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y- A Sale That Affords Exceptional Values in Women's Coats and Suits Q ATURDAY our Garment Section will ^ offer unusual values both in Coats and Suits. More than 300 garments; have been- taken from regular stock and will be placed on sale in three groups at special prices. All the Suits and Coats in this sale were received but lately and each garment is correct in style and only the newest models are shown : Coats at $15.00 This group of Coats offers high waist ed. belted and plaited Coats, full flaring' Coats with large collars, deep cuffs and most pleasing pocket ef fects. made of velour, gabardine, pop lin. serge in every plain shade and checks and mixtures . Suits at $1 1.50 Suits of serire. poplin and gabar dine in belted, semi-tailored and Nor folk models with smart over-collars of silk, iTraid and button trimming, fullv lined with plain (?1 1 prjfj ot fancy silk... Coats at $8.50 A very low price, indeed, for a Spring (.'oat in which every I ?00<l fabric is represented and in every wanted color, full loose Coals, belted and straiftlitline models with larirc iS(;nK,"1 $8.50 I Saturday Ribon Sale SALE of wanted Ribbons Saturday at loss than even the usual small priees ? all new fresh goods taken from regular stocks for one day's flyer: Lot of Plaid Ribbon in assorted colors with satin stripe. "? inches wide, 35c kind Sat urday at, ?Lot of pretty Floral Ribbon with satin stripe, 5 and 6 inches wide. 39c kind 26c Saturday, at yard Lot. of new Ribbon in wide satin stripes with Dresden patterns, 6{j? inches wide in blue. pink, maize and rose. 30c ? Male 'floor yard 22c Lot- of dainty Striped Ribbon in combination of colors in cluding sky and Copenhagen blue. red. emerald preen and old rose, 4">c kind Saturday at, yard 29c New Hosiery for Present' Wear NKAV Hosiery in the correct weights for present wear very popularly priced for Saturday's selling: Womou's Stockings. Gordon "Women's Balbriggan Slack make. black with split sole, i tiffs, (,'onqucrer make. hemmed 35<> a pair or three pairs for and ribbed top. regular and 51.00. outsizes. 50? a pair. Children's Fancy Socks, fash ioned cuff top in almost every, imaginable color. 19 C and 25c a pair. ONYX HOSlKli v \vi-:i-:k? Last day of the display and sale of this celebrated make at the special -prices ? a representative number being Women's Silk Stock ings in white or black at $1.00 a pair. Attractive Spring Footwear HANDSOME Footwear will bo very noticeable again this season, for the skirts still swim? high and the o-ood dressers will require Shoes that arc attractive in appearance as well as comfortable and well-fitting": Dainty "White "WashnhK' Kid Hoots with white ivory sole and covered heel tj match, lace style, $8.00 a pair. Popular Light G'ray ivirlskin Hoots. 0 inches high, leather Freu<ih heel, lacc style, very stylish. SS.00 a pair. White Nile (.'loth Hoots with white sole and heel, verv smart iaee stvje, S4.00 and S5.00 a pair. "Women's Pumps in patent and dull kid in many pleasing effects. S3. 50, ?54.00 and $5.00 a pair. ity : Saturday special Extra Special for Saturday Women's Shoes with black kid vamp and either pearl gray or white washable kid top. popular lace style and very good for pres ent wear, .+6.00 qual- $4.85 CHOKES TO DEATH ! ON TOY BALLOON: , i Four-year-old Herman DeMondy Has< Life Cut Short by a Very Peculiar Accident. j Herman DeMondy. aged 4 years, j Choked to death in his . home at No.! 1332 JLtaltiruore street, yesterday. The J little bov was playing with a toy bal-j loon. He was just about to inflate it when lie accidentally sucked it ; down his throat. His mother saw that] he w>\s choking and called a doctor,1 but when a physician arrived the child i was dead. . / | Coroner R. G. Hohbs and Coroner's j Physician Dr. A. .E Marschner made ' an examination and found that thej child had choked to death. Coroner j Hobbs, without a formal inquest, ren-; dered a verdict to this effect. The boy and his mother lived with! ?he child's grandfather. Mr. Michael! Crock, who is a well known watchman j at one of the Baltimore & Ohio rail-; road crossings on Seventeenth street, j THE MENDEL COMPANY j Carl J. X*pn?r, Prop. FUNERAL DIRECTORS. Pi-irate Chapel, 1213 Chaplin# Strict. | Call Blther rhoa*. 357. CONSIDER REVOKING | PAN HANDLE'S GRANT; Failure to Complete Paving North of I City May Bring Drastic Action. j The county commissioners yesterday asked Prosecuting Attorney D. A. Mc Kee what authority they have to re voke the franchise of the Panhandle Traction company. Failure of the company to comply with its franchise I and complete the paving of the Top .Mill road north of the city has driven the commissioners to take some dras tic action. j Tht- commissioners, directed Prose- : cuting Attorney McKee to institute mandamus proceedings to compel the; Baltimore & Ohio railroad to place a! culvert under the tracks at. Steenrod place. Notices to do so have been dis regarded. Engineer W. 0. McCluskey. Jr.. was instructed to require the West Virginia Traction & Electric company to place a substantial concrete founda tion under its tracks in the pike dis trict where new paving is to be laid and to lower a gas main or mandamus proceedings will be started. L 0. 07F ANN1VERSARY Will Be Celebrated at the First Baptist! Church Tomorrow Evening. Members of Wheeling, Concord, Ex cefsior and Triadeiphia lodges of Odd Fellows tomorrow evening will attend services at the First Baptist church, celebrating the ninety-eighth anniver sary of the order. Rev. John MacCo!-, loch will preach the anniversary ser mon. Members of the lodges will as semble at the Odd Fellows hail. Twelfth and Chapline streets, ai seven o'clock to march to the church. BIG DAMAGifTRIAL Wrecking of Old Cenftral Hotel to Be Probed in Circuit Court. The story of the wrecking of tha old Central hotel building at Main and Twentieth streets will be reviewed in circuit court Monday. The case to he tried is that of J. Boles Nesbitt vs. the Natural Gas Company of West Vir ginia. The plaintiff alleges that faulty lines of the defendant company were responsible for gas leaking into the basement of the building, then useJ as a tenement house. An explosion tore the building to pieces and several persons were more or less seriously hurt. A new building has since re placed the blown-up building. ' JEROME BOYEE Expert Oriental Rug Cleaner Bell Phone 1129-J 3305 JACOB STREET mch.24-30t ' f\ Geo. E. Johns Co. The Quality Shop -= A Specially Prepared Sale for the End of Month Women's Spring Suits $19.50 $24.50 $34.50 I Heretofore $24.50 to $27.50. Heretofore $29.50 to $34.50. Heretofore $39.50 to $45.00.' ? Involving numerous fashionable suits, taken from our stock of high class garments. A Variety of Distinctive Models Plain Tailored, Dressy, Semi-Dressy Braid or Button Trimmed Gabardine, Poircij Twill, Gunniburl. 'Serge. ? 'I Women's Silk Blouses?Special Values of Georgette Crepe, Crepe de Chine, Pongees. Showing the New Collars, Cuffs, Frills and Jabots. $3.95 $5.90 $6.90 $8.90 Dress Sale? $16.50 Charming models, up-to-the-minute Styles, splendid quality dresses for street and afternoon wrar Crepe de Chine, Chiffon Taffeta, Georgette and Jersey Cloth. ENLIST DOCTORS Dr. Frank LeMoyne Hupp Represen tative of Medical Recruiting Corps. Dr. Frank LeMoyne Hupp yesterday I was notified ' hat bo has been named I member of the army medical reserve j examination board for the enlistment i of physicians for government service. He has been a member of the physi ? cians reserve corps for several yoars. | Or. Hupp will he in charge of examin ? ations here of thoso who desire lo j enter t he medical service of the gov : eminent. Dr. C. S. Hoffman, of Key Iser. and Dr. .7. E. Cannatly, of llunt lington, are the other examiners for (the state. COUNTY COURT Marriage Licenses. Mikf llaugis and Horino l.'ospmm ra jkis.lwih iif Martins Kerry, O. i Wallace McCartney and llnnnnh Mur ray. both of Wash in i;t on. J'.h. Seeds. Anton Spaar < t at in Hrii ry C. .lohn son. ai'rrs mi Caldwell's H n ti. I! i t ?*!) f<- J district: and other 'consideration. Deeds of Trust. Four deeds i'f trust and on. r. j deed w<-iv li led for record in the county clerk's office yesterday. Charter riled. Thi'1 rorl illcat >? i f incorporation i f tlii" .\ hi i-? I liu-i- Class company was i ?? ci'ici'd yosii-nJay. Tin company is au thorized In conduct the nianufa.c! lire ! and sal'1 of nil kinds of tjlassware, in 'ludinc headlights and Ifiisi-s. Author-; ; i-/.?vl capital stuck. $'in. lucorporat nrs; I '. fi. Hendell. Wheeling; \v. C. ! Williamson. Wheeling; W. W. t'rowl. | .Martins Kerry. ? >.: August Rrot'ups. i Kollanshee, W. V.. and Charles .1.; Schuch. of AVheclinsr. CORONER TO CONDUCT I PARO INQUEST TODAY j Investigation of Brutal Murder to Be Made Before Jury at 2 o'Clock. , An inquest into the d<-ath of .Mike' Paro will bo held at 2 o'clock this ai'l- ' ernoon. Paro. a licnwood foreigner.! was sol upon and brutally kicked by I two men at Twenty-Gfth street and Ai-j ley K on Saturday evening, April 1 1. ] Physicians who performed an an- i topsy found that his livor was torn J in two bv hlows from the foot of one! of his assailants auninst. his side. ? Coroner H. I! llobbs this morning will have a jury of six men sutnmaned to hear the testimony to bo submitted | in the inquest. It is said thai the state.] however, will be unable to have liu?. jury name the men who are respon sible for Paro's death in their verdict, authorities are reasonably sure of the identity of the assassins. The inquest will be hold in the crim inal court room. SECURED 111 RECRUITS Large Number of Men Have Been Sent to Columbus From Here. Corporal P. D. Cunningham of the army recruiting station. Rex theatre building, announced last night thai K *^5 1 " ?: ?? 'ir-: -vr?> Geo. R. Taylor Coi Goday We Close at 6 $25.00 and $29.50 For Prime Tailored Suits That from their appearance and worthiness might have been $32.50 to $35.00 at |p the least. . ?; This section of our Suit Range ranks high right now. Many styles, :';J| beautiful cloths and colors ? and. tailoring of the best. They are not the non- qualifying members of a loftier group. But Suits ^ selected with infinite care, fullest value, Unstinted variety, and mostly brand ?1 new. x . 1- : "if: ' - "IS ?.Kii "WOMEN'S Silk Hose Uunner breaker hose that has a stripe below knee that chucks <i 1 1 gar ter runs. IN ALL COLORS, black and white $1.50 and $2.00 CHILDREN'S sr Sox In plain colors au<I fancy tops, nil white grounds. Sizes 41 -j 1o 0' i?. A GREAT VAWETV OF STYLES 15c, 25c, 55c EHAKI-KOOL AND'-? SATIN VEST FRONTS ' ^ . WITH COLLARS. pg A reversible model ? largo square collar withy^fl frontal pieces giving waistcoat effect. An at tractive addition ? Spring suits ? in natnralv only ? S2.75 and $5.50. KfiYKUSIBLK VEST AND COLLAR COMBINATION. Dcvnlopi-tl in blue anil white and in gold and white ? liigli capo coll nr. having a striking sjiortish effect, made ol' linen. $2.50 KACIL' U. S. A. Emblems Flag Buttons find Pins, in onaniol. 10c. Jn rhinc st olios. 25? and 50?. SWORD PINS ? with riiamolerl hilt ? jrold plate or Gorman silver, scarf pin or bar pin. 25d EACH. Bag Frames and Gate Tops ) g . ?* ??* *y A goodly collection with ^|f and without ornamental stones? in clever device-r-'fj in green gold arid gold plate and genuine silver. - 50? and $1.00 SPECIAL SILK BACiS?WEIiE $2.45-^1.85. ' - ? -C'.h Hats for Tots Distinction in your chil dren's lu'julwe.'i v ? UNh'ERIK. CIIIKKOX. STRAW RRAIDS AND STRAW WITH SATINS All colors :ind so many shsipcs ?"Hid .pretty trim mings-. Range all the way from 98c to $7.98 RARY (URXKR .MARK KT ST. STORK. B INNER CORSETS in the Spot Light ? 