Newspaper Page Text
feRAETON JURIST ARRIVES SATUR DAY NIG- HIT AND WILt. LEAVE THIS MORNING. Decline:, t-o Discuss Rccent Electioa or Sessica of Deg'is'.a.tttre ? Here cn Buebieas. ! rn '! f C > ? : rt r?- n. ' f?r.l*ten. candidate t'nr gotvrnor at the rtwni ?'lection, arrived su ibe city Sat urday '"Sht am' spoilt > - >'? -fda} . call tits <??? '"?'n i fri<?n'J> I! v. " I ? \ i!-i< morn >u> i or iiURiiittrn ttlmr' i.* will sp*nd a few day?s Tii-? jade's 'rip is soi- I; ;:i r!> !nt>-rej=t ?>f ;irivato <-t' the ? n ' ? !? ?.?ns <t tor p - of?r i. ,,f ? J. ti- :?rtitv tl- Said. liOwvvi r !;? re.;/' ser ;'.i to Strive 'it* el^rr-n. : jii-lrr*- ha- I- ? it n;i:?"r!y #i :;>? n<i:r:s .'?? rj-"tia i .^'fairs whteh ??r- S'iii?\-kat n- * I dtirni^ th?? cam patgn. and ? .?^fyd-.y that cspfftsf to devote himself strictly i.? SECURE LIBERTY WLFB CONFESSES TO WRONGDOING I THAT MA? RESUI.T IN ? ?v COURT ACTION. .STKl : HKNVll.K. U.. Nov. C>:. .Incite ! '.'art 11. \v ' II d?<id'- t!:;:- ihtj "??.?ok. possibly within a day or so. wh'-ther >'f not ty parole William Merkl?\ <?:" Tv- ? f t ?.?. who last wet. k ri.iiitcgsed to t ho ! killing I'ra nk ? ?* tt. also "f Tomn- . to. !n that oity. 1? st July. Merkb - < d guilty a charge of :iiansiaiight?r j and received a so titer ?-e ..r" frusu I to 2't jears -ti the ' >tik> p>. nit* ntiary. M.-i-k:-- . ? liter*.'! his plia ? guilty m ??nier tu i keep tin* motive ft>r ti;>* crime from b- - j ? ? 'i:uik kn-twu and i" save his wife an<i ?hi hire n fr??m disgrace. sacrifice ? "'. lit for naught as ids wife. afu r ? 1 1 1 o consideration. decided ihat !;.?{? d^raee wo;; id riot be atiylhin? eeninare'r v.-t :i tne r-rivn f ions !i? r husband v.-'tsM -u'-j ter ui prison ar.-l >':it ml" nmri J late Saturday ati-l latd.ivr'' ail h-"' 1 1 ' ' ? it j ^??''latiuxis with t::-" ittan ?ii>'t!i r Is its- , aattd slew. In !;? ?? cut 'ssti'ii. w'ni-*!i ! was writetn on: at:-! rcaii by h,-r Is u. ? i t'Utld's attorney. A. (I. i.- wi>. s':n* l<'iu I the history of her lit".- with M? rkl<". do- j Ma red he was :<>t id^al l:usbf?ti-l. a j ?htireli fltvi Svmday school worker ati?i aJ ways provided well for li'-r and the | ."hl'ciren. Her stor> lirouaht tea; - t'> the ! ryes of r.'.any itt th>j ?'Ourt ro-?ni. !nj Tlditiofi t-1 thrt s?od reou rat ion siven ' M-rk!- by his wil-. affidavits <<? ovr j citizens of Toronto wrre pf-sented j i" the coi;rt hi silly praiMisc lv ? n i and nskinp that hi1 b?- paroled. Thr^o phy- ' siciatis t**stifi?>d : imi .Mcikle. was t<;ni- j porarily insan*- a' the time the critiic was comitttttvd. b it that at present he Is sound mfitialiv. I'rosecutitig Attor ney U". C. Brown nuide no fight against ?derki^ securing a parole. Ho staled that any notion the court utixht iak*- in the tnatr?*r would be entirely sactsfac to hlt:i. U was brorssht "Ut in the Srand jarj investigation that Merkle | had warned 0"l>rion ??> sssiy j rrom his wife before tii*1 fatal shooting.! "It was >:a- d that Merkle had worn* d over lite itiatter so much thut his health srati t <*> fail and at tip* tiitio "t the shoot \v.< was in a ;>oor stat>a i ? t health. Sterling Silver Toilet Sets at Hillman & Sen. r\ ORDERED TO FRONT CHARLESTON. W. Va.. Nov. 2t?.