OCR Interpretation

Wheeling Sunday register. [volume] (Wheeling, W. Va.) 1882-1934, February 03, 1884, Image 7

Image and text provided by West Virginia University

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn86092523/1884-02-03/ed-1/seq-7/

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Th« Pictures of Willi*m H. Vinder
The Millionaire's Taste in Purcta«'"»
ings to Oecorate His Walls—Tne P',J
of "Deception" on the Boards of
Wallaces-An Auction Scene
on the Buwsry, Etc., Etc.
tifxetcU Orr-**-*— of <»<
nTT Yokk, January yR.-W*»oe*ei
^to NMH.au, H.
h? f
v " the millionaire^
8,1,1. 3,1 J^J£ statement tl»d it
•"m " .sU f'.r fot.r a lulls on »ny
w ^ Lrii.nm in tl>l-* mouth or
I tt* &SK-art'ab®given to enter
&Vi\ ,. ^ on'^ide street doorway. I
f?u.' J«b...^rf^rsivtdlnglyhau.w«e,
compared with
^,1. V..e around ou FiSh avenue.
1 i . f m.iuI aud omamenul
,! i,'.,,t i he v stibule, the ceiliug an J
mlut'r^ul SS"S5 SjgeJfllb*
the wire was aUatut d to his tleela. He
wasa tlunkey of the K i^lujh pat.eru,
Ix"tub»tLtiv.ry did not include
hurl- Brffh**'
He wore a swal.ow tad coat and com
mon shape pautaloon*, thee lothof both
Kg niiromi .u color, while J*
was wniie uuckinr, striped with blac*
Tne d«*»r which he opened to me was
oieo a pa r rr««rKaW« for *ttiu*.o*
Jli, *,*. He took my t.cfcet and
»U my hnt and overeoat n »
si;" • d rn.iu. 1 passed at once into
the .it tnre galleries. There are two of
them, aOjoiumg, «""1 **'h ^
like hf y by veutv tive feet, «n floor
i£V »2b » b*igb< e.,u>l to »«o"
time storietM'fau ordinal y house. rue
upper i*«» thirds ot the wall space prf
2bt. -urw- of «rv«d wo.»l,
i. u[| . r ai d devices work^l out in
SSL/i. J !«.««>•. Tbe bro .0^;
are tmk th- etlieU ma^he, and va
ru.u- c.ria.ued opening impart a look
like H-e ar-blteeure of traditional
!!an,i.,al balls. The-e dra juries. are
Pikeu a*av < n occasions of entertain*
Seu.. m> ai to give vi;*^of the^ierjjj
fr«ui the adjacent higher
thebwer porth>ii "f U>e *i«»es hams a
hutu'r.d and bixty-uiue F^ut'"*V. '
hail heard that rnostoi the peon.e w.i.
ieu o-teusibly to view the n were
J£]:> ...teutonsatbfyingtheir cu.iosity
as t<>
V^udrrbtll'M H »»■**•
®,„1 mat they had to be re^raintHl hy
rii.ic • .-ures front intruding upon the
, iv.. v of the family. About two hu »
tlre<l visitor* w, re present during the
atternoou 1 si**nt there, aud I did u »t
detvc: o„,-e lutauce of prying audacity.
No «i"ul>t u»any of them would naje
IiKeti to <■ 'thro igh the eat.re esUb.nL
meDi, but 1 naw nolK>dy try the doors
leaditig into oti.tr roo-.us, th>u;h chit
n ay h:»ve been U-. au>e their corn u »n
m-u* told then, that Iwlls forua lc i i
„rt~« They gwe attentive an I a »•
Uu uLly critical examination to tn*
picture-*, and although I uever saw a
more iM»l«e behavitl a^emblage. > >
ZTy knew bow many o th,?ee,ng
KUe^ts were really watchmen, to pro
tect the treasures from w.uitou. Injurj,,
but no rai'in.gs keep us off. aud there
were absolutely no ie"traiiiLi to com
nlfte et'j*»ymeut ol tlie show.
Whatever may bo the tecbnical jud^
meut of artists as to the merits ot tne
collection, it is certain that no otuer in
Am, r. ^ i- more p easing to per«us ol
niereU oerd culture—thuee who m *y
ctvl <; amateur* in good taste, lbt
pictUM s ate all nital-rn and chie.ly
Kimeb: tlie names of the paiutcrs in
clude every art st of foreign contemp.v
rnrv 'atlle• tne i*U 'jei'ts are almixl al
wiv, .Traof.v .o . iovtr of 4M*
Uauty, ilur. I'e u-a uoeXainples ol h »r
joi o. i« pui>iveiie!ws and only
».»>•»««♦ "KUnrw."
and the tvidei;<— i-1 clear th;»t \ audt-r
bid 1,4. ■ <l e »):> it.cf purpose, iu maKiiii
his |>141■ h ,ses, of setting pleasant arl
objects ralher ttu.ii merely Hu • i>ues.
For M S.:,nee, his Turner is not a rwlicu.
h>u.s >1)atiern g of color-*, but a partially
Clear :»*id measurably perfe.-tci \ lew ol
a ui\ >ti," valley lull of lounging i^rsous,
tbe titie b i..g "Tue Fountain «>i Indo
lence," bis Detaille has to be a wai
l*itce of c >ur^', out there is uodeat.i oi
earn si: e in it; bis \lmaTaJetuas Ia.-ked
er<ite '|Ueiit -s, and bis bouguereau is a
worn >M "on tUe w:.y to Bath," not atter
she li?is dlsn.bed th re. '1 herefore I de
clare him to Ik* an intelligeut buyer of
p.ctures It has l^eu rumoied that he is
the victim of forger1, some of his paiut;
ings being c*>piet» Instead of the or gi
nals witich tuey puriKjrt to be. lie
came into the gallery tor a few minute,
and chatted in an oti-hau 1 way witu
ar,,uu utaticesand others. I took ocoa^
j.j, „ t alk with him on the subject ol
the ext«u.-ve fauls lutely discovered
Hit l'nnsiau art trallic.
I 4 There's a
mi", BiMinwi
Eone in thai hue in i'aris," be saiJ,
<*l«1 I <lou't know that any buyer wbv,
tals witb the merchants can ever be
iure that bis pictures are what they pre
'?nd t»» N». America s»-eius to he a go xl
a>s <>tr of those fellows, and, Once a
>gus painting ha* l>eeu seut across the
_t.ai.tif, they naturally feel pretty safe
ibout it. 1 h«-re are two kinds of the
|win« leM— copies of original master
k"ec»-* 1 y more or lt-> clever formers,
id entirely tiesv pic: u res by unknown
ieh, on wliove work the naiued ol
•hbriti. care put. In the first instance
ie | < or devil* of unsuccessful artiste
ork in co'lu-ion with unprincipled
»alt r-: in tin- second, the dealer oj*?r
;*s .1 one, and scoops In all the prolils.