3Jiss Clara's prcsencc brings an unusual incentive to yon to come and he fitted. Ex port service avc always have for you. but now I, he advantage of unlimited experience. $ 6.00 ?S 7.50 SI 0.00 J ? $12.50 The Week End in Art Dept 50e Cretonne Dresser .Scarfs 39# 9 Sr. I'ii|iic Dresses ? 2 to S years 69# 121 oc Kick-Rack - ? 1- i._ 7 #j 2!)c Tassels ? all colors :.J81C 12' -c Silk Cord and Tassels ? all colors..., 10# CiniiDKEX'S CHILDREN'S DRESSES ;i DRESSES SCARFS, CUSHIONS, Hroken Style, Size and TOWELS, CENTERS, ?' J'rire lots ? ready made ready embroidered models to :nul stamped ? sell at -K AN VOX E? 39# CLEARANCE. Week End Flier in Notions 25c Children's Supporters ? 4!)c Hrassieres. Trimmed ? __.39# 25e Sanitary Hell 17# 50c Shopping Hags ? ? 29# MOe 3-inch Helling ? black or ?white 19# 25c Skirl Markers ? 19# Combination Hair Net and Veil, all colors 10# i . ? . SATUHDAY ONLY PRICE BREAK IN DIAPER CLOTH ISx 1 S ?iox22 27x27 20x40? 22x44 27x54 1 S- INC 22- INC 27-1 NC -*1.05 i ?' 1.110 -?2.25 ?&4.00 DO/A DOZl DOZl DOZl DOZl DOZI ;.\ ki ;n hi :n hi :n hi :n hi :n hi ?;? ; i ?Xil sgui ?Aw ?XJl ?( i u .i ).-i \{\>: .mo hi-: Soft Finished Cut ton. II H.M.MED. jA H ? S9c .AH? $1.05 ,.\ H $1.40 ,A H ?$1.59 , AH? $1.75 jA H_--$2.45 10-YAHD . ... S 9c $1.05 __S1.40 20x20 ? 1 21x24 ? .^1 . oOx.'JO ? $2. 18x36 ? $1 2-1x48? $2 PIECES. 20-1 N( II 24-1 NCI I :]()-] NCll .1.1 DOZEN REGULAR. 50 DOZEN REGULAR.. 00 DOZEN REGULAR. 75 DOZEN REGULAR .65 DOZEN REGULAR,. ??f' 1.15 REGULAR 1 .50 REGU jA R -42.00 REGULAR - 95 f M $1.19 SI. 50 -$1.50 .$2.15 . 95< $ _$1.19 ? .$1.50 during April to date he had accepted! ill men and iliaj before the end o? | the month he hoped to swell the num- j ber 10 lL'f<. Six nun are 011 hand now I ready tu he seni to the Columbus; barracks. The Charleston recruiting office is pushing the Wheeling office! and may lead in recruiting this month, i PIKE MUST BE CLOSED j Portions of National Road Out of Use! During Repairs. I Jioad Kngineer \V. u. McCluskoy. { Jr.. announced yesterday that portions' of the National pik'- east of the eity , will have to be closed while new pav-i ins on concrete is being laid. The ?' lirst sec tion to be paved is' from thoi loot of the pike at Fulton hill to Fourth j street. Fulton. This work will star:. May 1. That section of the pike will ? be closcd then. RECRUITINGSLUMP I Only Three Men Accepted Here by) Army and Navy Offices. Three men enlisted in tne service of : Uncle Sam here yesterday. Two of! these were accepted by Corpora! P. Jj. j Cunningham of the United Slates! army recruiting station, Rex theatre' building. One man was- accepted by ; Chief Gunner's Mate Toomey of the; navy recruiting station in the lleiliyi building. There were no applicants' at the marine recruiting station. POLICE COURT NOTES. In iMili.-i- court yitstcroay morning. | John 1; users was lined S3 and costs on 11 drunk charge. Blanche Fowler, white, and l.uwrenoc T-turper. colored, were lin^d Sin nti<l *osts each for disorderly conduct. Harry C\ Hunter Shows open today, I Bridge Pank; twice daily. apr-5tf I Do Y ou Know You Have l False Teethll - llarillv. if t hoy arc properly made and fitted. False Ici'th should feel as easy and look ;is pretty a,s natural ones. By ADVANCE DENTISTRY yvc can replace either a.; tooth or make you a complete set that will fit you properly and comfortably,* and he hard to distinguish from natural^ ones. You uecd not fear having the hopeless ones extracted, v AVe can do that for von- pleasantly by Ga$j Air or Applica tion to (iuins. Save Teeth and Mouey by acting promptly. Consulta-^ tion and examination free. . . DR. C. M. TALBOTT DENTISTS Both Phones. Lady Attendant. 1229 Market Street. - ' .i