OCR Interpretation

The Wheeling intelligencer. [volume] (Wheeling, W. Va.) 1903-1961, April 20, 1911, Image 11

Image and text provided by West Virginia University

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn86092536/1911-04-20/ed-1/seq-11/

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Mop Contuses Wall Street
k m
Uncertainty Inspired by Railroad
Changes Chief Feature of
NEW TORE. April 19—Wall street
was confused to-day by the situation
arising from yesterday's crisis in the
affairs of Missouri I’aciflc, which con
stituted the chief influence in the
stock market. Uncertainty as to the
outcome of the disruption of the
road's directorate snd the withdrawal
of the Euhn-Uoeb representatives,
and vague features of further compli
cations. gave rise to some uneasiness,
but the strong support which was of
lered defeat'd attempts to depress
Ices. Missouri Psel He was the
strongest stock in the list. although a
. number of other Issues made good
Although the advance of Missouri
Pacific from 4i>\ In January to b3 In
February was based on the news that
new Interests commanding the confl
dence of the financial world would as
sume control, definite severance of
these relations brought no correspond
ing disturbance. Doubt as to the out
come Wits reflected chiefly in the
slowing down of business, traders be
ing disinclined to commit thcmsieves
until some clear idea was had as to
what might be expected. The belief
was general, however, that the dis
continuance of relations between the
Goulds and the Kuhn-Uoeb interests
would not Interfere with the plans for
meeting the financial requirements of
the system. A report which was
spread late in the day that substantial
banking interests had agreed to take
«P * be responsibility of financing the
road met with general acceptance, the
more readily becnuso the hankers
mentioned in that connection are
know n to he Identified closely with
tiie Rockefeller interests. It was as
sumed that these new interests were
induced to enter Missouri Pacific on
account of the large Rockefeller hold
ings. and tlint hereafter tho road
— might he known ns much the Rocke
m ~ feller as the Gould property.
tmllr-n tl.ma ___ *
• day that the market wbr oversold ns
a result of the bearish activities of
the previous two days. There were
few variations In prices until tho last
hour, when the bears made a Anal
drive. The market wavered the
break, but was supported as prompt
ly and efficiently hs In the morning
Stocks rose quickly to the best level
of tlie day, Missouri Pacific making a
not gain of 2'*. and others showing
substantial advances.
Iteports from the steel trade were
less cheerful. Pittsburg sent word
that several furnaces had been closed
within the last few days. Tlie weekly
review of the iron trade forecasts
ilower prices for iron.
The bond market was irregular.
The t.ould Issues weakened eariv In
the flay, but rallied with the stock
Total sales, par value. 12.252.0'it.
I tilted States bonds were un
changed on tall.
New York Stock Exchange.
WlfHEUXO. W. Va, April 19. U
Tor*"** , "t° ”n 9(«
Am iu-»r siKur ii■, nrr~xi— !*
Am«! Otlu-r.... si2 MS
—- pref.. . It i1 ‘ **,
Am. ( ar .V F.Iv.,1 J; j- ... * »
. .£• h'-rf.115 us U5 ijiv.
Am. u%Tr,{ ?i> 5 *
Arma-T^ ««>* liU
.102 S
r 1 -—
*\o pref.|102H!l02%!102%i lOt’fc
nnltl, Jt Ohio. .. 104 ,104 104 j 104
Keth Steel .I I2v' *1%' 3JS'
It rook Rapid Tr 77*. 77', 77S 7*’,
I erirul I..at her 77 IJT, ’4’, 1*V
Ch«*a. A Ohio.. 79\ 79V 7»v "iZ
Chi A Ot. W.... J1 30V 21 ' 31*
e. M. «< St. p,, 11hV ltTVs ill*. 117%
CM. A Itock I... 2*V 26 26S 24*7
• l.ddflald Con... 6V 4 i is *V
til. Northern_127. 131', 126 l"t'
fnna l*a< Iflr-225 V |224 ■, I22SV 22 I v
Colorado South... SI* r.g ■, jiw 51
ConaoL tia>.;142* J41 V143 141V
Er‘« • • • ..I 2»s 2*V 39% 2sV
do flf*t*. 47 44Vy 47 ,4>v
do second* ...| 37 37 37 1 37
Ocneral Kle'trli i«:itj M»». 15.)
llitnola Cantral.. 136V 134V 136V 137
Inter-lJoro. Met 1K>,' 1*4, lit,! 1; 7
do pref. SIS Si's! 5I»,.
