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.4 The Men's Store in Wheeling VES, WE shall have plenty of cold weather * "before Easter, but this is the store that gets the new things first. And we are thinking of Spring; even though most of the goods now wanted is for Winter, but those who wish to se$ the new Spring- styles in Suits. Shoes, Hats and Furnishing- Goods, will find a display far be yond anything we have ever had. New Spring Styles in Suits These Suits are beyond criticism. The man who wears one has the satisfac tion of knowing that his clothes are correct in every detail. In Material and Workmanship Are the best that can be put into suits at the price, and every suit is all-wool, too. And don't overlook . this very important feature ? all our clothes are made of standard dyed fabrics and are guaranteed for satisfactory service. All the New Spring Soft Hats 111 all the new shades of color are here in the big gest assortment we ever ha-d. SAME LOW PRICES AS LAST YEAR $1.50 $1.98 $2.50 $3.00 Hat like illustrated, S1.9S Men's New Spring SHIRTS? To Sell At We have just rt-f'ri\ M l*JOO of as clean .'tin! -hatuLsiMUC Shirts ;is vi>u hmuI<1 want to sop. Soft materials, Madras ami Pei-<-?|.? s'?fr ?M:fTs. Pat terns are entirely. JiflVrent from th?>s?: "f' winter. jDtiaer Shirts at 48c 50c SI. 50 Men's New Spring T-I-E-S- CAr To Sell At OXJK Not the average kind sold at r h is price, but something extraordinary ? tlic kind that sell in most stores for Tne to $1.00. If you want to s#?e the finest Neckties 50e ever houjjht, come in and look them over. More Ties at 25 c and 69<\ New Wilbur Shoes for Spring No better Shoes are made at these prices $3.50 $4.00 $4.50 $5.00 1122-1124 Market Street Jack London's Famous Fiction of the Silent North Nine ?reat abort stories of lar North written after famous anthor'? flrat visit to Klondike when red Uooa howed and there was no law exoept that of mar. to man. Theso are ?tories on which Jack London's reputa tion Is founded. Aaonj' best frcm his pen. THE SON OF THE WOLF " BY JACK LONDON. The Wisdom of the TraiL I 5. Sitka Charley i:ad achieved the un- j possible. ?>ther Indians might have j Known as much of the wisdom of the j trail as did he. hut he alone knew the j white man's wisdom, the honor of th?- I trail, and the law. lint these things did j not come to him in a day. The aborigl- i nal mind is slow to generalise. and j many farts, repeated often, are required | to compass an understanding Sitka. Charley, from boyhood, had been thrown ; continually with white men. and a.s a , man he had elected to east his fortunes with -them, expatriating himself, once I and for all. from his own people. Kven i then, respecting. almost venerating j t-helr power, and pondering over k, h* had yet to divine its sei-rer 'essence ? i the honor and the taw. And it was only by the cumulative evidence of years 1 that he had finally voirte to understand Being an alien, when he did know he I knew it better than the white man him self: being an Indian, he had achieved the impossible. ?. And of th'^se things bad been bred a Certain contempt for his own people ? a ? Contempt which li^ had made it a cus >fibm to conceal, but which now burst '?>rth In polyglot whirlwind of curses Upon the heads of Kah-i'hucte and Qowhee. They cringed before him like a fracft of snarling wolf-dogs, to cmvard 'jy .to spring, too wolfish to cover their ;ljing3. They were not handsome crea :<^res. Neither was Sitka Charley. All ?ikree wer e frightful-looking. There no flesh on th-lr faces: their cheek bones were massed with hideous scabs .Which had cra'-ked nun frozen alter : fiat el y under the intense frost; while ? their eye# burned luridly with the light ytilch Is borti of desperation and hun g?r. Men so situated., beyond the pale ;?rf the honor and the law. are not to he 'trusted. Sitka <"harley knew this: and 1 v' th?m to [trustee. this was why he had forced them to .abandon their riflea with the rest or (the camp outfit ten days before. His ?lift* and C*t*tairi Kppingwell's were the ? only ones that remained. ?**"Come. get a fire started." he com ? Trended, drawing out the precious match (hpx with Its att'-ndant strips of dry ^hirch bark. ' ' The two Indian* '"'?ll sullenly fo the of gathering dead branches and ltJ?derwe>o'i Th? were weak. arid ?jjauaed often. cat<hing themselves, in tjfc# act of stooping with giddy motions. }<ip Staggering in the eer-tre of opera Hhbs ?with their knees Hhakini: like cas ?MMta After ca"h trip ihey rested for j?moa?nt. as though sick and deadly Hiiary. At times th^ir eves took on the rj)?ti?nt stoicism of dumb suffering: and .ajfain the ego "seemed almost bursting itorth with Its wild cry. "I. I. want to .?Slat'" ? the dominant nott> of the whoio ,-Jtving universe. ' light breath of air blew from the aouth, nipping the cfposed portions ..f ?their bodies and driving the frost. In ?needles of fire, through fur and flesh to Itfce bon?S So. When fS-e f;.-? h'?'l Kion :i tlus'v and thawed a d.itnp cire'.. :r t h? *nox about It, Sitka Charley forced ins reluctant comrades to lend a hand in pitching a fly. it was a primitive af fair ? merely a blanket, stretched paral lel with the fire an>l to windward of it, at an .ingle of perhaps forty-five de grees This shut out the chili wind, and threw the heat ba-'kwad and down upon those who to huddle in its shelter. Then a layer- of green s]>ruce boughs was : spread, that ifcieir bodies might not come in contact with the snow. When this task was completed; Kah-Chucte and <:owh?-e proceeded to take care of t tln'ir feet. Their ice-hound moccasins w*re sadly worn by much travel, and the sharp ic*' of the riv?-r jams had cut them [to rags. Th<-ir Siwash socks were simi ? Marly conditioned, and when these hs? ? I I been thawed and removed, the deatl ! white tips or" the' toes, in tiie carious i stages 'of mortification, told their sim ' pie tale of the trail. i Leaving the two to the drying of their | foot-sear. Sitka ' 'iiarley turned bac : over the course he had come. He. too. i had a mighty longing to sit l>y the fire ?and tend his complaining flesh. I>tit t h > I honor and the law forbade. He toileil j painfullly ov#r the frozen field, each 1 step a protest, every muscle in revolt I Several times, where the open water be tween the jams had recently crusteil ; he was forced to miserably accelerate ( his movements as tii.e fragile footing ; swayed and threatened beneath him. In : such places death was quick and easy ! but it was not his desire to endure tic i mo ro , His deepening anxiety vanished a.? [two indtans dragged into view round :i | h>?nd in the river. They staggered ami j panted like men under heavy burdens J yet the ii&cks ort their backs were a i matter of but few .pounds He question* j ed them eagerly; and their replies seem led to relieve him. Me hurried on. ^?exl | came two white men, supporting be I rw??n them a woman. They also be ; haved as though drtinketi. and then limbs shook with weakness llut th* I woman leaned lightly upon them, choos >lng to carry herself forward with her jown strength. At sight of her. a flasli | of joy cast its fleeting light across | Sitka r'hftrley's face. He cherished ;i j very great regard for Mrs. Eppingwell | He had seen many white women, bu! ?this was the first to travel the tras' with htm When Captain Kppingwel' , proposed the hatardous undertaking am; ; made him an offer for his service, h* | had shaken his head gravely; .for it wa> tan unknown journey through the dtsnia j vastnesses of the Northland, and h? ! knew it to be of the kind that try t< i the uttermost the sou is of men Bui ! wh'n he learned that the Captain s wif? i was to accompany them, he had refuse) flatly to have anything further to el. with it Had tt been a woman of hi; own race he would havo harbored ni objections; but these women of iht Southland ? no. no. they were too soft too tender, for such enterprises (To be Continued Wednesday.) [ (Copyfipht i!>00 By Jack London. A! .Bights BeaerreCL) Honors I'ln -;i,m i in ehat^e tees. was *i T r . I ill tin- ionise Tip , bill has L?i ???II hanl !"?:ilsk it ? :itu! : 1 1 ? oppn- . iirtnt- ? ?;' tli- in- asut? ?i:ii mil ?? x pe? ? t i laiK'i- a vote In III* r.?sv against it The , lull passed tli" s<'-iia;ti- :i iimiitli nc'i 1>; a vote lit" 1 !? ' <j lit !l t was messaged to ill** house whole il was referred to the ? puldte health <*<>!> > i : iSi t li r, a.'ul was re ported out without iVri'isiiiiriiilai ion af ter st rmiK jn exure, barked hy a bii; ' lobby hud been hr<,UiCht t < ? bear upon the committee Prosit i : t -i? 1 1 i and 1 1 ? ?? : i j high up in political ? tri |es *? i' th?.< sia'o ; liuvu I wurhinK for weeks i'oi the ? t> 1 1 1 .The State MiiDial Itoard a:ul the ' medical profession gesiei ajlv leil tin- | fijjht aealnst i? ? j The <'ani:\ hill. |irovii!i:;s; i ? ??- -t en j ation-of a. state putvhastm; aitetii !?) un j all of the talc's purehasiiif: outside of I that needed. fur tin: Inst it tit axis under the stale I inn ril of administration, nu-t j defeat when it failed t ? > r?-i-?:v?* enough ! votes for passage in the si-nat f. The | measure already luni been passjed by the | house. . j ; The senate passi*! the Mooney Villi. I KivinK the -stall puNIb- utilities commi; 1 sion the |K.\ver t ? j regulate the shipment j of coul and the hundlini: "f emil ears so , as to provide iui adequate eoal supply j ilurliiK shortage.- suoh as were experi- j etieed in Ohio Uits winter. The mea.s- | ure now rhi s :?> the senate The house adopted an a meiidment to i the e it les relief hill. providing that for ; the exclusion nf al! levies fur paying off J Indebtedness incurred hefnre 111 IS from J the limitations of the i^niiih i per irti: ! tax law withrmt even silhmittiliK the. question to a vote o;' tin- people. It ' was introduced by Hop. >Krciuer, ;i lie- ! . I COURT THEATRE Monday Night. March, isrth. I SOUSA AND HIS BAND The March King" ? Comiwiy of 60 Big- American Program and Loading1 New York Hippodrome reaturea. j 1 Prices 25c to S1.50. Seat Sale Xrlday. : ; UNIVERSITY CLUB CONCERTj Court Theatre, Ma_rch 15th. PABLO CASALS! The World's Greatest 'Cellist. SUSAN M32TCALPE-CASALS Seat Sale Tuosday, March 13th, 50c to S3. I 1 mr-12-j * ra S i (fmc-mxi) tfm-O'M?) ENDS CATARRH, ASTHMA, Bronchitis, Croup, G-dglis and Colds, or money back. Sole tr.J e-jcfantced by publican. mi'l wa- carl i? .1 ailcr a!l the i-ll'uris ijif I ?? " : ?? 1 ? I" find ,i eil;. t < ? i" : lie - it ;? s ll.i'l t";i i J.-.l Til- sis.-.-! Ml.- II. -II l.;|: | has alt'.nly | a>-. .l 'In- !;at.\ ? pa'.i li UK tlii- :'.lin- '!? -l >:i J" ' tivtil tiniiij li..- st:i'to bankmjr department aii<l . . jiTiiii: a ? ? ?rmii ? 1 1 ? r ?>' ? ?. 1 1 In-- \ i I. ?' y?-ai. ? j Tl. ? h'.sisc also pass-.! a 1 *i !1. by Hep- i r.'s.'lilatlir M.i lis Meld ot .left e| -.on 1 ? 1 1 1 1 1 v . (ciium < ? ! 1 1. ? t'f- ?.| |...|i.'.' ami !::? ? depi; rt in. Mil:- appeal from tin- !???:? I civil Si rvi.'i' eoinmis -|..||i-|'S li" !! ?? |i'> .iliil ! ?? . fiisrt instead i>r Mif e?.tiinp.ti ploys ri.itit ? \ liiil l.y Itepresentat t v.. l-'ed.-.-jiiali. to<|Uiriti?. r.'T isl ; a t ion of branded * n 1 1 !? hot 1 1 i*s in ordei in assist 1 boards | <>r health in milk iti?-t""i'"!?n am! pit v. tit ; stealing "1 milk buttles. Aft .?!? nearly tun hours d'-ha'e I ! i ir j to-.|a> pass-d Hi." !-:il by Ueprf- I s.-ntativ.' Thomas Iti-y Holds. <?!' t'leve- j latnl. Iii! '.!:nn tint hours women work ers t>> ."rti hours a v. .-ok inst-'ad of M The bill oritfiii.tllv i\M I ..r an riylji ! In- uc day anil A houis a w.-ok I r*"' - j senlative ? I ii ? I j - r > a;nl rural ut.-mb-rs of tin- house tt . ii in v.t > ii t" aiii.-tnl tli>- bill tint k i nif tl leu hours a 'lay i us t <1 of I ii i lit*. Th<- sim Him of tin* present law j exempting .canneries ami n. ??isl rii-s on- : va^'i-il in t lii? preparation or peristia Ide jir.nlu.-ts is- re-enacted in t h>* hill. 'I'll'' hill now jjoex In tin- senate. Tin- senate passed tit.: Smith I'll! ma1 - | inir several i lianui s ill tin- wi-rkmon's j conipensat toll law as suggested I.' tin- | Industrial < 'otmuissinn Tin.* law is > amended to 14 >\e tin- right of appeal 10 1 tho courts as 10 whether or not a ca se. ts within tlii.' I'nitiponsat toti fit-Id I'lid.-rj tho ] 1 resent law the commission is the . final judge. The amendment allows lie- | pttiy commissioners to hoar elaitns. ail 1 decisions to he subject to the coin mis- I sioin-rs approval. Another provision M i that tho principal becomes li.-thlo for j the awards tnnde to any sub eontraetor | who fails 10 comply with the require- j litem* of the compensation law. The Moll bill removing the "blue sky" | bureau from the stale . banking depart ment find creating a .-iiniiiiissloiier of I securities at a year, lacked only 1 the signal tire of the governor to-night to make it a ly w. The house to-day reconsidered and passed thw 'traham hill. 1111 anti-saloon league measure barring girls tinder ^1 years of ase as well as boys from placcs where intoxicating llqiioro are sold. The ago limit now is 1*. I'p to thft middlo of Decembpr Canada had enrolled 381,438 men for the great "war. Council Meets T -Ti.g':* AUvid Visitation. a i I > l!n im> (I ' . i ... v Farm Sold at Auction. T> . .M ' :? h? : I. nil ..