OCR Interpretation

Wheeling Sunday register. [volume] (Wheeling, W. Va.) 1882-1934, December 13, 1885, Image 4

Image and text provided by West Virginia University

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J AS. H. TANaY, <i«x>eral Hün«{cr.
ru riti i» «au.. p<»«t*hk ruraux
DAILY, tu tiays m me «c«Jt S» m
DAILY, »»»n <l»y* in th«> «wk j» »
WKKKi,Y. »»»l-toluiuQ p»[*r... i- t 6>
flUMDàY MQIHTKR. hy nu!) t •
ds'.i vrxsn ar cajuuu.
OA (LT, «Xr*>pt <i.tiU»y 14c par firt,
DAILY,lnclu<1tu<i "t**"■* '
«HBA1,MMU*«ltab iMMft.
Thk yoang ladies of A'lanta bave boy
cotted the younjj men «ho fr*quent sa
A PiTTSBi'EU lady want« to start an "M*
cort bureau" to fnrnish 'oaesome lemal»s
escorts for the sum of $25 per head.
8- ...
Mr. Watterso*, of the Louisnil« Coor-,
ier-Journal would like to tit down on Mr.
Randall. Bat Rasp ill's size i« too mag
Tbk American Iron and Sreel Associa
tien ha~e agreed, owing to unexpectedly
large order», to increase the ontpnt of steel
rails to 1.009.C00 during 1886. That is
preity good for hard noies.
Of the $.t3,0uQ 'donated to the Irish 1
campaign fund, $23.000 came from Amei
ica, $3.500 from Ireland and $1,000 from
other cations. It is no wonder the Irish
Nationalists have fraternal feelings for
The King of Italy is said to have tried
in vain to induce insurance companies to
insure his life, w^iie every com piny in
America would have been only too glad to
insure the life of W* H Yaspbrbii t. It
seems that of the two the money king is tie
real king.
The Iron Age stated ihat there are
twenty-one more blast furnaces at work
now thin in November. These make an
increased output of 8,300 tona per week.
List year there were 181 bituminous and
anthracite furnaees in blast, bnt now the
number has reached 183.
A^i artesian wt-ll bu just öeen sank w.
Atlanta which will tarnish the city with a
bountiful supply of pure, sparkling, cold
water This will ba very grarifying to
both the "wet men" and "dry men,'' sine«
the prohibition election. In some towns
one most take his choice between drink
ing beer and drinking mud.
That was a sensible clergyman in Ches
ter county, Pa., who was disturbed by the
noise made by the male members of the
congregation putting on their overcoats
while the Doxology was being sang, and
said: "Now that yon have your overcoats
on we will sing the Dozology over again."
It was a courteous and modest rebuke of a
practice that is too often thoughtlessly in
dalged in.
The decision of the Ohio Supreme Court,
overruling the order of the Circuit Court at
Cincinnati, will give the certificates of elec
tion to the Democratic Senators and Rep
resen'ativeo from Hamilton county.
The Senate will no» stand twenty to
seventeen in favor of the Democrats, but
the Republicans will have a majority of
three on joint ballot, which insure« the
election of an United States Senator of the
Republican persuasion.
The Court has also decided to grant the
Mandamus asked f tr by Gov. Hjadlt and
Secretary of State Robinson, to compel the
Clerk of Hamilton county to make the re
turns on the State ticket. The Clerk of the
Supreme Court has been instructed to
telegraph Clerk Daltoj» to send the returns
in. and the Canvassing Board will conclude
its labors on Monday. Judge Spccr, the
Republican Judge elect, will quality on
that d«y and take his seit.
Ii is hinted that there may be a rather
warm time when the Legislature meets
next January.
The great strike in the shoe factories at
Brockton, Mass , was settled in a way that
do*« credit to both employers and employee.
It was a victory for both that might weil
be sought after by disagreeing manufac
turers and workingmen throughout the
land. The following are from the tnles of
arbitration agreed upon:
Rule 1, The right of manufacturer* to
employ or discharge helf must be acknowl
Comment—This rule mean* that the
right to employ and discharge laborers be
longs to those who own the business.
There could be no other rule. No prudent
man would invest capital in business if he
could not control by employing the lab
orers he thought necessary aud proper lor
conducting it. This is the inseparable in
WiUCUl VI vspiuu.
Kale 2. Bat if a person discharged claims
that be is discharged because be is a mem
ber of any labor organization, by specify
in* his catLse or causes of complaint in
writing, he may bring bis complaint before
his local board, and, if they see fit, they
can bring it directly before the board oi
arbitration for a bearing.
Hale 3 E»eh factory is to regulate its
own working hours, bat in no case shall a
day's wort exceed ten hour«, t xcept in two
or three departments in order to fill orders
in time
Rule 4. Each organization shall have an
Arbitration committee of six. who shall set
tle all differences of prices of their organi*
zation wiib tbe Executive Committee of
tbe Manufacturers' Association, to serve
tor one year, or until tbeir successor* are
chosen or appointed. Five members on
each side shall constitute a quorum, and a
majority vote shall b* final iu all cases
Rule 5. Pending the discussion of any
di9«»nce or dispute, there shall be no
lockout, strike, stoppage, or cessation of
work by either employer or employed.
