Your Dollars Have More Cents In Wheeling Than Anywhere Else In the Grid? Patronize Home Merchants Always g ***********?**********?# f * THE INTELLIGENCER * # * Largest Morning Paper % j Circulation in West Virginia. * * V 0 L U M E L XV.,. NO. 1 ? 2 m v * * * * * * * * ram, t? -? z V *? V B ***********#************ The feather ; Cloudy Tuesday, followed by .now or 2 ^ rain; Wedne$$?y ?now or rain. / ? ? \V H K E LING, W. V A . . T U E S D A Y , .M A It 0 H 1 3 . 1917. PRICE ? TW^O CENTS American Labor ?ft Here's The Flag That's Good Enough For Us All Here, You Americans, This Dope Looks Good NEW YORK. March 12.? With a view, it was said, "to give op portunity to citizens ? men and women ? to make known theJr opinions on the protection of American citizens and vessels from unlawful attack," Mayor Mitchel's committee on national defense an nounced tonight that it would begin tomorrow the circulation of a petition for signatures. Hotels, clubs, political headquarters, tele graph and public offices and po lice stations will be asked to co operate. The petition to which the citizens w:il be urged to affix their signatures, reads as follows: "To the President of the United States: ? As an American, faithful to American ideals of justice, lib erty and humanity and confident that the government has exerted its most earnest efforts to keep us at peace with the world, I hereby declare my absolute and uncondi tional loyalty to the government of the United States and pledge my support to you in protecting Amer ican rights against unlawful vio. lence upon land and sea. in guard ing the nation against hostile at tacks and in upholding interna tional rights." I, ML INTERIOR STUBS FLOOD; . HEMNIE BUCKHANNON STREETS COVERED BY WATER Weston, Elkins, Huttonsville and Other Towns Inundated. Preceding the expected hank lull stage or the upper Ohio, the smaller streams in northern and . southern West Virginia went out of their banks Monday, and much damage was inflicted, particular ly along th? Ty cart's Valley river. Ch^at river. West Fork of the Monongahela river. Elk river anil .Ww river. Streets were covered with water at Weston. Buckhan non. ElkLns. Hurnsvillo. Sutton and other towns, 'and hundreds of houses entered, involving a heavy property loss In these sections of the state. Last night the rivers were reported falling and the worst is evidently over. Weston Flooded. ' BtecUI Dispatch to the imeUU-uvot. WESTON". W. Va.. March 12.? One inch and seven-tenths of rain fall within six hours ceasing at four o'clock this morning. The river reached eighteen ff?et. its crest, at eleven o'clock, and is now falling very slowly. The water was three,, feet deep on Lower and Center and Court j ? avenues and Fourth street. Elkins Suffers. DlsoiUcb to Th? lat*!t!set>cer. . ELK IKS. W. Va.. March V2.? Prac tically every industry in Elkins is shut down by the high water result ine from last night's heavy rain and melting snow in the mountains. The crest of the flood passed Elkins late tonight, when the Tygarts Valley riv reached a stage of seventeen feet, flooding th*> lowlands and driving many families from their homes. Re ? ports from the Central West Virginia 'OFFERS SERVICES IF U. S. ENTERS THE WAR1 Uncle Sam Gives Notice of; the Arming of Its Merchantmen. i WASHINGTON. March 12.?' j (Organized 1 a l> u r >n America, 'through its representatives in run-1 ference here tonight offered its' services to the country in e\'cry,; field of aetiviu, if. despite all eu-i , deavors and hopes, thel'nitedj Mates should l?e drawn into war. j The action was taken by unani mous vote of more than one bun- I dred and fifty delegates from na- ? i tional and international trade un- j I ions affiliated with the American t Federation of Labor, and five im- ! j affiliated organizations, including j the great railroad brotherhoods. ' In all about three million Ameri- ?? can workers were represented in the conference, called to determine ; and announce- the part to be | claimed by labor national pre ' paredness* plans. ? j A statement formally adopted ' ! and issued after the meeting set i 1 forth in addition to the offer of j services in case of war. various de j mands which were held to be fun- ! j damentals In safeguarding the j i rights of workers, in war times as j well as in peace. Militarism was ! protested against: it was held thai ! i organized labor should have repre- | i stintation on all agencies detennin- ; ing and administering policies of j national defense and