OCR Interpretation

The Wheeling intelligencer. [volume] (Wheeling, W. Va.) 1903-1961, January 16, 1912, Image 4

Image and text provided by West Virginia University

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn86092536/1912-01-16/ed-1/seq-4/

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T h
t% * ft -i ) % 1 Y •
IkWi. CM or Nftilftt i«o *-« r
tftra# Par tear Ma .a AJiftt a
JNift'ftC* i '*^414
Ha*2* I i«>. in Am vaa- U '•
p*4y. A I M»r a ttl
ninr. *era* x-i ha i t«
Ta If. Trra* !••>- » er Va*a » *•
Tta It. Tft • I '4> » l*tr A -a 2**
!*•!»* Or- Mon » ««
Weafcjy, Or- Y*ar In Advance 2 «•*
Wtdilr hi ft Martha ... «4
IT1IK 1NTJ f.I.Hil.N Kit ambry* «n»
It* *e\aral MHIMA la enTa-ad In *ha
f*oa»off) • a* Wha*iln|, \\ \ a , aa *e«.
an«l r|aaa matter |
C*l!tr»rial 11noma— B« 41.. A22
)€*ltor-al !t'*omn National. *22
Coyntlri* Ho-.m-!<-!! . *22
• ‘ounting lt'*<»m National . *23
Tha Intelligencer race !\**a noth the
* ay and night aarvlca of tha Aa» tcistcU
i raaa
Tuesday, January’ ltf. 1912.
The hardest things »hat have been
».;id about th“ sanatoria', Candida-" or
of C. W. V.'atson and W. K. Chilton
itiwo been said by Democrats It was
a Democr.it who expose.i the at'eicnt
cd bribery in tbe house of delega es
A Democratic legislator from Ohtu
ccuaty made t'u» sir.>n:tes* address
... Bouncing th“ bribery pnictlrel *i
the ca 'icus. A large |torl:e.i of tie
f'Msncti cn which Governor iliasa
cock br.:cd tbe charges who b In- pro
poses to make before the I'niled
cates ssumci- nas boon furnished b'
i-omoirais \ few brnve Dett.ocratii
li. wapaper* have been persistent am
f.slstent in .1 denunciation «>f Watson
--in and « hiltonism Comment .nt
'ion Mr Chiltons pitiful attempt t«
•j« fend himself and 1. s u .league i
mb address .1 I rion, ’ho \\ e»r i u 01
llocord sa>».
A*cord nif T » S*n.«!•••* T. • 1/4 4
x- i*ion .it 1 nion I • aas *
" nt*r in t)if* • ii.pt.u h. . • . n4>. >.
.»»•?* kin I of .1 • !•**»! t.» . n*. i
•"»C9 »••..*. 1 r X1 ,s: t ,?
•*r,y Ini***-* *«t j; t«* . : . .-.j «*. u,:..
> OM r\ « I * t»i * «• I .*•: .i I • r- rut- It
w ur wiiimi; to *»ur r» n j«*: . v . . j.i r
». roll* f 'n .»n ft. * . t . : |
*1 d to M. ri t. • ... 1 Tj
a . J *t *. n • .. f .1 • _

^••lately 1 . ,»,r. r. >
U> I. 1 \ • • j.. .M* u r . • »*
% <■»%•», m** Ilia' I • • »»! ir*.| i f
tn v t-. r -
" *?r*4 rxvt • r»n. .It** ! n ,.r,. * t
j- curt* a •♦-.it In t •• -. *■ »t». ; ,i • •
only inoliv** .r 1 ^. i. ri In^ ,ti ,u., rt
■ 1
1 »l!fl« ! aKhTui.J.. rr.

