OCR Interpretation

The Wheeling intelligencer. [volume] (Wheeling, W. Va.) 1903-1961, May 29, 1911, Image 4

Image and text provided by West Virginia University

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Published Dally. Enept Monday, by the
Intelligencer Publishing Ooinpany.
Terms Per Test by Hell lu Advance.
Postage Prepaid.
Dally IS Days Per Week). 1 year...fA so
Dally. 81s Months...s so
r>ally. Three Months.. i 30
ttelly. Thrc D«; s Per P eek 3 00
Dally. Two Pave Per Week ....... a on
Dally. On* Mnnth. .00
Weekly. One Tear In Advene*.1.00
Weekly. 81* Month*. .00
fTHR lNTKI.UilE.NTBR, embracing
Its severe) editions. Is altered In the
poetnfflr* at Whrellcg. W. Vt, a* sec
ond-class matter 1
Editorial Rooms—Bsll. ttl
Ed! tor is 1 R ome—Nat local. •«
Courting Room Fell .. It|
Counting Room—National.m
The lntelllgaoeer receives both the
day and night aervlc* of the Aaaoclated
Monday, May 29, 1911.
aldrichizinc^ the democracy.
"Shall tbo Democratic party be
This Is tho beading of a loud wall '
tha' goes up from Lincoln. Nebraska
The Commoner, edited by Mr. Wm. J
Bryan, who has assumed responsl- ‘
bllity for tho policies, beliefs, and :
political program of the Democratic 1
party Issues an editorial dream of
which the following Is the opening
„_7£* ”cht °n' Sh*» «»•* Wmo-rntlc
Mttnniil .onverilor. ef 13U- h<l r..r»r..||»-1
^ el A.lrlth l*m.. m> a - .all it rep.
■'•ssnt r.8| lam »rntln«r!’
The Intelligencer freely confesses
that It is rot a very great admirer
of Mr. Nelson W. Aldrich. hut tf %jr
Bryan Intends to apply his tpiestinn
to the Democratic party of West Vir
ginia we will say by all means let the
Democratic, party be "Aldrlehlied "
To "Alririchiro the Warsonized and
t hlltonlied Democracy In W.-st Vir
ginia would raise It about five hun
dred per cent In decency, character,
arid conduct, and assuming that Mr.
Bryan wants to make an Improve
ment, probably one ..f the first stops
mlzhf be to " Mdrlehlre ' the Watson
Chilton combination. True, a great
deal would be left to do to make It
ft for the consideration of honest
voters, hut In Its pr. sen* condition
sny char ge In the Democracy, of \v» ■
Virgin a Is liable to he an Improve
menr Any leadership Is liable to he
more honest and more sincere than Its
p’-<‘ ent leadership
policies It may adept nre llatiie to l»e
less corrt.pt and less selfish than Us
present policies Rv all means le* *ho
VVesf Virgil la Itemocraev he *,\1d
riebifed.** Mr Pryan. it will at lea«»
get ttie ta tit of wholesale brlherv Off
Its clot t may nnt bn of ni|«*h
• onount anti It may not p*rvo tho
people of \Y**t VtcK<nYn try any *\
1*Pt. but Tbn rb^rV bonk no#1 *h« t«vn
tain p#»n will cpaf*e to bn \t& Fo>
tiieanj of support.
A toWrAm from rhartns*on In th#.
Whnolln* R#>*!-’nr, dotrrll.'nc th<»
fight for a primary #•!«* • n jaw l
fcoadod. • Party I.)n»r. Brokon In thn
Hoi|«« pohntn '•
^•t>y ahoiild party Mnr# h.n d' wo
1" rho rr>n»l<|ornt!.,n n' , pr,n- nlnrt
Ion law ? Both jtnllt »at pm'lny in
Wn«t Vlrrnla tain p'-dy.-d th«m
• # rra to th.#> [T- igo #.f ,,rh a |;iw.