controlling: : ! publicity. The concluding para- ! graphs of the statement, pledging ? j labor's support to the nation fol ! lows: ? ' "We, the officers of the narityn- j ' al and international trade unions of America in national conference j ! assembled in the capital of our \ I nation, hereby pledge ourselves in i i peace or in war. in st r. C. Mar. 12.? The j j United States government today took] ! the only formal step that will preceed j the sailing for the war zone of Amer-J ?lean merchant ships armed to resist. ? attacks by German submarines. I Notice i.o the world of th'e intention' ! to place an armed guard on merchant j men was given in a communication .'sent bv the state department, which ! " | I f Continued cm Pa#e Seven.) I ' i ;and Southern way, extending from [Hendricks up the Dry Fork river to' ,Horton indicate that it will be a week; or more before the traffic is resumed. 'Many bridges, and culverts are swept away. The lumber industry through lout this entire section suffered heavy j losses, estimates of which will be im ! possible until the waters recede. ! Buckhannon Hit Hard. | Disi at. l. : ? Tfco lrile]ll*mr?T. BUCKHANNON, W. Ya.. March 12. I ? Buckhannon has the highest water j in years today. At seven o'clock this, ?evening there is a six inch fall. The I upper part of town toward the college was cut off by water from Burkhan-i jnon river. The streets were covered j I with several feet of water. People i ! going from one part of town to the } .other must use boats. Several farnl ' lies moved out. Traffic is tied up and j j the B. and 0. station is flooded. Only j i one mail train arrived today, from [ j Klkins. Tracks are under water and 'trestles washed out. No water or j electric lights: no loss of life. Cumberland Tloded. CUM B lilt LAN P, Md.. March J2*-The Potomac river here has risen rapidly 1 1 due to the sudden thaw, and sections of | ; this city are flooded. People are using ; ; boat.s in going to their homes. Water [ is 3 feet deep on the Western Maryland ! railroad tracks. \ number of washouts' on the western Maryland and 'in tin ' Baltimore & Ohio have occurred. A land- : . slid* covered the Baltimore A OhTo I 'tracks near Piedmont. W. Ya. U. S. STEEL PAINTED IN TWO COLORS BEFORE Hi COURT WASHINGTON. March 12. ? The United States Steel corporation was alternately extolled and denounced to day before the supreme court as argu ments continued in the federal anti trust dissolution suit. Fair treatment by the corporation of customers, competitors and em ployes without monopolistic- or unfair trade practices, was claimed by R. V. Lindabury. counsel of the defendants. "An abnormal, illegal and grossly over-capitalized colossal super-com bination of combinations." was how the corporation was characterized by Henry E. Colton, special assistant to the attorney-general. Mr. Lindabury denied that the cor poration has the power or disposition to oppress competitors and asserted that only the government, not custom ers or competitors ? had complained of its effects. "The trade feels no oppression: itsromer? and employes are satis i fied," he said in concluding hi* argu ment. "If there ever was a concern j emitted to judgment thar it is per-; forming with clean. honest and fair; conduct and beneficial effect on in- 1 ? dustry this is one. This is not the time, when we are endeavoring to mobilize our industries, to dislnteg-i rate or destroy .thorn. " Following the defendants' counsel.', Mr. Colton for the government, told the court that the corporation corn prises IIS competing units merged into nine combinations, with these nine later merged into one huge com-1 bination controlling over one-half of; the entire national industry, and dom-i inating the whole trade and products' i prices. He spoke of strong com^eti-i t.ion existing between the Carnegie, I Federal and National companies be-, fore they combined, a combi nation ef- ! fected. he said, because J. P. Morgan! ? and others interested feared an out-! ! break of disastrous competition in volving lowering of prices. 