OCR Interpretation

The Wheeling intelligencer. [volume] (Wheeling, W. Va.) 1903-1961, November 28, 1916, Image 7

Image and text provided by West Virginia University

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn86092536/1916-11-28/ed-1/seq-7/

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It will keep you warm
and comfortable.
Hess Special
Union Suits
$1.00 and S1.50
Men's ? Wear.
1321 Market Street
Wl'l Basket Ball Season De
v 21 ? School Will Save
Two Teams.
The 1 'athedrai High school basketball'
team is now being organized unci wil
5?1r>" its first games of t.'ie season De
cember -1 when a but t !?> will bo staged
with the aggregation representing t!ie
Uellaire High school. The i 'athedrai
will haw two* teams again this year
ami as they have some exceptionally
good material to pick from it is expect
ed they will make a great showing "lur
ing the season. At Rellalre on the 2lst. '
the second team of the school will play'
a preliminary game.
r- ? -<3 j
Sunday afternoon at Ray laud the W. I
A. footballers lost one of the most
riinllmg games ever staged at that ;>!aee
although the score stands for a victory
for the Ohio boys. The W. A. C. if tin
? i-serves as m??-h credit for the plucky (
tight as the victors deserve for their vic-i
'?>ry. It was weight against pluck and i
; ii?- w.-lght won. \
Sw i.il to
iU't'KilAN.VuX. W. Va.. Nov. 2". ?
UVsieyans football team, elat-j.l over lis
-howing against 1'enn arrived home at;
noon yesterday with not a single man'
?'"'ii slightly injured and today will
Two People ? One in Evansville
and One in Richmond Cured
Long Ago, but Still Praise
S. S. S. for What It Did for
Them. i
Mi*. J. K. le-llan. of. 1" x "tuifriu street. ;
Uiciimotid. Virxir.ia. was cured of ?'a
iH tIi several y-'irs -ic.- :<iiil- wrott' us r-.
'?'?ntiy: YY-'i ' k.tit'W I had v-.-r
<'nt:irrfi at ail no\v? I know there1
r\" remedy like S. S. S."
Mr. >',<?>. ! c'arr. ? -?>!? Kdjrar stro ?!,
Kvansvilie. Indiana. was likewise eur? il
of Catarrh many >? ars ami he re
cently wriit*' ::: "I at:: well and all right
and ;????: j tine. Still ra!:i from one to
r vvi > hottJe.s ? ?:" S. S. S. each S;>rini; ???r
the Blood. at;. I 1 : !? >r. r kimw anything
better I'uaii S. S. S. I don't have any
mot e pimples ??.th*T. .v in well and ?>. !\.
-i : i. i s lit a : "A ? ! i.."
A h"s" .? i;!iv>- <.-ur
? mi !?. ih>- m-the<i. purifyim; ami
st T'ltK ? i" tr tiu lit.:;- 1>1 1 w itd S. S.
ari.i th-r- l-. ena": ..im; '? ?? Blood t<> drive
>>llt t!i ? r.c rri; jjortns. I'at.itT.t ;? i
t?I?.".?l -Usea.-' and ??> ?-.-i ri?i of it p-.-r
mamn: ly .-.???n haw ir? ?: strenff.ivn
a n> t ; ? * : f i r"y y>>:ir i ?!?><?? i.
The s.;:is..;: for ? "atarrh is here. L.OulC
...;f for ????!. is. i'on't take any chances
tvtt.i I'.-i-i air! Stay in the open stir as
muvi; as possible. Sleep in the open. iinU
keep >"'it system ii[> t?> par !?y ta'iiitg
S. S. S. I take chano.s with Ca
tarrh. I( is danu> rous.
What many people believe in l??? th?i
disease ' 'atarrh is really v-nly a symp
foni. The most common symptoms "f
?i.is .lis. as. in the system is an intlamed
ami tender condition of the iircHthiiig
passages and tile blocking of throat and
tiosl ri:s with iiiurou!1. Hut this is uji'.v
! h- symptom ? *he .-u'is. is deeper. The
.a i?- is in th>- and to permanent-:
ty rid yourself of ctt^ disease take S.
