:i;a or Color Invented a a Few Ex port Lengths. l: rr- 3ant—Sleavcs xufSar Than 0 c-ao S', n* to New louQii- Visconntoss ..e nri. liou^sayo was c: Caiiornia. and *.tor d” Society in i i ia osu — Bodices fcr L :U r m«v *>er. ■ other day that went with a traveling suit of br V n Amazon eloth suited so v 11 a young. shiui-'r. girlish figure. ! vas oi' own slik, shot with the sai »lirst Irregular gold stripe. The sib was put on the lining very fuli -on lie neck and shoulder seams, and j I - et the bust line was gathered into dim little lace rutiles, standing out about an inch and a half. At the ! o k the fullness was gathered on to si\ small cords about an inch apart, an-' gave the effect of a long yoke. I h» sill older s* ams were very long and to heighten this effect the full coat d , Vf S were shirred in four rows three <;u rters n an Inch a; art. At :he waist line all the fullness of the bodice was bn iiL'ht d . in little plaits, and worn one. r the ;r A very narrow belt of brown suf de sill- topaz clasps held it. 1 m> collar was draped and veto’ high, wi i very full rosette effects on each '* Am ther sombre traveling waist " ■ s o d ' k blue ilk with a design of 11 ' •'■••• m worked in In subdued col tsd chlf ' n v st wire two stripes of dark l .• velvet three inches wide, orna ’i< n *.i w h ows mall blue steel buttons. rh* se velvet strips extended to ' ’<• both of 1: • hort full basques. U the -'jont >he basques were cut ’■ : to sharp i ints, and when they third! showed a lining of corn-colored tail* a. rh“ sleeves were full coat sieves, t>. at from the elbow’ down to the wrists a 1 \ -y long. They were triinuicd at the bnl seams with point ed strips of velvet and rows of blue steel buttons. I • collar was a n il turn-down collar • ■ *h< blu- velveh A crush girdle of the velvet was rather broad with a nohv ’ « ffec at the front, and cn the do r.ni. .. 1 is fh a bow and cut i ’ " kl . This waist way worn un nor was of light yellow mousseline tie sole, with orange velvet trimmings. The mousseline tie sole was put on very full ami fastened across one s'c'e to give the effect of a draped surplice , front. In th“ hack the fulness was j gathered down into the girdle. There was a short, round Bolero | jacket of orange velvet, embroidered in aold and studded with amethysts and topazes, that fell about eight inch es from the shoulder, the collar was a high turn-over collar of the embroid ered velvet, opened a trifle at the front to show a jabot of old cream lace. The . i. * eo were very full ruffs to the el bo wi.ii a tali of lace finishing them. A stiff narrow girdle of the velvet, •shgL'ly pointed in front, finished this bodice. MADE FOR AMERICANS. Nearly all these new creations are for Ann rican queens. They pay so extrav agantly for them and are so lavish in their praise of the dressmaker’s taste that the Parisian modiste exerts herself stupendously for them, and is sleepless until she has combined color in a way that can becalled “new.” Looking over an order book of a French dressmaker i like studying the 1 i.-,t of boxholders of the Metropolitan Opera House, for the same names are on both. "Yet I do not think that we interfere with the trade of American modistes,” reluct antly admitted the French woman. “Madame the Ameircan buys so very mil' h. These she wears twice and gives to her maid.” ’! ie Vieomtesse Henri Houssaye, the popular wife of one of the forty “Im mortals. " is very well known as one of the best-dressed women in the smart sc:. She was a Miss Ritter, a Califor nia heiress, and though France has In n her home for many years, thero is still the most decided American air t A , i>; i i , ill V \\ ... ... »•.< IX !'!