~| Members of the recruiting party, which has been in aervit-o for four; months oniistinc tn<>n for the Second j West Virginia infantry, have been or- ? fleroil to report at r'ort Thomas, Ky., j hp <1 left today fur that place. i Thoy will be mustered out. of t ii f > service tomorniw. .v <? j o r Jackfonj Arnold, formerly of the Fir-t infantry.! is at the head of fin- party. The other! members are Serjeant Roper M. Brown. Corporals ('. R. Potneroy and! <;i?ber: Quick and Private? NoviM and. Jone^. ONE KILLED; ONE INJURED | PITTSRUEiGH. Nov. LM ? Harold 1). | Glackot). a '-ted iO. was killed and Law-! rence Keys, aced if, was seriously in. j jured n^ar Bedford, Pa., today when! a motorcycle and side car on which ! they were riding down hill at high j speed separated. The machine was ; second in a i"0 mile raco and they i were attempting to overtake the firs' ? car a mile ahead. Both, lived in Pir.cs- 1 bursh. Oiackeu landed headfirst on a stono| and died instantly. Michael Guidos'i,,1 >v?ed 2_. of Homestead. Pa., third in l The ra<-e was perhaps fatally injured I ?whon his motorcycle daslied down a | steep embankment soon .after the i first accident. J iMOST EVERY ISSUE OF THIS ! PAPER FOR MONTHS HAS CONTAINED A LARGE TANLAC "ADV." j ? Proof Absolutely Overwhelms Most Skeptical Doubters Now. j For several months past Tanlac tes timonials have been appearing in this ' paper. and all of them ha vr told of .wonderful results. The testimonials I of the preparation are from Wheeling i people and other.- living near here and ' prove as no other has ever done that it will .-rami investigation, for who ; could not in a few hours easily verify every statement so fa r_ published? Here is one of r hi great number ptib li-du'd. telling of how rheumatism and ; stomach trouble was quiekly relieved. | Mr. W. M. Wyat. a resident here for ten years past and a popular and well known man who.-e statement should quicki> convince even the most skep tical of Tanlae's powers. His wife ! Hates lio arts like a youngster since talcing Taniac He .--aid: | "I'm f>N jear? "id and the father of ten children and feel young at that, t hour1! I"1! ire l bega n inking Tanlac 1 suffered troni rleumati.-m. stomach trouble and a genera! run down condi tion so bad I was hardly able to be tip. I ached all over andal! out of sorts and wasn't hardly able to attend to my duties. My appetite was gone and when I would rat a nual it would sour in my stomach and give me belching spells, but I figured it Tanlac would help everybody else j; would help me. and it was tltc talk of the town, so I took it myself and I am clad to recommend it to any one in need of a good medicine, fo' Tanlac deserves the reputation it ha made in this section. 1 haven't any rheu matism and eat anything I want and my stomach retains it and I feel good and strong again. I actually feel better than I have felt before in ten } ears." Taniac is the talk of Wheeling and a household word in a thousand homes here because it proved right iftv among our neighbors that" it. would accomplish wonders. Note: Tan'ac is sold, one dollar per bottle, at the drug store of ('. H. t'.riest & Co. am pi a w* - '.i' r* i\?*. ? V '!>?