S. and purify your Blood.
s. S. S. is a scientists blending of tnei
extracts <>t" certain native roots :-u>d
herbs which act directly on the blooi.
Its action is to et*-Hiis* and purify "md
strenjtth?'n the blood corpuscles so they
litrht off diseas-.
S. s. .S. contains no min?*rRl itiRreji
eiits. and besides ? bein< tRc best blood
purirler and builder is a wonedrful tonic.
Write for our specially prepared booklet
'?n ?.'atarrh. Also write Ud for Medl :al
advice. It is free.
Address Medical Department." i; Swift
Building. Swift Speeif:. Company. At
lanta. Ceonjia.
He's oaught sight of
our handsome new over
The finest fabrics the j
world produces.
Not expensive either! |
Patterns ? exclusive- !
lv our own, and variety
as wide as ever.
Quality ? the same old !
standards of all - wool J
and fust color.
Geo. W. Fox!
1310 Market St. I
Signal Drill and Hour of Scrimmage j
Praotice Features Yesterday's Pro. ,
| grain ? Pinal Hard Work Today. j
[ Secret practice in preparation for the I
I annual gridiron classic Thanksgi ving
I between the Bellalre and Wheeling High1'
j school? features the work out of tliei
I < Jold anil liluo. Yesterday afternoon tun I
I full squad was on the gridiron at the'
1 fair grounds for over two hours. one!
| hour was spent in signal practice, and '
| the afternoon was ended with a like ses- j
sion at scrimmage. j
Kvery man on the team is in good con- I
ditlon. Those who have sustained slight J
injuries in previous games have regain-,
ed their form of old and ari: eager for
the Turkey day affray. While tlw.vha.vo'
i never expressed themselves as confident!
[of winning, anticipating the Uellairo
team to put uj> a stilt' tight, ilsey. how-!
ever, feel that without a victory tu wind;
up the season would be not according t<> '
the Gold and Hlue custom.
Today will see the final hard practice
for the Gold and li I u? ?. <"oach Uroolcs '
said last night that rite work of this :tf- '
ternoon would he principally signal driil. ;
while toward the clo?e of the afternoon
there would be a short scrimmage prao- ,
tlce. Wednesday will see only a short;
session of signal work.
Final arrangements for the game are ?
to be completed today, it was announced j
last night by Prof. 11. H. Johns. Tickers,
will be placed on pale and the announce-!
ment of the selection of officers will be [
start on the two linal practices that wlllj
end the practice sessions for l^ltS.
Practice for the team will not be i:;t-|
oroi:.< today and every man who started ,
the season as a member of the Simtl
string squad will be out in uniform for j
the first time in weeks.
Members of Coiuicil Pined $25 Each ?
Sale of Bonds Not Required.
Mayor <\ M. Crisweli and members
of the council of the Town of Edgwood
were hebl to be in contempt of court in
a d' .-f i: handed down yesterday after- j
u.;on by Judge U. M. Addleman in Part .
II of circuit court in the case of State
of W> st Virginia. E\ r? l Atlantic i:k*?- j
ulithic c?>nipany \s. Town of Edgwood
. : al.
After handing down the decree on the |
linai hearing on a rule for contempt, j
.1 n<.i K' ? Addleman imposed upon the do- ,
t'? udants a tin* of and costs ?.?t the !
issuance of the rule, adding. Iiowcv r. |
that the tine will be remitted in iiiej
event that th- officials of Edgwood strike
from the town books, at the next meet
ing. all resolutions pertaining to litiga- j
tion lietwfi-n the town and the Atlantic
liithulilhic company over a contract j
held l>y the larter for paving the main
thoroughfare through the town.