Comments—It is tbe object of this rule
to substitute reason and right instead of
violence, in whatever form, by either em
ployer or employee, and during no dispute
or difference shall the work in any shop er '
any department of it be stopped or inter
iered with. If the interests oi parties can
not be so adjusted and harmonized that the .
parties can continue the relations of em-1
pioye, ihen, according to the real or anp
poasd interests of tbs parties, they must
separate, not in violence, but according to
reason. Thts rule implies that in no case
is it necessary to resort to lockouts, strikes,
or to violent means in acy form. It being
the ofi jo of reason, acting according to
tbe golden ml«, to adjust and settle ah hu (
man interests.
Bale 6. No contract shall ha gtvan in
any department coversd bv labor organiz*- j
tioo unites tbe person taking caia con
tract pays the standard price on all work.
Rule 7. There shall be no interference
with tbe essployment or wages of hands
hired by »be week or day when tbs wages
ar« a*ti*&Cfory to tbs eoplojer and em
ploy e, so that competent works« may be
protected. « ,
Comment—It is the right of tbe mann*
fite tarer to determine how his business
s boil be conducted Capital and labor
afeonid each reoeive its «qnittbb reward.
Tbi« rul« «m very thoroughly diccufaed,
»od uoanimousljr »od heartily adopted. If
the «»g«« are not sa>i»tactary the band
may quu work, and, if Dot satisfactory to
the em plover, he may dismiss bim With
any other rul« business cculd not be aafely
carried on
Rai« 8 The joist board of arbitration
shall confiât of »ix members from et h
side, who alia)] s<-rve for ooe year, or nntil
their successors ar« appointed or elected
Fi»î memt»ra from e*ch ude shall consti
•o'« a quorum. A majority vote will be
final in all casea.
Ruli 9 lu caae of a tie vo»e each ai'e
•hall «elect a disinterested person, and
the«« two stall select a third person, and
their d*ci»ion shall ha final
Rul« 10 The secretary upon reqaeet of
three tn-mb^rs shall call a meeting of the
noard of arbi ration within three days, as
mav hereafter be agreed upon. No com
plaints ahall be considered un leas stated in
writing and the catses of complaint are
specified and signed by the complainant
Whether interested parties agree with
auch a plan or not, the roles quoted are
worth careful reading and thought. They
may be suggestive of ideas that will aid in
solving difficulties with which the employ
ers and employed in our section of country
meet *
Poor Mexico is afflicted with another
revolution. The liberty that ia sach a
motive power tor the prosperity of the
United States seems to intoxicate the Mex
icans or drive them mad.
This oft re pet i ion of revolutions driving
the)a m all republics to the verge of anarchy,
is looked upon with great complacency by
tie monarchists of the Old World. The
success of popular government in these re*
publics means a death knell, sooner or
Itter, to the delusive phantom, the so
called 'divine right of kinga."
that has been handed down from
age to age and cherished or submitted to
by the people.
Though the coadition in some of our
American republics does not at times look
very encouraging to the success of popular
freedom, yet when we consider what is
continually transpiring in the old world,
among some of the nations that are the
strongest champions of monarchy, a little
revolution every now and then in an
American republic is insignificant in com
la America, a revolution may cause
the loss of a tew hundred or a few thous
and men and an expenditure of a few mil
lion dollars, but in Europe any war oi
significance scarcely ever stops with a los»
of less than many thousands of men at d
qiaoy millions of money. Generally in
America, the people fight for themsebee,
but in Europe they fight in moat cases to
gratify the caprices of their rulers. In oce
case it is fighting for principles that are
oelieved right, and in the other for men.
Which is better?
It is bad enough that blood should be
shed and property sacrificed for either.
But since it seems in the eternal fitness ot
things for Mexico to work out her destin)
in this way, it is fortunate that nature
favors them. It is said: "It does not cost
much to equip soldiers in Mexico. Aoout
two-thirds of the tro< pj wear p. ni tor m com
posed of a pair of cotton drawers and a
shawl. Their rations consist mainly ot
oeans and red pepper. These soldiers are
good at marctiLg and carrying burdens on
their backs."
How about Ruw'a, when 11 ppeak of
revolation means death or exile to Siberia;
nr h march to battle in the armies of the
Czar means privation and carnage?
The Oil Incitement - General anil Per
sonal Note*.
ai to 1*4 Huntic j Refiner.
New Martissvills, December 12.—
Home talent will appear in "Soldier of
Fortune" to-night.
Sreet Commissioner Wm. McEldowney
deserves credit tor having the street lamps
in running order again. They are about
the last ttung to recover from the memor
able eighty tour tlood.
The sapper given by the ladies of the M.
E. churcn Ihursday night, at the resi
dence of Capt* M. B. Davis, was a succès«
in every respect.
Rev Reynolds, assisted by Rev. Simp
son, of St. Mary's, art conducting a pro
j tracted meeting at the M. E church,.
' south. _
Mrs Rebecca Anshutz, ot Des Moine
; la., is visiting . her daughter, Mrs. Sep.
; Hall. Mrs. Anshutz is just returnirg
! rum an extended visit to New York,
PhiUd-lphia and other Eastern cities.
W. J. W Cowden, ot Wheeling, was
down Thursday on lagal business.
