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WEST VIRGINIA PRINTIN6 CO., PTOLmms ajtb PBoruiBTons. JAB. B. TANEY, Gerw-nt Manager. TERMS: m TUI, *T MAIL. WrtAM nMTkXD. DAILY, *tx day* ia tao week.18 « DAILY, three day* la the week..*w DAILY, two day* la the week. * 0 DAILY, one day la the week. 1 w WEEKLY, one year, in advamoe. I » WEEKLY. *lx months. DELIVERED BY CARRIER. DAILY, per week, to be paid weekly. 15 DAILY and SUNDAY, per week. » The DAILY will be delivered by carrier ia any other oily or town at.• 15 Single Copie* of DAILY or WEEKLY .... 6 |flr*Trlbutes of Respeot and Obituary Notioe* Moenta per inch. Stamp* of the denomination of two cent* and la*a aooepted for amounts «*• than one dollar. ^r'CoannaroHDSWcn ooBTAnrato imtobtaht pvt SOLICITED non ITUT TAB* Of TUB *D*r ■•miDtsio ootnrrBV. ... . __. Rejected communication* will not be returned rales* accompanied by sufficient Potl*** .. 1 Me R HOIST KR. embracing iI# »APeral Centered at tfie Roetofice in WTueline, W. Fa., **»econficu**e merer. Advertiser* might paste this axiom •Cft ia thair hats with protit: “A news paper that will lie about its own circula tion will lia about that of Its contempor aries.” _ Congratulations, Mr. Cleveland. Mb- Gladstone Is not yet too old to play smash In English politics. Mb. and Mrs. Cleveland’s first born will never be President. It’s a girl. Pittsburg wound up In eighth place «n which she has long had a dead cinch. yfnxT profiteth it Jay Gould to gain scores of millions and lose his own health? The Treasury Department yesterday made the first payment of the sugar bounty, $6,S00. It was a sweet morsel to the California beet sugar company that got It. **_ A Cincinnati clothing firm offers to print all the tickets for ths coming elec tion in Ohio if allowed to print the firm’s name on them. There’s American en terprise for you. The oil can got in its work yesterday in Pittsburg, badly burning a whole ; family. Tho daughter, who did the fire I lighting act, will die. Coal oil Js a gr*at fool-killer, in the kitchen as well as on the oil field and the oil exchange. It a large fire were to break out In the heart of the city, the fire plugs in the adjoining three squares would ex haust tho water supply in an hour. Perhaps Council has not thought of this very dark side of the water ques tion. “Baby” Anson, tho bright and _ jsblnlng light of the Chicago base ball club, Is pleading the baby act In vigor ous style. Ho accuses the clubs that have played with Boston recently, of “laying down” before the Hubbites, to give them the pennant which now be. longs to them, but was, until recently, within the grasp of Chicago. If there Is any truth in Anson’s charges,and the said clubs “laid down” before Boston instead of being knocked down, It was a dirty mean trick to play, indeed, but the ques tion naturally suggests Itself, why did Anson, himself, help Boston to the pennant by losing so many gamss? The Chlcagos certainly did not “lay down” before any club, but were knocked down out of hand, which was also a rather mean thing for Chicago’s opponents to do. So Anson has been ill-treated all aronnd. It may be remembered that tho chargo he brings against Boston now was made against Chicago, itself, earlier in the season. So honors are easy. __ THE DECADENCE OF BASE BALL. The base ball associations reached the end of a not very prosperous season yesterday. The interest has been lan guid and the attendance at the games nothing like it was during previous , seasons. It seems to be a fact that the great national game is in its decline, and comparatively few people now take an interest in it. The chief cause of this decadence seems to be the lack of individuality in the clubs bearing the names of the cities supporting them. It is simply a show of professionals, and the club that plays with New York this year may play with Chicago or Boston next. It is entirely different from “old-time** base- ball, when it was in reality a con. test between the men of differ, eut cities, and naturally of intense Interest. There is little difference now between a base ball game and a circus, and the people are getting tired of a show that has nothing more than athletic skill to keep the interest in it alive. The New York JrorkI, also, ex presses “a shrewd suspicion that there Is much hippodromine about It,” adding that “interest in athletic sports sur vives and grows in direct proportion as the contests are honest and sincere, and that element is apparently sadly lack, ing in the modern game of base ball. Hence most healthy persons prefer to go to se^ the amateurs scuffle over the football game." That the professional athlete is going to the rear is further exemplifled In the intense interest manifested by the peo ple In the recent International cricket match in Philadelphia. Although the grounds were a considerable distance from the city tens