Newspaper Page Text
SCHOOLS START CELEBRATION THIS AFTERNOON: CHURCHES THIS EVENING. . I Wheeling to Be Placarded This Morn Jug, Calling Men to Outy ? Noise Tonight at 10 O'clock. This afternoon Wheelings i wo-day monster and noisy patriotic celebra tion of the i-H>nd anniversary of the battle of Lexington, will start >>tT with appropriate eiercise? in all the W'heei ing schools, with an elaborate program In the Hl^h school auditorium by ihe scholars of that building. Warwooo and Hen wood school? will alsu have exercises. "The Midnight I tide of Paul Revere" will be read and speeches made relative to the historical aunt versary. This evening patriotic ser vices will bo hf!d in pract !??;?? ity . ?. < r\ church in Wheeling in connection with, th? weekly prayer meeting. These features vs ill be pr.iiminaiy to the biggest loyalty day in the his tory of Wheeling, tomorrow, which na* scheduled a '?rip-ruarin'-vhonp-'er-ap. noisest" and most demonstrative pa triotic program ever pulled on' In :1ns section of the country.* T!i?- objec'? To promote more j?airiotism in all. men women and chlidreu. and at the same time bring about more enlistments in the army and navy. Placard Wheeling This Morning. "When Wheeling awakens this morn log it will see the town "literally pla carded with posters appealing to young men to show their patriotism bv joining forces with Cncle Sam. The placards will carry declarations md interrogations that cannot be misun derstood. Some of theui will reau: "Torn*? Alan. Go to Your Duly,"' ?fall , the Kaiser's Bluff." "Are You :i Slack er?" "Enlist Now." There will be patriotic music in th*! air all day today. A bis unaphot\ - i similar, but larger. than Che mechanical | band Instrument seen here during thei late presidential campaign. .wfTl play j through the streets sulverttsing t h?- j mammoth mass meeting to be held in | the Market Auditorium Thursday night. | The committees met yesterday after- j noon arid comp!' ;-d the urogram for the! Mg dotn's. fart i>f the program was i Issued for rub : utlon. but as there are j a nurnbi :? - .oyable and surprising ' atunts e- sprung nt th^ meotlng. J Chairman .laiian 'j. Hoa rue said j night that the best way to know what J ra-a surprises- are. is to [be at the mass ! meeting John J. Coniff to Preside. Tit- T-i-.n. Jobr ! ?.'entr't' will preside. I H- will N pres?-nt--,i by I.>r. ?' F. <7ith-j en?. s-.i rint ->nceii; of ??,!:ool<. who will ! 'j.-vli the :tir,:!:i? r The principal' ;id-ir-s* wUl b- -i.-h by .Major .1. >" H. L<|* the :'r - - ! States Army. ?>nj Zion i.iit.V r.j.. ii; :r !i, .< t'.l it Uftl the H \r',i an* ??- ? -lu- u rsrelsnt*' branch ?.*" ? 1 Cr< ss so, pr vllthens ??I-?'. :l? "> il; . >u i blstortciil '??? rs f th** ?,-!? brat-ion. Ar?? of hwi ? ?? m motion pic- j Veteran Soldiers to Attend. I".'-!: ;r-J I vi-.. ? ??:?r:vf:s will >?..? '? ? >r .-?* t'i> Tr.e?tins: ? s~>ats T" ? ? v :: !'? ???wor'.'-l "rom the G. A J < "a in-' stree s. -v ?; V; ? riu- I 'ft., l.ins'% ' and ?*??;?? :r:. ;:i.. ; cail-"s T:o Roy S ? rs -\ . ! : -s. There wi ! ? b? i if.-nri F' l*in>z. ? hatr:i:.-i-.. musio '???:;rr. ' '???:. h--:s rvt: is : - -u;.. s wlS! ! be i * 1 a *? * ? i JO ??:?: x ?.:}:? r?t x i / the ireise BeTlasr. Th.; e..S,- f. ????;: ii. re -ttst r.-i - : ion will s. nii lotiu :- i:l l?y 'he ..f sicti"!.. WfUiatn . ?. K:.:;. . .-?Kurs:. ?? ?isltte. . v. il! h*.- \ t->d-iv. l'r??mf?t! ? ...juc'o rocket.* will !.? at s-' eral points . on \V?|. el if.- !.??; - '??? ? '? ? -? ? -i- '? is on., I've. whistle io r his ? ? tion will I- .Mil, :?;i js ailt i. rung aiitl ?- '? ? . \..r coiti - mui:o> wll! v*r>?l from I /.Art Hoiirhts. Who.;!:ti? Itill. "ti lhc| | l.-land and frmn tin- citv tniilditi;;. ! CANADIAN CAVALRY I : SCORES BIG SUCCESS I OTTAWA. April IT. ? Surrf-ssi's I 1 b\ ? 'un.'oi... ; i ivalry ;n f ii;!.: Mii: ;it ? fh'- frmij a :<? ? i ? t > o ? 1 nt an j despa'-ii. r. ! Iii'it' t ? ?-?!.: \ : :o.;i . 1 1 1 :i<t 1 . ( rt li.-.oii| : - t M in Kran'.-n l-ni th<.' first tune l:t more th.i.i. two yi-ai>. j ?ih?' cabbniratn naval galloped st!.ilk;ti! at a pusit .in ?! tiv <n-r- j maris di-famditit; .- htuh *: r ? ? n : i position . ?With rail's anil ma- hite ?t:t -. (?urin^ t!i?- enemy v ? .*?! i-rir withdrawn!. i tha? despatch recounts. < '.-tnadiatt liof>e- ! nwri \vvfi- I :>-*?' i witii such mm i'ss lli:il I w.tiiin four days >\ \iilajjes iveiv . ap- j !ttrml This advan.a- ? made ahead , ? ?f tit? Entente itiian'ry on a ' I'.' mil-* i front to a deptn nf ni;le>. "Tl:;s cavalry ijusii !i:to t In* ??in my's i Mrii.'S." fill- i!i-st'al i. !l firails ' iv;iv oiii- of that firs: vpa-rat i*>ns tin- ii on lint ?.va-sr.. : front. sun ?? Oii> Mams nam paicr" a;-'! " f.n: nlstn-d mai.. liu-id-nts "ha" t ? fur the a-va?r.ts tak:' L' ! pla v. iii wo'ib! have :i I I ? u iti'i) , 1 1 1 : : . - ! t a* ?: . or m-snript i v< writers. "'Tiii- dr-it: aMo u{ ;'n! is i iii ? osis-- , ? .i yti-ifi., ! !? ;'o-:ia t wim. ulw!i- lead- j tli}J I: is !ri. tn [in- tlt;(.i ii oil one of llli' '? ? lla^'a-s : In- ' 'a nail:. i as nipttiiid. ? aliie 1 Ui-nii a ri-i'mii in*ni<>i-sa:.l I ?> thrci sintiuls win ata! ocuupieai by twa-nt. i.'ortuaii- vviio liai! a m&ehiite sun. Till* ; Iia-uta-:i;ir;t inn-p'-d from I: is horse ami i an 1 ; 'or ilia- machina- j;un. i*le?tr- j :r.e the wares i J n m-r cross-eaiuiitiy i ruiiait ic t'urtii spr:itu at the machine j vainii-!- and . ap^un-d the gut. Hi' found i oiit a ftT? a i i!s ? ??:? r naa-xpurted ap pai.irM ni-a' 111' ,1 liinly of lii.ii-setn-li iia-i , i:-ai!i- tli.- jcnt.tiiM- lu-rfviis anal pra-vi>tit?'*i! ' ' . n :'???!. i ^.-ttiiit info acta'!: Ih-IVhv lie ; : -I.' ; 1 1 ' ? \v i i A si-i-uiiii's r!ii-sttu:i'iti ! ? ?a 'in- part of tin- i in r 1-111,1 1: wmtid h:n ? i -ii-aa! aiauy oasualtus tii tin- men Of hi- j troops " A nut Iit dispi' i*li I'-'om i "atitulinn hoart-' 0 a;nt a-rn wiys ?|iit- "tlia' i-tii-my r--?-is>. -| tttiCa- lias* of. tlii* Virny ri,l?i- ii.-is stiff-' a^noi'l."" TJio nii'.ss iu- itavs 'no < ai-rmatis | ?ea*tn to on l?i: ruiriic o lory thin;; of viilui-; it: I.- ns. atiil L>oiiits o.ul tli??. v. Iiili- ti-.i- 1 m'in-s iti llii- I.i ns iJisti-K-; may. I?- I v.r.cked. "thi- i-oal r'ninains aioi rn vv slucfts will In- stttvk." "hlvrybody on :hf from Jias iinon ; greiitly cucouriiitoil tlio jrood in wsj from so'.sth "of Arras" l!o- cabb-ursim , adds. ' >( Certuat.s raj>tur<vl in thn iiat-j i!-? ? ? t* Vltny. th? dispatch davlarod inor-.: ; than >00 roqttlriHl rnrilt-'-al iittontiou. iind ? t ha* ' iu-ory ia a'lvatiood :!iat this Jarjro p-Tci-ntaK" of uoundeii iti<i*<*.-\ta>s ilia:, the ??ntaxsto Ivitiibn rilnii-ti' "protlnoaid a pttnii- at:f 'tiR :h<- 'I-rniuti infant r;. w-ho carri.sorii.-il ! h-~- : 'i!i;.-. Toilay's ?''?itia.itan casualty lis; in cltob's :h- fniiowiiii; Aini'rti-aiis: Wioiit: ! ? i1. H. Mv-Muih. l?oti-'iii. Mi.-li. : A. Win-' ? ;ha?>fi r. ? 'b-v.-lainl, i ?iilo: l.k-iitonnnt A. ii. Hani t:i ill. ? 'hatlu'iti. Va. I'nd iit%| m ! lieutenant Ka<-hraft. Ross, FOR DRAFT SYSTEM (CoattunfrU from Pirst Pag-e.) pK-sitiori. Afterwards Tiop rosi-n'a ?f. is Mann anil i .en roof, were r.n!!o<i so that Mr. Wilson might, ? 'iio position of ' ho K^p;iblii;ans. Thov j remained at :!.> White 'House for an! hour, and w {i il?- t hoy said no poll had be? :i fakoti-and ihe.v wpn> not in ai position co s.tat?- how th^ir colleagues ; would vo;?\ thoy asstira-d tho Prosl- i dent chat, tho Republicans would show j nu partisan spirit in considerint; the, ioiiislacion. - The s-ttate comniittpo votod favor- 1 ah!" today, on the sa*l.?clivo draft i ? -at':*--, and will ro.pott rite bill to morrow with that foantro retained.! Tin t>- was no rijjl call, but three s?n- 1 a o; < >\ i f" said to have been opposed ; ?> i! is foa*.!ir?\ Two others oppa?sed to "in- draft were ab.->?-nt. \!. opportunity v. ill ba? given i he i profMjnents of the volunteer system to; on It :r. comrnitteo tomorrow ori I DR. JAMES' HEADACHE POWDERS GIVE INSTANT RELIEF? COST DIME A PACKAGE. Nerre-rackin;:. split t in tr or dull. Ihrobblnir headaches ' yield In just a f"w moments to Pr. James' Headache I 'n? ders which cos! only 10 cents a pM'-Uatre a' any dru? store. It's t'nq K'-sf. .surest headache relief its tho whole world. Don't suffer! Relive the ypony and distress now". You can. ' Millions of men and women have fou till 'ha* headache or neuralicla misery Is needless. G e t what you asK for. - - - j an amendment by Senator .McKellar, 1 authorizing the President to ? -:i I ! for volunteers. This dot's not change the language of the bill nor affect tin1 selective draft feature. but if adopted it would bo in addiiiou to ? the bill as it came from tin- war de partment. The Tennessee senator said toniqht. hi1 was nut hopeful the. provision would be approved. I About the only change of impor tance mailt* in the bill by the cOmmit was one n hich "would specifically , include persons engaged in agricul- I ture with those in other industries t who are to be exempted from the se lective draft. IRRESISTIBLE FRENCH t Continued. rrom rim Pap?.) I ?he direction vif .Mont t'arntliot were < broken down by our lire. I'lio num of prisoners taken by. Us on this t part of i ho front exceeded -.V"1 ?Between Sois.Mins and lJheims dur- 1 uiK the course of the day we resumed our destructive fires# against the tier man organization and reduced isola.ed .sections where cuemv groups still re- j slsted. "Abuoi ri : ::o o'clock this afternoon j a strimf; enemy counter-attack in the region of Hurtebise farm, (west of t'raontie). was repulsed. Another ? violent attempt in the sector of t'ourcy. i occupied by the Russian troops, like wise failed. "According:, io latest reports, ou: troops in the battle of April 1 1:. be tween jjnissons and Rheiuis overthrew very imjiortant Gentian forces. In ex- j p? elation of our attack the eaiemy had i brought in nineteen divisions. . A .?- j cording io tlio decJaration of prison-' > rs. they luui received the formal ord'T j to hold, eost what it may. the first, po- i Mtiou. which had been reinforced -is j Io depth. 'The losses suffered by i he Germans1 w- re considerable, not only in the course of th? battle, but on the preet-J-j iiiK days. On the eve of the attack ?n ' enemy divison while engaged In going j to the ?relief of the sector of a tielgh- 1 borinx division, lost under the viol. a. of our artillery fire the greater par; <>f 1 its effectiveness. The number of uu- 1 wounded prisoners taken by us yesier-l ?lay between Soissoits and Uheims has! reached a total of ll.OuO." j British Report. LONDON. April 17. 10: OH I'. M . ? I The report from British headquarters I in. Prance tonichl reads: "In i iie neighborhood of Havrln-i court, wood we made further progress today north' of Gouzeacourt. Kncoun- , ters occurred throughout the day west atid northwest of Lens, where- we con- 1 tinue to press the enemy. Hostile at - J tempts to drive back our advanced ! troops were unsuccessful. "In spite of the exceedingly unfav- j orable w father. much useful work was carried out by our airplanes yes terday. Three German machines were driven down in the air flight ing. but in most cases tjte enemy ; The '"come-back" of the continued use of drug laxatives is frequently worse than the original ailment. All laxatives are irritants, -which will affect not only the intestines but the stomach. They whip and spur the bowels into action1 and are inevitably followed by a reaction which helps to make constipation chronic. The use of Nujol, an intestinal lubri cant, is the sensible and effective means of promoting normal bowel movements. Nujol. unlike drugs or physics, is not absorbed by the system, but acts sim ply as a mechanical lubricant, prevent ing the intestinal contents from be coming hard and so facilitating normal movements. As Nujol is not a physio but a lubricant, it does not gripe or upset the system. Being tasteless, it is not unpleasant to take. The Standard Ofl Company (New Jersey) has used its world-wide re sources in producing Nujol and its reputation is behind the product. Nujol h thf ?niy rtasedy far eonsHpatian w# factor'. The genu iut as Iv pint baltlet btuHng NnjoJ irade-marh. AH latflrs filled at ?ur Nujol fiUlut. *bsulut*iy tnnJera ouJ saollaiy ii'riU today f*r ?? iuitrucih-e baokUt on Nujol and it* srirX STANDARD Oil. COMPANY Rdyonne ?Ncw New Jersey JING STORE, BY ALERT BENWOOD FIREMEN j PROBABLY SAVED TOWN MUCH DESTRUCTION. Late Last Nicjht When Hitchman Mine Store Caught Fire ? Fireman Bob j Murphy Badly Hurt. A tremendous cxplo.-ion and de j structioti "I - iirrosi ri<i i rt u Irani'- build- j int.1- wen.' probably averted late last night ai iii nwiiixi when more than aj dozen Io ns of powder and dynamite ? were hurried on' of the burning | Western Stippix company store by t aien firemen. ; Fire, supposed 10 have started < among boxes of cereal 011 a shelf, j was ?iui ? k 1 \ ' | net! i ? iied by the regular ; en w and volunteer firemen who re- ! sponiied to tb?' rail a: 11:1". in the. two aui?> trucks and had the flames; under control in half an hour. The I interior of the .more was damaged to j an unknown extent. As tii" volunteer hoys' truck pulled ! out of the South 1 Sen wood station. I Hob Murphy, volunteer foreman, I slipped and fell to the pavement.1 striking his head mt the side of the | truck and bricks below and probobly 1 suffering inievnal injuries. Or. Yo- ? ho. of .Mc.Meclieii. found a det'P gash in his hejid. cuts about the face and i injury to the abdomen. lie was taken to his hoarding house near the Pnion ilii;h school. ||e is .railroad man. ' The \Ye?torn .Supply store ;k the regular comnan> store of the llijch tnan foal and Coke company. avoided comhav I'i \ e of onr ma- j chines are missing." German Report. HEIil.lN. via Loiuloti. April IT. |) m.? The |-'n uch fon es failed withj heavy casualties to break through the; Herman line along the Aisne and d'd not renew ihi-ir attack. says Ihe war j office statement issued this evening, j On both siucs of Auberive. in Chant- 1 patio*. hard lightini: was in progress throughout Tuesday. says the state- i utent. the text of which follows: "After failure with heavy tosses, j of tlte French attempt to break j through 'our lines. ihc\ have not re- j newed ih?-ir attacks on the Aisne. . I "In champagne bitter fighting pro- 1 reeded through tho day on both sides of Auberive. ".On the other fronts there is noth ing of importance to report." (Continued from Tlrs* Pr.gc.) ships cntcrinc $???:! district mil b,^ j=?-iLl ?-<! whit"- "the ss. K : 1 1*. In *(.. .ri. Tie it 1 1 ii< > .11 1 ? . 1 : - cr 1 1 * whifl> was' made by i,leut.iiant Kdward 'I -iiuke*!. . . diy irict communicat ifm s roi'.end* nr. is considered In naval nti'icri Is ;i- "lie <?!" the iinsl imp.-r'aM v.: . ? nl'itini; ? wir.-les.s. \\ it ii i If ct'.'Miiu <.f nil i 'i*i v;i! 0 radio stations t > !?. -i---. n:iv:il mi tii'Ti-.n ' said ; h ;? uuiat ? 'Ii "practical ly placed I wir-SeSN s. rvice 111 t ,n 'trst n/i-'.il disf 1 i.-;. 'inl possihil ll.v of helm; Jin at.i lo :> ri ? neiny." The ?ajs in I'lirt: ".M- ri-lrmi ships .-ire cnini..rnd when it s. a :?> use ih?-ir ra-li.' 11s 1 1 1 * i ?? us jios sible and :..f III.* purpose only of re port inn T Ji?-< pres. llee .ij enemy ft'.ir VeS s.-ls >>r report s of ships 111 distress. The shei-e.'r:iil:.i stat lotis will po lender ac cept, doeklni; t> ports : . owners. a ?*? 11 -ru-i t :c!' t iiini; up of the radio service' is requested. "Inst ructions ir- .??>.. N-- ? chant ships tha uj ?ni. iuiw ports I Ihe Mrs! naval district tie ir radio ?"i||-| paratus win i>e Sealed and the antennae I .?ev?rod. ,\ statement will !>? re.-|ulr--d I fr"m th? captain "t' ? ich i'??.,] i-a rrv- ' ing wireless he will net use his j r 51 /lie while in port." j Moxuvcc *o Coasters. N'EW Vul'K, April N- wj* thai nj '"iTinati suhiuari:!-' li.-ts appe.-ii-d of;' ?!?"? Amerlean roast was >-e,-eiv.;d !;? re -od-iy by :->te.uiinhi]i men e< indiea iuit; a meti a coastwise and I-i.-iti Any rl- an ! dilpjdne. :<s It as tr.uis- Vilan'l-' | While no iiilviii'-K i m x\-'.r vi-\ lti-. ir.mi". v.-ns ,innoiun-ed with the puMie.i: Ion . i" ? the t;.-u s. 11 wis s-aal lir tus-ifi'v men that ihe rates for .??.;?si .iti-l l.atln- \ m ?? r - ! iciin ports proh-thly veil Id stiffen inn- 1 teri filly. Since the deelnration et" war vi:li' Oerniany e\trii pre--nut i"ie- have i -en taken to Wll'.'KH.'U I i i ' v. t.?e \ essels. such as running r? 1 nu:ht without tlshi" ? and tll.< pa inline, ef nil vessel"; I. ,el color. liepiiry ticre ani'-tir r- present n- , ?Iv.-s of coastwise -in. I >.e;'h and Cen tral American and I'-iban lines indicate ?l:a* a majority ?! the pa tiu-'r carry- . inu v.'m.'Ih are in p.n or are well out- , sid-> th<; "erritiTy whore tin- sill. marine , tvas reported. Ooastwise ships plying : r>. tw.-eji New Vnrl>. Savannah. ?'harl' ?- . i.'.r ?>.>? N.-w 1 >rl( ans- and <: a I ton a r s-ild Jo l?' in no present d;irnr*-r. There are. h"f.-- vr. in all ?im<-s a I tutmb'-r of t'r- lulu fhms on the coast- , wise route. Seme \\ 1 lell ll" II I ?t OHIO , v.-iri' Included um.-ns tin-He lire a ; niimh'-r of vssels .airyiim "i! t'r>:n | Aiueri. .in sriiif and Me\ p.>rts. The opinion was expressed in ship cird s , tiiat shit's would pr.'c.ed as usual 'in- , less tile uovertinietl^ e|"der fj I'lhefW! C. ^ tin the trans- At hiiit-i-- lanes t h--f?- ar a nnmh'T "f out hound as well as in bound vesj-elfi which might within the indicated danc-'-r -/.one. \s !;?> wire less reports ar. now I ransinitieii i.\ j ships at s-.-i ci villi; ih'-ir position. |o.-a tion of vessels is .< ma?f.-i of i-'?nsid.-r- . j n hie une. rl i inly Fir-?f ItiforaiaUon. WASHINGTON*. April IT I'irsi infnr- j ' liiation n: flu-. <*tti otint.-r farm- '<? ?!n? 1 Wavy 1 i: en' :i :i ?-???* it'1 -?? liout way 1 from t ij Navy V:ir?!. w 1 1 i ? 1 1 ; ? i ? V. - ' f.| >j|> thf Sn ith"^ !??!>"" sayine sin lia<! ( lK-on 1'lro.l >n ?? ? i : l.v ;i ? ; ? ? ru m u 4 * - 1 ' i T1m< Nav. I ??!?.?! t :i i ?? ti t ait.T ????iiirn'lJi! ' i iMSitic (villi l"t ? Islainl. U'.-lnn. New V r. >? k iiiir! ^'<i!:'' oi ! i ?? I* |->< ? : f : r *- ? 'In- A ' i inritj.- ...ast .ciiM'Mii""'! tliai tin* l-p"!' nf tin- Xmiili's I'tifou'il' " tin <1 I it s-;h- i I stnntlal>"i i ? y ? ? r t" j ? ? ; : 5 ! im Irai i*?n. |l \V*h>*t I'i*:- ! Ii?- in f-s-'iit ?? ? >! ' in 1 ii-rnia n j <iil?ma :"i !*??? m.-ri>l;. r i i|? ? x\ s .i ripora ? I j ? - rai*l Mi' li as t Ji ?? I' ????! ii * ?-?1 of! i ho N<-.\ K'm ia ml .?m.v. -i- win tin r n is I li?- signal t"l' 1 1 . Iwi-i : nij'i; '' a ui-m-ia.l , ? hl'i' kiiil*' f 1 1 ? ? Alia' * 1 ? * i'o.inI , is ii?>! know ii Tlii1 aiia-'V; is l(<-r!'n"n firs: rn i jjnll!"! of tli- y ! a ! . ? ..: War i|cr|:ir-'l l.v 'h i'llitfi! Stal.-s I' Aii- slal' i' i ? I ? ? I litany soon aft'*r tr.. ii !' <'..t v,T"ss ?iiat *i-? a isicr?*s> : v-- j!..;., w i ; ! ? I li.? !.ii..*n J attains! t :??? I'liil. 'l SIjiI'*".. , |-:;o 'i. ally V?.-i a-aii |i. j ! l \ ... 1 ilu? .- >a ' - ':iu*nt. In .???? \ wr. ,i tni m|?.|i' 1 in?' nuirr-^vVi' ? wi-ii- a? .iiii-i : -i ?. ? r i I : i- prnl.a I ' . ;? ?>:I.initr,ia* at : I. II I. . 1 1 J If. ?! ? ? : I'll -.:il..i! ! . i; ami ( ii.W'i.- v.i If- ii. -I I j 1 1 ? ii ? u ' ? ? i t_* 1 1 * ??? \ i; ? Ti. ill ??[.?I ?? a nil (i ? ia ' : in- liloi , ..?I- \! at.;:, Hr, w "It . pill ?..r I'll...-:/'!; stlipiiiiiK .'Hill , | .1 .< ? ?',???( > woi'il ??aim* ?? Washington , ? a a' riiiniilalinli: wa > Unit i>miahy w'a s j llinlll .j. ,i j.; ?i|j ,-.l stili|t:arlln ?, /??in* :J "l|l 11 ? I'M! Im.! ? II.' I'.isliill, M . . Vol!., !j'i I '..Ja \va! '? I 'a ]>.;-? ? 'Ii ,i ' Hay. liialii'ston ai|i| K.uanritih 'I'll in j would lia v.* !!.?'. ai.i! ii n ia i.iiii ) (...??! . A * Ian! ?? *. . i-..;. r .i I; ' , -riiit lln'ii that a. i ? :..l w.irnliiu : < ? . H ? ? .ii- t ... ? ? 1 1 - 1 * ? ? i ???!.' wi.ii i*t I. i, ;r..M M-riin. ' ' tr.? \ Hi' ' '???I 'i ??: :!? : t- w. tf ilis ri ' J , lini'.i !?? ? ' :???!) t tin-" !? ,'.??!'!. I.:;i 1 1 , 1 1 - I -?II' ? ?!. >1'.' :? . ' I., -i. . . , I. :tn<! !???!: !i.u ? i ? >'...!! ? arry lla- j- 'j t??n;i ? I ? I : ; ? : . I tr : : i ? ? Ii Ss si?l?* ot ill- At i.'iiii !..' i'.:r.,.!|'v for !:?? :nir|M's,> .a' sr;i ri it u limit ra) slii|i|iini; ' a iv.i; :r.<m X i ; ? ? ?* ti li:iii?.rs iitnl t<> raid J ' ? . m.-a' . .j ii. ?! .|ii hi ? i 1 1 .*? v : ;. I ? t-.'i . : c ' ? -O'l iii s i r: I ? I \ !.? ? ? ., .:1a-- '.I! -Ii.. I ;i!Opf .11 l.i.'tl. ? i : I'ront I.ial)ip To Da li'.nces. S . ? I * : ? 111- a i - in. : I ., i .. 1 1. 1-. I ??:.|! |i.. i f V ..I .(. . I:,i. ..| ! ?i r-il- .l in \ in. -i ij ,i ". ..i. i ? in!,; . S ; >i i -. . 1. 1 ? I . .1 t |j. v ;t, \\ 1 1 li.,.ii I - i ?j"> * >??-;. poiiil .ail. ? ; > ; il.'i l! . I ? i f I !'? ' I I .-l.l 1 1 : . . I' .|iill> It:' - i ? I I ? ? I I i ?(!!( 'Ill ? I. . now , ? an j. -ltn V. i : i ? ? ?? i i : . ..i.., ... I- Kill an tii.-ri! *-.) :> !i -i i.:. nn-. : |>. .It ? . i : ? | I li lt a "i':i ? I-. ? I >;??!,. t?.|i<:t> . i:> ? 1 i:t r i-ir ?: :.i .-iiil*|!. .1 :;.iii. nr>.i|ii<i j I : r - ; >!|.|!.an | ? -i" i ?. to.) lll!,.Mn_j i' lo ?!.'??" w a I ? . - 'o-rinHIO Wl'lllii ?!? I i n:-. :}i" 1 1 > ? ? - : ? \ ?{".i.ii'inir i < ? aitiiiti: i i: ? t . ? I a I i ? i. ? . 1, i.ji o! !li"j \ t laj. : Ii .11,. H i.. i, 111. ; .?:] I lii* I n: < ! ii ? : : 1 1 . ? v ! i .v..t, i.l 1 ' ii.. 'i in ' aiiun;- a !i . n. ? ! i'. . 1. 1 . : ...j. ? ? i > . | ? ? ; !l I ? ? ? ,1 ? .1 I.. ? 1 1 ! I I cc Just Look at That!" One cloth? one rubbing ? cleans and polishes at the same time. Better -Easier - Quicker- if you use YKNU A Polish ? Not an Oil It makes furniture and floors, all .polished surfaces (wood or enamel) look just like new. It leaves a hard, dry surface; no gum, oil, or stickiness to catch more dirt. Try Lyknn Poli?H? you will be delighted. Ali dealer.? 25 cts., 50 ct?. and larger. LYKNU POLISH MFG. COMPANY \ Pitt?bur?h, Pa. "It's Jutt Like New'.' !!<?.? r>f a suhtnarili" l>!'ici;in]'- of that I Vi;SI <-??:?>? !" lii;i\ i-slimutt'i). Bases Snspectsd. Wlt'i : ;i I >1 1 1 :t r ? X'.ai hroijulit i i">v I ? ? ; !h<- s . 1' \ in- r i ? -i. ! ! ? i 1 1 >i ! ?: \ 1 1 1 1 1 ' lipriuitn i J ? ? ? ; ? i mk>\ III.-- i'ii thii* j M'li- I.!' I h ? Mia III it' .IK. till rvviwd. | Tt-i- raid ??!' 'ii- I ..." ;i lid l If- t\vi? tr::i hi' !li- I ?i-ih ? I - !:i ; . -i ? i ? Hi .i.<' ? i * ? ?? I ili.i H wot possilih ? ? ; ravin suhnwtrino to' i si :i|? : !;?? l-'liii-l' ? ???!?-!-- in I In- NVrtn! S- i ii nil ir- i ' - !? i r v. t ' *? M i"i 1 1 l. . Wli'-th- r .i iiIim|. i- il.l. .-..jiiil mako mii'Ii | ,i 1 1- 1 1> -i ti< I ; ui< 1 1- v . i i iinsi i ha\iltK'a s=u !"?- ! j?l \ 1>:im .iiiihi \?. h- !??? i'ii tin-- Mil- ?"(' tho ! Ml-miii- i - rra v.-ly i !? m 1 >t <? I . M in; I'ffii 1 1 ~ li'-ii always hnvo ho-: i ? ? \ ? ? i thai I '-nr. had a : i ? ? 1 1 1 1 1 ? I* ship; Miiiii wlii'i'.' ?!? ? ~.v it Mil Hi.- |]nri;-."ii. T!><? ' : ??>.- II ilit > i J. at iii't'.-liani .-i:l'ii;arin.-s ill' iln- I i.'Uls- lil::ii-l ly ;???-. iii w i-'^n v.-i'ti-il ??? ?attars ? > r i 1 1 1 - 1 i-'[ :niii suppli. s. ?iiielit ? Motilias ??!' I w.r boats ?'? n : h. i trail' \ll iii' r;i :? i: - is r> ? "i:iii/.("I is In ? rsn i v. r pr- s- r.l .'I'h-' p"ssihill" y ?i' h.-is?s having In -<-n pi ntt -d l>y *h-'i < ???ritinn r n-i- r-i tit I* it largo in 1 1 :? ??I'i'.ili At'an'ti is "ii' ?>!' lur'-mi'Sl ' ?robioins. It <-V' n has hri-n snspooiod ih'ii iiar'' of siihiii'irni' S hail hem shlp-i ???1 in .M- i.--? a:a.| assonthli'il l h'-ro. hut i !?> ir.anv >?!! itifornu-d oft'h'inls this is! i"fll-|.-i|. TIii- possibility ? ? !' a t'J.-rnvtn nibniiirino has., in ill. ? ; ?i 1":" of M'-xj.M, !uiv.--v.-r. has l"tK boon r- i'"Bi!i".''il. anH in in) offiiials havo ho."i ?'"i? ? 1 Hi*.''. 1 that wh' ii til-- i-aiilmij I?'k!iis- as thoy w-T' sup.- it would S"i >n a ft i I ! h- ii. .-In'-n i-.n <i" war? lh'- raii|i>rs. wn.iiil i-umo from hat ipiarti-r. Th'-rf also have hoon many reports' *>!' t iii-rman basts fstiihli.aln-d on h>- rooky and irtaooosslbb- rousts of Mail:- i ?i ?r 1 1 1 ? !"i i < "aiitida. I'roni v.'hi.'ll Sornian r-bout.i ??ml. I ho fnippllod to raid tli-- train of troops and supplies S?>i it ?; fr.'tn i':>nni|;i to t!-o rontiiiont. In iimni-h as i 'n-t-i- has h?"-n it" ovid'-nro it' 'ifi' "!' siii h i-as'-s in niori> than \v.? y .-a is ??! war. i: .is cotisidoroil nn ik?d> that i V'-n if I lv-y esist thoy ran 1 1 1 'a In- brought Into iiyi- in I'.ormany's ivarfar#- n?ainst th,. t'til'od Stmofi. : 'I'hi- nnvv lias t a k f y n 1 s t li ?- nif usurer* ' I . tnov liit.s ai hand auai'osl l ho Mili irailt:-- ini-naoi'. and is tnklnR tnori- as lh>\ l"'< "tii' a v:i lla h'.i . N'liva! ull'lcti ? i-'-i "Utit/.i' t!i.- <|ii liifT "f suhiivi rltn- .lni.r - 1 it i ? ? I i.-s "tV A itliirli-a a ??'"??isls. !uit uri- run-' id- n, of I h" navy's ah.lli;. to I with ! h'-ii: is lur us i-i p-'ssll'l'- "i ilii- ? ? mi*. K.\pi-r' "ptiih'ti Is '.!;?! >hlp,*'ltin if-iind 1. 1 * i .? I- st ir In- ? -iir.inu i ?-<-* ? Iistv. iolt Siliinat til-* op'-i a t I'm '..'?"ii tnili s iiWIIJ !'l"ln itr ill" hii V i "s| ? f i'ii- disnd mi iit.-i4'-t? ??? ??'?nti V'l ?ii!;. I ContljniOd rrotn rtrBt Pi?#.) own ni'i'iiiin of ilic en [lit :i | and I!hi.h: ill'!'.- I lit i rrosill.'Itl U'ilstMl'.". MIK^I'S lott ilia' ovi't'i itorsim in lln? nalluii in is tntifli as |iossili||. in tru-rfasltiji 111' ."'tl[lpl> i'l 1'flllllsl ufl's Willi tho approva! of Sor-rnrar.v Til mill A I' U'i'!isii-i. liisliiirsiii).' id ifi-.- at s hi- U'liiii* lloti.-i'. has joiiii'd ivllii --I* \ ' ? r 1 1 iiiiiof I'm jduyc.-i and i.-i<i"l tin- i i ? ? 1 1 ii i Hum i "I .juMti' o !nr In- use of ti pint of Km'l'iii nndi'" its ?ntiirnl. !? i.s mi I'l-nnsv Ivattia hm illt- ti|iynsilc I i'f Willie IllltlSi'. b'toltta+i TarrA Work. ? *? 1 1 1 *.\ i ;? i. \ prii r. 1 1 'i ndt "d.'i "f! -i -i i'-.i.,- ? i ? I, mi; a.-sunini-nts ;?? t'urin ? i\"ik --row d'-l iln "ii lr--H .-r ih" hoard of ? lio -it t"ii !?"la> ? ii"lii:li. II was ss*i id . t"j ? III! Ii.! I-I'lli | -l?! I ?? MO'' .-I 'if III'- III" V" | ll|. I, ill ? 1 1 1 j - 1 ill' Ut'l "I III'- llldh III' urt .'ilv i ?i ? -r? i-iiiis ' i"p- 'I'll'- h">s "ill . |.i- t'lvi-H i f -lil "ii lint M;ii"itl i-'-oorils lor tarm w-rk dotio. Ammv 'i ti?! ti.iv-. t': i- I'll 1 : 1 1 1 k "ffli'?'S !'? - | ! a liis-ll ??! mil 1st iii< 1 1 1 s. T'-n '"I lilpitial i'l'-;!.- ?.< r> pin t" woik h\ ?'np ' linn i". It Is ? ? 1 1 1 1 \ . Ill ih.'ll'K'i of ii rill) I'-' ru. niu. and lui priaii'-li'd llml Ini v."iiid -..?.ii he iii i fpi 1 1 1 1< hi. in at ill. rata of I I"-" a i!n> I 'lllllll'l.'lc .1 i 1 ? li II . ? M 1 1 1 II I II I.I' ill' I'll. ? r*-it'. "t I'lii'aijo !*? ???limit Nmin lat;i ??III UII.S li i'.i i i.d nil iliti-lilllll 'if "lllil I' ii.- I l?-n r? " w li'ii in: iipplnd for 'Mlist i : tii in ; In inn ri no "i-ips today. At 1 iiniaii'.-r. lti'if '' i onf' ii nt i! i ? 1 1 1 1 i i luini |.:--n \?iis .i. i. | I hv Iln- inarill'iS. Rinlroad Hun? Pili'nis. > t.SHVII.I.K. ThIiIi A pill ;; Till i *|i"it I u niHijjii and Sr. I.ntiia I t:i .? I ?>> i j wiil -.i.i< i ; m i u ? 1 1 ? iii moil - Ti |"|| i.irtiis I'l 1 ill; pr.'dll' ? i'l fond 1 ' i " | ? s 'I'liitu; Iii- l> - iiK I Ii of t !;? w.n. Tor Clraiu Tra.nKport.. M I.N N KM'Ml.lS. April IT. 'flu: war it' p.i r; lio n; v. ill le- a-l.' d. as a iii< asti!'.: "f sii; in iai.. i-iiii rx' ? >r th>: ihtir. I " r i ? i i ? ? 1 1 "f '-'a.iifni.ftOO I'llsil'.l- "f ril.'llll imv. stol.-'i III Millllt ? I. pnii-- t>-riiiiii-il<- ulii.ii ' iiui'/i !??? u,"V>-ii iivcaiisr! i.t -in i it sli.'r!a>T': .acconiiii): an today l>y Mimic- i apolis uraui shippers. Tlif shippers ih-clarr ihis fiinin should ' I" distributed as llii tirst move m thu| I consorvat ion caiiipaimi. Virtually | all i u'ta in is sold, pari of it l<> ili-ji allies and 111- p iiiaind'-r to domestic con- | ? ii tilers. I libs-; means i s found l"? T ilis- j inhui inc. i!i" shippers say. i lit- now ?.mi i u 1 1 ! < - ?in i i i u in with the local I ? mi ina Is !il lod. Stimulate Frocluction. I*' 'AN K I-' 'I :T. Ky.. April 1-7. ? ? liiivni *r i A. ii. I \ appointed a co.r. mUtc' ??! ehvoli persons whose duty it will Ii,- m iiuulii food product ton in: Kent a Uy.' Tli?* scopv of' th?? commis sion's \V"in will include s^cd distribu-! : ion, a i'aiii]-ai^.ti to iHiT- as>' acreage an.] I nit indue.- best methods of cultivation , and urge crop rota lion. As early as possible i In- (??uumiFS-iou ill arrange for ronf'-roni'e.s of cou'iiy' i ejir. .-??niai iv-s. mayors of cl(ies and ultimately ..f persons in sections as, small as neighborhoods. i To the Farm rront. S;i. til Lli?i>uMi 1 I If .Mi 'l:< i.\ NT' i'A'N. W. \:t.. April 1 T. ? | Announcement was made hole toniffhlj that over half of ilv senior class of th.v W'.st Virginia university college of agrlcult nre will lie graduated ai on"1' and sent mil ovr the si/Ho to assist in organizing agricultural work for Kivaier crops production. There arc tw ? r." y-fi.ur members of the ??la^s. The ai iii-ti .if t lie agricultural heads follow ? 1 individual conference* ?!>? Id today with .;ach member of i|?e ??!??.?. The men will' he graduated "''hursday and sen. into the Kanawha valley section as as-istant co. in y: age nt ? and as agents of ill*", evt.nslon department ui those counties now without ag*uits. Their immediate efforts will he directed In ward increasing the food supply in that' section !??? meet ti;e increased demands expected to result from the location in i 'I; ? rleston of vhe government armorj plate plant. They will further assist Iti i the. development of big garden Ing pn- j je. l.flns started by mining com-' panics in that section. The amnios * of . the men i.i sent out will he announc- 1 ed tomorrow. Active Iti Michigan. I..\N.<1N"? ;. Mir!:.. April IT.'? A* the ' i practical step toward in. ?a nMtic lie ..diictif-ti of f.i id -t ill's in Michluan. the -t.ite hoard of aerie iltnr" today autli. t .r.e.i ih" employment of thirty ? ? uit.v farm a sent s. who wi'h the -7: at work Wilt covt the entire' The expenses or '.lie county agents .ire to come ..i:t of the state's S-'.Of'O.rtrt'i war loan fund. Bier Drop in Wheat. 1 1 |i".\i P 1. April i 7. ? yciui-pMiic con- 1 d:i letis t illed for a considerable time t<> ?tn\ -ti Vlmtigo hero, with prices break ing nearl'. ' 'c in wheat, t"u!!y" I'ic in -??irti and :i:-ire than tl 111 provisions. The e 1 1 1 - ? f e'li-ie \vm ? The action of 1 lie 1 "n : ...ii I ,a ii >:? ?.eminent making possible ti;.- I'Mpof ? ! *i ? i- of Canadian when* duty free !n'" t h? i'lili-'ii States >1 1 was as ??'ii "d '??.'.. ilia) ia i shipments -> M 1'iiiea |n. tin ? nd i"hi.'i';i- would be lai-le v. ith' ilelaj a!ld WoUid l--l!ev- '.!?? "irain of ? is,.? eontrio-if. for 'lie nied iii lleljverj tCld : ri I I'.e May . n, (on. I*! \ i i'-ii -o t ? ? 1 1 ? x " i <????.? us well Idi; pi ' i;.-M |.|. tided Me trndlllK. peeliillv t ?! };? :t : . I: Was nearlv us difficult to well wheal !o I: dva 11 l;l(J'- Y"? lei-dn;. -s It v.a? dine ill bllj . A-lde from the r* t u i ? va I >" din i"ati i!ut> . 'hi- l: allot V IS hra-rlsill V uffecl?d 1 1 . i it" iiil iilnlr-l rnlloti >-i 1 1 a; Waah'tiffl ? ? ji for mi ensbarijK, hy pejjee talk nud by >:? rait.s wln-f" ite.-ded for lln- Knm'lli ? >!' ihe domestic crop. Opening price?, w li i?.*li ranged from i1- to 8%c lower, with May at to and July at S 1 . :? 1 to". wire followed by further luii'ks carrying ..Inly wheal down to Si.f". i'lii then the market rallied to a !? v? | ?bout L' to 5c under yesterday's finish. Corn dropped chiefly on account of the wheat weakness. The prospect of government regulation of holding prices ? : i: 1 1 1 ? -d also sis a factor ? in carrying down the corn market. After opening 1 to If' cents off. the market recovered to within 1 to 4c of yesterday's wind up. ; Oats showed relative steadiness. teje t retire breaks cJ i < ! not exceed 3c. liquidating sales by holders were the rule in provisions.. The biggest "fij 1 1 v. as in the. value of pork, which was off ? 1 ?) " for May delivery. Further declines following news of t It-- appearance of a German submarine in American waters, carried -May to $2. thirteen cents under yesterday's .loSv. JCucli Wheat Made Tree. * WASHINGTON. April J". ? Great <iuatiiii ies. Hi Canadian wheal now- in bond in the United Slates and subject i ? > duties of ten cents a bushel have been made duty free by the . Canadian government's action in placing wheat, wheat flour at:d S'-menola on the .Cana dian free list. ? r.y the same act, Can ada has removed the duty on American v.h'-ai flour and this in turn removes i h ?- duty on Canadian wheat flour coro i ii tr into- the ('united States. This is in aei ordanee with the terms of the tariff law *which provided that any country imposing duties on American wheat, wheat flour or senteimla. (-??moves such duties the American duties on those products from Mich country shall likewise be removed. Effective Today. OTTAWA. Out.. April 17. ? Removal of the duty on wheat by orc.k r of the Cana dian government becomes effective to day. The order has pleased western ftirniTS Immensely, judging from .the nuinlier i d' fier.-.inal messages to the gov* ? rnw-nt evoressing approval of the step, officials of the grain a rowers also have, endorsed the government's action. Ii is probable the subject will be 'trough? up in parliament by the oppo sition in ar. effort to have free wheat aft er the war The order-in-eouncil. it wast pointed out. was put through un.ler the war measures act. and when peace is declared it might- eease (o be effective. lower~estimate~ of LIQUOR REVENUES V.'ASI! i N'GTON. Af.tri! 1 "'.?Secretary MeArioo today revised his estimate of the ] robable revenue to be obtained from f? rtrtented liquors as set forth It: his suggestion.* to .-ojigT'-ss concerning Motirci s of taxation from which ha'f the revenue need ed for t Me first year . f the war might bi- obtained. He noti tied the house and senate committees working on th? bill that probably not more than .Vi.Oftrt barrels of fermented lliltior wo;;Jd tie withdrawn tax paid d;ir ' t : it the. n'-xt fiscal vejir if. the rate were. im-reH.S'ti from 51. *fi to $2.50 a barrel, and that on this amount the increased rate wrttld produce $125,000,000 instead ? f St aT.r.'iii.OfiO. as previously estimated oil -larger withdrawals. ('l>e'ln? the worn 'deficit.'" "A delicti is what 'you've ? got when j-o i hav-n"; as much n.s if you had just nothing." ? Puck. "NOSTRIOU"? BALB OR LIQUID FOR COLD IN HEAD OR CATARRH Thousands of People Here Now Use Nostriola Daily to Assist in the Relief and Prevention of Catarrhal Conditions of the Mucous Membrane. Tilt" flinllpfril. e'.ll'rs-l , aii fcrt! Mild hfKt WH> jo final* I f)ti lleatl, n[>?Mt .Si lifted iioKtrilti lnxiU A fold and Htop <;n iHiihtii etiiulii iitii.s iif tliM itiuiMtiri i?i*Hil??r i.-i ! It*> "Nt IHTUIOLA" way, Thousands rijdil in liii.s locality will gladly testify in iliia. All druggi*'* ??-! 1 ami i>jo.iiniii<3i)il "NnriVIIIOLA" ht'fiiiltrtt ctirfiniiH-r.s aUvay.-i <*oih? Itisfk fur i i . %' < ?il I (ill r- .* i i i \OrtTIUOLA > it llir ltalin turin, Itiil i l.r- Liquid is flint for spraying tin- riosn and liiroa'., reaching ihu pest-nasal eavi: ies. A.?k your druggist in .shot*" you th? Spi*i'ial Xostrlohi Atomizer Outfit. By the iin?> of special Atomizer a very flnp vapor-Spray !- produced, which when hn*M!!n'<! iib^io^iriis, goes direct to thr? Sfijsii i \t\ irritated parts. coating rh^ i;i<-uiht an.? \yfth a 112 ti) which soothoa and iv!it>vcs illsf Don't wall >>r hesitate, but got NOS TIUOF.A now ?*i? h?*r Balm or Liquid, ? piea.-ant surprise awaltB you. A L'oiilo i>r i.irjuld or a tube of NOS THIOI.A HALM will I an I. for months aiui kfH|i you frm? from colds an entire season. . Try it and seei