Mr. B. C. Bridgeman's many friends
were pleased to hear that he was again
successful in his will case recently decided
t>y the Supreme Court.
Mrs Ada Baggs, accompanied by Mrs
Sarah Hall, returned home yesterday to
A great many oil leases are being taken
in the interest ot the county. It may be a
square deal, out our citizens have become
very incredulous on this subject, and would
rather see some of the slippery article on
the surface than hear so mnch of it three
thousand feet below. Recent geological
investigations seems to have demonstrated
rho.t »hu Pennsylvania oil belt Dasae*
through the back end of our county.
M B Potts has m»de an assignment for
the benefit ot his creditors. '
Mrs. A. F. Laing and MUs Belle Sha
man are Tinting friends at Sistersvilie.
Jtffdrson Martin was in towa this week
He has a new jubject—"Niggers."
C. L Vager. is erecting a spacious stable
on Union street.
Justus E*kin and wife wer« at Wheeling
this week.
Bev. Darisson is conducting» protracted
meeting out at Proc*or.
.The Tot* and the ltmbii Fire Fiend,;
T*o pretty incidents of child nature are
reported in connection with the recent
great fire in New Hartford. A little girl
«ho was taken out of a burning house, only
partly dressed, with one bare foot, content
edly hogging two eats, and exclaiming:
"My kitties aren't burned." Another about
the game age, whose home was in danger
by the further spread of the dame*, said
sreetly: *'I said my prayers to God six
times and asked Him not to let our ho
Barleycorn May« a Scarry Trick.
J. W. Lind, of Tuscarawas, Ohio, wu
to have married Miss Sasie Long, a well
known and respectable young lady of this
city, y sterday afternoon. While after his
marriage license Lind got drunk, and when
he returned to the lady's home was almost
unable to stand- Mise Long'* father im
mediately threw him into tb« street, cau
tioning him never again enter the hoase.
The young lady's tears were finally dried,
and, althoagh there was no wedding, the
assembled rueats had a feast and coegratu
lated Miss Long her eecap«.
' » M not Ilk« til««, l>r. F»'l,
Tos why, 1 caaoot t»ll."
It has ot\en been wondered at, the bad i
odor this olt quoted doctor fm in. J was
probably because he, being one of the old-1
school doctors, mad« up pills «s large M ;
bullets, which nothing but an ostrich c«uld
bolt without nausea. Henc« the dislike, j
Dr R. V. Pierce's "Pleasant Purgative
Pellais ' are ingar-coated and bo larger
than bird-ebfct, ici are quick to do their ;
work. For all derangeseaU of the liver, !
bowels and stomach they are specific. <
Hartford T.met.
How Major Bon. Porloy Pooro Com
The Congressional Directory—Laborious
Work—Inquiries to New
Awmai lo tto Stmday Regimr.
Washington, Dccvmoer 12.—Prior to
the je»r 1862 the Congressional Director;
waa it priv*te speculation of the postmaster
of the House of Repreaentative, was print
ed under his direction, paid for by him
and sold for fifty cents a copy to all who
desired to purchaee. In that year the pub
lication of the Directory waa delayed, ac
that its first edition waa not forthcoming
nntil February, and considerable dissatis
taction waa manifested among members whc
were anxious to have obtained it at the it/
convenience experienced in consequence.
Mr. Schenck, ot Ohio, called the attentioi
ot the House to the matter, and had th(
subject of its publication referred to I
joint committee ot the two houses, subse
quently the advisory service of Major Bee
Perly Poors were called into requisitior
resulting in his undertaking it«
antnal publication under the auspicei
of Congress. He immediately set about
systematizing the varied denies connect«
with compiling the information to go intc
the pages, and in a short period the C9n
gresaioaal Directory became our almoei
universal book of reference concerning of
ficial life, not only in Congress, but alio it
the various Executive* Department, tb«
American Diplomatic list, the Consulates
and even the local offices in YVashingtoi
and Georgetown, much other informatioi.
ot importance to Congress and ot interest
to strangers and sojourners, a charactei
it baa maintained ever since. One of iti
most interesting features is the biographica
sketches of Senators and members wbict
are kept up from year to year, aa changei
occur in the personnel ot CoDgresa. Tb<
compiler usually relies on the Senators anc
memoers to furnish bnei accounts of theii
personal history, which are arranged anc
edited by him before appearing in print
For completing and correcting the person
nel of the Executive Départirents anc
other public officers he addresses circulai
letters to the chiefs whose corrections eact
year he relies on exclusively, experience
Louaii tKut in this twa;
alone can the Annual Directory be mad»
reliable. On such occasion when Majoi
Poore bad by some means obtained his in
formation in a lees reliable way, he wbi
overhauled by a poor boarding house keep
er, who had trusted an official three month:
tor board on his showing her his came it
the Congressional Directory, when, in fact
oe hud been out of office for six month*
Lessons of this kiod soon had the effect tc
cause the Major to exorcise great
caution in determining upon his sources o
information. In Jaly last Major Poor*
counted the noses of the newly elected
Congressmen and found that there art
one hundred and seventy new statistic»
sketches to be obtained. He at once ad
dressed u circular to each new Sulon re
questing ans «ers to the following questions
' The Senator, Representative or Delegate')
full name; home poeroffice address; plue»
and time of birth; education; profees'ona
studies; and all civil and military office!
held, with dates of holding them. Repre
tentative s and Delegates will add their vott
J on their election to Congress, the name oi
their opponent, and the vote given him
and the politics of each.''
