Newspaper Page Text
H3F TBS BAT. rooght Back. yesterday brought »this city from Mc iro she went from rhen 9he left o9tens jiurrender herself to ,e was placed In the > with her two chil en'M iMood e was issued yester Yanlt, a native ol ..•and aged cl. and Margaret I* ■•'T, a native of Haersvllle, O.. aged ?sr to «... T. Marsh, a native of .* k'ifVounty, ag*>d 25, and Margaret a native of Wheeling, *wd IV- _ Mooting of the Water Boaro. was a meeting of the Water ThfusT night to discuss the matter F.'l .ropoS new machinery All « ‘ .embers were present, and the ses w”ich was held With closed doors, f^li tll ten o'clock. Only two bids ■'I f resented, these coming from hnr* the representatives being rttSnt fu’^t outaide, and railed into the ^ ‘g'a. the occasion required. The adjourned at 10 o'clock until 4 Jclock this afternoon. Tn* Pr*»byt«rian Synod. n.s Hr. W\ H. Cooke is back after a JX’s absence in Scranton, IV, in at Tmlance upon the Synod of Pennsyl* Dr Cooke was Vice Moderator ;f ; Wdy At the request of the l!t Virginia Church, the Synod pgcd the name of the Presbyter of V, .7 Virginia to the Presbytery of ■vkersburg. This does not include !‘e Pan-Handle counties, which still i'ogg to the Presbytery of Washing , ' xhe two Presbyteries heretofore listing* la Philadelphia have been con Jated Into one. The Synod will . iu 18P2 in Little Washington at the request of Rev. Dr. Brownson, who w il then celebrate the fiftieth anniver ,rrv of his entrance into the ministry, vjy the way. on account of defective * ‘iun. Dr. Brownson has made a re I tuest for an assistant. A srUNDID I'KOMrCTION. . • u^uiar" Printed to a Large Audience at the Opera Mouse. \r.other large and fashionable audi I ( greeted Miss Julia Marlowe at the Opera House last night, and left more than pleased with the admirable pro duction of Marla Lovell's celebrated plttr “Ingomar, the Barbarian.” The piece i> a favorite with Wheeling thea if^-goers, but never has it been presented in this city in a more satisfactory manner or to a more appreciative audience. In the difficult role of “Parthenia,” Mis* Marlowe cap tivated the audience, and was called be fore the curtain at the end of each act. lu her pleasing conception of the part, I ghe added fresh laurels to her enviable reputation as an actress. Mr. Chas. B. Hanford, as “Iugomar,” the rough aDd untutored barbarian, fairly shared the j honors of the evening with Miss Mar lowe The character of “Tiraareh” was cleverly impersonated by Mr. J. M. Krancoeur, and the balance of the sup port was very good. auoit fkoplb. i Dully Chronicle of the Movement* ol Individual*. I Mrs. G. H. Rodeheavor, of Third street, Is quite ill. F.J. Hearn was in Pittsburg yesterday Ion business. Henry Bramer will leave Saturday for I Fostoria, O. Chaunecy Dewey made a flying visit to I Chicago this week. J. S. Evans, of Cameron, registered at I the Behler yesterday. George Campbell, of Parkersburg, was In lhc city yesterday. C. M. Hart, of Clarksburg, registered at the McLure yesterday. J. C. Bard all, of Moundsville, registered at the Stamm yesterday. John Frew, Esq., arrived home last night from his trip to Europe. A. G. Halloway, of Flushing, was an ar rival at the Stamm yesterday. M. J. Garrison, of Wadestown, regis tered at the Stamm yesterday. Mi** Annie Summers, of Canal Dover, is b guest of relatives on the Island. T. F. Boadenbaugh, of Fairmont, was an arrival at. the McLure yesterday. James H. Furber, of Manninston," was in arrival at the Stamm yesterday. Basil L. Bovvers, of New Martinsville, svas an arrival at the Behler yesterday. I>. II. Tappan and Hal Brues, of the Isl ind. have returned from a trip to Pittsburg. Col. D. E. Stalnaker is in Chicago on business. He will probably return to lay. M. A. Chew, of Wheeling, W. Ya., was noticed in town last week.— Washington Ob terr/r. Mrs. Gibson Lamb and daughter Louise, left yesterday for New York on an ex tended visit. Joseph Robn, Pittsburg agent of the Hermann Brewing Company, was in the city yesterday. Somo of the finest home grown sweet po tatoes over brought to this market are now on sale here. Thomas H. Grimm left yesterday mom irsr for San Francisco and other points on the Pacific coast. C'li ef of Police Mehen. of Parkersburg, in town yesterday. He went out to St. Clairsville this morning. Mr. James Giftln, salesman for L. S. Pelapiain, Son A Co., is able to be out after an illness of nine weeks. Ms..or J. C. Alderson has returned to the c;?y, after quite au exteuded absence, and 1* »-mid occupying a room at the Ruffner.— Star Tribune. Among the arrivals at the St. Charles ^fre A. \V. Mansfield, of Mannineton. H. W Bcverlin. of Grafton. D. Lembert, of Charleston. W. J. Hindman, of Bethany. Rev. D. L. Ash will next week remove ‘ * family to Grafton, wbero he will re side while filling the position of Presiding T ier of the M. K. Church, of the Morgan town district. James Lantry, Tom Wolvington, Frank Lcr.g, John Crawford and Frank Thiers r nposed a party from this city who at tended the locomotive engineers’ ball at i onchsville, O., last night. The friends of Louis Delaplain will be P ad to learn that he is now onthere por'orial force of the Chicago Herald, the •' oi rg paper of that cay, ami is in line of promotion. Dana L. Hubbard is the finan cial and real estate editor of the Herald. Colonel McKenzie, Colonel St. Clair left last night for Helena, Ark., where he will ‘-“ P Governor Fugle and John D. Adams tt-ork up enthusiasm for the fair in that • ' de. He is already engaged fora do/.eu speeches.—Chicago Her aid. The offiears of the Bellaire Steel Works sa;. - with reference to the trouble there, ’ jat they only ask what is customary at ad the steel works iu this part of the coun ty: that at V in go. Wheeling and River *ide factories they pay the machinists just what Bellaire now offers; and that Bellaire nas been paying- more for over time than aaT of the other works named; has been ’nc on’y steel works that has been paying for Sunday tirao for several years, ■ad Is nerfcctly‘willing to pay all that is paid by the other steel plants in this part of lhe valley,—Bfllofre Iwiepfndcv.t. Children Cry for Pitchers Castoria SMALL TALL Minor Matters of Interest Briefly and Pithily Told. Opera Hous*—Irene Kent lu "The Child of Destiny.” Grand Opera House—New Peck’s Bad Boy. There were no cases in Police Court, yesterday morning. The Council Committee on Claims is called to meet this evening. Brook Sims, of the South Side, was badly bitten by a dog yesterday. Trains on the Elm Grove motor lino, be ginning with to-day, will bo heated with steam. Dr. H. T. Ford’s new *4,500 dwelling in Speidel & Behren’s addition, will soon be ready for occupancy. Mrs. Carnahan and her five children were seut to Parkersburg by the authori ties, yesterday afternoon. A. J. SwizNKr and son are casting the iron boxes, 141 in number, for the super structure of the new bridge. The contract for constructing the rail road from Salem to Washingtonyille has been awarded to Paige, Carey & Co. The new railings on the Chapline and EoiT street bridges, over Caldwell’s Run, have at last been placed in position. Frank Woods’ estate was yesterday committed to Lewis Steenrod, sheriff, to administer the same according to law. Every department of the Belmont Iron Works is running to its full capacity, with the exception of the puddling department. An Italian employed on the new Main street bridge had two fingers badly mashod : yesterday morning. They were dressed at Ebeling’s pharmacy. John J. Plant was yesterday appointed guardian of Ida May Bender, orPkan John T. Bender, deceased. Bond, *uX); , Henry Schmulbach, surety. Isaac Quiglin ran against a buggy frame at the Beimont mill yesterday morning, in juringhis uose and face. His wounds were dressed at Coleman’s pharmacy. Gate towers for the Termiual Company have been erected at Chapline and EoiT streets. Work wllj commence in a short time upon the new waiting station. Ernest Echoi.l, an employe of the Wheeling pottery, had his right arm burned by escaping steam, on Monday, and was forced to lay off work for the week. James Ti lly, of South Wood street, an employe of the Hobbs Glass Factory, was severely cut on the forehead with a piece of glass* while at work yesterday morning. The chairmen and secretaries of tho various committees of the Charity ball are requested to meet the Executive Commit tee at the rooms of the Wheeling Club this evening at h o’clock. durst s newiy ramoueieu swre zler. People wno visited cere from larger cities during the past few days say it rather eclipses those they have seen, out side of metropolitan centres. A portion of the Wheeling pottery was off yesterday, on account of the shortage of natural gas. The La Belle pottery and Hobbs’ glass factory have also been incon venienced lately, from the same cause. Ox account of leaks in the boilers in the forge department of the La Belle mill, causing a shortage of material, the factory was compelled to close down yesterday, but will go on again this moruiug. The comnlaint about the manner in which vehicles and pedestrians are held at i the B. & O. crossings is as loud as ever. Yesterday a motor was held at Sixteenth 1 street for almost twenty minutes. Willie Vance, son of Mr. J. X. \ ance, is something of a numismatist. He has a very creditable collection of old scrip money, from the three-cent scrip upward. They"are most excellent specimens. T ni sports are now on the warpath. C. H. Tracy the other dav bagged seventeen squirrels and two rabbits, which made a pretty fair day’s haul, it takes a tiy squir rel to keep out of the range of Tracy’s gun. Grant Frank Malbt, son-in-law of Dr. John Cook, of Bridgeport, died in Wichita, Kansas. His remains will arrive here this morning at 5:50 over the B. A O. railroad, and will be taken to Dr. Cook’s residence in Bridgeport. Otto Schakf, a butcher employed by John Wentzel, disappeared mysteriouslv Wednesday evening, and has not since beeu seen. He ordered a set of tools, in his employer’s name, and without his author ity, which are now at the depot. All trains from the east over the B. & O. road were late yesterday, on account of the Cumberland accident. It was report ed that the train due at 11:30 o'clock was further delayed on account of the tender jumping the track at Kosby’s Rock. Work upon the new blocks of dwellings at ChapUne and Twenty-ninth and and Twenty-ninth streets, being erected for Mr. D. M. Carey by Contractor Jacobs, is progressing uicely. The Chaplinc street block will soon be ready for the roof. Ax attachment for 11,500 was yesterday placed on the stock of Thomas Caulfield, by a firm of ptauo manufacturers. There are now twenty-two attachments in all, on the stock. Caulfield got about four suits of clothes and two watches before ho left. Tub Wheeling Corrugating Company has commenced work upon the rtOxSO foot ad dition to its plant, near tho Whittaker mill. It is understood that the company is negotiating for another tract of land, ad joining Its property, upon which it is pro posed to erect a larger plant. It has been well suggested by a number of the patrous of the Opera House that the electric lights along the rim of the balcony ! fce turned out while the curtain is up. It is very trying ou the eyes of those in the ! family circle, while it detracts some from ! the scenic effects on the stage. Mrs. Truschbl has made application to the Board of Public Works to lay the new sewer now being put down iu alley 9 so as I to put in a branch sewer, preparatory to ; putting up a handsome live story building ' on the site of the one now occupied by the ' United States Bakery as soon as the lease expires. J. C. Hoc.r, the owner of Kentucky Bird the four-vear-old half-brother of Allerton. ‘J:09!4, refused $10,000 for his speedy colt. Groat things are expected of Kentucky Bird next year, and if he is haudled care fully no doubt he will come up to expecta tions. 11 is breeding is said to be even more gilt edged than is Allerton’s-es pecially ou the dam’s side.—WeUnUto Union. Miss Jclia. Mari.owes repertoire in clude.s the following roles: “Viola," in “Twelfth Night:” “Rosalind," in “As You Like It;" “Pauline," in “The Lady of Lvons;" “Imogen," in “Cymbeline;" “Juliet, ’ in"Roraeo and Juliet;" “Julia," ! in “The Hunchback;" “Charles Hart,” iu • Rogues and Vagabonds;" “Galatea,” in “Pygmalion and Galatea," and “BeaU-lco," in “Much Ado About Nothing." MORE THAN EVER. ^ Large Force of Mould Makers at the Central Factory. A prominent stockholder in the Cen tral glass factory stated to a Register reporter yesterday that the statement ! published yesterday afternoon was un true as far as the Central is concerned, i More men are now employed there iu I that department than for years, includ ! iug not only the entire force employed . before the company joined the United Slates Glass Company, but also many mould makers who worked at the Hobbs’ ! factory. The statement that the inen will not have steady employment is also untrue, as he had every reason to be lieve that the present number of hands will find continuous employment, and I that the entire works will run steadily. --♦ ' Dr. Wood’s Norway Pine Syrup was I used for years as a prescription by a i successful pnysiclan. It is in all re spectsthe best cough medicine made to ! day. Sold by all dealers on a guarantee j of satisfaction. ._ ' -—————I [ Children Cry for Pitchers Castoria j THE BOY BIGAMIST. HU Friend* Making a Strong Effort to Keep Him in Ohio. The case of Roy Romack, the 21-year old bigamist, whose case wasdetailed in the Register yesterday, divided Inter est in Bellaire with political matters yesterday. The matter is the talk of the town, and has stirred up a great deal of interest. Notwithstanding the fact that the requisition papers for Ro mack are all In proper form, the defend ant is still in the St. Clairsville jail, where