33-35 FEE! ST WHEELING ii ! IS PBEDICTEOi 25 FEET LOOKED FOR AT PITTSBURGH! Crest Expected to Be Reached! Here at Midnight on Tuesday. } PITTSBUTBOH, Pa., March 12. j | Intelligencer, "WTieelin#, W, V&. t Crest stage at Wheella g will bo ' j ? abont 35 feet, by Tuesday mlfl- ' ' j night. FINN Y WIT'T, 0. S. Forecaster. j . The Record of Rise. Stage i Monday, 6 A. M 19:3 j 9 A. M 19:6 . Noon 20:0 j 3 P. M 20:9 | 6 P. M 21:7 9 P. M 23:1 ! Midnight 24:7 j Tuesday, 3 A. M 26:1 \ Forecast fir Henry Pennywitt's pre diction of thirty-five feet as the crest for the Ohio river by Tuesday mid night is doubted by local rivermen. who say that the river -will hardly risa to a st ape of more than thirty-three foet. Neither stage will do any dam age in the Wheeling district, however. The flood stage as given by the I nltei States weather bureau is thirty-six feet. and at thai point a number of basements of the buildings in the low lands are flooded. The river did not commence to t >se until 5 o'clock yesterday morning, and then slowly until about 7 o'clock last night, when K increased to ?! incnes an hour. At 9 o'clock the stage at the local wbarf was 23 feet and rising 6 inches an hour. The rise at Dam No. 12. at Warwood, was Inches an hour and a stage of 22 feet 3 inches was reported. McMechen dam, No. 13, reported a stage of 25 feet. .1 inches and rising about 4 inches an hour. Heaw rains in the Monongahela and Allegheny river valleys on the melting snows has caused those rivers to rise rapidly. The river was still rising at Pittsburgh last nighl and at - Davis Island dam a stage or 19 reel' 4 \ inches was reported. The crest tor: Pittsburgh, according to Pennywutsj prediction made early yesterday art ernoon, was 27 feet, and last night a* stage of 25 feet was all that w? ft fix- f pec-ted. It was --on rising tour-tcntus , of a foot an bour. a decrease of sixth tenths during the afternoon. Jeff frame, connected with the local j wharf boat and one of the best known ? rivermen in the Ohio valley expects.; a stage of about 33 feet for W heeling I by tonight. That will be Its crest, he j says. ______ At Pittsburgh. PITTSBURGH. Pa., March 12.? The j amount, of water pourinc iiipj tne: Ohio river from the Monongahela _ and Allegheny rivers had lessened to- j night. and the Ohio at the Point i bridge was reported by the weathet ? bureau to be rising only four-tenths ; of a foot an hour. During the day j the river had risen at the rate ot one . Soot an hour. The crest ot the flood it was predicted, would be reached at, feet earlv tomorrow. Melting snow ) combined with last night's heavy rain I over the water sheds was given as , the cause of the high stages. At Gallipol's. GAlaLiPOLIS, 0.. March 12. ? The Ohio river was rising rapidly here to-j night. Officials at Dam N-o. 8 re ported a stage of 24 feel at. (5 o clock ( and predicted 38 feet or water here by noon tomorrow. If the latter stage is* reached, operations at the cii> pumping station will be crippled as the water will flood the first Uoor. River front potteries will also be flooded. Tlood in Big Kanawha. CHARLESTON. "W. Va.. March 12.--: \ flood stag* in the Groat Kanawha river is predicted by the fnlied &???'??! ?weather observer at Cincinnati. High water is duo to the flood stages In tho. Elk, OaulfV. New and other streams, tributary te the Kanawha. Mcs?sCffC!* received at the -wvalhor bureau here tertny from Elk river towns tell ?.r the highest water in more thai twenty years. Portion? of the towns of Sutton. Jturnsville. Orlando, Hie in undated with a great deal of propori y , damage In each and throughout thv. The Sutton and Tjlttlo Kanawha ami Coal and f'nki< railroads have sustained considerable damage. particularly about ; Sutton, and traffic Is affected, no train movement being sure. \t Charleston the Kanawha has risen, over two fed. Is expected to show greatest effect to nlsrht and Tuesday, with the cr>-sl If In-? reached at Charleston probably early Tuesday night. RalnfaJl of S Inches ?r more ? n s i e bordpd Sunday and Sunday Might at plnc/.-s on Elk river. That in the I y trarts Valley was 1 >'? inch. s. at Km;. - rord. Cabin Creek. 1.30 Inches* Narrows. : \"a ,S2 inches, and at landlord. \ t'b :?"> The Infllwewer. BALTIMORE. Mil.. M: *? Oscar 0. Murray, chairman of the board- of | d'.reclors of the naltiniore Ohio rail-, road, who has born ii! at his home J here for some iiuie. is reported|in a critical condition" tonight and his I death is momentarily expected. I Vatican Takes Interest in Second Joan of Arc, Who Believes ... j She is Destined to Lead the Armies of France to Victory j i ROME, Via Paris, March 12 ? 