••>••: THREE PRETTY CREATION’S. (Copyright, 18%, by U; nan Ini' nitw Syndicate.) \ I *<>tt i' Ai • - ( ioc iuai - r In cxtraor - f io " - . roily, t thu; tin i candle :irks into • ) ; tin jested a boudoir, la to match. I fanekd ho»v I i i tuple the P iueess and her t i at short, very . d at home “bar d '.its“ and that she I ; thr v rds of an one 1 a , v 'tv ' t* n « r i o much for sleev and • sh at on in a whisper I a that th noble famines of, s,» very noble that they ’<1 po\ rr■. and prefer a; ~ i it : th. ir fallen estate t ml rancs a year n no ■ creations, 'or 'n'e ' o limit pit* on the ■ .’it ht construc t»j ri he uses. h ■" i s ny and applauds \ . I t ( ' rihbon or lace , , jy i,.,; i • *t*inj»r at c* •» t co! • -1 she doesn't n -i the qi •tiles of the ! f era us d In her dressier ' ■ • 'ri' WFLtNG. " * doesn't ?o is The n ■ he an air of i > •'.'••vv »*>r the? rumor ’ x st r - lias all ended aii v.lk waist I saw the cleh with a godet ir of the same man rial. With a k t or cape that is eas •> ! i.'nml o ml on, a silk waist is ti mo.; co fortabk thing one can choc. 101 tn eing. , )K I \ XING. Th< voi > ' ev king in evening bodies are of white s n, v i i cover ings of i .i ranee !a< Tin* «!. . :• «• samer :ture of this : id . \ ith ii < ’ ich (!■' gns in white ap ; > w . e .. :i that a c r t many people h ivo * .1 it who were obliged on >ci >i nt or‘ i - unbecomingness to avoid white sat!1' ''>>■ ire . the most attract ive one t was 1 me was a de c bo i e of whin* »atin with a V A «i 'iii A M \ZON i it Sl'l i i\l> ' ^ '*!•!- A SLEX i :::i g-irlish figure/*__ full b’fuso covering of the renaissance ill ' sleeves were full, short puffs of the satin, with numberless narrow rKffos . •' hi . k chiffon pm on ’ength way s so that the satin was entire!}' cov d. Vt the very low “V” nock there was a finish of a narrow standing frill of the chiffon and a fuU how of white at s i the left side. rii i ?•» was of erin/ied white sat in. L• • *4 white gloves wore to be worn v, i;h <»■- toilet. The bodice was an oru r i. .urs. Lorilhird Spencer. Aj t ; ' v. li ist for Mi; informal family din > r. One of her evening bodices i- . ; l ,.!e trreen taffeta silk, with a de Mr n of rose garlands, in pink. i miide in Loins XV. style, with a si v point ai a- bottom of tin waist. The neck i.- low ami square, and the -! i i, is very loner, ending in a little (.1; of1, • : that intensifies this effect of !o run. TU? sic.m s ure draped, cnd b at the elbow with a fall of lace. V the front of the bodice is a pointed vest of moss green velvet, with loops of the velvet standing out four inches on either side. Just at the base of the loons are rhinestone crescents. A! ;i recerijon the other day I count ed forty-three silk waists, and there were not two waists alike in design or material in the gathering. 1 have no ticed that a great many of the velvet v inter hats are being lightened up with bunches and a crush band of white tulb*. On a black velvet hat the etfect is very chic NINA GOODWIN. -o-■ FLOYD’S THEORY. The electric current had died out, an they? How many of your ac quaintance really influence their wives —I mean outside of the power of money and the fact that the woman is depend ent on the mc4 for bread?” "I always thought Lewis did.” ‘‘Yes, hut he's naturally a student and knows more in n minute than she can » vt r !• arn. Decides, she’s domestic and worships him as if he were a demi-god. Miss Lyons is not that kind; she’s bril liant. vivacious, magnifique, as that French artist puts it.” The man in brown looked uneasily out at the vacant lots, made a pretense of r.. ding one of the signs and appar ently wished the car would proceed. “Look at Arsen,” continued the other. "That woman was his slave before he married her. Don't you remember how she deserted young Huyler in the mid dle of a w»sltz at orders? Xou look: she airrs with Huyler before Arson’s v ry ’’ace and calls hr r husband ‘poky.