- " \TrBiuES U now engaged in co - ^"iHcripdon accounts for us. We I,,tin? "0 duc ^ on the last year, *n4 4 brfthe money, we hope our friends will ? "'l (1r ,ar up prompt?' .,?r 1 a dark, cloudy, and disagree Siir IIso cool as to render fires necessary xVc dont wont to koc any more f ,.otil ne?t yecemher. tliat the neighborhood of Mt Plcas visited o? Friday last, with a ?* ?i"?' which done considerable damage to hiii rt*?' ?^Twas rising Saturday evening with Tucn"' in the channel. A moderate f^n.r.w^done^thewtor^ Tiir ..Monroc~Journal,- after a tmnur of ma T . m,^to us as?"? this week, uuder "?Tm??!orial management of J. SUvtin, Esq., j,. cli otu ht.U(,r fjr its long sleep.? sml looking a nc^ative position; opposition T1,C editor takes a c opposjtion to slavery; t.,iiie Adrointt ra ^ fraal inference, to ami does not app ? nnestion. But we tike the affirm*'"? lie may never rive the editor our ^S? , want of bread and butter. Pi5T Wheemso Bk.dce. This bridge isvery h out of renair, and has been for some tune The flooring is broken in many places so r ?ZZ> --?? p"3 th^u?h- in . , ,!l(. cntire flooring is thin and dangerous, V- i. .rt of a new floor will answer.? ' A"0t Zk Wards or th*? incheS lhiCk' K a.: flooring, the bridge would uy. As it is, it has been "fan.i re.patched, until it will bear it no f ' We wonder that accidents have not oc "1 I before this, either to persons or property. V^-nv.r that any contemplated repairs may be as delay may occasion serious injury, Wk* involving the city in a claim for dam . ?.??? ta*?no*.-W? are often asked if the Coun -?> bv s railroad tax this year. ? e really Jo '.mow, but.we presume they will not if ,[ on I* possibly avoided. No one desires to u, in l one desires to be taxed. The late ?a the Baltimore ami Oluo Railroad, 1" j ,prospect of its continuance, will, we ,4*. ju-'ifv the Council inlaying no tax to .I..., tli.it interest, and WO know of no other rfro.l m in which we are to provide for inte r .t Taking all together, we think the pros ' t g^l fir low rates of city taxation hi, v if. We are sure our city readers will be ? 1 should our prediction be verified .y the L,'t Fifty cents on the hundred dollars ot rial estat? would revive "sweet slumbering Wateb Wohks.?We have frequently cn ,! av..redto impress upon our citizens the un lorunce of making our water works produce , ? revenue to the city, and we hope the pre . Council will aid in accomplishing so desira I.:, an in:L Our taXes are heavy, even thong should not have a railroad tax thisyear.and the water works ought to be made to pay interest, and revenue aLso. rhis la the 1 o tlv we near, an,I one which will best bear ,n It should be closely and promptly col !????,V else much is lost from transient consu Could not the water tax be made a charge up on the property? If so, the landlord would col w it as rent, and the city be saved from much ;.\s it is, transient tenants, say from month t? month, pay no water rent, as it is assessed by v.- year, while ot'.crs have to pay the full years .V l If sometliing could be done to remedy li.-e things it would be well,, as all admit that ,. -.vater works ought to par. The heavy ex of these works, this spring, renders this a matter of importance. Ar:iKS.Ei.*u.?We are glad to learn that Messrs.! H.inr ivU .t Duffi.'ld have been induced to pro line the season of their performances at the At :ci;umiiii. They have given general satisfac li in their selection of plays and style of ac li'ir. and have done nitieh to purify the sla;te r.f 11 ? jrussness heretofore so objectionable to of retined feelings, and have elevated our At:, '.i -inn to a place of fashionable amusement, i r ,i!i the proprieties of life are strictly ob- ? - . ? 1. K.ir this they deserve and have the! liv:i, of our play-going citizens. And the! i:> their employment are also deserving! ? re lit, for their efforts to amuse, and for tlicir ?^?-.Tvance of the rules laid down for the gov trnra it of the Company. r.- is offered Shakspeare's play of the M :,a .t .,f Venice. Wc believe it has never 1' . pt: formed in this city, or at least, not for riv.iy years. The cast is a strong one, and we i'.ive confidence that the play will be gone t!.r ? ls'i nith to the credit of all taking part in it. ami t) the satisfaction of the audience. Mi--i h'iw i* l?e*roning a favorite. She is a fl strngstress. She has a good voice, well cut; ti.';*ten of applications for ]i ccnse, and other pe tit! >ns. "n motion the rules as to applications for li cm*, were suspcnttl?: of the "Electric Oil" and used It, and to li!s entire relief. On Monday he expressed himself as free from ail pain, and ready to go to work. Jfore Cure* ?which we have not room for now. Ask your neighbors about the Electric Oil. See the Circular*.. Principal Office, S9 South 9th st., Pldla. For sale, wholesale aud retail, by ap* T. II. LOGAN t CO. "IT'E wish to employ a first rate sab-stnan, who Is thorough TV acquainted with the Dry Goods Business. Application in person would be preferable with references, fr* HEISKELL k SWEARING EN. TO THE AFFLICnCD. I EXPECT to 1* at the Spring House until Tuesday next, to srive adviceta those who are afflictcd with Scrofula, Tetter. KO'Sipffclf, Scald Head, Rheumatism, and other d is eiincSyj'ree qf charge* and to learn a few persons the way to make these compounds, aud the way ill which to give them to the afflicted, for a reasonable sum. It i-< half a century since I discovered that there was great value iu vegetables. I wonld say to the afflicted that my Syru|i* have saved valu able live*, when all othi?r remedies had failed. -The afflicted can be fully satisfied, by the best of totiaoay, of the efll ciencv of my treatment of diseases. Ifc. T. WILSON. iny2-lt of Cincinnati, Ohio. Ambrotypes &. Daeuerreotypes 13V CARTRIDGE. THE sub?eri!?er, at his oltripeett? Maekerel. KAA BBMi No 3 Medium, t)UU *? ?