*." .'*3 v? A ceremony of <|uict. simple cle arance dignifies your farewell to a departed one. Wc make a con sistent charge t'nr such a servlen. Let us advi.?c you. Our wide ex perience will bo of value lo you and we will only charge for :mr actual services. Palace Undertakers 1304-06-08 Main St. Botli Fhoaes. Wheeling p'olice yesterday were j asked to be on the lookout for a Buick 1 automobile stolen at Ravenna. Ohio..! The car bore Ohio state license No.' -113,654 . ? Gabriel Runco. :?S years of age,] of Warwood. millworker. filed a pell- i tion for naturalization in the local fed. | eral office Saturday. He was born in | Italy and arrived in this country in1 - -The farmers '-merchants' commun-1 iry dinner that was to have been given ; in the Market Auditorium Thanks-' giving evening under the auspices of j the Wheeling Commercial association.! has ben postponed ttnril after the noli-j days. Several <>t the speakers were] unable to attend at this time and; oth?r reasons arising prompted the affair to be continued. ? A small blaze in the roof of the; residence of Charles Monahan on ( Wetzel street did slight damage to the roof. Prompt response by the fire department prevented the flames from gaining headway. ? Seven marriage licenses were granted at. the county clerk's office Saturday. - The recount of the vote for United States senator will ocsin in Marshall county this morning. TO PRESENT DRAMA. The Columbia cltib i1- now arrangin;? for the openinp t.f r If it dramatic s?r The iirst artnir ??? li* jrr. en in 'he rear future is a rural drama entitled: ' "liroiher Josh". Th- '.is' includes '?eorire TPtrn. Fred }V>s*dd. Andrew U^it!;. Frank L?nk, l-'rank Kirsch. Iti>'h ard Dei. t.ouis Kirs--h. "'lara 1 tannins. Klizabeth H.iv?-reamp. Alberta Fink and Helen IlHverramp Why Do You Buy ! Certain Things And Not Others You mon and women that step into a. store ami ask f>>r this named artic-ej or that bra:.d of goods, have you ever asked yourself what it is that prompt?! you to prefer it. above others? Why do you pay Royal Baking Powder, or I>ech Nut Gum, or "'Celery-Mist." tor headache, or Menmui's Talcum i'otv-| tier? Therv are other baking pow d'*r.-. oth?-r chewing gums, o'iier head-; ache remedies, other talcum powders.; Is it because the ones you prefer are advertised the most? Not. exactly, for other similar goods ?:*?? heavily ad vertised. What ;t th^n " Tiie ques:ioa w;t< put '-?> an adve: r:si:;:r expert. Here i.- what he says: ^ A "What makes some articles world seating sellers and o:hers not? Well, ir is not one thinu nor is it several things. It is a happy combination of some sort ? a good product, wilt: a good name, in an attractive package and so on. "I can best 'wplam by illustra tion. A man ia my home town got up a cough syrup and placed it on the market. "Th?v?? wrrr linzms of other cou~h syn:;i> that : i ?? ? ? pvopb' kn^w "Shout, y. ; his one comes aiort^. arid in a short :::?!?? sells in greater quan ti'y than ?;t :ii> other cough remedo*-. combined. And wherever i; intro duced, i' i- its" story. What )v more i* k< on. st Ulrir; ;<i tin- same L pr>OpI> I'l op;,- : AM | ? nil v it will ^ have nothing ??? do with others. Why W :s this? "??ne of those ? happy eombinai only happen* I one- ir- .! i! :::y ? :i; .. '?J!' r> :l|. ? ? r . niako up > iia' Innatii.n ^"Thi? eoior of .