W** • “HfI rv.|tl|l\ Itriiete t V **l
ornt • a til Jit !• »• • #r ..
*n • mm4 t • hd t •••!** • 11 i : i
• t on t .»• nat* v «n \'
\ on,.! 1 . v • »; Win 1 . . ;t• n .
* *»...« .. ■!*:. •! .:.n 1 * u .iii r...f • !. ...
H- • * that • . i n .• V..t . t
M IllM. I .t w A a-* '.I i »•*!.* t.*
. h- • n \ • •
l»ttl«MTa. \ S" v.- Vill .Tl li ' .»•! .
n nr.I*! t.. . . *. .1 -.if. •. * i
ft »:.• I < : -imi*.! an a.ii.n. *• w •
Kjlnuunt ; ,t. u, .
t« »tn ;n » •• *• *..«»•• Vi t . •
** It I.v •• |- »**<| r*. i»-i* m ~ •
n liivto l.ki *ii I • iiiM'u
%• •**h » < it W't'il l ••• r* t .■

If v 11 •• i .•»!■' fit a i • ..ft •• f«»*
tl . \V* .« \ rctr, |., * - , i . .
rnnvrriil t .• #»:*!• » » »• •
if •. r
'*'• »l • „
f.<l • ir.* V\ W..*
Pontrn.i**»nr On«r.11 it * ..
t if *’ •• • ? i •

