OCR Interpretation

The Wheeling intelligencer. [volume] (Wheeling, W. Va.) 1903-1961, December 06, 1911, Image 2

Image and text provided by West Virginia University

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn86092536/1911-12-06/ed-1/seq-2/

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•••»•■ Tn. */ c*
^ It •*• Mil. * • " 111
■••ala. tha *
•hi.* mi. i -
tar aar ■ x «
•aa ha* awe «i'* ><
that a hr-*
ha ft**-. la • - 4 »■
la a., 4*4 .. ■ »
• A **or • •-••ft*
7 War-*.- .
tha «k. 14 |r.
they war* *» »
haw tr**k a . i *
tar aar. :<* .
track wui .*• *.-. baaa
WthOU- ». <
W*5 r*» HI J «i« A A
Ihrthrt wt rk
ratal I.r.. at.'
atata'i y*«’. t . ,
aould ba d> r. .4
aa tha w*a l ar
uai. f ar a a lit I ( i >
aar» ato«:> .*i«i
tus.iilr a
Bum of T*»4# V*** -3
A Ml
of tra<i- a .
tha C**t
hSMMaiab . ...
Haim* • •1 rl I V. ►it*. a , R (r
ftiliU'l lO i »
oral m*B4|. *
tioo romi.mi) *. - r >n<
lea on
Ware.*-: »*..•
tha aarly in> r.
Koine In a>>'
an mm unlra' > . M
Nag I- kta* ti4 •
Bat>) hail r» ■ * '
la North v . .
toad* in bull.1 .
tar ear. 1.. .
• Ill *!*•#•■ a
trill * .
tea, Ut raiw.rt 1 .
lar m-ftlti*
W'll Fu»*ni#h Hor««
• ».«r■ I
•'■'*<1 laa> n» n« i «■ •• a | f„r
Otfh f h»* < • r • i r r»
partmwnf »i" f»»r f • *
\f moot
• r»«1 b«iy « w#*t . li irni’M Th •
fc<rr»«* will It# r.,«
In the rmr uf » • l. i
No Council Tn.t *
Tknugh It ha* mil ..i ,* „
«l»rn out I' « k- i ,t ,
will kohl H» r.-k at ui'li i ..■■ring
oa krtdut t‘vxihi.11 *.ii . i.,,nf i.f 'li*
rilluiu" f.irf i . ,
la on briar. I. ..,*1 t . k I rid.it
Lo»« Mu Aga.n Fla*.
and U«r»<«Ml hr... i. . ■ t-k | t„ ,,
oaia Hidirrt Hot. .. rm, . „r
r.in, kj
arak. Ira till* l.i- f.iu, n iha'ltllt
almim-'Aiii and . W|,rr« ■ it.
anknoan Tfi*. ixi f <• •■ I .n i , • h* r
L^ivr look I,.* r i .
and arverat a**, w . . i ■ . ..|
knar, kai liii: hr I.j l».».i a or kina In
Wl Ptaaaai,' m . ■ . i .
kad a good jot. an I .■
Biota hla fain:
C. I kacial P ndjy E-arung.
Th«- I'hrbi ai Inn .t.ir i it cf
WaraiMHi am hod * «... .,i ,it m
kwnr Uf \lla |(.. \\ ,.' 1 tier I
aranuo on Krl.hii . trniu.: in-t.<ui| of
Tkurada . rvrrn.g
Biraotan to Elect Oficrra
Tba l ,
•auoe atlon of s. - m, \\ , ... n
kohl aa Import an v .
rrmlng af Ihnr > •.. I , i «r'« m u
•'chxk to . .
Maaqurrada Oanca Enj.tyahir
Thr Btaa.IUrr.ldr d i. . t,.|,
rranutk In lih-nnor.i ».« N .rr \\ ,
Wood, by thr i , i ,
hioii an. .
a Bair
•tubb.o-a Proprgit.on
A raluubla m .* hr!..nan.t . i., .,h
Mi.i • >
brrauar Ihr hr.ml
paranl rraam bn-.." i . t:, . ...
aiablr M.indat t. I.,.'
Itaair aboil' 'hr ,. .t i
Wanraod Br rfi a*d Peraarj .
torn to Mr in.i Mr* II
bra of Khhlanl tnuu. M.-nd.i
nlikl. a N»
Mrtrr.il Blrmrbra of <hr Kllll ■
dlatri*. It.* r'..il
ehIMrrn In thr \\ ir t . < ,|,H,
tWr nlaht a
Truant life
herger will • . r
Interior of RirhUn l .1i-t . r t„ aa.
fain who arr thr |M f
riot hinr i
Christmas dinner* " . r ,,
to hw ftirntahrii it h n. nut .. %i,
people of W ina
Crank limit as o' l(.t|i | ,i a«r , <
ha* return* I i tar • t.
relatives at Million I V it
Mlsa Filtalf It httt.lr !vri»r
at her home In * it*i
l»r t\ H M< K
In la Colttmbns ai'et t •,* , . .. ,,
al aaiherm*
Flair dauatiler of «\ | Hr Vnhtne
la III ai her home M , ,, „.rr,..
'haa nr the Mi th t V
WEI>\Esl»U NIMIT. IH-:« *'
The (iffinin Tlinirf i n 0f
< imtnnaft.
t |V.,.t, .
l*r**T'*: 11 OO, 7V, MV and iV
Sears on sale Bov Office Court
T’ •
THW TMlHi» |
fmrrn*' f 4.’ tm «« Arn* Jmftr
AH’! « f e
W nr * v • :» j. » 1 i
T*e c««* irV,.. f ,,
) «« a 1 * * ,
e*l her#* *t M* r rn «
• i*nitt en Dh M • i« \i
_M a • ' ' P. a | j,
■ OkDT OPtDT 9tBL«
ef**M R | IVa
rr»Wfce >'nmrwinv ,{
Apwie. f j-utat pi
McFadden’s • ■ • The Men’s Store
Special Low Prices
On Winter Goods for Men
and Boys
Wool Sock
% Carre t H«ir ^c«e
Mer e 8 «* Yarn %xn i ft 1
Me« § B ace *»•-• |«c«t I LiC
Went Cairrert boc a » PA;R
8 m t , to it ,
Mtn a Mtr'»0 UKMnMlr *41;
V*r, , F ««c. blfll'Mt' **._
M»n» Woof UMtf»<' U;
V*n’» « d Union So t«~ JUc
Flannel Shirt
Bianne ette W>«»er S« *-tt 4*
B ue Flannel S« rt*
Mill Fennel ShfHf 7fc
Grey Flannel Shirte 9*c
Flannel Hunting Sntrtt $• 49
Driving Glove
Dr • ng 0
Piutn Ortvmg Glo«et 69c
Calf*- Dr v g G . e«
I Fur Driving G Ovm ft 43
Fur Driving G'Ovet %» 98
Winter Cap
•Hfi ttoca »j Cat.* 24c
Bey*' A-rtar Cat* 24c
**•"» Corduroy Cap* *1
Or..*r» A.««*r Cap* 44.;
Autc, A irtfr Car* 4Sc
Working Glove
M*a.y Car.4* G o.** 2 for 24C
M flworker*' G-o.c* tSc
Loath** G o.et or M l* gOc
f3a> road G'o.e*
Aa*rrproof Go.** .... 9St
Sweater Coat
Boy. Sweater C«ata 4*c
v'n* Sweater Coat* 48<.
Dru6 e ki»t Sweater Coat* *4c
Kmt Wool Jacket* jl 48
43 Sweater Coat* |t so
Working Coat
A aterpre of Can.4* Coata $' <8
*ten«ey C'otr Coata 4’.93
Corduroy Work Coat* 42 ■*«
Aoot L'ned Com Coat* 44 SO
IS Leather Coat* 14 98 |
Lei Is Make Your Shirl lo Order |
W? Ma<? Til mi R git at RigTt P.i;es
1122 and 1124 Market Street, Wheeling.
' 1 • Inir. «... rr
^KI'IMAVII.l.t o. I*.,. j.
I.d i Mit’.inn waa found *u,li> toda\
•OTpttia a -f»*»,ik<:i»> and flnnt (!*•»
1 1,1 fonti Till’ In < jk.i wan
• uind in 'h»- r. ar of u t'ninrac laun
l,r' ilf' ini'iK Mil nan and on that
k round \^Canti mood irul Ttir
nmrt hr Id that fhr atoraar of t>rrr
. tho rrnr of Ml.. (rlratsaln waa a
• Ihtrrfnar. aa t waa ahown It waa
I ami I :rorn i|-orr to MrCann
'a. oh Knarl «. » »,t,rd t’’. and rod*
lor rtinnttta a af.raIt.m*v
Court Ooinga
\ it Hopw rt al . > to unt. ta M
I->a ( Of flirt Salr ronflrinrd two
i.rorno II I oil hard \» J.wrphia*
'.tt'bard Ihanurard
Nol.i ht iinr v» Jo rph K.antr.r
i ■ t.-mporart .tl.n.ont allowrd
*“«" «’> s It. ta liar’I’ap-r
« otnpant Sntilol at drfnndatit a
B <j Oaphcatr
< in t ..Itfor J I. Wrana H>tra
i* th *i h.« total ttf r* al anil ttrratttial
t tl.lo |.roprrtt In fhr • it\ of ;tt..u
0*H%H|o 'OfMHl f.^1 I V* %4«>
Ihnir. i'ii i <ri llio. in taart. and
i.r.i/ I t 'ar I. | r.i rt of tii-iihro
“ K ' * }MO ft h4 Vrr
• m 44 ^ t • .* >r«r«. of i
* ■ .ti Wianiakl w|wr romlrii' i .
m ui*ln m'liar f,,r hla .h,r. <n tha
iii.Mt. ».*« jiim an »l*hf .
' **" rn •’ »B "fc** P»'in'ati»|i«r» h»
I I II r-harria It.* hrutw Sunni.
•<l tlraa.lv drawn inn t(,r
• r> tn r v in'ir.l. r wh.rh waa litilr
i.orr Ilian a butrhrrv
"rally Transfer*
Jtw t'hofiioa m Mary J„hat
IHIkmtala I „'i
I I Htalrm m Kllubw h Shat!, lot
MmivhDolif fo*mh:v. $1
J B ( r.n. la In |: nalte'h Sh ift
' * " ' • Sdii’h. wart
•nl. Tmtmiv. I7‘*>'
- , u
ttaanw Kl’iot •„ |> i, *
■rfry H<.#« fnwnatilp l|
it '»•*."**,rt v * mu1:
11 ,w r<”'Fr. lot i
"landed fob »tati
• —»• rawnwr
- |_
*" * . ... . la planr.it* ,
* * **mf' Fr-.fr,n ,o r, rr,a,„, in
Lrir'" ' "" ,l,# Vir.im*
• arm. „f
*' »nr'>no.| ,n.|
Bfty in*, will „
Of Pr.ncpjC, Monthly Report Sno*.
Good Aitenojn. . and Deerej.e
In Tirdmeu.
I •'fiii. * I* !*■ nf V\ork hut prepare:
• ** •un,maf> of *!>•“ monthly report of
,hr |,r1nr‘I"tl* for tbr arhool 11 toil I ll
.".I.iik St.mit.her J| Tie ttjc.ir.-n
•Ii.o, »hrn if.iiiparnd »nh >ti» ir.
r>*d n« month', rrjmrt n cmwI ,,,-r

,'ll-... w. iiH. rnjriinrji and
« On re«H» Ill rim n.IRlhrr of
<«rJ) ofte. and .i« ihe main of n„.
* eat Iter Itnmrn* ib.J lark— Iv Min ..
'"M .» p ratifying Kollo* ti« , m,.
-r|4ir •
A . *•. r * ' # -
*’f' ’ «7 14> y.
’ «• **«i j*: . 4 •,
' f • ,
km..- . f,r . .
' ‘ «."» « .
'•->»< i on . i i
l! ‘ • - "*1 • ‘ .
.... tit ia «
• •• 't: •• • >
.... 4 i < .4 1
j K . ..
- * >4
:*ui ;.i»» *4. ti«.
•j'1 W»_lx.
' o,.-hor» having an atrragp atrrnl
>n«o nf nr abnvp M »«*« Ki
tp'hprgpr Halrd. Sruarf i l/ii, ». ,
r r ,. r «;r.»r Kuhn. I'rarh: •! <•«
prand* It Morton Http
*"*• tJard-ti. Iiplt* Mh/aSotl ■ up*,
ad*r Mri.ranahau ."M % i. !4i, »ar
<ar.p KpicIi |man Mommlngpr. K)l<
Mm ■
t«m. I nft.p lilt-liar la Itughpa. Kr
rih \V»i| Sr,raf ,K»'rl;a>. Krp,|.
Ck4 arn-K Hi.•« S. r: dorman M
V..n, 1'nrr», Mr Mp. hoti. Jn«.» i;r«n<
t ara.lp '
Th« to'loaing tn/rhnra hat a,
arri'noa* iiumg iljp i*..n'h Miaa. «
«* rl. Smart »lo-.iap Tunwr. S|.pr
If lirnopr' t aura >. Crnor. Kuhn.
’ip» fra. n* Tlahnr Hrftttp I ran. .
Aha.lg. s< hradpr, (man. t artrr. Ma«.
-gk. Irvin iWmlfrpd'. Wallano Hp«
'or. Hr KUIng an krllfril.s
l«p»a. Eilay I'rarhf iMtrn R f.»
larking. Hagplny. RipharUa H#r»t:inn
rv.u l Lola >, Wpatanoii.
ktinai. Srott, t onr.rr Wart. In r.
loth»rm«in<l. Ilugna* Mrtioar.
Varv rp*;mp't-illv
M H Work
SnpMtargMarr. I
Cn- tt — jt—Ncckt e* « ns,., jic
50« McSAOOeN
Obit aary
T*ty*« ObMQw-ei,
♦ J*' « « * I
| *• u Ta .ai ii K*kn»<H*4
*' * ** ■ * ■ 'f » 4f*. rr n it
L"u • Hen»jf Khtvfi
of * «-"'l Norn h died .il
•lie Mi.., I.miie \«, <i.. i haplir
'r' • er. V -id,. I, ylii a' I ! I".
.. 11 "* ' < » I " d ' - The
i ,trr»i,«, iuMil- -r tti* I ,n«ril haxe
I n •• I ,|
'I'" p°" ■ Ml and Mr- lieorge
1 r* **«■• be I froth • . r*m! x re*
Mo l\, • Wl.nlllK xe-lerdax
, , K iti i .. , -1. . j, Intern-.-r-' wa
il'. in LinxxKXd remoter}
Jem Wrq.gy HcBfc*
* hit We-:ex Mold,* ,. forme- r
.. Mu- fix t ,.T a lui ha- he*-n
j'ra.. from | ... e to r„r -ex
•r '• r.i-i f*dlow t,g |, . trade
i ■ -t m« • >i ter .1 e.l midden x ai «n
" ■ Mo: l.,v Tit. i|e, .-a-“d
j x,j- . xrar- . a--**, ai d a -on ot M
ft Ih.th- Mr < rurvioj l.x h,» win
"» .id 'he foliowtng .h 'dr-n Mr
Me-X *-1tt|. r. 'dr- H.tlth Wot Mar-h
an 1 I..-, f.hinr llntd.- of »h . ■%
Th.- tol l", iri; 1 rother- aii.l ei-ier
* -• —*trt ••• M ill wnt M Ifol.h. ,,t
ttklahinr I: i; Mohh- Wheel
‘tig ' T Mohh- (inin'x clerk of
rnnr:* Mr J It f'ha|.tnMii
it N. W t'timherlai I \\ fa . atnj Mr
I Moon, of Iron««n it it t;
Hobb* left i..r foluirlne xr'.rdax
m.i-n r- in bring th. remain- here
fnr Interment, which Will hr mad.' in
■be S'- ti . htirrh cemetery, aid ihe
. f'lii.-r-l wn| hr held from the family
rr - Id- nrr on l.md -tre-t The time
Ilia- not been -e -,.r r|,w q-rx|cr«. bt|f
w ill he be .j on Ihe arrival of the re
i raatu
Dryhn Funeral.
! The furienl rf du |ut.< Mi»« Re
I Kina Ih-vlin. who died at I'ook'- ho
' '■ , |
I lie1 ' from the re« d( n< . of her f*
rent, Mr ap,| Mr- John ftevlln. No
». f of rr* t, x- ktrr.lai morning
nt - !n e.-ork The r- main- were
t cfi to I' ,- t h .ri h of -he Immarii
i.«’e i oti<. ,.tion wl rrx- III K*x Mgr
!..--1>ti Mt;l!« ti .-,* |.|, te-| ii requiem
l .th n»*- Int.-rtiniil wn- made in
Mt I 'alxary . mnetrry
H«r I May Barton
Ha • vi the infant -latsch'er of
Mr i-n.l Mr«. I nin- Morton died at I
or or- Til. tax rr-ruing .n th. fa ml
lx r< -Idenre. \o _n Twenty -eron*l
* treot. follow -,k. ,r Mine-* of -ex.-ral
•I*. *' duration The fin .-rat »a- h" d
x. -t.rtliqx at'eiroo;, at v r .xck Hex
'Vllllam «; l"fer |a- r o' S- John a
fjrrman ct-ireh. i.fBtla'ing Inter
fnent wan in flr'-enwoiwl ceme'erx
N’ot »fen if* no longer mra--^
• Me bu» when its u»cful*ie** to
you i* over
Hive vo.i been a little fit care
le** of the approtih of *Uvh a
Jav - Are you weiring a Suit that
fa* ri, er*earned r» re’i'ement3
«»r «n Overcoat tfa* no longer
foo»t* you1 The matter is
really worth vour consideration
A new Ime of Holiday Neck
*ear has just feen received
Geo. W. Fox
Clothier. Furntaher and Hatter
No. 1310 Market St
Rogers. Peet & Co.’s Clothing
*r ci_aim\ilajc i**- ; Km*
2’rnj ?o*fe»
From It 4 a*i «*4 u ;* to *!»
ILa l. Moor** tr»« r c,f .mt£ m Rich (
a 2 I I
f>v*~ Uu J L»a-» *o (• J
IKuar* of Jti4 a Wa*rro 'oat
• A L. i'rtk;q# t^O a«{r J l j
i nr# a'f» •.. flOT.r: You a* 1
tr**t o' UN la t'-al-'D toatabij,
b>.*ra Yft ill #bi Koabsl.c* and «!f«
.iiian. Bart bur a* and t**rar (L'l
b .rat. 'fact of «v>) id itruifr^po-*
• < : » • r *' ion I
rrotn ♦ >>*» f’n tr4 Sta’#*a F)4a1i«« 4
<*tiaraai> to Mar*mrat Hr»o
t**oi if*- ’ of '.ano ii« lir .air** 4 on
a. 2-ra* cu $ I
Frvrn \Vi.l t>af.«*r «n<i » f# to
l-#»**twa llrnr) urali*. * of .art
.n l^.air** « c>t« ifrrat * u |r t""
I ron, k* j*h I 1 iraar a» a! to I. K
>a# r#*#« tra, t t»f .and »n *t* n.otj» 4'ot.
ai«l*-raiion II#
I'roiu ii H \ ACborr an-l wifn to J
* •
o' ta*d r. X mo# t- aaa&lb * oa*» I
••rj' i ?. S 7 *
Pr;otte Court
In ft** rn»t*.«*r of th* rr’af** o' Kill
•ab*- t. Ifiaaatt. d**> r#t^atribi.tklQ
4 *un» fllrO. a:.*) admit. *
* r at«*r tli*M hartri!
In *t»a n-.atfnr of ft.#* «t. of Y%ai«*fi*
kan<iHat)t. tb <••*»*•.! v\« j i*art:>
l»rio no
In *i>a n.attar of thr 'r- #* «raatad
b\ tb** a.t! of Jatnaa tirutaa (|«*
f***r»i. *«»r Kurfirl tirm*** T \
4ito.fr 4Ll**.l tvil»t**«*. bon $«£»•'.
i a ?u I nr \tnar »*an H-in < ria i oniptu>
of Halntuor*- *• aura!}
!:• *ba itiattar « • Ihr «-»tata of 4 *r
■tiloaaoe. of claim of adminurra'ui
• a m allowed tor fl«l
tt» Mff*r of ll* IMlfllll«llIff
o' < 'hari*** Martin, * minor Atioutp
filed atid notice uOIrtol
tn 'he matter of ihe w.l of AA «
mutt K*:id»l*k!. dew rawed Will hied
and partly pro*..!
Ill lie matter of the a**.gnne*n' fd
Kmamiel Rothman fie. • awe-: Iteed of
«-» , numt.t recorded
C ali Casea Filed
\t.’ ra lope man ** k'nink It I-ope
n .tn Ad ton for ditorie on the
ground ol wlllftn absence
ll*fd \\ ittlamw i r 1,1.11,11 11 iliianif
i Mr. '<>r d tore* ,rt <;*«■ ground t»f,
Marr.age Litrniri
i *,. .... . |
Katotie age 1*. both of t'rewretit
t ar; A foie, age f. ami K1lth M
Jn* >. i*e is ta»th of Ite'laire
Roy Klllot Tanner age of t'h
■ ago Junction, tt and Ktnuia Mabel!
1‘rt e. ,g.. _■» of I’ntnnfown
Me* Mr Ai-butnnot to Aodrraa Meet
mg at tn* Ben*»0cd M E
!£•■•. s K Arhu’hnot. |i |t pro*
• ten ..f tile Wheeling «ll»»rlct w.l] an
re** the meeting at the iwimpo,) \j :
church tbla e*enmg at ~ 10 o dor I,
Ilia n;b)er» will be "Tim Sunday Re
wval ( arapaign Tim different rotn
tniltc** are insited lu lie present. aa
“• “* all nmmlmr* aud friend* of
the t hurt b The pastor. hot s |i
Mart, will preside a< the meeting and
ai*o deliver an addrcr**
Card of Thanks
Ur deair** io than* the women of
*■'' i T I let r* Relief corps for their
kind sympathy and f ral offering*,
u'ao the It** II K Ff.tw* he and Ihe
rhoT if his t hurch for the consoling
word* dur fig the iflttem arid denlh or
our dpar father
Pociji C'ub Dance
1 •• no-rale r* o* the White |,||*
r ial ( lull of thi* t in are planning to
h'» d atio'her hate r of tfie *erir* ott
Thursda* i venlng in Armor* hail
The Klks‘ orchestra will furnish tbei
Decree Work
A- flm regular meeting of Rigging
Arrow Tr.lie No |(| Indn|iendent nr
i|er of Keij At* ' a < ia** of five eaud
dab* mlHafeti A hip new* meet
tig f. ♦ owed it.** inflation teiamony
r re «£!•• m um
T " ’ ’ *•«■! of un h -r rrfri.llv
purrhaa'd by fhr ihpar'mriif «■*
t* ■*• • ■* *ti» aditoii yrtirrday thr
old hoar brine larpt In . i«« of an
rm-r*m< >
Ctiaoed Bred*
Ml'r I'la t*m hn- brrri appoint* I
to d'l 'll* 'irunrv r.f » h‘of f>|* futor
of thr Ito | »« Irphonn hrr«* rauard
h' I hr r-aigBsnoa of Mta« Kluab'th
Thr rtrtp'nvre of thr r okr drpaft
r.r„t ,,t i,,, Natlooxl Tub. Company
ail! mr*itrr tlirir pa) today
Thr * rr I drpar* nt* o* of u*r U hr*.
•nr a Iron plan" ■--im-j op
• % #*•»*•!>rj.i v mr,rr\ t ,# tfftr.f t
ibofl Hh'ifdnmn
. •' ■■ ■' ••'
ft»M Nr
Me Mr
a*r -r n« a
* (t- TlAbri a r,p
Mr a Tm or if , r.
»' « By Ma « m.
* Mellhaanp Brand tp
T" *>•*! I frtivpnmm '
ma .r «■ i a, .. T„ , ’
Martha VaeT-lapton
SOe a Boat ad.
Bara Bond Store
S\» Blttn Bboaa taaa a»>. .. 11
The Leather Store
On Our Balcony
It cr«»o«4 t»« 0«et **4 M«««t t*e e*?*Pe
C**r tt««» G*v *ig
S^ttH.ng n .» -twttt ng every c«*e .»« •pr-~e.e'>ee4»
*4"1* e*^eet e<*rvc«i« C4« e«*eee t« p
l adrr Uua hr«d • » uffrr •*> grr»t 4 armi lHvj, »h*. m#
van u**r»!> BfBlkn Itnar BA I : r* »rj r r *ou ! • i. .uj tr \k. 4
„ 4^^ V*?* **.•“* 'U.k.ia >. «».>r ,
t, vUr> Ur"t,#- • *' 1 1 “ •»«! R»' Hru.hr.
*k Hruoa* T.» li..c«r» lYa'rlua • a..-* Pailn-.nn S.pprr*
tar-prt. . ...-• Att’-a I cnrh K-i- 1 nr • a*.. It u . ,'lM,
, 1 Ha Ddkrrcklaf ... ..
* '•*' ' k I-:»'* i • ■* ittK'ppirvc Li*,a \anMy
•/ HartiWra. I > .. .. . ... , ....
B:rt^4»y I w«>ii •*!
A •» If Hrorva. Hr:**.. s^.r,, lukrr s*:a p.atiaa Card
OW'iikw. ..j ,t,u,f hind l*r’i ura « up*.
i* *',J ‘ *•"* V ..K Kolia 1 AAiktr
V.i# labi* 1 o., r* 1*. art* Pi!to. 1 o* r, K II P... . , ard
*■ * ' *• • rvu.pi.t- l :.r , f i.*<p— Man tbaa. t» *v.«
* %* *:.U 1. k-rii, atsd * dee *t.i % ti;>;«*t» !;u«
fookEO liathin nov el the. lcathlk slit cases
' ntf > :r. latir* and i.rntlaib.n a a' ** a ip a:-I a *h
' '. ’•* - ''•• ••BthATA »Bd a* a gr I | • , .a . i uu
* . Ml a
'Arargraba Tra.ki !u %ari.t> at.l a’ »*rr» pr.Ca
o* <*+• r ,n. an . compiat, Sp*c a1 »a*ea in auit.bl, B »ia
*r• **9 o*lertd 1* every department
1126-28-30 Main Street Vis,tor. Welcome.
"■■■■" rs: .*~r- . ~ —. .
▼ 1 Special for the Early Shopper
I h>s sc' comprises .1 solid nu kel-nmunted f as
scrole 2 large Baking Bowls and •« Kemikens Rrg.
ula: $2 00 value Special Price fll.ltl.
Cut < .las' China Dmnerware, Hrik-a-Rrac Vases.
I tv make the moat appreciated of < hnstmas gifts
111 :is.
[tolls of all kinds and prices.
John Friede! Co.
\ tailors Welcome. 1119 Main Street.
The Palace Toyland Show
l)<> nor miss this ,wonderful display of really good toy*.
The kind you like to give the little ones and the kind they like
to get.
Toy Furniture
liiessers (.hiff'tmers Side
hoards. r hina Closets TaMc ‘
and (.hair*, m oak, mahog
any and white enarr<el at .»V,
_ *l>« anJ $i .«,*
Toy Pianos Black
* '’vie I r ight (.rand and _
"■ *••«>" Boards
Tool Chests oq
(••>d substantial thrstv full
H*C «Hr and 91 |H 98c
■ LW
In 4 f?»rrn* rr>Ini
hindr mt.it i m
* r • colhpaihk,
•r>rr!n »n p»ramf.ft
and nil b«w
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Trunks '
^Or Dniif* CntH-rj
• Wc and W
Of all description l.ion*. Hotmb, |»urK..
Btan. that *ro*l. !»»>«« that hark. I j»n
that meo» l*ir, that VJ0C#, ,hit
jump up
The Palace

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