The eonteinpr proceeding was the out- !
growth of an attempt on the part of the j
present administration a Edgwood o J
approve conracts for paving with brick. |
l>y contractors other than the Atlantic j
Hiihulithic company, a road for which i
tl" Atlantic Hithuiithic company had
conraeted with a former adm inisi ration j
for hardsurfacing. The contract with'
the Atlantic l!it hulithic company was!
dependent for its completion upon the J
sale of road improvement bonds issued
by the town which are held by present *
officials of Edgwood to lie defective. '
In making complaint for ;
rule, tie- Atlantic HithulUhie company i
c> mpla itieii that the spirit of an injunc- J
tioii order granted t>y Judge Addleman I
restraining the defendants from interfer- !
i:ig with the performance of its contract
v. iih tie- Town of Edgwood was such as
ti. require the town officials to take all
is step.- to sell the bonds h'-re- ?
t.-t'ore an i horr/.ed by a \ ote <_? f the cit-j
i/.ens of the town.
Boad Sale Not Required.
Regarding this point. Judge Addle- j
man. in his decree, says :
"Nothing is said in said injunction ,
order concerning the sale of the bonds. |
The question of the validity of the;
bonds seems not to have been before the ;
Supreme Court of Appeals, and the J
'"ourt evidently assumed that the said (
bonds were legally authorized and
would be sold bv ? the said Town of j
Edgwood. A fair reading of the Court's '
? pinion wTtl justif> this conclusion. !
That being true, it can hardly be said j
that the injunction order was intended:
to apply to the sab- of the bonds. 1 1 1
se.-iiis to ne- that if our Supreme Court,
had in mind the question of the selling!
? :f bonds, the injunction order would ;
hay-- be- n so drawn as to leave no doubt :
;.s to what was intended, ft would have j
Mated as clearly what the said Town of:
Edgwood and its officers should do with !
reference to the sale of the bonds, as i
it did what the said town and its oft'l- j
cers should do with refedence to Inter-!
feeing with the plaintiff's contract. !
"It is true that the sale of the bonds,!
and the contract, are closely connected. [
but I am unable to find any satisfactory '
reason which would justify the holding j
that the spirit of said injunction order;
required the said town, through its of-,
t'CTS. to sell the bonds in question." j
Regarding the proportion that the!
Town of Edgwood. through its officials, ;
violated the injunction by interfering j
with the plaintiff's contract, Judge Ad- <
dieman's decree says:
Direct Violations.
"It appears from thu evidence that
sonic time in June. UUfi, the council of I
said Town passed an ordinance repurllat- j
ing a resolution passed in October. 1312, ?
relative to street improvement bonds. J
and again in July, li'TO, said eonncll !
passed certain resolutions providing for ;
the improvement of certain streets in
said town, at least part of which were
included in the contract with the ,\t. .
lantic Bithttlithie company. I am of
the opinion that these acts were in di
rect violatirn of the injunction order.
"It is true that during the hearing on ;
this rule council revoked Its action in
reference to the street improvement or
o'inanee, but no action was taken with
reference to the last mentioned resolu
tions. Those resolutions are still in
force and effect, and no effort has been
made by the mayor or the members of
ccuncll to repudiate or revoke said reso
Hopes for Settlement.
"I fully appreciate the serious condi
tion of the litigants In this case, ajid I
hope that some fair and equitable way
might be found to adjust the matters In
dispute, satisfactorily to all parties. I
also feel that the action aken hy coun
cil was done in good faith, and on ad
vice of attorneys, and with no intention
or. the part of council to openly defy an
order of the Court. Hut my duty is
plain, although unpleasant, f ani there
fore of the opinion that the said defen
dants have been guilty of contempt of
the injunction order heretofore awarded
In this Court."
. 1
Car Acted as If yossess?d. Starts, Tunis I
Around, Puns on Sidewalk
and Stops.