- j?;:p j.- di* ?rtt.-Hve; it i.= Im.-m k as bla- k a : c t . And rh?-L :t :s harmless ? t.he.-?< is not a drop of dangerous drugs in ir. I Vet the way it remedies a cough, I clears tho throat and gives relief is marvelous. It ran just as safely he given to a child as In a grown per son and it cures the old as well as .he young. Instead of selling fm j"c or I one dollar, ir is put up in large three jounce bottles to soil for only 2,". renSs. | Then, to cap the climax, it has a name jand trade mark that is a sensation. [This trade mark is made up of an old | negro's fae?\ set in a mass of kinky j white hair and on the old negro's nose | rests a pair of old fashioned square 'spectacles. Above and below the faro | is the name "Old Black .I"'- rough I Pyrup.'* "If you look for the combination of I many little things that make up this I article, you can easiP see whv it is i , ? such a success. i ' "First, the naive? and the odd old i > negro's face attract voiir attention ami i ! leave a last impression. You never I forget, it. The blackness of the cough ! syrup goes band in hand with '.he I tiujiie Old Black Joe and the black i face. 1! being free from all danger Ions drugs and harmless, you do not I hesitate to take ir yourself, give it to jyour children and recommend it to | your neighbors. When you find that it ; do-s the worl; just a.; well as cough land cold remedies that coniajn such ! dangerous drug? as opium, chloroform, [codeine, morphine and heroin you will | have nothing else hut Old Black Jot. i As you got a big bottle done up in un iattractivR package for only l'.". cents, 'von figure that it would be tooli&h to Ipav ?w;ce as much for other brands, [or attempt the luringUnvitation of oih : i>r manufacturers to make one of your jinvii. And -o this article becomes a {permanent fixture in your life and i your hotue. It one or two of the little j things mentioned had been missing, [then the combination would not haze j tiern complete and you and thousands 'of others would not buy it."* fT I M?W!?M^ff^? : aBHgaBBBMagaBgag?BBasBBBiaBWBBasBaBBa ra 1 JUl < t, i8> '^. -'?i Aladdin with his wonderful lamp never produced a more perfect article than these goods. Domestic Science expert in charge of Demonstration TEA POTS 1 Quart $2.15 2 Quart $2.50 VEGETABLE COOKERS 4 Quart $2.15 6 Quart $2.75 BERLIN SAUCE PAN Special, 89c. COVERED BERLIN KETTLES 4 Quart $1 .45 6 Quart $1.80 8 Quart $2.15 10 Quart $2.50 COFFEE POTS 2 Quart $2.05 3 Quart $2.30 1. 1 P P E D PRESERVING K E T TLBS 3 Quart $ -90 4 Quart $1.10 6 Quart $1 .35 8 Quart $1.65 10 Quart $1.90 COFFEE PER COLATORS 6 Clip $3.75 DINNER BUCKET S Large Oval $2. -If) Medium Size Roaster $4.25 Large Size Roaster $5.00 SKILLETS Small $1.05 Medium $1.65 Large $1.90 LIPPED SAUCE PANS 1 y2 Quart S .60 2__ Quart $ .70 2Vo Quart $ .85 3 Quart ? .95 4 Quart $1.10 rice boilers 1 Quart $1.50 2 Quart i__.SX.95 3 Quart $2.25 To introduce the new cold handle on Aladdin utensils the factory has furnished us a limited quantity of the $1.25 size of Alumi- ~ ~ mini Covered Sauce Pan to offer while they last at ?