——— H
Experiments Will Probably Prove of
Great Benefit to the Farmers
of This State.
Having reached an agreement with
the Hoard of Control and the warden
of the penitentiary', the directors of
the West Virginia Experimental Sta
tion will this summer make all their
tests on the penitentiary farm, twelve
6dies south of this city. Director
tewart. In a letter to the penal war
den. announces that the directors will
within a short time move a large
quantity of their material to Mounds
vllle to start spraying potatoes and
making various forms of fertilizer
Hy making these tests on the pent- |
tentlary farm the directors of the ex- 1
perimental station will have an ample :
opportunity of carefully studying the
tests which will through time prove j
of great benefit to the farmers and
fruit growers of this State. Already
the demonstrating work in spraying j
orchards by the directors of the sta
tion Is producing results. In Monon-1
Balia county more than 10u spraying !
pnmps have been purchased during i
the past few weeks, while in Ohio !
county nearly this number have been
purchased. Not only are these sprays
good for fruit trees, but they have I
proven of great benefit to the shade !
trees on which they are being used !
her*. Hundreds have been sold
throughout the fruit raising section of '
the State, and the movement for bet-1
ter fruit culture has spread through- ■'
out the State. Fruit raisers of the
Ohio Valley and the eaetern Pan Man- j
die are finding these sprays of great t
Orchard tests of spraying, pruning
and planting trees in this vicinity and
in the Potomac Valley are being con-'
ducted by Professor A. 1.. Dacey and ]
Professor J. E. Ftror, who will be glad
to give any Information to local fruit t
growers or persons Interested In the
new systems. This information can
be obtained by writing to the station
at Morgantown. Persons who are llv-i
lng In this Immediate vicinity can see*
the experiment; being made at the !
penitentiary farm.
Do You Wash in Streaks.
Some women do They can t help
It. They don't have time to wash
out the streaky yellow soap They are
too tired, any wav. There s no \ allow
In Hewitt's Easy Task foundry soap
It's white and pure. Makes a quick, j
foamy smls that chases dirt out and
sends th1' wash out snow white to the '
line. Your grocer has it. Fite cents
a cake.
Large R«*errolr North of Cltv Oaned
Yesterday bv Water Comi/finy.
0*h*r Weu ■
Tl • '.irt" rt - • voir on t» • hill north of
cry of Moun lsvill.-. was . imned 'tho£ J
• • ' r'M,, j • »• |\ p nr<* in
stance* hi h as fire, doc* the water
|.Im- e.i in t> Is tank pump* at * **
i wr shore, flow ha k 'r to tl pip<*
Arrancrmenf* for t ie entertainment to
• *' *~ ■ • J > » \* ’lift in i .* ’»•• ! ,r** i'mmu '
?; » - * ■ IT* i, T M, h. .y ,
M !. *.r. ; hi. v. i »v Miss Nell
, /* 1 ’ ' *v or -
ricte. nrd tie iir^h ! «*ing le.orated
. *'■••* ,r ' - •* « ,•?•*-;. am ha.-4
l. • r. err.1r.2- i for the affair. ,
Serve Supper.
T O -MT-re, wrr . 1 »-• . .. deg at ta
ho*p.. of Mr M. Pnlinhan. on North J. f
ferson *t\-r' « . :*\ r • l..i i'.*. \ . . .. v
of t» #• fst» . 11«- < hur h, was a mi« r» -fi.l
affair. It will '.*e * •miir u-l t evening*.
County Court.
At the reg*4lAr n •* . f »>•,. countv *
court v»s'.|.l..vi t»i* p after of -wttl-ruf
v ith th» r*»u«l '•'ip,-? -• • h of t}..- arlo
«1 iHtrlciH of •* - titj w»u t then up,'
«•••! t'c lax xx.-s «•; . • if approving ? ,*•
reports of tiie var:-*i.i -ft ta!« that re
rvii ;»••! Poitou lr g *• • or . i«*jon .,f p i%
MniS'Tt-'- the r-jrAtr l*» of th# \ woi
ronenmed with fid mt.irx m -fer* of 5
n 'nor Import* c u. I f .»• d - ,ti f ‘
toad ma:*«r* . f the . .. :nty
Met I,net Cvenlnr.
The ! : -tr .| » .. |.. ... t . i*j-«f Pre*.