[e buys up pictures from the small
tHli<>s cheap, sorts out the best of them,
jd attaches the u.uues of such cvle
>rat« >1 p.nnters as the^tyle come* ne.ir
to. When lhe lorgeries have got
ito the walls of an American house
ere is no further daoger, because the
rn«r. even if his suspicious art
>u>ed, doesn't feel like exposing the
junterfeit or hts own greenueas. i h id
letter from a friend in Paris the othet
ly, - tying that there was a plan on
it for an official stamping of geuuint
■turts— something like tbe Hail niarh
s'erling silverware in Knglauti. ll
ru!d be a gu *i thiug."
•'And your own pictures, Mr. Vander
It—have you any reason to feel doubt
\ a* to any of them?'' I asked.
'Not the slightest," was the reply,
learly every oue was j>ersonally par
Wd by me from the artist himself,
i; there isn't a bogus picture in my
h ction—depend on that."
\ hetber Yauderlilt got the worth ol
money iu bis pictures is a question
k*h tht-ir genuineness does not com
tsly answer Tbe prices paid by him
extravagant, when it is considered
it the pictures are by living artists.
d< es uot give the aggregate cost ol
collection, but the sum can uot bt
Three Xlllloa*.
i an inconspicuous corner is a p>r
w of hiir^elf. The canvas is oulj
\ inches by thirteen. "The likeuess is
J*-llent. The plentiful small wrinkle*
the rich cuau's face are shown witb
Wity. the crowsfeet around tbe little,
'ikling eyrs are all there in minia
j, and there is in no respect the
?|hte*t idealization ot the coarse fea
w. It is the work of the highly
►lionable Meissoneir. How much do
j suppose was paid for it? Twenty
ttusand dollars. And uo flattery
Town in at tbat!
The women who were gH7iug at Van
bbilt's pictures wore exceptional!>
bod clothes, and I had at oonnnanJ t
ipetcnt interpreter of the fashion
.ich they displayed.
'You will please observe," said ni]
formsnt, "that mast of the ladies ar~
street dresses somewhat elaborated
fct is, a medium betweeu ordinarj
biking costumes and preten'ious re
fylon toilet*. A eooti nany of the*
">ou9 cam in carriage as you migh
have seen by the number of vehicles at
the t'ooc; but 1 cmu pick out those who
rode here from those who walked by
the diflerence io dreos Tb« Joimer are
pretty eure to put oo something—a cor
sage pouquet, a bunch of bright ribbon,
or a fanciful wrap-to bear witness to
the fact that they came under the ?over
of a carriage, became on foot such ad
junct* would attract too mucti atten
which a man might r ally ovec.ook.are
' the rich embroideries aud brocade in
1 sorted Inconspicuously amongst the
1 plain materials-like pieces of rare
I mosaic. An entire robe of such stun
would be glaringly gay, but patches are
in icood taste—and quite costly, too.
Look at that small sect ou of variegated
l.utssei into the front of ttie tall bloud*s
•»Kirt. It Is a marvel of delicate needle
work in heads. Go closer, and in«pen
it O, she won't mind a little auuecity
in that line, for slie is as pr<md of it iw
\ andcroilt is of his l<e*t Tarot. 1 wentj
fee toir, you would likely take it for a
clii'iaou from borne curtain calico you
are so lamentably Ignorant; but in fact
it is the most minute embroidery. It w
n.ere like jewrlry than fabric, ana a*
c< stly as though n>a«le of precious ston^
You'll tell the truth if you write that the
season's fashion's are iu excellent taste
except when w ilfully prevetted by wo
uu n w ho, from ignorance or a desire to
forte atteutiou, txagera'.etje P^'r'^
ed My Its. The bonnets here, you 11 uoU
sue mostly unall-what wee U1 capotes.
The tbriug hats, of the l.ainesborough
two,a re no lender worn in good seciety
vJu can also see that very handsrvn.
wraps, odd in shapesrather than in col
or*, of quite elaborated brocaded ma
terial or trimmed with fur, are a pirt j(
this winter's best wear.
My teacher further informed aie that
His gathering represented a higher
average of good art in dresa than she
bail s.«n sn) wher-d late. She told me
u» look critically at the next fashionable
theater audience that I got into, an i
r»- the element of offeusive loudness
iu attire. An tveuiug or two later I
• At WhIIwW'i,
«l (re ti e uew play, "Deception," did
tot so conip'etely engross me as a pre
\ei.t the observation, as directed. I
foui-d that, with anetjual or greater ex
i.ei diture of money, the women were
I n ti e whole much less pleasingly de
' IfyUie way, the title of the drama
covered "Deception"dout ly. £"nMT1*
ofauthor was given iu the bil.s, ami
I the manage r had put forth the story
I that the manuscript was found iu t he
tin aire's place of castaway works,
wl ere it had Iain neglected aud forgot
I t«n. The wiiter was by this account
represented as unidentitied, but it was
honed that the production of his play
would bring him to light. The truth
*as that it l>elouged to Dion lioucicault,
in so far that it was an adapt ion by him
from a (ierrnan origiual. Bouciciult
h»s been unsuccessful in his coiueuy
v* utur» s here during the past ten years
| without exception. He tirmly believes
I ti at the newspaper critics are down ou
him. that their coode jauation Is the re
sult of spite growing out of his hot re
t< rts upon their strictures, and that
i»ey would not un ier any cucum
Mai ccsdo 1 im juat re 1 Ie ia all wrong
about tLat, hut not the less settled iu
| l,coi;viction. Well luarranging with
Wallaok to bring oisi "Deception, he
Mil u nt.d that the authorship should
I be kept a secret uu il after the uews
I paper verdict had .>een pronounced.
Although he was in tow n duriig the
rehearsals, he stayed away from the
iheater, aud his secret was guarded
Well, the plav was had, aud the critics
said so with perfert impartiality.
I Boucicauit will uot c >me forward as a
I victori* us and vindicated elaiment.
