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by MIUL. Sl?X?? h Co 'L.PA Ml Q?fton Work* Lonflon " A?J ?>ubli?h?a by THS TARrrr RilfORJU LEfcOUJ. 7. Vlcl? ri* iur*\ Loneor 8 W AMERICAN WORKMAN : "Yes, Cousin, that's what the tariff does." BRITISH WORKMAN: " Wei! I'm Mowed ! And to think I've beeng FREE TRADE U Kl.i.SKi'!:';. V'-v. T??nny f- URn was shot r( t this -Y"llitl?| :)? ; h?- !?:? 1 ? i-.ii !; :if l-'ollaiish-i- hv Toriny! ? Sui'i<?. i\ ?;>? si<-":o:npa:ii'-fl hy h:s ' r. ?':?!?> ? liiiilw. tV-tina Was sh->! st <>?!:?? <-h with a fvi-i \ tj,.-. bulk-' jrk'tii itii; -tin! striking t i ??* , sh^rr rib. H- v. i- rush'-rl ?>> !h- Ohio: Yn!!<\v hnst-!'o! a' St-'nli.-HvilU'-. in! :r i-riri.--.-i! ? -???.* 1 1 i ?? 1 1 . Pa:>y ?itiidi* was! h r-r>st ??<! hy < ? ti* i ? ? r <_;? ?>? Curtis aii'i o-? * ; : iril " to "A ^ \vl> n?- iv:i? f in th' ? ??>ii:it\ jai!. '! "titi\ Oui'l" mad-- Vis ??sr-i|w ami t* is 1 1 ? ? \ ? I hy '?i! fi-iaN tha; h?- ?! i?i tli. sh<>m:?:-. I v-n i a J' ?? s ?' ! . ! si>'.'i isi't: ;hr>-u;rh :h<- hand. i TN- rnr ti v. ? :? ?irniktni; t" ? ?? ss, it i suid. 'itt'l tit-- > S't'*! .--??! : ?>!' i rrnuoh* >s u<?t know?!. Tii.- ol'r't<-:-iJs ar>- s---u ? - i ii jr f"f "iY'hny 'luido. TO EXTEND M. & VV. . MORflANTOWN. W, Ya.. Nov. f..? j Work will If bcwiin r h i - on 'h"' extension <>i the Morssintown ami \\"lio*-Iintc railroad ft <??n ['riff to. Blackviih-. \\". \"a. AT :? t ??! : i i for !h? road is alr?-;i?i> hvr?\ Tin iiti" wtU also iikf-iy bi- r\:?>nrf"ti "? Wayn* ?? burs. f'a.. ;i!f! ! l? n <"?? ? ;?> Kitit ? Jrovt* and la*?'*r to Whcitna. TO BANDITS ? I ;< . Nu' . .V? Tin- ?; !i i <i 1 tin a lailroail siaii.n ! ,\l' ,-i'H l';.rU. :? .Irtl ? 1 1 : i n u ? i in !i ' -'in li."!n ui'ii .'i.-;i>. A. T. I.nrc:i ;iu*l In r -iJi'/'tis !;i!< >aturi!:i\ ? i i ci t < j I' * -:i til" l:il'>wi! : ? l.iy. . I < i I. nr. . ' rlisrrtv ? ! ? *1 i : : : i ? ? ~ ill Iiiiiinv :iii J . j s : : 'i I ? ? ? Wh-ii I J' ? . rio '.tin.- i.. tvhfrv it..- \wr?\ Mi*\' ; ;isk"(l ill"':: I ir ! ill 1 1 1 ? ?? ! i:i I ly Mi - ? h ? i i' li rrii . <!:?>. ???'! r. .i -liurt jiw.i;. . ??!???[??; !i w ' : ! : i n i ? f |. t ? I u |n hi ill* i;* 'ii V - , Tli" -In i ? s I ivi r> l'irii' il. 5?iti . ? >>:\.- hi'mi it I ; : ? ? 1 1 i I.' \v:is ; ii.- ii . i V.":i \ . Th* Kar.ili! -- i ?-?;i(. i !. ? '? :li- r j-:i- ? :..,ii..:.ii.. :n*i WiJliilt !:i> lii s! ' v ? ' : i ? i " ; t ' !???:? i ? 'mlilrps 1 1 :t \ ? ? t i s : : m i ? t :.i II i.-tt ? r i :-:if !'i is-i) S:i i il ???!;? ???!