Newspaper Page Text
Autumn Leaves Forget-Me-Nots Ragged Robins Etc,, Etc. The t air est of Made Flowers j INTERIOR DEU ' HON* FOR - THANKSGIVING 3LES \ PERSONAL ADORNMENT Mostly all hare the elongated stems and well set with foliage, so nature-like nhat one wonders at the handicraft that produces them in faraway Japan. One wonders more at the smallness of prices placed on them: Cherry Blossoms Rose Sprays Wistaria Sprays Plum Sprays Cyclamerc Bachelor Buttons Sweet Peas Nasturtums Dahlias Chrysanthemums Pussy Willows Foliage COAT SWEATERS At Prices Not Possible When These Are Sold There are about 50 women's and young women's Sweater Coats in Norfolk style, with natty pockets, and in coat style with belt-at-back at prices that cannot be met with, in the manufacturer's market of today. There are reds, blacks, navy?, oxfords, tan, brown and white. Mostly there are the high-rolling collars and finishings to match. Strictly all wool ? a feature that many present-day Sweaters cannot boast of. Quite the garment for Thanksgiving-game wear and for all-util ity purposes. Fleeced Underwear So Scarce Elsewhere So Plentiful Here Women's Youths Misses' Children's Separate garments and union suits of the "olde qualities v and the olde prices. We haven't heard of such auother un derwear stock in the Ohio Valley. "lACKTARj'^j ? Of Galatea ? Of Silk -"Of Linen ? Of Flannel 98c up to $5.98 None others for smartness aud wear ing qualities can quite compare with the u Jack Tar" makes. All sizes from 6 up to 42. This middy enjoys a host of imi tators. MISSES' FASHIONABLE DRESSES FOR ? Petite frocks for afternoon and fox wearing to the pretty parties that al ways grace the early winter and Hob day season. A ftmioori dresses of Satin ' and Velvet in e<>n:!?" ?<: ions in several fetching styles, i" 1 ; ' - j r hand-enj hroideml ? ? ? Many colors and misses si/? 1 " ! -s*s f?f Silk Net. and I *? ? nr colored metal> and ?' ,v,-r sarins. Wonderful <*??'? ? - ?- ir varied har monies This Smile- Creating Toy land 1 . ? ? s r~> Wide-Open and Wide- Awake Aii expansive Christmas store ? a woncserxrorld in itself ? occupying au entire floor with everr- / tiling: so arranged as t<> I "-/o w I Recreated with New Wares facilitate gift selections. Toys and games ;md hooks, things decorative \ and tilings utilitarian in greater numbers and in more pleasing assortments than ever before. A) erciianclisc from foreign lands ? the rarest and fairest of all and so very, very difficult to obtain. Educational and other toys, such as boys like so much; dolls and indoor games to delight the hearts of younger girls, so clean, so fresh, so new. so inviting ? with Christmas four tiuy weeks ahead. DR. J. W. MYERS ON STAND FOr| DEFENSE IN INSANITY HEARING. Doctor's Testimony is Vigorously! Attacked by State ? Other Wit nesses Think Wife Slayer Crazy. .Many witnesses remained to lie) examined for the defense in the hear-; in? of Henry Able, confessed wife slayer, whose mental condition is th?? subject of an inquiry beforo a Jury in criminal court when Judco Alan I-i.i Robinson adjourned conn at 5:1i> o'clock last evening. The state is also holding a number nf witnesses in reserve ? chiefly county physicians KEEP LOOKING YOUNG It's Easy ? If You Know Dr. j Edwards' Olive Tablets - The secrct of keeping young is to j foe! young- ? to do this you watch | yoor liver and bowels ? there's no need I of ha-ring a sallow complexion ? dark tings under your eves ? pimples ? a bil ious look in your face ? dull eyes with no sparkle. Your doctor will tell you ninety per cent of all sickness corr.cs from inactive bowels and liver. Dr. Edwards, a well-known physician in Ohio, perfected a vegetable com pound mixed with olive oil to act on tire liver and bowels, which he gave to bis patients for years. Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets, tj?c sub stitute for calomeJ, are gentle in their action, vet always effective. The;/ bring about that exuberance of spirit, that ratural buoyancy which should be en joyed by everyone, by toning up the liver and clciring thfc system of impurities. You will kn<>w Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets bv thefr oIire roI,-'r- ^ 25qac? to AH druggists. * and other doctors who may be caller]! to testify in rebuttal after the defense! lias closed i tN case. >'r. J. W. Myers, family physician j r>C Henry Able, the allseed wife mur-| derer. and of bis father's family mauyj years sKo, was the las:, witness on The j stand before adjournment, last even- ? inc. Ho testified that he believes, I from his knowl*>dg*i of H^nry Ahle, : and his observations of his conduct,! rhar be is insane. ]">r. Myers' testimony was the object! of a grilling attack by Assistant Pros- j pouting Attorney Frank O'Brien," in cross-examination, in the closing hour of yesterday's Fcssion of the Ln- ( quirv. Grilling Cross Examination. The spate's attorney wrested from the physician, in a grilling cross examination, admissions that, if ones-.! tions propounded by the cross exam In- j arion regarding Able, based upon, points brought out in the trial were' that two essential sym pfoms- -partial | inability t.o reason and impaired mem-., ory of ih" form of insanity from i which the witness said that Able was! suffering to show thai Abln was in sane, were lacking aad thar ii those1 two symptoms were not present the, prisoner , must be sane. Admissions that all 'he saw of Abie's conduct, in the court room yesterday and Monday were all right, and that if Able was r;ipable of carrying on a long conver sation with attorneys during the con duct of his examination, he must havei power of reasoning. 1 On re-dire^t examination by runn-!1 sel for the defense, Dr. Myers insisted, thai not -withstanding the questions of ; the state's counsel ami the answers lie > had given to them, he was still firmly , convinced that Able la insane and has f j been from an eraly age. ; . Jailers Say Able Insane ii N'lght Jailer George. Gaus and Hay ' Jailer Wm. Burch. both testified that 1 they believe that .Abi? ts insane Ro! I> ' told of his unusual con duet since iioj. HHHnr ? was Incarcerated in jail op. the morn ing of June 1 William Frederick, an Eighth ward grocery clerk and boyhood playmai r; of Able, testified that he always did say that Abb: was "a little off;" that be never believed Henry was "rigbL." r.havlr'3 \r.kerroan, an uld Herman resident, testified re^ardine the in sanity of Nicholas Able, Henry's fath er, in the winter of 18HS. Sister Tells Life Story .Mrs. Charles Coebel. a half sister of Henry Able, testified regarding the irj ssnlty of her step-fat.hor. Henry's par ent. and of Ileary A b!f*'? mental con dition during former years. "U'o were away until about I? months after bis father dieo." she testified. "We moved back about. twenty years aero. Henry lived with nte until he was married- about t r. ypars. l''rom child hood up he was a funny uoy. Mr now went out to play with other boys. ;?!<? never would nib: with company "He bad hln peculiarities, lie would -?.it all day wben li?i wasn't working n a grain fire. He fa lug down to his meals when ! railed him. ate and went back to his room where be would ?i' stirring the grate fire nnti) T called him Cor the -newt meal. In summer If: | A Smooth, White Skin That Defies the Weather Durlnc the cetrsinK months <?r liitin^ winds and intense .-old. yutj vrlin tv?,ii t> J Xcsp your ^l-.iiis smooth. while ;< n?| vol < ty, should turn ?If MtO lltioil to |||f.|v .. dized wps. Noihint; will so eflV-e.t jvelv r< "Jiovv :i rliappi il. roughened <ir dls'-olorer* surf are. Ky urn dun lly al.sorV. in.K : i;? \vcatli"r-l>r ;u.~ii . t|i h?- ?.tn plo^I.-ri ts k";?; in p?riwt. .ondition, and oveji tho b*viut> expression mnr-i pr" 00 une, -I. |[ your skin 1.' Mui.hy, [(imply. freekh >i. . . y:> 1 1 ? 1 \v r.p ov. r* red, why nut six*. I if t>n<- oiine. <.f <>r r|i nary m-re-di.:. d war , t ? > t >. ? had :ii any rlrupcist'-'. will ? '.itipl' t"ly iran;;t'<?rrn 1 1 1 r most, unsightly eoniplexiun in less rhaii :i fortnight. I sr- the wax nightly, like cold orf a m. washing ii ? .ff mornings. If wcalhor, ?)'?.; 1 ? r poor health has marred jour far- with wrinkles, hero's z-ood news. Von tan >\ u i<-k !y remove =vf- ry line hy iisins a harmless. ri-fresh ing far.' lotion prepared 1 ? \ dissolving nif. oimr^ c>f powdered saxnlit" in a. half [?int of witch ha"p1. The tinner, smooth* -r ?kln. lh? utt" youthful iir?p',e, . :if!. ?? "ii* ^ptdieat i.