*bMs N. -J " bbls No 1 For sale low bt a pi 6 ) GREER A Co. ZL 4 :n BEEF TONGUES, a prime article. In store and j OUU for sale by GEO. W. ANDERSON. mh19 No. 4? Main street. JUST RECEIVED ?a lar^e lot of J Black, White and Mixed, Silk and ^ Cotton Hose, at FISHER'S Book and Variety Store, apSO No. BJ5 Main street. warns shirts. IriATK Jnit recelre Book and Variety 8tore. Dl?LS Glut, In *tor? and to arrive, for sale hjr T II LOG AS A Co. ?? ? - ... - , ... THE LATEST NEWS RECEIVED RY MAGNETIC TELEGRAPH. CONGRESSIONAL. * 'WxsumcrrO^ Mny -2. Senate.?Mr. Bmjaman addressed the Ser ate at considerable length on Kansas affair*.? He said: "Three times within the short history of th^ Republic, had its internal peace been ihir periled, and each time the disturbing dement had the same effect. When in 1854 it was fi nally agreed to repeal in terms that, which for more than a quarter of a century had ceased to have any active effect, that was used as aground for vituperation towards the South. She was accused of violating her plighted faith with very much the same regard to truth as that which" we recently observed here in the mandacious tales in regard to Kansas affairs. The seeking for compromises other than thbse in the Constitution was a mistaken policy on the part of the South?and thank Heaven, the South has at length become aware of her error?she has no longer any compromises to offer or accept.? She will adhere to the Constitution, and then if its provisions be violated to her injury she wi.l calmyand resolutely withdraw from the com pact all obligations of wjiicHv she is expected scrupulously to fulfil, and from all the benefits in which she is so ignominiotislv repulsed.? The crusade against slavery on the part of the North is merely a struggle for'the power. They have been so persistently led by perversion to truth as to induce them almost to hate the South ern white man and love the black in preference." In condemning the American party he remark ed that it was now power!es for.ought but mis chief The contest now being narrowed down between the latter and the Democracy, and the Whig party being extinct, he declared his pur pose to join the .Democratic party and use hi.-, utmost efforts to insure its success. Following the example of better and abler men than him self, he predicted that in its triumph the Consti tution would be secured, good feeling restored, intolerence rebuked, equality of States main tained, the national corner stone of our Govern ment fabric preserved in tact and peace and hap piness smile upon the land. Mr. Cass complimented Mr. Benjaman, saying that the sentiments just uttered ought to tind ;? response in every patriotic heart- His ob ject in rising was to say to his friend of Missis sippi that Brown has assailed the squatter sover eignty of his old friend (laughter) and several of Brown''sscattSTng weapons had hit him. (Laugh ter.) This squatter sovereignty he called right self government It was dear to our fathers of *7t?, and dear to their decendents of MR. and he wanted to rescue it from the misrepresentations cast upon it and asked the lioor on Thursday , for that purpose. (Cries of agreed, agreed.) Mr. Seward in replying to part of .Mr. Uenja man's remarks affecting himself, said that the gentleman might have defended his own parti san history and future course without bringing him before the Senate and country. Seven years ago, when he entered the Senate, ^being aware that every word he said here was recorded at the exf c lseof seven dollars and a half a column, he had announced that on no occasion and un der no circumstances should any member draw from him a statement or words by which inde pendently of the measures he maintained or de fended, it could be known whether he was a Wliig^ Democrat oir Abolitionist, or belonged to anyone party or aiother. He thought it un dignified thus to elevate a party and give it a p!ace in the history of the Senate, lie had not risen to asign the objects or purposes of his pub lic actions. They explain themselves?if they do not he was willing to re>t under all the re proach which posterity might cast upon him Mr. Hale alluded to what he said were grossly personal attacks upon him in Clay's speech, ami remarked that he had but one word to submit in reply?that it will take something beside malfe nity to redeem imbecility from contempt. Mr. Clay sprang to his feet much excited, an 1 said: 1 defy the Senator's malice as much as J condemn his baseness. Xo man shall assail my rights or chase my constituents, and escape the responsibility by skulking behind the plea of non-combatancy. If he had been animated by those heroic -feelings which lie professes, he would not come upon this floor and under pro tection of its rules seek immunity for his inso lence. I know he is pleased by this attention. There are those of his class, who. like the Lon don attorney, Mark Meddler, in the play, are am bitious of a kick. (Sensation.) He concluded by remarking that ho had noth ing more to say to that Senator,having twice de clined his acquaintance. 11c Asked that patience of the Senate for consuming so much time about a Senator wlso soils the carpet on which he treads. Mr. Hale replied lie had never songht an in troduction to him hut once, and that was on pro fessional business. Mr Clay thought he shonhl not suffer in aeon (lict with a man who had repeatedly eaten his own words. Mr. Hale replied, that if he did cat his words he would have a more palatable meal than the Senator from Alabama, if he should undertake to eat his. (Laughter.) House.?Mr. Ritchie presented a memorial from Judge Irvin, of Penn'a, in response to tm charges of the Pittsburgh bar against his official conduct, and asking for a bill for foil investiga tion. Referred to the Judiciary committee. The House then proceeded to the considers tion of the private calender. The House passed 13 private bills and then adjourned. FROM WASHINGTON. May 3.?The President sent a message into Congress yesterday enclosing the correspondence of the Postmaster General with the Panama K. R. Co., relative to the compensation for car rying the mails, the latter claiming a greater rate than has been hitherto allowed, The De partment offered 18 cts.