Newspaper Page Text
iLLINC OFF IN DEALINGS >a?W" YORK. April "7. ? A pronoun i IJalllng oft' in the volume of opera prls. dealings diminishing by one arter to one-third from their lars-j tais of the two session.--, | 3 almost the only significant feature i today's professional market. Less i Jan half a score of leading stocks 1 ade up the great bulk of the business, j pief among these being 1'nited .States 1 Steel and related equipments and nut- ! litioas, tlic metals and shippings ami I rr few specialties controls <i by sp_c:t- { atlve Interests. The heavy covering movi tnent ] vhich followed the lurg? "extra" divi* ; lend on Steel common seemed to have! winded its force with little >>r no J rr?sj?h ? buvlngr pow??r. white t'arth- r ! profit taknng was indulged i:i at every j favorable opportunity. Tradinc was I marked by a succession of irregular ail- ! Ranees and declines, final quotations m i :he prominent iss :??> showing no j :hange or a slight mn loss. Fluctuations in 1'nited States Steel. I ,>-hich ranged between 1 ! 3 \ and 317'i.t .?losing at 1 1 *S . unchanged on the day.] rhere characteristic of the general! tovement. asld-- from motors, which J i?-ere increasingly heavy. Total sales ?mounted to 6l0.nO>) shares. Bonds were irregular, betterment in lomestic Issues, especially rails, being teuiralized by concessions in foreign rar issues. ? Total sales (p^r value) aggregated! I3.S50.000. . United States bonds were unchanged j ?i call. ^ - I jtOQAK at BBYAirs ciosura stocx; 4| IIXTXB (By private wire to A. K. Mastcn & Co.) I NEW YORK, April 27.? Prices were J i irregular and trading restricted. Re-j ports persisted jus to an unsettled state' in the central powers, and it is antici-; pated that the chancellor may make] .some vert"" interesting statements when ? 'the Reichstag convenes in May. Aside) from these teatures. and the reports .that a separate peace would not be >n-j Itertained by Russia, there was not, much in the day's news budget to stim-i "ulate activity in either direction. Stocks of" late have been absorbed in { a satisfactory manner, but while things j |remain so uncertain the Incentive v/JHj nave to be rather stronsr to accept ! moderate turns when dealing on thej long side. TVO0A2T 9c BKYA1TS OBAUT LETTER ! (By private wire to A. E. XaSten & Co.) ( CHICAGO. April 2T. ? We feel that! prices at this level are strained. The1 ra!ftket is over-bought, especially ir corn and oats. If these peace rumors I continue, would not be surprised to see! much lower markets. It Is almost impossible to trade In May wheat. Small amounts bidding the market tip j five to ten cents, anil same on the! down side. Tie rest ..f the market; follows May. corn and oats in svm- i pathy. / ' 1 Lake Shorr I/k removed its embargo1 on domestic graiir. but remain on ex-! port business eastern roads ate clean-1 ing up and in better shape than for; months. "Western roads are permitting their cars to be loaned tor the east. Cash corn selling No. 2 white and ye I- , low at 10 to 1 ! cent* over May. CI.OSENG STOCK I.BTTES (By private w'r- A. [?*. Masten & To.t ; NEW YORK.' April l"T. The market all day was a dull af!".a>r. with jio our Bid*? interest tti evid--n--e. Stocks !>.'-!d firm and closed at .-?.l- ??: t last niirhl's level. "We look for :? qttie' market un til it is decided in Washington .vhar the tnx bill will be. We are inclined to advise selliiig ..ti .