K. C Southern.. ::2», 37*, 3_>v
(.a* led* t_ia». . . .1**2*, 102V1*'2H 1"2
Mexican Central. 34', 34 '4 34', It
M. K. A T.: SIS J1S 31V 31",
Mo l-a iflr. 4t% 4ft, 4M, l«i.
Nat. RtiK'u't. ... li« 133 ,1)6 132 4.
National l>end.. 51V.I SI 51% 414,
Nevada Con .1 17*. 1; l, 17* 17*,
N. V. Central . ..,105 V|10 • V 105V Hie'.
•Norfolk A \V... 106 103V106 loi'.
North. p*r|tic... 127*, 131* 123'. 12l\
Ptnnavlvanla ..,124 1J1S 124 123-.
l lltehurit Coal.. 20V, 2»ty 2014 2 It,
do pref. »9 ! 7**,! 73V, 79V
Heading . 1M V.lS«u|»«lV 17.iV
Chino Copper... 21'. 21’, 21’. 21’,
Republic . 31V 31', 31', 32
Slore-Shefflcld..; 51 So*,' 51' ‘ f,l%
South. Pacific... 114% 113V, 114*,' 114
southern Hjr ,...| 24V 24 | 24V, 24%
do pref.I 62V, 4244; 62V 62',
T. St 1. .v WT..I 19% 13V. 19% If-,
Tenr.. Copper .. 36 34 j 34 35*,
I men Pacific... 1. :.*, 173V, 17^*. 17c.
do pref. 92 V,; 92*. 92», 97'.
1 1 ah * >" par... ; I *. 4*% 12 47',
I . S. llul.lxr. . . ,| 33 39 *,1 59.V 4u
C. S. Steel. 77,V 74V 75'-, 74 :,
do pref,.Ilf-. 11**'. 119', 119
do bond,.:**.• loi.t, 1 **5', in:.*-,
Vr. Cliemlcal_ 6?V 41 4, 42 4, 41 *,
Wo'mah . 16 15 4, 14 15
II do pref. s*.'a 3..', 34', 3..'-,
VVerting. Hire.. '■ 6t", 6 4", M *,
l.elu.th Valley.. 17y*. 17<> 17**', 170
I'l.sllller* Securl., II'. 3.".', Jr,' 23*,
! l-cnver .g Tito <i. 23V 29V 29% 7 • S
Inter-Ntn S I’.., 3m, 3*tv 3>>v,, 3*’,
JhjiiniVKijrj^J^IP^jc ;u]
. 1 ■: \
l". S 2’*t ref., eoupon. 101*,
1*. S. 3‘*. registered.. lot*,
C, s. 3 h coupon. 101 ,
l‘. S. ts. registered. lit',
1' s. It*. * o*u-..n . 1 |
Total rale* 412,60* shares.
Pittsburg Stocks.
WHEELING, W. Va.. April 19, 11
Tfio actl\o Pltinturs mojo, corrected
tally by A. K Master) & Co. bankers
i krd brokers. National Exchange BanB
i bu'Mlng
t 1 \9<
> • . . .1 17 7 17 \
j llarblMon-\Valk».r Itef . 42 .
prefei . 14
Independent U rawing .. 4*4 5»fc
do preferred .j 23*-* .....
Interior Mining.J 6 t>
1 Ksnrae Natural (inn.,21 22
I Mnnufarturera I. a: 20S 2'»s*
I MonongJihf-a KUi-r • '■•al jrefi 32 ^.
'National lire Proofing......1. u
do preferred .i 244 2"»
I Ohio Fuel .j 4*.* 4*
• »t*io Fuel • M.. o*4 „Vj
i» Oklahoma «»aa .t Gs«, pi
Pure Oil . .. 7-4 it
Pitteburg Brewing. 21V* 2 i U
do preferred ... 42*4.
Pllteburg tv.nl Co. 2«> .
do preferred . 79** . ...
Pittsburg i'late • •In***.1 »7 1 *$
• I . I
I Tonnpsrt FxteriSl«»n . 104 1 mi
1’nion Fwlt«*h a* Signal. K2,s * ; *.,
\V«-Mtlngh«>use Air Prnke ... 144 **,14.
WeM'hghouse Elect 1:•• 2d..., :<2 32 **
Crucible Strip .. 73 ..
*»».r»ua 0I9‘2 s^lK* fujoj.
749 iiT 9: f;9: S»» Jd np
"t 9 j
| X X»Y I'll! Mf'lT'l^lir u*d<> * '
j ~ '_
New York Curb Market.
WHEEL!NO. W. Va. April 19. I!
Reported by A. E. FT.eten * Co . I*. F.
Brand, n..ma«c«*r; member. Kcm Tor.