he was taken Wednesday evening, his counsel having succeeded in getting Judge Driggs to hear the motion, and fixing the enquiry for this morning at nine o’clock. This was done at St. Clairsville before Chief Mehen, of Parkersburg, could get there, and when he arrived it was too late to make a charge and the chief had to come to this city and await developments. The Ohio law requires that a party arrested on a requisition shall bo in the custody of the sheriff until it is settled that he is to be transferred to the officers of an other State; and in accordance with this Romack was arrested and put in custody of the Deputy Sheriff, who took him to St. Clairsville, as stated. It was the opinion of 9orae yesterday that one of the coun sel for Romack had gone to Columbus, to have a conference with the State officials, with a view to prevent ing the transfer of the prisoner to West Virginia, if it was possible to do so. The requisition papers are thought to bo faultless, particular care having been exercised in their preparation at Charleston. ■-♦ THE SOIAL MAZE. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Stoetzer Wednes day evening eutertained a number of their frierids at their residence on Nine teenth street. A pjeasant time was spent in social conversation and refresh ments were served at 10 o’clock. The impression has gotten about that the ladles who assist in furnishing the supper at the Charity Bail will also serve as attendants upon the tables. This Is not so, however, as the ladies will be relieved in this regard by help engaged from outside. The first Kaffeevisite of the season by tho Arion Society was held last even ing. There was card playing and danc ing to Killmeyer’s music, besides many other pleasing diversions. Tho mem bers of the society turned out in goodly numbers, and as usual, all entored into the merriment with hearty zest. The South Side Batchelors gave their first hopilast night at Kemple’s Hall, and a large crowd was present. Nolte’s orchestra furnished the music. This popu ar organization will give another affair in the near future. NOTES OF THE RIVER. News About the Boat* and Boatmen on the Ohio. Warren, Pa., October 22—River eight-tenths of one foot; light rain. Brownsville, Pa., October 22.— River 4 feet 5 inches and stationary; weather, cloudy and cool. Morgantown, W. Va., October 22.— River 4 feet and stationary; weather, cloudy and cold. L. V. Blond is sole agent for E. C. Burt’scelebrated Fine Shoes. They are the be9t, finest and far suporior in style and tit than any other make. Call and see them at 1135 Main street. THRESHER BOILER EXPLODES, Killing Six Men—The Old Cold Water Story Over Again. Mayville, N. D., October 22.—A terrible threshing machine accident oc curred on Division 4 of the orandin farm to-day. The boiler of the thresh ing machine exploded and six men wero killed. Their names wero M. N. Ers berger, Hals Baarstad, Al. March, A. W. Blowers, Win. Clark and one un known. The exulosion was duo to cold water forced iuto a heated boiler whoa tho water was low. Says it is a Fraudulent Divorce. Sea Girt, N. J., October 22.—The re port that a divorce has been granted by tho Dakota Courts to Cant. Lewis A. Yorke, ex-Paymaster in tho United States navy, from his wife Emma, has created surprise here, where Mrs. Yorke has a summer cot tage. She was not aware, it is said, that her husband was seeking a divorce. The charges against her, she declare, are false. She has engaged counsel to begin proceed ings against the ex-Paymaster to have his divorce declared fraudulent. Soon after obtaining his Dakota divorce Capt. Yorke married Countess Evelyn De Zychlinski, who claimed to be the widow of a Russian nobleman. BREAD RIOTS IN' RUSSIA. The Famine Has Extended to District* iu Siberia. St. Petersburg, October 22.—The famine has extended to Siberia. Tho Governor has compiled a report showlug that in the districts of Kokth chetowsh and Petrapawlosk what food supplies the inhabitants possessed have been eutirely exhausted, aud ho appeal to public charity. Owing to the difficulty of transporta tion in the winter, efforts at relief seem almost hopeless. Supplies from Cau casia are improving in quantity, and It is hoped that they will avail to stave off the worst effects of the famine. Advic63 from tho interior of |he Em pire are continually of worse import. The people are commencing to riot in Samara, Saratoff and Verouetz. The Brltiah Storm Continue*. London, October 22.—A terrible gale accompanied by tremendous seas is pre vailing at Angleza, an island of Wales, in the Irish sea. Many vessels which were damaged in the storm have taken refuge at Holyhead. A Norwegian brig was driven ashoro at that place and wrecked. . A. The life boatmen stationed in the vicinity went to the rescue of the im periled crew, and succeeded after a de*- , porate struggle in bringing them ashore, j Dispatches from every part of Great Britain are arriving here to-day all tell ing of the vastly increasing floods. It is feared that the damage consequent upon the submerging of property will aggregate an enormous sura. For a dis tance of thirty miles the Thames has overflowed its banks. The Wisconsin Overdue. London, Ootober22.—The Guion Line steamer Wisconsin, which sailed from New York October 11, for Queenstown and Liverpool, has not yet arrived at either place. The White Star Line steamer Germanic, which arrived^ at Queenstown this morniug from New York, reports that she saw nothing of the Wisconsin during her passage. In Honor of Mrs. Gilbert. London. October 22—A luncheon in honor of Mrs. Gilbert, of Daly’s Theatri«I Com pan v, was given oy Mr. Daly at the Savoy Hotel, London, the occasion being Mrs Gilbert's seventieth birthday. Among the guests were many literary and theotri- i cal celebrities. ___ Children Cry for Pitcher’s Castoria,, HIS FACE WAS SLAPPED. A German Physician’s Claim Against the Salvadorian Government. New Y6rk, October 22.—A San Sal vador dispatch to the Jlerald states that Dr. Herman Prowe, a well known and highly esteemed German physician, who has resided in the country for the last six years, and who was presented by the government with a gold medal for his distinguished services during the late war, has put in a claim against Salvador for 500,000 pesos for indig nities to which he was publicly sub jected. , . _ He has laid his claim before the Ger man Minister to Guatemala, stating that upon payment of the endemnity money he will give one-half of it to the hosoital in San Salvador and the other half to the hospital at Santa Tecla. He states that Gen. Ruiz Pastor, a Spaniard in Salvadorian service, slapped his face in a hotel while Pastor’s three adjutants and four policemen held him so that he could not defend himself. Dr. Prowe also demands that Gen. Ruiz be dis missed from the Salvadorian army. The Italian Ambrosini, who was com mander of the only war vessel belong ing to Salvador, the little steamer Cus cataniau, has abandoned his post and gone to San Francisco, carrying away 10,000 pesos of the Government’s money, which had been destined to pay for re pairs to the steamer. are PROBABLY LOST. Two Cod Fishing Schooners Ont or Port Since August 25 and Not Heard Irom. Gloucester, Mass., October 22.— The schooner Percy, owned by James Sayer, with a crew of twelve men, and the schooner City Point, owned by Cush ing and Kenny, of Portland, with a crew of fourteen men, sailed on codfishing voyages about August 25, the Percy to Georges, and the City Point to Le Na\e banks. Neither has been heard from since, and there is little doubt that they have been lost with all hands. The men are mostly provincials and foreign ers by birth, but many of them leave families in New England. Will Dabble In Politics. Indianapolis, Ind., October 22. The Suite Farmers’ Alliance met here yester day with 200 delegates present. An address was made by ^President Thomas YV. I* orce, of Shoals, advocating the measures of the Ocala platform. Secretary YV. YV. Paige reported 200 new Alliances formed In the last year and a total membership of 35,(K)U. A committee was appointed to draft a plan for the establishment of a manufacturers and agriculturists’ exchange. President Force gave as a leading purpose of the Al liance in this State, the nomination of an independent ticket. Another Royal Betrothal to be Made. Berlin. October 22.—The North Ger man Gazette says that Prince Ferdi naud, heir to the Roumanian throne, will be betrothed to Princess Marie, eld est daughter of the Duke of Edinburgh. *---1-* poi)H Etfpecl li2 Don't expect New Customers to come to your store unless you invite than. Don't expeetto Increase your Trade without New Customers. Don't exjKCt New Customers to know anything about you unless you tell than. Don't expect them to Look in the Directory for your name. The only way to get them Is to use the Advertising Columns of Live Newspapers. ★-—-* j | ^cpal Hotfc*** ^RDER OF PUBLICATION. The State of West Virginia. Ohio county. In the Circuit Court of Ohio county. West Virginia. Oc’ober Rules, 1891. Hiram Elliott J vs. - In assumpsit. James Elliott. ) ... The object of this suit is to recover 8141 with eight per cent, interest from the 1st day of May, 1373, for which the defendant made his promU sory note to the plaintiff, and to attach money in the hands of James P. Rogers. suecUl com missioner, to satisfy the same. And it appeal ing from an affidavit filed in this cause, at these rules, that the defendant, James Elliott, is not a resident of the State of West Virginia, and lie not having been served with process in this suit, it is ordered thit the said defendant, James Elliott, do appear within one month after the date of the first publication of ibis order, and do what is necessary to protect his interests; it is further ordered that this order be published ami posted as required by law. Witness. John W. Mitchell. Clerk of said Court at the Court House of said county, this sixth dav of October, DPI. to wit. October Rules. 1891. JOHN W. MITCHELL. Clerk. (Published the first time October 7,1891.) Attest: JOHN YV. MITCHELL, Clerk. oc7oawt _ 0K1>EK OF PUBLICATION. 1M1E STATE OF WEST VIRGINIA, OHIO county. . _ . In the Circuit Court of Ohio county, West Virginia, October Rules, IPPI. Robert Smith's administrator ) vs. - In chancery. Thomas Smith and others. ) The object of this suit is to settle the account of the administrator of the estate of Robert Smith, deceased, and to sell his real estate to pay his Indebtedness. And it appearing from au affidavit filed in this cause, at these rules, that the defendants. Matilda Driggs and Rob ert Driggs. her husband, J. R. C'-wden, trustee, Mary E Smith and Lafayette Smith, her hus band, who are sued with Thomas Smith and others, are not residents of the State of West Virginia, and they not having been served with process in this salt, it is ordered that the said defendants, above nanud, are required to appear within one month after the date of the first publication of this order and do what is necessary to protect their interests It is fur ther ordered that this order be published and posted as required bv law. Witness, John YV. Mitchell, Clerk of the said Court, at the Court House of said county, this flth dav of October. October Rules, 1891 ’ JOHN W. MITCHELL, Clera. (Published the first time October 7, 1891.) Attest: JOHN YV. MITCHELL, Clerk. Botd A Somhehville. Solicitors for Complainant. oc7 DR. SAWDEN'S ELECTRIC BELT MUST MTUTS* W!TM ElESTBI BEST ■ifiSETIC UMOYEMEITS. SiSKPISBIT. Hltl otim vliint mWIciM aU Wexkoeaa rerxitlap fttm overtaxation of brain, nerve ferret exec*.'* nr uxJiterrUoo, a* ukuitlto. tralti, loeaea Mrtttt IrtiHlr. «!(«p lea»c?«t. !t2|tor. rt ciUia lidtey, H*tf tad t »id#f «sp p’aicta, iasic task. icKbace., feaeral in-hea':.'., etr. Thiaeteetri* Mt contain- W«i4evfsl lwprotewvcu evor all otter*, and firoo a carri*. tkal la ta«saav./ fa.i aj tkn wearar or we *»Kelt ti.OOa 90s and wffl rare all of tts above 4I*en. i at or an oar. Iioutal: bare been ra rad ty tilt mart tit to uiriuo* after aU ci*n r-r*4iee failed. na4 w«*iaa baa 4r»4j af teatieoaiala ia thU ijI every other ittte. Oar povarfal icrnrti Ilflltff BI'SPkanaKT y the I at -t been ever offer«4 weak aten. FHl WBWLl BttT5. Health awl riroraaa Bfeeaptb tnuniO la «*»H Bit*. Send for l*.-«b Ulsovaind pnapbleae, oenlei, fra* ^eMAjrxwaw eiiECtric co, _Mo 819 Sroaowap, K£W YORK. SAMPLE COPIES WEEKLY REGISTER rr.KE. Send postal card with name and ad dress, i DIED. MALBY—At Wichita. Kansas, on Mondav. October 19. 1891. Grant Frank Malby, aged 26 years, 7 months and 18 day*. Funeral notice hereafter. Studio - - 2154 Main St. ae!9e*di -ALLANLINE KOVAL MAIL STJCAM8H11’*, GLASGOW to PHIADELPHIA via DKttltY and GAMVAT. The most directroute frcm Scotland and North and Middle of Ireland. ACCOMMODATIONS UNSURPASSED. Intermediate, •SO. Steerage, •19. nT a x C ) SERVICE OF i ,VI tr i - ALLAN LINE LllNfc ) STEAMSHIPS. NEW YORK and GLASGOW via Londonderry, every Fortnight. October 15, STATE OF CALIFORNIA. 1P. M. October 29. STATF. OF NEVADA. 1 P. M. November 12, STATE OF NEBRASKA, coon. CABIN, S33 and upwards. Return, •65 and upwards. Steerage, 919. Apply to JOHN BAILIE orC. A. SCHAEFER. inal9eodsb WHEELING. W. VA. leather and Rubber Beilin;, HOSE AND PACKING DURABLE GOODS. LOW PRICES CHAS. H. BERRY, seSeAdo_ 1230 WATER STREET. All Our Bread IS MADE FROM TEE BEST FLOUR IN THE WORLD. Capacity of the Minnehaha Mills is 10,500 Barrels Per Day MINNEHAHA FLOUR IS FOR SALE EVERYWHERE. ocOcad _ EXTRA ANNOUNCEMENT I OPER/HIOUSE. TITO NIGHTS AND SATURDAY MATINEE, —COMMENCING— Friday Evening, October 23d, “A Brilliant Gem/’ First Tour of the Youngest American Star now before the Public. Hiss Irene Kent, Supported by the well-known Star Actress, BERTHA WEEBY, and a Talented Dramatic Company. Friday Evening—“A CHILD OF DESTINY.” Miss Kent as Ethel. Satudav Matinee — “ONLY A FARMER’S DAUGHTER”.Miss Kent as Justine. Saturday Evening—“THE HUNCHBACK,” Miss Kent as Julia. jsy" Reserved seats on sale at C. A. House’s mur-ic store Wednesday, October 31, 1S91 Ad mission, 50 and 75 cents; Reserved Seats, fl.OJ. Matinee Prices—Admission 35 and 50 cents; Reserved Seats, 75 cents._oc'^ “LET US HAVE A MINSTREL SHO W” OPER A HOUSE. ONLY APPEARANCE THIS SEASON. Monday, October 26, 1891* LEW DOCKSTADER’S MINSTRELS! nARRY J. CL API! AM.Manager. A Superb Company of Comedians. A Cultured Baud of Vocalists. A Multitude of Notable Specialists. Refined Minstrelsy and Its Greatest Victory! —SHI El— DOCKSTADEK OUR PRESIDENT “Oung Tower." (ITis original creation.) and the Uproariously Funny Ethiopian Farce Comedy, “Hotel Punch de Leon!" Admission, 75 and 50 cents. R*,‘**,v^V seats. 11.00. Rale of seats commerces FrtdaV, October 33d. at C. A. House’s music store, oc^i Grand Opera House O. C. GENTHER.Manager. FBID.IT AYD SAT! HDAT7<MTeBFB 23 AYD 24. Matinee Saturday Afternoon. THE ORIGINAL AND ONLY ATKINSON'S NEW PECK’S BAD BOY Under the management of GRIFFIN ,t VULbON. Enlarged revised and produced bv Witty Comedians. Pretty Women, Bewitching Dan cere, De ightful Singer*, with the latest and Strongest Specialties. rWPrices—Orchestra chairs, 50 cents: Dress circle. 35 cents: Gallery, 25 cents. Reserved wests on sale at Weir's___ OGAi Grand Opera House O. C. GENTHER.Manager. Three nights and Wednesday Matimee, com mencing on Monday evening, October w. Engagement of the celebrated snd only Indian Actress, ____ GO-WON-GO MOHAWK, in her Beautiful Picturesque Piaj, ’ written by herself, The Indian Mail Carrier. f, ar.ets riding oy Go-W Ju-Go Mo haws oni n,r beantilul Indian ponies, owned and trained by herself. Wongj and Buckskin, without saddin ' rj/'Priees—Orchestra Chairs, £0c ; Dress Cir c’.!T35c : Gallery. 25c Scats on sale Weir’s. UPtne* anb jignov, RECEIVEDI a Lisa aroniTun or Vines Direct Froi Europe, CONSISTING OF SHERRIES, MADERIA, PORTS, MALAGAS, MUSCATEL, gian a 2ns lias of Shins Winss and Clarets. P. WELTY & CO., MM4 WHOLUAU LlQSOUj . $Dantcfr. VAfANTED-THREE FURNISHED ROOMS, W centrally located. Address “XY,” care of this office. oc>» WANTED—TO RENT FURNISHED Room I for single gentleman, within two blocks J of Rkgistlb office. Address “A. Z ," this office. ooAfr ___ WANTED—TEN LADIES AND GENTS. Experience not necessary; 113 to r2> weekly. Good chance for permanent employ* ment. Call Room 4, upstairs, No. 106® Main. oclSdqev WANTED—80 SALESMEN TO CARRY AS a side line our “Cash on Delivery” Ctf ar. with gold-filled watch; big pay. C. O. D. CIGAR CO.. Winston. S. C._ »tt*led»b Slew 3^bt>erti»ement#. JMPORTAXT. CHARITY BALL NOTICE. The Chairmen and Secretaries of the various committees are hereby notified to meet the Ex ecutive Committee at the rooms of the Wheel ing Club, Friday evening,.the 23d in**-. 8 o'clock. By order of the PRESIDENT. gWEET CIDER. SWEET ClpER —AT— H. F. BEHRENS', 2X17 Market Street, Or at his Branch, cor. Jacob and 38th St. oc23 Resolutions of condemna tion. October 21,1891. At a regular meeting of Local Union, No. 148, U. M. VT a., on the above uate, the following resolutions were adopted: Whereas. Our fellow workmen, the ware housemen, are on strike for a just cause, there fore. be it Resolved, That thts Local pledge iu support, both morally and financially, to Warehouse men's Union No. 4,023 in this, their struggle for justice, fair wages and unionism. Resolved, That we condemn the action of ti e Wholesale Grocers and Jobbers in endeavoring to defeat their employes by liireing scab labor and refusing tbs Just demands of the Ware housemen's Union. Especially do we condemn Simon Bear's Sons for their statements against labor unions. Rsoired, That we condemn the Retail Gro cers' Protective Association for refusing to en force the boyoott placed upon the Wholesale Grocers by their patrons, union workmen. WHEELING STAINED GLASS WORKS For Church and Domestic. Purposes. In Beveled, Opalescent, Ondoyant, Venetian, Crystallized and Corrugated Glass, etc., eta Designs and estimates free of cost on applica tion. Repairing done. Office and work. 1213 Mata Street. Wheeling. W. V*. •esSsbeed JOHN COX, Proprietor. SECOND GRAND BALL — TO BK GIVEN BT THE — CENTRAL BARDEN CLUB, At Turner llall, Friday uignt, Octolnsr J3, lwi. Music by Opera House Orchestra. ADMISSION - • U) CENTS. ocISSuThFb _ TgAGSTER’S COMPREHENSIVE TEACHERS’ BIBLE In full variety of binding* from »3 to • l'J.50, plain or patent Indexed. Said by be»t Judges to ucel all others. STANTON A DAVENPORT. OC30 Agents for Wbesllng. J^OTICE. Notice Is hereby given that Certificate Num bered 104 for thirty share* of stocE of the Pea body Insuranoe Company, Issued to the under, signed on the 1st day of January. A. I). I*C5 has been lost. [oclfloatvt) W.J. BATES. HARDERFOLD Hygienic Underware The Finest Undarware made. Soft, warm, and will not scratch. These celebrated goods for sale by IIOSIERY BARGAINS. Ladles’ Fine Rlaek Cashmere Ho»e at 50 cent*, worth 75 cent*. CHILDREN’S REGULAR MADE Fast Black Cotton Hose At 10 cent*. All size* from 6 to Rtf. Tho last lot will have this season. " I.S.1 . |Xcn> rpEN DAYS FROM GERMANY. We have just received a freahlnaporUtion of Hartz Mountain MALE CA>ARI1I>, priM^O) each. Also a low mere younc Louieiana MOU nco birds, P'**££]jy{| bE0TH*rs, oca Cor. Twelfth and Market Streets. Parlor Easels CABINET FRAMES. Elegant Assortment, Attractive Prlcea. KIRK’S ART STORE, Mll0 No. 1U05 Main Street. QLOTHES WRINGERS, IRONING BOARDS, IRONING STANDS, CLOTHES HORSES. Different size* and klnde at NESBITT ft BRO.’S, ocSOruavri 1SU Market Streep OUR STOCK -OP Sterling Silver Table Service, LAMPS, BRONZES AND FINE POTTERY Is more complete titan ever before. Choice lies Goods Opened Daily. I. G-. DILLON & CO. FOR SALE. The Country Residence and Kruit Farm of the undersigned, kuown as “WADDIHGTOR PLACE,” on Rethanr pike. Just five mile* from Wheeling. Over l.SUO feet above tide, aud 73T* feet above the Ohio river. Twenty-five acre* of the choicest fruit tree»„f all kinds, a large uutnberof w hich were brought from Eugland years ago by Mr. Geo. W Smith, and are now In splendid b aring >t- hti< n. Tear* of the choloest varieties, bulb dwarf and standard; over three hundred peach trees, plums, German and French prunes, cherries, ►rapes, nuiuoes, a splendid man ar ri s orchard and the finest apple* in the Bute Elegant water. A flue brick house of twenty rooms, large and pleasant, with a 1,000 Iwsrrel cistern. Brick barn, stables aud all outbuild ing* in first class condition. Large porch, overlooking w* fine a landscape view as ran t>e seen anywhere. Would make a most healthful summer resort Roads alwaya lu splendid condition. Terms Reasonable and Price Low. If not sold within thirty day*, will rent to de sirable parties. For further Information ad dress, A. S. HOWELL, ooOQeugq I*. O. Hoi 18*1, 1 heeling, IV Vv OTICE '!'» HOND1IOL j«— Notice is hereby given that the following bond- of the City of Wheeling 44 per eeot Iowa of ISM. have been drawn by lot aud will be re deemed at the Bank of the Ohio Valley on au l after November 1st. IMM: N«>*. *7, .13, Ml, Wi, 10H, US. ISM, i:.rt, t iH, qt.5, 910. 917, »»»«, 34b, 37 V, 400. 418. 417, 484. 470, 4HI. 4H7. 637, 533. 531, AS I, 610. 530,0*1. 640, HCIA, 7 10, one hundred dollars each; No* 700, 7HI, h03, five hundred dollars each; Nos. H.ii, M414, hoh. one thouKand dollars each. Interest ocases ou these bonds on Nrvem bvr 1st. ». I* JEPtON, ocl3ra Commissioner. IIA DAM DsLFON, THE RENOWNED J'i Clairvoyant, the seventh daughter of a seventh son, she Is gifted with lbs jiotef to bring the separated happily together, remove the dark clouds hanging ov<t husband* and wive*.obliterate buslnes* and financial troubles, and wiih her wonderful Second Sight local* lost, buried or stolen property. To be oonsulted nt 3*0 North Main street. Wheeling, W. Va. 1‘rloes to ladles only SO cents to II (*). oc4b DR7A.F. GASMIRE —THE DENTIST— Oaa admtntatrrr’d. Tahiti »iWmM without pain. AU work flrat-claaa. IMc Office 1313 M arket 8k. TYPEWRITERS. SOLE AGENTS FOR THE A FULL LINE OF Remington and C&iigrapii Supplies Alwaya on hand. OHicr auppllea of all klnda a apaclaltf. A LA ROE I.INK OF SEW ROOKS From &0 to 76 par cant, ehfapar than *?ar •old hefora. at CARLE BBOB-, No 130* Markoc Ntreet. It KCTO^*’™ Ufl l\L I U A LIFE TIME It presented to buyers this week in our Cloak Department. We have secured the remainder of the stock of those celebrated, high shouldered, medium weight, imported BLACK STOCKINET JACKETS—sizes from 32 to 42inches _for which we have had such a phenomenal sale in past seasons, and pro pose giving the benefit of our wonderful bargain to the trade. *WE OFFER 175 Jackets at $3,95 Each, the Regular $8,00 Quality. 140 Jackets at $5,85 Each, the Regular $12.00 Quality We make the above LOW PRICES in order to DISPOSE OF THEM RAPIDLY, as our Cloak Room is crowded with hundreds of other styles, and we have not the space to accommodate this special purchase. s^-150 Cloth Newmarkets at $5.00 each. This is a fraction of their value. s&~The most Stylish Cloaks and Dress 6oods in the State. All Wool Country Blankets from $2.90 up. GEO. M. SNOOK &CO. No. IIIO MAIN STREET. i