-II rallies. * From . Harris, "Winthrop i'o. ) Hoover Electric Suction Sweeper See the Brush go 3,000 revolutions a minute? that is what does your work. Mola Electric Washing Machines that relieves you of that hard work washing and winging your clothes. Electric Sewing Machines Weigh only 19 pounds. At $35.00. Any one or all on trial ? Pay for them by the month. HOOVER SWEEPER Sales Agency EDWAKD N. EARLEY. Rex Theater Building', Wheeling. t'l f (CAGi >. April -7. ? Seventeen cents .1 ltusli*l advance' for wheat in less than half an hour made the board uf trade today sparkle with excitement. al r no-sh tli-- hi;: inui'jjin calls enforced late kept the at;?rreK.'ite lm?*: nr.-a relatively MuUl. The upwaid leap of prices wis largely due a recovery from the effect of yesterday-!* senit l>?m !?? over peace rumor.-. Alter tunny nervous iluctual ions the uiarlo-i -d unsettled. 3 a* to 1 if n> t higher. with Mav at $2.*7 to and July at S2.2:: I, to ('??rn xaln> tl 2 ??? to 4 oats to l'ae and previsions 23 to t'2c. j I Open i lll^n ; l.oiv | Close. Wheat ? | j ; ~j " j May.. . ;t- r.3 ?- }: .".3 $2 1;: ?i 1 July..., - it! , 2 25 ; 2 IS ? j 1' 23' Sept . . | 1 s: .1 1 s7 | 1 i'ib Corn-? 1 1 , | | May..., 1 47 s- i i "4 l 4 7 ?= ; 1 50 Vi July... I 1 42V-. 1 46>\ 1 4 2 U 1 45 j Oats ? ? . r I ? May... I fi'J , TO",, ?STs: July...; i?:. , 07 ?5 i 0C'? Pork? till May..., .38 60 38 15 ,3S CO July... 27 S5 3S $0 j37 S3 3S 77 Lard ? | | | | ' I July.. .|2l 72 22 00 21 70 i21 !'*. Sept.. 21 Sv :22 Ui* 21 77 22 00 i Ribs? ! i i I July... 20 45 20 S3 ,20 45 20 75 ! Sept.. 20 55 120 t'2 j 20 55 ,20 SO j ?'ash quotations: Wheat ? N'c>. 2 red. S3. 04; No. 3 red. | nominal: No. 2 hard. sa.'Sig'S.SS: Xu. 3j hard, nominal. Corn ? No. 2 yellow. $1.6101.(52; No. j 3 yellow. $ 1.5S @1.62; No. 4 yellow, nominal. Oats* ? No. 3 white. 71@72V*c; stand- j ard. 72's '? 7 U*. I'ork ? Nominal. 1 Lard-<? $21. S7? 21.97. iiibs ? Nominal. j TOLEP.O. O.. April 27. ? VTheat, cash I S3. 00: May $3.00; July $2.3014. Clover seed, prime cash $10 70; April $10 70: October $11 15. .\lstke. prime cash $11 50: April ] $1! 50. Timothy, prime cash $3 40: April j $3 40. j N. Y. STOCK , WHEELING* Vil.. April 27. '17. Furnished The Intelligencer by A Ii Masten & Co.. members New Tork Stock Exchange. National P.ank or West Vir ginia building. Wheeling. W. Va. Louis F. Brand, manager. STOCKS. |Oper>71Hlgh.l Low ICto^j Am. Beet Sugar Alaska Gold . . . American Can . do pref Am. Car &. Fdy. do pref Am. Ice Socuri. Am. ljocomo . . . Am. Zinc . __ Am. Smelt. & K. :im Vi ilOl Vi .'lOO^jlOl Am. Agri. Chem ' ' "" ' ? "" Am. Sugar Hcf. Am. Tel. & Tel. Am Tobacco. . . Anaconda Atchison Haiti. & Ohio... Hft'n. Steel J{ ' Baldwin Loco. r>r>r; .>? % Uronk. Rapid Tr.. v.. ii;i? Calif. Pet 1 it !? 1 i I'm... do pref ! 1 ? Vntral I.eath'-r. . >7,vi s ?? [ttittf & Super...! ?iS"n 43 "4 Chesn. & i ?hio. . .: ?,? I Crucilile St.-^l ..' tS2"j, >;3H Chile i'opper ; 23 J 3 C.. M jtf St. I' ' S2\ *2"4 Chirio i'opper ... 5 4 ? at7), Am. Hide ?ic L....1 13 U ' 13S e a o o -4 ; in 's 115U 116H 115?s 25 yfc 25-ji! '2r.T? 08TII 6S*-*| OS** 32 ! 31V.-' 31 \i .?1 i 93 ! 91. | 32 . 112 113 112 112 '? 1 J 3 '4 ? 1 2 4 *? ' 1 2 3 ?i 12; >2 111(15*. Uh.iVj 190 Vi- 190*4 Sit1;' So 79 -n 79:*i ?i)3*4 ii>3 ;i4 iu3 v* io:;\ ! 7 C "i ? 77 ! 7 0 ^4 i 7*? ?* , 124 \ 1 25 "?* 123*-k 123 vi 1 !? \ I'.' i. 8i'. '? >; i 4 ?i~, 51-S, 13 '4 l!l' '-2 31.8 PER CENT JUMP IN BANK CLEARINGS There whs a 31.S per cfjit Jump !n tMi- Wln-eiitiff banking cleiirinK" Friday, the ictnl htlng $57C.5u0.03. onm].:uv<i with $376.801. s7, u Kaiu 01' S 1 i j Figures J'or the lnuiith ui' .\prt! tul-l ' low: i 1017. 1916. 'April 2.$l,0"?7.t'i<i'i.31' 6iio.266.S'J April 3. 740.iSj.13 426.420.12 April 4. 022.408.67 4 76.41U.05 , April 5. 557.573.07 333.36".0'J April ti. 61*7, 004.22 3Jii.3sii.Oti | April 430. 552. 48 3iu.7oy.yO .April 'j. b54.tWti.7- 4 4 'J. 000. OS | April 1". 5s7, 706.22 4 3H.?i?