' ‘Ortrk Errhar.e
in'.' -• h.»ai^~~ktc~' , ir.j A^nr
American c*htri*.. 2t*I **14
i Amorir;*n T^nrro.*, 44,> 44?,
1 American Writing Paper...’ 1 2
~ . I
Kentucky's Straight Whlsksy
from Distiller to You
on trial
2 Gallons for $5.
3 lor (7 60 sr 1 lor 33. ctiolet
st >)•. Seurfcsa sr Care
Eiprsss Prepaid
H;m ruMi lM*(iMLVyvCds.*]l.llM.
We «hlp on WO Hay'e credit. If ynm have your
merchant or hank funmntoe your acpsoai
l REE - 4 miniature butt lee Selected F i.itoa
with every 2 yelUma. 6 with 3. etc. for osu»h
with order. Muney refunded If Dot re* "fled
myers a company
l Ware hoove Nv.26! ( o\lndh»n, I».l
V W rite for Book, A Fair Cuetosner, Sealed. ^
I Atlantic Gulf & W. Ind.| ft, ION
do preferred . 21 22’*
Bay Btate « ;iu* . L %
| ('luriio Subway . 4 V* R»4
| Havana T«dia«*co . 4 8
I d« preferri-d ... 10 IS
International Rubber. 81 31**
1 r.t« rnational Salt . 4^ 9
I Internntlonal Smelt. ^ Kcf..tl20 130
Manhattan Transit ..... % %
New York Trnnaportatlon. 3 5
< ttla Elevator.i 99 100
Baron’s Local Stocks.
'niEBLIVO. W. Vs.. April 13 Ml
The following guotnrinns on the more ,
active \Vi.«vItiik eto.k.s »*« corrected
•tally for the Intelligencer by Geo. Vv
Ha run. Iochi broker, and ft. 1L Me re hall
, manager Knnd riepnrtment.
_STOCKS- I Par. I Hid. I A sic. j
i r*!orli llrua. Tob..,10« J.1161 tl0*»
1 do common.. 100 , 36 J. J",
i Cent tal <11.w*_jloo .1.117*
. Foatorla Ulars . .MO-i 1.1136 1131
, llaael-Atlas tilarn loo ,163 ;154 151
Hon* Kir* Ins.. ‘ 60 . 38 i 4u 3i
Imperial ... 100 I.f 94 I
I.a Mi II* T. Wk*. 100 ..|16.i
, Nnllotml Il*d.100 I 35 l 36 4'i
VmrslRyllne . ...llOO .16<> 50
I r*op. > l>lnp*psln If'O 150 *133 |l31
I Pop* Tin Plate. ,.|100 110 .114
Wat .k I'Mnn. ..moo i.100 L...S
I*. S. ."'tauiplni!'..MOO j.112
W. A- It. Bridge. . 25 1 27 . 27
I lVha. Bridge.iioo 1. 61 «1
4V( if. Mold A- Kdy 50 .I «4 04
•Win; Steel A I. . 100 ..164 15*
1 4Vb**llnic Trae^. ..(100 ' 69 |. (*«_ j
1 'Books close April 22nd for 2 per cent..
Hazlett’s Local Stocks.
WHCDUNa, W. Va. April 19. 'll.
The roil..wing q'Kmmnk «n to# more
active Wheeling atoclta are rorrny.ed
dally for the Intelligencer by Howard
11“ f •' ^ i: I r< ker*'
' STOCK a ,l«r,ll:<i aiTlB?
Hrot rob., prefl 1001 .. .1 ...I iSi
-Hl..ch tiro*. Tdl*. coiui 100| S5| ... *»
' entiol Ulaaa .i irOj_| ... 17» I
I ‘.'Morin Ola**.I 100 .. I IIS 13*
Ifuzel-Atla* C.laaa_ 101 1SS. 153 IS*
Hum.' Fire In*. Co...I S'J, #5 .... J!»
liiildial illar*. loO 3. 93 38
LuHe.lv Iren.! 100 IB*- l«o 1*0
Katie' k| l;c 1. 100 ...| 40 *0
Neuralgyllne .| 101'' ... ISO, 'So*
1 l'nr** l'lApep*tn _, 1«0‘ 19o .... 121
1 <J1 •• Tin Fl.tte.1 lv" ljo ... 114
t ■ S Stamping.| 1" . 112 ...j 112
.Vara .i . l.lnv . Foi ...| 1*0. ...
Why Mold A fMjr_| f.n| r,J. M A3
IV; a Bridge ..i loo r.o. ..«1 ,
: Wh* A Bel. Bridge. 2Si 27 ...| 27
•Why. S’ael Ar Iron.. 100 13* ... 15*
| • Wheeling Traction. ■ in’ _90| ...| 90'
• afei in i • a • • I .:
2 T< r cent «a*li dividend payaida May
- ;
Log in Barn Gives Way. Crushing
Side of Boy.
' Special Idepntch to the Intelligencer.
MARTIXSBL'RQ, W. Va., April 19.
| —While caring for a sick cow that
had been missed up to the side of the ]
! building, a heavy supporting log gave
j way, striking Wnlter Hill, nged 17.
I employed by J. E. Byers, near here.
1 The boy had hia Jaw, collar hone,
arm and leg broken, and was taken to
j Charles Town for treatment.
The Most Artistic Those who appreciate beau
r • !_*• rrr . titul homes agree that soft
lghting Effects harmonious and artistic illum
Are Obtained by ln:itinn is possibl- on,-v with
. the aid of electricity.
1 Electric Light
The intelligent and tasteful
disposition of modern fixtures
and the use of suitable shades
make the electric lighted home
at night a place where one is
glad to be and to extend
The smell, the dirt and
danger of other forms of il
lumination are eliminated.
\ '
L _l
Wheeling Electric Co.
51 Sixteenth St. - Ih.lh Phones 897
~ ----
Investment Securities
$50,000.00 5<7c~ ($1000) Sewer Bonds
City of Moundsville, W. Va.
For Sale by
National Exchange Bank of Wheeling, W. Va.
%— : - - - -----J

Good Offerings of Grain on All Hard
8pots In Chicag* Market
CHICAGO. April 19.—There was
plenty of wheat for sale today on all
the hard spots in the market. With
excellent seeding conditions north
west and with a brilliant outlook In
the winter crop lielt, gains due to
firm cables disappeared, and latest
prices were a shade to V»c0>%c under
lust night. Corn finished at a net ad
vance of %c® %c to V4c®SiC: oats
up %c to *4C, and provisions less
costly l»y IP to 30 cents.
A show of strength at the start In
the wheat pit came ns a result of
Liverpool reporting firmer offerings
from Australia. India and the Agen
tine. There was also at one time a
rally because of export sales at Win
nipeg. The bears derived some help
also from the fart that primary re
ceipts were less than a year ago and
on account of the poor cash demand.
Corn ranged upward In consequence
or small receipts. Wet weather hind
ered arrivals.
Lightness of country offerings
served as a prop for oats.
Hog products dropped owing to sell
ing by packers and In view of a de
cline at the yards.
Articles ' Open f Hint,. Los. f Cto. «
1 I I
W* eat— I i VI 1
M»y...( 6S\ 89 | 87%
July...! 8«1, S6%; 5S%| 86%
May., .1 49 *4 60 4*«i! 50
July..,. Rn\ 61*4, ,'0>-. 51
Oats— 1
May... 31S siv sit, 3184
July..., SIS 31 \ I SIS 318»
Fcifc— i
May... 15 45 18 «0 |is 38 15 *7%
j July... 14 SO 14 56 14 «7%|14 70 '
May.. . 7 '7', 7 90 7 go I * f,i
July... 7 97% 1«0 ,7 67i,i 7 67%
May...1.5 43 5 47% * 85 8 S3
Joly,... 6 00 , 5 03 7 30 | 7 53%
Cash quotations were as follows:
Flour— Easy.
Rye—No. '2, 91® 92c.
Harley—Peed or mixing, 65®R5c;
fair to choice malting, $1 0001 09.
Flax Seed—No. 1 southwestern,
*2 51%; No. 1 northwestern, 12 63
Timothy Seed—*12 Ob.
Clover—*15 bO.
Fork—Mess, per barrel, *16 00®
16 25.
laird—Per 100 pounds. *7 76%.
Short Ribs—Sides, loose, *7 75®
S 37%; short clear sides, boxed,
*S 37%®* 60.
BURG, April 19.—Cattle—steady,
light. Choice, *»; 4b® 6 60; prime,
K 15Ti 41 »
Sheep- Slow, Ugh*. Prime weth
ers, |3 R0£} 4 00; cull* and common,
12 f*0 72 5'i; spring lamb*, 17 6ofa
10 00; veal calve*, fti 6l>7|7 O0.
Hogs—Lover, lo double deck*.
lTlme heavy*, fr. 6uff <5 fit>; medium*.
$C 75 'tl 85; heavy yorkers, |*> 857i
♦> 90; light yorker*. ?•'. »•>; plg», $« 9t>
V •' 95; rough*. 5 25 ft 5 So.
CHIfAOO. April 19.—r*ttle re
celt-* estimated at l<i,t*Ou; market
weak uf early decline lb-eves. f5 15
'u rt 70; Texas steer*. 14 ratio r,(»;
western steer*. (4 ROfj5 v»; stocker*
anti feeder*. $4 ooy 5 25; cows and
heifer*. $2 70 t5 811; < alve*, )t 75'y
C 60.
Hogs- Receipt*. 25 ,*>0. market i<v*
lower than yesterday. Light. aver
age. $6 154f« 50; mixed. $<i Jo-ff, 45;
heuvy. $5 SSTrO 3«; rough, f5 Rf.'/,
05; good to choice heavy, $* 05
5 30; pig*. $5 2o*!*> 65, bulk of sale*.
*«> 20«7 5 35.
She,.|> Keceipf*. 20.000; market
weak at esrly decline Native, $3 00
'</4 70; western. 3 1S|?4 70; year!
ling*. $4 30 y 5 25; lamb*, nntite,
}l 5o-y R 15; western, |4 7h'i*> 15.
tfalnn Itsel TsrSs.
WHKt.IJNU, ftft. V*., April l», 11. 1
1 ttrs. I.nnn to l.xov.It. I04«| 4 78
ti.-o-t lo l.V'0 ....... 4 tto ix 4 40
I. • 1 I* I 1. 4 ' L 1$ 8 va
'.out, .-a to »■ 0. 4 4 / 4 74
» ..... 4 i ■ •
I (•ugh, l.citti to I.Jti#.,... p (,r. Six !, 8«,
t 'USti, *„o to 1.0UG. 4 e. j p so
I — r b ill* . 44 / 4 U'i
I oiefna nil* . « tatiX 4 ,
lleef raw* .. 4 "»/ 4
-oss . 8 884x9 8 80 1
t.ft'rs fte*n Co* . 4;. n .*/■ Si i'i
t-slr . IS "Aft# J4 «»
\ 4la calves ... * oit^i 8 ;. 1)
licet X SI. i thill roll es . . 4 V * 4 ...
t sirs ... *71./ 4 Vi
'* o.l .. 4 Sii9 * ..
••onto* . ... .. 4 ...» ft 4'i .
M «S Sf .1 4'.** . 4 till <1 4 I,tx
HII4.I I’.
t *tr» . 4 1*0 / 4 IV
.. i - . 4
.. ••• 3 «• / I 4
K»tr* . .... 4 #o o in 4*
1 .<* " 1 ... t *>««.*• ...ft .. .# 7 #'> |X 4 40
rrtofi 8 So / 7 V<X
tmlt S vft an* Company
Win.KU.Ni4. tt Va.. April It, ’ll.
listr*. !.•*• n i.,.i ... is .8/18 it
■ .moi. So*, tot,* 4"'<ft4i8
UoftM, SO* to »■> i. 4 . »# 4
IlftSMl, 74u to S'*:l .......... ft 140 4 74
I'*"* . 4 « 4s
lows ... .... 4 oV <x 4 ''ft
rut* . « 7*•# * »n
. '>rc .
I i i imoti . ,. I six |ri
gtiKK* r
l"f«..'....ft I HB 4 4 i
.■ ? ‘■" <x 8 i •’
Common . i "<> \t I o*
If ; • . 4 imu ft o I
1 re- 'i ■ • » » . 84 "ft , |r, ft i
Mprl'S tombs .. 4 IMttflx o«
W besting lira Vtect Commlsoio* C<v
W III KI.IN'I, III, Vs. Apt It tl» -t|
n A. » n to t.eno. 4 s .jl * |
<>■* 41. ft t* SAC ...... 4 A" / ft ftp
11 *1. .Oo to - 'I*......... . ft ft../ ft A/
to nun#* . X k)0 4 >*•
11**8 bubs.,,,,,, ft 400 4 l*S
Bolop* bull*. I too 4 M
"7 .Hoba- 1 8 * 4 60
Stags and sows.. 4 * -t
_ . SHEEP.
5?°®d . 3 OO A 3 50
(rllppM) . 4 ooS 6 Du
Lnmtia (unci'. 3 00® S 00
Spring lambs .. It ootii oo
S?*? . « 60® 7 09
ucod . g 0^'t <1 60
TO in and heavy oalvea... 4 0011 & oo
Frealicoaa .extra. per head <5 00 (J60 00
1 reali cows. com. to fair.. IS 004/35 00
1 OKK, April 19.—Money on
call steady. 2* ft 2*4 per cent.; rul
lng rate, 2*4; closing hid, 2V»; of
fered, 284. Time loans easier; 60
days, 2*4 per ceut.; 90 days, 2Tb; Blx
months, 3.