mrnni*' • «•»! i •. »
It ba« l>r»l, I»J. ckr Mr
CO« l» * M> »• ., •« *
mit* «?r.‘ r*r «r>4 a * r« .r«
• ■ . •- *
• » ** K* r «
*a ■ to >he people who .»» 'item <e
urpenii u;*-n IBCBI • - nut'*
t| ok from o«ner»ni|.
Ownership means operation (
bv the government. tfce • nor molls luu
>iplirat»>n of public i'!Tir»«. 'i»m*tm
ous io< r* a»- - in governmental n a
rhitiery. and treim-ii Iouk increases i
i he burdens of administration The
government of the American peop.e
has alrcad- become a stupendous busi
ness concern A- many poluts. i!
shows sirns of weakness. Our run
Kress hjs under tin* stress of lncrea*
lug obligations be< u eniii|>etled almost
entirely to change its organization
Neither the house nor the senate to
day can be called a deliberate body, i
Their work >s really done by great
committees and ’heso committees are
ofo-n acctdetital In character, and with
no especial Alness for the duties that i
fall upon them.
Wherever It tan tie avoided, it .sj
the part of wisdom to retrain from;
increasing the functions and duties ol '
the national government A' the pres l
•*nt time there s no iippareo: need i
for governmeii ownership of tele-I
graphs, and i" is not m a'.i likely j
that the suggestion of owners'll !> will
ever h> seriousiv considered
The destruction of ’vhnt some hav" '
ruled the tnos: valuable property in'
• New York city, me Kquifahle l.ife \*
sirance building. in less than two
hours, is it lug item in our great u <
ttonal bonfire r -cord The fiuilding
was for.- years old an) not consul
ered fireproof, and does not itffor'l
basis lor an .'S'lmate of the saieiy
i‘of the tiest modern const ruction Hot
i f tells the story of w hat the pr«“*» lit
i genera's'll o' Americans is paying tor
itie 'tin of a speudtlir.ft nation i
I' is rusonijry to denoi.nee Tlie
burden tuili'arisni in foreign itn:i
Ties Ye: tierniany. the most hcau >
•oaded n a I. could pat for s *» , re
army out o' ot.r annual tire |o»>. and
have * u mat."ut* left over in li.v • >•
wsir.is with
'I h.- troiilile s no’ wj'h our firemen
brave tail s and pr.ir'.cal ..
workers tha' tin tr»* \ K.ioi'.-au
ttre dep.tr'inent ttoks I n" a i >rti •
idter.a rompanv beside • ne • . o n* In
. (turner he' burn i.|> imd «,o;.ui.o worth
•of property a year, and n \.-a im*
with only nine 'inn* t .<■ pop ii itioti,
they btnn up $7 tMi'i.itil'i .1 year lies .
-p. mini- $ iioe lent ,,tl ttr. gfii ,
The great trouble l- * It tverage
man will pit up aiiv kind of t *• n
I ns.led or ih n me al «ov. red loi ..| m
Inn which nil msurrtnee eoinp..ii. i .n.
fie found to write a ptuiry- upon
A ru.M *♦•!»'».»’ uii '.I*
. <i'i\ !•*!»-!*. of \l.i *•» ii * • •Alio •?*
^ , b^itur t riK»m«Mi .i* i i|Mrk lii.r*'.* '«»r
• » M *• I »• *1 1.1 T.»t .< | ro* T OM ; Oil
Mon v» «i fr«»:n a - or,,** i.i**
Tn i**-* i| -*ari* to * 11• - • ►».
ifpun'ira^il M'liraa .» r.«f
if .“r iion*-y • *. ?t# r• .■ i’t’f
• nforrn- t;w. > rim* .n»*.. ?. u at.
? l»a* ■*
V * •air !•• % , .4 r^r
♦ • .•«. » * 4
* . . « ,
* at#* • . • * ». i .
..I • F n-’ #» i • . . «
r Uncle Walt
Tar Poe* Phtlosc pnr*
New News of Yesterday |
t*y E 4. HirH) ij
A of Ik Kiim AtlaHir i jUtk
TUJ I-%Tf. K*- i* ..f vhuta '• h* b*-**, ►aii hr rrpr***fc*
*»«■ of pt.>*u iat. «lLi# bo < uQltf.r.*** tbo |ja*«wV» ol
iiM'i<v(aari« a] rrasob.rii «;il. !ht icoatue taru and tr. ttitpu a* *••
a t*f f i •* ri|iEruiieauUlat. **»• the rl«cir2< ai r&f ib«or for tbr *n>* A*
lantic ail U*» IL.AI.V .niprow»ix3«*a'» hr T.a«l«> in fh** »:*&«.tn« appa
rat us had !l'k& to do »'th the ultimate sucre*' of tub I
n.urine t*-.-graph. II- in.-ctel ihe mirrnr ga .anomet. r
need for cable signs *n* and then dt.lsed the .siphon
re* ord« r a’iil in tie* fur receiving 'h. signals
Wlim laird Kelvin. In 1'fT. was paying h!a serond
»i»it to this Country. I had th— ;■ —**sure of spending