-.n, will astonish NAY'S TsrL\Bs 1311 Market St. None Bat Good Shoes. Wheeling. When You Buy Shoes? It's mighty important )n be certain what you get. i f yon want ail-leather shoes, you're saie if they are Nay's shoes. Nay's shoes are all leather ? the best you can get for your money. Von can't tell from the looks of a shoe how good the shoo is. Good looking shoes are not always good shoes. Nay's shoes are both good looking and good. Many shoes are sold to-day containing substitute materials, which are not put there to help the shoe or give extra value for the. money. fray's all leather shoes easily mold themselves to the feet ? the other kind don't. Store dosed Ail Day Thursday, Thanksgiving Day. Nav Shoe Company The Last Call CRANBERRIES ? F ancy Gape Cod hemes, 15d quart WEDDING BELL PEAS The most popular Tea in the city. Also the best value ?selling at last year's price, 15?; $1.70 per dozen. THE CAKE ? Zimmer Quali ty Layer Cake for your Thanksgiving dinner, 35^ each. Malaga, Grapes ? Mince Meat ? Plum Pudding ? Canned Asparagus ? Special Canned Peaches and Perfection Cof fee? It's Fine ? 28c lb. H. F. Betas Co. 2217 Market St. Branch Woodsdale. Baking Dept. 2350 Chaplinc St Thanksgiving Turkeys Chickens Ducks Now! PACKING CO. Steel Bridge Corner. would anil slave out a window. ] think his menial condition was very weak. "T saw Henry on ihe evening of -lie shooting, lie came to my house on Wetzel street about JO minutes till .11). Ho said: I " N .'??hot. Iier, hut i don't think it liii Iter.* I "I said. 'What in Hie. world did yon 'do i hat for?' I "Hi; answered. 'I sot excited. But don't worry, they won't bother tne. I i ll shout myself. J "l said to mi husband. 'For (iod's '.:ake liun'i lot iiiuj kill himself here.' 1 becsod and cried for him to leave until lie w on ' away, lie didn't try to set away; lie just stood there and shook till I finally coaxed him to go." On cross examination Mrs. Goebd 'testified liia.t when Henry lived with her h< went to church some; that he never did otherwise than was richt, ? and i ha i "the re never was a time while? ! ho was at our house that hp was not .capable uf reasoning." j "Mways capable of resaonin??" "Ve.s sir." ! On re-direct examination she . tied that Henry had gono to school ' hut If t.t.le : that ho can't, road and write and that he couldn't learn. Had Low Mentality Charles llydinser. who has known Aide all his life, testified that Abb* is far below I lie average menially. \V. 'I>. flecker, JSighth ward barber. testj [ fled thai he is of the opinion that Able ? is insane. | Wiinossoj; who testified at the fore noon session yesterday were policeman Stun Moran, Constable Charles Goivi >gan, Squire Paul Reidol of Ben wood. Attorney Fred Driukman and Henry I Ludwig. The tpuicl of their testimony was to show ihat Henry Able has not j been right for many years, some ofj I hem testifying regarding insanity ofj his father and brother. As the trial progresses clashes be tween counsel become more sharp arid Schools Closed Until Monday. The sehols j 1 1 this district will close this afternoon for tho Thanksgiving va cation. Classes will nut be resumed un til Monday, December ?!. Many of tho out of town teachers will leave this aftertion to visit. their homes. T.ast Day for Discount. Tho discount period on W'artvood taxes closes Nov?nibr.r 30th, and on i account of Iomodrow being a holiday. I all citizens wishinjr to avail themselves of tho discount, should "pay today." Will Move to G-leudale. | Fun lfolmes of Orchard Avnuc. will | remove his family today to Glendaie. Amorica.D Guaranteed Paint ' At. Factory Trice Moor? Brothers, Warwood. W. Va. Bazar in December, The ladies of tho M. E. church aro making elaborate preparations for the Christma-s bazar, which 'hey will hold durinc the second week of December. | Tt will be of interest to many War . wood ladles to know tliey will be able1 ? to do some of their Christmas shopping at this aifair, as a variety of dainty as well as useful articles are being made. Union Services. The different churches of tho town , will unite this evening in a very im ; pressive Thanksgiving service, wliich j which will he held at 7:C0 o'clock In the I Presbyterian church. I The following program will be. rcu j dercd : I Organ Prelude Mrs. Morrison ! TnvocatifTn Rev. E. P. Carson I l Iiymn? "All Hail the Power of Jesus ' I Name" Congregation j Anthem ? Praise the Lord (E. O. I Kratz) Choir 'Anthem ? Tn All Who P?elicve. t ly.ta Johnson, soloist) Choir Hymn ? "Ccme. To Thankful People Conw" Congregation Sermon- -"The Ideal Nation" Hev. F. M. piddle Pastor of Christian Church. Hr-mri ? "Cod Bo With You 'Till Wo il eet. A g" i n" """on grr ga t ion Benediction Rev. E. P. Carson Barbo literary Society. Tho Bar be l. Iters ry Society of the I Center Warwood school, ha-i planned a j very interesting program for this a.ftcr i noon. I An interesting discussion of miscel laneous current events will be handled by the following: Esther Peterson. Mira I Schettler. Pearl Dean, Marie Bingell, Robert Riddle. Personals aad Bilefs. Miss lCli/.abet.h Hawkins, teacher In | Center Warwood school, leaves this eve ning to spend Thanksgiving with her parents in Washington. Pa. Prof. J. K. K vans visited the Clinton | schools yesterday. Mrs. S. .1. Beall will b- the Kuest "f . her sister. Mrs. ,T. Lilies, of Rosby's i Rock, tomorrow. The, following ladies attended the per- , forntanc'! of Mine. Sarah Bernhardt, at I ihe Court Theatre last evening: Mes- : dames c. v. Terrell, S. p. Christian, ,T. li. McDowell, ,r. G. Walden. The boyal T'angh t -'rs held a very in- ? terosting meeting last night at the! home of Miss L,eona NVsbitt. TOOK THE HURT OUT OF HUB BACK Prysieians report more, cases of kid ney trouble, among women than men. Mrs. Anna Byrd. Tuseumhia, Ala., I writes: "I wa.? down with my back so : 1 could not stand up more than half of' tlio time. Foley Kidney Pills took all of the hurt out. They arc Ihe best kid- j tiey pill:-; 1 ever took." Rheumatic pains. , swollen ankles, backache, stiff joints, soro muscles, and sleep disturbing blad der ailments, indicate disordered kid ney?. Foley Kidney Pills act promptly. ( F?r saJc by .lohn Coleman & Co. frequent, with Rrnserutins ALt.oruey D. A. McKee and Assistant Frank A. I O'Brieo conducting the state's exami nation and Attorneys Pai McGinleyj | and C. .1. Smith for tin; defense. The state rested iis direct, ease ,ni the openinp of yesterday morning's ? session of court. Quick r-Cold Relief-i !s tiFually found through the prompt administration of a mildly laxative, dispersive tonic ? one that will scat ter the inflammation, remove- the waste, and help Nature to build up resistance, Pemna is That Tonic. Its action is prompt, usually very effective, and its use is without harm ful effects. Every household shouJd keep it at hand for this purpose, and every catarrhal sufferer should reg ularly use this reliable remedy. The tablet form will be found very convenient. A tablet or two at the very beginning of a cold wul fre quently prevent its development, and these tablets may be taken reg triarly with beneficial results. Manyprefer theliquidform which for nearly half ft century has been the reliance of the American Home. Both aro good. Your drti*cLrt can supply you. The PERUNA CO. Colornbus, Ohio t PLAN SALE OF RED CROSS XMAS SEALS RECEIPTS WILL BE USED IN THE' FIGHT AGAINST SPREAD OF TUBERCULOSIS. Everyone Asked to Unite with the Associated Charities to Make Sale a Success. The executive committee. nf the Associated Charities voted to accept1 for the association the sale of Red Cross Xmas seals 'bis year. While it. i is rather late iu the Reason to organ-! izo for this fair*, nevertheless, every] effort will be made io hasten the or- 1 ganlzation and mako a record break-] ing sale of the stamps. Action was also taken to set aside all receipts from the stamp sale in a. special fund to l?; used for active propaganda. against tuberculosis dur ing tbe coming year. The money will be expended immediately for increas ing the nursing services for ? ho tuber cular and supplying the necessities fnr the sick and incipient cases in tlieir own homes. The Associated Charities has, since its organization in 1909, spent much of ils time and resources in fighting t his disease, but has always been more or less handicapped by tbe lack of available funds. With the realiza tion from the seal sale, however, it is certain that, much good may be accomplished. With the county funds already available for the Anti-Tuber culosis society, by oceans of which ihe sanitarium may be opened, the two organizations should be able to work hand in hand and make great head way during tbe coming year in stamping out th'> ravages of tuber culoids. The Charities has been especially handicapped during the past year