Newspaper Page Text
REAL ESTATE ~ToiTnwarwo Lot in Warwood on Twenty-first street ? 30x166. $900.00 HESSE &KIRCHNER CO! 25 ELEVENTH STREET. Open Evenings. Both. Phones, 471. Member Wheeling Real Estate Board. F JR RENT DESIRABLE STORE ROOM ON MARKET STREET. L. A. ROLF AGENCY 30 14tli Street. Propertie? Money to I.o*n, General Xuturance. Member Wheel ing Seal Estate Board. , __ I For Sale? In the Country . j Four-room frame cottageand two acres of land on ear line and . . I National Road, out the pike, near Valley Grove. Has, water, iruiti trees. Good place for a truck garden. Price ?1,000. Citizens Savings & Trust Co.i BANKING ? REAL ESTATE? INSURANCE Corner Sixteenth and Market Streets. Both Phones, 498. Member Wheeling Real Estate Board. / SMALT. CITY HOME ? 82,300 ? Four rooms, bath, large porch. Located on Pike street, North Wheeling. THE FINANCE COMPANY Capit&l and Surplus 3150,000.00 Real Estate and Fire Insurance W. 6. Brand, Manager, Seal Estate Department. ON ^TERMS ? 4-room house, gas and water, lot 25x100, in South Wheeling-, out of floods ? S 1200? Part down. Tueker-Csurilla-Campbell Co. MEMBER OP WHEELING REAL ESTATE BOARD. ' BUY , IN ELM GROVE Tli" busiest little town in West Virginia. We are offering a si* room hous* with *w*ll. nice I"t "?"-fl. front on the National Iioad, a bargain un>'-qual >?(1 for th?* tnan of moderate nri'tins. lihorH torms can bo had. pood investment for a quick turn.' J. P. ROTH REALTY CO. c Members Wheeling' lie al Kstate Board. 1138 Ckapline Street. , Opposite Post Office. 5 Rooms and Bath Out the Pike ? Furnace, ree. hall, bath, laundry, tile foun dation, slate roof, porches. $3,150 J ON TERMS. | S.Nesbitt,Jr. 16th and Market Sts. Both Phones ' ' Open Evenings. 1 FOR SALE. No. 2227 Chapline St. 12 rooms; | two baths; two kitchens; laundry.) Every convenience. Lot 46 feet, j Two nice North Front St. homes.! Prices low. f A cottage o? four rooms and bath, j Edgwood. Tatum & Caldwell | Room 4 City Bank Bldfl. Bell 664. Nat'l 644-X. | BEECH BOTTOM I.ots in Rfr?-h?*r f{?-itchts will enhiinw in valuf- us ? h>- l>iK indus trial development progresses. '.let oft ul slop IS? Ask Xris. R. I. MtCULLASH Bell Phone 892. Koa. 621-622 German Bank Building'. "Wheeling:, "W". Va. 20 Small Farms On Sale Thirty d:?v s:iU\ < 'nr> acr>% and up in - ?iz?\ i'-r farm and up in price. Pay j Sl<> down atid S3 a month. Your opportunity f>>r cardan ground. [ Xt'.'ir th<- car lino 5e faro. Call us for further information. Third Floor Schznulfcach Bidg. National 631. Ben 1593-B. FOR RENT Apartment in the McMaster Flat, 1108 Cbapline Street. Possession at once. Present tenant leaving the city. Bell 77 Telephone's Natl. 904 j SecurityTrustCo.j Agents . 1145 Market Street , IK ? FOR SALE ? Sell 23 OR TRADE I Modern residence, 9 rooms, i Double parage. Lot (.10x124. Nd. 115 S. Penn St. $8,500. j I RE.ID REAL KTATE. CO, ? - ? insurance ? ? . SXHWULBACH QLDC. OPEN SATURDAY EVENING? | | Three Farm j Bargains 1)2 acres Ohio County. To arr- s Marshall County. 130 acrt-s Marshall County. The nbovo farms are nil within five miles of railroad and can all lie sold at bargain prices. Let us show them to you. FOLMAR-ROMINE CO. German Bank Bid?. Wheeling, W. Va. NOTICE "We Have Bemoved to Boom Ifo. 601, GERMAN BATTK BTXXX.DING a.iid can ^et+er take care of your wants la BEAX. ESTATE and ZTTSXTBAITCE. PAU1-LOUGH CO. j Room 601 Gorman Bank Building. Bell 102: Nat. 873-M. FOR SALE Six room frame at Dcasant Valley, large lot. choice location. For particu lars see ? J . G . FINLEY Real Estate and Insurance. Bell PHone 35. ZTftt. Phcne 2. 1108 SdrnirUbach Bid*. FOR SALE . Choice Suburban Homes. Exceptional ly well located. Roderus & Wingerter 1019 Sdunulbaclv Buildm*. Pbonea Bell 1577: STatT. 978. :00 ACRE FARM FOR TRADE. Fair btuMmcs. ko?<1 orchard. farm lies wall, owner j nil! take a cheap city property as part, has about I $2.00i> worth of oak timber. Don't paaa this. I have'r ion other farms for sale. Money to loan on real i-it ate. Wrlto or call on J1 H. MASTERS, Agent Cambridge, O. I - - i THE PRINCESS THEATRE. PICTURE SHOW. IN THE HAWLEY BUILDING. RENOVATED AND IMPROVED. NOW OPEN. BOY STRANDED Tired. smeared with mud. hungry and with t?rily a nickel in his pockets, Clyde Tvgart, apod IB. wandered hi to police h?-;ieii-|u:irtcrs lust night. The hoy's home is ar Hundred, and h<- hud nowhere to S?' and couldn't set home. He was turn ed over to Probation ? Officer Krazlor, who will send him home this morning. IN JtTBY'S HANDS. HtWTlXGTOX. \V. Vh? April ^7.? At 1" o'clock tonight Judgu Charles A. U'ood.s of the I'nited States circuit court of appeals, sitting: in the district court h?