anpl g
!A ceremony of quiet, simple ele
gance dignities your farewell to a
S departed one. We make a con
a ststent charge for euch a service.
1 t.et us advise you. Our wide cx
I I'erlence will be of value to you
5 and we will only charge for our
jj actual services.
j Palace Undertakers
S 1304-06-08 Slain St. Both Plion.es.
pkesbyteeian chtocs or
Former President of "Washington and
Jefferson College Died Early
Satnrday Morning'.
Funeral .services for the Rev. Dr. {
James David Moffat, president emeritus
of Washington and Jefferson college,
who died early Saturday morning In
Washington. Pa., will bo held this aft
ernoon at 3 o'clock in the First Presby
terian church of that city. The ICev. Dr.
William Siemmens will officiate, assist
ed by several ministers. Interment will
be in the Washington cemetery.
A number of relatives and friends of
Dr. M?->ffat will leave- this morning to at
tend the services, including Dr. and -\lr3.
T. C. Moffat, of Leafherwood.
Dr. Moffat, who was moderator of the
general assembly ot the Presbyterian
church in ll'"5. was horn at New Lis
bon. O.. March 1".. IS4B. and was edu
cated at Washington -md Jefferson col
lege and Princeton Theological Semin
ary. He was admitted to the Presby
terian ministry in 1^7". and served as
pastor of the Second Presbyterian
church, of this city, until 1SS2 when ne
was elected president of Washington and
Jefferson college, in which position he
continued for thirty-three years. Dr.
Moffat was a firm believer in church
unity, anil was largely instrumental in
bringing about the union of the Pres
byterian and Cumberland Presbyterian
Two daughters, the Misses' Harriet
and Blanche Moffat, ard one son. ,(am"S
1 Moffat. .Sr.. survive. One brother. T.
? Moffat, and sister. Miss Margaret
Moffat, of f.ea! ::erwoori. also survive.
Mrs. Mary Anne Johns.
Mrs. Ma?r Anno Johns, wife of the !at? Thomas I
.l.-ttnt. I.!..- i f rj>.? i-lo-st and most widely known
v nMi. (: :: W:-'. fur 'i-r l ore* den* and <-h?rlt*ble j
' ? ? ? ; a . it. ''it :n Ivr hot. . i M.t:n street. yesterday I
afternoon at I i". ?.V! r?. r. I- -v. in ?? nn Klncss of a
? ?m . ?.iu;iii.-a:i.?i disea superinduced br a j
fxraijfi.* srr.'ke s-;.; suffered last year while sojourn- I
ire i:i tVrmuiLl.
Mrs. Johns wis tv.rn in rnzland S3 "ears *so. and
f tiainz her nvirr:;uv ;tt rhar country riie came to
Ime.-iea an! (-rut ht-en a icsident of this city for
tin. tp than rhirrr year*. Fli-r husband, who was a
trommeii: hu?;rr.?? man. ?!*("! fiboui ren years sip.
.K.?r a i;iiarter a century .Mrs. Johns lived on the I
Island and five years a;o rrs'.ovcd to her home In j
V*rih U heeling.
.Mrs. John* was a member ef the First. T'nitarian ]
chur.-h of <in? city. She leaved no 'immediate rela- |
Funeral ?'f* V?s it;'! he heid in the Cnitarlan
rhuft-h. !!?' Ruff srr?er. Tuesday afternoon at 3
i ?"?.?!? nix. The !:? ? J. A. Kjpjmeer Auer wil! offl ?
i i.-.U' Tins f.it le the fir-t funeral iter held tit [
that clmrrh T!te !?? !;?" will he taken to l'ounsstown. j
Ohio. for interment. j
Bobah Bee Beard.
CK.\r:t.t-:.ST?>N. w. Va.. Nov. 5. ? Ro- 1
bah Lee Hi ard. formerly of the I'nitcd ,
starts Forestry Service, later with the
British Agricultural Department. In
Southern Nigeria. A Vest Africa, is dead]
at. Merideu. Tex., of ttraemic poisoning.
His father, !>r. .1. iT. Heard, of Charles
ton. received a telegram today to that!
effect. Mr. Beard recently declined on I
offer of membership in the Koyai Geo
graphical Society.
Funeral for Mrs. Heyman To-day.
Tb5? afteriii - n at Jt3>? ??"el,?ck. funeral services mil
h-- held in Mrt.uro I l-i:-." [.arlors for Mrs. .Vis
tine Heyman. v. -e t5: irr-:;>red in V.er arartm-iits
of the liostilry !v".;-'i.iv morn Ins af 0 eS'loek. Kanbl j
A. II. Si'r r. ef r. Street temrie. will officiate. J
hTe pall-bearers mil Nt relatlTe? o? Mr?. 7l?yman. j
Internment will be In the family burial plot in Mt- i
Wood cemetery.