Senators, Representatives and Delegate«
are al*o requested to send, for publicatiot
in the " Congressional Directory,1'" theii
Washington residences, wich the 'signs
designating the ladies who miy be with
them viz , an * lor a wife, a \ for eact
daughter, and a || tut «h.I> uilier lady. It
sending their reeidenct-s genie men wil
please give the number of the house, unlest
it is a hotel."
Of the whole number so addressed onlj
about twenty-toar responded. So in Sept
ember the delinquents were again request
ed to cotie forward, and again in Novem
her, and in this way with many delays the
necessary information is obtained. The
labor of compiling the directory is consid
erable and sometimes vexatious, yet the
genial Major gets along with the work
amid his other and multifarious public du
'ies with very little friction, aud wtea hie
work is done it is well done.
Appeuded are statistical sketches of the
West Virginia Senators and members
which will give your readers an idea of the
labor of getting together such information
concerning three hundred and twenty live
Congressman and seventy-six Senators
Senator Johnson X Camden, of Par
kersburg, was born in 1828 in Lewis coun
ty, W«at Virginia; was appointed a Cadet
to West Point in 1846; resigned in 1848;
studied law and was admitted to the bar
in 1851 ; was appointed the same year Pros
ecuting Attorney for Braxton county, and
in 1852 was elected Prosecuting Attorney
•or Nicholas county; in 1854 was elected
to a position in a bank; resigned in 1858,
and entered into the development of pe
troleum and manufacturing interests at
Parkersbnrg, Went Virginia; was made
President of the First National Bank at
Parkfnburg at its organisation in 1802
and still holds the position; was the nom
inee of the Democratic party for Governor
of the State in 1808, and a?ain in 1872;
was a delegate to the Democratic National
Convention in 1868, in 1872, and in 1876;
was elected to the United States Senate as
a Democrat, to succeed Frank Hereford,
Democrat, and took his seat March 4
,1881. His term of service will expire
March 3. 1887.
Senator John E. kmna of Kanawha,
waa born àt Valcoulon, Virginia, (do«
West Virginia.) April 10, 1848; lived and
worked on a farm ; entered the Confeder
ate army aa a private soldier; was wouud
ed in the service in 1864, and was surren
dered at Shreveport, Louisiana, in 1865;
atterward attended Saint Vincent's Col
'eg*, Wheeling; studied taw with Miller à
Quarrier at Charleston; was admitted to
the bar June 20, 1870, and has continued
to practice law from that tiroe; >u elect* d
Prosecuting Attorney for Kanawha county,
on the Democratic ticket, in 1872, a< d
served until January 1, 1*77; in 1875 was
elected by the bar in the respective coun
ties under statutory provision to hold the
Circuit Courts of Lincoln and Wayne; »a*
elected to the Forty filth, Forty sixth and
Forty lèvent h Congress« s, and had been
elected to the Forty eighth Congress, when
he was elected to the Uniied State Senate
as a Democrat, to sacceed Henrv G. Davis
Democrat, and took hU seat Decernbt-r 3
1883. His term oi service will expire
March 3, 1889.
Natt aa Qotf, Jr., of Clarksburg, was born
at Clarks' urg, Virginia, February 9,1843;
was educated at the Northwestern Virginia
Academy, Georgetown College, and the
University of tbe City of New York; was
admitted tc the bçr in 1S65: in 1867 was
elected a member of the West Virginia
Legislature; in 1868 was appointed tailed
S'»tea Auoroey for the District of West
Virginia, to which position he was reap
pointed in 1872, 76 and '80; he resigned
t{}0 District Attorneyship io January, 1881,
when he was appointed tacretary of the
Navy by President Hayes; in March. 1881,
President Gard-ld reappointed j^i tp District
Attorney for» West Virginia which position
he again resigned in July, 1882 he enlist
ed in the Union Armv in June, 1861, in
the Third Regiment Virginia Volunteer In
fat try; served as Lieutenant of Company
Ç; also aa Adjutant of aaid Regiment, and
as Haicr of tfie Fourth Virginia Volun
teer Cavalry; was the Republican candi
date for Confreff in 18^0 in the First Vwt
Virginia District, as also il) the year 1874;
was the candidate of tie Republican par*?
for Governor of West Virginia in 18T6,
and was defeated ky Hon. H. M. Mathews;
r*j ejected to the Forty-eighth Congress,
•od vu re-elected to the Forty-ninth Con
gresa as a Republican, receiving 17,462
vote* agaicst 27,258 votes lor Brannon,
Democrat, and 4 vote« aca'terii g
^ illiam L Wilson, of Charleetown, Jef
ferson county, vaa born in Jefferson
county, Virginia, now West Virginia, May
1843; was educated at Charleston
Academy and at Colombian College, Dis
trict of Columbia, where he graduated in
1860, and at the University of Virginia;
Served in the Confederate army; was, after
the close of the war, for several years pro
fessor in Columbias College, during wnicb
time he graduated iff its Law School, and
on the overthrow of the lawyers' t»st oaih
in West Virginia, resigned and enterec
upon the practice cf law at Charles own;
was a Delegate in 1880 to the National
Democratic Convention at Cincinnati, and
an Elector for the State at large on the
Hancock ticket; was chosen Präsident ol
the West Virginia University, and entere«
upon the office September 4,1882, but on
September 20 was nominated for a seat ic
the Forty eighth Congress, and was elected
resigned the Presideacy of the State Uni
versity with the beginning of his Congres
sional term; received the degree of LL.D.
from the Columbian University in 1883,
be was re elected to the Norty-ninth Con
irres* as a Democrat, receiving 18,266
votes against 16 737 votes for Reynolds
Republican, and 5 votes scattering.