<? i; ; ... r. Nt lllMlll Tl'l'l' %.,s at ||, Jin, . (;-"i Ii? i ? ? S:i : ? ? r !.\ ,\.i llOlii-f >' M ' '?ill! ll'.' .'1 '? \ V 1 1 ! ? ; i . n i: .m.- u-m. ii -,.i i.i.: .\i ? . ! . n r: ? ??is ? :u?i .. ? im \v.i? Nffred CrimiiiPln to Fen. A infill! ? t l> "111-! t 1<1 th- i?-n; l - it m i y I.- i ?? S ? ? I.i . : rum I'.-il-i-ll ;iii<I Kanawlia ? ??ii.t' -a - . ? ? .i 1 iu.l ? ?! * : liiu u.i Is ? >; ?? ii I ! i*i i n - !???? wa .- il.ii it v I ? ? i ' ? . ? i . i ?! I < I ? 1 ? .- I'm- III.- ii t ii r <1. i ??: i ?vi:t. ii ir-fatv iiml hi w.i.- . i T\. i ;;? I'it iiitinli'r I ? 1 1 * . ? 1 1 /t-il tli- st. iii .".J; l,f-in llflrit-. nt 1 1 till! ii ' mi wll" -Ii-.' anil l.ill.-il lift husl.iinii u.! .i II . ? : ???.:. strict I'M r. was tin r ? ? t" t l;t- | . .i . i ? Mai SlniluliUT. ? iilitii-.l v.". -ii. i ii. i'Ii. i It-sloil. >t-nlf'l|.'i || I ?*? lil'ltvn Vi.,:.v IV.'I . iimntiK tit'- pri.siin-r.' Kardesxy Lcintf Buried. Funeral str\ i. ? ? fur llar.ii-ij l.'itii;. rfs'ip.-ti'd i l l ?> i-il I':-. Mitf , wliti siiiciimli fti ;n tli.; In. mi" ??! his ilaiiKht' r. Mr-' i 'ill i:ir>hiiii.!Kl. t.f I. vim I'.nrp. l-'ritlav niiM'limK. w?-ri' lit I ? I a' 1 1 . ?? nl i|f;ilh Sunday iii-.i nine at ! i? "" ? ?' ? ? I ? k 1 1 v Cii liiiit'u^l i.t l'lrui!. I J in .-;'m. 'ill \\ ;. i mailf in Iti'-lMiiiiinl t i-ij ,i-i i'i > Millinery Opening. Tlif now inillfn. i \ >i'ifi-. ;>t Hit- . ? r m-"- t ? if l-'iftli ? st 1 1 ??! ami .It!!'- ::"ii ju-mii-. 1 .ro p r i ?? 1 1 1 1 liv Mis SI ami Mrs Mri.yli-.s, is 1 j n ir anant-.'l i . ? r t Ii ? ? i>|i.-ti ilit; W't-ilii^sday airl "I'l: t: : s.laj . Woodmen Visitation. I.ilii-i'i ? 'a III |). ,\o. 1>,>. W'xiilliiril of tlr WurM. this i"it>. is rapidly < ? ? ? : s s | ? f ?.? - Bottles of .24 Bottles of 100 erTablets of ? # ; r in There is only one true Aspirin. To guard against coun terfeits and substitutes, remember that every package and every tablet of the genuine bears % Your Guarantee of Parity" The trade-mark "Aspirin" 'R.?p. U. S. P-it. Offic?) is a guarantee that the monoacetifcacideste'rjif salicylicacid. in these tablcrs is of the reliable Bayep manufacture. "The Bayer 0, Cross v ? 1 7 ' ~ " } ; f j m ti arrangi-iii'Mit.^ i <?p lli?* ?visitation to ! ! i" lisl'l !???:< 'l it iirsilav. Maivh Tb?; j j W Iiinit ??t" i!ii- lii'i'ai'M Wheeling (lis-. ! 1 1 will :i : 1 1 ? 1 1 f I i lit- soi-ial. Mrs. Deuuls Improving. | Mi>. " ?: li Dor.iiis, of I lastion Seventh . ISllVi't, Willi MiS til! I '.Of I M-VITO tHII'IIS j j ulii.iilt thi- ! a ami hands la.-*. Friday, i I" r ? ? t ? i a i x ; - 1 1 . v i i ? : i . is iin|iroVliiK nicfl- I I Jy at in:f home. Spriuff .feisnreol. i Tin' l.adii->' Aiii Si.i-h'iy of Si._ Francis j j\a\ioj-"s i *a 1 1 1 1 1 ? I ? ? . liill'i li. is ro;iinl?;tln(f j ii rraiiKi'mi'iii s will In- riim|iU't ??d fur tin* | l?: lii'lil in ilii- lilli.- hall, St. .fatrirk'st j I I i:i \ . I i Complete Dance An'Mjem^Bts. 1 At tip? weekly l.ii'.si ness mcoxiny of the j i Tri .v I'ltih 1 1 > lii' In-lit to-miirrow'i'voniriK ' .'iiiiinr.i'iniMiis will li rot'iis pli* t ?'<! for tin; j I'atri'-tii- dance in he !]<?!'! Friday even- j ? itiK, Marili 1?5. in t lie Kilis 'hull'. MonudiJVille Briefs. i Klmor I'.uz/..i ii!. ni' t 'ameroii. spoilt i j Sunday Iwri- with friends and relatives. I i hee V.'JIskii. ilii- liiinlington police 1 fore*', rot nriif-rl home Sunday, after a visit with Warden .M. V. White, nf the | penit ent l.i ry. 1 Mri r.i-iii Prh-e anrt dawrhter, Mis.s ! M;i-K;u-.'t. nf tins i-iiy. spent Sunday I wi?li Wheeling relatives. j A 15. Scott splint Snmlay with his j | family in Morgantown , Miss Mabel Vance' has returned home from U'i sf'iii. wlH-irjj she' was called on .ii-roiim of t ho sei*ous illness of her inoiht-r. < ' Miss Anna Itussclj, is ill of the grippe at her home in I'astyrrt Second street. I M. Young. of faillonvale, 0.. spent Sunday here with his family. ' - 1 Miss lilsle Kinncr, of Fourth street, who has been quite .11 for a week or so, i.s improving! f?. V". Ault has arrived from New York where he spent several days attending ? business malices in the interests of ? Jarvin Anit. - '? ? Mr. ami Mrs. ? luSvLookinghill. of Jef ferson avenye. spenj Sunday with Ful ton relatives. .) Mrs. J. M. Shaub.-.who has been quite ill at. her home on '5onillnson avenue, Is .slowly improving." i , Mrs. S. M. StecfeL of Buckhannon, in ~ th<- guest of her husband, Dr. Steele, of Third street. , Proper Treatme'n"* for Biliousness. For a long time :iliss Lula Skelton, C'hurchville, N. Y? yas bilious and had sick headache and Jizzy spells. Cham berlain's Tablets were the only thins that pave her permanent relief. Obtain able everywhere. ^ k i I ALUMINUM SPOOIN SETS ! ! All Aluminum Spoon Sots ? 1"> j picccs, just as shown i above, for 25 PIECE ALUMINUM KITCHEN SETS Guaranteed Pure Aluminum ? complete in every detail? worth twice the money, - The composition of the set is just as shown in the illustration. . \;: 95c CASH PRICE $4-95 50c PER WEEK ? r SAUCE F=?^rs?S Four-quart size Aluminum Sauce Pans, an especially QQ^ good value, at ldminum PRESERVING KETTLES si/.p. ok'otrirally riveted huu iu?rs, at TEA KETTLES Six-quiirl Tc;i lull Its with ,rieo hoilrr'i! :iucl scll lofkimr linn- '"7?I dlo. I 'rice. . . fl O RICE COOKER "l i - qunrt s'\7o Alum inum (.'??f?kcrs ? ?diitl linisli. i 4 Quart H. A. P. COOKER with patent locking cover ? no burnt hands, ; satin finish aluminum. (fti1 PTA Price ALUMINUM K I T C H [? IN S B T .s Seven piccrs of guarantor! pun* A In mi mi m OCT Kitchen "Ware. A $lL\r>0 value. f? ? r <iJG.?00 $1.00 CASH 50c PEE WEEK. STEAM COOKERS Kxlr.i Jarur Aluniinuin look ers willi \ . nl for 1 1 r;iina?rc it n i.l lockiiiir rover.. A s |> I r ! ! <1 i <1 ^ Q j!f Viilur- i si. . . . . 5-? PERCOLATOR ? .in ho um^I ns <i Povfolnt^r or mruliir Tcji IV?t : hoivy onr-jtiff^ ?>??>? 1 v. ii h I' drip liin r t s;u titan <l<?ni?\ (?0 PA 1 ,;i size for GASSEROLES All jn'i-r 1 1 1 ; 1 1 i i 1 1 1 > m Casseroles, with alumkmm insert; "i ??niaiiiciiU'd shell; bright finish.. $2.25 'O' I'nr ALUMINUM FRY PANS i ,arar'sizi Fry Pans, with sirnim- rivMcd BERLIN KETTLES I'ive - f|U,-iri-?izc Kettles $1.50 ? N. B.? No Telephone Orders Will Be Accepted For Any Of The Above Articles irFh*=? PA! A CI IR 1304=06-08 MAIN ST. ' ?J 1 I I v r\L<riVL( undertakers