of thousands flocked to the grounds during the three days the contest lasted. These were not pro fessional athletes, but were the crick eters of Philadelphia against those of Eogland. , We grieve to see this decadence of base ball, bat it may malt In patting the national game upon a sorer footing by preserving the local individuality of r ah* club*. ▲ NKW BANKING Hon. M. D. Harter in the current number of the Forum presents a plan for a permanent banking system, which is to have a supplementary State sys tem. Mr. Harter makos the present national banking system the basis of the one he proposes, but ho would so change and modify it as to make it per manent while at the same time enlarg ing Its functions and increasing its use fulness. In the first place, to give an outline of Mr. Harter’s plan, the list of bonds acceptable as security for circulating notes are to be enlarged so as to include state, county, city and railroad bonds. Street railroad bouds are excluded be cause their franchises are usually of short duration. According to Mr. Har ter, bonds secured by mortgage on farms and other real estate have always ! proved inferior and usually unsafe j security for banks. Hence, under his ' proposed system, real estate, the basis ■ of all wea'th. Is to be outlawed. I All bond9 thus rendered available , must be registered, and the principal | and interest must be payable in gold of | the present standard of weight and fine ness. Hence the new system has mon ometallism as its basis. All such bonds must have been listed for at loast five years prior to their deposit for security ascirculation, upon at leastone stcckex change located in some city of the United States having a population of 500,000 or more. This rule would ex clude all bonds (so Mr. Harter says) except those having a well-established character as well as recognized high value. No bond which has ever been in de fault for non-payment of interest, or which has sold on any stock exchange below par for withiu fivo years, or which has sold on any stock exchange at less than a premium of 5 per cent, above par within three years of propos ed deposit as security for circulation, is to be accepted under this law. The re sult of this, Mr. Harter thinks, would be the bonds deposited as security for circulation would have an average gold market value of at least 110, which would make them to-day a Very much better security for bank note circulation than United States bonds were from 1862 to 1865. No State bond representing a per capita debt of over two dollars for each of Its citizens, uo county bond repre senting a per capita debt of over four dollars, and no city bond representing a per capita debt of over eight dollars, is to be accepted as security for bank notes. All railroad bonds deposited are to be secured by mortgage, and none are to be of the form known as trust or debenture bonds. No bank is to have more than 20 per cent, of its bonds on deposit of the Issue of any one State, county, city, or railroad. Whenever any bond on deposit under this law sells at an average price of less than 105 for a period of thirty days, the comptroller of the currency is to require it to be replaced by a bond fully meeting the qulrements of the proposed law. There are other provisions in the nature of safeguards, which we need not notice here. Among other things, Mr. Harter’s proposed law provides— and this is the important point—that the present United States tax on the circulating notes of State banks shall cease, provided such notes are secured in precisely the same manner as na tional bank notes, by bonds deposited with the Auditor and Treasurer of the State, and it further provides that the State in which the bank is located shall guarantee the payment of its circulat ing notes. This Is a sort of extra na tion twist for which no good reason exists, since if the notes are guarded as those of the national banks would be, do further precautiou would seem to be necessary. Tho amount or tne notes issuea oy any State bank under this proposed law is to be under the contract of tho State in which it is located, and nothing in the law shall restrict the circulating notes of any State bank to 90 per cent, of the capital paid In; but no bank shall issue notes in excess of 90 per cent, of the par value of the bonds deposited by it to secure the payments of the notes. Mr. Harter says this provision will be re cognized as souud by most competent bankers, and he thinks that experience will lead to its extension ultimately to national banks. It gives the banks the power to promptly increase the money circulation when urgently needed, such extra supply being retired under the in fluence of the 2 per cent, tax on circu lation, thus giving flexibility to the cur rency. This is an outline of Mr. Harter’s proposed scheme. While wo are not prepared to endorse it. It is, neverthe