wiil be given by the Rev. D. E. Fulks, of t Brooklyn, N. Y. Rev. D. L. Ash, of the Wesley M. E. church, wiil preach his farewell ser mons at that church to-morrow. Ac cording to the rules of the Conference five years i* the limit of time that a pastor can serve a particular church, and as Rev. Ash has now served the Wesley M. E. church that length of time there must of necessity be a change of pastors this year, and as Sunday will be Rev. Ash’s last Sunday he will preach his farewell. Mr. James L. Houehteling, of Chicago, banker, merchant and real estate agent, agentlemen who is especially interested in church work for young men will ar rive in the city to-day. Mr. HoughteUng is the founder of St. Andrews’ Brother hood, an organization for assisting and Influencing young men, who have chapters in all the principal churches. He will give an interesting talk to young men on Monday evening, at St. Matthew’s Episcopal Church. The following programme for Har vest Home festival will be carried out to-morrow at the English Lutheran Church: 10:30 a. m., the Sacraments, Baptism and the Lord’s Supper will be administered: 2 p. m.. special Sunday I school exercises, address by Rev. J. M. Stephens, of Bridgeport, Ohio, aod Mr. W. H. Pheley, General Secretary Y. M. C. A., of Steubenville, Ohio; 7:30, ser- j raon by the pastor, on “Pastor Harms’ I Mission Work” and the celebration of the Holy Communion. The church ! will be beautifully decorated for the j occasion with fruits and grains and a j good service is anticipated. THE HEWS Of TIE DAT. Officer* Elected. The football clnb of the grammar de- j partment of the Eighth ward school has ! elected the following officers: Captain, Fred Steinbecker; Manager, Charles Burtt; Treasurer, Adolph Fritz. Off the Track. A Baltimore and Ohio engine, draw- j ine a Washington accommodation, jumped the track at Sixteenth and j Chapline streets, but did no damage, j and was Quickly replaced on the rails. , To-Day'* Election. The election officers for to-day’s elec tion were sworn In by Mayor Seabright. in the Police Court room, last evening, and the ballot boies distributed. The polls open at 6 o’clock this morning and close at 6 this evening. Police Court. There were twenty-two cases in Po- | lice Court yesterday morning, and $1$5 j was taken in. Thomas Hal pin. for run ning a poker room, got $20 and costs, ' and twelve players $5 and costs each. 1 Mollie Boyd got $20 and costs for keep- : ing a house of ill fame, and five inmates | and visitors $5 and costs each. Two drunks completed the list. Work at the Stone Bridge. The timbers for the centres of the ; stone bridge have commenced to arrive at the location of the work, and within a few days there will be a large amount of timber on the ground. The timber is of oak, and is already framed ready to put together. The face of the arch stones in the north abutment have been i dressed up to receive the skewbacks. In the bed of the creek, men were at work tearing down the remains of tbe old south pier of the stone bridge, and j getting tbe stone out of the way. The j stones In this work are pebbles com pared with the stone put in the new bridge. A Patron for Twenty Tears. A gentleman from Brandywine, W. ; Va.,complaining about some irregularity in the receipt of big Register, writes j as follows concerning It, which is only , one among many such compliments, and j we reproduce it as a specimen: * * * I have been a subscriber to the Register nearly all the time for twenty years or ever since it has been ; a paper. I don't want to lose the rnn of tbe paper. I sent to Franklin to try to get a copy of the 9th, but failed. I therefore write to you to take the trouble to get a copy of the ninth of this month and send it to me. You may have some in tbe office. Y’ours truly, Joha D. Keister. The Hot Ware 8tlll With Ta. Costumes of tbe summer time, neglige shirrs, light suits straw hats, have ap* j peared on the streets more and more , each day, as this hot wave has pro- j gressed in the unbearableness of mid- ■ summer temperature. People mop their I perspiring brows and wonder what we are coming to in the matter of climate, anyway. The summers are becoming cool, the winters warm, and the falls hot. The mercury at 7 o’clock yesterday morning stood at 66 degrees, at 9 o’clock ; 68 degrees, while at noon the mercury j ndd pranced up to 85 decrees. In three hours more the thermometer registered 89 degrees, which was a lively showing for the 25th of September. On tbe J same day last year tbe mercury stood j at 74 degrees, but it was a remarkably cool September last year throughout. For Celling Oicomareerine. The United States statute forbids tbe sale of oleomargerine except in the orig inal package, ar.d requires the package to be plainly marked with the name of the compound. It has beeu charged that the provisions were violated here. The last Legislature made it a misde meanor to sell oleomargerine or any sub stitutes for butter unless it was colored pink. It is alleged that the dealers here have sold oleomargerine of the same color as butter. Warrents were sworn out Thursday before Squire Gillespy for Peter Dillon and E. L. Myer, on & charge of violat ing the State law. and after a hearing at which C-ol. Robert White appeared for the prosecution and Col. W. W. Ar Dett for tbe defense, tbe two men were fined 520 and costs each. Col. Arnett desired to appeal the case, but Col. White held that the act did not allow an appeal. Later Squire Gillespy announced that while his own opinion was that the defendants ought to have the right to appeal, he was oot sure that the Legislature intended that they should have that right. He suggested that Col. Arnett bring before Judge Pauli some proceeding which would lead to his giving a decision upon this point, rpon this suggestion Col. Arnett said he would act. A lot of local soreheads will vote “No” on the loan ordinance to-day. Go to the polls and vote for “ratifica tion." norm or thx srm Navi Aboat the Boat! aad Beat*** mi iba Ohio. MoBGAJrrotrs.W. Va., September 25. —Hirer 4 feet and stationary. Weather dear and warm. Bbowsstil-LE, Fa., September 25.— Hirer 3 feet 9 inches and stationary. Weather dear and warm. DIED. SCHJTZ5ER—Om Tbaradaj. Sep'eaber Mtk. 1SP1. at 7 a a-. Mtm. Mabt Seaman. la the 56tb year of her a*e. Fuanl from her lata reatiWacia atSo'ekwk Saturday mere Lay. Man at the St. Alfboam eh arch at SdO o’etach. Filiaii at tfca BlrrelM. Edw. L. Rofe £ Co. are still haying a rapid sale of their wheel*, owing to the extreme low prices and the fine weath er. Several fine bargains, however, are still on the floor. gcHgums police*. SECOND PBESBYTERIAN CHURCH. COR ner o* Market and Twentieth streets, Rev. Wm. H. Cooke, D. D.. pastor Stmoe* at 10:90 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. Sabbath School at 0 a. m. Ail are welcome. F1UBTH ST. METHODIST EPISCOPAL Church. Quarterly meeting. Love feast at S:90 a. xa. Baptism, reception of members ana Sacrament of the Lord's Supper, conducted by Rev. S. Ernest Jones, at 10:30 a. m evening service by the oastor. Last service of Confer ence year. S~ T. MATTHEWS CHUBCH-THE REV. C W. Dubois. of Mt. Clements. Michigan. will preach at 10:90 a m . and the rector. Rev. Dr. Swope. at 73U p.m. Subject, “Our Hatbands." Service at St. Paul's Mission, Elm Grove, at 9 p. m. lUarttrfc. 'Y^’ANTED—GIRL—1147 Market street. WANTED-EXPERIESCED DRY GOODS 1 sslesman B-*t of reference recuired. Address, YEA.GER A CO., Fairmont, W Vt seUeqdq WANT ED-TWO KITCHEN GIRLS—Apply at 1147 Market street. seaftr WANTED—A GOOD GIRL FOR GEN eral Housework. No. I«6 Twelfth street. Mast come well recommended WANTED-A GOOD STRONG BOY TO |*arn the blacksmith business. Apply at BAYHA BROS.. Bridgeport, O. selSerdq YTTTANTED—GOOD GIRL FOR GENERAL vv housework in a small family. Inquire at S4i Main street. a«»4h WANTED—EVERYONE WHO CONTEM- , pistes investing in something safe, rell- ] able, sod profitable to write for information to J. H. KNaPP. Philippi. W. Ya. WANTED—30 SALESMEN TO CARRY AS t s side line our “Cash on Delivery" Clear, with gold-filled wstch; big pay. C. O. I>. CIGaR CO . Wintton. S. C. auSledsb WANTED—FOR THE UNITED STATES Vf ARMY—Able-bodied, unmarried men. be tween the ages of 21 and 3S ^years. Good pay, rations, clothing and medical attendance. Ap plicants must be prepared to furnish satisfac tory evidenoe as to age. character and habits. Applv at 1131 MAIN STREET. Wheeling, W. Va. " jyUi-ured-aat-auSl ANTED-TWO LITERARY MEN OF RE | finement familiar with biograpical worr. Two such men with an eitended acquaintance with the prominent people of West Virginia can secure a lucrative position by applying to j JONES A STANLEY. fCEl Broadway, New York. sea0.23.Jft . TJTT ANTED—$10,000, For four or five years at fi per cent, payable quarterly, m unincumbered business property. In the centre of th* city, worth three times the amount wanted. It is a first-class loan in every respect. G. O. SMITH. Broker, ie2x I2a& Market Street. WANTED. First-class Journeyman Tinner & apply* at ONCE TO NESBITT & BRO., 1312 Market Street. LUTR 4 YED—ON WEDNESDAY MORNING | O a five year old Fresh Ccw; light red with, white spots on either side. When last seen »a* ' near Fulton, on Nichols' HilL a reward will< be paid bv returning to JOS. GREEN'S Hotel, Market street. Was to be delivered to Dairy man Jacob Eis. s«36r Parlor Easels! CABINET FRAMES. Elegant Assortment. Attractive Prioe*. KIRK'S ART STORE, No. 1U05 Main Street. telle CARD. The nonber of reconciliation* effected be tween entranced wlTe*, bu*band* and lovers through the aid of MADAM MITCHELL if icmetbicg wonderful. Sons# of the be* t f**0‘ pie of Wheeling can testify. Re*id«*noe. No. 1027 Market street. third floor. aukTeagb piCKLING SEASON. A FCLL LINE OF SPICES, CIDER AND WINE VINEGAR H W. BEHRJENft WRITING PAPER] The Largest and Flne»i Lino of Writing Papers ever brought to the city. A fall line of CRASE’S, WHITING’S and Ml KITS WARD’S PAPERS. The Finest 25c. Boi of Paper EVER OFFERED IN WHEELING. CARLE BROS-. K14 No 1308 Market Street. ^CHGOL BOOKS. 'slates, pads, pencils, pens, etc.. For acboo! use. )aUy and Weekly Pap»r*. Magazine* and Cheap Publication*. Pittsburg Di*oatch. Daily lie per waek, ®c Deluding Sunday. C. H. ST. 1414 Market Street $Lenr JL>P»rtt»»w<nt§> JgAGSTERS C01PREHEXSIYE TEiCHFRS’ BIBLES In great varietv of Style* and Price*: also SETS PRAYER AND HYMNAL In new design* nod fine binblng. ju*t received. hTANYOS a Da YEN PORT. Studio - - 2145 Maim ttt> eetteadi 0 N EXHIBITION In Georre Durst'. window, a asp of the im provement* that are goiog oc at Beawood Junction Boy a lot now while yon can get them from fi:*t hand* on easT term*. ROLF A Ha ft FEY. Arena. >514 Market St., branch tffiot at McXeehea. Telephon* 566. sepdSh s^TOCKS FOR SALE Teis*hare»of West Yirrin:aTobaeccOe..toek. Fifteen .-hare* of Rive**ide Vela** Work* of W#l!*bure. Two »hare« of Ualted State* Gla** Company's stock. bolf a habyey, Beal Emie and Store Brokers, Telephone nOS. ' *e5i5h] 1314 Market St. WH^USETHHP?? Bi t U SE THEY CONTAIN >0 ClLOXEL. DO SOT SarsKATK. Person* suffering from biliousness. constipa tion, nek headache and nervoutne** will find no preparation equal to LIST'S HUME LITER PILLS. ELLMAN Fuel-Gas Producers. vbti roa ixToutanos to T. H. BROOKS & CO., CLEVELAND. O. SPECIAL NOTICE. We will commence our Carpet and Blanket Sale to day. Please call and see them. TSOComfort* »t the lowest price at HE*BY JACOBS’. MU White. Grey and Bed Hlankat* at the lowest price* at HEN BY J A COBS'. JX> Feather Pihow* and Bolster* at the lowest pnoe* at HENRY JACOBS'. 100 White end Colored Ssrena* at the lowest price* at HENRY JACOBS'. Mu Pound* No. 1 Feather* at the low e*t price* at HENRY JACOBS'. Fisnnel* and Skirt* at the lowest prices at HENRY JACOBS iJTOCKHOLDERS’ MEETI!**. The stockholder* of the Wheeling BniMin? Association will meet in room 4, at No. 1516 Market Street (Granule's Block), ou Taesaav evening. October 13th, 18*1. at 7 o'clock to adopt by-aw*, electa Board of Dtrootoca aoA transact such et.*»r bosiae** a* u.ay oame be fore them. Due* will bo re^eifrd at the * rae time. For stock or information apply to either of the uuterstened. Thoma* O'Brien, Jam** H McClure. John E Clator. John T Cowl, W. U. Halier, J*»-» Mctdamt, B E. Aviam*. G. W. Atkinscn, J. C. Brady, N. W. Beck, W. H Anderson «el7h Inorrporatora. J^IST OF LETTERS Remaining in the Postoftce of Wheeling. Ohio eounty, W. Va, Saturday. September US. lfMl. To obtain any of the following, the applicant oust aak for advertised letter*, giving date: hADXK*. Barrett. Vr*. W. M. Co**. Mi** Mamie Gardm. Sarah A. HarT*r. Mr*. Kat* Kins, Maud Mty. M&<3&tae Cor* Mr*. G. W Militr. MIm Litej villrr, MU* LooUa N*»i MU> Mftod # occfTirr, jum ^KlTLUn. Boyer*. J. E. Je*ee BUke. Da»ie] C. biroa, W. J Coillli*, W. L. Belter. Jr hn W. Emrick. Leri, t ocg, G- M Ghen, Robert Keelj, J**. Men*. Mart. Merer*. & P. Mjn. L M M«w«n. Henry P. Mnrnut. Jobs PitU. W T. P*yne, J. tUmmoo*. Hnrry bhirey. J W. Smith. Major Todd. W S. WtllLU J. wurtt. ». i. W. J. w. OOWDEX. P. u. QITY TAX NOTICE. Orrici or th* Crrr Ooluttob, ) Pr»ur Unuuirs. r Wgirjts. September 17. 1®1. ) Notie* i* hereby given th*; the City Taxes for IM will b* due and payable at the office of the City Collector, Public Eolldlaj. Thursday. October 1, 1W1. Person* paying all their taxes on or before the let day of November. ]R9l. will be entitled to a discount of two per cent, on elty taxes. Tbe taxes oa Real F.»t*;e will bear Interest from November 1st, IM. at the rate of 10 per cent, per anaom until paid JOHN A. WHITE. Cits Collector. aepl7i New! New! OUB FALL IMPORTATIONS OF China, Fine Bric-a-Brac -A5D Are arriving ani being op»»ed daily. It la worth your uat to see them. I. G. DILLON & CO., Jewelers. ffTChoice pieces la SILVER epea*d datl y TWO GREAT BARGAINS. One Hundred Dozen Schoppers* Famous Black Hose, worth not less than 37 l-2c. per pair. Oar Price 25 Cents Per Pair. Two Hundred Twilled Gloria Silk Umbrellas, 26 inch, para gon frames, with Silver Weich sell and Natural Wood Handles; all at the extremely low price of $1.29 EACH. Great activity in Cloaks and Dress Goods nowadays. Our Motto: Stylish Goods at Moderate Prices!