Mrs. Heynati had been a resident of this cJty for
the las; .T>> T-.i-. S: ? ?js t Notctt her 3. 1S44. In
iIiT!i!*nv, ati'l enlv ;i ferr i|:iy-. a r*?lehri;ed h^r
l irt!i?l?v. He. man ;l.? wire of the late i
Mayer Heyman. a ; -1" ?tl"tlner <?f WMin; and ]
?r." 1 1 a - x tva> lucatetl *r Kleicntli and M*lu
>; vtv For many y.>ars tint eld llevmati h"nm ??CC'l
fii'd :'??? site on r.li;i !i tfce ^ W. A. was btulded.
Ki'-.-t.tli anl < 'has lire streets. K. -r the rust severs!
?var> Mrs. lleytnan i,:.! I? "n niacin it h-'r liome In
iiie Mi'l.ure Hons.*. She waa one of the most hlatily
--tfie-.l and m"s: widely ktmwn charltat'le worker*
!<i this nmrtunirv. S:ie had ill only a !ear
iiys ivfere l:"r dejt.V She leaves t!;re^ dausliters.
Mr>. Itnnnuli t'.aer. Mi-ses Mann and Kantiie ' Hey- 1
j ,m. and cne s. n. I cunard Heyman.
Funsral for Samuel Cray Ion.
Knner.i! v. ? . S.i n;UtL II i.'rajton. well inown
retecan c(.run:i*:.vat traitler. v.l:o>e death eeeurrotl
Tin:>d tv. ;>:i^ !i?ld Satnrd.iV at'tenwu n t!i?- family j
home. I'.i ?ti-.ijdivav srr-"'. Is'and. The iter. Jir.
.tallies ir. js-.rd. ' ' Thomson Meth'.'dint Kpisopa!
vhureii. orri i.tr..!, 'Hie funeral was iti cltarsc of thfl
\\i'.eet:ng ei.uix*:id; ry. No. i. Kn:;ht5 Teuii>lar<.
Interment was at I'er.i.nsiila cemetery.
Mrs. Hlbthman's Funeral TuesUay.
Ku.'ieral ter;icv$ Mrs. Klivtabetb iShieMsi
H'.ts'Siiian. ::ioth<r ' Ed~anl T. ilirchinit:. icesidetit j
of the itltctuean i '"i! and t oue Conn-any. will be I
held in tho .'an.tU- itoni" u: Mr. t'leasaut. i'a.. Tue*- I
dav aftemiytn at il oV[.? . Ititernntnt wil! b- In ihac
city. Mrs. Hitehnun was the wife of rite !.u?: W.l
iinnt J. HitchntHii. of Alt. i'l-asant. where *he sr^nc
Iter entire !1?. but was well known in this ionin>u
iiity. Her death oecurred Satiiiday inortiins. 5Jli?
leaves two ciaushtfrs attd four <>o:is.
William W. Hamilton.
William W. Kariiiifna. aged t>o. a life-j
long resident of Wheeling, and for many '
years in charge of th'. nail shipping de
partment of LaBvlle Iron works, I
died last nirjht at 10 o'clock In the home I
of his nephew, ' "haries H. Dunawav, 310 f
South Pcnn street, following two years'
illness of heart, disease.
Mr. Hamilton was prominent fratern-|
ally, lie was state deputy of the A. O.
i . W. lodge, run: a membi-r of Welcome I
lodge, Nn. ?. of t!i!.-- city, and Baltimore]
lodge. So. ??. KitigSils of Pythias, lie
was also a promiif-'it and active mem- 1
ber of St. Luke's Protestant Episcopal
'?hitrclt. and on?- of the most staunch!
itepublicasis of thjs community. Mr.
Hamilton was never married.
Surviving are one sister. Mrs. George!
I*. Zimmer and a nephew. Mr. Duna
wav. at whose home ,.tath occurred. Fu
neral services will be held in the Dun- 1
awav home Tuesday evening at T:20|
o'clock. Th--> f>v. r>e. .Taeob Brltting-'
ham. of St. I.uke's church, will officiate,
'nterment will be in Greenwood ceme-l
terv Wednesday morning at o'clock.
Neil O'Brien'? Great American Mia-!
srrels will he th" art ruction at the i j?i:ti
Theater Thursday. November ?. for rv. >
performances, matinee and nigh'. Th'sl
will he the fifth season of the >>';:??: i
Minstrels under th" manaaernen' ? '
car F. Hodge, ?>nd 'he promise is ?; v- :> '
that the program 'his ye:*r wili :i
entirely new one wl-fv.t;' a sir.gs
or obsolete feature. Amnti; the ? 1-'
ties will he a new sketch for th" star
himself, written and produced by him. :
called "The Jitney Jos Bus." which ss;
described as a merry easoline satire and j
said to be a laugh from start to finish.
Other features are .1 -t^w sontr .-1 n ? 1 dan -e
act staged hv James Gorman, called 1
"TJie Kbo.iy Yaeht flub" which en'is's
the servie- s of ten of America's most
nlnihie fon|o(l dancers fC'biie rtnss. riie
eomedlan. who was so w< !l liked l't?t
year will again be jn evidence with his)
banjo, only this tim" he will b. h?".*ir?i in j
an entirely new ic.o'.o'og i?> Tii.-i' will j
b?. a new one-act fare- which calls fori
the full strength of eompsr;y caU'd;
"The Bold. Prnye Black ati'l Tfin-':." This)
playlet was used in ?he Friars Frollel
?.vhen that organization was en tour re-!
i-onrly. written by <",en. m. fohan. and!
i ,v.*i s thro;ich the courtesy of the young)
rdnywright thff ir -n-mre..l for .Mr. 1
O'Brien's use this si ason.
There will he sirifters. dancers and I
eornedians gn!"re in the first part, nnd
?n entirely new idea, fr the wnv of aj
staee settlrs1. Therv wil! be .?? noon-J
day parade of the m'nvrre! hoys, and it!
is "said that this street display will he.
well worth witnessing.
j L I N G L '.L' Hj i j liiu
You Want Lincoln's
inception of Protection
"I do not know much about
the tariff, but I know this
much, when we buy manu
factured goods abroad, we
get the goods and the for
eigner gets the money. When
we buy manufactured goods
at home, we get both the
goods and the money."
Abraham Lincoln .
This advertisement is paid for by the Hughes Alliance Reserve? an organization of Democrats, Progressives, Republicans and
Independents, working for the election of Charles E. Hughes. Henry J. Cochran. Ireas., 2 East 43rd Street, New York Cit}
. . ce partisan of the open shop.
Woodrow Wilson. (1909.)
'ormed by the labor organizations and
leasable enemy to equality and betterment
of op Woodrow Wilson. (190 1.)
'-ns drag the highest man to the level of
the 1c Woodrow Wilson. (190o.)
'standard of the laborer in our day is to
?ive may for his wagesc" nnnQ n
J Woodrow Wilson. (1909.)
These convictions of a Presidential candidate
when he wj^blic life-- when he was not running tor
office? wh^ not looking for votes.
They axpressions of a scholar, the teacher of
political eco:ie writer of text-books and histories.
Not thej.considered opinions of an undergradu
ate but the (;e reasoning of a seasoned mind? ot a
university hi
These aiews that Woodrow Wilson held when he
was prepari%nds of young men for their aclmmis
tratiye respoes forming their judgement upon the
relations betfmiover and employe, fulfilling his func
-j students
LlrtLl^VC 1UJL
relations bet^rjioyer and employe, fuliuimg mo i ? ~
tion of inter.ond advisor toward countless students
who have singed in business for themselves, become
executive he%st organizations or teachers m turn tor
another genei}f future employers of labor.
1 -1-J "rlinri hp did not
another genei)f future empiuycio ^ - ?
These are^nions which he held when he did not
expect to hold when it did not advantage him io ex
press any othe|OI1s.
Woodrow n did not claim to become a friend in
need to labor ui had need of labor's friendship toi his
re-election. .
Because th:rse is typical of the man? because it is
impossible to krvhat he really believes or how long he
will continue to ,e anything he claims to believe-because
he is inconsistent indecisive? we oppose his re-election.
"There are some who regard organized labor as a
source of strife and menace of difficulty; I regard it as a
h n o opportunity for the improving of the conditions of
? i he workingman." Charles E. Hughes . (1908.).
"The mission of labor organizations is one of the
lines! that any organization of men could guard."
Charles E. Hughes. (1908.J
"lie was the greatest friend of labor laws that, ever
occupied the governor's chair. He signed fifty-six labor
laws (one third of all passed in the state since 1777),
among them many of the host ever enacted in this or any
other state. He urged the enactment of labor laws in his
messages to the legislature, even going so far as to de
mand a labor law at an extra session. Human rights has
a steadfast and sympathetic upholder in the new justice."
X. V. Legislative Labor News. (1910.)'
These are not new opinions from the Republican candi
date nor a recent estimate concerning him.
Hughes recorded his stand on labor not. when a candidate
for office, but as governor of New York soon to retire from
political life to become a Justice of the Supreme Court of the
United States, where he expected to remain for the rest of
his life.
They were the convictions of Charles E. Hughes on the
eve of joining the highest tribunal in America, a c<purt of
last resort? at a time and in a situation when no possible ad
vantage could accrue to him from any public expression.
No estimate of his fitness to fill the office of President
with firmness, fairness and justice can be stronger than the
above comment from a review of his career as governor by
the organ of the New York State Federation of Labor.
He has no need to talk ? he has done.
He said what he believed then? he believes what he
said, now.
Therefore we support the candidacy and the convictions
of Charles E Hughes.
his advertisement is paid for by the Hughes Alliance Reserve
idependents, working for the election of Charles E. Hughes.
? an organization of Democrats, Progressives, Republicans and
Henry J. Cochran, Treas., 2 East 43rd Street, New York City,