-re, completed his charge an4 committed the case of Gri-enway Hat tleld. Valentine Hatfield, Xoali White. George R. Mtiynard and Jack Brewester charged with conspiracy to steal the ballot box at Kockhouse. Mingo county, in 1914, In the hands of the Jury. j DISCUSS IRISH , ! QUESTION WITH BRITISH ENVDY j WASHINGTON, April 27.? The I Irish home rule question, it be ! came known today, has been dis j cussed at the conferences between | i members of the British commis | sion visiting this country and the j American government officials. [ The subject is a most delicate \ one and the United States has no intention of seeking to suggest j even informally an opinion on the i conduct of Great Britain's in- i ternal affairs. f WASHINGTON', April 27. ? The Brit- i ish war commission today entered upon its lirst day of uninterrupted work with . h wide series of conferences touchiiiK every plmKu of American participation In tiie war. Kxperts in all lines set out in earliest on the various paths pre s< riherl by Foreign Secretary Balfour as a result of his preliminary confer ence with American officials to learn j ?how most effectively the British mission/ could be of service. Mr. Hal four himself parsed a strenu- 1 i ous day. The looming he devoted to! j writing his tirsl report to England, j speaking enthusiastically of his warm reception here, and of the eagerness ol' j i he American government to co-operate, in every way to defeat the common j enemy. The report, which it is stated I will be made public later in line with! Mr. Balfour's desire to take not only J the two governments hut the two peo- . I pies fully into his confidence, was said ? I to contain "very joyous news of the | British people." ! Attorney-General Gregory called on i Mr. Balfour in the afternoon, and Is un derstood to have discussed with nim the many kinds of legislation need-d to pro- ! tect public safety in war time and to | prevent aid and comfort reaching the , enemy. M. Vlvianl, head of the French com- j mission, also called on Mr. Iialfour to! more closely co-ordinate the work of. the two commissions. M. Viviani told i Mr. Balfour of the French mission's de- 1 cisiou to stay somewhat longer than' originally planned and to change thy1 purpose of their visit largely from mere . ceremonial to one of service and advice. ? The French, theretore. while not touch- j ing- on all the subjects covered by t j British, will Join in on the major points. | The state department is known to have' urged this plan. ? I'harles M. Schwab, president of tne' I Bethlehem Steel company, paid his re- j sp<cts to Mr. Halfour after a visit to! I the French commission. His visit, to- j ! gethfr with the trip to New York to i day of Lord Cunliffe. governor of tnel Bank of Knglaud, gave rise to much dis- j ; mission about the changed status ofi I this country from a neutral making j I loans and sales through private indi-| viduals on a profit basis to an allied na- ; j lion making loans direct through the j government. It is thought possible that some neu- | tral nation buying agency for food and' I munitiions for the allie.t soon may b* j I established. The Council of National [ Defense has been co-operating through j its advisory commission in the purchase j of supplies for the American govern- j , ment. and may later extend its opera- 1 tions. The new food commission under Herbert r. Hoover is expected to nave: wide powers in that line toward pro visioning the allies from here. 200,000 TEUTON LIVES : (Continued from Tirst Page.) up the Tigris now i? before the Jebel Hamrin hills, between ihe Tigris and Diala, where the Turks have entrenched after retreating from Samara, n Russian forces arc on the other side of the hills, and at the .southern tip the town of * Kizil Rabat i-s occupied jointly by { British and Russian troops. British artillery continues to bombard Bulgarian positions south west of Lake Doiran, Macedonia, j while no activity of moment is? j reported from the eastern aniT j Austro-Italian fronts. The tide has turned and British ! troops now have a real chance to fight, declared Premier Lloyd- 1 George in an address at the Guild hall Friday. During the first j eighteen days of the battle of Arras, he said, the British gained four times as much ground anil j captured 7.0 per cent more prison- ? ers