IV Charl- a Philip Snyder, of Charleston
was born at Charleston, Kanawha couuty,
West Virginia, June 9, 1847; received at
academic education; studied law, and hat
since practiced ; was elected Piosecutins
Attorney of Kanawha county, Wfst Vir
Kima, in 1876, for a term of four years
and reelected to the same office in 1880,
was elected to the Forty-eighth Congress
as a Democrat, at a special election heir
May 15, 1883, to fill the vacancy cauaec
\v th* resignation of Hon John E Kenna
over Judge James H. Brown, the Republi
can candidate, and was re elected to th<
Forty ninth Congress, as a Democrat, re
ceiviog 15,350 votes against 13,240 vote:
for Davis, Republican, and 8 votes scatter
\ Eustace Gibson, of Huntington, wai
born in Culpeper county, Virgioia, Octobei
4, 1842; received a common education it
the ordinary Virginia schools of that day
studied law and commenced the praciici
in 1861; enlisted in the Confederate arm;
June, 1861, as First Lieutenant; w«
made Captain in 1863, and retired on ao
count of wounds; was a member of tbi
Constitutional Convention of Virginia ii
1867-'68; settled in Huntington ia 1871
»as elected to the House of Delegates o
West Virginia in 1876, and by that Hou»
elected Speaker; was a Hancock elector ii
1880; was elected to the Forty-eightl
Congress and was reelected to the Forty
uintb Congress as a Democrat, receivinj
16,58S votes against 16,445 votes for Bar
oee, Greenbacker and Republican, and :
voles scattering.
A Saloon Figlit - Klnraan's Morrow Es
Spatial to IM Sunday Begititr.
Stkcbbnville, 0., December 12
Wednesday night about 10 o'clock crie
for the police were heard on South Thin
street, to which Officers Anick and Lumb;
responded. They found a man in front o
Malier Gay's saloon with his head am
tace cut in a teriible manner, and almoa
unable to stand up. He was taken to th>
Major's office, where his wounds wen
dressed by Dr. McCullough. The mai
said his name was Jim FianDery, and sai<
that he came from Bera, Ohio, to take i
situation in the Jefferson Iron Works. Hi
said he went into Gay's saloon to leaye hi
valise until he could find a boarding hou*e
and while in there met Hugh Patterson
formerly an employee of the Jefferson Iroi
Works, and John Roberts, of th<
Junction Iron Works at Mingo. I
appears that one of the mei
re acquainted wiih Flannery, and askei
him where he was bound for. He said tba
he came here for the purpose of going ti
woik in the Jefirrson lion works, un<
that he proposed stickiog to it, too. Thi
onmevi ut ong»»od tbo o<hpr iwo men. an<
all three engaged in a quarrel. Gay pu
in an appearance and quieted them down
but no sooner had he his back turned thai
they engaged in a rough and tumble fight
in which Flannery was struck ou the heac
with an iron cuspador and otherwise badlj
injured about the face. He then ran ou
and critd for the police. Patterson atic
Roberts were arrested and put undei
bond for $200 un»il Wednesday afiernooi
n'Xt, when they will answer to the chargt
of assault with intent to kill. Flanner]
first stated to the Major that he was forcec
to go to work, that his family was starving
and that was the only rèsource of keeping
them alive, but afterwards said that hi
wasn't without property, money and friends
ar.d that he came here with the intentioi
of going to work. Be said the com pan;
would make him a present cf a new sur o
clo-hes. He ia now in charge of Presi
dent Wallace, and will goto work in th<
mill aB coon as he is able.
Albert Eisman, who was taken to Wash
ington, D. C , to answer to a charge in th<
United States Court of selling a horse un
der falte pretens< b, has arrived in this citj
again, the case having been settled by re
funding the money to the man who boughi
the horse and paying the cost. It was i
narrow »scape.
Tne nailers are at work getting thingi
in order for tbair new mill, and it will noi
be long before the machines will be placed
in position. They expect to be running
by the middle of January.
The G. A. R will give a grand festival
and fair at the Wigwam Skating Rink next
Thursday, Friday and Saturday nights, at
which tbey anticipate a large crowd. Twc
large pictures, one of the Battle of Gettyr
burg, and the other, Sherman's March tc
the Sea, will be chanced off.
Sheridan will play Louis XI. at the
City Opera Hoofs ne^t Monday night,
followed by Ida SiddooB Wednesday night.