Prime mercantile paper. 3Tb to 4*4
percent. Sterling exchange steady,
with actual business In bankers' bills'
at $4 84.25 for 60 day bills and at
$4 86.45 for demand. Commercial
bills. $4 831b. Bar silver. 53*ac; Mex
ican dollars, 46. Government bonds
steady; railroad bonds Irregular.
WASHINGTON. April 19.—At the
beginning of business today the con
dition of the United States treasury
_ Working balance In treasury offices,
^26,343,562; In banks and Philippine
treasury, $32,219,882.
Total balance In general fund, $84.
Ordinary receipts yesterday, $1,
862.257; disbursements, $2,121,089.
Deficit to date this fiscal year. $1,
548.985;, against $17,266,363 last year.
Panama canal and public debt
transactions excluded.
NEW YORK, April 19.—Standard
copper dull; spot. $11 6VQ11 75;
lake. S12 37*4^112 50; electrolytic,
$12 12*4@12 37*4; casting. $11 87*4
tTl2 Oo. London steady; spot, $£53
11s 3d; futures, $54 3s 9d.
Tin easy; spot, $41 59ft 41 76. Lon
don steady; spot, £191 15s; futures,
Lead—Dull, $4 40 4 50. London,
£12 17s 6d.
Spelter—Easy, $5 50'55 53. London,
£23 15s.
Iron—Cleveland warrants. 40g 3d In
London. Locally iron was quiet.
Butter, Cheese, Eggs.
NEW YORK. April 19.—Butter—
firm; receipts. 12,348. Creamery spe
cial. 2^xCi/23c; extras, 22c; finds,
2oc<ft21c; state dairy' finest, 21clf22c.
Cheese steady; receipts, 2.399. State
whole milk special, 14c(ft 15tbc; Sep
tember quality fancy colored, 13*4cft
12*4c; do. white, 13c; summer and
fall made colored choice. 12c'5j 121bc;
do. white. 11 MiCfi 12*4c; state, whole
IHjo; do. white, 11c; current make
largo best, Ifltjc® lulhc; do. i ommon
to fair. 9cQ10c; skims, 2rt?10c.
Eggs—firm; receipts, 30,921. Fresh
gathered selected extras, lkc^lgi^;
<ii>. firsts. lfi*-4c :17r; state, Pennsyl
vania nnd nearby hennery brown,
KHcQ1Sl]i", do. brown and mixed
gathered, 17cffl7,^e.
NEW YORK, April 1!>.—The cotton
goods markets are quiet and steady.
Yarns rule easy on the coarser num
bers of carded stock. There Is a fair
spot demand for lightweight hosiery
nnd underwear Print* hold steady
and are In moderate demand Wide
ehambrays are being ordered very
freely by cutting trades.
NEW YORK. April 19.— Havre mar
ket unchanged to one quarter franc
ad ranee May futures closed offered at
10.04c; July cloyed offered at 10 12c;
September closed offered at 10.0Sc;
D'rentier closed offered at 9>2c;
March closed offered at !> *0r. Rio
No. 7, quoted at 11 \r. Market stendc.
Oil. CITY. Pa.. April 19 -Credit
balances, |1.30. Runs, 46,984; a ver
tigo, 130.407; shipments, 141,764; aver
age. 207.203
NEW YORK. April 19.— Standard
Oil, ff.oo.
Head of Firm Mads Director— No
Charge* le Rockefeller
NEW YORK. April 19—Jamea
Riwver will tomorrow take the place
of Paul M Warburg, resigned. In the
directorate of the Missouri Pacific
railroad and the house of Speyer and
company, closely allied with the
rk'iitsehe flank, will All the vacancy
left by the retirement yesterday of
Kuhn l,oeb and company aa hankers
for the road Mr. Ppeyer admitted
tit is mur’i to close. fr'end* today hut
on ltd not talk for puhllratlon he said
utt’ll after his form 11 election
Fred T Cates representing John T>
Rockefeller on the Missouri Pacllle
hoard. Ed war I. Msr«ton. represent
ing Itlalr nnd company, and Edward
l> Adam*, representing the TVntsrhn
hank all decided to day to keep thet*
positions The same Interests have
worked harmoniously In the past and
I lie supioettlon In Wall street todav
was that they had taken their lead
from 'lr. Rockefeller, who as the Sec.
ond largest stockholder In the prop
erty nnd a commanding Influence in
the banking rommnnlty may now be
said to control Its financial policy.
Mr Ontew said today that the
Rockefeller Interests were "entirely
frtendly" to fjeorge J. Could, who with
Mr Ro< kefefler sld yesterday dlcfat
ed the nomination of the newly elect
cd President, it E. Rush.
PARKERSBURG, W. Va.. April 19.
(Itocal Office U. S. Weather Bu
reau.)—Atmospheric conditions are
reported as follows:
The low pressure area.' preceded by
ram over the Ohio and Tennessee Val
I ley* ®n,l lower latko region, was een
( tral this morning over Michigan. Dur
ing the past 24 hours showers also oc
I over the middle and upper Mia
j slssippl and Missouri Valleys and up
per Lake region. The rainfall was
moderately heavy In sections of Ar
kansas, Missouri and Tennessee, but
generally light elsewhere.
An area of high presuro and cooler
weather Is moving eastward Into the
upper valley*. High pressures and
cool wenther ear aso noted over the
north Pacific regions. The pressures
are relat!ve--low from Arizona north
! ward over Montana
I Showers will probably continue
I here to-night, bnt fair and cooler
(weather Is indicated for this section
' » ,Thr O!U0 w1" Probably continue to
i rail In the district for the neit two
I dars.
H. C. HOWE, Section Director.
Plar*. lam! Vrind per gain,
l-arkershur* ..J™?' hoir‘
PU,',bUrK • “ * .«*
Ppeelsl J.l»j.A*rh to ths Intelligencer
&TKLBKN V'I O., April i o Tim
'ter«b*'* r°Urt >lam pa"e'1 0,1 these jnat
Rlrh"^ts<^,wd\°n.*CC°Unt ,n "U,e °f
Mill of Isabella Kllmarttn probated.
*• M^'lell-md ar:>otnt«st jninrllan
estate of WiHi, J A. Smith, bond |200.
real estate In insolvency of 8. E. Adkins.
run s administration
•“date Margaret Berry
Final accounts file,: tn estates of G«s
Hromada. Hurvey Welch, Jos. Farina.
Jua. Branagan.
| Juvenile affidavits filed against Os-ar
M*et and Mary hor.l nr,d Chaa. Ely
“ suspended sentence was giver!
M lliard I- ram is,
'V,. ,'?'*nry appointed guarJIan
MArth* \\ aldren. t>on*l Jl,4f>0.
Miners an.l Mechanics Marik filed tn
swer estate of Marietta Kennedy.
iT’V,,r\. Krai '‘PJM,1hte.t executrix
in rfttate M. bond $S.&0o.
^ Application to probate will uf jfno. R.
| of'/ohn U oSK !’a'1 proba,!n» wl“
Killed By Slate.
Corner Foster i.aa received word of
• tbs death of Jan es Air.* nugh. „gw,| •;
Who was kills.! r-y a f.,|j ,,f ..ist* at Mor
| rls-1 osien mints, on Tuesday afternoon.
Marriage Licenses.
_ _ - T . ?- yearn or
ar-1 J»«iwy v. John.H?.m. if yearA o/
John Caraway. 2« yoare. of Khodes
dale. «n.l Ie-urn V. Maul.an a, la years,
of N»w Alexandria.
Only One Raid.
r"‘*rle« M s*<,r; :,e *n. ti.a only one
, 1,1 after a hearing for the holdup of
I rank Speldel, «t Hnl.,«i,t <'Marlas
| * •*> l°r and perry liowelis were dls
' ■ argeit, l.-it hell as witnesses oi.d con
ttiltted to jail.
Court Jrewe.
norere# n M..rag,,n is. J. It. Rradv
et a partition ord.red with li. u. smith 1
M II Kdw.trd* and Smith llo#.we I aa
. hteubenvllla |t. * I* Assn. Co. va. R
* *■ ^ able et al. suit in forecloaurs for
Joan Karltls va lot. Tin Plate cv>..
judainent for fl... and coats.
till Well Supply Ci. va e R. and nils
Jaikeor. ju.lginai.t for |..2u» Jo. agaioat
liarry Jackson for | «» 5S.
s r ct.AiitdvTuc ., A'prl, jy_A r)r1)
c.iae flle*| t., .1st was styied »•. i4 pper
and otl.era va Charles ltoaser eltltlou |
for temporary restraining order.
Probata Court.
In the trattvr of tha will of Martha A
I'..or loan, decease! Will adml1l»l to
llulata Citation ordered iaa.e-1 to'
widower to nuakc election.
In tire matter of tl.s will of A. l^e
Hum pi.;. W doves-o'd. Will admitted to '
probate Citation ordered lasjr.J to
j widow to moke riavtlon
In the matter of t. e guardianship of
• allot te K Melster. a minor Mary K
Me is tor sip.Hntel guardian, lon.l i,
w.ih Jacob Melster. fjcorga Metster grid'
i Joseph Melster as sureties.
I In the matter of Fred I -ament. In-!
<|\|-I«et for Iona. y ruder# I taken to the!
I Slate hospital si CVtlum.
| In the matter of it.e estate of Hlstn
*»• Hlk. d»ceaaed loimbert Fr edl ap-I
polntet a Imintatrator, le nd IJ.iiQa, w.th
toe National Stir#!) Company ae surety.
In the matter of the eatale of Mary A
lhana. -te cased. Private sale . f per
aor.al goods and rhsttots confirmed.
Cake Walk.
*HJ be a tyvke walk held In the
skat ng rink Friday ev enntg for the ban
e, t >.f t e lllah school ha*e hsll lenm
Music will r-e fun lahed by the High i
» bool orehe«fra. Fverytvedy Invited.
j When a medicine must he risen to
j fount children It should he pleasant
to take, chamberlain's Cnttgh Hem
«dy la made from loaf sugar, and the
roof* used In Its prepsmtIon give It a*
flavor similar to maple syrup, making
! *' plrasant to take It haa no superior
'or eolda. cjoup and whooping rough
For aalw hjr all dealers
Cleveland and
Return $2.00
l«r* Wheeling Terminal MtsMon 7 47
a m. and h in P m Faster o Time. Tl a
eta on sale every Saturday amt Hunday,
gtsrf returning all trains Monday.
Only line Running
Parlor (ars
Hve hour service la sack directing. J
. 11
Spring Excursions
Good for Ton Day*.
Includes rallrcod ticket, meals en
rou te, transfer from and to depot In
Washington, accommodations first
class hotel, automobile ride, trip to
Mt. Vernon and a sight seeing pro
gram each day In charge of an ex
perienced conductor. This trip 1a
particularly arranged for ladles un
accompanied. For full Information
concerning those tojirs call on or
address T. C. Burke, trawling pas
senger agent, or. A. I.. Irwin and O.
It. Wood, ticket agents. Wheeling.
W. 4. L. E. R. R.
Depart. Olt-r Tim,. Arne*.
7:45 am. Cleveland. C,nlo5T"*;*i p. a
—-Kent. Intermediate Il llp. m
AT T"1. ClewlAjidHyg-raiv
-■-~P m CMgj7,-F7-pr.„.
I'J. m- Steubenville. Mingo-"ft"41 m. m.’
jioyp.m. Jet and BrhlUn? }i«» a «
4 flS 2 ™ Dillon vale. jOeniTTnoraTii:
4 00 p m_ Jewett Acrommod's. 14:40 p.m.
Arrival and Oeperture or trains at Ban.
fV_rlvr—11.60 a u*.'Tlo a. m_ :;u - ™
i-'epart—v .64 a. B.; l:ll V aiTu:44 SrS:
e-uoair trains arrive at Sa * “ 2.*^
_depart at QUO p. jp. •
wiuiiois rascTioa n,n,n*
sxrssu cas icsmjia"*
Taking xutect Jane SL ISO*.
«»>-ept dunoajr.
I2n.l .-ireat. - . *•.
Wheeling —
lOtfoa m. '• '■* ‘ ’ Vo‘c*r?
•»*» «>• _ 1*;«S 44M
■L^r9 Dally except Sunday.
10th street . - -
lo'ifr‘m“* Mound.vine
1:10 p m. i.ssp.aa.
On lines haring regular express ,cr
vtee. shipments weighing la excess et
flrty pound* ->r of lurr* Milk, will not
f*rrlF<1 on p*«**»n>f»»r oars.
AU UXK$—Daily txcept Sunday.
No •hlnmanta. except emir fancy ahlp
m«nt« of rxi«t!cln«i. will t>« carried on
pts^oier rar» Utvtea 4:00 and 4:1S
25 Shares of
Price on application.
Norton (2b Co.
19 National Exchange Bank
V- *
Geo. W. Baron
812 A 813 Schmutbaoh Bldg.
R. R. Marshall, M(jr. Bond D.pC.
We will buy
*.V>nn.OO la Belle Iron Works, 6**
*.‘>000.00 Ha/el-AMas Glam, IT*
>.">000.00 Whitaker-Glessner, (Ta
Prices on Appliratio.i .
Howard Hazletl & Son
National Exhange Bank Bldg.
25 Wheeling Traction
3o Wheeling an3 Relmont
35 Witaker-GI*asner
Ball 1822 R National 4Z1X.
Bank of Ohio Valley
Resource* Over On* Millioa
Pin IS n T*m.
Oh. no. Cnrrt.Ha. a wood ator. last
oaad. of wood, ^

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