and almost 300 per cent more guns than during the similar pe riod at the beginning of the Somme effensive, -which brought , about the recent German retreat on that part of the front. "Black piracy on the high seas." as the British premier called (he unrestricted submarine warfare of Germany, has caused much dam age to shipping, but he declared that the problem was soluble, saying: I "I am confident that if our pres ent program is carried out the submarine campaign Ts boaten." | Neutrals also continue to suffer i from the submarine menace and twenty-five Norwegian ships car rying foodstuffs, coal and forage to Norway have been sunk since February 12. WITH THE BRITISH ARMIES IN I FRANCE, via London. April "7, p. in. ? The German airmen had one of the greatest surprises <>f their lives lute yesterday. The day had heen heavily overcast until nearly fi o'clock In the 1 evening, when the clouds suddenly > thinned and the sun broke through. A j I few Herman machines had heen sighted ' well hack of their lines during the oh- I scure period, hut when the sun shone out. several enemy squadrons which had been housed all day came out to stretch their wings in the slanting af ternoon's rays. They had scarcely taken the air when J the British machines pounced upon . them, and in the after-tea-time fighting ? that ensued several Herman muchUi? ?? | were seen to crash nun eight others to. he driven down, completely out of con- j | trol. which are believed to have been j | destroyed. | FRENCH HEADQUARTERS UN THE1. FRENCH FRo.NT. April 117. ? Notwith- j ' standing the desperate tenacity of the . ! Germans, who are endeavoring to hold 1 their present positions at any cost. ! French troops today registered more I gains of ground in the neighborhood of Cory and FTurteblse. on the Chetnain des- Dames, where German attacks in force Thursday had failed completely. The artillery has thundered continu ously night and day. the detonations causing echoing roars through the ra vines and valleys. Most of the slopes I now havo heen shorn of trees. Some prisoners were brought in dur- ; Ing the day. LONDON. April 27. !>:57 p. m ? Field j Marshal Ilaig in his official statement I from British headquarters in France to- | PARKER'S HAIR BALSAM A toilet preparation of merit. Bclp? to eradicate dandruff. For Restoring Color and Beauty to Gray or Faded Hair. SOo. and 11.00 nt r>rn (Drifts, LATEST MAGAZINES | Books. Stationery. Post Cards. All sub- | pcriptions lilled nt publishers lowest | prices, direct to your aUoress. C. H. QUIMBY. 1512 Market Street. ( Plumbing, Heating and Fire Sprinkler Systems ROBT. W. KYLE CO. Now at 1518 Main Street. Get Our Prices Before ln?ta!!lng. MiCci0dbm!r Minstrels COURT THEATRE Monday Apr. 30 Guaranteed to put patriotism in a mule Chas. Myers Doc Downing Tickets On Sale at Court Theatre or From Club Members. night says there is nothing of speclala interest lu report. i Aerial activity was Intense on Thurs 'lay ami Mrit i?h aviators brought down seven Cerniaii airplanes. wiilli! six others were driven down out of control. GREAT SU1S DF ALLIES NATIONS! \V.\SlIl.\r.TON. April :'7.~ President Wilson lias approved phi nests from j l^rnrirc mill Italy for immediate financial aid. and from S'Ji'ti.Oiio.OiMt to ?, "tic, 00a. i?"0> will hi' loaned them by tho United States within the next few days. In the ease .if Italy. tirrang-cim-nis al- i ready hav>- I mail? for the transfer "f the inme-v; and the loan may be an nounced i ..morrow, While the amount j has not b* > n divulged. 11 is understood i to be between .<50. ooo. Out) and SIUO.UOU (Hi ft. France will ivce|v< between $1 ."?a.OOO. and ."'in. probably the larger amount. It.fore the end of next week I the loan should be in Ambassador .lus seta lid's hands. With th<* completion of these trans- 1 actions the total of the government's I loans to th- Allies will approximate S.'.'mi, 1)1)0. "O't. There is every indication that at bast .<.'."11,111111. iuui more will bo loaned the Allies >efore the end of the tiscal year. June 30, anil the amount may run to $1. "en. miiii. miii mure, bringing the grand total of America's loans during the tirst three months ??!' war up to ? 1 J .Mm. "1111,00".. Al this rale, $ti,0"0,000.?il0 a year will be put out. or double the I .-urn provided lor in the war finance j law. The administration has definitely de-| cided to eontinue its loans to entente! governments pending the issue of bonds, the mom-y being raised i.v the issuance J "f treasury certificate* ol' indebtedness.! it is likely that Secretary MeAdoo will issue anoih'T iiloeU "f $200, OM", mill to I $2. 