-.?'0 (April 11. 700,355.03 036,658.16 j April 1-'. 05S. 4 6'.'. 56 4 17.033. 1*5 57.: April 13.* 441,371.37 536,727.65 17. I April 14. 455.S30.05 405,040.70 12. | April 16. 720,773.21 000.000.58 9. (April 17. 500.2 IS. 10 355.535.16 12 I April IS. 57S.236.13 5U.M2.5i 6. [April 10. 540,30 1.2S 430.735.50 25. t April 20. 512.275.65 420.776.17 21.! i April 21. ti.*. 7.755.30 2S4.675.57 131. April 23. 1.050,147.2.". 631,150.51 05. April 24. ? 4 20.2 1 2.50 52S. 432.53 1 V ! April 25" 512.S50.7o 523.StiS.SS 2. ! April 20 til 7.020.13 3SO.247.4S 02. | April 27 570.5oo.y.'i 3i6.soi.s7 31. ! Totals 14.140.603.35 1 0.57'i.57s.55 3?.. I ncrease. . . $3,565,02 I. SO. ! 'Decrease. i .1 62 ?*! 62 ?4' 62 ai . i 24 7m ' 26 [ 2*t *'s .: !fj'\ jiuo'\ so' . lfil>*;i62H..H6! 's . i9l--l I'1 : j I I ;'h do prof . ... . Corn Products do pref .... Cana. Pacific Colorado Fuel i'oiisoI. lias T>istillers' Scour. j 14% 1 4 % Kri? -~h: 2S j 2T'r do firsts -1" 1 ^ 4 I '?? Gen. Kleerrie .. .j 1 fiii ? 1 Goodrich Hub .. 5 I '4 ! f> 1 34 ?. I ill. North, i ?i'?- f . .110 1 10 1 1 0 ?It. .North, lire... 3231 3 ' % ; 4 2'* Illinois I'otitral.. lu3'.i , 10." '.4 : 103 inter-Uoro Cons.t li>% 10% in1.;. do pref ; f?7 | 57 ',4 1 57 Inter- Nat. I "a per. 40>4: 40'4' :ss% Inter-Nat. Nickel 4 1%: 43 V 4 l % K. I*. Southern...; 22 '? 22't 22 '-j Kenn. ' Copper ... 15% 45% -1 1 % J ml. Alcohol . . . llO'-j :n0?4jl0S% Lehigh Valley ..| 65%: r.o:l4 64% Lui'ka. Steel .... S."i ? S5Vv, ^ Total sales 591.500 shares. Hoods (par value) $3.SO5,000 Mexican I'ci Midvale Steel' .. Miami Copper . Mo. I'acific old. do ct Is National Lead. Xat. ICnainel ... New Haven . . . Nevada Con. ??? N'. Y. Central .SO 57a;| 4 2 H 0 ^ ! Si SO .r>sa? 42% 4 0 '? !? 1.: 8:' :>a'>4 nf>% 42 SI 32a,, 32 41%| 4 1s* 40 % 23 % i 23 '4 or. ? 94 >; 23 >4 04 '? Norfolk & West. ! ' 1 "0 % , 1 20 % 120'4 North. Pacific . ,|103%? 191 'L1'"1 IVnnsylvania ..J 53 j 53 53 Peoples Gas ....J SI | S4 _ . S3v.t Paciil'ic Mail 22 V 22 l4 22 ?4 Press. Steel Car.; 76 ; <l> -"'s ??? m 30 ! 29 '*? in; '?? 1. 7 1 -? 06 l4 S I \ Pay Consul Heading .. Republic^ . do pref . .. _ Adv. Humbly .... 1 1 " s Ky. Steel Springs 40;* St-ars Roebuck. ..176 S<i Studebaker South. Pacific . ..' Southern Ky ... do pref T., St.U & W. ctf Sinclair <>il Ten 11. Copper S2 102 % U'2vh 102" -- Wa^ 10' 5014 176 s s v.. 4:'% ss>.; sr. 04 % 2 s a4 2S*; 2S ?... 58 ""4 5s % 58% 1 I 1 54 u; 4| 54 . 1 7 *v 1 7 :,4 1 r. Texas <>il 2004j2to 2o:> Union Pacific ..|137!n 138 I .( . ?% do pref ] 79 HI 7 0 "s j 7'.tS' Utah Copper . ...|ll4?*i;l 13*4: C. S. Rubber....] 5S I 58 . :"7'i I* S. Smelting . J 55 U.' 56 ' 54% P S. Steel ni6s;n7^'ii5a4 .!ll8%U18%jl1S% . : 1 0 5 % . 1 0 ;i % 1 L 0 :? Vv J 43 ' 45 V 43 . 10S%:10S% I OS' I 62", 1 110% I 111 '4 I I :i % . 1 4 - 1 ! 1 61 3 % ! r.i 110 in:: 1 10% 4 I ' IP" 4 2 % OS, i 55 a; 32 '? 4 U 'k . 23 -H I 04 'i 1 Ti, 103 | 53 " 83.-4 i Uh 1;. ft 6 SI'.* 102 th ! 16'-.. ' 5o 176 ! 85 'j I 05 ; 2S 1 j I 38".4 4 21" 1 1 3 7 ?" 1 15 ? '.8 1 If.'s 1 1 S 105 a; ' 4 1 >4 u<> ,,lV4 ? - ? 1 1 08 1 h Wahash pre f A . . | 49 H i 4 9 a, ; ?! !? a; i 4 'j ?% ... -? -Wj 29 ? do pref do bonds . . Va. Chemical <lo pref ro'-ji 29' 9 5 S | 95 ?% ! 0 5 49?4 j 49 s4 j 4 a If. 14 1 17 3? Vj! 37 21 ! . do pref I!... , Western Union Westinfj. Klec. W. & L. E do pref Willys Overland. 31 Allis-Chalmors .. 26-\ Am. Woolens.... 50 Atlantic Out f ... 9834 MaJopilas Min. .. 1% Orcne Cananea.. 43 Inspira, Copper.. 57 Marine 27 1 - < j do jiref 80 Va | 81V*! 70 'Maxwell Motors.) 49 ' 49 ! 47 Vi Owens Bottle M.! 92 ! 92 ! 90 '">hio Cities Oas. . 134 U 135 *1 33 Vi Pull. Coal ; 4 7 4 7'?! 