OCR Interpretation

The Wheeling intelligencer. [volume] (Wheeling, W. Va.) 1903-1961, May 29, 1911, Image 5

Image and text provided by West Virginia University

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn86092536/1911-05-29/ed-1/seq-5/

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Democrats in Minority
In two Important Wards
_ _5
g g
| Beginning Today, we will 1
I sell one -thousand i B
1 Sterling Silver Hat Pins I
1 $1.00 Values at 20c Each 1
® It is so seldom we have I
fs special sales of any kind B
't that this offer should be ap- |
r preciated. |
Democrat* May Lose Judge* and
Clerk*—Inter**tmg Situation
Follows Election.
L**c»l politician* are discussing an
Interesting situation which haa arisen
as a result of the recent election, and
which may place the Democratic
party In a rather embarrassing por
tion. It is pointed out that in two
wards of the city, the First and
Eighth, the Socialist vote eiceeded
the Democratic, thus making the Re
publican and Socialist the majority
parties In those wards Instead of the
Republican and Democratic.
This, the politicians say. means that
the Democrats will not be entitled to
: any election judges or clerk* In theee
i two wards at the next election, as
the law provides that only the two
lead'ug parties are entitled to this
privilege. In the First ward the
Socialist vote for Hoard of Control
was ISS.. while the Democrats cast
only In the Eighth ward, the
Socialist vote exceeded the Demo
cratic by two ballots, the figures be
ing 251 and 249.
That the Democrats will do some
hard kicking on the change goes with
out saying, and It la possible that
legal advice may he necessary to
straighten the matter out The Dem
ocrats. of course, remain one of the
two majority parlies of the ctty, hut
In the two wards mentioned they are
Just as surely in the minority accord
: ing to the unquestionable evidence of
the ballot box.
Kilted Skirts
Hi ^ 1 *ear w',h "Middy" blouses and
1 •*& < general outing waists
“ i Of sturdy white drilling. 30. 32, 34,
136-inch lengths.
—of gauze and silk
Lisle in black, white and
Exceptional values.
Capps’ Blankets
!■* QO Wheelingite going abroad. Scotch
' ;lan plaids with plan reverse sides.
A full line — and you know the
beauty and quality of ‘ Capps.'’
Voile Frocks
/-SMART, DRESSY, COO!.; inexpen
fy QC sive—and you can have one in time
• J for your vacation trip Tuesday.
j Dutch neck: lacy but practical. Cut
l_kimono style with elbow sleeves.
‘ —
Tub Dresses
/'—OF FIG!'RED I AWN. So cool as
4ft I t0 ma,te >ou wan* one at sight. Black
<P /»tO -J figures on white. Wanted low-neck
. Up | styles, but there arc some high-cut
^necks among them.
Outing Waists
120 r—°F SHEER COOL LAWN; Sailor
3) I .JJjy :ol!ar edged in blue scallops. Plain
' ^ *1 made; button front; short slee\es.
Outing li a/s/s
*P Style; embroidery collar; elbow
^sleeves. All sizes up to 42.
Outing Waists
(t» a q C—OF FINE BATISTE: square neck
3) y/40 with Irish crochet finish Kimono
> »t\Ic \»ith linen lace and hand ein
cbroidery in colors.
Sale of Suits
/■COME MONDAY - if you could not
1/ - * - for a smart
/ii ncc
/1/ ,
L nut 1-3 original price.
City Hospital
I-"HI- CONDI fT ITS annual fag
I 11 TIP YH- iav thc last of this week (Saturdayi.
U II V ull l0
Neveryone in Greater Wheeling.
Closed Tuesday
K NOTH E „f ,hl. s.„r,,
1121V t(lfll ?"n,U " ro Close all day Toes,Mv „f
elVlIl this week in honor of the .W;i: j
• c dead.
Annex Shop
' a a1l n. !MITES EYERY M*N and youth
12fh St.
X td III ij I • I
Admittedly, the hi st in the city.
Megrail and Alexander
Are Presiding Officers
C. W tV-Mr R» •!<-, fnrl ClrfW -f r -r*
B'«*n n AH r,hoi«n C *y
I*r V H .1 i * .• n."n*yl ,i ■•
'hAlrn « V I I 'll. ,l|
t I nr-’! W II A I* •••• l*r ;.r * !
linn* ,,» »' f. I .< ,-,i/ ■
fir*. mw •!• ■ ■! ~ , ■"% in. -n
P' ’h »!■ i' i 1 •» hi 'l , •! ■ • ii.i i
And Ilia' 'In, f I I .1 l r|r»
In >« <■ T'A '*■ .. • r
PforMI' 4 *' ■.< , , i ,
• A
(*'• ■ fi ’' ' n" ■ ' 'r« t|
nnirti ■ ,• |
t 'in* «*!** <i. • u if |n*
pr.atMr.fi • .♦•#• *h* I* • )>• I
1I n ruini >!« if i 1 In
fE»iV* Ml r. ’ ■ II,, Nil r
I ••!**• Mr lln'r'' i«. i,
l»» •• l*l<r i' • 111 ‘ • ••■■it, Hi r ?
Jin' *,'nr | I in • !.•! > 'll • I, f,.t
Aint'iKt v »T r.t n ' ■ It,.,
film ci| ;■••#■•< • i , n,ti>
»>i!«int -n i
Tr,i»» of >' ir» f. r
R»f • in* in f -»♦
Ji* f ■», i
rhn*r„i» ■. Mi* • 1* >
Ml nr: '• 'I
t»»» Ann, linr-fil, A*»i»r, I |nl ,1 V
••■ri i - ’nr 3 I’
T .it. a ,.f „ .|»n,t,n4 fr r I raan.inf
N'l.l.y r, « fhjr |/4,|.y V. K-.viti
' "rl Ihraa *<•,.* On runt I,.n ,,f
t.rnrnn. all rhn .far . rr, aaaftil
< .r.!id.«ia, mar.. >|. - lar.-l .,ar| nml
«« r. rn ||) hy \|iry„y ; , |,„it<p
; " « ■ a* r »n. ,,r , i , r
r II » n t l>|, I I . "I |||, > >| |ty ’.la
t-f 1 1 « ’« t , •,».,} I.v Mr irr,r,|
' 'n from tlia llat .« ra.ir at | .
(' -r * I - - • r.n < ' . |a, Jrf.,;.,
* •* t Hi -1 \ t ha |(,., . ||,. ,, ,
■ ft \ ,a • »-. y hr fh. | H , ,•
* ’ f.r.nr . \|r Itant.
'* ", • ■ I ■ in •. * r* \V
° - fif.mlnt,*. t f..r jiVi
"'f* H‘ : -ft.liaar an.I I A.lfirn
lha !»• ... rut. My ,j|,v
f|.|. ' < 1. a<l»,fa4 h. r, , f r ■. In
I' v <h„ ah» that .ha , a a,. . *
1 T ' i >!> "11 »llf> If >M ,J w„,
iff nn• in|i/, 4 alf1*«.p r»n.;i |
' Ik»n tip 1, ■» Ihara a . fa p. irvrhr
• On ,| ■ r>4 nf lh« I* ,.ain
'» *1ta »I,a K.ff.n.l , .,,4
, y,.,' . a4. ,n4 II » ,« arpla . |
•>■>* » »rr.'f lr,<l 1.a.n. .4” l-i ,ar
"a la a-yar l.tnirar,
H'f f ;. ■ ..fruit, m *t., u, . ,
1 >Ola» ... f| a nt • .. . ,
* at.. Ilnr i tfv lla. fl ,.fr , f
"4 air rlnar' .n |\.y rUr
I|{ V \44l» man
. .. e * , f....
r> • .r i . . r
• f»* v* If r- i|. » II • * Btm Wm -
C. M li tis «Sr SONS
wi.h CUm TMl«ra »4 farmkMt, mi ll ■trill
□ —of purest silk.
—in the beautiful pheas
ant tan. in black, white
and all colors.
—For women.
“Vaco" Bottles
—for that vacation trip. 1
—keep liquids hot 24
— keep liquids cool 72
—Easily cleaned and
hard to break.
Union Suits
— for particular men.
—Athletic style, end in
high neck, long sleeves,
low neck and short
sleeves. 34 to 48 sizes.
Union Suits
—for particular women.
— of Lisle; lace tii.ii*
med* low neck; fitted at
knee. Same styles of
Good Corsets
□ **W R" ‘Kalxr
-G-ir T. B."
•R. a r.r -r. \v~
—All lengths and sizes
in these better and pop
ular brands for .umirter I
Long Gloves
— 16 button finger tip
ped “Kayser" gloves in
the shades wanted for
vacat.on wear. All sizes.
Brassiet es
— the "A. P.” Dircctoire
that has no bom s. Metis
or lacing, vet lends most
effective aid to the
womanly figure.
“Beaux Arts”
and also at r»Or*.
the new collar for Mr. !
— Has an adjustable
frame that prevents
turnover collars from
Cool Shirts
^ fo<- m'-n s outing and
Bu business jress.
H —of Madras —soft cuffs ;
H :oat srv'c
W - smart styles.
S n How*.. »„,f won out Arthur In
rt ioi f. i llremo- nltP • r nnd |>r M..f
. r for w t.Tlnnrlnn h...| n«. opp- .‘Mon.
The f rit regular m.o-fln* of •*o n-w
ro rril mi I... h« Id on Tumdav ere
nine, Jun» • i h
tlffleer.1 rl*. <e*| a few we* ha ;,*n at
n M* rial n .fttr.R of the tn. ml .-re ef
i'.*. t pworth len*'ie *.f the cirnt \|
I' ehtlfrh were |n*fitl|er| |.,at evenlnr
,t t.|e>, , r.-rvlro* he'd 'n plane of
tho <tei|t)l prenrhtti* aervleo \
• pirn.ltd prnpr>Mo ■ s render. .!, he'mc
rompoeed of a ouniher of addroaaoa
»n*l muni* tl ntitr hern. Merer*] »*.|oh
more render*-*!
Store* Will Cln**
The •tore* of the ,tty will he r|o*.rd
nil day ft.rnr.tion finy, with the m
. . | »,..n < f a fow. «hloh will open for
>rt tin o |n the n,orr n* The
t.iirher hop* and the Hank of \fr
t|*. -n will !e >!*.,rd from Monday
oromrif until v i-dtirMry fitomink
Quarterly Conferenre.
The *1.1 I onnrfrrtv ronferenoe of
t|,o T*lr«t M K rh'irrh of filendiite
e • held Ir.«f i- **.inr and Saturday
r-o- ir.i-. eee.lnrted hy fir ft K Ir
1 |i| .... *t .irt*> « ip* r‘oiend..n. T’.e
r.*f '1,1 h..-,r.! ..f the rh'irrh hold a
turrit.* Ha' I filer rten . P w hl*ti
. n.ioiS*r *.f imp'itfrn' put'ora were
liapo d of
Me Me* hen Srlefa
•f‘ ' I' I'* I.. . i wat. r.|nr n ..fn
■ r de'lvor I a e.-rmoti -*n Memorial
' ' ‘ - In epile of ti e f,.rt that M*
M .1 i" MM;it f "h.. t irll
M ar, the d- **f »d|l tv- limtornl
fir iftar). a t; Morgan. who haa
I . . n .rli-i-.lv III a» 'ho i .lendato
r tat t r | .at f. w dnva, |* now
Tl * -.rip- In tie lomdir a-hnot
> ir ..f ft., f'tret M I rhorrh fool.
I'are V. •lord-ir Ir •toad of tho u*iin|
7 I m , aohool opened at
" Thta mill he i opfjnurd
” •» notice
Excursion Boats Carrying
Large List of Passengers
Liberty Had Big Excursion to Sisters- !
ville Sunday—Gossip Among
With Old Pol s rays wilting collars \
and causing Intense suffering in the •
cities many of the victims are seeking
relief along the shady nooks of the j
river and the excursions that are be- ]
Ing run ure proving very popular and I
are being attended by thousands, of
persons Many of the Ohio river1
packets have gone Into the excursion
business now nnd unless navigation
Is closed b\ the fast declining river
the packet contpnnicg will clear a nea;
sum this summer. However, the Ohio
is fa:...ig rapidly and with r stage or
three feet seven Inches registered at
the local port, the lowest stage of
1911 has been recorded.
With flags Pylng and music floating
from the cabin, the Liberty pulled out
of the local i>ort yesterdav morning
shortly afier T o'clock for Sistorsvllle.
with two hundred and fifty happy e\
cursinnista aboard. The packet re
turned shortly alter s o'clock The
run to the otl town wax n very pleasant
one and those ahoard escaped the
clutches of the Intense heat. The
Kagios of Point Pleasant yesterday
rhnric-red the Greenwood, and ran an
excursion to Pomeroy, as far down as
liam 2d.
The former Wheeling packet Key
Lots Will Reach Nearly Twenty Thoi»
sand Dollars—May Rebuild
Flro broke out about 4 o'clock Sun
day morning in the Columbia Theamr
ut Bel la I re, nnd In less than an hour
the entire building, except the ticket
office, in tiie northwest corner of the
structure, was consumed, entailing a
loss estimated at $20/100 The sup
position is the fire started in one of
the dressing moms beneath the stage.
In the southeast corner of the build
Ing. Officer I-ee Bister discovered the
blare while making hls rounds. An
alarm was immediately turned in. and
a few minutes inter a general alarm
culled the entire Are department to
the scene.
T'lie firemen responded promptly,
but were unable to control the flames,
winch had spread to the scenery and
other inflammable material on the
stage, eating its war with great rapid
By to the roof and over the entire in
terier of the building, which was one
sei-thtng mass of flames.
Just opposite the theater on Thirty
th'rd street is the Dubois a- McCoy
lumber yards and box f.artorv •, „,i
fis Kill II*-| iii m. ririiri*H)ll il'lT
of .-P Pouts Sunday, when this packet
carried l.k'",3 person* down the Mis
sissippi Owners of the Plttsburg-Gin
<inn.ul packet I.ocllle Now land are
now- seriously considering entering her
in Mie <•>< ur* on trade out of this city.
The packet formerly operated In the
Cotton trade on the Mississippi. Other
packets are operating In the excursion
•rnde, ami It Is estimated that more
iliac, fifty packets will be running in
The excursion lrnd» on the Ohio hv
the firs! of the coming month pro
viding the river does not continue
Heavy rains are necessary to check
*he f ist declining Ohio I’nh-ss It
does rain w ithin a f<-<v <lav* there w ill
not he a large packet operating on the
'•tun The !"• ’slmrgt'inclnnatI par,,
t’s are now aT tied lip and the lied
ford and other boats will follow soon.
M.iti limits are now dry docked for
repair 1 .■ bland Kv Terry boat
\\ cnomi I* on the point Pleasant
docks for a thorough overhauling The
s'e-imor Valley Pell Is also on the
I doc s being repaired The point
I ant Machine f'nmi inv has order
od a new shaft for the sc earner t'arno
iProwti which will be placed on her
| ihis w re's.
The i kin vat v and the .1 T Hatfield
-tr- having Their ho-iers rcpaircl at
G.illt|M)lts atnl will be out of their
trade for sc»tne weeks The «'irrte
i Pro ti, who broke hi r shaft Monday
i Is on the Point Pleasant docks. The
'•reendale has l»e<-ti chartered ar*l Is
; operating In >ier trade until she leaves
, the dorks which will t>e several weeks
1 The Greater New York floating
I theatre, towed hv the Hebert llodds.
' is oft ft e Point Pleasant d'wkrt*.
■ ■-■ In-re she Is undergoing repairs The
; Idc b '.at w-lll be out of the trade for
1 -time vv*»eks
um» H’irks «n<1 luirninr «*mhf rs car
riffj by a gentle uii»*l fall in rnvriiH*
among tin- lumber piles, suiting *ii«.
plat o on tire |n a dozen different
places Only the watchfulness and
prompt work of the firemen in extin
guishing the small fres that had
started in the lutuher yard saved it
from destruction.
The t'olumliia Theater was huilt In
r.e'ii |,y Mtorney .lames C Tallman.
The building was of frame It was
one of a • in nil of dr, theater* eon
trolled by Ta’lmnn A Moore, of Bel
la ire
While various throrcs have heeu
advanced a.* to the origin of the (Ire.
it is generally believed to have been
the work of an Incendiary Mr Tail
man staled yesterday that while the
or gin of the fire Is a niysterv, ho was
of the opinion that it was ’he w ork of
a firebug
\sked ff the theater would he re
built. Mr Tollman stated that ho had
not given that unv consideration, and
was undecided Me stated, however,
that *f he decides to rebuild ft w >11
not he on the site on which the < .
lumbia was located He placed the
loss at fi_’".'tOo or $2V*ta0f yyltb only
lll.oiio Insurance
Prominent Chemist Dies in Philadel
phia— At Ohio Valley Drug Co.
Past Five Years.
The sad intelligence was received
h lot a I friends last evenlnr of -lie
death at Philadelphia \esterdiv morn
mg at I" o'clock, of Wallace Proctor,
who 'or the past five years was chief
chemist at the Ohio Valley liput t om
pany. on Main street Mr Proctor
was stricken with paralysis ah.it
Farce woes* ago anil was firs' f ikon
to tie city hospital fatter Ids wife
and daughter had him renioyed to the
family residence at Xo 707 8t 'lark s
So .are. Philadelphia, w h« re h'< dentil
Yesterday * Boat*.
lasri't**, Zanesville. .1 n m
it k rtMehnm, a a m
I,lh<rtv F Uter-vtlle. 7 n m.
Kanawha, I’tttatvirc id a rn.
To Day'* Boat*.
Fnnnms, Marietta. 3! "o p m
Mliert •'lartT'«r*rm, 3? to p tn

Tue*day'« Boat*.
Pearl, Matamora*. noon
Idlierty. t'InrtnKton. .t rs p rn
Mayor’s Proclamation
fiencral Cleaning; Day
Mav r’n Office, I
Mav 2f>, 1011,
Following the custom esfab
i’hrd two vr-ats ago of having
t tlcneinl Cleaning Hav desig
ta»rd for one patticular date,
•nd having experienced exiel
ent results from these two pro
.ceding ilnvs. it is my earnest
le«irr that this custom should
continue and f herehv proclaim
Itine I. I'M |. as a Creneral Clran
iig l'a\ an l I earnestly request
that all ruhhish dirt and debris
he removed from all yard* and
premises and he placed on the
front street, so that the same
.an he removed It is mv re
quest that this Jirf and ruhhish
he deposited in the street on thes
particular date, in order to facil
itate the collection of «ame
Issued to promote health,
cleanliness and safety, under mv
official hand and the seal of the
City of U he* ling
r.llAS r. St MMIDI,
Mayor of the < .ify »f Wheeling
iKT'irrM rm e'.ilcd
Mr Pro* tor wan a native of Phlla
ftolphia, Iwlng a riom-ondant of on** of
fho old (jnahor famllten *.f thm oft*
III* fathor waa for imim proto*nor of
rhomlatrr nt tlio Phlladolphla college
of pharmact. of which tho doc*- .nod
w *a a froaf* <* 11* w aa enraged in
hnaltio»» in Phlladolphla for auroral
'ear* before coming lo thla rit* \lr
Proctor «to..d vorv hlch In hla choaon
vocation and wan ono of tho 'wro h*>n
ornrr member* o' fho M« nf Virginia
Pharmaceutical Aanociation Mo la
ntirvived t.v h‘n w|fo and four m>,rrird
da ightor» all of whom rcn.de in Phlla
Dial Obarqulti
Thin afternoon rf oclool from tho
latfill} ronidonco near Clinton, will ho
hold *ho fnnoral of fho Into Mm Kllia
both Ann I dot widow of tho ta*o \V 11
■tin j^fi, w f>r»a** *le «th or* irrrd *»n
Haturil.n morning a* * in o'clock. fol
lowing an lllnem of *1* woo'm Hot*
Icon will ho hold at fho dlmrf crook
M K church of which tho dcccn«ed
wa« a member lie* drone will of
fli afo and «he Intorni* at *m ho mado
af Iho shor' Croe i r»tnef« r Mm
!>'•< ng horn In Knglnnd Maffl JJ.
1 v *, and hid ni *-nt fho groa*>*r part
of lo r I e In An ■ rlca Snr »lng her
are fiie olio.* up two norm nnd thro*
daughter* Kdward IMnt of William*
town. Prank Id**. Mm deorgo faioko]
nnd M1** * \ I loo nnd firveo tdnt. at
homo 5»ho la alno nnrvlrod hv two
brother*. Will 11* in It and John Voaf
• foil, of T avorl*. M**n
la*eh g**>um rrho*
At li • homo at \*» f.2' Hotiift Proa*
ntroot, oce-irrod on (tn'iifflir morning
nf S oclocV. tho doath of Jacob J
Kchunrieher. w t»o for novora! ream
had conducted an tlphnlnferi nhop on
\'or*h York n*foof, opi<on‘*e tho Madl
non nrhool froath followed an lllnonn
of novora I week* of Compltcaflonn
'>1 1 hese pins are handsome- PU
I ly designed and right up to V
m the miunte in style. %
I We don’t expect them to I
Tag Day, Saturday, June 3rd. f
A Good Thing—Help It Along. S'
Store Closes at 5:00, Saturday Excepted.
^_1223 MARKET ST. jftKAl
Tuesday Will See the Great 500 Mile
Struggle On With 47 Drivers
i Covered with dust Hml sand from
tin* heavy mails, hundreds of auto
mobiles ar«> to-day Hi**edlnK Into the
. .
The deceased uas a native of Ohio
and resided in Martins Kerry a nunc
'her of years before coming to this
'city Surviving him arc his wife and
one daughter, Mrs Marv Toler, of this
ctfv Funeral utiius will be held
Hits n.oeninK »1 11 Sn o clock. after
which the remains will he taken to St.,
j< lairsvllle for intennent.
Neuberger Obsequies
This morning, from her lat» home
‘ at So 1> Twenty third street, will he
I held iho funeral of the late .Mrs Cath
erine \« tih.Tgcr whose death or
ctirr* d on Friday afternoon, following
tin illness of shout one year Requiem
' b gt muss will be celebrated at St. 1
Aliihonsiis church at it o clock and the
Interment will be made at Mt Calvary
cemetery. Mrs Neuberger w as bom
In Herman* and was 'ft years old.
She is survived by one dituchtcr, Mr
Fate Hirer, ami five grandchildren,
ilarrv- < arenhaticr, Jr, Carl Caren
batter. Marie. l.t.’.u and Charles
. <> Malloy.
Hciikell Funeral To-Day.
I The funeral of the late lifttul ft*■ 11
, llelskcll, who tiled at St Johns h"s
I pltal I’ittsh trg. on Friday. w III he h* Id
■his morning at It* o'clock Iront the
residence of hi.* aunt, Mrs Sift- swift, i
Indianapolis speedway where on tho
morrow th<- will witness the great
■'■"0 mile race which will start at tha
<ir«>p of the red rag shortly after 2: JO
o'clock In the paddock of the lug
ti ’nrdroT, i .irge number of Wheel*
Inrl'ts will assemble to witness tho
kit.it cl.i* > S'tndav, thirty-one cars
passed Hit 'Ugh this city over the his
tone old National road enroute to tha
Ilii|lt; i cli
lamg before Old Sol peeped from
behind the cas ern hills yesterday, a
large number <>; Wheellngltea were at
tie whtels of their ears traveling
ihroukh Kistern Ohio, m the direction
ol Indiana] tils I le atop last ntght
was made at liayton. and at dawn to
day ths <■: ra will depart for Indian
apoiis reaching that city before dusk.
.'•ruing their own cars and carry
Inc a number <>f friends the following
Wheelin';- i*-s lef- yesterday Wilson
Or il l . in rt luinlup A1 Wheat, Harry
Mcl.ure, John .1 t'onlff t’arl Boyd. A.
A. Wilson, \V. p Wilson. It. Hnzlett,
l f. Stamp. Harry Srhmtilhaeh,
Seneca l.yle and John Jacobs and i.
K Prtiity. of Parkersburg Oeorga ti.
Ha'ha with a part' were to have left
in his big Rambler ear. hit’ at the last
moment Mr Hit'ha had to call tht»
trip off owing to illness In the family.
'.Iter witnessing the great rare,
mart of the Wheellngltea will lm
return ITo others
will niase a trip up through the great
northwest and to the Atlantic Bra
ce -t \lunfig the Wheellngltea who
will next month make tours through
the eas'ern section of the country and
up into the Perkshires of the Newt
Knglatid states, are Jesse and Har
old Bloch. T A Vestmycr H. <\ Og
den. \| Wheat ferll A llohlnaon.
Oh ■ • I 11 • j ha, Fred
Funk, W K Stone and many others.
i »»i .... hm'iiiii1 \\«Mnna %n
1 The intern..hi will he mml< i.t Green-1
wood i -'melerv The i|. h of Mr. I
, llclalcell w;.k rmi.nl In tplv-j.l pur i- I
tnonla M-- .a. a native of thin city, j
being the non of Mr jind Mr* <>. V\
He k.-ll
Rosenkranz Funeral.
f,n S iiunta. afternoon, nt ’he St. *
ta n.* I,nthernn church, were held I
ftineml e-rvi.-er over the mortnl re-I
tnmn« of Mie Infe t'hnrie* tie*, nkranr *
The IIev A. \V Weril.-r officiate! and
, t’ e aervlo-a were very larg.-lv attend
. ed The Interment waa made at
j < irt-mwond r.-riieterv. the pallhenrera
h* trg aa fo’lnwa t’hrlatian Keen *
Havinan K-"n. Ilenrv Tk'tnsrrter. fv er
l.m hman. .Martin Schmidt and Henry
• Havha.
Final Plana for the Celehratlon of th#
Big Event Have Nov. 8een
Hrnt and gray, hundreda of vetrr
ana of Ihe Civil \\nr rl|| thia week
l-ny homage In their departed rntn- I
rnde* who have answered Anal tap.
and have gone to Join Ihn hlvmiae of
the dead In mrmnr* of the Aral land
l ittle of th»» war. which waa fought
on the nut ah I rt a of f‘hlll|pl. n "hotne
coming’’ week will he rc’ehratrd thl* |
•'fh, opening with atv elalmrnte pro I
gram todar Tl « th-ard t.f Trade of
I'tvIHppi. who have twin Cloned the
event, have completed the arranae
menfa for the affair, and a Ane pro
rram will he carried otif each day,
with I'revident Taft a* a headliner1
on Saturday
Other prominent »|« altera wl'I de
liver ad«1r> -area d-rrlng the we.-k, In
e' lrttng Senator W . J' Chilton. Hon
William k i.taearork. Major P .1
Hardin* and matvv othera kn aero
plane flight wIII ho made each Jit,
and a aham battle will ho fought hr
the State mtlltfa. In charge of Clctvcral
C l> Klllott other atfraclloea ttvo
numeroiia to mention have been ar
ranged he Tom ftnvmv.n, •bo ha*
charge of arrangement*. j
T 9- f* .1 - - h»- y n that all
• **»' - . I 'I'M# at T»i*a
>1 «*• ’• ’it «>? > "r (Von T*kr
V Na
j v* i y,w »-*« i, #Prpwui*nt.
! «*. STI<« *HKt* Utrretarf.
Jcbbia & Loprcsti
Wr arc moving in our New
Building at Tvxenty-righth
*treef, wth railroad conven
ience to *avc rxpen*e*. mean
ing tliat we ^an *ave you
money. l ook for the Red
and White Wagon* will he at
your door daily. look for
thi* add — can saxe you
I money.
i jFimi \ * i/Oi'RRsn
X\ r x-n • '-«• *•»» rf .ttra fanry
" h ' n -'rf • nil.. ,v • hta tha
|.r>n »r flaxnr. S« rani, a corn*.
Mnple Suj^ar
r"“ t, that ta p^attlratr
'r'*i! V7^ ,rJ*‘ h,,r!r r«f#. th« prlrp. St
l*t^fpp at T t#a*1ap.
H. F. Behrena Co.
Branch Woodadaia E.7 Martial

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