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2 And we have an assortment that beats all previous lines fcr Qual ity, Style and Price. We can please you in anything from a Gray Ironing Blanket to the Finest California Blanket in white, red, col ored border and fancy. COMFORTS AND QUILTS cheaper than you can quilt them at home, and the best grades of Cotton and Oil Boiled Calico. JUST RECIEVED A NEW LOT OF MILITARY AND SHORT In Seal, Japanses Seal, Wool Seal, Beaver, Astrachan and Monkey; alio SEAL SKIN JACKETS. As the prices of Fine Furs are going up, persons contemplating the pur chase of these goods should do so now and save money. WRAPS S Ladies’, Misses’ and Children's garments are being received every day and our stock already is larger than any in the city, and with these daily ad ditions we have the best assortment and always the latest style. Get our prices before you purchase. G 0. EM* CO. 1168 MAIN STRBKT. UNDERWEAR BARGAINS I To-day we offer about 35 dozen odds and ends of Ladies’, Gent’s and Children’s Un derwear, about one-half regular price. RED MIXED WOOL. , Gent’s Extra Heavy Underwear at 59c. regular price $1.00. Ladies’ Camel's Hair Underwear at 39c, former price 75c. CHILDREN’S GREY MIXED UNDERWEAR. Size 16 at 9c, regu’ar price. 18c. Size 22 at 21c. regular price, 33c. Size 18 at 14c, regular price, 22c. Size 24 at 23c, regular price, 35c. Size 20 at 17e, regular price, 25c. Size 26 at 26c, regular price, 40c. Shirt Bargains For This Week! 50c for Men’s Jersey Winter Shirts. 50c for Men's Cassimere Winter Shirts. 75c for Embroidered Buckskin Shirts. $1.00 fod Extra Heavy Blue Flannel Shirts. $1.00 for Fine Tricot Flannel Shirts. $1.00 for Our Finest Buckskin Shirts. $1.00 for Our Finest Jersey Shirts. $1.25 for Fino Flannel Evening Shirts. 35c for Boys’ Heavy Jersey Shirts. 50c for Boys’ Heavy Cloth Shirts. SEE OUR BARGAINS IN WINTER UNDERWEAR. ■M’FADBEN’S HAT & SHIRT STORE, ' Cheapest Store in Wheeling. 1320 and 1322 Market Street. far Store Open Every Evening. DR. GEO. J. C ADDLE, SURGEON DENTIST, »0. mi aAlUX IXUIT, Over Dellar Saving* Baat lyfcaad I^IttchinUtA&ilron iUorker* J^EDMAN-t& bp., . GtfcERAL MACHINISTS ^AND MANUFACTURERS OF Mariae and Stationary Engines. 3p21c WHEELING. W, VA. ESTABLISHED 1874. tOQUARTERS FOR OYSTERS I THE OLD RELIABLE. . O. McCLUSKEY, -SHIPPER OF riMORE, NORFOLK ASD IEVY0RE Oysters I 3S Paila and Shell every day in the year. I cater to the trade who want Good Oya ily. and in Quality and Price challenge •on. *6 Twelfth 3t, Wheel!nf, W. Va. dab_ ' sitfiv? Cards —and dding \miw In the lateet ®*J'1** nea of « , ner* ^ 1 nsriuomeicr nacoru. Mr. C. Schaepf, the Opera House drug gist, made the following observations of the temperature yesterday: 7 a. ra., 45; I 9 a. m., 50; 12 m . 56; i p. m., 61; 7 p. m., 57. Weather, fair. Index to Mew Advertisements, POCRTH PAGB. Natural Stone Kilters—Ewing Bros. PITFH PA8I. Religious Notice—First Presbyterian Church. Wanted—Salesman Wanted—Mil Shippers. Religious Notice—M. Matthew’s Church \dJourned ba.e of Real Estate—W. B. Simp son. Attention. Young Men's Democratic Club. Mince Meat—Albert Stolze A Co. List of Letters. Try List’s Cough Syrup-R. H. List. SIXTH PAOS. Underwear Bargains—Stone A Thomas. Caramels.—To-day will be a special day on Caramels. Many new kinds will be displayed. Geo. L. Durst. 4 Greet Bargain-. Women’s fine Dongola Button Shoes, $1.25, worth $2.00. Women’s good sewed Button Shoes, 95c, worth $1.25. Men’s flue calf Seamless Shoes, $1.75, worth $2.50. Men’s good solid Seamless Shoes, $1.15, worth $1.50. am Shoe Store. aroel* to-day. xEO. L. Durst. are offer^.g a *ve dol THE PRISONERS WILL NOT BE TRANSFERRED TO THE NEW JAIL, MONDAY. The Building Nearly Completed, But Not Quite. The Reason For the Delay—A Glance Through the Edifice. The Board of County Commissioners has rescinded its action, taken at the last regular meeting, designating next Monday as the date for the transfer of the prisoners from the old to the new jail, and