4t1 Shattuck ..:....i 25 | 25 I 25 General Motor. .'107 '-j log ilo-lVs Republic 5's . ...jlOft .100 i 1 Oft Anglo French ..I 94 S 94 'i; 9.'! 7* 50 a; ; 99 t-%; ' '? .v 30 2 6 a, t 50 9S 1 % 43 56 v? 05 ; i 40-\ | 16% 1 36 "4 : 30 ! 50 ! s?sa4 : I a; - . M 1 79 ! ? ! 4Sa" 9 0 a4 ! 1 3 < ' 4 I 40 14 10.'. loo ! 94 1 5-1 G 1 7-10 25 35 Clij 2-4 sr. ! po s'ii :> ? NEW YORK CURB MARKET ! WHEELING, W. Vn.. April 27. '17. Furnished The Intelligencer h.v A. E. ' M listen & Co.. memners New York Stock ICxchange. National Hank f>t West Vlr cinia building. Wheeling. W. Va. Louis F. Brand, manager. : STOCKS I Bid. | Aak. ? Atlanta-Goldfield ! 11 1 v l Calumet & Jerome ... Canadian Car & Pdy.. : Car, Light St Power .. Cramps & E Emerson Phonograph Goldfield Consol i HO ' 55 Greene Monster |1 5-1G* 1 Hecla Mining I 7r,i> *73* Hende M fg 30 ! 34 .(umbo Ext 41 ' 43 Kath. Bronze prof 1%! 2 Vi Mother Lode I 32 j :::: Magma Copper | 47 ! 4.s'~ Nipissing Klines ???!. "% Submarine Boat [' 22 22ai .Triangle Film I 1 Vi l'? , U. S. Light & Heat ! 1'.. IN, | do preferred ' 2 ,3 t Wright-Martin I 5"* fi World Film ' V ?% Section 20 ! ?'? j fi': Charcooal Iron i G',l 7'^ Aetna Explosives ? 3?4| :!7? , Big Ledge . ! 3 _J :i V, Outside Motor Stocks. Chalmers Motors | j 30 Chevrolet Motors I 100 ? 103 Hupp Motors ! .1 ! I International Motors i ' 1G do preferred ! ' 7i> Peerless Motors 12 i 15 Standard Motors I 33 f 33 United Motors i 13 ? 13'* Edmund & Jones' ! 34 j 3 G Outside Oil Stock?. Barnctt Oil & Gas ' !?? 2*i Cosden Oil & Gas I 13 ) 1 :: do preferred ' I '?! 5 Cosden & Co. ' 1 3 >>. i:;\ Federal Oil 1 '? 1 \ International Petroleum.. 13".K 1""s Midwest Oil : 77 so Midwest Refining ' 13 1 j 1 3 ?; Merrltt Oil 2::'li 2i'i Okla. Prod. & Kef I l'ii.4 ]in. Osage & Hominy ! :? :t'H Pacific Oil & Gas P. .. 5S <4 r.s?, Penn-Mex 17 52 Sapulpa Refining ."..! H7* l?>; Sequoyah Oil : 1 5-1 6 1 7-1 6 Dealing on the local Btock exchange1 yesterday was quiet, compared to thoj activity of the preceding days. La, liplle Iron Works common stock,: which .sold up to 93 Wednesday, was in dull demand yesterday, and was of fered at at rhe close. A few sales j were made during the day at that tlg-i ure. Wheeling Stool <fc Iron stock was in good demand, but little was offered.] A sale was made at 163. Dids were reported at 102 at the closo. There were no changes on quota- 1 lions on Wheeling Mold & Foundry! stock, W'hitaker-Olessner and Hazel* I Atlas Glass. i Tidewater 1 'il ? Way land Oil Ac Elk" liasin Pet. . ?! 194 I ? I 3 % ! .? 104 IPC ?? '? 1 0 ? BOSTON COPPER STOCKS WHEELING, W. V(t? April 1'7. '17. ? Furnished '1'hc Intelligencer by A. EJ. Alasieu & Co., members Now Vork Stock exchange. .National Hunk of NVeat Vir* gtnia building, Wheeling, W. Va. Louis F. lira nil. manager. |~B i d~ [~AsTC ! 2 : 3 STOCKS. Ail veil! ure ... A I lulli'Z Arcadian .... Arizona i "a I. Jfe Arizona < "al. IJeela . Centennial ... I'oppcr Kanpo Italy West .. East 1-tn ? te ... Franklin Hancock Indiana Isle Uoyale . ., Kerr Lake . . . , Lake Mass. fotiS'd . .At ichiga n .... Mohawk North Uutte C I ' in i;i g i 1 ?: I 1 - T> | I; 13 "A ilil I'omiiiW-n \ ' iscida ! Unincy .Shannon ?Superior I Superior it Hoston .... I Trinity it 'tali Consul i Victoria j Winona iWulroriiiu I Tuolumne . . . . . ... ? ???;!_ _ ! " Curb Mlalng Stocfca ' lliitgham Bohemia Lrtlue Hell 'i'oiis. I'opjior , i'oiis. Arizona 1 La I lose I Mc Kin ley liarrah '?Cnited' Verde Kxt I Yukon Cold ! Standard Oil Subsidiary Stocks } WHEELING. W. VaT A pril UT. 'IT. I Furnished The Intelligencer l?y A. E. I Masten Ji Co.. members New Vork Stock j Exchange. .National Hani, of West Vlr* I ginia building. Wheeling, W. Va. ' "??1 | F. Itrand, manager. sr,t, s lu ?ii' 1 'v. I 0 \ 1 '4 3-16 ?I V, ? 