Pvferinn «‘h*ircii n * t «** • -r.lr g In the
par'or* of t .e « huroti in f .eir regular
^ meeting.
Orfirlt* Monday.
Tf e M- nd-. die Hie *• ► . 1 A! im* l
Will h'-H . me- fir . f.. \t Mon-da et-ntng
i». the ||.g|i % »! f- me lo • iVfitn
InilJ .r t 'ii W • 1* » t f*e or g i» irat or, *. i!f
1»e 04 mplefed \* A rue,* re full
#t.iv * -• r* plans for t»e -r^ardr if for
w « ,*e made, and w ->» ,»1 riow’^r of gradual
• ;en wrer». present
MnnndsvlUs Brtsfi
T> e W on i • I’t risf.nn T^mp-nr «
1 ni»»r. of r-a nt\* w*« to l.a • h I a
t *e* tire !!»,•.•< a* t . home of
Mrs \ f M*I»nr *!v f.n Hrart ax***me,
M* i'*ft t* > J.as 'in t»o*f1 iin
Smaller Feet
aore pfef. Tender Feet anti Vnoilen
Feet Cured Every Time. TlZ Mvket
Bore Feet Well Nr. Vat er
What Ail* Them. 1
nv ' »»• ir»r'irt«7 I
T ><ltt - '.-I f I '•« 1. " « • to I
»* ** * ' III / .
f#< * nuff 4
V , 1 . . ' ’ - ■ -LV*r r .vdk
W f I A t. * - j. • f f ^ ,
er . f*i • ‘..y ,f. ■ . .
■ lean.. > t> t m >. .. ,.f, | |..| t ■
I’ • -rk« ■ * — , « Tr ’
n* .rrjr Hr. I n n it » tl*e.| |
*»'• <••• T‘ . « :• ...... ., r„.
' , .,
«ib*r '*>« a. Co., cuumo lit
til Friday evening. In order to enah'e all
romhera that laoflwi to H’teiui the • or.
rert to be given at the 1 tilted Presby
ti'rian church
Mrr l.em t'onkle and Mra. Albert
Hunt am have returned to their honiee In
the city from Wheelnle. wehre the\
M-nt a short vlalt with relatives and
friends. .
Mr A. K. I.Inch left Yesterday morn
ing for N'ew Martinsville where he will 1
.spend a few daye on business.
?he vestrymen of the Trinity Eplsro
chureh of the city met last evening !
in llie Sunday school room of the church
for the purpose of reorganising The new
< fflcera having been elected a few days •
Jacob Orlmmell and Robert Whitfield
• pend yesterday in Wheeling on busi
Attorney E M. Hiaeyman returned Inst
evening to rtls home In the city from
Cameron, where he spent the day on
!'r. c. A. Manning had work started
the first part of the week upon some ex
tensive improvements upon his resbten e
on Fifth street.
It I., Zink. E. I-. Simpson and E. G.
McClure ref rued last evening to llictr
homes m the city from Fairmont, where
they spent a few days on buslne-a.
Air and Mrs. tleopge Pink. and .laugh- I
ter. of Wheeling, are spending h few
•lays In the city as the guest of his i
paretns. Mr. and Mrs F. H. Hlake, nt I
Fifth stri-et.
t\ till.mi iknilifr has relumed to hla
home In Cameron after a short visit In**-.. 1
" itti Ills brother. Samuel \\*. Iloohar, of
Fifth street.
T. S. Higgs Is confined to his horns on I
Tomlinson avenue, with a severe Illness ,
sheriff J. F. Alley spent yesterday ea
a business visitor in Cameron
Mra \t J Higgins and two -hIMren,
of Pittsburg. are spending a few lava
wttn relatives nrtd friend* In the city.
Constipation brings many ailments
in its train and is the primary cause
of much sickness. Keep your bowels
regular madam, and you will escape
many of the ailments to which women
are subject. Constipation Is a very'
vimple thing, but like many simple
things, it may lead to serious con
sequences. Nature afteu needs a
little assistance and when Chamber- |
Iain's Tablets nro given at the first
indication, much distress nnd suffer- I
ing may be avoided. Sold by all
General On Call for An Extra Session
of the State Legislature.
CHARLESTON. \V. Va . April 1? —
There lias hern little comment about
the capitol building over the extra
session call, due to the belief pre
valent for six week that the governor
would do as he said he would unless
he could be convinced that the legis
lators would not pass a primary elec
tion law. There has been some specu
lation, however, as to what he would
put in the call, and hft nctirfh In this
respect as it would be in any other,
is being criticised and commended,
according to the fancy of the speaker.
The thing that is most frequently
asked, is: How long will the session '
last' "Since a session has hern I
••ailed. ! ho|«e it will pass a good |
primary election law." said a promi' !
Rent politician who has heretofore
declined to state whether in his opin
ion the governor should convene the
legislators In special session. “1 have
always been in fhvor of a primary
and we certainly need something that
will he an improvement over what
we have, and 1 have Implicit cond
«** II ill III'- alllilil « IM l»»r IllUbb
cock to see the needs of the times."
A« to the length of time the special
session will l»e in session will depend
on the progress made In the senate
where the only real opposition to a
primary Is expected, and where those
opposed to such a law believe they
will he successful. The house is ex
pected to pass one without little
trouble, as It has already gone on !
record In favor of one by a large j
Grant Writ of Error.
The supreme court has awarded a
writ of error and supersedeas to «\ !*. ;
Itorr In the case of Ikirr vs \V. C.
longer, from l-»-wls county, and has
refused a writ of < rror to the Walker
ville & In land Railroad Company. In
the iwrc of Kltxa Roy vs the Walker- |
ville k Ireland Railroad Company
(Continu'd pog Pnt Pag* )
profit off their business. You ask i
how we «re gdfti? to do thin, and I
must say readily that ft Is a simple
Enormous Waste.
‘ First In Inferior method of dls
trlhutlon and inferior pipes atul mains
that ought lo have been improved
some years aao your city pat plant i
has been losing every month of the !
year an average of 45 per rent, of its
production In other words, of every
hundred thousand feet of gas you
have produced you hare wasted or
given away forty five thousand feet.
Now. of course, we intend to atop that
thing as norm as a reasonable expen
diture for the plant a tel equipment |
will stop if. No private gas plant In
the eonntry would have submitted to |
this waste so long The average of .
production waste In private plants all
over the country is nhont seven or
eight per eenf. Mere |f has been 45
|M-r rent Additional to this, we In- |
tend to establish a modern plAnt
which will produce g..s at a very I
much less wage cost than the present
plant does. |t Is a simple proposi
tion No difficult problems are un I
1 olved in It. and I sm willing lo risk
rrv ton nn nn on fh#
.insertion that the cost to the rlty wilt !
be forty cents or less, and I am will
Ing, nu^ over. to operate this plant I
or eanew It to la- operated for a ren I
ion a tde time to demonstrate that fart.
In this f is plant the r|ty of Wheel
iftg has an enormously valuable pro
perty The time Is not far distant
When It will he relieved of the eom
f>ef it ion of natural gas Then they |
will have here in Wheeling an up to !
date plant, with s field of eusfomers i
emhr.oing ms. * I".people Thi.
would meat from twenty five to thir
ty five thousand meters \t the pres
• nt time the city gas plant has only I
about 4,nno meters |f not strange i
that the natural gas eompnnlea arid t
the elerfrle light companies hate ;
hern fighting hard for years to crip j
pie this gas plant anil to keep you !
from Improving It Now that you
have definitely turned vruir face to
wards Improve me I t i|,e gas plant.
v"" have a *1 eiidld opportunity to
- -cafe for the (it) a property of emir |
c ons va n- Vm only nr-- •• • . use ,r ,
dll ary go i | Vwlti" < sense ; w. 1
' ' r,tlna> ;•< od • >r „ |„k ,-* a
lbs' III'IUI. ’ pal
One Dollar Down , °ne D°Uar Down ONE DOLLAR DOWN
3ets this big comfortable thr^e pi^e" '“polished Oak As first Pa>’ment’ we win Oliver this massive Brock
5ST ", ”“r S6.98 Bedroom sui.e.^..‘uk.. $27.95 . $26.95
- «»Oc a Wttk It is Worth $40.00. This Is One of the Big Bargains.
Will secure you ihe most un-to- For the Parlor. Dinin* Room. Bed- % ....
date hand and foot power Wash- ™"'t.£s?XtoriJS Md'dS™ Gets the one you select to your home. 500 handsome |
;noKyotmhome:’:':e.r.eJ $16.50 2C, 5C, 8C*, IOC R°°m RugS-BrUS“,S'Ve,VetS’ 1
_t*»<- we week._Sf.r.h DouM.. PficeS $11.98 iO $50.00 S!
Peter Weaver.
"PTW r,'M <t h t.. fr imellb-encer.
MOKGANTOW.Y \\ \ , April 19
Crt.-r Weaver ii*.d ninety, i* dead
litre after » brief illness ,\ wlf,.
foul children survive,
Cha*. O. Seibert.
Ft::" • •ni»nt*encrr.
MAIITlXttltl HU. W. I,., April 19
< buries Oliver Sell, rt, aged j,
dead after an lllnc •» of typhoid. \
wife and i vo 4|„|,rs survive.* inter
ment »||| t>e in de rbill S.lay \ut
fuurne rein* tery
Lucas Obaequiea.
»«rec|al I ■ i 1,1 it., , |--sllirnrer
MtAf ION, AA A., \prtl 19 the
funeral of \|ra Knells I.liras. who
lied Monday .,t I'hllatjclph ,i sill i„.
held from the At I* chtifrh Thursday.
Hev. I A\ Morris,m »|| officiate In
lermefct is lo is In Itlueiuont feme
HKVKHM.V, V. . A’,i . April 19 Mr.
Mvn ( henoweth, aped h. la dead h* re
after .in ||l|<> a of s|» month lie
e.iaed W as well known in Grafton and
* Brother. Isb'irn Wilmoth live* here
Mut Hattie Daft.
41.». 1st T-.».|| . . aosr.ee*
IH NTIVGTfiS. W Va April 19
Mlet Hattie Imtf. a«r | f.T, la dead nt
Ihe home of her eleter, Mre lobn
llrown here Four brothers and two
•Isfera survive
Nathan Bennett Drop. Ovd.
• I t • : t., t,, |.,i . , rr
WK.MTON, W Va. April |9
Nathan Jtcnneff. of VA .n,.r«»l|1e thin
'ottnty, drof.ped i|, id nf heart failure
»hlle walking home from i hutch lie
»aa a prominent farmer and *-on«in of
lions VV G and l/vul. Ilenn tt of
hla clfv. who are prominent In |s>mt>
■rntln | • I "it s and al»o of Irr Af 4
I "I* M aarms hnd charge tif hla
Piemlnq Ohaequiea.
I’MRVIIIM, \ v. April l'< Ihn
Uner tl of \lr« Martin Fleming. widow
>f Allison Fb mlhi- tool p|H,e lht«
'f'em non at 2 or lock frtitn h r lute
eald' . • on Main afreet The tsr
lift a wero rondut led by Kav. Uvorgc
'tchal-r, of I'ltt 'Wg. a former pastor
of 'lie deieised. assisted bv Rrr l{
'• Stf.07.er. past >r of the Presbyterian
church Follow.ng tho service* at the
sldence. I •• remains were cunvevcd
th«- Hemic* cemetery, where they
* *r*’ ln:,l »’ r s' Among the out of
I town ptoph lore for the funeral were
Mr. mo I Mrs. \|. Shinn. I»r and Mrs.
, l» l.oitchery. of Clarksburg. and
Mrs .larretf, of Crafton
TaUen to New York.
. •T- al I o**p o. I. f.. Il .- Int.Odren -rr
1 'I It .MONT, W Va, April lk The
lindy of r K Johnson, who die I at the
1 IU;I1 Mouday tilant. was talo-n this
morning to hi* late homo at Mala
rminca. \ v, wh»r** Interment will he
made Mr nt,d Mrs A Johnson,
parents of tfp deceased, nrrhc«d here
esterdny and accompanied the re
. n»»ln» hom • today.
Cambric Funeral.
I * »l l»is; , to *i .. Intelligencer.
< I.AKKSIII HtJ, AV. Va . April I't
Several prnmiti.nt colored Mason*
""I C'lmrloT' hw arrited here for
th* funeral of lYederlck AV fnml.rlc
at 'j o clock tomorrow afternoon In ih •
1 Trinity Methodist F.plscopal rhnrch
on Water Ircct The deceased *a*
rand see ret an of the colored Masons
to this slat, an-l the grand lodf* will
, hsve charge of the funeral He wa«
, **n ln*.tr i< t..r in a colored high school
I a < liar lest on.
Bridgeport Man Dead.