Why did this auto take a sudden nc- 1
tion to quickly sturi. swine around nnd!
then run on the rid'-wallc as If it \v.?rej
Possessed " Sii' h was the actions of a|
i-V,ri ! tourinu o late yesterday if tor- 1
The ear had ii^en left standing :n j
front of the Mendel c.?mp?ny undertal:
itiK establishment. 1 1' 12 I'haplito street.
hfjided north, when it suddenly swung
aroun'1 atul stopped at risrhi angle of (lie
sidewalk, hesitated an instant and start
ed a 'toss th* walk, almost runnintr into
tiie undertaking shop, when it stopped as
suddenly as it started. "These Fords
'?an certainly pull off some peculiar
stunts," remarked on'1 of th" large crowd
collected. The car bore a I'ennsylvnia
license. The owner was from Kit's
hurgh. hut w<c.ilil not give his nam"
-|i..i s |je understand w<<n:< n?"
'Well. f!> had motley ? ?nee, an>i ie
I, n..\v? ? l.ife.
DAVE says:
The cleverest and most
original artists in llie world j
are employed l>y the
maui'aetnrers to create tl?c i
distinctive patterns which;
have always distinguished:
the products of this conipa-j
ny. And the cream of the;
Fall and Winter designs ufj
these high-priced artists a re j
now on display at the KrausJ
; I'rof. il. 1J. Johns ol' the Wheel- ! |
| ing high school, ami Prol'. Hiede
of the Bellaire high school, at a
conference last night selected the j
! officials l'or the Wheeling and ;
Uellaire football game Thanks- >
! giving. Robert 11. Craig, of ; i
I Beaver Falls, Pa., will umpire, j
i anil James Cadigan, of Altoona, |
i will referee.
They also announced that ar- i !
I rangements had been made for :
the disposal of tickets. Tickets ;
will be placed on sale at noon ?
. today, in Dankworth's Pharmacy
in lJellaire. and Sclnliint's ? Phar
macy of this citv.
WASHINGTON. Piu. Nov. 27. ? \V. <v '
.l.'s t'oi'lbull Irani Tiueltled down ti? wo r
au.'i In today, statins the last, hard pra:*-j
life before the Thanksj;ivini? Day Kimej
with Rutgers at Now York Thanks- i
triviiifr. Indications are that tlie I ;
and Black will be able- to take its cnlir"
tiriini Intact with th>: exception of ?
Shields. !
The practice today wa? the hardest
Monday workout the team lias had 1 1 ? i
year. A stiff signal lirill was followed I
i>jr a lonn practice in forming iiiterfer-i
??nee for th<* man catching jitirits and
kickoli's. Tlenry. who save a tine exhihi-:
tion punting Saturday was coached in
this department this afternoon and
showed to advantage. I
"Credit Jewelers with
Cash Price."
is a safe investment.
Diamonds are constantly
increasing in value ? ilicy
represent a safe investment.
A diamond is better than
money in the bank.
You can secure a beautiful
diamond for a small initial
payment ? because
At KINGS You Use Your
Personal Credit at
Cash Prices.
Diamonds, AYatches and
.Jewelry sold on the easiest
of easy terns ? a small pay
ment down and
$1.00 a Week
Wear It Home.
1322 Market St. Wheeling, W.Va.
Made to your measure,
tailored to please you in
every detail, guaranteed to
$18 $20 $25
Values that <-;i n u< ?t lie ex- i !
F. J. BALL, Manager.
"West Virginia Backers Offor Waffors
Tliat Score Will Go Higher Than
That of Last Year.
Two days more, 'lay after tomorrow,
t.. be exact, and ai South Side park in
Kairmonl we will hoar the Ihud of some
thing that resembles tin- sound produced
by a sledge-hammer striking h pump
kin. In reality, however, it will 1m: the
mighty toe of either Ttodgers of W. V.
1*. or Calac of Wesleyan driving the.
pigskin down the- lleld for the initial
kii-koiT In the annual West Virginia foot
ball classic.
Affording to all Indications a crowd
of near ten thousand people will gather
round the South Side park gridiron to
wiiness this struggle.