Deception continues to have its home
lu the Bowery.
n e mock auction is iu daily operation
at 3SS. On my la-t visit, I counted
| nine men as open and pi^eon-stooling
I enipl> yee, aud I wondered how the
enterprise could possibly he remuu-rv
t ve under so muih expense. The slow
ness and difficulty of swindling was
illustrated iu my prepuce. Tiie stock
consisted of ueary worthless watches,
Owelty and kindred ware-*, she
I ane-i ioneer was glib aud loud, and the
pre»en«hd l uvera were going care l illy
through a'I the motion*. A w >uian
eut reel. She was young and neat, but
I lain of face, aud ordinary iu clothes,
j \\" bat she looked like w.»s a thriving
mechanic's vcife or daughter. 1 ue eu
t re :otce of the establishment was
biocpht to bear upon her. She was
I tr.ed with watches, then with breist
i.iiu-, and t.ually w.th knives, forks
and spoons. The cappers let her hear
theiu talk of the dirt cheapness of the
thinaa, and made their show of uur
chases with exceeding eagerness. lXir
ii g tifteen laborious miuute's the pro
ceedings were entirely devoted to her
i despoilment. She pracidly gazed about
the store, aud at its inmates, but di»l
Lot open her mouth to bid. tailing to
fool her by the ordinary process, the
despairing auctioneer resorted to tne
forloru hopeof boldly knocking aca-tor
dow n to her. .. .
"t*one to you, madam, he saM, at
t v o dollars. I'leaae step to the easincr »
desk and settle."
• I didn't b>d,' she respond®
"IX n't m. s it—il l cheap," »aiU a
stoe-i pigeon at ber tide.
" | « o dollars, if you please,' "aid the
ca hie r, quite severe and peremptory.
' 1 . idu't kuo* you-was a workm
me*,remarked the woman, lauguiug,
'•I'm Capper Jimmy's wife—he a in
your gang, ain't he?—and I .*as.j.ii»
w it in' for hiiu to come iu."
Fkanki.i v.
'1 lid wife of a Wisconsin editor bring*
her baby's cradle into her husband's
new.»i>aperotlice every day. Wheu that
it faiit getsoid enough to talk he will he
more embarrassing to i?.-t along with
than a ship's parrot. — P.urliu^tou l-'ree
'•Whatyou need, raadame," said a
distinguished physician to au interest
ing invalid, "isoutdo >ruir aud exeri ise,
particularly walking."
•'I know it," was the sad reply; ''but
my husband won't gi\e me a»iy money
to"go shopping."—Philadelphia Call.
A light-hearted husband is not gen
erally as great a success as a light footed
one. The latter can get into the h >u e
ami up stairs lodge nights without dis
turbing a mouse, while the former wi 1
generally wake up his wife and catrh
hail Columbia.—hall River Advance.
Some women take a tlendish delight
in placing a piece of oil cloth where
their husbands are sure to step on it in
th.» moraine wheu they epriug out of
bed, when the thermometer is hovering
about zero, and for a moment the mar
row chilled man thinks he has discov
ered the North Pole.—Norriatowu Her
May not the young father who rises
' at the midnight hour ty administer
some narcotic to his wailing offspring
be cailed a nurserymau?—Orange Ob
servtr. He may, or even a husband
man. It don't matter what you
call him, you'll tind that as long as he
is holding the b&by he has a full haud.
—Kail River Advaneo.
"Ob, yes. I keep nice and warn
this weather. No trouble with tires,
"I'se fuel gas?"
"Self feeder stovee, then?"
"No, to tell you the truth it's all my
wfle. She has red hair."--Oil City
Jones—"I see it stated that Judge
Barrett's wife claims to nave written
the serious half of bis play."
Smith—'"What play ?" *
Jones—'"The American Wife."'
Smith—"What angels women ar»! A
true wife is always willing to share her
husband's disgrace." — Philadelphia
} Borate*' IroiralUUrr.
The greatest medical wonder of thd
world. Warranted to speedily cure Lams,
Blaise a. Cms, I'leers. Salt Kbenm, Fever
Bores, Cancers, Piles. Chilblains, Cores
Tetter, Cha^H*ada and all skm
t:on^ r *raLie* d to care in every i. •
F'a-' - :t refunded. 25 cents p-r
bos. . rt, Sy Logan A Co., Dro&ists
1 Ci "jtt.
The Induelrial Intelligence of the
Past Week
Notes Concernine the Iron Men, Coal
Miners, Cigar Makere. Glass
Blowers, Railroad Men,
Etc., Ex.
An I u Mr collar Tulle Wltb a WHI
ka'iwii HurkDtnn.
t or several days past a suppressed ex
citement has l>een running through
the working men in this city aud im
mediate vicinity, ju>t what it was a
Reuistkk reporter was unable to find
out until yesterday.
The cause of the sudden starting into
active lives of the idle workmen wa»
the report that the mill owners were
seriously contemplating a still further
atcpjiage of the mills, until the 1st ol
March. The workmen commenced put
ting their heads together to «e« if it wa*
not practicable for them to adopt a liue
of action by which they could protect
in the interest of themselves aud their
wives and families.
The readers of the industrial news in
the Srxi»AV Hkuistkk are familiar
w»th ihe project talked of some m jutb>
ago 1 y the nailers to adopt a law com
pelling nil nailers to cease work ou the
tirst of every June and not resume work
again, until tho first of September, thi.»
piojeet was talked oft, but finally died
away, that is, it ceased to attract gener
al inttrest.
Now, however, it has again been
brought forward with much more vigor
than before, for in reality it had never
died in the minds of the workmen, but
bad bun quietly perfected by them; so
that wl eu the i**ue did come up before
thehdge, it Would be piaceu in jum
such a Jigtit that it would be unanim
ously adopted aud become a Uw and
A workmen said:
We are now determined to make this
law in our a>s'»ciation, not for any spite
wo/k or anythiug of that nature, but
purely and simply as a matter of pro
tection, or, better still,bread and butter.
X >w take the present stop of our mills,
What kind of a condition do you stop
I* >e the majority of the workingmenV
JiiMltr's are In? lean tell you. Very
"cant, or if they have pleuty of provis
ions tl.ey owe a big grocery and m at
Oill which will have to be paid out 01
iLe fi.-t money they make, thus, you
see, the worktugman's nose 19 contin
ually held to the grindstone and that
if »l;e reason they never get ahead.