the date has been left open, making it probable that at least two weeks, and perhaps some days longer, will elapse before the change Is made. This action was made necessary by the fact that the building could not be com pletely fitted up in time. This Is not the fault of the contractors, nor of the architect, nor even of the Board itself. It doesn’t appear to be any one’s fault. At the time the order was made designating the last day of October as the date of removal it was thought by all connected with the construction of the edifice that there would be nodifficulty In hav ing all the details completed, but some additional work was determined upon In the meantime, and there was a delay in fitting up the cells, especially iu the matter of bunks, which made it, if not impossible, at least inconvenient to transfer the prisoners on the day named. The sample of bunks submitted by the Van Dorn iron works did not meet the approval of the Board, and others had to bo made. These have not been completed, and it :s a little uncertain when they will bo received. Some miner fixtures in the nlsn rAmfiin to hfi I’laced ill DOSi tion, but they are matters of small mo meat, and will take but little time. Yesterday evening seventy-live of the eighty cells In the main cell building were ready for the bunks, and the oth ers will doubtless be completed lo-day. The ventilating apparatus is working nicely, making the interior of the build ing warm, and drying it out nicely, but some of the plastering is a little greeu as yet, aud there will be a noticeable dampness for several weeks. Tne jailer’s residence is complete, and can bo moved Into at once, If it was de sirable. It Is a fine building, contain ing, besides the kitchen, which Is fitted up with a massive steel range and all conveniences, three large rooms and a hall on the first floor and three bed chambers and a bath room, besides halls and several closets on the second, aud will make a commodious and pleasant residence. It is entirely cut off from the jail proper, save by one door-way, open ing into the guard room, and this open ing Is closed by a massive steel door. Tbe front building, devoted to vari ous offices on the first and second floors, is still in a rather chaotic condition, the plasterers and plumbers not hav ing quite* finished their work, and the mantels remaining to go up. In the basement of thi9 building, down in a region which Is as dark as the interior of the proverbial cow, the padded cells for violent lunatics are complete, as are the dungeons for re fractory prisoners, who may need to be shut up there to ruminate ubon the error of their ways. The padded cells aro lined with the stoutest duck, tightly stuffed with excelsior, walls and floors aline, and a man can bounce himself about in them like a rubber ball, with out Jarring hi9 constitution very seri ously. The dungeons have a door at each end, so that a man who refuses to behave himself can be attacked front and rear by those having him In charge. The large room In the basement of the tower, designed for the detention of witnesses under certain circumstances, Is also complete, as Is the laundry, aud up next the roof the department for female prisoners and the hospital is in good shape, and will be ready in time. The hath room for the prlsouers, In the basement of the cell building, has been fitted up with three tubs and plenty of cold wa ter, and is ready to commence opera tions. In all there are five bath tubs about the building, and cleanliness is one of tbe things which will be insisted upon. The whole outfit Is one entirely cred itable to the couuty, the contractor, the architect, and the Board, and when the public is admitted for an inspection of the building there will, no doubt, be a general concurrence in this view. EDUCATIONAL DOINGS. What Has Transpired In a General Way Auioug the Schools. After a week’s enjoyment among the scholars in preparing for the “Colum hinn Ttav eeli'hratinn.” thev found it | somewhat difficult