Thursday, April 20. 1911. CTnhare of these Rugs has enabled u> to give the people of Wheeling and vicinity some at the most wonderful bargains in Floor Coverings we have ever known. The Rugs are not damaged to hurt their wearing qual ities a particle and yon would scarcely know they had been damp if not to,d- A few ot the numbers here for your selection at economy prices: $13.00 Seamless Tapestry Brussels Rugs, 9x12 feet, at.$ 9.50 $22.50 Axminster Room-Size Rugs, 9x12 feet, at.$14.95 $25.00 Smith’s Axminster Rugs, 9x12 feet, at.* * $15*95 $17.00 Smith’s Seamless Nepparham Brussels Rugs, 9x12 feet, at ....... .'j. | yg $14.50 Seamless Tapestry Brussels Rugs, 8l/4x9l/2 feet, at . . .$ 9.50 tl2 b0 Seamless tapestry Brussels Rugs, 7*2x9 feet, at.$ 8.45 '' ^-00 Seamless Nepparham Brussels Rugs, 6x9 feet, at. . . $ 5 95 $40.00 Royal Wilton Rugs, Sxl2 feet, at.’ $31 95 $28.00 Body Brussels Rugs, 9x12 feet, at.* [ $22.95 $1 '.50 Axminster Rugs, 9x12 feet, at. Si3 95 $ 7.00 Union Ingrain Rugs, 9x12 feet, at.. . . . $ 4.95 on® & Th©ma§ WIRELESS WILL SOON EE TESTED ON RIVER. Captain James G. Perkins, of the Packet Jewel, Dies—Rains Cause Another Rise. When the Queen City of the I’itts burg Cincinnati pack.-t line, returns from her New Orleans run, the wir* less telegraphy will he t* t<-,| f,,r the first time on a steamboat The Over* land Wireless Company has arranged with the company to put a wir.l< * on the big packet and to place a sta tion a' I'ittshurg am) th: city to te-r wireless working Captain Perkins Dead. News was received at ties port yes terdajr morning tain Chari. * t; perkln... age of the packer .few‘-1 His .|.-ath occurrr-d a’ Kvansville follow it.'.* a .ft illn* .. from a complication of divis |u ceased wa one of the best known tfvnrmen <>n the Ohio during the f iv|| war he was In command of the Vnlted stH-.s ninhoai Krllllatit. that **' *n service tin the Ohio and Mis sissippl rivers ft.jriug tis.-ni years he has been at the wheel of the Jewel that operated in the Kvansville. Henderson trade. " 1th rains falling along th. water Sheds yesterday nil day a slight rise ; matured on the headwaters anil a rl..e is expected here to-day. The marks yesterday afternoon registered but 13 feet six inches. Packets are carrying heavy cargoes and a large passenger list on their run.-, while the coal fleet is rushing ha-l to the Pittsburg pools with empties The C.nal Clt;. and Sam < lark passed this |s>rt yesterday cn route to the Pittsburg pools. Yesterday's Boats. Kanawha. Charleston, it a m. II K Bedford. Pittsburg, noon. I Jewel. Marietta. 3:3tt p m Liberty, Clarington, :: at p m. Tc-Day's Boats. I.orrnn. Pittslnirg. *5 a m. Virginia. Cincinnati. 7 a m. Sonoma. Marietta. 3:ai p rn Liberty. Ciarinc’on. 3:70 p tn. Ohio. Pittsburg, t p m. Friday's Boats. , ** K Bedford. I’arker burg. r, a m Jewel. Marietta. 3:30 p. tn Liberty, clarington. :p m Stage. 4 30 p ni , 13 feet six inches. IITTHBL'HC;. April 19 A slight rist* is espec fed In the local streams as the re*u(' tif rontitined heavy rains over the watershed, and a fair boat Ire singe Is predlt ted by the end of the week While no coal Is being s-at out. there is . n excellent lioating •'tig- and all the local boata are i„ operation. The stage nt it,vis Island dnm fh night wns s r, feet. ||err's Island. 7 3 ; Krw’por*, 7.7 frH. A<> nliervllle- Hirer, Il k feet find falling; min Parkersburg -River, IT. 2 feet and rallVnr; rriln, ---— ■ Morgantown—River, fls feet and 1 falling; rain. V. arren River 3 fee*; rain Oil City—River. 3.5 feet and fall ing; rain. DAY OF PRAYER Will Be Held Sunday, April 30th for State Convention—Badges Are Received. \ Sunday. April .".nth ha . been set by the State Sundav School As social I on as a day of prnycr for the .-.tat. convention to lie h* Id at f . ershnrE May C. . and 4 All pastors and superintendent- arc r*-i|ii-'s rci| to I refer to Hie event In their public . prayers and all Sunday school workers In *h--ir ?*rivate devotions The badges to ho ii-.-d at m.. eon vent Ion were received yesterday at the state headquarters in the hoard of trade building The badge itself is about the size of a half debar w i*h an coniine map of We t virg nia label ) er| "Mur Field " In the center Is a I cross and around tl.»- edge tlie lev rlp Itlon. ’ It" this Sign Conquer " To the badges are attach* 1 ril.Ums of vnr ions colors to !>*• worn by the different [ committees and officials All schools that have not already done s*. are requested to appoint dele, gates to the convention the coming G. Ed. Mendel & Co. wuitcral rmicToni awd IVlil.YtlU U4? Mafn 9rrmmt Wn**i«n*. U’s«» ym ^•D Mfht or ML • ,mr ------m ' Oeo. E. Johns Co. Suits With Individuality For Women and Misses Special Style, in Strictly Tailored and Trimmed Model.; Small, Regular and large aizea SEPARATE COATS Pongew, Serge Novelties, Sicilian, Linen. NEW WAISTS ( h.ffona, Marquisette, Voile., Lingerie, Linen., Ac. SPECIAL SALE OF 50 One-P,ece Wool Dre.»e.