* per pound, .but the Company?insist on 22, which would make for the year ending in March last, nearly {?I33,0f;0. The Postmaster General says he mu.'t unwilling ly yield to this unjust demand rather than risk the consequerces which might -follow the cse* cution of die Co.'s threat of throwing down the contract for carrying the mails. The Post en dorses the Postmaster's recommendation, that he had better be authorized to contract with the Co. for the conveyance of the mails across the Tsthmus at a price not exceeding' $.10,000 per annum, and a!so for a semi-monthly convey ance of mails from New York and New Orleans to San Francisco, via Nicaragua, alternately at regular intervals, with the present line via Pa nama. The total number of land warrants Issued un der the law of March, 1855, is about 127 thou saud, requiring 15 million ncrc*. The number of claims is 245.700. Upwards of 14 thousand warrants, for 1,700,000 acres, were issued iu April. A communication from the State Depnrtineut to the House, in repty to a resolution, says that the Georgiana and Susan land eases, with others for indemnity from Spain, are still subject-? of negotiation. STATE CONVENTION. Springfield, III., May 1st?The Democratic State Convention to-tlny nominated Win. A. Richardson, of Adam* county, for < Jovemor ; R. J.Hamilton, of Cook county, for Lieutenant Governor; W. II. Snyder, of SL Clair, ft>rScc'y of State; John Moore, of McClain, for Treasu rer; and Saml R. Casey, fty adi?The Southern mails bring us New Orleans papers of Sunday. CINCINNATI MARKET. ("iscisNATi, May 3.?Flour quiet at $5 fur comiuon brands. Provisions,1 advices from New York have depressed the market. Whis ky 1!>!. Groceries unchanged. NEW YORK MARKET. Mat 3.?Cotton heavy, prices declined } with. sales 1CU0 bales. Orleans middling 11; Upland 10 3-4. Flour firm, salts of J'.CCObbls. licit firm, sales of 10,000 bush. Com improving, sales at HI f.<-.- western mixed. Pork drooping, rales at 13,7oa 1:) for western mess. Beeflirm. Lard firm. Whisky firm, siil-s of -150 bbls. Cotfee dull at 11 .>-8. Sugar dull, sales of Orleans at 7aS. Molasses firm. Huron soiree and firm, sales of casks at 10:1-1. Butter lower. .Stocks higher. Cumberland Coal Co. 23 5-8. \. Y. Ccnt'l 03 3-1. Heading !>0 1-4. Virginia (i's 0-15-S. Missouri 6's 86. INS U RAN'JE. HOME FIIIK AND JIAliIXE in&oji-i - i < t. (jumkajs j. tOFflCE SO. i WALL STREET, N. V.]' C \sn C?m.t $747,972 44 Liabilities. $53,6n 66 TIIIS Company is owned and managed bjr some of the ?valtlii^t and best merchants In the city of New Yo.-k.?? For particulars cuquire of W. P. PETERSON, JtiS A rent for Wheeling and vicinity. Fire and Marine Insurance Co. OF IIAUYFOKD. rxcoi:poua ted. ma r, isi?. ONI! ul the oldest and.hot Institutions in tlJs country, coutinuc* to tuk;- risVs upon the moat favorable tcru.s. ?Apply to W. P. PETERSON, Agent apl2 for Wheeling ami vicinity. " "ATHiiN^U'ai FXR?J OFFICE, London. AL'TUURIZEU CAPITA (? fj.000,000. Available Capital 31,284,300. TAKE any and all fair Fire Risks at n reasonable l,-;?--.-. arc adjusted and promptly paid without reference to Loudon. For further particulars enquire of \VM. F. 1'ETERSON, Agent for Wheeling and vicinity. OFFICH next door to the M. & M. Bank. nihil Valley of Virginia I'll:?: a xu maiuxe jxsuraxcis company. XVm. T. Sciby, Agent at Wheeling. OFFICE?at the store cf T.diant & Dclaplain, Malnstreet, l-t :?eeu Monroe and f?tuucy streets; are prepared to take Risk- ?*t customary tatc? ou Goods in transitu, Steuux boats, a:or*.?, InveUinv--'. ic. ?REFERENCES? j. ii. Baker, Tallaut k Delaplaln, T.i ?. II. Lbt, It. Lamb, Norton,- Acheron & Co. G. Wurdinan, S. Brady, S. C. Raker k Co., L-t ? Howell, U. W. ilciskeli k Co., _-?cptl )i Y^MittASCE" TIIEKIBK ANli MAIIINK INSURANCE COM PANY Or W11KF.I.ING. incorporated 1S01. TAKES risks atthel.?u? ?t r.?trs on Buildings of'all l?tnds, . boat-*, Furniture anil Merchandise, and against ail ?lar.Kcrs attending the Tr??nsi?ortatiou of Goods on rivers, SCa-,kt ?. canal? aud railroads. Ill RECTORS. R. Craiwl", S. Bradv, Rob't Morrison S-?in*l Ned, Win. Fleming, J.W.Gill, Lamb, Robt I'attersr.n, Sand. Ott. ROUT. CRANGLE, Frcs't. R. W. HaRMXC, Sec'y. i 5"". . licationsfor Insurance will be promptly attended to It ti - 5?-.?evident and Secretitry. Win- lit '?..I.iii. I-'-'.. ~ koTiue. I> IS MSf 32 S FT "1>NS carefully compounded at all h'-*:rs?either liny ?>?? S'irjht?at J. U. VOiVELLV, Monroe St. jn?T Sign of Red Mortar. TOEireETUJE! flllE Subscriber takes tli:.* method of informing his custo X mer? and tiie public, that he is prepared to furnish, as herctof?.r. . t.? aii who desire it, good Ice during the summer. Ills lev i.s??f the tlnrf t quality and the supply ample for two ye:?r<, >hould summer last ?o Ion?, #o that consumers uced "n?>t fear a lack of plenty. ?!;> carts will be out In a day or t'.ro a'ni iee nill 1??; furnished daily at such price and in such quanta!-* as may be desired. He is satistled to let the pub lic ju!--- i.t the <|txajSty of bis ice after triaL JACOB AMICK. Silks and Shawls. A| A WORTH of Silks and Shawls, embracing O ll/^\ l\ f\ r (wc believe) tlie largest stock, the best va Varicty, and the cheap^t Silli* and Shawls ever hroucht to Wii? since we h:iv?'been in the trade, and ?uitubl?: to persons in any station in life. 1': S:!\? as low :)1 ots. Rcautiful black Brocade do, ?v2 in. . v i le, at |i/> ?, worth A full-stock Crap-.? and Stelhi Shan Is, very desirable and cheap;?atid 2d0 Mantillas, some of them very rich and de sirable. Trhnminrs the most desirable style?anew variety. O.ir stock ??f Silks. CanllUs,Tissues, Bareges, Grenadines, Ar.- -r.t.ni .v *. make a wliol.' of fully 5%>,0WI yds. T.:.> i.i-: .? .i.-i -stock, tozetln-r with tiie fact that we buy mostly with cu*h, luakethe '? Beehive Store"* most desirable sti?re at ??!dch to bay Goods. C*?-'?-.* and see for \ ourselves. >? ] y> STONE 4 THOMAS. ~ r.KLS. Idnseed oil, just received bv -) 1 I.AUUUHX3 A nCSlinEI-D'S. 'TEN bids. Spts. Turpentine at 1 LAUGI1LINS Jfc-BUSH FIELDS. | CAcII Potash, superior article. I aj;Vi I.AUCIILINSA BL*SIIFIELD__ !-" URLS. Aicoholi'9S find 7?1 p?rr ct. for aale t>\ ? ) a J."-J L.VlTGIILINS * It L'gH FIELD. 1BBL. Iron Varnish, a prime article for sale by a ?: L.vrt.HLINS k RC^IIFIELD. - l.l.l.r- ? V iiis*. ??-?? sale t?. i* a;/..! LAUUHLINS a BUS1IFIELD. ? I.llS German Plk L- a l, superior, at - LM'HIILINS a BCSIIFIELD'S. EN UtiLS. ICjtlllicri U:l, ju/t rcctiv? ? LACGHLINS sl B ESI I FIELD. BOXES Cuntile Seap, genuine, for sale bv LAUGlILINS k HL'SIIFIELD. T 10 < UBi.. U.nuar Varni.