Wesleyan has won live games and has
lost live. West Virginia has won four,
lost two and tried two. The West Vir
ginia team Is accredited by all as being
the best t iat West Virginia has ever
boasted. However tlietv seems to be a
general feeling among Wesleyan men
everywhere tlmt the team which all
along has looked so strong potentially is
at last going to exhibit Its real strength
just at the time when it is to lie put
to the crucial test in the last and most
important game of the year.
Hut even though it is reported that, tn
some quarters West Virginia backeds
are offering to bet that the score will
go as high as last year, and even though
there is every evidence in the past rec
ords of the two teams that W. V. II. will
have "easy sailing" to victory, still the
crowd will be there, the interest all
over the state will be even more Intense
than last year and nowhere is there any
indication that the game will fail to
show its gradual increase in importance
to all West Virginians regardless of
their affiliations to one or the other of
the institutions.
The arrangements for the game are
perfect. The best officials obtainable
among the biggest Colleges in America]
have been secured. Every possible pre- 1
caution has been taken that South Side I
park's playing Hold will be in the
"pink" of condition, and arrangements
have even been made whereby a heavy
snowfall the day or niglu previous would
not seriously interfere with the contest
or the conditions for play. Tn fact not
even minor details of seating arrange
ments have been overlooked and the
stage is already set for this greatest of
gridiron contests l'or West Virginians.
Recount of Ohio County Votes Began
Yesterday ? Only One Pre
cinct Finished.
I'elaying tlic* open in:; of the recount
of the vole in Ohio county until yester
day afternoon, on account of other bus- 1
ini'ss requiring their attention y ester- 1
day morning. ih?> Ohio county commis
sioners yesterday were able to com
plete i he recount in only one precinct
- Washington disrict No. 1 ? yesterday.
The recount in th;it precinct was a
net gain of four votes for Sheriff -elect
Howard 11. Hastings, two for Prosecu
ting Attorney !?. A. McKee. six for As
sessor Wiliam A. Ilankey and one each
for Sutherland. Fleming and Robin
At the close of the recount of this i
precinct Attorney John J. Coniff. rep-1
resenting the Democratic candidates
who asked for recounts, demanded an
inspection by the court of affidavits for
the precinct in possession of Clerk
Ceorge W. Oldham. The affidavits
were produced, and Attorney Carl
Uachman, acting for Prosecuting Attor
ney D. A. McKee, who was busy in j
criminal court, entered a formal objec
tion 10 examination of the affidavits by j
the court, holding thai the eommission- .
ers had not the right to examine thefi.
"The commissioners have the right,
to examine anything in their posses- 1
sion," President Lou F. Ilaller ruled, j
Attorneys Ceorge C. Reneke, Charles
J. Schuck. Henry A. Nolte. S. C. Smith.
Carl Bachman, T. 1>. Foulk. S. O.
Boyce. John .1. C'oniff. .1. B. Handlan.
Charles Mahan and Arch Sawtell com-,
pose the staffs of counsel watching the !
recount on behalf of the candidates'
who demanded recounts.
Attorney A. E. Bryant is serving as j
official stenographer. Fred Edele and :
Ceorge llanan were selected as clerks
of the recount, mid John Singer and.
Ceorge Sullivan were named to replace
Ihetu as ballot guards. i
Referred to Special Committee Whicli
Will Decide oil Proposition at
Early Meeting-.
tM'l'imta action on the preposition of
building ? swimming pool at tlic fair
K rounds will be taken soon. At a mi-'-l- I
in k i?t' tlii.- board lit' directors of the]
Wist Virginia State Fair Association. ;
lasi night. Architect F. F. Faris suh-j
inittod plans for the swimming pool and
lor buildings necessary for the opera
tion ?f this feature. These plans were;
tentatively accepted, and tire proposi
lirin referred to n special buildings and1
grounds committee which will hold a I
meeting ai an early date in consider I
the plans further and in decide positive- j
ly nil lie- building of the pool.