Both part o» a*and < *> -im a-im* j'a«
fori'l and both part'o< > i in tVn ran n
opportunity to tmV« a to. ,.rd How
tlooa pari'i-infclilp ontnr Into au'h a
Copt»gt. n* !••.<» pir‘v »
fnlfltll Ha plodena and •' n >.th# r party
aonVa to oat at* from f>il«!l|n* t' rrti’
la th»ro anythin* In I'rmnrrno
that riii;-#-o |> to foar *'• |> mango n'
fa'r an 1 dr- f' >y-alatl#,., » |y thorn
anyfh'n* In Iirmorra'lo pr1nni;.ln«
♦ ha* ronu'-n-. an ndv«.r« o» in hro .lr
a rartv p'rdra #,•■ to pr,,yn til-.n tr, #hn
»mat tf a' la pl»t <-d |n him hr thn
pa* p o’ What r«-.iaon |a thorn »nr
draw r* |.ar*v limy in thn ro. ,«<*r
a’lon of tv a moatti n’
Non# t»l*»nvor If fho prmorryti
O' Wry* Virginia t ad h < on |oft t,
thorraolrna. fr-n and ur tramtn«tod
the Democratic members of the leg
lalature would havw vied with Hepub
llcan members of the legislature. In
seeking to pass an enactment tha<
would insure honest primaries and a
fair expression of popular will, but
the Democratic members of the legis
lature have not been left to them
selves. A corrupt and arrogant Sena
torial combination has sought to drive
them Into a line of action contrary to
their own wishes, and hateful to the
people of the state. P*» It said to the
honor of the Democratic members
that a very considerable number have
refuser) to be bridled, have refused to
be driven, and have refused to be
Ragged. The|r votde* have been up
llfte.) In Indignant protest Demo
eracy Is on trial in West Virginia as
never before Py the actions of th«
people of the t'ate they were placet!
In power Iasi fall. Instead of using
that power for the benefit of the
w-hole people, a larpe majority of the
Democratic members have surrendered
to a few corrupt leaders and have
betrayed the confidence of the voters
The mtnorltj who stand firm are tight
Inr for real Democracy In West Vir
The passage of the assessment plan
of street Improvement 'means the he
ginning of a new era In the f'ity of
Wheeling, so lar as the repairs ar.d
Improvements of our streets are eon
eerned The small majority hy which
the assessment plan carried Is some
what surprising evidence of the con
servattsm of the city and of It re
luctance to accept n* w anil raiileai
changes However, even a small ma
jority for a meritorious measure 's
tuillar Itim ___
iaii i ijMPr »n«*
merit plan citizen* who nre most di
rertly Interested In the street lm
provement will contribute to the*
work, nnd will he able to take the
initiative In securing repairs nnd Im
provements when they need same It
Is the progressive an I pub"' spirited
plan that Is follow cd in n est modern
cities It Insure. to the people who
pay for street Improvements, the 'o.
cation of those Improvements wt 'e
thev are most needed In fl.e past we
have had ex.imp'es of obscure alleys
paved, while much v-rd >teets were
neglected Tins w I.- .vine ward
pell'h . and personal trading played
a very big part in the distribution of
'he improvement fimdr In the f it
ure. this is to he done away with.
Street Improvement' will be made a<
the citizens are will'-g to pay for
them nnd they 'vlll be made where
« IMzcns are willing to pay for them.
\ well-known I h-niocrat writing
from Marshall roun'y to the Intelll
geneer snys
It is not W M ft Dawson * he
1'eclster fears, but 1' is afraid a prt
n B'y ejection law will give the people
a chain-,* to knock out Wat -on.
It 's enennraiitng to observe the
acetiraey wph which tl,<- lnr-e ma
|or|fy ef the voters penei|.|to o ,rhcrv
and evasion en the part of these
would he political leaders .1 -t ;,s
tl C people Of the J5l.ll, -ve r.. ,
f v.-.J flrm'i f * I. • .r rr* t :i»f ^ tl .. fa.-t
• hat C. W . .» i », .,t M
'hr. fn)t. .» pongt.. to i ,-,.r
r’ltlon rtf rh<* '• u stator- ■ •>,, I , rp n
majority of thorn havo al-. , . Prialv
trod in fhoir minds ih. t ,, r t ;r <•
\V Watson '*ars pr.-nr- f u u,.»>
In fonts »o CO I ..*..rn ti . n, ,
fnndldatr, an I ix tnaVin^ . ,*r\ * o -•
to bmp t; »m from lint • c ,i f ,imt
frno »■»|>rrsrlnn of tho | .r « i|
nox* yo*r Whrthrr th» \ • ,r,
P****s a primary law or • t thn , on
t i« Mot* <■' tho xot.ru i f • ..t, xn 4 i |
n•»* !■ ohnncod TI * x *• . ■ noil
ll-ov I ax o roa-’on 1- , »t ,* .r
r.tix primary Inals! a'h )f
xxll! t-o nvor tho prni,..» .. ,| r*^.11. .t
t| • nm f i •< win fill' ‘ ■ a of 't.o
IVtltsofl f Idlton 'ft orf-.rl . .imt.ino
Thry I.. lltxo nr I th»y ,v<* t. 1u,n
to tm'lox* t- |t ft,,, v,. • , ,1 .„m
• n,. »|n proT." t ft ,, j .. snv
t rio nrt '• c‘ -'afifti that • ,nr
Thnv f». f« am i|lr>-*tdv f ^mlv »•
’ah'yxhnd Nothin* ftii tho 1.