owing to there being no suitable place for the care of advanced eases. To be sure, some eases have been sent to the state sanitarium, but. as uo eases are admitted here free, it has been a problem to secure such treatment. It is hoped that, all will unite and make Che sales this year Ihe largest of any preceding year. Wilb the present wave of prosperity, no one should forget to contribute to this worthy cause. The local Red Cross chapter will also assist in the sales. Home Dressed Turkeys, 35c Lb. Come early if you want them. Morgan's Butter Store. Wheeling. CHRISTMAS CLUBS Conducted By The Local Banks Wdl Distribute $319,000, Beginning December 14. From this lime last year until the present date there has been the sum of $310,006 deposited in th^ various Christmas clubs conducted by the io cal hanks, and this amount will be dis tributed to the members beginning De cember 14. According to the officials of The hanking institutions about 90 per cent o? the amounts deposited is CHRISTMAS FTS Our beautiful well chosen stock of appropriate Gifts that will incftt the requirements of everybody is now ready and awaiting your inspection. Selec- $ lions may bo laid aside for A /ChriBtmas delivery. \\ I* * \ HANCHER'S \ $ Jewelers, Silversmiths and ^ 0 Importers. * 1 1223 Market Street. r Pearl Swearingen, D. C. Chiropractor 601 Grennan Bank Bidg. Wheeling. Bell Phone 1655-R. withdrawn and spent. The members of the clubs are composed chiefly o? the laboring class of people. The largest amount will be paid out by the Dollar Savings and Trust com pany who will turn back 590,000 to members of its club. The National Exchange bank will pay out 555.000.: South Side bank 540.000: Center Wheeling bank ?25,000; People's bank $20,000: Quarter Savings bank 520,000; National Bank of West Virginia 517,000; State Bank of Elm Grove 515. 000: Bank of Benwood $14,000; Bank of Pulron 513,000. and the First Nation al Bank of Elm Grove ?10,000. CASTORIA For fnftrrf 5 am! Childm Boars the j* Ills Kind You Have Always Bought Slg710ajtnre Schedule of Through Cars / Between 25th Street Warwood and 8th Street Benwood Effective Sunday, November 12, 1916: NORTH BOUND From Benwood ? Daily cxccpt Sunday ? 5:15 A. M. and every fifteen minutes thereafter until !2:00 midnight, except tliat 11:45 F. M. oar go*s to First Street only. Cars leaving: at 12:15 and 12:30 A. If. go to Tenth Street only. Sunday only ? 6:00 A. M., 6:30 A. M? 7:00 A. M., 7:20 A. M? and every fifteen minute? thereafter, the schedule from then on being same as week day. From 10th Street ? Daily cxcept Sunday ? 4:30 A. M- and every fifteen minutes thereafter until 12:o0 midnight. Last car, 12:30 A. SI. 12:15 car to First Street only. Sunday only? 5.15, 5:45, 6:15, 6:30, 7:00, 7:30, S:00 A. M.f and every fif teen minutes thereafter. The schedule from then on being earns as week day. SOUTH BOUND From Warwood ? Daily cxcept Sunday ? 4:53 A. M. and every fifteen mlr-utes thereafter until 11:37 P. M. ? last car to Benwood. Cars leaving at 11:63 P. M. and 12:08, 12:23 and 12:53 go to Tenth Street only. Car leaves Warwood for First Street only at 1:23 A. M. Sunday only ? 5:3$, 6:08, U:3S, 6:5 3, 7:23. 7:3S. 7:53 and S:22 A. M., and every fifteen minutes thereafter, the schedule from then on being same as week day. When the above described service Is Inaugurated the following n?w rules will be in effect covering operation of the WTieeling-Wellsburg cars between Tenth Street, Wheeling, and 26tli Street, Warwood: SOUTH BOUND Cars will stop at the regular stops between above points for tho purposa of discharging passengers who have boarded car at or north of 26th Street. Warwood. Cars will not be stopped to .receive passengers between these points cxccpt at 19th and oth Street. Warwuud and First Street, Wheeling. NORTH BOUND Cars will make local stops between above point-, for the purpose of re ceiving passengers who desire to ride north of 25th Street.. Warwood, but will not mnke stops between these points to discharge passengers except at First S'rcet. Wheeling, and 5th and 10th Streets, Warwood. Wheeling Traction Company Special Close Out Every fixture must go. Take Advantage of this sale. Make your gift to (he family a Lighting Fixture, brighten up the old home and make it look new. 5 H. S. Sands Electric & Mfg. Co. 47 Htfa Street