* Would you like that?” The younger man blushed. “If l thought-” he began. ‘‘Yes, if you thought you wou/d have • 1 that experience you’d sooner touch one of those live wires up there than marry her. You never could bear it to marry a woman who did not remain alter mar riage as she was before—your wor shiper.” “But most men don’t care for that sort of thing, and are willing to be bound in silken chains, as the flash nov elists puts it.” “Well, that's what it comes to, and unless you take my advice you’ll see—” “Whizz, bur-r-. The current was on and the car went rocking and whirring down the rails, the noise of the wheels drowning out the conversation. ****** * Of the two passengers she was tall, graceful, blond; she wore a brown suit and hat to match. The motorman re membered having seen him before somewhere. The car waited for a freight train to move from across the trolly line track. “It is easy to say ‘obey,’ but no wo man will do it who respects herself,” she was remarking. ‘‘They tell it that she refused at first, but he insisted on it. ‘ Before the church full of people, too. That’s an example of man’s con servatism. It’s a wonder we have ad vanced from the Blue laws.” “If we hadn’t there would be no ball to-morrow night.” “But you are not going?” “I told you. no. I leave for a month’s trip west to-morrow. I wish you would not go. either.” “But Mr. Htiyler will be there,” arch ly. “The more reason why you should not be.” “And Floyd Carson.” “He does not count with the women.” “Why, may I ask?” . ‘‘One of the kind that insist on “He has a theory that women should be obedient to the lords of creation.” ‘obey ?’ ” “I judge so. No woman, he says, can ever fascinate or control him.” “You’d better not repeat that among women. It will pique their curiosity and invite them to test their powers.” “I am sorry I told you then.” “So you are really going west to morrow?" with a shrug of uneasiness. Would that train never pass? “Yes,” with a look of longing, “and we must say good-by here, for l’v» work to do this evening. I’ve not seen you as often lately as I used to, but-” Jerk, jerk rattle! The train had gone, the wheels die! ed over the rail way and the motorman had his hands full warning the many teams from his course. The woman left the car at the second crossing. The man watched her until the last ribbon of her cloak had fluttered around the corner. Then he sighed and opened an evening paper. ****** * A broken rail. The passenger in brown kept his seat. Another man in light clothing er'ered; the motorman was sure he had seen the same pair in his car before. As he watched the workman repair the track he could not help overhearing the talk. “Hello, old fellow! Back, are you?" “Yes. Floyd: just in this morning. 1 Tad a tiresome trip. How are all the boys?” "Flourishing or broke: mostly broke. Hurley’s gone to Washington, i sup pose you know?” “1 heard it to-day?” “And the French artist—he said he had a great offer from some Paris pa per to illustrate for them, and he's gone. Privately lie's giving lessons to a class over in New Jersey or Maryland or somewhere." “But the girls?" “You surely are so much interested in them. Before you went away you got to be very cynical.” “I thought over your theory a great deal and come to believe that there was something in it.” "My theory? What was that?” "Why.” surprised, "that to control a woman vou should not marry her.” "Oh. yes. Well?” "There may be something in it. At r.ny rate. 1 let that flirtation with Miss Lyons drop a little and no one else seemed to interest me. "She's a nice girl." “Yes. and i was afraid she would fee! grieved at my dropping her so." “I think not. I’ve seen a good deal of her one way and another, and I have not noticed it. To he candid, that theory of mine wouldn’t suit every body.” “Do you think U suited me?” “Well you said you would not allow any woman to control you.” “I believe, Floyd, you contemplate something serious.” “Maybe I do—in fact. I have about concluded that I'd as soon he controlled as have the responsibility on my own shoulders.” “And the happy woman is-” siz-z-z- whir-r-r! The car was mov ing again. How the brakes rattled! It was a rainy night. Not a passenger had been on since seven o’clock. The niotorman could see no sign of the head light o: the car he was to meet at the next switch. He halted the car ana went inside to get a three minutes' glance at the evening paper before he should have to push on out through the addition. Murders on the first page, politics on the second, sporting news on the third, local happenings on the fourth. He turned to the fourth. The most prominent item was a wed ding. His eye caught the names—“Mr. Floyd Carson—Miss Louis Lyons." He dimly thought he had heard the names somewhere, but could not Just place them. He. then turned to the story of a riot in an all-night saloon on Cd street.—Chicago News. THE SACRIFICE OF SAM. I The blacksmith's “jiffy” lasted until ■ almost six o'clock, and while he was 1 engaged on Bill's hoof the loafers wan dered out, one at a iixne, auu u»eay peared up the hillside, presumably in the direction of a house, and this re minded Sam that it was supper time, and that he was hungry. “ 'Bout suppeh time, strangeh,” said the blacksmith, suddenly, as though divining his client’s thought. “Hadn't ye bettah come up an’ graze with we all, an’ let the job go f’r a bit?" “Cain’t do it, pardner," Sam replied, somewhat hastily, thereby confirming the other in a certain suspicion he held about Sam (that is that he was a mar shal’s or sheriff's deputy)—“cause, ye • see, I got t' be a movin' right peart, an’ 1 gittin’ t’ Rio. ’Bliged to ye, all th’ same. I’ll just go ovah t’ th' store an' j get a smack w'ile ye finish th' job." There was a little .faded, sharp fea tured woiman behind the counter in the ; little store, and her keen black eyes : studied Sam criticallyras she proceeded to serve him with the cheese and crackers he called for. Presently tall, big, square-shouldered fellow came in and stood by the door, and th woman went and joined him. The> conversed in low whispers for about a j minute, and Sam, dimly suspicious, j glanced at them two or three times. , The last time he saw that they we looking at him. Then the wearer with a half laugh, shrugged her th . shoulders and said, aloud, as the *j man turned to go out: "Quien sabe? Quien sabe?" The moment the big man was gor.< however, she hastened to the back o. the store, looked into the bs’-rocm. ap-1 parently to make certain that it was I unoccupied, then came up to Stives, who was hastily gobbling his lunch, and asked, in a whisper: “Strangeh, be you a dep’ty?" “Me? No. o’ co'se not. \Vhut “Co’se,” said the woman, with patient gesture, "I might 'a' km >■. < wouldn’t say so. if ye was. Look . i i she went on has.ily, coming c! laying a hand on his arm, "y i t : ;> ger, mister. Le' me tell yc, v. got th’ chanst. th't ye wantuh o’ this real quick—an’ don’t tak Rio trail fur. Leave it a mile on. cut ’cross to’ds lAmity Fo'ks—htu me?” "Yes’m. I sho’ do: ibut whut— "Pont stem V as( no fool questiins. That big fellah’s Ned Flynn an' yere's w'ere ’e hangs out a lot. They'll git ji\ ef ye don't look out. I'm tollin' ye ‘this, ’cause—’cause-*wee nev.ah min’. Only git a wove on.” Sam lost no time in seeing that Hill was properly “fixed,” and, getting started, he took tiie strange little wo man's advice and turned toward Amity Forks, thereby preserving, no doubt, a whole skin, lie asked himself many times why the woman should have ta- j ken the trouble to warn him, but was unable to find a..; reason for it. As-a matter of fact, the woman her self could have given no reason beyond that essentially feminine “because." The face of Ned Flynn haunted Sam. Why. it ir. impossible to say. for Sam Stires, like the rest of his family, was not at -all imaginative. There was nothing at all remarkable about the the face of Flynn, the outlaw, excepting the- tact that it belied the character ot its owner, being a spuare honest face, with two clear, honest blue eyes while ! Flynn well, everybody within 100 miles of the line knew what be was. Nevertheless that face bothered Sam, all tiie way home, and for two or three days afterward, and he could think rf no reason for its constant appearance before his mental vision until, one after noon shortly after his arrival home, he started out for the liuston place to see Mat. Then, as he forded a creek near ( the Huston ranch, he venom be red the man he J.ad met there one time when he had oeen told after his arrival at the house, was Harry Armstrong, his mueh-hoanl-of hut never-before-seen j rival for Mat’s affections. And he re membered now :hat the stranger’s face as the face of Ned Flynn, outlaw and “rustler.” After making this startling discov- J cry he rode more slowly in order to re- j cover his mental equilibrium. Ho was in doubt how to act in the matter, for he was by no means absolutely certain that ho was correct and he knew that to telj Mat of his discovery and thru find that he was mistaken would jro- 1 nard, if not ruin, his own chances with j her. Wherefore, ho resolved to pro- t ceed with caution, and to assure him- . self that he was right before going j aneau. “Say, Dart," ho asked, in a confiden tial tone of Matt’s brother, who rode a mile or two with him on his homeward way late that night, “who's this yere Armstrong, a ny ways?" Bart Huston laughed. "Gittin’ scairt of ’ira, Sam? Didn’t s'pose he was worry in’ ye at all, 1 sho’ didn't." v Oh. I don't car’ p’tic’lar.” said Sam, hastily, with a gesture of denrecation. “On'y I’m jes’ sort o’ cur'us ’bout ’im, that’s all." “Wa-al, fact is. I don’t know much 'bout the duck." confessed Bart. “iSeon im onct, didn’t ye? Wa-al, all I know i ’bout im is, th’t he’s got a ranch oveh J on th’ Pecos, an’ 'notheh one oveh b’ th’ Two-Mile—ol* Watrous place, ye. know. Says Vs poin' t’ sell aout th' Pecos place, an’ move oveh t ’this coun try af»eh th' fall raound up. Sepms t’ , he a purty pood soht o’ fellah, an’ ac's ; ike ’e's pot dough. E’s some eddi- i cated. too.” “H-hm,” grunted Sam, as though it CERTAINLY NOT. . ^ t ( Flla—Do you think the bicycle will ever- take the place of the horse? . Della—Certainly, not. They can’t make sausage* meat out of bicycles. was immaterial, all thi3 information about bis rival. Apd he sail nothing more to Bart on the subject, but cer tainly 'itep' a-thinkin' a lot,” as he would have expressed it. He must^ make sure that this surmise was cor rect, and then—well, Mr. Armstrong, or Flynn, or whatever his name was, would not only be decidedly out of the running, but was in a fair way to con clude one of his visits to the Huston place at the end of a reata. But before Sam had time to think out the best plan for assuring himself of "Annsrong's" identity with Ned Flynn, he learned that that geneleman was expected in a few days on a visit to .Mat, and this information volunteer- i ed by Eart, whom he met on the range, decided Sam—who hod been at the point of deciding for two years—on a course of action, and the very next day he rode over to see Mat. As he rode up to the house he noticed tl i: looked singularly quiet, and (so was he by this time) he almost d he “folks” were all away, and r-nld again postpone asking ■ -tion he had so long been tearing, to ask. But Mat h>: • m. him at he door. bn Sam!” she ejaculated, -’.id ’ see ye! Didn’t know ’twas some one a-com • I • t'!*‘ off!” liuhi good notion t’ do it,” what he considered re ■ ■ in -and then he failed td’. v 'i opening, but asked: < VI it ?” Maw'n paw’s gone cv’ry ban's aout on • ol’ Manuela’s done ( t i ,h t’sth’ creek t' a But go an’ put Bill ui • in. We'll hev supper rieb so ill ■ , Wit < es a id mo -th wate'iing .'la1 : he flitted gra ah. [» th' room .ueparing up;i.: to,-'.- iii i \»iv detail of the tall jwre the yrettv face and the u: wnm i*n •( - . s jpat us two al'ay t! i : Se.m "’t ' ■■ •' . b - . ■ • si ■!>•.;. • <•; • • • ho-wi ;\ !i • - n* : in t he pij!!*1.y,‘ -sad Mat .v bin a. • ' to ap' uk. t* bi r-M'i’.n’ yen V’' liii iiirl t-ai-i. i'v- - ing at i 1 t'ranV’v. g*>! . . 1 «5*»:« •liO'ii . My. !m thro;', i ■: i 1 i,. a. “Why n< *r : M4t?” finally in ‘Mat. Hr.', s’pese me an 1 *: i* ¥■• Hi ah f'reveah? n't- don't 'fcp .r.c." he .vent on. as ti f g rl :< >• and would have spoke, "i ■* t’ say it f’r t. j yeahs. marry me'.’" The girl had one arm across ken e> < . and was sobbing. “Oh. I wish't ye hadn’t Sam! T wish't ye hadn’t ’a’ spoke! I hain't treated ye right. Sam. I hain’t. I— “Wh—why-” “1 s’pose I got t’ tell you. Sam," she said, more steadily, but with eyes avert ed. “Ef I got t’ tell ye—oh. Sam. 1 waa married t' Harry Armstrong last win tah. >v’fn I was ovah on th’ Pecos!" Sam sank limply back in his chair. “Ye don’t mean it; ye sho’ don't mean it. Mat!” he gasped. But the sir! nodded her head affirma tively, and bit a corner of the handker chief she hr Id to her eye3. “I cain’t believe it. Mat—I sho’ caint!" said poor Sam plaintively. ”Le' me think.” So engrossed were they that they had* not heard the sounds of galloping hoofs, and both started when some one reined up suddenly, almost in front of them, and cried hoarsely! "flood Gcd, Mat! Where can F hide?” "Ned FI?nn!” ejaculated Sam, start ing to his feet dazedly. “Harry!" shrieked the girl, as the man, pale, bareheaded and dishevelled, threw himself from his dropping horse and staggered toward them. One side of his face and neck was covered with blood. “What is it, Harry? What Is it?" “Nothing.” said the man, grimly— “only they’ve sent out three posses after me, and I’m caught. There’s a lot of ’em just behind. If I could get over the Two Mile-” ham started forward. “Haow fur b'hind arc they?" he ask ed. in a queer voire. “Right on my hi Is.” replied the oth er man, with the calmness of despair. He sat with his head buried in his wife's lap and did not look up, seeming not to care at all what happened next. Then Sam did something that sur prised himself. “Git inside, you two!” he said, rough ly, and tossed his hat to Flynn. Then he ran and leaped into the sad dle the other man had just left, jammed his spurs into the weary horse’s flanks, and. with a wave of his hand, was off toward the hills—and not a quarter of a mile behind him. when he struck the road, were half a dozen horsemen. They were just turning into the road fading to the ranch when they caught sight of him crossing the road ahead, and, with loud yells, they raced after him. Sam knew that the horse he rode could not last long, but he still had time to think of what he had clone, and what would be done to him. He knew what generally happened to persons who aided the escape of men like Flynn but he reflected, grimly, that he had his revolver on, and they should never hang him. at least. But—why had he done it? He did not feel sorry, really, but he could not comprehend his own action. “Ping!" they were shooting at him now and the bullets were flying uncom fortably close. If he could only reach the timber! He glanced hack, and it gave him a pang to see how rapidly they were gaining upon him. His horse stumbled, fell and thre v him; but he was back in the saddle in a moment and urging the poor creature on. Again he looked back. One of the pursuers suddenly halted his horse, dis mounted and. with his knee for a rest, began pumping lead after