I >f ' r<I I ft- i to the Infellftgen er
' I.ARKsIH H«». w Va, Apr'l l!»
T r.inkltn Itnrltf', a widely known
' '•! d!>,| last \t nlng a* hi* home
«' Unde, port . f a complication of
• '1- i#f * ||e w.i* 72 years old dor
thing him -re hi* widow and the ft!
• children Mt '.. i to t. i
M'- M \ l.atvson \a Met. \;..r|g,
' V 1 Mill it, nettle if n|| of ttrdgs
port. Airs fiertr'i'fe I si rents. of .lef
fei sop, (I and elation llartleft Off
Transfers Recorded
ids/le I, llarvlti. guardian, to .lean
A1 fiarvln, one civhth Interest tn two*
tracts of la id on Itethany pike, two
lots tn l.cathf rwmod and two lots on
fhapllne street consideration t*An
William it chamber* to Florence
CrltUiltea Home, iota 3 and 2 In
Cherokee addition: consideration,
H/'Oo and property on Island
National Florence Crittenton Mis
sion ft- William R. Chambers, lot on
South Front street
1- F. Haller and George D. Max
well to He Mar F Craig, lot No 4 In
Glenwood Heights, consideration. ?tn
A S Hell and Rose K Hell, to Flor
enco Crittenton Home, lot No 1 In
Chcyoke** addition: consideration, I
till and gas lease, I* .1 Garrett to |
Michael Agnle. lota Nos 101 and 102
at Warwood. consideration, $1
Oil and pas lease. Josephine A.
Dennis to John H Schell, lots Nos
230 and 231 at Warwood
Marriage Licenses.
George Cardrn r. 22. and Regina
Hlcker. 22. both of Wheeling
Clyde Cnrrtgan. 21. and Margaret N
Wright. |t, lioih of Washington. I’a
Alexander Ganyal. 27. of l,ngan. W
Va. and Suvan S/abox. 27. of Whorl
William K Voho, 23. of Kim Grove,
and Mary Marthn 1’nlmer. IS, of
Kva T. Mower appointed admin's
trstrlx of the estate of James Wilbert
Mosser H.md. |300; J. Morgan,
WIII Visit IvSfmiry Before Deciding
Upon Contemplated New
A* the meeting of the county com ,
mleatoners yesterday morning, the ,
contemplated Improvements to the
county Infirmary were discussed hut
no action was taken The board will
visit the Infirmary on next Tuesday
and at that time wilt probably decide
Just what work Is required
The bonds of ten road supervisors ,
were approved and a number of mat
ters of routine business considered
The hoy classics of Oliver Optic and
Horatio Alger, Jr.. hare teen barred
front the Chicago schools' libraries as
lelilnd tb' limes and no better than
dime novel* (
Sheriff* Are Required to Comply With
Statute Requiring Attachment
of Property.
Order* of the most peremptory na
ture have been aent out by Tax Com
mlaeloner Blue to all county sheriffs
In regard »o the collection of taxes
and It was announced yesterday a>
th® office of Sheriff Clemens that the
provisions of the law will positively
be enforced
This means that Immediately after
May 1. the sherifT and Ms deputies
will procoed to attach the property ;
of all those who hate not raid. This*
is not In the nature of a threat or a
bluff hut In a mere statement of what
will liapi-on
c s
Notices were Issued yesterday from
the office of lieferew J. William Tum
mlns of a meeting of creditor* In ths
en-c of W W. farpentcr. of Hundred,
on Saturday. April 2!*th. at 11 o'clock.
At th" san.e time the report of Trus
tee .1 F Throckmorton will be re
for ISTTf* r’r‘’ ,hr 'Mn' f<" fln* Mn«*rt* ••nrtorww «*
for Ihr olrr of bnf.1... Mrqnor. *r pt-nc» fannai akin. Th* amloD la
l-ml-lni. .np Ihon c|..wl. tmUoflholod. Tha ,1o». nro »orka<l ao|M r.a mar
rarlaad rofion No so for tha work BARAH MAt.E HINTEIL
| Death to BedSuflsanl Roaches I
SH The one true «u'luttnn for the 9|
m honae vermin problem I* to u*e OB
■ Mkernlly whererer they evlet ft la a eafe, never failinc remedy. H
I*<>b1 In pin', patented a,,„trt top. can* ai Wic by dealer* and ^A
H dmaalata Enry to uae and a Bure kilter H