h .era! hour-, with him In the * nurse of our converwa
tlou I ventured t<» say *hat In the history of trans
atlantic telegraph, ills name would always be associated
with that of Cyril* \V Held.
• t»h replied th>- distinguished physicist, “ihe ap-'
Panuus which I perf*w:ted might lia.e been worked out 1
by any mini of science who hail made a study of elec- •
trieity. What I dm tint not alloct the ultimate sucres*
_ *■' submarine telegraphy one way or another, to any
- ..... ini' l have .mitime-* thought that had it not Is-eu tor an
apparatus ..ivont-d by an officer of the hinted States navy, the laying or
Hie Atlantic inliie might have been defem-d lor years—possibly might not
hate been at- mpted at all. I have occasionally made iii'iuincs respecting
this na.al officer I have hot been able to learn very much about hiui.
Hut this I know he ..as a lieutenant, anil his name ..as John Brooke |
“Before Lieutenant Brooke Invented Ins apparatus, which was alter-i
ward utilized to great advantage in the preliminary work of laving the '
Atlantic cable, it *«.. customary for sea < aptaius to take soundings by
•■‘cells ot the lead fT.er.bodv knows what that operation is There'
r*nie .1 tune, however, when tin- non *.f science were .cry anxious to'
know wha' constituted the deep bottom of the ocean and whether an. '
"> attach a pierv of proas- to 'lie bottom of tho load. >o that when the
bad was brought up there wore attached to the crease various particles
or snteais of mud The creat'd lead, however, wa- no" available for very :
deep sea rounding. ' )
"The Inlt-d St;.to*—| think som< time m tho year l*..: or '..-—sen''
out a man-of-war upon a purely scientih.- expedition, one of whose pur
pos. - wa> the discover;. 01 features of animal or vegetable tile ;f any
exist-d. upon tin deep lailtom of then (K -ati. I.i.-uten >nt llrook-■ was ;i
month* r nf th '* expedition. He Invented an apparatus which It wa« pos
sihn* to sink even to .is prv.it a depth :.s ten or fiflo—ti thousand fe—T; and
he so constructed the apparatus that by means of sltts or grooves in it.
it scooped np and retain.cl .-petim-n* of the layers of mud tit the bottom
of ih. ocean Men of Mienio will always regard iheuiselvo* as lndebte«l
to 1,1* iitenant liriHike, be. all c hi* invention wu* the lirsi apparai is which
lead- it possibl ■ i" . ■ .1 ra at t
llrook-'s invention was purely tor sclenttlh tuirposes. hut. «* has so
■ ft* ii hnptu'tied. an tu-trument invented purely in it— service .it scler.e
b* c am** id vast advantage in il.'veiopitip tb-* coinut'Tt ml w.' 11 a r— ot t —»
"W h* n the A iatiti.* i eld- proposition bad been tborougbly discussed,
■oili ill th. I n.l-d Stales a -id II Kiiglan.l, our ovv i. nav.il officials derided
• ' : • • • imp • • . ble to lay all Ma ant- ...I,' unless there
•Od d I .1 thorough III!)Idling id -In hnfoin of tin ocean There nigh'
/ • • al...
ep .... i llt pos si hi* to lay i i abi* upon *
li.-t-loi- it wu- i »n i.l* d i»* iii.il..- us*- ol l.t* iit* iiant Itnaik- - Itiventioti
!*' a weiideriui siirv * V id tin- oc-.in !ie*v.---n Ir.-iaiul ami New foutut
nel v. a* lit.uli- I houiil ol V. hat th. hnt'oiu u; the mean consisted i
Oil t;iud I' also show..! ,U| • VleliKlV — pla.n hot Ween Valencia alnl ‘Irini'v
ita; v-. I. i oir.p.trat v eiy in.it piades a - *li. shore* w**r« a|*|iroael|.'il Vnd
ii ip* *iirv -v demon *'rat ..I Up pram, ability i.i ileposititig ill.- cable in
liu- ." .'in he'., -n lr. i.-tnd 1.1 Newl.iiindlatul Mo l h;.v- often -hougl.t
1 ... ,,i ip- nveii - .. .a- American naval otheer. Idetiienant John
llro-..o. w. might Pa ■ loll <i*ii|ie||ed to * -it mam v-ars lieiore 'll* VI
Hifv . ih w * laid and pi.,-*ih y t: ur.utit hltv*- h- ii l.’. la id to tin* ilav
I'.mi .riov M. I'M war*!.* w,l| to.I of • The Scholar Who-,- Knowledge
I>ied Willi Him
' I
it> and maria.mh!
t Mi i. n*» r i • f!« i .«»?*, v%*. ,,r.* ton
' it : ThaT . .. vv ».«• la ili «.f .• •,
** .i • dal «i>* u *t* Unnm to ,»»i
•* $ . . »■! If* O • *.',*T* - '
* i*f|»inr:t* n- | r.i|H r i n
v\ * It |l ^, ’ <i ’ ll* I i**i . it i t lit*
• tii 'ii* - In .nn *, i i •• |*. ioi •■■ . ri«
fW»n . ' » lt»r ir *\**rr • r i : r:\ *i\»
ii lid.. •• * <! a TV .r t. »• In .»• '•Ii**. •
••»'•* " * lia a *i» *«rat.
•»*n ifi:»* .Ti :«»p j-.'.t*;: wi.riii ati>
!:o\i **
<• » i.,., i,
'oviml s a. :t fu: r.n •. 1» . , I,. i .
i*” * \\ I lilloti • ,*** asr •** I . •
' I ' !*•- villi . 11|! 11 I 'i '•'»»*(
. II. I .1 »■ ,1.1.. ,l.|| v • . ,.
. i I..' f «t. ... r f..r .. ,4.; ...
rr.— r. . „ . .... ....
• • I- :■! 1 . - -I 1.1 11 . ... - vi
mu' r... 1
-- r.
Perl] ncnt
Comment j
Has Something ust as Good.
l • n Hie ( l» *ii\ ; |.;i • j- n*;*
*•' |*»#||.« - ti« «|t ••• n * w tak*
*h:u • ha u»» iii
A Rough Sport
f'las. '- i is .1 |M»rt. »n» «!• ’•«t** I »r
i f »• i (iti'hi**r> .•’•{•••’uli •; ; lm* * as
!.• •Ton* a- !• «i!hall I r i(
|* .!». * . I.
PrOcf of NonccnficJr r.cc
Vak ng a D-tcrt
r .. i. • .
r 4 H »•* V - • *9%
Incubators ;nd Brooders
C. r. HK/U M.ICH 6. CO.
^ •
Tuesday Is the Time to 1 /
And Secure Savings of /
Tuesday morning we place in the l.ir..ury Clearance Sale <•... enure iem.iining
line' or
Fur Scarfs, Muffs, Match Sets
With the Original Prices Reduced One-Third
Added to our ou n magnificent assortment is a manufacturer’s Surplus line ot •
Prime Pieces which comes to us at similar savings. If you are interested in Furs, you
should make it a poini to be here to-morrow—
srtr Scarfs, A,,Now
Black Fox w W d*d* W / ’
Muffs, 1 /
Blue Wolf |
Black Wolf M /BT a 1 / ■V.
Srt* Match / 4J
Nat. Ponyskin
Black Ponyskin .
Skunk-Raccoon Sets off
fHr Miners have found our Regular Prices lower than equal quality could be se
cured. You may sately depend upon finding these Clearance Prices proportionally to
your advantage. \\ helher you are seeking a Moderately-priced or a Fine Fur Piece, you
will lind something to please you here. \nd the Price Range is attractive—
$5.90 Fur Pieces djvf g\A up $350 Fur Sets {OOQ Qi 1
now Se ling at ^p^oXJ^r t0 now Selling at
Naturally, best selection is afforded the early buyers.
Every Floor, every Department, every Section is contributing of its sur
plus Merchandise to thf»Janu«<ry Clearance Sal**, at Savings of 1 4, l/2,
34 and in some Instances More.
Tatai Arc dr^t Hf'-u1! cf Hrad ©n C©’
It on of R it O ar.d P J
L. £. Tra.ns.
Ni.W CAS*! M* I .Ian IT. V a
■ • I I •
i |l.»li!ni *r.‘ .*• onto »*•.*;!• m»*l •
• • I
. .| , I,. Pitt . a . • Kf
•„ m. - in« i ••
Ki I. I a*ut .1 r " i»* «!»;»*r* •:
l\V*»S l.X.WON l 47 V.‘iin»t»*ti
r«H»: <■ .: « §••»* * .i »
... r «!• R;.»* mnr- a omo *r.»i
\X • n \\|\* M * M
t r* •• %'i I .1 Til*»!•* A i •!»»•»
t'Ot t i. s • x » %
ilW INCi ll’>l HMSHlil) I \kl\(i INVF:N
l< . a e tin t that we have several second-hand and
Mi-ij-.vorn pi: n.>s which we received during the holiday ■
e.».'on .i' part payment on Pianola Pianos. We will
oivr them this week at unheard ot prices to make room.
.o . c.m us** one of them, it will he to your advantage
' • • nd select one. a* the> will he quickly sold at
;• • t: whu.: we • • 11cr them.
i’.. . - II he '••Id at h.treain price', either tor ca'h
. i •’ p.t'.ment' without interest.
F. YV. Baumer Company
l\ * Mil I !(• ' V lltM* MARKET -T ^
— ■ y- —m-amml^———
Trousers 99r A Le*
Made to
Trousers lo Measure J
oo,. ',J*
•77*1 *i >► » ur u.« *
v 1 **4l ' ,i4*
I ♦:«, rut
| • r • '
11 *mx* •
TT*—lAlto Hit r* t’^v
.L’ S1 .*). $1 s. <20. $22. S2.*» TJ"
• ft «j uwmi |
Scotch Woolen Mills Co.
* » t«« Va wtl I %r !!• T
to W* ,4^t to % ^
IntrlliiirncfrVSiint \dslor K< sult s

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