less, well worthy of careful considera tion as one solution of a question that must soon be settled in some way. --- As interesting a piece of news as any that flashed over the wires yester day was that contained in the bulletin which said, “A daughter was born this morning to Mr. and Mrs. Grover Cleveland.” Little Miss Cleveland weighs eight pounds, and the proud father is evidently of the firm opinion that she is a “corker," whose like was never seen. Minnesota's Supreme Conrt has given tho grain speculators a very black l eye and created a flurry on 'change by its decision that dealings in grain fu tures are illegal and void. Sow let tho other States take the first opportunity to follow suit. Latjohlin's Worm Syrup Is certainly the children’s best friend. In most cases it Is difficult to tell what Is the matter with the babe, but if you use Langhlin's Infant Cordial you will find .t will relieve more dis eases incident to childhood than any other remedy in existence. ' t \ a iddfcu Zl. a wi. O' S ■'V THE POPE GRIEVED Aboat the Action* of French Pilgrims In Rome« Rome, October 3.—The Pope is deeply afflicted at the disorders which occurred yesterday in this city through the objec tioaaole conduct of some French pilgrims who were visiting the tomb of King Victor Emanuel, in the Panthoou. The Pope has issued instructions that all Catholic pil grims now in Home are to remain tranquil in face of the displeasure displayed by the bands of young men and others who pa raded the streets to mark their disaporoba tion with the pilgrims’ conduct, and that the iatter are in every way to do all in their power to avoid giving cause for disturb ances. The French pilgrims who were the immediate cause of so much disorder yes terday started during the day for M od on a. Before doing so they called at the Vatican and expressed their regrets for the occurr ences of yesterday. The Pope, in reply, said he also regretted yesterday’s incidents, aad hoped they would not happen again. The majority of the accounts furnished of the cause of yesterday’s riotous out break agree on the assertion that one of the pilgrims who visitod Victor Emanuel’s tomb spat in the book where all visitors are expected to inscribe their names. In addition to this the pilgrim wrote: “Vive le Papo. Mort au roi Humbert. A has Victor Emanuel.” * An Italian gentleman who was present in the pantheon at the same time as the pilgrims, happened to notice what one of their number had inscribed in the visitors’ book, and, enraged at the insult to the dead, he struck the writer in the face and assisted the guards to expel him. amid tho anathemas of those present. The other pilgrims tried to rescue their companion from the guards, and in so doing caused the whole populace disturbance. The crowds attracted to tho spot by the disor der, upon hearing of its cause, attacked the pilgrims with knives and stones, tilling tho air with imprecations of “death to tho pilgrims, etc.” Tho guards had the utmost difficulty in protecting tho pilgrims from tho Italians, who wore frenzied with a desire for ven geance. In spite of tne appeals of the po lice officers and their efforts to allay the anger of the populace, the pilgrims were chased all over the cltv. M. Harmel, the leader of tho French workmen's pilgrimage, called at the Minis try uf Interior to day and disclaimed any sympathy with the outrage of yesterday. On the other hapd M. Harmel expressed deep regret for all the oecurrencesin con nection with it. CATHEDRAL MISSION. Services For To-Day and Every Day Tills Week. The first week of the Mission conducted by the Jesuit Fathers, at St. Joseph's Ca thedral, closed last night. The evening services during the past week have been exclusively for ladies, and the attendance tested the capacity of the church. This week the evening services will bo exclu sively for men. This division was found necessary on account of tho size of the con ! gregation, it having been found impossible on several previous occasions to admit all the people who desired to attend the ser vices. The excellent instructions and ad vice given by tho Fathers during the week, has been productive of much good. Hundreds received the Sacraments at the five and eight o’clock masses. Masses thi3 morning will be at the usual hour. The sermons will be delivered by the Jesuit Fathers. This evening the special services for men will commence, and con tinue every evening during the week. The morning services will be at,the same hours as during the past week, and will bo for all. CHANGES HANDS AGAIN. Mr. D. M. Car*y Leases the Hotel Windsor. The Hotel Windsor has again changed hands. This time the lessee is Mr. D. M. Carey, of the firm of Paige, Carey & Co. The Windsor was leased but a few weeks ago to Messrs. Todd and Miller, ex perienced hotel men of Chicago, they pay ing #12,000 for the furniture, and #4,200 per year for