4:15 P. M. ? The Vatican is taking- a gTeat interest in the reported! visions of Mile. Perchaud and the command she is supposed to have received instructing her to leadi the French armies to victory. A report already has been received from the clergy in Paris and further j details are being asked of the archbishop there. (MllePerchaud, 20 years of age, daughter of a farmer j of the department of La Vendee, has stirred the imagination of the French by her declaration that, like; Joan of Arc, she had seen visions and heard voices commanding her to guide the armies of France to | victory. ' At present Mile. Perchaud is living in a Paris boarding house conducted by nuns.) AID BEING RUSHED TO NEW CASTLE, IND.j Charles W. Fairbanks Leads; Donators With Contribu tion of $1,000. NKW CASThK, hid. Mar, 1 J. ? | Wit I) Indiana National Guard troops fresh from the Mexican border, pa*1 trolling the streets, the city of New Castle which was swept by a tornado late Sunday afternoon, settled down tonight in another nlgbi chill and made o care for practically all the homeless, churches, schools lodge rooms, public halls and dwellings having been thrown open to them, but suffering in many cases was in tense. The death roil revised tonight, showed -0 dead, two persons mis sing and about a score seriously in jured, with h hundred more suffering from minor hurts. No more bodi s. had been found in t h ? nun* laie to day, but two of the injured died in ] the hospital during the day. Aid in the way of food supplies and' money began to reach the city late today. The food problem began \o take on a serious aspect early in the, day. Crackers sold at two cents each and bananas a nickel apiec?. The Mas supply was shut off and many places were without means of preparing food that . was ill hand and canned goods were at a pren-.iutn. In answer to an appeal for financial aid. sent broadcast ovt-r the state by: a citizens' committee, relief funds have been started in n:~ny cities of the state. Charted \V. Fairbanks, Re publican candidate for vice-president, in the last election, contributed ?1.00u for relief work. funeral arraiibiuu .n'.s li id not been ftnilie tonight as me-'. :if the day had been spent in searching. the ruins for bodies. Plans svlin. ? ' probably will in clude a public service t'?>r all the dead wil be starled tomorrow morning. I'p to tonight no looting has been reported to the military authorities While mania! law has not been de clared the soldiers are ruling the city with ? strong hand to prevent looting and disorders. j The militarv company from rerre; Haute, ordered out today, was expect ed here tonight to relieve some of the guardsmen who have been on contin-j uous dnt v since their arrival last] night. Dr." l-'ugal. local health officer, expressed the belief toda) that there, would be no serious outbreak of dis ease. although many persons suffer-, ed from exposure, which was intenat-| fied hv the lower temperature tonight. No change was made tonight in the I property loss, estimated at $1.00lU?0?. I The D.eath List. The known dead, as announced J tonight were: Everett Dunlap, 1022 South 21st street. Gray Davis, 35 South -2nd j stre-et. Mrs. John R. Davis, of More- . land, mother of Gray Davis. Orville Davis, aged 6 years, son of Gray Davis. Frank L. Newton, South 20th i street. Mrs. Asa Williamson, of South 21st street. Miss Opal Williamson, aged 24 years, daughter of Mrs. Asa Wil- \ liamson. Mrs. Vera Higgins. William Lowery, aged 61 years. ; Grand avenue. John Neilis, aged 25 years, | formerly of Lexington. Ky. Mrs. Archie Fletcher, aged 22 years, of South 25th street. Ethe! Day, aged 16 years. Bernice Day, aged 8 years. June Dav, aged 6 years. Earl E. Pazer. aged 16 years. Ernest Waterman, aged 6 years, j son of Asa Waterman. Price Shelton, aged 24 years. ? Ernest McLean, aged 11 years,, j of Mississippi. i Jesse McLean, a brother, died j in hospital today. The missing are: William Davis. Mrs. W. E. Newton. O. C. Young. K KY WIvST, Fla.. March 12.? .lames W. Gerard, former American ambassador to Germany, reached her* bite today from Havana and after a brief rest took a train for Washington. The former ambassador was ac companied by his wife and a party m' about forty Americans from Germany. He seemed to be in the best of spirits and held an informal reception to citizens who crowded the 'railroad station to see him depart. Mr. Gerard expressed much intent in the international situation result ing from the Zimmermann note. The only statement he made today re garding his plans was one to the ef fect that he would not accept the can didacy for mayor of New York City if it should he offered him AGAIN POSTPONED WASHINGTON*. March II'.? l>i*if.ioij en nst iti;t ionalit > of Mie A?1:iui>>nt i3ilrn?il law was a>rain post|\ liv th* supreme court. [Taxes for the Current Fiscal i Year Expected to Reach ! | $300,000,000. ! Washington. March 12.