Mr. and Mrs. George Sharp entertained
their numeious friends at Riverside Thurs
day evening. Progressive euchre was the
I<on Miller has returned from Wheeling,
wuere he attended the Glssa-Whittakei
Miss Kate Bill is visiting friends in
Mr. and Mrs Cbarle* Rhode*, of Bridge
port, were in the city during the week.
Mr. Theodore Carson is visitit g at his
home in this city for a fe«? days.
Harry Doty is visiting relatives in Pitts
Will Miller will spend Sunday in Wells
Mrs. Dr. Moffitt has returns3 form a
pleasant visit to Cleveland
Mrs John Dojle.of Pittsburg, is visiting
friends in this city.
An Autograph of Lincoln—^.n Interesting
CharlesH. Truman, Esq , of Bridgeport,
has in his possession a letter written by
Abraham LiLpolnin I860, in acknowledge
ment of a favor dor# him by a local polit
ical organization daring the time of hie
first Presidential campaign The docu
ment is short and pretty aell colored with
age, bnt is entirely legible and is in a com
paratively good state of preservation. The
text is as follows.
S»fUKsncLD, III., )
June 4, 1860. J
James D. McBride, Esq,
Dear Si* —yours of tke nrjjt recfived
Allow me to toank yoa for the information
it communicated and also the clubs rnea
tioced far tua soua work ihay art doing.
Yours Truly,
A. Livcjlx.
Mr. Traman takes great pride in his
possession, and is having an elaborate air
tight frame bnilt to protect it from the
ravages of time.
* * * Rup*ur#, pile tumors, fntu'e
an£ all dis eye* of the lower bowel (except
cancer), radically cured. Send 10 cents
in stamps for book. Address. World's
Dispensary Medical Association, 663 Main
street, Bufialo, N. T.
Troubles of the Delegation From
The Grant Monument—The Lobby—The
Press Galleries—Interesting Rules
For Correspondents and
Mpeciai to Ih* Sunday ReçUttr.
Wahhinqtok, December 12.—A dei^ga
tioD ia her« trom California, working to
throw out of the House of Repreaentativ •
all of the six members trom that State
fire Republicans and one Democrat Itia
held that the Democratic member ia not a
citizen of the United Statea, and all kinda
of fraud ia charged against the Republican
It appears that the politics of Califor
•na are in a more corrupt and debased
condition than they ever have been. The
laws of the State are very feebly executed
and loosely constructed. All kinda of
schemes are worked at the polls, and there
is almost always a cloud hanging about
the count of the ballot and the manner in
which the returns are made.
The fight that ia being made on the
Congreaaional delegation, at this time,
however, ia peculiar in that it ia claimed
that it is not a partisan one, and the
charges made reflect against the people at
California in the claim that the contest
made in the courts were unjudicial and the
result nntair; tbat the courts, in other
wjrdc, did not render equitable decisions
and the contestants were unable to get
1 justice. The fate of each member seems
to be linked together in this matter, and
the men who are here pushing the proae
' cution befote Congress ?ay that it one goes
out the whole sixteen will go.
It begins to look like a monument that
will be a credit to the country will, after
, ail, be erected to the memory of the late
(Jeueral Grant at the National Capital; in
, fact., it is already assured. The officers of
, the Grand Army ot the Republic connected
with the National headquarters here report
I that their scheme of raising funds tor this
. purpose is proving very successful, and
, th»t the monument will be begun next
, spring. Circulars were some time ago
issued calling upon the members of the
, Grand Army of the Republic to contribute
1 hfreen ceutH per capita; the contribution*
; to be collected by the posts throughout the
eountrv and transmitted through depart
ment headquarters to the Quarter maater
General, and to be by him especially de
posited to the credit of the Grant Monu
ment Fund All honorably discharged
soldiers and sailors not members ot the
Grand Army ot the Republic will be per
mitted to join in making contributions
I'ha local posts are permitted to take from
I heir treasuries the amonnt equal to fifteen
cent« for each member and transmit it to
the Quartermaster General for tße fand,
and to reimburse their treasury by any
mode of collection agreed upon.
It has not been determined «hat locality
in this cny will secure the Grant monu
ment, to be erected by the soldiers of the
country. The committee to select a place
for the monument will be chosen afner the
fund has been rawed, and something like
tin approximate estimate arrived at of the
aggregate amount ot money to be expend
ed. Lithographic or some other suitable
form ot engraving is to be furnished b)
the Headquarters of the Grand Army,
upon which to record the subscriptions re
ceived for the monument, and they are to
ie bound into volumes and cared for as
an emblem of the assistance lurnished by in
dividual soldiers toward the erection of the
monument. These engravings will con
iain blanks to be filled out bo as to give
name, rank, regiment and post uf each
donor. They will be furnished the poste
and after the contribuiions have been col
lected, will be returned to the National
Headquarters. It is the ambition of the
officers ot the G. A. R to make this mon
ument a very handsome one.
A very great change has come over the
lobby in Washington. A number ot corres
pondents have written that the same old
taces are here again and in the same old
paths but those who are to cut any effective
figure in lobbying are new men, and theii
schemes are new and their modes ot oper
ation are new. A half-dozen ex-Congress
men and as many ex-Senators are in the
lobby. Quite a number of prominent
lawyers not heretofore known as men who
have tried to influence legislation are in
the lobby They represent new propositions
to take the money of the people. Half of
the old horny schemes which nave been as
blieters to Congress for decades, will be
given new lite this session. The new
blood that has come on the field brings
new matter.