i' mo . m do at f'ar!.,’oti vx ill
Tti» pollfo ro.mm . .„r y„x
Vork h ,» l»H0<d .a ■ r.|*r t ,r f, ,v)
product* mtint no !.. oxr< m l t„ i;,«
Uncle Walt
The Poet Phrlosoph :r
yniifh before the mi> Fen bow*, h- r life h i bke to che'Uh •
he rP'inga a catalogue of v»«t for h<r he’d gladly prri-h Moar
lfll,cu ,"vrr, in vow *r"1 '•**■ and .11 kfnda of fmotion.
F \r ^ A r» an I fell how ih-rrftitlv they d dm f, ..how th- ir derr
III >RANI» devotion Ah. love, mv fellr.wmen haa winga. and
-oa-a to atrllar gloriea and mat lep w-ot. romantic
thing*, believe all «ort« r.f amriea They ought to put the lid on vow,
an d.nterrupf the »'gbing, and «oft|v a,y "Ni*cumaro„,e • vihat ia
the *J*e of dying" You «ay voti love me fifty way*, and I admire you
fairiah. but would it gladden up mv daya if you *hould Po and periah"
Of down to large hraaa fa. ka. dear *oul. for vow- are iheap and
• pindllng; will yoU -upply the hmiae with coal and pa k in all the
kin lling " Will von on wa hdav not repine or breathe of fifr ami
• laughter, but help to bang thinga on the line and lug in tuba of
water" And when the buuhcr knife ia btun' will you be prompt »<>
•harp it? And will you do a -weeping -Mint. anJ beat the parlor u,.
pet " And will you *et the table dear while F the m-at am feting5
Now, make your attitude quite clear, and can fhia talk of dying'
Caarnatit, i»i» br <>w> um-o a iw
A Story of Abolitionist Days
(By E. J. Edwards.) *>£W^| a»f~
Last Saturday I fold of the chanee meeting
that m*d« two old time friends William
Lloyd Garrison and Isaiah Rhynders. whose name,
though now forgotten, was almost as well known
in arte hCi!um da\* as tha* of the great aboliflon
lat leader. During the period of abolition agina
tion Rhynders personified for a Urge part of the
North the pro-slavery Democracy of that section
of the country Me was. In fact. on«* of the most
radical pro^lavery Democrats In all the North,
and as I fitted States Marshal for the Southern
District of New York, to which office he was flist
anointed by President Pierce, be earn* d the un
rntt-gatrii hatred of all abolition's*** and a gr**at
m~ny other |»ersoos hv the vigor he displayed l
from HW to l*57 in his official capacity of appr** 1
herding fugitive sla\*-» and returning them to4
their owners Rut lo* and behold. when Mar
-—— -<»bal Rhvndera. as he was familiarly called, was
L. J. LUWARDS. reappointed hv President Buchanan, from that
time on until he quit the post of marshal at the,
. , . end of Buchanan s term, he never pursued or i
ah* mloHstV 8 f"*U'x* sTavf- anf| Kr,at wa3 thr wonder thereat among the
ln .J;?-- >"**r rf,"r Rhvn‘1r'’» l'««1 Til' I n„.t him an,j | a(>kod Mm
. K,r£*,"cri!’*'»»••"•'r Mb rrappolnfmrnt as marshal f.*r rh<*
r r '1 oth h** l'»*l Irft off p'lrsulnn and arresting fugl
m> in\< t<> ih“ utter bewilderment of M. opponents
This man who had horn branded in ante u Hum days as n drmon In hu-'
man form smiled uentlv m ..n m.. k. _
I anil gentle as his smile
I , . ri i,T 11 a s" ry I havent' told to many persons," he -.aid "Tim I will tell
! '<l'1 an|’ * 1 *•*'I you that I wouldn't have been appointed mar
sba by IPiehman if It hadn't been for William II Seward That's funnv.,
, .V » , urJ- ',”1 know, was the irrt.v leader of the anti Slaverv party
in he Nnrt.1. and yet he told me to say to 1 resident Iluchanan that If my
name was sent to the Senate for reappointment as I nllt-d States Marshal,
ne would r:.-e in executive session of the Senate and say that he gave the
i nominal Ion Ids cordial approval because he thought Marshal Hhynders was
he hcgr represent..live of the fteiniK rat c party m \Vw York
• if course, there was a jofc. behind that Seward was very fond of Ink
.ill; I.at the message that I carried from him to llurhanan ..I the lat.