- Prelim-; jinary reports in ?he treasury tlcpa ri- ; inpui from every section of the conn-; I irv since March 1. indicate that i he j government w ill collect ?:?n0,000.000 ? in income taxes during the current.' fiscal year, or about two and one-half, limes as much as during the pieced- j inn twelve months. In all the internal! revenue receipts are expected to ex- 1 need S7UU,0U0.0ft0, an increase of i nearly $200,000.00". . I. The time for filing income returns J expired March 1. hut the totals have! not vet been tabulated, and will notj be available unii.1 all returns, iuciud-. ing many extensions of from 30 to 60 j days, especially in the ca'se of non-i resident aliens, have been made. The; estimate of $3?0.00ii.rtmi is based upon' a study of such returns as have al-j ready come in and general conditions' of prosperity. Most of the increase is : due to the higher rate of taxation pro-| virled for by congress last September. Included in this total are collections, actually made up to the present ag-i gresating about $2r>.00u.000. This is* $ 7.000.00? more than was collected! this time last year. The government's tax on munitions' will net approximately ?40.000,000. it., is thought, in addition, while for the few months <.>!' the fiscal year during which the former emergency tax law was in effect the returns will approxi mate $2n,i?0it.uu0 on . miscellaneous ; items affected by this tax. From the ordinary sources of in- 1 ternal revenue whiskey, beer, lo-j bacco and oleomargarine ? it is esti-' mated the lax this year will approxi mate $35iJ.Onit.OOO, the greatest total in ihe history of the department. The supreme court's recent decision sus taining the Webb-Kenvon law will cause a diminuation. it is assumed, in the returns from whiskey and beer,' although thus far the tax collected is considerably higher than last year. A ioi;\l of $?.07.0fl0,0i)0 has been collected, from infernal revenue taxes of all! sorts from the beginning of tlte fiscal year up to ihe present time. This fs approximately $25,000,000 more than! last year. !to be built for U. S. GOVERNMENT Will Be of New Type, Larger! Than Those Constructed for the British. WASHINGTON. March 12.- I'relim-! inary steps were ;aken by the navy j department today toward contracting1 for the quick construction of one hun dred or more high speed coast patrol: boats of a new type for scouting! against submarines. At a conference in which a score of builders were rep-j resented, assurances were given that j deliveries could be begun within four; months. Ii is understood that con-: tracts will be awarded shortly. Plans prepared for the patrol boa t call for craft 110 feel long, propeliedl by powerful steam engines. Details of their armament and equipment are now being worked out. They will be! more seaworthy and have a much! larger cruisin gradius than the stand- j ard "submarine chaser.-' an $5 -foot : gasoline motor boat. Some of the companies represented, in today's conference have turned out ! large numbers of "chasers" for the} British government. They will have to make changes in their plants in , order to build the larger boats wanted' by the American government. Representatives of the major ship builders also appeared at the depart-, nlent during the day. bringing data) concerning their corporations and ? plants for which Secretary Daniels re-' cently asked. The information is for use in determining the allotment of i new construction and also is desired! for the guidance ot the government in | ihe event it becomes necessary to; exercise the authority granted by congress I'm commandeering private establishments. Secretary Daniels an nounced that bid., for six cruisers of the 35 knot type desigtled last year would be opened Wednesday. Con- j tracts for battle cruisers will bn awarded soon on the basis of cost and ten per cent net profit already agreed - upon with the builders. CLEARANCE FOR LINER \ ARMED PORE AND AFT! > WASHINGTON. Marih 12. Permit J sion for clearance of the French liner j Roehambeau from NVw York, the first . belligerent merchantman to arrive In! an American harbor with guns' mounted fore as well as aft. was to day granted by the state department. ( which ruled that the Roehambeau as! a passenger carrying vessel plying i usual routes, was a peaceable mer-J chant man entitled to take adequate precautions against illegal attack. I ARTILLERY LOST BY TURKS NEAR BAGDAD Chinese House of Representa tives Votes Severence of Relations. . PEJCING, Sunday, March XI. ? The senate today approved the sever- | ance of relation* with Germany by ! a vote of 152 to 37. It- is expected t that the g-ovemment will take ac- [ tlon to this end tomorrow (Monday). Again the French and British war offices record gains against the Ger mans on the line in Prance. Strik-j ins; in ihe Champagne region on aj front of 1500 metres west of Maisons ; He Champagne, the French re-cap- 1 lured all the positions previously taK-| ;n bv the Germans on Ridge 183 and also invaded a German fortified work. On" hundred prisoners were taken jn flie operation. In the Woevre region, near Seicheprey a raid ou a German i tench was successfully carried out, while attacks by the Germans between j Soissons and khelms were repulsed. The British on their part of the front in France entered German | trenches in the vicinity of Boucha- ? vesnes. north of Verone and also ear-.' ried out raids successfully to the south of Arras. In the latter sector the German positions were bombed and many casualties were inflicted on, their occupants. i Heavy artillery activity is in pro- 1 gress in the An ere and Tomrne see- J tors, according to Herlin. The Ger-I man war office reports the stopping' of a French attack south of Ripont.; in Champagne, and also the destruc tion of sixteen Entente airplanes and two captive balloons in attacks by 1 the Germans. The London war offic* announces that nine German machines were brought down or driven down damaged, and admits that five British, machines are missing. j On the other fronts, except in Meso-j potamia and Persia, therw it is as-: sumed that both the British and Rus sians are still harrassing the Turks.} only minor operations have been re-' ported. As yet the full details of thet capture of Bagdad by the British have j not been made public, although an-, nouncement was made in the British ' house of commons thai there was; reason to believe that two-thirds of; the Turkish artillery had been cap-! tured by the British or thrown into : the Tigris, and that in addition large numbers of prisoners ami quantities of materials of all kinds were taken.! Again the Turks are reported by! I'etrograd to have made a further re-j treat in Persia, this time leaving a' position near Bisilun. twenty miles northeast of Hermans-ball, and retir ing toward Iladjiabad. Bisilun was occupied by the Russians. In Macedonia there has b?en an in crease in the. artillery activity in the Presba Lake and Cerna river sectors, probably presaging an early recom mencement of hard lighting in this region. The possibility Hia' Germany is to have another foe arrayed against, her is indicated in an unofficial despatch from Peking, which says the Chinese ; house of representatives has apprawdj the government's diplomatic policy. j which includes the severance of ciipio- 1 malic relations with Germany. THE WEATHER. < WASHINGTON, D. C., March 12. Forecast: OHIO ? Snow north, snow or rain \ south Tuesday; Wednesday snow orj rain north, rain south. WESTERN PENNSYLVANIA ? j Cloudy Tuesday, followed by snow: north and snow or rain south; Wedncs-I day snow or rain. WEST VIRGINIA? Snow or rain j Tuesday and Wednesday. I IMPATIENT BECAUSE NO^ COURT DECISION . Series of;' Progressive Strikes Planned, With All Out Wednesday. NEW YORK,' March 12.? Pep- ,'/? sistent reports were current In ' ? railroad circles here today, that a countrywide strike would re sult if a satisfactory agreement it not reached at the conference on K the que$yon of the eight hour working dfty to be held here Thura- 1 day between the railroad man agers and; representative* of the"'. ' four brotherhoods of trainmen. It was learned that reports were sent to th.^ railroad presidents by agents of> the managers, stating that plany had befen laid by the brotherhoods to begin such a strike Satfjrdav night in the event their demands are not met at the conference. Inquiry -at railroad headquarters failed to firing out the source of . - the report?j although it was learn ed definitely that such information had been^sent them. . This In formation Tstated that the broth erhood leaders consider thev have waited a reasonable time for the supreme . four big brotherhoods de clined 10 confirm or deny that definite strike plana /actually were under con sideration. 'J The local leaders cam# for a confer cnce tomorrow preliminary to the meet inp ' brotherhood and railway. officials "?j to h hold in^New Tork Thursday. Sec tional conferc-ncos wilt be held -In other cities, and tli? brotherhood heads Insist J thai. they' car not forecast their course until the lociHs from all parts of the. country hove- reported the result-. of\ their deliberations. Ttiero were^dlstlnct indications, how- f ?ncr. that tlyre might be more truth -?? in strike reports than appeared on the er ... . ?? (Conttpn efi on P?*e Tea.) REMOVAL PHILADELPHIA MAYOR MAKES URGENT REQUEST Plots Centering in Philadel phia Declared Menace to: the City. /? WASHXNOTOK, March 13.? For mal request- sfor the removal from the league. Island Wavy Tard o( the Interned German commaro* raiders Pri^s Xitel rriedrleh and. ; Kron Prlnz- Wllhelm or the 700 ; men comprising their crews was ) personally to Secretary 9U* iela to-day ' by Mayor Smith, of 1 Philadelphia, on the ground that they constitute a menaoe to the I safety of thj city. The mayor wis told that trass* fer of the German crews already 1 was under consideration and that a 1 suitable place for them was betnf Eoaglit. Hp also was assured that every precaution was being taken by the nuthorltlee to guard against the" possibility of any dls 1 turbance b-r the German Bailors, and that thjy were under constant surveillance. by the navy yard aa? thorities. J' ? It has yeen suggested that the interned cr?wi be sent to some in land irmy barracks but none has been found -available. ? v _8S 1 "HlT.APEliVHIA. March 18.? In the ah.scncir of (Official Instructions from Washington, reurch of the interned Ger- :-"4 man. commerce raiders Kron Prlnr Wil- - helm and I'rtriz Eitcl Krederich at the " Philadelphia tj.avy yards for explosives. j? reported to huivo been smuggled aboard "v the vessels fiv>m outside sources, an in- V vestigation of*. which has resulted in the arrost of fivQipersons, was deferred to da.v hv local agents of the department of 1 justice. Thejnprders authorizing an ex-' amination of the ships were expected to-day. hut t/p to a late hour had not jet arrived.' '^Additional arrests In ths alleged plot * which may approach a status interrjjitional in aspect, are con templated. federal agents admitted to- ' night. i According !'{o naval officers at the local yard sui-Jrch of Hie raiders cannot (Continued on Page Two.) ?vfiS CHARLKSTOX. W. Va.. March 12.? Governor John ,1. Cornwall, in appoint ing Dr. H. L. Goodman, superintendent j of McKendree Miners' Hospital No. 2. j at McKendree, addressed a letter to the appointee in which lie says than the appointment was made because Dr. Goodman has been recommended by a large number of physicians, sur geons and business men as being cap able and particularly w??li fitted for the place and as possessing character and personality. "Of course the fact thai you are a Democrat was greatly in your favor, but it. was not the determining factor," says the governor in the letter. He said further: "I have no desire to take from you or anyone else any element of citi zenship, or to deny you the right to express honest convictions in a tem perate way upon all proper occasions, but in accepting tliis appointment you will do it with the understanding that during your term of office. you must not accept or hold any official posi tion with any political party or organ ization or encage in partisan politics) or anything else to such an extent as I i to take you rrom your official duties i for a single Moment. j ?"Every appointment I make will b? I upon these conditions, and the failurt | of l he appoiibee to observe them will jbe cause for removal. A copy of this letter will sorto each appointed, con sefjuently von will understand this is /r-v,: !a statement c?f policy and is not per- ???' Isonai in any -^ense. My one wish is that those ivr persons whom I shall he permitted; 40 appoint to public of fire, shall, during their terras, give all '*?*?; their time lo ?he public service. ? ' ^ "Mv administration will be judged --.j to no small ex-i'ent by the character of men I appoinr'to manage the various J state institutions and whether those '1 men succeed, \rr fail, consequently you - will unders'taijd the double interest I will possess yi watching their work. My information is that you are courte ous and possess tint ability to make friends-^#, most valuable asset in any employe, but ^Specially in a public of ficial. 1 shall, hot undertake to dictate to you. The work is yours, as the responsibility,'- Should you fall to Intake good I' thall fori at liberty to ask for your Resignation and appoint 1 your successor*;"