to get down to hard I work agaiu. The work being doubly hard on account of the entire week being devoted to the first of the bi monthly written examinations of this term. The examinations wero about all completed yesterday. The reports will be sent to the parents on Monday, the last day of the month. Throughout all the schools the toachers have noted marked improvement in various grades | over that of last year. This is certainly a good showing for the first term of school. In some of the schools work for the World’s Fair has already been com menced. The teachers should read with care State Superintendent B. S. Mor gan’s editorial in the October number of the West Virginia School Journal, in which he says: “The character of our State educa tional exhibit will depend very largely upon the promptness and readiness with which the teachers, superintend ents and scholars respond to the re quests of the World’s Fair managers. This work has been begun a little late, and the teachers and scholars must therefore begin the work of preparation promptly and push it vigorously. Many of the older States issued their circulars of lnstructious to teachers relative to this work as early as last March.” The schools in the city here not hav ing commenced their preparation should commence at once, as over half of the work could be &:complished before Christmas. We are all naturally Inter ested In toe schools and want our State to have an educational display that will be on a par with any other State in the Union. i The grammar department teachers of the city met at Superintendent Ander son’s office on Thursday afternoon. The teachers of Washington school meet every Friday afternoon in the principal’s office, and review the studies in which they are to be exam ined at the end of the school year. The A and B divisions of Webster school held a meeting on Thursday. Prof. Anderson gave a talk on “Cases of nouns and properties of adjectives.” / The same divisions of Centre school were addressed by the Superintendent . Friday morning. The banner carried by the scholars --- I I V from Washington school on ‘‘Colombian Day” was purchased by the pupils themselves for the occasion. Miss Ella Vieth, of Washington school, visited the Pittsburg schools l&st W66ki The Garland, a paper published by the Longfellow Literary Society of Ritchie school, iaone of the leading Friday afternoon literary attractions. Visitors frequently call to hear this bright, newsy journal read. Thi9 year Lincoln school will have but three Seniors. The Junior Class numbers seven. Miss Carrie Kindleberger, one of the honor pupils of the class of '92, has been appointed as substitute In Washington school. THE NEWS OF THE DAY. Attention, Committees. The Entertainment Committee and De monstration Committee are requested to meet the Executive Committee at nine o’clock this morning atclub rooms. Im portant business; be present promptly. John Waterhouse, Secretary. Barry B. Soy bold Pardoned. Yesterday morning Mrs. H. B. Sey bold received a telegram from Jas. W. Ewing, private secretary to the Gov ernor, stating that the Governor had pardoned her husband, Harry B. Sey bold, who has been confined in the pen itentiary at Moundsville over eighteen months. A Baey session. The Board of County Commissioners met yesterday morning as a Board of Equalization and Appeals, and put in a busy day considering petitions and listening to the explana tions of property owners. About fifty petitions were before the Board, and quite a number were deferred, varying action being taken on the others. A Trick that Didn't Work. Yesterday G. If. McCune, who has been boarding with Mrs. Parsons, gave that lady an order for $5.25, for board, on Jos. McDauu, and then skipped around and collected his wages before the order was presented, intending to go to Pennsylvania. The police were notified and McCune was arrested and locked up. After considering the mat ter in the solitude of his cell, he agreed to pay up, and was released. A