i"'r rend in my reappointment *n the Senate. .,n.| th* re |:, executive s-s
sen. y-„„rd did exactly what he pinml .d he would do. and because he did
j ,' »t n;> nj'poifif:n» nt w an mnl^rni*^!
v ’ «ouM 1 show m> gratitude towards an »nt| da very ReptthH
■ an : 'll it wa-i a «,ue»tion wl ch 1 tried to answ. r for .Moral weeks aft-T
my r. appointment was «on‘'rme<| At lari I -aid to t , if
Senator Seward is down «i. the fugitive slat. 1 w Me doesn't want
to s.-e a, v fugitive fiave arres'ed I will se,. to it that there won't be any'
-rest 'd whl'e I am n arsli il ard 1 will do It In ihis wav . If I i warrant
or the arrest of a fugitive slave. | w*!1 cause that fa t to b» rj,*t\ cireii*
ated I • .11 I. t the fugitive slaves friends have 4 tip Then th v can get
hint out of the way.*
! p’edkt I nijself to do th!.. ard I d d do If. And it is true, as veil have
fugitive sla tit arrested > • . • | ■ ■ . .
ard so. That vis the wav I tail Sei vnr Seward f"r the kiiidties I. dll
■I e.e - gilt. ' .it. |.\ i- 1 i.dw.irds V’ rights reserv ed ,
Tomorrow Mr Kdwards will let: , f The lUi ,rk That r.i i.« 1 Month to
n IV Mam'i i "
<!irt rf f #» If a intilrr « .»'r
i♦ -i*r*l to rii * fit j»<* tha* t* p .• •
befop- t| -y . re |»!a • «| op fb • p a r’^,
• « be ••t.'.u• ♦ l. the eitv ni;s‘i! !ur*<
• * ret fy i;oi • pt foor?
A W. •« - t. ho'imii oppose* *»Tr e»i
I •!»•» m*o\ .j that ?i» n are too reap c
*o b* si e ♦«. j .* • •• Meamrr. per
hep*. tn.it !t better to rate h then
atu! t -rtute them to fb rn.
■ j I'nitril St«t#-... n.. ! not inquire
js fi> the will »'t tin people of the
Stale Von nee<| only to h:i«w how
trnny sroiiritrel:- lb' will he In the
l« Kis alur. , and how i-.m h it w ill taka
to buy them
"'hat nr out rn ee upon drrrhrv and
, order timl co. .) covet ton- nt, th.it po
litlral fr< ehoof*•?> shotihl imttrp the
futirtlons of the t • o*. • \Yl nt n h irn
tnc td n o ti it t;, .1.. .Marvel not.
i therefor... that liny w| n pinko trnf
f>! of pithily ptaro > v-l" .n» rtniach"
innd villify w la ti t'ir. ,i»< | • d l*y the
hard of jnrti . Then .all tl o mat
of exposed M-'f Interest show it ..-If
Ooi < r: or !>ir oiuoMii tha* tra
ho pta<-*.1 a •*., nhunilino.l farms 1;
Nfi \< ri. 'Vlint wotiH tt y <1o a'*
| tl.ov n .t 'fum? \< • as nan rn.v.s
•Unit r- havo fortuot! .. un-no. Ihjo
v ton hp» t.. l.o a pa .01
at out *• *• 1 thfiisatoj tro* Utah u .t
■bo »r •• • blown?
t- < that
m il "• .. not ta-. 1 Vr< I by Ian
\ notion ■ In or >r to rail aft • X
r * f on a* on* n.
V! our rt o-jry rmo from 'he fin
1 o' on Fomo of tb< '* hot *li'S, lla
'(■! «*< to t- fr> ttifC to e • fo it • o
It bio k.
If you ar» rh-h you rati affonl *1
»t»f 1.1 • yonr‘n turaw hat oth«-r
v f< . If is letter to (••• *r«>ti!'ho ha
f 'or*.
Mnn Richard Randolph MrWahoi
r* tn# r,ibjf*r t— The
People** n#»*;»nda by
|t*r *mUt Bomm
*4 * “f < * ft • t .'**1 If
•r |n hi - v.*f • fM-M#>ri»
,m|«. t.fftM* nnrl ij, . ,*,r th*» prtr n1
tt pnr nr\ ration im, #«rnr»r
rMfi. M.tlf afato I a. * A I . r... • M.
. Th« If pm 1 ...
!•; sr-il IUI.1 i]pi:r:iit< I. nn*l !i*-<. .str lv
h>|inrrlli-i, h‘ !•:i|t<-r mil sale 111 .1!!
Mirh 1 <•}■• • it* tiii • r* 1 * .fi-r ot iM>nor
Mnrh *»r\|.e is flu- in.. 1 ulm-i-t
*1 wn \ • • • * ...
dot.a'irhnl vntari.'; with snlisM'/t-.,
"1. in |'n,>••>-. 'll .. . .*>*.,| p is". .
fairly 1 II .if J.rlh- rnoiif \ . » ilif ft
♦ Nmi to rhl . u!o nml in* |
♦•ont. rp,., ft. r ink.' rr*'<!nlotis
j.» • j o »h ;t fh.* pur* h?« or »»f
n So’Mt'T^ p r«V*\ , 1. .*.«1
• thU t a* *! ’•* l ix . »|
oop^H? tho r» rn « •} fh* n <n* \
•M» k that t *nr, . • t| tr |»*
i intiM } r» ;-t* !pH -■ an * \ It* • » n
"T*h 1*nji • rrr..f|t# rv h*' r* :tr<’ t
fl1’ nr,n<* of tho i • nf*u* ■
tth/fV.r I -4 i*. ♦ |n h fho rhlfiv .* or
|.i '||« fr»*r • »h» »f n Inmr n*» h<* 1« In
Th‘ Is t*ft rnly fhiylnr upon hnr »n
* r.-*!tv. hut 1 playing upon human
rf.'t r.« . t
A fa*-* rrpr. .•?•» » o*i of a ponp|»*
t v ihfHrt o lnfrowlr th* m * * • ?»
I '•! ' r • * . * i |, f‘.,» | 114 r# . » of
all r-, .
U ’ #*n it f» la a fnr tho prop .tw.n of
v i ' p i» t» i f 'nn
•>,#* iw • ,» . a p • n* n f. •# rIf t . *
v r*‘! ' .«*! hr* rt p. » jh *r.t»*‘ |
upon fh# "i f • row • at fhoir roa!
f •••'* of »t <*?• :♦% 9hf ;*f«rVr*l ft*
row»tt»|fio? ♦» m if t) ■ \ mr#‘.|
|‘Vr th«* Tflt *rv >n n»|v.trnff.?
f.\ hot,. • », . • ht-t t upr-n ptirff*. lnr
tf -m »H#. , , r\ of r1r«rn«11ne anil
rl! *rnAr.ft,t |. a ,#.*>#•*.
fhr» pr-opt. tt lift »»•.. pr'mn^r
Thnlp ratiMo « tho » i»mo of Jttatir*.
fr»iMi be aapf
Tbe f»o*»f #• #f. ro that a man ti
» * *♦ 1 r r■ ' r o tbo fiof .it ft corft
t m a » ,Jo»|| of v< <»f|ev f*» rerelvi
* non 'tin* lop or ►.<•< uro the ofor
Hop *•
'"I 9hf> er fart fh.if a map fin*'
f' f if off o < or nr# * t» o ofr>ro ?.v pa\
. rf * f v la, #.r |ff#.|f, proof f.oaf
f w- of » r rv M Sat a hMenur 4«*pfl
# f #)e(r*ff;i- i a f-oopto «tll re*rf| |
f* ff. tl. ra* rff1#-#.# of of
♦ '• f,-o vrpa| »n*1 tp#» vulgar aof
tl * ’ W ‘ v #.b' ijlrf they nihfnlf ’
T*.o «« a» ' nf fh'-w* Who f
« «f »t< ff ponoaf man wapfn op'i
* ’P.t»x ♦ ♦* tbe arpoafa to fh#»ti
m\ f fo‘i«*»*-«< pirn p of ma4« |p vain
the* fum* np*f mil **aln*t ts«
propfu «<| primary law ajralprt jflrfm
ts • |(KI| '# fbo toga| fifth* fo rhooa*
ft « r < •' n fopre»opfa*1 vea <p offlm
Tbrr «.#»k ti, *p4orr • ffy fhemre|\o*
I * * /rio M "IPft th* "proprlofy** rr
-■prb a thing'
Mammon a Daffy
*' • <1* * baa votarfoa ao fafthf't
* ;•* ■ * 3 tho*e of Mammon. ih<
• i r t f rt* ' the I#** • rrorfof
that f# ft ' The wrofobo# who «,in<
ho. i*ffo they h *ve fpopor. IfWr
1 • »tr#«- • ’ bh «-r nff tbe r prow r«far
V* r. • fha* po appeal for rr|| pur
♦ w.#» ran be ffixil*1 *o #ttrrrf«fitlfy r*i
1 f e a| p* f? fo moan *re#ffin#.ra of
1 i»»# re M s »t iln aurb nr fbono wan1
”* t*h a prim r\ ‘aw1* They arnpf fr
he the mnnopnJia** of th#> ofTV o *, npi*
' tboy ml! b» ro lopr a« they nn | *n
fbopi Theao **nriortopo|!«fa" wtM fof
vn»» that If % oif i. ip| to kpow who a!"
bo Hit.fetor III the Cntl|ftM nf fh*
Bools &
| We shew some very Handsome
> Model* in J >ckv Sandals for
Misses and f.hildren, Black with
patent cuffs and tips in combina
tions of White, Red and dull lea
*2 on. $2..V>. *2.Ti.
Bring in the little feet and see
how handsomely we can dress
them with a pair of our Jockey
M. H. & M.
101# .Mailt St, Wheeling.
" ■■ ...-- -— - / m
Suit Sale Extraordinary
Lot One Lot Two
Less Less
The Newest. Rest Tailored. Best Fitting Suits in the city
nrigtnal values of $15.00 to $65.00. now less I 4 and y2.
Magnificent New Trimmings
Priced *4 and *4 Less
Domestjc and Imported Dress Trimmings—
Bands. Garnitures, Medallions. Jets,
Beads, Spangles, Braids, Allovers.
in every conceivable color and combination. Two special lots
for choosing to-day:
Lot One Lot Two
At Savings At Savings
of a Ful1_of » Full_
For the Men
Comfortable Negligee SHIRTS,
worth $1.00; one Soft Collar
to match worth 15c; $1.15
values to-day
Midget Garters—Paris stylo, *
regular and extra stout sizes,
Z.25c •
Soft Collars. 2 for.25f
The "Kazoo” combined Sus
penders and Hose Sopporters
for Boys, the
Special D 1 »
sale of oaskets
Slightly soiled Fancy RAS
KFTS. worth 25c, 49c, 75c, 9Sc
each. Your -| -a |
12'',c Soft-finish
Batistes 9c the yd.
Spring patterns and color- ^
ings; a selected line from our
regular stock.
Last Hour Buyers
Last Hour Ruvcrs of .Me
morial Day Needs will find our |
Rcady-to-Wrar, Dress Acces
sory. Small Vi'arcs, Men's Fur- !
nishing Sections equipped to
supply every possible want.
D1117 Lace Ornaments *1 O
DUy Lace Bands at - - A “Z
A tabic full of. beautiful medium and wide
Venice Lace Bands and Separate
Ornament*, Motifs and Medallions
iffnrds splendid choice to-day. Prices range from Ornaments #/_
at H»o and Hands at <»f>c the yard upward, all at.* 2
Ingrain Carpets This Storc Closed All Day
Best !'"c grade, the To-morrow
' .39c Memorial Day
Best 65c grade, the
’ .^ On and After June 1 This
Best 7.5c grade, the Store Closes Daily, Except
yard .59c Saturday, at 5 P. M.
xmr:jGEO. M. SNOOK CO. j
And Justice Ik an acgre-aive virtue.
\ i M clamor about certain indi
udi. :l» l*emg the hen* ficiaru * of n
pninar;, ;.w s pimply rap'd liquidity
The pa* ge of th** law will mean the
righting of existing wrongs That is
a? ♦ e\*ry r • *rtn no* • .re m* ms.
•• •I th.»i is »i \ tlu» political buck
t. ra do n.'t wai t it. \ primary law
the • • • ■
I.Glided just c« I nd. r ti.is test of an
i *tk t and impart'”! rcnitinv, honor
• •I i a r t wll rot fail of tsdrig Justly
'!• alt with an\ no r., than virtue will
1 of tlegitimate reward It will
to awav wj»h a'l criminality in ach-ct
mg pub*!' scruantn
l •• people are pitient of much:
t pallet » of a’l In Ms great, \i\id
? * . r lie Hh-.’ory of the Pr#h lli-v
diitioti." Thotnae r»r' le, plctunnp
’!••• ac'iioiulnted ev'ls which preoded
i’ .• r» volutfon, any a:
■ Pr* •*.|*'m is the one purport, wlae
a‘m« I .01 or unwisely, ef II I men's
• *;,»* tollin'.'® and aufferl'-g*. and
- »r • it Is r iinerl by general out
■ r ♦ of multitudinous pro -|oi| *•
Sh:*'l the of*lc»«® of the people of
dd great commonw»-nlth he at the
• ctcv of those u whose « v* • bribery
• : ».ot orlv lopt ♦ fc lord on a char
»rt. r. but haa become meritorlnua*
Hatcahtv tnnv ' r> Its mtir.rle and
#»i . for a lltoe, h it the hand nf jitflt
i# e i« 'll overreach 1* in time
In hip superb argument on the
3n»jth i‘arnl?na re» before the Pier
nr..i i or n» s«ton, Tnd* *#• Tcr«'trdnh £
•’ rh the cr* atej«t advocate of the
*. ".»‘ran bar since IVHM.im Pinkney,
".fuatire trawl® with i 1« . h n heel
i it ptrkea with an Iron hand**
» trt! T» TMNTtnrPH M'V\l?oV
din-er t hVrrv. W V» May LIT, » *11

1 he Metrostyle *
An Indcapensable Guide to Artistic Interpretation
Every buyer of a PLAYER PIANO has a right to expect—
AND SHOULD demand—these two vital features I
FIRST—That the instrument shall be intrinsically capable of
as wide a range of expression when played by roll as when
played by hand.
t'Ef ONI) That the instrument shall have a clear detailed
GUIDE expression. I
A PLAYER PIANO may be either a musical intrument or a
machine all according to how it is played.
Thr I’l ANOLA Piano alone has the METROSTYLE and is there
fore a musical instrument ALWAYS, no matted who plays it.
We are sole representatives for this territory.
F. W. Baumer Company ~
W. A. MILLIGAN, Manager.
1416-18 Market Street, Wheeling, W. Va.
day rvrninr *he Warwnod Neat of !
*>w|n will hold n i| info and euchre,
and a b.g crowd la elprclMl to at
To-night nt the Wirwood prenhytaa
riau rliun h n meeting a"d alrill of
the Pn>a" Tlrtgade will !••• hold, and
I follow |£ the drill an order win he
p'» ...l w ith ft-innrrni*tt A- to, of New
York, for 'Junker r'flea mid accoutre
tm nt* for the t-nya
Mr and Mr* Htikft Alien, o? War
wood, are the hnppy parent* of a
. nt.y Rir| that arrived Saturday mom
i Improvement* are fo he riade to fh"
premtaea of the r.’enn* Hun achool
o that an ugly honk w HI he ellmln- !
I rewernee avwtera la badly needed
tn Hiefinov.i, and l* In thought and
hoped that thl* need will I . attended
to > an # iMv d ite hv the rmiwll of
IV irwr *d af'ep the r’eetlon
Member* of the Klr*t fhrlatlan
ehprrh of Wheeling wilt pteplr on the
M | ihove Warw.ew) tomorrow
Ml*n \It i fliana, of lirarh Itotfom,
tr- .t he* pt the Warworn! aehool, ha*
he.-ri up.ted In marriage to Park* Ja
eoh*, of Wetlahnrg. the ceremony
taking place la*! Wedne*d«v
Mra f< p gdnma nr.t kmrMrf of
Marwood. h ft la.»t a-venlne for fin
> inna*l, wha-r* they will vlalt rela
Mr fhnrlea Mll'er, of Wirwnod.
ha* an her gtieat Mr* .T W ftnrke.
her *tnter, of pnr**m ith. t*
Mr ml Mt < P« -rl Her! ■■,ch. of
War wood, apent Siindey In Cvdlr, O
Mr* |i ft fnvfdr -am. • ’ l*>veiand.
t* rea ov- rng from an line** of aev- ,
era! dav*.
A hvil fete wrfff he held Th”r*.lvr
eve-i'-ar if ,4a(.-» 1*. t «>r>-l->'d. f", the
laith of f < I oveland M T. r' nrrh
T*f! uatff or T« C» A W
Wh##l|r»c. W V • »t.
fh? -*♦<• r> P !•!•. 1%
fe f K# T'tr«fM«g. a r, -I- e rf T e«
AT tv.«« CtVl AfTf*tTOH»fm.
’*#» .It Ml 1 rf M , I
».,f r ! |t. a • f a.' , * 1*
Jur.« | full of a V*-’onion » 10. k
In Lecture to be De'ivered Tin Even
ing by Dr. Moyer, of Pitta
Ph> t-lrl.ma of Wheeling and vlrlnl.
ly nr* very much In'-reMed about tl «
l< ot urn fhU ovrniti.; I ..'or* the Ohio
1 n*niy M.dlrol fo-rleiy l.y |)r I .J
»ar-l K Mover, of I"i*eI ir», whoa*
•ut'j-r' la to he "The }*« len! fir w
|>ert if |'»yrh«lhera|iy, ’ I'»>rhenBy
lav ninny* hern to th* at idrnt .« deep
tnd niv vt.rimia auhiect Tlie pr»<':<
il eafM'Ct of i- v. I -*•■• r .1 . j.r..i.ta
faelf In rvedu < to’ I .? 1 ,t
’he arlemlflr appllrat r> of tliia ao
•allnl ■'myeierio ia'* form of tr<at
moot h’ a In realty hrrn |»erfe< f e,|,
ie.| tv app eal<nn m dlteaai wh-.rn # ,
mltrated. haa hrovight aim it »n-| *
*on«1rrfi*l r. ilia A Ur*.. attend
tore of phratriana will undoubtedly
‘ie preaert’ to hear l*r Mover |ra.
-<-nt tMa Intenaely In'* mating mi tv
|er *
The pnpef will ho dlarqaar.t t v t*f.
* A Wltlgertrr and lir s I, Jep-on.
Card of Thanks
Tie Heard of Man-vee-a of ' ■< 11 -m*
’or \«ed and Ftdrndle*. h ■ . m do.
1 ro In lliia w at. pnhl'-lv. to t'-vlj
ho 'id’ra and r< n'lenteti n ’m to kind* •
v rondored tho anUMr no I- ij pro
* ' a
■ rent |a vttnn I'm t’ 'bank. »'-n,
l.o tie*v|-aprr« of tho rttv for 'h<lr
' rtl . of •' e Unn . a
• - l r. .-- tpanh ea< < nd
n nv na* In m»'*o t o day the mr.
'’•a that it ytnv
Indlvh!' -1 ..irda rf thank* for ill
•'ffa re. -dtod hare hern aent w ’ rn
'.r !• in. « and -t trr of th* d-n
ra have hern Hnio
Mlt* J »• ftfl.f rroaidont 1
Mllli A J « \1!KF, (of. r
Nm» of G'ennoya. Warwvood {
and Loveland.
Drilling Notre.
Prl’llne will bn rrnrt»<| t?. « work
>l K'Voril flow liHlltlolis III thn lip
*> *T dlurlrt Thn it err I. k lor ,i non
> ofi thn I lore.-It j.r ,j„ rty in Bontb
Varwood her hn i eornpVUnd ami thn
net binary will I ■ hntil. I In fo.|m
f *r i III net will atari thin mornlna a'
hn \ Irulnla «*11 A l.na teat w • II oj p<.
ilt" thn Whnnltna water worka. hikI
ihou» WVdnna.Iay apuddlmc win b.
t iti.-d on a new |nn;«tl<>n of ti n W ar
►nod I ton! ( umpniiy i>io;*n> errt of
Thn writ on thn Korn propertr,
ihtrh i »mn in Saturday mornlna, will
... tubed today aod p.p.-d Into llm
Thn Jnhna A flavla well nn fhn Ur
•nnfnr property, nnit to thn Warworn!
’r. hhytnHan rhurrh, la r\pn. tn.| to
-ai it Uo. Il. rmi crlt about Wninna
S'nnmr wnll Vo t* wlb r«u,e In bn
ore thn rod of fho wmk
Th» dmoli.ptna la guinijne down
iow. aa It la rutnorn t that thn gua In
he Warworn! field la ap ing out,
Turn Out. You Men.
Ano.her rlean np to.-ting a* fhn
Yarwood bath vs l» arh and ft I v nr
td« Park will bn b. t lh|a # rnnlna.
ml tt.n n en of W .rw .e»t arn urand
n turn out «. | ,id wth thn work
t la for fhn bnnef t »»f p r • -urpunltv
• Iar#n, and thn women arn d. ng
hat* work hr ralalne norm to pav
or thn Iniprrrvnn'. ota; ao It ta up to
hn turn to he. p up th> Ir nnd Of fhn
irreemonf Thn ta irh will bn for
pally opnned on .funo 1 *.
Up the River
tn U«h a huh at Loveland, Thure

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