Mill business is not like merohautile
bu-ine.-s for this reasou, in the former
we never make a full year, or thr?c
quarters oi tk year, whiie in the latter a
fail j«ar is always made, hence though |
-oiiie ot Ui make more uiouey in onj
ar than we do, and another thinsj trie
ntral public does not look at. A "mtu
wlio makes s*J) j>er week, now that man
will naturally set a better tal>!e auu
dress a little l«etkr than a man who
onl,) makes ? 10 per week. Now, for a u
illustration, supine we take the former
for wcrkingmeu in a mill and the lat
um clerk in a store The former will
uot have made as much money at tile
end of a year us the latter, for this rea
son, he making a larger salary will
uatural.'y live better and not working
ovir bail the year will be in debt at the
commencement of the uew year, while
the clerk with hi3 family, knowing he
bail just so much money "to go on, will
husband i', and consequently af, the
commencement of the new year have a
snail tarn laid up, or, at least, be square
with the world. 1'he public might ask,
hy is it that the workmen does not
save hi* money lik* the c lerk? Simple
this; he goes to Work the first of the
ytarand everything looks as If the mill
will run steadily three-quarters of the
year, I ut instead of that, in sometime.-,
Itss than three weeks notice, tne mills
close lor six weeks or two months, tuat
is how it is, and if any person with au
ui pre judiced miud will set down aud
study over the matter for a few iu »•
orients they will see clearly how it is
that the workmen are always kept
Now we propose to have the stoppage
of the mills take place in the summer
season, from 1st of June until the 1st ol
"n pteiiiUr, a period of three months
then we will run steadily uearly the re
uiaindt r of the year. The prospects at
pr< sent look as if the nait trade will be
very l>risk ail this coming summer, but
you cau just bet, we are not going to
work during June, July and August
atd loaf during the cold mouths. No,
sir: this winter settles it, we have th»>
exp* ru nee and are going to piotit by
"I u» d< rstood, however" said the re
p< r« r-that a portion of tha workman
w- u'd not agree to this?"
"< »h, that is done to throw you off the
sees.:. We have thoroughly eonvas -ii
the subject and are now nearly a ui it
oi. ir. < ine thing is certain, we have got
to do something or the manufacturers
will run their factories during the »uut
oi r months and dutingthe cold weath
er. we would be idle."
TLe I .allelic forge department will
r»>-ui>ie work to morrow.
Tbe factory engines at tbe different
cail factories will be running thin week
to al!ow the nailers to repair their ma
At the Belmont mill the forge depart
ment i* otiil runuing. They will stop a
few days thi* wtek to put in a ue#
At the top mill last week the forced
were engaged in repair work.
Twenty new nail machine* are to he
added to the mil factory at tbe Top
mill immediately.
Messrs. Sweeney Son's have the
contract for tbe construction of tweuty
nail machines for tbe Top mill.
The work on the Riverside steel build
ing is nearly completed.
Hell's foundry is ou full force.
The North Wheeling glass work? are
running as usual.
The Kast Wheeling South Wheel
ing houses are working steadily
though not full force.
The Pottery is booming. This indus
try since the erection of tbe new build
ing has about doubled its former capa
city and not one-third more expense.
The planing mills are doiug a very
little bu>inesa. Though the prospects
are veiy flattering for a big spring trade.
The Cake Trade.
CvntielUriiU Cvuritr.
Two weeks ago, of the 969 > ovens, 459
were idle on account of the dull market
and 319 on account of legal difficulties,
making 778 idle ovens in all. Tnis
wetk there are twenty-live idle oveus
le>s, but 753, or a little over 7 per cent,
of tbe ovens in the region, tbe lowest
percentage known for several years. Of
these idle ovens, the Mount Braddock
worR9, 127 ovens, and the Peosville
works, (2 ovens, have been idle for
many months on account of the failure
ot A. O. Tintamau; and tbe Mahoning
works, at Duubar, 100 ovens have also
been idle for a long time pending tbe
settlement of the financial troubles of
the owners, who were identified in the
Brown, Bonnell & Co. failure. The
ovens idle for lack of orders are: The
Fountain mine* of Mrs. Blake, at Soot
dale, 50 ovens; the Bessemer works of
M •< "lure A Co., 170 ovensr there are 73
ic.o ovens at the Staadard works;
Boyle and Katferty are running but one
half of tbeir 261 ovens at Boyle; the
Utile Emma, on tbe June Bug branch,
is «»till plodding along with 2) of her 36
oveiis burning. The remaining 8937
ovens, wb,c^f«Vn»mlSS«'
SStt&IKrt51 »••■*■
■WB. D»> ^ »«e;"r^ E£dy or
pbia, who baa a combi
the Bteel and iron tw^'. g^vera! iroa
nation had been Iformed 40(.
broker* who bad ord P have aq
OOU ton»of^el Qot yjake their
Sis: SsgggsgSpSS
ptl Uijrni to«o |'{, [o Ui hoptd that nil
SSSaftiiiL. -mr.».Pu
jeot. '1 hey bode no good.
lbe«t**l K»U OMiloofcs
Tlie outlook or inanu a lurere ofsteel
the hret balf of the first half of the year,
rt ..?£>whiob. at the present ,onle o
r^ATotbe rnuT^M
orders Lave been d(J8eln^',
Sft be price at which, the bulk of the
circumstances as regards ^oruy in
manufacture the marginofP^1 « not
ui great magnitude; biuttbat*) muc
w,,rk baa Uen secured, even at a,9™;'1
profit, is a matter for congratulation.
i market having arrived at a point
iw^SK £ no liBelibooa of ».;y
p^«.r,D%'lojme"' It i. liobtbl. that
tbev i dl & Ale to obtain better prices
'or their prwiuct during the last ha! of
the year. Locally there is noth ng to
report. Crokers rt-port nottaug to d>.
A fair quotation would be•*•»«.o v,
-Age of Steel. o
IhpKtrikrHi OHklatnl,<al.
There13 no change in the situation at
oubiund Cal The men there aie still
"'.Juoliooof l»i nor
:ent tor tutting nail.-, 'lhe follow in6 is
»m"»oy b»™ M'y l1™;10'1,tha!
. »mv the bill for band
ft^der^, and one-half the 21 cent bill for
stif-feeders and pay t,ie. ba}"' ftf>knowi.
Ti;ev will not recognize or aeknowi
ed" any mill committees or ioJge?, or
[be rUesof auy lodge or body.
lbev will hire the men as iudi\ .dinls,
nay then, well and treat them we 1 as
loi g as they work for the interests of
l,TluvUwmyemploy who they deem
proper and mast suitable, and discnarge
*ii> one nut doing their duty.
They will start up on this b -h as
soon a> enough men can he oht
•l'teoi.l bands will be prefe. re I, but
mu>t d«<-:de Within ten days or their
u!uce» will be filled.
Your respect fully,
J. 11. WlllTAKK!!.
A-st. Supt. I'acitic Iron and >a.l t J.
'"u'wdlV^wcn^hat they pronine to
.it Well those who go to work for
ilietu. They have treated their o>d
hands well—turned the cold
10 them when they Would not do their
Wdding and come to their iterms and
ihev wnl no the same with a.l those
who will allow themselves to become
tbeii toois. The firm have proscribed
uT tor aS
rim,« tliev want and will have no
1 odte's or committees, as no',doubt they
rind thbt in union there is strength.
11 who value their manhood shquld
not go to work at Oakland unti the
trouble is settled. The nailers lmlgeof
this city, aud we hope thos* ot tlu
countrv also will not allow the work
to- sutler. Wheeling so far has d d
the grand act aud the right material to
keep it up. Just this $7W.WI a
froiu tl.U city alone.
The Chattanooga stool works have
be^tm operations.
The rolling mill at Cumberland, MJ ,
is on double turn at present.
Work has been resumed in the small
mills of the Alieiitowu roiling null.
The Albany iron works, Troy, N. V.,
eniploy 1,000 men aud are running.
The journeymen plumbers of Louis
ville, Ky , have organized a uuion.
'1 he glas>» works at ('umherland Md.,
has resumed work after au idleuiss ot
several months.
The sheet and plate mills of the La
clede Rolling Mill, St. Louis, are still
running double turn.
Andiew Bros. & Co , of Haselton, 0.,
are operating their mill double turu in
all departments just now.
Summers Bros., of Struthers, Ohio,
exjict to make <juite an addition to
lh< ir n.iil this spring.—News Reporter.
The moulders at the Maleable Iron
\\ oiks, Meriden, Coun., are again at
work 'lor the tirst time since Christmas.
The rolling mill of lumberly ^ Co.,
at New Castle, l'a , has started up in
both the nail factory aud other depart
The Brotherhood of Locomotive
Firemen has l'.»*> lodges, all in goud con
dition as regaids membership aud
Carnegip Bros. A- Co., are n fusing or
ders utiuer ">0 at mul. The Cambria
Iron Company refuse anyih ng un ler
Ne ws Net.
The Bayview, Wis., nail mill has
started up. The plate mill is ruuuiug,
and all of the little mills are on. Tue
puddle mill is idle.
The Northwestern Horse Nail Co.'s
works, which shut down o^ the 1st
in-t. to make the necessary auuu.il re
pairs, has again started.
The wharf builders of San Kranci-eo
have followed the example of the car
peuters of that city, and adopted the
uine hour rule witli success.
Brown, Bunnell & Co. had several of
their finishing mills running last week,
also their nail factory, but the forge de
partment was idle.—l>abor Tribune.
The Western nail mill. Belleville, III.,
has lately completed an addition to its
plant. The machinery for this new
section of the work will be in potion
this week.
The workmen employed at the estab
lishment of the Cincinnati Barbed Wire
Fence Company were out on a strike
against a reduction of from 11 to 20 per
To every subscriber of the N^w York
Weekly Tribune who cancels his sub
scription at once the Boycotter will be
sent for the unexpired term.—Boycot
ter, 19 Center street, New York.
Fifty glass workers employed at the
Acme chimney factory, Steubenville,
Ohio, struck last Monday morning
against a reduction of wages. The men
on strike operated the crimping ma
Cbk-fly owing to the distance being
too great from the converting mill to
the blooming mill, at the Edgar
Thompson 8teel Works the soaking
pits have so far proven a failure.—Brad*
dock News Net.
The explosion of what is known as a
mechanical puddler in the west mill of
the Pbrenix Iron Works on Friday
knocked W. H Reeves, the geueral
superintendent of the works, down, but
did bim no serious Injury.
The Benedict 4 Bnrh >m Manufactur
ing Compauy, of Wa'erbury, Conn.,
will next year erect andtuer large mill,
measuring 120 by 70 feet. This concern
is the largest German silver ana bra*
rolling mill In the world.
The Re»d:nsr. Pa., Iron Works Is Idle
owing to the bursting of a fly wheel at
tbeebeet mill. Jarring of the engine
by an uuu.-uaily heavy charge iu the
rolls caused the accident, which fortu
nately resulted in bodily Injury to no
The pressed glassware factories of this
city are doiog well, but stocking np
for the spring trade. The chimney
houses are also doing fairly, but the
window houses are closed up, and likely
to remain so for some time to come.—
Labor Tribune.
A new branch of the Brotherhood of
Carpenters and Joiners has been organ
ized in St. Louis and chartered as Uuton
No. 5. The charters formerly held by
Unions 6,12 and 14 bave beeu revoked,
at-d but one I'nion will hereafter be
recognized in St. Louis.
The workmen of 8. 8. Bent, iron
manufacturer, at Port Chester, New
York, struck January ild agaiust a re
duction of wages. New men were ob
tained from New York, but they all left
except three, who got intoxicated and
were seut to jail.
Ti e iirst attempt to make hob na'ls
by machinery was made in Allegheny
jity last Wednesday. The firm owniug
the patents propose to increase .the
capacity of the works as the demand
increases, and hope to bave a nutut»er
of machines in operation eafly iu the
spring.—I.abor Tribune.
The flart man steel works, of this
plfcce, are limning full handed in every
department. Single turu in the stee>
works and double turn in the wire
works. The ne'v bar mill is under roof,
and workmen are b-jsily engaged in
putting in the foundations for the r Wis.
—Beaver Falis, Pa., Tribune.
A movement is on foot to establish
steel works at Wampum, Beaver couu
ty, l'a., on the Pittsburga Lake Erie
Hailroad. The projectors of the euter
pr;se desire the donation of a buildius:
siteaud a small bonus of mouey. The
land re(|Uired has been pledged, and it
is probable the money will be forthcom
ing when it is needed.
As a result of the meetings of the Na
tional Window Gla-«s Manufacturers'
and i he National Bottle and Vial Man
ufacturers' Association, oue of the
memb'rs said that the price of glass
would be advance.1 ten per cent. The
Western manufacturer agreed to cou
tirtuereceiving orders from their cus
tomers and to send them to their Ivist
ern brethren, who will manufacture the
soods and turn them over to the West
ern men for delivery.—Glass and Pot
tery Importer.
An eflort is now being made to reor
eaui/.e tire I'nion Irou and Steel Co, ol
Chicago, that failed some time ago. A
proposition has been made by Mr. 11.11.