Among the propositions which will re
ceivs a great boost from able and new men
to consummacy will be the Hennepin
canal project, which will be largely repre
sented by attcrneys from the States direct
ly interested; and the mail subsidies, and
the land grant railroads, and the steamship
companies, which want subsidies; and
the ship builders, who want to help build
up the navy, and the gun foundries, who
want to work on the fortifications, etc.
There is little in the army of new lob
byists that is ostentatious or showy. They
are modest and diplomatic, and will get in
(heir work more effectually than did the
men who gave dinners and made a great
of the Houbc of Repreaentative and the
Seaate are to of the most intereaticg plaoes
about Congress. The are always the
Heenes of the moat active work, unies« the
official reporters' rooqas are excepted
Just above ibe Speaker of the House and
immediately above the President of the
Senate galleries are set apart sufficient to
seat about one hundred men in the former
md sixty in the latter for the use of repre
aentAtivea of the press. Ingress to either
trallery is obtained through a private lobby.
Btck of the gallery are rooms in which
are located t&bUs for the use ct newspaper
irritera. Abouf ope hundred men are ad
mitted to the press ga'lery and two or three
ladies. Seat* are ansigced to these repre
sentatives and the outside populace are de
nied admission.
Regular doorkeepers are appointed to
these press galLries and the strictest rules
are observed in admitting perton«, Goly
those who are admjiicd w tfcese galleries
asd \f'uo can pa*s the criticism of the
Press Committee are considered legitimate
do wf paper men at the national capitol.
Jutt before each Congress as* em bieg the
legitimate ne«spaper representatives hold
a meetin? and appoint five of iheir nam
ber to compose a committee of correspon
dents, and they act with the Speaker of the
House ot Representatives and the Chair
man of the Committee on Rales ig the
Senate in pasaiog upon tfca application for
admission tfl the pr*M galleries. On* thç
day Congress assembles there ia al»ojs a
great ru»>h or peoule, TTuo lay claim to
a journalism for a seat in the
press galleries. Aho*t âve hundred
os the average, are turned away that days
because they cannot make it appear that
they are r*presep{ati of reputable daily
newspapers and are correspondents or ed
itors of standing in the prcissttion.
an.es roR correspondents.
As each correspondent or editor entera
the press gallery of the House or Senate on
the day of the opening of Congress he ia 1
presented with q blank application. In !
which be is m&de to s'ate that he desires to
h*ve a card of admission to the press gal j
lery of the House qr Senate, os the ease
may be, as oosrespoodsnt for the blank
newspaper, printed blank times a week at
blank in the S'ate of blank daring tha first
or second session, as the cas«r may be, of
the blank Congress; that he ia not engaged
in the proseoution of any claim pending
before Congress or the department«, ana
will not becoaie so engaged while al
lowed admission to the gallery, and U not
ia any sense the agent or representative oi
any person or corporation having legisla
tion before Congress, and will not become
either while retaining his place in the gal
lery ; also that his name is not borne on the
roll of an executive department. He also
agrees to conform with the rules governing
ine gallery of the House of Representa
tives or Senate. These rules are very
■tnctly enforced.
The same hind of application made in
the House must be made in the Senate
The applications must be satisfactory to
the Standing Committee of Correspond
ents, who shall see that the occupation of
the galleries is confined to bona fide cor
respondents of reputable standing in theii
business, and who represent daily newspa
pers, and not exceeding one seat is assign
ed to any one paper. Clerks in the execu
tive departments of the government or per
éons engaged in any other occupation
whose chief sipport is derived from news
paper correspondence are not entitled ti
admission, and members of families of cor
respondent are not entitled to admission.
These applications for admission to tb(
galleries are not only subject to the clot eel
scrutiny by the Committee of Correspond
ents, but are subject to the approval of tb«
Speaker of the House and th* Chairman ol
the Senate Committee on Rules, and ad
mission is at all times under the control ol
the the standing Committee of Correspond
ents. Visiting journalists representing re
putable daily newspapers, who are allowed
temporary admission to the galleries, arc
required to conform to the restrictions ol
the rules.
A few days after the reassembling ol
Congress, and when all the applications tc
the press galleries have been received
there is a meeting of the committee of cor
respondents, who are among the oldest and
most experienced men the profession, anc
who are known to have good ability anc
judgment for the work assigned to them
and the applications are passed upon. /
report is made to the Speaker on Bnlei
and they issue to the persons entitled t(
admission cards good for the current ses
sion. There is probably a greater numb«!
of sham correspondents and alleged news
paper representatives of all grdes in Wash
iogton than in any other two cities in thi
United States. About one half the clerki
ia the departments are alleged newspaper
correspondents. They write letters to un
known papers and they try all manner c
schemes to gain admission to the presi
galleries of Congress, where seats in timr
of a great msb to the Capitol are ver;
desirable and valuable. But out of thi!
number of would-be correspondents anc
newspaper representatives only about on<
hundred are found worthy of recognitor
by the leaders in the profession. I believi
there are only two ladies admitted to tb
press galleries at this time. They writ*
telegraphic matter for reputable dail;
newspapers. There is in this city an oi
ganization of female contributors to ih
press, and for many years they have trie«
I to get into the press galleries of Congres«
bat wunout avau.
A few years ago the leading journal» o
the country were represented here by me:
above the middle age, bat the bulk o
them now have representatives who an
young men—two thirds of them nndei
thirty-five years of ape. Energy and en
terprise seams to be recognized above ex
perience and age. While the Dumber o
newspaper representatives in Waahingtoi
hare been on the steady increase, thi
onmber aimittei to the prtss galleries o
Congress have incre sed very little.
Bait for Damagei Against a Coal Com
pauy - General K*vi<
Qpecial to (ht Sunday Register.
Fairmont, December 12.—"Berns va
the Gaston Gas Coal Company" is th<
style of an interesting and important mi
Lr damages tried in T»yior county somi
two years ago, when the plaintiff w&i
awarded two thousand dollars. The de
fendant appended tue case and the Su
preme Court of Appeals, on Saturday last
set aside the judgment of the Circni
Court and rewarded the case for a net
trial. Some years since Be*ns was injure«
in a fire-damp explosion, in Qaston mines
here. He brought sait and, after a tadioui
trial, was awarded damages as above stated
The subject is re-opened by the action o
the Snpreme Court and the ultimate de
cision of the case will be awaited wit!
some anxiety. This is the first case of thi
knd in our jurisprudence and has peculia
importance on account ot this fact.
Frank Thomas, a worthy and deservini
boy, met with a painful accident ou Wed
nesda} last. He was emploped as a drive
at New England mines and while at worl
be had his arm cane ht between a car am
the nb badly crushing the limb and frac
turing the bone. Dr. Jas. H. Brownfielt
rendered medical attention, and the injur;
is doing well.
We are promised a variety of entertain
ment during the holidays. The publii
school pupili will enlarge their librar
with the proceeds of two fine entertain
ments that are now well under way.
Our people are looking forward to thi
concert, to be given by Dowden' orchestra
with pleasant anticipations. This organi
zation always gives us something new, rari
and first class, and they promise to exceet
expectations this time. Fairmont rarelj
gets a good thing but she appreciates i
when it come«, practically.
Circuit Court is still in progress ber<
with Judge Fleming presiding. On Mon
day John Starrett pleaded guilty to an in
dictment against him for felony and wai
sentenced to two years in the penitentiary.
Starrett and Amos Räber, the latter sen
tencedto£ve years for burglary, acoom
panied Sheriff Manley to Moundsville on
Friday. The Cartwright case has been set
for Monday next One hundred i nd
iwenty witnesses are already summoned
and the case promises to be long and
icuiuuD uui iu oajf v«p»u»iTo.
The B. à Q. bridge a mi'e above tOTa
bad tome rods broken oo Wednesday *nc
•rain» were delayed here for four hours it
conseqaenoe. A foro^ of workmen loon
made it all 0. K., and train now pa«
over aa usual.
Tbe B 40 reservoir, erstwhile knows
as Co' Sen. Wilson's fish pjnd, will soor
be in use, a new pump boute, pump and
pumper having been located here and
properly connected wi h the reservoir and
ibe river.
Steele W. Sample, the oldest prioter in
the United Sta'es, probably, died at Pal»
tine on Thuraday, at the advanced age of
87 years. He was an upripht man and a
good citizen, and his loas will be felt and
generally deplore-1.
Charles II Mayers, actio;» snp*-intecd
ent in the office ci the M.. I k N. R R
Co., with headquarters at Keokuk. Iowa,
il at hone on a brief visit to his parants.
Mîm Genrade Steele, of Birmingham.
Alabama, is visiting friends and relatives
Misa Ida Watson is aufierug with tneu
matiam. We hope ike stay soon recover.
Ftqje John Carney is scsiewbat îq,
proved at 4 seems tg b* »lowly reco?«ring
from his reoenr Severe illness.
Mrs Mary Morris i« hers vision? her
daughter, Mrs. Â. M. Barns, on Main
P H. Bennett has returned to his rail
road work at Seweil He hopes to finish
his contract some time in January.
Frank Co*, Kjq , a prominent yoang
Monongalia barrister, is here at court. He
together with "Hon Jas Morrow, represents
the defendant in the Xichols-PindaO case
now on triaL
County literary societies here*boats are
discosaâng the tariff, and will have a basis
of settlement formed for the Carlisle aad
Randall ûctions of the Democratic party
witin a lew weeks. If Ooagfess will jast
hold of a shrrt spell, what agony and
trouble will be averted.
Why 8u 8010*1 ent
Become the staple Dentifrice of At&iriea?
Simpiy because it is impossible to tut it,
even tor a week, without perceiving its
hygienie cffect opoq \ba teeth, the guns
The most inviting Offering of the
Season is
Of his Immense Stock of
Embracing the most choice lines ot
Ever selected for our trade. The
Entire Stock
Without any reservation,
Marked Down Hii Cost
Sale Commencing This Morning.
All are invited to call early to a vail them
sehes of this rare opportunity of buy
ing a handsome and perfect-fitting
Winter Wrap at Ices than
cost of manufacture.

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