rent, and secured an option to pur chase tho building at any time during the coming year. It is understood that the formal agreement was never signed, on account of the illness of Mr. Hobbs, although its terms were thoroughly understood. On Thursday the lease was made to Mr. Carey, and it is un derstood that Mr. E. B. Carney, formerly manager of the hotel, and now manager of tho Fort Henry Club, will assume tho management. While Messrs. Todd and Windsor have had charge of the Windsor, its patronage has grown steadily, and it is expected that under the management of Mr. Carney it will be made a complete success. -♦ NEW 1’OniCKI FIRM Preparations to Commence Work at TU tonvllle November 1. Special Telegram to the Kejitter. Tiltonville, O., October 2.—Mr. : John Rowe, of East Liverpool, has sold | his interest in tho pottery firm of Rowe I & Mountford, of that city, to take an i interest in the Western Sanitary Ware | Company, of this place. Mr. Rowe will assist Mr. Herbert Machin in the man agement of this works aud will have con- ! trol of the mixing kilns and the laboring ! hands,whileMr.Machin will superintend the clay mould shop and modeling. The works will resume operations November 1. Most of tho models are completed while n great number of moulds, etc., are in place for starting tho works. Workmen are at work erecting large buildings for engine room aud slip house ■ and the Wheeling and Lake Erie Rail j road Company have men at work putting ! in a switch which will be run between the two main buildings and will give tho company great snipping facilities. Tite remains of Mrs. Underwood were j sent over tho Pan-Handle last night for i Phillipsburg, Pa., where lha interment | will take place. -♦-* Good for old or young. We mean Dr. A. S. Todd’s Liver Pills. They never fail. j King of Medicines Scrofulous Humor — .1 Cure “ Almost .Ifiraculous.'} “ Wliea I was 14 years of age I had a severe j attack of rheumatism, and after I recovered i had to go on crutches. A year later, scrofula, j In the form of whit© swellings, appeared on j various parts of my body, and for 11 years I i was an invalid, being confined to my bed years. In that time ten or eleven sores ap peared and broke, causing me great pain and suffering. 1 feared I never sliould get well. ** Early in 1SS6 I went to Chicago to visit a sister, but was confined to my bed most of the ' time I was there. In July I read a book, * A Day with a Circus,’ in which were statements of cures by Hood’s Sarsaparilla. I was so im pressed with the success of this medicine that I decided to try it. To my great gratification the sores soon decreased, and I began to feel better and in a short time I was up and out of doors. 1 continued to take Hood's Sax •apariIIa for about a year, when, having used six bottles, I had become so fully released from the disease that I went to work for the Flint & Walling Mfg. Co., and since then HAVE NOT LOST A SINGLE DAT on account of sickness. 1 believe the disease 1 is expelled from my system, 1 always reel well, am la good spirits and have a good appetite. I am now 27 years of age and can walk as well as any one, except that one limb is a little shorter than the other, owing to tne loss of bone, and the sores formerly on my right leg. To my friends my recovery seems almost miraculous, and I think Hood’s Sarsaparilla Is the king of medicines." William A. Lsmb, 9 N. Railroad SL, Eendallvule, lad. Hood’s Sarsaparilla A Bold by all druggists. gljstxfcrgS. Prepared oa% tby O. LHOOD A CO, Apoth—Ttss.Lswsn,] | lOO Doses One L- * siljL_ autumn joys. [Continued From Fifth Page.] Socially. Wheeling will be right In line shortly with metropolican centres 1 no citv is about to enjoy what is distinea to be asocial triumph, the Charity Ball, in New York, Cnicasro, Boston and other large cities the<e affairs are looked upon as ffteeveutsof the joyous uiberaal season. The guests who attend array themselves in their mo*t excruciating attire1, ana apart from the pleasure of tho participants, it cannot but afford a visual feast to the manv delighted on-lookers. Inasmuch as the Charity Ball as proposed is for toe benetit of such a worthy institution as the new City Hospital, a still warmer interest will be awakened in the social affair. A preliminary meeting was held in tho Me Lure House parlors on Thursday evening, in which arrangements were in a measure formulated. Mr. B. Walker Peterson was elec red chairman of the meeting and Air. H. C. Frauzheim secretary. Messrs. Hul lihen Quarrier, T. C. Moffatt, ana Dr. Aschmun were appointed a committee to secure a favorable location, while Mr Frauzheim was appointed a committee of one to arrange for tho music. The full Opera House Orchestra will likely oe en gaged. The affair will probably take place at the McLure House, although some are in favor of giving such a picturesque affair in apartments where the scene