3- It*. ni i in*i l'j 1 >4 ?t Loula I STOCKS. _ . Anglo American Co.. Ltd... ! Atlantic Uefining Co ; Borno-Serymser I Jtu. keyc I'lpe Line t.'o. . . . . j t "hesbrough Mfg. Co., Cons. ii'olonial Oil Co J t 'nntiuental (til t.'o I Crescent Pipe Line | Cumberland Pipe Line J Eureka l'ipe Line 'lialena Signal Oil Co do preferred Illinois Pipe Line.. Indiana Pipe Line Co National Transit Co I .New Vork Transit t'o i Northern Pipe Line i"o Ohio Oil Co ! Pierce id! Corporation .... i I'rairie Oil das t'o I I'rairie Pipe Lino | Solar Refining Co ! Southern Pipe Line [South I'enn I'll Co ! South West Penna Pij ? <Jn .Standard Oil t.'o. of Calif... ?Standard (til t. '??. of Indiana. | Standard t?:l t '". oi' Kansas. Standard id I t'o. of Ky.... .Standard t>il t'o. of Neb... Standard Oil i'?j. of N. J... 'Standard Oil Co. of N. V... Standard <.? i I t'o. of Ohio... ; Swan & Finch Company... | t'nion Tank Line j Vacuum Oil 'Company Washington Oil t'o | Eld. i f. ~ . I It ?::?> . 1 1' J . inn UlU lir.o ? I :tS Ask. 17~ 4bll ? It' I 1 1 in I H'.t I S :i0n i tir, i in PITTSBURGH STOCKS WIIKIiUXfJ." W. Va.. April 27. '17. j Furnished The rntellljrenrer by A. H ] I Mast en Ai Co.. members N'ew Vork Stock | I Exchange. National Bank of West Vlr- ' glina building. Wheeling, W. Va. Louis ' j lirand. manager. I STOCKS. J * 2 " ! nicl.J A.m'cT ; ! American Sewer Pipe ji*Ti? ! 7 1 c j i.-Vm. Window CSlnss Machine. ;>2 do preferred !?> :4 ? 'Arn. Window Class, prof.... lot'.. JCaney Kivcr Ca.s J 4S:i.t ; j Consolidated Ice I I do preferred i ; Harbison-Walker Hef. pre!', loO > 1 Independent Brewing l?s 1 ! do preferred l'i 1 1 ? 1 ^ ' i Mann I artucer's I.. It . >.s 7" ! ; Notional Kire I'roofini: r,i-_. ] do preferred 15 i Ohio Kuel .*?<"> .. .. i i ( >h i"> ul-'el ( >i| in 20 i4 ! '(?sane Oklahoma "Jap . .. 12f> : ) Pilt.shurjrh Brewing ; do preferred K! Pittsburgh Plate Class. .. liS I 2 I San Toy i ?; J I't'.ioti Natural Gas .. ..'....171 17" ; Air Drake. ... .1 I. 'i 117 ? ' I Stocks-,26. 105. iTTTu. i Hiiv si ; i do pf.i ! ' 12-1 V; I25'>. j i I "lire O, 23 V -3V 23V 2:1 j ...... U'Jf.t: I L'.s. i-!.; :i5 | :ir. j :i:. j... . .j :i6 j n> ; ;NEW YORK COTTON MARKET! Will-; li I. INC. w. Va.. April 2 7. '17. I Furnished Tho lntenigui.cer by A. 1"".. | l Masten & Co.. members New Vorlc Stork I | Exchange. National Hank of West Vlr- j , ginla building. Wheeling. W. Va. Louis i ; K. llranJ. manager. 1 Open. ' lllch. I Low. Iflo^o ' i .lannarv I 1H~ V.5~~ f ~ 1 o 1 is V.j"l!?"(.:i . Ma v 1 1!> "Si 20 :r> 1!< 77 20 If, ] '.Jul* 1i> t'.2 20 III; l!i :.S 1 :? ; ; A lit; list : 19 41 1 !? 4S 1 !> t-l in 14 ' j I icluki-r . ...! IS ;.S| l!i 01 i IS 4 '.i IS *.i I | I'eeemlier ... 18 60 19 08! IK SS 1 9 <H j ! Harry C. Hiintpr Shows opr-n todny, | ? Bridge Park; nvico daily. a pr2oi f PRODUCE MARKET W I IK KM. NO, \V. Vh.. April 21, '17. WhnlMnln PrlCM. Oorrrottil Uy P*rfc?f A Oo. Omitiic**. CnllfnrnlB. hnmli , t3 2~ift3 ('AllforplH Ipimutii <1 7.1 full.1)' nj't'l", |Tr tinrrrl 4 ln?t3 09 I'iiL-Uic, ? IS t'nlibaKe, nciv. b?in|wr S ?*" Union*. new. fliTinUilM, Mo. 1 3 OQlS'il II tl>. Xo. 2 2 ??*.?! T3 rotaiwi, new. tuiliw.l It utllifS 73 | VuUtnrs, blitf 'C 2-* ttt 3 20 j I'utalura, 8 50 iVIerjr. c*? .1 0UtiT3 23 j Uimi Iwann, lianunr 2 25i2 2 40 1 "Hl.IIsIiih. ilom-ii 2.1 l.'&uliriuu'or. crate 2 ouy2 25 i UIIIKP. {Hrtllltl ' IS Kill*, liotiif. Ijjirri-l v.... J 25 J Oniony. i:u I'll, iloivn 25 i'llieax<t>irs. rase 3 75 Corrcrtctf by P. Cachmunn & Soni. Butter. Cfieeio. Ego> sad Poultry. I'rcaiiit'ry bulu-r 4."k? 50 ' Ulilo anil i Ymisylvunii ?.%4Pf 40 i I>a iry 33 : Hl'liVl CKKt "?!?? 