- Ca.hmere., Serge., Panama., Ac. for THE REGULAR PRIGES A suitable garment for the «sav>n and the price le.. than the Co.t of making -- }\ Sunday. Credentials may be secured from it..- county superintendent or di reet front (otural Secretary A. T. Arnold. Iniard of trade building, this city. TWO LOCAL MEN LOSE $700. IT IS SAID. Doorkeeper It Employed and Prevents Anybody From Bridgeport to Enter. Tl.e i atnbling house over the White f’rot t |. In Itrldr pT>rt. which v s Mart* f| bv local knights of the 11"‘ n c loth, ail of this city, several oeks ago, is said to be still o|»erat btg and big wins me being made. Ac cording to cm- in |. >sillon to know t ao jo eminent local men lost over j. lit the joint a few nights ago cm the- many device,. tn tj,,. house The proprietors are very careful v.hotu they lot In the place and it is understood that they employ a door keeper whose tm -dm sc is to keep all i duo sub* men out of'the Joint. The mayor of the town claims that no u h pla< >• is !•< inn run. Iiut th<- above f u t will r.o doubt prove tn the Ohio slue people that such ten evil actually evos tn their midst A Steady stream of kltlthts of the green eloth pours ove r to the Ohio town nightly to Indulge In their favorite and un lawful pastime unmolested. LONVFNTION Of Triadetphla District Sunday Schools tr. Be Held at Edgwood Friday Night. Th« Trladrlphln district Sunday school mm..niton will ho held on Frl day nlitht at the Wesley M K church Bedside Tables Our bedside table i« a sew ing table and a r. a ling fable. If i* constructed to project over the bed enabling the patient to be served while reclining in comfort. Pol- I ished bird's eye maple top, I ■ fastened to a steel frame. M F.vcry sick room needs it. I Price 9H.OO.' John Coleman Co. « Chen '.t. anp Druggists v Two aroncs H tflth snd Marks*. 2.1th sn« I Chspiln* M 'at Kdgw ood. Secretary A. T. Arnold "ill among the speaker* and an excellent program has boon prepared Letter* in the interest of the adult class parade to be held at the time of tjj • state convention at Parkers ' nr** now being sent out from Sunday school headquarters. It is the I u!*h of the officials to have several thousand persons take part. <;« tier; ! Secretary A. T. Arnold wont to Parkersburg yesterday to hold a conference with the entertainment committee of the convention and plan I -r tile .-••coni modal ion of delegates and visitors. Hut a man is seldom eon| when he sitivers in thcdiour of danRer. J MOVING AND SPRING J CLEANING. CARPET BEATING. FAMILY WASHING. I Blankets and Lace Curtain*. j Lutz Bros. J HOME STEAM LAUNDRY WM. J. LUTZ. Prop. — GENTHER THE LOW PRICE JEWELER 1069 MAIN Absolutely PURF ICE CREAM Alex. Durst & Sons Sunfmer I RALSTON SHOES Fcllowcraft Shoe*, made in Brockton. Shoe* all union made and guaranteed. John Dinger m 2fi ELEVENTH ST. ^-— J i ' R. Taylor Co. Hair Goods Our Policy Is 1 Department “Good Quaiity" Makes Excellent Display in Market St. Window Showing of worthy hair dressings—it is unique that tho showing both switches and formed prices there is but CUTTINGS °f ht'r USC<1 ~ ™E BEST GERMAN Prices are regulated by length and quantity, the hair is . natural stock, guaranteed human hair—guaran teed absolutely sanitary and guaranteed workmanship. Perfect Matching a Specialty Switches —from 18 inches to 32 inches. Si. 48 and upward Cron: ns_»f-«nany small or fewer large pufTs-* w u «/ n j on wire or SQft frame^ 98c, $2, $2.50, $3, to $4.50 ALSO Crescent Puffs and Princess Braids All formations are redressible. Grey in every instance extra. All goods in individual sanitary wrappings. -— Extraordinary Values in Tabic Damask TABLE LINEN-—all pure linen Bleached, Silver Bleached and Unbleached, 58 and B4 inches wide—regular 58c value— 50c Yard TABLE LINEN—all pure linen Bleached and Unbleached—five patterns—70 inches wide—regular value $1.00— 79c Yard TAB Lii LISE A—all pure linen Bleached—showing Beauty Rose, Water Lily, Spot, Rose and Chrvsanthenuin with stripe and conventional designs—72 inches wide—regular value $2.00_ $1.38 Yard REGULAR $2.50 DAMASK 12 inches wide—assorted designs— all pure linen— $1.50 Yard = Special Values in GREATEST Foulard Silks “ clever designs on wanted colors— FOULARDS preponderane of blues and tans. OVER 150 PATTERNS GREATER 69c and $1 Yard ™BEUNG —_ __ Gossard Corset Styles * FOR SPRING Conform to Fashion's Decree RE AD THE CABLE FROM PARTS Vrw corset models used for spring opening by Par qum ,Margaine-La Croix. C.uillott and Matrav keen to straight figure lines, long curveless hip. flat back andMow bust The n*w idea is for the corset to he ao flaxible that the figure appears entirely unrefined Lending Paris gown-makers recommend frontWed styles and such models are held in high favor.” Y -nJ ,uch Sold and Fitted Cz zn by Tay+rs Only C'50 <2fui "P