Porter to pay the creditors fifty ceiit.
on the dollar for the face of their claims,
and should they accept by the :Mtli
iti.-t.,tlie new organization will proceed
at once to fit up the works and Ivgin
the manufacture of steel rails, "pro
vided, however, that orders come in in
sutlicieiit volume to justify the new
cempui y in doing so."
At the .Ktua glass works full time is
being n tale, orders are eoming in at a
fair rule and the outlook is cheering.
A general variety of ware is being turn
ed out among which are some eleg-int
new designs. The fotiudry and ma
chfueshopis running every day with
lots of orders on bauds. A large ship
ment of nail machines was made to St.
Paul on Friday. Clark Kobiuson book
keeper for the machine department has
resigned and will be succeeded by E.
(Jlass making was resumed at the
Lantern (Jlobe Works on Friday and
pro-pects are good.
The National glass works is again in
active operation with the outlooK some
what better than it was a week ago. A
contract has l»een received from a Chi
cago linn for loo.oinj silver lined glass
bails lor lightning roads. Two shops
will be run on this order till next July.
A. Schieh, the tinntr will iu;tke tin
tuUs for each of the balls.
The (iohlet works and the bottle
works continue making full time with
excellent prospects ahead.
At the Belmont glass works the
lower furnace is being run 011 ware of
all kinds tor which there is a tirst rate
demand. The upper furnace will be
starved about the middle of the month
by which time it is expected trade will
have improved greatly.
The boilers resumed on Tuesday and
the heaurson Wtdmssday at the mill
and have been woiking double turn
In the mouth of February the Bel
laire bottle works manufactured 'J'),">00
boxes of ware besides barrels and other
packages which is considered a good
month work.
At the sttel plant the machinery is
arriving and being rapidly put up.
Lumber has arrived for ttieir foundry.
]>uBois& McCoy's planing mill will
beoll'several days the coming week to
make the annual inventory. Trade is
reported moderately good here.
Muring, Hart Company are ship
ping immense <jtiantities of glass ware
10 different points. Tney have three
•alesman on the road.
The l uion window gl MS works goes
on to-nu>rrow. The Crystal is doing
Si-nit inedtd n pairs are beiug made
by Manager l>avi» at the Olaet furnace,
( barley Hamilton has resigned his
position in the shops of the C. 1'. It.
It., and will go to work iu the Union.
At Halliards coal works, a large chute
has ttetn put up to facilitate coal load
The Lantern fuctori?9 report trade
holding up very well and the tinners
exjsct a boom in rooting the coming
MruiKl S<-M Udntlrlfn-thr
"We are doing well" is the way they
1 hey put it at the Buckeye gia<s works.
TLe two lower furnaces are on and the
upper will be started a$> soon at trade
opens up. They are beginning to manu
facture punch tumblers ou an extensive
I -cale at the factory. About fifty hands
are now working on them, and as high
as l'.O.jO dozen are now made in a week.
Formerly they only made about 70)
dozen per week. The blower depart
ment is under the management of
Frank Gaffney and llicbard Lennehan
has charge of the c ittieg department,
with Putnck Lennehan, glazer. In this
department a patent gas hole has been
put up and other improvements made.
I'he latest punch blowers are . C. Bran
ningan and Thos. Morau.
The I'nion Flint Class Works is st<"
A crmpany of glass workers will be
organized here to put up, a tirst class
bottle factdty, with a capital of about
s30,(lU0. The new Belmont stove com
pany is a "go" and other new manufac
tories are spoken of.
Next season Charles Seabright will
establish a large brick yard on his prop
erty back of Walnut Grove.
The Klson glass company reports bus
iness improving and expects a fin;
spring trade. Mr. Andy Smith, a travel
ing salesman has been suddenly callei
nome by the illness of bis wife and Mr.
Wilburu Snively, another salesman
who bas been very sick for some weeki
is able to be out.
John Clifford expects to have the old
Gow coal bank opened and ready for
business in a few days.
Jbe forge department at the Liugh
116 Willi continues running every day,
but the factory bands are afraid it will
not resume when the six weeks are up.
BetU's keg and barrel manufactory
will not resume till the indt goes on.
At the .Etna mill the boilers were off
yesterday. It is expected that ere y
thing will go on double at the mills t«.
morrow. Jobn Porter and Bill Irvio,
liel| ers here Lave gone to Pitteburgh to
Already about SoO.OOO iu utock hv
b»en bute-crilied iu the Jooea-doyie
Manufacturing t'onipauy. A m»etiug
of the co-oDeratore was beld on Friday.
The stock holders will meet March 1st
to organize and work will commence
sco ii thereafter.
The Mock in thene* stove foundry
tl e Belmont it* being rapidly taken and
ever> thing look* eucouragiug.
Mi! ERMOIT.—On Saturday. February S.
is»i. «.t 1:80 p m., Kosx B., daughter of John
tti»« M «ry A. McDeimott, in ber 19th year.
Funeral from No. 77 Xiueteen h aires',
Monday morning at 8.30 oVloc*. Services at
st. .T<<»epUN Cathedra!. Frienil't are Invited
to attetd. Intermeut at Mt. Calvery cewe
deuce ou the comer of Virginia»tteet ami
imadway. six rooms, bstb room
and tlui»otd atUe, and a good sized yari.
hi nune of Mrs. Fltusr, .No. 1 Chap ine
•uelt. faS
County, bearing 1% per cent. Inter, st,
and uumbered i»t, lu, 12A 7u. ItJ, 114. n», i iu.
li.toaMi hic hereby uottUed tt.ai
ite fame have been drawn ana »ill m
i aid irt ihe t!:u.k of WFeeitiig ou the :lr»t da>
«f Ma»cn next. issi, and interest will ce**t
uii v«iU b<'fcds from thai d ite
(ihO W. WOODS,
PifsUlmt of Board of Commissioners of Ohic
l < out; . fcira
puiilii* that We will place on ►aie, r>*
finning It'ESDAY, FFIiRL'AKf •*, the Urg
est and llnest line of Meel Engraving-. ideo
graphs ai d Oil Painting-ever shown to the
l« ple ol Wheeling. These goods are of the
\e'y latest product ion and of tlie mo-*t cele
brated artUiH. If you will take thepsiunto
call at our gallery we will eonvluce yon tha.
» e mean buMreee. These' g<MVs are bro tglit
neie to sell and mutt be gold, and now Is yoiu
chance U> decorate youi homes. Sales to be
*ln at 2 and ' 10 o'clock. The la Ilea are es
peeialh ln\it*<1 to attend. Catalogues of fal.
description furnished on application.
WH. llALLih.i. Auctioneer,
fr'ii ilU' Maiu Street.
1 Mui'ltcl Stl'OOf,
(Opposite Post O/Tee )
Of Hicb i ml Elegant
Kegel's well known best Kn!vo", Forks
Spoons, Ac. Alto, a very Hue stock of
Fine Jewelry, «tc. This *to<-k has been con
•Igmdhy munufac'urtt* and importer*, and
*ill be aold to the highest hid ior wlili >ut
imit, ree»rillessof cut or vilitn Everv ar
• ic;e varrant'sl aa represents. S*le will b«~
_'ln Momlsx evening, at 7 o'clock, ami will
continue evtry uio nimr. afternoon «ud even
ing. J. C. HEKVEY, Auctioneer,
fe3«l 1525 Market St., op. P<isl 0!flc»,
j, J 'i RE A l'.\l KM i', a ui »r i uiee'l «i> ciiic fo"
aystcria, Dlzxlnesa, <' luvulsions, Fit"', Nor
voua Neuralgia. Headache. Nervous l'ro«t'/i
Hon onmed by the use of ulcoliol or t<>t>acot>,
Wakofiilnes>,* Meutdl D«pro*i<)ii. p|<»ftenl iic
<>f tl e ltrain resultlDg In Insanity and lea-i
mgto misery, iltcay ami death, Premature
Old Age, it:triinne».s. Lows of Power in either
sex, Involuntary Lovstn aud Spermatorrhea
caused by overexertion of t'ie brain, s«.tf
abose or overindulgence. Kacli box on
taitu oue niontli's treatment. fi.'W a Ih>s, or
hIxboxnfor 16,00, sent by m>H prep.til ou
receipt of price.
To cure any caie Wlttt each order received
by ns for six Ik xe«, aecompiiuled with 9 ».»>»,
we will »eLd tlie purchaser our written tcuur
Hiit<e to refund the bioney if the treatment
do»snot effect a cure. Guarantees issued only
uy LOOAN «S CO, sole agents, Wheeling, w.
Va., proprietors of Logan A Co.'* Pleasant
WormSyjupandCbild'sPhysio, liestm ute.
Jvist Rocoivod,
.">0 Half Chests Formosa Oolong T.n,
« Half t. ntsla M<>y une < JnnjK) *.lor J'es,
J5 Half » litst.s tuiglibh nre^afast ie.u
1 or sale • t ow luarkct rate».
ja.'lt No. Ill .M.iln tree!.
Valuable Farm at Public Sih.
jl milt s tast of St. Cl.«lr>.vlile, seven nl!e
west of Wheeling and one mile south of che
National road, will at 1 o'clock p.m. I'hurs
nay, February 14, IMM, utter at public sale ihe
farm on which he reeldex. '1 he farm out il ls
l«k» acres— l.O acrea cleared—well Impioved
and niidir good Mate of cultivaiion. there
sre three vood bearing orchardson the farm
Terms n ate known on day of sale.
IsAir N. Cl.ARK, Auctioneer. ja^si
Hteoraeo tickets from Hamnuruor H'nm«n
to New York or Baltimore only 1*0. For fur
ther infonnatlon eall at
SC. F. Bebrons',
Steamship Agent and Grocer,
Prtrofals fcr HaaliDg Coal an! Coks.
■<t ti e Wne<-ling gM offlce untU
January Ul, at 0 o clock p. in., for
liial aud cuke for tne atta works for
at j,«r. C'»ntr»ctor to (five bonii witii ap^
proved security for fulfillment or eon I r ad
rnsteee reserve the rli: lit to reject an 10' al
olds. For further information eD<inite a'
'lie ges offlco.
Fv order of the TroMees.
,a'J <1 K HAZLETt, Secretary.
1118 Main Stroat.
We have Just received 1yr dliect Importa
tion a large assortment of BhiQe and >far
elie Wines, Jnh-s Mum in A Co. Champagne
I'uc de Montets-lie Cbampacce. and a large
■•hlpmentof the celebrated Wlihem'e tfnella
Natural Mineral Water, together with a larae
fiom California v.neyaida, of tlialr
Ideet and heat brinds of wine anowo to the
'rade, such as Mission. Mairasla. Beesting.
\r>geli':«, Fed Zinfandel. Ac. We are
now making a specialty of oar Ca* G<ss|«
which are bottled by na from onr choloeate
brands of l'fjuora, aud to which we would
kindly call the attention of the trade, no in
Agent (or tbe Oeiebrat
1315 Market Stmt, Wheeling, I. Yi
Oil. Need lea and Attachment! for all kind
of liac'itnea. Ail makM of maehlnea, r*pali
ad promptly by a practical workman. Call la
Redman &Co
OENEBAL machinists
Marine and Stationary Engines
Pattern Making, Turning and TTIaat >inllli
promptly aMan dad o. aMa
merely to atop ibem (or a time and
tbea have ttem return again. I bmo a rait
ral true. I bar* made the dlaxaae of Pita
Epl!*peyor Palling ^lckneaia llfa-loacatady
I wa-ranl my rained j to eara the wont came
Bee* ate other* bare failed ta no reason foi
not n< vs receiving a tare. Bend at once fori
treat lee and a Free Bo* e of my InfalllbU
remedy. Give Exprwa and PoatofQ**. !l
coata you notblnr for a trial, as4 larl'lenri
I on. Addrua Dr. H U. BOOT, 143 I "ear street
New York naSta»«
Justices and Constables.
Ali. Kiyr« op blank* fob jot
liwf 'h« P»» aad Oooatabiea nnm
oa bawl aaa Car ante at tba Baarwaa ofBeal
- "
Our Children,
Like "Oor Boys," hive now an ex
cellent opportunity of being well
clothed st Utile cost I have de
cided to give especial attention to
my children's clotb og department
for a few week?, thus eadeavjr
ing to reduce the large remnant or
my fall and winter stock In thle
lire. There bei >g about 500 fine
children's sut» left in m> estab*
iiftiacnt, I have concluded to
sacr'fca them, in order to make,
roim fir the isrge invoicee of
sprirg cloth ng. now being manu
factured for me. As there are ex.
ceeCingly few comtnon suits lef
the lowness of price will appear
evident from the following list of
Reductions in
Children's Clotting,
Suits from $5.00 to $3.0?.
" •' 5.25 to 3 62.
" 11 6 00 to 3.75.
" w 6 50 to 4 00.
" " 7 00 to 4 50.
" " 7.75 to 5.00.
- " 8 00 to 5.50.
•« " 9 50 to 6.25.
10.00 to 7.33.
Tai ts from $1.00 to 68 cente.