-n, tor saie l?? ; > LACGHLINS is BUSHFIELD. ? > GROSS Bath Br.ck. for sale bv j. ar-*: L MIGIILINS k BOSIIFIELD. |00 LU3. Tart. Acid. for -.nlf by T ap# t 10 500 1' V \t X * clJu? ucJiw. i>l JUtu rior uualit . for sale by V>i .1 I I LATCIIUN3 .t IU jliriKI.0. \ 5* CA^IvSSal SoJai'-jUat rcccivcd bv . r) r.I.AUG IIUNS A BUSH FIELD. ! I/\ MiKoii'iilijackin'.', fresh for sale lowbv j 1V > LAt'OHMNS A BCSH FIELD. AUG II LI XS k urSHPIELP. BBLi*. Lampbluc*, at : ; J LAUGHl.IXS 4 BUSH FIELD'S. LI1S. Chrome Yellow, Ju?t received by LA L'OH LI XS Jt BUSHFIEI.D. - i *i V LH>. Chrome Urcin. prime nurtl:tv, just received by ? )'|U I.AL-lilU.tSSt HI.-HFIKI.il. ? hi'ULSU fc AWJrtlOM JbOKllA'lS. '"TMIK subscriber has on hand and is manufacturing a large .1. assortment of !l?*ts, i>f the lat. st an*! mn?t approved ; I? s, which cannot !?- iurp;u!?tit for lightness, beauty and vudurauce. ?ALSO? A l-ir-'e assortment of B!ac'-i, Brown, Clnr* t and Pearl col j orr-5 Soft 1I4M of every grade; together with a large a-ssort | nicnt of nam's, jrouth's and children's Cap*, Wholesale and I Retail, to which the attention of our patron* and the public I is ' it. ciallv invite*!. N. It.?lint* made to Conformature measure, warranted j an easy fit, at shortest notice. | - ?ft3 j W. W. JIMESOX. rpn!: a JL callo ICE; I015 !! ICIO!!! , rP!IK 5i;'i -crilter ?>t now prepared to deliver ice to the citl : I i ???.? of Wheeling generally. His Ice was put up above ! Fulton, :;t ll?e Three M:Ie House, formerly occupied by F. B. i !i>?rnbro?>k? and is perfectlv fr?.-e from dirt. He Intends to f ?!? !i? t_r ft himself, assisted by h!* aon, so that hi* customers 1 n'll be attended to. it; >3-itf VOLXEY WARD. Election. rT',IlE Annual Election for nine Director* of the Wheeling JL .-.i vui,-> in?t'.tnt;on, to serve lor the ensuing year. *111 ?k held at the Office of -aid Institution on Monday, tbo 5th cf M i ? .bttoeeu Uie hour , or lu and 2 o'clock. WM. McCOY. aj.^2 Treasurer. _ TTl B Adams Express Company's Lines VIA rKXTRAL OHIO RAILROAD. attention of Shippers abd Merchants generally, Is _ . cd io the a hot. sufc and speedy mode of forwarding GooJ- via Central Ohio Railroad. Fr. Ipld delivered at our Office bcfo.c 0 A. M.t will be for wnrded same day to ullstalfba* ou the above Bond; also, to all point* ou Ihe Cincinnati and Wilmington Road, through to Cincinnati. Mone.t. Valuables, and frclxh'tof all kinds, forwarded with dispatch, ami at ?ati:f?clury ratep. N. I'IGMAN, Agent, McLure House. A: ril ? ?pgg:tm OPENING OK FASIIIOX.VBL?E MILLINERY. Mrs. -UOizabetn. Key RESPECTFULLY informs the Ladies, and public in gene ral. ?'f Wheeling and vicinity, that she has taken the Sto.-c :.ud K?oros, No. 1 >2 Main street, a few doors south of the Monroe House and next door to Turner's Jewelry Store, fnr the j.nrpo-eof carrying on the Millinery business in all its branchr a. The public are invited to call and examine her splendid as sortment of new Pari* 6t>l?*s of Bonnets, of different varie ties, together with hrrm?u manufacture, at her Rooms, on Thursday next, April 1-th. Also a fine display of Ribbons, Cni*. Head Dreise*, LaceS, Jbc. This being Mrs. Ke>'s tirst opening here, she will be pleas ed to have her selection examfm d. LadU-f. don't forget NUMBER 182 Main si. apStlmd Wheeling, Ta. <*onartli1nuS:etr in IVbeeling, Jcst received, 1 tilt Ouier Pa?Iu?, a South American Cigar, 1.VHI Young America, 2*Cilwns, ??' Hhi *'Ior Cabana, I?i U*-?na, 2yC-i) Eitrrila. 2j0y La Mararillo, In a.Mltien to large lot of fine cigars always kept on hand and soli low for cash at So. 163 Main St. Sign of the Grand Turk, apl9 Vm. TAYLOR. RECEIVED this day, an assortment of Hungarian Hats, ar a variety of colors and .shapes. ?pl3 *53 8. D. HARPER A SON. _ ? *_ ?*-'? -; ttl'IM XG A >s O STI^IAEETI ^TEADE. * ' - ? ' ; ^ ?. ' ? ? ! 1856 - - - 1856 - - - - 1856 B E E II I Y E_ S TORE ! i STONE &. THOMAS r r* A KE pleasure in notifying the put-He that tber are now In receipt of a full stock of ? X 73i:r GOODS. MILLIXERT OOODS *SrD TAltlBTIFS, suitable for the S1?KINQ and SUMMER TRADE. Th*y have taken jrr'eil pn:u3 in sbfccting tliCjt stock* to nta!*} It tittirtlU untl inrifirtff. Maying largely with the of the Importers. and often of the New York Anctloajxlwn p&orts are sold hr the package, or In lar^c quantities direct from the Vessels In which they are imported, they are often able to bay at much less than the" Importers can sell, themselves, aud they hesitate not io say they can o!f?r lH(fur+iH&itt*excelled by no llonse In the West. Their stock of 6001(5 i< truly mu *h larger than they ever before offered to the Trade. To make room for thelr'stock they are oMijrcd to occupy ?Hare?-store rooms, each TO feet deep. - Particular attention J- iuriteil to their ?twk of Silk* ami Shawls, which alontr are worth more than $10,000?and 1* be lieved to 1?e by fair the largest, richest, as well as cheapest ever ofltrwl in the clt?% since they have been in the trade.? This;-, with their #toct of 'Grenadine*. Challics,' Argentine#, Tissues, i(obf?, and Indies Dress Hoods in every vnriily end suitable for'iuiy lady hi the'land, make their stock one of the most desirable and inviting to the trade ever offered in the ' cite. Their stock of Damestie?r*i? more than treM-, and their entire stock double., anv hthar slia'lar lfou*t in the city, and, notnithsUtiidiiit: thci-Ke oiui cry now trying to b? j?ot up about the rttiA fyriacip!* ontjfi they pledge the publlcthat they will sell upon rhrir former terms, vix: t '?i, or Short Ofeiit to prompt m^n (few others nave we had and uoue othersncvd- ? apply). as low, if-not a ?liade.lo tcr t.'uiu any house ;u Wiureliux that pay for their G?