31 . l'rusll vk'lii 31 J Poultry. i>mNd~ Si ring* SUff 5" ? IIciik. fi*uU(l 201? 22 . 1'urkeys SS(<? 4# ! Ouck* 3SW 10 j tlrullrri. froib Vj-? 31 Uhu 15(s? 21 j AJlft? Ileus. i?>uml 22<w 2" > Ynllnc rUirkeiis 2I'IA 23 I Buoslera. irtjund 1U(*J 12 I L>uck?. pnuml ljf( ?> riieom, p?lr ' j ju j LOCAL STOCKS WIIKKUM:. \V V. I . April L'T. 'IT. Pillr uuutnilon list uf the 7*tieftiii* aiock iix ?tmnte: HTOf'KS i Bid i Art .l.'.S. i;i.*h I5ri'?~ vTTTrff " IT. .'ft>r lion ' inti ,| iicn iifiii I Vtilrul Cl.i<s r... . I 'ITS 17" ?' .lis. riatil"* IlKllNlli.V I- | ? IS C?rin?ti Klr? TiiKiunriCB f | |1.1Q ',.iia i ;!;,?? i::ii i::o llu/i'l \!!;.< III**. ?V. '|S| I*" '|S.*. I ! i . I i 1 t.l ??? ??.. 101 I !? I. u lift Iron pi.f I J'. ./.j.'l-'l ? l.i I ' !'l MurKft .Oiilitoiiiini .M ' .*>2 i?'." !?n I'lillfil l?4iri ' I CI | fil r. s st a mi ii.c r.. i iii ....j.;". Ward > .. . |.i.f !H i|<> en mm. .ii ' ' i ..u Warn Irk Chin* t .. ,...l|'"> I .l.i (N.iiiiiii.ii :m ' wiu'i-iiiiK a ls.!ni..n: Criiiif ?> ::?? ; Wheeling lirldife Co. I | I ftO Wlicclknc Mrial \ Mf?r. ('.? ? ?.*! ! wiiffllnc M.'i'l .v Kii> < ?. -,s I ?I" llr* |.|el.ric.l ' | *.B . ,\.'i i Wheeling SipoI A- I 1. J ' I t II.': I Whtelinc JS'Cffl **arf.rig ro t J ! Wheeling Tt.i? fo | |.,?..|125 IVIiltikrr-GlMiinrr Co.. pref j 1 1*2 j 1 1 -2 j il*> roimnoti j "SWilnc ?(? Foundry common (new UMie) ? J Transfer Imh?Ks rl?>e April 1$. f??r a rash diriilenil of I 1 | or rent nrnl mi eitra emh (hvi?leml of 1 per crnt, ? payalilt; Mav 1. y .NruralKylinr Transfer K ?'!?* ? Apii! ??>C '?? \ {irr cent ?%asU dUl<lt*nd | nyjihle May 1. KoStntta I?!:ins- -Ti;tn>h r |m.i?I%\ ??!? ? ? April rent Transfer ImmiK^ 3:iiic 5. P?i .ti? e\Ti j 1 1 > l ?*r cent iliii*l<iiti |MV?lile .1 Hue I* WHEELING LIVE STOCK W 1 1 K i-: I . I N ? iWliirliUk l i? . \V. April -.'t Si"' li I lHllll.lSHllll t'O > i iTTij:. rati:.'. r....t : > rl. lv 'i I'MlIe. la.r :?> !??? "II Collie. CO" "I ! ? WO !>,,u "" t ?:tle. iHir to c<"'4. $??? in 1MH) ra'lle. ?,m I'1 Su'J ?.??: t !??. lteef iniiN llnl?i;na tiul!.? r.?*t I ;iu> jiImI cutler* HOGS. IIms?. !<? ??'l ?!? I. I"? t.. ! ?'? SI1KKI' AN I) I.AM US. Il..t-. . ?! III*.-. lair StJ^i -nut Sh.fl'. extra Hlicef. ? ? Slut';', nminiit I .a in I iv. I M rhiii.c. .. I,!ilnl?s. I'lills ami S;riiu InIiiI?h \ caln V.-I.I .-slit* s^"\ I-'*. lagM. I?*\ny mnl ???inin? FroU cows. t?. ??!?.. Pa* Onl?' I 'lit Ik*. K? ... futile. is I'i'tlllllWI Hulls .. Cow* .. r\t: 10 ihimi io :. j 1 1 I! ??!#. I.^lit K. ."iO(A ]'* "5 I ". "i0 ::: 1 4 oo U ouifi l.i oo >lK? i\ roiniiiiili r\ua ??nm1 l^uuio. Ja:r t?? inly f\fu I'liItM. 1 u i r lo Fr?.>h r?u>; j??r li I'lTTSIU'ltCII. Vpril ;'7. ? Cattle si?-atly; supply light. Clioiow Jin 7.1 V I I ."?? ; print'- >' I i . ?? ? 1 "i |n. , Sli. '-p sit :i?i. \ , -upply liicht. Prim* i\i ilifr ?ln II ; cull tiuil common iH <? 7 i.imiiM >':? .'in'-/ I :! 25: vi-:il v. -I ! \ I -r. I '1 til." 'il I" 7 j. Ili>v> tii?rlifi : i ? : ?< ? |ii < ! 'I ? 1 1 hi 1 1 ! i ? (l?'i;ks. I'litin- li.:ivii-s SI'I I I ?i l.'i: m?. minis :i(ii| li . :i x > vtirk- rs > I ?. imiilii In; !i?lil y.irk' is *1 I I i 7 : pius >i;i im <"??? t:: m-ukIis si I wMj i.*, im. Quotations by C. F. BraunLlch & Co. ] Price. ' Timothy hay. per ton 11 8 00 I Mixed hay. per ton 17 00 | Shell corn, new 1 4 0 J Wheat, per bushel 1 7 5 j No. 2 rorleniled corn 1 4 0 j Bran, per ton 4 7 00 PETROLEUM Oil. i'ITY. Cn.. April J7. ? t'redit l?al | a iii ? s I". Unas I I S . average l . Shipments average .j.1. *>"?>. SUGAR NKW V H:K. ,\ prt I 27. ? Haw sugar ?i<adv: ? ? ni ri I'll gat iiiidn?si-s $ A . - r< lined steady: fi granulated >7..'