The directors were entertained at Inst '
nielli's meeting l>> U\ 11. Koch, at ihe|
Mi I, lire hotel. Dinner was served at j
r, i.Vlni R, in the usual faultless manner, i
Mid lie- business session followed.
.Tudge Ira K. Itoliinsnit of (irufton, I
Republican candidate for (Sovornor at j
the rfci-iit election, who was in the i
city, was a gto-st of the evening.
Those present included President j
? if-orge \V. l.utz, Secretary l.eri Swartz, |
Archileet V. K. Karts. C. V. Hanch?*r,
<>iin Sclienk. II. W". 'lee. \V. K. Stone, |
K. M. I-', row tie, W. 1'. r.urruss, Ira 15. 1
Robinson, I I. \V. Mol.ure. |i. t\ ogden !
and \V. II. Ivocii. i
Work on Pennsylvania's New Line Into I
Greene Cotinty, Pa., is
Another force <.f nun was put to worl; !
yesterday jading for lhe not? branch
lino of ih. Pennsylvania railroad com
pany which will run into Oreene county, 1
I'll., opening ii|" a new coal ll-lfl in ' h ?! ,
vicinity of i 'onncllsvilh . I'a. Grading is
now being ? 1 ? >i i> east of th?; Terminal
tnnri-'l and out 1 1 1 r. .11 1; 1 1 Fulton. About
Iflo men a: i- now employed within the
tfxt several days. The new road will
connect with the \\". I.. I", which b< -
longs to the I'ennsy.
llarrj' I 'faffeiihacb and John [Cat wood,
the latter of Moundsvtlle. staged a 1 1 v?? -
l\ battle 011 Sixteenth street, near Mar
ket. at midnight. The.v were rounded up
b.\ Officers Sharp and Schuitze and were
locked ti!> to await a hear inn In police
e.ntrt this morning, .lane s Fanning and
l-Yed I'it'tield. another pair of li^rh 1 ? r?.
\wr*- run in by Officers Moran. Uriino
Carneo, by ( tfficer Carter, was locked j
lip i>n ;i disorderly charge, and 'William I
ilervey. drunk. waS taken in by offleer
Sjmil b.
11 1'XTINCTON, W. Vn.. iN'ov. 27.?
Mrs. John Complon, aged years, is
expected to ilic as the result (if burns
sustained when her clot hint,' caught
firo this afternoon. Her son and
daughter-in-law. .Mr. and .Mrs. James
C. C'ompton, were seriously burned
while oxtitmuishini: lhe flames which
enveloped her.
Health of body and health of
mind. How can you have
either if you are handicapped
hy constipation, by the failure
of the body's waste-disposing
mechanism? t
This mechanism is delicate and
easily thrown out of gear. Wor
ry, hurry, improper food and
insufficient exercise cause con
stipation. Pill-taking only
makes a bad matter worse,
because laxative and cathartic
remedies, by weakening the
natural processes of evacua
tion, tend to make constipation
Nujol is entirely free from
these objections. It acts in
effect as an internal lubricant
preventing the contents of the
intestines from becoming hard,
and in this way facilitating
* normal movements.
Nujol is bottled at the refinery and
is sold only in pint bottles bearing
the name Nujol and the imprint of
the Standard Oil Company (New
Jersey). Refuse substitutes ? be
sure you get the genuine. Write
to-day for booklet, "The Rational
T ^atment lor Constipation."
(New J?
Bayoane New Jeney
Mundt Puneral Yesterday.
Th<! funeral of Mrs. August Mundt.
whose death no urivil Friday at the
home ?>!" ii daughter. Mrs. .1 oli ii Dolla,
in Maynard. <).. wan held yesterday.
Tin s.-rv ices took place at the home of
Icr son, W i ] ! i;i ii i Mund!. on the touo
church road. I n I ??ri?i<.-n f was in the
Si"i >- Church cemetery.
Oyster Supper.
Final :>i iMiip'iiii'ius have been com- j
plet.-d for jii. i lysi ? !' supper which willi
he lu* Id in ill'' Pallas hall on Thursday .