> Come early and get full benefit of Demonstration while stock is complete. No 'phone orders accepted for special Aluminum Covered Sauce Pans S PROMINENT CITIZEN WHO DIEDj YESTERDAY WILL BE LAID AT REST IN GREENWOOD. The Rev. W. H. Fields Will Conductj the Services, Assisted by Dr. Jacob Brittingham. Following an illness of bronchial; pneumonia sine? last V\ ednesday, i John Sargent Nay I or, aped 7;! years. I one of Wheeling's most prominent) citizens, died ill his suburban homei on the Bethany pike. Woodsdale. Sat- , unlay morning at 10: i.?r? o'clock. Funeral services will be held in the j residence i li is afternoon at - : 3 0 ; n'eloek. The Rev. W. H. Fields of, the First Christian church will offici-j ate. assisted by i he Rev. Dr. Jacob j Rrittingham of Si. Luke's Protestant j Episcopal church. Interment will be private in Greenwood cemetery. The pallbearers will ho J. I\ Me f'ammon, R. K. Adams. J. Dent. J. If. Kirk. Dr. W. 'A. Cracraft. Sr., and il I'. McGregor. Mr Naylor was burn in IVnnsyiville, Morgan county. Ohio, of Quaker an-! eestry, April Ifi. 1843. In his youth j lie moved with his parents in Wells- 1 burp, this state. His father was aj school teacher and later clerk of the' courts and postmaster of Wellsburst. i Mr. Naylor came to this city in 1864,' and entered the employment of thej old Georue K. Wheat wholesale notion : establishment. Later he became a I partner. In 188!) he established t be j John S. Naylor company, which is to- 1 day one nf the largest establishments nl the kind in this section of the coun-1 try. Tim store was for many years | located iti the old List property. 'Four- j teen tli and Main streets. In J 907 thej firm was incorporated. Recently the establishment was moved across Main street, in the Rogers building. Sev eral years ago Mr. Naylor retired from active business. II" married Miss Anna Wendclken. of Marietta. <).. in I860. Four sons: I v. re horn to them. Allen G., Joseph R. and Wilson, all prominent in the busi ness world, ami R. R. Naylor, for many years secretary of (he West. Vir ginia slate and Wheeling Roards of i Trade, and now with the Travelers'! Insurance company. Mr. Naylor was a member of the I First Christian ehurch and a member j of the hoard of trustees of the church, i and also a trustee of Bethany college. He was politically a Democrat and at jnne time was chairman of the Demo j era tie count} committee, in 1892 Gov. I A. R. Fleming appointed Mr. Naylor i a member nf the West Virginia ? World's Fair commission. Ho was a I member of the Masonic lodsc and hnd i occupied some high offices in the ! order. Mrs, Julia (Lamb) Gardner. Mrs. ,Ii:li;i i l.amli fJardntr, wifp of j ? If Inte .Janu* I! <?arduer. one of tie" i :n?>t widely. known elderly women ?>'" I Wheplinxr. died suddenly i n tin fjitni'y j hoinn. ."?0" Xorth CVent street. Saturday [ nmrnitiK shortly lv fur*. " nVJock. Mrs. Uiirdner had retired in Her u-uai jh'.al'h ai li'-r necn?torn"tl time. At 2:30 I n'( ?.? ?- daughter and s->n. sleeping in adjoin ''is ronms. heard h^r fall on the I floor near hrr bed and rushed into the room. finding ilie:r mother dead. Mrs. Gardner was a member of of the most distinguished historical I *"amilies of West Virginia. She was I h"ru s:: this .