10. 000, ft 00 lie fore ihe end of next! week through the federal reserve banks. Revised estimates of entente needs indicate that the amount they will re M'lire prior to June So ? the date tenta tively set for th.- receipt of proceeds for the first bond issit. ? will be ne-irer $1.5011.0011,000 than the # 1.000,000,0011 1 originally estimated. To meet these' r.-i| uireinent s certiticates of indebted- | tiesss may be issued by the treasury <b? 1 part meni in blocks of $i'."?o.n00.000 every ' ! wo weeks instead of every three weeks. ? | Sev- n nations have applied directly! for loans or imlicaied thai they will ?ippreciate them, tlreat Uritain. 1'rnncv. . Italy. Hussia. lielgium, t'uba. and, to the surprise of many administration of- . ticials. Haiti. In addition, it is report -d 1 that coniemplat ing war ?vi:li| tliinminy as th" result of. the diplomatic ' break, has sounded informally the se'iti-j ment of officials with a view to det"r- , mining whether her application for a loan, would lie favorably received in! case of war. I Mrs. Ross Honored i By the Club Women Siwinl iMspn'.t-fi tn It." Iiilrll'gtiirar. CLATlKSBURfi. W. Va.. April 27.? I Mrs. George I Joss, of Weston, was elected vice president . anil .Mrs. K. (I. itohrbaugh. of tJlenvillo. secretary treasurer to-day when ;i permanent or ganization was offecred lor the Third ^ Congressional district of the West Vir-i ginin Federation of Women's clubs, which closed its convention here to-! day. Mrs. H. E. Travis, of ("larks*: burg, will continue as president until ' the convention of the State Federa tion. which elects the district presi- j dent's. . ARMY OF 2,000,000 j (Continued from nrst Page.) be assigned lo them with each arm of the service sn represented as to pro-j vide the framework of a complete: army division at each point. The! guardsmen will be selected from :he! territory covered by the training dis trict su far as practicable. I'nli.? , duty at the cantonments will become' part of the responsibility of each dis t rict commandant and he will make such assignment of his forces as he < may deem wise. Meantime both the regulars and guardsmen will continue recruiting to war strength. Course of Training. With the new regiment p assembled! a rigorous course of training will bo undertaken. The officers' training; camps to be cstablisned within a fe>* days in each district will begin at ;lv.'j end of three months, pouring new offi- ' oers into this organization, and the en-i listed men selected from the ranks of! the regulars for commissions will be; given special instructions to fit them i for officers. Until the army of young! men presents itself at the camps in1 August or September the regulars and; guardsmen also will pursue a vigorous; commissioned officers, will depend th?! efficiency of the new armies. Lumber Without Profit. MIl.WACKKK. Wis.. April 27.? The 1 Northern 1 1? .111 ?? -ok ami I lardwnod Man 11 tair turcrs Ass.n-iat inn 111 convention here today decided to provide the gnv- ; ernnteiu with lumber during the war without proilt to the manufacturers. ' Farmers Off Juries, <;in:i:.\si:l !<?:. I'a.. April 27. ? Judge, A. I'. Mei'onii'dl ni th" court of com mon picas here iie.ia.v ordered that all farmers drawn for jury service duriiiu th- wi'i'k ??!' .May 7 he excused. That the1 i-oTirt considers farming puratunuut in jury si rvn'i' this yi>:ir as a patriotic duty was the iut'-rpretat inn ?i\en the ntiWr. Cuba Wants C- sh. WASHINGTON, April 27. ? Aurelio 1 1 ? \ in. minister nf interior of I'tiba. ar rived here today. tn in, et the Cuban war conuii lesion ntt its arrival Stonday. lie will ai l with it, in :nt advisory ca pacity >vith the commission, which is cniti|insed nf 111 i ] i t :? r > officers and. it is undersinnd. will su guest that Cuba he assisted by lite t'niii I States in rais ing a war fund. The I'liK-m government has authorized a loan nf ?3ft.iiil(i.nnn, a large part of which he used in strength- 1 enlnpr the island's coast defenses. "The Cuban government will on- 1 operate with the government of th1* j t'nlied States In the war with 'Jet-many j In any way neccssarv," said Minister ! illevla. * J a $ pro perl W\cotiductei funeral -6C2<t* We will furnish a properly con ducted funeral nud use correct furnishings and equipment. Our reputation Is a guarantee of the keeping: of this promise. , Palace Undertakers 1304-06-08 Main St. Both Phones. i OBjTp ! Carl! McElhaney. Following :tn i I less ? ? ! a week, i'iir! ' I I mnalt! McKIha iii-v. aged - I. operator for j [Hit) Postal Telegraph company at I'itts- ' : burgh and a lifelong resident of this I co in imi nj ly, died in ih? family home. 7ti I i Sixteenth street, last night. IVaih was ? I ? 1 1 1 ?: to internal abscess. Mr. MclClhaney | I was employed in tin- postal office here | I for. about two years and went to I'itis- I I burgh recently." I .Mr. MclSlhaney married .Miss Clara j ; Mavis, of Bridgeport. l-'cb. 17 last, lossy I jthiin three months ngi?. Hi- was horn ] I at' I'oint Mill August S. I .s J>5. ami was J I I lie son of George W. and < 'or a B. Me- j | Klhaney. Snrviv ink besides his young ? iwife ami parents, lie leaves one brothel*, j | Funeral arrangements will he eoin- j I pleted today.' I n t ?? i iik-h t will he in Lin- i I wood. < ceiiietcrev. Funeral for Marcus Am'C.k Sunday. I Sunday a 1 1 ?'t'nooii at .'I o'clock, funeral I services will he lehi for Marcus \V. Am irk. tin' aged and \v*-li known resi I dent who diid Thursday in tin* family! i home. I'll I Chaplinc street. The Rev. ]?'. !?:. l:riniustoo| ( ? f riarks- I btlrg, former pastor of tin- First Baptist J church ot this city, will officiate, as- : j sis ted by til.- Rev ,\. |:. Miller of W. lis- ! I burg, former pastor of the Immamiel Baptist church of South Wheeling, and ; tile Rev. John Mci 'ollocli. present pa>- j | tor of the First church. Interment in i lYninsula cemetery. Eiineral for George Wilkinson, Sr. i Funeral services for c.eurgc Karlu | Wilkinson, Sr.. who died in a local ? 'hospital Thursday, will hi- held in; tie- family* hosne. 211-1 Kof f street, , this afternoon at 2 o'clock. The Rev. Samm-i <\ Jones of Ohapline Street 1 Mi thodist Kpiscopal church, will be ill l charge. Interim-lit in 'Ireenwood. Mrs. Earle Walker. Mrs. Karl.- Walker. a?.- i of ? 1 !ot lien. dii-d hi lie North Whei'lill? hospita'l yesterday morning, following , an attack of spinal inenmgit is. Mis. j Walker leaves a husband. a young rhiltl I ami a numhrr of other relatives in tin'! He*-c!i Bottom community. Phillip H. Burk. FoMowing an iltiii-s? oi several weeks, i I'hlll'p II llurk. conductor on the Wheeling Terminal railway, dinl in tin family liom<\ 7!t Twenty-fourth street, Thursday. Mr. I'.tirk havis a wife and tlo- following ciiildr<-n: Mrs. Clarence Scha fer. Russell, Walt- r and Charles IStirk. all of this city, l-'um-rnl arraime- ? mi ills . 1 1 be c(iinpbi'-d 'today. George Weishar, Jr. l-'itneral services for i;?-i?rife Weishar, Jr.. I!', who oi.-d in lie- family home, li>17 I. mil street. Thursday night, will 1 il;?-ly If Id Monday afternoon at - 1 o'clock in the place of death. Mr. j Weishar was tlo- son of tjeorge and j Johanna Weishar. lie has been ill for si-vi-ral months. He leaves besides his j parents four sisters: Mrs. Max I ?it ? - , man of War wood. Missis l.illi--. Louise j and Vanday Weishar. runeral for Mrs. BiU'rall Today. * This afternoon at I' o'clock in the! family home, j'- 1 :? Koff street. funeral ' services will be h- Id lor Mrs. Margari-I j lOkel) Curtail, wil'e ot Louis Rurrall. j whose death occurred WeillliSila v. The I lie',-. I'. V. IVBoll of W.-ylev Methodist ! Kpiscopal church, will officiate, and' burial will be in Mt. Zion. Tuneral for Harry Earrett Today. Kun era I services will be held in t le-t j home on <;ienwoiui heights this morning' i at S:3<i o'clock for Harry Barred, wh ? ! died Wednesday. Rei|Uiem high IHHS" i will bo celebrated in Si. Michael's' church at o'clock with burial in Ml.1 Calvary. I Rabbi J? Leonard Levy. FMTTSIM' R< ! rl. I 'a.. April 27. ? Kahbi J Leonard levy. pastor of the lloih I Shalom Synagogue of this city, and mic 1 of the most prom wilt Jew ish clergymen j i?i' the country, died tonight, following a short illness from pneiinionia. Rabbi Levy was horn in London. England. November 2-1. ISii'i. and was a graduate j ol' the I'niversity of London. MOses Higfirinbothani. S;?(vi;tl Pispatcft to ll?o lnt*'lllci'n<-iir. \V. Vn.t April 1!7.~ Mns?s Higginhot he.m. aged r,r. y.-irs. life long j resident of this died this evening j at Fairmont hospital' number three i.f : blood poisoning. The infection start ed from a sore f-o rn on his toe. which he had treated. |)eceased was a special j offii iel- in tile service of the Consoltda- | 'ion Coal comp-inv. lie leaves a family. ? James W. Stcmple. .Sprrml nis|>nt<*h to tlin hilHIIiamrrr. I'OLI'M HI *S. A prll Jumes W. j Stein pie, aged r.7. of Moatsville, \V. \'a., j died in a hospital here today. 7>. K. Bret Harto. SAN I'UAN'CISi'ti. April 27.? Francis ! [K. Itret Hart?. last sur\ ivlng son of ilici I'alit'orina author and poet, died reci ni-j ! ly at Monte t'arlo, according to word i received here today. Mrs. Edward Sullivan. ! SjMvial t? llio ItilclllKcuir**!'. CLAUKSIU'Rn. W. V:?.. April ' Mrs. IMwarij Sullivan, la, die^l today ai j her home at I'nion Heights, of brain ' I disease. The husband and two sons, | Reginald and Murel. survive her. Mrs. E. H. TunBton. ' KMT'ORIA. Kits., April 27.? Mrs. K. :H. Funs ton. mother of the late Major lii-nernl Frederick Funston. died at the home of her daughter here today. Sh-J was 72 years old. W. H. GiUisiilc. : CHAHLKSTOX. W. Viu. April 27. ? i I William Harvey Oillispl*-', aged 01. well i known resident, of this city and the! ! Kanawha valley, rlied here today. lie) | was a veteran of tli? I'nion army in the Civil war. MASON MEMORIAL. li:spiili-li to tlio liiK-IIUrin-er. FAIRMONT. W. Va.. April 27. ? The Marion County linr association held a memorial service this afternoon for the late Judge John W. Mason. The ser vice was held rn the circuit court room. I Judge W. S>. Haymond. Hon. B. L. Butcher and Attorneys Show-alter and ! Harry Sha-n- made addresses extolling the life and character of the late judge. Resolutions presented by he committee j named by Judge Haymond a few days j I airo wcM read and unanimously adooted. i DOYOU-MED-WMY? We will loan you any amount from S10 up unci will allcw yon from one month ti a year's time to pay us back <n whatever sire payment* you wish by the week or month. In dealing with u? you can depend on (retting the lowest rates In the city and fair, liberal treatment In every respcct. All business confidential. Full information gladly fur nished in regard 10 any site loan. Call and see us tt our office? Room 301 GERMAN BANK BUILDING ? or writo. Use Your Credit With Us NATIONAL* bhiphone aooM301 GERMAN BANK BUHDWG M ATLANTIC CITY HOTELS. ^tIa/vt/cc/t^ Opery a^jeasons A rocoflMscd.standaxd i or excellence. I C?moi^v 600. WALTER J.BU2BY.\ APPLICATION FOR PARDON Application (or Pardon. Notice in hereby Riven that mi or about the 15th (lay of May ]!iir. an application will l*> filed with ?lames K. ( tit lip. I'anlnn Attorney. Charleston, West Virginia. for the i>nral>?i nf Augelnni Tallarlto, con victed of Hie crime ft .Malicious Avsault. at the Octo ber Term. 191.1, nf iln; Criminal Court of Ohio t'liunt.v ajid sentenced to Imprisonment in the West Virginia IVmtumiary for the |>er|oi| of 12 years. iSignrdl ANGKUJXI TAI.I..VJIITO. np-2S-niy-3 STOCKHOLDERS' MEETING. Notice. A meetinn of the stockholders of the Txioke Shoe Company will he held at the principal office of the i ompaiiy. at Numbers 1.10ft uml I Jiifi .Main Street, in ilif city of Wbei'liiiK. Ohio I'otmty. West Virginia, on till* Slh day of .May, A. II.. lill*. at )rt o'clock a. III., for I tic election "t u Itoard of director*, the of bylaws, ami such other business of a general liaturo as may properly conic before the meetlnc. GEO. II. GItKK.VE. at?-21-i'S Secretary. BANKRUPTCY NOTICE I'uited states of America, Northern District of West Virginia. w>: In lite I'lilted Slates District Court In and for said DM rift. In tin? matter of (.:??. K. Murphy. Bankrupt. No. 4'iT. In Bankruptcy. ?I'ftitlon for Discharge. ,To tilt* Honorable Alston <?. Dayton. Judge of the District Court nf the United States for tin! North ern District of West Virginia: lim K. Murphy. of Wheeling. Ifl the County of Ohio, and State of West Virginia, in saiil District, lesion fully represents that on ttie :is; day of April, if* I il, last past he was tlulr adjudged a bankrupt under the nets of I'unjiiess relating to bankruptcy: that hi) has' duly surrendered all his property and j rights of property, slid has fully complied with all I (lie requirements of said acts and of orders of the f court touching his bankruptcy. Wherefore, he prays that he may he decreed by 1 the Court to hate a full discharge from all debts I prorahlc- against the estate under said bankrupt acts, i except such debts as arc excepted by law from such I discharge. Dated this 15th .lay of April. A. D.. 1917. UKO. l: MUM'HV. Bankrupt. By William K. Krupp. His Attorney. Order of Notlfce Thereon, Northern Distri'-l of West Virginia, ss: on this li'tli dav of April. A. D., 1917. on reading the foregoing petition, is is ? Ordered by the Court that a hearing be had upon the same on the 21st day' of May, A. D.. 1917. before I said Com t ut Wheeling, in said district, at ten I o'clock in the foienoon: anil that notice thereof bs ! published in ilie Wheeling Intelligencer, a newspaper | printed in said District, anil that all known creditors and oilier person* in interest may appear at the said J time and place and show, if any tliP.v hare. ' why the prayer of tlfr said petition should not be granted. And It is further ordet ed by the Court, that the clerk shall send bv mail to all known creditors copies ; rf said petition and this order addressed to.. them at J llieir places of resldi-uce as stated. I Witness the Honorable Alston <!. Dayton, .fudge nf the said Court, and the seal thereof, a* Wheeling. 1 In said district, on the l'.'th day of April, A. D. 1917. Attest: A T BARRKTT. Clerk. ap-21-l'S C. S. D. C.. N. D. W. xi j MISCELLANEOUS ; 1> A TIT^TVTPC Secured. Trade lAl Hill 1 13 "iark,1 "?s;"-r: ; ?i1. I a tent ?"iu < ; trade mark litigation. Booklet free. H. E. DUNLAP, Patent lawyer. National Exchange Hunk Building. Wheeling. \V. Va. FUNERAL DIRECTORS"^" FUNERAL DIRECTORS and ARTERIAL EMBALMERS (.'alia promptly attended at all limed. TELEPHONES: jsiup ? JJell 11! -1IT ; National 1742. licsidcnce ? \V. li. Coocy, iieli 1324-J. National J272-Y. Itcsidoncc -r A. Ueiswcnger. National 1 3'jy-ic ' DIED ? j WILKINSON tin Tliur?o?y, prll I'fi. 1917. at ?M.'J j cvi... k a. in.. k. vii.kinsun. sit.. *sid ; (*" jrai-. 3 itwnlli and l*i day*. Funeral . from hi* lestdeure. No. -IN Koff J Mrect. Saturday aftejioN?n i' o'eloek. Friends of ? th?t faintly are invited to attend. Interment at j Oivemvood Cfiiu tar > . DURRALL On Wednesday. April 11-17. at 3 SO oYloel. y. in.. ar li?*r late re>idenee lE'lf I -off street, ! MAlttJAHKI'. w iff i..i Louis Iturrall. lu the 40th year j of her ajje. | Funeral fn?iu the late residence Saturday afternoon &t j 'j ?i*cli?ck. Interment at lit. /ton cemetery. i Friends i f she fai'iily inviud. ? LAKE tin Thursday. April IS. It' IT. at 12:10 I ..VI.mK a. in.. l ATHKltlNK 1U.AKK. \nfe of Syl- I voter Hlake. s?ae 77 year*. | Funeral T i ? *iii l ho irsnli'iiiv of Uohet! Smith. 714 J Water street. ltentv??.id. Sat unlay morning at S :?!'> I'Vltvk. at St John's t 'at hoi i?* fliureh at !? :??*! im'Iin-K. Interment Mt. fahary cemetery. Friends ot t tie family united to at let id. j AMICK tin TIiuimI av. April LSth. 1917. at 1 o'clock | l?. in., at the family tesldcncc. 2141 ('liapline >twl. MA Hi' I S W. A.Mh'K. hi the >'Mh year nf his use. Sen i?es at ill** Iwiiic Sunday afternoon :0t? o'clock. Friends United. liltcrnieiit private. iViutiMila ecM eter> * "BRUtMMtK | bloto m , v rtciiocncd 207 bhi lelepnones 1994. m. wan. .A- K, . + ?il 7. I P. II LOUiS BERTSCHYi FUNERAL DIRECTOR AND ARTERIAL EMBALMER 1122 and 1124 Main Street ? Calls Answered Day or .Nigbi? Store Phones 635 C. J. Bertschy ? Nat. Phone 1959-K; Bell 1334-R. Richard T. McCoy! Funeral Director and Embalmer. ' 1609 CHAjPLXUE STREET office PHONES fceildence 1274 J Bell. 68-W Bell, i 723-X Nat. 1679-M Nat. j CHICHESTER S PILLS the uiamo.vd brand. at LaJle.I A.k your Uraf.lai fo? /7\ ?kl-oho4 (cr ? l>l??.?n4 Br-??d/A\ 1*1 1 U la Red ??d Wold meUlllc\V/ boaat, st?l?d with Blue Rltboe.-vy Teke ao other. Bar efrear M DraafUU A?k for CUI-C*TC<-TKH I DIAMOND PILL?. for ?? y M rt known U B at, 3 Alalyi R?1 ItfcK SOlOlCBUOOISISEVEBUHiai WANTED ? _ Coke Drawer* and Day LaMrtn Connellivlll* C*k? RtflM Coke Draweri Earning Avef* |? of M.M ?' Dm. Day Laborers Earning $3.25 to 13.94. (Nike Drawers work In tlie open air and nwahine. lours are short . shifts, ranging from s?ren to nine lour*. . ? \ Day laborers work Len hours, also in tb? open. Apply at any plants, which ar? located near La-. rotH'. Mount Pleasant and Scottdal?, In WeiUnore hbiI county, and Connellsrill#. Cnlontown, Fair- - lianrp and Masontown, In Fayette County. I*?nn ylvaiiia. H. C. FRICK COKE COMPANY. SCOTTDALE, PENNA. WANTED ? Flags. Largest manufacturer porter flui ? in be world. Simple sent. Twelve si***. One doliar.\ Exclusive agency. Write or wire. Kl*g?"H' V per thousand and up. Buney Flsg Maker*. Clncln- y n?ti. O. ?p-ig-i ? WANTED? Everybody uses our good* it this e**on. Send for particular* of our big money-miker*. Snyder Specialty Co.. 103 E. St., S. X., Washington, I), f. ap-M-g . . WANTED ? 12 warm weather wonder*. Best iumtner proposition ever offered. Good for $10 a d*y. No competition. Send postal now for particular*. K. M. Kelttuan. Mgr.. 155 American Bldg., Cincinnati, Ohio. ap-28 -A y; ' WANT E D ? Dccalcom*nla transfer flag emblem* Id. > gold and colors. This is a new one. Sold to . auto mvnors, garages, supply store*, etc. fLOO per do/. Sample 10c. Particulars free. Auto Monogram" Co.. KU(! Dept., Newark, S. J. ap-28-g WANTED? Vacancy May 5th for competent salesman . or ex merchant, with large Cleveland corporation, to sell merchants a needed hlghclass specialty ia W. Vs.. ami surrounding territory. $300 to 1500 per month. Commissions paid weekly. State experience Address: Sales Manager, Box No. Iff, 8tatlon C, Cleveland. O. *p-!?-g : WANTED ? Salesmen to call on professional men. Established trade. Steady, permanent income. Statu age. experienco. Also on* for cutalda city. I'. O. JSor 131. Philadelphia. Pa. *p-28-30 WANTED ? Hoy to work in drug More. Apply Coi*^ nun's drug store. 1010 Main street. *P?28-1V"^ WANTED ? Mall clerks, stenographers and ulatoxn. ? iT."> mo. Examinations soon. Civil service, busi ness nnd salesmanship courses by mill? tultlonfree. . ... Address Carnegie College, Rogers. Ohio. *p-tt-g WANTED ? GOOD 8TXOWO SOT TO' LEASH PRINTING TSASS. iTTLT TO FOBEKAH IHTELLIGEWCZ*, 7TS PX.OOH. WANTED ? Sslenmeo to call on professional men. E* tablisbed trade. Steady, permanent income. St*t* aue. experience. Also one for out*ld* city, P. 6.. Ilox 121. Philadelphia, Pa. 1P-2I-S0 WANTED ? Hour boys to work before and after achooi . hours. Ceo. B. Klein N>ws Co., 1112 Water St. *t>-13-l WANTED ? Men and boy* for factory work. Apply Whitaker-Glessner Co., Wheeling Corrugating Dept. ap-17-tf WANTED ? Man who can (peak on* or mor* lang uages. Great chance for right man. A Can TinN, 1220 Market St. Bell phone 1135; National 183-T. ap-g-tf | WANTED? Men to sell our Un* of houaehold furnishings, from house to house oa (Ball ' weekly payment*. We p?y weekly. mr-G-tf C F. ADAMS, 1140-1142 Main tt WANTED ? Two young men to wort new* KMi ua B. Jr O. traLa*. Apply a* Union New* Cu. KiK* B. At O. depot. **-3-tf WANTED? At several good d?Uv?ry a*4 *ala* boys, to work befci* *choot, *ppiy at CiroUtloa Department. IntellUencer. betwua * and I a. ^ WANTED? Female Help WANTED ? Experienced nurse girl for child on* year ; old. Call Nat'l phone S57-M, Wheeling. a p- 28-1 WANTED? A cwk" MjsT" Robert Hulett. 921 Main street. ap-28-j WANTED ? J2<\00 weekly made writing name* for mail order houses. No canvassing, -particular* for ' stamp. The Guide Company. Mesnpai. Tennessee. *p-28-f_ '. WANTED? Second maid, white, for family of two, no children, no washing. Bell phone 148 Ait. . ap-27-1 WANTED ? Good reliable girl for general housework. ^ t'all Bell 30 Alt., Nat'l 25 P. V. ap-lM' W* NT E 0 ? Ten expcrtenccd saletladJe* witl> refer ence ; Gen. M. Snook Co. *p-2t?-l WANTED -Girl for office work. Geo. B. Klein N*w* Co., 1112 Water St. ap-25-1 PERSONAL MARRY if lonely: for results. try me; best and moil swivvful ; bundled* rich wjsa marrlag* mod; m rli'tly nmfldrtiiul; most reliable: year* of expert cm*" ; ilt vri pilous free. "The Successful Club," Mr*. 1'unlli". litis 5 3 <5. Oakland. Calif. ap-?l-?8 I'M GOING to the modern shoe ' repairing Shop. _M; . 1 1th St., T. A. Colllslmo, Prop. That 1? tiM beet place to hive my shoes repaired. They u* expert*. ap-M-t . ? ... ? WANTED? Apartment 1 WANTED? To rent, a furiiiihed fire or six room boot* " or ap*rtnient. Address Z. A., Intelligencer. ?p-17-1 FOR SALE? Automobiles FOR SALE -Overland file passenger touring car 1911 model, driven about 1.000 miles. Owner leaving (own. Will sell cheap. Answer It. >'o. t, care In telllp-ncer. 141-26 POULTRY ? THOHOUGHBRED llarred Rock Ztf ttaa wlnut . layer, i 1. 30 per 13: 54.00 hundred. 8Ulw?U firm, Hayland, Ulilo. * FOR SALE FOR SALE ? WATSON DUMP WA60NS. > WHEELING BUILDING MATERIAL CO., EAST SIDE? PENINSULA^ ?p-iT-m FOR SALE ? i hours, 3 wagons, 3 seta harness- W. S. laundry, llcllalre. <>hio. ap-24-1 . FOR SALE ? I'our head of horses. A great bargain. Kur full particulars call National 60 Colcra^n, or writ* I- U Mercei. K. It. 1. St. ClalnvlUe, 0. tp-13-1 FOR SALE? Ice hux 47s<i3x23!j. John F. Niebpr, 1107 (j McColloch street. FOR RENT FOR RENT? MODERN STORE ROOM AND CEMENT BASEMENT. IDEAL LOCA. TION. APPLY BROWNE BROS., I?? , MARKET STREET. ?pU-30t FOR RENT? Seven -room bouse. ? almost new. with garden, fruit trees, cement walk, bam, at View Point. Possession at once. Call BeU 1(3-B Blm Grore; National H2W Pleuaat Valley. ap-28-f