can oe view ed advantageously by spectators, and there will likely be a large number. While tne McLure dining room aud other apartments are admirably adapted in all other wavs for the purpose, there is no balcony. Still, as this particular combination is difficult to obtain in this city, it will likelv not be persisted in The tickets will t>e Jixed at live dollars couple, with three dollars lor single gentlemen. The affair is booked for Thursday evening, the 29th oi this month. It will be a brilliant affair. In the matter of costumes the Charity Ball will likely outdo the splendor of all former events. The dress materials tins season are especially handsome, in textuie as well as in the variety and richness o. the colors, ranging from the heavy corded silks in every conceivable shade, and the stiff brocades in tbe richest of Persian col ors. to tho lighter failles and airy crepes and grenadines. At tho meeting on Turs day evening there was also a good attendance of prominent ladies, who are taking an active part in the arrangements. The various committees will be carefully constituted, and will probably embrac e prominent society people in Steubenville, Martins Ferry, Bridgeport, Bellairo, 1 ark ersburg, Moundsville and other places as well as Wheeling. There will be another meeting on Tuesday evening to make further arrangements. A big attendance at this meeting is expected. * * A private hop will bo given at Teuton.a Hali Tuesday evening, for which Killmey er will play. *x* The progressive euchre parth given by Miss Carrie Brues on Friday evening ut the home of her mother, Mrs Caroline Brues on Friday evening was one of con siderable deminsions, and as handsomely conducted as any such events that have graced former seasons. A large number oi invitations were sent out, and the respose was hearty. Tee spacious, colonial home stead was aglow with light, and the apart ments within were prettily decorated for the occ. sion. N early all the guests were in full evening attire, guests and the effect was enchanting. T he affair was given in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Mel ville Griffith, of Baltimore, and Mr. and Mrs. Thomas of this city. There were about twenty tables in operation, and at times the contests became very spiriteu and merrily exciting. At tho couolusion of tho card conflict choice Refreshments were served, and then cume tho linal ad judgment of tho contestants. The first prize for ladies fell to Miss Gene Friend, and consisted of a handsome cut glass dish. Miss Hannah Whaliey captured tho socond prize, a gold filagree bon-bon snoou. Mr. Ambrose List piled up an umazing lot of points and received tho first gentleman’s prize, consisting of an elegant traveling flask. Mr. Charles Frunzheim was on deck for the second prize, it being a beautiful silver tray shaped in the form of a heart. The hostess, Miss Brues, as well as the other members of tho family, were every where attentive to the wants of all. aad the affair throughout was one that will long be recalled among the notable occasions of the season. V Master Willie Zarnitz celebrated the fifth anniversary of bis birth at his father's residence on South Chapline street last evening. Refreshments and vocal and in strumental music were the features of the evening. Those present were Masters Charles Rickets, Blrney Nolte, John Zar nitz, George Coleman, George Zaruitz, Leonard Zarnitz, Alphonse Wingerter, and Misses Blanche Nolte, Nellie Schaffer, Stelta Brunell, Mamie White, Virginia White, Kmraa Zarnitz, Lily Grabal, Vir ginia Wingerter, Marie Zarnitz, Nannie Rickets, Mamie Rickets. * * * On Thursday evening last Miss Kate Hanes, assisted by her sister, Miss Mable, tendered a receptiou to a select circle of friends at her residence on North Main street. The affair was charmingly arrang ed and conducted with the sole view of the comfort and pleasure of the fortunate guests, every thing being complete, even in the smuliest detail. Dancing was indulged in and con tinued throughout the evening, with the pleasing interruptions of vocal and instru mental music, and was but one of tho many happr means provided for making the hours appear too short. At midnight an ample repast was served, after which the amusements were resumed un til an early hour, when the guests departed with tho most pleasant recollections of an evening of enjoyment. # * * Mr. John Bole, of the South Side, was tendered a surprise party by a number of his ftienus Friday evening. Dancing and cards occupied the evening, and at mid night supper was served, to which all did ample justice. . « The Reception Committee of the Y. M. C. A. successfully managed a course of trade receptions last year, which were so popular that it was decided to give another course this year. The receptions last year were in the interest of glass-workers, pot ters. clerks, iron and steel workers