Large Batch of Prisoners. Nine prisoners were landed behind the bars at Moundsville, yesterday, by Sheriff R. H. Boone, of Fayette county. Five of the prisoners were white and four colored, and they were in charge of Deputies Jas. L. Storer, I. Storer, J. A. Boone, Clark Humphries, Walter Blum, C. Z. DeQuinsy, Alex. McNabb, \V. B. McDowell and Harrison Ash. One of the prisoners got ten years for murder, one fifteen years for an unlaw ful assault on his own daughter, one two years for stabbiug a mau, aud the others varying terms for robbery. A Bad Runaway. Last night about Lalf-pastsix a team belonging to Albert Jennings took fright in the Fifth ward, and came dashing across the Market street bridge and up to Sixteenth street. At that street it swerved to the east and the wagon struck the B. & 0. safety gate, completely wrecking it, and knocking the tongue off the wagon and complete ly wrecking the vehicle. This checked the career of the ,tightened horses and, they were captured. No one was hurt, although a pedestrian on the postofiice sidewalk had rather a narrow escape. Chautauqua Local Board. Rev. W. J. Edwards, of Jamestown, N. Y., was In the city on Thursday in the interest of Chautauqua, and after consultation with a few frieuds of edu cation, appointed the following commit tee, to be known as the Chautauqua Local Board, to whom persons desiring information as to Chautauqua or the C. L. S. C. course cau apply: Rev. A. B. Rlker, D. I)., Rev. D. A. Cunningham, D. D., Rev. J. A. Fullerton, D. D., Rev. J. 1L Hess, Dr. Hattie Jones, Prof. C. U. Anderson, Prof. J. N. Hammond, Mr. J. C. Lynch, Miss Anna Reaves, Mrs. Elmore Chapman, Mr. M. F. Glesey. Death of John A. Hervey. Telegrams received In this city yes terday afternoon announced the death yesterday morning of Mr. John A. Her vey, eldest son of Mrs. Letitia Hervey, of the Island, and brother of Mrs. An drew Patterson. Mr. Hervey was well known in this community, and his ge nial manner and bright wit will be re membered by many, who will regret to hear the sad news of bis untimely death. Mr. Hervey left this city lu the early part of the Hayes administration to go to Washington, D. C., as a pro tegee of Mr. James G. Blaine, whose in fluence placed him In a prominent posi tion in the State Department, where he remained uutil the change from Repub lican to Democratic rule made it neces sary to resign his position. Bloce then Mr. Hervey has been engaged actively in the interest of theStandard Oil Com pany at Toledo and Findlay, Ohio. Departure of Prof Wingert, Prof. H. S. Wlngert, physical director of the Y. M. C. A., leaves to-day for Philadelphia, where he has accepted a Kittie Fox of Falrhaven, Ff. "When my daughter Kitty was about three years old, Eczema or Salt Rheum appeared on her face. It itched so badly she would Scratch till it Bled We had seven or eight doctors, without the least shadow of benefit. When Kitty had taken half a bottle of Hood’s Sarsaparilla Sbe was better, and when she had taken 1*4 bottles she was perfectly cured and has shown No Sign of ,Salt Rheum For almost four years. Her skin is now as fair and clear as any child’s in ■ GOING DOWN THE HILL Old Age Creeping on Show* lUelf In Lack Lustre Ctm and Trembling Hand*— Many Who are Old La Tears are Vigorous and Healthy—How Such a Condition May be Encompassed by Ail. How many eldarly men and women we see who plainly show ther are “going down the hill ” The trembling hand, th# unoerteim step, the lack of brightness in the eye, the shrunken features, all indicate that life is not at high tide, that the strength and vital foroes are not what they once were, and, in fact, that they are going down the hilL This, of course, is to be expected, for when one reaohes later years, physical tronbles are sure to come, but how many elderly people we see are healthy, happy and comparatively vigorous. They always seem cheerful, bright, contented. Why should not all be equally fortunate? It certainly is possible. Every elderly man and woman needs to gently assist nature, all the while needs to take some pure stimulant regularly. Every doctor In the laud admits this, and its common sense must be manifest to all. It should nov be understood, however, that auy ordinary stimu lant would be recommended. It must be some thing pure, powerful, health-giving and strength-imcarting. bach a stimulant can be found only in Duffy’s Pure Malt Whiskey. It is the only medeetnal whiskey in the market. Its wonderful popularity is due entirely to its power and what it has accomplished. Any el derly man or wornau through its use may cer tainly p eserve the health, and may reaaonab.y expect 10 prolong the life. Do not be induced, however, to try any Inferior article or any which the druggist or grocer may seek to put in its place. There is nothing wnich cau accom plish the same object. _0) position as Instructor in one of the large associations of that city. Mr. Wingert, during his stay in Wheeling, has made many warm friends, who very much regret his departure. As a physical director and field trainer he has no superior, and we are giad to say that his abilities have been fully appre ciated by those who havo been under his instruction. He has been with the association here but little over a year, but during that time the gymnasium classes have had au attendance un known before. Mr. Wingert was what the boys have termed an "iaeai instructor, »uu tu mo successor they have no other suggestion than that ho follow In the footsteps of the one whom he succeeds. tier, Kylvanu* I.ane, Of the Cincinnati M. E. Conference, says: “We have for years used Hood’s Sarsaparilla in our family of five, and find it foully equal to ail that is claimed for it.” Hood’s Pills cure Liver Ills. Special day on Caramels to-day. Geo. L. Dukst. Republican* at Fairmont. On the occasion of the Republican mass meeting at Fairmont on Saturday, October 29th, the B. & O. R. R. will sell tickets at Wheeling, Grafton, Clarks burg and all Intermediate stations to Fairmont at rate of one faro for the round trip. Tickets wil be good going on October 29th aud will be good for re turn journey until October 30th. Special day on Caramels to-day. Geo. L. Dukst. Caramels.—To-day will be a special day on Caramels. Many new kinds will be displayed. Geo. L. Durst. THE BROOKS LICENSE LAW. Since the enactment of the Brook* Bill our holds, druggists aud dealers in general are handling much better grades of liquors, partic ularly is this the oase in tae western portion of Pennsylvania where Kve Whiskies are best known. The bs&t known aud most frequently called for are Klein’s Silver Age Rye, which sells at 11.60 per full quart, ami Klein's Du quesne at $1.85 per full quart Recommended by hospitals ana prescribed by physicians. Ask your dealer for them. Send ior complete cata logue and price list, mailed u[>on applcation, to Max Klein, 8B Federal Street. Allegheny, Pa. Special day on Caramels to-day. Geo. L. Dukst. SOUND DEMOCRACY. Never ha* a great party, intent upon the promotion or rlghtaud JiiHtloe, hail Letter incentive to effort than 1* now presented to ua. Turning our eye* to th« plain peo pU of the land we see them burdened a* consumer* with a tarlir »y-tem that un justly and relentlessly demand* from them, in the purchase of the necessaries and comfort* of life, an amount scarcely met by the wage* of hard and sturdy toll, w hile the exact ions thus wrung from them build up and increase the lortuuesof those for whose benefit the injustice 1* perpetu ated. We nee the farmer listening to a delusive story that 111U hi* mind with advantage, while hi* pocket t* robbed by the mealthy hand of high protection. Our working men are atilt told the tale, oft repeated in spite or It* demonstrated falsity, that the existing protective tariff I* a boon to them, and that under It* beneficent operation ihelrwage* must increase—while a* they listen scene* are enacted In the very abid ing place of high protection, that mock the hope* of toil and attent the tender mer cy the workingman receive* from those made *eltl*h and sordid by unjust govern mental favors. We oppose earnestly and stubbornly the theory upou which our opponent* *een to Juntify aud uphold tariff law*. — Jfr. CUV4 end's Lttteror Acceptance. pry Q5o0fe*. SPECIAL SALE -OF ... 