" " 1.25 to 95 cents.
" " I 50 ta $1.25.
" " 2 OJ to*1.65.
*11 overcoats 40 per cent b?low
former prices.
Recollect that tte abovo com
priiefine Caislmeres and Wjri
ted*. A full line of men's clothing
and furnishing goods.
30 Twelfth St.
Capital 8100,000
OflVf with Krnnkltn Ir.turanc* Company)
■"■<1 iTvrlllhMrNl. Iran?m nil c.awe* or
•tfKirklile pmpert) m k i» 11 > nt l<»eor damme by
dir. .
Looses Pf( mptly Adjusted anil Paid
:: W. CHlebi.y, T M. R«tlly,
T. P. Phillip*. H. M. ISioc-li,
J. I). Oulberteon.
(fficcra—P. W. Oalebay, President; T. I*.
Plilllli*. VIre-President: V". K»*t-r, tWre
ui> ; J. 1. htroeMeln, Assistant Hocrotarr.
Carpenter and Builder,
Rrlck and Frame Rnlldlnga, Counters an<l
KIhIvIdk. Hoof", Valley* noil Hkyllghu. All
«ork | artlcolarly stu-ndrd to.
J.vli Rear of Capitol Building.
B'ank Books!
Oav Books, Ledgers, Journals,
Cath Books, Trial Balance
Books, Letter Copy
Books, &c., Lc.
leLarge*! Htock and <ireate»t Variety lfi
the city. Kor sale at the
Very Lowest Prices.
ecolto. Uoldeit mo. combination,
Mlrriun. ail rosated thla tr»ek at ttM iTHH
Von ran get* rut of genuine N*w York
UotlitD il HM l TH M,
1 he flntet Table Hai*in* ev«?rse«-n In Wheel
IBf, hi HMtTU'li.
.T(>i><«ii Ten I'ofx.
You cap kK a genuine Japan Tm Hot at
Ii«t ur all iftt to
Tfce iBtaal Beseflt Lift lumicfl Co ,
Of Newark, New Jenej.
onoAWizap i84o.
ASSETS, $36,355,680.00,
SURPLUS, $5,113,845.56,
PLATOrr ZAJfK. Agect.
V> Twelfth alreet, VkMUag, W. Va.
D. K. KTALJlAKKa, Aieot,
Charleston, 4T. Va.
Office. Hale Hooee. J
Cincinnati & Pittitarfk Packat Um
For Marten* Fw tonbarfc Fomftvf, to
s^v^ayr. i-r sss-si
d^^J'S?^raro-^d and
BKiM Mb—»
VV of Um Unaaa Bod/ Katarved, De.
loped and Hn«IMMd," M M tettr
i rtplr to t.
pEtyrwta« sdryrilssW «» ««7 i
Pit OOP*-. ^
* I
T1 4-5
• •
lite Best Bargain of the
Forster's Patent 5 I look
Kid Gloves in Black and
Colors at 75c.; worth $i 50.
Owing to a lar^e Kid Gove
Importer retiring from busi
ness we have secured a lot of
the above gloves at a low price
and will give the public the
benefit of our purchase.
Don't fail to get a pair ol
$1 50 Kid Gloves lor 750
1'. S. - (".loves font by mail
postage paid 011 roceipt of 7$
Diamonds and Watches
in Ilia city, to ba mm at
Painters' aid I ollders' Supply Depot
XV. A. Wilson,
Window Glass and Glazed Sash,
HhmIi, Doom and llllndm
No. IMICi MmIii ,
ilrrtft WHKJCI.lN(J, W. VA.
Lovely Fringed Valentines!
Joctai rived. Nov*!, rioh ami Ba-«cl»<i«ly
cheap, at
I a on iwr. MAIN MTRRBT.
WbolmH and BaUll Manufacturer of
Trunks, Haraesa, Saddles, 4a.
A complete aMortntfnt of UanUamaol ui
Seta of Standard Books
Fin© Bindings,
t'arriMl ot«r from oar hohdar 'rade, win be
cl«»cd oiit doling ilia ni'.olh at tl', p»r
•■•nt. d;iriotil tn m tdall prt<*» being tba
|.rt<» |iam b) dntna w -an i»'hibM In amail
iiMi-iiiica Kl'a •> m<-(l>*l avrvad.
jhft IWI Market nw»i
For Kent.
1 KKT »ir»et. I'oaMaalou (Ivan April I.
•avtial IctcR.rtif hou c* in tha hlKh ward,
n»ar tha nail mil a A fl'ia atore r.».ia
atitt cellar, i-ornar Noitli Krvxiaay aid X*u«
•ire#'. J»laod. |Vj*iw*iiiofi(lvrn Immediately.
' if coda/* contain r* four io->ma. N•» 4
North Lioadway, lalarid. K»r t«rm« apply
10 M. HMiLLT,
jt&a Nob. IV# and Ull Main »Hr-*t.
Tha virdnM ud eloaeta ara faLI at
Clothing, Boo to* Shoe* Ac.,
hat ara of do mm to aay ■■■>**' «*•
family. Band* Uwa op and K Mw •
,727 Markat Mvwt, (MltoMiltf tiwi,
Nhealifig as4 Harrlsfceri Railway
>Tcnrirr. m hereby uivkm that at
I taa aaaul ■axiaa a* tta «at*kal4«i
■>( tbe W baa lleg aadMarrtaaerg R*uvar
■ on. par y. to btuld at to* uflUa of *•. r
PwMim) at No. il« Mala Mraat, I* Uaa cHt
of Ubaatiag. la tha mate af Waat Vtfglai*
oolta lit* day of Macafc, A. U. I*i a »ro
pcaltVa will beeabaalttad for tfceaooanM*'
I loo of aald company aad ita aaptial ataat
with tha Hon Orova and ataleLtaa Railroad
bt otdar of tba EseewOre OaaaHMrf
b« Marl of tnwrtwa _ _
■>on*tary of tba Wbaaila*' aad'^LlrSoLj
H»l>waT<>»wpaay 1*M
Els GreveaaJ Stale UwRaNrtatf
it, of » baaliDf, la Um Rata at aw Tir
,li la on tba Mth af Maaak, A. KMM.R
Pfrpnwtlra «UI ba foctka aaaaal
;daik>fi of aatd aoaapaar aal Iteeapttal ataafc
wtib tba WbaaUa* and Mai iii>li|iaU*ar
SS&assjkt"'* -
J." r.i.Mor«mr
earrrtary af tba Ba 0ma aad lata Uaa
MaUraad Coaapaar. _______ *•*_

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