and cigarmakers. The course this season will 1 include the dry goods and notion men, Fri day evening, October 30; wood workers, j Friday evening, December 11; brick and ! stone masons, Friday evening, January 15; painters and plumbers, Friday evening, i February 12; grocers, Friday evening, March 4. \\ ith each gathering will be j provided a musical and literary pro- | gramme, and light refreshments will be I served. * • M. A pleasant party took place at tho rest- ] denco of Mr. Lawrence Heller, in Fulton, | last Wednesday evening. It was given in ; honor of Mr. John Heller, of Pittsburg, ' who accompanied Miss Maud Heller home > from a visit to Pittsburg. About fifteen couples were present, and the evening passed off very pleasantly in dancing and other social amusements. Dimmey’s oand furnished the music. A sumptuous re past, discussed at midnight, was one of the most enjoyable features of the evening. # * M. Miss Nellie Bates Downs entertained a ( number of her little friends with a de lightful tea party, at her home, on Fif- ] teenth street, yesterday afternoon. It' was the tenth anniversary of her birth. *** Quite a pleasant social event was given Fnday afternoon and evening at the Thom son M. E. Church. The Ep worth League gave a reception to the visiting ministers of the conference from 4 to 6 o'clock, end to the young men of the Island from 6 to 8. • * •» A party of young society people of the Island will give a straw ride to-morrow evening. Tbe party will go over to Maul town and take supper at the Wayside Inu. V The “Gilt Edged Club” gave a select & Wednesday evening at Fraazhelm's Killmeyer furnished the music. Refeeehiqect* were served at twelve o'clock ’s parlors. The following it in charge: Tom Dnrrah, Chas. Haller. Gaily Mitchell, Peter Hab ersticb, Alex. Riheldaffer, Prod Wmchev, Will Kepner and Fred. Reinecke. The wind-up ball at St. Clalrsville on Friday evening was well attended. The Opera House orchestra of this city fur nished the music. The ball was given in one cf the basement apartments of the Court House. Among those present from Wheeling were Messrs. Samuel Welly, C. Waterhouse, H. W. Cummins, John C. Alexander, Gee E House, W. N. Dovener, C. W. List. M. N. Cecil, R. B. Simpson Dr. J. R. Pipes and James Lantry. ##* * Miss Sara Sweeney entertained a num ber of her friends very pleasantly at her home on North Main street, Wednesday evening, in honor of Mrs. Grace Robinson, of Texas, who is the guest of friends in this city. • * X A most enjoyable musicale was given Wednesday evening at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. Schwertieger. os North Main sirect. • • * A pleasant birthday celebration tools: Slaoe one day last week at the Faris reSi ence on North Front street. It was the 70th anniversary of the birthday of Mr. Samuel F. Faris. A number of relatives and friends were present. Hand Cut. James Fulton, of the Eighth ward, a young man employed at the Riverside steel plant, bad his hand bidly cut by a piece of failing steel, while at work. He went to the office of Dr. J. 3. Pipes, who dressed the wound. Pquire DavU’ C<urjt. James Jenkins was before Squire Davis yesterday, charged with biating his wife. He was lined $5 and costs, aid in defaultof payment was committed to .ail for ten days. victorious kkvoAtioxists. The Defeated Government Troops Return to Guatemala Boston, October 2.—A City of Mex ico dispatch says: Revolutionists in Guatemala finally succeeded Wednes day In drawing Barillas army into a fight and the governraeit troops were badly used up, retreating to Guatemala City, forty miles away from tbo scene of the fight. There wa: great secret rejoicing in the city wien the news reached there of the def«at of the gov ernment troops. Preskeut Ezeta de clares that the Guatemalans are ripe for a plan of consoiidatiig all Central America into one republc, and he will not lose the opportunity of bringing about that result. The Fight Dened. New York, October 2— Senor Jacob Balz, the Guatemalan Ciunsel General here to-day received the ollowlng cable from President Barillas: “Guatemala, October 1,1891.—Balz, Now York, absolute peico remains in ail Guatemala. Deny ill* rumors of revolutions which are f;l?c and malici ous. Barillas.” ACROSS THE lKRDEU. Chinamen Have no Trouila In Eluding United state* Olcers. Chicac.o, October 2.—fecial treasury agent Stone has returned from the Canadian border where h* has been lo cated since last Juno w-iching Chlna qen who smuggle them Jives into the Mate. Stone says the present system for detecting and scndln; back the in truders is almost a tot.l failure. Be tween Pembina, the ertremo eastern joint of the Canadian boder near Lako Superior and Montana, mere are not a (^ozen inspectors to pirol the va9t f^rntch. Hundreds of lhi«*amen o <eed in getting across the borders. 