>" I Or S nit. ? Sijg'H* fuinri's npeiwd v- ry quiet; op ] i-ruinrs a wa iling levelnpmonts in the spot market. At nuon prices were nlimit | iiiu'hanirei! I'r.>m yesterday's close. Tin- list nmveil irregularly in Die late j 'ratling. Tie* eK'sins' was steady and - ' points Inwi-r to -? liiclier | inn> Ma v. .Inlv. ?." *).*: Septi?ni*i I li'-r s." r,\ ITOOU AMD BONDS. S A. E. MASTEN & CO. MEMBERS BROKERH 204. 205-208 N?tlon?l B?n* el W. V*. Bld?. LOUIS F. BRAND, Manager. NEW YORK STOCK EXCHAMff PITTSBURGH STOCK tXCHANOt BOSTON STOCK EXCHANGE CHICAGO STOCK EXCHANGE CHICAGO BOARD OF TRADE N. Y. Curb Stocks RKCOGN'IZED AS Authorative and Indispensable To Traders and Investors George Graham Rice's Daily Market Letter Daily Quotation Sheet (Combined $1 a month) Industrial and Mining Age (Weekly $5 a year; Sample copies sent free on rc .qii"fir lor purpose of introduction, I if you write immediately. George Graham Rice 27 William St. New York ? Apr-M-26-28 CALLING WITNESSES FOR THE GRAND JURYj List of Eleven Cases riled Yesterday ? Subpoenas Issued at Once. Prosecuting Attorney D. A. McKee! ami Assist ani Prosecutor Carl G. Bacli-| man vest onlay filed a list, of eleven oases" 10 bo invest igated by the May grand jury. The grand jury session begins .Monday. The Paro murder case has not yet been filed. Subpoenas for the witnesses in these j oases wore placed in the hands ol' Sheriff Howard Hastings yesterday I and t ho deputies were busy yesterday] ami last evening serving the papers.! The stand jury list: Cleo Burnett, felonious t.ssault. j William .1. .Miller, forgery. j William Mo ran and Joseph White, robbery. ? Charles Kirehgessner, forgery. Dan Thomas, breaking and enter- 1 ins. J.)ewol Chambers, forgery. Louis Castilow, felonious assault. Edward C. Leiner. embezzlement | from Brennan & Lallance. Dan Deaai, using short weights.. Ri'd Star grocery, usirg short meas ures. Henry Hoehl. violation Yost^aw. RIVER NEWS Tlio stage of the Ohio river hist nigrlit was 4 feet. 6 inches and falling slowly. The Liberty arrived Inst night from .Marietta and will depart today at 11:30 for thai panic port. The steamer Milton, new oil-burning steamer cleared at noon j lor Matamoras yesterday. The steamer ' Ruth Is scheduled to pass Wheeling this alt-moon at I o'clock enroute to Charleston. River Telegrams. DAVIS ISLAND DAM ? 5 feet, rising; cloiftjy. STKl'REXVILLK? S.fl feet, station ary; cloudy. I'AllKERSBI'RG ? 5.5 feet, station ary: rain. MuROAXToWX ? 7.5 feet, stationary; rain. 1 ? 'I!- i'ITV ? 2.2 feet, falling: cloudv. | WARItKX? 1.6 feet, cloudy. Butter, Eggs * and Cheese XKW YORK. April v27.? Butter lirm- I or; creamery higher than extras, 40 ? 41; creamery extras (fl2 scoro) 30 'ip 10; lirsis seconds 36 Vr G? 3S>. j Kggs firmer; ircsli gathered extras ; :t? \s ; fr??sh gathered storage packed j lirsts ?.:><?! :W<: fresh gathered firsts 33'ip : .'14: state. Pennsylvania and nearby hen- I nery browns 35 Vi f,( 36 Cheese strong; Plate,, fresh, specials 20 '... ; d<>. average' fancy 26 'j Hi 26 Vs- ! Live poultry weak; fowls 22$J23; j turkeys 1 T ?fi' 1 s . Dressed dull: chickens 21<i/3l: fowls 20 '/j If 26 ; turkeys IS iff 33. j l*'l<>ur stronger. COFFEE XKW YORK. April 27. ? Coffee. No. 7! [Rio. 1 'le. Futures steady; May, 7.98c; ! I July. S. 1 Sc. j XKW YORK. April 27. ? Mercantile j I paper, t L ''' 4 Sterling 60 day bills,' ; 1,72; commercial 60 day bills on banks. -j I 4.72; commercial 0 day' bills. 4.71 Va ; demand. 4.75 ; cables. 4.76 7-16.! l'rancs. demand. S.7 1 ' ? ; cables. 5.70'4.i '?itilders. iR^iaud. 41: cables, ll'ii.! I. ires, demand. J. J I u : cables. 6.9ft'.-..: 'Rubles, demand. 2 S 1 < ; cables. 2SVi.f Bar', sitilver. 7 4 's; Mexican dollars. 