>ods. Tuey Invite tho attmtiou of the . * CLOSI'ST "CASjt TRADi'," or good trade of any kind?and assure ih'e public that, if an immense stock, /ofc "//??f.v<'?commodat!oe clerks (speaking both German and K.itdlshl. and prompt and fair de ilin?, will hare any weight,- the "UUEiil VK STORK" will maintain it* already Weil earned stamlin?r, of beinj V.itjocarlie hints* icJth tA* MuHtiadi.?for FAIR DEALING AND GOOD IlAtt GAIV3. ?W*t.ao.la*ent ancwhere ia the cite freeof charge. ap25 TRANSPORTATION. Chango of Schedule. |g^~LW3 gljgt g3s?J ~ TaASSPORraik?s Orrics B. k O. K. R. * \V,tefli?y Station, Ftb.tfth, 1336. f OX and after Monday the liitli lust., the Passenger Trains (express and accommodation) will leave this station daily at 4:2 ? i\ M. and 7:15 A. M. The Express Train leaves at4:20 P. 51. and will onlr stop at the following stations: Beuwoad^ Moaudsvdle, Cameron, Fairmont. P?-tterinHn.Neuba/g, Kotflesburg, H.crtmont,Cum berland. Sir John's Ran, Martlnsburg, Harper?* Fciry, Mon ocacy, J* .'bcSTiUc and Washington Junction. The Wheclins and Cumberland Accommodation Train will leave daily (except Suniia> M at 7:15. A. M.. and arrive# at Cumberland at tl:4?? I'. 51. Leaves rlan-lat 5:15 A. 31. and arrives at Wheeling fit 4:&), P. M. fgTThe Mall Train tvili bo discontinued until farther n? tice. By order of W. S. WOODSIDE, Superintendent. fell * J.R. FUitD, Agent. The Adams Express Company. OFFICE M'UTBK UOCSC, WUEIXIN'ti, va. REDUCTION OK RATFS TO AND PROM N'ctr l'orli, & ISulliuiore 'piIE Atlanui Express Company, for the safe and speedy A. conveyance of M'iNKT. VALCAJ1LB PiCKACKS. AND rilKIOItT OF AIL KIXOS. In charge of our own special messengers, is the only reliable lint- to nnJ from Wheeling (by Railroad direct,) to Ne.r York, Philadelphia, llalthnore, Boston, Washington City". Al-SO?via Central Ohio Railroad to Z:i v. grille, Columbus, Cincinnati, Louisville, Indianapolis. Chicago and St. Louis. Expresses ienve Via Unit. .4 Ohio Rnilroaa at 4W o'clk, P. M.. Central O'u'o Railroad at 5 o'clock, P. M. For Pittsburgh, Cleveland, Toledo, and Northern Ohio at 7 o'clock. A. M. J-#"*Butter. Poultry, Produce of :;!l kinds, delivered in six teen hours to lialtimorc. N. PKJMAN. Agent, ag25 Adams Express Co. CliaKSe of Tim*! CLEVELAND ASH J'iVr.Slll 'I!HH RAlLUOAl) U. S. MAILi DAILY LINE nCTWKEX Wheeling and Pittsburgh. TI1E fine sMc ?h.-vl \ mjrer steamer FORE5ST Cl T i", Capt. Geo. I). Moore,ami IDtURNL.Capt. AsaShiphordw will runoa.ly between Whetdmif and Pittsburg?ttit Forest City leaving Whueli.Jjr every .Monday, Wednesday .and Fri day; and the Diurnal every TuL'.^Jity, Thursday and Sa:urday at 7 A. M., arriving at Well^ville in time to conncct with the Cleveland cars, and at Pittsburgh in time for the- morning line East. Returning?the Forest City lerve* Pittsburgh ev ery Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday,and the Diurnal every Monday, Wednesday and Friday ;-.t 1? M.; arriving at Wheeling ht time for the mail linen Tor Ohio. For freight or passage apply on l>r.ard or to S. O; BAKER .i CO. Agents. t2Ef"Throiij;hTickets for Cleveland, Toledo, Monroe. De troit; Milwaukee, Chicago, Buffalo and Dunkirk, sold at the oflice of S. ('. llaker ? Co tb5 J. M. KAMIIiTON, STEAM BOAT AGENT, wiu'.kunc, VA. Wharf Ront ai the foot fif j!o:iror rttrcci Will attend to the rt-vci*. ir.g u;.d d'.Ilvcrins of freight^ and the collection of freight b;U-. Freight for all the regular packets will be received free ol eharg*.-. nvl2?tf John-C. Isham and Janus F. In-r'j partners under the firm of I?h- | On a lib* I In a cause of am and Fisher j contract eivi and marl vs. '? time. In the United States The Steamboat Thomas Sxann, {Staus District Court for her tackle. appar S. Porter, in Hancock count Virginia, to take the depositions of James Campbi !1 :tn?I oth. r.5 to !>?.- read on- hia K half at the trial of the above cau.-'e, and If the said depositions ar? jot taken and com pi. ted on that dav L'se taking will be con tinued from da\ to ?lay until completed. A. J. IIF.RROX, Bj. J. II. Pendi.etox, ap25 his Attorney. Isaac Cooper, J la Clnr.c^fy in Ohio VS. >C reuit Court in th? John Gay. \ State of Virginia. The di feiide-nt * w!5l take notice that :i?*? plain;:(T xti'.l pro ceed on Frldnv the 8* t!i o! M.iv I nh!, at the ??evidence of James S. Porter in Hancock county VIr it.la, to take the ?lepositlon? of Janus CamplK-ll and others. t?l>. r?a?l on his beh Urcy Fox 44 90.ft? Mink " 2?>,Qflf. Y.'iid Cat " Opos?um 44 1d,f*o maskrat 44 liVXM I>. ?r S. AYEHY, Nos 116 and I IS. decSl:?iaw J/frin Street* Wheeling. I*erd Mw?et rotaiom JUST rcceircd liH) bushclsSced Sweet Potatoes, 50 44 Onion Sa ts COLLINS 4 17ALI*. aplS Market Square. ~~ GI.OVES. Black, vthite, ana Colored Kid Gloves, N. B. T. make. ALSO?Silk, Cotton, Lisle Thread, all colors, for Ladle*, Gentlemen and Children. D. NICQLL k BSO.. . apS So. U9 Main street. Catherine Cox assignee ., i ? vs. >0!iio County V?? John Farmer and Thomas F irmer | lvted <>n that day the taking trill be'eon tinned trom day to day until couiplricd. CATHERINE COX, By J. II. Pkxpletos, nr.2? It.-r Attorney. - "s: AVERY on h?nd, and Is manufacturing and recvir- cjg. T?^'r-ri one of the largest assortments of ?Sr , Ha la and Caps ^xS Consisting of all the varieties iuhI colors no* In nse, allot which will W sold at the lowest rates. > N. I*.?Hat* made to order at the shortest notice. S. AVERY, Main St., Nos. I War.d 14S, splO-tf " Wheeling, V*. YOUTH.S ANI) CM ILL) II KM *S FANCY HATS. C? OVSfSTlXG of all the finalities notv In use, cjtra super. fine S. AVEHY, sp 1m Nos 1-tf' and 145 Main n> MEDICAL. ALL SHOULD THY ITSS DR. J. HOSTETTER'S CELEBRATED STOMACH BITTERS. 100:000 Bottle* Sold in One \ cnr. j "VTOTHlNGln the market?nothing In the medical market 1.N for the past fifty yearsr has ever equaled, nor cau au j article be produced equal to this GREAT ANTI-DYSPEPTIC. I Dr. Hosteller's preparation H not nn old granny's recipe, i nor the m&ro experimental result of some Amateur Wiy?l i dim's verbal investigation. It Is this r*?nli' of a profound i and elaborate study of one of the most scientific clicuiisb of the present century. I?r. Hosteller submits his invaluable llltters to any qhemi cal testis or what is still better, a personal trial upon your own constitution. The true properties of these miters' will be found by the first analysis, an?l the full force of their great medicinal effect* will l>e uiade manifest in au almost incredi i blv short space of time upon the system. ! Are yoa Dyspeptic? Then take thece celebrated Stomach Bitters. Are yon nilious? Try one bottle Of these Bitters, and be f relieved at once. Are you annoyed by indigestion? Remove the cause by the , free use of these Bitters. Have you Fever and Ague? How many thousands in the West ami South have been cured of this constitution destroy I ing disease, by the use of these Bitters. All should try this great antidote. W* veuturc to affirm that while Hostetter's Bitters are used, a case of fever and ague cannot occur. One wine glassful, taken three times a day before meals, will be found a great Ionic agent, which all will appreciate j when personally satisfied of the fact, as they will be by giv ! ing the Bitters one trial. j There are other Bitters, represented to be the same, which j are comparatively worthless. Our Bitters are without a i rival for their medicinal qualities. They are put up in j square bottles, containing a full quart with the directions on, and "Dr. J. lAwtettei '* ?t** of Apj I>e.lHit)/. < 'oft ir Cut**, Wind and J/ienfin'g I'M?*. Many of our most worthy citizens testify to its wonderful efficacy in all atfi ctions of the Stomach and Liver. As a Tonic, It has.nev?-r been equrlvl. for the relief it affords in a I! cases of dibllftv or weakness nf any kind Is almost In stantaneous. In Nervou*, l!hcutuat;c and Neuralgic Affec tions, it has In numerous instances proved highly beneficial, j and in others effected a decided cure. ; When eminent physicians prescribe, and their patient#so i unhesitatingly recommend, surely we may cease to doubt, and eagerly test its virtues for ourselves. FEVER AND AGUE. A Ca*e of Eight JlnntA*' Standing Cured by Boerhhv*?* Holland ffittern.?Michael Kelly, No 117 Grant, near Smith field street, says:?"Last July, white running on the river, on acottonbo.it plying between Natchez and New Orleans, I was taken with Fever and Ague. For eight long months I suffered with this dreadful disease. The greater part of this time I was unable to work, and spent at hast fifty dollars for different medicines, but I found no )>cruiuncut~ relief.? Three weeks aco, one of my friends insi-ted upon my try ing ?IJorrfiitct'* I/oliand Jiittertf saying that a rrure ira* guaranteed. After trying it for only one week, I must state 1 was a sound man. 1 have been at work now for two weeks, and have had no return of the chilis and fever whatever.*' I certify the above statement i ? true. THOMAS ADAMS, Diamond House, or at R. Outlet's, Gothic Hall. HEADACHE AND DEBILITY. Mr. S!ln' Lisoomb, of liiruitndtiiiu s?y?? 4*I have found In Bo* rliave's Bitters a r>niv(lr for lirmtnclie and debility. My wife has also used it with tin' greatest In nctit." Mr. A. S. Nicholson, of Pittsburgh, hteo sn.v? lie has expa rietict-d much relhf from jts use for headache. READ THIS. A Hollander'* Te*fimon;/.?Jacob Rinslccs, living !n the Holland settleiiucnt of Shsbo.-.pan, Wisisays: "After suffering for sntne time the misery attending an utter prostration of mind and body. I have been restored, by using Boet have's Ititti-n. to perfect health." The furt of this reined/ being in such high repute anion? the Hollanders in Wisconsin, Michigan, Nor- York?in fact, ?n every Holland settlement in the United Ktutc*?argues in its favor. STRENGTH AND IIKAI.TII RESTORED. Mr. Johu Ha vidian, living ten miles above Pittsburgh, on the Pennsylvania Canal, says: "When I commenced taking Bocrhave's Holland Bitters, 1 could liaruly walk?now I en joy excellent health." WEAKNESS OF THE STOMACH AND INDIGESTION. Another great Cure effected ly Jhitr/m J/ollanil Bit tern.?The wife of Peter I>e Witte, living in Holland Town, Sheboygan county, Wiscousiu, sullen d very much from weakness of the stomach and indigestion. She had been under a physician's cure for 6ome time, hut the dlvrnic seemed to bailie even his skill. She purchased ecme Hol land Bitters at our odice, w hich have given tone to her sto ?uacii, her appetite and strength are returning, and we firm ly believe that this is another great cure effected by your medlcfne. We have still to record many wonderful cures effected by this remedy, but uiuvt await another opportunity. Otic thing you can rely upon, what we have published are from* persons much respected to our community, and are literally uue. J QUINT US, E I!tor Sheboygan Nleuwbodc, Shebo.t gan, Wis. RHEUMATISM. A Cute of Tico JfoutA*'Xtunainu cured ly Hocrhare's J/Mind Bitter*.?George Henderson, 01 Pittsburgh, says: ??Atter siuleriug for three months with rheumatism?a part of tiie time so severely ?s to confine u;c to tny bid?I have been entirely cured by the use of Boerhave's Holland Bit ters. I have had one attack siuce, but fouud almost instan taneous relief in the same medicine. It Is, in my opinion, a sure remedy for rheumatism." NERVOUS AND RHEUMATIC AFFECTIONS. This changeable weather is likely to produce a great deal of sickness. To persons troubled with nervous or rheumat ic affections, we would recommend Boerh^vc'? Holland Bit ters. On referring to our columns you will find certificates from son:e of our first German and English 'citizens.?J'a. Stunt* Zeitung. THE WOUST FORM OF PILES CAN* BE CURED. Wc arc Rt liberty to refer to several well known geutle inen, who have used, thoroughly tested, and now recom mend Bocrhave's Holland Bitters as h remedy for Piles.? Wc are not at liberty to publieh their naturs, "but will take pleasure in referring nny person to them who denies this tftatcmcut. For this affection, one half of the prescribed dose should he taken?say Aefoi-e meals. CAUTION ! The great popularity of this delightful Aroma has induced many imitations, which the public ahonld gunrd against pur chasing. lie nut persuaded to buy anything else until you have given Bocrhave's Holland Bitters a fair trial. One bot tie will convince y ou how Infinitely superior it is to all these Imitation*. JS^SoId at $1 per bottle, or six bottles for the sole proprietors, I BENJAMIN PAGE,Je. 1 Co, II Manufacturing Pharmaceutists and Chemists, // cor Smithfield & Third sts, Pittsburgh. Lnii^hiiunA Riisliflcld, rah26:.!r?wly "Wholesale Druggist?, Wheeling, Va. . MONROE HOUSE." rOPrOSlTK THK PUiTKSSION ltfUDQE,] WHEELING, VA. WM. BARRETT, Propretor. THIS well known Hold has been newly rcnovatird, and now furnishes the best of accommodations to travelers and boarders AT MODERATR RATES. It is located near the centre of the city, opposite the Sns Knslon Bridge, and only a few squares froui the Railroad pots and Steamboat Banding. EXCELLENT STABLING Is attached to the House. Travelers and boarders may rest assured that no pains wai be spared to add to thrir'co'tu fort. * apSlstfdaw YoiittX Lndic? Concert. A CONCERT will be given in the Methodist Episcopal Church in West Middletown, Pa., on Thursday evening May, 3th, by the young ladies of Pleasant 11:11 Seminary.? The proceetis of the Concert to be expended In purchasing apparatus for the benefit of the Seminary. Z3T~Admission cents. Concert to comtuencc at 8 o'clock. MATTHEW McKEEYElt West Middletown, Pa., April 29th, lag. Bonnet Blocks 1D0Z. Bonnet Blocks of superior make ind latest snmmcr style, just received. Also, a Rill variety of shapes, crowns, stiapes for childrens hats, ruches, quillings, French dowers, >prigs, buds and leaves, wreath?, blonde laces, Jtc. &c., Just received. The attention of Milliners is parti eulSri^caRed to our stock. ap3l 2m daw STONE & THOMAS. J5T/73 No! Mackerel, just received by ZO apl6 J. R GREER k Co. 7~: ;v. ' J.* New York ~Advel'tisfetrt?ntrtf;-?'~ ^ ? i. Ar,BR?TO. IticiIAKtiSON?* > ( ? Advertising abd Corresponding Office, "No.' 2C5 liroadwajr^ (apposite ihf P?rk.\ New York. 'r v'' ALICE CARErS NEW liUOK: ; i DERBf Jt JACKSON, I-uWUhcn., . . ap29-dawlw - ? XewYork. i^NOltAVINO AN D inUNTINO. ' i |7*ASHI0NABLE Wedilior, Visitiug, Complimentary and X Uu>ini-sa Curds, Notarial, Consular and Commercial seals? ? and Seal Presses, Certificate or Stock, hihI Deposit, lUUs vf Ladtug, and Exchange, Checks, l?rafts. Note# of llfcnd^JBUl' Heads Circulars, Show Cards,'Labels Designing and Engbe? vlng on Wood, add every variety of Engraving and Printing. 1*111 forward ?i?ecimen* by mall, (on ap|>licatuii, with P. O. stamp.) Ordcr> by mail promptly attended to. : Tcriiw rea sonable. Address \VM. N. DUSXKMV. ; juSOcdawSm .193 Broadway, cor. Ikystjy>Y.-, Improved Artirtoial Teeth. DR. J. ALLEN, !ate Profcttsor In the Ohio College ofDcB tal Surgery, invito attention t? hU highly Improved method of constructing Artificial Dentures, w hlch combine - . the following advantages: 1. There arc no -ieRiu? or crevice* for the lodgment of food ' ! to vitiate the fallen or infect the breath, as not even the - 1 slightest moisture can get between the teeth and-plair^ if. An Artiiicial (iiun, a hlch Is as fl rut and IndcstruetlWe as 1 the teeth, infused at a high beat betw een and around. tbvlr ;\>, ! whlcftlfnlte!* them toea'ch other arid to the |4atr upon ' which they are set. This sum imparts to UieUtlh that pe ! culiar expression and life-like appearance which characterise i the natural organs. | Great strength is obtaiuedby thus uniting the teeth . - zum ami plate, aud no ordinary force of masticating, can 3 | break tiiem from their base. I 4. A clear and distinct articulation of speech la restomT. ?. * This important change Is effected by having the Inside or the 1 teeth and gum of a natural Term. To this form the tongue hi yr readily adapted. This perRvt adaptation of the tongue to % the denture, prevent* the hissing or muffled sounds In Speak- t Ingor singing, so often observed in persons wcartn^arflir- , ^ clal teeth. ? 5. The natural forth and expression of the mouth and jfactirc. can be restored, la caseswhefe they have become sunken.?- , This 1* done by means of additional attachment^ to Urn . frame-work supporting the teeth. These attacldbent* ar*>iL formed as to bring out the sunken portions, and sustain Uitrn i in their proper position. They are covered with the abave \ named gum compound, and become component parts of U10 denture, and whin rightly formed canuot be detected by the -( closest observer. This method of restoring the cheeks to their original fullness, and also the natural form and cxprte- 7 sloti of the mouth and lips, has been well tested, having been ? made a special feature in the author'.* practice for several years past. A variety of Photographic and Daguerreotype Likenesses, whlc-h have licen taken of persons without this improvement and also with It, can be seen at his office, *h'o* - [ lug the great change in appearance which Is produced in the ^ : countenances of individual* now wearingdcuture&construct- . . 1 ed upon this principle, ? hich the public are invited to call , and examine, together with other specimens of his work, not .. i requiring the alwvc attachments. | b. The plates usually employed for this work are platina, .. I tlie purity of which prevent* even the slighust tarnish or un- ^ ? pleasant taste in the mouth. In i>hort, this system eiubracis 4 ? many new aud Imjtortant features, which are readily appre*' j eiate?i by those wearing artificial dentures n|?on this pruicf | pie. " With reference to the utility of this method, numL-ruua. % testimonials cau l?c given from eiulntnt Dcutists In tlie vari- ' t?us parts of the Union, aud persons wearing tlie work In thl* ^ und other cities. Dr. au.ks ha * arrangements by which he U enaWt d to . ?*erve persons from a distance, Immediately on arri>al?? [ thereby saving expense. 1/ J. ALLKN, Xo.tH) ?v>lil *trc*t, Hlk York. P. S.?Persons desiring any further Information In refer ence to tlie above, will be furnished with pamphlets, free of j postage, by sending a uotc with address to Dr. J. Aldkx. 1 jan!fl?:daw8m 01{ ISTADOH O'S HA Hi DYE JKIUJCI'UAjM ! ! f CONTRAST the tluts brought out in the hair by Crlstado* V. ro's matchlesa revitalizing llalr U.ve, and those produ* ! ccd by application of the burning ilulds ordinarily told as i llair l>.?es, >ot? see at once that the color is natural hi one f I ease, unnatural lu the other, and the simple reason la that - ? Crlsta^loro's is die only prepar.ttiou vluch by its exact che- - j luteal combination operates on natural and Immutable prln> - I rij.les. Made, sold and applied (in ten private rooms) at ? ( Crtetadoro's* t? Astor lloii?, broadway, N. Y. Also for i ^a!e.:by.tthe Principal Druggists and Pctfumcrft throughout - '? ,e country. New 1*01 k Agents, W. II. COKY & CO. fef?:lydaw HARD, CLOSK * CO. EKOILS vs, FRIES ' ! jtojfjMtios'!