3auds of whites and C.nadlans assist them in this at so much >or head. What is needed, Is a force of nouuted police. Lost With all or Board. Chicago, October 2.—The loss of the schooner Frank P«rew, off White Fish Point, Lake Superior, with all on board, Is conceded on o-day’s advices from owners to Chlcag* underwriters. The Perew was bound tor Marquette with coal from Clevelanl. She corres ponds with the description of a schooner in trouble In Lake Suprlor during the recent gale, and there i no doubt that she went to the bott<on. The Perew carried nine men and vas commanded by Captain J. Marquey.of Bay City. You can get Dr. A. fci Todd’s Pills cow, Sugar Coated. Jo discount on their merits. TO THE GREAT IARNITAL. Half Fare via the B. & ». to Cumberland on October Oth, Oth 7th and 8th. The Grand Carnival at Cumberland, Md., on October Oth, 7th and Sth has been ar ranged on a scale which turpasses any sim ilar effort ever made in that enterprising city. For weeks elabtrate preparations for the event have been n progress, thous ands of dollars have b*n expended, and the result is a programme of sham battles, pageants, precessions anl millitary parades which for three days vill transform the Queen City of the Mountains into a specta cle of imposing grandeir, while at night the city will be ablaze with electric illum inations and fireworks. The programme in detail is as follows: Tuesdav, October Oth. (Morning.) Mili tary Parade by Fourthpattaliiou of Bal-• timoro. Second Bat:alioi of Alleghany and Garrett Counties and Alleghany Guards. (Afternoon.) Sky Bicycle AirShip. Sham Battle botween the Foirth Battalion and the Second Battalion of the Maryland National Guard. Baud Concerts and Band Contests at. Night. Wednesday, October ith. (Morning.) Grand Agricultural and Trades Display, | and Exhibition of Bl#oded Stock from j Maryland, Pennsylvania, and West Va. : (Afterucon.) Grand Aquatic Tournament I on the Potomac River] in charge of the Famous Capt. Paul Benton. Exhibition begins at ‘J o’clock p. m Interesting Base Bail Contest at 4 o’clock p m . and Boat i Race (Night.) Illuraiiated Partfie of | Boats cn the Potoinaa, together with a , Grand and Costly Pyrotechnic Display. Thursday, October >tl. Barnum's Grand ' Street Pageant, and Circus and Menagerie, Etc. Balloon Aseensioo. To enable all of it* patrons to witness the grand spectacle the B. «fc O. R. R. has announced the low rate of one fare for the | round trip from Baltimore, Washington, 1 Lexington, Va., Parkersburg and all Inter- j meuiate stations to Cumberland. Tickets will be sold for all trains on October 5th,, 7th and 8th, good to return until Octo ber 9th, inclusive. For time of trains see published schedule. For rate of fare from your nearest station consult appended table: WHSXUN* DIT1*1<». HIT*. Wheeling.*4U) | Benwood. 3 93 Moundavhle.3 H) Ko*rb\ 't Bock. 3 TO . 3 56 Lnndearille. 3 5o Cameron.. 3 JO j b-.iton. 3 30 ! Board Tree.3 35 Littleton. 3 30 ! Burton...3 10 Glover * Gap . 3 03 M icnpizton.2 85 Farmiagloa. * 7J BarrackTiile. 2 80 Fairmont...9 50 Morgantown.3 00 L’ffir.gton . .*..9 90 , Little Falla.. -. 2 » i Opekiaka.9 70 < atawha. 9 00 Montana.2 « Houit .*.9 56 Benton'a Ferry. 9 40 Colfax. 9 50 Valley Fall*.)..9 90 Battens an.i..9 10 Grafton^. ** $len> -=JXJST OPENED^ £ ~ < £ £ h £ -tt GEO. E. STlFEL & CO. Has drawn hundreds of buyers to our stores the past week. Customers have been more than ploased at the wonderful bargains offered. This week we offer still greater bargains. DRESS GOODS. J ITUS In the groatcst variety. We offer values that canuot be du plicated elsewhere. CLOAK DEPARTMENT. We know perfectly well that you will buy your Wraps where you can be suited best aud for the least money. Be fore you buy a single wrap see how much handsomer our wraps are this season, and how much better you can do by coming here. WE WILL SELL $1.00 French Bedford Suiting at 75c. SI.00 Silk Warp Henrietta Cloth at 74c. 50c. All Wool Cashmere at 39c. Examine oar new line of Dress Goods—It will not cost you anything. We claim to undersell all competitors. STONE & THOMAS. 8parkin? in the Mountain*. N. T. World. The mountaineer and his wife had to go down the valley about a mile to see a sick neighbor, and I was left at the cahiu with their daughter, a girl of eighteen. As soon as she had cleared off the sup- [ per table, and while I sat on the door step smoking, she put on a clean apron, arranged her hair a bit, and blushed very red as she said to me: ‘•Him’s coming to see me to-nlgnt, and hlra’s very skoery and—and-” "Do you mean that your young man is coming?” I asked. "Reckon him Is ” "And he’s bashful?” "Him can’t skeercely abide dad and m “T'see. He’d bo scared off If be found me here. Well, I’ll take a walk and get out of the way.” "No! no! Vou’s perfectly proper. I’ll go out and sit down on tne log, and you’s stay here.” "Ob, that’s it? Well, don’t you mind mo in the least. Just tell the young man