7 '? i . ! Government bonds steady. Rail road j bonds irregular. Time louns lirm; 60 days. 3 "i HT 4 : TO days. \<ii 4 'i six months. 4 f? ? *-a. f"all ! money lirm; high. 21-;: ilow. 2; ruling' rate. '2',: last loan. " * ? ; closing bid, 2; offered a t 2 ' i . METALS XKW YORK. April 27. ? The metal exchange quotes: Lead lirm. ?r\?. Spel ter firm; spot. JCast St. Louis delivery. :? >-* Tj :? . At l.oiul.'h: Lead. ?:;?? 10s; spelter. ?.14. XKW YORK. April 27. ? Copper nomi nally steadier: electrolytic spot and sec ! ond* ipi i-fer. ?:<??.?? <"< 31.00; later deliv eries. S2.r..0h? Iron steady and unchanged. Metal exchange quotes tin strong: spot , <r.s.02 a i r.n.37'.i. A: London: Spot copper.' ? 130; futures, i?l2!i 10s; electrolytic. ?112; spot tin. ?230 1 us", futures, ?251. WOOL j ROSTOV. April 27: ? The Commercial i | Bulletin will say tomorrow: "Tlii- demand for wool has been strong | durinc th% last week, the total volume j lot' business being ai least twice that MITCHELL & STEVENSON, Inc. INVESTMENT BXOKXlf Munben Wheeling- Stock IzdlUf* All orders and inquiries given prompt Attention. Bell 403 316-323 Natl. 343 3 chin ill bach BaHdlfll HOWARD HAZLETT & SON Stock, Bond and Investment Securities. Rooms 215, 221 222 SchrooTbsch Bl&f. Members Wheeling Stock Xxefc*aff? Bell 23 and 99. Hat"!. 23 and 93 GEO. W. BARON BROKER LISTED AND UNLISTED STOCKS AND BONDS 812-813 Schmnlbach Bid*. B#U 1336 ? National 76& H. R. Marshall, Mgr. Bond Drpartmtst Member! Wheeling Stock Bxchukg* KAZLIII at X O D Iff A If 35 Twelfth St Wheeling. Bell 300 Natl 923 X>oc?l Vtooka And. znTvataamt Bonds Members Wheeling Stock Exch&nre JAMES GREER Correspondent of X ' LA WHENCE J. DEBT* ft CO. Member* of New York Comc1I4?IH Stock XxcluUiffe, Stocks and Bonds. Direct Wire to All Primary Markets. National 291. BeU 0100 301.-308 Schsrolbacb B gliding. TheFinance Company Capital and Surplus, $150,000.00. N?w York and Local Stocks *ad Bomdf. DIRECT PXTVATX WXXS NEW YOBZ AJTO CHZCAOO. Member* VbHUsf Stock Xxcba&r*. BEAI ESTATE AND CTOTBAHCS SPEiDEL & BACHMAN, Inc. rrrviSTiCEjm Stock*, Bond* aad XanruM Either Phon* 983. 401-2-3 Oena&n B*nk Balldlaff Memb*n of Wh'r. Stock B*ch u|?. S. P. Norton. G. W. Norton. Norton & Company Stocka, Bonds, BOl liUU. 63C Nat. Sxch&no BUk Bid*. Inquiries Solicited. Telephone No. 88. K^mbera wheeling1 stock BxehWfO. "RAILWAYS =B' Baltimore & Ohio RAILROAD SPRING TOURS TO' WASHINGTON AND BALTIMORE JUNE 7TH $10.00 Round Trip From Wheeling Tickets valid for all regular trains and good returning . 10 days, including date of sale. Personally Conducted All Expense Feature Tickets, including 5 days' board in Washington, Side , Trips, etc., may be secured upon payment of $20.50 additional. Secure Booklet and full infor mation from ticket agent. WHEELING & LAKE ERIE WEEK END EXCURSIONS 32.50 from WTiMlintf and Martini Parry to Clav?lan4 and raturn, S3.00 to Canton and raturn, tvtry Batudray, n turaing1 Sunday. $3.00 to C1?t?1mU1 and return, 91.75 to Canton and return, rolnf and r? turning' ry Sunday. of a normal week. Prices are up one to two cents a pound in the grease and 5 to 10 cents on best fine scoured wools, which have been keenly sought. "In the west buying has also been keen. f>0 cents beinpr paid readily in Montana for medium to half-blood clips and 4 5 cents for the best fine clips. Manufacturers are giving particular at tention to military contract*." v Apparatus has been invented to En able policemen to time automobiles ac curately and arrest violators of speed laws. V/ELL-VHAT DO "YOU WANT 1M THE Kitchen XOOLL EXCObE ME FER QEirs'lH me own hoo^e: YOU'RE EXCUSED1 I UNDERSTAND "YOO HAD COMPANY WHILE V/E woz out- f ? T ) XIS- ME LISTER/ Called on me: