Newspaper Page Text
STIFEL5G0.' u SEASON 91-92. Pali and Winter —LINE OF W raps, to, w f Cloths, Su itings, Furs and feather trimmings £5v*“See tbe most varied and best se lected lines in the city at Geo.E.Stifel &Co. Our Cloak Department Offers Inducements not to be found elso wht-re. That accounts for the wonder ful busine" a the past week. Our as sortment is u doubiedly the .arsiest >q the city. THIS WEEK'S Business w U be the greatest we have ever done t our (’oak Department. AT 81.39 We o!! r ’ Ci Iran’s and Misses’ Jacket*. a?es 4 to 12. AT 32.98 We oT r 7" Mi'- s’ Jackets in threedlf feren; .»*s. You will have prreat dif fi. u! y in uiut hit:K them close where un der $4.00 AT 85.00 We offer i V| You . r Ladies’ Jackets In five d ferent styles. Some houses get $7.50 for acke’s no better. AT S5.50 We offer 55 Ladies’ Cloth Capes (black and tan) with fur collar. AT 88.93 We offer beautiful Embroidered Cloth Capes, with nail head triiumins. They are worth $12.00 AT $5.00 We offer 65 Ladies’ Black Cloth Jack ets. with heavy fur collar. AT 87.50 Wo offer 250 Ladies' Black and Navy Blue, Fur and Hair Trimmed Jackets that will compare favorably with any offered elsewhere at 510.00 AT 810.00 We offer Black, Navy Blue, Tan and tJrey Cheviot, Diagonals and Camel's Hair Cloth Jackets, trimmed in Fur, Astrachan and French Seal, about 25 . fferont -tyles t*f the *10.00 grade to select from. AT S10.00 TO $50.00 Weoffer a wonderful variety of Jackets, Wraps and Capes, trimmed in alt the latest trimmings. We feel wo are not saying too much in saying we will save you from 10 to 25 per cent, by attend ing th is LiP-at Cloak Sale this week. AT 816 50 We offer 50 Jackets made of the best cloth, trimmed in Moffloon Trimming, j This Jacket will compare with any ever offered at 525.00. A special Invitation is extended to every ady in Wheeling to examine our stock of CLOAKS. O j Winter i- it hand. Health and comfort make >»i»asonable underwear t: e m ;ior*;i: ’ p*:rci-immediately before you. I napproachable prices and th* ty to 1 exactly what vou want, makes McFADDEN S the best place in t >wn to get it. H«njCer Marino Co Itwm.. Kin- »oftlitiish Ster-m Underwear .... .. Extra In* vy M* r. o I :• ; rv» *ir. fin- ..uabty. grey, white (*r mottled Fine h«*»vy i'»Di«r» Hair Underwear. Kin** .11 v. ... > .,*;>•' I i.tjerw*- .r. .... Fine strit***a UnC **»• <r . Pin** whie W *hj| Un*i- ... Extra fiii** uaturs ■ Sanitary Underwear .. Extra fin** Cara* I * H* r l’ii wwe*r Lam!'**' wool be ulet Underwear. medicated... Double-thread Wool l*. le-weri* . ..... The Bnest lmyoftM Natu-al t' >ol f nderwear. The On**- tmi 1 Camei - Ha:r Underwear. . Canton Flannel Drawers, the best. . . 25ets .35 o s .50eti ..V) ets . 1Sei* .50 ets . 75 cts . ?l 00 . 1 HO . 1 0» . 1 00 . 1 00 I . 1 50 . 1 fip *5 35 and 50 cts ! COTTON SOCKS. Good Common Seeks Heavy seitui**ss Cotton S>-*k* Ftn>- Italhnifiran i lt;k a i (au**v Cotton Socks. Wood heavy Woolen Fine Cashmere, y*-r a> aud Camel * Hair Socks WOOL SOCKS. . r> cts .3 for 25 cis 2 f«>r 25 cis . 1 els _25 cts , . ... 26 CIS : ONE PRICE HAT AND SHIRT STORE. 1320 and !322 MARKET STREET, WHEELING. £Unti«ie» DR.GEO. J. CADDIE, SURGEON DENTIST, NO. 1*16 STKttT, Ot**t Dollar Savin*. Hank ac*o*1 %\ civ MONDAY And th« ba! m •* of t!. < vopk I will put on M»tf th«* V.w of Evar brought to the citv, ami at prices le»> than ■>»ui<- rae'-Lanls Comforts from 3oc. to S3, Blankets from 59c, pair to $8, Don’t tnis* this ch tr. *-* to sacure a Big Bargain. L. S. GOOD, 1125 and 1127 Main St. oeXO 28^rltn0 liegisict; 1 li<<raioim*s«r KocnM. >1 r. L\ Schnopt, the Opera House drug piM, u.,uli- tli»' following Jservationa of U.a temperature y< sroida.: 7 a. m., 47; p a in • ti . i-ui., *»7; A p. in., *>7; 7 p. in. 57. \Veati <t. • ‘iiiionble. Til K HMTHCK. W amhv.ton. 1> C. October 14.—The clea'-mg condition tia-. moved run the middle Rocky ii.i ntsur plateau to Indian Territory For \\ ■ »- Virginia. Western Pennsylvania and Oh-.", light ran. slightly cooler, southerly wiu«ls, bvcominr westerly. toilet to >n» tilrertUemeiti. rontTM paok Rogers- Rest Cutlery Firing Bros i‘.\.*t'i>ior I'oieJrr — H. il. List. TirTH fAUI. Executor*’ Adjourned Sale of Real Kstatc. v nr*. Estate of Thi bum Hughas, Dsoeued. Re«l K'tate Bargains—l.eo. .1. Mattiuou. Wanted Agents. \V anted -Chambermaid. W mted L»ry Goods f-ale.smeo. William Ci Ourvi. Pul ic Su> , f state Fair Association Steel;. V u:rls» ’tier's Sale "f Real 1'.-late—G«> R. C. Allan Special Sale of Towels J. S Rhode* a Co. vv aired Coal Miner*. levers Wanted J"»«“ph SpeiUel A Co. Fhf.miy A On vri.kv's grand opening to-night, October l.r>, at the Mark Twain ^uloou, Xo. 1411 Market street. Ar no other place in this couutry Is so much or such very rich iron ore found so conveniently situated for cheap mining as at the Creacent iron mine, in Fage county, Virginia. THEY MAY BE SIXES. INTERBSTINQ DISCOVERY ABOUT TES NEW COUNTY BONDS. Railroad Assessment Apportion!—Assessors Pay Increased—The Pike Will be Taken by me County—Value of Pub lic Property. Tho County Committee on Finance held a very important meeting, yester day afternoon, at the Court House, and as tho recommendations made and con clusions reached are tantamount to action by the Board, the business trans acted is worthy of a full report. The first business taken up was the proposed ordinance making the third issue of S1UU.000 of county bonds to the Wheeling Bridge and Terminal Rail road Company, in accordance with the conclusion reached at the last session of the Board It was stated that Presi dent Cochran, of the Railroad Company, had expressed a desire to be present when the matter was taken up, and as neither Mr. Cochran nor Mr. Hubbard, tne counsel of the Company, were in the city, Mr (»ruse moved that the matter be postponed for the present. It was agreed by the members of the committee that the postponement might, after all. be a good thing, as there might, perhaps, be some trouble in floating the bonds at the same rate of interest as that borne by the other SifOi), ooo— four and one-half per cent.—just at this time, when about nil the avail aide cash in th<> country was going to the West to move crops, etc. It was also developed, during the discussion, that while two previous installments of £100,000 each had borne interest at tin* rate named, and that that rate was specified in th*» nidi nance adopted by the Board is-uii i them, there was no rate of interest specified In the ordi nance adopted by the people of the county, authorizing the loan, and the Board was thus left free to make the interest more or less than the rate fixed for the previous issues. It has beeu heretofore supposed by everyone that tiie rate of interest must be four and one-half per cent. Clerk Pendleton submitted the rail road assessment In Ohio county, for the present year, as returned Dy the Stale Hoard of Public Works, the total being Sr»<»3,GS0.2‘J. as published m tnis paper heretofore. This amount is divided anions? the various roads as fo'.o K<imor* unit Ohio. Wheeling, Pittsburg • n i Hh i:u * "Pewikv '. V\'h****linK aud Eiin tirove . * »hso Klv-r. »\ ti eliug Railway. • * Total. h »> » The total lust year was $r*53,ir»?.3i'i, the 'ncreasi falling almost entirely upon the Wheeling and Elm throve, beeause of it' extension to Elm drove and im provements In this city. The amount was apportioned out among the various districts. • The matter of a new map for the county was postponed, it being stated C unity Engineer (iilchrist was not at home. The Clerk was instructed to ask Mr. (iilchrist when he could meet the committee. The matter of providing regulations for the conduct of the ollice of Coroner was taken up, the main idea being to make some attempt to have uniform charges. It seetus that heretofore, when the Coroner was called to attend cases out of the city, he made charges for transportation, etc., which were very irregular, depending upon the cost of buggies, meals, feed, etc. The com mittee wanted to make some sort of schedule, in the nature of mileage, and to limit the Coroner to that, with a rea sonable addition for meals, etc., hut did not know just how to go about it. Fi nally the Chair was instructed to make some arrangement with a livery stable for transportation, when the calls were o!f the line of a railroad, arid that in ad dition meals, horse teed and tolls be al lowed as a personal charge of the olli eial, in addition to the fee of two dol lars allowed by law. The next question was whether nr not the county should a>sume charge of the National pike within this county, in pursuance of the act of ttie legislature authorizing the transfer. The Clerk re ported that as nearly as could be ascer tained the debt of the road was about 53,000, being obligations Incurred by the Superintendents in keeping the pike in something like repair. The State Hoard of l’ublie Works had no record of this work, it being a strictly floating obligation. The Clerk was instructed to advertise for the filing of sworn claims by those to whom money was due, and the Committee then agreed to recom mend t hat the county take ehargeofthe road, assuming the debt, whatever it might be. Messrs. Thomas O’Brien, Joseph Bod ley and C. S. Terrell, the committee ap pointed to place a value upon the realty owned by the county, made a report, giving the total as $131,445, as follow:-: Court House:— Ground. !tuii<Jm_*. 1- urmtur*. <)!■! J<ri Itutldiug and ground hirtmianj:— }• .. bnililin.-. Kntuitir**.. I.u** Htoclr. etc.. 12.1 00 50 no lO.UUU—#8».OGO 6, COO 10 545 1.000 Tin* remainder was made up of mi> cell:. .'.hi- items, »uch a> toll houses, etc. The new jail, when completed, will add about 5-j:».i.0C0 to tills amount. The Clcrlv was instructed to open a ledger property ACCOM! r In the matter of the petitions of As sessor* Blanchard and Zane, for an in crease >n compensation, an authorized pv the Legislature, it was agreed to recoin mend that Mr. Blai chard’s salary be made Si,500—the limit authorized by law—after January 1st. and that Mr. Zane’s salary be made ?700, instead of vpOO, as heretofore. The increase for Mr. Blanchard is 5200. The Committee in rnomtueuding i hese increases, adopt ed a resolution that the assessors must strictly comply with the law, “particu larly in the country.” Sunday K*curjnon». Commencing Sunday, May 31st, and every Sunday thereafter, the B. A 0. R. K. Co. will sell excursion ticket? to Pittsburg and return at $150, and to Washington at 31.00. Good returning Sunday only. Tttr. lady managers of Altenheini will sive a supper and musical entertain ment at the Home on Thursday even ing, October 15th, for the benefit of the Home. Supper will be served from live tu seven o'clock, at the prmc of 50 cents. Money saved by going to II. E. Hill man A Co. for fine Plated Silverware. I 26 Eleventh Street. A LIVELY ESCAPADE. A New York Drummer OItm ft Demi Monde the Dump There was another couple caught In the toils out at Jerry Clemens con v 1 vihI Dew Drop Inn, on Tuesday night, Just as the moon was filling up. 1 he unfortunates on tins occasion^ were a traveling fr ^ ^ork, full of life and spirit, and 'r things, and one of Clara Moss’ chipper Intrigants. At 3 o’clock, Tuesday afternoon, the