I’ve been there myself and know how one feels about it.” The log was only thirty feet away, and she hadn’t been sitting there over five minutes when "him” appeared. He had probably been hiding somewhere near. All I could see was that he was a young man and very bashful and awk ward. Ho sat down about ten feet away from her, and it was five minutes before either spoke. Then he remarked. "Powerful sight of rain long ba^k, Linda?” ‘•» ny, Jltn, it naiu t suuwcreu iu iwu weeks!” she laughed. "Haiu’t It?” “Why, no! You’s dun got mixed np with last year.” "Reckon so,” he replied, and somehow i the distance between them suddenly di-j minished one-half. It was bright moon light, but owing to a haze In the atmos phere I couldn’t exactly tell whether she moved, be hitched or the log sud denly shrunk five feet endways. "Who’s him?” querrled Jim, as he I nodded his head in my direction. "Stranger, gwlne further up,” she an-1 swered. "Yo’ hain’t no call to be j skeered of him nor nobody.” "Who’s skeered?” "Reckon you is.” "Shoo! Never was skeered In all ray life. Linda, does yo’r old dad like me?” "Reckon he do.” "And yo’r mam?” ••Reckons she do.” "And, Linda” He stopped there for a long, long time, and Linda coughed and giggled over his embarrassment. By and by she said: "Dad says yon’s come powerful nigh killin’ a b'ar last week.” No r*ply. "Mam says you’s took np them ten acr*s of land above Parker’s.” No reply. "Dad says you’s gwlne to build a cabin up tbar—te! he! he.” No reply. “Has you’s lostyo^r tongue, Jim?” she asked, after a long silence. “Co’se not; I was thinkln’,” he replied, as he heaved a deep stgh. "Reckon I know what ’twas—te! he' he!” "Reckon you don’t!” “Co’se Idol Dad likes yo’, Mam likes yo’, aad I” That log suddenly contracted . again and brought them close together, aad Jim’s arm stole around Linda's waist as ha finished the sentence for her with: “And we’s gwlne ter be jlnad la the fall and live on them ten acres? Linda, if him wasn’t back thero in thedoah I’d shoroly hug vo\ I would!” I got out of “that doah” and took a long walk, and If Jim didn't takp ad vantage of the occasion Linda’s looks belled her when I returned. THE NEUKO KIOTEKS. Detail* of the Lynching of the Cotton Ticker*. St. Louis, October 2.—A dispatch from Helena, Ark., ha* this to say in re gard to the lynching of the nine rlout ous colored cotton pickers: “Deputies Frank Mills and Jesse Hodges, who have been with Sheriff Dorrlck the last three days in pursuit of tbo rioters, arrived In this city yes terday and roport as follows: Wednes day afternoon thoy succeeded In loca ting thirteen of the worst of the rioting negroes In a cane brake near Cat Island. The negroes had been trying to work their way towards President Island and row on to Memphis. The Sheriff'* Posro called upon them to surrender. The negroes answered by a volley^ of shots and made a d^sh to escape. Two were killed, two escaped aud nine were captured. These nine were disarmed and given In charue of Deputies Mills and Hod ges, who started with them to Ma rianna, the county scat. A few tni>» back of Hackley landing the depot!'*') found themselves and prisoners sur rounded by a crowd of masked men mounted and armed. They demanded the prisoners. The deputies eipostu latcd with them and begged that they be not deterred from the peaceful dl - charge of their duty which was to lai ! the prisoners In Jail to bo dealt with by law. The masked party were determ ined, however, as they outnumbered P” deputies twonty-flve to one and took charge of the nine prisoners, mar bed them Into a thicket and bung them until they were dead. The same must have met the steamer, James I-*"*, at Hackley landing and captured tL« wounded roan referred to. From the** accounts It appears that only one m»t escaped out of the thirteen who h»d taken reiuge in the cane brake, two v>** ing killed by the sheriff’s posse and u-n by the masked mob. The negroes wer* mostly. It Is thought, from Mempbi*. though several were killed who ID*1 In the vicinity of Cat Island. Krnp«ror’t Would-lx Mnrd*r«r Arrr«!f Viesxa., October 2.—The Czech new* papers attribute the alleged atteoP upon the life of Emperor Francis Jo*«P by placing thirteen bomb# about t ^ railroad bridge at Rosenthal, over wr. ^ he was to pass on bis way to Reicnen* borg, to a Socialist agitator who is •* to be well known at Relchenborg. * same papers also declare that 13 Socialist has been arrested and char*' with the offense. Vo Farther Use far Them. Kan tat City Timtt. The three R’s—Rum. Romanism an« Rebellion—may now be cut down lower case. Dr. Burchard * death moves any farther use for them. •hod With Slipper*. ltufalo Exprttt. “There goes a spanking t*an>," ^ marked Willie Brown to Tommy as the boya’ mothers walked dawn street together. r ' Quite the Reverse.— Canute. “Back younaUT wave, “I’m not that kltJL of » •**L '■ " V .1 ■ / vJ .