-ummuriity August. 1S4-I, | arid was 72 s ? a I's ?>|il. She lived in I WhevllPK .*"'1 her life. tXeeptitlK :i short period in Hell, fontalne. Ohio, after her I marriare. ,\t tlio death of her husband j "j I years iiuo, she returned To ihl? ejty. i S'tie was nm"tig I lie most active workers in St. Matthew's- l'rotestnnt Rposenpal I elt'indi. despite advanced years. Airs, ij.-irdner was llio lust surviving ehild nf 'It" noted I. ami) family, of this Mat., lyinu tin- daughter of tin late I 1 and Maria l.iiml). It was her j r.tth'r who was ehnlrrn.m or : 5 - Ir-cislu j ;i\.- .????. ni 'ii i 1 1.-? and fram?d 'he fons-iifn [ ! ion adopt' <1 in W. Stern Virginia wirh |draui:ii: from Virginia as ;? separate j ????;!iniriii,.v< :i I? h. H' was a prominent | member of the first West Virginia |. ;; islulure. At It-U 1 1 ;i I -- ho wa > .'111111113 ! Wheeling nil is i and brilliant j lawyor.v and was itiU-ri Mt-i) m tin baiilt ini: insurance business thi- ? ity. ? 'I'll'- sudd-n posing away of .Mrs. i '.?Hr<!nrr eatno a- ;i shod: :<? h> r I relatives mii I hosts of friends through- I '?lit the district. Sin h aven j two daughters: Mrs. Fred A. ? 'i; 1 1 ?? r. of j Xtsw York, and Miss Amelia liardner. at | heme. Funeral services will l)? held in 1 ln> J family home tins afternoon at o'clock. j 'I'll'- itev. IS. K. I.. Stridor. of St. Mat- j thew's Protestant Kjiiso"i a I oimreh, will j officiate. Interment will be private in Greenwood cemetery. Funeral of Mrs. Koahlcr. I'" u n oral services for Mrs. Surah . Kochli r. who died In the Ohio Valley, Wednesday, wrr*1 hold in ihvj family homo. 3GIS Fof f ss t !*???? I . Saturday i afternoon. interment was in Mt /.i"ii j comctery. Funeral for Mrs. Belts To-day. This morning at 5:3fl o'clock funeral i sor vices for Mrs. lluKina i ? irainnvr; Bcltz, kife of the late .1. \V. 1 1 y.. Sr.. . afiod fifl, who died Friday afternoon. will j held in the family home. IT Twi n- j tiotii street. Ue<iuiem high iiihs.s wiil bo celebrated in Si. Alphonsus church j at H o'clock, with inlenneni in Mt. Cat- | vary cemetery. Funeral for Miss Preccott. To-day. ! Funeral services for Mis.- Mir;. May' Present t. whose doath oeeiirr.d hi i i i < ' Ohio Valley <!onral li? j? j : I Friday morning, will hi; h?- li I in th<" home, N'o. tl. J National road. this afternoon at 2; o'clock. Inlernicnt will l>e in (Jrcunwooil ) cemetery. Funeral for Mrs. McCoauell. Saturday afternoon funeral services! for Mr.s. Sarah ilil.isl.yi Met 'i.rui.-il.v, ifo I of the lat" iji-or^' McDonnell, v.. re' hold i in th? home of her daughter, Mr.s. .1 i\ J ?"ioe'ze. 111 Eleventh street. where her j death occurred Thursday pmrninfi The Rev. John II llownrd. of Zane | Street Methodist Kpi.scoi.ial church, offi- i elated. Interment was in '".reenwooil i cemetery. Tho jiall hearers were Tour >rrandsoiip ! of Mrs. MeConiull: Frank It. Shepherd. ' Stephen!. Russell K. Go- iz.- and 'li.-i \V. ltvh^L7.0. Fuuonil tor Mr. Oarabin To. clay. l-'tin. nil rvi.vs 1". ?.r i '.>n.-tan; ? ';i i ;iliin. li] In' lii;ii! I h:> 1 1 ? ? ? i' 1 1 ? : > ^ v i;t Hi. hurrii r>f his br*. ; hvr-'i'.