the fugitive. One—two—three shots missed him. He hoped he was drawing out of range. Then— “What’s th’ mattr wP that?” asked the man who had dismounted, as he came up and joined the rest. It was Sam’s cousin. Will Stires. “Through th’ back, hey?” And he turned the body over. “Slick an’—good Gawd! It'a Sam! You fellahs don't s’pose he’d be mixed in with-” “Not by a-sight!” said one of the °vlie j8‘ i T. 8 somethin’ funny 'bout this deal—Bam wa nt in }»• * out And up at the Huston place other members of the posse had closed in up on the house dragged Ned Kivnn out law, from the arms of hi- »k!2',■ wife, and. without any use! were just at this moment giving h- n the punishment he ha.] s„ if»rK X,d sS nautT de3erVed PranS frfe” SCHOOLMA’AM S NARROW ESG\pn They were sitting before the big'fire place in Uncle John Watson s kitchen an interesting and in.crested groan There were several neighbors who had just strayed in-men who had faced the privations of early pioneer life in the mountains, and men who had rushed to tho meeca of fortune or failure in the Pensylvania oil regions, fncle John’s commonplace but kindly dispos d wife sat smoking hi pipe in a cosy corner There were, besides Georgians. Undo John s niece, a gin with a medallion face and snapping black . yes the little ichoolma’ am. who was boarding round and who secretly rejoiced to find her lines fallen In such a p isant place They were Ha ■ ■ to l tele John'* stories of the eai; da ys \. jv wt fore the Are. hia gular form against the glowing logs. He was t true type of that class so rapidly dis appearing—:r less pioneer, whose vi ; ... i,.".a told in song and b . ni. •1 _ ■ory is as refreshing a- { draught of spring water on i .•. fc* of early liar I »onverattiott naturally drifted into , , ,,j 0) breadth escapes, the uning point be ing a bear story in which 1’ncle John figured as a h ro. I was walkin d.iwn tlio road on*? evenin’ when I met a bar strollin’ along i if U, too enj’yed an evenin’ walk,” his - ry began. “I had played with the l'-'."in bo> s long enough to I’arn som* . tin o b ar natur . so I Jo.- tuck off ni^ held Haft) •i: I v-.is worth. The b’ar tu ned and u !k*-d back Into *ho woods’s dignified 'n I < t foi hoi ; might *•* v " id -i squat, meal for thet b'ar, bu ■ I u.l h arts stand still.” “Yon got that cin white i win iry to flag the train.' he crit ! hoa "I climbed into the wagon, i' «eem ed an ag1 before F could r> << h the can. and an eternity before F lnn*!‘ >F with it and had placed it with the others in ’’ ’ field. And then-” “You fainted, of eourse’’ .tn> 1 F ne!e John, with a twinkle of his e>e “No. I didn’t." saiil th- little school* ma’m. “I turned and saw 'hat the • n gine had stopped within two f* o of i! wagon, and the jx >ple " crowding out of the train to what v. i- 'h* matter. They looked stared enough when they found out how narrow an < cape they had had. 1 a1' train soon rumbled on agar and ' r* Ip 1 him t. load the cans, he said a good many complimentary thing bii! **> lain t ask me to ri<1 ■ on to i , . ferred walking." | “Ife ort to hev fell In love with yt In g-nulne story liook -til . ’" I 1 111 ‘6 John. “There ot ght to be quite a ro mantic. end to tha episode, lb shou l be a rich young followed who axed ><■ to marry him and took )-• off to Europe on* a wedding’ tour.’ . “He was rich enough.’ aid th M '■ sehoolma’am. blushing pn Uly; one can't have more C. i ot. romar : at a time, Uncle John. H father own ed the fat t >rj out of it. The young man did call eral times, but -T like his calling - he has the best r objecting." . , __• And the little school ms am giant 1 shyly down at. thf turquoise ring on h* r plump 'f. ’ Herald. _________ J OIL LEASES! TWO FORMS. I.ithrr kluJ. 3c Each OR 25t PER DOZEN. AT Register Office rmirr'f Ud-TSlN C OYflt P!LLas atssr tut.<« 1»V« iV iWiHt-1