young man went to the house of ill-fame In question, and Induced one of the cyprians to accompany him to Jerry s He hired a horse and buggy at 1 apt. Davis’ livery stable, and drove out through Bridgeport. At Jerry's the juvenile pair imbibed rather freely of their host’s good wine and when night came on they wore both in the arms of Bacchus. About eight o’clock the eouplo got Into the buggy to return to Wheeling. ^ hen they had reached Soaptown the girl either fell or was thrown out of the buggy. About ten o’clock the young man was arrested at the Toll House as be was driving to ward the bridge. Iu the meantime the bespattered and uncrested jUlc dc j>>ic was discovered by the benign residents of Soaptown lying in a meditative mood in the middle of the road. Her face was badly cut up. There was a gash across her nose, a bad cut upon her dimpled chin, and one up on her cheek, which, paradoxical as It may seem, gave way also. Her feat ures throughout were badly disarrang ed. The Bridgeport police were informed of her condition and Ollicer Saurs went out and arrested her. The couple were placed in the lock-up to await a hear ing. At two o'clock yesterday after noon the girl’s ea.-o was called before Mayor Mitchell at Bridgeport. She pleaded guilty of drunkenness and was lined $5 and costs, amounting to $15.70, which was paid by Clara Moss. The young man’s case was to have come up at the same time, but the young woman refused to let him go, saying that she would appear against him to-day. The man claims that the woman fell out of the buggy by accident and that he drove back and could not find her, it being very dark, lie says that they were both very drunk and from thi* time lie left Soaptown, shortly after S o’clock, until he was arrested at tie toll house at 1 o o’clock, he cannot account for his whereabouts. His ease will come up lx fore Mayor Mitchell at Bridgeport this morning. Tl'KNVKKKIN HALL. TtiHr Ojirn > It 1 \rnf of the $c.i*ou at Turner Hull. Tl . ;. • J ■ s ' t !.e Turveroin »i. c Turner Hall, 1 . v., , . "• n‘* Hire was un ,. in" fest.vities fur » ’ y li l-e .Ian .-r■* i: * t*>*‘ number, and not .» • * <»f the . v » • • If . |b!e Comment. V'l'ir wa f y the Opera ■ t •• 11 • iit throiisihniit T t >f order prevailed and the e i . .!•••■« wele d ligentJy attentive to a T •* amusement com mittee tons -t i of Win. A. Sf bam bra, Joseph Weisjrertier. Herman E. Seham br:;, George Lms. and Charles Amick. The floor committee was Walter Marshall, I’.iu'i Falck. Joseph Kurtz, lvi. Vaas and N.-i! MeFadden. Gnstave Mager was the master of ceremonies. K1EA.L KbTATK HAUHST. Deeds of Transfer Left lor Kecord Yoster Thn following transfers of real estate were left for record at Clerk Hook’s oilie-t yesterday: Deed made September 26, 1891, by Ell/abt th D.scher and others to Mar iriiret Snyder, wife of (iustav Snyder, of Fulton, for oue-half of lot No. 1, on the north side of the National road. Con sideration, s.'»00. Deed made October 8, 1891, by Eliza beth Ei-cher, guardian, to Margaret Snyder, wife of Gustave Snyder, for the undivided three-sevenths of certain property in tin* town of Fulton. Con sideration. $385. /There can be no doubt as to the genu neness or straightforwardness of the Crescent Iron Company of Virginia. Neither can it be disputed that this Company’s Capital stock ^s a good, safe, profitable tiling to invest in. Every stockholder inii-i share proportionately the large profits that accrue. There is no preferred stock issued. All purchas ers pay the same price—S3.50 per share for fuil paid, non-assessable ten dollar shares. Every detail of the concern is open to and will admit of the closest ex amination. Examine the 0 mpany’s proposition. Information, pro-pectusej. photo-views