}?, i I :>? I' spoils. i>i-\ MILK GOES UP FJ. KIN'S. \\*. \"'t .. Nov. r. Following 1 it;.- ????(??in 'ojirfrifd aorion r.T Imiw (i| fills t-iry in raisins tiio prir^ of fir< nii. r-oin?-? now similar anion on : t!n- r ir iff. nf li.'".*ui. fork's pnw similar ;n'!|oii om i h" part of mi'l: prrul ??!?.?; and i? vs The pr'cp of in ilk ha li'cn rai.-' fi ttoni s mi :? <en'~ a (man i si tul liio.-" 1 1 ; i ?. ]i->> ili;;n a ipKirl ;t : itit'- \\ii! 1 >?': iu-t' at Mi" rule of I" >i |i;;iri Ail it'..- civlii dairy cfi.'n-iM l!r i'*! ' it. I V' ' .-Suit-il i ill" 111 ? ? U 5 . '.'I'W V()I!!\. Saimi'-I t'o>n iii rs. prt sM'-n; nf ? ii- ? \njoru an i-'? | - i f: 'if, i of I 1 " >?*. i ? ~ 3 : i ? 1 1 liotv !o niuli1 ih>- hiIJhw -i ;i I ??mour afidn ..sod in ? ;ir t>c.';i!i^ni< !i and iisizens of tin. I' nit oil StntPs": "A - 1 1 i i i ? ? : i ? ? li} i:i<- a few i ! . i \ afro, ih'-ri- is si?iik? s'-iwiii.> 'c .> pritis a ca nard ni'nn yiw wijfii i' w i I i !?? ? i?m l.iio in disprove a iii! i rn'itliatf i 'u ? lalso hood and ^c' ii iim< aliouai inn-; or 1 1 lava i ions. ??'l'iii' informal ion ??'>iin>s m mo that a pii-i' inicii labor li-adi r lias socnied soniv fai."> rations o! a IVw stiji posodly la'i'ii or.'.:aiii/.ai ions attacking 'in1 i-liarac'cr a:.:.' Sh< policy ol' the la bor i-nnim'tipo of the AniPric: n ''"deration r>f Labor.and (hat. ; In ;. ?iv h.- . .??: bii>)i? -i) as advonisp lnonts i.i lit" newspaper-' of the coun try ; (virii : tov.\ Th?? American Forler ;>!ion r;f l.ahor I : n s . without a (lissom in/: voicr ot vote. proclaimed tho po 1 W; ?lames Li Harriott p ? - ? ? i PROSECUTING ATTORNEY OF 1 MARSHALL COUNTY I I Mr. Marriott was ir- nominated i>y ih<- I \ ? ? } > ; ! i ? I i ( ? a 1 1 | } ?;i a' 1 ! if .liiiw jjiMiiin; y i? y a lar^'c majorit v. !]<? |j -njiciis your si i ] ?| >? ?:*1 at the |j General Election, Next Tuesday i ?liiical policy i<? stand by the friends j of labor and jti-Uiee. and in defeat. its* J etieilli":!. j "lii this campaign Woodrow Wilson j Islands for all vital is tru? ?o labor,; i just ice. t?a i riot ism . freedom and lm-J j inanity. I ?T!i?- false friends of labor wi : in tln-ir purpose to deceive." fail ' NKW YORK. Nov. :*>. -The Mtjrage- ' of Mrs. Mary Lily Flakier, v. idow; of II* n ry M. l-'lauh r. one of the or:;an-| ixers of ilii Standard Oil Company,! and builder of i lie riotida Kast Coast s Railway, to former Judge Robert ! Worth Hinghnin. of Louisvilie. Ky.. was i tinnoiiiieed here to-day by William lx.i Kenan, of l.,oekporl, N. of All's. Flakier. Mr. Flagler died at. Fla.. in Mil". Mrs. I' I; her husband's estate. V.. a brother I 'Rim Ileaeh. ;|er inherited valtH i lii of The experienee of those ivlio Irive used "Mother's K rl?*n?l " hlioulrl merit expoetant moth ers' conMderation at this time. r; vNoitierj jnend thi jnrrtns- nf Iviaijhin^ Itl'illlillT HIi'k'lhM ;i ?!?] seating roiuhti>i:.s before i-oii'' [S^> jTieiui Proved if* jrrent. value dur ! s : V delivery In" the alwi-rv c of liio vevert' firii ;j\ oet\*isi<?i;ed ] li)' such an cv.'iil." if (f, . i 7 'ftp? it* c/A?-?^ I 'P-rins an ?*\trrii.-:i remedr j? ! ?u" fv- -le.jli'sl . ? :ir.rf l:i ! prep if::. l- Iim \ -iem iVif >n<h I a eiiaim- " ,\ii . ? - . | \iiil- d1 tisisr*! -t s,'!> V.'ri-i; ^ <<T f re?- a: r.-~: : !.- is.).?i? j [.;> ' Inlli. r! 11k* Kefiilnt'ir fn, J I 1 which has been estima^-I? $70,000,000. : il The wedding will talelj" city on November 15. rJ 1 reside in Louisville for i- 1 riod, later dividing iheini that. city and the Flaji \ Palm Ueach and New "i '. Mrs. Flagler was M.v ! Kenan, of Macon. Oa. ?- ; live husband is a promiif j Louisville and a widowe^ children. Mis wife, wsi Kh anor E. Miller. dime | years ago from injuries n automobile accident. KL I'ASO. T- v.. Nov. utsi 1"- n abamlmu-d liy ih*. Cri- J :-"ii under i-oiiiniiinii <">|' 'is ; I l? ri > r;i. a> roni iiik o? i-:iiiv- ] mi: in .liiiir?v. louiulit l>\ tlii Iniahun t'ny. Noihiup however of the Ai;:erie?icy sa ill. ? *! 1 1 ri I* MM" \ ri'l'V, U ? U< ii'Tal T:*vino s.-tiii loni|:iH t. i. ? s- :*:i j >'i i. - i omin it nirii ii<j] I" ? iw-ii i * 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 a i i 1 1 * i *'iiv a as u'l! as so points mjiii lis Ihih ? hr ?:i.- unilil" lo lniir nsar'lintr Aiik i irans who o l'*iri"?! i)' said li> woli'd i t' tori at hi- i-Miiiiniinii. *'0 in w - ilictu a.-' a - ctiot v. as iini iiivkI. \ -\nn> or :? !' ? v. r i ??1'ii. ? ;h t in- l.i. a i !??.?! ll u'riii. 1 1 v. i ."? ? >'. ' t M V . I,lll ti ?! ? ! 111. Til"' i li. I ll I ??! ? ??at III v. s;.-rii-!\ . Il.-i ' lllgibo r 1 1 ? ? i i > i tr m I <n 'ii-u' ?ri: I ? i f i sUurvt'. "I'll. I. ili. ?; y rr !'u> ? '. ? iiitiv; r i ? ? ? ! i M a l I mi ? .if s un. II ?: I at', I '!'ii" ???ilay ni' riling ? I' t t'i i'ii tslni'-^li on tt< i ;r-si mori'iiriir. Rivn-. ? I . A V | > i \ \ i - ' \ \ i!.|, C I T V : t : I : iiUITAC7 CHAW i ti'i' - 'i ? '''t II ?!.. ?? . . if, TB-ACAS ON FOKTX a STREET a? crtiuM AV- I ? ? I I I n bm^f 0 I ..,iinn. I- rank j ihin Willi -J ; i.vlmsUi and . my ? v won ml ? prff'-nvtl ; v WanlusUi's ? In :i I'i.i "a- at :i fnivif jM.fl y-;iiv lit ftX' ? I I:i \\ anluski was ? it t in tin: kill!'", it Is said, atui Ai.-\ r.i"iii' k ??!<?<? .-Ui :>>'<? in tin i lia t*R> il \v?llt l'' l< ?litmus Uardiiski Th" ??!i:ifir- ?= ?< ;*? il*. ? S-iniiv Sfltnlt/.'- I iih'i lirr. I Follow 1111: i It" i :?< u !>!??. ' '"l?ii:-ki aitfl | 'Moli ski u"l.l i" a if i: ? ii: l!"invood. ? jii^i :i< r- iss ill" .Mar-hall ? oiinty line,! v. i.i r. ;ii*y w i !"?? I t ? ? i ami placed un it r arri st In Hi-nwood polio- i>(Tn*i-i\s. Tli.'y V"V* surm-ii ovi-r t ? ? officer JJapor ! :i nil l?r<uii.i ' io i Ii" "iti |ni:k-up to await .'a fnrMi'-r mx - st station ' Tii" ?f?n: b I ?? occurred about f.:"ii| '??"?I ?? -!v i":' < vrtiinp I Jr. A. I'.'. Xollo, | ' i ? ?" North i:.-ll\vood. ".as cailod to atloild ' i-ili! - r arid found it tv i'^ssnry to ' i a ^ "tii s!i:-li to <l..s. ; !?.-? wmmd. i i ; You can get insurance against loss i of rental income ? but you can protect j yourself from such loss through time. j iy advertising. L ? ? "Peeling Ski*1"1 ^ ! Better Than Bleachuig | Kx i i situ', il." di -fox . !???( xx :? \ would ali'-orh and r"tnoxi> d ??.?liipliAton. us us.- liy l:idi a.- :i ? t:li -mi i : I ?? for lib-arliing <-i i-am - ? i>.nllv. A p"rf"(M i-oniidcx that "Vf !!llit"l> iil?i? i-iiii rkald. -.'ilistaiii-" is ns>-ti. , ; !>? lit i". . n> ? I. i lis ? ii:;. i !.-ai ii!? and ;>r j si t vat ix a. lion i'- nil !<li Iy a ppa ivi 'at l ladi. s aIii. hi-. ?? l?i-.-!i >>:i > inir inj ? j pl'iri . i'.ii* "sp"oiil I lili'Sirh" from li.-au ' VI ? i-irl!: :| -: s'-nl! r'-ri ?>: II 17" I rUI t III. ? ! . ? <! XVJ.V ..|ttr:t!ik? ti- :". all It b 1?. s,i |...i ?:;?>! *!:n! i' ".in t.. ? : . i ? in-il a; .1! ?:ri'U.:i.4!>. xvlin have i: ! OMKilla! "II -otiil". p i.-liic- 'I'lli". I -?ui-- :? a ppl ? ji jsbinu n'.'"s : HOLIDAY ELECTION lis, rederal Offices and Stock Mar kets Suspend Tomorrow. Schools Close. v.11 hnnkiiiK hmiso?. sti?-U e\rhanjres I federal nffifos will ? closed to irrow. ol^' tioit uay. win- I: is ;i |c~al liday. Public schools will be closed norrow. \s hos been the .""iisiom ber?\ ,i.? wc 1 1 all over 'he country. business in sev 11 1 lines is suspended until the fol .viiiK Wednesday morning. ^anoidate for i iYour Insurance Business j.*j Representing : | -The Trav-iiers' i -sarance Go,, Hartford, Conn. Life. Accident and Health. Guaranteed Low Cost Life Insurancj Contracts with Disability Clause. The Tiavclcrs' list cf ooiicies em brnces sll possible requirements. I can suit your needs in this line. 509 bermsn 830k Biiiloing Bel! Phone ? O^fic'. 223-J ricBidencc, 223 -M