* i'a raxT irJtJDifiOX njenlitat the I< i j ing I'na !! XT li a well known fact that meat btollcd is much more pal atable, tender and healthful than when fried. All ?lleed . .ueatn otn;hL to be broiled. The New Giidlrcn is a conve nient it* the Frying Pan, and much more economical. Hav ing a doiwiwr.nl draught. It takes all the smoke up chimney, cooks the meat entirely through In Its own Julct-s, without burning It, saves all the fat. reduces meat bills 23 per cent., and Can be used over a wood or coal fire. Price for the round 10 In. diameter.. ......|9,nu ' " square 9 by 14 Inches.. .-,U5 * 44 oblong 7 by 16 4 2,U? 44 4 S by 19 4 i/* ? 44 4 9 br 21 4 S,h?~ We will stud by express, prepaid, one or more of these ?Ite? to any part of the United States, east of the Mississippi (or not far wist of it) on receipt of the money. gS^Money may be sent by mad, "registered," at our Jibk. ?3C~Agt-ntii wanted In every county, town and city In the? Union. Circulars, with full description, seut on application Address "Amkuican 4 Funeius Patext Ackxct Co." fel2:dawlr "9 Dnane-st.. New York. - COLTON eV: FITCJhL'S Series of School Geographies. PUBLISHED IlY J. H. COLTON k COJlPANV. No. i7-_\ William Stkbkt, Kkw Yoac. INTKODUCTOHV UEOOHAP1IV.?Adapted to thecapacl ty of the young beginner. Care has been taken to avoid everything which should he reserved for the more advanced pupil. The maps have only the principal features delineated and hence can be easily studied. The lessons are copiously illustrated with appropriate engravings. Modern School Ueography. Designed for that very largo class of pupils in our schools who wish to learn the more Im portant facts of Geography, but have not time to consult the" more elaborate treatises.. In this book great pains have bted taken, by coploui exhrciscs, to make the pupil thoroughly acquainted nitlt the nittjt*, and iiunilllar with localities. It also contains, in a condens? d form, all that is given In the ?'American School Geography," und i? a complete icorkin if,!/. American School Geography. An elaborate work, deslpn ? ed for pupils wbowteli to become fauillllar with the details , of Geography. Tlie maps are full and reliable, according t.?The maps of the entire ee rie* are drawn upon a uniform system of scales, ?o that, by comparing them, the relative size of the different Countrits and States will be seen at a glance, This cannot be done with any other geographies now lu use. Should you make the trial, you will Dhd the map of the Eastern States upon one icale; New York, etc. upon another; Virginia, a different and smaller one still; Georgia, Florida, etc., another; and *0 | throughout the book?no too maps being ujKin exactly the * same scale. Outlines of physical Geography. Trcatingof the natural divislous of the earth's surface. Its geological structure, of winds, titles, currents, storms, volcanoee, earthquakes, *c., adapted to the school room. SST'Teachers contemplating a change in geographies are invited to correspond with tlie publishers. febSl?dJtw. N. 1>. Dorsey, or.vt.CR rjc BOOTS AND SHOES, AT OAK HALL, fTIIim> I>OOR BtUlW i*. D. UAhPEK's HAT STOSK.l WIIKEMNCi, VA. I II AVE just received another lot of Boots anil Shoe? from the best Philadelphia manufacturers, made expressly tor thi* trade, of good material and the best workmanship, and 1 ain now prepared to furnish any and everybody with any kind of *!oods they may want in my line, from a 25centshoo to a 10 dollar boot, and as to variety, style, quality, material, and durability of workmanship, and prices, I cannot b? tur passed by any other house In this or any other city. ALSO Gents Boots and Shoes, of all kind*, styles and qualities, made to order. Having employ?d some of the best workmen In the^Unlte'd States, 1 am .satisfied that 1 cannot fail to please any who may favor me with a call. Call and examiue for yourselves. My stock consists in part of the following articles: MEN'S BOOTS. 100 pair best ea boots; lWi do f kip 4 ItHJ do thick 4 ? . IvO do water proof boots; 5%) do cork sol*-. MEN'S BROGANS. ICO pair best calf brogaiis; ? - i. lco do kip J 00 do thick 4 ? . " 1G0 do low priced boots. BOY'S AND YOUTH'S BROGANS. T?X> pair boys' thick brogan*; HV> do kip 100 pair youth's thick 4 BOY'S AND YOUTH'S BOOTS. 100 pairs of calf boots; 1?? do kid ll-O do thick 4 WOMEN'S WEAR. 150 pairs lasting gaiters, all color*, J50 do walking shoes, J5o do morocco buskics, ISO do kid 4 150 do calf 150 do Jenny Lind 4 200 do morocco and kid slipqers. MISSES' BOOTS. 150 pairs morocco boots. ISO- do khl 4 150 do Fr< nch morocco boots, ISO do calf ? ? 150 do kip * ALSO, The finest quality of ladfts glove leather Goiters and bus kins, a very tine and soft article. Ladles glove leather Gal* fere, with high heels, heavy sole, and button uptheslde, CHILDREN'S WEAR, ; Patent leather, morocco, kldj goat, glove leather, lasting, calf and fancy boots, gaiters* ankle ties,slippers, Oxford ties, and all other kinds and styles, always on band at low price*. GUMS. . Ladies*, men's and misses' sandals, boots and overshoes of the very best quaUtyj also a great variety of other goods not here enumerated, which I will sell on the most accommoda ting terms. N. L. DOBSXT.. ooi1 j iMA. ro. n AVERY has received and is now opening a very largo O# assortment of Sort Hats of aU qualities,shapes a&d eol vrs, and wUl he sold at the lowest prices. 8. AVERY, Nos. lit and 148, *k*4 Wheeling. Vf Hats and Caps. S. AVERY. . -i. TS daily receiving and opening large additions to his Fa X stock of Hats and Caps, comprising one of the mottge era! assortments that has ever been' offered to the* public callaud see. ; / - ? Nos. 14* and }45,Maln street. Wheeling, Va. sq-ildaw - ? ? 8. AVgWf" CHILDREN'S FANCY .HATS-AND CABS. JUST received, a larce assortment of, chlhlr*jtfj?HaT4,! and Caps?Extra superfine and Embroidered C%p?.: . . ..j. Nos. 146 and 145, Main street. Wheeling, Va. ?.? - - oc.1i 4VE*Vv ail.k rLLsu iXAt-ts run ux* ALAP.UK urarUKUt rcc?lrtd thli < great variety of patterns?call and sec. Nos. 146 and 145 Main stM WhceUngr.vB. 2V oc39 8.ATOr. COS-CHESS CA?S, for tttnUtmtn *n* XxpiiMi'Wt nllnlr new .rtlcltfur ufcfcjr ?jifi B. B. HAHPKB * Mil: r . ? . y. *: