Newspaper Page Text
MEN AND MILLIONS TEAM AT BETHANY Big Day in College Results in Scores) Pledges to Christianity and Mission Service. BETHANY. W. Va.. April ^7.- -The Men and Millions team, composed of! fifteen ministers, missionaries, college J presidents ami laymen, called at Beth any college a[ 10 o'clock this morning and conducted a bis mission rally. The college band and sfudent body | turned out to greet the team. Tlu* f<>re<noon session was turned over to! the visitors. Addresses were made by ? R. H. Miller, of Cincinnati. O.: Uoyal ? J. Dye. of Africa: M. i>. Madden. of; tite Philippine Islands; II A. VVier. ; of India, and 0. X. Kodefer, of Bel- ! iaire. As a result of the day's efforts, the! team was given seventy-seven pledges i of Christian living and fifteen pledges' of service in the foreign mission field; wore made. President Thos. Cramblett of Beth-! any, entertained the team at luncheon i and the domestic science department I of the college served dinner at 5i o'clock. President Cramblett left this! evening with the team for Pittsburgh.! OUT-THE-PIKE Monthly School Keport, The monthly school report for the I schools of Triad>\lphi& District was ? Kivan out yesterday by District Sur?""- ! lntendent S- S. Jacobs. It shows thatj there Is an increase of nearly 1 0 ? ? pupil? over this time last year. The r'-port is as follows: Enroll. % Tard. Pet At Coffoe-towB 11 3 Oak Grove .15 99 3 1 i Glendale . 20 9S 0 1 ?; Cool Bw*szo . 11 9S 12 Oklahoma. - 14 97 6 4 Triad el phia 120 9K 1 6R High School 21 1 9tl ir, 97 Rock Line ........ 20 91 .. :? Fair view 14 96 o t> Elm Grovo ...... ? 4S4 9? 7 K.:< j Woodsdale ........ 334 94 IS 120: ZVTt. Leon 14 92 ? Beech Glen ....... 6S 9:: 3 2:t Park View ....... 100 92 7 23 Edgington ? 61 92 S Ki Fell ........ 16 92 9 -I ? Peter's Run ...... 22 91 0 7 ; Mt. <3e Chant&l. ... 53 91 0 2i? J RoDay*s Point .... 20 SS -4 2; Total April!? 17 1616 9 1 106 r.Srt I Total April 19 It; 1319 S3 91 64<i ! Tcachers reporting 9S per cent or i nbove: Ella Weeks. I^opan KittJ?\ Cecil ' Calvert. Frank Rhoades. Carrie MeKain | and C. D. Stricklin. Teachers reporting 93 ? per cent of , above: Alpha Coberly. Mary Curr<-?. : Anna Grandstaft, Jessie Flanagan. Olive j Hervey. "Wilma BrTtt. F. P. Maupin. Mol- ' lie Le^ris. Ethel McCuskey. "W. X. Kur- ! ton, Lllltan Jacob. Matilda Scharf. ' Maude "Wharton Alio Seymor Ada CaUl- 1 veil. 5v. C. Simms and Mabel Moore. i Teachers reporting no tardiness: L.^- < pan Kittle. Mary Ourran. Frances Me- ! Kee. Alpha Coberly. Anna Grandstaff. ; Jessie Flanagan. Mildred Springer. Olivo KLO SS Get the taste now; ytfu'll enjoy it all summer KLOSS ICE CREAM. Both Phones 1710 Repair Winter's Drain on the System by Taking a Good Tonic Containing J Blopd. Nerve and Tissue Building Ingredients Nearly, everyone approaches! the Spring Season with strength and vital ity somewhat impaired, very few escape pay inn Winter's toll. Fre quently this condition is railed "Spring Fever." hut it is really out low vitality that is the trouble. If taken in hand early it is an easy mat ter to overcome. As Mrs. A. Hoffman. William St.. Camden. N. J., said the other day. "I was all run down, it developed into a cough and a cold so l concluded that I needed a eood Tonic. So much had been said about Chasco-Yin. called the Kodv-Huilding Tonic, that I decided to try it. It worked like magic. The cough, cold and tired feeling are all gone and I feel fine, I am going to continue with Chasco-Yin for a while, howe.ver. to build up. 1 gladly recommend it to anyone as it did me so much good." Chasco-Yin is for the old and the young. It makes good red blood, rones up the nervous system and builds up the body tissues. It's ail elegant Spring Tonic. | Guaranteed and for sale by C. H ' Griest & Co.. IIL'5 Market street. i H< rv^y. Hami:ih .^prinp'-r. Margaret Kal-. lour*. Wilmu Kriti. )?': I*. Muupui. Molli.- . l.cius. Kitu-I Mii'us!;<'v. Koy StrUUIin. ?"arri?? Mi-Kain, 12. M. Sinitli. !<??> mcr. Mrs. .11. Smilh. Anna Millar, i'Iiu*. ' Wood r u It'. Slary S.-t! . !!. Societies Met. Th* l.ii*rary Soolciv of t ls?? Triadd- J p!;ia District tllfch m>t y>-sl< rday after-' noon at th* hijrh school. <> debate. "Re- , solved. That the l.ack of Kami l.alior ; is th<- ('huso of th?* High Cost of I.iv- i :n k " The negative. I-Morvnve Ke.vsor and i Uuth^Otto. won. The was very i interesting and instructive. Authorized Pay Stations Ilia Grow, W. V*. The First National Bank. State Bank or Elm Grovo. Itljrewood, W. v*. Edgewood Pharmacy. Fulton, \V. Va. Bank oC Fulton. Whaolin^, W. Va. Company Office, Cor. 12th and Chapllne Sts. Pay your electric light, gas and water bills at the most convenient pay station, before the 10th of each month, to save discount. SVcirt "Virginia Traction fc Electric Co. City * Suburban G?i Co. Church Notes. j St. Mark's l.atlH-ratt church. Kim i Grove ? I**. 'I. Alpers. pastor. Sunda\ school at l':15 a. id.. H. K Scha'.'-r. ] superintendent. Morning service at 11. "Christ's Little Whiles." Kvening ser vice at 7:30. "'file Apostle of tne Gen- j tiles." All are welcome. Christian church. Klin drove ? Harry; Robertson, pastor. 10 a. in.. .LSiblc , school. George M. McGowan. superiu- , tendent. 11 a. in.. < 'ommunion service and sermon. "The Child and its l'ur- i ents." p. m.. Christian Endeavor, j 7:4.">. long service and s-rnnni. "Lessons , America Can Learn from the < I r?'.-u War." Monday, s p. m.. the Men's l-?il?!u . study class meets at the home of' .M. U. i Minor. Ill Key >i venue. Wednesday, p. ni., prayer ami training for service ? class, leader. the pastor. Edgwood Lutheran Sunday school ? ? Sunday afternoon at 11:39 will pos- pos sibly be the last time Sunday school I will be held in tin- old hall in the after noon. all the members and friends be present at this meeting. The Sunday t school in future, be held at 1?:3'.> a. in. The' church services will be most impor tant Sunday night, as the buildinsc com mittee will make an important state ment. Special sermon ,\v ill be preached. Offic?r at Elm Grove. As a trial, a night officer at Kim Grove has been employed for the lasi J month, and has been found to of grea! , good. Before the officer was installed j there were robberies and disturbances ' in the early hours of the morning, now , there Is "almost nothing to trouble the! citizens. The town is under great tlnari- | clal strain at present, and intends to ; Indian Land Sale Under United States Government Supervision Nearly a half million acres belonging to the Choetaw .1 iidiar-* in Southeastern Oklahoma. Soon to be sold by the Interior Department. Not Necessary to Live On This Land. Not Necessary to Go West to Buy It. Farming, Timber and Grazing Lands, in the probable Oil and Gas belt of Oklahoma. AVill be offered at prices appraised by the government at from $2 to $7 an acre, with long time payments, no taxes "until paid for. Deed and Title direct from U. S. Government. Indian Land Exhibit Car Visit the Demonstration Car now in this City, scut here by the MeAlester Real Estate Exchange, of McAlester. Oklahoma, to aid you in making locations of desirable tracts of land. The car contains a tine display showing Western development, also maps and quadrangle folios, published by the Tinted States Geological Survey, showing the locations and character of the lands. Car will only remain here a few days, open from 0 a. m. to 9 p.m. Located on B. & 