39c. A YARD. Commencing Monday, Oc tober 17th, we will offer 3,200 yards of Dress Goods, con sisting of Wool Cheviots, Plaids, Camel’s Hair, etc., etc., worth 50c, 60c, 65c and 75c. CHOICE OF10T, 39c. I respect ally inrite yoa to attend the -ciut sal* or BLANKETS, * COMFORT8 AND • WHITE BED SPREADS. fOO Tom forts from 45c up. tOO Pair Grey Blankets very cheap. SCO Pair White Blankets very reasot able. 4*0 Pair Bed Blankets eery cheap. «ar pet*. Floor and Table Ml ' * the lowest price. Good Raps ror fb cents. Please call and secsre -1 n*t» 3>t>ertt*ement*. FURNISH YUUR H|J FROM OUR MAMMOTH STO~% ■ »»• FURNITURE, M ™ CARPETS M CASH cSCO«# CaJ AND AN]| ^ pE®n*S A FULL LINE OF ^B H Comforts, Blankets ifl or AND DED9INQ "■ $2.00 c ,| Per Month. Of Every Description. v': | WHEELING INSTALMENT COM 1136 to 1140 Market Street. L. C. RICE, Manager. Fits our Immense Clothing Establishment to a dot. We carry really first-class Hue of High-Toned Clothing In the city. We aj .**1 the world in A collection without a peer or parallel. An assortment o! MITtl fjeyond compare. At least do your pocketoooks the justice to 41 fl fore you buy elsewhere. D. GTJNDLING & C0| STAR CLOTHIERS, 34 and :i6 Twelfth S ;t,' 1 GREAT EXCITEMENT! Tha Greatest Sale on Record Crowds K. B. Potts' Big Store at Main and Teuth Streets and the Boom la in Foil Blast. Bargains Going Like • Flash at Half Price and Less—A Present to Every Cus tomer who Cuts this Oat. These big drives received daily from the New York auction rooms will eolipse anything ever before heard of in this section. M EN’S 8U ITS, It .86. 18 87.13 83,14.37 and up. V'e are leaders in low prioes. These goods must go. Come early. MEN’S PANTS at 4Ro, 680, 87c. *7o, 11.18 up. Worth double or mooey refunded. BOYS’ SUITS at Hie. 87c, *1.18, *1.37 up. Come at once, this salt cannot last always. HOI * PANTS. 12c. 18c. Ke, 28c, &Vj up. These bargains are going very fast. MEN’S KINK SHOES at 87c. Cl 10, II.*6, fl.37, 11.62 up. Look in our window for bargains in iLoes away below the usual price. LADIES’ FINE SHOES. 87c. 87o, 91 36 11 37. 11.46 up. All fan tellers aad will give you full satisfaction. CHILDREN’S SHOE* at 18c 25c, 37c,48c. flic, 72c, 87c u >. Solid bargains and fade winners. A RACKET—LOOK AT THE PRICES handkerchiefs, 10,S3,3c.4c.6cup. Big value. ■ U8PENDF.R8, 6c, 8c, 12c, l&c. 18c,83c; worth double. MEN’S HALF HOSE, 3c, 5c, 8c, 10c up. These prices will make you buy. MEN’S SHIR1S, 17o, 23c. 33c. 3»c up. On shirts we lead the trade. If weeanaot save you at least one-half your money we do not deserve your patronage and should not have it. and further, you may return any goods not satisfac tory and get your money BIO DRIVER IN MEN’S AND BOYS’ HATS. Don't forget us on Hats. We are here to aveyou money. E. BrPOTTS, Main and Tenth Streeti, WHEELING, W. VA. Branch Stores—Steubenville. O.; Bellaire, O.; New Martin’sville, W. Va., and Parkersburg, W. Va. _ Our Store Boat, “THE CYCLONE,” Is sow ready for business. Look out for greater bar gains than ever. Will remain a few days only at the principal landings along the rrver. saSeadh comparh The True Test of Merit! I Compare Our Prices! Compare Our Quality! I Compare Our Styles! \V> tro making » »tr tig '• I' age tM» Fall t,y -ar |£| tug H LADIES' WO MISSES' In FIRE DRESS MM I Of everv lemgn. OurliB* ' B and enougEi to •-'* * '*'* tKidy'a f*n;y «:b#hp »#•«»* V»|ll*> •>lfBol< »t tO ^ Domical. ________ i? THE LAPGKVr LINE Of 9 Blankets, Flannels, Itell UNDERWEAR I -IN THE CITY- 9 P 8.-30) pound* Co.»,ff ^"9 1132 MAIN STRtE'^9 pAN-HANDLE Steam Dyeing and Dry deui*^ J. HLILMfc tX. P'or1** ^ B No lilt Mark*-’. ttr-* *' uf. ,*#9 entirely Naw Pr-«•»•* c ',utr> fl out scouring. a 11 1& ^