? veiling. under the auspices ? ?|* i h<* M,? - j
dcrn Woodman lodge of ilia! sect i .
Refreshments of all kinds \v ill I"- s>*r* <? '
Box Social.
A box social will Ik held in the i
Morrison scho) hou.se liiis evening. A;
feature will in- the musical and literary i
program. The proceeds will go for the ;
i>. netit of the school.
Authorized Pay Stations I
Elm G-rove, W. Va.
Tin- First .National Brink.
State r..-.nk of Klin Grove.
Eflgewood, W. Va.
Edgewond Pharmacy.
Fnlton, \V. Va. Hank of Fulton. '
Wheeling-, W. Va.
Company office. Cor. 12th and
Chapline Sts.
Pay your electric light, gas and :
water hills at the most convenient !
pay station, before the 10th of each 1
month, to save discount.
West Virginia Traction & Electrlo Co. J
City & Subnrhan Gas Co.
Asst. Treau.
Thanksgiving- Services.
The union Thanksgiving services for
the churches of West Alexander will be
held on Thursday morning at 10:30
o'clock, in the Presbyterian church. Rev. |
II. A. Kiddie, pastor of the church, will 1
deliver i he address.
Tin union service for the churches of!
Klin Grove will l?e held in the First j
Methodist Episcopal church at 10 j
o'clock, I lev. Marry Robertson, pastor J
of the I'hrisiiuu church, will deliver the i
address. j
Rev. .r. At. I'otter. pastor of the Vance!
Memorial Presbyterian church, will de
liver the address in connection with the
Thanksgiving services to be held in the
I. tuck ley Methodist Kpiscopal church.
Thursday morning at 10 o'clock.
Adams runertvL
At lie family homo in Park View,
yesterday afternoon at - o'clock, fun
eral services for the late Harvey Green
Adams, were held. Rev. .1. IT. Hess, pas- j
tor of the First Methodist Episcopal,
church, of ISItn Grove officiated. In- 1
ferment was In Greenwood cemetery.
American Guaranteed Paint
At Factory Price
II. V. Springer, Elm Grove, W. Va.
Flay Manniugton.
From nil reports n large crowd of s.ip-'
porters will accompany the Trladelphia
district high school football team to;
Man nine ton <>n Wednesday afternoon. I
Entortainod Club.
The members of the W. T. M. Club
of Klin < '.rove, were very pleasantly en
tertained last evening at the home of,
Miss Corn Frnr.ier. on Liberty avenue. |
Social Arranged.
? >n Friday evening. I'eceniber S. a box ;
social will be held in the Rock Line
school house, near Dallas, under the aus
pices of the teacher and pupils of the;
school. In connection a stcreoptican lee-,
ture will be given by Prof. S. S. Jacob,1
dist rict superintendent.
Dramatic Play Sepeated.
The dramatic piny entitled "What*
Happened to Junes." present eil last even-'
big in St. Michael's school hall. Kdglng
ton Lane, under the auspices of ,<t.
Michael's dramatic club, was largely at
tended. The play will again be repealed
this evening.
Ameriran Guaranteed Paint
At Factory Price
Louis Paul, Leatherwood
Agricultural Meeting.
The ntrriculpi'-nl meeting held list1
evening in the Peter's Run school house I
under the auspices of the Pan Handle'
Agricultural riul> was well attended.
The principal address was delivered by!
1 oiint ? A gei.t I . S. i Villi.
Will Be Candidates.
The majority of the nr. sent '.ffieiri Is !
?of the town of Kim Grove will he can
didates for re-election at the corning
election to be held in January. Their
names will be presented at the suggos
tion meeting to be held Saturday even
Good Prog-ram.
On Thursday afternoon and evening,
a good program will be rendered in St.
Vincent's school hall, Kim Grove, en
titled "Rip an Winkle."
Influx of "Workers.