0. railroad track. B. &0. on 1 6th St., Opposite Court House Admission and Information Free. $6.95 fiack of Wool Wlour Check and Plain Jersey Sport Coats. $13.50 and $Jo.OO values. The season's late models and colors. (?o at? 1116 MAIN STREET. THE LOW PRICE LEADERS. MANUFACTURERS SURPLUS AND SAMPLES Odd Lots, Fag Ends, Broken Assortments ot Our Regular Stock $2.95 Just Arrived ? Another lot of those Silk Skirts like those sold out last Satur day. They arc $.">.95 values, in . Copenhagen Blue only; Shirred Waist, QC fancy pockets THE XKQI'KIj TO TEE MOST EYENTEVL HAKGAIX OFPEBDCGS FOR SATURDAY CHOOSING TO BE WITNESSED^! IN" WHEELING.- (10 ALL OYER TOWN". VISIT EVERY PRTCB D5DTJCEJCEXT AND. SALE EVENT, but before you purchase i'onie to WHITE'S |}AZAAI{ COMPARE OCR I'RICES AND VALUES. WE SOLICIT THE EVIDENCE OF SIGHT JUDGMENT JS AND COMMON SENSE. WE ARE CONEIDENT OE YOUR VERDICT. Our Motto, SMALL PROFITS, QUICK SERVICE. I Late Coat Arrivals at Less Price $9.95 All Wool Poplin ami Veloiir Cuats. to $1 S.r.l) values. All best i-olors. at $9,95 $11.50 Poplin ;i ii '1 Vi'lnur ( ' u ;i t s : ;ill I In- iii-w sliJitli-s iind in ii il ?? I s. *2o.?h. 1 rn Villllf'S JL A ? V/ $14.95 __('u5ils m;nlo to soil at ;iin I *"_>">.00. The season's into models and $13.75 Ladies' Silk Skirts l.ol of Silk >111(1 S:itin stripoil Skirls, n I si i sol ill colors. ^j.oO fo ."pS.MK values: ;ill sizes. ."> <lilVt>ivn1 models Q JT in Sport effects Ladies' Satin Dresses Hack ot D.vssfs made to sell at !?S in All f.olors and sizes. AIsm rink Pnplin and Q r"C Si'rsres. i rn on sale at MILLINERY SPECIALS AT A SAVING- WORTH WHILE Just Arrival? a special assort tn out of Pat tern Hats. A loading (P/fl QQ Kastorn Milliner's larosl roneoptions. *10.00 ami $12. ">0 value Table of Ladies' $3.98 to $5.00 Sport Hats ? All tlx- late iiuh Ids. colors ami combination clTi-Hs. Ifo jil $1.55 Table of Milan Hemp $2.00 IJat Shapes All i'M?lors. (in o?i salt* ... 50c ;il Two Tables of1 Ladies' and Misses' Hat Shapes -$:s.00' <*iud $4.00 values; nil stylos ;m<l colors the season has pro ducer!. Choice of the lot J/oC Table of SI. 00 Children's Sport Hats, jro at Corset Covers I II Two AnSiiI'I III Oil t s 23c 43c lnstc;i<l of ? For ;">0p nnil 60c vnhios. Envelope Chemises Crepe do ( 'hine d*"| QQ While and Pink, gro at__ V JL?t/0 3 Muslin Assortments. 59c 77c Instead of S9c. For the $1.00 values 87c For the kind yon s re at $1.25. Children's Dresses sfrl.OS White . I Mvssos $1.98 $1.")0 (iinjjluiin Divsscs ? .88 ,(i!) rj insjliii in Dr. sscs 1__ 39 150 Dozen Ladies' Waists. All the Into $1.25 models go QU r* on sal<> at. Ol t ?ii iiiiwii ii inrnr LADIES' AND MISSES' SUITS J Four Record-Breaking Assortments The fabrics are Poplin, Serges, Yelour, Poiret Twill, Taf feta Silk, Jersey ami Tricotine. The colors: Apple Green, Citron, Chartreuse, Copen and Xavv Blue, Tan. Rose, Magenta, Reseda Green, Sage Green and Black. All the season's correct models.. $6.95 tnstf.ifl of 513.50 and 515.00. $10.00 for S1850 to S22.50 Suils $13.75 for Suits that sold at 325.00 and S29.50 WAIST SPECIAL Just received 120 dozen Ladies' Jap Mummy Silk Waists. White or white V colored trimming. A $3.00 Waist the woi on sale for two days' choosing. Your choice with colored trimming. A $3.00 Waist the world over. They go $1.29 75 Dozen Ladies' Waists and Middy Blouses ? $1.00 values 29c go at 115 High Class Dresses Taffeta Silk, Georgette Crepe, Satin, Crepe de Chine and Crepe Meteor and Satin Gowns, made to sell at $25.00; all the season's correct models. They go on sale dJQ QpJ Saturday at LADIES' STRIPED GABARDINE SKIRTS find $8.00 values, all host shades. Also checks and plaids, all wool fabrics, go on sale at $7.50 and $S.OO values, all best shades. Also shepherd .... $2.99 1116 MAIN STREET. NOT CHEAP GOODS BUT GOOD GOODS CHEAP. .{ i I ? petition ili.' citiz.-ns to h?*|p ? ? n t nn tlusj now plan. Tli?' town will haw i<> k'iv? bonds when i ho town is lu p-paved, either ihi< fall nr ii>m year, :in<l ha." 1 been cut ling: fsp^tisos l<< mod this project. Rural Play. Tho Si. Vine-lit I 'rainat :?? Hub will] present a rural play in four jn-is at ; li?- f St. Vincent 's scli'H.i mi Monday. | April ami Tuesday. May I. in ? In- j evening. Th>- synopsis I.r lit-- 1 '.ay i> as i Follows: I'lido Hilly l.ui kin's daughter' marries a drunken "soi" against her ? uncle's ? isbes. ami h> disowns li.-r. Km-, muliu- is horn, and I;. r tiiolln r ? I i ? ? . , Sin- is deserted l>y lor father. ami wji?i- ' dors niuil sin- conies to J.arkins. anil I l.'iirle I'.ilily gives her a home. j Tin* play is fast as follows. I " l i?*l?* Hilly l.arkins . . Unyniond Bilker | Josh Waloiluuy. tlm enn'-iable j I os. .1. Wagner I lf"Z* kiali Cecil. tli>- animal poet j its . I 'olan , Frank I'tidley. an adventurer Wm. .1. Alt man ! .1 ? in Watson, u slavv to drink ? i i". II. i:i?iVr.' K.%v. John <!raha:n, tin- Intl.- minisi.-r I'M wa Ml Ko?'lil..f Miss l*hilura. I'll. I>: Hillv's slsti r Mary ('iirran Kintnulitie l.arkin*. I ' u?- 1?- Hilly's .... I .neilo Baker li'-ssif hyii, th?' wayfarer tU-gina i ?rlisi>nhrn?*hn I'lytie. t ho way la r.-r Mary Alitnatt 'I'll.- Mutt, th" way f.nror Himself W. 13. Tucker. director. Quiet "Wedding: Today. This at'ii'riio?.iii Miss Bessie B">w??rs. or Benwood. will h.- unit.-d in marriage to .Mr. Ilarrv l.ooffler. formerly of SpriiiRiinlo I I'.'ljrhis. now <*l Martins Kerry, at t h bride's home in Benwood. We are knocking at |j vour door with a mess- ; i age of Spring. SPRING SUITS ' SPRING OVERCOATS SPRING HATS SPRING SHIRTS SPRING NECKWEAR j GEO. W. FOX ! 1310 Market St. .Mr. Leoffler is employed at tho Aetna mill in Martins ferry as n machinist, ami is well kuunn in Elm urove. A box social will hw hold at the Oak Grow school house on next Thursday night. All are cordially invited to at tend. ami a good time is assured. Application for Franchise. The \\ est Virginia Traction and Klec tric company will apply fur the right ,tn lay water lines in the town of Kdn wmiii. neiir the last oj' May, 3 /? 1 T. They | hn\<- tiled a draft with the officials cf i tlie town. j Fxilton Conacll Meeting'. The Fulton council m?-t lust evening; and tin* resignation of the ofrmer lire department was accepted and a new de partment elected. William V tick i? was elected chief. No speed violators show '?<1 sip. and consequently there wore no hearings. "Woodsdale to Have Oardens. Mayor Itoy Nay lor ? .1" W'oodsdn I**. has headed a delegation atnl has secured th.e Woods property adjacent to the National Komi ami between tii" Vance Memorial church and the Wilson kindergarten for agricultural purposes. The 1'toy Scouts ?? f thai town, ami l.insly. Woodsdale and Cathedral have J volunteered to take up tin- work. The ground will be divided equally between the four delegations, and probably a prize will be given for the best show ing. The proceeds will he turned over to the Associated Charities. (Jam? This Afternoon. If the weatherman relents, and weath er conditions improve. Steubcnville will play the last 1'. it K. it. baseball team of Kim Grove on the Kim Grove fnir Krounds. Howard and Tleuther will form the battery for the locals.. Personals and Briefs. T!. K. ICeysor of Kim Grove, has pur chased a new Ford two-ton truck, which he will add to his livery stable. A. K. Oridor of Klni Grove, will attend the Funeral l)lreclors* Association of the Ohio Valley. Wheeling district; at the Ailolph I'tkIt taking- Parlors at Bridgeport-. Curtis. i lie two-year-old .son of C. TC. Springer of Him 11 eights, is sick with a bad attack of pneumonia, at his home. O. K. Trapnell < ? I" Wood lawn, has moved to Klklns, \V. Vs.. to take up a position there wlrh the l'?. &. i >. as di vision engineer, which position he re sinned here. A new water line is to be laid in Mr Curdy's Addition in the near future by the Suburban Gas ^C- Klectric company. The Kmcrson. Hawthorn and Fresh- | man I.lterary societies of Triadelphia District lligll. held ;t meeting yesterday afternoon in the school, and Interesting program were carried out. C. X. Strloklin of Dallas, was a caller in Klin Grove y?*si.erday "ti business ma t ters. .J. I >. McOreary of l.lntestono. was a caller in Kim Grove yesterday on busi ness. Oscar Talbot of Sherrard. was a busi ness caller hi Kim Grove yesterday. Kneular practice of the Klin Grove Modern Woonieu was held in the Klin Grove town hall in Kim Grove last eve ning. K??v. TI. A. Riddle of West Alexander, is spending a few days in Ghambers burg. I'll., the guest of relatives. Oliver Steele, of Majorsville. has re turned to his home after being operated on at the Wilson hospital of Martins Ferry. lie v. Wert Stephens, former pastor of the Triadelphia 'M. I-:, church, lot! now of Alutiu W. V:i . is spending a few days at Triadelphia visiting relatives. The Junior Mission l';nnl of the Vance Memorial church at Wnodsdale. met in the church yesterday afternoon. Kveret I. the young son of Kl7.1e NT 1 1 - ler. of Kim Grove, i.- confined to his home on account of illness. Joseph Wlckliam. of Triadelphia. Is 111 at his home. ONIONS FOR BALTIMORE. BALTIMORE. Md., April 27.- For the first time in the history nf tlie Bal timore d- Ohio Railroad, a solid train of 3i> cars is on its way here from th<? West, loaded with onions. Tho traif. was made U|i at Si. Louis, and is due here to-morrow. There lias boon it scarcity nf onions in tlie Eastern mar kola, and ruedrd prices are being paid. BARNESVILLE I EAR>TESVTLLE. O.. April 27.?' The | Pythian Sisters will enjoy a covered | dish social in Castle Hall, Thursdny evening, May 3rd. All members are in vited to attend. Held Meeting. The Rebecca Sewing Circle met Thursday ownine at ho von o'clock with Mrs. Sarah Spring at lier lion to on Leg get t avenue. Temperance Bally. A union temperance rally will he . driven by the lucsil V. T*. li's. In the I 'reshyterlan church. Friday evening. May tta 4 in the narure of an oratorical i contest. A silver medal will lnj award- j ed the host speaker. Catip>ihle judge.* ? will make tho decision. Local nnd out- j of-town talent will hit used. Worthing* tun's orchestra will climax the evenings entertainmcr . with music. The program will be given later. At rirst M. E. Chuxcli. Rev. Dr. R. S. Holl-ipeter, of TCoko rno. Ind., will ir'.ve the sermon In the First At. K. church, Sunday morning. Rov. T'r. K S. Count of the Rulgari'in | Mission of the Methodist Kpiscopal j church will give the address. There .will j he two great mass meetings In the aft ernoon at o'clock. Tho "men will "rally in the First M. K. auditorium: the women in the Main street M. K. audi torlum. These meetings will be ad dressed by Drs. ! lollepeter and Count WilniT Murphy will lead the Kpworth League devotions at 6:00 o'clock in the chapel. Dr. Count will have a few minutes nt this service. Cantata to Be Repeated. The Cantata "The Sexen Last "Words of Christ," which was given in the First M. E. church last Thursday evening by a large number of local talent, under the direction of Ray Orossland, will bo re peated in the near future. Ti has been announced that a male quartet of first; rank ability and a reader widely known j (us an Interpretor of Hiley's poems have . been encased to fill tip the first part of | the evening's progtam. ! Junior. Senior Banquet, The. date for the annual Junior-Senior banquet has beon set for Friday even* , ing. May 1.1. Committees of the Junior class have b?en appointed to make ar rangements for the affair. Enlisted in ^.rtlllery. Virgil Brown, of this place, has en listed in the artillery and will leave next AVednesdny for Columbus. His grand father, W. "H. Brown gives us the fol ? ? ins: records of his relatives and the wars they were in: His great grand falher, Mr Po-well was in the war of 1*1"; his grandfather, YTriliam Powell was in the Mexican war and his father ;i lid himself were In the Spanish war. Mr. Brown was in forty-four battles and never received a wound. M'MECHEN Iff . _ v V: The Ohio Valley Decoration Day"**-1' sociation hold .a meeting; last eveni nri' in the basement of the bank building; At which time the plans for the third *n-': Memorial Day celebration were* given consideration. The association.; will meet a train within the near future, f. at which time committees will be aprv ; pointed and other general arrangements*;; made for the preparing the program tot?i the occasion. \ O'arfield council Xo. fl. O. U. A. SLV&r will hold k?? regular ? weekly business^" meeting .this evening in the lodge headr.v quarters in the McMechen builBtajsr^' Air. and Mrs. A. K. Hinkle of St. Clairsville, O.. are, the guest of rela tives here. >,,v The employes of the Xatiorial Tub? company's Riverside mill received their \ regular semi-monthly pay yesterday.. The B. & O. also paid yesterday. The i Wheeling Steel & Iron company pays. ; today. - . T^one Star lx>dKe Xo. 3. Pythian Sis- ~l ters held its regular semi-monthly busl-.jj ness meeting last eveniD """-^ij^Jodge : ' headquarters in the McMv ? The Ladies' Aid Society ^ M. K. church will serve a flsTf-?w-_ "??. this evening in the basement church. Mr. and Mrs. George Sharp are pre--. paring to move to the property now ocy cupied by W. U. Xlckerson. i .. | nrn j 2 Events of the Week at the Palace || Special Mattress Sale "ZENS COMBINATION"? A medium grade mattress with good worm ticking. Extra quality fibre center, with cotton felt d* A QP top, bottom, sides and ends. Regular $7.76 quality for "MORPHEUS" ? An all cotton felt mattress, full sire and full weight. Good blue art ticking. Guaranteed not to pack down or get lumpj. . Regular price, $12.50 ? Q OCT-' For "SLUMBERFELT" ? Pull fifty pounds. All white cotton felt mattrat ? a very good ticking ? Fully guaranteed ? downy and luxurious-? A good value at our regular price of $15.00 ? A OE*; For "PALACE SPECIAL"- ? Our host mattress ? fill] 50 pounds white cotton left ? four rows stitching ? roll edges ? fully crnarant.eed In every way ? will not pack down or become lumpy ? -Clean, ? comfortable, hygienic, and resilient. Our regular price is $17.25 ? {?1 Q OCT-1; For "PALACE EXTRA" ? The same as the "Special," but 20% heavier and with extra fine ticking. Choice of Xo. 1 woven ticking or finest grade Art ticking. . " rK) value at A QK"': this sale for BOX SPRING MATTRESES? All steel construction ? 10-pound layer beat cotton felt ? Choice o? i best ticking ? Regular $22.00 model ? $17.95 The demonstration of "Standard" Sttstraight Sowing Machines by a special demonstrator from the factory* ( 'levcland, Ohio. She is still at your service ? Come in with your sewing problems ? See the special and extraor dinary tilings that may be done on a machine. Until Saturday night we will sell Needles for all 1 Cp makes sewing machines at, dojsen Aclv The PALACE iiftSIS Every Needful for Furnishing Your Home May Be Had at tht