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)Uttf VERDICT. New, Stylish and Perfect in Fit. And the Largest Line in the State. The foregoing Is the general verdict of all who have visited our Wrap De partment and have seen the stock of Ladles’, Misses’ and Children’s Wraps there displayed. Newmarkets, Capes, Jackets, Reef ers in all materials, and a full line of sizes. Don’t wait for something newer, as every day some styles are closed out that cannot be duplicated, and you miss an opportunity that will not offer itself again this season. -FURS Krimmer Sets, Seal Muffs, Monkey Capes and Muffs, real and imitation Seal Muffs and Capes. Geo, E, Stifel & Co, BLANKETS GEO, E, STIFEL&CO, COMFORTS DRESS FABRICS. On account of limited space we are unable to enumerate the various ma terials coming under this head, but in our spacious rooms, where we are not crowded, can be found the full variety, from the cheapest weaves to the ffciest novelties In Camel’s Hair, Bedford Cord, Henriettas, &c., saying nothing of the Black Silks, Rhadames, <fcc., and Deli cate Shades for evening wear. TRIMMINGS in Jet in sets and by yard; also, Feather Tippings, Chiffons, &c., to suit all col ors. FLANNELS GEO, E, STFEL k CO, HOUSE FURNISHING LINENS, Oar Cloak Department Offers inducements not to be found else where. That accounts for the wonder ful business of the past week. Our as sortment is undoubtedly the largest in the city. THIS WEEK’S Business will be the greatest we have ever done in our Cloak Department. AT $1.39 We offer 100 Children's and Misses’ Jackets, ages 4 to 12. AT $2.98 We offer 75 Misses’ Jackets In three dif-1 ferent styles. You will have great dif-; Acuity In matching them elsewhere un- I der $4. AT $5.00 We offer 100 Young Ladles’ Jackets in l five different styles. Some houses get' $7.50 for Jackets no better. AT $5.50 We offer 25 Ladles’ Cloth Capes (black aud tan) with fur collar. AT $8.98 We offer beautiful Embroidered Cloth Capes, with nail head trimming. They are worth S12.00. STONE & T AS, WHY WEAR THAT OLD HAT When you can get those nobby New Styles at such low prices at McFadden’s? For a young man’s Derby our Brighton Hat is unexcelled. We also have the latest YOUMAN and DUNLAP Styles at prices lower than any other house in the city. Call and see our HATS. They speali for themselves in Style, Quality and Price. THE BRIGHTON. i •1.50, (1.90, «2.40aad (3-00. YOUMAN STYLE. $1.50, $1.90 and $2.40. 3VC. T. Xv'TF'-A.IDIDEiKr, ONE PRICE HATTER AND FURNISHER* 1320 and 1322 MARKET STREET, WHEELING. DR. GEO. J. C ADDLE, SUR8E0N DENTIST, MO. 1*1« MARKET STREET. rw.r Dollar Saving* Baa*.ap6**d $Uiu ^fct>erti*emewt*. TO-DAY ONLY ALL WOOL ALL WOOL SKIRTS, Full Size, CO cents. Come Early to Atoid till Rusk. L. S. GOOD, llS&aBd 1127 IbIb St AT *5.00 We offer 65 Ladies’ Black Cloth Jack ets, with heavy fur collar. AT $7.50 We offer 250 Ladies’ Black and Navy Blue, Fur and Hair Trimmed Jackets that will compare favorably with any offered elsewhere at $10.00. AT *30.00 We offer Black, Navy Blue, Tan and Grey Cheviot. Diagouals and Carnet’s Hair Cloth Jackets, trimmed in Fur, Astrachau and French Seal, about 25 different styles of the £10.00 grade to select from. AT 810 00 TO 850.00 We offer a wonderful variety of Jackets, Wraps and Capes, trimmed in all the latest trimmings. We feei we are not saying too much in saying we will save you from 10 to 25 per cent, by attend ing this great Cloak Sale this week. AT $16.50 We offer 50 Jackets made of the best cloth, trimmed in Moflloon Trimming, This Jacket will compare with any ever offered at $25.00. A special invitation is extended to every lady in Wheeling to examine our stock of CLOAKS. CRUSH HATS. 50c, 76c, SI.00 and SI.60. We have a lot of CHILDREN’S JOCKEY CAPS worth 60c and 76c, which we are selling at 25 Cents. 100 Styles and Qualities in Soft Hats! SHptlitig Thermometer Kecora. Mr. C. Schnepf, the Oijera House drug gist, made the following observations of the temperature yesterday: 7 a. m., 50; 8 a. m., 55; 13 m., 67; 3 p. m., 71; 7 p. m., 59. W eather, clear. TUB WEATHER Washixgtox. D. 0 , October 30.—For West ern Pennsylvania. West Virginia, and Ohio, generally fair; stationary temperature; south erly gales. Index t® New Advertisements. rOCRTH FAGS. Lamps—Ewing Bros. FIFTH PAGR. Passenger Tariff—Wheeling Bridge and Ter minal Railway Company. Oomrausiouer's Notice to Creditors. B ds for Advertising Inside Street Cars. List of Letters. Time Card—Wheeling Bridge and Terminal Railway. a Religious Notice — Second Presbyterian Church. • A. O. II. Funeral Notice—Division No. 1. Wanted—Ladles to Do W riling. Religious Notice—First Baptist Church New Classes—Wheeliug Conservatory of Mu sis. Sterling Silver Table Service—1. G. Dillon A Co. ReligiourNotice—Fourth Street W. E. Church. Wanted—Position by Young Lady. Religious Notice—First Presbyterian Church. Wanted—Salesman. Stolen —Horse. Free Oyster Soup and Lunch—E. Kloepner. Allan Line Royal Mail Steamships For Sale—farms ij Jefferson County, O. For Sale—Dairy. Notice—Chanty Bail. xionrn PARR. To-Day Only— L. S. Uood. Bp RRlnl pttnss ®® Bt®ak«ee to-day. Baoat mom, K i V A BIG MEETING g«T.n BI THI DIM00RAT3 OF MARTIH’3 FIR RY, LA3T NI8Bf, Olornog Aotit# Oampaifn Workfor Gorernor Camp bell and the Ticket—An Addreee by OoL Robert White— Disorderly Republicans. There was a rousing Democratic meeting at the opera house in Martin’s Ferry last evening to listen to addresses by Col. Robert W hite, of this city, and Hon. John V. Le Moyne, of Maryland. The greatest euthusiasm prevailed, and the meeting was a great success, al though a number of disorderly Republi cans tried to break it up. James Y. Patterson called the meet ing to order, and announced that W. B. Francis had been selected chairman. The latter gentleman, after a few ap propriate remarks, introduced Hon. John V. Le Moyne, who made an ex cellent speech. He told his audience that tho ques tion before the people of Ohio was pro tection. He explained that the Repub lican way of protection was to protect a few and let the many suffer; that they wanted tho infant industries protected, and now since these industries Lave grown up they make their brags tuat they are more protected than ever be fore. He told them McKinley could not tell why the tariff was increased. He read from a list some of the articles that were increased, and mentioned blankets, carpets, clothing, rubber shoes and other articles on which, in some places, the duty was far greater than the cost of the goods. He stated that the manufacturer who had been contributing his share of the “fried fat” demanded that the tariff must be advanced, and so it was raised. He informed them that the Republican party tried to tell the people that sugar was free, which was uut so, because the sugar trust demanded that all sugar below a certain grade should come in free, so that it would have to pass through their hands. Tho sugar that Is on the free list can not be used until it is refined, and this gives the sugar trust a chance to put the tariff on. He also told his ILtei.ers that tic tariff kept our ships from bringing back goods, etc., and consequently they ad vertised cheap rates and came bac k loaded with pauper labor rather than come back empty. These laborers come to this country to compete with our labor, and this was a potent causj of the wages of the working class of people being reduced, lie concluded his speech by asking his audieuco to i give their support to the Democratic I ticket. Coairraan Francis then introduced Col. Robert White, of this city, who was greeted with a round of applause. He said, in starting off, that there wore only three things in the Republican party—money, power aud office; and when they had theso they were satis fied, they didn’t care for the working man. He defied any man to show him where the McKinley bill benefited anyone beside the manufacturer and tho fathful that the “fat” was fried from. When he men tioned Grover Cleveland’s name in con nection with the tariff bill the audience went wild. He kept the crowd in an uproar of applause nearly all the time. Tho tin and sugar questions wore fully explained by Col. White, although ho was interrupted several times by some of the Martin’s Ferry Republicans, who were evidently present at the meeting for the purpose of making trouble. Col. White’s speech was an able and powerful one throughout, and he was widely complimented for his address. At the conclusion of the speech tbroo cheers were given for Governor Campbell. • Commencing November 1st, tho Wheeling Bridge and Terminal Rail way will put on increased passenger ac commodations between Wheeling and Martin’s Ferry, including an early morning train leaving Whenling at 5:15 a. m. This train will run to Laughlfn’s Mills, arriving there at 6:31 a. m.: also a train leaving Laughlin’s Mills at 6:05 p. m., arriving at Wheeling at 6:22 p. m. Additional evening trains will leave Wheeling at 9:30 and 10:45 p. m., thus giving the public of Martin’s Ferry an opportunity to return after the thea tres. For further information as to trains and change in commutation tickets, see advertisements. » How Colds Are Cored In the Sooth. W. J. Flowers, of Dorrance, Georgia, says: “Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy is tbo host I can get for Coughs, Colds and Croup,” and many others who have used It are of the same opinion. Its promptness in looseniug and relieving severe colds has made It deservedly pop ular. -♦ Home made Comforts. Snook A Co. The Holiday trade is on with a rush at Tappan &. Connol’s Gallery. Election Returns at Uavin's. The olect<on returns will be received at P. J. Gavin’s popular saloon, at the corner of Main street and Market alley, opposite the new bridge, Tuesday even ing, and all are invited to call and hear the returns read. Visit Tappan & Connel’s gallery and see their beautiful display of Life size Pastel and Crayon Portraits. I tu pro ted Cnpe Jackets cheap. Snook A Co. -^-. L. V.*Bi.oxr> is sole agent for E. C. Burt’s celebrated Fine Shoes. They are the best, finest and far superior In style aud fit than any other make. Call and see them at 1135 Main street. Wool Skirt* worth SI.75, at SI.25. Snook A Co. “You can fool all the people some of the time, and some of the people all the lime, hut you can't fool all the people nil the time M—A. Lincoln. Among all the unique and wise utter ances of “Honest Old Abe,” none are truer than the above. Every intelligent and ob serving person knows ltow ridiculous, fool ish and unreliable are the aunoitrnemeuts ot some stores. They’re thoughtless aad Ignorant enough to think (seemingly) that w hatever they say goes—when, la don’t at all. TVhat we Intend to do this week le to make Overcoats go, no matter what the former price na our Fine Meltoa, Kersey aud Beaver Overcoats have beee. this week we propose to let Overcoats worth • 14 50 go at Sit 50 A house to rise aad meet with continued success must give good honest value. Call this week and see tor yourself. KUMi HROTHFR*. Sellable Clothier*. 1140 Mala street. Bedford Cord Saltings. Ssook O Co. EH Wool bfctrts. fall sftae. Me. is-dsy aaly, le •. BOMB. | I BEAL. ESTATE MAKILKT. Deed of Transfer Left for Record Teeter, day. The following transfer of real estate was left for record at Clerk Hook’s office yesterday: Deed made October 86, 1891, by Sarah E. Falloure to Ellen McNeil, for parts of lots 4 and 21 of B. M. EofTs pasture held addition. Consideration, $1,300. H. E. Hillman & Co. will fit fancy dials and 14-k gold hands on move ments at $2.50. Don’t fail to attend the first Great Lot Sale at MeMechen, Friday and Sat urday. Free excursion. Call at Rolf & Harvey’s office for tickets. Jos. Hasenauf.k sella best and cheap est Coal in the city. Telephone 527. Newmarkets—one-fourth price. Snook ft Co. __ Tappan & Connel, leaders In fine Fotography. _ Appetizing Lunches. In addition to my regular saloon busi ness, I have fitted up and opened the finest lunch counter in the city, where all the substantials and seasonable deli cacies can be found at all times. Call and be convinced that this is the place to get the finest luncheon in the city. P. J. Gavin. Saxony Wool Hosiery Snook ft Co. A Card. 1 Parties having Diagrams for our Photo-Autograph Placques are request ed to bring them to the gallery by No vember U), in order to secure them for the Holidays. Tappan & Connel. lied ford Cord Jacket*. Snook ft Co. L. S. Good sells dry goods the cheapest Nail-heads, all sire* Snook ft Co. $lxmx &btiertt*emettt». REASONS, like advice, are not al ways heeded, but the observance of some we offer to-day would be for you a money-saving experiment if acted on. FIRST—Are you a housekeeper? Do you expect to be? or would you be If the way and the means were at your disposal to start? In any case a visit to our stores would interest you. WHY ? Because everything necessary for housekeeping purposes, from the kitch en utonsils to the parlor suite, can be obtained there. Because full value in quality, sub stantially-made stock, is given for the mouey. Because with* full value and good quality are given long terras of credit, with easily-arranged payments, which make buying goods for housekeeping a possibility. WHEELING INSTALMENT CO. Strange as it may seem, many people don’t know exactly how to start to fur nish a house—Their Inexperience often l^ads them into costly excesses which they afterwards regret. If begiuners come to us and permit us to suggest as they go about the selec tion of their purchases, we will save them money and annoyance—Our ex perience in the business enables us to do this and our greater aim is to satisfy our customers, not for the present, but for all time—Many of our customers buying from us to-day bought from us w’hen we first started in business, and that FURNISHES A FACT IN OUR FAVOR. WHEELING INSTALMENT CO. WHAT DO YOU WANT To tramp the town for when we can provide you with everything you may possibly require?—It will take you some time to go through our different depart ments, it’s true, but you won’t feel half so weary and discouraged as if you had to travel to different places for different articles—Resides we offer THREE GOOD REASONS Why you should deal with us—OUR stock is larger, varied, substantial, rich and elegant. WE GUARANTEE satisfaction; posi tively warrant to give FULL VALUE for the MONEY and treat our patrons honestly In every particular. OUR TERMS are favorable to the finan cial condition of every one—Easy and convenient. WHEELING INSTALMENT CO. 1136 to 1140 Market Street, JOS. H. McARDLE, Mauft«er,_ ! yy AN AM AKER <fe BROWN. Two thousand new Fall and Winter Samples For gents’ Suits and Overcoats received by J. W. FERREL, Agent, ant? Cor. Mvnaii T wntietft Streets i oo*'*'**'tf*0*. i Are they worth looking at* Well, that'* Jtft what in*} are. You don't even n»ed to know ; whet a pood aho# U to promptly recoKnize the ! vain* of onr w. .t H CHlLDHfcVS SHOES. »bey rtav not be a toy forever, bat the re aa anmie^aab'e thtnc of beaaty end they'U wear teat m we.I *• they look. A> for oar L1TTE &lh>*T hCat'xJL bliOkh. It # beyond the poa siblmy of Sadia* *ael« *o far ea either make. mea*v or material aro ooi»e*med They are a# r*a«ia* aa artlej*. fram heal to tee ae ewer left lb* band* ef a aeffnpaloaa maaefaeterer aa i every penny yaw Invent la a waU tavoated neat. ALEXANDER A CO_ VVE HAVE BEATEN THE RECORD! OUR SALES OS £ puiTiriS IddltiiLl order., and we Sdl! be al'ie to .how the coming wee* one the finest oollectlons of Light Fur-Trimmed Wraps In the city. First arrival, getfir,t choice —SEW THISGS IS— Jackets and Capes Arriving Daily. NATURAL GAS IS DEAR, But it make, no difference, a. our Blanket, ara chena Our very low price, on them bring them witbiu the reach of all. at.t. WOOL BLANKETS, Good Sire, Heavy Weight. Froip $2 tip I Purs I Furs I Oar 1 rge line of FURS it now in collection and i. Urge aud varied. Over FIFTY DIFFERENT VARIETIES Which we bought early, before the advance in Furs took place. Epr, Met & Co., 1132 MAIN STREET. “Pfflsbuiy’s Best Is The Best; FLOUR. • - There is no dyspepsia in PiUsbury’s Flour. It always makes wholesome Bread, All Grocers sell it, AMPLE COPIES WEEKLY REGKth ruse. £>nd postal card with name and id. dress. Nut Browns, Wood Browns, Tan Browns, Snuff-browns, Wine and Seal Browns, And they are exquisite in the perfection of fit, made and trimmed equal to the garments of the best custom shops—single and dou ble-breasted—dignified and quiet in appear ance, or with all the fads of fashion, such as soft roll, patch pockets, inlaid velvet collars, single or double-breasted vests, etc., etc. o Our stock of Men’s, Boys’ and Children’s Overcoats is simply enormous and represents all the latest styles. An elegant line of Underwear. A magnificent assort ment of Neckwear, in fact, any thing that is.necessary or per tains to a gentleman’s wardrobe Twelfth and Main Sts. Retail Department.Six Haft WE WILL PUT ON SALE 1 OCTOBER 27, and will continue until sold, 75 NEWMARKET COATS $4.00 EACH. Some of these coats cost as high as $20 00. ALL GO AT 14.00 EACH. We will sell them on M'ecklJ or Monthly Payments. Holise & tferrijiann