of ore showings, etc . furn ished on application by <J. II. Knapp, I’hilippl, YY. Va. Ktm<la.v Excursions. Until October 25th tiie O. R. R. R. Company will- soil Sunday excursion tickets at one faro for round trip to Moundsville, Woodland, New Martins ville. Sistersville, Salama, Willi&ms towu and I’arkersburg. L. S. Good sells dry goods tho cheapest Excnmiou to rittstmric Exposition via tt £ «>., '«pteiub«r JO anti October 1,8, IOkikI 16. On above duios the Baltimore it Ohio Company will sell excursion tickets Wheeling to Pittsburg and return for I >2 oo, including one admission to the 1 Exposition, good two days, and when 1 sold on Saturday good to return on j Mouda.. Sale of Ar* Property at (I'enihln, Yesterday Messrs. Thomas Flynn, F. H. lTake, it. It. McMec-heu, Jesse Mc Myc.hen atid I*. A. Uorsey concluded I negotiations for a tract of six acres in [ me centre of Glendale, which wa> re served by tl. i original owners at the lime the Glendale purchase was mam . i'lie tract will be laid oil iu lots, subj u t to the same restrictions as those im posed by the GUndale corporation. The price paid was £1.000 per acre. me True "Way TO RID THE ED MAN BODY OF The Poison of Disease 13 TO FORCE IT OCT TTJROIGIJ THE PKIN. SWIFTS SPECIFIC r.l trays docs 1 his effectually. It treats th: lisease instead of the symptoms, and re moves the cause, thereby making a cure. Mrs. E. ,T. Rowtix, No. 11 Qr.1ncy St., Medford Mass., says that her mother has been cured o! >m>fula, by the use of four bottles of 3- E. 3.^ -f’er having bad much other treatment, and bc*r. 'need to quite alow rendition of health, as it i eight she could not live. Trcatiao on Diood and Skin Disuses mailed free SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., Atlanta, <ia. .'rawer 3. A NKW HBCTORY Tu bo Bnilt by tlio Coiiffr«*s;atton of 8t. Matthew'* 1’. K. Cliurcta. The congregation of St. Matthew s Episcopal church held a meeting last night, at 7:30 o’clock, In the vestry of the church, for the purpose of ratifying the action of the vestry in deciding to build a rectory for the pastor, K<v. K. Rush Swope. There was a good attend ance and considerable interest evinced in the proceedings. The action of the vestrv was approved without a dissent ing voice. A building committee was appointed, consisting of Messrs. .1. I). Dubois, J. D. Culbertson, Hullihen (Jnarrier, Walker Peterson and Nelson Noble. The committee will examine the plans and decide upon the nature of the building. Architect E. B. Franzheim ha9 pre pared plans for a handsome three-story building of modern design, which were shown at last night’s meeting, and which will probably be adopted. The rectory will be built upon the lot ad joining the church, and will cost in the neighborhood of 810,000. Architect Frauzheim’s plans call for a three-story brick dwelling, with a stone front simi lar to the church. It is the Intention to commence work as soon as the plans are selected by the Building Committee, and to finish tue foundation, if possible, be fore the cold weather sets in. The work upon the superstructure will then com mence as early as possible next spring. A portion of the money yeeded for the new rectory the church has been se cured, and the remainder will be raised by the pastor in a manner satisfactory to the congregation. • Freddy & Charley's grand opening to-night, October 15, nt the*Mark 1 wain Saloon, No. lill Market streot. At The Mii.wavkkk you can trot oysters served in any style. Ladies’ restaurant on second floor. \V. II. Reid, Proprietor. Ir you need glasses or your eyes tire or bead aches when reading or sewing, consult and have your eyes tested for glasses without charge by Prof. ShotT, the Optician, at Lash’s, corner Main and Eleventh street. Th, sat, sun. mar Garfield Tea is the tired house wife's best friend, freeing the body from aches ami pains, creating a buoy ancy of spirit- and lovely complexion. At The Milwaikkk you can get «iy; ter served in any style. Ladies’ n staurant on second floor. W. 11. Ke.d, Proprietor. I xcnrslon to rittsliurg via the li. & O. Kitiiroad. October P-’th to lr»tl» the R. &0. Rail- i road Company will se I excursion ticket'* to Pittsburg and return at §2.05, good returning until October 17th inclusive, t»n account of tl»t* meeting of the Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania A. O. U• W. A CARD FROM THK. WHOLE'ALEKM. I lie followjiijc card was lurnislied for publication by ilie nhuinmlr (trocer* yes i, rOny afternoon: lu tlie pubic urn! our trade in Wheeling ami vicinity: \to berewiih prcsenf our position in tlie strike iKc ami against our builnra*: Our proposition 10 till of our employer*, wambai <•« ymy ihrm thr KHine wages as w.* had paid them dirt year, nlili’h propo sition wa« Mccepieil by the Arbitration « oiiiiiilitoe of the Ohio Valley ’1 ratio* mid Labor Assembly; and the be twee i os arose because vve would not hum ble ourselves to the Local I iimn of Ware housemen, No. 40*411, to manage our busi ness la the employment aud discharge t>f our employes* nor will we " e are totally opposed to i Ite policy ol coercion. We pay liviog eases, and. In fact, Ihe best wages paid tor similar work lit Ihe Ohl > A alley. WHO) KSALK OROCKKS' ASSOCIATION. THE MOST INVITING MARK-DOWN S ILK ON ICE JOKO. Cost not rontirl^red 111 <hi* great sale. 91000, 91*4 00 and 914 00 Men’s .Suits reduced to 90.50. this Is the Greatest Record-Breaking; -ale ever conceived. Actual loss i- even not considered in this awful and final cut. lu order to outdo all our past anil start ling efforts, KLiNK BKOTHKKS, Ihe lteliahle Clothier*, 1140 ftJuin Mreet, Will for three clay*, and three day* only, l o-iIh ', I 'ridny and Saturday, otter i limi c id ltO sack, I* ruck and Cutaway Suit*' good and genteel, regular $ 10 OO, 91* 00 and *14 <10 iUru's Mill*, tor ihe small and hi->it; id lien lit *uin of f (i.fiO. .■it-n «>f \Viieelinir and Vicinity, II yon value money nr all, If you care >o buy a i>ooil and Heaeciuuhie suitol clothe* lor ion (linn actual cull, below the expense of pro- j diiction, you can’t allord to mis* till* *pe elal sale, lor it’ll cerialnly ho A IA .a MiLI 1«*N. >ot one of tlu*e bUlta will charged or sent on approval Stir the Hoe Window Dinplay of thene Splendid Knit*. It you want the he*i ea 1 early, f r no I man ever oilered „neli *illt-'> for $ii,oO, >:iid no one ever saw iheir ec|ual lv INI BKOrilKRo, Hci li'e * !<•' irer», I I Id limn street. j II. K. Hillman J7 Co give great tmrgulu* •i» ladle*’ and r.ent*’ 1-lit dolirt Ciold Witte tie*__ i X' A NAM, 1K11 & BROWN. \v Two thousand new Fall and Winter Samples For gents’ Suits ami Overcoats recelvod by J. W. KF.RKFL, Agent, an 17 <!>r. M tin n od Twentieth Street* f ifi* 0>i **lT *1r i Are they worth loolcing at! VVeJl. that's juat i what they are. You don't even need to know what a good aboe is to promptly recognize the value of our W. A H. CHlLbltftVS SHOES. They ru*y not he a lov forever, hut the're an I uniuu-taKabie thinir of beauty and they'll wear ' just *!■ well a# they look. a< for our L1TTE '.IaNT SCHOOL sHOKS, itV beyond the pos -lOiiitT Of flndinif fault m> Jar as'either make, motet- or material are cone* rned They area* j ■.'enuine an urtio.e. Tr< in heel to to* «s ever left i the hand* of a scrupulous marufacturer ant very penny you invest is a well invested c-nt. | ALEXANDER <fc CO., -HOE SELLERS. 104u AUIN STREET jl£eu/ 3U>tjertt*emem®. Our Cloak Department! Words cannot express th« Beauty and Style of the exquisite, conceptions in our Wraps, Jackets and Capes That we shall now show you. Never before have we shown anything approaching so magnificent and exclusive an assortment of \V 1 { A I'S HANGING IN TRICK FROM «3»22 to S35C553 Dress Goods Department! We have accumulated one of the largest and best selected stocKs ever shown, and have surpassed all farmer efforts. Something very pretty and desirable in Camel’s Hair Broadcloths, Cheviots, etc. UNDERWEAR A HOSIERY Our stock comprises every Variety, Stylo and Size, and no matter what you want in this line wo have them. Ta-K i* cheap, but our goods and prices SI'EAK FOR THEMSELVK*. Anther !i)Voice Received of those great bargain UMBRELLAS AT 81.00! Egger, Warrick & C-o., 1132 MAIN STREET. a® w ^kzrwV' & JjL. v&xxxx ^-; -..<X ->.:- j^.: 1 4,000 Barrels a Day. 84,000 Barrels a Week. 4,008,000 Barrels a Year. Pounds of Flour turned out by the Pillsbury Mills every year. Who Eats It All? EVERYBODY that wants The Best Bread In The World. Sold by All Grocers. ^en» Afcucrtisemcnu, Ti UE nearest approach t , j l» an attractive and c, - V. furnished home. i . 1 11 T himself and family w . constitutes an attractive, « home is man’ duty. To ,sUy i or that he would If he couid . t Idly— We offer to every ,th.. ... the requisites to make ho ,,, t.,r but the means, a so, of pr without Interfering' to:n,y,.r , your finances. Our cn-dit be tried to be thoroughly You cannot, if Inoxperb f date as you ought to our sv ■. business—You cannot at a : a correct opinion of tho b.-: Ingtoour customers from system—To be convinced if • cal, economic results of our plan you must try it—It is t : limited means a blessing_Onr a magnitude of the finest and be>i. We can give you everything home a paradise—Wo supply . | the house and lot. WHEELING INSTALMENT , Honest goods - Homely v honest prices—Aro the f ,, ciples of our business -I,. ... ciples we have built up the t! trudo we now enjoy and er*n . every section of the city .r j . r an towns. Wo have never n,^. never will permit to bo made, a . ,, representation-Customers are t : . goods are precist y what t in making a purchase yau may n^r,. , the facts and feel satistkd that v . getting just what you pay f, r and wb.v you expect—We take no credit • r. selves for establishing a repute , /, r reliability—It is quite as --- - ?, ouradvanceof trade a- the t. goods >ve sell—But Is a s t tl know that it Juts given ;i - ; r business that has ma:- : : » the Wheeling Instalment i household word In three Si a- « WHEELIXG INSTALMENT Equai terms to every one - an < -u llsh-<i policy with our hous* -A u J may purchase goods at as favoral • advantage as the most expert In the hi, iness—Wo are One Prlco to All Whet! - *-r you buy a yard of carpet or a hou full of furniture—A set value Is placed on our stock, reasonable and low for quality. If you are not already a < h tomor come and see 11s. We will extend to you all the facilities to iu;.ke your home attractive and comfortable. WHEELING INSTALMENT CO, II3G to 1140 Market Street, JOS. H. McARDLE, Manager. - A?TE We believe we «r»‘t more! style into Fall Oven^ats and give you more dressy comfort j in them and for much less money than anv other dealer we know of. We have plenty! of them to convince you of! these facts, and you can I spend a few or as many dol lars as you like. Same may be said of Fall Suits—they're as handsome as we can give you. pgr*Hoys’ Full Nulta nr#> positively tutor- , h?ing In prlfin, <|iiulity Mnd point of nmr. OUR LINE OF is bewildering in <j antity, superb in quality and. Astonishing as to Prtce COPYRIGHT ^ tm. COULD IF HR WANTED TO HUY HIS Furniture, Carpets and Household Goods from us on WeekOj or MoijIhDj PaMn161}*5' HOUSE FURNISHERS, 1300 M-A-IiN STREET.