Tii? town of Triadelpltia wax over-run
yesterday l>y people hunting places in
which to dwell. .Men from various sec
tions of the country are after work in j
the proposed eonl mine which is to be ,
sunk at that place. I
Donahue Club.
The Donahue Club, of Kim Grove. W. ?
are making arrangements to hold a |
domino tournament at their he.adquar- i
ters in the St. in cent's school building. 1
arious teams will t-nte r lite contest, en i I
team choosing their own name, and
prizes will bo hung tip for the winner. A I
i-ominittce on arrangements is in charge i
composed of the following members: I
.Messrs: Dan A. Hile, Korbert 1.. Raken,
Jos. J. Wagner, and C. Henry Kiefer. I
Silver Social.
The Loyal Daughters class of the
First Christian church of Kltn Grove, j
will hold a silver social at the home of j
.Mrs. Hawkins, on Friday evening.
Japanese Bazar.
The ladies of the Christian church of I
Kim Grove, will hold a Japanese bazar |
in the First Christian church, Wheeling, !
on Thursday and Friday evenings, De- |
cemher 7th and Sth. The bazar will open
at 2:30 o'clock each afternoon, while
supper will be served itt the evening
from 5 until 7:30 o'clock.
Illustrated. Lee true.
On Wednesday evening at 7:30 o'clock
Uev. Marry Robertson, pastor of the
First Christian church. Kim Grove, will i
give an illustrated lecture on "Pales
tine." j
William Harvey Injured.
William Hervey. of Trladelphia. was i
injured last evening shortly after ?! ?]
o'clock at tli" Creighton Coal Company,
mine, when Mr. Mervey's team became
frightened and started to run as he was
loading coal into tin.- wagon from the;
schute. He was thrown against the [
schtite. sustaining injuries to his left
side. Dr. John T. Carter, of Triadelphla.
was summoned and rendered medical .
aid. Mr. Hervey late last night was re- 1
ported to be getting along as v. ell as '
could be expected.
Award Contract.
The council of Fulton at a special
i meeting: held last night in the towi:
| hall. awarded the contract to Kimberlv
j & Company to construct a bridge over
i the creek at Seventh and Cenetr streets.
Other routine business was transacted.
Personals and Briefs.
James Stewart. Jr.. will entertain a
number or' his friends at his hom<? on
i Ira craft avenue. Elm Grove, this ewn
j in;r.
I A roast beef supper will be held on
.'Thursday evening, December 7th, in the
liiickiey .Methodist Episcopal church,
! Kdgwood.
, A social will bo held in the Triadel
l pliia hiirh school Wednesday evening,
i und?-r th<> auspices of the Senior class at
lEdgington Lane.
! -Mrs. !:? '??rt Tomllnson. of the Wad
j dington l-'arni, is confined in the < >hio
[alley General hospital on account of 111
| ness.
; Jacob Hobbs has purchased a lot in
! Elm Heights Jhrough tne Frank and
i Harrell Smith Kcal Estate Agency, Elm
| Grove.
! Thomas Orr. of alley Grove, entertain
: ed the members of the Dallas band at
his home Inst evening.
Mrs. Albert Dague, of near Sand Hill,
who has be? n confined to her home on
account of illness, is improving.
i The H^ll Telephone Company is string
ing several new ltDea in tho pike dis
Harrell and Frank Smith, real estate
firm, of Elm Grove, has sold a lot in
Elm Heights to L. Hart.
George Bowers, of Elm Grove, who
was arrested Saturday on a warrant
charging him with stealing jewelry .will
be given a hearing this morning at 10
o'clock, before Squire Chnrles Seibert.
Bowers was released on bond yesterday.
In Norway there is being built a plant
that will produce 4,000 tons of alumi
num annually.
Now is the
Time to Renew
Your Magazine
Subscriptions at
Sixty-six Twelfth St.
Which Shall It Be?
S15, S!8, $20 or ?22
as the amount you intend to
spend on a good Overcoat?
The above represent our prices.
They represent the best values.
They represent the best styles.
And no matter whether you pay us
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1419 Market St.

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