-law. i - U.ll'.l SfilU !. "f.i" will I'-r 'i<~ ? f : i. f ; ? i*"r S . I . ? '.?niiis ifivmvr .! ! >1 1 1 In- ss l(> in liljjh mats: will !???]<? bra tori in l.ho I' "I ! hf 1 Jilln'n li !:i !? I '??11. >1, .. I [i o'l-liick, with Itiiri.ii ;? .Mi. I'.ilviry [?(?nioiTy. Mrs. I'arabin iviifs born in i-"rn r.r> j cars hl'ii. and was a vc-ran u! ilic | Franco- 1 'rusjMiiii war li' : :i ? ! ! : v.-.l ?t: i tl:is cit> "t> yvHi " .Mi'. Curahtn vv:m ; iiwii-o m;i rriai <1. II:.- first w;:.- ?::???! I nvt'v a s' .in i>: \ ? ars jijjo lit Franw His i SitO'IHI VVifi: Ml1-.- I. ? 11.1 S.'ilii!. ?<!' j.S'fli'ii V. ii- ? v. in> ?-?iivi v? .S. C. E. Lcry. h it iinia y n . i i cr> :iWi',-.nv. :n^ the ?leath >!? i* ItroilK-r. ? t Lory, in Ins In. ltK- .(' S;>r t: v! ' !??? Ark. .Mr. I.'TJ v..t. for n?Hny yt,?r.' si r<*siil?."nt of \Vli?!eUit?. j i.-itiil v.-is a v. 'rrnn <?: ill- '"ivi! war.! j wrviiig ::i ,iii Ohio vi vstlrj Kuii?ral Mii?l | I'tsrial v. '-re in .SprinC'lale. ADMIRALS PROMOTED. HKKT.fN. Nov. rn ( 0;. v.irelos? to S:?y v ill* ?. ? R' Admirals Wnrmbach, .ra.?P?jr. C^honko and Hobbinp bati.a Iwv?* born promoted to vice :??!? an ftv. NVffs agency ;:nnountvi!i>'ht lc i!a> . -onri labor : : : j i ? > r i r- have {12 ni'-nibt Special Bargain in Diamonds. Jewelry. <"U Hillman & Son. 2o Eieventh Street. ? ? : The and prestige of this establishment is undoubtedly main 1, -lined by the personality imbued in iis styles. livery garment is a perfeel example of expert accomplishment tn mab-hing of Kurs, blending of Colors, selrf-tion of Tex lures and the appli cation of trimmings. These harmonious .results can only be acquired by an accurate knowl edge of' fashion's dictates applied by those who liav: made a life sindy of the fine arl of Women's Dress. Smart Fashions for the Young Miss Sice Boilers Aluminum Double Tioih-rs. for funk ing rine. cereals or custard. lis quart size. 98c \Iuminum Roasters Miule of heavy W;; Pure Aluminum, amlops, highly polished. Siv.o ll'-x ??x7 inches. "special PRICE ALUMINUM KITCHEN-WARE 7-Pieeo K i t ?? iurii Set> oompriserl ?"?r a 4-<|\i art Sauce Pan, 'J-ouart Percolator, li-<puirt Herlin Kettle, fi-quart Pre serving Keltic. <i-i|iinrt < 'omhination Tea Kettle and Double H>>i If r and J 1 _<-quart Colander. (Pi A AA A S1D.00 value for ?pjLvo\J\/ oo- Piece A I timinuni Slots comprised of 1 G-quart Presorv i i ip- Keltic, 2 -Iclly-Cake Pans. il Pic Pans, - I '? rea? 1 Phiis, I Slow Pan and Cover, I li-quart Stow Pan, ! 1-quart Stew Pan, I i 'ako Turner, 1 Coffee Strainer, 1 ]\lcasur injr ( 'up. I Susrar Shaker. Cpieee. sot nf Popper and Salt Shaker, Toothpick Holder and Stand, I fi-piece enni hinat inn .Funnel. OQ SPECIAL PRICE rl)eJa JO I "i- Piece Aluminum Spoon Sets eonsis?iuLr oi H Tea Spoons, ? i Tablespoons, I Cake Spoon, I Mixing Spoon and I Tea Strainer. A $1.00 value for 7-Pieee Kitchen Sols of heavily nickeled metal with ehoni/.ed handle, cuii^ists of 1 Measuring Spoon. 1 Mix ing Spoon. I Ku'ir IValer. 1 Potato .Masher. 1 Strainer Spoon and 1 Cake Punier. ?CO<r4 SPECIAL PRICE OVi, 10-inch sizo Aluminum Fry Tans. SPECIAL PRICE Preserving Kettles I,argr> sizo. Llppnil Preserving Ket t !??.-?. t'lnod strong handles. SPECIAL AO PRICE y O C